THE OMAHA DAILY IVEEt , FEBTIUABY 7 , 1800. - COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Was a Surprise to Both Sitlos Again Yesterday , FOREIGN NEWS THE LEADING FACTOR Unit oil Klimiloin Admit * Mm ! It Gnu- not Ip | > rtiil HIIIIH Itimxln Nor the Arm-lit I Hi- for S ill 1'rcnL'iil. CHICAGO. Feb. fi.-Whcat was a sur j > rlso to both eldea again today , openlni strong , nnd , though losing some of It early gain , closing Uc higher than yestcr day. It seems to bo the generally oc cepted opinion that wheat Is being manlpu lated by n few powerful operators. Corn oats and provisions vvtrc nil llrm nnd closet with some gain for the dny. In whpnt there was not ns much cxclto mcnt nnd the trndo wan not as large , bu the market nevertheless was sensitive nnt nervous , the lange for the day being lc The trade , lee , \\&u mainly local , with Irii doing for account. Initial trading wits a from Vic to ' . ' c advance , parly trading li May being at from CSc to C3' ' , c. The strcngtl vma diiu to a cablegram from Ixindon ac knowlcdglng the almost complete depend cnco of the United Kingdom for suppllc until May on account of the Into move Went of Aigentlnu vvtieut nnd thu fact/b the Russian purls bolng closed by lor Cables wcie received from London till morning that Argentine was onvrlng whoa moro freely and ltu ttn was offering heavll ; for April-May shipments The latter dls patch cncoui.igo'l wmo selling and cnu ec a decline to C7Uc : however , the innrkc milckly ipacled to C' c , when Ilnrllctl Frazlcr sent two or thifo broltois Into tin pit and took about 2W.OOO bu. The Liver pool market VVAH reported ltd higher at thi oponlng and -VI higher nt the clo e. Tin northuoxlcin rerojliti were again ver ; Iargu-Bt4 cars. The Atlantic scaboan clearances of wheat and Hour wore 3W.TO bu. Rtpoits conceinlng the Hour trade wen not encouraging , tliu general advices belnj to the olU-pt that Hour did not respond t < the advance In vvhmt. The Clnelnnat I'rloo Curicnt t-.iys that the weather las week was generally in favor or the crop ItcpottH regarding Aigcntlno wheat wen conflicting. Olio set uf them claimed tha continuous mini prevailed , nnd were o coui'se Injuring the crop , nnd another tha offerings Irum thpio to tha United Klngdon had Incieased , but wcio said to bo chlellj for March-April dwllvety. A good liiqulrj from winter when I mlllois resulted In plac Ing since the rloso of 'Change yvucidn ] up to noon today 110,000 bu. , W.OOO bu. o which vvnB for St. Ixiuls. That assisted li hoMIng the mntkot stonily. May , aftci falling to 67' c , sold to ( Tilic nnd up to G7Jc nnd ut noon was at dT,4c. During the las hour wheat had u spurt to CTic , but pool Bold nit to from ( V7',4c ' to C7c , where 1 closed. The cash liu Inoss done with conn try millers was swelled to 207,000 bu. befon tha close , with 14 boatloads taken for ex port. port.Corn was ( julot , but the prospect of smal rei'clplB for f.omo time helped to glvp con- tldcnce to holder * , nnd consequently n Urn undertone to the mm kct. Mnv opened uboui % c higher at , ' 0&c , and fold 1-lfic hlghci about the start , nnd then settled dowr around 30'/4o for the remainder of the dnj nnd closed at thnt. OatR were Influenced a good deal by corr ' and sold higher , holding fairly well. Mnj opened Me higher from 21'4c to 21c , weak ened to from 21 ? c to 21',4c nnd closed nl 21 Vic. Provisions were firmer on the prospecl of small receipts for homo time to come , or account of the fearfully bad state of the country roads. Good buying of rlba nnd Inn by pnckcis also helped to sustain the mar ket. The best prices of the dny were inaili nt the opening , when Mny pork sold al SlO.EI'.i. closing ut $10.5714. or lOc Improve ment over closln- prices of yesterday. Lai < ! opened up nt 2'e. . but closed unchanged , IIIU3 opened nt $11.421,4 nnd closed -at $3.4C for Mny , ngnlnct ? 533 yesterday. Estimates for tnmonow : Wheat , CO cars ; corn. ICO cnrs ; oats , 93 cars. The loading futures ranged ns follows : Articles. I | Ultli. | LO.Y. | CloBlnt ; quntntlons were n.i follons : . FLOim-Htendyj winter patents , | ! .JOJT3.r. ; stralKhtn , J2.9UQ3.40 ; Birlni ? palcntH , ja.loaJ.Kj prlnK patentH , (2.C' ' ) < T2.90 ; bakern , < 2.1072.40. WI1I3AT Nn. 2. ppilns. CSTuWCC'ic ; No. S print ' , , CO C4'ic ; No. 2 red , C7WO701Sc. CORN-NO. 2. 2S'ii02S'/tc : NO. 3 yellow , 2S'ic n OA'TS No. 2. 20o ; No. 2 white. 22c ; No. 3 white. 20 & 21 < ie. KYK No. 2. 2UV5c. HARLKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3. 2703Sc ; No. 'FLAX snnn NO. i , sivic. TIMOTHY SHKD I'rlmc. J3.1503.CS. I'ROVISIONS-rork , mess , per Mil. . J10.37UO 10.60. Lard , pt-r 100 Ibs. , JJ.B7H65.6D. Short rlba fildCH ( lorue ) , (5.20 5.23. Dry ealtctl shiul- dem ( boxe < l ) , tl.50T4.75i short clear sides ( boxed ) , J5.37Wnd.50. WU1S1CY Distillers' nnlshed- goods , per pal. , SUGARS Unchanged ; cut loaf , J5.S1 ; granu lated , 15.10 ; standard "A. " J5.05. The following were the receipt * and hlpments today : On the t'rjliuj oxoimico ted iv tha butter mar ket wn wcnlc : creamery. 14ill8c : dairy , 1US IBc. KCCB , Htoady ; fresh , r.'fi317c. Cheese , quiet ; NEW YORK OIONKHAL SIAUK13T. Quotation * on < Iie Principal CoiiiiuoilKlvH nnil StnitlcN. NEW YOIIK , Feb. fi.-FLOUH-necelpts , 108,000 bbls. ; exports , 7,000 bbls. ; market quiet but fairly stc.uly , Some export business has been accomplished In winter clears. Only known brands nro wanted. Winter straights , J3.M03.75 ; winter patents , JJ.SOif4.00 ; winter extras , J3.M ; ? , ? . } ! ! , ; 2- * ) * -TOS spring low grades , Il.801l2.50 , ll > e Hour , quiet ; eupcrllne , J2.Mjf2.7S Uuckwhcut flour , dull ; Jl,20tfl.25 for spot and to "LuciCWHKAT-Qulet ; 3S040c. HAHLKY MALT Steady ; vvratcrn , 40 Mc. HVK Nominal ; elale. 4 : 45o. , HAIlLIiY Firm ; malting41U45c ; feedingS3JJ , B ! > c , 1 COHN MHAfnull and lower ; jellow western ifcanie , 72c ; llmndywlne , J2.20. WHIJAT Export * , 180,600 Iny spot , Inactive : hard , 7 V4c , f. ' o. b. nnd u'diint. 'Options' opened Ktlonger on bulllnh lluiopenn ndvloes , cuiipled with Komo foielgn bu > lne and local coverlne , but afterward losliwrl of Ihe advance , nnd ruled very dull all day vvllhln u narrow range , bullH being dlrcouraged by the slack export de mand ; cloned ? ! 