Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Mivno.\ .
Try Moore & Ellis' "Sultana" lOc clgir.
The Bee office , No. 16 North Main street.
The Salvador-Fcclcy case Is rtlll dragRlrg
along In Jiulgo Thorncll's court.
Judge Smith will go to Atlan'lc nrxt .Mon
day to hold court' for the Caas county cafe * .
The Council niufls oflleo of The Hec Is
Just north ot Oflkcr S. Pusoy's bank , on Main
The Grand hotel , Council BlufT . High
class .In every respect , llntes , ? 2 SO per day
find upward , n , F. Clark , proprietor.
The Ilrbckah Itdlct association will mcel
thin nflcrito'.n with Mrs. F. A. Sackett , 1110
Third nvenuo. All members are requested to
bo present.
O. D. Whrolcr has bcon appointed ftlmln-
Istrolor ad lliem lor Louis , Gertrulo and
Jacob Ilolchurt , minor helrc of Samuel Itclch-
art , deceased.
Myron and his brother , Daniel Deranda
Clark , were again In court yesterday to
answer to a new charge of assault with In
tent to do great liodlly Injury upon the thhil
brother , n. E. Clark.
In the suit of Mrs. Sarah n. Moore against
the Union Fraternal Accident association the
testimony has been heard by Judge McQoQ
In the superior court and the attorneys will
present their arguments by briefs.
All Odd Fellows of Council Bluffs , whether
members of the various lodge. * or not , me
requested to meet the dliectors of the Hall
association at the lodge room at S o'clock
sharp Saturday evening. Important biibjncts.
The members of companies Ited and Blue
are requested to report to Secretary Baker
at the Young Men's Christian association
rooms or to Captains Allen ot the Ileds nnd
McConnell of the Blues each night It appli
cations have been received , BO that a com
plete and correct record may bo had.
Company lied Is determined to mnko Its
reception Friday ulght ono of the events
to cause the Blues to blush. The de9ora-
tlons nnd exhibition of birds will bo some
thing astonishing. The concert will be ono
fir of the best held In the rooms , as may bo
judged from the following talent : High
School Mandolin club , Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Atkins , Messrs * . Woodbrldge and Griffith ,
vocalists , nnd Mr. E. Thompson , reader ,
Omaha. Refreshments will be served. All
men will receive a hearty welcome and have
a good tlmo.
An nudlenco that packed the New Dohany
from the orchestra railing to the Lost back
neat In the gallery was one of the things
that gladdened the honrt of Manaar Alton
last evening when the curtain was rung up
on the first scene In "Trilby. " And nn au-
dlcnco with greater expectations never en
tered the doors of the old theater , nnd cer
tainly a more delighted one never so reluc
tantly arose when the curtain went down on
the last ; act. The Intelligence and eagerness
of the audience seemed to have a hypnotic
effect upon the players almost corresponding
to the strange power Svengall oxsrclses over
Trilby hcisulf , and the result was that A.
M. Palmer's company. If Its manager Is to
bo believed , never gave the play such a
strong presentation. The degree of appre
ciation of their splendid work Is evidenced
by the fact that at the close of the third
net the curtain was raised four times before
the people wore out their hands or were
satisfied. Its \ the strongest play that Man
ager Alton has yet given hit pat'ons , end
ho Is naturally the recipient of many con
Moore & Ellis' "Corner , " best 6c cigar.
Wanted , good farm loans In western Iowa
at lowest rates. Money loaned for local In
vestors on best of security netting 6 per cent
Flro Insurance wiltten In reliable companies
Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
Traiiinx Went Into Camp.
Yesterday morning1 four tramps , Joe Man-
Plngj Thomas Burns , John GUI and J. B.
Allen , were before Judge McGee on a charge
of vagrancy. The charge against them was
dismissed upon the understanding that they
were to use duo diligence in getting out of
Hewn during the day. Yesterday afternoon
Officer Murphy ran across them several times
and repeated the court's warning , but they
needed It not. At 4 o'clock he found them
In a saloon near the Northwestern dcpol
rushing the growler with great enthusiasm
nnd he at once attempted to place them
under at rest. Ho only succeeded In getting
his hands upon one of them , The others
flow up the railway tracks In the direction
of Mynstcr'springs and for the time escaped.
Later Murphy took the chief's buggy ant
started "on a tour of the springs. A column
ot blue smoke curling through the tree tops
in ono ot the deep ravines attracted his at
tention and upon Investigation he found his
men encamped around a cosy fire. They
were compelled to break camp and occupy
quarters In the city Jail for the night. The
anxiety of the police to catch them arose
from the fact that they had assorted to some
of their saloon acquaintances , that they were
going Into camp In the woods until night
fall and would then return to the city and
"turn a. trlclt or two before morning. "
Athletic Content * , HI Pnno , Tex.
February 11 , 1SOG. The Burlington Route ,
K. C. , St. J. & C. B. n. n. will sell tickets
to El Paso , Tex. , and return on Februar )
8 at ono first class faro for round trip.
0. M. BROWN.
Ticket Agent , Council Bluffs.
Picture Ifrnmen Half Price.
Our half price sale will continue a little
longer. Take advantage of the low prlcci
In frames and pictures. All go at , Just hal
the regular price. H. L. SMITH & CO.
Don't miss our1 specialsalo of aluminum
ware for the next ten days. Cole and Colo.
Wo offer you only clean , crisp , snow whlto
laundry work and best delivery service at
Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway , Telephone 157.
