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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY JJBB : WfiranSSDAY , FKJJ11UA1ZV 12. SPEG1BL NOTICES. AilvcrdnvtnciilH for ( lirnc oolmiiin 11 111 lie Inkcii until liitO : 11. in. for ( hi * cvcnliiK nnil ntidl H p. in. ( or ( lie inortiltiK mid Similar cilltlniin. AilvortlnorH , rcciurMliiK n num- IMTCI ! ( > ) ici > l < , cnri luno nniucrn ml- rtronnpil ( n u iiiuiiticrril lccr In cnre of TinIleo. . AiiNVtcrn M nililrc ip l TVlll he ilcllvcri-il npciii iircnciitittloii f the clu-rU nnly. Itiiti'N , 1 l-2e n noril llrxt Inncrllon | lu 11 enl Micn-iifliT. > < > ( | IIIK | tiil < ( Mi for lend ( tiniiTin fur Urn I iMxrrllnn , Tlu'no nil vrrllNcinriit * intuit l e run eoiiMccu- tlvclj- . \VAXTII-MAII : HHLI . BAI.CBMN" FOH TICK HUMANI2 DliHOUN- rr ; irooil t < te line fjr harJwnre or liarnen * ilestnnn. Call or address < ot Kn. 14th l. 11-MMI T27 WANTKD , 600 MI.'N AND TKAMS TO SKI.l. bur froil crlmler * nntl cookers ; palmy. JM to tlV ) per month , according to ability. The l.llchfleld MfgCo. . , Webster City , In 10) TO 1M PAID 8AURMRN fOIl cipcrlpnco unnecessary : extri Inducements to customers. Illshop & Kline , St. I.ouK Mo. -11787 T23 WANTED , MAN WI3U * ACQUATNTHD WITH Hhlnky thvle to represent Inrse Kentucky wlolpnlo linns * ; nn comnimlon , references re quired. Address Hex 27 , IMducali. ICy. TO covnn .vnn. AND IOWA ultli nur oils nnd Kroas-s. Noble lUlllnlnK Co. , Cle < cbnJ. O. H-145 16 12 TO Ji i'in PAY rou GOOD SAI.KSMK.V. llooin BIT. Sliccly lildjr. D-1S7 1C' Hnnii.u. YotJN'o OINTMMAN on I.AUY to stay In nlllce ami answer telephone In ex- chini1 for Instruction In shortlmml anil type writing. 1C 4D , Hee. II 14J Il . A aooi ) PHYSICIAN IN A aoon live town i.1i the Ileimbllcm river. Tor par- tlculim niMtoss llox 62S , Lincoln , Nell. 1I-.M1C1 M12 FAIiSMAN , TO IMIPO TKADi : . H1UU MNI ! or otherwNe. J. AV. Knight , 217-225 Btit" St. , V , Itnclne. _ WI . II M1C3 12 * WANTIlH , TllAVttUNO SALHSMKNi Sinn Hue. Kav TrniiRh llnnger ; new. Myers & Van rielt , Clnrrctt , Ind. 11 MICTi 12 WANTII > , KXPnuiKNCKD SMOKING TO- Imcco snlcsmnn on commission fir Onnlii nml NYbiaikn. .Send Iefeio-.ce3. Mlchle Tobacco Co. , Goldsl > ori > , N. C. 1J-M1CO 12 \VA.VM311 FUMAI.n 11I2M * . WANTKD. aim , rou anxunALi iiousn- wotk. Apply 2112 Lnka ct C 112 12 \VANTIJU. nnSI'nCTAIlLn ( IIIUMAN IA13Y. 3) to 40 sears old , as housekeeper by Oi'rmun farmer with two children , living near Omaha. Aildrosi 1C M , Omaha llee. C-M1W H FUIt HUNT 1IOUSUS. JIOUSUS IN AM. I'AIITS OK TUB CITY. TIIU O. P. Unvls Oimp.iny , 1S03 Tarnani , D 714 8 AND D-liOOM HOUSES ON TAHNAM AND C-room house on 2.M and Leavens ortli. cheap. John W. llobblns , 211 N. Y. Life JJIdR.D74C D-74C IIOUSKS , a co. . 103 N. UTII ST. D-747 _ _ _ MODKUN UOU13C3. C. A. BTAHU.92S N.Y. LIP1X D M1SO rou KINT. : Nicn SOUTH KUONT. S-HOOM brick house , ulth all inodoni lin | > io\cments nnd In first cln s condition. Inquire on prcmlseH , SC10 IIalf-Uo ard street. D 213 BTIAM : iiuATnu HTOUHH AND KLATS. Hazard ItiincU , ugcnt , 1C10 Cnlcugn Rt , _ J _ O 4 , l F14 _ FOIl IIKNT. COTTAQi : , 1S1I IZAUD STItHCT. D-M114 12' _ _ iirsiiT-uooM jionnnN DHTACIIIID HOUSE. Nlco la\vn , barn , ticcs. 2G11 1'lerce ntieet. _ U 910 13 _ Tim roiLo\viNoiiousia : Ann ami will be rented nt mld Inter prices. They will commnnil morn rent CO rtnya later. Ilc- iiicmlicr we will males Inducements to desira ble tenants ; No. 920 North 27th avenue , 8-room , modern de tached hUII80. 2 > 0l South llth street , 7-room , modern detached hOUBC. nil ) Jaclca n street , 7-room , modern detached ( lOIISO. , 2203 sewan ! ntiect , 4-room cottauc. 2)7 South 24th sticet , 14-room modern detacheil house. Fldflltv Trust Company , 1702 Farnnm Rtrect , lieu building. D M123 _ B-nOOJI COTTAQn ; MODHIIN ; FUISNISIIUO ; 803 S. 301h. D 31131-10 * KIOHT-UOOM IIOUS15 CnNTIlAI. I/3CATION. $15 month. Iiuiulre 201G Capitol nvenue. D-131-17 * I 'Oil UK.NT FUItNISIinil HOOMS. BOAIID AT icio ftrcct. U-M471 1'14 * HHATHD ItOO-MS ; IJGI1T 2019 Harify. 12 M11C 12 * HIJATKD nooMS : LIGHT C03 N. IJth. n M1I7 12 * NICIILY FdHNlBlinO FRONT HOOM 1510 Hunard strt-et _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U 1M-1I * 2511 ST. MAiivs. runNisiun HOOMS. houseUccplnt ; . 1 ! 1I1"2 13 * HOD.IIS AM ) I10AIIU. FUONT HOOMS. WHLI. HIIATKD ; FAMILY Iwnn ! If deslicd ; rates reasonable. ; 2I Ninth 21 st. F 713 riHST-CLAHS nOAIlD ; 1010 DAVENl'OHT ST. _ F JH7l _ 1 1 _ rUHNISIinD FRONT ROOMS WITH Oil WITHout - out board ; aleam heat , electric bills ; baths ; nit'K icnscnable. Midland hotel ' , ICth & CM- sts. r MW. FH ROOMSMOD- eni convi'n'.JMCfS , hoard. C02 South Kill. F-753 HOOMS WITH DOAIID , STEAM HEAT. JL'lnpl.1. J721l > avenport. F Ml. " ' ROOMS AND HOARD. 2225 DODG13 BTHKBT. r-itj-n * ROOMS , WITH HOARD ; IMU- vato family ; hnnilcomo ditaehod realdrticej U'autlful grounds ; leluiences. 7'i N. loth st. 1" M15S 15 NIOISLY ri'UNISIIKI ) ROOMS. 251 H 2 > TH ST. I.ARUi : SOUTH IIOOMS , WITH CTJ.'AM ; I2X- ccllcnt table ; lefercnvoj , 202 N , 13th.P . P Ml 63 13 * KOH Hi\T U.\PUIl.VISIIli ) HOOMS. 4 ROOMS ; WATUH IN KITCIIHN : CENTRAL ; reatimubln rent ; iilcu fur houjckcqilni ; . 1702 Webster el. d-750 D"l'Nri'HNIHIIKI ) CHAMIinilS FOR HOIJSi- : i ; , limn and wlfonter ; In kitchen ; utecl wnite iili > . _ 3W N.17lh. _ ( i-M01S I'lIR MONTH , 6 HOOMS ; CITY WATCH. So , 17111 < "e. 11 M170 13 * rou nu.vr STOHH3 A.\U orricis , FOH HKNT. TIIU 4-STORY HR1CIC IJIJILDINQ V Rt 91S Farnain at. ThlH building hns n Iliv- picwf cement lianeinent. winplelu hent- IIIK llxtuie.i , water on nil ll.iorn . , E-I . etc. Ap ply nt the olllct ) of The llee. I 910 riRKT CLASS HHiriv BTORi : 11UILDINC1. 1011 Futnani. 3 htoilrs und Laniinentlll : niter to Milt tenant. Low lent. 311 Flmt National IlinK JIM . l-M10)-21 ) ACiiTSVATKI : ) . WANTKl ) . AOUNTS I'OH OUR NBW IIOURI : . hold rpeclaltleii ; vniitH 13 CO to 17.00 n day. pay e\rry nrcl : , Centinl Sunply Co. . Clm-ln- nail , O , J-MIC4 IJ * HK.VTAI , AUIS.VCY. J. IJ. VAHHOTTU. ROOM S2. DOUGLAS HLK. L M513 Fit KTOU.YGi : . GTOHACUi FRANK CWERS , 1211 IIAIINKV. M 751 STORAOI : AND AVAHi'itots ; co. . ttOti-910 June . General Ktoraen end furwaidlni- , M-7I ! \VAXT13I1 TO ItUV. I * , IND-HAND i-UnXlTU'llU. UIIOWN'S. 102 B. 11. > T N 415 * WANTfil ) . TO nUY 8ECO.VD-HANUKO 8.V- loon nituroi nml cntU rcgtutr. Aildioa A. K. Duorak. OrJ , Neb. N M9i3 21 WANTED TO 11UY-A TON OH KllTTKBV Ijorno power eloctrlo nutor In tooU condition , Adilrcsa with prlc and full particulars. 