4c ntt higher : No. 2 red , Feb ruary , cloned nt 74ic ! ; May , 73 G-10074 1-lCc , cics- COUN ItecelpU , 42,000 bu. : exporln , 23.0UO bu. ' pot. dull : No. 2. SCSc. Oplloni were quiet but firm all dny , Influenced by Unlit receipts , and closed unchanged to ! iu higher. Ftbruaiy closed at STc ; May , tG'j.SJMIlo. ' clcwlm ; at Mo. OAT Kerelplii , 4\C > 0 bu. ; cxporln. 3,401 bu. : spot , dull ; No , 2 , > Uc. Options vteie fulrly active nnd stronger on covering nnd sympathy with corn , cloning ' .SRHo lilBher ; February closed at 2SV4C ; May , 20(25T c , eluvlntr at ZSv c , llOl'H-Qulet and steady ; stalq , common to choice. 1SI4 crop. 21J i41ic ; U95 crop , 41lc : Pa- cilia c.-iust , 1VJ1 crop. i'.HU'ic ; ISM crop , 4i9c. llIDKS-lJuli ; wet salted , 20 lo 2i | b . . lie ; Uucium Ayres. dry , 20 Ibs. , Itio ; Texas , dry , 21 to IL . . 9o ; California , II lo 23 Ibs. . I4c. LKATHUIt-Stendy : demand EOJI | ; hemlock ol < - . llupnoit A > re , light to heavy welgli ( , 2X : : acid , 2Ij2Jc. WOOL Steady ; domcttlo ncecc. 1COI20J pulled , PROVISIONS Reef , steady ; family. 10 12e ; extra mess. So ; be-ef hams , Uo , packet , J9.00J9.50 Cut mi'iUtf. quiet ; pickled hams , 9f9Uc : ulckled bcille , < i9Uc. lJU-d. quiet ; we.lfrn ( tram , cloned at J5f > 7tf ; May cloned nt 10.10 , nominal Pork , steady ; inesn , Jll.oofMl.23 ; short clean Jll.KKIll.W ; family. 111. UUXTIJU Flnner ; western creamery , 32819o ; western factory. 9fl3c ; Elglns , 19c ; Imitation creamery , llUO15o. CHUKKE-Qulet : large. CfflO c ; small , OOlOKc : part tklms , JUGtc ; full tklim , :04e. EaOS Steady ; itute and Primtylvanla , 15j ; lea , house , J1.50Ii3.00 ; ncste-rn , fresh , H'.ioj south- ern. IS'.iCUVio ; rrrelpts , MIS pkgs. I'ETROLEUM Weak ; Unltwl closed at J1.43 bid ; rfflned. J7.63 : Philadelphia and Ilaltlmore , J7.M ; I'hlladelphla and Ilaltlmore In bulk , J5.IO. HOS1N UuUt ; strained , common to good , ll.M 81. tS. ' RICK Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , SUc. MOI < AHSES Firm : New Orleans , cpen ketllr , euod to choice , 29r37c. TURPKNTINU-Dulli SifSViC. MKTAI I'lg lion , steady ; southern , J11.75Q 1S.OO ; noithern. J.OOifI | > .tiO. Copper , tlrtnrr ; broker * , JOUc ; rxchuiiKe , 119.00OIO.U. L ad , Him ; . broktiA * Wi czctionKC , J3.1iy.liii. Tlu , quiet ; , J13 94011.49. ; . | lf , qultt. Speller , quiet ; , . . TOTTON SliED Ollr-Conllnuf iloe-k , with ilotvnnnnl tendency , prime crude , 13 > kl4c. CDMilll Inn of Trnilc nnil rjunlntlotn on .Slniilc nnil I'niirj Produce. noOK--Slrlctlr fi - h slock , log lie. UIJTITH-ralr to ftood toct < , tOIOc ; choice to fancy country , 13914c. VttAtr-Cliolc * fat , 70 lo 1M Ibs. , ore quoted nt tfe ; large and conmr , 4i5c. ClliiHEamrSllo brick. It c ; Edam , pet rtoi. , J9.50 , Club house , Ml ) . Jar * , per itox. , I ! Ml Llinberspr. fancy , per Ib. , ll'.ic. llonurfitt , 14-lb. , Jar. < , per ioz. ! . J1CO ; Vcuni ? Americas , ll'ld 'I wins , fnncj , He. IWCI/rilY lirexroChlrk ! n * , C'ifJIVlci conr nnd lntft < > , 58'Jc1 ; duckn , choice , 9'ijlOc ; tuiKcjs , choice , IHllJc ; Rie , 7irc. I'OULTItV Live O. Jan.b on of the Monlnnn Poultry I'mVlJiK nnd Supply company , quolra lUc ptniltry fltm nnd "aniM nl ! Hens nil ymiDff roostciti , t'ic ! old ocls , J'ic ' ; lurkt-y liens , tVtc ; young turkey RObMcrt. 7'lc ; old Tom , Co : lucki < , full fcalherrd , 7c ; RWSO , Cc. HAY t'plnnd , JSdi ; midland. J4M ! lowland , JI.W ; rj'e straw , J3.M : color nmkes the price or hay ; light l.fil s tell the best. Only lop grodei bring l p prices. UltOOM l.'OItN Rxirnnrly slow nile ; nfw crop , delliercd on tnnk In country : choice Rii-in self-woiklng carpet , tier Ib. , 2'ic ; choice green , ruiinlng In hurl , 2Vie ; conunun , I'ic. ' OAMII-Jnck snlu | , iBcOtl.W ! gulden plr.ver , JI.25 ; Jack rabbits. p r dux. , 11 007(1.40 ( , small rnbbltn , liio ) ( JI.W ; mnllnrd durks. ! 3.5 < ) ir3.75 ; rtd- hendi , J3.7CO4.0' ) ! canvnsbnik ducks. J5 00478.00 ! Icnl , Uun wing , 12 00112 23 ; tent , uieen wing , 11.7302 W mixed durk * . J1.73iI2.2ii ( Canada grejo , tC.fOtiT.r.O ; tnmll gr n > < , t4.50Uft.UO ; brHtits , J3.50 ; nriui | relit , per dux , , fOtliaC , PKlEONS-Llve , 11,0)01.10 ) ; dead pigeon * not u anted. ' ' TOMATOna-Flir'lda' . per six basket crate , J3. CAULIFLOWKH 1'er crnle , J2.50I/3.00 , or Jl.W 01.73 per doz. CAllIlAOn-Callfornln slock , pcr lb. . 2c. roTATOKS Funcy rutlve Hock , 20c ; from loie In small lots. SOflr.RcJ Colaindo slack , We. ONlONH-I'er bu. , 25 10c. HIANK Him ) picked navy , per bu. , J1..W. HWKirr l-OTATOns-Cnolce slock , J2.73 pel Cttl.KIlY California , per doz. . No. 1 , 90c ; No , 2 , 7.V ; : Kiilmmizoo , Sf.c. LIMA mAN8-Per lb. . tc. WATfill rnnSSI'ciIGqt. . ra e. Jl.tOi1.73. Pirj I'LANT Hot house stock , per dor. bunches , S0c. FrtUlTS. The I s Angeles Comni'iclal llulletln Is cred- led vvllh lhi > following : "Law ! week we pub- Hshed nn estlmuli ! ot the apple crop of the I'lilted ' Ktnti-R for Iwo jeais , showing n produc- tlim of ( jG.ono.ooi ) this season nnil 57,000.0)0 ) last year. An the inatur p.iFfed through our ha. id vvi guess d those apphM would maki a line of on as long ns firm Han Ptanclct to Omaha. Thin wed : the ( Mllfcinln Fruit llrovvrr gl\fi > a table , showing the irop According li > flsuie * compiled by Mr. II. w. Snow , statistician of llii- National Apple ( 'rowers' association , which substantially conilims tin. figures we uavi- last weik. At 160 ban-Us to the riir of twelw tons , nnd allowing f rty fed i\3 the spnc < - n car oc- uplCM In n train , Uicsi > nppUs would load n tinln anrtK \ \ ns fioin San Finnclsco to New lork. Theioould IK ? 400,000 cars , IG.OOO.O'iC foi-t of space , or S.iwo mllea In round numheis. At nut Klniici' the llguu-s nppear out of nil lean in. It seems ntout n bariel of apples for evciy man. woman and child In the United mates. There Is , however , every reason to necepl the flguriu as reasonably aecurale , nnd Hun living so , It Impresses on us thu full that on tln > size of. the npple crop depend the prices for nil the fiull crop of all kinds In the country more than on any other cause , If not more than on nil other causes combined. " Quotations : MII.YICAN STltAWUKURIhS-Nonr. APPLIJS Fancy New York , J3.25ST3.50 ; choice western , J2.COfT2.7j ; fancy western , J3.00. cnANIiniinms Jersey. J8.7S. MALAGA nilAPCS Per GO-ih bbl. , J5.50W6.00 : per C5 to 70-lb. gross. . J6.MO7.00. TnoPICAL FRUITS. OnANOnS-Callfornla budded seedlings , regular - lar slzej J2.M82.M : 230 to 2) S sizes. Jl.7Cffl2.00 ; n.ivels. J3.SO ; large sizes. ! 