Taken tf ) the Ai > ylum.
Sheriff Morgan went to Clarlnda 1-ast night
In charge , of W. F. Cochran , who has been
adjudged Insaneby the Insanity commis
Cochran Is a deaf mute , 21 years of age ,
who has been at the Iowa School for the Deaf
for omo tlmo. Ho has been subject to
Jits of Insanity for the last ten year , but has
lately become violent and has threatened
and attempted to kill his parents and others
with whom ho came In contact. Of late his
Insanity has assumed so violent a form that
it has been tound unsafe to keep him at the
school , and hla parents Joined Ini the request
of the school officials to have him taken to
tbo asylum.
The big special sale at the Durfeo Furni
ture company's Is In full blast. There were
Eomo the greatest bargains given there yes
terday ever offered In Council Bluffs. The
Bale lasts ten days.
fbtepban Bros , for plumbing and belting ;
tlsa fine line ot gag fixtures.
Davli , only drug utoro with registered clerk.
Dr. Cleaver's ofHce moved to 600 Broadway.
I * n xh oil Sentenced to llniiif. '
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Fob. 4. A Dally News
special from Jefferson City , Mo. , says ; Di
vision No. 2 of the supreme court today
nlllrmed the sentence of the Buchanan county
court In the case of the wife murderer ,
Thomas Punsbon , and fixed the date of exe
cution for March 13. Pushon's case IB
peculiar In that at his first trial he was
sentenced to twenty years Imprisonment , but
lie appealed the case and the decision was
reversed and a now trial was granted , Tbs
last trial resulted as above.
SullUuu HlurtM fur , Texim.
SPRINGFIELD , III. , Feb. 4. John Lawrence -
ronco Sullivan will leave for St. Louis to
morrow afternoon , arriving there at 7 o'clock.
Ho will bo accompanied by Mrs. Sullivan and
Harry QlUkauf. This wa determined upon
today upu receipt of a telegram from Par
son Davlcs requesting Sulllvnn to meet him
at St. Lsuls Wednesday night to start for
Texas. Ills wound still produces pu , but Is
healing , and. . ho U Ingood spirits.
Deail uu IIU Ilaiieh.
PERHY , O. T. , Feb. 4. Wash Phillips , a
Viealthy cattle man , was found dead on his
ranch torty miles west of hero In Wood *
county yesterday. Fred E'kler , Sidney
Clkler and Arnold Klkler , brothers , were ar
rested and confessed the killing , claiming
Belf-defciife. The klllng occurred In the
corner ot tbe tour counties and a surveyor
will have to determine the county jurisdic
tion oX the case ,
How the Oass County Institution's ' 'Oollapso
Has Been Utilized.
] 'trry AMilriiii ; Oilier SrckrrVn *
the HI UK mill ColniMl
Votes liy UN llousleil
An order was made yesterday by Judge
Smith that the ullncss ices for the defense
In thn case cf the Plata of Iowa against
Isaac lllckcrson should be first paid by Pot-
tawatamlo county and that expert witness
fees at the rate of $4 per day each bo allowed
to Theodore Stelnke , W. C. Martin and A.
M. DuVal for tbclr attendance during the
trial ot the case. ,
That was all of the record on the
case that has'occupied the' attention of the
court and a Jury for four weeks , cost CaM
county over $5,000 and Interested all south
western Iowa. Hut there was plenty of gos
sip ou the streets about the turn In the case
taken by the jury and gossip about the men
who were connected with the caso. Tfto fact
that the Jury stood nine for conviction was ,
as li..a been said , a matter of general sur-
prlpa and a great deal of comment. Those
who had watched the caw closely did not
expect that the Jury would spend any great
amount of tlmo In finding A vctdlct for the
defendant , but that all -goes to show how
uncertain Juries are and Is a sMo of the
Rise that Isn't half as funny nor as Interest
ing ns smo other facts that have not been
published. ,
The Jury had a lot of fun along with Its
troubles In making a tobor deliberation on
the caso. "Dr. " George Idler was one ot
the jurymen and It took the combined efforts
ot thuqthcr _ eleven men to keep hlrn toned
down , 'ills breaks made- something of a farce
ot n. most Important case. "Dr. " George was
for conviction from start to finish and he did
not want any half-way measures , either.
After the Jury had been out a few minutes
he made a motion that the Jury return a
vcidlct of guilty against Isaac Dlckersou , Joe
Yctzcr , Smith McPhersan and John Organ.
Ho was convinced that they were all legally
and morally guilty and It took part of one
evening to get It through his head that Isaac
Dltkcrson was on trial alone and that no
Indictment had been returned against the
attorneys for the defense.
"Dr. " George was a great admirer of Mr.
Bruce. lib sJld Mr. Bruce was a great
man. He was a banker and a lawyer , too ,
and that ho had done a good dsal of de
tective work of a" high order In getting all
the evidence In the case together as he
had. The "doctor claims to be something
of a sleuth himself , and said he guessed ho
would Bend his card to , Mr. Bruce and fee
If ho could , not get an opportunity to help
him on some of his big cases. But the
climax of the farce came when "Dr. " George
walked down Into the olflca of the clerk of
court and served official notice on
Clerk Reed not to pay any fees
to the three . 'nen who. had stood out against
a verdict of conviction. He was in dead
earnest about the matter , and was only
satisfied when Mr. Heed explained that the
law was all wrong nnd that n man who
voted for acquittal of an accused was en
titled to his fees Just as though he had
voted for conviction. "Dr. " George Is now
an enemy of that provision ot the law.
