Ting OMAHA DAILY J3JsV KlUjfljlY , FEBHUAIlV M , 385)0 ) , TU I COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT 2IIINOH MKXTIO * . Try Moore A Kills' "fiultar. * " lOc cigar. The Ileo office , No. 10 North Main street. Myrtle lodgp. Degree cf Honor , will glv it valentine social at Knights of Pythias lial this evening. J , L. Carney has been appointed tern porary guardian for hlx mother , Jane M Carney , a person of untoum ! mind. The Orand hotel , Ciuncll Bluffii. Hlgl cl.ua In every respect , Rates , $2.50 per da end upward , E. F. Clark , proprietor. Mm. Miy Bcnner , wife of B. R. Runner filed yesterday morning of consumption. Tli reirnlnn will lie rent to Montreal for burial Myrtle loJec. No. 12 , DcRro of Honor will have It * regular meeting this evenlt.g All member * are requested to bo present a 7:30 : sharp. The Young Ladles' Mlsslonnry scclaty o the Methodist chuuh held a social and busl m < ! < t meeting at the residence of MM. J. H Arthur last evening. Thonty-nino C.TJD arc set for hearing In Justice Cook'n court between S o'clock today nnd 3 o'clock next Tuesday. Nearly one half of llicso arc criminal action * . Lily Camp Aid occty ! meets Trldiy after noon at the rc | dcnco of Mrs * . J. L. Smith 742 Mlllu atrcfrt. Business ot importance I to he transacted , and all the R. N. ot A. arc Invited. Mrs. Ann Alllo Shower . wlfo of John W Banner * , died at 6 o'clock last evening a the Women' * Chrlallan asroclatlon hospital The funeral wlh be hcM oq Sunday from the rcpldcnrc , 723 Mynster slrcct. ( Al 0. Fields and his great company pu up the b'st minstrel show last night tha the town ban fccn for many u year. The nttonilnnro was far too light for the char uclcr of the company and the performance William Barcnci' and Tlllle MuRiismn were innrrled at the rerlddiee of the Rroom's father , en North Eighth street , je."tcrday. bj Rev. Mr. O\orton. The young people live in Cnra county , and came here to be married All members of the Knights' and Ladles Security who are dcslrou. ; of Rolfig to South Omnha will meet at the corner rf Broadway and Pearl street Saturday evening , February 1C , at 7 o'clock a'larp. By order of the pros ! dent. dent.Mrs. Mrs. Maggie Brandt , aged 61 ; years , diet of consumption yesterday afternoon at the residence , 1610 Fourth avenue. She will be burled In Falrvlcw this afternoon. Brie funeral services will bo held at the German Lutheran church. The hearing of J. D. Alexander , upon thn charge of robbing fieight cars In the Rock Irland railway yards , will occur In Justice Cook's court this morning. Alexander wll bo arraigned upon six charges. The Indica tions now arc that he will naive preliminary examination and let his case go direct to the grand jury. The body of T. E. DuboU , who committee suicide In such a tragic manner In Omaha was brought to this city yesterday and taken to the dcfolatcd home at 210 North Eighth Btteet. In compliance with the wishes o Mm Bubols" . The funeral arrangements have not besn perfected , but the body wll probably he burled on Sunday afternoon. The Woodward Theatrical company , which bsgliiB a week's engagement hero next week has been greatly strengthened since Its foimer visit. Llttle Goldle , who was will the Hopkins Stock company In Chicago where she made such a great record as a dancer , has been engaged and will make her first appearance hero on the opening night. The sale of reserved scats for ( ho Friday night exhibition of the.modcl school proceeded rapidly yesterday. There are some good scats yet to be had. The sale for Satur day night's exhibition begins on Friday at 9 a. in. That night's performance com mences ot 0 o'clock to accommodate business men. clerks and those attending the political primaries. Last n'ght was. "blue" night at the Young MCII'H Christian association. It was.the nigh for the blue brigade , and the way they turned out : and whooped up things made it a bluer night for the reds. The attendance was larger than at any previous branch meeting since the great contest for members began. If the reds are successful at their next meeting they will succeed In shaking the town. The program they presented was an unusually Interesting one. Moore & Ellis' "Corner , " best 5c cigar. Wanted , gooxTfarm loans In western Iowa at lowest rates. Money loaned for local In vestors on best of security netting 6 per cent. Flro Insurance written In reliable companies. LOURCO & Towle , 235 Pearl street. Dr. Cleaver's office moved to 600 Broadway Wo offer you only clean , crisp , snow white laundry work and best delivery service at Kaglo laundry , 724 Broadway , Telephone 1S7. Have you seen the new gas beating atOTf.- t'thc company's office ? fclephan Bros , for plumbing and heating ; also flno line ot gas fixtures. IMSIISOXAL , I'AHAC.UAIMIS. R. H. Rockwell ot Farmlngton Is In the city on business. Mrs. James Hollow ay of Gibson , Neb. , Is the guest of Mrs. O. W. Cherrington. R. S. Patterson has departed for Denver , being called to the home of his mother , who IB 111. James Novak , an agricultural Implement man from Howells , Neb. , Is registered at the Kiel. F. J. Brown of Fullcrlon , Neb. , and C. A. Blgafcos of Fremont , Neb. , are stopping at the Kiel. Mrs. W. L. Farrlngton and Miss Anna Deacon ot Sioux City , are guests of Mrs. Vlcroy o' Fourth street. J , D. Edmundson and wife and Henry Swan and wife departed for the south > es- terday. They will take In the New Orleans rnnril eras. Hon. Smith McPhcrson of Red Oak was In the city yesterday enroute from Htrrl- eon county , where he has been feeling of the political pulse. Don't miss our special tale of aluminum are for the next ten days. Cole and Cole. , Davl , only drug alore with registered , clerk. The big special sale at the Durfce Furni ture company's Is In full blast. There were come the greatest bargains glvon there yes terday ever offered in Council Bluffs. The ale lasts ten days. Twrlvc Ilnnilrt'il IL Foot. The case of Mrs. Emma Anderson against tlio Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific Is on rla ! before a Jury In Judge Thornell's court. This su'ta brought by Mrs. Anderson to recover $1,200 from the railroad company In behalf of her llttlo daughter , who lost her foot In the Rock Irland yards on July a , 1894 , The allegation of the plaintiff la that ( he llttlo girl was picking up Ice