THE OMAHA DAILY ] IB5Si MONDAY , JANUARY 27 , 1SDO. SPEG1RL NOTICES. AilvcrM cnirn < n for tlicne column * will IIP < nUctt tintll lUi.lO p. tit. for HIP cvrnlnsr nnil until 8 p. in. fur the morn In IT nml flnnilny rillllntix , AilvrrUnprn , liy fciiiK-xllMH : it iinm- tirriMl olicrk , cnn Imvc nninrrrH ml- itrrNMi'il fn nitinlicrril Ipdcr In onrp of Tim Ilpp. Annn-cm no mlilrrnaril * rlll lie delivered upon prcurnlntlon of llic olirplt nnl/ < Union , 1 l-"e n vi-oril Hrnl Innrrtlnni Ic n Moril < tiprpnflcr. Nothing InUr-n for lr ( linn 2r.o for flrM Itmertlnii. Tlipso nilvprllMpiiipnln niimt IIP run conaeen- ( Ivrlr. WANTED MALE HELP. ICO TO WO PAID SALESMEN FOR CIOARH ; experience not necessary ; extra Inducements in cuiitamcrs. Illnhop A Kline , SI. Ix > ul . Mo. BAILSMAN FOR THE HUMAN DEIIORNER : Rood ld < line for hardware or hnrncss sales man. Call or nddross 401 So. Ilth ft. 11 Mill r 21 roil ItHNT , TAHM 210 ACItKS. 3 .J'H'K.S ' weU of Soulli Omatin. Kiqulre of Thomng Bwlft , 403 N. 15lh t. , Omnhn. _ u M.Cl > lzs _ " " BAI.ISMAN"TO"CAHIIY ninn I.INI : SAMPUJ CIBO containing SO artlclci Tree , eultnlite for nny Jm msw : rmy Jllnu : bl commission. I , . NCo. . , Stntlon U Now York. _ - 7 12 iron ntJNT , T-UOOM nousn ; AM , Improvements ocit > t furnnc * . 2217 COM rou iir.NT-nousr.s. itousns. p. ic PAULINO. uAnicnn HOUSES IN ALL PA11T8 OP TUG CITY. TUD O. F. Davis Company. 1M3 Farnnm. D-126 ETANl OIufciUCLU COTTAGES ; 6 ROOM , modern. 11) run Heed Co. , Z12 So. Hth at. P 418 t AND 9.IIOOM HOUSES ON FAUNAM AND t-room lioune on S2J nnd I cnvemvnrth. chrap. Jno. - > V. lloblilns , 211 N. Y. Life Wg. JtOUSlM. UENCWA & CO. . 103 N. liTII iT. ron ni2NT , MODnnN miicK nousn'lop n or 20 rooms nt 11M1G N. S3lti Bt. Sen J. N. Frenier , opposlto iioitolllce. Tel. M. D S27 KOUHRN H6uscir & A , BTAIIR , J > 23 N. Y. Llfo building. _ Dr lSJ _ BiailT-UOOMi ALL CONVr.NinNCp7 1217 South Thirty-second ; nnd many others : all ilzcs.j F. V. Wead , Sixteenth and Doiiclnn. KENT. JIODGUN HOUSE rooms ; with bath : on cnr line : near p.iik ; Also Bmnll house ; Rood location ; only Sa. Onn- nott. 504 Tlrowr. Mock. _ R-M19. . J3l RENT. NICE SO-JTH FllONT EIGHT room brlclc lioi'se. with nil modern Improve ment * nnd In nrsl.clnzt condition : possession Klven January 15. Inquire on premises , 2010 Unit Howard street. D 213 8-ltOOM FLATS , o.OO ; J022 N. 218T. JUG 11AHGAIN8 , , It rooms , 21th nnd Doucla" . modern , reduced from JCO.OO to flO.OO. 7 rooms , modern. 27th , near Cumins , reduced from J23.W to * 100. , . . . ( rooms , modern , 2tli ! nnd Douglas , reduced from JM.OO fo J2000. 7 rorimt. modern , 31th nnd JncUson. reduced from J27.P ) to JI800. Alvi iovcrftl other fine houses chenp. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Fnrnnm ntreet. D 4C2 FOH HKNT , A NICE C-llOOM HOUSE papered , $8.00 per month. Including city water , to people thnt l > ny rent In advance. 113 N. 87th : take Famam cnr ; Stoelzcl. next to r. O. , _ D 461 . ElGHT-nOOM HOUSE , CENTRAL LOCATION" . J1S.OO per month. Kmiulre S316 Cnpltcil nvcnue. BTEAM HEATED STORKS AND FLATS. Howard Ilnnok , OEcnt , 1C10 Chicago st. D 474-F14 _ 4-110OM COTTAOE , NO. 2723 FATINAM ST. Milton Rogers & Sons. 14th nnd Farnam Sts. FLATS , I7LKVENTH AND HOWARD. 6 rooms , nc ly papered nnd painted , } lo.W. 314 Flrnt Nnt'l bank l > Mc. WANTI3U FEMALE IIHH * . WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO do Rencrnl liouMwoik ; . must le n BOOI ! cook colored profarrpd. Inquire nt ISJj CO. nnd n at : M.Q71 * ClilcnKQ nt. C - FOH HEXT FiniNISIlKIl 11OOMS. FIRST CLASS HOARD AT 1610 DAVENPOnT Bticct. n * " 'iLf'l4 . NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen or man nnd wife , near Kountze I'laco. Good neighborhood , pleasant surround ings. Address 1C 3. llco olllce. E C03-2S * FURNISHED ROOMS ; STEAM. 2ilSO. _ 2nTH 3 NICE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms ; for llghl housekeeping. ln FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS , with modern conveniences. 1713 Chicago Bt. FUHNISIIED noons AND HOARD. * - FRONT ROOMS , WELL- HEATED ; FAMILY bourd If tlMhcd ; rates reasonable. 321 North jd st. F C78 fiRST"cLASS BOARD : icio DAVENPORT ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. Terms reasonnblc.Cjill 2107 Douglas. F 195-C riIRNiailiirFRONTllOOM8 Wlfll OR WITHout - out board ; Blram licit : electric bells ; baths ; rates feasonab'.c. Midland Hotel. ICth ft Ohlrago _ it. F Mt > 3 > > r IS FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two , with board , 2ulO California - _ ; . LARGE SOUTH ROOM WITH STEAM ; EX- ct'llenl table ; refeicnccs. 202 N , . . FURNISHED ROOJT MODERN , WITH I1O\ niT J3 week ; nlso suite roonrt. The RoM.SOM llarney. FOH KENT UNl'UHNISIIEU IIOOMS. I ROOMS ; WATER IN KITCHEN ; CENTRAL : re-jfonnble r U : nlc for housekeeping. 1702 Webster ' jit. t G-M5M NICE'OUTSIUIS UNFURNISHED ROOMS AT SIS N. 17th tj upalaUe. U M314 31 ' " JrVE "uNFURNlSHEn CHAMBERS FOR hoioekcepUig to man and wife ; water In the liltchcn ; steel sink ; waste pipe. 319 No. 17lh. FOR RENT , THREE UNFURNISHED IlOOSIs" . rulliibln for Unlit housekeeping. Inqulia COS. Bn. 101 h. G-MCS9 2S roil KENT STOHUS AND OFl-'ICES. KOR RENT. THE 4-STORV BRICK BUILDING nt 01G Fnrnum t. This bulldlni ; has a lire- proof cement b.meini'iit , complete steam heat- Ilk fixture * , water on all lloors , gat , tc. Ap ple nt the odlce o' Tha Bc . I Sia BASEM'ENT AT ci3 N. i6in ST" . WITH LARGE No. 1 bnko Men ; n\to \ stern loom ; good locu- tlin foil bakery. Apply to I. N. Wutron. CS1 N. V. Life Hide. , or at olll.-o o Union hotel , CU N. 16th Jit. 1-570 BTOiTiTnooM. sxsv AT cu N. IOTH STREET ( Unlim Hiilrt Mock ) . I .W : with steam heat , ISSW , Apply lo I. N , Wnlson. C2J N. Y. Life HMC. , ir l olllc ) f Union Hotel. CU N. 16lh t. 1 077 IIAI.I/J SITITAriLi ; FOR SOCIETY PURPOSES , * nMiiil nml third floors. I'M ' ] ; renl rca- oiiuUfv 514 Flrit Nnt'l banlt Wilu. FOR RENT-AN" OLD iaiT.\T LisiiiD QUO- cciy toie : inllaUo al t for meal market : good location. Imiiilro 1CI5 r.iniam st. 1 MC7S-2 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS FOR our celebrated fl. ° 3 cimom p > mt anrt suit * . Chlcato Ctutani l' . > at Co. , 205 rifih a\c. , Chlrago. J-M94T Ft' WANTED TO HUNT. WANTED. BY A LAtJY. BO VP.D AND ROOM III n | > rlvnl American fiimily al mod rate ternw. Mint b on or n.-ar car line. Ad- Ur < K 7. BfO. K--MG24 :7 UHNT.VIi . j. u. pARRorrt : . UOOM K. DOUGLAS BLK. Lll-lM-FlS BTOHAGH. STORAGE. FRANK EV. ' HS. 1211 HARNEY. M-H4 TAriFIC BTORAOlJ AND WAIU2HOTJSH Ctt. KI-J19 Jjn * . Ocncial .urica and toruar'Uni. M-m FURNISHED STlM'lIKATii } ROOMS. MOD- i'in conveniences , bounl. O ! HuUlh liilk M US WA.vrnn T uov. LIHT "iTnTr. 