3.i > 013.23. ; : ' ? iK ! ! 'nMSRlnn' ' ' T4.25. n\ \ - . , . " Choice large slock , per bunch , J2.00 I2.2j ; medium sized lunchts. JI.7oS2.00. MISCHLLANnOUS. 't ' "nd dea'eni ' 7'HiSVt ? h't | p\SI IJIlS Mediums. 15e ; standards , 20c ; extra sfleets. io : llianch & Co 'K stled * . 27c : New ? ri ! ? ? " , "lF'Mc , : "Inndnrd bulk , per enl. . JI.10. ; J9M'\ "ncy wh"o. I'1 lb. , 15c. MVI'LU bVRUI' Five eal. cans , each , J2.7ii gal. caiiB. per doz. , J12 ; 54 gal. cans , JG.23 ; tiuart CUnP , 13,15 , Pure Juice , per half bbl. . J3 ; per KKAUT-Per bbl. , J3.75 ; half bbl. , FIOS-Ncw crop. California , 10-lb. boxes , vn 0Ibboxca - 13e : cholce- pcr . . APLE SL'OAR-Cholce , per lb. . 9iTIOc. REacnViS-A sorlcd. 20-lb. palls. each , | ' COCOANUTS Pcr 100 , J4 SO ; each Cc ' NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. . medium size. lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per lb. , laice 2ie ! ; llmzlls , per lb. , Sc ; EnRlls'i walnuls per lb. , fancy soft fhell. 12e : standards , HCHMc- libers , per lb. . lOo ; peacann. polls.ied nifdlum lOe ; large , 12c ; pca-.ut . law. 5 > 4c ; loasted ? fi r'.ic ; hickory nuts , email , per bu. . J1.7Bhlckorv "Uls. laree. per bu. , Jl.OO ; black walnuts , per DHESSHD MHATS. nnnF Good steers , 400 to GOO Ibs < HtlCc ; good cowa and heifers , 4 if3c ; medium ; uvvs nnd hclfcru , 4'.Je ; good forcquarters cows und heifers , SVJo ; good hindquarters cows ind helfcra , 61 c ; cow rounds , Be : cow chucks. 3o : beef lenderlolns , fresh. 20c ; frozen , 19e- beef rolls , boneless , Og9 > 5c : sirloin bulls boneless 9fi3V4 : loin backs. 9 M'tc : cow i Ibs , No. 3 r&7'.4e ; cow loins. No. 3. Sfts' ' c. MUTTON Dressed multon. 6Vic ; racks lOc- Ifgs. 8c ; saddles , Sc ; Btcvvs , 3c. I'ORIC Drefs-d hogs , C'Jc ; pork loins , GJ4e- spare ilbo , Ce ; pork Fhouldern , rJc ; psik shoul ders , skinned , C'Stjiork ; trimmings , Gc : lender- loins , 14c ; pigs' feel , cleaned , p r dtz ! , c HIDls AND TALLOW. 1IIDIS No. 1 gieen hides. 4c ; No. 2 green hides , 3c ; No. 1 sieen salted hides 6cNo 2 freen balled hld.s 4c ; No. 1 green salted hides ! 5 to 40 Ibs. , Sc ; No. 2 green salted hides , 25 to 0 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 veal calf , s to 15 Ibs. . Go- No. 2 veal calf , g to 15 Ibs. . 4cNo i dri- lllnt hides , 7GSe ; No. 2 dry dint hides Me ? . No. 1 dry suited hides , Go ; part cured hld ' Ho per lb. less than fully cured ' SIIHGI' I'KLTS-Ureen tailed , each 23flGOc- Brcen sailed shearlings ( short wooled early skln V t-aeh ICc : dry sheailliiBa ( short nklns ) . No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry shearlings fahnrt wooled early skins ) . No. 1 inch Be- dry nfni Kunkas and Nebraska butcher wool pells ifcr ill- actual weight , CBGo ; dry Hint Kansas 'and Ne braska Murrain wool pelts , per lb nnnr weight , 4TCc ; dry flint Colorado butcher wuui pelts , per lb. . actual weight. 4j6Hc : dry flhit Colorado Murrain wool pelts. } „ . ? b. actual weight , 4frsc ; dry pieces nnd bucks nctui ! eight 4&5c ; feet cut off. as It Is useless to pay freight on them. TAL1XJW AND OnEASn Tallow No 1 IHe ; tallow No. t , Sc ; grease , white A Site * sreaBC , white I ) , 3c ; grtase , yellow , 2Ucgreobe ferlou flalKlv ? , . 2'-40' ' bCC8W" ' " " * : HONES In cor lots weighed nnd delivered In Chicago : pry buffalo , per ton , J12.00&14.00 ; dry : ounlry , bleached , per Ion , J10.00B12.00 : drv : ounlry. damp nnd mealy , pcr ion , JG.OOas 00 WOOL Unwashed , fine heavy. G7cfine llcht lase quarter blood , 1012c ; ; seedy , burry and : haffy , SJWc ; cottcd nnd broken , coarse 7 9c" Mtted nnd broken , fine , ifl&c. Fleece wnshm-l Ucdluin. 15 18c : line. 1481Gc ; tub washed. 16 [ So ; black. So ; bucks , Gc ; toff locks , 2S3c : dead Bulled. CBGc. FURS. City MnrkptM. KANSAS CITY. Ftb. G.-WIIiAT-Actlve nnd unclmnecd ; No , 2 hard. G3ftG7o ; No 3. f > SSJ" rejected , nominally 40i45e ; No. 2 red , 77G7SC ; 2 rpilng C6ij67c ; No. 3. G5o. COltN Demand light ; No. 2 mixed , 22V4CJ No. 2 white , Zlo bid. OATS-'FIrm : demand fair ; Nu 2 mlx-M Is No. : v\hlte. 20e. UYK * < 0. 2. S5j. HAHltndy and unch-nital . KUTThlt Fancy country , c.iroi mil In i-ir.-n creamery , IKHSVio , ualty , SiMic -bteady to utronj ; pt 10l4ill2. Iron TriiileHfvlitv , CM.nVKLAND. O , , Feb. 6. The Iron Trade Uvltw this week will tav : The udvnncm In lc fiiHJr pie and utt-vl blllelv , oflrr di-inun- trotlns how little buylmc I * iH-Jeil under prei- nt cuiulltlwin lo mail an upward niovt-mmt , liavu L in follow ca by a lull with lower jirlcta. Tim pout wrrk ling brtn In mmt mnrkctl one of Innctlvlty , unit n\\n \ finve fullfn off. Mnct of th Innulry ot the few preceding wpcKn np prnr * lo hnve been by wny of rounding the maikel. At all evtnl * only K pnrt of It hat remitted In htmlntrs. Yet It nppenm Ihnt buyers nrc not fkrptlcnl , n * mom nf llirm were In the enrly pnrt of ! S9o n * 13 the ultimate effect o the higher prices fnr rntv mnierlnH. It la no s. ) much nn uprctntlnn nf lower price * that tlclern Ihe Inrco majority of those nho wnlt n * n < 1 ( ' lre In l bettor ns < nred nlmut Ihe prss peci fnr ihelr own business and for business In ecnernl , . _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AMI IIONDS. C/oitrxe of tlu * AliirUrt AVnn Ni\V YOIIK , Feb. 6. The course of to < lny' mnrkctvns extremely illnnppoiiitlnK to many p limns who hnd expected , In vletv of the Rrent nnd unsurpnrainK MiccTfs of the new govern nitnt lonn , n decided upturn In prices. bMI here nnd nbrtncl. Apparently , both In Iximlon nnd on the lloor of the New Yolk Stock ox- chnnRe , the ne n "Unn not reRittiled fmm n liroiiiltr iwilnl of view Ihnn ns ntrnrdlflit nn up portnnlly lo PCIIIC prafllB nccrnlnit from the ncml rl e. Conin'ivntlvp nnnnclem cxpre * ci HID opinion thnt the Kecurltlen will pwrn rcflec IneiesK-d contUUncc n to the flnnnclnl out- lo'il , . Already Ihe expcctnllon of n totter mar ket fnr commercial paper In expressed , nn < iilno of n renionnbly enny nmrket. A fnvornblc fmluro l the continued IncreaBC of enrnlnxa Klionn by nearly nil of the prominent line * The volume of bualrn'ra Blunvtsl n. oonnldernhle Increase over the record of the previous Ony I'rlces