from a car and that , after the train was In mo tion , the child was driven from the train by sonic of the crew and fell under tbe wheels , losing one of her feet. Dill Xnt Miikv u CIINC. XIrra Swlsher , the young man who was nrrcjttd here a week ago and taken back to Schuylor to answer to a number of charges , haa been discharged. At the time of the arreft It was stated that a number ct very terlous charges were pending agalnit Swlshcr at Schuyler , but when the case was called for trial the county attorney heard thp evidence of the complaining wltnem and ordered the case dUmlibcd. Swlsher waa employed at the time of his arrest by an Omaha house fur- uUhlng concern. Lrok for program of St. Paul' * guild In Bunday'ti Bee. _ ( ilvi'ii lo Hie Jury. The case of V ? , L. Thomas against the city , which has been on trial In Judge Thor nell's court all wcek'wa given to tbe Jury yesterday afternoon. Thomas nueJ the city for 15,000 for damages for personal Injuries cmtalned by falling through an areaway In front cf a burned building on Lower Broadi Columbia bicycles. Hlgheit of all high Call and them at Cole ft Celt , RAILROAD OFFICE ROBBED Rock Island Agent Loses Cash by a Mys terious Affair. THIEF CONCEALED IN THE TICKET CAGE of Tlrkrtn MlNilnsv mill tlic * Vnltii' of ( In * 1'roiirrly Ciitinot llo Dploriiilnnl for Sonic Time. The discovery was mads on Wednesday morning that the ticket office at the Rock IMaml depot had been burglarized , the till broken open and cash and tickets taken. The amount of money taken was very small , hut the number and value of tickets missing Is more difficult to ascertain. The manner In which the burglary was committed lends mme Interest and a good ile.il ot mystery to the affair. When the agent left for the night ho locked up everything In the usual manner. When he returned In the morning ho found ox cry thing open. The door had been toned open fiom the Inside , Indicating that the thief had managed to conceal him self somewhere In the office prior to the time ot closing. Agent Ucnton and the other officer ? of the company have been quietly working on the can ? , but If ntiy developments , hiva been made they have said nothing. Burglars attempted tu operate in a small grocery stoic nt 1017 Bioadway about 2 o'clock yesterday nmrnlng. The proprietor , Conr.id R.ifer , sleeps In the ttore , and was awakcnrd by tha fellows wet king on thn front iluor. They cut out a panel of the stoim dour and were working on the Inner door when he arose nnd rapped on thts door. The burglars lied without waiting for any thing else tu huppen. IMtni'Alll.VC KUIt TIIH KMtCTIOV. UnlcH mill I'lncuit fur OnI'rlniiirlcM of llolh I'nrtlrx. The preliminary arrangements huvo been irndo and the official cnlU Issued for the primaries and conventions of both the re publican and democratic parties for the coming city election. , The democratic convention call provides for the selection at the caucuses i > f 103 dele gates , distributed as follows : "Wnids. Delegate * . First Ward-First precinct 11 Second precinct 11 Second Ward First precinct 11 Second precinct * . 0 Third "Ward First precinct 9 Second precinct 10 Fourth Ward First precinct fl Second precinct 8 Fifth Ward-First precinct 11 Second -precinct 8 Sixth ward First precinct 8 Second precinct 2 .Caucuses for the election of delegates will be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening , Feb ruary IS. at the following places : First Ward Both precincts , Whec'er & llerold's ofllce. Second Wnnl Both precinct" , city council chamber. Third Ward Flrzt precinct , Creston house ; second picclnct , No. 1 hose house , Lower Mnln street. Fourth Wurd First precinct , Farmeis' hall , rounty court housu ; second pieclnct , Smith's hull. Fifth Ward Both precinct1 ? , hose hou&e. Twentieth street and Hrondwny. Sixth Ward First precinct. 20M Wet-l Broadway ; second precinct , Jolui'on'd hall , Cut-Oft. In the First. Second and Fifth wnrds , nfter the selection of delegates , candidates for ward aldermen will be selected by Jo'nt caucuses of the two precincts. Each precinct wll ! select a member of the city central committee. It will be noticed that In this election the democrats have abandoned the primary elec tions as a means of selecting delegates. The democratic convention will be held at the court houa : at 2:30 : p. m. on Thursday , February 20. REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. The republican city convention will beheld held Wednesday , February 19 , at 2 o'clock p. m. In the superior court room. Candidates for the offices named above In connection with the democratic convention will b ? named at that time. The republican con vention will be much smaller than that o the democrats , the total number of delegate being but fifty-three. The basis of repre pcntatlon in the convention is the vote to Drake for governor , ono delegate- being al lowed for each fifty votes or fraction therco over thirty cast for Drake. The caucuses fo the election of delegates will be held Satur day evening , February 15 , at 8 o'clock , a the following places : Flint Ward First precinct , 03) Eas Broadway , to select four delegates : Secon pieclnct. 620 East Broadway , to select flv delegates. The two prcclnctR of the First ward wl ! also hold a joint session at the nbovo tlm and place for the purpose of placing I nomination the republican candidate fo alilerman of the First ward. Second Ward First precinct , city build Ing , to select live delegates ; Second pre clnct , city building , to select live dele gates. The two precincts of the Second ward will also hold a joint pcsslon at the nliov Lime u ml place for the purpose of pluclnt , n nomination the republican candidate fo alderman In the Second ward. Third ward First precinct. Justice Walk cr'B fclllce. 