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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEN ! ICftDAY , 'FBimiTAHY 12 , 1800. r COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MI.M > K Mr. Trr Moore fc Ellla' "Sultana" lOo I The lice ofneo. No. 10 North Main street 1 A ease ot diphtheria It reported at 1C23 Second avenue. Henry Belong Is conducting Salvation army meetings In Omaha. Burn , to Mr. nnd Mrs , W. M. Shepard of Madleon park , a girl. Thn receipt * for the Christian Homo the past week were (117.20. Mr * , ti. II. CoiMliHt has returned from an extended visit at Nebraska City. The cass of Tliomns aRilnst the city In still on trial In the district court. V. i : . Smith of this city nnd Jennie II. Still of Omaha were married In Omnhn yes terday. The Grand hotel , Council nitiffs. High clasa In every respect. Hates , $2.f.O per day end upward. B. F. Clark , proprietor. n. M , Winter * hns commenced suit In foreclosure against Miles Hoop and otliorn on lot 3. hlock 27 , Hums' addition , for Judg ment on a $500 promissory note secure , ! by mortgage on tlie property. Tlio property of Marcn < t Marks , nt 203 nraadnny , was sold liy Deputy Sheriff Tinker yeMerdny on exrcutlou In favor of the Coun cil UlufTH Fruit Growers' Shipping a socla- tlon. The Kale realized $230. All Hie mcmhers of the cla 3 Hint Is pre paring to render the "Model Sclicol" comedy Friday and Saturday nights are- urged to bent nt the cpori house tonight nt 8 o'clock to go through with n dress rehMMnl. The Mica cf reserved feats for the ' 'Model School" comedy commences this morning nt the box fifllce of the opera house at 9 o'clock jdnrp. ( ndmtrslon tn nil patts of the bouse , BO cents. No extra charge for re served seals. Justlco Cook yesleiday afternoon united In marriage J. T. Kllllon , n colored man , nnd Tina Marlcll , n white woman. They clnlmcd to come from Denver , nnd Insisted upon having the largest nnd most gorgeously llli'tnlnntc.l ' man-lago certificate that could lie found In the city. All members nf Abe Lincoln post No , 20 , Grand Army of the Ilcpulillc , wishing to nttcnd n public camp fire nt Crelghton Ht.ll , rifticntli nnd Harney streets , Omaha , this evening , given by the Grand Army of the Ilepublic , department encampment of Ne braska , will please report at Orand Army of the Ilepublic hall at 7:30 : p. m. sharp. By order of Frank Grass , post commander. Hugh W. GOSB , adjutant. Moore & Ellis' "Corner , " best 5e cigar. Wanted , good farm loans In western Iowa at lowest rates. Money loaned for local In vestors on bc i of security netting 6 per cent. Flro Irmirancn written In reliable companies. Lougco & Towlo. 235 Pearl street. Ilnlf I'rlcr Snliof Kniinc * . Great sale ! Surpasses half price sales of former years. Get your pictures framed while they arc going at hnlf price. H. L. SMITH & CO. Iivo you soon the new gas neatlng stivr It the company's olflceT Miss Luclla Hoyo of Cambridge , O. , It- visiting her uncle , 0. M. Brown , . at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Forrytli , 721 First avenue. . ACCtlSKH OK III3ING A CHOOIC. OcorKiOttlioriif Tnlti-ii < o Slonx City ClinrKol wlih Poi-Ki-ry. When George Osbornc gets through with the U'oodbury county officers he will know that It Is wrong to sign other men's names to orders for fruit trees , sewing machines and other things that are usually sold by traveling solicitors. George was in the city Jail for several hours yesterday engeged . in thinking the matter over. His conclusions wcro not mauo pumic when Biiemr Davenport t9ot | him to , Sioux City lost evening. He was ' 'nrrestc.d at" Crescent City yesterday on two warrants , charging forgery and cheat ing by false prctcnsEs. Osborno Is an Itinerant fruit tree merchant , who has been selling fruit tree ? throughout the western pait of the state and Nebraska , for a nursery located at Corrcctlonvllle , forty miles from Sioux City , which Is owned by D. Shontz , who four years ngo held the position of Jailer at the city Jail here. When business Was dull ho expedited It by filling out the order blanks for the farmers and afllxlng their names without troubling them about such a little matter as a signature. He turned In to the nursery man about $500 worth of these easily token orders and re ceived his commUslo-n upon them. When the farmers were notified through the malls by the nurosryman that their orders had been booked and would be delivered In duo time , yomo of them took the trouble to write back nnd tell the nursery man that when they wanted fruit trees they would order them. A largo num ber of sjch letters gave Shontz an Idea that It might be profitable to find out what thesw men were talking nbcut. The Investigation that followed led to Iho discovery that Os berne had collected commissions upon a largo lot cf forged orders. The matter was placed In the hands of the Woodbury county officers , and the grand Jury returned two Indictments against the man. Osborno Is about 25 years old and a flno looking fellow. Ho has had some pretty rough experiences lately. Last fall ho was nearly killed by a collision on a brldgo near Crescent. Ho was crossing the bridge In his buggy and was run down by a farmer with n heavy wagon and a wild team. For several weeks ho was at the point of death. Ho comes from n good family , and has a brother In Council Bluffs and ono In Omaha. A social will bo given tomorrow ( Thurs day ) evening at the First Presbyterian church by the flower committee. A program will bo a special feature of the evening and re freshments will also bo served. Admission 15 cents. Beautiful novelties In Valentines and very cheap at Dellavcn's. Wo offer you only clean , crisp , snow white laundry work and best delivery service at Caglo laundry , 724 I'roadway , Telephone 167. Foil ml No Stolen OooilN. Deputy Sheriff Baker went to Carson yes terday with a search warrant for the pur pose of looking for stolen goods In the Jiouscs of several relatives of Alexander , the man accused of robbing a number of Rock Island freight cars. The hunt was without results. The Carson friends and relatives of Alexander deny knowledge of his offenses and are very respectable people , apparently. The Rock Island officials