Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY TUSE ; W.frfrj. * SD A V , FIDIUtUATlY 12 , 1890.
Much Who.it7iv3 Dumped on the Market
* Yesterday ,
Corn Wnn Knlrly Active ntiil
ill M > iiiimlby ltliVtiuiit
llljr IJMH'Ctnlloti * of
O1I1CAGO , Feb. 11. Tomorrow being n
holiday created a disposition among nrnln
and provision trades to even tip , anil prob *
nbly cniin ; tl conFldernble more wlicnt to
lie dumped on tlio market thnn would
otherwise huvo been done.Vhent opt-ncd
wcnk nnd remained so nil day , tlio close
Allowing n loss of ? 4c since ycwtcrdny.
Corn lost ' ,4c , onlu Itc , atnl pork , liitd nnd
ribs lost Sac , Cc nnd 7140 respectively.
In wlicnt the early Influences were rather
l > carl * > h , chief of which were lower cablus
nnd Inrgo northwestern receipt. , ns well
as locnl. Ilvcrpoolvns a let , 9id easier ,
nnd northwestern receipts were over 100
cnrs grcntcr thnn the same day last week.
The market too was Influenced by the
fact of the HiHt arrivals of a laige line
liiirclmBcd In the northwest by elevator
Interest. , IJut the latter nilvlcca
\verc of such n favorable "chnrncter
that prices gradually recovered hnlf of the
ilccllnc. This wns duo to tliu fact that
the world'H Hhlpmenta lust wi-ck , which
were estimated yesterday at 7,000.000 Int. ,
were found today to huvo been only n little
over fi.OOO.COO bit. , or about In line with
wlmt they hnvo been for pome weeks past ,
nnd Htlll J.luo.O'JO ' bit. ldo\v the estimated
weekly consumption. Them wns also fnlr
Imvlni ; for rmstern account , which also
helped to check th decline In price.- ' .
J'rlmary receipts , however , footed up largo
nnd the weather Indications cnmu inoro
favorable , warm nnd fiilr conditions bring
Indicated , and prices lagged bark. May
wheat , which closed yesterday at OiVJic ,
opened with snips at from CCc to CO-Hc ,
fell to CMc. itdvnnccd to Cfi'fie. and at
noon was CGUe. Although Urmistrerts rc-
partfd over 2OfO,000 bu. decrease In the
world's nvtillablc supi > 8y last \vcck. Some of
thablg traders hammered tjlic markuijduring-
tm IIIH * hnnrnnd ilrnvn the iirlppa of
II1U IIIBI liuur
Jlay down to G6c , that bolus the closing
Corn was fairly active nnd lower. In-
flusnced by sympathy with wheat and by
expectations of larger receipts on the Im
proved condition of country romls. May
opened Un , lower , at SOHc , and fell steadily
to from fflTdc to 30s , split. The market
continued to weaken during the last hour
nnd May closed at Wc.
Oats ruled quiet nnd lower , the weak
ness In wheat having Its usual effect ,
Jlay opened unchanged , at 21'lc , sold nt
21Kc , back again to 21Vic. declined to 20c
nnd finally closed nt from " 0 % to 21c , split.
The feeling In provisions' was weak dur
ing the latter part of the session , nnd
material declines resulted , llecclpts of
lioga were larger than expected nnd sym
pathy with the weakness In wheat helped
In the decline. JIny pork opened 5a
lower , at. $10.22' . and .closed nt _ $10. Iard
Estimates for Wednesday : Wheat , 127
cnrfi ; corn , 156 curs , oats , 390 cnrs ; .hogs ,
29.000 henil.
The lending futures ranKed as follows :
Article I opj i. I il'ffii. | LJ'.v. | Cloi
\vhent.No.2 '
Feb. fit ! , ' OJ
Juno ,
Corn , No 2. .
May July § ? r n 2UH
Data. No. 2. .
Fcb 10
July a Us S1K
Feb 10 07W 10 07 ! < 0 85 85
May 10 W 10 22 ! 10 110 1)0 )
July. . , 10 : ij 10 35 10 20 20
Feb 6 W 5 47M C 40
ti (15 fi II.- fi S7 110
July 0 73 0 73 B 72.4
Fcb r 05 B07U I ! > 7iS } on
May r 23 5 27li 0 17s ! 20
July B : i3 fi 27W 27M
Cnnb Quotations were ns follows :
FLOt'll Dull ; shade easier : winter patents ,
3.40i3.70 ; winter Blralnhts , J2.90U3.40 ; takera ,
t2.lC5J2.40 ; Fprlnir luitent * , J3.10 3.25 ; eprlnB
BtrnlKhtH. t2.00in2.90.
WHEAT No. 2 sprlnK , C3H0C4c ; No. 3 sprlne ,
3Uc ; No. 2 red , C7 % C8'tc.
OOIIN ND. 2 , 27ic. ?
OATS No. 2 , 15ic ! ; No. 2 white , 2lUc ; No. 3
White. 20fl214c. !
nVH Nrt. 2. SEc.
HAHLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 2Jiff37c ; No. 4 ,
KLAX SKKD No. 1 , flic.
PROVISIONS Men i > ik , $9.S71ifflO.OO. Lnnl ,
per 10" ) Ibs. , $5.42'tifi5.4 ; . Short ribs Bides ( looacj.
i5.0C < 85.10. Dry nailed shoulders ( boxed ) . $4.7o
Qlr.Inn Llna b. ' '
d.w. rsiiori cionr BKICS iraxtMij , { . nr.i.s/ . .
WHISKY Distillers' Hnlshed goods , per sal. ,
HUaAIlS-Cut lonf , J5.S1 ; granulated , J5.15 ,
Btnmlnril "A , " J5.06.
1'OULTUY Firm ; turkeys , HG13c ; chickens ,
7' > 410c ; ducks , 10yi2c.
The following were the receipts nnil shipment *
today :
On the 1'r.i luo ctciiann to.lav tlio butter mar-
kci wan firm : creamery. l-ial8) c : dairy , H3
ltc. Keen , linn ; fresh , liiaKIJiic , Cheese , quiet ;
( luntnttiiiiN oil ( he Principal
Coimmxlltli'H anil SlniilcN.
NEW YOIIK. Fi-li. 11-FI.OUn-llccclpts. 34,300
bh ] . ; rxport ! " , 20fOO WiU. ; lower to s ll , buyeru
being lOCISc under the mntliet on winter nnd
15C$25c on rprlnpr brands ; bids SQlOc lower
and iuotnllons somewhat nomlnnl ; city mill pat
ents , )3.45iS3.:5 ; winter Btrniehts , J3.COff3.7o ;
winter patents , J3.S004.00 ; winter extras , { 3.83 ;
winter low Krnden , | 2.3072.70 ; sprint ; low Rradcs ,
Jl.SOiifJ.W. Hye flour , iiulet ; superilne , t2.UiJ2.7S ;
fancy , | 2.701i 2.90. lluckwheat * flour , elow ; Jl.r !
ailJCK WHEAT Quiet nt 40S41c.
COHN MUAI Sternly ; yellow western , coarse ,
72BI3o ; llrnndywlne , $2.20.
UYK Nominal : 40S43c.
IIAHLKY Sttndy ; mnltln ? , 4104CC ,
] lAHliV MM/r Stendy ; wcsluni , 46flMc.
WHEAT Exports , 105.200 tm.j npot weak ; No.
3 red. COc ; No. 1 haid , 7CViC , nllcxit , Optlonn
opened ntcady nn fnrolun buylne nnil small
world's * hlimenlH , but at once lurnol weak nnil
dcvliniil all d.iy , Inlluenved by lower cuhX's ,
Rfiicral lliiuldatlon In view of tomorrow's holl.
ilav el.urt selllnK nnd iibncnco of outside i > pocu-
lathe * uppoit , eloslniT VdWHo net lower ; No. 2
red , 1'Vbrunry , closed 73ic | ; Muy , 71T4 72e. clos
ing lit 72e.
COUN-ltccclptp. 73,100 lii. ; expnils. 22,100 bu. ;
( pot market , weaker ; No. 2 , 30'ic. ' Options
upcned 1'iinler , but were ruatnlned for n time
by the rnull Interior movement , finally celllnir elf
\\itlt wheat , nnd clCblntr UO lo net lower ; 1-Vli.
runry , tOKtfSC c. cloBlnu at 20540 ; May , 30 MOIT
SC9ic. rloBlnB nt 3CUe.
OATS Itecflpts , fi2fOO 1m. ; exports , 5.100 bu. ;
spot , steady ; No , 2 , 20Uil23Vic. Options , firmer
cm near months , clwIiiK Uc up i n Kt'bruary , but
Vie lower on late ilrllvcrlp * ; Tcbruary , MUOM ie ,
rloslne at 2SHc ; May , 2J 7-lCflac , clotlne a'
HOI'S Quiet and stfaily ; stole , common to
choice , ISil crop , 2HU4Hc ; 1SS5 crop , 4G9c : Pa
cific ) exist , U94 crop , 2HW4',5c : 1853 crop , 4 9c.
