THE OMAHA DAEDY BEEt r TUESDAY. JANUARY 28. 1896. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ailvcrtlneinrnt * for ( lime coin inns will lie ttikeii until 12i3U p. in. for llic ovciilnn ; unit tinlll 8 p. in. for the tiinrnltifr nnil Smidnr cilUlonn. Ailrrrtlnerx , \ > y roqucdlliiR n nnm chrclrf cnii linvc nnmvrrw ml- < n iitnnlii-rcil letter In cnrc of The Her. Annuer * no nililrcnHetl Mill lie it < > llvcrt'il HIKIII pronciilnllon of tlic check milHntc , 1 l--c it word flput Jiidprtlon ) In n word thereafter. Nothingnk < -n for leu * tlmn 2So for flmt limcrtlon. The i ; inlvrrtliicnicnl * jiiitut I o run coniiccil- tlvclr. WANTI3I1 MALI3 III3L1 * . ice TO ux > PAin SALESMAN rou CIOAHS ; eiprlcnce not ncecsunrx ! extra Inducement * to cuitomers. nishop & Kline. St. ' . BALKHMAN von TUP. HUMAN Rtx > , l Dido line for Imrdnnrc or harness Biles- mnn. Cnll or nildrcss 1 So. lUh t. 11 MGI4 r ZJ yot'NO MAN OK UNQt'KSTIONIJD CHAItAC- tcr Imvlnr IIW , cnn cot iirolltnljlc employ ment l > y niMriflilnif 1C 18 Itco offlco. . . , WANTI1I ) . tXH MiN AND TI3AMS TO HULL nur f eil tfrlnilcru nnd cookcn. Salary. " to JI > 1 l > cr tnonlli , nccnrcllni ? to nullity. Hie Lltchllt-M MfR. Co. , Webster c | ' Mlj ! | , -j. . \VANTI3I ) . MAX WITH I'USII TO INTIIO ; iluce a new nrllclo nmon.r merchant * ntiil ntnl.le men In Omnlm nna every city nnd town In Neb. nnd FurrounilltiR states , I > .iys t. ' per rtny. His on BlRht : nn competition. Address , with otnmp. Aincrlcnn MfK. Co. . 4 Hncc tl. , I'hllnilclpnln. I'n. H-M.I7 2) ) * WANTIA MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO do Rcncrnl hoimenoiM must be n good cook nnd ni at ; colored preferred. Inquire nt isi.i Chlcao ( _ m. C .M707 8) ) _ WANTED-CHIIL FOU C1ENEHAL HOUSE- work. Hnuilt fnmlly. C14 North 22d . J ( yhr rtIU 1U3.\T HOUSES. l- $ * " HOUSES. K. 1C. UAHLING. UAItKEn ULOCK. D l j HOUSKH IN ALL I'AIITS OP THE CITV. THE p. F. Dnvls CompsnyJM3 Farnnm. D-KO ETANFOUn CHICLE COTTAGES : 6 HOOM , modern , llyron Uee(3 ( Co. , 212 So. Htli st. p 418 t AND t-IlOOM HOUSES ON FAI5NAM ANU t-room houno on KA nnd Lenvcnworth , cheap. Jno. W. ItoLMns. 211 N. V. Life B1Jej3 _ . , , HOUSES. IJENHWA & CO. , 10J N. 15T1I ST. FOH HENT , HODnnN llllICK HOUSE OF il r.r 20 rooms lit 114-118 N. 25th 8t. See J. N. Frcnrcr , opposlto poitoince. Tfl. 5. < 4. D S27 MODEUN HOUSES. C. A. STAHR. 923 N. Y. Llfo building ? _ _ EiaHT-UOOM. ALL CONVENIENCES. 1217 Bouth Thirty-second : and many others : on sizes. V. U. Wead , Sixteenth end DouKlas. foil FlENT. JIODEIIN HOUSE : EIGHT rooms ; with tmth ; on car line : near park : Alco smnlt hoiiss : good location ; only . > . _ Oiin- nctt. CO I llrowr. block. P JIHj 3S1 * _ FOH IlENT , NKE ! SO'JTII FItONT EIGHT room trick hov e. with nil modern Impioye- rncntn und In flrst-clors condition ; pofsesslon Elvcn Jnnunry 15. Inqulro on promlfces. Soil ) Half Howard street. n 21J S-IIOOM FLATS , 3.00 ! 1022 N. 21ST. I1IO IIAKCIAINS 14 rranv ) . 21th nnd Douglas , modern , reduced from J60.00 to HO.OO. 7 rooms , tnwlcin , 27lh , ncnr Cumins , reduced from JM.W to J18.00. 9 rooms , inoilein , 24th and Douglas , reduced from i t. t. , . Tirnnmn , modern , 31th and Jackson , reduced from J27.BO to J1S.OO. Also several other fine houses cheap. H Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam street. D 4C ! \ FOR RENT. A NICE C-ROOM HOUSE NEWLY papered , $8.00 per month. Including city water , to people that pay rent In advance. Ill N. 37th ; take Farnam car ; Stoetzel , ne\t to P. O. D 161 EIOHT-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL LOCATION , U3.00 per month. Enquire 201J Copltol nv-mic. ' D6002 } * STEAM HEATED STORES AND FLATS. Howard Rnnck. agent , 1010 Chicago st. D 474-F14 4-ROOM COTTAGE. NO. 2722 FARNAM ST. Milton Rosera & Sons , 14th nnd Farnnm Sts. D 530 FOR RENT , 7-ROOM HOUSE ; ALL MODERN Imprwcmcnts except furnace. 2217 Cass st. D MG36 23 FLATS , ELEVENTH AND HOWARD , 6 rooms , newly papered and painted , J13.W. 314 First Nofl bank bid ? . D-C23-31 FOU HENT FUUNISHED IIOOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AT 1610 DAVENPORT Mtcet. E-M17 < F14' NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen or man nnd wife , near Kountze Plnco. Good neighborhood , pleasant surround ings. Address K 3 , Heo olllce. E-603-2S * FURNISHED ROOMS ; STEAM. 204 SO. 2DTII st. K MC32 2J FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS , with modern convenlciccn. 1713 Chicago fit. E MG3D Fl * 3 NICE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH E D rooms ; for light housekeeping , 1112 S. 11th. E 713F2 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS LIGHT housekeeping , 2' > 1 ! > Ilnincy , K 710-2 * HOO.MS AND no A it u. FRONT ROOMS. WELL HEATED ; FAMILY bo.nd If Ofilrcd ; rutca reasonable. 32i North 23d1st. F76 FIRST CLASS BOARD : 1610 DAVENPORT ST. F M471 FH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. Terms reasonable. Cnll 2107 Douglas. F 491 0 njitNisTuJi ) ritoNrliooMs'wiTi'roR WITH" out bnard ; steam httit : electric lielU ; baths ; rates leasonablc. Midland Hotel , IClli & Chlcngo it. F M533 F1S FURNlSHir : > FRONT ROOM , SUITABLE FOR twu , with board. 2013 California St. F018-27 * FURNISHED ROOM , MODERN. WITH HOARD. 15 week ; nlso suite looina. The Roso,20J ) Hnrney. F-6K.F LARGE SOUTH ROOM WITH STEAM ; EX- ccllcnt table ; luferences. 20. N. ISth. F M721 S0 KOU HUNT UNFLUNISHED IIOOMS. I ROOMS : WATER IN KITCHEN ; CENTRAL ; leasonahla rent ; nlc * for housekeeping. 1702 \Vebsterit . O-M530 _ _ _ NICE OUTSIDE UNFURNISHED ROOMS AT SIS N , 171(1 ( el ; upatalra. U-M344 31 1'IVE UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOR housekeeping to m.iii nnd ulfe ; water In the Kitchen ; uti > cl sink ; uusle pipe. 319 No. 17lh. G MC1S roil RENT. THREE UNITHNISHED IIOOMS. cultnbli ) far light housekeeping. Imiulrc Ut ) , So. lOlli. G-MCS9 2S KOU UE.M' STOItES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING at H10 Farnam Bt. This building lm < t u tire- pri.of cement basement , complete ( team heat ing nxturo , water ua all floors , ga > , etc. Ap ply at the ofllco ofjfh * lies. 1 8 ; ' IIAKEMENT AT CI9 N.'lCTH ST. . WITH LARGE No , 1 bake oven ; also morn loom ; unod loca- tlcn for bakeiy. Apply to I , N.Valson , Ci3 N. Y. Llfo Illile. . or at olllcw of Union hotel , C19 N. ICth .St. T5o BTORE ROOM , 30.XS5 , AT 61S N. 10TH STREET ( Union Hotel block ) . ! 25.00 ; ultli meam hent , $33 00. Al'Pty to 1. N , Wutson. 123 N. Y. Ufa llMk' . . or at oillco of Union Hotel , C19 N , 10th Bt , 1 577 HALLS SUITABLE FOR ROblHTY PURPOSIIS , second ami thlid lluors. 1101 F.unim ; rent rca- so table. 311 Flrit Nat'l bank bldg. I C23-31 FOR RENT AN OLD ESTABLISHED GROcery - cery MOID ; tullnlilo nln for meat nurket ; gootl location , limulro 1013 Farnam Hi. 1 ilCa-3 ; AGi.TM WANTED. AGENTS \\'ANTED TO TAKE ORDERS FOR our celebrated $1.00 custom tunts and aulti. Chicago Custom Punti Co. , 203 Fifth nve. , Chicago. J-M947 FI r UENTAL A EXOV. J , II , 1'ARROTTE , ROOM 25 , DOUGLAS BLK. LM-S33-F1J STOUAGK. ETORAGE , FRANK KWERS. 