1KJTATH WUH 1' . D , WBAD. HUlftnili nnd lvUKlh . N-M1 3 FI BF.COND JANU PUJiNiTunii WANTEO-TO 1IUY. ( Continued. ) WANTED , A SECOND HAND PHONOGRAPH with bntlery nnd record * and nil complete , nnd must bo In irooil running nrder Aildrew ( Ic-orge Sherlock , Seymour , San Ml uel county , Colo. N-MC03 27' WANTOlJ SIXXJNn HAND TYPEWRITING jnachln * . Adders P. O. Box C3. N M670-27 WANTED , To'llttY. A FAIlTt TEAM AND A cow. Aildre'i. with particulars , I1. O. l x 60J , Council Bluffs , N MC59 SO KOIl 5.ALE PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE AT 4124 Franklin street. O-MC ! KOU SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SIX COLONIES OF ITALIAN BEES , DOO- llltlri strain , In the finest condition , with com plete ouint : leaving Neh. caui * of tale. Caller or write W. II. Mr.rse , n > rest Lawn cemetery ; postolllco address. Florence. Q3027" HARD WOOD 4 AND B-FOOT FENCB t'XR ) corn cribbing. C. R , Lee , DiJl Douglas. FOR SALE , STOCK OF CRESCENT LAND company ; splendid Investment. Call or ad dress II. F. Dnlley , S40 N. Y. Life bldg. > CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARREN.CLAIRVOYANT , RE- tlablo business medium ; lh year nt IIS N. l h. 8 138 OIl'flY QUEEN" FORTUNE TELLKR ; ladles , 60c ; Rentlemen. Sl.OO : luckv charms. 1 23 Farnam street , between ISth nnd ISIh no MASHAGE , IIATHS , ETC. MADAM SMITH , 1R22 DOUGLAS STREET. 2D llDor , room II , Massage. Bttnm , alcohol nnil sulphurlne ti\ths. T-Sal ! _ _ MM ! : ! LARUE ; MASSAGE ; 1017 HOWARD street. T-MI50 F15 MME. AMES , FORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS. MASsage - sage anJ baths. 5)7 ) S. 13th st. . 2d floor , room 10. PERSONAL. BATHS. MASSAGE. MME. POST. SOW FINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED BAUMLCY ( 17th und St. Vary' * avenue. Telephone. 440. SUPERFLOU3 HAIR AND MOLES REmoved - moved by electricity. Mme. Post , 319V4 S. 15th. MISS VAN VALKENRURGH DESTROYS PERmanently - manently by electricity superfluous hair , molea , warts , etc. Room 416 , N. Y. Life bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPerty - erty ; strictly confldentlal. Address P. O. Box 320. u m WEDDING INVITATIONS , BURKLEY PTO.CO. U 233 f VIAVI CO. . S46 DEE BU1LDINO : HOME treatment for ladles ; physician of fifteen years experience ] In attendance ; consultation free. ELECTRIC PRINTS AND PORTRAITS. J. F. JJodtker. 1302 Douglas stieet. U JI321 F8 WONDERFUL SYSTEM FOR MAKING OLD faces voiuic ; wrinkles removed. 200 Dougltia blk. Write Mmc. True. V M417 Flf IlELLK EI'I'ERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER nt 1909 Fnrnam. Lady canvassers wanted. MIHS MASON'S SCHOOL FOR DRESSMAK- Inp. over Lloston Store , In Rohrbaugh lluslneas college hall. Etoator entrance on DuuRlai. U CJ7-F-2 * SIDNEY TO LOAN IIRAIi ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 313 N. Y. Life. Ixjnns nt low rates for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TI12 O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam st. W 144 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN O17 OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. B. Melkle , Omaha MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. 13rennan , Love & Co. . 1'axton blk. LOANS. C : A. STAHR , 923 N. Y. LIFE MORTGAGES. O. Q , WALLACE , BROWN BL7C. W 149 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Finlth & Co. , 1320 Farnam. " MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW RATES. J , D. Zlttle , 16th and Douglas , Omaha. W--151 FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SARPY. 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln Dro : . , 210 N. Y. L. FOR MONEY SEE F. D. WEAD , 1CTH AND Douglas. W-M192 Fl ana P. UEMIS. LOANS , PAXTON RLK. 'A' 334 F7 WANTED AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS FOR largo loans on business propel If , ulsn dWP'.lnB house loans ; don't unit until your old loan ex pires , apply now. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farr.nm St. W-013-J25 SIDNEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , nngona , etc. , at lowest rates Ir. city ; no icmoval of goods : strictly confldentlnl ; you ran pay the loan off at any tlmo or In any cmount. cmount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30C S. IGlli st. x tsi MONEY TO"LOAN , ! i > . 60. 90 DAYS ; FURNIture - ture , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Darker bloclc. X 154 IIUSINE9H CHANCES. FOR BALE. A HALF INTEREST IN AN OLD. well known wholesale wines , liquors , beer , cigars nnd tobacco business , in one of the best cities of Nebraska , doing * a good , hafe bus iness ; party owning halt Interest having other business to attend to i canon for telling ; pur- cliaET may become nn nctlvc or irpoclal part ner. Address 1C 1 , care llco Publishing com pany. Y-MM2 27 STAPLE DRY GOODS STOCK FOR SALE ; best ttnnd In best toun of Nebraska. Addrexs 1C 5. lice. Y MC19 F3 \VHUAT lia ii6oMINO. AND IS THE CHnXp- pst t-ppculnllva commodity In the world today ; nnyRiio who lina a dollar to vparc should buy It : trade tlirouijli a rcfiionslble housr , ami get reliable Information by sending for our largo riM liooU , containing nil the neci-ssary Informa tion to enable nii > npo to handle their Invest ments Intelligently ; ulso our dally maiket bul letin , willed suggests when nnd whnt lo buy ; both free , Slansell SCo , , bankers nnd broKem , 133 Traders' building , Chicago. Y G37 29 * FOR EXCHANGE. GOOD PIANO WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR good city lot In Hot Springs , B. D. Addrcsj box F , Atkinson , Ili'b. 7. C1Q.57' CASH AND"CLEAU LINCOLN REAL ESTATE. well located , far stock of ineictmndlnc. Ilex 1371. Lincoln , Keb. V. yiRll\ \ * TO EXCHANGE , I WANT TO EXCHANGE my equity In ono now bilck ctore building for ntuck of goods or clear propeity. Addrons O. J. W. . box 782 , Jefferson , Iowa , X-MI.54 27 * 1 WILL TIIADU 2,000 acres ot clear fnnn Und In parcels to milt. Located In Holt nnd .Sheridan counties , For Merchandise or clear Orr.aha icul estate , 1C 17. Bee. 2-037 FOIl SALE U12.1L ESTATE. FOR SALE , WEST FLORIDA LANDS ES- peclullx adapted to frulu : 577 acres wltli brick > niil In completn running order ; 75-horna poner engine und bailer , now patum ivuud brluk muclilna und pugmlll ; 1'utl'u crusher * , track and cur * with \Urullng drum lo haul clay .from bank- , two cart * and wagun to haul wood , shedn with pilletg lor 127.VOO lirrk | . onn band PIVM , nbiuidancu oC ( .lay nnd wuod , dwelling houKe with lx rooms , kitchen und Lain loom , flood water nnd locillon. perfectly he Ultr. James McC'ulloufh. in-Mortlce Quintette. KI9. RE 305-Ftb C UARQAINS , BALK OR TRADE IN CITY PROP , ertlei and faruu. Jna. N , Frenter , CI > P. 1' . O. RU-IU OKO. P. UEMIS , HOUSES , LOTS. IRRIGATED Ijnn lands , louiu. SOS und 308 I'axton bloclc. RE-5M- U.tRdAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , ale . F. 1C , Daitlnff. Uarker IHoclc. RR 1 ABSTRACTS. THE IIXIION IIU1SD COMPANY. HE-IE ! WANTUD-BTOCIC OF GENERAL MERCHAN- dlte or clolhlnp , to Invoice ( rum J10.0CO lo tlj. X ) . for Urjt mortgage * lind ckvxr land. To onnera only ; no reply to scents. Addrr Dux C97. Norft/lk. N t > . /-TTS-l-l FARMS AND RANCHE3. ALSO CITY PROP- frtr. Mockj ot merchjndUa , bought. K > I < 1 and exchanged. H jou wUh to co In or out ot lius'.ntis , or Chungs location , wrllv what jou lmr und what you want , Slxttcn yiara In liuilr.ais uUts me a. wMo acquaintance. 1M.- oiVOvr HocU of hurdw.ira ; K"O i location ; good lmtlrc ; will txclitnn ( or laii tract ot Innd ana pay dite : ; u : , Ktury C. famlth. falli City , Neb. IlK-it 7ai LOST. LOST-A HBO IRIBII BKTTKn IXXJ , AttOUT n ymtr and n 1mlf old. Answer * | 9 nnmc nf Hnort. Reward will bo pnl'l for return In JOM Pacific M , Ixnl MMO-H IIOHSP.S WINTERED , HORSES WINTERED ; tlEST OF CARE fl"cn horse * , both winter nnd summer. Addresi M. J. Welch. Gretna. Neb. M77S UNDHUTAKnUS AND EMIIALMEItS. H. K. DURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND tmbalmer , 16IS Chicago St. , telephone 90. 166 EWA NSON A VAL1EN. 1701 CUMINO , TEL , 10M. 167 It , O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND F.M- balmcr. 1417 Fnrnam St. , telephone 23. 16S ELOCUTION. 7.ULE.MA FULLER , 616 KARIIACH HMC. . Kf eagemenls made foi readings In and out of city , 241.F4 * SIIOIlTIltAM ) AN1 > TYl'EWUITINO. A. C. VAN 8ANT-S SCHOOL. 513 N. V. LIFE. ' 161 MUSIC , AHT AM ) LANGUAGE. GEORGE F. GELLKNUECK. BANJO AND gullar teacher. 1815 Chicago it. 10 } NEW PIANOS RENTED AND SOLD ON EASY payment * . William H. Schmollcr. 6th floor McCjRUe building. 6S3 1 U1MIOLSTEUING FUIIMTUUE. UPHOLSTERING , FURNITURE REPAIRED and packed very cheap this month. M. S. Walkln , Jill Cumlr.s. Tel. 1331. 171 HUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & U. ASS'N PAY C , T , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , S years old ; always redeemable. 1704 Farnam si. , Nattlnger , Sec. 160 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omnlm L. & B. Ass'n , 1704 Bee bide , u , M. Nattlnger , Sec. HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th nnd Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 164 DANCING. NEW CLASSES FORMED FOR BEGINNERS nt Moraml's this week ; adults , Tuesday and Friday , 8 p. m. : children , Saturday , ID a. m. ; first lessons tnltcn privately If desired ; open cl-'y nnd evening : assemblies Thursday. 8:30 : p. ii. . gentlemen nnd ladles. Mf. M 557 F13 IHCYCLES. DON'T BUY A BICYCLE UNTIL YOU SEE our ' 06 line. We sell sundries and do repair ing1. Ak-Sar-Ben Cycle Co. , 319 South 151h street. 4D3-F 11. OMAHA BICYCLF. CO. , BEST PLACE TO BUY bicycles ; blcycles'repalred , 323 N. ICth St. 607 H. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 18 ST. 163 ( My mama used Wool Soap ) tl wish mine had ) WO OLENSvr\\\ \ \ \ shrink If WOOL SOAP _ , _ ' . , Is used In the laundry , Wool Soap Is dollcatonnd refreshlnjr forbath pxir. zyxf Tm ht'si ct'inccr. Uuv a bar at your dealers. rlawortli , Sciiodde & Co. , Haters , Chlcaca. Moston.ill _ Leonard at. , EVERY WOMAN fnmoilmes needs a rc'liablf monthly n-gulatlng medlclni DnPEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS , A2 prompt , safci anJ certain In remit. The ccnu- W lr ) ! ' - " - - > < - * " ftpywhero $1.00 , Sherman & WcConne ! ! Drue Co. , _ _ _ Podge street Omaha. Neb WHITE STAR LINE Sailing from New York Wednesdays , as follows : Britannic Wednesday , Feb. 5 , 10 a. m. Majestic Wednesday , Feb. 12 , 10 n. m. Germanic Wednesday ; Feb. 19 , 10 n. m. Teutonic. Wednewlay , Feb. S3 , 10 n. m. United States and Royal Malt Steamers. Saloon passage , J50 nnd upward , according to steamer selected and Itwatlon of berth. Second cabin JC3 , (40 on Majestic and Teutonic. DRAFTS payable on demand everwhere In Great Britain and Ireland sold at lowest rates. For Inspection of plans of steamers and any further Information apply to local agents or direct to H. MA1TLAND KERSEY. G'l Alt'I 23 II'way , N. Y. S. TENNY FRENCH. G'l W'n Ac't. 214 SOUTH CLARK ST. . CHICAGO. ' " Lea\en imjRLING'TON" & MO. RlVER.lArrUes' OmahaUnlonDJpot | _ , 10th & Mason Sl . | Omaha E:30am. : .7..Denver Express 9:3liJm : 4:3lpm.Btk. : Hills. Mont. & f ugct Snd Ex. 4:03pm : 4:3Spm : Denver Exnreu 4OSom : 7C6pm : .Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:43m : ] . , .Lincoln Local ( except SundayllJSam : JiJipni..yailMttJL _ < fgr LlncolnLiUlly.A. OmahulUnlon Depot , 10th & Maion Sts.'lOmaha E.OOpm Chicago Ve.tlbulo 800am ; :48 : m Chicago ExpiCis , 4:16pm : TWpm..Chicago A St. Louis Express , . . l:00am : U ! Sain Pacific Junction Local tSOpm : . . . .Fa l Mall iMOpm Leaves ICHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.IArrlv s OmalialUulon Depot , 10th & Mn on St .I Omaha " " " "e00pm" ; . . . Chicago Limited ! : Mnm 10j45am..Chlcago Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 825pm ! Lc-avei ICHICAOO" & NORTHWESTN.IAirlves OmahijUnlon Dtpot , 10th & Masun Stu.I Omaha,7. ( Knrtern Express 3:10nm : 4:4Spm : Vestllmled Limited SMJpm 7OSam : Carroll Passenger ! 0:40pm : D:15pm : Omaha Chicago Special 8:00.\m 4Cpm : . . . . . . . .Boone Local. . . . . . : SOam Missouri Valley Loc : S:30ani : Leaves ICHICAao. R. I. "ft PACIFIC.Arrlve | OmalialUnlon Depot. 10th A Msson Bla.l Omaha EAB-iT 10:40am..Atlantic : Express ( ex. Bunday ) . . Sipm : l:2Jpm : Nlpht Expreu llf : am 4Mpm Chlraco Veitlbulcft Limited. , . . . lJ3pm : 4Mpm..Ht. ! Paul Veatlbuled Limited. . . . l:3ipm WEST. :4Spm. : Oklahoma & Texas Ex. tex. Sun.,10:8Sam : l40pm ; . Colorado Limited . . liOOpm LeavelTj C.7 ST. P. . M. & O ( Arrives OmahalDepotv15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha ' " 'S:1am : . Sioux" City Accommodation , , . 813pm ; lliUpm. . . Sioux City Expnis tu. bun.ll:55am : t.:4tpm . 81. Paul Llmliee . ! lOam Leaves ( F. . E. A MOTVA'LLIST : | Arnve Oman a 1 Depot. IMIi aud Wemur Hts. I Omaha Y:15pm : . . ' .Fail Mall ni > d Exnresa. . , . . , . 6:35pm ! : Upmex. Bat. ) Wyu. K * . ( ex Men. ) . , . 6:3Spm : 7tOjm. : , . Norfolk Cxpreni ( ex. Sunday ) , . ,10:2Sam : ( 43pm . . . .St. Paul Kxpieds . ClOam C. II , ( Arrives OiiamUnloti ! | Depot , 10th & Muion St . | Omaha 5:01-1 : in . Ki'.mun City Duv EXPICSF , . . ? ! S:30Drn : :4Jpm.IC. : C. NluU Ex. Via U. P. Tram. 7:00ara : Lt e ! MISSOURI PAC1FMX I At rives Oroahal Dfiql | , Ulli and Wtlntar Bis. | Omaha 10(0am : . isT. "l-culi Kipreil. . . . . l:00arn : : SOpm . Bt. Louts KXPKM . . . . . . lOSpm : laopm..n.Kebrmkq ; Local ( c * . Bun. ) . > :00ani : " " XcTYi pACFoT lArrtvei" 5th _ and Webiur SU. | Omaha " ' ' "t.rtpm ! . . . . . . . . . .tit. I'aul Llir.iud. . . . :10am : BIoVx"cTTT T PACIFIC. lArrlvei" iUon D pot , 10th & Muion ti. | Omaha . . , .KIoux City Pamicnctr . . . .lOUOom 6'.45tim . at. Paul Limited. . . . . . . . .JliJOain I ? v7 * " | ITKIOK PACIFIC ; IArrlr V OnuhaUnonJtpot. ! 10th & Maguu Sli. Omaha " . T.T.Keauiey ixprt i7i . 4:10pm : . Otcrlund Llinttr < J . 4:4ipm : .Deal < - A SliomtYir E . ( tx. Sun. ) 4:10pm : . .Oraiu : l lend Jtirreai ( tx , b'un..13:05pni ) : Mall . . . . . 