There Is another phase of the case back
ot all this ami that Is the figureIt has cut
In Cass county politics since the failure of
the bank In 1893. At that time and Imme
diately after It , and up to the present time
the death of a candidate was to have the
charge made against him that he was in
the "Cass County bank ring" nnd the candi
date's surest way to political preferment
was to denounce the ring and promise In
case of his election to clean out the alleged
ring and put every man In the penitentiary
who had ever had anything to do with the
bank In any way. The condition of the pub
lic sentiment has been taken advantage of
until the theme has been worn more or less
threadbare and the taxpayers are not o
eager as they were to vote money for fur
ther litigation In the case.
Wh.en Joe Yctzer testified on the stand
that Jim Druce had told him that 'f ho
could only convict old Ike Dickcrson he
could get anything he wanted In Cass county
In a political way he only voiced the senti
ment that has been the dominant force in
the political conventions In that county for
several years.
Jim Bruce , Attorney Swan and Mr. Door
man , who conducted the case for the state ,
have all had an experience In Cans county
politics and all have political records that
are Interesting , as they bear on the case that
has Just been tried. Each of them has served
a term as county attorney , pach has further
political ambitions and each has pledged
more than once to land all the Dlckcrsons
In the pen. Swan was the first of the trio
to bo county attorney. He was a democrat
and Caes Is a strong * republican county , but
ho pulled through. During the fight before
election the charge was sprung that Swan
had been the fusion candidate at one time
for speaker of the Malno legislature nnd
had afterwards been dropped from the roll
of house members by the votes of his col
leagues. Swan met the charge and replied
that he had been tried In his absence on
charges trumped up by the corporation op
ponents and that settled It. The good granger
vote in Cass county wont to the democrat
and Swan was elected. He Immediately In
stalled as his deputy James E. Druce , the
warmest republican In the county.
Well , two years later Bruce was nom
inated by the republicans and Swan by the
democrats. The fight was carried on
merrily until near election day , when some
of the workers discovered that a written
agreement had been made between Swan and
Ilruco that the defeated candidate should
bo the deputy of the successful man. That
rather chilled the Interest In the fight on the
county attorney , and Mr. Druco was elected.
Ho promptly Installed Swan as his deputy ,
and the campaign bitterness was forgotten.
At the end ot two years Bruce wanted
the nomination again , but Mr. Doorman was
In the field , Ho had a few delegates In
the county convention , Just enough to prevent -
vent the nomination front going to any one
elre , and had the balance of power well In
hand , when a charge \ > ns sprung against
him. Ho was accused of having charged
about 76 per cent commission for the col
lection of a note due a man out In Tacoma ,
who had been garnlsheed In Atlantic.
Boornnn had his explanation. Ho got up and
told those good honest farmers that he had
done whit was charged , but that the Tacoma
man was a farmer , a good honest follow ,
who had paid the bills once , and that he
had taken the course he had In order to
keep a lot of fioulleaj corporations from
robbing the man the second time. The
speech settled It. The roof nearly went off
an dtlio farmer delegates voted as a man for
the farmer's friend , and Doorman was nom
inated and elected ,
All of the different candidates had been
anxious for a chance to try a case against
Isaac Dlckerson. Bruce had convicted Yet-
zer nnd Boorman was expected to convict
Dlckerson. The trial came on at Olenwood
ast June before a Jury ot business men , and
Mr. Dlckerson was acquitted , The prosecu-
.lon had been conducted by Boorman and
Major Curtis of Atlantic. It was thought
: hat the case would end there , but the pollt-
cal ambition of certain Cass county men
was not satisfied , and the Cass county bank
was an Issue In the election again last No
vember. When the board ot supervisors met
n January the questlcn ot making another
prosecution of Isaac Dlckcrscn came up. The
uembers ot the board were divided on the
imposition. Finally the member from Bruce'8
loiuo announced that he would vote for the
appropriation In case Jim Bruce was em
ployed as special couneel to prosecute the
case. That carried the decision and Bruce
was employed , He says he did not want
he Job and placed hU figures high , with
ho liopo that the board would employ come
one else , but bin figures were accepted , and
then , as a matter of course. Swan came In as
an assistant to Bruce and County Attorney
Doorman was left out In the cold , and had no
part In the case other than the examination
of Martin , the expert who was in the employ
of Receiver Stelnke.
What the future ot the case will be Is
purely a matter ot conjecture. The defendant ,
Isaac Dickcrson , says that he does not court
any more litigation on the subject , but does
not fear a trial , and will bo prepared to abide
by whatever action the supervisors of Cass
county think best to take.
Director * Will Meet in Coiixlilcr Some
\OClH-ll Chllll e * . * .
Prof. Paulson , superintendent of the county
schools , has Issued a call for a general meet
ing of all the directors of the various town
and township schools of Pottawattamte
county to be held at the office of the county
superintendent on Saturday , February 15.
Two meetings will be held , one at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon and one at 2 o'clock In the
afternoon , and It Is expected that a ma
jority of the 250 directors of the county
schools will be In attendance.
There will be a number of Important mat
ters discussed at the meetings. Supjrlnten-
dent Paulson has some plain business mat
ters to talk over with the directors , and
then all of the men who are expected to be
present nt the meeting have a common In
terest In the question of modifications of the
state schcol laws which will bo discussed.