are still convinced that Alexander has a plant of stolen goods Bon-ewhero. A lecture on electricity , under the BUS- plcqs of the Young Men's Literary club of Grace- church , will bo delivered by Mr. C. A. Atkins In the guild rooms ot the church , corner of Union and Pierce streets , on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. At kins will Illustrate- his lecture by scientific experiments. Admission free. 11 ot Hull Snail. We have 1,000 bet bed slab which wo are going to close out. They won't last long , How many do you want ? Wo will make you a price that cannot be duplicated. C. B. Taint , Oil and Glass company , Masonic tem ple. Council Bluff . Dr. Cleaver's office moved to COO Broadway Columbia bicycles. Highest of all high grades. Call and pee them at Cole & Cole. I.ICl-IIHfll tO Wfll. Man-Inge license were Issued yesterday by the clerk of the courts as follows ; Name and nddresB. Ace William Barnes. Atlantic , la 23 Tlllle Magnupon , Atlantic. la , , 33 John F. Cond. jr. , Omaha 25 Mary D. Hughet ) , Council Bluffs 21 August Hanpen , Mlnden , . , , . . , 37 Hannah Clausen , Mlnden " 5 J. T. Kllllon , Dcnvor. . , , 27 Tina Murte'l , Denver . , . . , , , , . . 21 Wesley Park. Pottnwattiunle county rs Nettle L , Crandall , J'ottawattamlo county 21 The big special sale at tha Durfco Furni ture compnny'8 U In full blast. There were fcomo the grcateit bargains given there * yes terday ever offered In Council Illuff , The sale lasts ten dayi. Don't ml i our special ale of aluminum ware for th next ten day , Cole and Cole. Davis , only drug irtore with registered clerk. LINE FOR UNITED ACTION Retail Morcbants Form an Organization for the City's Interests. SEVERAL PLANS BRIEFLY DISCUSSED Coniinlllcrn Aitpnlnteil ( n I'rniarc n .Srlii-inc for I'crimiiioiit Oi-Kiinl/a- tlim nt tinItctnlt Mi-rulmiiti Homo of thi ; lili'iix Neaily 100 business men , representing the retail trade of Council Bluffs In nil of Its different branches , met at the court house last night and took the preliminary steps toward the organization of an association of retail merchants for the purpcso ot uork'ng for tlie building up of local trade and the advancement of thr business Interests of Council Iluffs. ) The mectlni ; was held In rcsponso to the call which was published In The Dee yester day , and the attendance was fully up to the expectations of the men ho have been mo t active In promoting the plan for the or ganization. Men representing many of the Interests of the c ty In the varkus llnea of retail trade were present , and while there was no prearranged plan , for the work In hand , the men present ucre unanimous In the opinion that , some unity of action was nec essary for the advancement of the commer cial luterci'ty of the city. The call for the meeting was read by Mr. J. C. Do Haven and Mr. Andrew Bell waj selected ns temporary chalrnun of the meet ing. Mr. J. G. Sullivan was chooin tem porary secretary and the meeting was opan for stiggcstlCns from the merchants present asi to the l > C ! t plan of acccmpl.shlng the ob ject * of the proposed organization. J. J. Fearon offered the first rugge tlon. Ho said that some yeirs ago. when ho lived at Syracuse , the merchants of that city met thn department store competition by starting a department store of their cwn. Each mer chant put In a counter and shared hlo pro portionate cost of the expenua of the estab lishment and then used printers' Ink liberally , nd all of the merchants were benefited by the plan. Mr. Fcaron suggested that such a stcru located In the Elseman bu Idlng would draw much of the trade that now goes to the department"stores of Omaha. Mr. S. S. Keller stated that ho supposed the meeting wns an Informal and a prelim inary one , for the purpose of talking over plans that might be adopted for the benefit of all the merchants of the city. He thought the hotels should be Interested tn the move ment as well as the retail merchants , and that plans chould be adopted to bring people ple to the city. He advised that steps be taken looking to the creation of a grain market In thin city In time to look after the fall trade and that preliminary steps should ha taken In that direction at once. Then the business men , in their dally Intercourse with their friends , should talk and explain the disadvantages that come from spending their money In other cities. Each dollar that a property owner of Council Bluffs spends In another city depreciates the value of his property that much , and each dollar that a laboring man spends outside of the city re duces the chances for his employment In this city. If the merchants of the city would Impress upon their customers that they cculd get goods In this city ns cheap as elsewhere the rci'ul ! ) would be an increase of the local trade. There was much that the club could nccompllph for the. general good , and he was anxious thnt all plans for the advancement of the general Interests bo fully sunm.n nTMTn ! < TT TUP ! Trmrxr Mr. W. H. Bradley urged that the flrst step necessary was to orgsnlze and get working committees In the field and have men at the head of the association who were ready and willing to act on the suggestions of the retail dealers. Something should be doneto bring people to Council Bluffs to trade , and ho was in favor of the adoption of any plans that would accomplish that re sult. If excursions would do It , ho was In favor of excursions , but ho wanted them rui during the week , and not on Sunday. He was In favor of fairs and expositions' ant special gala day attractions , when the mer chants could offer their special bargains ana convince people that they could do as wel In Council Bluffs as they could elsewhere- Ho had no quarrel with people who Insisted upon buying their gocda In Omaha or any other town , but he was In favor of usilm , every legitimate effort to show Council Blufrs people and others living In territory tribu tary to this city that they could do as wel hero as elsewhere. This would require work and unity of action , and he was in favor o : It. He did not favor any close corporation nnd would withdraw from any organization that attoinptod to fix prices , or to do any thing that was not for the benefit of the city in general. If