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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1896)
THE * OMAHA DAILY 3EE ; MffipyiSSDAY , JAaSTUAltY 22 , 180G. kl SPEOlRh NOTICES. ] AilTfcrtlncnicniii for tlicnc enlttmun C rtlll lie < nken tintll 12itO ! p. in. tor Ilic cvrnlnir nnil until 8 p. > n. for Hie niornltifr nnil Similar edition * . Ad * crtlncrft , l > y rcciucnllnrr n nnm- CI" bcrcil clirclc , ctm Jinvc nimtvcrii ml- Iromicil in n ntmiliorpil letter In cnrc I" if The Hcc. AiiNucr * no ntltlrcMMPil " n\H \ be ricllvercit upon i > rvnrntntloii > f tlie check milIlntcn , 1 l-2o n tror < l flrnt Insertion j lo n ivoril llu-rcnflcr. KnfliltiK tnl < cn for Icmi thnn STo tar llral Inncrtlnn. Them nilvertlHcnictitn niuot lie rim connect ! * lively. WANTED MAM : HEM * . ICO TO J1SO PAID SALESMEN FOR CIGARS ; experlencB not necessary : exlrn. Inducements to customers. Illshop & Kline , St. I 1U'M ' , ; . , PAINTER AND I'AI'ERHANOBR WHO W1I.I. tnke lot or home and lot for work. F. I ) . Wend. Kill ami Douglas. n li'l-IZ IW TO 1SO PAIl > SALESMEN FOR CIGARS : pjcperlenco unnccensary : special Inducements to dealers. Folk & Co. , St. lolll * . Mo. g WANTKn-MAN WITH SMALL FAMH-Y TOR farm-work. Klondy rniploymcnU Nornliul competent man need npply. Ho * 114 , IllllsJmc , Town , 1J-4S3 z. POSITIONS OPEN roil nw PUSHING salesmen on salary ; experience unnecessary , permanent employment ; ni > ply now. IAIKO Ilros. , nurserymen , Chicago. II Mi9Z ZZ' \VANTKD , A 0001) WATCHMAKER TO DO nnd tnkc charge of my watch work. Correspond spend with It. U. Hendrlck , St. J < " 'l'h. * J ° BALESMUW TO .DRUG TRADE ; SIDE LINE or otherwise. J. W. Knight. 217-22 : Slate ntreet , Racine , Wls. Il-Mi33 22 * IIEI.I' WANTED FEMALE. WANTKD-EXPEIUENCED LADY CANVAhS ; er ; npply room COO Ileo Building , between G aid C J'clSck ( ) . in. C 576-21 * FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES. F. 1C DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D 12a HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , IMS garnam. _ D 125 STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAGES ; 8 ROOM , modern , llyron ReeJ Co. , 212 Ho. 14th Rt. D 410 AND 9-nOOM HOUSES ON FAUNAS ! AND " 6-room house on 2S.1 nnd U3avcnworth , cheap. Jno. W. KoLblns. Zll N. Y. Life BUff.U U 133 ' 5 < IIOUSUS. IJKNUWA & CO. . 103 N. 15T1I ST . TOR RENT , MODERN BRICK HOUSE OF 13 or 2C rooms nt 114-116 N. 23th st. See J. N. Frenzer , opposite postotllce. Tel. Ej4. D 527 8 TO 4-R. HOUSES CHEAP. COS NTl ST. MODERN HOUSES. C. A. BTARR. 923 N. Y. Llfo bulldlne. . D-M1SO UIGHT-llOOM , AM. CONVCNIENCES. 1217 South Thirty second ; and many others ; all sizes. F. D. Wead , Sixteenth onll Douislns. . . - _ . FOIl IIENT. MODF.UN HOUSE : EIQHT t' ' 5 rooms ; with bath ; on car line ; near pnilc ; ' gf > Also small house ; Rood location ; only $3. _ . nett , 601 llrown block. D-M19J JS1 * FOR RENT. NICK SOUTH FRONT EIGHT room brick hoi'sevlth all modem Improve ments nnd In Urst-class condition : possession given January 15. Inquire ou premibcs , 2610 Half Howard street. D 219 8-ROOM FLATS. J5.00I 1022 N. 21ST. DIG BARGAINS 14 rooms , 21th and Douglas , modem , . reduced from 160,00 to (40.00. 7 room * , modern , 27th , near Cumins , reduced from U'3-00 to JH.OO. 8 rooms , modern , 24lh and Douglas , reduced from JM.OO to J20.00. 7 rooms , modern , 31th nnd Jackson , reduced from J27.60 to J18.00. Also several other fine houses cheap. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam street. D 153 f' ' FOR RENT. 'A NICR'O-lnoOM HOUSE 'NEWl.Y .papered , 18.00 per month , IncluJInu city water , to people that pay rent In advance , 11D N. 1 I , 27th : taico Farnam car ; Stoctzcl , next to P. O. D 401 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL LOCATION. J15.00 per month. Enquire 2010 Capitol avenue. ' D 421 8TRAM HEATED STORES AND FLATS. Howard llanck , ngcnt , 1610 Chicago st. D-471-F14 FLATS : SIX ROOMS : 413 AND 419 POUTII Eleventh : near Howard ; good repair ; rent low' Room 514 Flist National Banlc building. D M479 23 4-ROOM COTTAOK. NO. 2722 FARNAM ST. Milton Rogers & Sons , 14th and Famnm Sts. n wo FOR HEXT FURXISIIEII ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AT 1C10 DAVENPORT street. 1J--MI71 F14 NICE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms ; for light housekeeping. 1112 S. llth , K M492 X' FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD , FRONT ROOMS. WELL HEATED ; FAMILY brunl If dulrcd ; rates reasonable 321 North 2W ft , F7 flRST CLASS BOARD : 1C10 DAVENPORT ST. F-M471 Fll NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. _ _ Termi reasonable. Call 2107 Douglas. F 435 < i " FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD : 1914 FAIl" n.nn. F MM4 g I'lIUNISHED FRONT ROOMS WITH OR WITH , nut board ; strain heat ; electric hells ; bnths ; rates rcarortnhlu. Midland Hotel , 16th & Chlcigo st. F M.W3 F18 FKONT HOO1I. WITH AI.COVE ; miltiiblo for two ; board If desln'il. 2W Cnb Btrrct. F MSC1 22 * LAUC.E SOUTH I1OOM WITH STEAM ; EX- ccllcnt tnblo ; icfercnccB. 202 N , 16th. F-M597 2I FOll ItUNT WNFUIINISIIED ItOOMS. < UOOMS : WATElt IN KITCHEN : CENTOAI. : rc.itonable mit ; nice for housekeeping. 1702 Webster Jt. Q-MM8 NlCE OUT8iTE UNKUHNISHED ItOOMS AT CIS N. 17th it ; upatalra. U-M3I4 21 FOIL m.vr-.sToius : AND OFFICES. fOH KENT. THE 4-STOUY BIUCK IIUILDI.NO at DIG Kiiliuini t-t. Till * Lulldhlllai ; a llre- ) oof cement basemi'iit ' , complete steam heat- 5)1 ; fixture * , uater n nil Iloors , KIH : , etc. Apply - ply at the ofllce of Th lice , I Si'i UAHEMKNT AT 619 N. 1CTII ST. . WITH I.AIlflK No. 1 l > ale ; 'Mm ; ulao more loom ; ROOI ! locii- llui for b.iUury.M'lily to I. N. Wntaun , . ' 3 N. Y. Llfo IlUff. , or at olllce at Union 'mlH , Cl N. 16th Kl. 1 570 BTOIIE lfooii730xVr . 