Ono of the apparently minor changes In
the law , and still one that means much to
the farmers who are members of the town-
sh P boards , Is the time fixed by law for
holding the annual and monthly meetings
of the boards. Under the law these meet
ings are held on Monday. The directors are
upantmoua In asking that the meeting time
bo changed to Saturday , as that will Interfere -
fore less v/lth their duties In other lines.
under the law as It now stands the school
directors receive no pay for their work. As
a result they have little or no Intiicst In
the work other than to secure a position for
some daughter , or neighbor's daughter , as
teacher , and the schools really suffer by
th system that has grown up In this 10-
spcct. The directors will probably ask the
legislature to amend the law so that mem
bers of the school boards shall receive ray
for the actual time devoted by thorn to the
work of the schools. There will probably
ba little opposition to the adoption of this
proposed amendment by the directors.
The question of allowing women the right
to vote on all school questions will probably
be discussed at the meeting with the senti
ment now In favor of asking the legislature
to amend the law In that rcspsct. Under the
present law the women may hold any &r. eel
office , but nro not allowed to vote for school
Superintendent Paulson also wishes to have
a general talk with the directors on several
subjects pertaining to the Interests of the
school system of the county. Ho has Just
returned from a trip through the county , In
which ho visited twenty-seven schools. He
found about two-thirds of the number with
good teachers and the buildings In good con
dition. In eight or nine of the districts the
teachers were not up to the standard and
the buildings were found In a very poor
condition. Superintendent Paulson found a
numb3r of Instances in which three dif
ferent teachers hive been employed at the
beginning of the school year to teach the
three terms of school. He considers this a
most pernicious practice and will use every
effort to have It discontinued.
The directors have an answer to make to
the complaint of the superintendent that
some of the buildings are not kept in good
repair and are short on dictionaries , charts
and school supplies of that kind. The direc
tors assert that In many of the districts of
the county where the school buildings are
located along the main traveled thorough
fares the tramps and movers make the build
ings a stopping place for the night , burn the
furniture and carry off the maps and charts.
This condition Is found to exist In a number
ot localities and the directors have given up
trying to keep the school houses In- proper
condition. It Is useless to lock the doors ,
for In that case the uninvited guests simply
break the windows nnd effectran entrance In
that manner. So the directors have allowed
the buildings to remain unlocked and have
Instructed the teachers and pupils to carry
all their books and effects from the build
ing every night.
AH of ) these matters will come up- for dis
cussion at the meetings to be held on Sat
urday , February 15. >
executive Olllccr Piinl Sets IIln Men
to Work.
The granting of the Iowa Construction
company's Indian creek ordinance by the
city council at the Monday night meeting
put John W. Paul Into the best of humor
yesterday , and he was Induced to show his
hand and reveal his Intentions a little bit
moro than was expected. Said ho last even
ing : "Our engineers and abstractors hive
really begun work , for they are nuking
preparations today for beginning the work
of running the lines along the creek and
ascertaining the wishes of the property own
ers. They will all be at work here In a few
days. The right of way men will also be
nt work In a short time , conferring with
the property owners along the creek and
wherever else the purveys may locate the
lines of the propcNul tracks. People will
see In a short tlmo that there Is something -
thing ; behind all that has been done and
that the Iowa Construction company Is very
far from being a myth. "
Paul's second ordinance , Introduced at
the last meeting of the council , asks only
tor the privilege of crossing several streets
and Broadway near Ninth street. It Is In
the hands ot the committee and will likely
bo passed at the next meeting. It reads
as follows :
An ordinance granting the right-of-way
over , along1 nnd across certain streets , al
leys and avenues in the city of Council
Bluffs to the "Iowa Construction company , "
Its successors or assigns ,
lie It ordained by the city council of the
of Council Bluffs. la. :
Section. 1. That the right , permission
and authority be and the tame Is hereby
given nnd granted to the Iowa Construction
company. Its successors or assigns to con
struct , operate , use and malntnln a single
or double track railway , with all necessary
switches , curves , cross-overs nnd turn
outs , from a point on Indian creek , nt or
near Eighth street , thence northwesterly
In a curve across Ninth and Tenth streets
end Avenue A , Eleventh street and Avenue
B , Twelfth street and Avenue C. and
across the alleys In b'ocks 3 , , 5 , in Heers'
addition , and In block 1C , Grimes' addition.
thence due north , crossing In Its course all
alleys and Avenues D , B , F , G , II , I , J and
K , to connect with , the propoted transfer
and shop yards of the Iowa Construction
company and lands owned by the Union
Land and Improvement company.
Also from a , point on Indian creek , at or
near Eighth street , thence In a southwest
erly direction across Broadway street nnd
over and along Union avenue to the Union
Pacific transfer grounds.
Sec. 2. The Iowa Construction company ,
Its successors or assigns , shall construct a
line of railway on Union avenue within six
months and eh all construct the other
branch , of Its line from Indian creek to the
proposed transfer nnd shop yards of the
Iowa Construction company and the lands
of the Union Land and Improvement com
pany within one year from the date of
the passage and approval of this ordinance.
and upon failure to do eo the city council
may declare this ordinance null and void ,
and all work und material thereon for
feited ,
Sec. 3. This ordinance Bhn'.l take effect
and lie In force on nnd after Its passage
anil approval , but the Iowa Construction
company. Its successors or assigns shall
file Its written acceptance with the city
clerk within sixty days from the passage
and approval of this ordinance.
Killed by FnllliiK Down Stiilm.