HIDES Hull ; wn nuliril , * u to 5 Ibs. , Uo ;
Iluenos Ayrrs , dry , 20 U . , luo ; Texas , dry. ! i
to y > Ibs. . 93 ; California. 21 to 23 Ibs. , Ho.
l EATHEIl Firm ! hemlock noli' , Huraos Ayreit ,
Unlit to heavy welKlits , :0c : nvlds , 2li23c ,
\ VOOIQulel ; domestic lUece , 16t/2c ; pulled ,
15O2 c-
J'nOVIBIONS IJeef , stfmlv , family. 10B12c ;
cxtm inens , Sc ; b < cf hams , leu ; packet , J9.Wil9.SO.
Cut meats , quiet ; iilekUnl hams , MiQSHo. l inl ,
\v < t k ; western steam dose-it nt J5.72 , iiom'iul ' ;
May , > 5.W > , nominal. I'oik. lower ; mess. J10.5UM
10.75 ; thort clear , IU.5nfM2.riO ; fnmlly. Ill ,
VMAJOW Dull ! city , 31 3-16c ; country , 31 5-ldo.
I'UTItOLEL'M Steady ; ITnlled cloned nt SI. 41.
ItoatK Dull ; strained , common to ecod , JI.57H
lUOE-Stfttily ; domestic , fair to extra , 3'iOCc ;
Japan , 3WT4c ,
MOUAHSErt Firmly held : New Orleans , oien
kettle , K < H | to choice , 29i37c.
Tt'HI'ENTINlJ Quiet ; i29ic. ] !
CHEKSE-Qulet ; larK . CtflOVio ; small , COlO'.c ;
part tklmi , SUtHc ; full skims , 2it4c.
UUTTIIH Heci Ipts , 9.9S7 pkgs. : market firm ;
creamery , 12U19c ; western dairy , 104jHc ; Klulns ,
19c.liaOS IlccelptH , 8,800 pkgs. : market film : state
nmt IVnnsylvnnla , UHCJ weste i , 14ViCI5 < ic ;
soutbtrn. 11HU14HC.
MKTAIJS 1'lB Iron , stendy : southern. II1.754J
13.23 ; northern. tl.WOU.40. Copper , quiet ; brok
ers. lOUo : exclianse , I10.00O10.23. Lead , steady ;
broken , Ji exchange. S.UVi 3.13. nn. nit-ad } ;
Btralts. llS.S.-i 13.45.
COTTON8K13O OII Dull nnd easier under
w ak mullifrn advices ; prime crude , 2215Cac ;
fuimncr yellow , 2GU23HC.
Ai-fuiiitiliillini of ( > riilii Stookx.
NEW VOHK. Feb. 11 , Siwclul cable and telegraphic -
graphic dispatches to Itmdstreel's , covc-rinB prin
cipal iiolnts of uccumulutlon , Indicate the fol
lowing changeH In uvallable slocks Isit Saturday ,
ns conuwreU with tl > precedlnit Saturday. .Avail
able nuplillfSi Wheat. UnlteJ Statra and I run.
nda. c-nit of the Heckles , decreake. S29.0W Lu ,
lUloat tor nod In Uuin > . 0 cr , l.US.WO bu. ;
nrn. United Rtnt'fi find Onndn , cant of the
ItncXlMi. decrease. M.Ooo bu. Oati , t'nlled Rlntes
nntl CHnfliln , end of the Ilncklm , tatnl not
rwidy. Increases < > ( moment In nrnllnblo Mocks
of whfnt , In the 1'nlted Htntm nnd fnn-
nda , eiwt of thn IlocklM. laiit week , were few
In number , aside frnm Ihnfo reported In the
otnelM visible supply mnt ment , Included only
7M.OOO bu. nt Tort Wllllnm ; M.OM bu. at Port
Huron : J3W bu. nt Plinthum ; a.MO bu , nt I. nv-
tnwirth. and 21 , bu. nt Ixnilsvllle. Corrc-
rpimllni ; dirrrnowi Included 105.000 bu. In I'M-
rnio private elevator * . 71.0nO bu. nt Clvedand ,
IdinO' ) at Omalm. ? .1.o Int. nt llnrllnnton and
M.OOO bu. In Milwaukee private eltvntors.
Cnnilltlnn nf Trnilo ntiil Qtiotnllonn
ii Stnpli * nml I'll inI'roilticc. .
The ilcmand for butter In the cast Is extremely
lightj In faet , there la nlmocl no demand even
nt tlio low prices prevailing. Quotations :
KOOS-Strlctly frerti otock , lie.
1IUTTEII I'nlr to Rood tlock , 8C9c ; choice
to fancy country , 13M4e.
VEAL Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted
nt fifJ'c : larco and conr e , 4fflc.
CHEESE Donn-ttlc brick , lH4c ; Edam , per
d.iz. , 19.50 ; Club house , Mb. Jars , per doz. , < 3.M ;
LlmterRer. fancy , per lb. . ll'.ic ; Hutiuofrrt. H-lb. .
Jam , per doz. , I3.CO ; Yountt American , lliic !
Tnlnn , fnncy , lie.
POt'LTIlY Dresifed-Chlekenn , omHUc ; conrnc
nnd larisc , S(6c ; ducks , choice , SfelOc ; turkeys ,
choice , HfllZi.ic ; Rceco , Sc.
I'OUI.TIIY Llve-C. Jaeohnon of the Montana
Poultry I'nckUiR nnd Supply company , cjuotcs
live poultry tlrrn nndnnied nt : Hens nnd
young roosters , 5Hc : old pocks. 2'tc : turlcey
hens , SHc ; younn turkey cobbler * , ! old
T mn , Cc : duckn , full feathered. 7c : Reese , Co.
HAY Upland , J5.00 ; mUllnnd , J4 60 ; lowland ,
14.WJ rye itraxv , 13.M ; color rnnkf.i the price on
hay ; Unlit hales tell the best. Only top grades
bring top prices.
lIltOOM CO1INKxtrcmtly slow talc ; new
crop , delivered en track In country ; choice Rrccn
self-wiiklnR carpet , per Hi. , 2' , c : choice green ,
running to hurl. Vic : rsmmun. I'.ic. '
aMIJnck frilp ? . 73c I.OO : pohlen plover.
SI. : : . ; Jack rabbltn , per doz , , il.00fll.40 ! small
rabliliit , BOcflJl.OO ; mallard ducks. J3.50if3.75 ; red-
hendi , 13.7fI.M ; canvnsbiick ducks , J3.OOIf3.00 ;
teal , blue vvlnir , J2.00S2.25 : ttal , preen wing ,
J1.7rn.ol ; mixed durku , Jl.738Z.2j ; Canada RCCKC.
JC.Win.t. ' ) ; Email errpp , } ( .IX'ii5.M ; brants , J3.uO ;
rqulrrclK , per doz. , c ff"5c.
PIOEONS Live , Jl.00tfl.10 ; dead pigeons not
TOMATOES Florida , per flx-b-jdket crate , JI.W
( . AULIIJI.OWEH-per doz. . $1.50.
CAllIlAOl.Callfornla r : : : ! : , per lb. . 2c.
POTATOES Fancy native clock , 30c ; from
store In tinnll lots , 5flif33c ; Colorado stock , 45
if 4Sc.
ONIONS Per bu. , S.WIOC.
HEANS-lland plrked navy , per bu. , Jl.CO.
S\VIET POTATOES choice stock , 52.0032.75
per bbl.
CELEIIY California , per doz. . No. 1 , 90c ; No.
2 , ; r.c : western Nebtnukn , 40f43e.
LTMA _ 11E\NS Per lb. , 6c.
WATER CHIC.SS Per IB-qt. case. J1.75.
PIH PLANT Hot house stock , per dot.
bunches , 90c.
APPLES Clinlrr Ien Dnvls , J2.75H3.00 ; choice
wine saps md willow twlcs. J3.23U3.50.
CIlANIIEHHinS Jersey , J8.75.
MALAGA OIIAPES Per CO-lb. bbl. , J5.00fl3.50 ;
per C5 to 70-11) . Kross , } C. 0007.00.
OHANnE'S California budded seedllnits. fancy ,
J2.50 ; choice , J1.73S2.00 ; funcy navels , J3.30 ;
choice. J3.00fr.1.25.
LEMONS Messlnns , J3.Mgi.25 ; Callfornlns ,
IIANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , J2.00
Q2.25 ; medium sized bunches , fl , 7532.00.
OYSTERS Mediums , 15c ; standards , 20c ; extra
selects. 2oc : Itrancli & Co.'s selects , 27c ; New
York counts. 30c ; standard bulk , per gal. , J1.10.