114 UARNUY. _ _ _ M-131 FACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . VOt-flO Jcncs. General Huiaru and fonvardlnv. r M-1M 8TLUM-HEATED ROOMS , MOD. tra co vent < nc . board. CO ! South IJUu It-lW WANTED TO I1UY. LIST REAL ESTATE WITH F. D. WEAD. Sixteenth and Doiiglai. N M1H Fl SECOND HAND"FURNITURE , BROWN'S , 103 8. 14h. ! N-4K WANTED. TO BUY , A FARM TEAM AND A cow. AddrpM. with particulars , P. O. tot 601 , Council Bluffs. N MC < 3 34 WANTED TO BUY , 5 OR S-ROOM HAUSE TO move. Address E. 8. J. , 2212 Hurt st. KOU SALE IfUHSITUHE. PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE AT 4.124 Franklin street. O-MCS2 25' FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BIX COLONIES OF ITALIAN BEES. DOO- llttln ntraln , In the finest condition , with com plete outfit ; li i\lni ? Neb. cnuie of tale. Col ! or write W. H. Mon-e. Forest Lawn cemetery ! poslotneo address. Florence. Q C30-27 * HARD WOOD 4 AND 5-FOOT FENCE FOR corn cribbing. C. R. Lee , Ml Douglas. foil SAM : , STOCK OP cunscnNT LAND compnny ; nplcndlil Invretnvnt , Cnll or nil- dress It. P. Dnllcy , 340 N. V. I.lfe Mile. Q-M6W Jl KOR lin\T FAIIJIS. Itlll HUNT. FAItM 24) ACHKS. S MIM38 west of South Omnlm. inquire of Thomns Swift , < M N. IJth ( it. , Omahi. n-MC32 ! S CLAIHVOYANT3. MUS. Oil. H. WAItttnN , CLAinVOYANT. ni2- llablc business medium ; 8th year nt 119 N. Ifilh. S 133 "OIP8Y QUKI3N" TOHTUNK TiM.EIl ! InillM. r,0oi Rentlcmcn. Jl.OOi luck > cliarma. 1S21 Knrnam utrcct , between 18tl > nnd 19th : no gRn. | 8 XKAJ siAss.vaia , IIATIIS , ETC. MADAM SMITH , 162 ! DOUOIAS STIinCT. 2D llwr. rtvim 11. Mn nge , Btenm , alcohol nn < nulphurlnu bnths. T CS4 1 * _ miB ! LAIIUET MASSAGE ; ien HO\VAID street. T M < 50 T15 * MMH. AMPS , ponMnnt Y OF ST. ix > tns , MAS- suge nnd baths. 537 3. 13th st. , 2d floor , worn 10. DATIIS. MAS3AOE. MME. POST. 3W'i 8 FINE uvisny nias CHEAP , no KAUML.EV. ITth nnd bt. Uary'a avenue. Telephone. JW. SUl'KHKLOUS 1IAIU AND MOI.HS HE moved by electricity. Mmc. Post , 31314 S. 1Mb. MISS VAN VALKCNIIUHQH DESTUOYS Pnil- mancntly by elcctrlelty superiluous hair , molee. warts , etc. Iloom 416 , N. Y. Llfo bids. MONEY TO LOAN ON 1'EUSONAL I-ROl'- ertyj strictly roiindentlnl. Address P. O. llox J2C. U-14S WEDDIKQ INVITATIONS. I3UHKLEY PTC1.CO. U 238 I * I VIAVI CO. , 340 DEE DUILDINQ ; HOME trentmcnt for ladles : physician of fifteen years' experience In attendance ; consultation ff"- ET.ECTIUC PRINTS AND POHTnAlTS. J. F. Uodtker. 1302 Douglas street. U Mjgl F3 WONDEIlFUli SYSTHA ? KOU MAKING OLD fnces you K : wrinkles removed. 200 Douglas blk. Write Mmc. True. U MI17 F1J" inu.n niH'nitUY CORSET MADE TO OUDEU at 1U03 rarnam. Lady can\ussers want ml. U MTOfi F23 * MIPS MASON'S SCHOOL FOU DHESSMAK- InK. over II istnn Stoio , In HolirbaiiBli lluslness college hall. Elevator entrance on DoiiKlai. U C37-F-2 * SIDNEY TO LOAST UI3AI. ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 313 N. Y. Life. Loans at low rates for choice security In Nebins'.iii & Iowa farms or Omaha city property MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. Til2 O. P. Davis Co. , 1503 Fnrnam st. W 141 C I'EH CENT MONEY TO LOAN O1T OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. Vf. 13. Melklc , Omaha MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urcnnan , Love & Co. . Paxlon 1)1 k. W-147 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 825 N. Y. LIFE. W 143 MORTGAGES. G. G. WALLACE. BROWN BLK. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Faniain. Vf-m MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW RATES ] J. D. ZHtle. 16th and Douglas , Omaha.W W 151 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND CARPY. 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Gan-in Uroa. . 210 N. Y.L. _ FOR MONEY SEE F. D. WEAD , 10TH AND Douglas. W M102 I'M GEO. P. IJEMIS , LOANS , PAXTON nLK. -.V-334 F7 HONEY TO tOAJT CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , hoisca , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates IP. city ; no lemoval of goods ; strictly contldentlal ; you can pay the loan off nt any tlmo or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 200 s. letii st. X 153 MONEY TO LOAN , 3 . 60 , 30 DAYS : FURNI- lure , pianos , etc. Dun Qrcpn , room S , Iturlcer block. X-154 Sa CHANCES. STAPLE DRY GOODS STOCK FOR SALE : best etand 111 best town of Nebraska. Address K 5. Uee. Y MC19 F3 AND is THECHEAP- est tpuculatlvc rurnmojlty In the woild today , anyone- who has n dollar to eparc should buy It ; Undo tluouuh a .responsible house , and get reliable Information by sending for our largo nxl book , containing all the necessary Infoima- tlon to enable unyona to hamlla their Invest ments Intelligently ; ultm our dally market bul letin , wlilcii KUffgesta when and what to buy , both fiee. Ktnmi'H & Co. , bankets nnd brokers' , 133 Tradcis' bulldlnff , Chicago. Y 037 23 * CRIPPLE CHEEK GOLD STOCKS , SAFE AND Miru ; > J unit up rd.i luvt-sted often bring : ) fabulous und quick returns by placing your oidcn with the Van lluien Investment < 'o. ( fncorpoiated ) , liankeia nnd brokers , SOS IClh t. , Denver , Colo. Y M71S rou I\CIIA\GE. GOOD PIANO WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR goad city lot In Hot Springs , S. D. Address box I' , Atklnkon , Neb. 2 Clo-27 * I WILL TRAEE 2,000 acres of clear farm land In mil eels to suit. Located In Holt nnd Sheridan counties , For Merchandise or clear Omaha real estate. Aildn-3 ! ) K J7. Dee. 2 OT FOU SALi-HKAL ESTATE. WANTED. TENANT FOR SI ACRES. WunU'd , > 2POi ) nulre. for Iowa fat in. Wanted , 13.000 hauluaic for loun fuiin. Wanted , groceries for Miller co. , Mo. , farm. Wanted , Neb. or Iowa land for J15.0W indae. Wanted , 18 > * > hou o for part cash , Wanted , J5.WO liouje for S.iipy county farm. Wimted , bunlness property , p.nt trade. Wanted , t2,00i ) or J3.UW pluce for cnsh. Wauteil , Hanacoin Plnec hou c for luvta land , Wnnted , to borrow CM on faun. Tor ( ale. land ; to near Lincoln , 51,000 , t > In Iowa , tXW. ! , W.Jn Io vn. | 2,40i ) . r 4) In Kmpy county , $300. SX ) near oinahii , JS,0 . 