Margaret Hanson , the 19-year-old daughter
af Stephan Hanson , living In Hardln town
ship , died at 9:30 o'clock yesterday from
Injuries sustained by falling down the ttulr-
nay of her father's house. Bhe trlppsd and
fell on one ot the upper steps and etrurk
t the foot of the stairway upon her head
ind shoulders. Death resulted In n short
tlmo afterward. The funeral will occur to
morrow at 10 o'clock from the residence.
Hot Ilci .
Wo have 1,000 hot bed sub which we are
some to close out. They won't last long
How many do you want ? We will make you
price that cannot be duplicated. C , II.
I'alnt , Oil and Glass company. Masonic tem
ple , Council Bluff 8.
you Been ( be new gas heating stor
U the company's officer
Attorney and Sheriff After A Reform School
Candidate. , . ,
I i
Hume of Mr . Walilu of1 Sli en undo uli
One of MoiirnliiK from .Many
CntiNON Her Mother lie ml
mill Her Hey In .tall.
While Judge Thornell was making an
order yesterday morning committing J. D.
Waldo , a Shenandoah boy , to the reform
school ab Eldora , Attorney Ferguson ot
Shenandonh was on his way to Council
Bluffs with an arrangement by which he
hoped to save the lad from the state In
stitution and to send him to a homo which
had been provided for him In Mlwourl.
The case Is a peculiar one In many re-
ppscts. The father of the boy Is dead , hlo
mother Is almost Insane from grief and
trouble of various kinds , while the boy's
grandmother lies dead In his mother's home
at Shonandoah. Attorney Ferguson came
prepared to take the boy back In time to
attend his grandmother's funeral , but found
that Sheriff Lew Akin of Page county had
started on his way to Eldora with young
Waldo a few minutes before the arrival of
Mr. Ferguson In this city. The law In the
cass Is peculiar , and there Is no way of re
calling the order of Judge Thornell , and the
only way the boy can be taken from the re
form school Is through an appeal to the
chief executive of the state , and this will
probably bo done.
Attorney Ferguson recites a state of facts
calculated to enlist sympathy In favor of
the boy. The * father ot the , boy died several
years ago and the young Idd , who Is now 14
yeirs of age , has never had an opportunity
for education or the proper kind of home
training. Ho has been accused of a great
many minor thefts , and Is undoubtedly guilty
ot them , and has , perhaps , tha attorney says ,
been encouraged In his career of thievery.
The neighbors have come to look upon tht.
lad as a terror , and have been trying for
some tlmo to have him sent to the reform
school. Mrs. Waldo , the mother of the boy ,
Is a weak , In poor health and hyster
ical , and has been really unable to glvo the
lad any kind of homo training. Mrs. Waldo's
father nnd mother have been living with her ,
and yesterday her mother died. The fact
that her boy xvas In Jail In Council Bluffs
and her mother dead threw Mrs. Waldo Ipto
an hystcrlcU fit , and she Is now In a precari
ous condition.
Some tlmo ago the boy was arrested for the
larceny of a set of harness and was found
guilty by Justice Carter of Shenandoah and
sent to this city as a proper subject for the
reform school. The neighbors who had been
sufferers from the boy's raids urged the sen
tencing of the boy to the reform school.
The nearly crazed mother-appealed to At
torney Ferguson , and he iiegan an effort to
have a home provided fora the.boy. Ho saw
several uncles of the ladwhouaro well-to-do
people , at Shenandoah , and , made arrange
ments to have the boy and his mother sent
to a farm In Missouri. 'Hasupposed that
sjcli a course would be jadopted by Judge
Thornell , and telephoned on ( Mondayito.have
the case go over until , tpday. Judge
Thornell waited until this morning , and as
Mr. Ferguson had not arrived , ho made an
order sending the young'boy to the reform
school at Eldora , In charge-of Sheriff Akin
of Page county. An hour later1 Mr. Ferguson
arrived and found Ills'1 bdy gone. Mr.
Ferguson had n notice o appeal entered to
the Judge's order and lpftl'last 'night ' for
DCS Molnes to lay the matter before Gov
ernor jprake. * ' ' &
GeorKro Ilnvciix SUrlulcH from Ily-
iiiciteal Ho mis nt the I.aHt Moment.
A marriage license was Issued Monday
afternoon for the marriage of George Ha
vens and Emma Waddella , young swain and
his lassie from Lewis township. The ar
rangements for the wedding Included a visit
to one of the Justices of'the peace , who waste
to unite them at G o'clock. The young- bride
and several of her female friends was pres
ent at the appointed time , but the groom -was
not. After waiting an hour a messenger was
dispatched to the home of young Havens
to ascertain the causeof the delay. The
messenger did not return until after 10
o'clock , nnd when he. did he brought the in
formation that the young man had concluded
to take his mother's advice and not get
married Just at present. During the long
wait the young bride , who Is a child under
16 years of age , grew somewhat hysterical
and talked freely of her love affairs to the
court loungers. It was the same old story
ot woman's faith In lover's vows and the
Inevitable betrayal. The young girl told
her story with sobs and tears , nnd when she
became finally convinced that the lover In
whom she had reposed such perfect faith
and trust had deserted'hcr at the altar her
lave changed to Its kindred passion , and she
signed an Information charging him with
seduction. A warrant was Issued and placed
In the hands of an officer , but a diligent hunt
all day yesterday failed to produce the rec
reant lover. It was discovered that he had
sold a load of corn for the purpose of rais
ing enough money to get out ot the country ,
but the officers got upon his track before
ho could collect for It. Two special officers
were detailed to watch his home last night
and catch him should he return.