421 West Broadway , to Hclec Ive delegates ; Second precinct , 03 South Mnln street , to select four delegates. Fourth Wnrd Flrct precinct , countj court house , to select four delegates ; Second end precinct. Smith's1 hall. 718 Sixteenth avenue , to uelect four delegates. Fifth , Word-First precinct , 1102 Flftl ivenue. to select six delegates ; Secom ireclnct , 1102 Fifth avenue , to select five leiegaies. The two precincts of the Fifth ward wll aim hold a joint session at the above time ind place for the purpose of placing in nomination the republican candidate for ildermnn of the Fifth ward. SIxlW Wnrcl-Flrst precinct , 2020 West Iroaihvny , to select five delegates ; Sccom ireclnct , Johnson's hall. Cut-off Island , tc select ono delegate. The republican convention will nlno se ed two candidates for members of the ionrd of Education. Th < 1 city election will occur Monday , .Inrch 2 , anil the school election Monday , March 0. _ ; _ Hot Ilfd bmmn. We have 1,000 hot bed sash which we are ; olng to close out. They won't last long. How many do you want ? We will make you a price that cannot be duplicated. C. B. Paint , * Oil and Glaus company , Masonic tem ple , Council Bluffs. Beautiful novelties In Valentines and very cheap at DeHaven's. llo > * ntiil lirnft Claude Thaxton , a 12-year-old boy , WOD sent by bis father yesterday afternoon from the homo at 2219 South Eleventh street to get , a draft for $8 cashed. Up to 11 o'clock last night neither the boy nor the draft bad been heard from. The pcllco were notified to look out for the boy and his frlcnda con tinued their March. They could not find any place where the boy had tried to get the draft cafhed. Ho left homo at an hour that would make It too late to get Into any of the banks , Tbe parents are distracted , tor they do not know whether the boy has been robbed and ip'rlted away or whether bo hau turned the draft Into cash and gone out Into the world with the proceed D. The management of the Model school have decided to have the mua'cal part of the en tertainment commence on Saturday night at 8:30 : , Tnoro getting there at 9 o'clock will coe the whole performance of the school. Do not fall to hear the Dovey children slug at St. Paul's guild Monday , February 17 , Chambers' ball. I.ICfllKfll lO Wl'll. Marriage licenses have been Issued by the clerk of the courts as follows ; Name and Residence. Age , J. 13. Dunn , Crescent . , . 21 Mary H. Andrews , Crescent . 18 Bamuel Chrlstenuen. Council Bluffs . . . , , . fa Olena Olsen , Ni-ola . . , . 20 Do not forgot the matinee of tbo Model echool on Saturday at 2:30 : p. m. U will bo a full performance. Children under 15 yearo , 25 cents ; under 10 years , 10 cenU. Adults , 50 centi. . , i SPIIUIAh JLttOlt.H roil AVOt'A. PI fly Ailillllonnl Mi-ii Cnllcil ( n Con- ( 111i1CnnpN In llnnil. Judge Macy Is holding the regular Febru ary term of the district court at Avoca , and Is apparently determined to clean up the d-ckct for the term. A number of Impor tant cases are set for trial , and the regular panel of twenly-four Jurora was not consid ered sufficient for the business of the term. Judge Macy accordingly ordered a special venire for fifty additional jurors to serve the rest of the term. The following names were drawn by Clerk Reed , Recorder Shepard - ard and Auditor Matthews yesterday after- n ion : John Richards , Carson ; John W. Lewis , Macedonia ; L. W. Bogue , Wheeler ; Hans Trede , Avoca ; G. D. Hough , Oakland ; Merrill Barnes. Avoca ; T. K. Huff , Oakland ; Fred Peterson , Walnut ; C. IL Stahl , Wai- nut ; Joseph A. Johnson , Oakland ; F. W. 8. Forrest , Walnut ; Henry Carspochcn. Oak land ; llalrn Vogt , Shelby ; Abraham Broden , Macedonia ; C. L. Chrlstenscn , Avoca ; Her man Utlermark , Hancock ; Joseph Alston , Carson ; W. A. Wilson , Carscn ; Jacob Mil ler , Macedonia ; Joseph Aggson , Macedonia ; Phillip Quirk , Avoca ; Ad Bell , Carson ; Frank Pierce , Avoca ; W. L. Cocklln , Grls- weld ; Ous Turk. Mlnden ; William W. Miller - ler , Elliott ; K. IL Evcrson , Carson ; Charles McCantncy , Oakland ; Oils Swanson , Hlllott ; John A. Griffith , Grlswold ; B. F. Hayes , Maccdcnla ; F. M. Ball , Oakland ; Joseph Butthous , Hancock ; Fred E. Bird , Oakland ; W. E. Jefferson. Oakland ; Thomas Doollttlc , Macedonia , 1061 ; W. W. Wright , Grlswold ; C. F. Stevenson , Lewis ; Hanner Hllbert , Mlnden ; Uriah White , Oakland ; J. C. Pcr- Icy , Elliott ; D. W. McKee , Carson ; Carl ( athje. Mlnden ; W. J. Way , Carson ; J. A. Bunncll , Avoca ; J. E. Smart , Walnut ; Thomas J. Johns , Oakland ; Frank McDcrmott , Avoca ; Henry Rannc , Hancock ; C. S. Dantcn , Oak land. The- sale of reserved seats for the Saturday night's exhibition of the "Model School" commences this morning at. 9. Those who come today will have the best choice , though there are nearly 1,000 good scats In the house. co.M.'isnnuATi' : MONEY NUT GOOD. Mlltnii SlmoiiN of CrpHoont City Mnkcx the lllNpovery AVIien 1'iiilcr ' ArroHt. MilUn Simons , a resident of Crescent City , was before Commlpsloner Stcndman yester day to answer to a charge of passing bogus money. Simons attended a bores race at the village a few dags ago , and made a liberal bet nnd lost. It required $5 to square him with the other fellow , and he concluded that It would bo a nlco thing to satisfy his de mands by giving him a bit of old confederate pcnpt that would have passed current for $5 If the southern confederacy bad been per manent. The bill was very much worn , and resembled somewhat the ordinary ? 5 note. The man took It , but when he discovered the deception that had been practiced upon him he filed a complaint before the United States commissioner. Sltnona was arraigned yes terday morning , but the hearing was post poned to await the appearance of District Attorney Fullen , who Is expected to be here In a few days. S'mons thinks he will have no difficulty In showing that he did not violate late the federal statutes again ? ! counter feiting , for he claims that he made no reprc- sentaticns to the man that the bill wati any thing more than what Its face Indicated. ItVnn n Knife llnnib. A piece of gas pipe a foot long , filled 'with sand and ashes , with n piece of electric light wire , protruding from the end In the shape of a fuse , created a great deal of consterna tion at Lake Manawa yesterday. Tbe bomb was carefully laid on one of the porches of Colonel Reed's pavilion at night , when the watchman was expected to make his rounds. A bit ot tow and cotton was fixed to the fuse so that It would burn and smoke for half an lour before It burned Itself out. The watch man found It when It was smoking good and mrd , and In the dim light of his lantern It oomcd up as a torrlble engine of destruc tlon. Tf-e watchman got away to safe distance and bombarded It with sno\ balls for an hour , and when the last vestlg of smoke had disappeared he.ventured nea