1 < M Iowa , JS1 un ncrc , 80 near Oinalia , } M un ncre. C , V. Harrison. M N. Y. Llff. nE.713-7' I'OR SALE. WEST FLORIDA LANDS Es pecially adapted to fruits ; 671 acirs with brick } urd In coir.plflo runnUig older ; 70-horsu power rnslno nnd boiler , new nutlet n awurd brick nmchlna nnd puumlll ; Putt's crushers , track nnd cars with winding drum to hnut clay from lanlc , two carls uinl wagon to haul wood , elicds with pallets for iofr bricks , one hand UIVM , abundance of clay and wood , dwelling fiouso with rlx rooms , kitchen and bath loom. Good water and location , perfectly healthy , James McCulloiigh , poitolnce Qulntrtte , I.D. ; HE-30J.rtb f ! BARGAINS. SAL13 OR TRADE IN CITY PROP , trtlis and farmt , Jno. N. Krciuer , cpn. P. O. UU-1J3 QEO. P. 11EMIS , HOUSES. LOTS , 1RRIUATED farm lands , loam. S05 and tOS Paxtoii block , RE-323- UAHUA1NS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. P , K. Darling , Uarkcr Illock. RB--16I ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON HEED COMPANY. HU-1M WANTED-STOCK OK GENERAL MERCHAN- dUa or clotlilngto Invoice from 110.000 to $13.000 , for llr > t inortgacci and cleor land. To ownfru only ; no reply to ngtnli. Address llox C97 , Ncrfolk. Neb. - - SALE , FINE PRAIRHJ FARM OF 400 acres or lint. If tleilr * ! . Addrck * Trant Jlaur r. Wc t J-elat. Nct > . UK-MI ! ) 28 LOST. LOST-A RED IRISH SiriTER DOO. ABOUT n yenr nnd n half old. Answers to name o Pport. RewarJ will b paid fur return to S < XXt Pacine M. Lost MCO-2S LOST. HAIIY'S I TT FOX TERRIER PU1 black nnd tan pot over left ojre. ItewAM for return to Mrs. H. 1J. Mulford , 10)1 S. * 1tl avp. Loll 703-27 HOUSES M'l.VTIillED. HORSES WINTERED ; TIEST OF CA1U , " norpes , both winter and summer. Addre * 5"cn . Welch. Gretna. Neb. M77J IIMIEUTAICEHS AM ) EMHAL3IKHS. II. K. 11URKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , IMS Chicago st. , telephone HO. ICC SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUM1NO , TEU 10M 167 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM balmer. 1417 Fnrnam St. . telephone S2J. 1CS ELOCUTION. 2ULE.MA FULLER , E16 KARHACH 11LK. . UN gagements made foi readings In nnd out of city 241-FI * HlIOHTllAM ) AND TYPEWHITINa. A. C. VAN SANrS SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. LIFE BII1SIC , AHT AND LANRtlAGE. GEORGE F. GELLENI1ECK , I3ANJO AND guitar teacher. 1815 Chicago at. 109 NEW PIANOS REN.TED AND SOLD ON EAS\ tm > ments. William H. Schmollcr , Dth lloo McCague bulldlnB. GS3 1 * WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. A CHILD OR LADY TO HOARD ; ONLY tl.SO IH.T wrck. Address K 14 , llec. 703-27 * UPHOLSTEHINO FUIINITUHE. UPHOI STERINO. FURNITURE REPAIRED nnd packed very cheap this month. M. 8 Walkin , 2111 Cunslns. Tel. 1331. 171 UUILUING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & 11. ASS'N PA1 C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old ; always redeemable. 1704 Farnam Bt. , Nattlnger , Sec. 1C3 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B Aes'n , 1704 Bee bldg. a. M. Nattlnger. Sec. 170 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th and Dcdge. Rooms by day or week. 1C4 DANCING. NEW CLASSES FORMED FOR BEGINNERS at Morar.d's this week ; adults , nnd Friday , S p. m. ; chlldien. Saturday , 10 n. m. ; first lessons taken privately If desired ; oper ( ) > nnd evening ; assemblies , Thursday , 8:30 p. 'n. , gentlemen nnd ladles. We. M 537 F1S UICYCLKS. DON'T HUY A BICYCLE UNTIL YOU SEE our ' 80 line. We sell sundries nnd do repair- Ing. Ak-Sar-Ben Cycle Co. , 310 South Hth street. 405 F 11. OMAHA BICYCLE CO. , BEST PLACE TO BUI bicycles ; bicycles repaired , 323 N. C07 FOR SALE , 1 NATIONAL BICYCLE. USED only a short time. Call evenings ; cheap for cash , S35 So. 21st st. 711-29 * I'AAVNHHOICEIIS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 10 ST. IK DERMATOLOGY. BLEMISHES pcnnnncntlyre- nioved by reculor physicians. ) 20 years' practical experience. J. H.Voodf bury 127 W. 42d St-.N.Y. , Inventorof Wood-1 burfu Facial Soap. 160 p. book for n stamp- Branch OulcesBoston. . Plilta. , Chicago , bt. Lonls. GIIATEFUL COMFOUTING. EPPS'S COCOA HUEAKPAST SUPPEU "By a thorough Knowledge ot the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu trition , and by a careful application of the line properties of well selected Cocoa , Mr. Epps has provided for our breakfast and supper a deli cately flavored beverage which may save us many hr.ivy doctois' bills. It Is by the judi cious use of such articles of diet that a constitu tion may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hun dreds of subtle maladies arc floating around us ready to attack wherever there Is n weak point. .Vo may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves \rclt fortlflcd with pure blood and a properly nourished frame , " Civil Service Ga zette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only In half pound tins , by grocers , labelled thus ! JAMES EPPS & co. . Ltd. , Homoeopathic Chemist. London. England. WHITE STAR LINE Sailing from New York Wednesdays , as follows : Bi Itannlc Wednesday , Feb. 5 , 10 n. m. Majestic Wednesday. Feb. 12. 10 a. in. Germanic Wednesday , Feb. 19. 10 a , m. teutonic , Wedn ? d y. Feb. W. 10 a. in. United States and Royal Mall Steamers. S.iloon passage , $50 nnd upward , according to steamer selected nnd location of berth. Second cabin $35 , $13 on Majestic and Teutonic. DRAFTS payable on dernund everywhere In Great Britain and Ireland sold at lowest rates. For Inspection of plans of steamers nnd any further Infmmatlon apply to local iigents or direct to IL MA1TLAND KERSEY. G'l Ag'l 23 B'wny , N. Y. S. TENNY FRENCH. G'l W'n Ag't. 214 SOUTH CLARK ST. . CHICAGO. RAILWAY TIME CARD Lea\ra IBURLINQTON & MO. RlVER.IArrlves' OmahajyiilonDepot , 10th & Mason Sta.Omaha 8:30am. : . . .Denver Express 9:35dm : 4ipni.Blk. : Hills , Mont. & Puget Snd Ex , 4:03pm : 4:35pm : Denver Bxnre 4OSpm : 7:05pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) , , 7:45rn : | . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sundayll:25am : 2:4pm..Fast : Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . Leaves ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.lArrlves" OrnahalUnion Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.l Omaha B:00pm : Chicago Vestibule , 8:00am : D:4Sam : Chicago Express 4H5pm 7'Wpm..Chicago A St. Louis Express , , . 8:00arn : llS5nm : pacldo Junction Local 5:30pm : . . .Fast Mall , 2:40prn : Leaves IOHICAGO , MIL. ft ST , PAUL.IArrlv s OmahaJUjilonDepot , 10th & Mason 8ta. | Omaha < l:00pm..7..T.Chicago : Limited ! 803nm ; 1045am..Chlcago ! Express ( ex. Bundayj2 ! pm leaves CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N.IArrUo OmahalUnlon Depot10th & Mason Bt .l Omahn ll:00am.r. : Eartern Express 310pm ; 4:4pm : Ve tlbuleil Limited 6:4pm : 7:05am : . . . .Carroll Passenger 10:40pm : S:45pm : Omahn Chicago Special 8QOam : 4:30pm : lloone Local : ) am .Missouri Valley Local :30am : Leaves ICHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC.IArrlvej OmahalUnlon Pi pot. 10th & Mason Sta.l Omaha KAS'i. J0:40am..Atlantic : Exprenn lex. Sunday ) . S3Spm ; 6:25pm NlKht Expreu. . , , . , . 8:15am : i-Mpm Chicago Votlbul- ; Limited liSJpm 4Mpm..Bt. Paul Vestlbuled Limited. . . . l35pm WEST. C:4Bpm.Oklahoma : i Texas Ex. itx. Kun..105am ) : l:40pm Colorado Limited. . . , .4:00pm : LT vei I C. , ST. P. . M. & O ( Arrives" Omalial Depot , lith and Wobitcr St . I Omaha * l:1Sam : Sioux City Accommmlallon , , . 8:15pm : ltipm.BIoux : City Express ( ex. hun.l..llS5am : t48pm ! St. Paul Llmlitc ! lOam Lea\e ( F. . E. A MO. VALLI3T. ( Arrives Omalial Depot. 