HONEY Fancy white , per lb. , 15c.
MVPLE SYRUP Flvo eal. cnlis. each , J2.75 :
Bal. , per doz. , J12 ; 14 gal. cans , JC.23 ; quart
cans , J3.75.
C1IWK Pure Juice , per half bbl. , J3 ; per
bbl. . J4.75.
SAUER KRAUT Per bbl. , J3.75 ; half bbl. ,
FIGS New crop , California , 10-lb. boxes , per
lb. , lOo ; Imported fancy , SO-lb. boxes , 13c ; choice ,
10-11" . boxw. lUifilSc.
DATES New 1'e.rslan , CO-lb boxes , per lb. ,
SV4c ; finds , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , lie.
M < iPLE SUGAR Choice per lb. . 9fflOc.
PRESERVES Assorted. 20-lb. palls , each.
COCOANUTS Per 100 , J1.30 ; each , Sc.
NUTS Almonds. California , per lb. , medium
slip , lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per lb. , large ,
12'Xc | ; Ilrazlls , per lb. , Sc : English walnuts per
Hi. , fancy coft shell , lie , btarmards , IHIllUc ;
fllbeits. per lb. , lOc ; pcacnns , polished medium.
lOc ; large , 12c : peanuts , raw. Oifcc ; roasted. < 3 >
7'ic ; hickory nuts , small , , per bu. , J1.75 ; hickory
nuts , large , per bu. , J1.50 ; black walnuts , per
" "
DEBF Good steers , 400 to COO Ibs. ,
CUffGc ; Rood cows nnd heifers , 4$73c $ ; medium
cbws nnd helfera. 4V4c ; Rood forequnrters cows
nnd heifers , 3'/4o ; good hindquarters cows
nnd heifers , Clio : cow rounds , 5c : cow chucks ,
3o : 'beef tenderloins , fresh , 20c ; frozen , 19c : beef
rolls , boneless. 'J'if9'ic : slrlaln butts , boneless ,
OflOUc : loin backs. 9S954c : cow ribs , No. 3 ,
75J7(4c ( : cow loins , No. 3 , SfiSVic.
MUTTON Dressed mutton , 6' c ; racks , 10c ;
legs , 6c : saddles , So ; stews , 3c.
PORK Dressed lings , 5ic ! ; pork loins , Ci c ;
spare rlbe , 60 ; pork shoulders , 5Vic ; jnrk shoul
ders , rklnned , Ci'/iC' pork IrlmrnlnRs , 6c : tender
loins , He ; pips' feet , cleaned , per doz , 33c.
Some persons , according to the Shoe nnd
Leather Review , " hold the opinion that hides me
accumulating at country points since the com
petition among city dealers to buy them has
decrcnsed. Natural conditions seem to favor
the new plan of buylnir on selection. The tan
ners uro not anxious for hldts and there Is no
Incentive for dealers to scaur the country In
quest of them. Quotations :
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 4c ; No. 2 green
hides , 3e ; No. 1 green salted hides , 6c ; No. S
Krccn salted hides , 4c ; No. 1 green cnlteil hides ,
23 to 40 Ibs. , Sc ; No. 2 green salted hides , 25 to
40 Ibs. , 4e : No. 1 veal calf , 8 , to 15 Ibs. , Co :
TJrt * i-flnl r-nir C tn ir ii. - - - -
\u. j win i-uu , o 10 lit IDS. , 4c ; No , 1 dri
Hint hides , 78c | ; No 2 dry flint hides , 5 ? Gc
No. 1 dry suited hides , Cc ; part cured hides
i/o per lb , less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each 253 lc
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins )
each 15o ; dry shearlings ( short wauled earlj
-kins ) , No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry ehearllngs ( shorl
wooled early bklns ) , No. 1 each , 5c ; dry fllnl
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pells per lb
actual weight , 5H6c ; dry flint Kansas and No' '
brafkn Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 403c ; dry flint Colored * butcher woo ]
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4j6Jic ; , jry mn ,
Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4ifSc ; dry pieces nnd bucks , actual
weight , 40.jc : feet cut off , 03 It Is useless tc
puy freight on them.
3',4o ; tallow No. 2 , So ; grease , white A , 34c !
Eiettfe , white 11 , Sc ; grease , yellow , 2ifcc ; crease
dark , 2c ; old butter , 202V4c ; beeswax , prime
ISftZEc ; rough tallow , l'fcc.
HONES In .car lots weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , 512.00&14.00 ; dry
country , blenched , per ton , J10.00O12.00 ; .dry
country , damp nnd meaty , per ton. JO.0088.00.
\VOOI Unwashed , fine heavy , C7c ; line light ,
Basic ; quarter blood , IWJISo ; seedy , burry anil
chaffy , 8W9c ; cotted and broken , coarse , 709c |
rolled and broken , fine. 6 I8e. Fleece washed-
Medlum , lECISc : line , 14lCc : tub washed , Uii
He : black , Sc ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 2Q3c ; dead
pued.B8C , , ,
Coiiruu of Vnlui-x WIIM Dinvinviiril
'ritroiiKlioiit tlio StHNl ii ,
NEW YORK , Feb. H.-rTlie stock market to
day was considered to reflect the absence of
support from prominent financial houses , whose
IntereMs In tlio new goveimncnt loan have been
liquidates ) , The course of values wan down
ward , with Intervals of reaction on covtilng
by shorts. There was also liquidation by pro-
fosslonal dealers , who are usually disinclined to
hold stocks over a holiday , The foreign news
contributed to the selling , although repeated ex-
priuubnu of opinion from European financial
centers retardTHT ; our government loans are not
encouraging. In local banking circle * It I * now
beginning to be apprehended that the net gain
In gold to the treasury a a result of the new
l ue , taking Into nmslderatlon the probable
diafts that may l > e made upon the subtrcasury
tu pay for the bondu will not exceed about
170.000,000. Of course this la only a inutMof
conjc-clure , but nome unfavorable sentimental
effects was attached to the theory today , A
firmer market lor sterling txcluwgo ut au ad
vaneo of 14 per cent In rat" * for nctiml bufaness
served ns n bwir text. although the call in < ney
irmrktt exhibited a fairly easy condition. The
rpeculntlon opened IrreRirlar nnd fairly active ,
but n signing tcnd ncy soon developed on literal
sales of the ( "rangers , high priced Industrial !
nnd International shares. A rally occurred about
midday , under the liadershlp of Ocneral Elec
tro and the Qould shares , In which the first
named row 2Vt j > tr cent ; Manhattan , 24 per cent ;
Missouri Pncltlc nnd Tobacco and other prominent
shares , 1OI'4 per cent. The purchases of Oen-
ernl Electric were on ft large scale , nnd were
for the most part , credited to Ilojton. The
ostensible bull Influence Is the repurted nctlvlty
of the management In extending Its operations , as
fir example , In connection with the electrical
experiment ? tin the tlronklyn bridge and the re
ported proposed change nf motive power on the
Manhattan elevated lines.
Ilaltlmnre & Ohla moved easily down r points
on depressing reports ns to the physical condi
tion of the property. The street hnd believed
that thn stock hnd fully discounted any existIng -
Ing unfavorable conditions , subs fluently ulllclals
of the rompnny charged the circulation of the
rumors to n IxmiUn source. No dcnirte > state
ments nre obtainable In rvlnt'mi 'o the expert's
report In regard to the physical crodltlon of the
prop rly recently rninplctetl , hut > n ia Rencrnl
way It Is declared to have been satisfactory , H
Is und rstood that an expert examination nf
Urn company's llnanclal condition Is almut to be
made. The stock subsequently rallied 3 % per
rent , nnd closed 1 4 per cent lower on the day.