'VT"n5 < N. ICT ? ! HTHKET ( linlon Hotel bloi-10. tij.Od ; with Uenm heat , JW.IW , APlOx to I. N , Watson , C.I N. V. Life i , or ut oillc of Union Hotel , 019 N , ICtli it. I 57Z AGENTS'ien. iOENTS WANTED TO TAIvE OllUEHS KCW our rcUbmtCil HOD ruitom p.mts ami suits. Chirnco Custom rnnU Co. , 203 Fifth avo. , Chicago. J-M3IT F8 | YANTii > , AOENTH FOll OIJU .NEW HOl'SE- lioM pncclultlrv : UIIKIII , ( Lee to a tiny ; ! > .iy every uti-k , l.'uiiial Supply i'o. . Olm-li- lull , O. J-M 3 22 * 11KXTAI. AfiEXCY. f. II. PAlUlOTTi : , IIOOM 22 , IXHiaUAH I1L1C. LM-S3J-P1S STOIIAGE. JT011AQK , FHANK UWE113. Hit HAllNEV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M-184 tnoiiAUK AND v/Aiimioutn : co. . K8-910 Jones. General storage anil fornanllnu. U-ltt yUHNISHKI ) BTEAM-HEATEl ) HOOMMOD - cn convenience * , liuaiil , C02 South 13lh. M 163 WANTED TO IIUY. LIST HEAli ESTATE WITH P. D. WEAD. Slilcenlli and Dan s las. N MU2 Fl SVANTED. A BMALI , BECO.NI ) HAND foundry end repair outfit. Adrtirsi U. M. Dor- ri . nroken How. Nfb. N SUM 23 IECOND HAND FUnNlTUllB , IIKOWN'8. 101 8. Hth. N tiC FOII fOIl BALK. THE riJUNlTUIlE OF A LAUGH tioardlnc Uou a al turg-lu. II , (4. llec. ron SALT : MiscnM.ANnous. HARD WOOD I AND t-FOOT FBNCS3 corn cribbing. C , It. L e , Ml Douglas. Douglas.Q Q 121 FUHNITUHK OF NINE-ItOOM HOUSE. lnelr or pntlrc ; kitchen range ; b t prlnrs ( ; ) i.ilr nmltrrnsei ; nearly new ; at IK S. 25tt ! it. Mr * . Wrlilrr. Q-M429 MISCIMAMOI.S. ; EQUITY IN MV MIOI'KIITV. N. W. COHNEIl 19lh and ritrce. I00il4l , 4 house * ; also one fnfi nnd 3 C-foot show coses with stands. Fred Molile , 1510 DoduP. VM-40S-F1I. CIjAIHVOVANTS. MHS. DIl. H. WAHIIEN. CLAIIIVOYANT , HE- liable business medium ; 8th yrnr nt 119 N. leth. MASSAOE , IJATIIS , I1TC. MADAM SMITH , 1522 t > OUOtAS ST11EET , 2D tloor , room 11 , Mn.isngc , , alcohol and nulpliurlno Ijntlis. T 545 .3 * MME. LAItUEj JllA"sSAalr oT7 TfoWAliD street. T M4M F15 MME. AMES , FOllMnULYOFST. LOUIS , MAS- IBO nnd baths. D07 3. 13th st. , 2J1loor , room ID. T 506-21 * I'KIISOXAL. DATHS , MASSAOE. MME. POST. S19V4 S. 15TII. U 119 FINE LIVERY lUQS CHEAP. ED I1AUMLEY. 17th and St. Mary' * avenue. Telephone , 443. HELLK Kl'I'EIlLY COHSET MADE TO OllDEIl at 1909 Farnam. Lady nscnts wanted. SUl'EHFLOUS 1IAIII AND MOLE3 HE- moved by electricity. Mme. Past , 313Vi S. 13th. U 850 MISS VAN VALKENnUHOH DESTROYS PEIl- manently by electilclty superfluous hair , moles , warts , etc Hoom 416 , N. Y. Life blJe. U 901 MONEY TO LOAN ON 1'EHSONAL I'llOl'- rrty ; strictly conlldentlal. Address 1' . O. Hex S2C. U-142 WEDDING INVITATIONS , nUIlKLBY I'TO.CO. U 233 F3 VIAVI CO. , 346 UGH I1U1LD1NO : HOME tteatmont for ladles : physician of llftoen years' experience In attendance ! consultation free. U M139 ELECTRIC PRINTS AND PORTRAITS. J. F. llodlUcr , 1302 Douglas street. U M321 FO DENTAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF Omaha , 12th nnd Pacific , will extract , clean , treat nnd flll teeth , except with KoUl. free. WONDERPUI. SYSTEM TOR MAKING OLD faces yoniiK , wrinkles removed. 200 Doudnn ( blk.Wrlto Mme. True. U-M497 F17 * _ _ ' LADIES'FREE'i ; WILL OLADLY SEND TO any lady free , a receipt that Kava mo a marvelous complexion ! no cosmetic ; perfectly wholesome. Mrs. F. Miller , box C 910. Kal- nmastoo. Mich. U M394 22 * SIDNEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. Life. Loans nt low rates for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W-14J MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. K. Davis Co. . 1503 Fnrnam st. W 144 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN OH OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. IJ. Melkle. Omaha. W 143 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real cutate. Urennan , Love & Co. , Pixton bile W 147 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 925 N. Y. LIFE. W 143 MORTGAGES. Q. G. WALLACE , BROWN I1LK. W Iia LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Kmlth & Co. . 1320 Farnam. W-150 MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW RATES J. D. Zlltle. IGth and Douglas , Omalm.W W 151 FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SARPY. 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln Bros. . 210 N. Y. L. W 152 WANTED AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS FOR largo loans on business propeity , also dwe'lng house loans ; don't wait until your old loan ex pires , npply now. Fidelity Trust company , 1705 Famnm st , W 943-J23 FOR MONEY ' SEE FL D. WEAD , 16TH AND Dpuglas. - W M152 Kl CEO. P. IJEMIS , LOANS , PAXTON IJLIC IJLICF7 F7 SIDNEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city * no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 S. 16th st. . _ X 133 MONEY TO LOAN , 3u , 60. 90 DAYS : FURNI- ture. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Uarker BUSINESS CHANCES. UUSINES8 CHANCU , LEASE OF A TTNE store for dry goods ; moderate icnt ; estab lished business ; owing to consolidating our business nt Dubuaue , In. , wo offer out lease of our building , running 2 jcais ; this Is a tnnp for nny ono wanting to start Into business In a good , Ihe town. Ilennlnson Dros. . Donn ? . In. _ Y MIC3 2(1 ( FOR SALE. nAKERY AND FANCY GRO- ccry ; In live town of 2,500 In eastern Ne braska ; line trade ; no competition : eler.ant llxtuics ; good , clean stock. Acltlrem II & 7 , lice. _ Y M4S1 1 . FOR HALE OR TRADE. DRUG STOCK AT A bargain : bnvo otlur business ; must sell. Lock llox 1200 , St. Paul , Neb. Y 11302 22 * CRIPPLE CHEEK GOLD STOCKS , SAFE AND sure ; )5 and upwaidj .Invested often brings fabu lous nnd < ] iilcl ; returns by placing your orders with the Vim Iluren' Investment Co. , ( Incor porated ) bankers and broken , SOS ICth St. . Den- ver. Colo. Y M530 23 GROCERY I1USIN15SS AND A DUUO n.Bs ; iiv.H inaiUet , ouner leaving city ; line location ! b.iKeiy for lent ; good place , cheap rent. ! ' . D. Wi > nd , ICth & Douglas. Y 574-22 FOIl K.