15th and Wemler Ht . i Omaha VlCpmi.Fa : > t Mall nnd Uipreei 65pm : llCpmrx. : Bat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex Mnn. ) , . . B:8pm : 7Mjm..Norfolk : ) Expr a ( ex. Sunday.lOrMtm B:4Cpm. : , , , . St. Paul Express 9:10im : Leavea I K. C. . BT. J. ft C. H. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. j Omaha 9:0' : im Kanias City Day Expren.,7 , E:30pni : l:4Jpm.K. : C , Night Ex. Via U. P. Trans , TiOOam Leave * I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omalial Depot , 15th and Web t r Bta. I Omaha 10:40am : . .St. Louis Exprtis . , . :00am : lilOpm . 81. Louis Express . ( :0pm : J:80pm..g.Nebfaika : Local ( ex. Bun. ) . :00am : Uavt I SIOUXcmr * PARTFIc ; | Arrlve OmaliaJ DepotL 15th nnd'ebter ' 9ti. I Omaha : : . . . . . . . . . . . Paul'Llmited. . ' . CilOim Ucavet I fiimrx'CITY 4 TAcTFIC. fArrlveT OmahalUnlon ' Drpot , 10th te JIaion Sti.J Omaha 1Mam..flloux : City PasiMiirer . 10:40pm : Mtpm . Bt. Paul Limited. . . . . t:30aio : Leave * I BUNION PACIFIC1 lA'rrlvTi OmabalUnlon Depot , lOlh A Maton Sl . | Omaha > :30am. : . . . .77. . . . Kearney Expr > es.,7. 4:10pm : S:0am : . Overland Limited . 4:4Spiu : 330pm.Ueal'c ; * & StromiVe Ex.rx. Bun. ) 4lOpm : C:4Spm. : , Grand Island Expieu ( ex. Sunll:0pm : S:30pm : . Fast Mall . ! 40am UavWl " WADASH RAILWAY. J Arrive/ OmahalUr.Ion Depot. 10th A Ma m SU.IOmih * 4:30pm : St. Louis Cannon mil 11Warn : ABOLISHING PARTY RATES Used by Brokers to TJtmoralizo the Eegula Business. SOME CONCESSIONS TO THE G , A , R I'rriMirc from' 81. 1'nnl l.llfcl to PrtMC Kltecilvo I'lin .t ( > I Tnlir the Up. CHICAGO , Jan. 57. The RcnorM managers agors of the linen In the eastern commute of the Western Passenger association me today to consider the. question of party rates which arc making trouble nil over the .isao elation territory. The demoralization seem to liavo spread from the Chlcago-St. Pan lines , where the chief difficulty has always been , and now Is cropping out nil over the west. The managers decided that It wa advisable to do away with the party rate entirely and substitute In Its stead pome thing that will work to the satisfaction o theatrical parties and at the sntno time bo Incapable of being worked by brokers fo the Interest of private Individuals. It wa decided that the passenger ngents tmouli take up the matter at nn early date and 1 they wcro unable to settle It the managers will take another turn at It. The question of Grand Army of the lie- public rates was taken up , nil of the roads between Chicago nnd St. Paul stating Urn they have received messages and letters from St. Paul asking them to try to fix m the extension of time on the tickets so tlm St. Paul will not losa the encampment. The feeling was In favor of making some con cession and the matter went over until after the meeting of passenger agents , which I called for tomorrow to consider the Gram Army of the Republic rates. Trunk line roads have been requested b > the Oceanic Steamship company to mala a material reduction In overland rates. I wants them to enable It to base on a $6 first class rate and ? 3S.GO rate from New York to San Francisco In the construction of through rates to Australian ports. These are the rates which It claims the Canadian Pacific Is basing upon from New York to Vancouver , nnd It desires to bo put In posi tion to moot the same rates without cutting Its own share of the tariff. The trunk llnea have referred the matter to the western loads and the latter will have a consultatlot with the Canadian Pacific before they take action , as the Canadian Pacific Is n member of the Western Passenger association am they ore bound to protect Its Interests against those of any outsider. TO COXSIIJKll 1'AKTY TICIC13TS Men Will Try niicl Outwl the Si-iilt > prn. There will" bo a special meeting In Chicago cage on Wednesday 'of the general paeaengc agents of the Chlcago- t. Paul roads to con slder the troublesomeUcn-rldo party tickets First-class rates . .between these two cltle are badly demoralized by the manipulation of these tickets In the hands of scalpers General passenger agents ot some of th lines are of thei-opinion that the ticket should bo withdrawn from sale In the entire western tarrltory s the only moans of pro tcctlng the first-class tlckoto of the dlfferen roads. If such action Is taken. It la probabl other provision will be made for taking care of theatrical anq otuer special parties a reduced rates. I ' OlitlooU for the'IliMiver & niilf. In a recent Intervjow Receiver Trumbull o the Denver & Gulf read spoke very cheerfullj of the otttloDk for that road. lie said It had paid all expenses' during the last year , a well ns the Interest o/i a considerable clas ' of UH Indebtcdnpss , j'Jho net earnings' In IS95 exceeded tbogCMof 1S34 by JeVeral hun dred thousand fla'.larsi The system will un doubtedly bo reorganized. At the southern end of the s'ystem , In the hands of a dlf forcnt receiver , as required by the laws o Texas , great progress has already bc-sn made toward reorganization. Immediately follow Ing the reorganization of the road the tracl between Fort Collins and Cheyenne will be laid. Snthprlnml Siiccccilc-tl J y Poley. Effective February 1 , an order has been Issued transferring J. A. Foley , now super Intcndent of the Omaha & Ropub'.lcin Val ley hranch of the Union Pacific at Lincoln to this city. Mr. Foley will succeed It. H Sutherland , who becomes chief train dls patcher. This change will do away with the Lincoln offlce and will place both the Re publican Valley nnd the Columbus brand under the superlntendency cf Mr. Foley. In taking the poi'Ition ' of chief train dip patcher Mr. Sutherland succeeds Charles Koyos , who goes Into the oHlce of Genera Superintendent Nichols. Itailroiiil Hntn C > M ' 1'nNtpniiPil. SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 27. The suit of the Southern Pacific company against the railroad commissioners to prevent that body 'rom reducing the existing railroad rates was postponed In the United States circuit court today until February 0. The continu ance was made with the consent of nil lartles concerned. At the request of Attor- ley General Fitzgerald the railroad company was ordered to file copies of all affidavits on the evidence taken before the Pacific lallroad commission with the defense flvo days before the case goes on ngaln , Itiillwny N'oU'n iiml 1'iTMonnlH. J. R. Foley of the Omaha & Republican Valley road Is In the city. B. L. Palmer , local agent of the Santa Fo road , has Just returned from Chicago. President Clark of the Union Pacific has gene to New York to attend a meeting of .ho receivers of the system. Chief Engineer Pegram of the Union Pa cific has returned from his trip to Now York ind started out on another trip In connec- lon with the business of the road. Robert S. Dousman , assistant general auditor of the Milwaukee , who has just re signed , will -succeeded by W. F. Dudley , at present freight auditor of the road. General Solicitor Kelly , accompanied by Miss Kelly , has left for the tast. The ormer will go to New York , whllo the latter vlll stop off at Columbus to visit friends. Colonel Edward Drown and Civil Engineer C. W. McMeekln of DCS Molnes are pros- icctlng for n new road between Nevada , Mo , , and Eldorado SpriitRs. Work will bo begun vhon the town of , Nevada grants the rlght- f-way and hands oyw ? 