The final hour was characteilzed by a resump-
tUvn of pressure against th * mnrket nnd values
receded tn the * lowest of the day. Manhattan
was the conspicuously weak feature , declining
41 , per cent tn nnd closing ut 108 % per cent ,
Other Important losses wrr * In New Jersey Cen
tral nnd IXMaware ft llud on , ZU per cent ;
Sugar nnd General Electric , 1H per cent ! Mis
souri Pacific , HI per cent , nnd the grangers ,
I'tffOi per cent , the last named In Northwest
ern. Am ng the specialties , Illinois steel broke
B per cent nnd Obvclnnd , l irrnlne & Wheel-
IHR preferred , 4 per cent. The latter , however ,
recovered nil but a iwlnt uf the drop. The
doling wns fairly nctlve nnd work nt the IDW
level. Hallway bonds were heavy In tone n.nd
prices \vero shaded , particularly for the sp.'cula-
tlve Issue * . The dealings were less nctlve , ag
gregating only Jl,503nol. A reactionary tendency
wns noted In governments nnd slight concessions
were generally made In governments. The trad
ing wns unusually I risk , routing up J707,00 } . The
bulk of the business wns In the new 4s
columns , chiefly nl seller ! 0 Hat ,
Tomorrow being th * anniversary nf the birth
of President Lincoln and n legal holiday In this
state , tin * New York Stock exchange , subtreasury
nnd financial Institutions , generally , will lie
Evening Pout's I/omlon financial cablegram
says : The stock rnnrkets were quieter , but
flrm today , with n further rise In Kaffirs. Anrr-
Irans have been good , especially Cnnada Pas -
s , on the dividend , but the closing wan dull ,
paitly nn unfavorable reports ntniit Haltlrnore
, t' Ohio , and partly because ot kss sanguine '
vIowH of the result of th bond lusue. Toilay's
ffllux of gold from the Hank of England Is be
lieved to be for Chill nnd current estimates of
the gold In gj to New York Imvc suddenly dlrnl.n-
fshal. The Paris and llcrlln markets were
The following were the closing quotations on
the lending stocks of the New York exchange
todav :
The totnl tales of Block today were 177,211
shares , Including : American Sugar , 52.COO ;
American Tobacco , M.COO ; Atchlson , r ,700 ; llur-
llngton , 10,300 ; Chicago Gas , 3.GOO ; Distillers ,
5,700 ; General Electric , 15,400 ; Louisville & Nash
ville , 900 ; Manhattan Consolidated. 10.00) ; Mis
souri Pacific. 4.100 ; Northwestern , 3,500 : Head ng ,
1,000 ; Hook Island. 10.101 ; St. Paul , 4.500 ; Tt/n-
nessee Coal and Iron , 4,300 ; United States Leather
preferred , 7,200 ; Wabns'.r , preferred , 5,800 ; Wwt-
crn Union , 3W ) .
New Ynrlt Money Market.
Steady at 2V per cnt ; last loan , 2V4 per cent ,
closed at 2H 3 per cent ,
STEHLING BXCIIANaE Firm , with actual
business In bankers' bills at | 4.S7yiifl.88 for de
mand , nnd } 4.fOi4J4.8S14 for sixty days ; posted
intea , J4.S7ffi4.83 nnd J4.8S',4if4.8'J',5 ; commeiclal
hills , M.W4.
GOVERNMENT HONUS Lower ; state bonds ,
ilull ; railroad bonds , easier.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
Xeiv Veirk Mliilnir Quotation. * .
NEW YOUK , Fob 11. The following nro the
closln ; inlnlui ; quotullons ;
Ilulwcr. . . 1 * Ontario , , , , . , 000
cmdlor. to Ophlr , 1VO
Crown Point "ll Plymouth 'JO .t Va. . . . J05 OulclcHllvur 172
Uvadwood. . BJ Qulc' HllVLT pd. ( . . 183(1 (
onld .V Curry " Slo T.I Novad l 40
Hnln A. .Norcross. , 10.1 Standard Con " 03
lloinemake. . . . , , , , VVOU Unto.l Con 33
IroriHllvcrDJ Yellow JacUel. . . . 40
Mexican 4o
London Stock ( liiotntloUM.
LONDON , Fob. 11-4 p. in. cloalnz :
COIIBOlB , Ill'y lO f Mcxluau ordinary , 1 7)4 )
Consols , rico't l 8V St.Puulooi .
Can. Paclac o" N. V. Central .
Erie 17 1'o.inuvlvanlu. . , , . .
Krlo'-'du 7d Itundlriif . II
111. Central - . _ - , * Mox. Con. iiow4H. _ . 71
HAH SILVER 30T4d per ounce.
MONEY H per cent ; rate of discount In the
open nurket , short bills und three monthb * bills ,
7ifi 10-16 per cent.
Dry Oooiiw MurUrt ,
NEW YORK. Feb. 11 , Many more * buyers In
the market , much lititc'r Inquiry and an Incrnised
volume of bualnem ar the features of the mar
ket , In addition to which an Unproved feeling
pf cheerfulness Is manifested by purcliaH.-r .
Agents have reduced the price of American Indigo
prints to 4He , and khlrtlriKS to 4c , to take effect
ut once. Printing cloths , very steady at 2c , but
no buslntsa rt ported. Wednesday will bo pb-
uerved as a legal holiday.
FALL 1UVEU , MOM. , ITcb. H.-1'rlDt cloths ,
slendr , but quiet nt 2V. iTbe Ametlcnn prlntlnri
c.mpioy tcxiny rnlurxl 1r.n.i imm 5c to 4i,4e
per y nl. nnd slilnlnjrii ( mm 4Uc tn < e. Th (
Merrlmno limnnny of Ixiwell fal.
lowed the American's "Mninle.
MANCHESTER , Fcb , Jl.-Thc mnrket fol
cloths nnd yarns Is quM' . with snles hnM tc
tnnko unless nt con
LIVERPOOL , Feb. -.WHEAT Spot quiet !
ilfPmnd paorj Na. 2 r - winter , 5s f\4d : No. !
red fprlng , stocks exhhuMed ; No. 1 hard Mnn <
Itobn , ts 7'.4d ; No. 1 Cnllflirnrn , t ! H4d. Futurei
npene < l we-nk , with nenf nnd illitnnt iwsjtloni
? 4d loner ; closed stenily , 'with near nnd dlstnnl
IHisltlons % flld lowef ; buslnfsg nlxiul equall )
distributed ; FfUunry , f 7 Sd : Mnrch , fs Sd !
April , 6s Sd ; May , Ds 7'idj June , 5a 7)id ; July ,
CORN Spot dull ; American mixed ne ' , 3i
411. 1'Utures opened q'ulet. with ncnr nnd dls <
tnnt positions Ud lawer , closed stendy , with
near positions ' .4 l94d lower , nnd dlstnnt posl-
tlon. U0'4d lower ) Ltmlnt'SS ntxmt eqilfllly dl .
trlbutid ; February , 3s 'idi March , 3 * ; April ,
3d Hid ; Mny , 3s 2d ; June. 3s 2di July , 3s 2V4d.
FIXll'U Dull , demand | x ; St. Louis fnncy
winter , 7s 9d.
PROVISIONS llncon , quiet ; demand , poor !
Cumberland cut , 2S to 30 Ibs. , 2Ss ; shorl rlts ,
2S Ibs. , 2Cs ; long clcnr , light , SS to 43 Ibs. , 27s ;
long clear , heavy , ET.S r l ; short clenr backs ,
18 Ibs. , 2Cs M ; short clear middles , heavy , K
UK. , 2fis ; clear bellies , 14 to K > IKi. , 2Ss. Shoub
ders , squnre , 12 to IS Ibs. , 23s M. Hams , sharl
cut , 14 to 10 Ibs. , 35s. Tallow , fine North Amtr-
Icim. 20s 9d. Ileef , extra India mess. 73s 9d ;
prime mesB , 58s 9d , Pork , prime western , 53s 9d |
WKitern , medium , 47s 9d , Ixird , dull ; prime
western , 27s 6d ; renneil. In palls , 2s Gd.
CHEESE Quiet ; demnnd , poor ; finest Am r-
lean , white nnd coloreil 49s.
11U1TER Steady ; best 1'nlted States , 93si
RlKKl , IKW.
OILS Turpentine spirits , . 2fls 9d. Rosin , conv
mon , 4 714d. Cotton seed oil , Liverpool refined ,
17s 3d. Linseed oil , 20s 3d.
REFRIGERATOR IIEEF Forequartcr , 3Hd |
hlndquarter , 4d ,
RLEACHING POWDER Ilnrdwood , f. o. b. ,
Llvrrpoo.1 , ?
HOPS At Ixondon ( Paclne coast ) , 2 CM.
The receipts of whent during the past three
days were 219.00) ccnlnlx , Including 70,000 centals
of American wheat , llecelptn of American com ,
1CGXW ( centals. _ _
St. LoiilM C c tic i-ii I Alnrke-t.
ST. LOUIS. Fell. ll.-FLOUR-Dull nnd ensy ;
patents , J3.70j33.80 ; exlrn fnncy , J3.45i3.55 ; fancy ,
J3.00iif3.10 ; choice. J2.Mif3.75.
WHEAT Dull , nnd easy cables and heavy re
ceipts In the northwest counteracted the effect
of reported heavy dlwrepaney In the world's
shipments to Europe nnd the mnlkets here to
rule lower all ; No. 2 cunh , 71c : No. 2 hard , CO'.Jc ' ;
February , C2 4c : May , C5Jc ! : July C3c.
CORN Reported heavy receipts cauced n wenk
'pi'nulntlvo niniket , wh'ci ' : eloped lower thnn yes
terday ; No. 2 mixed cath nnd February , Solic ;
May , KM27c ; July , 23'ic.
OATS Futures , wenk nnd lower ; spot , firm nnd
In demnnd ; No. 2 cas'.j nnd February , 1'JUc ; May ,
2u' < .c , July , 19c.