1C S3 ' Ilou cilice. N 9JS 13 * run SAI.IS-VUH\rrimu , FURNITL'RK AND CAIU'LTS AT J3 FO. 1/TH. * ran JAM ! o.vuitiAun.s. FOR 3AI.U. 1X)1' ) llUdaV CHK.Vl' FOR CA8H , AOOn-M K U. JJ a. I'--111 11 * FOR SALK HARD WOOD 4 AND S-FOOT FHNCE FOIl com cribbing , C. II , Lee , Wl Douglas. 8ALi : NATION AIj CASH nndlSTKR ; AI mast new. Inquire Tot So. ICth. U-M915 19 * FOR SALn , HKGlSTnRKD JIHISUY Ht'LL ; sound , kind nnd yountt ; a bciiutjrery cheap for cash If taken nt once. Addrraw K M , lice. U-MK1 13 * sur.D SWKIT IOTATO S"viNBi.t : s. Theo. Wllllami , Ilenson , Neb. Q-MIW-M2S * .Mi.scii.\\iors. : FOR HINT : , FARM ; 210 Arms : FNDKH Plow ; 12 mll"s from Omaha ; e'JO" ! hou > end barn * . Call 1421 N. ITlh. U MltW 14 * CI.A1HVOVA.NTS. MRS. nu. H WARHIN , CLAIRVOYANT , HG- liable business medium ; Sth year at 119 N. ICth. 8-755 "OYI'SV QUCnN" FORTt'Ni : Tin.LKR. LA- dtes , Me ; Ktntltnicn. JI 03 , lucky charm * . 1S22 Farnam st. , between ISth nnd 19lh , nn sign. 8-M925 12 * 1'HOP. M. LKON MAHHAD , THII CIILi- brated clalrvo\atit , hni returned to Omnha and can be roosulted nn nil nffnlr . Without nsk- In * you questions , Prof Manad trlls jou rvery- thlnir past , present nnd future , s-itlsfactlon Kiinrantrnl , Dolly from 10 n. in , to S p , m. . 1819 Pnmini stre t. S M153 13 * ji.vs.sAi2 ; , IIATIIS , irrc. MADAMH HMITII. 1522 DOUGLAS STHKHT , 2D lloor. rw > m 11. Massage , steam , alcohol nnd sulphuilno baths. T119 la MMB. LARUE ; MASSAGE ; 1C17 HO\VAHb ST. T M4SO F15 * MMI : . AMES , Fohxfnm.Y OF ST. LOUIS. MAS- sase nnd baths. G07 S. 13lh St. . 2d lloor , riom 10. . . T 101-MS * MADAMK LEON. MASSAGE PARLORS , RESTful - ful und refreshlnff. 417 S. llth st. . upstairs. T-M123 13 * I'KIISO.VAI , . UATHS. MASSAGE. J.IME. I'OST. 319U 8 15TH. . U-7J6 U.VRISY 'OS ' CHEAP. ED I1AUMLEY. nnd fat. Mary's avenue. Telephune , 44D. _ U-T37 MISS , VA.N , VALKKNIJUROH DESTROYS PER- iimncntly by electricity superfluous hair , moles , wartn , etc. Room 415 , N. Y. Life llldir. 11 7M MAM CO. . 348 1JEE RUILDINO ; HOME trcatrnent for ladles ; physician of fifteen years' experience In attendance ; consultation free. H M7.V ) WONDERFUL SYSTEM FOH MAKING OLD faces young : wrinkles removed. 200 Doitclas blk. Write Mme. True. U M497 F17" UELLE EPPERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER at 1909 Furnam. Lady canvassers wanted. U M70H Ft3 MARRIAOU PAPER WITH PHOTOS , 200 'ads' , lOc , "Bow Knot. " Spokane , Wash. U-912 m-4 A DOUGLAS COUNTY PRIVATE DAIHY would like to make arrangements with parties In Omahi to deliver Imtler and tY.q'i fieph evcr > ' cek. Address 1C 51 , lif . . U 141 11 LADIES. FKHH. I WILL GLADLY SHN'D TO nny laily , fieo , a recipe tlmt SIIVP me a mar velous comi > le\loi ! ; no cosmetic : peifeitlv whule- Bema Mm. Nellie r. Miller , llox O 910. Knla- innzoo , Mich. U M10.1 12 MOM3V TO I.OA.V IU3AI * ESTAT13. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 31S N. Y. Life. Leans at low tales for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W-7C1 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. THE O. F D.t\ls Co. , 1E03 Fnrnani st. W 762 C PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W , I ) . Mclklc , Omaha W 7C3 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrcnnnn. Love & Co. , 1'nxlon hIK. W 7C4 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 925 N. Y. LIFB. W 705 MORTGAGES. G. G. WALLACE , HROWN ULIC W 7CO LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY piopcrty. W. Farnnm Smith & Co. , 1J23 Fnrnntn. W-7C7 MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW HATES. J. U. Zlttle. 16th and Douglas , Omaha.W W 70S FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 jcars ; low latcs. G.mln liios. , 210 N. Y. L. W 7GD GEO. P. UKMIS , LOANS , PAXTON I1I.IC. MONUV TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS. hotscMaKuii9 .etc. , nt lowest rates In city ; no of goods : strictly conlidentlnl ; > ou can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount * OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 30G S. ICth st. X 770 MONEY TO LOAN , 20. CO. 90 DAYS ; FURNI- ture. planoi , etc. Duft Gicen , room 8 , IJarlter block. X 771 llUSlXr.SS CHANGES. CRIPPLE CREEK GOLD STOCKS , SAFE AND uie ; ? 5 and up waul J Imesled often brings fabulous nnd quick returns ! by placing > our orders with the Van Iluren Intcslmrnt Co. ( Incorporated ) , bankera and brokers , SOS ICth St. , Denver , Colo. Y 772 FOR SALE. IN THE DEST AND LIVELIEST town In Oklahoma , a nice , well selected stock of shelf Imidwnic : tin shop In connection ; no Implements or vehicles ; county ten. ; popula tion. 4,000 ; Invoice , 54.001 ; well established ; 111 health cause of wlllnB. Whltsltt & Arrlngton. El 2c } 1. ° . . _ 5)ki ) Y M7SjM"12 CHII'PLE CREEK MINING STOCKS IIAvh advanced 300 per cent since last July ; we mo mcmlOTS of the stock exchange at Cilpplc Cieek. where stoclc Is said at ItH true value ; stock hi shipping mines now selling nt 8 cents upwards , nnd In undeveloped mines 1 cent per share upwards ; \\R can pick out the good stocks ; Ktnckn are now belnn offered to eastern cus tomers for 10 cents , that would not sell for 1 cent on this exchange ; no lemlttancra less than J12.CO Invested : manual with Cripple Creek mlnlnit map mailed on lecclpt of 10 cmts ; refer ences. Merchants nnd U. S. National bankn , Omaha. E. Benedict & Co. , Cripple Creek , Colo. Y 884-Mch 3 FOH SALE OR TRADE FOR LAND. THE most complete vitrified brick plant In Knnras H , 11. Diury , Atchlson , Kan. Y M90J-17 * FOR SALE , S.U.OON AND FIXTURES AND barber fihop , Kootl town in Cass counaty. Ad- dresa 1C 41 , lleo ofllce. Y 937-11 WHEAT IS ROOMING. AND IS THE CHEAP- i-tt speculatlvo comodlty In the world today ; nnyono ho hns 11 to pparo should buy It ; trade through n reeponslhU house nnd ; ct rellahk' Information by sending for our largo led book , containing all necessary Information to enable nnjonc ) to hnndla their Investments Intelli gently : also nur dally market bulletin , which mmiesta when nnd what to buy ; lioth flee. Stnnsell fU'o. . Hankers and Ilrokers , 132 Tind ers' Illdjr , , Cilcago. | Y m 901-12 * A HARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A GOOD MAN with JJ.VH to take ' , i Intent.t nnd position In a flrst clncis oducntlniial publication company , cintiolllm ; patents nnd copyilglitB of urfjit value ; plant nnd stork. Address The Earth Pub , Co. , Highland Paik , Des Molncs , la. Y M102 13 WANTED. MAN TO TRAVEL WITH THEAT- rlcal company : ticket seller ; | M cash requlnil Address 1C 67 , Hee. Y M171 12 * FOH i\ciiA.