15,000. A. G. Hartley of Magic , Pa. , writes : "I eel It a duty of m'M lo inform you and the iiibllc that Dewltl's /itch Hazel salvo cured mo of a very bad cato ot eczema. It lilac cured my boy of a running sere on hi * Ins. " QUAKER" OATS The Crttt- Loves It. The Dyspeptic Demands It. Tito Eplcnr-Cj Dotes ou It. DO YOU , EAT IT ? TRADE MARK UK. McGREW II TMK IIM V aHECIALIST WHO TI AT AU. PRIVATE DISEASES Wcaknca k Uiwiderg * MEN ONLY M Vein Kipeiiencc. V Year * In Omaha. Boole fie * . Cooiullatloa and hxainlnition free , 14th and Firnam Stt ( I1IAHA iiEB. Sfl'UEME COli'HT SYLLAItl. Spntz nenlnst Mnrtln. Krror from Konr ncy county. Affirmed. Oi > lnlon by Com tnlssloncr Itvlnc. Kvldcnco In an notion nsnln't n inarrl < x womnn upon n note executed by her n surety , examined nnd held sulflclcnt t stisitnlii a verdict her. ChlcnRO , Hock Island & I'nclfle Hnllron cominny npnlnst ; Archer. Krror fron > y county. Atnrmcd. Opinion by Com mls loner Irvine. An objection to n hypothetical qticstlo put to nn expert witness that It ! "Incoin potent , Imnmterlal nnd Irrelevant" Is to Rcnernl to riile the jwlnt thnt the ritiestlo Involves erroneous sttilcnipiils of evidence 2. A hypothetical question , after statin n number of hypotheses , conclirled " ( sup pose ) he hns been unable to work by rcn son of such Injury for a period of seve months to what would you eon tribute Ills Inability to work nnd for wlm period would ho be partially o wholly Incapacitated for labor , nm untillmt limn would II requlr for a totnl disappearance of th pains nnd other results of such InjurlP nnd leave no trace thereof ? " Held , Hint th llrst two Inquire * relatlnc to facts cxpre l nsaumcil wore not prejudicial nml thnt th last was nn Inquiry ns to the probable fu ture duration of the Injury nnd ti propc question to nsk an expert. 3. Thn court In overruling an objection t a hypothetical question renmrlted : " 1 thin that la n fair epitome of the evidence nl ready given In the ca o. " Held , not error 4. In nn notion for personal Injiirlon It I error to submit , to the Jury a conslderntloi of the question In nssps. liiB damage1 * ns t whether the Injuries were permanent In th absence of evidence tendlnt ; to eotiibllsl such permanency of Injuries with reasomibl certainty. o. ttven wncro ino tiamaRes are. uniiqm dated , where the trial court has by nn In r.truction itlbmltted to the consideration o the jury nn clement of damages not BUS tnlned by the evidence , thn error will b treated as harmless wnero from nn pxitm Inatlon of the evidence and the verdict I Is reasonably certain that the Jury was no misled nnd thnt It nllotved nothing on nc count of the element Improperly submitted AtgahrlRht nKalnst State. IJrror fron Neniaha county. Opinion by Commlsslone Hynn. An order will not bo made In this cour requiring a reporter of the district roiir to prepare a transcript of evidence prelim limry to the t > ettl"incnt of a bill of cxcep tlons. when the record discloses that a Ilko order had been made by the proper dlstrlc judge upon the precedent condition that th reporter's legal fees should llrst bo paid there being shown neither a compliance will such order nor nn attempt to review It. Kreamer against Irwln. Krror from caster county. Alllrmcd. Opinion by Com mlssloner Hiignn. In a suit by n contractor against his con traeteo for damages for the latter's failure to pet mil him to perform the work con traded to be done , the contractor's mensuro of damages Is the prollt he would have made on the contract had ho performed It 2. A litigant whosi witnesses are nbsen when his case Is called for trial nnd who makes no obfoctlon then to the trial pro ceedlng on that account cannot be henn to complain In his motion for n new trln that he was prejudiced by the trial taking place when his witnesses were absent. 3. The ovldenco examined and held to sustain the verdict of the Jury. Campbell Printing I'ress and Mnnufnc luring company ngalnst Dyer. Krror fron Douglas county , llcvcrced nnd remanded Opinion by Commissioner Hngan. A purchaser cannot successfully assert a greater Interest In personal property thai his vendor had , unless the real owner o the property by his conduct has utoppei himself from asserting his title to the chat tcl. 2. A contract for the sale of persona property upon condition thnt the title Is to remain in the vendor until thu purchase prlco is paid Is valid as between the par ties , nnd , valid as against third parties deal Ing with the property without notice unless such third parties are purchasers , jndgmen or attaching creditors of the condltiona vendee. 3. A mortgage of n conditional vendee h possession of chattels Is not n purchaser within the meaning of section 300 , Com piled Statutes of 18P5. 4. A contract between a manufacturing company and a printing company provided " "Tho manufacturing company hereby agree to Hnll nt tlm Kllm nP * tn tVin . . . ! * _ Ing company a printing press described to be delivered boxed on cars nt Its fac tory * warranted free from defects of material and manufacture * TIIL printing company hereby agrees to buj such presses and to pay therefor on receipt of bill of lading of same cash . and the balance In payments evi denced by purchaser's notes * * The title to the said property shall remain In the seller until the purchase price wltl Interest has' been fully paid , and in case of any default-In " any of the terms of this contract "the seller shall have the rlgh to take Immediate possession of said prop erty. " The presses were received by the printing company , put up and used In Its busi ness , but it did not make the cash pay ment nor execute the notes as agreed. The printing company subsequently pledgci these presses by n chattel mortgage to n bank to which It was Indebted. The bank duly llled Its mortgage and took nctua ! possession of the presses. In nn action ol replevin by the manufacturing company against the bank , held : That the printIng - Ing company never acquired any title to the presses nnd by Us default had for feited Its right to their possession as against the manufacturing company. 2. That the manufacturing company wat entitled to the possession of the presses as against the bank. Keens against Robertson. Krror from Huffalo county. Allirmed. Opinion by Com- mlFS.'oner Hngan. Agreements of counsel In' regard to the trial of a cause are not absolute , although In writing , nnd nrr > not to be treated as contracts to be enforced under all cir cumstances. They may l > p pet aside by the court In the exercise of a sound dis cretion , when their enforcement would re- nult In seilous Injury to ono of the par ties and the other party would not be lirejudlced by Its being sot aside. Mc- S'ure against heirs of Sheck , 1 S. W. 552 , followed. 