Free I.CKHOIIH In Art Needle Work.
Misses Clark & Wotzel will give free les
sons In art needle work on Tuesday nnd
Saturday mornings of each week. All ladles
are welcome to avail themselves of this priv
ilege. 33G and 33S Broadway.
Columbia bicycles. Highest of all high
grades. Call and see them at Cole & Cole.
Hob Kneelm' Frleniln lliiHy ,
SIOUX CITY , Feb. 4. ( Special Telegram. )
Fifteen hundred dollars has been raised
hero by the friends of "Bob" Kneebs to see
him through with his appeal from the Ger
man court before which he was recently con
victed of horse "ringing" In that country
and sentenced to- nine months Imprisonment
and forfeiture ot his horses and appearance
Representatives will tie sent from hero to
assist In his defense , an'd'ai much more as
Is necessary to clear him will bo raised when
ever It Is needed. ' ' > i
1 ' V
sTAMtorn iiovsTnii's STOIIY
Dramatic HerHiil llrforc * n > 1ury 1 > >
tlip Sin ; or of Murnrlniul.
BOON'B , la. , Feb. 4. ( Special TolojMm.- )
Wlth the exception of ono or two minor
rebutting witnesses oa the part of the stale
the evidence In the trial ot Stanhope Roy
ster on the charge of murdering Walla Me
Farland was completed today. More than a
day will be consumed by the attorneys In
argument , and It Is probable tl.o case wll
go to the Jury some tlmo Thursday.
The last witness for the defense was the
defendant himself , and It was a dramatic
scone as he toll how he came to lloone
Intent only on getting his daughter , how he
went unarnie-J to McFarland's room , how Me
Farland met him with a pistol , cursed am
threltsned him , and stajcd with him o
dogged his footsteps for three houis , trylnf ,
to get him to sign a paper exonerating him
McFnrland had told Royster there would bo
mruey In It for him , but the father had
replied : "Money don't count with mo In
this caso. I want my daughter. " McFar
land threatened to blow his brains out I
he made any trouble or called an officer
nnd kept hla hand on u revolver In hln over
coat pocket all the time ho was with him.
Finally Royster , who knew his life was
In danger , got away long ctough to buy a
revolver. Then as McFarland had said , "Yes
you can stay In town a week , but you I
stay with me. By G d I'll entertain you , '
ha had made a threatening motion with his
concealed hand , and Royster li.iJ shot.
Attorney J. L. Stevens and Rcystor en-
actcl tlih shooting scene with dramatic ef
fect before the Jury. Royster was not con
fused on cross-examination. His case seems
to be helped. It Is generally believed that
ho will be acquitted.
Too Komi of Women nnil Much At
PronH-'N tinmen.
( nt-lii-il to Othrr
JEFFERSON , la. , Feb. 4. ( Special. ) Four
times entangled with women , EOine of whom
were his wives , and n horse thief these
are the allegations against J. W. Owens ot
Shenandoah. The story of the wrongs this
man Is alleged to have committed ngalnat
confiding women Is startling. The story
which the injured parties allege they can
prove to the last specification , Is as follows :
About four years ago Owens , while , teaching
school In this county , gained the affection ot
the daughter of the man with whom he
boarded and betrayed her. At the muzzle of
a shotgun he married her , but shortly after
disappeared. Two years ago lie turned up
near Council Bluffs and secured a school In
a country district , becoming Intimate with
the family of a prosperous farmer named
Ranck , shortly afterward married one of his
daughters , but again disappeared , next being
hoard ot at Correctlonvllle. There he be
came acquainted with Miss Stella Stephenson -
son , and she brings against him a charge of
seduction. He has been living with Ills
second wife , Miss Ranck , that was , at
Shenandoah. It Is also asserted that a lady
In Webster county obtained a Judgment for
$300 as damages against Owens In a breach
of promise suit. The father of his first
wife , whom ho deserted , resides near this
city , and Is a gentleman highly respected.
He Is taking care of his daughter and her
little child , and not only substantiates the
charges made against his former son-in-law ,
but says Owens robbed him of wvcral hun
dred dollars and stole a horse from his own
father. It Is probable officers Ini this
county , as well ns In Shenandoah , will call
on Owens for an accounting.
Governor MnttliewH of Indiana
Thrown Out l Kceler.
DES MOINES , Feb. 4. ( Special Telegram. )
The managers of the boom of Governor
Matthews of Indiana for the democratic pres
idential nomination are pushing tUslr can
vass Into Iowa , and It Is understood have
met much encouragement. In the last few
days the prominent democrats ull over the
state , especially county chairmen , state com-
mlttcemen and others of promlnenie , have
been flooded with letters from all over In
diana urging- the claims of the InJIana man
ns the one western candidate who Is en
titled to western support and who will talrly
represent western Interests. The leading
democrats who are here at the legislative
session are well Impressed with Matthews ,
believing him stronger than Morrison and
far more acceptable to the country at large.
Thcro Is a decided opposition to Cleveland
In the rank and file of the party In this
section , and It has been growing strrngcr
since the state convention last summer , when
It was charged that the federal ofllca holders
controlled the meeting In the interest of
the national-administration. The democratic
state central committee will inset nero the
latter part ot the month to fix a place- and
date for holding the state convention to name
delegates to the Chicago convention. It Is
understood that the Matthews people want
a convention early , but not till after the
republican convention to name delegates to
the St. Louis convention. They are cnxlous
to make'a showing of strength In the west
as early as possible.