\ni : . 1 WILL TRADE 2,000 notes of cIAir farm lanrt In paic U to suit , Located In Holt nn , | Sheridan countln. For M erchnndlfe or clear Omaha real estate. Addifss 1C 17. Hee. 7. ffl FINE STOCK OF CLOTHING IN EXCHANGE for young nil purposn hoiscs. Address Mflcham .t Uanlcy. llluonillcld. Nebraska. X-939-i IOH b.ILn IlHAh K.V1'ATI5. ilAUOAlNS. SA1.D OH TllAUU IN CITY PIIOP- ertles and f.irm * . Jno. N. rrcnzcr , opp. P. o. aio. : P. uniiis. notisus , IXJTS , mniuATub farm lands , loans. 510 nnJ WO I'uxton block , AI1STRACT3. THE IJYJION IlUKll COtlPANv" RE-H4' FOR MALI : . 20 ACIHM SPLENDID GARDEN nnd orcharrt land : near Omaha , nnd Council IHurta ; rlty projierty taken | n part payment ; balance on lima at 0 per cent. Apply to E. J Kuechle , Uox 21J , Council Bluffn. la. ItU M917 li roil SAUJ , M'-ACHi ' ) ; FAUM WITHIN 1WO nillea of gotil inllroHil ln n. In best nait of uutli\ve terii Iowa ; seed landj fair Imnrove- nunUi U down : purl In city piopcrty ; tuliincu on lone tlino , I ; . J , Kucchlc , P. O , Hex 219 Council lllulTr , li , HB M343 It * ' DON'T UUY A I1ICYCLB UNTIL YOU SEE our ' 93 line. We stll tundrlea and do repair ing. At" fru-D'n C > 'cle Co. ' 319 So. llth it. 409 Fit OMAHA niCVCLE CO. . REST PLACE TO HUV lilocles : tlcyclM rn > alred. 323 N. Uth tt. COT JIIDIOAL. WITHOUT PAIN-ONE TRL'AT- mcnt do fit vvork. No knife or counllc used , Rtotol dl < c ef a epeclalty. Dr. Took , 307. New Yo.-k 1.1ft CulMItic. Ui-17 * Munyoii's Rheumatism Cure ID guaranteed to bo nbtTilutely tiarmless and a stroiiR tonic In building up tlio weak and debilitated. It cures acute or muscular rheumatism In from one to live days. Sharp , shooting palnj In any part of the bady stopped by a few doioj. A prompt , complete and porma-1 I 1 nent euro for lameness , renc9 , etlit back anil alt pains In hips and Joins. Chronic rheumatism , pciatlca , lumbago , or pain In I ' the back are speedily curol , It PC Warn falls ' to glvo relief from one or two dcises , nnd almost Invariably cures before one bottle Has been tucJ. I'rlco 2Sc. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure Is Ruaranteod to euro all forms of Indigestion and otomtch ] troubles. Price 25c. I I Munyon'a Kidney Cure ppcedlly cures palno In the back , loins or groin ? , and all forms { j i of kidney dljcnsc. Munyn'a Vltallzer restores losrt powcra to weak men. Price $1.00. Ask jour druggist for free copy of Mun yon's Guide to Health , and treat yourself at homo with liarmlera rems.lles that contain positive cures for all diseases. Sold by all druggists- , mostly 23 cants a bottle. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon , 1C03 Arch ctrcet. > Philadelphia , Pa. , answered with free medical nilvlcc for any dlseao ; . LOST. LOST , LAST Tt'ESDAY AFTERNOON. ON P.irk nvrmip. between Jon's nnd Howard Rtrenls ; void comb for hair : return t Amy Tinker , C23 South 37th street , n.'id receive ro- _ vvard. LOST 122 11 * LOST ROY ; WHOEVER RECAME ACQUAINTed - ed with Clarence J. Corhln or Frank Sl.iler last September , U requested to correspond with Dr. Corbln. Van Wert , O. Lost 1 a 11 * _ STHAYI3D OU STOLEN. A LARGE , VnnT llKitt St. ll'rnard ; answers to name of Rex. Return to 13. HucklnKham , 1031 S. 23d ; re ward , No questions axlccd. Lost M152 12 * LOST , A PUG PUPPY , SATURDAY I3VEN- Ins. on Casi street , near 17lh. Tip of tall oT. Rewind If ictumcd to F. J. Maher , I71C _ Casa. _ _ Lost M1M 12 * LOST , MONDAY. FOX TERRIER PUP ; RLAnC nnd tan , spot on left eye ; reward. Mr . 11. II. Mulford , 1002 S. 30th n\c. Lost M1G7 12 IIUILUI.VG AKIJ LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & R. ASS'N PAY C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 yeats old ; always icdcemable. 1704 Farnnm nt. , Nnltlnger , Sec. 7S1 HOW TO GET A HOME OH SECURE GOOD Interest on savlnus. Apply to Omnha L. & D. Aes'n. 1701 Hee Hide. G. M. Nattlnscr , Sec. 782 DANCING. NEW CLASSES FORMED FOR BEGINNERS nt Mornnd's this week ; adults , Tuesday and Friday , 8 p. m. : children , Satuiday , 10 a. in. ; flnt leskoni tnkcn privately If deslied : open flay and evening assemblies. Thursday. 8:30 : p. in. : eenllemen and ladles , COc. M 1" F13 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13lh nnd DodRe , Rooms by day or week. 7S4 SIUSIC , AIIT AND LANGUAGE. GEORGE F. GELLnNRECK. UANJO AND guitar leacher. 1S13 Chicago st. 109 ICIMRALL PIANO : ONLY JM ; CASH OR ON time ; new plnnos for rent. G05 McCaguo bldf ; . 117 15 * PIANO. GOOD AS NEW ; STANDARD MAKE ; only flC3 00 ; new pianos for rent. 505 Mc- Cague HldR. MSC3 8 * OIMIOLSTKU1NG FURMTUHB. UPHOLSTEHING , FURNITL'IIE REPAIRED nnd packed very cheap tills monih. M. S. Wallcln , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 7SO I HOUSES AVINTERED. HORSES WINTERED ; HEST OF CARE clven horses , both winter nnd summer. Address M. J. Welch , Gretna , Neb. 773 PAAVMIROKURS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 413 N. 16 ST. IJXIIKIITAKKHS AND KM1IALMI2HS. II. 1C. HUHKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOIt. AND embnlmer , 1C18 ChleaBOst. _ , Jelcphonc 90. 775 EWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMING , TEL. 10CO _ 777 _ M O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EM- baimer , 1117 Fnrnam St. , telppbone 225 , 778 SHORTHAND AND TVI'KWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y LIFE. 779 WHITE STAR LINE Balllnir from New Yotk Wednesdays , as follows : Germanic Weanitday , Feb. 19 , 10 n. m. Tciltonlc , Wednesday , Feb. 20 , 10 a. in. Hrltannlc , Wednesday , March 4 , 10 a , m. Mnjestlc Wednesday , March 11 , IJ u. m. United States and Royal Mall Steamers. Saloon pubs.iee. (50 and upward , according to steamer selected nnd location of liorth. Second cabin 15. { 40 on Majestlc und Teutonic. DRAFTS payable on demand everywhere In Great Hrltaln nnd Ireland sold nt lowest rates. For Inspection of plans of steamers and any further Information apply to local ngents or direct to IT. MAITLAND KERSEY. G'l AB'I 29 R'way , N. Y. S. TENNY FRENCH. O'l W'n AB't. 241 SOUTH CLARK ST. . CHir-AOO. RAILWAY TIME CARD leaves IHUltLlNUTON Ja Mu. lVjH | Arn\e " OinalialUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sta.l Omaha 8:30.1111 : . .Dei-ver Express . 9:3 Jam 4:3pm.lilk. : Hills. Moat. & Puget Snd Ex. 4OEpm : 4:35pm : . Denver Express . l:0rpm : 7,05m..Nebrakka | Local ( fxcept Sunday ) . . 7IOpm : . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . . .ll:2jam : 2:4jpm..F.i3t : Mall ( for Llncolr ) dally. . . Leaves Oin.ihal Union Depot. 