IlYE Firmer ; 3Sc.
ClMiN MEAIt1.40in.4. . ' < .
FLAX SEED quiet ; Kc.
HAY Cliolce grades In fnlr request , but not
urgently wanted ; offerings of low grades In ex
cess of demand nnd lower : prairie , | 5.60fj9.l ;
timothy * J9.00ST12.M. this side.
POULTRY Scarce nnd tlrm ; turkeys , 9ff9l,4c ;
chickens. 7JSc ; ducks , OUfilOc ; geese , 6iT5',4c ,
Rl'TTER-Qulct ; lower ; crenmery , 14IJ20c ;
ilnlry , 11015e.
EGGS Steady nnd In fair demand ; fresh , lie.
LEAD Dull nnd easier : two cnrs Missouri ,
| 2.ls7W : two cnrs , for March. J2.90.
SPELTER Salable nt J3.73.
COTTON TIES Unchanged.
II AGOING Unchanged.
PROVISIONS Pork , lower : standard mess , lob
bing. new , JIO.12',4 ; old. J'J.SSH. Lird , lower ;
; irlmc steam , J3.2P.4 ; choice , J5.37I.4. llacon ,
joxed Bhoulders , J3.50 ; longs , J3.75 ; ribs , $5.8714 ;
diortp , J8. Dry salt meals , boxed shoulders , $4.75 ;
ongs , J3.25 : ribs , J5.3714 : shorts , J3.50.
RECEIPTS Flour , 3,0m ) bKB. ; whent , 14,00 > 1 bu. ;
: orn , 14.0rti ) bu. ; oats , 2 < > .n00 bu.
SHIPMICNTS Flour , 7,00) libls. : whent , 22,000
bu. ; corn , 5,000 bu. ; oats. 12,000 bu.
AVooI Market.
ROSTON , Feb. 11. Ruelncss' In the wool mar-
< ct hero has been n shade brisker than previously
reported , with prices' Well maintained. Fleece
wool : ) nre moving moderately , but the feature
if the wcfk hns been the better demnnd for
itnple territory wool. " This demnnd has been
ronflned , however , to 'thbse wools which nre
long enough In stnplo tt > ue combed. Australian
ivrvol sales continued coo < lbut _ prices nre strung.
The following me ( he ciuotntlons for leading
lescrlptlons : Ohio nnfl' Pennsylvania , tleeces. X
mil nlove , 16 Tl8'.icXX ; nnd XX nbove. 19',4 {
MVic ; No. 1 cornlilngi. 23c ; No. 2 combing , 23 ®
: ic ; delaine , 21fi2H'.c. Indiana nnd Missouri
TUnrter blocnl combing , 175TlSe ; braid combing ,
I7c. Texas wools , tp'rrlng , , medium (12 ( months ) .
I27tlfc ; scoured prices , 52c : spring , fine (12 (
nnnths ) , IHIUc ; scoured prices , 31833c. Terrl-
: ory wools , Montana , flno .medium and fine , 110
He ; scoured prices , SCS Sc : Utah , Wyoming , etc ,
Ino medium and line , 10J13c ; scoured , 34SIMc.
California wools , northern spring , lIB17c ;
soured prices , 33ICc : middle county , spring.
IJf'.Cc ; re urjil prltei.rC3'c ! Ausrul : an scoured
'jnsls ' , combing , superilne , 47ff3'1e ; combing , good ,
l3ff4Gc ; camUng , average , ' 40ff43c ,
" " " " " '
, NEW YORK , F b < .ill. COFFEE Opllons
jpened steady , ht uncfcanKM7titlcef to Itf pi'lntB
ulv'nncc on coble B nnd-foregn dernaird ; Inter
: urmd easier under local prefsuro , nnd closed
inlet at T'vlir points net decline ; rnlcs , 9,520 bags ,
ncludlnj : March , J12.3HJfl2.S5. Spot. Rio , quiet ;
tfn. 7. 13' < c asked. Mild , market dull : Conlovn ,
IC.735JK.75. Wnrchouse ilellveilei f.-om New York
iixtcnlny , 15,5."iF Imgs ; New York stock fxlay ,
1.17,413 base : United StnUs stock , 3C4.3S9 bngs ;
illont for the United States , 144,003 hags ; total
, -lslbe ! supply for the United States , 448,399 bags ,
innlnM 481,031 bags last year ,
SANTOS , Feb. 11. Film ; good average Snntoi ,
:14 : ; receipts , two days , 3,000 bag ? ; stock , 033,000
jags. .
HA.MnURO. Feb. 11 Qu'et and unclnnged.
HAVRE. Feb. II. Clopcil Irrviulnr nt > Af nd-
ancp tn 14f decline ; Enles , 2,300 bass.
11IO , Feb. 11 , Firm ; No. 7 , J13.20 ; exchange ,
3-521 ; re-celpti" , two days , 4.001) bags ; cleared
or the United States , 9,00i ) bags ; for Europe , 4.000
ings ; stock , 217,00) bags.
K it ii N IIH City -HarUots.
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 11. WHEAT Herd to
sell , fully lo lower ; No. 2 hard , C3c ; No. 3 , 348
60o ; rejected , nominally 3o@36c ; No. 2 red , nomi
nally 75c.
CORN Market slightly lower ; demand meager ;
No. 2 mixed , 22T4G23c ; No. 2 while , 23c.
OAT ? Fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 19c ; No. 2
white , 19K ? 20c.
RYE No. 2 nominally , 3Sc.
HAY Market steady ; timothy , J10.00S11.50 ;
prnlile , J5.50C7.50.
I1UTTER Market lower ; creamery , 10fl7c ;
dairy , 13 15c.
EGGS Feeling uncertain ; strictly fresh , lie.
Toledo Cirnlu
TOLEDO , Feb. 11 WHEAT Lower ; easy ; No ,
2 cnsh. 73Vic ; May , 74ic ; July , 70-Hc.
CORN Dull nml Rteady ; No. 2 mixed , 29c ; No ,
3 mixed , 28i. c ; Mny , 31c.
OATS-No. 2 mixed , 2014c ; No. 2 white. 22c ;
Mny , 22'iC. !
UYE-Qulct : No. 2 cash , 41c.
CLOVER SEED Active ; easy ; prime , cash ,
J4.CO ; Mnrch , J4.674. !
RECEIPTS Wheat , 8,000 bu.jrn ; , 15,000 bu. ;
onli" , LW ) bu. : clover teed , 23 bags.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 1,000 bbls. ; whent , 7,00 (
bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu , ; clover seed , 279 bags ,
Cotton Market.
ST. LOUIS , Fel > . 11. COTTON Quiet ; MGc
lower ; middling , 7 13-lCc ; fates , 992 bales ; receipts ,
3,295 bales ; shipments , 3,200 bales ; stock , 74,194
NEW YORK. Feb. ll.-COTTON Futures cl > eo
steady ; sales , 10,90) bales ; February' , J7.75 ; Maic.i ,
J7.S4 ; April , J7.S9 ; May , J7.93 ; June , J7.W3 ; July ,
J7.98 ; August , J7.90 ; September , J7.72 ; November ,
J7.63 ; December , J7.ri5.
Middling. Mdc ; net receipts , 8,788 bales ; gross
receipts , 10,257 bales : forwarded , 1,278 bales ;
sales , 220 bales , all spinners ; stock , 157,201 bales.
Pi-orlii MnrkclH.
PEORIA , Feb. 11. CORN Lower ; No. 2 , 27c ;
No. 3 , 2CV4C.
OATS Easier ; No. 2 white , 20G20c ! ; No , !
white , 19Q19Jc. !
RYE Dull ; nominal ; No. 2. 401)iiiJ4014c. )
WHISKY Mailtct steady ; finished goods on the
basis of J1.22 for high wines.
11ECUHTH Corn , 49.WO bushels ; oats. M.SOi
bushels ; rye , none ; whlrky , none ; whent , 10,20 (
bU8h ls.
SHIPMENTS Corn , 14,320 bushels ; oats , 20,53 *
bushels ; rye , none ; whisky , 750 gallons ; wheat ,
17,500 bushels. _
Siiftnr Murki't.
NEW YORK , Feb.'II. ' . SUGAR-Raw , Hrm ;
fair refining , 3Uc ; centrifugal , 90 test , ST4c. Re
fined , quiet ! standard ) -'A . , " 4Jc ; confectioners
"A , " 4c ; cut loaf..1l > Kc ; crushed , 514c ; pow
dered , 5Vic : granulated. 4T c : eulcs , 5He.
LONDON , Fub , 11. SUGAR-Cnne , firm : centri
fugal Javn , 13s lOlidF-Muicovndo. fair refining ,
i : 9d ; Ix t , active un Jileher ; February , 10s lOd ;
March , 12s. -r *
.lltinieniKillH AVIicnt Jlnrket.