2. The ruling of a dl.strict court on a motion for a continuance will not be dis turbed unless It Is manifest the court abused Its discretion and the litigant him self guiltless of negligence or laches was ; hercby deprived of nn opportunity to make hla case or defense. Homo Fire Insurance company against Johnson , 43 Neb. . 71 ; Kau nas City , Wyandotte & Northwestern Unll- road company against Coulee , 43 Neb. , 1211 , lenfllrmpd. 3. The lltlennt cannot for the first time ob- ect In this com t thnt the district court erred n giving or refuting to give n certain In struction. He must make his complaint of .ho action of thu court In his motion for n new trial In order to have It reviewed here. 4. It Is not error for n district court to refuse to nerinlt n ! to answer a luestlon where no offer of proof Is mode , f the question Is of such n tmturo ns to require nn offer of proof in order to nd- vlso the court of the competency and relevancy of the question under the Is sues. ! i Kvldenco to prove a defense In the na ture oi n confession ana avoidance is in competent under n general denial. 6. Where a question is asked nnd excluded nnd an offer of proof made thereunder the offer to bo competent must correspond with ho question , 7. Depositions taken In a case pending icforo a Justice nnd by stipulation used In said case and another pending before tmld UHtlce may bo used on Iho trial of both cases In the appcllato court , the stipula tion , in the meantime not having been Bet aside. 8. Where depositions are erroneously rend o the Jury but not preserved In the bill of exceptions , this court cannot nay that such error was prejudicial. Harris against State ex rel Murphy. Kr ror from Saunders eountv , Hever.sed nnd remanded. Opinion by Commissioner Ir vine , In error proceedings this court will , on iroper assignments of error , review a rec ord to ascertain whether the pleadings sup port the judgment rendered by the district court , although there was In that court no notion for u new trial , 2. A writ of mandamus will not Issue vhere It Is not within the power of the cspondentH lawfully to perform the act ought to bo enforced , or where the writ would otherwise bo unavailing , 3. Accordingly where an administrative joard Is charged with the duty of pur- ormlng several acts Involving cxpcndl- ure ? , nnd there are no funds available uillclent to permit the ntirformfinro of an , courts win not ordinarily by mandamus llrect Iho board which net to perform and vhich to leave unperformed. Hlttlo iigalnst Schleslnger. Krror from > oiiKluH county , Alllnnud. Opinion by Commissioner Irvine. Under our code n trial court lias no uthorlty to enter an Involuntary non- tilt and judgment of dlmnlxga ) , because ha plaintiff falls by his evidence to eg. ubllsh Ills caupo nf action , In nueli catio lie proper practice IH to Instruct the Jury o return n verdict for the defendant. 2. Hut a judgment KO entered will not 10 reversed by this court where , on the vldence , the defendant was entitled to ave n venllct directed. In that case the rror Is without prejudice. 3. Whllo n reiil estate liroltcr Is usually milled to his commlsHlotiH when ho has reduced ono ready , willing and it bio to lurchusa at the terms proposed by the irlnclpal , or when he IIIIH produced one \itli whom a contract of sola U actually made , Mill , If thu person produced IH able o purchase only by reuort to an unlawful ovlco , the broker has nor earned his com mission , 4. Where , under such circumstances , an ixecutory contract of Bale has been entered nto between the principal und the proposed lurchaecr , the principal being awaru that tx execution Involves the perpetration of a raud upon a third person and refusing to onsumtnato the contract , the broker U ot entitled to lits commission , MAKI.VO PAST TI.MI1 OX THU ICI3. MrCntlocli Won Hotli tlirOniirtrr .Mile 11 iiI I'lv < Mlle Itnrr * . ST. PAUL , Jan. 27. Tno racing events of Iho National Amateur Skating associa tion were commenced at Kort Knrnlval this afternoon , The qtmrtcr-mllo race was divided Into heats on account of the num ber entered. In the first heat were Xllsson , Hudd , John Davidson nnd McDAiilpl * , and It was won by Nllsson In 40'4. ' seconds ; Davidson second. In the second hent uero Harley Dnvldron , Stidhelmer , Thompson nnd 1'annel. The last named fell nnd the others finished In the order given. Time : 0:41 : 3-5. The third , by AlcOul'och , Johnson nnd Anderson , \\i\f won by JlcCulloch In 41 seconds. The llnal was u.ade up by the first nnd second In the o three hoau. It was n sharp struggle between McCulloch nnd Hnrley Davidson , but the former took It In SOU seconds. The next event wns the flvo-mllo race. In which McCulloch. Ilnrlcy and J. V. David son , I'anne' , Johnson , Hudd , Stidhelmer. Anderson , Nllsson nnd McDanlols were con testants. It wns a line and speedy race , coming within three nnd two-fifths seconds of the world's record. McCulloch was nlso winner of this rnco ; Nllfson second , Me- Daniels third. Time by miles : Klrst mile , 2:57W : : second mile , fi:57 : 3-fi ; third mile , 9:02 : 2-5 ; fourth mio : , 12 O'i ; fifth m'le , 15:02 : 4-5. Smith AVnx Knij- for Cri'i-don. LONDON , Jan. 27. Dan Crcedon , middle weight , tonight defeated Jem Smith , heavy weight , In two rounds. Cteedon weighed 1C2 pounds nnd Smith ISO. Cteedon showed himself the more clover of the two. besides having n longer reach. Crcedon had the hnt nf thn frat ! tnlltnl. thn rnninnllV ex pressing Its disapproval of Smith's tactic. . The latter was blowing freely when time was called. In the second round thpro wete n number of smart exchanges nnd llnnlly Creedon swung his right with great force. on the neck. Smith fell Ilko n log nnd failed to rife , thu round only lasting ono minute nnd twenty seconds. WDM KlfNt I'rlxc , CHICAGO , Jan. 27.- The nflcrnoon game nt the billiard tournament wns won by Hat- Hey over Cnpron , 440 to 226. Winner's aver age , 1010-39 ; loser's. C 31-39. The evening game wns won by Gallagher over Maggloll 400 to 13.1. Winner's average , 16i ; loser's 513-21. This gives Gallagher flist mones and ties Hnttlcy and MngKloll for second The tlo will be played oft tomorrow night. IIiipklen'H Arnica nlve. The best salve In the world for cuts , bruises sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever tores , totter chapped hand : , chilblains , corns , and nil skin eruptions , and positively cures pile ? , or no pay required. It Is { juaranteed to E'V ' ) per- feet satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 vsntu per box. For sslo by Kulin & Co. m-ftiN < Ml Ooloiifl I'piiIM'fx ST. LOUIS , Jan. 27. The entiles of Colone James n. Pepper of Lexington , Ky. , for the St. I.otlli Derby of 1S97 wcro refused to day by thn St. Loins Kalr association. This action was taken becaufo Popper was fore most In the boycott entered Into by Ken lucky breeders and owners recently against Iho St. Louis Kalr association. Acts nt cnce. novcr falls. One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that fever ish condition wtilch accompanies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that pro- t'.Lces Immediate results. T13LKGHAIMIIC Hill UPS. Gilbert nlorton , lime and cement dealer at Providence , has fulled. The 11. & T. A. Knnls Stationery com pany of 'St. Louis has failed. The Louisiana republican sugar planters have endorsed the- ticket nominated by the populists. James Morgan & Co. . one of HIP oldest dry goods llrms In Milwaukee , has as signed. The first free gold to t > c found In the Camp Floyd , Utah , dlsttlct has been found In the Mercury mine. Free delivery svstem tins ueen cxtemicii to Marshall nnd Temple , Tex. ; Great Falls , Mont. , and Pomona , Cal. Wisconsin republicans nro starting a move ment to select a delegation from that stuU for John C. Spooner for president. It Is rumored In Chicago that Potter Palmer Is being considered n- ? the succcssoi to Ambassador Hunyon to Germany. The storms of the past few diy.s have again caused many livers In California to overflow , causing considerable damage. Mrs. Ida Hock ot Uldsewood. U I. , gave pat-Is gieen to her husband and two chil dren and then look a dose herself. All nre dead. r William K. Burr , who as cashier of the St. Louis National bank embezzled $30,000 , lias been sentenced to live years Imprison ment. W. A. and C. S. TJrown of Marlnottc , WIs. , have purchased the Last Chance mine at Crlpplo Creole nnd renamed It the Pe- wablc. Charles O. Basil , an opera singer , bap obtained Judgment against Gustav Ilinrlch ? for $1,452 a unpaid salary for the opera season of 1ES9. W 7. . Jacobs. George Pro | and Thomns Hlgglns were drowned at Sewall , W. Va. , Monday whl'e attempting to cross New river In a boat. A. H. Both , who was nominated by the Louisiana populists for governor nnd pulled off by the commlttPo to permit of fusion , declines to get out ot the race. The coroner's juiy In the disaster at HIP A'.oo building in St. Louis , by which sev eral ilrcmen lost thfir lives , found that no one Is to blnmo for the accident. A mob called at the jail at Sullivan. III. , to lynch Grant AUnbury. charged with as- mult , but were frightened away by the letPi-nn stand taken by the shot Iff. Two voung mon giving the names of MaHon M. Tntten nnd C. T. HoUlday have jeen arrested at Kansas City for us np .he malls to swindle peaple on mining deals. Il Is reported that General William Booth , comiimmW-ln-rhlor of the Salvationists. Is to come to this country to Investigate the llssatlsfuctlon over the recall of General Balllngton Booth. By the overturning of n lamp the bouse of John Steele of Plttsburg was burned nml Steele and two children burned to death and ilH wife fatally Injured In Jumping from n Eccond-story window. Mm r.dmnnd Tucker of Yonkets , N. Y. , wns strangled to death by a burglar Mon day nlBht. Her little boy hns a cevero cut on the head received fiom the snino Bourne and though left for dead has levlved sulll- clently to give a description of the man. Dawltt's Little rcarly Risers cure ludiges- Ian and bad breath. \VK.\TIII-3II I-'OIinCAST. Fair iiml WIIIMIUT with South fur NcliniHl.'ii. WASHINGTON , Jan. 27. The forecast foi fuesday Is : For Nebraska , Kansas nnd South Dakota Fair ; warmer In the eastern portions ; eolith winds. For Missouri-Fair ; warmer ; south winds. For Oklahoma nnd Indian Territory-Fair ; Ight , HOtith winds. Var Iowa Fair nnd warmer ; south winds. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair ; vari able wlndH. , , , , , For Montana Increasing clotidlnem ; colder n western portion ; winds becoming west erly , I , ocn I Iti'coril. OFFICE OF TUB WI5ATIH5H BUH13AU , OMAHA , Jan. 27-Oinnha record of tem- icraturo and rainfall , poinimretl with the conespondlng day of Maximum tcmperatme . 31 11 13 f ; Minimum tempeinture . U'J - 2fl Vvernge temperature . 2 1 C -i 'leclpltntlon . J , 0 . < ? > . . ° ' Condition of temperature and precipitation U Omuliii for the day and since March 1 , SS3 : , , . Normal temperaltirn . . . lj Jxcesa for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h Accumulated excess since March 1 . . COt > formnl precipitation . 02 Incn } plclency | for the day . . . .02 Inch otal pieclpltatlon nnco ! March 1 208'J Incht-a Deficiency tdnco March 1 . 11,40 Indicia IlciitrM ( from SliillniiM nt K ) i. in. STATIONS AND BTATE Off WEATHER. Omaha , cloud/ , 34 SO North riatlc , clenr. , , 40 C2 .00 Huron , clear 28 49 ,00 Chicago , cloudy 3J 40 .00 Kt. Louis , clenr , , 31 38 ,00 St. I'mil. cloudy , , , . 22 2J ,00 Davfnpot , clear , 28 at .00 Kansas City , cloudy so 31) , o Helena , part cloudy 42 (0 ,00 Havre , clear , , 49 4 ! .00 Hall Lake City , cloudy , 4S M .00 Illiinatck , near , , , , 20 r.l .00 Bt , Vincent , cloudy IS 21 ,00 Cheyenne , clciir , , , ss 64 .0) \Vllil ton. part cloudy. , , , , , , . 30 36 .W Kupld City , clear K G2 .00 aalvetton. part clcu-ly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 K .up Indicates truce of precipitation. U A. WKLHH. Obsarvcr. Coughs and Hoarsenpss , The irritation which liulucea couching Immediately re lieved by ute of "llrown's DronchUl Troclies. " Christian World , London , Knuland. HIT PT nii i T > t f tin itinxTtTpn MEET OI ( LEAGUE MAGNATES Board of Mnnngora Holds Its Annual Ses sion at Now York , MINOR MATTERS TAKE UP THE TIME \ Johnny Wurtl'o HPMPIM nllnn Cnnf OOCM Otr t'lilll IVlirunrj Thirty DuyV Trial Alloiroil for Drafted 1'lnjprN. Ni\V YORK , Jan. 27. The annual meeting of the National Hoard ot Dnso Hall Mana gers , convened at the Fifth nventio hotel today. The national board was called to order by Chilrman Young. The morning sos-slon was mainly dqvotdl to the consideration ami discussion ot propo * Billons nmilo by the eastern Iciguc , U was expected that the long-standing dis pute between ox-Captain John M. Ward of the New York club nnd A ml row Krecdman would bo most productive of friction between the magnates when It should come up In the j line of buslnojs. When control of the Now York club was acquired by Frecilmnn , Ward was n member nf the club , although ho mftdo no contract. Krcedman claims that lip still holds the tacit refusal of Ward's services It the latter nil all over npilnplay profoyslonsl ball. Ward on his part clnlins that this reservation discredits him as a monihor of the bnr , Tha subject cinio up before tlio board todny , but It was unanimously agreed to lay the whole matter over until the spring mortliiK In February. The question of fixing a time limit for the holding ot players In reserve was suggested by Chairman Voung , who at the tlmo was unaware ot the- protest which later In the order of business was made by the Kaftern