10th & Mason Sts.l Omaha 6:00pm : ChicaKO Vestibule S:00am 9tSam : Chicago Express 4:15pm : 7:00pm.Chicago : & St , Louis Express. . , S:00am : ll:3Sam : Puclflu Junction Lccal E:30pm : Fast Mall 2 : 0pm. Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAIIL.Arrlve | imahajIJnJ | Depot , JOIIi & Mason Sts. | Omaha G:00pm Chlcnuo Limited 8:03.1 : pi Mlium..Chicago : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . ? ; 2Jpm I nvaa ( CHICAGO & NOHTHWEST'N.IArrlver OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th A. Mason St . | Omaha II :00am Eastern Exii | ess. . . , ' , ' iKnn\ Vf llliiilel I.tmlli-rl. 70iam ; C.incli I nssenfjer i.'i E:45pm : Omaha Chlcaeo Special , , . . . . 800um ; 4:30pm : Doone Looci 9:30am : Missouri Valley Local 9:30am : Leaves ( CHICAGO , H. I , & PACJFICTiArrlvei" OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts.I Omaha EAST. 10, .Atlantlo Express i'cx , Sunday ) , . . D:35pm : C:23piu : Nlcht E'xprejs. S15nm ; 4Wpin..ChicuBO : Vcstlbuled Limited. . , , l:3Jpm : * - 3inl ii.Bt' FuJJ > ' ' 'stltiuied Limited. . . . l:33pm : WEST. a ; Jpm.Oklahomi & Texas r.x. ( ex. Bun.,10:3Iam ) : l40pm. ; . . .f.'olorndo Limited , . 4:00pm : Leaves C. , ST. P. , M. & o ; ( Arrives' Omaha Depot. Uth nnd Webnttr 8I . ( Omnha 6Mam : Sioux City Accommodation. , , . 12:15pm..Sioux : City nxpre s ( ex. Sun. ) . , H:55am : 64ipm ; HI. Paul Limited H:10am : Leuvcs I F. . E. & MO. VALLEY Depot , ICth and Webster Sts. 2lpm : Fat Mall and ExpresV. . , . . , 2:15pnt : . ( ex. Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex , Mon. ) , . B:3Spm : J.Mniii..Norfolk nxpress ( ex. Sunday.lO23am ) ; 6l5 : | > m St. Paul Expret ; . . . . 8 lOani Leve * I K. C. , ST. J. & C. II. Anlv > a" qiaahalUnlonJJepot. 10th & Masoj gts. | Omaha "City Day LeavesT MISSOURI PACIFIC lArrlves' Oinalial Dcpcl , iMliand\yeb Ur Bt . f Omaha lOMOani , . , . , fit , iJoula E prcs . . . . . 6:00am : | . . . . . . . . . . . Ixjul. ixpr u 6 Ogpm _ SMpm. ; . . .Ke br.Jg ! ! _ HLJis1 ! n i OOani " ' " " Lea\ei'r""Slbl'X cm' & "I-AcTPlO LTrfives" Omaha ! Depot , iih nnd Wcbater Bts. f Omaha ' ' 'BUSr.m. . . . . B't. Paul "Limited 9:10am : l. av a SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lAirlvea Omalialynjon Derot. 10m & _ MaK > nSt..rOm"na _ > ux City Passenier " 19:40pm : 8:4Spm : 81. Paul I.lmlttd. . . . . ! ! . l-eav UNION PACIFIC. JArrU i" clmahalt'nlnn Depot. 10th & Mason Sls.f Omaha Kearney Espreen . 4 .lupin 8'20am . Overland Limited . 4:4Spm : Sin ; > mHat'c & Slromsb'g Ex , ( ex. Sun. ) 4-lCpm S-4iim..Grnnd | Inland Express ( ex , Sun..l2.Kpm ) Fast Mall . . . S4iani ; Li-up I 1VABAS1I RAIWAY. OinihalUnlon Dfptt lOth i Mnion Bts i Omuha 4:30pi' : : . . . . . , * ! . IAIUJ ! Ball * . . . , , ; ; ; . POfljTUH WIL.I , IiKMAt.V I.V JAIL. .IiiilKo linker \Vonlit stilt I.onrr tlic - ' ! 4t llonil , The habeas tjqrtfus case of Jcroino K. Coulter , the cxnioputy city treasurer , conj - j ' fined In the county.ja | | on the chargi of embezzlement , was tnkcn up at the opening of the criminal 'crf t yesterday. In tha pctlllon praying , ror > ' iho writ It was set forth that the amctoftt of ball fixed by the court , $15,000 , was ekceaalvo , but that Rood bondsmen had beert .secured who had quail- fled to the amount'of $ H,000. nnd the- court was asked to orderCoulter's release on this , bond. ' ; ; ' As ! > tate < l Monday the bond offered had , been turned over to the county atlorney for ' , examination , and nt the opening of court 'Assistant County AUorney Day , who has lud charge of the Coullcr case , reported to the court that he had examined the bond and believed the sureties were each good for tnc amount for which they had yoparatoly quail- fled. He stated that there were a number of bondsmen who hud qualified for amounts ranging from $1,000 to J3.000 , each being responsible for the amount for which ho had signed. The court questioned the counly at torney closely as to the method ho had pursued In making his Investigation Into the sufficiency of the bond and developed the fact that the only examination had been by means of Inquiry from friends or acquaint ances ot the bondsmen. Judge naker said that a bond on which a number of Individuals had qualified for small amounts , each agreeing to become responsible only to the extent of the amount for which ho had qualified , was not as good as a bond on which ono or more sureties had qualified for the full omouiil. The purpose of the bond , be paid , to Insure the pro once of the accused In court for trial and h's bonds men wculd not bo as particular to look nftpr him If they were Interested for small amounts as they would be If they wore each responsible for the full amount. As to the amount of the bond , Judge Ila'tor Mid It had been fixed by the police Jurtgo after hearing : the evidence In the case , and ho did not feel jUDtlflcd In reducing the amount. "If tlio bond was by Individuals who qualified In the full amount , " said the court , "I would think boiler of It , but If Uio defendant toil ; the $24,000 which ho Is charged with taking , the bond Is none too large. I shall , therefore , deny the applica tion. " Coulter's attorney argued that Itva < ) a very difficult matter to get bondsmen at this t'mo and asked the court It the bond would bo approved , provided another surety as found who would qualify for $1,000. thus making the full amount ot the $15,000 re quired. The court evaded the question and refused to answer directly. Judge llaker then announced that on ac count of the very serious condition of his wife , who has been 111 for several days , ho would not hold court , and directed the bailiff to adjourn court until this morning. After court adjourned Coulter , accom panied by a deputy sheriff and his attorney , went out to look for another bondsman to qualify for the $1,000 needed to make the full amount of the bond. Coulter expressed confidence In his ability to find a man and said that ho expected to bo released when court convened tomorrow morning. Court Calls for Today. Juairo Scott-lS , 53 , ' 177 , 221 , 342 , 394 , 82 , 11C , 253 , 301. 322 , 38 , 3Gq , 271 ? SS2 , 11 , 30. 81 , 12J. Judge Slabaugii-2&-239. 4S-1S3 , 4S-371. 49- 27. -9-l.9 , HO-G , 60-U2. CO-US , 60-175 , 50-305 , 50-32.1 , 00-303. 01-2 , 51-7 , 51-11-1. 01-123. 61-1IS , 01-1C7 , 51-180 Ol-21 . 51-230 , 51-211 , 01-271. 51-237 , n - < KIT , ri - * > ir ; . ' I ) tel FAGnHHRHa .Tohn. From Valvular Hoirt dlbease. Ape K years 21 da > . Funeral from Hcsldencc C04 N . IS street , Thursday. Feb. 13 , at 2 p. in. IntermrilZ Forest-Lawn Cemetery. Friends of thi > family Invited to , IlEUCK Andiew J.J February y , at Sheil- ditn , Wyo. IWmalns shipped to Omaha for Inloi ment. - .Funeral will take place from . , People'sphorcli } , Eighteenth nnd rnllfn.fllo clriante * nnVo.lnne , In \ . Trt ! - runry 12 , at 10 a. , in. Interment , 1'rofpc-ct Hill cemetery. iJolin Jenkins , commander Custer post No. 7. , - , GOT A B\BY ! \ ; BOf NOW , Happiness in a Southern Man's Home. Hecil ( lie Hod Flin : of Diiiincr nt < Ii < - lillllrouil CroxHlnjr. A WarnliiK to Amcrlc'ii'N Men. "For twenty-six years I have used tobacco In great quantities , nnd of late years took to clgarutto smoking , " writes Mr. W. E. Slmps-on of Lo Compte , La. "I want to go on rec- > \ord that tobacco \ has robbed me of many years of life and a great deal of happiness , I realize It now as I com pare my feelings and my condition with that of a year ago , when I was a tobacco saturated cigarette fiend. "Many and many a time did I try to quit smoking myself Into eternity , but I could not put through n day without suffering o- tremo ncrvouo torture , which would Incrcaea hour by hour till finally , to save myself au It foamed from almost flying to pieces , I had to light the little whlto pipe-stick and swallow the smoke. "Ono day I read In my paper 'Don't To bacco Spit and Smoke Your Llfo Away , ' Just what I vat- doing ; It came to mo llko the warning ot the man who wavps the rc.l flag of danger at the railroad crossing , and said that No-To-Dac as an absolutely guar anteed rollof from tobacco slavery. "I did net believe It , but llko a drowning man grasping at a straw , I commenced tak ing No-To-Uac. "Tho cllecto were magical ; It dcotroyed the r.ervo craving and /desire for cigarettes. Two bees , would you bollovo It ? made me \vcll nnd otrong. "I ha\o gained mentally , physically In vigor and manhood , nnd with the brain free from the nlcotlno and a breath no longer befouled with tobacco emolco , I am to happy today to write NOiTo-Ilac did It all a year ago , si the euro Is tmoitc ! tcd and tried , not only In my own case , but several of my frlonds , who have also been cured , "Wo have a baby boy new. "My wlfo and I feel that all this happi ness started from- the time when I first used No-To-Bao , ' .ami In evidence of our appreciation , andiln , > iordcr that the memory of the happlnowinajr bo perpetuated In n living form , wo Want to name our baby after the man vvliq'g'wroto the line 'Don't Tobacco Spit andLsrooko Your LIfo Away. ' "No-To-Dno ls'p6Vular ] here and all our druggists sill It Hardly a day piAbcs but Bjmebody asks 1(16' ( about No-To-Iiac , eo I don't want you to hosltato to tiso thcso lines In any way thatTOti'/ihlnk / will make known to suffering hurnaufty the happiness that there Is In No-TotlUc for the many men with nlcotlulzed bmlna and weakened roeo- lutlono , If they wlltoWly make up their mind to save the v/aetwof vital power to Bay nothing of the money now going up Into smoke and out Ih-'touacco gplt. " \rEAK Am you troubled with men- ? tul Sviukmian , lion onmieaB , loaa of Bttxtial povcr. ; nlylit cmlBsloim , uny ft natural to Ula ] \rij- \ . ] > J"cliarireH . lack of iluft VBlru 1 per lorni mental labor , V ft causwl by youlhdit I IndlHcrutloiiu. If MO , ft I ? " 'i' ' ° ttu1,1 " } x box " treatment of TurklMh Lost \f A . II . K junliood § CapHulcB fiTj3tii ) Guaranteed to cure or Y y nionoy nunrnod , Slmrlo \ ' CrMljr\70T' V boxua * 1. Thin U no f-iho ' * J i iJN UT , nor free pruHcnptlon an niiillelno eoatB moiu.y. Don't be fooled lliiliu'H I'lmriiiucy.'Olu Furnam Strxul , Omaha. J-'or lMillcjifiirliltlt TaiifuaiHl ; vn- uurouut rill * . i,0vcr , full to bring mrn- UrunttoH iirv lu the tiny. JI box. 0 for 15 by m nil. Huhu's I'hannaoy , Omaha. I'lUUTKK.N'l'll AMI JOMiS Vl'HUR'l'S. K ) loomi. Lathj , tea in heat ana all modern rpnveuUnceB. lime , } iw and IZ.W per day" rubla ujiexcelled. Piieclal law ruten to rcuulnf boanlcm. FllANK II1LDITCII JJzr. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Oontrovorsy Over Street Cleaning Discussed at Length. MATTER REFERRED TO A COMMITTEE Stnmllnur Coiiiniltlcrw lire-unit nii-lotl IIilHi'iill's fliloti Depot ItrnoliiiloH Action 1c ticflliii rlly .lull Iti-i'ciitloii to ( irntiit Army. The bulk of the council nutting last night was devoted to a rehash of the controversy between the Hoard of Public Works and the labor organizers. After two hours of very Informal discussion the whole matter was referred to the committee on Judiciary. The commltlco will meet the laboring men nt Labor Temple nt 3 o clock this after noon , Organizer Waller was on hand early with nearly COO followers , who picked Iho lobby to Iho last Inch , They threatened to Inun- dale Iho space Insldo the rail , until the sergeant-at-arm was directed to enforce the rules , and all outsiders were compelled to take Iho outside. The communication from Street Commissioner Kaspcr relative to the labor controversy and the communication of II. C. Waller to the board were read and referred lo Iho committee on Judiciary. Waller was allowed tn min.ilt. nm ! 1m nii In half an hour In roasting the Hoard of Public Works , the newspapers and the As- o elated Charitlea. He was particularly bit ter against Street Commissioner Kaspcr , whom he accused of keeping a saloon and jiofuslng to employ men wha did not spend their wages over the bar : He declared that the Auxiclatcd Charities was a fake and ought to ba wiped off the face of the earth. Ho concluded by Informing the council that If any member refused to "do our bidding" they would see that men were put In their places who would do It. Mercer remarked that this w.ts the first tlino he had heard that Kaspar owned a saloon and Ktnent suggested that the mem bers ot the Hoard ot Public Works be al lowed to tell their side of the story. THEY QUESTION WALLER. Prince asked Waller whether It was a fact that In order to get their nsmcs on his Hut applicants were compelled to Join a labor organlratlon. Waller emphatically denied this and called on all of his men who wcro not members of any union to hold up their hands. Every hand In the lobby went up. Street Commissioner Kaspar explained that he had a saloon two years ago mm since that tltuo It had coma to bo called "Kns- par's saloon , " although he had no Interest In it. Ilu detailed the difference between the board and Waller as previously published. Chairman Munro of the Hoard of Public Wet lea added that when the board