MINNEAPOLIS , Kei ! < JJ.TrWHEAT-Cloie ; Fei.
ruary. 5Si,4c ) ; May. WigCO c : July. C2Hc. On
track } No. 1 hard. ! ! i'No. ; 1 northern , 59V4o ;
Nn. 1 northern , [ 8l4c'T ( i'lpts ' , 238 cars.
FLOUR Sl'.w : unchdnfje'd from yesterday ; nmt
patentH , $3.15j6.00 ; H' ld patents. J3.10Q3.10 ;
first clears , > ; .CO ; ccc iid. f'.eure , J2.1032.23.
TrlMt-o U'Uent * ' ( luotntloiiM ,
SAN FRANCISCO. . Toll ) 11. WHEAT-Qulet ;
December , J1.14K ; MtiftjHJG ; cleared , 22,370 cent
als wheat , - -
Fiuaiiclftl'.VoteN ,
BOSTON. Feb. H.-yCloai-lnes , J10,521M7 ; bal
ances. ll.S57.044. fl H
IIALTIMORE. Pel * -Clearlngs , J2,72),1H ;
balances , J40G.539.
NEAV YORK , Feb. II. Clearings , JI15,48I,130 ;
balances , $7,185,480.
PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 11. Clearings , $10CC2 , .
181 ; balances , J1,777.CC7.
ST. IJOVIS. Fcb. 11 , Clearings , Jl.lGS.SlC ; bal-
anei-s , JC3.C.S9 ; money , 403 per cent ; Ne\v York
exchange , par bid ; 25c premium asked ,
WASHINGTON , Feb. 11. Today's condition of
the treasury statement shows : Available casli
balance. $1(1,0)5.199 ; sold rcurvc , J53,2Sr , o35.
CH'CAGO , Fib. 11. Clearings. $13.277.609.
Money , on call , tteady at 6 per cent : tin time- ,
CS7 per cent ; New 'iork exchange , par : foreign
cxchang ? . steadier nt advanced ratec , llanktrs'
London tterllng , $4.S7KC4.i6H.
I1ERL1N. Fcb , 11. Exchange on London , eight
dnyu' night , SO marks , 4514 pfK.
I-AIllH , Feb. Jl. 4 p. m , Three per cent rentes.
102f We for lh account ; exchange en London ,
25f 24c for checks.
LONDON , Feb. 11.Gold Is quoted today at
Uu nou Ayrta at 210.1'J , Madrid , 17.C2 ; Llebon.
Mi Si. Pete-rkburg , M ; Alhtiu. 77 ; Rome. Kfc.W ;
Vienna , 103. T < ie amount of bullion withdrawn
from the IJanK o ( Lnglaail ca balance today
was IKO.W ) .
fairly Liberal Run of Oattlo JJecU n
Bearish Disposition ,
Sloiv Trade ItennltM from SellerV I'n- '
NH to Coneede the Cut
Lone HI MoUol on
n Lively .tlarket.
TUESDAY. I-'cb. 11.
llccelpts for the tlays Inellcntcd nro :
The disposition of lire ilny' . offcrlnRB ol
live stock wns ns follows.cnch buyer pur-
clinplriB the number of henil Indicated ;
Cirttle. Ilosa. Sheep.
Omnha I'ncklnfr company. . CS 522
The O. II. lliunmonil Co , . . r.O O.'ii
Swift nnd Company 43S 1,663 227
The Gmlnhy Packing Co. . 134 1.1SO
A. Unps 19
H. Hccksr ami Dogim. . . . US
W. I. Stovcns 13 r. . . .
Vnnsnnt it Co 47
J , L. Cnrcy SI
J. Lobrnnn & liothschllcl. . M
Ilcckor Hros Z2l ;
lii-nton it Underwood 107
KelEon Morrl ? 9
Shippers nml feeders 371 1 . . . . .
Left over 10)
Totnl 2.131 4,1110 227
CATTMC The receipts of cattle looked
Otilte larsc ns compared wllh the receipts
of the past tew days ; tn fuel , the run -vvns
the InrBcst of the month , KH fur. There
wore , however , only " .lot henil here , us
ngnlnst 1,210 yestortlny nri.l l.SW . on Tucs-
( Iny of lunt week.
The protxirtloii of fat cnttlo on snle WHH
quite luiRe , but nt the same time there
was nothing very prime in tire yards.
There were , however , Bomu pretty decent
cuttle , but n ROOC ! many more that -were
unfinished nnd on the conrslsh order. The
mnrket wns far from satlsfnctory , from n
seller's point of view. The buyers were
claiming that cattle hiul been selling too
hlch here ns compared with other mar
kets , nml that they must have n reduc
tion. Cuttle sold here on Saturday to
speculators went on to Chicago and sold
there yesterday nt no more than wns
paid for them hero. That fact made all
buyerH , both packers and shippers , very
bearish , nnd the result was n decline of
fully luc In values. Salesmen were very
stubborn about milking the concussion. aid
t'no trade wns , In consequence , slow ,
Uutchers * stock wns In liberal supply ,
there being about twenty loads of cows
nnd heifers on sale. The demand wns very
fair , and really desirable stuff sold quite
readily nnd at prices not much different
from yesterday. When It came to the
commoner nnd less desirable grades , the
mnrketna not only slow , but lower.
StockorH and feeders were In small sup
ply ; In fact , there were very few feeders
of good weight. The most of the cattle
were light stockers and the demnnd for
that class of stuff wns suniclcnt to hold
values pretty nearly steady , In spite of the
break In beef cittlo. Hopresentatlve sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. fr. No. Av. Pr.
1..1070 $3 00 53..1317 53 43 10.1303 $3 CO
1..1UUO 325 17..1103 3 SO 2..14K > SCO
18. . . .1100 3 2T 19..14IB 3 SO W..147S SCO
7..1190 335 S0..12Ci 3,10 3..ISM 3 C3
1. . . . 930 323 9..1122 350 4..1032 3 Co
10..HDD 340 12..1282 361 2..1273 3 K >
13..1103 340 20..11BS 350 11..1200 370
W..1103 34' ' ) 13..1123 360 9..1477 370
3..WJ3 349 12..1122 3 W 17..1301 370
C..HM2 3 4i > 19..13K 350 3 > . . . .I3.V > 370
20..114S 343 11..122) 353 10..1391 370
11 10S7 343 30..1268 355 II..1301 373
2..1023 343 U..1404 3 55 17..H2G 373
8..1512 343 12..1179 355 17..1333 3 SO
8..1250 3 43
1. . . . 590 100 1. .1230.230 G..1012 2 C3
1. . . . 710 ISO G. .1150 233 2..1223 270
1. . . . 770 173 2. .1120 233 3..1133 270
1. . . . S.SO 173 2. .1020 240 13..1007 270
1. . . . 990 200 3. .11M 240 1..130I ) 270
8. . . . iS2 200 4. .1123 240 2..700 270
4. . . . OS2 2 IX ) 11. .1130 240 2 , . . , 1163 270
1. . . . 980 200 17. .1100 249 1C..117 ; ) 270
5. . . . 918 200 3. ,1075 210 2.,10V ) 270
,3. , . " . . 070 200 1. .1141) 240 ] . . . . -JO 275
2. . . . 910 2 00 2. . ! I'J3 ' 2 40 1..I1GO 2 75
3. . . . 903 205 16. .1049 243 14..1012 275
1..1110 2 10 1. .1050 2 43 9. . . . P4'J 2 75
4..1030 2 10 11. .1043 2 15 2..12.,3 2 75
3. . . . 970 2'10 9 , .1130 250 7..10S8 273
1. . . . 9SO 210 t. .1110 25D 4..1242 273
2..1130 210 1. .1170 260 1..1100 275
4..1032 213 1. .1120 250 2..11SO 2 S5
1..1030 213 1. .1200 2 f.O l.9iO 2 S3
3..1000 213 11. .1121 250 9..1irl 2 S3
1..1H ) 2 15 1. .1120 2 50 4. . . . 857 2 S3
1. . . . 930 2 15 1. .1540 2 M 6..1212 2 S3
1..1000 213 I. .1140 250 2..12K1 295
3..1016 220 23. .102. ) 255 1..13SO 290
1. . . . 040 223 I. .100) ) 2.13 1C..1033 290
1 . . .1121 2 2.1 1. .1000 2 S3 S..1"- ' *
1..1KO 230 2. .1210 263 8..1123 2 C5
4..1037 230 3. .1016 255 2..9DO S VI
4..1035 233 7. .l'IS3 ' 2 5 1..11CO 300
1. . . . 970 233 . 1. .1170 255 . . . . fl 3 M
0..1000 235 1. .1410 2 .IT 2..1270 310
2..1013 235 2. .1110 2 CO 3..1221 310
i mo i ar. i.12KO 2 f.- I..IMH sir.