moved In lui erratic fnnhlon , nnd In some InMnnccM the fluetimtlons were vvlde. BiiBar nnd St , I'aul nnnln nlmorlwd the Krcntesl In lerent , with the- flint Imnicil well In the leni In point of activity. The two elocka men- lljneil itcorded nearly one-third of the entire IlllRl. _ . The mnrkil opened nllRhtly lilchcr , despite Ihe cnld Bliiiuliler presented by the louer innce of prlcea for Americans In the London miikvt In nonia Instancri Improvement over the Inltln figures vvns made , but the market smm tuinei on Ihe nppearnnce of heavy llqudlatlon In the lendlnK rlinlea , both for local nnd firelgn ac count. In the ensuing- reaction many Blocks touched figures lieUvv last night's closing prices. A rnlly thtn follow oil , nnd the mnrkel rxhlbltct Irrt-EUlarlly until 1 o'clock. At thai hour , aup- porllnff Oldcrs nppennnl , nnd prices mlvanced inplilly. Sugar v\as llic leader , rising 514 per cenl , nnd Ihe oilier ncllve sh.iros 15tl'4 per cenl. In lha movenu-nl Soulhfrn ptofcried , .Ml our I'ncinc , Lwlsvllle a Nashville nnd the gruniters were the most prominent. In the usually In active shares. Pullman ro v ; per cent ; Min neapolis * St. l Jiiln first preferred , 3 per cent III ! OrnndeVeilern preferred , S1 per cent' Lnclrdn (3as preferrvd and Mvliopolllan Trae- tlun , 2 per cent ; Cordage guaranteed , IH per c > nt , nnd Kvnnsvllle & Tcrro Haute , I per cent. The report thnt ITeidltnt KnnlKim of thp United Slatei nulihiT company hnd tendered hU reslg- nnllon , togellicr with n tumor of distensions In the Imiril of directors , wan followed by n decline of 2 p > r c u In the common stock ecitlllrnten , nnd of 4 per cent In tinpiofcrred. . The fonner EUbFerjuenlly regained ! pcr cent of the decline. In the lasl half hour , taking of pmflts caused nnolher Kcneial decline. Chi- rngo Cas ! was coiisplcuotisly x\e.ile , roactlng2U pjr cenl on rumors of furlher Impedlnienl lo Ihe consolldallivi plan. An ntlempled explana tion of n 2 per caul drop In Lacknwnnna n * due to nn Impending Invcsllgullon of the coal d al by the New York senate was not seriously tnken. The market closed moderately nctlv t nnd Irregular. liuslncss In Ixinds was fnlib hugnnd values gunerally worked higher. The dealings embraced n numtcr of the usually In- acllve morlgagcs nt marked Improvements In prices. The total tlenllngn were Jl.Ki2,000. I'rlees for Kuveinmcnls were nlmul evenly divided be tween ndvnncea and declines on Ihe Hist call. In the lnti > session , bids nt n much higher level were nitcd. The speculation was civiflned to sales of the. new 4s nt vnrvlnir prices. Tlw aggregate trnnsartlons v\ere J175.000. The Hvenlng I'ost'K London financial cable gram says : Amerlenns v\ere Ihe only ncllw market here today. They op end 111 in on the success of the bond Issue , nnd advanced ma- lerlally. hut later at the close reacted on New- York nelllng. The close was mostly above jes- Icrday's. The dealing here was m.ilnly profes sional. but Increased Interest Is noticeable In tlm market. Canadian 1'nclllc was weak on German lenllzatlons. At least IH0.010 In gold will lip shipped on Saturday to New York , and prolnbly mole , i\ccpt for South Ameri can slocks , the Americans weie pcnsrnlly caslei today on profit taking , but Kalllrs were good on I'arls buying. The Pails nnd Ilerlln mar kets were nrm. The coin nnd bullion In the Hank of England has Increased tills week C231 00) . of which 110.000 was gDld Imported. The only feilurc In th ? market Is tl > ; evidence of a rnpld gnlherlng In revenue , ns shown bv the Increased public deposits nnd tl.e dcciease of other deposits. The fi Mowing were the closing quotations on the leading slocks of Ihe New York exchange todav : American Tobacco , C0.100 ; Atchlsnn , 0,100 : Uui- llngUvi , 1C.900 ; Chesapeake & Ohio , 3,300 ; Chi- cagn Oas , 11,000 ; Distilling nnd CattlcfMdlng , S.500 ; General I'lectrlc , 7,503 ; Kansas , Texas A. 1'aclllc preferred , 3,900 ; Louisville & Nashville , 15,900 ; Manhattan consalldated , 3,100 ; Missouri Pacific , 18,100 ; Northwestern , 6,900 ; Reading , 13,500 ; Rock Island , 17,300 ; St. Paul. 4S.400 ; Silver Certificates , 10,000 ; Southern , 5.700 ; South ern preferred , 10,300 ; Tennessee Coal and Iron , 8,800 ; United States Leather preferred , 3,000 ; Watash preferred , 8,400 ; Western Union , 4,000 ; Wheeling & Lake Erie , 7,000. New YorU Money Mnrlcct. NI3W YORK , Feb. C. MONEY ON CALI- Easier at 2iil5 per cent ; last loan , 4 jxr cent ; closed nt 4 per cent. PRIME : MERCANTILE PAPER-CGS per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady , with actual buslnews In bankers bills at H.f > 8 4.88V4 for de mand and J4.87fT4.S7U for Blxty days ; lusted 81111 KriiucUcu .Mining tluotutloim. SAN FUANplSCO , Feb. U.-TUu olflclal cloatny quotntloiiR for mlnlnj 8-B < xfl to Uy vvoro ns fol lows : JJI * Alia 7 BffiObnrnr. ( . . . 43 AlPh.aCon 17 ffiXJ A Norcros-t . lift Andcn. , . . , . . , . , 17 pifiilci1 , 3 Ilolchcr V7 iomluoky Con FrsiJt Pelclicr. . . . mi 'Moxlcnn Ml HwllnCon. . . .18 Mount Diablo . . . 19 Htilllon - -KNrcldciit.alCon , . . . 115 HuhvcrCon 14 Ophlr Cntcdomn 7 , Orcnnan. . . . . . Ill ChniliMitreCoii .13 [ Ulusl M ( la I jiWicu 4fl Contldi-ncK. . . . . . . . Kl.'i , Scorpion , 'J Con. Cat , A Vn 213 I Hftfra Nevada 4U Coii.lnnwrlal. . . . „ > I UAUn Con .15 rrown 1'olnt . . . . . . HI Utnli Con 11 Exchequer. , , . . . . (1 Vcllowjfnclict . . . 43 _ Silver han.0iet ! Mexican dollars , S3HS53MC Sight drnrts. par : tclcr.ipbla.p ir. An assessment of EC per wiare has been Icvlf on Ilulwer. ' l.tiiidnii Slock < lnolntlon . LONDON. Feb. 0.-4 p. m'closliig ; _ Consols , m'y. . . . . . . luxM i Mexican ordinary. Ji7 > Coimols , ncc't , . . . . loan su Paul eoiii . 7HJ nun. Pacific NrY. CrntT.ll . Km Krlc 17 I'cniiHVlv.inla . 4 * KrlcVdH 70 Headline . 7 ! lll.Conlrnl Mex. Con , now 4a. . 7 ! SILViU 30 l-16d. MONiY- per cenl. The late of dlseounl In the open market fc short hills , ) per cent ; Ihrtc months' bllli 7-lcm-ls per cent , \OtCK. llALTIMOHi : . reb. 6.-aenrinss , 2,32CM ! Iml nnces , } J79 , ' .5. IIALTIMOUU , 1'eb. fj.i-cienrlnKs. 12.3C2.CS ; balances , J279'j3. IIOSTON , Fb. 6. Clearings , JI2.100.8S3 : bnl antes , (1,3:6,011 , I'HlLAniM.l'HIA. 1-tb , 6.-Clenrlngs , I0.43V 531 ; balances , Jl,52lfG. ST. LOtns , Feb. C.