agreed to use the lists furnished by Waller as far as possible It dd ! net propose to allow Wal ler to be the absolute dictator as to whom It should employ. Dozens of men had come to Its oHlce and declared that they were un nblo to get Waller to recommend them be cause they did not belong to his union. It was generally understood that men with families were to have the preference , but fully one-third of the names submitted by Waller were those of single men. CHANGES IN COMMITTEES. Some of the people who have been wonder ing how Haecall and Wheeler were going to get places en the Important committed ; had their curiosity satisfied. A resolution by Wheeler provided that the Judlchry com mittee bs Increased from three to four mem bers. Kcnnard wanted to know what great emoreencv had arisen that rnnulrcd nn addi tion to the committee. Wheeler expTwied and In doing so revealed the purport of the rpsolutlon. Ho said that since the com mittee was appointed the council had elected a member who was n member of the bar .and whoso lega'l attainments would be in valuable on that committee. He declared that Hascall should have a place on the com mittee. Prince took his cue and suggested that the committee should consist of five members andc Wheeler modestly accepted the amend ment. The resolution wis then passed and later In the session President Saunders made the following changes In Hie standing com mittees : Ilascall and Wheeler added to Judlc'ary ; Wheeler substituted for Thomas on finance ; Mercer and Thomas added to' grades and grading ; Hascall chairman of plats and additions and third place on rules , and Wheeler , chairman of rules. The bonds of the city depositories wore approved and placed on file. The proposition ol John Grant to clean the streets for ? 2 per mile was transmitted by the Hoard oJ Public Works with the rec ommendation that It be accepted. Referred to Judiciary. Ulds on city advertising were opened and referred to the committee on pr.ntlng and the comptroller. They were : Dally Hee , first Insertion. 1C cents ; second Insertion , 1f > cents ; third Insertion , 11 cents ; all rub- sequent Insertions , 10 cents. Evening Dec , first Insertion , 27 ccnta ; second Insertion , 25 cents ; third Insertion. 20 cents ; all sub sequent Insertions , 17V cents. Morning World-Herald , 20 cents each Insertion. EvenIng - Ing World-Herald , 15 cents ; both editions , 23 cents. A petition from the Union Pacific Railroad company for the eviction of squatters was referred. A resolution by Wheeler provided that the visiting members of the Grand Army of the Republic bo given a reception at the city hall at 9 o'clock this ovcnlng. It was adopted and signed by Mayor Hroitch. RESOLUTION WAS LOADED. Ilascall offered a resolution wh'ch pro vided In substance that a union depot woo a necessity and that the council wan ready to da anything In Its power to promote the project. Wheeler demanded a reference to the com mittee en judicialy and It at once leaked out that the resolution was designed to afford a basis for action looking toward a donation to the Union Pac flc railroad cf a quit claim deed to the property now hold in trust by ox-Governor Saundora This Information ic- ulted In the reference demanded. On recommendation of the committee on Judiciary the appointments of Scott McWIl- Hams and Adolph Mntaon as elevator cri\- \ ductora In the city hall wore confirmed , The appointment of I od Sullivan wan returned by the committee without recommendation and act'.cn ' was delayed for one week. The commltteu report which recommended that the plin of locating the Jail in the city hall bo carrlod out WJB the subject of a protracted discussion. A majority opposed the committee and on roll call the motion to adopt the report wao lost. Ayes , Axford , HIngbam , KennarJ , Christie , Kniont , Prlnco , Taylor 7 ; nayo , Allan , Denuwa , Ilurkley , Huimosler , HassaU , Jayacs , Mercer , Wliculer , President Saunders 9 , A resolution was then pasr-ed by which work on the Jail was ordered permanently utopped , the contracts cancelled and an cqultablo adjustment with the contractors provided fcr. Midnight struck before the reports of com mittees had been disposed of and the coun cil adjourned to Thursday night. Look out for coias HI this season , Keep yourself well and strong by taking Hood' * Sarsaparllla , the great tonic and blood purl- Her. _ Ilotxrl Jury HUH Out. The Jury In the case of P. J , Iletzel against ox-Sheriff Dennett to decide the ownership of the toclc of groceries at Twenty-fourth and Cumlng etrceto has been out since Saturday ocnlng , At noon joUorday the Jury sent for Judge Keyeor , before whom the case was tried , and asked to bo given the evidence In the case. They In formed the court that they utood eight to four end were unable to agree on certain polnU. Tha evidence was ordered furnished the Jury , and they returned to their de liberations. This Is the fifth trial of this CUKO , verdicts having been returned for the plaintiff In two cases and the jury dltagreo- ing In tha ether two cases. The value of the stock of tfTOua Involved In the case la about { 8,000. .VflirimUiilull The following committee hai been ap pointed by Samuel lleea , chairman of the meeting of representative citizen , held February 3 to arranga for a maiu meeting , to bo held at some future time In the Interest of the Nebraska club , a' which meeting prominent speakers will present the merits of this now organization W. I. ] , chairman : W. J. Ilroixtch. Major T. S. Clark- son , Dan IMrrell , Pred Mctz , Dudley Smllh , L. II. Korty , Chris Hartman , A. Hospe , Jr. , George K. Munro , George Helmrod , 11 , J. Penfold , Judge O. W. Ambrose , W. A. Paxton - ton , Jr. Oeorgo P. H ml9 , Kuclld Martin. A. L Reed , M. Dunham ot Omaha ; W. a. Whltmoro. Volley : II. II. Pnldwln. Klkhorn ; Pat McArdle. McArdle prec'nct ; Krank Hllilnnl. Irvlngton ; G. R. Williams. Klkhorn : V. 0. Lantry , Florence ; Ed Johnston. South Omnl < a. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS p CCCOCCOCCCCOCCCOCCCCGCCC-CCO The contract work on the Q s reel \l.iduct was finished about n week nto and the estimates for repairs on both viaducts were allowed by the city council last Monday evening. Some work yet rcnmlrs to be done , but just how It Is to be done Is whit Is puzzling the city fathers. Wl en the plunking nt the west end of the Q street vhduct was torn up it was found that the strlncr were rotten and would have to be replaced. The contractors ordered the lumber and It Is now on tht ground , but It Is doubtful it It will ever bo used for thu purpoio for which It was orlglntlly Intended. Monday the contractors , tlio Mnrtln Lumber company , made n proposition tn the council , agreeing to do the work , prov ding the city would assume nil rlrks of Injury to the via duct and to the workmen. City Engineer Heal stated that It was a delicate plecu of work to put In the new stringers without the overhead structure. As thcro Is a bilance In the special fund created for the repair * , tlio committee on viaducts , streets nml alleys Is In favor of the city doing the work under the Immediate di rection of the city engineer. In OIKO this Is done the overhead structure will be braced from the ground. Mr. Henl thinks the city could do the work for about ? 2GO , which Is Just about the amount of money left over for bridge repairs. If the Martin proposi tion was accepted the cost would probably bo twice as much and the city would be re sponsible for all accidents or Injuries to the workmen. To IMiH-li Oiuiiliu SolleKorn , Business men In the city are well pleased with the effort being made by the city coun cil to keep Omaha solicitors and runners out of the city. The ordinance which was read last night and accepted by the city council provides for a yearly license of $100. It was thought that by placing the license so high very few Omaha firms would care to try the investment. It Is a rule with some Omaha merchants to keep solicitors about the depot and stcck yards all day. When a stockman comes In and Intimates that ho wants to make some purchases he Is hustled up to a street car and the local , merchants never sou a cent of the visitor's money. Every little while some runner Is arrested and fined for solicit ng without a license , but the fine doea not seem to do much gcod. for the next day they are back again. It Is expected that the ordinance will pass at the next meeting of the council , as all of the members and the mayor are said to be In favor of It. A heavy fine goes with each violation of the ordinance. .Millie City CiiMMlp. P. Lewis of Ashland was the guest yes terday of Grant Holland. Philip Hrayton , 22 years of age , died of consumption last evening. Charles II. Nichols of Belgrade Is here attending to some business. Thursday evening the Amanon club will give a dance at Y. M. I. hall. T. O'Connor of Dakota City was a visitor In the city yesterday afternoon. The Rebekahs will meet at Masonic hall Friday afternoon at 3:30 : o'clock. Dr. W. J. McCrann spent yesterday In Lincoln , attending to some business. R. J. Morrison of Fullerton visited with friends hero fcr a couple ot hours yesterday. G. B. Graves , who has a largo ranch at Valparaiso , Is leglsterctl nt the Exchange hotel. II. Johnson , who was so badly cut while stripping a beef at Swift's three weeks ago , Is able to be about again. Colonel A. L. Lott authorizes The Bco testate state that under nn circumstances will ho be a candidate for city treasurer. J. A , Goodwin of North Platte wag at the stock yards yesterday afternoon with two cars of cattle from Colonel W. F. Cody's ranch. F. J. Conery , who has been with the Drovers' Journal for the past two years , has resigned and will go to St. Joseph , Mo. , this evening. Rev. Mugan of Schuyler Is In the city , the guest of Rev. Morlarty. At one time Rov. Mugan was assistant priest at St. Agnes' cathedral. Last Monday evening William Ward caused the arrest of George Putnam for In decent language to himself and wife. Yes terday Putnam was released on ball and immediately caused the arrest of Ward , alleging assault. All of the parties Inter ested live in Albright and In the same house. Yesterday afternoon a team of horses attached to a coal wagon became frlghtonud at a train of cars and dashed up N to Twen ty-sixth street , where they turned south. Dr. White's buggy , which was standing In front of the Packers' bank , was t.ppo'l over by the runaway team and slightly damaged. The team was stopped just north of Q utreet. The ! Bloilcru "U'uy. Commends Itself to the well-Informed , to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest manner and disagree ably as well. To cleanbe- the system and break up colds , headache ; , and fevers w th- out unpleasant after effects , use the delight ful liquid laxative remedy , Syrup of Figs Manufactured by California Fig Syrup Com pany. AMUSEMENTS. The general expression of every ono who saw Po'.vliatan Saturday night Is that of the \sarmo8t praise. A prominent physician of the city remarked that Powhatan was fully the equal of "Robin Hood" and that It was the cleanest opera ho over raw. It will bo repeated at Hoyd'a on Thursday night. Mothers , take your children ; boys , take your aweot hearts and POO the brilliant cpcra and beautiful dances. Seats COc and 7Cc , now on sale , Two one-act French comedleH will be given In the Unity church parlor tomorrow ovonlng under the direction of Prof. Chile- lain. Music will be Interspersed. Mr. E. Nordln , ilollnibt ; Miss Josephine Thatcher. pianist ; Mrs. W. H. Wakrtlcld and Mr. J. F. Barton , soloists. l.V A .SAD I'MCIIT. 1,1 HI i' OIIPM HoHiuliiif ( In.SdiM'tn anil ( lie .Motlicr'nil vi-rlln llcnllii'ii. Charles Snear , a llttlo 10-year old boy , Is at the police station , having been picked up on the streets Monday night by ( ho police , Steps arc to bo taken to send him to the 'reform Echool on the charge of Incorrlcl- hlllty , as thcro seems to ho no otlu-r home for the llttlo fellow and he Is rapidly develop- Ijig Into a II rut class specimen of the tramp. The hoy'H father Ib unknown , HI * molhor Is a Salvation army woman , Rometlmo ago aho set out c a mission to convert the heathen In Iowa and left the boy without a home. Slncu then he hug been sleeping In vacant building * and In corners and has plckod up an oxlutenca as best he could. Mrs. Snear has a daughter. time ago this daughter wuu placed In a Catholic homo by 1'olico Mutton Cummlngs. Before going ou her m salon the mother heard ( hat the girl might become contaminated by the Inmates ot Uio homo. Juul baforu her departure - parturo aho took thu daughter out and alao the latter's chum , who had bcon placed In thu convent with her. Hath the girls nru now street walkers , They wore perfectly c-mtentej to remain In thu hcmo had they been allowed to do u > , J. W. Pierce , Republic , la. , Kxy * ; "I iiavo used Ono Minute Cough Cure In my family ami for myself , with rcjulty so entirely satis factory that I can hardly find words to ex press myself an to It * merit , I will