. -
HOGS The receipts of liosn were nulle larc (
tmlay , that Is. they , wcro above the averime ,
There weie 4,194 head , IIH BKiil t 1,101 yenti-r
ilny , and 6,636 Tuesday of last wi-pk.
The market vwia just about t > o lower under tin
Influence or the decline at othc-r polnla. Tin
cnrly market wa reasonably active anil UK
bulk of the oflerlnKH chanKdl liunda In good
ni'U on. At thn last It wns n , little slow and tlu
cloHo wr.B wenk ( it the decline. Hummed up In
u few words It wan a 13.65 market , iui ugu\n \ (
n 13.00 market yexturduy , Ono loail tr > uclni ]
(3.92Vi , tut HKalnst } 3,95 , yeaterday'u top. Itepre-
sentatlv raleu :
Jl ? 7J . . . JfS SI 51 . . . S *
52 S1 . . . 3 H Kl 114 . . . S ' . '
M M ! fO 3 f S M 4 . . . S V
(3 an . . . ,1 J1 f. ( ! H * 41 3 f
is ssj . . . 3 iM . . . ac
(2 Ml . . . 3K Itl J * . . . 3V
3S VX ICO 3 SS ! ! 21t . . . 3 H
1 3.10 . . , 300 5 M . . . S 1 !
1 41 . . . SCO 5 26 ( ! . . . 3 ( < !
3 483 . . . 350 2 ) . . . SSI
4 377 SO 3 TO 6 kfl . . . SIC
3 12C (0 S 75 5 Jil . . . 3(1
5 % . . . 380 fi 173 . , , 3 JK
2 840 . . . 3W
SHKKP Only one load wns ircclvnl , nnd
wns ccnslRiied direct to n local pncktr.
K\linrtirx An * Iliiylnix l.llu-rnlly Ii
liriM'lni tin * Trriilo ,
CHlfAOO. Fcb. ll.-t'nlllc tinile xvns'of t
tisunl clmmcttr ttlliujscd on TuoMny. buyi
taking hMil nttlicr op.irlnKly nt yostenlny'v dtclh
U.iminon to extra nntlvo bwf stccru were
bio nt from J3.M to J4.C5. Exporters nrc bxij-l
stcfrs nt from II to tl.Si ) , nnO very unml dretr
beef entile nrc selllnrc for from M.SO to | 3.
Hlnckpni nnd feeilers me very hlsh In pmpoitl
to fnt beeves , selllni ; nt from > 2 CO tu M.SO ; cv
nnd lielfrrs nro Fflllnc fr.ely nt from 12 tu $3.
with a few wnles nt from Jl.M to JI.90. Cnlv
wern In KHOI ! rupply mill In fnlr dementi , prlc
riillnic uteiidy. Tlicre wns n fair ileinatui I
Terns cattle with unlcs mostly nt from $2.35
(3. S3 ,
HOK nunplles this wuk show n tiihMnntl
Knln ns c rnpnrcilllli n week nmi nlvl packt
nr-o ImiuMvlnn tliolr opportunity tu force prlc
lower. All klntlfl , except ileslrublc * llfilit wclRhi
Belling tolny ut n further iiMluctlon nf So. Coi
inon tn choice ihovts noltl nt from J3.M ti } 4. :
tin * bulk fetching from 14.10 to } t.2i ) . nml chol
llKht IIOBS bniUKht from J4.23 to $1.27' * ,
In sheep then * wns n fnlr ilnnnml nml prlr
werp Blvnily ut jcstciilny'ii ileellne. I'oiiUnoii
choice nntlvc slip p me wnntvl nl from f2.o
M.C3 ; wrslein lit from ? ,1.1C to J3.30 ; yi--ulliiKs
from 1.1.75 tn II. nml Innilis nt fnim ( .1 tu 14. '
Snli-.i were i-lilefly nt fr-om J3 to J3.50 fir natl
sheep nnil nt $3.DO nml upwnnl for Inmlis.
Ilereli'tHi ' liitile , 4,500 henil ; boss , 22,000 hen
sheep , 10,000 bind.
IviniMiiN City Mvo Stcu-U.
KAXS.\S CITY. Feb. 11.--CATTI.K--Ilecolil |
S.S'ltl ' lii-nil ; tdilpintMils , 2MO head. MMket wei
nml 100 lower. Texns Btrerw , } 2.riOtT3.4Q ; Tex
rows , Ji.n.Miil Oi ) ; lie f steers. S3.OOy4.SO ; nntl'
cows. H.6.JM,30 : bulls , Jl.COlfJ.CO ; sloclicra nr
fcpib-in. f2.ftifI3.70.
IIOCIK llrat'lptB , 11,110 henil ; slilpmenls , 7
lieiul. Mnrkot went ; nml Sc lower. Hulk of Kale
JJ.S'Mrs.Snj htnvtpM , J3.33iT3.90 : pnckers. $3.60
3.M : mixed , J3.7on3 T : llRlits , J3.COff3.S3 ; Yorker
J.1.75n.t.S5 : plr | , J3.61fi3.SO.
SIlKEP-'Hecdpts. 1,800 liend ; shipments. C
bond. Mnik-t slenily. l.auiljs , J3. : . " > irj.40 ; rnu
tons , i.25S3.45.
St. I.unN Mvo Silicic.
ST. I.OflS. Feb. 11.-CATTI.H llPcclnlii. 3.01
head. SlnrUet slemly. Nntlvc heaven , $ J.I30'4.C '
itoplicrs nnd feeders , } 2.005f3.CO ; cows nnd helfen
t2.HOff3.23 ; Tfsas tteers , J2.M03.05 ; cows , J2.00 :
HOOS--Hrcepls'SfltW ! hentl. Mnrket Co lowe
ileavy , J4.0jyi.13 ; mixed , { 3.SOtf4.10 ; light , { 3.90
I. IT , .
KHEiP llecplpts , EOO hmil. Mnrket stem ! '
N'ntlves , J2.73ff3. ) ; cotithern , $2.1003.50 ; larnl )
! 3.20Ii4.CO. _
XIMV York l.lvc Htoc-U Mnrkfl.
NKW YOItlv. Fcb. 11. llEEVES-Ilecrlpts , 6
licnil ; steady. Cables quote live stock nt 9i'9li
lefrlwerntor beef nt 6irt7 ic.
CAIjVKS llecelptt. 12.1 head ; firm ; venls , CSTJi
ivestern calves , J3.75.
SHEEP AND LAMMS Hpcelpts , 4.3C5 hem
Irm ; sheep , poor to prime , J4.S3 ; choice , henvj
(4.23 ( ; wethers , $4.60 ; two decks , choice , extr
inmbi sold nt J3.50M5.CO.
1IOQS llccelpts , 2,909 jicnd ; olnw nt JI.605J4.S' } .
Stcu-k In
Ilccord of receipts nt the four principal mm
sets for Tuesday , February 11 :
Cattle. HOBS. Sheer
> outh Omaha . 2.131 4 191 22
hlcnRO . 4,600 22,00) 10.00
vanfas City . S.SOO 11. 1M 4.SC
it. Louis . 3,000 8,000 80
Totals . . . . , , 43,291 15,81
lUiIiIirr noic7MltTns : Hold.
NEHV YOK1C , Feb. 11. Deposits of K"ld wer
iirmennrs trdny , but sulitrensiiry nlllclnls say thn
hey cnn only generalize ns t the totnl nmouri
> wln to the Krent number of * > mill tlepo&lts nlv
o the turning In of gold certlllcn'.CA Up to
'clod ; , wtun nn approximate } 5,0-)0,000 ) hiul beei
redlted to bidders for the lionds , ns n ipul
C today's operations. The depositor's Includu
r.dlvldunl bank corporations , the new sovernrneii
lend dtpoiltors and bullion brokers. TIic with
raw als were placed approximately nt JGU5UO > ) , nl
or m count ot bullion brokcis.
lilt Slion. . SluMVOil I.lttli- inot I it it Wliei
I , -d Into tliu I ) on Hi Cliiimlier.
DANNEMOIIA , N. Y. . Fcb 11. Dar
holomcw Shea dlcj In the electrical dial
oday , paying the penalty for the murdo
T llobert Uoss at Troy In May , 1S93. Shji
ras attended to the gallows by a clergymai
rorn hlo home and by a priest from tin
loman Catholic church of this place. Afte ;
ocelvlng the last sacrament Shea said : "
m Innocent , father. Innocent , " nn asscrttoi
, -hlcli ho repeatoj during the rlto of anoint
lent. When ho was conducted Into tin
oath chamber he started as he came ii
Ight of the electrical chair , but said noth
The straps being adjusted , the priest , It
> w tones , read the oarvlco of the dead
Vhlle the priest read , the flrst voltage wai
urned on. It was ? 9:55 : when Shea entere ,
lie room and 9:58 % when ho was pronounced
The current sent the body tightly agalns
he straps , and the neck and the tared le ;
row purple. For thirty-one seconds tlio con
act was maintained and reduced to a llgh
oltago for thirty-one tcconJs , when tin
urrcnt was turned off. There was an es
ape of air from the fllloJ lungs , nnd Dr
tanson ordered the current en again. /
ontact of twenty-Haven 83conds was main
alncd and then the stethoscope failed ti
how any life.