8:40am : UBVM WA.DASH RAILWAT. IArrlv OmolialUnlon D < t-ct. 10th & Maun 8ts.Omih | : : ) - . , . . . . . . Loula " iiJhii fig J - , ' n rnt r-- fttrtttaiitrfii \ STEPS OF A LADDER. ( Ry Harriet Prc'ott Sporrnnl. ) She was pale and thin , but might lisvc been pleasing , haiL&he not been shaptly with the motion of the ship , for there had been quite a swell on 'from the hour wo cast off. As It was , she &ViJack , Indifferent to life or death or the ItftVAng world , nnd received ns to the ninnrtCT Vbrn the kindly atten tion of Mrs. 1'rldemix , who had crossed so often that she Is ns much at home at ECS as on shore. "Who Is she ? " said my sister , observing her case. "My maid , Ahhls lleeoher , " slip answered ; and she afterward told me she ? had encaged the young woman lh ° week before , because she had shown a pretty knack In the ar rangement of hair and tha designing of Eowns , Ins young \\oman having also de clared that she did , not know what seasick ness was. She told the truth , perhaps ; she did not know nl the tlmo ; she had evidently found out since. And Mrs. Prldcaujc , half compassionate and half amused , was by way of winning eternal gratitude , In seeing that the deck steward made the young woman comfortable , and In not happening to think of mentioning the relation between them. My sister , who had been visiting at a country house with pome of our American friends , desiring to try English life , had taken for a few seasons , when she first came across the girl , Annlo Ileecher , the daughter of a laborer on the neighboring estate of the carl of Savcrlelgh , 111 fed , scantily clothed , and running wild. The good housekeeper at the castle had presently sent for her to take some subordinate position , and moling her aptl- tudt ? , had promoted her till a chance brought her to the attention of the old countess , after which she 'was moro or lesa about that personage , waiting on her and reading to her. She had been taught at the village school , nnd , quick to mark and heed. she soon acquainted and familiarized herself with the gentle movements , the low voices of the drawing room , nnd the observance of the table. Then her father had re ceived some Injury , I believe , and she had been obliged to leave these pleasant places and KO back to the cottage and care for him , feeling sharply , it may be , the con trast , the rough tone , the rude habit , the hardship , too , and the unlovellnew of life. When ho died , another lady ruled at Savcr lelgh ; and without a relative In the world , with a heart aching with ambitions and de sires , and with nothing before Jer ; but service , she had conceived the happy thought of procuring a reference from the old house keeper , and had begged Mrs. Prideaux , who was then visiting- her friends again , when she should join me at Southampton to let the service be with her. Perhaps she thought that In the life over here , which gives all a chance , she would flnd her own. But cer tainly she could then have had no idea of playing any other part In It than that of a skillful lady's maid , which was In Itself a great step on the ladder of llfo for the young factotum of the housekeeper. It may have occurred to her , liowever , when In any In terval of comparative case , after she had been brought en deck , she saw certain of the young girls gayly jlrqmenadlng with as much of their warpaint and feathers as wind nnd weather permitted ; realized with her quick wit a difference bslween their ways and manners nnd th'p oxriulslta breeding of the ladles nt Savcrlelgh , had a. sense of Injus tice In the Inequality of position , and felt a sudden purpose spring within her soul. Owing to lief- very violent seasickness she had had no' , 6pjortunlty ; of seeing me with my sister , and she bad no Idea that the solitary Individual > paclng up nnd down the deck was related to > her mistress. Dut nt dne time when t'to ship had given an unex pected lurch , I chanced to hinder her , limp and lielploM. from falling out of her chair ; and after that I now and then addressed her a word with thtl freedom of fellow passengers - gers , and hardly thought a change In my conduct wqrth w ) > | Jewhen I learned ; ( W-ho she' was/tha moro as liwas.somethJng-of n'studerit' ' of human nature , be It In maid or mistress. The young girls irliom she was watching , when she could , 'often stopped and spoke with her. "It must bo dreadful to bo 00 111 , " said one , "Oh ! " she sighed In answer. "I could wish I had never left Saverlelgh. " "Saverlelgh ? Where Is that ? " "Tho earl'o ptoco , don't you know. " "The earl ! " cried the young republican. "Whit earl ? " "The earl of Saverlelgh , to bo sure. " "And you lived In an earl's castle ? " "We lived on the. estate , " murmured Annls. And then the other rearranged the rugs , somewhat reverentially about the Invalid who had something to do with an earl's castle , and tripped away. When she saw Annls again on deck among her wraps and pillows , this young port-on came to Inquire for her health , "I nm afraid It la as much homesickness as seasickness , " she said. "I should bo homesick , too. If I had left a castle. Wo went over Warwick castle Just before we left. I stole a sheet of note-paper nt least the man tuw mo take It , nnd I tipped him. Did you often go to the castle nt Saverlelgh ? Did you know the earl ? My ! And the countess ? An earl's wife Is a countess ? " "Tho idea ! And you left all that for the sake of eoslng America ? " "Fancy ! " said Annls needier , with an ef fort. "And then It may ba you loft a beauti ful home and dear relatives for the sake of peeing Europe. " "Oh , girls ! " cried the questioner , on re turning to her compatriots. "Sho knows earls nnd countesses , and has left such a beautiful homo as Saverlelgh castle for the sake of seeing America ! " And Annls would have been deaf not to have heard the shrill sweet voice. When , a day or two afterward , I took a vacant chair , and saw that It was beside her , and BIW how wretchedly she looked , I said encouragingly , "We shall soon bo in port "Oh , It's not that , Indeed , fir. It's to think of the whole thing over again , " she sighed with languid seasick bitterness. "Well , well , perhaps you won't have It over. You may stay on this .side and not co homo again. " "Not go home' ' to Savcrlolgh , sir ! " one ex claimed. I noticed that something later she dropped the "s'.rs. " "Is SaverlelRh your home ? " "Oh certainly , " she said ; which was true , but might have been misleading. , However , wo arrived In harbor shortly after this" , and Mrs. Prideaux drove to her hourc , and I to my club. And having vari ous affairs to arrange , some dya slipped by before I went round to my sister's. I was lurdly surprised fo hear her my that Annis needier , as soonjm pho wau sufficiently re stored , had manlfboldd her eternal gratitude by announcing tTuU'Phe ' was going Into a dremmikliiB ostnM ument connected with a great dry goods ) lpri where she had called , feeling < l l' ° Buro..p { her nblllty nnd , ro- ferrlnu to Mrs , Prldoaux ; nnd that she had further declaredi'tliot ' nho knew Mrs , Prid eaux would bo nQ'ouirtacle ' In the way of her endeavor to mculjt\/fotbcr \ $ stop on the ladder - dor , that nlthougVi slip should rep'V the passage - sago money that would not repay Mrs. Prid- eaux's kindness , qnU > fnieanwblle make no al lusion whatever' ' , Uior engagement ns a My sitter ratl/qr'irf'iJoye(1 / ( llns something unusual , and occasionally w-ent to the chop , moro to watch ihbillllle drama than for any thing olso. UufMlsB ; needier alwayn fitted her herself ; and1 'JiVj * " evident that thla especial attention , , p ( d her made Mrs. Prid eaux a person of < inuph moro Importance ) In the chop than her'oarrlago and footman and all her money conldr Miss needier was a wonderful niter. ' rpy atrter said ilolofully , with an undoubted ; , gift for her work. She had become rour.cieU and wholesome and at tractive ; and one had In the course of the year's designing and fitting been brought into close contact 'with so many fine ladles that she was now really quite a fine lady It was a number of months after the passage - sago money had been repaid that , going over In the Qascogno , I saw Mlsa Deccber come aboard. She was escorted by a son of the head of the firm , which , I nfterwardo learned , had sent her over to &ee > the styles QUAKER OATS The Child Loves It. The Dyspeptic Demands It , The Hplcuro Dotes ou It. DO YOU EAT and to make purchases In Paris , her talents having won her the opportunity. "Oh , no , " oho was siylng In reply to pome questfon from the young man , "The houss allows mo but six weeks ; -and , with so much to do , It will not bo poaslblb for mo to take In Saver lelgh. And besides" she hesitated , nnd burled her fac& In the rose * she carried. "Ah , I see , " snld the youth. "Tho carls end carlcsses don't approve of people who strike out In the world for themselves. " "Quito so. Hut the dear countess can neither approve- nor disapprove now of what I do. Lady Savorlelgh died last winter , " with a downward glance at her gown. I noticed then that Miss Ileecher wore mourn ing , ngntnst which her nrmful ct red roses was effective. "Hut Lord Saverlelgh knows , " she went on , "that many of the quality , I mean the nobility and the country families , " correcting herself In time , "qulto our equals , are In trade. " "And n very good thing for them. " From my coign of vantage I took a sur vey of the young woman , for she afforded mo an object lesson , Good living , good ex pectations , line ambitions , the receipt of deference , the experience of pleasure , n lively hope , had nil done well by her. She was tall nnd finely rounded , her clean , fair English skin and white teeth , her bright , nbundant hair , and her clearly cut features gave her a rather decided beauty of a sort , and her appearance , \\lillo the long , brown lashes swept the velvety cheek , was qulto charming. Dut when she lifted the lids , the bold and steady gaze of a pair of cold , blue eyes took much of the charm away. The fact that the child of a village laborer , btcd from nothing , accustomed to nothing , had such receptivity for much that aristoc racy , wealth , breeding , long descent , im plied , was an Interesting feature In heredity. Where nrd how had the strain come In that made this possible ? Could It b ? the moro circumstance of sex , of femininity , that rendered her superior to the. clod from which she sprung ? Or was she a , sponta neous Instance of a new departure ? I won dered for a little In what way ithe clement that gave her these capabilities came Into her blcod. She had evidently found her chance and Improved It ; she must have gone n great deal to the theater , that picture nnd school llfo ; she must have read and reasoned , watched , observed , and Imitated ; doubtless she could have passed an examination on the heroines of the novels of fashionable life. And then , as she appeared no moro during the passage , I forgot her. I saw her , however , by accident , just before the allotted six weeks of her absence ended , but It was In London , after all , and nt the opera. She was not caring for the play , I Judged , or the music. Her whole attention was given to the boxes. It was a night when royalty was In great evidence , -and some one was with her pointing out the people of Importance. I felt that not the beauty of Earner , nor the majesty of the Do Ilcszkes , not the marvelous echo of Vol die sapete. but the pose of the princess , the droop of the eyelash of the duchess of Lelnster , the gentle1 hauteur of L/ady Urooke , remembrance of the clothes of the professional beauties and of tho'way they wore them , were what she would carry away with her. When I saw Miss Deccher again she was at home , and at the horse show It was no longer the son of the head of the hc-uss , but the head of the house himself who accom panied her. As faultlessly dressed as her patrons , she was handsome , hr.ppy brilliant and beaming. Hathc-r sure that she was of an Impeccable social morality , according to her code , I regarded it only as a further step on her ladder. I had no doubt she was comparing the horses to the Saverlelgh stud , and was not surprised to overhear , as I passed round Into an adjoining box , "Ah , no , It Is quite broken up. Ours was a great hunting country , don't you know. Dut the stables are closed. Lord Saverlelgh Is not living , yoj may rrve heard. The titles were In the male line and they have , lapsed , and nn American'has ' bought the castle. Fancy ! " . "Hard on you now , I call that , " said her companion. "It Is sad , but It Is so , " she sighed. "I shall never see Saverlelgh again. I couldn't bear to sea It , don't you know. " And the fllemaker began to jump. My sister showed me , shortly after this , a pretty trifle which Miss Ueecher had brought her from Paris , where she new made the yearly trip for the establishment , and which she had begged Mrs. Prideaux to accept as a token of sensibility to kindness re ceived .since- first coming to this coun try , kindness which had made It possible for her to rise on the ladder of llfo , and kindness which she now felt would never fall her. And then I beard no more of this young woman till a year or so had passed , and I was called lntosa case Involving an attempt to defraud the government of duties on a quantity of costly lace. The firm employing Miss needier were the parties answerable to the charges , and I wont to represent my sister , whom Miss needier had requested to certify her respectability , she having brought over the lace. Her distress was so evident , but her at testations wore so quiet and well-bred , that her Innocence Impressed young Van Hen- thuysen , who appeared for the government prosecutor. "I entered it as I thought I should. As I did last year , " she said , the blue eyes softened with their brimming tears. "How can I expect to know your constantly changing laws ? " "In these days , " said the head of the firm , "when many of the nobility of Europe are bettering themselves In business , we have felt ourselves fortunate In having an English lady of Miss neechor's rank and associations1 , and and birth , at the head of our dress department. Dut it hardly seems to me that wo should txpect the same familiarity with our customs laws as with laces and velvets , from one of the family of the carl of Saver lelgh. " "This lady ? " said Van Denthuysen. She bowed. "A membr rf the carl's house hold , " she murmured half Inaudlbly , so that one heard only the word "carl" with dis tinctness. The she raised her head haughtily that was her Innocence of the smuggling and looked at mo , her cold eyes melting Into something like a beseeching smile that was her appeal for my silence. I have no class prejudices. Hut I plead a love of truth In geueral. Here , however , It did not rcom as If the balanca of the uni verse wore to bo disturbed. Perhaps If I had foreseen the , future but I am not sure. A pretty woman IP dlatross h-as a claim su perior to some consideration of right nnd wrong , nnd nature enforces It' . "My sifter , Mrs. Prideaux , has been a fren ! < t > of Mlsa neecher's for some years , " I said. "And I hog to assure you that It Is qulto Impossible to consider this charge In relation to her. As the firm are ready to meet the demands of the government , I think you will bo quite wlthirt the law , Van Uenthuyssn , If you ac cept their proposals. " "I will make such report , " said he. "And no one can regret moro than myself the un- ploatunt duty that was forced upon mo hore. " And after a short conversion with us In general , nnd a few worda In particular to Mlsa lieecher , he took himself and his papers off , "A fine fellow , young Van nenthuyson , " said the head of the firm , "In training for political llfo , blood will tell as I'm cure you make us feel , Mlsa needier. Ho iu one of the old Knickerbocker stock. Ilia father , the general , fine upright old fellow , was minister of the court of concerned If I re member just where , nut he'a a millionaire times over , and he boasts that there's no bluer blood than hla this eldo of Amster dam. Hut I reckon wo can eoa him , and go cno better , eh , Miss Ueecher ? " A great bunch of orchids , of a species grown only In the Van IJenthuysen's orchid houses , that I iaw on Miss lieecher'a drew at a philharmonic , attested possibly young Van Hontliuyscn's appreciation of this strange azul of hers , a little later. Some one said she had developed a quite surprising knowledge of orchids orchldv phe had said , were a fad of the earl's ; and It wag gald that It was on a visit to thsaj orcbld houses that she met other members of the Van Den- thuyten family. I do not , however , know accurately any thing about that , nut In these days one Is surprised at noth'ng. And so poeslbly I ought to have felt no astonishment when in the course of a few months -my sister , com ing in from her carriage with Miss Cort- landt , opened a billet containing wedding cards. "Tho old simpleton ! " she exclaimed. "Th'nk ol It ! General Van nenthuysen ! IB It possible that ho has married again ? And to whom ? Let me ? ee Miss Anne Ilcau- chainp. Very aristocratic sound. I wonder who she Is now. " I looked over Mrs. Prldeaux'a shoulder. "It In the wny they uptll needier In Ens- land. " I said. "Why , haven't you hend ? " crlfil Mlns Cortlandt. "It l n't half a bad thing. Ilrni- ton says. People thought It was Van at first. Hut he Isn't In It. Rho hasn't any money hut then th old general lias enough for two , with a moderate dcuree of economy , you know. She Is still young , and very well looking , dresses perfectly. Quito well con- necteJ , tro. I hear the general will have her presented at the next drawing room after they go over , unless they Rrt flirt to Italy. She Is n member of the fain ly of the carl of Saver-letch. " And neither I nsr Mrs. Prldwux smiled. "Don't you think an Impoverished nnd long- descended Italian prince would da well by himself It ho married the very wealthy widow of an American general ? " ta'd my sister to mo once , after reading her foreign mall. "A connection of the carl of Savcr lelgh has n right to marry among princes. Our princess will not be exactly an example of ground and lefty tumbling " "No ; only of climbing a ladder Into the clouds , " I said , "Well , you cannot wy my maid nnd I hnvo not furnished you entertainment very pretty petite comedle. " "If It Is net rather that high tragedy which makes the angels weep , " I said. iiuniiiuAM's Trilling AroliU'iit tlint OIIIIIP llplirppti Him mill n MlmWorlli Million * . Mining camps are replete " 1th Interesting stories of prospectors who have struck It rich nnd of those who , after yc > ir of unsuccessful effort , flnd themselves "dead broke" In their old ago because luck was against them. "Whllo everybody believes moro or less In the existence of that something known as "luck , " said Jean bccker , formerly a resi dent of the Ulack Hills , and one of the pioneers neers of that region , to a Globs-Democrat man , "tho prospector , who climbs over mountains and trulls along streams winding their devi ous way through tortuous gulchej , moro than anybody , Is n believer that 'luck' shapes the destinies of all men. Ho will tell you frankly that ho believes In luck , and Is alnays pre pared with what ha considers Irrefutable arguments In support of his belief. If argu ments fall to convince , ho Is teady to relate experiences by the score , experiences of his own and of others , to prove that 'luck * Is behind all success nnd failure , and that 'luck , ' good or bad , Is responsible for the success or failure of all undertakings. "L. F. Hlldcrbrand , a little , wiry French man , who drives nn express wagon in Deadwood - wood , Is a firm believer In 'luck , ' for the greater number of the many years that cause his curly beard and hair to be BO liberally besprinkled with silver have been spent In the mountains of the west. It Is 'luck' that Is responsible for the fact that ho Is now driving a dray Instead of llvlni ; a life of case and enjoying the luxuries and comforts that the possession of unlimited means make pos sible. Had Jluck' not been ngalnst him ho would now ba Mr. Hllderbrand , and not 'Hll- derbrand , the drayman ' It > vss 'luck' that causaJ him , moro ? in thirty years ago , to stumble against a mountain side In Mon tana , and It was the same Muck' that caused him to chip off a piece from n huge boulder ho found there to flnd that ho had 'struck It rich , ' for the boulder was quartz , and so rich In gold that It fairly made his eyes pop and his heart bent with a rapidity that threatened serious results to Its outer covering. He soon got over his excitement , and , with the prospector's Instinct , began to look for the lead from which the boulder had sloughed off. 'Luck' was still with him , for he traced the lead and at once began to open It. He had a partner , and the two worked hard , for , although quartz mining was then merely an experiment In Montana , they knew the time was coming when placer mining would end and quartz mining would receive the attention of men anxious for a quick way ol Increasing their wealth. "They were poor , and thslr supply of 'grub was limited , but they knew that there were plenty of men In the territory who would gladly 'stake' them as soon as they learned of the richness of their find. So far nil of their Muck' had been -of the quality described as 'good , ' but a change way to come , and that soon. "Their Muck' was destined to un dergo a chango. In an unfortunate moment they undertook to Voll out of the wny the great boulder which had guided them to where fortune was awaiting them. Whether It was this or something else that caused their good Muck' to change Is not known , but Hllderbrand believes that the attempt to change the location of the boulder of fended the genl that for years had guarded the hidden treasures of the mountain , for the boulder rolled over on the arm of his partner and so badly crushed It that It be came useless. Being without money they had to leave the place. Hllderbrand going to French Gulch to seek employment In the placer mines there , while his partner went to Helena to obtain surgical assistance. "Years passed on nnd Hllderbrand began to think lesa of the 'flnd' and when the stampede for Deadwook began lie was one of the first to join the rush and Muck of the good kind aided him to locate n paying c'nlm in that part of the city which was once known us Ellzabethtown. After the claim had been worked out ho again drifted west and was ono of the pioneers in the Cceu'r d'Alene mountains. Had Muck' again become his companion , and he drifted from ono place to another , until flnally ho found hin-.Eelf once more In Montana , and one day ho stood once more gazing on the boulder of rich quartz on which he had feasted his eyes years before. The boulder had the fa miliar appearance of an old friend , but Its suiroundlngs had so changed that Hlldsr- brand was bewildered , "In place of the modest little tunnel he had helped to dig over a quarter of a cen tury before , he found a monster hoisting plant raising rich ore from a shaft hundn-10 of feet in depth , while In the gulch thundered and roared a monster stamp mill. The boulder had been removed and It occupied a place of honor In front of a splendid build ing. Surrounded by an iron railing , from which dangled signs cautioning trespassers to beware the boulder stood nn object of veneration and curiosity , for It told to the world that It was the identical rock that had led to the discovery of the famous Drum Lummon mine , one of the richest gold pro- dr.ceni In the United Stntes. "Hlldeibrnnd attempted to touch the boulder , but a burly watchman ordered him off. Finally eloquence prevailed , and the man whose Muck' had been his ruin was per mitted to plice his hand on the boulder and run his flngers over the spot which marked tliu place from which ho had chipped off a sample years before. "Sometimes Hllderbrand tells the story , and always winds It up by laying his hands over his heart and looking far nwny nnd saying ; 'Oh , I feel so pinch here , ' indicating that portion of his anatomy covered by his liards , 'w'cn I como back and see de mill and de mine and tlnk of de time w'en I [ Ind de boulder and don Unit what might 'avo been If luck had been wld me h'ln- stead of do h'ole man Cruse. ' " III OliK-il Tliiivn People overlooked the Importance of perma nently beneficial effects and were satisfied wltn transient action ; but now that it Ut generally known that Syrup of Fig * will permanently cure habitual constipation , well- informed people will net buy other laxatives , which act for a time , but finally Injure the system ' 0X13 WKM.-MOKTOAGKIJ COW. Tale IlliiMtrntliiK tl > ( 'itllcli-NM KIm plicitnf nn AivrliMiKui-lHl. "Thoro are tricks In all trades but ours , " remarked the carpenter , "and we sometimes drive screws with a hammer , " A few dayi ago , not more than 1,000 miles from Lake- cci'nty ' , South Dakota , a collector calle-J on a farmer for the payment of a note secureJ by chattel mortgage. The farmer wan obdu rate and gava no satisfaction that he would o\er pay the note. Finally the collector said : "Well , I'll have to take the eleven cows named In the mortgage. " "Oh , no ; you liaven't got a mortgage on eleven cowu on thlu farm. " "Why , yea , I have. " And the collector pulled out a copy of the mortgage and read as follows : "Ono red and white ccw , one row ipotted red and white , one rel cow with white spots , onn cow with white spot In forehead , ono rod cow with two white t.lnd feet , ono white cow with spots nn tide , cno white and red cow , ono red cow with two white forei fact , one whlto cow with red spot on shoulder ) , ana rtsl cow with white spot on hips , ono will to cow upotted with red. Now , how do yuu like that ? " continued the collector. "Oh , ihat'a all right ; I see you'vo got cloven mortgage * on my old rcU and whlto cow ; tUf-ro the li dcwn In the pasture ; the boya will co down and help you catch her. " One Minute Cough Cure U mrmieu , pro ducea Immediate resulti. Current Literature. There can bo m doubt about the romanti cism nt Dr , ( JuiUviu W. Pope's mind. Ho Is emphatically n story teller for th vou'ig , and his work would shock th ? realists , the vorlllsts nnd the rest. The "Journey to Vonut" Is essentially a wotk of Imagination , nml reveal * n range of nmaxlncc icso.irccs that may well qualify the author for the title of the American Jules Verne. The Arena Pnhllihlng company , Iloston. Will Allen Uromg.inle Is the mincutlna variation of the real mme of the ti'mln no author of "Tho Heart of Old Hickory" nnd other stories of Tennessee , One of these stories , "FUdllng Ills Wny to Tame , " la ft monologue In moun tain dialect , the speaker being at once recognized as Governor Taylor of Ton- ncsacc. "Tho Heart of Oil Hickory" nlso dcu'ctn the governor's Btrugulo botwocn his love of humanity and ! hs criticism by his political opponents of his pardoni of con victed criminals. The stories nro strong la Fontlment , full of local color and readable. The Arena Publishing company , noston , In "Acadla" Mr. Hdouard Ulchnrd has performed a valuable service to literature by supplying some missing links of a lost chapter in American history. The book Is published In two volumes and It will no doubt be recognized ns the most authentic record yet published of the sad tale of the unfortunate Acadlans. Mr. lllchard glvea ample evidence of having gone to great labor In presenting the results of the most painstaking nnd scrupulous Investlgat'on and his exposure of rome of the "tricks" em ployed by the historian , Parkmnn , will bo a sarprlso to roadero nnd lead to moro critical examination In future of the works of the latter wr'ter. Two vols. Homo Hook com pany , New York. HOOKS UECEIVED FHOM PUnLlSHEUS. The Merrlnm company. New York : "A Man of Two Minds. " by Francis Tillon Uuck ; $1. "lleuben Stone's Discovery , " by Kdward Strntemcyw ; $1.GO. "Oliver UrlRht's Search. " by IMward ntratmncyer ; $1.25. "An Old Fogy. " by Mrs. J. H. Wnlworth ; $1.25. "Uoy'3 Life of General Grant , " by Thomas W. Knox ; ? 1.GO. The Arena Publishing company , nosion : "The Heart of Old Hickory nnd Other Stories of Tennessee. " by Will Allen Dromgoolo ; 60 cc.nts. "Politics and Patriotism , " by FrederIck - , Ick W. S. Sclmltz ; BO cents. "Wonderful Adventures on Venus , " by G. W. Pope ; 50 cents. The Peter Paul Hook company , Huffalo : "Soul Waifs , " ( poems ) , by Uelle Van Dcrvcer ; cloth : $1.25. Hoffman Urothcrs company. Milwaukee : "The Homan Court. " by Hev. Peter A. Daart , S. T. L. ; cloth , 333 pages. MacMlllnn & Co. . New York : "The Alms of. Literary Study. " by Hiram Ccrron , LL. D. ; 25 cents. The Columbian Publishing company. Wash- Ingi'on , D. C. : "In the Court Circle , " by James A. Edwards ; 25 cents. Charlru H. Kcrr & Co. , Chicago : "L'ttcn from Jlmtown ; " 5 cents. Laird & L = e. Chicago : "Around the- World on $60.00 , " by Ilob.rt Meredith ; 25 cents. Homo Uook company , New York : "A6adla. " by Edouard lllchard ( an Acadian ) ; two vol umes ; papjr , ? 2.00 ; cloth , ? 3.00. Stone & Klmbnll , Chicago : "The Father of the Forest and Other Poems , " by William Watson ; $1.00. Milton Drailley company , Springfield. Mass , : "Myths nnd Mo'.hfr Plays , " by Ira' E. Wlltsi ; $1.00. The nos'on nook company , Doston : "Com- mentarUs en Constitution of the United States. " volume I , by Roger Foster ; $4.50. Tha American Hallway Guldo company , Chicago : "The Hand McNally Ofllclal Hall way Guide for January , 1830 ; " 40 cents , FROM MEGEATH STATIONEHY COM PANY. OMAHA. Frederick A. Stokes , New York : "Zoralda , " by William le Qucnx. "The Rod Spell , " by Franc ! Grlbble. Grlbble.FHOM FHOM AUTHORS. Hev. Peter noscn , Madison , Minn. ; "Pa- svpah , or thotniaclt Hills of South Da- kola ; " cloth , GlS'pagC'j ; to be sold by agents. DAN' SICKLKS' nj3COHATlO\ . The Old Kolillor Di-fUeil wMli tin ; IH- HlKTiiIn of ( lie Order of Ilollva'r. The most gorgeously appareled attendant upon the diplomatic reception nt the white housa Thursday night was General Daniel E. Sickles , the gallant old soldier of New York , says the Washington Post. Arrayed In the full uniform of a major general of the United States army , with fash nnd s ord , the latter of which ho wore with all grace , despite his phyiJcal Infirmity , which pom- pels him to go upon crutches , and adorned with the Insignia of a foreign order , he was literally "tho observed of all observers. " On the floor of the house yesterday , whera ho received a cordial welcome from his old associates , the general told an Interesting tale of his possession of the decoration. "I always como over to attend the president's receptions to the diplomatic corps and to the army and navy , " ho explained. "Last night , Inasmuch , ns Venezuela Is the reigning , topic of conversation , I concluded I would'wear the decoration sent me by that Government. I thought the UrlUnH ambassador would en joy It. The Insignia Is a star and ribbon for the neck , of the Order of Bolivar , Instituted in honor of the South American liberator. H was presented to me for the reason that at two widely different periods In the life of , General Paes , Dollvar'a lieutenant , I was Instrumental In securing Homo attention to him from the administration In the United States.- General Paes was originally a cow boy , but possessed excellent military ability. Ho was made conimander-ln-chlof cjf noll- var's forces , and was twice elected president of the republic of Venezuela , When elected the first tlmo ho % vns living In New York , and I Induced President Huclinnan to ten der htm a war t.'hlp In which to make the trip to be Inaugurated. Again , when ho died , he was residing In Nuw Yoik , nnd 1 was marshal of a procession that escorted his remains to a war vessel , which , at my solicitation Preuldent Cleveland tendjrftd to convey them for Interment In Venezuela. It was a very flue demonstration , and Gen erals Sherman and Sheridan took part , and I hope he knew something about what wo were doing for him. Tha ronprcba of Venezuela appropriated a sum for the erec tion of a monument to Ms memory and the government scut mo a decoration as a testimonial menial of Its appreciation of my connec tion with the soldier In this country. Mr. Andradf , the Venezuelan minister , by ft , coincidence , wore tha same decoration , and lie was delighted when he saw mine , " KHCAl'K 9IAUU IIIKKICUI.T. All Klnliornlc Ucvlre tit I'nt nil 1'nd to .lull Dcllverlcx. Ono of the , neatest Inventions that have been made recently l the onu plannc-d by P. V. Slinnis , sayu the Louisville Post , Mr. smnu : was greatly Interested In a recent jail delivery , and Immediately after the pris oners escaped ho sot to work to devise a plan to prevent any .similar occurrence. Mr , Klmnis prnpoccs to burrciiml each roll by on air-tight compartment. TliU will IIP filled with carbondloxlde under a prcxbiiro much higher than Unit of air. In each compart ment tlifro will be a small retort containing lumps of maiblo , covered by diluted sulphuric arid. This will fill the tank with tha gas. In niiMthcr purl of the comp.iitini.-nt u wnall rubber balloon , partly filled with ( tin air or other gas , Id held In place by a wire frame. Fastened to the lop of thu bullonn U a thin metal plate connected to an electric wire. Directly over the plate In the point pf a Bcrew , to which the other \vlre la fastened. This screw li turned until It .ilmost touches the plate , and the wire * aio connected wltli a bell and a battery. When a prisoner bores a holt- through ths wall of hit cell the cnrhon-dloxlde fills the room and ho 1 * asphyxiated. In the mean time , the procure being reduced In tha compartment , the balloon will expand , and the plain will couin In contact with I ho screw. When the circuit U cloned the bell will ring and nroiuu ( ha turnkey * . Mr , .Slniiiii did not explain about ventilation , and this seems la be thn chief drawback lethe the plan , It wuuld be a ilniplu matter for the prlioner to < p < m hi * windows and al low the ana lo encapc. This might be pre vented , however , by connuctlnt ; two set * of wlr i with tha plat and screw , and the BMinl current will caus an ouuide uhul- tor lo fall and cover the window , ThU would hardly bo nt > cc ary , an the tound of the boll would bo tuinclcnti to prevent n prUoncr'x < ccap ? . Ttiovlrcn to the bell nre Inilda the wa | | , tm that they cannot be cut by a deceitful trusty , Hewitt's I.lttlo CaMy UUurv cut * ( k > n and Ind bHttb.