nuvar fall to recommend It to otter * , on every oo- catl-m that presvnU Itself. " OMAHA'S ' BICYCLE SHOW Opens with a Largo Display nnil a Inrgo Orowd , ALMOST ALL MAKES OF WHEELS' TOE Outnliu Cnnrili Armory Tiiriioil lull ? u ( illltcrhiMStnlilo for the New lloriiVlinl tinMnny HootliN t'oiitnlii. * nlpht at the Omaha armory the formal opsnlng of the bicycle show look place. Cloro upon the heels of the carpen ters , decorators and electricians' , the wheel men followed , and , although not all the ox- hlblts wore complete , the majority ot tlio glittering rcudutcrs were In place , All the booths , of which there were twenty , were handsomely Ornpcd with bunting , the Ak- Sar-llcu colom predominating , and In the center of the hall , casting n brilliant sheen over the- spectacle of the moving throng , a largo electric tower held thn place ot honor. The attendance last evening exceeded ex pectations' , and , although there were largo aisles provided In front ot the booths , the armory was at times uncomfortably crowded nnd casual gllmpsos of the displays wcro the beat perrons on the outskirts could secure. The first exhibit which commanded alien- linn as ono utilcred the door occupied the ladles' parlor of the armory. The room Is lined with ll.iga and bunting , tastefully dmped and a unique design of rubber tubing decorate- ! the walls. On tlie lloor , In charge of Frcdrlckpon of local wheeling fame , are specimens of I ho Fowler , Vanguard and Im perial \\heely. The light scvenloon-pouiid racer , with Its nickel spokoj , that flash llko cobwebs In a ray of sunshine , vied with the slightly heavier roadster alongside. Near 1'itf rail on the outside at the booth a new luino trainer Is exhibited , which coiislto of n com bination of largo wooden spools an 1 up- rlghtci , on which the ordinary wheel could bo placed , while an automatic register told the number of Imaginary miles beltiR Iravrscd. The Ak-Sar-Jlen wheels occupy t'io ' next Iwo booths' , and share their quariors with the wheel of Syracuse manufacture. The rear panels of the booth are co vore.l with handsome hand painted pictures , and the whole IB lighted by oloctrlclly. Thu Alc-Sar- Hen exhibit forms one of the prettiest In the building. Next conies the display of the Eld- ridge , Viking , llcllance , Crawford and Gun- tlron wheels. At the head of the hall one ot the largest exhibits Is dUpbyud. It conslstti ot speci mens ] ot the Mungcr , Tribuho , Henley and World wheo'Is. Tills evening John S. John son , the champion wheel racer ot Iho world , will have charge of the exhibit and will explain - plain all points In connection with the wheel ho uses , and the cycloldal pprockcl , which Is tuld to be a new feature In wheeling circles * Hanging on the wall Is an old-fashioned bono breaker of the vintage ot 1881 and directly below It to glvo llulali to the exhibit Is a modern machine that kicks the beam at six teen pounds. In the center of the hall three boths are arranged , the one at the north end being cccupied by a large variety of the Hamblor , Falcon , Wlnton and Wavetly wheels. Tha center surrounding the electrical tower Is accorded the Stearns , Fenton and Cleveland make , and the miitb section ID assigned to the Spauldlng and Columbia special. The $10,000 Hamblcr women's ) wheel should have bctTi In the fitst named exhibit , but owing to unavoidable delays In chipping will not ar rive In Omaha until this oven ng , when It will bo nlnnnil In the illimbv. The Snatlldlne wheels represent the greatest variety of coloring In the building and some of them are beautiful. The "giraffe , " a trick wheel nine feet high , occupies n conspicuous position In the hall , and is followed next In line by n display ot the National , Czar , Union , Napsleon , Emery and Whltwlng wheels. One of the features of this exhibit Is a model of the blgcar , a late Invention , which throws the gear of the rear wheel by the turning of a rod from llfty-nlno to sixty-eight revolutions , or entirely off , at the option c the operator. It Is claimed to bo of advantage1 in hill climbing-and vlco versa. The bonlh of LouU Flescher shows a largo variety of tools dear to the heart of the wheelman , and in front the lightest wheel In the show , made In this city , and only weighing twelve pounds , Is displayed. The exhibition of mrdels of the Saracen and Orient wheels , equipped with the pnou- matlc Sager saddle , completes the list. An orchestra was stationed In tlio gallery , and Captain II. I ) . Mulford filled out the evening's musical program with two cornet solos. A special musical program will bo rendered this evening , and other features will be added during the exhibition , to bo announced later on. Layt night a telegram from Tom Kclc waa loceived at The Heo olllcc , .statlnij that ho and Johnson would bo lu Omaha and at the cycle show on Thursday. AW Art" I'lilHoiu-il I y Air nml AVnlcr When they contain the germs of malaria. To annihilate theee and avoid or conquer chills and fever , bilious remittent or dumb ague , use persistently and rcgulaiiy Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , which also remedies dys pepsia , livur trouble , constipation , lass ot strength , nervousness , rheumatism and kid ney complaint. Appctilo and sleep are Im proved by this thorough medicinal agent , and tlio Infirmities of ngo mitigated by It. A v.'ineglasKful three times a day , WI3ATII13IL FOUKCAST. I' ' ' < ilr , -n Ith Vni-lnl.Ic AVliulx for Ne- Iiriiskii. WASHINGTON , Fob. 11. The forecast for Wi'iiiifsdny la : Foi Nebraska Fair , variable winds. I' rt Oklahoma 'and Indian Territory- Cloudy and threatening , will ) local PhnwL'rs ; south \vlmlH. For Iowa , Missouri nnd Kansas Cloudy und threatening , with local xhowern ; warmer ; southeast winds. Kor South Dakota and AVyomlni ; Fair ; variable wind" . For Colorado npnrrllly fair ; variable wlndH , becoming noitli. For Montana-Fair ; becoming warmer In Hie eastern pot lions ; tioutlnvcat wliulu , IjOiMil Ituuoril , OFFICE OF THIS WEATHEK IJUTIEAU. OHAIIA , Fob , 11 Omaha record of tciu- pcraluro uml lalnfnll , compared with tlio rorruBpondlMK day of the past four years : IS'Jil. 1815. 1SDI , 1SD3. Maximum temperature. . . . . 25 19 fl 23 Minimum tcmiiernttlic. . . . 19 11 a 12 Name and H'llie.i. Ace. J' t , K'tiKciii , Hotilh Oinulia. , , . . , , , , , , , 24 Annlo .S'.irud , Huu'lt Oinulm. , , . . 21 J. > IKS M"U'iiald Omaha 23 Fl'"n ' Uor.anuc. Omuha , . . . . . , , . 2i i-K : i' F l.ulj * . allllnrJ , Ntb 21 Alary Cliriftmtiscn , MtJanJ , Neb If