enough to see It. It did not look any bette on a close Inspection , but he kept away from t and kept It under close surveillance unt ! daylight , when he came up town and re lorted the. " facts to Emmett Tinley , wh < has charge of Colonel Reed's business am looks after his Interests during the colonel' absence. Tinley Instructed tbo young mate to bring the bomb to town and bandlo I carefully. Ho tenderly placed It in a baske of cotton and carried it to Tinley's office walking all the way from Manawa for tea the jolt of a buggy might cause the thing to explode. Tbe electric light wlro and th sand revealed the true inwardness of th bomb , and Tinley put It away and orderec that nothing be said about It. The bomb was made In a blacksmith shop near by and was Intended to scare tbo watchman. There are yet good seats to bo had { o tonight's "Model School" entertainment The performance can bo seen and heard from any part of the house , so that It will pay to come as long as there Is a seat left. AlIcKPi Violation of u I.OHKO. In January last year , G. Meyerrlng leased a farm of A. J. Porter for | 392. Mr. Meyer ring had profited by experience- had In corporated In the lease a clause providing that in case of a crop failure or partla failure , the money consideration should be cancelled , and Mr. Porter should take hal of the crop. Mr. Porter In the meantime had sold the note given for the cash con sideration part of the lease , and the Innocen pui chaser Is after Mr. Meyerrlng. Meyerrlng has brought suit In the dlstrlci court asking that judgment be renderct against Porter for the amount of the note. Conundrum. Washington's birthday ! Washlngton'H birthday ! ! Washington's birthday ! ! ! Do you celebrate ? Do you celebrate ? ? Do you celebrate ? ? ? We do ! Wo doll We do ! ! ! Who with ? ? ? Half I'rlcc Sale ot Frame * . Great sale ! Surpasses half price sales of former years. Get your pictures framed while they are going at halt price. H. L. SMITH & CO. STit.\xnii.v It Wn the Uncxiierlvcl tlint Hiiiipeitcil TliU Time. A man who had been a "toucher" died at a South Side hospital a few days ago , says the Chicago Ilecord , His acquaintances were shocked and pained to hear of his death , although more than one remarked ( hat he would lIKe to have what was due him from the decraced borrower. The man had been well liked and his failure to pay what he owed was charitably ascribed to his carelessness In business mat ters rather than any Intent to defraud , When ho earnoJ money It seemed to get avay from him Immediately , so that he was compelled to borrow right and left , usually in small sums , but with alarming frequency. Ills borrowing had extendej over n period of years and none of those whom he owed had kept any account of the sums. They did not believe It within the .range of pos sibilities that he would ever get together enough money to enable him to settle up. Therefore , when he died In the hospital , It nas considered that the books were bal anced , Imagine their surprlto to Irani that their Impecunious friend had kept the most nlnute account of all hit borrowings had nanagcd to keep up the payments on his Ife Insurance policy and while on his death bed had given to his sister the most explicit directions for tbe paying of all his old debts from his llfo Insurance money , the balance to go to her. She carried out the directions. One man who needed money received tbe welcome u nip sum nt J100. Tiie others receive 1 more than they believed was due them. Then all tbe harsh things that ever were aid of him were retracted. It appears that very often , especially after ils health became broken , he had borrowed n order to keep his life Insurance paid up. ADJOURN. lonn. I ! oily ConrtnitpN If * llleiinlnl HcMnlon nt nrxiiMnlnvn. DES MOINES , Feb. 13.-4spCclM Tele- gram. ) The Pioneer lawmakers' associa tion concluded Its _ blennb\l esslon today after electing officers. Thjs jporrilng they visited the senate and hou and called on Governor Drake , being rescued with honor. Papers were read by Governor Alvln Saunders - ders of Omaha concerning the convention which formed the constitution of lena , and by S. P. Yeomans. Resolutions of respect ' were adopted commemorating the lives of the late Judge George O. Wright , General Ed Wright and ex-Senator James F. Wil son , The association adopted resolutions urging the elate to erect a memorial hall and advocating the celebration ot the semi centennial next year. The officers elected are ns follows : President. Colonel John Scott , 'Nevada ' ; secretary , B. F. One , Des Molncs ; assistant secretaries , J. M. Davis and Frank A. Sher man , Des Molncs. District vice presidents' Flrpt district , Gideon S. Bailey , Mt. Vernon - non ; Second , Samuel McNutt , Muscattnc ; Third. F. M. Knoll , Dubuque ; Fourth. Reu ben Noblo. McGregor ! Fifth. Y. S. Parvln , Cedar Rapids ; Sixth , Daniel Anderson , Al- b'a ' ; Seventh , Lewis Todhunter , Indlanola ; Eighth , W. S. Dungan , Charlton ; Ninth , L. W. Ross , Council Dlutls ; Tenth , Walter S. Wilson , Webster City ? Eleventh , Rodney A. Smith , Spirit Lake. Supply of IlnllotH ( ICMC Out. SIOUX CITY , Feb. 13 , ( Special. ) The re publican city central committee of this place In puzzling over a rcrlous question concernIng - Ing the primary election system In effect here. During the last hour of the republican primaries yesterday , the supply of printed ballots gave out In the Seventh ward , as It was too late to send for more the election board wrote out a sufficient number and al lowed them to be caM. When the count wa < < made the board discovered that no bal lots , except tho-e printed by authority of the central committee might be used , and threw out all others. The difference was sufficient to defeat Ed HanklnsDn , n candidate for alderman , and elected A. J. Siman In his place. The defeated candidate will contest. Shocked CroHtoii IVopK' . CRESTON , la. , Feb. 13.