people could bo Induced to como to Council Bluffs to trade he would take bis chances In getting his oharo of the business. On motion of Mr. Dellaven , the chairman and secretary selected temporarily , were made the permanent chairman and secre tary of the organization. Some discussion was had as to the name of the organiza tion , and finally the meeting adoptel the nirne suggested by Mr. DcIInvcn , that of the Retail Merchants' Association of Coun cil Bluffs. Mr. D. W. Bushnell was elected vice president , Mr.T. . C. DeVol treasurer and the following gentlemen chosen as an executive committee : A , Whltelaw , C. S. llyers , M. Woolman , W. H. Bradleyi Frank Peterson , S. T. McAtee , Charles Deno and J. C. DcHavcn. Messrs. Whltelaw , Byers and Woolman wcro appointed as a committee on resolu tions and by-laws. There was some dis cussion as to the time nnd frequency of meetings , uid It was finally decided to meet twlco each month for the present. The qicf-tlon of dues was left to the executive committee. Another meeting will bo held at the city building next Tuesday night , at which the report of the committee on constitution anJ by-laws will bo received. 1'AIIH SUMMITS A XI-JW OltDINAKCK. S I'rlvllt-pri-M Union n me on Avc- 11110 UN nivoii Terminal Company. At the special meeting of the city council laet evening Mr. Paul and the Iowa Construc tion company occupied considerable time In discussing the various phases of the propo sition Involved In the Indian creek deal. The company presented Us written accept ance of the right of way ordinance , granted some tlmo ago , and the document was placed on file. The reports of the committee on police and health , and of the meat and milk Inspector wcro read and placed en flic. The com mittee on police an-1 health recommended that the council grant the right to John Hammer to use the pest house for one of his tenants , and the recommendation was concurred In with the provision that Ham mer should put the building In good condi tion and vacateIt whenever neejed for hocpotal purposes. The finance committee presented the fol lowing resolution : Whereas , On July H. 1S9I. $5ono , nnd on August 20. U9I , , were transferred from the police fund to the special , assessment grading fund , UH n temporary loan , to take up boidw then matutlng , for which no funds were on hand , in consequences of back Intel cut not Iinvlng been collected ; andWhereas Whereas , The prenter part of said back Interest bus been collected nnd la now on 1mm ] ; therefore ho it ilebolveu. That the cum of $3,000 be now transferred back to the police fund , and that the eum of 17,000 be trnnsfvned from the police fund to the general fund , nnd that said sum bo used In taking up out standing ( -i'iu-ral fund warrants. The resolution wns adrpted , Mr. Paul's substitute ordinance , granting the Iowa Improvement company permission to cross Broadway and other streets wei > t of Ninth ftrcet. was brought up and dis cussed. The ordinance Is simply a revision of the former ono made by Mr. Paul , but making it apply more epeclflcally to tlio right of way on Union avenue , and em bodying the same points contained In the ordinance granted the Urldgo and Terminal company , A lengthy dltcuzslon arose over tha reference of the ordinance to n committee or to a committee of the whole A motion to refer It to the committee o the whole wns carried nn.l reconslderei and It was then refcrrc.l to n special com mlttee. consisting of Aldermen Greenshleld and Spetman , to consider It nnd report t the committee of the whole Monday after noon. The Worklngmen's Friendly club sub milled a communication asking the counc to employ members of Its organization "quajlty and prlca being equal , " on ell ' work' such as they could do. The commun cation nos referred to the committee o streets and alleys , with a suggestion to ac upon it as favorably ns possible. The council adjourned until Monday even Ing. _ I'OMTICS IUCOM1\U VI3UY WAI13 UiKM-rlaliitlcN About nil Utic niliucnt UroitliiK Dully. The usual anxious Inquirer seeking pollt cal enlightenment has appeared , but he In net been as successful as he usually Is 1 getting the d 1red Information , largely fc the reason that the oracle to which ho pro pounds his conundrums has been a sphyn so far In the present municipal contosl. H used some plain Anglo-Saxon words when h mode his Inquiries to the organetteyci'tcr dny morning , but the men who turned th crank of Iho "machine" could cnly grin out a little ? iat of generalities. There wane no nnswcr to the queries : "Who Is mop 1 kely to get the nomination for mayor , am who do you favor ? " "Wo would like to hav ycu tell us wuo your candidate is. " The answer of the "machine" when 1 moved lugubcrously was delightfully sphynx like nnd Indefinite , and was to the effect thn the "machine" would be found "onthusl nstlcslly supporting the man who wa elected. " The official call for the republican city can ventlon and primaries was Issued by Chair man Turner last evening , fixing the prl marlos for Saturday evening and the convcn lion for Wednesday , at the county cour house. The call designates the places fo holding the primaries. The First ward voter will meet nt 520 East Broadway at 73 ; ( o'clock ; Second ward , at the city building Third warJ , flrst precinct , at Justice Walk er's cfllco ; second precinct , at 803 South Main itreet ; Fourth ward , flrst precinct , at cour hoiu's ; second precinct , at Smith's hall Fifth ward , at 1102 Fifth nvenue ; Slxtl ward , firet precinct , nt 2020 Broadway ; sec end precinct , Cut-Off Island , Jensen hal The prospects are that the primaries wll bo moro numerously attended than at any previous city election for many years. Th disposition seems to bo very strong to revel against the management of the half dozen men who operate the "machine" and man Ipulate the conventions In about any way they chooss. The soldier clement In Council Bluffs ha always been very strong , and the member of the old guard have a preferred candlat for mayor. The following communication from a representative of this element wa prc nted to 'the self-styled local organ o the republican party yesterday and rfcfueec publication : In view of the fact thnt there Is to be a ccntest made in the near future for a candl date for mayor , I deem It but just to the soldier clement that a soldier be placed u the head of the republican ticket , and as wo recognize the fact that by the prescn city council action hns been tnken to have the state legislature enact a. law to do away with the expensive luxury of n supe rlor court and have Iks duties devolve upon the mayor , thereby saving a needless tax and Imposing a duty upon the. mayo whereby he can conscientiously earn hi salary. It Is but just and proper that a man should be chosen who is conversan with the law , and In Judfre George Carson we soldiers present n comrade In time o war and an esteemed citizen in time o peace , pnd in the face of the fact , am which Is a disgrace to the republican party that not one soldier holds an elective olllnt In the city , wo demand It ns n wel earned ngnt tnat we oo represented in tnt nomination of George Carson for mayor In the approaching1 convention. The republican party Is considered the soldiers' party by Inheritance , and we have the best right to any gift in the hands o the people as n reward for services ren dercd nnd hardships endured In the serv ices of our country when wo were young nnd by whose valor alone the emblem o human liberty waves untnrnlshol over every section of the union , and is saluted T/ltl honor In every part of the world. Wo claim a just right from the masses of the people , regardless of party strife , that the veterans , the only champions of freemen who dared to meet the enemy In deadl > conflict , be recognized yet while living , ant do awav with the present style of honor ing with resolutions of respect at death nnd walling forth anthems of. praise unti hcarfo for a monument to mark the place where a hero Is burled , and the widows and orphans crying- for bread. Such sight ! nnd Fcenes are witnessed every day al over this union. Judge Carson deserves the honor , nnd needs the salary , and ever\ man who volts for him wTl feel hlmseli honored for having once In hi" life votec for nn honest man. JOHN M. HARDEN. SIIKA'S SALOON INJUNCTIONS. .Sonic of the CJIHI-H Coiiuni-ncctl in AllKKSt I'HNHlMl UllOII. Judge Thorncll yesterday took up a bunch of the Injunction cases commenced last Au gust by J. J. Shea against n number of the saloon keepers of the city. There were forty cases commenced and cnly a part cf them considered yesterday. In the case against Brugman Bros , ami the Dshany estate a permanent Injunction was Issued on default of answer and default wa3 also taken In the case against M. Sulli van and Mrs. V , Schott. Temporary Injunctions were Issued against Mosher & Sherritt of the Mint and the Odd Fellows' association , which owns the prop erty , and against C. M. Wherry and C. Saar , the owner of the property occup'ed by Wherry. The cases commenced by Shea against a number of saloons last week will prcbably not bo heard this tenn. Recollect the "Model School" will bo ren dered by sixty-six of our own prominent townspeople and will be the best thing ever given by our citizens , and for the hncfl * of two worthy objects , the relief of tha unor , nd ass'sting in securing church property. blephan Bros , for plumbing and beating also fine line of gas fixtures , Ilt-liiK' Tried for Wife- CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Feb. 11. ( Special. ) A murder case that Is attract ng attention all over the state Is on trial In the district court of Chlckasaw county at New Hampton. It Is that of L. R. Van Tassel , who Is charged with the murder of his wife , and If the ftate succeeds In proving what It claims It will be able to , he Is ono of the worst villains of the day. A little less than five ywirs ago Van Tassel , who had always borne. an excellent reputation , was married to a beautiful young lady of New Hampton , who had been a leading school teacher of that county. She was suddenly taken 111 , and on Juno 5 , lEOo , after a few days' Illness , died. Van Tastcll and lis ! wife had , as far an known , always lived a happy life. He was very devoted to her and she thought the world of him. Yet ho showed 1 ttle or no grief at her death , and In about two weeks began making violent protestations of love to a Bister of his late wife. This lead the people to become suspicious , nnd wme of the neighbors eei on foot a scries of In vestigations. They found that Van Tassel had purchased polscn at three different places only a short tlmo before the- death of h'p ' wife. A detective was employed , who claims to liavo secured a confession that the pr'tcncr killed his wife. It was upon the strength of this confession that an Indictment was returned against Van Tabbel for murder In the first degree. The case was continued from tlmo to time until the present term. AVOC-II rioiu-i-r Kllli-il. AVOCA , la. . Feb. 11. ( Special Telegram. ) George Grothy , one of Avoca's earliest et- Urn , was Instantly killed by his wagon oadcd with Ice running over liU hsail. He was hauling Ice to Walnut and was \yjlklng jesldo the wagon going down hill , when his 'oot slipped , pitching him under the sheels. . le was brought home ub ut neon. He leaves a wife end four children. Ono Minute Cough Cure toucucs the right fpot. It also touches It at Iho right t'.r..e ' It ou take It ft'hcn you have a cougs or See the point ? Tlion don't cough. IOWA WILL BE TIB FIRST IN Legislature to Endorse the Exposition Plan OMAHA COMMITTEE WARMLY WELCOMED Governor Siuimli-r * Gltrii tin Otntlon In llollil lloiiHi-N unit ANniirvil if EiirnrMt Support liy Governor DrnUpt - I DES MOINES , Feb. 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) An enthusiastic meeting was held Ibis afternoon at the Savery house In the Interest cf the Transmlsslsplppl exposition at Omaha. The delegation from Omaha met members of the legislature and the state officers. About twenty leading members of the legislature , with Governor Drake and Lieutenant Governor I'arrott were present. Governor Drake was made chairman , A resolution was presented , which will be of fered as a joint resolution to the legisla ture and will bo adopted. Its adoption was moved by Spsaker Uycrs of the house. It Is ao follows : Whereas , Delegate' * representing the Iwcnly.four states west , of Ihe Mississippi river , nt the Trnnsmlsslsplppl congress of 1S93 , adapted n resolution providing for the holding of nn exposition of Ihe producls , manufactured , urts nnd Industries of lliese slnlea and territories ; nnd Whereas , The said convention voted to hold said exposition nt Omaha , Neb. , In 1S9S : and Whet can , The common Interests ? of the states nnd ttnltorlcs constituting the great region will be promoted thereby , nnd the Interests of thu Elate of lovtn , lying nt Its gateway , will be especially bcnelltcd by such nn exposition on Its borders ; therefore , be It KcKolved , By the general assembly of Iowa thnt the holding of the said Trnns- mlt-alFHlppI exposition Is heartily approved , nnd that the people of Iowa are urged to co-opcrnte with the people ° f the other elates of the iransmMlsslppi region , and with those of her neighbor , nnd take this opportunity of mnkKg a fitting dis play ot their resources ; nnd be it further Resolved , That n copy of these resolutions ba sent to the senators and representatives from lown In the national congress with the request that they promote as far ns possible the said exposition ! Speeches were made on the resolutions by Governor Saundere ot Nebraska , Lleu- tenant Governor I'arrottJudge Strawn , Speaker Dyorj , I. M. Trcynor , J. A. Wake- Jleld. Senator Palmer , President Pro Tern A. I ) . Funk of the senate , nnd others. Both houses of the legislature ac corded a warm welcome to a ccmmltteo from Omaha today. It cams for the purpose cf presenting the Transm'sslsslppl exposition to the Iowa legislature. Governor Saunders \\&a escorted to the chair In both houses nnd wag given an ovation. In the senate he was Invited to address the body by Lieuten ant Governor Parrott. and briefly rot fcrth the plan and scope of the Transmlsslsslppl exposition. The resolution will pass without opposition. Harvey Ingham , Algona , was nominated to be regent of the State university , vice H. F. Obborno cf RIppey , by the republ'can caucuo of the Tenth district. Speaker Byers created a sensation t'.ils mcrnlng by cutting short the'1 reading of a resolution from Brooklyn "Grand Army poH , which In most vigorous language condemned the action of the Monument ComtnlMlon In making the selections of representative sol diers for portraits and" medalllona The speaker said that "lie to be dis tinctly undcrstocd that 1/ercaftcr / he would permit 110 petition or resolution read from the clerk's desk which would' In any way rolled on the Monument Commission. " The Grand Army pootu are sending In their re plies to the Inquiries scij't out to them by order cf the house In regard to the finishing touches to be placed on the monument. The posts so far heard from arc unanimously in favor of keeping off all portraits , meJalllons and names of Individual officers and pr.vatc ojldlers and wleh the monument to ba sur mounted with , an apprprlate ) ' emblem of peace not waV. In rerpe'ctr'to"other details fhero Is somedlrTercncfl"of _ opinion , as well as on the proposition of removal to some- more commanding location. PROHIDS IN THE SENATE UNEASY. It Is generally conceded that the senti ment In the senate In favor of rcsubmlsslon Is on the Increase , though the most san guine friends of the measure do not claim to have the necessary number of to insure Its pasiugo. The senators who have all along been regarded as favorable to resubmission - submission are Bell , Berry , Byers , Carney , Cheshire , Druet , Eaton , Erlcson , Gllbertson , Gorrell Harrlman , Henderson , Hotchklss , Junkln , Kilburn , Mitchell. Palmer , Perrin , Phclps and Howcn " 0. The "hopefuls" are Senators Allyn , Blanchard , Carroll , Carpen ter , Ellison , Healy , Pcnroso , Sargeant and Young. Ot these Allyn , Blanchard , Carroll ind EllU'an ' are now thought to be reason ably certain to support resubmlralon , which would leave the rcsubmlsslonlsts only two votes short. Strong Influences arc being lirought to bear upun Senators Carpenter , Healy , Penrose and Young to bring them over to the support of the resolution , but so far none of thes-a senators have given any indications as to their final action. There Is a suspicion among the more can- : lous rcsubmlsslonlsts that they are being pd Into a trap. They fear that If the ro- subinlsslon resolution H < held In committee too long to get a position high enough up on the general flies to be reached In regu- ar order that It may bo left "dangling In nld air" when the legislature adjourns. It s no secret that If this Important resolution B subjected to the tender mercies of Matt ' ' " committee" Itlll be i'arrott's "sifting \ \ cru cified without any compunction. The knonl- cdge of thin fact may put the friends of re- submlsslon on guard against any unneces sary delay. As the situation now stands , hey have control of things and can choose heir own time to take up the matter In committee. While the ecnato boa declined to give the coilo revision tno rlgat or way on ino noor , yet the standing committees In many In- tanceu have practically Bet aside the now bllla Introduced and are bending their en ergies to a consideration of the code , hoping o got the report In proper shape to bo re- > orteJ back to the senate and placed on the ; eneral flies by iho 1st of March. The ac- lon of the standing committee , which It uaually conclusive , affords llttlo Indication of vhat Hnal disposition of the coda report will bo mado'by the senate Itself , or what changes nay be approved , us each member rjservei' ' ho right to antagonize any bill that may como up , though no opposition was offered o It In committee. This course Is taken norely for the purporo of facilitating the work of the version , for If factious o ; > posl- lon were mndo In the cojrtmHteo. bills could > e hung up for weeks , and ( Do disputes and wrangles engendered In committed rooma would bo Intensified whejj the bill comes up or action In the senate. Senator Piifoy , In examining the now code , Ircovercd that the railway .bridges at Coun- II muffs , Stoux City. BurJIngton , Keoliuk , Illnton , Davenport and Dubuque were simply axed as part of the mileage of the rnll- \ayp , Instead of separately , as now pro- Idcd , The ways and niMiiDi committee re- tored the old law. Had the discovery not icen made the cities named > would have lost large amount of revenue. ' ' * The senate committee on cities and towna eported favorably on tlid Harper bill , autho ring cities of the first ) class to lay slde- alka through agricultural lands and tax iiu uuoi m uuuiunK propenjuy u voie 01 hrec-fourtht ) of the city council. BLOW AT THE mtl/G / STOHES. Representative M. J. fovirof Cass , him- iclf a druggist , Is an earnest supporter of a illl to prohibit uales of lacer bor by drug lores. He gays physicians seldom or never rcrerlbe lager beer as a med'clne ' , and It an easily bo procured at the saloons , or by ho keg If needed In quantities , UepreEcn- atlve Early says ho has no objection to ruKglBts selling beer , but he Insists on their ylng the JG mulct tax. assessed against alooii keeper ; . The he use killed the I'll ! Introduced by Jeubleday , rcqulr ng Iho asreti'rr to take the rlco last paid fur the land In question cr ho price recently paid for adjoining farms a the basis of assessment for purposea of axatlon. Mr , Doubleday made a lengthy ar- umcnt In favor of the Jj | | | . but objectUn was lade to the measure on the grund that U nacted into law It would upset all efforts t uniformity In rates in different localities nd work Injustice In many cases. The houuo refubed to vote the pay for the nexplrcd term of Judge L. 0. Hatch , dc- cascd , ot the McGregor district , to Ms widow , Speaker Dyers ruling that It required a two-thlid ! majority. The bllld Introduced In the hcuw and sen ate were nil legnl.zlng acts or referred to matters of only minor Importance. Bills on all torts of subjects never Intended for any scilous consideration are being Introduced "by request. " The ecnato took up and p.iscd the chap ters cf the code providing for the organiza tion of stnto mllltla and the regulation of military companies without any material amendments. _ CAUSI2U TllllHt : VIOI.lI.Vr UKATIIS. Ilnrlirr In liirrn Kllln T\tn l'i-oilc | mill Illinscir. NEWTON , la , , Feb. 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) A double murder and the suicide of the murderer occurred at noon today nt the homo of R. T. Smith , who , with his wife , arc the victims of the murderous passion of their son-ln-lnw , , Charles Pl.ares. The deed wrs committed In n fit of Insan ity , supposed to have been brought on by Pharcs' despondency , duo to enforced Idle ness for a long time. Ho was a barber , nnd a short time ago removed to this city with his family , n wife nnd child of B years. They lived nt the home of Mrs. Pharcs' parents , Mr. and Mrs , Smith. At noon today Pharcs came hcme from down town nnd entered the room where his father-in-law and mother-in-law were. He drew n revoher nnd shot Smith In the left sldo of Iho face , the bullet passing out at the right car , going through his head. Then ho turned the weapon on Mrs. Smith and shot her In the mouth , the bullet lodging In her brain. She died Instantly. He rushed cutslde and shot himself In the left temple. The bullet entered the brain. The sound of the reports brought neighbors to the scene. They found the three bodies. Smith was not dead , and still lingers , but he will die tonight. Mrs. Pharcs was away from him at the t'mo ' cl the deed , nnd the has been prostrated since she learned of It. It Is quite- possible she Will bn another sacrifice to- the Insane passion of her husband. There appears to be ni reason for the tragsdy unless It be temporary In sanity. Pharos had threatened to kill himself - self _ _ SPI8AICS FOR < ! H.VHUA1. HAHIIISOX. llrotlirr-lii-I.nxv of ( In * Kx TnIkH 1'olltli-H tn IIMVU. OTTUMWA , la. , Feb. 11. ( Spsslal Tele gram. ) T. J. Dcvln , n brother-in-law of ex- Presldeut Harrison , In an Intorvlow today scored the newspapers which keep reiterat ing the statement that Harrison's betrothal to Mrs. Dlmmlck Is causing trouble In the HnrrUon family. Devln Is connected with the Burlington here , and his wife is a half- sister of General Harrison. Ho admlt'ed to The Boo correspondent that Mrs. McKcc was at flrst opposed to the match , but said that she was now reconciled. He stated that the papers which professed to believe that Mr. Harrison would accept another nomi nation for president did him an unklndncss. Harrison stated to relatives before leaving the white house that he never wanted to go back there again , and had always stuck to It. Devln said : "Harrison would not ac cept the nomination under any consideration. He Is friendly both to McKlnley and Alli son , but has a partiality for Allison. Mlch- cncr , the big man of Indiana politics. Is square-footed for Allison , so Is John C. New , aad where you find these , you usually find General Harrison , though I don't think Harrison risen will take nn active part In the nomina tion of any one. The candidates arc all his friends. Indiana will give a part of Its vote to Allhun. " _ Olijuut to the I'l-cKi-nl Jury I.niv. JEFFERSON , la. , Feb. 11. ( Special. ) There Is a great deal of dissatisfaction with the new Jury law throughout the state , and while In some respects It Is nn Improvement over the former system , which left the mat ter largely opti'nal with the county clerk. It has some very objectionable features. "By the present method , which compels the clerk , recorder arid auditor to make- the draw from the entire county , there Is Just as much llke- llh'od of a foolish person , a drunkard or a Jail b'rd ' being drawn on the grand Jury as that good men chosen , and If this does .happen there Is absolutely no help the men. drawn must serve and sit in Judgment on cases' perhaps Involving large amounts cf property or the guilt or Innocence of Indi viduals. Then another point against this system Is that the presence of the clerk , re corder and auditor Is required , and If by chance one of these cfilclals should be out of t'-wn , the cntlrci machinery of the court would be disarranged , as the law requires that- legal not'ce ' to the- voters be given a certain length of time In advance , and If the drawing did not take place at the advertised time , there would not be sufficient time to publish another notice. On account of a technical error the Insertion of a figure C In place of a G , In the notice , the last term ot court , the entire Jury was declared Illegal and the county put to large and unnecessary expense In empaneling a new one. .Salary ( ralibhiK O'.m-H 1111 Trial. DUBUQUE , Feb. 11. ( Spsclal Telegram. ) Judge O'Donnell tday proposed to continue the case against the mayor and aldermen In dicted for salary grabbing , providing actions to test their civil llab'llty were entered at the March term. Their attorney declined on the ground that whether a civil liability ex isted or not tiere was no criminal liability Arguments on the demurrers will be heard next Monday , and should these bo overruled the cases will be trltd In March. JiiilKiiKMit .Si- < - iiril A urn I ii I Crt-Ndm. CRESTON. la. . Fob. 