-Clenrlngs , J3,900JI3 ; hal nnces , 13.17,874. Money , COS per cent. No\ ork exclmnge. t ir Ud , 2M nsked. Ni\V YOIIK. Feb. G.-At Ihe New York Hen Lstnlo exchange today } 4,2CO. oO Washington nn Idaho flrsl mortgage nml J1.C5I.8SO Orcion Hall way Lx enslon company first mortgage bond were sold nl public nucllon. The Iwo lot weie mid fjr JSoO.OOO. The CSOO.OW In gel vvhlch nt rived on Ihe slcamer Umbrla lasl Hun day was consigned to J. I' . Morgan .t Co. Th American Kxchntige National bank deposits tJW.OM KOld coin nt the BUblreasury , a.nd th Hank of New York deposited Th Hanover National bank lias deposited nt th subtrcasury J5uo.0)0 ) In gold coin. Tolnl dc I'liiiiiiclal AfTulrn. ItnnLIN. Feb. C. Hxchange- London , clgh diijH1 night , 20 marks 43't pfg. UNno.V , Feb. 6-The IJank ot Hnglnnd's rat of discount remains unchanged nt 2 per cent. m1./ ,1,8' rcbl..Cl * ' ' rn. Three per cent rents i-r , , ; , thc nccount ; exchange on London 2540 for checks. ' - . c' GolJ ls auoted at Mueno. fes today at 2IG.SO ; at Madrid , 17.G2 : at LI. lion. 2. , , at m. I'utetsbure. M ! Athens , 77 , mUO ! ' " Vlcnn 1 < > Amount uf'bu En l"n < l OI ( Jc-nernl Mnrkct. 1hpn'n'e -J-'LOUn-na ltr In Ion , "v L r lendcncy dovvnvsard ; ; patents , J3.75ff3.S5 * J'W > 3'M : ranc > " ' 3-10S3.20 ; choice 2.7002bO. hlencr or ' " ' " "s on bnlllsl though the market Inclined to weak ness. Later the ciuwd becamemore - Inclined ti OATS Mny In gcod ilemaml nnil sellcr scarce that option closing unchanged , spot , , iu | | ; easy NHY2nIlwelr" ; < eb'U'iry' 19ic ! ! Mny' :1 ° - CORN Mn\ly-J1.40fn.6l ! ) . 1 11UAN' Sacked , cnstl. , traqK , 47ICo bid. FI.AX SCCU-Qulutj SScT TIMOTHY . -M ! tlm JIL'TTnil Steady ; ci'eamep15C2c ; dairy , 10j liGGS Lower ; fieali , llc. < 1'OUIjTnY Tuikry * , Sj c ; chickens , 7V-OS'4c ducks. 9Hc ; Kcese , 6ff5'ic. WHISKY J1.22. C LnAD Stroip and ulvnnclne oh flrmsr 3s"e Yoilc and London mnikels. Uiijers here now .it S2.90 , wlilcli bid for chemical freely , nni ; m ll sales moro nt thnt ; spelter salable nl J3.75. v I'HOVISIONS Pork , 6 plendy : stnndanl mess Jobbing , new , flO.C2 > , jod. ; ! J10.1215. Laid , quiet ; prime steam. W.451 ; cholcj , } 3 E2'4. Uacon , Inxed shculrters. 55.C2'5 ; longs , JO ; ribs , } K12'.y ' Bhorta , (6.25. ( Dry rait meats , boxcil shouldirs , t4.73 ; lonRs , J5.K2 > 4 ; rllis. 3.75 ; . shorts , to.ST'/ . . IIKCEII'TS Flour Joqo bblr. ; wheat , SO.OCC bit' co'n. 2 ? . < Wbu. ' : iRls.17OiX ) ' ) io. > SHIPMENTS KliHirI17 , bbls. ; wheat , 24,000 l > u. ; corn , 4,000 , bu , ; oatB. 13,010 bu. I.lvcriinol'SInrlcvtH. . LIVEIIPOOL. I > b. 0. WHEAT Spot nrm ; de mand | > oor : No. 2 red winter , Cs lO'.id ; Xo. 2 red kprlm ; , stocks exlmiistrd ; No. 1 hard Manitoba 5s Od ; No. 1 California , Es lid. Futures , opened steady , with near and distant positions fcii lilBher ; closed Bteady , with near positions % d lilghei * nnd distant positions UiT4d liieher : buhl- ness about equally distributed : February , 6s 10'id ; March. 6s lid ; April , May and June , 5a 104d ; July. 2s 10'td. COHN Spot quiet : American mixed new , 2s ! Md. Futures opened quiet nnd ' 4d hlKher : busl- leps heaviest on near poslt'ons ; February , 3s 2'ld ; March. 3s 2VJd ; Apill , 3sd ; Mny and June , 3s M : July , 3s Slid. t'LOUU Firm ; demand moderate ! St. Louts Tancy , winter. 7s Sd. I'HOVISIONS Hacon. quiet ; demand Improv- Ins ; Curnberliind cut , 23 to 30 Ibs. . 23s Cd ; short ; i > a , 28 Ibs. , Sa Cd : Ion ? clear , light , 3S to 45 llw. , 2Cs Cd ; short clear middles , heavy. M Ibs. , ! 3a ; cleat' bollles , 11 to 16 Ibs. , 30s. Shouldeis , iquare. 12 to 18 Ibs. , Xa Cd. llnms , short cut , 14 to 15 Ibs. , 40a. Tallow , fine North American , i-s 9(1. licet , extra India mere , 77s ; prime mess , 18s. Pork , prjmo mess , line western , (3s Od Nard. easy ; prime western , 2Ss ; refined , In palls , UR 6d. CIiniSiE Quiet ; ilcmnnd poor : finest Amer ican white and colored , 47s M. IIUTTEIl Finest United Stolen , 90s ; good , COs. OILS Turpentine spirts ; JOa 9d ; rosin , common , Is 7Hd ; cottonseed oil , Llveipool rednfd , 17s 3d ; [ lnt.ei.ul oil , 20s 3d ; petroleum , refined , nothing [ U01CJ. HBFIUQEmATOn UEEF Forcquartcr , 3V4d ; lilndqunrter , Gd. ULLJACHINa 1'OWDEH Hnrdwood , f. o. b. , Liverpool , 7. HOt S At Londcn ( Pacific coast ) , 2 5s. ColIVe Mnrkvt. NEW YORK , Feb. ' 6. COFFEE Options jpent-d steady at DO 15 points decline , owing to weakness abroad under rather free local offerings , outside trade dlscournKetl and spot market practically nominal ; futures rallied a llttjo In thu afternoon on coverlnRB , nnd closed inlet at undmnKfd prices to 10 points net de cline ; mien. 26,000 baKS , Including February , nt 112.23. Spot coffee , Hlo. . No. 7 , J13. Mild , dull ; Cordova , ) lG.7 irl7.75 ; sales , fx > 0 tnga Mura- calbo , p. t. ; 1,300 IWKS Savanllla , p. t. Warehouse deliveries trom N w York yestcr- lay. 9,733 bn s : New York stock today. 2S9.C80 MKS : United States itock. 3C2.7S6 bass ; afloat Tor the United States , HO.OCO baK3 ! total visible Tor the Ulntcd States , D02SO ! ) Uiga , against 473,103 IJOKS last year. SANTOS , Feb. C. Market dull ; good nvernire SnntDS , (14 ; rtcelpta , 6,000 bags ; stock , 378,000 HAMnURO , Feb. 6. Market stendy at U pfg idvnnce : miles , 17,000 bags. HIO JJR JANKIHO , Feb. C. Market firm ; No. r , Hlo , J12.DV exchange , 9 3-32d ; iccclpts , 5,000 natrs ; cleared for the United States , 4,000 bags ; Tor Uurope , none ; stock , 247,000 baes. Cotton Market. NHW ORLBANS , Feb. 6. COTTON Steady ; nlddllng , 7T4c ; low middling , 7c ; gocd ord'nary ' , F E-lCo ; net receipts , 0.313 iMlea ; gicts receipts , t,531 bales ; exportH , to ( It cut Ilrltutn , 8. Ml bales ; o the continent , 11.992 bales ; salen , U , 00 bales ; stock. 3CG.408 bales. NI3W YORK , Feb. . COTTON Dull ; mid- lllnir , 8'ic ; nt receipts , COO bales : gioe re ceipts , 1,718 bales ; oxportB , to the continent , < ' " ) mlcH ; forwarded , 1M bnles : sales , 1,200 balea ; stock , 183.045 baleu. * o ST. LOUIS. Feb. 6.U-OOTTON Dull ; no sales eportfd ; mlddllne , "i.lte-iecclpts , l.COS bales ; ihlpments , 2.785 bales ; , jrtogK , 74.S83 bales. Tuletlu Grniu Market. TOLEDO , O. , Kl . rWSVIIUAT Higher nnd ictlvr ; No. 2 cash nnd.Kebruary , 23c ; May , 76',4c ; July. TJ'/ic. c OOIIN Actl\e and tJWMy : No. 2 mixed , 2Sc ; Xo , 3 mixed , 27ic ! ; M tf BlHc. OATS Dull Imt stendjrt No. 2 mixed , 20J4c ; S'i > . 2 white , 22c ; MiO' . ' tlUc. IIY12 Dull : No , 2 cnfliu40c. OLOVKH SI3I3D HceniliT prlmo cn h and [ Yl.ruary , S4.40 : March , fH 42 . ItiC'iU'T8 WhenRj.fWibu. ; corn , 13tXM bu.j lain. WJO bu. ! clover ffAiJ. 307 bags , HIIH'MHNTO AVIii-af./MW / tu. ; lorn , 4,000 bu. ; > ata , 1,0 J bu. ; clo\crpfrar { ; 1,014 bags. Dry NEW YOIIK , FebTa'-Tliere ! ' was n much .miirovtd . Inquiry for > Hlasse or goods as a mult of the much.-bi'UV feeling- consequent : a lha itversubserlplljir or * Ilia bond > . Visiting vnd local inerchantn'nM'tfow In line together. ind the general nentlntnnt Is that buslnens nil > ver the CMi/itry will Jw beneficially affected by luistunl hlnK ovcrluLbcrlptlon , Printing lothIn demand and 'pome ' salea unofllclally re- ; ) ortid at 2Jc. PALL H1VEII , Mam : ; Feb. C.-PjInt cloths lull at Kc. ; . I'eorln Mnrki-tH. PEORIA , Feb. 6. COIlN-Flnn , higher ; new S'u. 1. 2Sc ; new Nu. 3 , 21 We. OATS Firm , inacthe ; No , 2 white , 20Uc ; No. I white , lUVjc , HYIKcarce. . nominal ! No. 2 , 41c. WHISKY Market steady ; flnUhtd goods , on lie baslu nf | 1 23 for hlK.i wlni-s. HKCEI ITS Corn. 20.JOO bus. ; ont . 34 KO bus. ; yd. cno bus. : whisky , none ; wheat , 3CW bus. SHIPMENTS Com , M.MO tu .j oat , 71,700 ms. ; rye , W ) bus. ; whltky , syj gals. ; wheat , i.GOO bus , _ t _ MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. . Feb. 6 WHEAT iliticly ; Ft-brunry. CO'.ic ; May. C2HCiC2Uc ; July , : , o ; on truck , No. 1 hard , dl'ic ; Ma. 1 norlli- rn. C0'4c ' : No. 2 northern , CJV4c. KIl'R The market ! qul l ; ( Irst patents , ; tecond patmli , tl UJjj. 5 ; first clears , 2 CO ; cecond cleur , Trlni'0 Wliunt ( luiitutloiiM , SAN KItANCISCO. I > -WHUAT-Qulcti December , H.1C ; May , IU&H. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKEI Eocoipta of Both Cattle and Hogs Wcri Very Light. CATTLE PRICES A SHADE STRONGE MIr it Kf * Not iiiini : ( i > ( lie DC niniiil mill Midi Higher I'rlvcN KlNfvv lirre SnluftVre B to 11) ) CcntN lIlKhur. THUllSDAY. t-'cli. . Receipts for the days Indicated nrc : Cuttle. Hogs. Bhcci ) . Horfcos February 6 SGI 1,83.1 223 February 5 1,832 3,2fiS 751 1 February 4 1,8K > 6533 1.1SO February 3 1,493 I,4'.i3 65S Z February 1 843 1,89 * 18 January 31 1,1:19 : 1,119 4C9 2 January 30 1,481 2.7M5 213 DAY'S DISPOSITION. The disposition of the day's offerings o live stock was as follows , each buyer pur chasing the number of head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Ominn 1'acklnj ? company 9) ) . . . . O. II. llnminonil company . . 358 75. . . . . . Swift nnil Company 214 Mo z : Cuilnhy 1'acklng company . . . 1J7 It. Ileek-r nn > l Uegan 31 J , L. Carey 47 J. lyibtnan K. 11 M Ilentnn ft I'ndetnood 35 Nelson MnrrlB 4 . . . . . . . . . Hhlppers niul feeders , . 104 3 4 I.iIt over , G'H ' ) . . . . Toinls ! > 74 2,058 21 CATTLK-Only OC4 bead of cattle , a told , were reported In the yards today , a against 1.S32 yesterday and 1.4SI on Wedncs day of last vvcck. It was hardly inoic tha a Saturday's run , and there were no enough of any one kind of cattle to mnk a market. The light run , however , ill rot have very much effect upon the mnr kct , the Indifferent character of the dc nuind of late being such as to preelud the chance of sudden advinces on th strength of light receipts. About the bes that a light run can do , apparently. Is t make prices firm and cau p the offering lo move off a little more freely than o other days. Only n few fat cattle were on sale , bu rome of thorn wore quite desirable for th dre sed beef trade. As high as Kl.9.1 wn paid for one small bunch of 1,337-11) , i-tecrs The prices paid were a little stronger tha yesterday , and the cattle were nil soli early. In the way of butchers' stock , there wcr ton cr a dozen loads of cows nnd heifers The demand was fnlr , but not nctlv enough to bring about any advance li prices. Salesmen were generally calling th market Just about steady , though buyer reported their purcluifrpi as costing a llttl more than yesterday. Everything was soli before the close. The stacker and feeder trade was no very largo for two very good reasons There were only a few cattle hero ami th demand was light. Good stockcrs contlmte < about steady , but there Is a very weal feeling on htavy feeders , and the tendency of the market on that cln s of stuff I lower. In commenting on the feeder mnr ket the Chicago Drovers' Journal observe that the prlco of good feeding cattle am good fat cattle are about as near togethc ns thev ever have been. There Is scnrrelv COc difference , and some country i-hlpper- who sold good 1,400-lb. fat steers and wantei to buy desirable 1.0uO-lb. feeders declared a few dnvs ago that there wasn't any differ cncc. Feed Is so cheap and plentiful tha there doesn't need to bo as much dlfferenct In price as usual , though the gap shoul < bo wider than It Is to give feeders any klm of a show. The price of feeding cattle Is not extremely high for this time of tht year , but the price of fat cattle Is un usually low. Representative sales : srnnns. WESTERN CATTLE. IDAHO. No. * Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. g co\\s 90S | 2 10 1 Btnr Hi ) $2 45 1 cow SOO 2 43 1 feeder 930 3 40 35 cows 942 2 45 45UTAH. UTAH. Cozier IJrps. 3 bulls H1C 2 ( K ) 1 cow 1300 300 1 cow 1004 2 23 1 steer IITO 3 15 1 bull 1210 2 CO 64 feeders. . . . 10C9 3 85 1 cow S54 2 CO 50 feeders. . . . 1USO 355 9 rows 1014 2C HODS The receipts of IIORS , asvas the case with cattle , were extremely light , only 1,643 ien < l belnK reported In the yards , as against 3.2C8 yesterday and 2,795 on Thursday of last week. The sellers had things jrenernlly their own way , the receipts being so light and other mar- jetH being reported higher. The market opened iQlOo higher , and a good share of the offerings changed hands nt J4.00O4.05 , no against J3.904P 3 95 yesterday. Some go3d light hogs touched [ 4.10 , the top price , ns against J4 yesterday. The market was not very active , owing to the fact that salesmen were very bullish nnd were their holdings 'way up. Toward the CHICAGO IIV13 STOCK. Mllil Wi-iiUier Clii-cUcil < Iie IH-niiuiil for lloff Honu'Wliiif. CHICAGO , Feb. G. In entile Ihe continued mild wenlhcr Is checking the demand for beef , Lut today'i receipts were to fmall lhal then.1 was n fair demand at stronger prices , fioma lots said a Illllo higher , nnd Ihe "best cuttle weio from lOu to ICe higher than nt the close last vvetk. Cnminin to extra cholcp beef utejrii Bold at from J3.23 to JUS. llutchers' stuff was acllvo nnd mrontr , cows and heifers nelllnu chlclly nl from J3 lo J3.25 , with fair sales nt from J3.30 to J3.GO. Hulls gold nt from J2 to 13.M , nnd cahi-H of K ° otto \ choice quality at Horn J3.Z5 to JO. Btoekt-rs nnd feeders wrre I'l modernlu demand , vvllli eales mostly nt from J3 to J3.SO. TexniiB were unchanged , slevrn Bellini ; nt from J3.1S t 13.CO. and covte , ttnga nnd bulls at from J2.40 lo J325. In hoga thu larger receipts recently predicted by the packers ure nol malerlnllilnK , nnd puek- trs reluctantly put back the Cc they took off yesterday. The trade was animated ut from J4 to J4.CO , the bulk twin * nt from J4.20 13 J4.23 , A 1th a fvw fancy assorted IlKhl IIOKS nt J4 27li and some prime heavy nt JI.30. 'Jhe uveruso receipts nl Ihe presxtt time coniiUt largely uf ivi-ll inaturnt , rntlu-r heavy how , and prime IJKht promlso to veil nt a. fair premium sKoilly. IB they are wanted by buth local packer * and intern shippers , In theep prlcm v > cre no more than stetdy , larger upplen | havhiK cheeked the ndvnnrv. Common lu choice native sheep sld it from I2.CO to JJ.75. Wr trrn sold nt from J 40 to \3 \ W ; yturllngs at from 13.CO let JI.10 and lurnba U from 13.74 to J4.25. Il : celpt - < 'utlle , 9,009 head ; lioet , 21.0M head ; iherp , 13.000 head. Ht. I.iiuln Live SlouU. BT. LOUIS , -CATTLJi-IleceIpti , 8,000 nntket Mrcnr : tinllve Itcvei , JXt594.M , rows and hclferK , J2.00ft3.4l , slockcts mid frtdtr * , JlW ( < t3.7J : Texas mrdN. j.M1J3.7S. grnM nml M HOaSJ-IUctlp'd. l.0. hd : market SHlO > ' lilxhpr , hrav ) , J.M ) I2J , snlxrj , JlJnl3.:5 | , IlKhl 4M 1 X lf.UP tJf-c lr.t , SOO lifncV mnikPt uleady c-s , fJ.C'nf-W ! loiilhwrst , )2.IOtf3.23 ; lambs iii fit- LinSlorlc. . KAK8AH CITY , 1'eb. 6.-CATTI.I > U c Ip'li. S.CO1 ! hea-l ; hlpmcnt.i , 2 , 10 hend ; market steady , 5c higher , Terns Meets , J2 60(13 & 5 , Texas cows , J2.OOfl2.6J ; beef * ! < ei * . J1.2.i\74.r < > ; nnllvc cow * . ! 2.lMi3.t j xockcis and feciltu , J2.5093.S ; bull * , J2.Mif2.Vl. HOOS R c lpta , 4M hrn.l ! shipment * . t.CM luftil , mixrkot flrnr.g. Be lilRher ; bulk of Kales. H.SStt.M ; li nMr , JJ.40frS.'t3 ; pncker , JJ.74W 4.0 ( ) ; ml\fd , JX70-B3.M : lights , JS.Wt/S.S'i : York- Cl * . ) : I'lR" , J3.2' > { | 3. ! 1. HH HEP- Receipt * . 2.SOO hin.l : vlilpmrliti. > 3 li < n < l ; n.nikel itpiijy ; jamlui , J3.oOil.v ) ; million * , M.OOH3.70. _ . \ tnYorU l.lvi ! Stork > lni-l < ct. NP.W YORK , Pel. . fi-HUEVES-Re . < lpl * , 7SS he-ad ; calve * , ic-crlpt * . 4S licad. Matket nrm ; veals. J5.iMfS..V ) ; barnynid calves nnd westerns , nominal. HHUKI' AND LAMim-llccolpts. 3.935 hen.l : lnei | hlKlirr ; laml firm : s'llPiiliiR , gootl tn prime. J3.508.V./0 ; lamlp , fair to B' > il. J3.00 fi.1V 1IOC1S Ricflpli , .1.7S3 hnid , Maikct lower nt Jj.r.m.r , ; nmcy iisiu pig * , J. . Record of lecclpt * nl the mnr. kelit for Thniiday , KiLnmry C : Cnltle. llOK * . Sheep. Honili Omaha . tmt 1.S31 tFi Chicago . , . ! I,4UO 21,004 13,004 Knn an City . , . 3.610 4 , SOO 2.S"0 St. Linili . . . . . . 3 , 00 fj.OOO (0) Totnb ) . . . . . . . . .17,001 C2.I3J 13s3a AVuol . Market. ANTWERP. Feb. C. At ( lip River PIMlp wool auction K.ilr.i today , 3.500 balfs were nfferrd , of whlMi 1 , WVITO wltbdrnwn. The * ale < cloi'd with n fmther ndvnnce of C > centime * . The bidding was sluing , nnd llu > Rcloctlon nffeied was excellent. IVIIivvIng nlf the Fnle * : lliirno-i Ajn-s , 418 bairn , fold nt MiTlSOf per lirt kll < ' ! Montevideo , 1.C15 bales , sold nt SOJ190t per 10) ) kllou. NEW YOR1C. Feb. 5 - - SCCURRnnnrm ; unltt , n.ifl Ions Sumatra centrifugal , fiC lest , nl 3'c , rx-fhlp. ; 50 tolls .Inmiilcn Muscnivndo , S9 le l , nl 3lic. Rcnned. nulet. LONDON , Feb. C. SfOAR-Ciu-ip , nrm ; cell- Irlfugal Java. 13a lO'Jd ' ; MiiRc.nndo. fair t * . llnlnir , lln Sil. Hosl , llrmcr ; Felnuary nnd March , 11s lOJiil. KitrelKH Oil 3l LONDON , Peb. e. falciitlu llniei'd , spol , Sis 9d ; Decrmber slilimiMH , via Cape , 35s 9d Spirits of turpentine , 20s 4iid. P.REMEN , Feb. C.-PETROLEUM-C rmuks. Sii IS NOW UUXXIXO FOH A 11KCOUI ) . Ovprlniul 1 < liul ( > il Pushing llnplilly Tuvvitril ( lie A\V nt. Superintendent of Car Service Duclslngham and other olHclals bf the operating depart ment of the Union * Pacific were In high spirits yesterday over the good reports received from the "Overland Limited , " which left hero Wednesday noon with orders to make n record from Omaha to Ogdcn. Wednesday morning the tinln was delayed four hours by a railroad wreck In Illinois. It was due here at 8:20 n. m. ; Instead It arrived In this city at 12:10. : It left hero again on Its way to Ogdcn at 12:15 : p. m. - From Council Bluffs to Grand Island the train made the run of 156 miles In three hours and twenty-one minutes , making tip forty-nine minutes of the lost time. The "Overland" was drawn by engine No. 1SOO , In charge of Engineer Vannoy. This was ono of the best combinations on the road , the engine being one of the best over turned out of the Omaha shops , and Engineer Vnnnoy being one of the oldest and best engineers on the road. road.From From Grand Island to North Platte , a dis tance of 133 miles , the run was made In three hours and three minutes. The engine was No. SSS , also of the Omaha shops , and was tn charge ( if Engineer Austin. On this run thirty-seven minutes were made up. From Rawllns the train was reported as being only on ? hour and fifty-five minutes late , having made up over two hours of the lost time after leaving Omaha. From Ran-llns to Ogden Is a distance of 325 miles and In that un It was expected that the "Overland" would cut Its lateness In half , arriving nt Ogden only fifty of fifty-live minutes behind Its schedule time. The "Overland 'Limited" runs from Chicago to Ogden via the Chicago & Northwestern ind the Union Pacific systems. It has a very fast schedule as U is and to make up three hours between Omaha and Ogden Is con sidered no mean achievement. No short cuts were taken on this run. The train was handled In just the fame manner as It Is every day and all necessary stops were made. The regular schedule of stops was idhered to and flag stations