league managers. After a brlet discussion of the matter by the members of the bonrd the protest made by the managers of tha Kastcrn Icaguona discussed. So far ai the Individual members of the national board were concerned there wns only ono opinion , that wns that In justice to the minor clubs a tlmo limit for holding play ers betoro they are paid for should bo estab lished. The annual election for a chairman , secre tary nnd treasurer resulted , as It has for years , In the election of Nick Young to the position. A numbsr of appeals for final decision be tween players and various clubs wcro con sidered nnd disposed of. Ocorgo A , Flynn was released by th& board from reservation by the 1'corla club. The case of John Fros- nian. who It. claimed by both Detroit and Toronto , was laid over until the February meeting. The claim of Detroit to the serv ices of George Harper , who , after suspen sion from Detroit , played without protest on the part of Detroit with the Nashville ) and Ilochester clubs , was disallowed. At the final BCFS'OII tonight this addition was made to article G : A club mnklnp sclertlon of n player na nnthorlzed In the preceding- paragraph of this nttlcle shall have the right , within tl.lrtv day. " , of notice to the secretary ot the bonid of .such selection , to withdraw from ttich selection , and on notice lo the j secretniy he shall return to the c.nli the 1 nmonnt deposited with him. A club falling * to obev tlili within tbc tlmr specified shall not bo allowed subsequently to withdraw j Its claim , and Immedlatcly-on nlgnlnK the ' player to n forma' contract , the secretary ref of the board shall remit to the original * club reserved the amount to bo deposited , with him on nrcotmt of such selection. I lie eoiccunu UIUM FIIUII , wniiin n'Aijn j of its original selection tender the n nycr Holpoted a formal contract ns In paragraph "A" of this article , nnd In CUBO of Its fall- tire to Oo so , the secretary of the bonrd Minll remit the amount deposited to the club for whom the player was selected. The nianagero then adjourned to meet again at the annual tchodulo meeting on February 21 , when all questions now before the league will bo finally disposed of. IIA1V COUIJJ NOT STOP TIIKJI. Oroivilt Turn Out nt liny DlNlrlft .Timt ( lit * Same. SAN FRANCISCO , Jim. 27. Despite tha heavy rain there was a good Monday at tendance nt Hay District track today. The were at the post In the first rnco over an hour. Lotrnti , the "Iron horoe , " took another race today. Results : First rare , flvo furlongs , Helling : Catch Em. 107 ( R. Jones ) . C to 1 , won ; Levena C , 103 ( Hlnrlchs ) , 13 to fi. second ; Peck- s-iillf. Ill ( HergOn ) . 12 to 1. third. Time : 1:01 : V * . Pclxoto , Little Pete. Chnrtretiso I , Hell of Stonewall , Salllo Gal vert , Imp. Aerlpplim. Duke Stevens , Valparaiso and Ida. Saner also ran. Second luce , six furlongs : Sam Lenke , 110 ( DocKett ) . 7 lo 5 , won ; Pcnrcon. 104 ( Chorn ) V to i , second ; Perhaps. 109 ( Shnw ) , IB to f > third. Time : 1-IG. Unity , Don Plo Pico , Monitor nnd Jtuttledge nlscran. . Third race , ono mite , handicap : Logan , 111 ( DOBRftt ) , 9 to 10 , won ; Gratify , 96 ( W. Flynn ) , 1G to 5. perond : Alvnrailo , 31 ( Mc- Claln" . 9 to 2 , third. Time : Il5 : i. Little Crlpplo nlso ran. Fourth rnco. mlle and fifty yards : III- dnlKO. 100 ( Chorn ) , 11 to 5 , won ; Red Glenn , K ( Condy ) . 11 to G. second ; Lucky Doff , 115 U. Walker ) , even , third. Time : 1IS : > 4. Mnnlta and Orbit also rai. Fifth rnco , about six furlong ? , so.llng : . . : . finir - T n < .ul r. tn > wnn * IlllOPll - 'MllHH lit NtMV OrlCIIIIH. NBNVOULISANS , Jan. 27. The weather wis clear nnd cold nnd the trade heavy. / First race. 3-yoar-olds , six furlongs : Slser- ctta (2 ( to 1) won , I'anqut (7 ( to 1) ) ppj-ond , I'Vrryinnn II. (7 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:2J',4. : , Second race , * 200 , t-ycnr-oldB and upward , felling , pevcii furloncs : Dick llehnii (3 ( to r , ) won , Conntnutlnu ( If. to 1) ) second , Mala (8 ( lo 1) ) third. Time : 1:39. : Third i ace , J O , 3-year-olds nnd upward. ooiilnir nnn inllo : Jack liiadloy ( S to 1) ) won , Hun Joluison ( r. to i ) Bcconu , Hatinot (12 ( to 1) ) third. Time : J:6.V1. : l''nurth ' race , J.1W. 3-year-o da nnd upward , llftpentli-slxtppnths of a mlln : Dave I'ulsl- rnr (4 ( to C ) won. Ashland (8 ( to 1) second , lilulcQtchcr (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time : l:17'/4. : Fifth race , J200 , .f-year-olds and unwnrd , HfllliiK , Boven furloiiKH : Chlcot (3 ( to 1) won. Moinua (7 ( to D Hccond , Tommy lluller (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time : l:33'/j. : liiMkiT Do-In I Hiu Chamiilon. ST. IT/riOUBHUHH. Jan. 27. Dr. Lasker has been declined the winner of the Inter national olions tournament. In wjtlch Messrs , 1'lllHbiiry , HtelnlU and Tschlgorln besides hliiiHiilf took pail. The total score : Won. Lost , Enmiiuel Lasker Wi Wf \V. HtulnltK gVi Wj H. N. Plllblmiy 8 10 M. THchlBorin 7 11 The Ht , PetcrHburj ? Chess clnl ) had the following i-xjiendlturps In rairylnw out the tomimnipiit : To Lankcr. total In purse , JIM ; to Slelnlt-A totnl In piimc. J370 ; to I'll K- hury , total In imrsc , KS'i : to Tf-chliforln , total In PUIHO , J230 ; tritvvlln fxnonm.'H to Urn three mimed players. $ ' . (00 ( ; hotel nnd other expense * for the jilnyurs , $ bSU ; Him- dries. Jlt)0 ) ; totnj , J.i.OIU. Aililt-il AimlliiT I'lKlit ( o Uu LH | ( . KL I'ASO , Jan , 'J7 , Dan Stuart added nn- < other evi-nt lo hlx n to ! carnival today \iy 4 offeilnu a purKu of { 1,000 for thu fimlth- ; JllirilS IIHIIl. JJIIIJ" niilllll in u ] iiuietiu uk Jimmy Carroll nnd J'eter HurtiH In J'oter Mnher'H tialiu-r. Thn match between the two men wan iniidu In Juuicit , Mex . yester day. W. 1C. Whci'lork , HpenlilnK tonight about the carnival , mild ; "Tho Smith-Hums light will bo doubled up on the bantam light , tha hint day of thu ciirnlval. All oC the llfihtH will he pulled off in the duvllme , II.H no airaiiKcmentii have been miido for night lights , Ueneiul admission to all of the lights will COM ! KO , ThOBc who expect to attend the. big bailie muni be In HI Paso nt 8 o'clock on the morning of thu Hth of February. One Minute Cnugli Cu ( u a popular rumedjr. i for croup. Safe for "til * lr n and adults. Troldnir Trni'l ; nt Him Krniii'liii'o. BAN FUANOIHCO , Jan. 27.-Prominent > i turfmen Inturptited In trotting und parln ; ; ft ovcntA uru ubout to build u new racu traclc 11 near Alnincdu. At present there. In no train. Ing ground for tiio huineim brltrude within many inllca of Ban Francisco. During the pant two yearH It has been almost Impcm- ilble to hold trotting oventa anywhere ad- 'il ' lament to thin city , but with thu new truck jll built and tout rolled by tlm Trottlni ; Homo ll Urt'cUcrrt' asHoclatlon tiottlntj rucea will | flourish. Piles of pc-opld have pllvs , but Dowltt'g Witch Hazel Salve will euro thorn.