ItincrlntloiiN for the. Granite Shaft
Adopted at De Molne-i.
DES MOINES , Feb. 1. ( Special Tele
grrm. ) The Soldiers' Ilonument commission
met today and adopted the following Inscrlp
tions that are to be carved In fie granite
base nnd shaft of the monument. On the
base is to bo" the inscription "By Harrlst
A. Ketcham. " UnJcr ths bas relief of tha
battle of Fort Donelson , "The Bravest-
the Brave U. S. Grant. " Und r the bas
relief of the triumphant return will be the
inscription , "Right Is Right , God Is Right ,
and Right Prevails. " In the die back of the
allegorical figure of Iowa , "Iowa , Her Affec
tion ? , Like the Rivers of Her Border , Flow
on to the Inseparable Union. " Under ths
allegorical figure of Victory , "A Tribute
from Iowa to the Courage , Patriotism and
Distinguished Services of All Soldiers end
Sailors from Iowa Who Fought In the War
of tha Rebellion. "
Members of the commission say that the
report made two years ago on the matter
ot location will not bo changed. They deny
t'jo rumors that they will recommend a
change. As to the discussion In the legis
lature ot changes In the medallions end
other art works on the monument , they
say they will not consider the matter un
less action Is taken by the legislature or
dering It. They are satisfied with , their
work and will make no changes.
CreNtoii Water Work * CiiHeAppealiMl.
CRESTON , la. , Fib. 4. ( Special. ) The
city council has decided to appeal the water
works cas9 , arriving at this decision last
ovenlng by unanimous vote. The wish of
the citizens for appeal has bcoii unanimous
ard the action of the council waa very pup-
ulur. When the vote was onnounied the
large audlsnco applauded vigorously. There
Is $70OOQ Involved In this case and the
taxpayers were anxious to have tbo case go
J n
* > 4
For 100 Coupons I J For 2 Coupons
and ' $1.00 / OR I and $2.00.
You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce
bag : , and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of
The watch la Electro Gold Plated , a good tlmo keeper , quick
tern wind , and stem set. It la offered far below its value to induce
you to try thin Tobacco. Send coupons with name and address to
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the
Coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how i
to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED.
* Ml
to the suprsmo court for Una ! adjudication.
In the lower court the city \\ss defend ,
but tha mnjarlty ot ths Aldfertneti < i number ot citizens think the supreme
court twill tcvore JiulKO Tow nor. The
vital point In controversy Is whether thJ
city has the right to RO outside of the 5
mill tax alloireil by the stilt- law tor water
rental and tnko from the general fund.
Trumps I'rinoUc Trouble.
MAUSHAI.LTOWN , la. , Keb. 4. A rloX
occurred hero today between a gang ot dcs-
pcrato tramps and a sqund ot otllccrs. The
former resisted nrrcet and one had his skull
cracked by a policeman's club. Ialer the
sheriff nnd a deputy entered the Jill , whin
the other hoboes assaulted them. The dep
uty was badly pounded , but drew n revolver
and flred t\\lce , dangerously wounding one of
his assailants , \\lio gives his name as Snider.
S rcitloh t.iidiornti Conference.
CUKSTON' , la. , Feb. 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The district conference of the Swe
dish Lutheran church opened here tonight
for a three days' sesi'loii. Matters pertaining
to the welfare of the church and the edlll-
cation of HIP clergy will bo discussed. Itev.
Carlson ot St. Joseph , Mo. , will address the
confere'ice. Clergymen from all o\er south
ern Iowa are present.
llclil oil n ir e MUe' "CnnfrNtlnn. * '
MASON CITY , In. , Feb. 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Kay Vantnpset Is on trial In
C'llcka&nw ' county , charged \\lth murdering
hlii wife. The principal evidence against
him Is what Is claimed to be a confesslqn
secured by a tleto-tlve. Vanta set's defense
Is that his wife committed sflcli'o.
Tuo CrFNlnu MCMI IiiiHeteri.
CUE8TON. la. , Feb. 4. ( Spoclil. ) Ulck
Shnrkoy and Trunk Koyi > have been IndlotoJ
by the grand Jury for burglary. Tlpy were
caught In the saloon of QUJ.vmjIstcr S :
\ValtcrsdolT. Keys narrowly escaped the pjii-
Uentlary at the- last term of court.
Suffered Tn-enty-I'tIvc Yearn from
DyniieiiNla and Stomach Trouble
Iteiiuirkalile Manner 111 Which She
Ileeame I < 'uII > Cured.
From Mich. Christian Advocate. )
Mrs. Sarah A. Skccls , an estimable lady ,
residing at Lynnvlllo , Jasper Co. , was for
twenty-five > cars a sufferer from dyspepsia ,
and her complete restoration to health Is so
remarkable that wo present the facts In the
case for the benefit of our leaders , many of
whom have doubtless suffered In the samu
manner and will , therefore , bo Interested In
learning how all stomach troubles may bo
avoided and cured. Mrs. Skcels says : I
used only one package of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets and I received such great and unex
pected benefit that I wish to express my
sincere gratitude. In fact , It has been six
months since 1 took the medicine , and I ha\o
not had one particle of distress or difficulty
since. And all this In the faca of the fact
that the best doctors I consulted told mo my
pate was Incurable , as I had suffered for
twenty-five years. I want half a dozen
packages to distribute among my friends here ,
who are very anxious to try thla icmcdy.