were not over looked. Aitcnt Joint Klniineaii John H. Flanagan , on account of his con tinued Ill-health , hag resigned as local freight agent for the Clilcjgo & Northwestern rail road and will make a prolonged trip to Flor ida and the Bahama Islands to recuperate. George G. Dennis , who has for many years been connected with the Northwestern in tbls city , will succeed Mr. Flanagan. Hilton for Ilomiexceltcrn. General Passenger Agent Duclianan of the Elkhorn returned yesterday from Chicago , where a meeting of representatives of the .ransmlssourl lines was held Wednesday. It was agreed to cancel the party rate- rule that lias been productive of eo much In- | ury to the roads through scalpers. Ar rangements were made for cxcurclons of homescekcrs to points In Nebraska and Kan sas 100 miles west of the Missouri river. A rate of one fare plus $2. on the certificate plan , was authorized. These excursions are irranged with the Intention of bringing In now settlers to the western parts of Nebrat-ka and KfttisAS , and will bo given on the foli low Ins dates ! February 11 , March 10 , April 7 mid 21 nnd Mny B. A time limit ot twenty " > > < has been placed on the tickets ; . It was also decided to estnbllrti local passen * ger association * , similar to the "low joints" here , In Lincoln and at Colorado common point ! . | , Humor Without rnmnliitlnn. In regard to n dispatch from Denver , which appeared In The Ilec Wednesday , a prominent official of the HurlltiRton system yenter * day snld that there was absolutely no truth In the report that there was danger of n disruption In the Western Pabsonger asso ciation. Ho snld ! "The matter In regard to the trip of the Colorado mining men to Now York hnd been sat'sfactorlly settled yes terday In Chicago. An agreement was mad * with the roads east of the Mississippi , nml A rate of onennd otic-third regular faro will bo made for the round tr.p. ' 'The opening nf the new mining exchange In New York Is to bo n great event , and will be attended by largo numbers ot men Interested In mine * In the west. Prepara tions arc being made to exhibit thn product of Colorado mines , not the least Important of which vvlll bo the ores thnt have made Crlpplo Creek nnd Merctir famous. The exhibit Is being arranged on a grand scale , and It Is expected that Its value will reach $1,000,000. No effort will bo spared to con- vlnco the Inhabitants ot the metropolis thnt Colorado has some ot the most profitable mines In the world , " Htillvvny \ < ICN ami Prriotmln , John A. Kylcr , H\o stock oeent ot the Burlington , Is In the city. \ \ ' . li. Collins of I'onca , Neb. , was n caller nt Dmllngton headquarters yesterday. General Manager Dickinson and Traffic Manager Munroo of the Union Pacific have gone to Chicago. Chief Clctk Roddlngton cf the Klkhorn ofllco Is In Chicago , vvhcro his wife was burled a few tlayii ago. General Baggage Agent Trnynor of tha Union Pacific Is on a tour ot Inspection of the western baggage ofllces of the road. James H. Jagoo , traveling passenger agent of the West Shore road , vvno In town yester day on his way from Chicago to Salt I.ako City. Increased freight traffic In and out of Salt 1 Lake City on the Union Pacific has neccs- bltntcJ the employment of two additional train crews. 13. Q. Patterson , city ticket agent of tb * Union Pacific nt Denver , has Just resigned. He v\cnt to Denver from Omaha about ten years ago. For n tlmo ho was ticket agent for the Colorado Midland and Santo. Fc and was absent from Dsnver for about a year aa traveling passenger agent In the northwest for the Union Pacific. The- vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Patterson will bo filled by the piomotlon ot John J. Burroughs , his assistant. _ The verdict of the people Is that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is the best remedy for coughs , colds , sere throat , asthma , etc. TnllorH' ApMOflnlloii Hired * Olllccrn. CHICAGO , Fob. 0. At the nnnunl moot ing of the Custom Tnllors' association today the following ofllcers were elected : Presi dent. John E. Peltz , lllchmond , Ind. ; vlco president ! * , John A. CarEton , Kankakee , 111. , and S. S. Jnukson , SCaucHVllle , O. ; conc- ppondlnt ; secretary , S. P. Dolnnoy , Uvunt- vllle , Ind. ; rccoidliiK secretary , V.V. . Vance , Chlcnpro : financial secretary nnti 'jo , treasurer , George H. Hunton , Jacksonville , 111. ; trustee ? , Charles J. Stein , Chlcngo ( two > yearn ) ; G. S. Evans , Uhrlchsvlllc , O. , ( ono year ) . They Join Tliclr FurcoH. The Nebraska Trade Journal and the , Commercial Exhibit have been merged } Into ono paper , under the name ot 'i the Omaha Trade Exhibit. M. S. Bartlett vvlll be editor and H. F. Hodgln advertising manager. The first Issue of the consolidated paper will nppear on Saturday , February 8. \ "Give mo a liver regulator nnd I can rogu- ate the world , " raid n genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DsWIU's Llttlo Early ; Risers , the famoun llltlo pllla. JTV , ' * c i Miiriterer Surrt-nilcrM < < > AiiUiorHlcff. \f- MADISONVILI.i : , Ky. , Feb. C.-Jamc3 i flnghcs , murderer of Marshal Smiley , nt Providence , Ky. , Inst Tuesday , surrendered nnil Wn > < jnllcd nt Dlxon before the Provl- lenco people knew of it. or he would hnvo been lynched. Jordan Hughes , father oC the murderer , and a brother , Walker , arc In jail nt Dlxon as accessories. Our Free Letter Reviewing the grain and Block market * , wilt b lent you dally on request. In thr hope c ( deierv- Ing part of your business Orders solicited tot cash cr on three to five point . J , R. WILLARD & CO Member * Chicago Hoard of Traae , New York PmJuce Eichunge. New York Com. Stock Ex change. 17 Board Trade , Chlrjujo. 44 Uroadway. New York. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone 1039. Omaha , Nub. COMMISSION GRAIN , : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS Ltom 111V4 Uonrd of Trade. Dliect infra to Chicago and New York. John A. Warren & Co. ffiiPPLCREEtt GOLD STOCKS Bought and sold on commission. Mcehera Investment Co. Colorado Springs. Cole , THE OMAHA SUNDAY Something New South Arabian Nights J New Story from" Uncle RemUs" < * > named ) TheSonofBenAli Told by His Friends and Acquaintances. BHJHDLKR TIiis story began publication Feb. 2. To run six weeks. Illustrated by Oliver Herford. THE OMAHA SUNDAY