-Speclal. ) Harold I.and , music professor and 'all around sport , whose escapades here with the Glllmore sisters shocked the entire community , today pleaded guilty to the charge of lowdncsf and threw himself upon the- mercy of the court. He organized ) a ladles' band here and for a time , was considered a swell. He Introduced the two Glllmoio girls as his sisters. There was war In the family one day and the youngest girl , Mabel , advised the police of Land's true character. He was arrested and evidence secured which held htm to the grand jury on the' charge of lewd- nci'3. The entire case created quite a sensa tion here. _ _ Dr. MvClt'llKiill IJeilil. CEDAR RAPIDS , Iny Feb. 13. ( Special Telegram. ) Dr. F. McC\eliian'a' | ' died at his hcmo this morning at 10 o'clock after being n falling health for the ipastdthree months , at the age of CO years. Dri McClelland has seen o resident of the olty : elnce 1S60 rnd IBS been prominently identified with every thing tending to the advancement at the city. Ho has been editor of Hire Cedar Rap'ds Times for the past thirty years. For a num- jer _ of years he has been a , member of the visiting -committee to bthep Independence Asylum for the Insane. ) Last fall he was elected' ' to the legislature , and returned from ils duties at Des Molnes onylast ) week. > - : - ' ' n IMiuIiHlicil ii ml Miillfil , pottery Atlx. BURLINGTON , la. . iFelL. 13. ( Special Telegram. ) Three partleg-'ifrOm West Lib erty , la. , Jonathan Maxspn , William Gi Maxson and Peter R. ' rdjD , ; publishers ot he West Liberty IndexJvvere brouglit , before W. L. . Cooper , Unite 3 States "co"mmlsloneri In this cHy. , today , .charged wjth publishing and distributing through tliq mail lottery ada. A Jeweler of West Liberty offered chances on clocks ' , watches , etc. , with every CO cents' 'purchase , AH waived an ex amination and pleaded guilty. They gave bonds of $500 each to appear before the fed eral court , where they will plead guilty , with a view of , getting off as lightly as possible. Gnvc- . IlurKlnr the Limit. DES MOINES , Feb. 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) About two scores of burglaries have been committed In this city within a few weeks past by a gang that has come here from other places. William Barton was the first one caught , and. ho was found guilty and today sentenced to fifteen years In the pen itentiary the longest rentence ever given In the country for the crime. The cour . In sentencing him. gave notice th'at he priposeJ to discourage- this kind of Immigration , and that future offenders couJJ expect similar sentences. Several other burglars who are In Jail are expected to faro no belter. Nervy Woninii Capture * n DES MOINES , Feb. 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) Monday Frank Matthews entered the home of Dr. W. S. Matthews , and went through the premises , taking a considerable- amount of valuables. Mrs , Matthews was at a neighbor's and saw him Center. She got a revolver , and as he went out , followed him Into the alley , covered him with the gun , and kept him there until the police came for him. Tha next day he was In dicted for grand larceny , yesterday he was tried , today he was sentenced , and at noon tomorrow will begin his sentence at Ana- mosa. _ For Heal 1 11 jr n Woman. Fred Osborna was locked up last night upon complaint of one of the Inmates of a house on Pierce street. The woman came to the police station In a very badly battered condition , which fho said was the result of an altercation with Osborne. Osborno's efforts to get ball last night were un availing , nnd he spent the night In the city jail. He will bo compelled to meet hU ac cuser In the police court this morning , Lcnilvrn' Convention. DES MOINES , Feb. 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) Mayor Isaac L. Hlllls , president of the Iowa Municipal association , has Issued a call for a meeting , to , be held In this city February 19. H will Include representa tives of all the leading cities of the state , and the object Is to formulate some matters of legislation In whlph the cities are In terested. _ , ' ' , j Failed ( u Urlomir Yctxor. ATLANTIC , la. , Febl ( Special Tele gram. ) J. C. Yetzer , the' president of the defunct Cass County b&'nknow { lies In the county jail , one cf his tyohdspien having had ils name withdrawn. ' Yotzer's attorneys rled to have h'm leleased onfa wrli ot habras corpus , but were not succelsful. Hail \aron' I2iitiij > t * . CRESTON , la , , Feb. , , 13. . ( Special. ) Miss Anna McGuIre swallowed' ' by mistake a large quantity of.caibolc ! acjd' ' * ' ,1'rompt ' attention saved her life. , ' TUB DIS.tTIST'M 1'I.AIXT. IIn\e 11 HiilifV of Their KiiKiiKeiueiltfl AVlth Him. "It's ctrange , " sa'd taidintlst to a New York Tribune man , ' 'whV so many men who are scrupulous In 'all ' their business itrtactlons fall to keep their engagements vhen they have teeth to bs filled. Two to ne they will come aiound the next day and icke some excuse. They had to go out of cwn or they had a sudden call to court or here was a directors' meeting that they ad forgotten all about , or their wife wan Ick It's always something of that kind. tell you It takes an honest man to keep n engagement with hh dentist. " "What kind at men are the worst of- enders ? " "Well , I had a date with a minister this fternoan and it Ii the second time he 1ms ailed. I don't have many ministers as llents , but I should lay that they are the or t , unless It Is a newspaper man. You now you are about an hour behindhand. " The talk dragged here , Conversation with dt-ntUt while he Is at work on your teeth u likely to bo depressing under the moat avorablo circumstances. ) NE MEMBER TO EACH COUNTY1 Temple's Plan for Saving Olftrio Oonnly'a Representative , IT GIVES THE EXTRA ONE TO POLK CoiiKlKutlnnnl llnnilrril ( o HP Uveilly IHxfrlhutiMlIIIIIIIK 'lie Mnr-M- Sflne Cntintlci (11 1'riMont ( he Ocennlunnl DBS MOINES , Feb. 13.-SpcclaU-The ( scheme of Representative Temple of Clarke to save the representative from tliat county In the loner house of the general assembly Is provoking considerable comment. As the population of this county has become nearly stationary , ana as It possesses no large and growing cities , several counties In the north western part of the state like O'Brien and Monona , now Joined nlth other counties , have outstripped It In population nnd arc there fore entitled to set up housekeeping for themselves In a legislative sense. In order to meet the case Mr. Temple has submitted a constitutional amendment by which he proposes that every one of the ninety-nine counties , regardless of population , shall have one representative and Polk county shall have two. As the \\hole number Is limited to 100 the adoption of this amendment would take away one representative from DCS Molncs , Linn , Dubuquc , Scott , Pottawattainle , Woodbury , tce and Clinton , whtch , of course , would bo solidly opposed to the proposition. It Is hardly probable that the amendment will receive the approval of the legislature. There Is considerable dissatisfaction over the new jury law , which makes ovey voter , with a few class exceptions , subject to Jury duty , and requires the Jurors to be drawn by lot from the entire list. The law was passed two years ago to get rid of the "pro fessionals" In the larger cities. Formerly the election officers of the various precincts named the panel , and It was nearly always fcund that these officials and tholr friends had monopolized the business , and the move ment to get the present law amended may bo Inspired from this source. It Is , how ever , not proposed to go back to the old system , but the pending bills all provide for the appointment of a commission by the district Judge or the delegation of power to certain county officials to name the Jurors. It Is not likely that the present law , which confers the privilege or Imposes the duty on every citizen equally , and. If properly observed , Insures a Jury of fair-minded citi zens In every case , will bo seriously dis turbed at the present session. SURPRISE FROM BURLINGTON. The monotony In the replies from grand army posts In reference to the soldiers' monument ment was broken today by the Grand Army of the Republic post at BurllngUn , which favored the completion of the monument , ac cording to the designs already approved by the commission. The commander of the post added that he did not think It In good taste for the soldiers to step In at this late day and attempt to dictate cither to the legislature or the commission In regard to details In which all the people of the state have an Interest. Petitions for the regulation of express companies and asking that the Board of Rail way Commissioners b authorized to estab lish a schedule of rates governing express charges , are coming from every county In the state , and far outnumber even the pe titions relating to the "ago of consent. " The Jiouse judiciary committee killed a large number of bills today. Among- them were bills providing for the election of as sessors biennially and the appointment of county examiners of public accounts. The houpo committee on roads and nigh- ways has favorably reported'the Gurley bill authorizing wheelmen to construct a . .path un the public highways for their exclusive u e- , . s . . . . ' The pioneer law makers , Including all liv ing ex-members of the general assembly , were received In a bsdy In tho. house and given seats. The pioneers were Introduced by tbe venerable Isaac Griffith of Des Molnc , member .of tbe Second general assembly. An addrcsr ) of welcome was delivered by Rep- rcwntatlvB Temple of Clarke , who extended to them the "freedom of the house. " Colonel John Scott of Nevada made a fitting reply , thanking the legislature for the courtesies extended. Hon. Reuben Noble of Clayton county , who presided over the deliberations of the lower house thirty-two years ago , delivered a lengthy address , going Into many details concerning the trials and tribulations of the pioneer duys of law making. The argument against the proposition to raise the "age of consent" to IS was con tinued by Senator Ellis. He said lie was opposed to all extreme legislation and thought that If the- age was fixed at 14 It would ex tend all necessary protection. Senators Kll- burn , Mitchell ' and Eaton , all fa voring the minority report , followed. They scouted the Idea that any girl under the proposed ago of 1C could be of an unchaste character or become so versed In the ways of the world as to bo capable of leading men astray , The hour of adjournment arrived before a vote was reached , and with several more speakers de siring to be heard. The attendance , espe cially In the galleries , fell off considerably , and was largely made up of members of the White Cross. Senator Upton spoke briefly In favor of the majority report. The senate , In order to dispose of the matter some time during the week , limited the time of each speaker to ten minutes. CHOSE STATE BOARDS. Both houses met In joint session tonight aim elected members on the state bnrds. : The democrats nominated the following to the positions , conceded by republicans : Vin- ton College for Blind , R. A. Schraeder. Jack"- son county ; Clarinda Hospital for the In sane , E. H. Hunter , Des Molnes ; Independ ence Hospital for the- Insane , John Klllen , Monona ; Olenwood Institution for Feeble Minded , E. R. Moore , Jones county ; Knox- vllle Industrial School for the Blind , M. J. Kelly , Wllllanuburg ; Regent State univer sity , Eleventh district. P. 1C. Halbrook , Monona county ; republican nominees for the other positions ncro all elected. The death of Representative McClellan of Linn was announced In the house , and Nletert , Weaver and Thompson were , ap pointed a committee to confer with the family and make arrangements for the funeral. The vacancy will be filled by a special election In ten days. IVK.STKHV I'i\SIO.\S. VHiTiinM of ( lie I.iito AViir Itcitieiti- lirroil by the ( iriieml riovrriiiiiriil. WASHINGTON , Feb. 13.-(8peclnl.-P ( ) n- Hlonn granted , IPPUO of January 28 , were ; NcbraBka : Ordinal William Malson , Beaver City , Funuis ; lienjamln "W , Gas- kill , Itugun , Hnrlan ; Albert Swartzjandcr , Omaha , Douglas , Renewal Joseph Myer , Glenvllle , Cluy. Increase Alvln Fowl r , Chadron. pawen. Original widow Martha A. Wroth , Omulia. UouKlnu. Iowa : OrlKlnnl-Selch Vnn Sickle. Al bion , MitrKhall : Abraham Mulforcl , Daven port , Scott. Additional Godfrey Bowman , Cedar Falls , Black Hawk. Increase John 1) , Hevcnor , York. Wayne. Jtelssuc GeorKo B. Tuiney , Mystic. Appanoope. Or- Ifilnal wldow-IOdlth K. Bhepnrd. Prlnghar , O'llrlcn. Mexican war widow Hlmlra Hur- rlp. West Liberty , Muscntlne. Colorado : Original widows , etc. Frnn- cclla B. Keep. Denver , Arupahoe ; Mary E. Lambdln , Denver , Ariipahoe , South Dakota : OrlKlnal-Hlram L. Omeuly , Mitchell , DavlBon , No.tlil DulfXu : Original Frederick P. Bttele , I-Mgerly , Lamoure. Issue or January 29 were : Nebraska : Oilglnal John K. Douglass , Madlnoii , Madison ; Peter C , Lusk , Omaha , Douglas. Additional Uriah H. Henderson , Aurora , Hamilton ; James H , DavlRon , Blair , Washington. Increase John J. Oliver , Trenton. Hitchcock. Itclttsuc Joseph E. Snlyanlp , Wallace , Lincoln. Original widow Mary A. Porter. Hnrtwell , Kear ney , Minors of Truman J. Gilbert , Beatrice , On Re. Iowa : Original Charles W , Burtchetl , HudHon , Black Hawk. Increase Michael FUzslmmoiiH. Diagonal , Itlnggold ; John Cowell , Ottawa , Wapello ; Simeon JI , Mcars , QUAKER OATS The Child Loves It. The Dywpoptlo Demands It. The Epicure Dotes oti It. DO YOU EAT IT ? Knotvlllo , Mm Ion ; Bnndtm M. llnyck HOIdtlpld , WriKMt : J"bn l. wlc , Oc * Moliicn , I'olk. HelmioOcofsc 1 , . Union , Melto e , Mont-op. Colorndo ! OrlRlnnl-Mlrnlnh S. Aiding , Durnnun , L.i I'lntn. Additional -John Grfl , Hlcntnbont t'i > iltipi , Itoutt ; Jrick Under , .Mfililo VIMn , ttlo Grande. Boylh Diikotu : Original wlduw. rel-wtp Sarah 13. Hume. , Slmix KnIM , Mlnnclmhn. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS CCCOCCCCCCCOCCCOCCOCCOCCCCO A commlslon m.in af the slock yard ? n.tld ycBlcrday afternoon : "The Idea seems lo have got abroad lhat live stock Hhlpmonla billed from points won of the Mlstonrl rl\cr to Chicago via South Omaha would bo subjeclcd lo a terminal charjo nt Soulh Omaha. This Is not the IUIPJ. Shipments originating west of the Missouri river billed to ChlraRoU South Oinnlin nro handled nil- dcr the ramo arrangement that \\a > In effect prior to January 1 , Shippers are permitted to try this market without additional CMIPIISV over and abo\o the present late from the originating point to Chlcigo. Uvo stock from Iowa Is handled under the roino ar rangement ns was In effect prior to Jan uary 1. _ lilrul Clnlt'N I.t-np Year 1'nrty. One ot ttio mo t plcarant dancing parties' ot the season waci given by the women of the Ideal club at New Masonic hall last evening. It was a regular leap year party , the young women having entire charge ot the entertainment and Invitation list. The officers of the club arc : Mrs. Ed Munrhaw , president ; Mls Cora I'cr on , vice president ; Augusta Clark , EocrotAry and treasurer ; committee on arrangement ! . Mil1. Jamca Hulls , Mrs. It. A. Carpenter , Marlon Ittckox ; reception , Mrs. James Martin. Mrs. Druco McCulloch. Illanchc Hltclihart , Minnie Klrby , Mamie Grelrt ; floor , Nelllo Orclst , Sadlo Mack , Docla Carpenter , Anna Hunter ; niUE'lc ' , Mrs. J. S Walter ? . Uuth Turner , Onm Patterson ; decorations , Mrs. Lena Wagner , Ulhcl Honey , Alma Calkins nnd Tcsnlc O'Toole. Think Quarantine- till en Too Today J. A. Hake , one of the member ! ) of the executive committee of the National Live Stock exchange , leaves for Washington , D. C. A part of the executive committee has been called together to talk over the recent order of Secretary Morton In regard to the recently promulgated quarantine rules. Shipper * and commislon men appear to think that the new rules laid down by the secretary are entirely too strict , and an effort will bf made by the executive committee to have the rules modified. city lionnlp. George W. Wlngert of Cairo Is In the city. W. B. Taylor of Lincoln was In the city yesterday. A. W. Hunt of Wllsonvllle Is a guest at the Exchange hotel. Mary Sldwoll , daughter of T. J. Sldwell , Is sick with bronchitis. iGcorge W. SlcCald of Logan , la. , was a visitor at the yards yesterday. Prank , the young son of Police Judge Chrlstmann , Is sck ! with a fever. W. G. Pashby of Overton spent several hours with friends hero yesterday. James Grant , a Knox county farmer , Is In the clt/ looking after his property. John Carroll has returned from Denver , where he went to look , after some mining property. At the Lowell school this afternoon the pupils will give a musical and literary en tertainment. Mrs. Lena Wagner and Miss Sarah Wag ner cf Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Martin. S. S. Clarkston was looking over the stock yards yesterday and marketed a car of cattle - tlo ot his own feeding1 from Palisade. Street Commissioner Ross Is putting in a number of street crossings In the vicinity of Twentieth and Q streets and Tncnty- thlrd and Q. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrsf. A. R. Kelly will entertain the' high five club with a valentine social. Each member will wear a mask and grotesque costume. The Woman's Choral Art club will meet at Collins * music rooms Tuesday at 7:30 : p. m. Any persons desiring to join are requested to attend the meeting. This afternoon the Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home ot Mrs. Hayzlett , Twenty-sixth and N streets. Rev. Mary G. Anderson Is expected to de liver an address. Anton Belchlavel , proprietor of tbe Magic City restaurant , was arrested yesterday aft ernoon upon complaint of Rosa Ncrod , who says that Belchlavel use'd Indecent language when speaking to her. The trial IB set for Saturday. Anton Dragoun , who was shot in the hip by Henry Geest last month , was able to get out on crutches yesterday for the first time. Geest Is a butcher In Brown park , and keeps chickens. One night Dragoun was caught In the coop and Geeat filled his hip full of bird shot. Pending the result of Dragoun's injuries , Geest was released on $1,000 ball. The trial will be had March 2. In police court yesterday afternoon Wal lace Sutherland was tried for using Indecent language to Mrs. Mary Breedon , a neighbor. Both parties Uvo In Albright , and each brought about a dozen witnesses. The trial took up a greater part of the afternoon. When all the evidence was In Judge Chrlst mann discharged Sutherland , as ho was sat isfied that both families were at fault. The trouble started by Mrs. Breedon throw-Ing slops over Into the Sutherland yard. ot IV Day. NEW YORK , Feb. 13. J. H. Neeslago of the firm of Nesslago & Fuller , bullion brok ers , died today at his home In this city. He had been elck for about two ycara with a complication ot diseases. CORNWALL , Ont , , ' Feb. 13.Ettlenne fhatelaln , a ren ! onor of Ine war of 1812 , . died hero yi'Jterday at Ihe ago of 109 years. Ills widow Is over 95 yrars of ago. Ho had boon man led o cr icxenly years , and h * 275 living de cen > lanK mnnpiir.ssiiti.n M\V .Mmiimn. CMJOJM lllmnolD lint Mnkcft I.lfc It. llunlon for IJt or > liody lilac. The new iiumbcr ot congress , as a rule , Is. decidedly "new" In the kit Iciest some or the word. Ho Is an Important Individual , In deed , siiys a writer In the Scranton Tribune. About the tlrst thing ho docs whfn ho- strlkcs town Is to visit the clerk's ofllco- and rta If his name Is on the roll. Then ho visits the various departments just to. let the ofllclals know he Is In town and Is a full-fledged member ot congress. II ho la- stopping at a hotel ho watches Iho register to sec If any of the late arrivals are trom his district. He then hunts up a friend , generally an old member of congress , to pilot htm around town nnd show him the- sights. Ono of those "new" members , I will call him Jones for short , was Introduced lo Senator Gormnn the other Oay and this ; Is what followed : "This Is Mr. Gorman , Mr. Jones , " mid ; the gentleman In charge of the "new" mem ber. ber."I "I didn't catch the name , " tald Jones. "Gorman , " replied the distinguished Mary- lander. "Member of the house ? " Inquired the- "new" member. "No , sir ; senate. " "Oh , yet ; Senator Gorman , I see ! " replied' Mr. New-member. "Let mo ECS ! From what state , Mr. Gorman ? " "Maryland , " said Senator Gorman , who- by this time was tomcwhnt , Irritated by his : nowly-mado acquaintance's Ignorance. "Oh , yes , " replied Mr. New-member- "Dcmociat or republican ? " Thts last question was more than the leader of the democrats In the senate could stand and with a look ot disgust on his face ho turned on his heel and walked hurriedly away , leaving Mr. Nowmembcr and his friend glaring at each other. For beauty , for comfort , for Improvement , of the complexion , use only Por.zont's Powders there Is nolhlng equal to It. \VMATIIiit I'OllliC 1ST. I.'nlr , tvlfh South Wliuln for > > ' WASHINGTON , Feb. 13. The forecast for Friday Is : For Nebraska and Kar.pns Fair ; foutlt. winds. For Oklahoma nnd Indian Territory l'nlr ; weyt Wind" . For South Dakota Fair nnd warmers wlr.dn becoming south. For lena Fair ; colder In the cxlrcme- eastern portion ; northwest wind ? , bccom- np variable. For Missouri Fair pud warmer In thc- extrcmo southvt etitcrn portion ; vnrlablo winds. For Colorado nnd Wyoming Fair nndi warmer ; southwest wind * . For Montana Partly cloudy ; warmer In. the northern nnd eastern portions ; south west winds. . . . . ' I.ocnl lli-ooril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU- OMAHA , Feb. 13. Orrmlm record of tcm- perntuio and rainfall , compared with the- corresponding day of the past four ycnrs : ' lS9t ! . 1895. 1894. 1893. Maximum temperature . . . -in 23 22 40 > Minimum temperature . . . IS C 10 30 > Average temperature . . . 32 14 IB 35 Precipitation 00 .01 T .04 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , . USO : Normal temperature 2.T Excess for the day U Normal precipitation 03 Inch Deficiency lor the day 03 Inchi Total p-cclpltn'lon since March 1. 21.10 Inches Deficiency hlncc March 1 11.48 indie * Ilepurln from StiiUoiin nt 8 i . ill. r STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. Omnlm , clear 421 46 00 North I'lnttc , cli-nr 4l 44 50 00- Huron , part cloud } * , 0 IS 00 OhlcnRO , clear . . . . ' .i 20 9S 00 > St. LouLi , clear 'i.i no 32 00T St. I'aul , part cloudy . . : : ,01 Davenport , clear 22 .00 Kansns City , pnrt cloudy 40 00 Helena , piirt cloudy 44 00- llano , cloudy .1 ' 00- Snlt LnUo City , cloudy . 44C 00.r lllFmarcli. clear C 00.XX Cheyenne , clear .10 ( XX WlllUton , cloudy -12 10 coco Rapid City , pnrt cloudy . 4S co- Oalx'cston , cloudy .ot T Imllcntcs trace In precipitation. Indicates zero. U A. ' .Vii.3U : , Olifcrvcr. Beecham's pills are for billt- ousness , billious headache.dys pepsia , heartburn , torpid liver dizziness , sick headache , bad taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetite , sallow skin , etc. , when caused by constipation ; and constipatioa is the most frequent cause of : all of them. Go by the book , Pills i6c and 250 a box. Book free at your druggist's , or write B. F. Allen Co. . 356 Canal St. , N. Y PARKER HOTEL. TIlIllTUK.vm AND JOAES STIlIiKTS. 140 rooms , baths , steam heat and all modern conveniences. Hates HiDO and 12.00 per day. Table unexcelled. Special IDW rate * to regular boarders. FRANK HILDITCH Mgr. SAPOLIO LIKE A GOOD TEMPER SHEDS BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE. Dr. S. Mosher SPECIALIST. Having fully demonstrated by years of xuccessfui prnctlco and experience that bo Is. able to cure multitudes of dUeases which bailie the tklll of ordinary nhyjjlnlans. ha feelo It hli ! duty to muke known to surfeiing humanity that ho devotca his whole tlmo und energy to this particular branch of the urofepslon. unil wll1 prepare nnd furnish medicine at his ottlco or visit those cases which may require personal examination. Pa tients at a distance may consult Dr. Mosner by letter , giving a carefully written history of their cases , describing their symptoms minutely an porslbln , which will enable him to make correct dlagnoslx , and judge very accurately of the curability of the dlscaie , and to aoply proper lemcdles. ftledltlro forwarded either by mall or express , nnd all mcdlclno prescribed by Dr. Mother la prepared under his own personal supervision. He treats all dlBcaecH without mercury or other potions , which create disease of tliemKelvca. The doctor by his new HKSTORATIVB TREATMKNT cures all curublo dlHenses. nnd treats with NUCCCSH nil affections of the Uver. Throat end Lungs , Catarrh. Epilepsy. Dyspepsia , Hcmt Disease , llheumatlsm , Neuralgia , and nil Nervous Diseases caused by overwork , the Indlxcielion of youth , or the exrewaea of rlpor yearn , and whutevcr may tend to lower the latent foice or the tone of life's vitality , causing physical debility. nervous exhaustion , Insanity , and premature decay , Consult personally , or by Letter , free and strictly confidential. Address , Dr. S. Mosher , Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , la FIRST mm Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , - - - $100,01)1) THEBEST \VK SOLICIT YOUH UUSINK8S. \vi : niisiiu ; YOUH COLLECTIONS. o.s'is OK THIS OLDEST HANKS i.v IOWA. $5 SET OF TEE1H n run CUNT I'Ain o.TIMK nisi' CALL AND HUB US OB WHITH. HAI1IS AM ) WOK 1C CUAItANTISKU. > OTICiS-COUNtJIL HI DR. MUDGE , WANTKD , GOOD BKCOND-HAND LUU1JEH ; uuit be cbeap. A'W/fM McLuu lillu , Uet ' offlc * . 519 BRO.W COUNCIL BK 10'i