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) AI Grant was awarded $1,000 dam ages against the city today In the district court on account of Injuries received from n defective sidewalk , he having sustained a sprained ankle. He sued for $15,000 , alleg ing permanent Injuries. No use to deny the fact that Salvation Oil IB fast taking the place of all other liniments. Siclal | IlatcH on 'Wlic-iit , CHICAGO. Feb. 11. Western roads took radical action today In regard to rates from Chicago to the Missouri river. Rep resentations have been mndo to them that there i < * no wheat In either Kansas or Nebraska. The people there nris In dire need of thl ecrenl , but the high tariff rule of 21 eontH from Chicago to the Mis souri river la prohibitive. It wno therefore decided to put an emergency rate of 12 cents per 100 pounds Into effect Immediately on wheat Hhlnments from Chicago to the Missouri river , until the prenent wheat famine In the two state IH relieved , A receiver hns been appointed for the Dlckel Riding academy of New York. A Chinese Inspector of the Treasury de partment has been located at Denver , The steam llgter Alfred LlBtrr , sank Tueslny off Rockawny , N. V. The crew wns rercueil , Thu Valley Stnte bank of Hutchtnson , Kan , , Imo suspended , Deposits only amounted to 111,000. Compnnji I ) of the Minnesota rnllltln hns irene to New Orleans to participate In the Mardl Oras cxcrclscB , Evidence If accumulating to phew that II , Cranston Potter , whose body was found in the bay at Kan Francisco , was mur dered. Miss Annie Maud Brewer of Bnk-m , .Mass. , 1ms bsen fenttwcd to seven yciu's Imprisonment tor killing her lover In u quarrel , Daniel Sullivan , n Fort Worth banker , has sued the Btrahon-IIulton-ICvans com pany of St. Louis for J2V,000 damages , for writing mat tern tending to Injury his credit. Beecham's pills are for billi- ousness , billious headache.dys .pepsia , heartburn , torpid liver dizziness , sick headache , bad tastein the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetite , sallow ckin , etc. , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book , Pills i6c and 250 a box. Book free at your druggist's , or write B. F. Allen Co. , 356 Canal St. , N. Y PROIIIBS MET TOMORROW Stf.lo Convention of the Cold Wntor Advo cates Will Gather at Lincoln , SUES THE WESTERN UNION FOR TOLLS Afternoon < MNiniicr I'ndi-rtiikcM ( o HicoverVlmt It CiiiiNlilrrw all Ovcrc-liarftr for UN Tolc- tcCV M LINCOLN. Feb. 11. ( Special ) The No- brabka Prohibitionists will hold their state convention nt Red Ribbon lull Thursday nnd Friday for the purpose of electing delegates - gates to the national convention at Pitts- burg May 27. At S o'clock on Thursday evening the delegates will hear nn address by Hon. John Lloyd Thomas of New York City , ox-secretary of the national prohibition committee ntid editor of the Constitution. The state central committee will meet nt Red Ribbon hall , Twelfth nnd N streets , Lincoln , February 13 , at 11 a. in. The First congressional district convention will meet at lied Ribbon hall Thursday , February 13 , at G p. in. , to select two delegates and two alternates to the 'national prohibition con vention nt Plttsburg. The Sixth congres sional district convention will meet at Red Ribbon hall at 7 p. m. , for the same pur pose. pose.A c.iso In the district court which Is nt tract Inn considerable nttentton Is that of the Call Publishing company against the Western Union Telegraph compiny. The plalnlllT sues for $1,785 , the amount of ex- cow It claims It hns been compelled to pny defendant on account of unjust discrimina tion. According to the petlt'lon plnlutlft Is In receipt of 1,500 words n day , telegraph matter , for \\lilch It has been compelled to pay the sum of $5 per month per 10Q words , while the State Journal at the same time secured Its service for $1.CO per 100 words. Defendants answer that they arc not peddlers cf news , that they have not discriminated In prices , that the Call Is an evening sheet , the Journal a morning sheet , and that the conditions arc not at all s'mlhr. Several years ngo the suit was tried and won by plaintiff ; but revereod by the supreme court , It holding that pUIntlff had failed to es tablish nny bas.'c of cost upon which the amount of damages for discrimination oculd bo figured. The local counsel cf the telegraph company Is being assisted by H. D. Kst.i- brook of Onlalia. A number of city officials and quite a large number of private citizens of Lincoln went up to Omaha today to be early In the flght for the location of the next reunion of the Grand Army of the Republic. Church Howe of Ncmaha county left Lincoln last night. The Lincoln contingent will make the Pixton headquarters , and Police Officer Job Hathaway was taken along to preside ns steward of the dolegat'on. Tomorrow morning another party will leave for Omaha nnd considerable liird work Is expected from the combination In the way of bringing the reunion to this c'ty. ' This afternoon Hon. F. W. Collins left for .Chicago. Tomorrow evening he will attend the Lincoln day banquet of the Marquettc club , at which McKlnley and Senator Thurston are down for speeches. H Is ex pected that Mr. Collins will also bo heard. Thousands tlnk into n early grave for want of a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. This great remedy would have saved them. TIlkY RIDICULE IT. MANY I ROI I.I3 ItllllCl'MS ' TIII3 IIJI3A OK AN AIISOMJTK CUUH FOU JIYSriSl'SIA AXU STOMACH Hlillciile , Howrver , IM Not Argument , ami FHC-IN Are Stubborn Tiling * . Stomach troubles arc BO common and in njany cases so cbstlnnto to euro that people are apt to look with suspicion on nny rem edy cla'mlng to bo a radical , permanent euro for dyspepsia and Indigestion. Many uucli pride themselves on their acuteness In never being humbugged , especially on medicines. This fear of being humbugged nuy bo car ried too far ; so far , in fact , that many per sons suffer for years with weak digestion rather than risk a I ttle tlmo and money In faithfully testing the claims of a prepara tion so reliable nnd universally used as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Now Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are vaslly different In one Important respect from ordi nal y proprietary medicines , for the reason that they are not a ojcret patent medicine ; no secret is made of UIOT Ingredients , but analysis shows them lo contain the natural digestive fermenls , pure ateptlc pepsin , thu digestive acids' , Golden Seal , bismuth , hy- drastls and mix. They are not cathartic , neither do they act powerfully on any organ , but they euro Indigestion on the common gmsa plan of the food eaten promptly , thoroughly before It has tlmo to ferment , sour and cause the mischief. This Is the only secret of their success. Carthartlc pills never have and never can euro Indigestion and stomach troubles , be- cauoo they act entirely upon the bowels , whereas the whole trouble la really In the t'lomach. ' Sluart's Dyspepsia Tablets , taken after meals , digest the food. That Is all there Is to It. Food not digested or half digested la poison , as It creates gap , acidity , head ache * , palpitation of the heart , loa of flesh and appetite and many other troubles which are often called by some other name. They are sold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents per package. Address Stuart Co. , for book on stomach diseases or able your drugglut for It. Council Bluffs , Iowa , CAPITAL , - - - $100,000 WE bOLICIT YOtH IIUSIMJSS. WE DESIUE YOUR COLLECTIONS. OXE OK THE OLDEST HAMtN IN IOWA. . ' , I'KU CMVI' I'AIO 0TLtlE IEI > OSIT8. CALL AM ) SEE US OH WHITE. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL IILUFF.S. WANTKD. GOOD SHCOND-HAND MJMLIJJII ; must bo cheap. AUJreaa McLauclilIn , Uca cilice. TO WOMEN Women suffer from many weaknesses I Women complain of bearing down sensa tions and back-aches. Women are often times weak , gloomy and despondent. Women need not suf fer if they will be wise. Women can avoid all this suffering by tak ing Warner's Safe Cure. Women who have tried it know that it always gives relief. Women who wish to know more about this great health- giver should write to Warner's Safe Cure Co. , Rochester , N. Y.p for treatment blank and illustrated pamphlet. ST , BERNARD'S ' HOSPITAL AND RETREAT FOR THE INSANE , In charge of tha ll SISTERS OF This widely known Institution has boon doubled In size during the past summer and made one of the most modern and model Institutions of Its character In the west. The new additions will bo ready for occu pancy by the flrst of the year. When fully completed , accommodations will bo afforded for 300 patients. It Is beautifully situated , overlooking the city of Council Bluffs. A full staff of eminent physicians and trained nurses minister to the comfort of the pa tients. SPEDI3L CARE IS G VEN TO LADY f&TlENTS. TERftiS iQDERATS For fuller particulars , apply to SISTER SUPERIOR Council Bluffs , la. New 'iiiwi ' Thursday Night. Feb. 13. Darkest America HI HEAL SOUTHEH.V NEGHOES tO I. . ' Moll 111Iluclc nnil WliiK I > niic T "S THE CIIAHLESTO.V SO SIIOUTEHS A.M SI.\UEHS SO 1O IMCICININY DAIVCHUS 1O SO MATCHLESS MUSICIANS SO Homo Life In the South ! I'lnntntlon I'uqllmesl 1'lcturcs of Dixie Lund ! Dances of the South ! find the fle , FIELD The LnrResl Nesro Mlniilrcl Company In tha World , TourlnK on Their Own Train of I'nlnce Onrs. All tlio Oreat Colorpil Crnii llanB. All the Bwcet Blnb'cni. All tiu lllKh ( . ' | H > Spcclalllca of Tills Combined Cmintiy. A NB\V HIIOW. Clarence Alston's Mnmmolli Military Hand. Prof. 1'ranli HnllslccU's Oichcstra. Last Appoarnnc * llcfore Thc-y Kail tn Australia < ui H Tour of the World , I iiiliraclnt , ' France , Ceunnny , Kngland , Krntlnnd nnd Wnlcu. HACK TO A IEUICA IN 1NDH. Scats on sale Wednesday moinlng. Ueual prices. THEBEST $5 SET OF TEETH . 1IAUU AND WOHIC GUARANTEED. DR. MUDGE , 319 BROflDM C0118II BLUFFS , 101 DEFIES THE KING. " THEN LI GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. S. Mosher SPECIALIST. Having fully clcmonslruled by yuura of xucccviiful practice und experience that lie Is able to cure multitude. ' ! of diseases which balllu the Udll of ordinary physicians , ho feels It his duty to multc Known to uuffuilntr Immunity that he devote * hla whole tlmo und energy to tlilJ particular branch of the profession , und will prepare and furnish medicine ut hla ofllne or visit those cauea which may require personal examination , i'a- tlenlB at n distance may cormili Dr. Mosher by letter. KlvltiK a carefully written history of their cases , describing their symptoms minutely as jioFBlbln. which will enable him to rnaUo correct dlucnculn , und judh'o very uccurately of the curability of the dlueiiae. and to apply pioper remedies. Mediclro forwarded either by mull or * xpros . und all medicine prcr.crlbcd by Dr. Mother IM prepared under bla own personal vipcrvlslon. He treats oil disease : ! without mercury nr other poisons , which create dhcuKtof themselves. The doctor by Ills new HE.STOHATIVI5 TIU3ATMENT euros all curublo discuses , and treats with KUCCCSS nil affections of the Liver. Throut and I.UIIBH , Catarrh , ICpllepsy. Dyspepslu , Heait Disease. ItlieuinutUm , Neuralcla , nnd nil Nervous Dlpeases caused by overwork , the indiscretion of youth , or the expenses of riper yeain , und whatever rnuy tend to lower the latent foice or the tone of llfe'H vitality , cuusltif physical debility , nervous exhaustion , Inranlty , and premature decoy. Consult personally , or by Letter , free and strictly confidential. Address , Dr. S. Mosher , Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , It >