\CHAN4i3. WILL TRADE PART CASH AND PART GOOD land under ditch for tttock of general merchan dise fir ronnliy trndtAddices Wallace DIOJ. , M.into Vlstii , Colo. 55 M4W 26 FOH SALE H13AL ESTATK. FOR SALE , WEST FLORIDA LANDS ES- peclally adapted to fruits ; 577 ncics with brick jurd In rompli'tc running order ; 75-liorae power englno uiiil boiler , new p.aitin sward brick inachlno and iiucmlll ; Pull's crushers , track nnd HUH with ulmllnif ilrnm to haul clay from lank , two rails unit wagon to haul wood , ulicibi with unllets for 10WO bricks , one band iirt'ss , abuniliinto of cl.iy and wooil , dwelling house with six rooms , kitchen and bath room. Good uater and location , perfectly healthy , James MiCullouali , postolllcu Uulntetle , Vi'j. nE-305-Ftb n SPECIAL 1IARGAIN IN SARPY CO. FARM. I2 > > iicicD. 13 mllei S. W. , Improved , 14,800. Douijd | Cu. fuiin with IIO.OiM Improvements , } 25. 0t > . 7-r. iiouio nnd b.irn. full lot , Wiilnut Hill. J2.500. Silioufii and burn , 4 blk.s from Hanscom | i irklll ; take EOIIIO trade and J3,0' ' ) . S-r. mo Jem ICuuntzu pluce homeJ2.OM. . S-r. cotingt * . rlty uiiler. 1 block lo far , fl,200. 10 acres , D mllp.i from P. O. . JjJO. S acres , 30th KU , near fort , ,500. 3 iirrcu , bet. Omahi nnd South Omalm , f 1,300 , S nrrcs near Houlli Omalm. 1550. .VxI4D ) fout Int. 19th Kt..fCi . 45X1S' ) . 1 block to car , J5i . 1' " . 1 > . Wi-ad. ICth ana DoUglns RE-573-22 FOR S.\Li-A GOOD HOUSE AND IX3T CHEAP Will take clear lot , worth from J300 to | MW. us llr t pjymunt. Now Is the time ID bur n homo In Omulm. A. P. TuUry , New York Life. RB-DOS-21 UARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- i.-tlis and farms. Jno. N , Frenter , cpp. P. U. UEO. P. 1IEMIS. HOUSES. LOTS , IRRIGATED farm lands , loans. 205 and 306 1'uxton block , RE 323 UARGAINS , HOUSES , IXDTS AND FARMS ; sulo or trade. F. 1C. Darling , Darker Illock. RE-JCJ AUSTRACTS. THE UYRON REED COMPANY , IlE-153 LAND , SO near Lincoln , St,600. bO near Council inufTn , (33 an acre. 10) level Uittom , loivn land , J3.000. k' ' ) level Ixittom , low a. land. (500. bi ) near Mondainln , la. , J2.40J. 40 Burpy county , jsoo. 40 Haniy county , ll.coa 500 Iowa bottom land. 121 an acre. 204 near Omalia , 110 an acre. CC near Omaha. > I,4W , SO near Fort Crook. (00 an acre. 80 Adalr county , Iowa. 12.400. C. F , HarrUon , i : N , Y , Life 8IIOUTIIANU AND TYI'EAVIUTINO. A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL , 113 N. Y. LIKE. IIOTULS. AETNA IIOU3E ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th and DoJje. Itooms by dajr or wetk. 1C4 The Hair Conquered For the first time in the history of the world a preparation has been discovered which restored gray hair to Its natural color without the use of dye. Mmo. Yale's Hair Tonic has the marvelous power of giving the natural coloring matter circulation , consequently quently reslorlng the gray hairs to their own original color. The complete mastery of this marvelous compound over the hair of both men and women has created a genuine sensa tion all over the world and Its discovery has been hailed with endless joy. There will bo no more gray hair to worry over , and It will b ? no'longer necessary to use Injurious artificial dyes. Yale's Hair Tonic will stop hair from.falling In 24 hours. It Is a , positive euro for any ailment of the hair or disease of the scalp. It In absolutely pure and fr from everything Injurious. It contains noth ing greasy or sticky ; haa a delightful , dell- cato odor and makca the most perfect hair dressing known for ceneral use. FOR BALD HEADS o 3 edy on earth known to make the hair grow on Bald Heads. B ? sure that you get the genuine. Be ware of counterfeits and Imita tions. Make sure that every bittle has Mme. M. Yale's photo on and Is labeled Mme. M. Yalo's Excelsor Hair Tonic. All drtiRglsts. Prlco 11 : also Yale's Skin Food , SI.50 ; Ynle's Complexion Crcnm , SI ; Yale's Face Powder , DOc : Yule's Deauty Soap. I5c. lime. Yule , Health anil Complexion Specialist , Temple of Heauty , 148 State street , Clilcnco. Guide to Beauty mailed free. IIICYCLES. DON'T UUY A .1HCYCL.C UNTIL YOU SEE our * OC line. Wo Bell sundries and d ? repair- Ing. Ak-Sar-Bea Cycle Co. , .319 Soli til 15th street. 409-F-ll. ELOCUTION. ZUL.CMA FULLEIl. .518 KAIUUC1I ULK. * . nN- gaEcments made tor readings In and out of city. 241-F4 * HOUSES HOUSES % viNTEiVEr > : nnsT OF CAUE Riven horses , both winter nnd summer. Address M. J. Welch. Gretna. Neb. ' M772 UNDERTAKERS AND EMIIAI.MEHS. 1L K. HURKET. FUNnnAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 1613 Chicago st. , telephone'SO. 106 S\VANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMINO TEL. 1060. 167 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Farnam St. , telephone 223. 1CS SIUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. GEORGE F. GELLENBECK. DANJO AND eultar teacher. 1815 Chicago st. 109 HANGING. NEW CLASSES FORMED" FOR BEGINNERS at Morand's tills week ; adults , Tuesday "nnd Krkl.U' , 8 p. m , : children , Saturday , 10 a. m.I flrst lessons taken privately If desired : open dfy nnd evening ; "assemblies. " Thursday , 8:30 : p. m. i gentlemen and ladles. Wo. II 657 F1S Ul'HOLSTERING FURNITURE. UPHOLSTERING , FURNITURE REPAIRED nnd packed very cheap this , month. M. 8. Walkln. Sill Cumins. Tel. 1331. 171 nUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL. L * & II. ASS'N PAY C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 < 3 years old ; always redeemable. 1701 Farnam St. , Nattlnger , Sec. * tea HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha Ij. & p. Acs'n , 1704 13eo l > ldg. G. M. Nattlnger. Sec. 170 I'AWMlUOIvEHS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 415 N. 1C ST. 163 WHITE 'STAR LINE Sailing from New York Wednesdays , as follows : Teutonic Wednesday , Jan. 29 , 10 a. m. Britannic Wednesday , Feb. 0 , 10 a. m. Majestic Wednesday , Feb. 12 , 10 a. m. Germanic Wednesday. Feb. 19. 10 a. m. United States nnd Royal Mall Steamers. SUloon passage , JW and upward , according to steamer selected and location of berth. Second cabin f3i40 on Majestic and Teutonic. DRAFTS payable on demand everywhere In Great Britain and Ireland sold at lowest rates. For Inspection of pinna of stenmeru and any further Information npply to local ngents or direct to II. 1IA1TLAND KERSEY. G'l AK'I 29 B'way , N. Y. S. TENNV FRENCH. G'l W'n Ag't. > 214 SOUTH CLARK ST. . CHICAGO. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leavfs IUURLINGTON & MO. R1\'EHI Arrives OmalinlUnjon Depot. 10th & Monuo 8ts. | Omalm 8:30an : Denver Express 0:3am : 4:34pm.IJ1k. : Hills. Mont. & Puget SnJ Ex. 4:05pm : 4:3pm : Denver Bxnrc 4:05cm 7:05pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) , . 7:45i/m : . . .Lincoln Local texccpt : Jt:45pm..l''Mst ' MalLforLlncolnL ( < lally , . . f7-vel"rCHICA"GOrnURiiNaTON : & Q.jArrlves OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. Omaha H00pm ; . . , . . Chicago Vestibule 8:00nm : > :48am : : Chicago Express , 4ltpm : 7'SOpm..Chicago A St. Louis Express , , . 8:00am : llSCam : , . . pacific Junction Local GSOpm : Fast Mall . . . . . _ 2:40iim : Leaves CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAULjArrlvts Omaha Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. I Omalm C:00pm : Chicago Limited 8:05am : 10:45am..Chicago : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . :2ipm : Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOnTHWEST'N.IArrUei OmahiUnlon | Depot , loth & Mason Bls.l Omnlm ll00am ; Eartern Express , , . . S10pm ; 4 : 5pm. . Vestlbuled Limited 6:4Spm : 705am. ; . . . .Carroll Passenger 10:40pm : C:45pm : Omaha Chicago Special BiOOain 4SOpm : Iloona I/oeal. :30am : Missouri Valley Local. , ; SOam Leaves ICHICAGO. U. I. & PACIFIC.lArrlves OmalmlUnlon Dtpot. 10th & Meson Sts.l Omaha EAin. ] 0:40am.Atlantic : Express lex. Sunday ) , > 535pm ; 6 : 5pm Night Express 8i5am : l:50pm..Chlcaco : Vestlbulcit Llmltea lS3pm : 4:50pm.tit. : Paul Vtstlliuled Limited. . . . l38pnT ! WEST. < :4Cpm.Oklahoma : A Texas Ex. t x. 8un.)035am ) ) ; l:40pm : Colorado Limited . .400pm iViwesT C. ST , P. . M. & O .Arrives _ Omalial Depot , 15th and -Webster Sts. I Omaha SlS < im Sioux City Accommodation. , , 8Upm : ll:15pm.Bloux : City Bxpresi ( ex. bun. > , . .ll:55am : t:4ipro 6L Piul Llmlite t10am Leaves I F. . E. & MO. VALLKT. ( Arrives Omahal Depot. 15th and Weusler 8t . I Omalia * zTlSpm Fast Mall and Express. . ! . . . . 6:3Spm : Oat. ) Wyo. Ex. lex Mon. ) . , . 6Upm : 1:5Oim.Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday.10:23am ) : C:4Spm : . .St. Paul Express 910am ! Lfavea I K. C. , ST. J. & C. II. ( Arrives ' OmahaUnlon [ Dfpot , 10th & Mason BIsJ Omah * * :05am : Kansas City Day Express , . . , . 5:3amn : l:4Jpm.IC. : C. Night Ex. VJa U. P. Trans. 7:00 : m Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. { Arrives Omahal Depot , 13th and Wtbsttr Sts. I Omaha 10:40am. : , St. IxiuU Kirreii , ; OOanT > : tOpm St. Jxiuls Express. , , , . t:08pm : lSOpm..ll.Ncbra : ka Local ( ft. Bun.i 9 : 3qm L * ves i Bioirx crrr & PACIFIC. lArrivci Omahal Depot , ISJ h and Webster Sts. I Omaha t45pm .i.,81. Pauri.lmlltd. . ' . :10o"m : Lca\ea BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. I Arrives fOmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sls.j Omaha TOSam ; Sioux City Passengen..r,10:40pm _ : . . . . . . _ _ . . . . Paul Limited. . . . > : 0aio Uoveri UNION PACIFia TXT l'v r OmahajUnlon Dfpot , 10th li Mason Sls.l Om liq 0J'am. : ' , Kearney ExpriBs.,7 , . , 4:10pni : 8M : > am Overland Limited , , , 4tSpm ; JJOpm.Hcal'co : & Blri > m lj'c lix.frx. Sun. ) 4:10iun : C:4pin..Urand : Island Express ( ex. Bun..12Kpn ) ( > 3:80pm Fast Mall 8:40ain : & " ( " WAnABH nllLWAT. Oi u.haUnlon | Dfpot. IWIf tc Ma-.n Sls. 4:30pm : St. Louis Cannon liall.llMam ; DUE TO IffiTED JANITORS Why School BotrWich'hient Affects Only the 'PWldren , LATTER WITHOUfSrtoNG , ORGANIZATION i tin Ailo | > tr l' ' to Cut AM of Hc m } | ; ! ) iciicIU Suvc Hint ShurtfiiliiRr ! ilic School T1 i r < The members of the Board of Education labored for four hours Monday night to effect n retrenchment In.the expenses of the schools. Their efforts resulted In n prospective saving ot $19,000 , of which $15,000 was effected by cutting the school year down to nine months and robbing tha ecliool children of one month's Instruction. The 'members who constituted the majority made frequent and vigorous speeches In favor of economy ; they declared that It was In the air , tha people wore united In demanding It and the board must recognize the necessities of the situation. Then they provided for lopping off the commercial department of the High school , saving $1,500 , nnd discharg ing the supervisors , of music and drawing , Involving an additional economy ot less than $2,600. Neither of these changes becomes operative until next September , nearly a year hcnco. But It Is n significant fact that the same members were unanimously and violently op posed to the resolution which provided for a readjustment of the salaries of the. . Janitors that promised a saving of nearly $5,000. They stubbornly refused to dispense with the services of an attorney , on condition that the city council should pass nn ordi nance Instructing the city legal department to attend to all Board of Kducatlon matters requiring legal advice. No ono had the temerity to propose any plan for changing the present arrangement by which teachers of mediocre ability receive the highest salary merely by Virtue of the fact that they have served In. the schools for a speci fied length of time. A resolution was also passed which pro vided that the services of the training school force should bo dispensed with at the end of the year. But since the contracts with Iheso teachers will expire any way at the tlmo specified nnd. ' the resolution did not say anything about abolishing the training school , this could scarcely bo classified as a measure of economy. The vote io dismiss the supervisors of music and drawing on tha ground of economy Is regarded as the seizure ot a plausible pre text for executing1 the long-cherished planet ot n certain element to > get rid ot Miss Fan- nlo Arjiold , whoso .religions affiliations have- long been an eyesore to these members. At the beginning ot the year a desperate effort was made to pass a similar measure , but it was defeated on account ot the over whelming public sentiment which protested against It. It was Iraely predicted by those who are familiar with the situation that by the tlmo the measure goes into effect the members will dlsgover a pretext to flll the position with some on a who stands In better favor with the radlcal'elemenU As was predlcttjdr < ho recommendation of a minority of the finance committee for n readjustment of the salaries of the janitors was met with a < vigorous opposition. It is well known that 'there Is a close > organization among the forty 'or more janitors and that this organization has a well defined political value. For the past two years Its Influence has been called Into play to further the am- bltlona of members of the combine and dis tinguished services Irj this particular have been rawarded with , pro notion and increased salaries. This being the case. It was scarcely expected that anymeasure that affected their Interests would f\ll'd \ favor with a majorltyi of the board. The"following table Indicates' the detailed effect ofi the rejected plan of readjustment , had. It. b&en adopted by the board : - School. ' > ' ' " ' > - * iO No. Old New S Tloom. Sal. Sal. Train . . . . ' . - . : . ' : . . ; . . 7 $ 70 $ CO Sherman ; 3 30 30 Druid Hill ; i 2 25 25 Park 12 115 S3 Ambler 2 23 23 Forest . ' 5 60 10 Walnut Hill 10 SO 75 Franklin 8 75 C3 Lake Ifi 123 103 Central 12 100 S5 Monmouth Park 2 25 25 Vlnton . ' . . . . 3 30 30 Kelloin 1C 130 103 Dupont . * . 4 K 45 Comenius 12 100 85 Kckerman - . 1 20 20 Iothrop 10 no 75 West Side - . 2 25 23 Clifton Hill 4 55 43 Lincoln 1 10 00 73 Iea venvorth , ! ) S3 70 Central Park G 03 B5 Long Annex 8 75 C5 Pleasant , . . . . 1 20 20 Kort Omaha 2 23 25 Farnam ' . 10 PO 73 Saratoga , G 5 C5 COLD AND GUAHANTHKD TO , CIIKCIC A COM ) IN A I 'I8W HOUUS AXU I'UEVE.W C5IIII' AND. I'.VEUMOMA. Colds lead to coughs , coughs to Pneu monia and Consumption ; therefore , it is all important to check a cold before It reaches the lungs. Munyon's Cold Cure will posi tively break a coli Inside of twenty-four hours If takcnus _ soon as the cold manifests lUelf. When the cold reaches the lungs or bronchial .tubes the Cough Cure should bo used alternately every half hour with the Cold Cure. The Cold Cure is guaranteed to prevent pneumonia if used in tha beginning of a cold. Pneumonia , or Inflammation of the lungs , can bo controlled by the use of these two cures. The Cough Cure positively cures bron chitis , tickling in the- throat , hoarseness , lesser or voice , soreness of the chest , difficulty In bi entiling , hacking cough and all pulmonary diseases where the lungs- are not too far coi sumed or covered -with tubercles. If you are ailing step Into the nearest drug btore andE a 25o vial of ono of Munyon's nemedlca.i No matter what your disease , or how m ny .doctors have failed to cure , It will glvo yYm'Tellef , Personal letters la Prof. Munyon , 1505 Irch street , Phltaaelphla , Pa. , answered with free medical advlco for any disease.- K n ( Mr mama used Wool Boap ) il with mme tuuj WO OLEN\ < \ \ \ not shrink If WOOL SOAP Wool Bpap U ( lellcnto'and rffrcihlim for bath pur' -ryiri ) UuaaLarattiuurdeaU. 3. acaodde & Co , , waken. Chica . l ( " 8t" Bet ° 1'il bu , Columbian . C CO W Gas * . . . g 75 cr , Omaha View. . . . . . . . . . 8 75 85 Mfl < on . . . 14 us ! > : > Pacific , , . , . S 75 C , ' . Bancroft . . . . ' . . 7 70 SO Hlt'son . , . 1 0 M Wlndxor . t . 4 ft ! 45 Webster . 11 95 Si ) Castcllar . . . . . . . 12 lee S3 l.ontr . > . . S 75 C5 Mnmml Training , . . SO , . Dodge . S 75 05 Davenport . . . . < . . . . 3 ,10 so , . . . . . . . . . TT $2,700 M.190 Saving per month . t C > : o Saving in school year. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jl.r.W .Solxistnpol AVnn Not I For It was ttken by assault , but a physique built up , a constitution fortllled by Hostel ler's Stomach Hitter ? , may bid defiance to the assaults of malarious disease even In localities where It Is moat prevalent nnd malignant. Emigrants to the plague-breeding sections of the west 'should hour this In mind , and start with a supply , The Hitters promptly sub dues dyspepsia , rheumatic and kidney com plaints , nervousness , constipation nnd bilious ness. II AT 13 flP O.\n KAIIK IS MADE. Tun TliotiMiiml Kxprptcil nt Oriuul Army Kiiciiiiiiin | < > iit. B. D. Cabin ell , chairman of the Western Passenger association , has written Captain Palmer that n rate of ono faro for the round trip from points In Nebraska has been made for the Grand Army of the Kepubllc encamp ment which Is to bo held In Omaha In Feb ruary. It Is expected that l.COO veterans will bi present , and 400 delegates to the Women's Relief Corps state meeting lo bo held at the same time. Tickets will bo sold February 11 nnd 12 , good returning until and including February 15. 15.The The Women's Hellef Corps of the Grand Army of the Kepubllc gave an entertainment at Myrtle hall last evening that packed the auditorium to the doors. The object of the concert was to raise funds for the expenses of the coming convention In this city of the various posts In thestate. . The meeting of the state ofllcors and members will take place Fehiuary 12 nnd 13 , and It Is expcctel that 500 will bo In attendance. Election of ofllcors nnd outlining the work to be accom plished during the present year will bo the order of the session. At the concert last oNcnlng a musical and literary program was rendered , the singing of Jules Lombard , which received two encores , n violin solo by Anton Spoerl and the recitation by Mrs. Etta Matheson being special features. The com mittee on arrangements was Mrs. E. A. Hull , Mrs. S. M. Polffor , Mrs. M. Hay , Mrs. S. W. Eastman , Mrs. Wllcox nnd Mrs. E. Newton. Acts at cnce , never falls , One Mtnuto Cough Cure : A remedy for asthma nnd that fever ish condlllon which accompanies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that pro duces Immediate results. IVOUI'I ) NOT HOLD TWO OFFICES. CHy KiiBliicrr IIoTvi'lI Will from tliu State lloiirit. City nngln2r Howell said last night that there was 'no truth in the report that he intended to continue , to act as engineer for the State Board of Irrigation and ale ns city eh'slneer 'lor ( ho city of Omaha. In discussing the matter last nlfiht Mr. Howell said : "I shall resign my position with iho state board as soon as the old work , over which I have had supcrvlson , Is completed , which , without dcubt , will be In a few weeks. If this work was out of the way I would resign at once , but as matters stand at this time , If I should step out , work that Is partially completed would have to bs gene overt again from the beginning , which would do a great Injustice to the state nnd to the people upon whom the ex pense of constructing the Irrigation ditches musti fall. However , I shall push the state work nnd get It out of the way as soon as possible lhat I may give the whole of my time and attention to the duties of the of- nco of city engineer of the city of Omaha. " Hint. Too SI u oil Hope. Bd Moore and Pete Carroll were arrested last nlglit with over 109 feet of new rope In their possession. Their stories of the manner in which they became owners of the rope were somewhat conlllctlnu , but Pete finally In a burnt of confidence admitted that he had stolen It from Tom Hurray's treasures. 1VEATIII3R FOIIECAST. Fnll of Ttt-fiity IJenrpeH Predicted by ' Observer Welsh has been Instructed to hoist the cold wave signal. Temperature will fall 26 or 25 degrees by this evening. WASHINGTQN , Jan. 21. The forecast for Wednesday Is : For Nebraska Fair nnd colder , with a cold wave Wednesday night ; north winds. For Missouri Fair in the northwestern portion : rain In thp. southeaslern portion ; northeast winds , becoming variable. For South Dakota Fair ; colder , with a colcl wave ; northwest winds. For Iowa ' Fair ; colder in the norlhwest- nrn nortlon' Wednesday : much colder Wednesday nlcht , with n cold wave ; winds becoming northwest. For Kansas Fair weather ; colder Wednes day night ; winds becoming north. I/ocnl Ilccoril. IS HURTING SOUTH OMAHA Now Bates on Live Stock Shipments Dis- . criminating. CONFERENCE WITH RAILROADS WILL BE HAD Uoiiuiilttcr Appointed tin * Iiilcrt'MlM Conrorncil How the Tariff Oiiernten to the Din- < llllVIIIltllKC Of till ! A great many complaints arc coming In from the country as to the unfavorable- rates charged on live stock shipments to South Omaha as compared with other market ? . Kansas City Is taking stock out of central Nebraska , In territory that Is nearer South Omaha , because the rates are lower to Kan sas City. The stock men Interested are very much aroused over the present situ ation and demand that Immediate action bo taken to remedy thcso evils. The Live Stock exchange at South Omaha has ap pointed a committee of seven , made up of a representation of the commission , stock yards and packing Interests , to meet with the railroads to sco it a correction of this discrimination of the arbitrary charge can not be made. J. I ) . Ulancbard , a member of this committee , explains the situation as follows : , " 0n January 1 of this year the railroad companies doing business in Nebraska in stituted the weighing system as a b.isls of freight charges on live stock , In place of so many dollars per car. as has heretofore been In vogue. The people admit this prin ciple of charging freight on this class of business to bo correct , knowing , as thay do , that It has been In effect and successfully operated In 11 other stales. They believe It has come to stay and are willing to agree with the railroads in acknowledging the principle to be correct. "Tho basis upon which the railroads ap pear to have arrived at their present tariff was by taking the minimum weight , plus 1,000 pounds , and dividing It by the dollars per car , which gave the cents per hundred which they charge upon live , stock to this market. The mlnlmums used Iti this state are the same that are us-ed In all other states , namely : Fifteen thousand pounds for a standard car of hogs and 19.000 pounds for a standard car of cattle , EO that If the shipper leads within the minimum , plus 1,000 pounds , his rate will not bo changed over the old rate , but If lie exceeds that his rate wilt bo marc. "In addition to those charges Is a , charge of $1.50 per car , called a switching charge , which is arbitrary and additional to the cents per hundred pounds. It was not known that this charge was going to be made until after the Issuance of the new freight tar iffs , when It was discovered in a foot note at the bottom of the sheet. This operates as a discrimination against the South Omaha live slock market , because It Is ex cessive over any of our competitors. "Heretofore the railroads have paid the stock yards company $1.DO per car for doing that work. For an illustration : The railroad company would set a tralnload of cattle on the sidetrack , disconnect the engine and go and got the money for making the haul. The stock yards company would then take up the responsibility and switch the cars to the chutes , unload them end switch them back to the railroad company's sidetracks. For this work it charged $1.50 per car , which looks llko a reasonable charge. "To the commission men who are doing business at the stock yards It looks unrea sonable and unjust for the railroad companies to make this charge of $1.50 , for the reason that the operation of the new tariff Increases the revenue of the railroad companies about $5 per car , ? o that they can bolter afford to pay the stock yards company for doing a part of their work , than they could before this increase In , revcnua took place. There Is a movement on foot now by which they will bo asked to consume this switching charge in their freight charges , so that stock arriving at South Omaha will not be subjected to any more charges than if shipped to other markets. The reason of the In crease In revenue to the railroad companies Is because the figuring was made on too low a minimum. In other words , a farmer In Nebraska generally gets twenty cattle for a carload. Ho feeds them through the winter and when he comes to load them out In the spring ho finds that they have gained in weight , so that they will average 1,250 pounds apiece. This would make 25,000 pounds , which Is In excess of the minimum allowed by the railroad company 5,000 pounds , upon which ho has to pay a higher rate In cents per 10D pounds , and which Increases his freight a llko proportion of dollars. For Illustra tion , say a farmer's rate was $25 per car under the old system , It would bo 12 > / & cents per 100 pounds , provided he did not load over 20,000 pounds. Uut the farmer has 25,000 pounds of cattle to ship , so in place of his freight being $25 It Is $31.23 , or $ G.2C per car more than It was under the old rate. "Another tiling that Is noticeable In the now tariff Is the fact that no change has been made in railroad rates to Chicago from Nebraska points , and In this a discrimina tion against the South Omaha market can easily be seen , for the reason , as stated be fore , that the operation of the now tariff Increased the rate to this market and has not changed ! t to Chicago , so that If Chicago cage were a competitor for Nebraska business in 1895 , she -vylll bo a harder 'competitor to meet In 1890 , under the new tariff. This can readily bo seen If It bo applied to the owner of a bunch of cattle In Nebraska. "The South Omaha market does not want to bo considered In the capacity of a specu lator's market , but as legitimate In every respect. The stock comes hero and Is Bold to packers , who prepare * It for food and dis tribute It among the poiple , and n very small percentage of the fat stock Is sold to the speculators. So wo bellovo the Industry Is worthy of the consideration of the rail roads , and wo Insist that the discrimination against us In favor of Chicago Is duo to carelessness and In not Intentional. " Itlo Orninle Ilonily to Come In. CHICAGO , Jan. 21. A conference of the lines Interested in the rate troubles in Col orado was held at the .ofllco of Chairman Caldwell. The Hlo Grande Western wss present end thcro wore chances when the meeting adjourned that the road would be come a member of the Western Passenger association. All tha roads of tUo association are very anxious to bring this about , as It will go a long way toward settling tlio troubles that have existed between the Col orado lines for a year past. With the illin- cultlea In that ttato wiped out , the path of the Western association will be as clear as It Is possible for It to become , considering the opposing interests of many of Us mum- A GIVEN AWAY Consisting : of ono shoot of FARM BUILDINGS and ono shoot of 70 Subjects , DOMESTIC ANIMALS , otc. Theao are to please the children. The Farm Houeo end Animals can bo out out and made to etand , thus ranking a complete Mlnlaturo Furm Yard. 3 Ways to Get This Farm : C rtsl Q Ooupona ) or * jdlU 1 Ooupon and 0 Oonts j or 10 Oonts without any Oonpon , to BUACKWELL'O DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , DURHAM , N. C. , and the Farm will bo eont you POSTPAID. You will find ono Ooupon Inside each 3 ounce bag1 , und two Coupona Inaldo each 4 ounce bag of BlacKweii's Gennioe DnrliaiTo&aGco. & Buy a bap of this Celelwated Smokinf Tobacco , and read the coupon , which gives a list ofotherpreiiuumsaiiUJiowtoijetthcHi. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. bcrj. The meeting wilt ba rosutncJ tomor row. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COM--I3III3MCI3 WAS I'OSTI O.\RI . r of t'nlnn ' Pacific Ofllclnln nnd Conilticinm ( iom Over. Deputy Mastcr-ln-Clmncery AlexAnder ol the Union Pacific yatpm ycstcnlny stfttcd that the meeting between the officials of th ro.til nml rcpreenlatlvcs of the conituetori \votiM not occur this work. H wng to hav < bee-n held Monday , but on Account ot hit nbscneo from the city Chlet Clark ot thi conductors was prevented from attending , nnd , the conference wet * postponed. The conduo. ,1 tcrs will request a rearrangement of thcll i present running schcdtilo nnd the restoration of one or more trains. They assert that then are not now a mifllclcnt ntimbor ot crowi employed , nnd that some conductors nro earn. Ing- scarcely a living wage. Just what will bo the outcome ot the conference cannot bi torctold , but It Is well known that retrench. 111 out has been the onlcr of thc < day for sonn time with the Union Pacine. Krom all alon | the route of the recent Inspection party catni reports ot reduction of forces ; wherever tin services of nn extra man could bo dispensed with , that man was discharged. Secure I.oiv Itntcn. ' MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 21. The locn ) Knights of Pythias played a trump cart today In their gdtno for a cent n mlle rait for the national encampment next summer by the announcement that Iho See line nn < Its connections had agreed to gr n' till much wanted rate. Inasmuch as this meant n cent a mlle not only on all the terrltorj ot tlio See and the Canadian 1'aclllc , but from lloston , New York. Uelrolt , Iluffnlc nnd other competitive ) points , the committal feels sure the Western PasseiiKcr ossocla- tlon , which has hitherto refusal the rate , will bo compelled lo grant It. The Pythlani contended thnt as the rate has been granted the 0. A. H. encampment at St. Paul tin week following they wore entitled to tin eamo privilege. Developments will now bi eagerly watched.M . . . M .i I * The careful mother always keeps Salva tion Oil , handy , for cuts and bruises. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS j cccocccoecooccccccococcccco Sheriff Staltzer ot Pnplltlon was In town yesterday afternoon and arrested Matt Gardner , a paroled convict. Gardner haa been wanted for some time. It Is charged that ho was Implicated In the burglary ol Qulgley's soap factory. The day after tha robbery n couple ot Omaha ofllcers were In town looking for Gardner , but failed to find 111 in. Gardner was sent up from Omaha some tlmo ago fcr grand larceny anil was paroled. A reward of JGO was offered for him. The Sarpy county shcrlft .went to a saloon In the south part ot town and waited. Gardner came In with a can to bo filled with beer and was apprehended. Sheriff Stnltzer took the prisoner to the county Jail In Omnhn. UlirlNtiiinnii AnniviM'H a Councilman. Police Judge Chrlstmann takes excep tions to the remarks of a member of the city council who criticised him for send ing so many prisoners to the county Jail nnd thus running up the expenses ot the city. A look at the court records shows that during the months of October , Novem ber and December , 1895 , the Judge sent to the county Jail nineteen prisoners , live on full fnro and fourteen on bread nnd water. The hills for the three months as presented by the county commissioners amount to J31.7G. This amount , the Judge contends , Is not unusually large , ns most of tlio petty criminals arc given thirty m'nutes In which to leave the city or take a dose of bread nnd water. As a rule vagrants and the llko prefer to leave town at cnce rather than run the chance of a slim , diet In the county Jail. _ _ To IHxNolvu tlie Injunction. On Friday of this week the mayor , the city attorney nnd Jtdge ) Doane" will go to Lincoln and appear betqre ono of the Judges ot the United State ? court and file a motion to dissolve the Injunction In the water works case. If the court does not the city council will bo prevented from passing the ( ordinance which was : Introduced naming the rates to be charged for water In the city. One member ot the council who haa taken n prom'nent part in this fight sold yesterday that the ordinance would never pass because the corporation had a hold on certain members of the council. Mrs. Herzberg , Thirtieth and T , died yes terday ot consumption. John Clay , Jr. , of Chicago was the guest yesterday of W. N. Babcock. Police Judge Chrlstmann has made up his mind to bo n candldntc for ro-electlon. The King's Daughters of the Presbyte rian church meat this afternoon with Mrs. Watson. J. n. AVllkerson of the Missouri Paclflo car department was visiting Chief Car In- fcpector Cresay yesterday. The South Omaha Plattsdeutschcr vercln will give n mask ball at Sangcr hall on the evening of February 8. Four prizes nro offered. The revival meetings at the Baptist church nro growing In Interest. Preaching every night this week except Saturday by Ilev. Hunt ot Ashland. "Hnttlesnako Abe , " ono of the men em ployed breaking horses nt the stock ynrdi liorso stable , "was Injured yesterday after noon on the head. The broncho Abe wai riding got away from him and dashed Intc the stable. The door was not high criough to admit both horse and rider and Abe'i head was bruised , but not seriously. At a meeting of the Kmanon club lasl' night the following officers were elected ! George Faux , president : Henry Schmlllng , vlco president ; Charles Hrdllcka , secrolaryi D. T. Montague , treasurer. The club wai organized for the purpose ot giving a Kerlci of dances during the winter and the flrsl dance will bo given tonight at Y. M. I. hall , The action of 'the clly cot-ncll Monday nlghl In granting liquor licenses to eight appli cants who readvertlsed give * the Hoard ol Education * l,000 nnd the gencrnl fund ol the city | SOO. This money has been tied ur In the courts slnco last spring because the applicants did not advertise In the papoi having the largest circulation In the county. which Is The Omaha Evening Ueo. About $10,000 In nil Is tied up and It IB thn hop ] of the members ot the Hoard of Education that the matter may bo speedily settled , at the board Is bankrupt , IiuiiiOHl Ovi-r Mm. Duur'iT ItciiialiiN. The InrjucHt over the body of Mrs , Alnrli Door , who wau burned to 'death Hominy night , c'ecunuil yesterday afternoon. Th Jury found Iho lire to bo of an origin tin- known. TJio linueHt was hrlcf. Chief Kcaell nnil Patrolman Dillon were called upon to tes tify to the factH ii'Baiillns ; the lire , which were iilrendy Icnown through newspaper lie. counts , Hiinry Door , the stepson , guvo ovl iloncuvhlch ( li veloieil | nntlilnx now. Hj i-ald Hint lilH inotlicrvris mentally unLiul- iiitfcil , In hlH opinion , for wnio time , hut ihnt Hhu hitJ l > eun iippan.-ntlv enno nltico InHt Hcploinlier , nnd ( liriHforo he Iliought Hho writ ) mfu uloiic. Ho li-sillled that liu thotiKht tlint lilb mother tot lire to tha bed liciself , ArrcMti-iI After .Many Inyw. John Wood \VitH arrcsteil by Olllcer Jlloona yt-stcnlay nftiTiioon on nu old complaint , worn out by William liurna , churning him with larceny , Wood and Jlurns were fnr- meily looininuti-.s nt tliu Uoilgc liolel on Thlriecnth utrei : ! . One niornlni ; Jiutrm woke up nnd WJH yuiinlsvil lo dbcuver lhat hN frlond hnd tlctmrlod In tha night and hail inken wllli him Ihu oontciils of u trunk lliu valu of xvlilrli iva nboiit } 33. The iiollci- were notllk-il but went unable to Una Wood until Ariiuir I'lnle iJiX'n AVcut , Six cnrloadii of armor plato from liothlo- hum , PH. , reached Oinahii lunt evening over tlio NnrthwpHtorn , conrlcned to the Union Iron wurltH of Ban Franclrco , It l lit Mined to form a part of thu annument of the bat tle Hhlp OroKdii , now under construction by that firm fgr Iho government. H 'H n llnil ll > r , Albert Mclntoeh , a colored lioy , 9 years of net- , was lodged at the atiitlon nn the com- plalnt of Ma parents last nlijlit. They lhat Alb'.Tl Is liicorrlKlble. DOUU-Mr. . Slarln , ut her rcsldeisco 1707 N. 2Sh | m. l-'uccral from Bt. John's Episcopal church , cor. iftitli und Franklin mx. , 2:35 : p. : il.Vednc < layl Jun. i2d