The escape of air from tlio lunge sounded
Ike a prolonged sigh and made tome pee
lo think that there was llfo , but the phy
iclans eaid that death was instantaneous.
Kc Goirlil anil n IVjiluiHli SyniUriili
.tlnkc ii I'uri-liiiNf.
CHICAGO , Fcb. 11. The Post today pays
'An extensive deal In Illinois coal lands
embracing nearly 11,000 acres , hai
> een practically completed by i
Jew York and Chicago oyndlcati
epresent'nK two cf the largest railway com
lanles In the country. Tlio syndicate hai
drcady obtained an option on 10,100 acres o
oal land In the Grape creek district , over
ylng a rich vein containing not leas thai :
5,000,000 tons of bituminous coal.
George ) Gould and tha Wabaeh road are
aid to bo largely Intur.CEtcd In tlio del
, 'lilch threatens tlio valuable Interests of th (
! h'cago & eastern Illinois road In coa
rolghtago from Hint district to Chicago. Tin
stenslblo promoter of the deal , T. II
Iroughton , vlco president of the Cresceni
leal ami Mlr.lng company and manager ol
ho syndicate , has denied tint Gould or tlu
Vabash road Is Interested In the big deal
nit the denial may bo withdrawn later whei
ho last details of the work of securing c'n
rol of this vaut tract of r'cli coal lands an
ompleted. The names of all capitalists con
lected with the syndicate arc being closel )
: uarded just at present , but It Is known thai
ho deal Involves tlio building of a new rail
cud to tap the flclda. From reliable tourcei
ho Information gained Is that this enter
rlso will bo the largest since the anthracite
omblnatlcn , now merged Into the Heading
yndlcato , which lo In a etato of rcorganlza <
Ion. "
of iv Stoiini
NEW YORK , Feb. 11. The otenm
.cater . , during a fierce storm today , eanli
It Ileckaway Inlst. A tug went to the rc '
ut > of her crow ot nine men. The men
t the llfc-iuving station bullcve they wen
xved , A report from Coney Island rayt
.at the llfo saver * * there KIW two mcri
anglng to a yawl und bcroru hnlp could be
Iven they tank out of sight. They alsc
ly they tmv the Two Brothers pick up out
inn and that was all. All three stations arc
tokliig for the men. The wind Is blowing
Qventy-flght miles an hour.
\Vlllll IlltMVllIK' II IllMVlllIK
CLI2VI5LAND , Feb. 11. A howling gale ,
'hlch commenced blowing from the
irly last evening , continue ! today with un-
ated fury. At the local weather olllco
l morning the wind Inrtrumoiits recorded
maximum velocity of ilxty-fcur miles. Much
has been caused
imago of a minor character
f the storm. Slgna and telegraph and tel-
phone wires were blown down all over thu
vehlcli-i on the
ty , In several Instances
reels wcro picked up and turned upside
i\\n Ly thu wlnJ.
Mulliil Foil 11. 1
The jury In the caw against James Mul-
t , charged with burglary In entering lloat-
ghl's saloon and stealing four sets of pool
ill * , returned a verdict cf guilty of petit
rceny. The prisoner wan remanded to jail
await sentence.
City of Olovcland Visited by Another Pntftl
Accident ,
of n UIIKO Witter Mnln
llousi'H , Frclulit Cnm ,
Triickn nnil I
Into the lllver.
CKKVKIiAND , Feb. 11 , At an early hour
this morning nn Innncnso water main burst
with tcrrlflc force on Franklin avenue hill ,
Just west of Cuyahoga river , ami with th
great volume ot water that poured out several
hundred fool of the hilt , on which was located
many small housi < ! > , was washed Into the
A small one-story frnmo house , occupied
by Mrs. Mary Havcy , CO years old , 9 Franktln
Hill , was Immilitcd and with Us contents
was hurled Into the river , Mrs. Uavcy was
drowned. Her body was recovered an hour
A Now York , 1'cnnsylvan'a & Ohio freight
train was passing at the foot of the hill at
the time and the forceut the water carried
several cars Into the river. On the cars
were three ot the train crow and the men
were carried down with the cars. Two of
the men jumped before the river was reachcil
and escaped , but the third was dumped Into
the river , and but for the nsslgtnnco of the
tenders ot the Columbus street bridge would
hnvo been drowned , Tlio man was badly
Injured ,
Houses were wnched along cr dropped Into
a great pit scooped out by the rng ng water
and much damage was done.
Many ilTtrrow Cic.tpes from death nre ro-
portcd. John McDcrmott , who lived In the
rear nt his saloon , corner Franklin avcnuo
mil Columbus street , nario.Uy escaped drown ,
with his whole family. It's wlfo and two *
children slept In a back roam and the hus
band In the room adjoining. About ,1 o'clock
a watchman from the ColumbiH street bridge
aroused .McDcrmott by breaking m his win
dow. He found his wlfo sleeping with a
child on cither side and the water swirling
almost on a level with their heads. McDermott -
mott carried them all to the street In their
night clothes.
The man who went down with the freight
nars proves to have been Edward Mnloney ,
the conductor of the train. Ho was carried
Into the river and pinned down by the
wreckage , with h's head above water. Ills
back was seriously Injured and he was hurt
When the flood of water struck the train
Harry Watson , a newsboy passing along the
tracks on his way from th ? city , wns hurled
\galnst the line ot freight cjrs and badly
Mil about the head nnd shoulders.
About forty feet below the spot where
Mrs. Havoy's house had stood was situated
: ho two-story trnmo house ot Sylvester
Jotter , n recluse. With the sound of rush-
ng water ho sprang from bed and startcil
lor the door. He was too late. The house
ivas picked up bodily ami carried nbout
ilncty feet nnd then dropped on the edge
: t n deep gully wh'ch the water had scooped
5tit. There It hung for a moment and then
; oppled over , Its top testing on the bottom
if the big hole. Cotter was thrown to the
: elllng of the room from which ho had
started to escape. For a moment he was
itunned , but quickly regained his strength ,
: llmbed from the window and reached the
Bottom of the houM , which was then on top.
Three ho remained until the water should
ibato "nd he was rescued.
IIUly to Xrvor Knee tlio-
SdirdlAttain. .
SAN FHAtfCISCO , Feb. 11. H Is likely-
hat Crescendo , the great 3-year-old of
\'nglo Uurko's Pueblo stable , will never
ace the starter again. On Sunday at tire
Jay district track ho was so sarlously In
ured that ever since ho has been unable to-
land. While being walked about on the cx-
rcmo outside of the track ho was run into
iy another horse and , his collar bono war *
Crescendo Is now In the hands ot a vcterl-
arlan , who is doing everything that Is pos-
Iblo and there' is a slight chanca that he
lay be brought around so as lo race In
bout six months. Even It he does recover ,
. Is doubtful whether he will over bo the
Irescendo of old. AB a 2-year-old he wa
ne of the1 very best In the country , rimIng -
Ing second to Itrqultal In the Futurity
takes last autumn. Stnco then he has won
great many purses and several stakes on
Ills coast. Ho wns heavily engaged for volu
ble stakes both In California and In the
ast nnd his Injury means that his owners
Mil lose many thousands ot dollars ,
handed down from gener
ation to generation , be
comes a matter of family
pride the more noted the
maker , the more noted the
plate. It is , therefore , a
gracious and a kindly * 4
do in Silver
thing to , buying
ver for this purpose , to see
that it bears the stampof the
most famous silversmiths
of the present century the
GORHAM trade-mark :
Too good for Dry GooJt Storei
Jfivelers only , ,
Mi reason \\o conlliio oiirnolves lo florluuii
iho A'aro is beu.uiHo ll'H the only really vooJ.
H K. Corner IMIt and Hoggins.
Our Free Letter
Reviewing HID ( Train and slock market ) , will tw
nl you dally on requeit. In tin hope of deierv
II part of your butlneu. Order * solicited for
nil cr on three to five point margins.
Member * Chicago Hoard of Tiaae. New York
roducu Kiclmiiiif. New York Coo > . Illock III-
i&nce. 17 lloaid TraSe , CulcaiiO. 44 Uroadway ,
evr York ,
Telephone 10if > . Oiuiilin , Neb.
J-xna lll'i ' Hoard of Trade.
Direct wir < a to CmcnKO nnd New York.
John A , Warren & Co
Ilought and Bold an commission. Heche"
iveitmeol Co. , Colorado Byrlnuu , Colo.