Tiuly yours ,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets make the com
plexion clear by keeping the blood pure.
The Increase flesh by digesting flesh-form
ing foods.
Stuart's Dyspesla Tablets Is the only rem
edy designed especially for the cure of stcm-
ach troubles and nothing else.
Ono disease , one remedy ; the successful
physician of today Is the specialist ; the suc
cessful medicine Is the mcdlcln prepared
especially for ono disease.
A whole package taken at ono time would
not hurt you , but w uld simply bo a waste
of good material.
Over six thousand men and women In the
state of Michigan alone have been cmcd of
Indigestion and dyspepsia by the use of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Sold by all druggists at CO cents per pack
age , or by mail from Stuart Co. , Marshall ,
Gold and Cough Cures
niTcctliiil III GtirltiK CSrlp ,
Col il mill CutiRliK ntul H Sure Pro-
v < > iitle if 1'iicuiiKiiilii anil All l.unur
Colds lead ( o coughs , coughs to Pnou-
monln and Consumption ; therefore , It is nil
Important to check a cold bsfore It roaches
the lungs. Munyon's Cold Cure will posl-
tUely break a cold Insldo of twenty-four
hours It taken as soon ns the cold manifests
Itself. When the cold refchcs the lungs or
bronchial tubes the Cough Cure should bo
used alternately e\cry Imlf hour with the
Cold Cure. The Cold Cure Is guaranteed
to prevent pneumonia If used In the begin
ning of a cold. Pneumonia , of Inflimmntlon
of the lungs , can bo controlled by the use ot
these two cures.
The Cough Cure positively cures bronchitis.
tickling In the tin out , hoarseness , loss ot
\olce , boroness of the chest , dtlllciilty In
breathing , hacking cough nnd all pulmonary
diseases where the lungs nre not too far con
sumed or covered with tubercle * .
tf > ou nro ailing , step Into the nearest drug
store ami get a 25clol of one of Munyon's
Remedies. No matter what your disease , or
how many doctors have failed to cure , It will
glvo you relict.
Personal letters to Prof. Slunyon , lf > 05
Arch street , Philadelphia , Pa. , answered with
free medical advice for any disease.
In charge ot the
This widely known Institution has been
doubled In size during the past summer and
made one of the mobt modern and model
Institutions of Its character In the west.
The now additions will bo ready for occu
pancy by the first ot the year. When fully
completed , accommodations will bo afforded
for 300 patients. It Is beautifully situated ,
overlooking the city of Council Bluffs. A
full staff ot eminent physicians and trained
nurses minister to the comfort of the pa
For fuller particulars , apply to
Council Bluffs , la.
Two Largo , Moriy Nldhts.
FEBRUARY 5 and 6.
First appearance of tbo Council IllulTs
2O Genuinely Funny End Men 2O
Look Out for the Local Hits.
I. Edgar Owens , Stnee Eir. ard Interlocutor
Prices , 81.OO. 75o. 50o '
Reserved scat sale opens Monday morning ,
I'ob. 3 , lit box olllco , Got In llmi early.
inilhtllli : . Alnnysrill.iblc. Tnkc 116
iiilislltiilf. KorMilpliynllilrnifElii * P2m. SomUc .
: or n'omaii't . .suuruanWII.COX Kl'IX'll'IU CO.
' . ' , 1'A.
B3 South hlulitli Struct , 1'lULAUU.l'mA
oust be cheap. Address McLauElilln , Oca
Keeps Men Poor.
The clerk might be "boss" if he
had the head for it. The brains
are there , but they don't seem to T
work , The trouble is often in the
stomach. Indigestion keeps men
poor because they don't know they
have it , but imagine something else.
Ripans Tabules insure sound diges
tion and a clear head.
nipnns Tabulm Bold by drugglBti , or by mull
If the price iu > cents a Inx ) U tent to 1i IU-
psn Chemical Company , No. 10 Spruce St. , N , T.
Having fully demonstrated by years of nuccensfui practice and experience that ho li
able to cure multitudes of dlBcusea which bulllb the eklll of ordinary physicians , bo
feela It his duty lo make known to auffunng humanity that ho devotes tils whole tlmo
und energy to tills particular branch of the profession , und will prepare and furnish
neUlcltio at his olllce or visit those CIIBUH which may rc'iulro peruoiml examination. 1'a-
tlents ut a distance may consult Dr. Mosher by letter , ulvitu ; a carefully written history
of their , describing their uymptoms minutely us poFslblP , which will enable him to
nake correct dliiKiioala , and Judge very accurately of the curability bf the disease , und to
apply proper remedies. Medicine forwarded either by mail orxprcsa. . and all medlclno
prescribed by Dr. Masher l prepared under his own personal vupervlslon. He Ircatu all
diseases without mercury or other poisons , which create Oliteute of themselves.
The doctor by Ills new nKSTOHATIVB TniSATMKNT curr-8 all curable dlsonsea , and
reats with HUCCCHS all affections of the Uvcr , Throat and UIIIBH , Catarrh , Kullepay.
Dyspepsia , Hcuit Disease , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , and all Nervous Diffuses caused by
overwork , the Indiscretion of youth , or the CXCCHSCS of riper ytarx , and whatever may
end to lower the latent foice or the tone of life's vitality , causing physical debility ,
nervous exhaustion. Insanity , and premature decay.
Consult personally , or by Letter , free and strictly confidential. Address ,
Dr. S. Mosher ,
Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , la