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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY BBTiJ : j SATURDAY , JANUARY 18 , 1SJG. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat , Oats and Corn Advanced and Closed Quite Strong , PROVISIONS WERE IRREGULAR ALL DAY Rxlrrinc Dnllnrnn In Trnilr nnil the Ilciiiirt ill Moro fiolil Ship ments Were Knvtum , CHICAGO , Jan , 17. The wheat , corn nnd oats markets today rose out of n rather heavy condition In the last ten minutes of the session nnd closed strong nt the best prices of the day nnd nl gain * of He In wheat and Uc In corn and. oats. Provisions were Irregular In the further advance TUilch they made today , having had to halt while knocking out nn organized band of raiders from the wheat pit , who at tempted to prevent them going higher , but made n costly failure. Pork closed at nn advance over yesterday of ZJ&c , laril 5c and ribs lOc. Partly due to the strong start In pro visions nnd In part for reasons peculiar to Its own surroundings , the wheat market commenced the day at n llttlo Improvement. Wheat , which closed on the day before at DD o for May , had very few rollers nt that tills morning , and plenty who bid EDJc and almost Immediately G9c. The early Liverpool cables quoted some advance there , and this , with the moderate receipts In the northwest , amounting to only 373 cars , helped the market to advance Uc early. Uut the extreme dullness In trade nnd the report of moro'gold shipments wcro weakening factors , under which thcro was a gradual decline to 59V4c , with every appearance of going1 ntlll lower , but the fresh bullishness of the provision pit startoj It up again , nnd It wns once more before 12 o'clock wanted nt E9J4c. Hut the nonappearance - appearance of the cold wave here nnd the heavy storm out on the Paclllo coast Bnppo l support which had previously been nn unobtrusive reliance of the bills. The clearances of wheat und Hour from the At lantic seaboard were only moderate , nnd Inter Liverpool advices quoted the early gain nil lost , llerlln was repotted as openIng - Ing from H to % mark lower. A probable , decrease of onlv COO.OOO bu. or COO.OUO bu. In the visible supply for the week wns another point In favor of the bears. The second nd- vnnco to GDc had for Its cause , besides the revival of bull speculation ln provisions , a reported sale of 500,00" " ) bu. of wheat at Duluth to go. all rail , to New York. In ad dition to this wete reported 1,2.73,000 bu engaged there for May-Juno shipment by lakes. The mnrket In the last ten min utes of the session became quite strong the prlco of May getting a bulge to C0'ic llmtlly closing nt that llgtire. Corn wtis quiet and sold off some nt one time , Influenced by the weakness In whoa and the expectation of more liberal country deliveries. Hut Inter wheat recovered , nm as provisions had a good bulge , corn fol lowed and sold up Vic. May opened un changed nt from iiSTie to 2Sc , split , fcl to 28i4c , then up to 2SViC , closing Ilrm with the advance In provisions at from 2Sic } to &T4c. Oats were qulot nnd featuro'.cps. The 'market ' was confined to narrow limits , ant at the close showed little change. Disappointment In the number of hogn received at the stock yards once mote started the provision men on a hunt foi pork , lard and ribs , for which they offered much higher ilgures than were current ns the so'Slon was closing yesterday , Pork started at from $1025 to $1030. dropped back to $10.15 , then climbed to $10.15 nnd closed nt that figure. Lard rose from Jj.OO to $6 nnd was wanted at $ j.D7f. ! ns the marke1 was closing , nibs , from $3.1214. rose to $323 , making the highest price at the close Estimated receipts for Saturday : Wheat 70 cars : corn , 59 cars ; oats , 190 cars ; hogs 15.000 head. The leading futures rangea as follows : Arllolea. I Opjn. I Ulth. I Low. | Cloaa. 5 ' 074 1 S7 57)1 cou coy 00 GU 20K 21' M July 20 W Sept 30M OnlB. No. 2. . Jan Feb JSM May inr 101 * July 20 sow Vork.rcrbbl Jan , 0 OS 15 n 8.1 I IS Muv 1U 13 ! 43 10 15 I IS Liml.HIOlbb Jan. . . . . . . . n 115 72H G ns i 70 May B naii 00 6 92 thenRlbs- Jnn ' 4 00 no 4 87 n Mnv n in ys r > i'jv Cash nuotntlons were as follows : KLOUH Hlenily ; winter patents. f3.OOO3.60 : winter ntrnlKhts , J2.10SJ3 W ; sprlnR pnlents , J1.10 CM 23 ; sptjjie straights. § 2.4032,73 ; bakclu , J2.10IP 2.33. 2.33.WIIBAT No. 2 sprlns. 57"A " 3SJc ! ; No. 3 sprlus. CC5T3T,5e ; No. 2 red. C JiJG2ic. ( COUN No. 2 2I11HC ; No. 2 yellow , SCWc. OATH No. 2 , ISe ; No. 2 white. 2020Jic ; No. S white , 18ffl3'.ic. RYU No. 2. 37e. IIARLI3Y No. 2 , nomlnnl ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , ! 3SiM'.4c ; No. 4. 2l 3ic. ) KLAX SKUD Nm 1. 92c. I'HIMl ! TIMOTHY SKr.D-J3.SO. PROVISIONS Mess puik. per bill. , JlO.lli ; lard , per 100 llw. , ; 3.G7Vif3.70 ; bliart ribs , Bides , loose , tl 93@u.OO ; dry salted shoulders , boxed , Jl.CJ'.ie ' l.75t ) > rt clear sides , loxcd , (3.12HQ3.23. WHISKY Dlstllleis1 finished goods , per sal. . tl.22. 8UOAIIS Cut loaf , J3.73 ; uninulated. $3.12 ; Itnndaul "A , " $3. rOl'LTUY rirm ; turkeys , 912c ; chickens , 7 iS',4c ; ducks. lliT12c. Tim following wert tha receipts and shipments today ; NKW VOUIC tii\lillAL 3IIAU1CET. WA > CluwliiK1 Quotation * on ( lie Prlncliuil CoiiiiuoilKlcN nml StnplcN. NI-\V YORK. Jnn. 17. PLOIMl ItviclplR , 26,0 < )0 bhls , ; oxpurls , 37,1W Mils. ; rather etendler on the llrmiiMD In whenl , but demand proved tin.ill. Mlnneipolls patents , ! 3.40f60 ; winter patents , I3.60I8J.75 ; winter etraluhlx , 11.40ff3.41 ; winter extrits , HOSliJ.fri ) ; winter low RrnclfB , > 2.20f2.60. Rye. Hour , aulet ; luperllne , I2.33C2.73. lluck- whrat tlour , dull ; JI.M. UltCKAVIIIJAT-Qulet ; S9U 40c. CORN MHAL Dull ; yellow wcilem. coarse , 70c ; llrandjulne , | 2.U. UYK InnrllvDj we trrn. 421T43C. HAItt.IIV Dull ; wotein , : s0ic ; feeding , ' IIARLEY MALT Neglected ; weilrru. 49Me. WHEAT Exiwrts , W.OUO lui. HIKJI , eieaily' _ < * S red. J0c ; No. 1 hard , 705 c , Option * wi-ro dull , but Mle.idy nil the forenoon , receiving Kumv help from Ilrm cubic * and fou-lgn buying , in the nfteiiuun prices advanced on a sudden de mand fu'iii ' ulioila and > mpalhy wllli niovli-lun * nnd closed Mr he lilgherj No. 2 red , January , closed at CSc ; Muy , 67U67c. closed at C7c. CORNItvcflpl * , 1J.SOO bu. ; export * , 4 , ( ) bu , Spot , dull ; Nix 2. SSHc. Oplluns < pened steadier at llrnt un cmcrliig , declined un talk of big receipts , and finally rallied with wheat and closed ! Sc higher ; Junuaty closed nt SJ'ic ' : Muv * 4055Hc. rinsed nl 55'tc. ' OATH Receipt * . W.'XW bu. ; export * , M , 100 tu Spot maikrl , dull ; No. 1. He. Option * opened quli-t. tmt nt.-ady ; closing to higher ; January cloned at ! te ; Muy , ZIHOK'.Jc , ilonrd at JIWc , HAY Dull ; shipping , JS.OOJJJM ; good to choice. J9.annO.Oi > . LllATIIER-KIrm ; hemlock sole , Ruenoi Ayre * . light to heavy weights , 2lc ; acid , 210nc. HOl'rt Weak : mute , common to choice. 1S91 ciop , IH'l5 * : 1M" > ci p , 4t)10o ; Paelila con t , 1S91 Clop. SOic ; 1W3 i-rup. 4U14c. IIIDErf ; Uahe < ton. 12e ; Iluenoa A > rrr , dry. ISBJ Texu , iliy. JOcj California. lf.c. pilOVlHIONS Ueef. quiet ; family , II900OII.04. Cut * . quiet : plrklod ham * . } S.2iwS.75. j.utJ. Ilrm ; wi'Stein Htejm rimed at Ji.UJ nsKcd ; January. | S.trO , nominal. I'.Hk. tinner ; J14.WHI1.00 ; kliort clear , family , llO.BOifll 00. M ' A1.I.IIU- ' . Steady ; city. She ; country , 4c , t'llii.SiHeoeliUa : : : , 1,371 pkgs. ; quiet ; ilate irg < > , lUtilOv ; kinull , 73itll3'lilurt iklm * . J'i J ; Untied closed t J1.41 tld ; leaned. N w Yoik. 17.73 ; Philadelphia and Ualtlmou * . J7.7 ; 1'nlladflphlii utul Unlllmoro In bulkJ3.SO. . ROSIN Quiet ; "trained , rnminon to good. 11.00 . . Tl'RPiNTINi-Qulot : : ! J21i. RICK-Klrm ; domcollii , fnlr to extra. 3KC < c ; Japan. S'.OIc. MOLAHSUS tfttnily ; New Oilejni. open kettle , nod to i-hok-e , iWtSc. lIUTTKU-IttCflpi' . 4.W plie . ; market itrudy , crwmery , U62lc ; UUlim , ! 4o. ' K < lCIS-I < w lpt * . > .iWJ pkii. ; market quiet ; Mau and IVnnolVJnla. liHHiatac. MirTAI > Plir Iron , wruk ; oullirrn , II1.73O U.CO ; northern. lU.OOatXSO. Copx | > r , easy ; brvk. irn' price , $10 ; exclmnxo rrlcr. I .734j9. > i. Load , qultt : broker * ' price , lift ) ; oxchancc irire. Tin , tmdy ; flralli. JIJ.OW U.10. COTTON EUnn OIL-Dull ; pructlcolly no ex- mod locl buylnn luUlfftrent , quo- tutlons nomlnitt ; prime crude. ililZI'lc : butter SOa ; prime summer yellow , OJIAIfA ( IKNKIIAL BIAniCHT. Conitltlnn nr Trnilc nnil Qnotntlon * nn Slnplp nnil Pnnor Trnilucc. The situation In the egg market l v ry far from tatlufnctorr to the ( tiling Interest * . Th continued mild weather ha been favorable fo K very heavy production , nnd recclpW hnve bfen InrKe , nnd promise to Ira still larger , na Informa tloo from the country would lend to the belle that stocks OT hand are lanre. In the fae of thes facts there Is n very poor consuming demand nnd atocki In cold glornse nt the lend Ing centers nre Inrtfe. supply ot fresh stock l ) large n to preclude nny possibility of any Immediate Improxemrnt , nnd even If the mnrke could rally under the large receipts there ore th cold storage mocks la bo reckoned with. Vnles flomMhlng linppNix to change the course of thi market cold storage men can hardly nvol ( heavy low * , as the market In very little nlxne what It out to put the eggs nwny , and Ih shrinkage this late In the Benson Is bound to IHJ large. Quotations : IXHlS-strlctly fre h Mock , OI4c. llL'TTIMt KMlr to good stock , rolK lie ; | > ack Inif stock , tubs , 810c ; choice to f qcy counto' I4U Irfe. ViAI < Choice f t. 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted a efc : large nnd coarse , 4gcc. CIIiiKH > -lom Mlc brick , UHc ; Edam , per do * . , n.60 ; Club HOUTO , Mli. JSM , per doz. , > 3,30 Llmberger , fnncy. per Ih , UHc ! Roquetott , Ulb Jits , per Oox. : 13.00 ; Young Americas , 1JV4C Twin * , fancy. He. 1'OtILTRY Drw ed-Chlckfn . W c ; ducks cholec , OJflOc ; turkey * , choice , luftlZo ; geese " HAY Upland. J5.CO ; midland , * 3 ; lowland $4. GO ; no straw , $4 ; Color makes the price on hay ; light bnles sell the best. Only top grades bring top prices , RROO.M CORN Extremely slow sale ; new crop , d"llxcred on trnck In country , choice green self-working carpet , per Ih , , 2HC ! choice green running to hurl , 2tc ! ; common , IVic , OAMn Jack snipe , 7ScTll.O ) : golden plover J1.23 ; Jack rabbits , per iloz. , ( t.GOni.TS ; smal rabbits , 73cnt1.0fl ; mallard ducks , J3.50IT3.7r. : red bend * . J3.73W4.00 ; cnnvnstmck ducks , J3.00OS.OO teil , Mnc wing. J2.0082.2"i ! tenl , green wing 11.73 2 00 ; mixed ducks , J1.73 T2 23 ; Canada ge < ve J0.005I7.60 ; small ge e. J4.5085.00 ; brants , J3.50 .squirrels , per ilaz , 60W73c , PIDiONS Live , \ery slow ; dead pigeons no wanted. CAULH-LOWUIl 1'cr crate , J2.7303.00 , or J1.50 dl.73 per doz. CAIIIlAOK-Cnlirorjila slock , per lb. , 2c. POTATOES Fancy native stuck. 30c ; from store In small lots , 30Q33c ; Colorado stuck , WSSic ONIONS Per bu. , 2 flOc. ItllANS Hand picket nnvy , per BU. , $1.50. SWniTT POTATOnS-Cholce Block , J2.75 pr btil. btil.CCLnilY CCLnilY Cnllfornlo , per doz. . No. It flOc ; No 2 , 73c ; Knlnmaxno , 33c. LIMA 11I3ANS Per tb. . 5c. WATER CR13SS-Per lqt. . case , tl.COftl.TS. FRUITS. MEXICAN STRAWIIIiRRIKS None. APPLES Fnncy New York , J3.23O3.IV5 ; cholc * western. J2.MKf3.00 ; Utah npplen , per box. JI.GO. CRANniilRIis-Jerscy , JS.75 ; Cape Cod , J10 Merutlln-s. { 10. MALAGA n RAPES Per HO-lb. bbl. , J3.30S6.00 per 63 to 70-1bs. . gross , J7.0i ) 7.5 > . TROPICAL FRUITS. ORAN'ons Calltornla budded eccdllngs , regu lar sizes , J3 ; Z.V ) to 2iS sizes , J2.5092.73 ; navels , J3.73 ; largo sl " < , JI.23. LEMONS Cullfornla , per box , J3.5fl8l.00 ; Mes- slnas. J1.001T4.2- . I1ANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , J1.01 O2.23 : nwdlutn sized bunches. Jl,75200. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTERS Mediums , IJc ; stundaids. 20c ; extra selects , 23c ; Uraucli Co. selects. 2Tc ; New York counts. 30o ; standard bulk , per gul. , JI.10. IIONKY fancy white , per ! ! > . . 15c. MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each. J2.7S gal. cans , per doz. . 112 ; H-gal. cans , JO. 25 ; quar cans , J3.75. CIDKR Pure Juice , per half bbl. , 53 ; pe bSA'unVriIRAUT Per bbl. , JX73 ; half bbl. . 1223 FICJS New crop. California , ID-lb. boxes , per lb. , lOc ; Imported fancy , 30-lb. boxes. 15c ; choice 10-lb. boxes. 1H4W12C. DATES New Peril-in. 60-lb. boxes , per lb. , BHc faids , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , Oc. MAPLE SUaAR-Choi s. per lb. . 9310c. I'linSERVEO xmorted. 20-lb. pnlls. e.ich tl.10. COCOANUTS Per 1W , J4.DO ; each. 6c , NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , medium size , lOc ; Tariagona almonds , pec 'b . largo , 12',4c ' Ilrazlls , per lb. . Sc ; Englls . wa'.nuts , per lb. fancy soft shell. 12c : standards. ll llHc filberts , per lb. . 10s' verans. pt.'lshcd medium ICc : large. 12c ; peanuts , raw. 6V4c ; rnasiud , 70 "t4c : hickory nuts , small , per bu. . tl.75 ; hickory nuts , large , per bu. , J1.CO ; black walnuts , per bM. . J2. DRESSED MEATS. HEEF Good western steers , 400 to COO Ibs. SV-lfOc ; good cowa nnd helfcis. 4ftO3c ; medium caws nnd heifers , 4Vic ; good foictUartcrs | cows nml heifers. 3'103lc ; good hindquarters cowa nnd heifers , CfioVic ; cow rounda , Oc ; cow chucks , 314c ; oteer chucks , 4B4i5c ; beef tender loins , freih , 20c ; frozen , 17c : beef rolls.banelcss S'.c ' ; slrlnUi butts , boneless. S'/io ; loin backs , 64,0 co'w ribs , No. 3. 6ffi7c ; cow loins. No. 3 , MUTTON Dressed mutton , Oo ; racks , Oc ; legs. 7Ve : saddles , 7V4o ; stews. 3c. .PORK . Dreasc-d hags , 4 > tc ; ' 'pork loins. 6c ; spare ribs. OUc : pork shoulders , 4'/jc ; pork shoul ders. Bklnned , 4io ; pr.rk trimmings , 4c : tender loins , 13c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 33c. FURS. A. decided change has come upon the country market , nccordlng tr > the Chluiso Shoo and Loalhcr Review , Huff hides have dropped from 7Uc to "c. A week ago the price wns 7Mc. The quotation * of country hides are less slaple than packer hides , for the reason that the latter nro In fewer nnd stronger ImndH. There are people who nfllrm that buffs are on the down grade , now that the giulriiy Benson Is on , and they freely predict Oc as the coming figure. Oa the cnntiary. nre otliera who refute to become rutUcM nt a slight decline , nnd InsUt that th- old bull nrgument of scarcity will be just as offcctlto us r\er In n few dayx. Dealers My the fall kill Is coming In very lowly. There were perhaps eight cars of buff * In the maiket nt the time the brcuk occurred. Tim small kilt nnil the Lenten season will tend to mnlco buffs roirec In March , drubs am late tliU year In putting In their appearance , but bvfuro long the take-off will likely run from M tu SO pr cent No , 2. The folly of buying hides lint under mich comlllltna l > obvious. There weie p lt of o\er J.000,000 | unds of packcra * tallow witMn the last few days. This wns the nmimulallon bf som- > time of one of the packers , who Mnnlly Kvania tiled and sold out at the market , ftothlng liarf tmiiEplred elncc nnd Ilia market In sagging , the tendency being toward ntlll lower tulcfs. With noaiimakers not buying and p.ick is making tallow right along It does not take an expert to. tee which nay the wind IK blowing : Quotations ; HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES Nu. 1 uiei-n hides , 4Vic ; No. 3 yre-'n I vral calf , 8 to 13 Ibs. . Be ; No. 1 dry Hint hldei. CftlOc : No. 1 dry Hint hldra. 6 7c ; No. 1 try ealted hides , 7c ; part cured hides , We per lb. a than fully cured. SHEKP PELTS Qrcen altfd. each 23COc ; green salted shearlings ( ihort wouled early kln , cnrh lie ; dry Hhearllngs ( short wooled early jrnkka Murrain wool pclt > , per lb. , actual weight. 4j5o : dry Hint Culnrado butcher wool tielii. uer l > . , actual nclxht , 4iC'lc ; dry flint Colorado Murrain wool pcltf. per lb. , actual weight , 4&Sc ; diy plecca und bucks , actual weight. 4lSa : fiet tut off , as It U useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND dREASE-Tallow , No. 1 , JWc ; tallow No. i , 9c ; grea > e. whllu A , 3ic ! ; create , wlille 11. Sc ; greuic. yelluw. 2Ko ; grease , dark , I : ; old butter , SOZftc ; be fwax , prime , ISCMc ; rough tallow , ! ! 4c. HONKS In car lota weighed and delivered in CMrago : Dry buffalo , per ton , I1200OH.OO ; dry country , tleacheil. per ton. 110.00912.00 ; dry country , damp nnd meaty , per ton , Jd.OOffS.00. WOCIIUnwaahed , tine heavy. 6O7c ; nne light. tOSo : quarter blood , lOOItc ; > > edy. burry and chaffy , 8T3' " rolled and broken. coar > . IQIo ; roite. | and broken , fine , ( die. Fletct waihed Medium , IsniSe ; nne , llOllcs tub wnihed , HO lie ; Murk , te ; bucki. Co ; lac lock * IftJc ; dead pulled. COc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dry OooilH Slurkrt. MANCHESTER. Jan. IT.-Clolh. dull and eaiy ; yarni. quirt , with very Illtlo bu < lne > a , FALL RIVER , Main. , Jan. IT.-Prlnt clotha very dull at Jc. NEW YORK. Jan. 17. Thtre wa a continu ation of tha demand of previous report * , and uora bu lnesrn done In Maple , fancy und Inu cotton * , and for clothing ooleuf there \vai om Improvement In tha ordorx for new beavjr iirrlgliti. Drru good * did rrUIIVfly better than other fabrlca. Pilntlng cjollu. howeier , were very dul ( and quotation ! nominal at Sc , SITUATION IS PERPLEXING Both the Financial and Tariff Question Arc Disturbing Factors. SPECULATION IN PRODUCTS INACTIV Orrtern for Mnniifnctnrcil ISooiln CJcii crnlljlleliMV 1'riMlnelmc Cnimcllj StueUn or I'lK Iron Accumulate lint I'rlccit Arc IllKlicr. NRW YOnK. Jan. 17.-U. G. Dun & Co. ' Weekly Review of Trndo. which Issues to morrow , will say : The situation cfluld hardly bo more perplexing for buMnes men. Practical merchants , manufacturers or bankers can have llttlo sympathy fo those who minimize their dimcultles. Non doubt that the government will raise money to meet Its obligations , but how far th money market will bo disturbed or th treasury reserve flrst diminished no on cnn vy. The business world cannot kno\ ns yet how far foreign questions may upso calculations , though there poems even rfinson to expect a peaceful sot tlemcnt. It cannot Unow what may be the duties on any Import In nny clns of Imports a month hence , whether Imports nr likely to exceed export" and drnw nwny Bolder or whether the deficit of revenue will contlmi or what other tnxntlon will be levied. Tnllure o the to take nny notion upon the nnanela measures pmptneil by tli president or tlm twnsed by the house ntTecta unfavorably nl bmnches of bu lneai. Under nuch adverse clrcumstnncen It 1 * nctu nlly encouiagUiir that shrlnkaRc In transaction nnd rtiiultlnK commercial disasters have no been grenler. Hut tour large fnlluies within n day or two Indlcnte thnt the same condition cannot continue without much embarrnssnunt. Hpectilntlon In prodiictn was nal very active nnd wbentnn practically unchonKcd , thoucl Atlantic cxportn for two weeks , Hour Included Imvo been 4.4S3.190 bushels , npnlnst l,273llj bushels last year. Wheat receipts still rank short crop prwllctlorn ridiculous , nmountlmr fo two weeks nf January to 5,421,976 bushels ngnlnst : , C59i:2 bushels last year. Corn receipts were nlso literal , nnd experts nl > . ) ut Jive times last year's. Cotton receipts still Indlcnte n yield nenrly ns small NI Mr. Nell's reltetnted cstlmnte of 0,500 , 000 bnlcs. but It Is yet to be seen whether sup piles held for t > etter prices arc of con co.urnco The price declined nn eighth , with accounts o narrower demand by spinners abroad nnd de dining prices for peed In this country. No branch of mnnufneturc has proKresssed , fop nl nru unavoidably wnltlnir. both for the Hcltlemen of llnnnclnl doubts and for n demand wlilcl does not yet appear. Cotton Koodi nro not quot nbly lower , but concessions to secure business nre reiwrted In many cases , and many of the mills Imvo been running largely In anticipation of orders not yd receded. There Is n little heller Inquiry for staples , with Indications thn dealers' slocks nro running low. Tha opening of tine nnd fancy woolens has brought no change In prices , nnd revisions.cause * by recent openings of worsteds have b en cen erally for lower prices. There has been some tncrense In the. demand , Ult not pnnuglt ti > keel most of th ; mills running full. Bales of woo In two \\cvks have L en 4.iJl,0 ! < )0 ) pounds domestic and 6 , G2,300 pounds foreign , against C:69C15 do mestic and4.410.JOO pounds foreign last yoar. The pig lion output wecltlv Jnnuary 1 wns 297,481 tons , n deivaso of D.31S tons , or 4.3 per cent. In. December , nml unsold sticks Increase 91,123 tons , or ovef 20COi ) tons weekly , while the great steel compnnUfc. whcs > stocks nre not re ported , produced In December 342.92G tons. Thf ptoductlon Is so far beyond the present demini for finished products that temporary Etoppage o mn-iy furnaces Is expected. Yet pig Iron Is higher , beasjraer nbout CO cents nnd gray -forge nnd nntbraclte 2" cents , nllhouKh finished prod ucts nro generally weaker , with lent demand Controllers of the coke nnd ore output nrt. sald to have ngreoil to maintain prices above those of 1S9" . which make * dearer pig Iron , bu If orders far finished products do not materialize the Inctfnsetl ndvnncc In materials can liutH : > be ma'ntnJned. Itlnor metals are wcnkcr , with copper nt $3.73 lend nt 3 cents nnd tin nt 13 cents. Failures for the jiast week have , been mucl larger In magnitude , numbering 393 In the TJnltei States , ngnliot 373 last year , nnd eighty-one In Canada , agalns sixty last 5 car. CMS Alt ING IIODSI3 "TOTALS nusliiexM Tri'iiinnclcd li > the ANMoclateil lliuikH. > Nn\V YOllK , Jnn. 17. The following table compiled by Ilradstreet's , shows the total clear- nnct nt the prlncljinl cities and the percentnga of Incrc'iise or decrease , as compared with the corresponding week last year : ' i' ' Hi-crrtary Curllele's circular of lait Thursday , which extend * the payment after the first 20 per cent In allotment over u period of three months , there I * thought to be reasonable dari- Kur of a disturbance In the money market. The devolution of the Morgan bnd syndicate , an nounced on Wednesday Imt , was no doubt In evitable , a * no remun could ba found for It * continued cxltence. It would * evm , however , that this action render * th * preparation * tu bid ( > r the bonds nnd to pny for them after allot ment more ecuttrrrd , and , therefore , nore likely tu praducn an effect on rate * fun money , to * ay nothing of the probably Increued withdrawal * of gold from the treaiury which would result. Ef fort * to obtain gld for bond > utucri ] > tlon pur- pear * cjntlnue. and a prenUum of H to K p r cvnt , or a , little higher , ha * been paid for sup- pllr * . the aine rate * bring ul o quolnl for legul Under * . Larre trtuiuictlpn * on thl * bail * occurred early In the week , botli In specie nnd Irgal tender * , though the Immediate demand lie * cluckrnrd , und the premium lia * fallen off car- Tha anomalou * spectacle h been presented of gold both n.rrlvlng.fMtn nnd l < elflf ( ( ihlppfil to Kurotxi nl Hie m.m itlme , UIP former movement l > lnK nn nrtlflclnl "onX. rrontnblr only on nc- connt cf th premium referred to nbore. If the statement Is Iruo t twit. ,4 he specie ii-celved heif was simply a re-turn flf , , ll th t h d been shipped from this ciunlry. , nna thnt In some caiies the hems had' ' i f bo n even opened , It Is evident tlw process i rmply mcrrooes the drain on the treasury reicnto * . Under the e clrciupstnnces It Is cosy to un derstand both Iho tnjlnued nliwnce of public ( upport nnd the ht ilfiilon of large speculative lnle-re ts ti movettMi Tnnrket The nlwence of seltlmr prrssure * nniljtl Imt.rovrinml of prices for "Americans" In.Ltmdun caused c ve-rhg of shoits nnd rome biufrvt by llu smnlter traders during the mrly pittj'of the week. linden's purchnws weto , lm * ler , on n llmlleil scale nnd represente-d the > l > nlng of professional lnr acciHtnls In Hint mnrk , < tU nnd nt the clo e of the week the te-.dcncy ; ( itiend In reganl to our locks was less S.IIAM * oiuiEn.A'Kou ST.vri.n noons Dry RooilN. Clnttilnn. llnlri nml Stior SliiMV the aiiiHl Ai'tlviDo in n ml. NEW YORK , Jnn. 17. llrndslreel's tomortw will say ! AVhlle genernl trade1 hn not nhowi n widespread tenflChcr to revive from the hell day dcrrcrskm , there nre fiwrj-nKP features o n revhnl In Iron nnd ktcel prices nnd cintlnuei hea\y cereal exports. RepoHs from Haltlmore New Orleans , IJuffnlo nnd In certain lines n Chicago , SI. Louis , St. Pnul nnd Mlnnneapoll Jobbers In ftnple lines report business flow Tme1crs nre un the road , but returns nre Ir regular , In only a tew Instances Indicating th usual volume of orders for spring delivery. Rcl ntlvely , greatest implement Is shown In th request for dry gtxxls , clc4hlng , hnls nnd shoes Prints nnd ginglmms nrr > only fairly active with mills nt walk In spite of the reduced de mnnd. Exports of wheat ( Hour Included ns whent from bath coasts ot the United Slate * were 3,210. 00) bushels this week , as compared with 3,710,000 bushels last Week , 3.54OrtO bushels In the cor responding week a year ngo , 3,333.0i bushels In the same week two jenrs ago , nnd S.IWOW bush els In the third week of Jnnuary , 1891. Huskiest failures In the United Stntes for th week number 412. ns compared with 440 for thr previous week , 317 for the corresponding week last y ir , 401. 290 nnd 403 for the correspandlng periods In 1E9I , 1893 nnd 1S92. STOCKS AM ) IIOMKS. DiillurKM WIIM the Chief Clinrnctcr uf the Security Speculation. NEW YORK. Jnn. 17. Dullness wns the main character of the stock speculation today , nnd , ns usual under n similar condition , n sagging ten dency In prices wns noted. The aggregate deal ings did not exceed 1110,000 , a volume of buslnesu that would In a regulation market be recorded In a single hour or less. Of such n market detailed nccbunt is almost superfluous , while the semi-stagnation illustrates the pur- paso of the larger operators lo postpone deal ings upon an Importnnt scnle until the political nnd financial outloo4c Is Clearer. Should the money continue reasonably cnsy during the com paratively fchort Intomil before the bids for the Government loan nro opened and the suc cess of the loan Is demonstrated , nn Improved condition of nffnlrs 'In Wall street Is expected t rule , providing , of course , thnt no political entanglements occur. In the Initial dealings the mnrket was heavy and prices sagged throughout the day , tha depression becoming marked In the closing dealings. The news of the day , nslde from the nnnounce- ment of the call for a meeting of the nnthrncltc coal presidents for Thursday of next week , was calculated to operate unfavorably upon prices. The publication of encouraging exhibits by sev eral Important railroads for the second week In Jnnunry also fulled to stimulate activity or adtnncc. I ondon cnhles caino lower , nnd the selling for thnt account , noted In this market yesterday , was continued on n moderate scale today. In the money nnd exchange markets no npoclal change wns noted. The engagement of only 11,000.000 In gold for shipment tomorrow , dc- splto previous estimates of un outgo of from J2.000.000 to $3OCX.000u did not elicit nny en couragement. A temporary demand fiwm the shorts resulted In wnenrly advance ! of 1 per cent III the stock , to 101. . . Tlio abatement of the In quiry for cj\erlng purposes caused n reaction later In the day to 9914. Leather preferred wns under continuous tiresmire nnd yielded 2)4 per cent on sale ? to rcallzo profits ncciulng fiom tha recent rally la thestock. . Sugar lost nbout 1 per cent , despite- . reported' slight ndvnnce In hard grades of the ? product. The other principal declines were in Milts' grangers , Southern pre- feried , Baltimore . & Ohio , Lake Shore , Rubber , Chicago Gas and C rd gj guaranteed end tnnged from.l to 2 % per cent the last In Conlage guar anteed. The final "prlcei were the lowest of the day. In the railway bond inniket prices were fairly well maintained ; ! ! ! the -arly trading. In the late session , how.evcr , declines erecurred ii ) sympathy with the , depression In the stook spec ulation. Governments securities wcro quiet on sates of J12.000. THetl\es coupon were 1'i per cent lower on thejjld price on the first call , but subsequently were traded In nt nn Improvement ofi ppr cent over yesterday's cloHjng bid. The Evening rafit's1'London financial cable gram "say : TheioiwAstA hearty reaction today In all the markets .wliich were running up too fast. , The , absence , of hurilndss , together with profit Uklne. caused n frohemlrelapse ! Norrt'of the markets were rwilly weak , except , perhdps , Kaf firs , and there the weakness was due to fears of a serious labor diniculty nt the mines for some time to come. American railroad Shares were down'with ' the other mnikets , but the band mar ket keeps good , which Is an encouraging sign. Onld Is being quietly picked up here in the open market for America , Consols were lower today on a revival -'of rumors of a suspension of the sinking fund. The rumor Is probably n benr fabrication. The Paris nnd llerlln markets wore Ilrm. The former was more active than of late. The following were the closing quotations on the leading clocks of the New York exchange today : New York Money Murltct. NEW YORK. Jnri. 17. MONEY ON CALL Easy ut 3ff4'.4 per cent ; last loan , 3 per cent ; closed , 3 per cent. I'RIME MERCANTILE PAPER 0 9 per cent. hTERLINO EXCHANGE Steady , with actual business In banker1 LJIIn at J4.894.sHi : for de mand , and J4.8714ff4.8Ta for sixty day * . J'osted lutes , 14.880491) : cjrfitnerclal bills. ll.86 i. SILVER CKRTIWIUA/TES 67l4l67ic. ! 1IAR HILVER CJ'K.M ' OOVBllNIiIKNT ItOIfDS-Steadx ; state bonds , dull : railroad bond"easy ; , Cloilng quotatloni'iim bond * were o * follow * : Foreign I'liiuiiulul AITulra. I1ERLIN. Jon. 17. Exchange on London , eight ay * ' alKhl , 20 maH < i 43 pfg , I ) NLON. Jan. 17. Tli amount of bullion gone nto the Hank of England on balance today waa 225,000. dold I * quoted at Ilucno * Ayrea today nt 529 Mj nt MndrM , 17.M ; Llslrnn. J''C Pt. Pe teroburg , CO ; Athen * , 77 ; Rome. 109.20 ; Vienna 103. 103.PARIS. PARIS. Jan. 17. Thre < per cent rentes , lot M40 for the account , exchange on London , 25 Sl'io for cluck * . . Klnitnclul Noti'M. 11OSTON. Jan. 17. Clearings. J1I.8C9.779 ; bal ances. Jlfi01,323. 1IALTIMOIU3. Jnn. 17. dealings , 2,5WS17 ; balances , J52I.CSD. PHILADELPHIA. Jnn. 17.-Clenrlngs , 12- 001.761 ; balances , Jl,730,742. ST. I/OHia , Jan. 17. Clearings. Jl,110.018 ; balances , 3,302 ; money on call , 5RS per cent ; New Tork exchange , Jl premium bid. CHICAGO , Jnn. IT. Clearings , J1I.SS4.370 ; money on cnll , nun ot C per cnl ; on time. GQ7 per cent ; New York exchange , 70c : foreign exchange , unchanged ; bankers' ( London ) ster ling , J4S9W nnd 4.S8. WASHINGTON. Jnn. 17. The treasury Irwt Jl,051,000 In grtd , principally fop export , which leaxes the reserve J53,7C2C78. Todny's stntemcnt of the condition of the treasury shows : Av.ill- nblo cash balance , $177,992,523 ; gild reserve , $31- 02S 233 NKW A'OltIC , Jnn. 17. Lazard Frercs lm\e ordered Jl.000.000 In gold bars nt the ni jiy otllca for shipment to Kurop : tomorrow. J. , t W. Scllgnun have deposited nt the. nssay office 600,000 marks In gold , dealings , } 9IC90,7C3 ; bal ances , $5,142,03) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Liuiln General Mnrkct. ST. IX > UI8. Jan. 17. I'LOUK Dull nnd easier ; patents. J3.00J3.40 ; extra fnncy , J3.10Q3.20 ; fancy , J2.75 2.S3 : ( holce. J2.Wif2.U > . WlinAT Opened stionger for futures , but without much dahig because unsettled , but later stiffened ns Chicago was changing , nnd clo1 ' fiSTUc. nbove jesterdny. Spot , dull ; stcaJy ; No , 2 red cash , 03 > ic ; No. 2 red , hard , D3c ; Jun- unry , SS'Jtc ; May. G9c. COUN Dull nnd almost changolcfls during the cnrly hours ; Inter became stronger. In sympathy with wheat nnd markets elsewhoiv , nnd llnnlly weakened nnd declined , nnd closed ntxnit the same as jesterday for futures. Spot , weaker ; No. 2 mixed , cash. 2le ; Jnnuary , 23c ; Mny , 2J'4 ? :6c ; July. 265iSliSc. OATS Wenker ; May Hold ! > c Iiwer ; ppot. firm nnd In demand ; No. 2 , cash , l"ic ; January , ISc ; May , 19T4c. IlYE Dull , lower ; No. 2 red , regular , 31c bid. COUN MI3AL Jl.SOffl.r , . URAN Unsettled ; sacked , east track , 42J43c. FLAX SnHD Steady , SCc. TIMOTHY J3.00S3.50. HAY Prairie In demand for choice , which Is scaice nt J5.50BS.50 ; timothy , heavy receipts of low grades ; cholco scarce ; prices unchanged at JS 00 14.00 , this side. POULTRY Turkeys , higher nt SHff9o ; chick ens. 007c : ducks , 8'5Dc ; cecsc. KfiGUc , llUTTEn Steady ; creamery , 20 < jJ24c ; dairy , 12 ® 20o. EQGS-Hlgher nt lc. WHISKY J1.22. LEAD Stronger : sales , five cars npot at $2.80 ; 100 tons for Match nt $2.S2'i. ' Kpelter , lower ; sales , rhc cars nt J3.G3. COTTON Tins 72c. HAGGINO 15J3C. PIlOVISIONS-I'ork , higher ; Htandard mess , Jobbing , new , J10.43 : old. J9.93. Lard , nominally nlgher ; prime steam , J3.43 : choice , J3 CO. Itacon , boxed shoulders. 15.50 ; long ] , J3.73 ; tlbs , } 5.75 ; Bhorts , KSl'A. Dn- salt meats , boxed shoulders , J4.C214 : longs , Jl.374 ! : ribs. $4.37 > i ; shorts. J4.00. RECniPTS Flour , 5,000 bbls.j vl.ient , 50,003 bu. ; corn. 79.000 bu. ; oats. 25.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 8.000 bbls : wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 42,000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu. Wool MnrKct. LONDON. Jan. 17. At the wool nuction sales today 14,470 bales were offered , of which 900 w'ern withdrawn. A capital selection wns oj- feieil. and mot with spirited bidding. An ex cellent selection of fins combings Included In the offerings was practically monopolized by the American buj-eis , nfter piylng ? jd nho\e the December sales. The general tendency was agnlnst buyout. The American purchases today amounted to fully 1.500 bales. Following nio the sales : New South Waifs. 3,193 bales : scoured. lOdiffls 5d ; greasy. 5 > 5010V4.1. Queensland , 1.460 bales ; scoured. Isffls 4d : greasy , GS94d. } Vic toria. 3,838 bales ; scoured , TilRIs CVld : creepy. 4 id 1s llid. South Australia , 093 Uiles ; greasy , CVMflOcl. Snnn River , 131 bales ; scoured 10V4d ; greasy. 64081Sd. New Zealand. 2.118 bales : acourcd. 714d1s 2V6d ; greany. CUOltd. Capo of Good Hope and Natal. 2,103 bales : scoured. JdJJls 6d ; greasy. 4 > i < 8'Sd. Ituen tl Ayrcs , 716 bales ; greasy , 4'.S69'id. ' The deprefslon In the mnrket has been ac centuated by further cutting of prices on Kersey - soy and Clay diagonals. The worsted comb * , liowever. nre fairly well employed , but n lirgo proportion of the wool cards are stopped. The slight Improvement In coaibc cheviot pools la turning attention ngaln to cheap , coarse , lus trous wools , to cest from 23c to 27o clean. The sales of the week nre 1,239.000 Ibs. of domes tic and 1.076,001) llw. of foreign , against 2,430H ( > 1 His. of domestic nnd 1,502,000 Ibs. ct foreign last week , nnd 3,393.000 Ibs. of domestic nnd 514.- JOO iba. of foreign for the same week last sear. The sales to dnl ( > show nn Increase of 3.&S5.SOO His. of domestic and 2,240,800 Ibs. of foreign from the bales in the same date In 18t3. The receipts to date fchow nn Increase/ 4SSI balea of domestic and 7.9C3 bales of foreign. Liverpool MnrlcrtH. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 17. Provisions Bacon , Ilrm ; demand moderate ; Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 Iba. , 31s ; short ribs , M ! ! . , Id ; long clear , light , 38 to 41 ! Ibs. , 23 * ; long clear , heavy , 53 Ibs1. , 27 * 6d ; short clear : iacks , light , 18 Ibs. , 27 Cd ; short clear middles , heavy , 53 Ibs. , 20a 61 ; clear bellies , 14 to 18 Ibs. , 31s. KhcuMeru , square. 12 to IS Iliu. , 27s. I In mi. slir/rt cut , 14 to 1G Ibs. , 41s 6d. Tallow * , un changed. Reef , oxtia India mess , 7Js ; inline mess , 6S.s 8d. I'ork , pi line moss , finest western , 62s Cd ; western , medium. 46s 3d , Lard , Hi in : prlmo western , 29s Cd ; retlncd , In pall * : 30 W. CHEESE Firm ; demand , fair ; finest American , white , 46s ; finest American , colored. 46s. miTTER Finest United States. 95s : good , 6"a. OILS Turpentine rplrlts , 21s M. Rn ln , com mon , 4s M , Cotton oil , Liverpool refined , 17 3d. Linseed oil , 20 * 3d. Petroleum , rcltncd , 8H'I. linFRIQERATOrt I1EEF Forcquurtcr , Slid ; ilndqunrter. 5Hd. IILI5ACIIINU FOWDER-Hardwood. f. o. b. , 'HOI'S At London ( Pacific conHt ) . 12 5s. The receipt * of wheat during thu past three days were 101,000 centals. Including G6.0QO Amer- cnn. The receipt * of American corn wcru 130- 200 centals. WE ATI I ER-Flne. ColTeu MM rice I , NEW YORK. Jan. l7.-COFFEE-Optlons opened steady at fiom 5 to 10 polnta decline ; ruled dull , with trading conllned to small Eu- opean advices. The mnrlcct weakened under argcr llrazlllan receipt * and closed Mcady nt from 10 to 13 point * net decline. Hales , 12,750 bags ; Including ; January , JIJ.30 ; March , > 13.05&13.15. KI I coffee , Rio , dull ; No. 7 , 111. mid , dull ; Cordova , 117.00&18.00. Sale * . 300 bug- * Jamaica and 200 bag * llaraculbs , p , t. Wnrehou&a Icllverlen from New York yutnday , C.391 bag * : New York slock today. 276,303 bag * ; United mutes Btork , : C6,813 lugs ; alluat for the United Stale * . 223,0i)0 ) bag * : totiil vlvlblo tupply for tiie United Hlales. CSy,613 bag * , against 455,572 bag * last year. . BANTOH , Jan. 17. Steady ; good overage Ban- U , < 15 ; receipts , 1,004 bugs ; stock , 391XM ( hag * . HAMlimtO , Jan. 17. Quiet ; unchanged ; sale * , 7.000 bag * . HAVRE , Jan. 17. Cloved quiet at UOI'.lf de cline ; vales , 11,000 bag * . RIO. Jan. 17. Dull ; No. 7 Rio , JlS.dO ; exchange , D 7-32(1 ! receipt * , 11.000 bag * : cleared for the United States. 3,00) bog * ; for Europe , none ; atxk , 2:2,000 bag * . Cottuii Murlcet. ST. T.OUIH , Jan. 17. COTTON Quiet nnd * tcady ; no Bales reported ; middling. 7 13-lCo ; re ceipt * . 823 bale * ; shipment * . CM bnlc * ; ntock , 76.633 balwi. NEW ORLEANS. Jan , 17. COTTON-Slcady ; middling , 7 I3-lCa ; low middling. 7 9-lCc ; good ordinary , 7Uc ; net ncelpt * . 4,100 bale * : grew * , C.2U bule * ; exports to Great Ilrltaln , 8.10J bale * ; Franco , 2S.W9 bale * : coastwise , 1.C91 bulcs ; ale , 4.1J8 baleti ( lock , ! 81.C5ti liales. NEW YORK. Jan. II. COTTON Quiet ; mid- dllng , 8 3-lCc ; net receipt * , none ; giu * * , 2.516 litlm ; expjit * to continent , ill tulf ; alc . til bale * ; spinner * . 1U bale * ; stack. 193.800 balr * ; * utui * cloned Heady ; sale * , 124,700 bale * ; January. 17.81 ; February. I7.S ! ; March , S7.S9 ; April. t7 , ; Muy. 17,97 ; Juno. 18.01 ; July. JS.04 ; AUKU.I. (3,04 ; September. 17.79 ; October , } 7.C8 ; November , I7.C3 ; Urcember , blank. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fairly Liberal Supply of Beef Oattlo Strikes a Sinking Spoil. TONE OF TRADE GENERALLY BEARISI Slow nt n lO-Ceut l > rellite Keetler * Sell Itrlskly nt Sternly ViilncM lloKM Score nn ' Ail vti live. KUIDAV , Jnn. 17. nccelpts for the days Indicated nro : Cnttlo. Hoes. Sliocp. Horses Jnnunry 17 2 1CS 3.7.W 867 January 18 1.112 6,079 1,121 K > January ir > l.fita 4ins ( " -7 . . . January H l.SOfi 3.MU 856 . . . January 13 2,1 S3 1.0.V ) January 11 1,421 4.1P3 1.199 20 January 10 1.7C9 4.3M 100 DAY'S DISPOSITION. The ills-position of the day's ofTcrlngs of live slock was as follows , each buyer pur chasing the number of held Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Swift and Compiny 414 r.17 611 Omaha I'ncUtnjr Co IS 7SS The O. II. Hammond Co. 317 479 221 The Ctulahy Packing Co. 413 1 A. Hans 41 II. llockcr & Dcpan 211 Hamilton & Stephens . . . 43 Vnns.xnt & Co. Bl Ucnton & Underwood . . . 75 C. P. & P. Co. , Neb. City . . . . . 439 Shippers and feeders.IS. . " I-ert over 100 160 Total 2/tOS 3J43 SG7 CATTLK Today's receipts of cattle , num. lierlnir 2.2SS lipnil. worn thn Inrirost of the week. In fuct , the larReat of any day since January 7. The peed prices nt which fat steers have been sellliiR have been a strong Incentive to feeders to set > 3 In their c.itlle , but still the receipts were not larKO nt any of the leading market * tolAy. Thev were , however , Inruo enough , wncn taken In con nection wltJi a lariio prospective run for the llrat ot , the week , to cause n btcalc In the mutket today. The market on fat cattle opened slow , with the buyers In no hurry to till orders and talking very bearish. The reports from Chicago generally Indicated n very slow market , and the market here finally settled down to n trading basis that was nbout lOc lower than yesterday. The qual ity of the cuttlo , on nn average , wai good ; In other words , there were n good many desirable cattle such as aio wanted for the dressed beef trade , though there was noth ing fancy In the yards. While the miukot at no time coulil bo called active , about everything was sold In the end. The buyers seemed Inclined to bear prices on cows and heifers , but the demand was pretty good and they did not succeed In getting prices down very much on deslr- nblo stuff. The commoner grndcu. which were not In as eood demand , sold easier and In some cases 510c lower. Quite n string of western cows were sold for feeders at prices that looked fully steady. Stackers and feeders were In quite liberal supply , theru being a good many western cattle and more natives Until have been seen here In some time. Among the latter \\cre a good many light cattle , yearlings and short 2-ycnr-olds. The demand was good , at least fully to the supply , there being n number of buyers In from MJssourl and Iowa. Under the Influence of a good , healthy demand values remained about steady In pplte of the fact that the receipts were larger than usual of late. Hepresentatlvo sa'es : BEHK STEERS. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. IT. 1..1000 J3 00 SO. . . . 971 J3 ( V ; 20..1077 J3 70 10. . . . SC7 3 23 4..10S2 3 5" . 2..13CT 3 70 5..1082 240 0..1101 SCO 20..128) ) 373 1..1060 340 15..1011 S f,1 13..1B13 37' 1..11M 340 8. . . . 813 363 13..1151 375 3..1190 340 19..1210 3 OJ 2 > . . . .13M 3 SO 2..109) 3 CO 4..1100 3 K > 4.1272 3 SI 2J. . . . 830 SCO 19..12 * ) 30" 42..1)31 ) 38) 8..1021 3 M 11..1003 3 M 42..1413 3 ST. 7. . . . 937 3 M 21..lOtS 3 m,0 385 3..119S 35- , 21..1123 370 17..H12 3 Si ) 10..1070 3E3 1C..1131 370 In..1374 393 It..1221 ! 3 S20..1229 370 4..1393 400 45..1203 3u5 COWS. 1..1120 173 7..1142 240 18..1210 270 ! . . . . & ) 183 1..10SO 240 fi..HCS 2 71 8. . . . 813 1 S > 1..1020 240 3. . . . MG 2 71 2. . . . 931 20) 1. . . 1050 210 1..1110 273 1. . . . SC' ' ) 2 CO 1..10IO 240 2..1000 273 1..1010 2 00 1. . . . 970 2 40 3..ji1lr,3 2 71 1. . . . 8SO 2 W 7. . . . 037 213 13..1020 273 2..1023 210 C..1016 243 li..lOS2 2 SO 1. . . . 830 215 5. . . . 9V ) 241 'S3..1015 ' 2 tr ) 0. . . . 88" ) 2 1.1 3..10C ) 2 4.1 10. . . . S74 2 Ml 4..1011 21.1 8..11M 245 22..1021 260 2. . . . 96.1 211 1. . . . 870 2 Ci ) 1..1130 2 SO 2..1171 213 B..1014 2.10 19..1233 2 SO 3. . . . 970 215 2. . . . 901 2 f,0 1..12CO 281 1..I010 211 11 , . . . 911 2 GO 11..1133 285 2..1151 2 1.1 11..1CGO 2 M 9. . . . ! ) SS 2 S3 1..1010 2 15 2..1175 2 f,0 3..1150 2 85 G..1001 320 1..1070 250 IS..1101 281 2..1000 320 2. . . . 930 2 SO 2.,1101 281 2..10A1 220 . B..11W 2 M 3. . . . 973 2 S3 I..1130 225 8..10fi1 2 51 1..1290 290 1. . . . 870 225 1..11JO 2 Ui 13.,1010 290 1. . . . SCO 225 1..1150 2 f,3 1. . . . 963 2 40 5. . . . 920 223 3..VM Z C.1 1. . . . 900 300 1..1WO 2 S3 21. . . .1110 260 1..10JO 300 B..1092 220 1. . . . 920 201 1..1170 311 B..109) 230 B..1012 2 C3 1..1570 323 1..120) 23.1 2..11W 2 C3 9..1100 3 30 2..112.1 233 8..1410 270 10..1107 333 1. . . . 840 225 12..1093 2 70 L. . . 630 2 3" 1. . . . 410 2 50 D. . . . 612 2 61 1. . . . 910 23- , 1. . . . MO 250 1..I010 261 1. . . . 64) 240 .1. . . . COT 260 2. . . . 53. . 205 1. . . . 850 250 1. . . . COO 250 7..912 270 2. . . . C83 250 2. . . . 523 260 2. . . . 930 300 1. . . . 500 260 2. . . . 030 255 S. . . . 830 300 4. . . . 412 2 H BULLS. 1. . . 1050 2 00 1..1G30 2 50 1..1I10 2 CO 1..12SO 215 1..13W 2.V ) 2..1170 2 CO L. . . 970 220 1..JC20 250 2..1213 2 CO 1..1130 22. ' . 2..1203 250 1. . . . 720 2 CO 1..1430 22,1 1..1I30 260 1..13SO 2 CO 1. , . . 1)20 223 2..1203 250 2..1400 2 C5 l..r.1S90 235 1..1230 2 CO 1..1600 273 1..1360 240 1..1160 2 .V. 4..1412 2 "i 1..1W ) 340 2..10-.1 2 5 > 2..1420 275 1..1C20 240 1..1720 26' 2..1075 2 SO 1..132250 3..1308 25. , 1..17M 300 1..16.30 2 60 2..1210 2 W 1..2030 3 00 1..1410 2 CO STA08. 1..1200 275 CALVES. 1. . . . 290 2 SO 1. . . . 370 323 1. . . . 2V ) 423 3. . . . 333 S3' 2. . . . 203 3 2i 4. . . . 170 COO 1. . , . 330 2 W 3. . . . 313 350 1..170 COO 1. . . . 230 260 1. . . . 280 360 1 , . . . 140 500 2. . . . S90 2 60 1. . . . 170 3 CO 1. . . . 10) C 00 2. . . . 3M 273 1. . . . 2M SCO 3 , . . . 160 GOO 3. . . . 2 _ > C 2 SO 1. . . . 190 400 1. . . . 170 500 L. . . ? 70 300 1. . . . 140 400 1. . . . 160 52" 1. . . . 220 3 1 < ) 1. . . . 130 4 2" L. . . 190 C 23 1. . . . 380 3 10 1. . . . 140 4 23 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2. . . . 620 250 1 , . . . 010 313 1. . . . COO 360 2. . . . 810 233 1. . . . SCO 315 6. . . . 110 350 2 , . . . 40) ) 253 25. . . . 022 3 35 4. . . . 673 350 1. . . . 900 260 3. . . . CIO 340 1. . . . fry ) 3 CO 2. . . . 495 263 IS. . , . COS 340 4. . . . 515 350 2 , . . , 760 275 8. . . , 837 340 20. . , . MW 350 1. , . . 710 300 9. . . , 833 345 1 , , , , 710 3 Gl > 2. , . , C23 300 3. . . . 900 343 50..1031 ! ! 6r , L. . . 720 3 IX ) 9 , . . , 612 3 43 23. . , . 071 3 53 1 , . . , 5W ) 31V ) 1. . . . 570 SCO 3.m 363 2. . . . COO 304 G , . , . 606 3 CO 11 , . . . CM .1113 1. . . , 760 3 ( X ) 1IOOO SCO 20 , , , . 773 300 1. . . . "CO 310 1C. . , . 62i ) SCO 1. . . , 750 3W C , . . . 412 315 3. , . . 423 350 1. . , . C40 363 WESTERNS. WYOMING. I' . J. Qnenly. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 steer 1030 | 2 CO 21 steers 1023 | 3 40 OREGON. Peter Funcli. 281 steers 1123 3 K I1OGH Only sixty-one load * were offered on ( lie muiket today , while thu demand , both local nnd shipping , was good. The iiurKut opened u Illlle slow , Iliu buyei * generally bidding about 70o for the beat hog * . The trade , however , did not long remain In that condition , Ilio muild" ! taking un more strength und Iliu lions clunglng hand * rapidly ut un tidvunco of a Httong Cc. The buy ers nil appeared tu have liberal order * , and wllli 10 few hugs on sale they weiei not long In ng the pe'iis. The great Lullt of the hogH Hold ut 1.1.70 , UK against 13.63 yesterday , whltii there was qulto a Hiring ut 13.75 , wllli a 13.9) top. Thn market closed strong at tlio ndvancc. On Friday nf Ut WPUK the bulk uf the hogx nold at l3.52'/ifl,1.63 , with a 13.61) ) top. Tlie mir- ket I * still lower than It was a yrar ngo. when IJ.80tf4.10 bought the most uf ( ho hog * , with n (1.25 top. It will bu noted tliut the lange now Id much nariow-fr than It was then , both light and heavy hog * veiling nt nbout one pi leu at the present time. Repre entullvo Bale * : No. Av. ail. I'r. No. Av. Bh. I'r. 3S 319 W J3 67',4 63 3M . . .1370 07 203 40 3 70 39 , , 41 SO 3 70 C * 275 12 } 3 70 CO 371 120 3 70 3 , .300 . . . 370 C ) 20 * . . . 370 45 360 80 3 70 77 , . .2i : 1GO S 70 Cl 303 80 370 , . , . , , , , . . . 3 7Z'i ' 42 Ml 120 370 60 2S3 40 37214 C3 383 60 3 70 G9 , JJ2 It , ) 3 72' { CO 192 40 3 71) 67 , . . , , , ,269 120 3 'V , ; C7 294 SO 370 (7 SQt . . . 3 72K 54. , 307 . . . 370 C4 201 40 3 72W C6 803 100 370 CO . . .823 . . . 37214 CS 273 200 370 . , . . . , . , ] SO 3 721 $ 33 ; . :2ti 40 3 74 71 . . .281 80 3 721 * 59 282 41 370 0) ) , , : . . . 373 M. . . 357 . . . 370 52. . , . . . ,33 } 80 3 7fi C9 238 120 a 70 77 , . . , . . .235 . . . 3 7C 68 193 124 370 39 , , 191 , . . 3 75 47 309 160 370 i'J 260 . . . 375 43 311 SO 3 TO 77 231 80 3 7r 63 297 10) 370 C. SJi 160 3'73 65..261 20 370 71 209 . . . 375 CO , .3C3 . . . 3 74 , , . , . . . . 120 3 75 10 260 . . . 370 49 303 2W 373 CO,334 4' ) 370 CO , . , . . , .251 40 375 M 331 40 370 63 W . . . 375 C8 Ml SO 374 , , , , , , , . . . . 375 91 359 ltd 370 C3 261 It ) 3 75 57 M7 . . . 370 U 2W . . . 3 7i 3 * . . , , . . . . 4 80 370 61 Til . . . 37 } 4 } UJ 124 370 87. * . 1(2 ( 40 3 W 61 2S3 160 370 CO..298 40 3 M V ) 300 129 3 70 ' 1 .m . . . Z W . . . . . . . . , . , 374 1 tX R > SM J ST.O . . . J TO 4 . . .407 M S W . . . , , , . . . , < 1 7S 1 3 , . SC2H 4 730 . . . 375 1 MO . . S(3H PliniCI' TSc dcmntut l irx > l , but mutton * ate n. little rarlrr. HrprornMIIrt * Mte i No. , Av. lr. * ) n-estrrn vrrthrn , fnl m 13 S ) U > wntern wrthrrfed. . 124 33) 2 nrMern wethers. f t , 1J3 3 K > 73 Mrxlcnn yenrllnini , f < xl 7) 3 40 JSO Mexican jrarllngj" , fed 74 340 CHICAtU ) l.IVK STOCK. In Spite nf Iilulit Unit I'rlcr * Wcro 1'iior. C1I1CAOO. Jnn. 17-ln entile , oHIimish the run wn very light today , the demand was poor nnd prices were weak nt n etecllne. Com mon to extra beeves sold nl from JJ.M to J4.W , but transactions were mostly nt from JJ.7S to JI.M. Cows nnd bulls mild chiefly nt from II.N 13 J2.91X The- calf trade wns In bad shape under largo offering * , prime lot.i falling to 56. There were numerous orde-rs for stevker * nnd feeders , but very few entile were- offered low enough to come- within the > lcws of country buyers. Desirable ferdcts have N-en scarce" even nt from J.1 fo to J4.S.O. Texas fill cattle have nrrlVfd In fair nuimVr * . and sold freely nt from JJ.W to M SS. prices nvcinitlng baldly lOc lower than last Friday. It Is u.wv generally ndmllted that hogs nro In comparatively light supply In m.\st parts of the west , nnd , ns todny's receipts were ngnln Mow thn estimate , prices moved up from Bo to lOa morv. 1'iline droves of medium weights bring from JI.OJH to JI.OS. Sales werp at a lange of from 14 to H iVi , with the bulk of the transactions at from J.1 ! > 5 to II , rigs said about ns well ns hogs , most of the desirable lolii goIng - Ing nliove J3.75 , Much smiller sheep lecelpls Imve failed to cheek the decline , nnd. ns ihe demand was not clmmctiTlxed bv unusnnl activity , prices ruled nt from to ti 2iVj lower. Inferior to choice na tive sheep , from IJ to J3.7S ; yearlings , from J3.60 to 14 ! western sheep , from J3.20 to 13.711 lambs , frum to J4 S3. Rferlpts-Ciittle. 6.NW head ; limn. 21,000 head ! sheep , 7.CHM hend. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IvniiNiiN C Hy Mvo Stock. -JiV : f'AH 9TY' ! Jn 17-CATTI.E-Recclpl * , i , M held : shlpmenls , 1 > K ) head : market weak. lOo lower ; Texas steers. l2.91ttS.55 ; Texns cow * . J2.kff2.CO ( ) ; lieef steers , J3SiB4. ) : ( ) : native cow * . J1.COU3.IO ; stockera nnd feeders , JJ.30S3.75 ; bulls , > . IIOOS Receipts , 12,500 head ; shipments. 1,700 liend ; mnike-t stning lo Cc higher ; bulk ot tales , , " . . t.l.'Ou'.I.SOJ hca\les , ! 3.4r > W3.Si ) : packers , J3.70W ' ' 3.80 : inlxcil , J3.C3Jf3.7 : , IlKhts , J3.C < ) tr3.SO ; Yorkers , - J3.fi3H3.75 ; plrts , J3.4W3.70. KIIEE1' Ilrcrlpts , 1,200 head ; shipments , none ; market steady ; lumbs , Jl.r iil.50 ; muttons , J2.2S 4t 0375. .St. l.uiiln Live SteirU. ' ST. IXIUIS. Jan. 17CATTLERecolpts , 1,009 . { head. Waiki-t steady : native beeves , IJ.J5I.7,1 ; ' , oows nnd heifers. $ J.OiKiT3.CO ; Texan steers. gra , "v J2.C3W3.10 : fill. J3.25O4.23 ; ours. JI.KI3.W. HOOS Receipts , 7,000 head. Market higher ; heavy , JS.SOifl.lV. ; packers. J3.75R3.9i ; light , 13.71 1.01. 1.01.S1IEE1' S1IEE1' Receipts , 00 head. Mmket strong ; native muttons , J2.73ifS.50 ; southern , 32.23T3.U. N MV YorU l.Ivo Slock. NEW YORK , Jnn. 17 REEVES Receipt * ; .1,2. head ; market steady. European cables quote American steers nl 9V45T1014c , dressed weights ; refrigerator beef , "Wte. IloaS Receipts. O.SS1 he-ad ; Him nt $4.00(14.23. SIIIOHI' AND LAMIlS-Rec < > lpls , 3,991 hesd ; slow nnd steady ; Kheep , JJ.30U3.73 ; lambs , Jl.OOif 5.00. Stock In Slum. Record of receipts nt the four principal mar kets for Friday , January 17 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2 253 3.79 $67 Chicago 6.CDO 21,000 7,000 Kansas City 7.700 12.600 1,200 St. Louis 1,000 7.000 8C > Totals 17.46S 41,259 5,867 Toledo drain MnrUct. TOLEDO , Jan. 17.-WIIEAT-Actlve : firm ; Na 2 cash nnd Jnnunry , C7c : Muv , C9c. CORN Active : tendy : No. 2 mixed , 27V4c ; No , 3 mixeiiline ; .May. rj'ic. OATS Quiet : No. 2 mlNcd , I9c ; No. 2hltn , 20V4c ; Mny , 209Je. HYInull : ea h No. 2 , 3Sc rijOVKU SiiD : Active : steady ; prlmo me dium. il.42'4 ' ; February. f4. 10 ; Miucli , I4.42'5. ' llIICIIirT.S Wheat , ll.lO' ) bu.j corn , 31,000 bu.I elo\er seed. 23 bans. SlIIl'MKNTS Klotir. 1,000 bbl . : wheat. 15,009 bit. ; earn , 12,500 bu. ; clover seed , 1,017 Imss. Ivan Nil M City Miirkctn. KANSAS CITY. Jnn. 17. WHttAT rirm ; No. 3 haul. CSTJiJfCOc ; No. 2 red. 02ffC7e ; No. 2 spring. 58o bid : No. 3 Fprlnff. C5ff.1Gc ; rejected , 430500. COHN Fair demand and nnehimceil ; No. t nixed , 23f23iJc , ' No. 2 whltiMftTOc. . OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , lbf(17c ( ; No. 1 white. 17 { flSc. HAY UncliimBed. HYI : nnii : NO. 2. sic. IlDTTnil Quiet nnd linn ; creamery , 18 < A021o ; dalrv , 13fflC * * , , COGS atronser nt lie Mnrkpt. NKW YOniC. Jhn. IT.-SUOAh-'nnw , stenily : fnlr rennlne. 35 c ; centrlfujral , CO test , n o ; rc- Hned , stendy but quiet ; standard "A , " 4' < ic ; cut loaf , B'5c ; granulated , 4T c. LONDON. Jan. 17.-SUOAH-Cnne , flrm ; llttlo offerlnK ! centrlfiiKal Jaxn , 13a ; Mui-cowido , fair rennlnc. I0a 3d. lleet , flrm ; Jnnuary , lla ; Kebruury. lls. Wheat Mnrkct. MINNnAl'OI.lS , Jnn. 17. WIIHAT Closed nim nnd blKln'r ; January , Sl'&c ; Mny. CBUc. On trnclc. No. 1. baril , C5 i ! No. 1 northern , OlHc ; No. 2 northern , 63Hc ; receipts. 3M ca.'j. PI.OIIH Dull ! flrst patents. J3.00fp340 ; ilomes- tlo bakem , J2.CO ; export bakcra , J2.0002.23. 'FrlNcoVlitnt UuotaUniiN. SAN KUANCI.SCO. Jnn. 17.-WHKAT Plrml Muy , J1.03 ; Deccmlter. Jl.12 % ; new seller , SL09U ! clearol , 107,703 centals wheat. > Ilchl iiii Sliver Me ii In Conference. LANSING , Mich. . Jnn. 17 , An oxocutlvo committee of nine , representing all political inrtles , was appointed at todny's session or ho free silver conference , who will carry on the worlc of organization nnd education. A dispatch was ordered rent to United Slates Senators Jonas , Teller and Morgan , congratulating them on their llKht "In the merest of the people * against plutocracy , " nnd adding that "rcRardluss of party , Mich- Kan IB with you against all boiiu Issues , against the sold Htandard , nnd In favor of the constitutional money of the country , " Ijocntril ( lie MUnliiKIlrokcr. . BAY CJTY. Mich. . Jan. 17. Chief of Po- Ice Murphy has Just received , a telegram 'rom the Giles Mercantile company from Portland , Ore. , statins that A. A. Knoopfel , the Bay City broker who mysteriously dis appeared nt Cincinnati , Is In Portland. Fur- her Investigation Is being made. T. II. llrlnk , a brother of Mrs. A. A. Knoopfel , ID i resident of Portland and wall acquainted with Knootifcl. The Portland chief of police ma been Instructed to Investigate and a report from him Is expected. Itciiorlcr SIICN Niit CHICAGO , Jan. 17. John M. Maxwell , a reporter on the Chicago Tribune , Hied a suit today ngnlnst Nut Goodwin for $30,000 lamaRCH. Ho claims that Goodwill's play Ambition , " belongs to him , nnd to mnltii matters worse , after steallnK the play , Goodwin named the villain John M. Max well. Uowltt'a Little Early Hlsors euro IniHgos- lon und bad breath , T1IH ItlSAlVrV MAHKRT. INSTHUMENTS placed on record January 17 , 1890 : WAHUANTY DEEDS , Ray Nye to V Adams , lot 14 and n 10 foot lot 13 , block G , First acid to South Omaha $10,009 W H Gates and wlfo to T It llomlno. lot 10 , Van Ileiiren 1'Incu , , . 400 13 A lleiiaon , trustco , to Alolu and Mary Mayor , lot S. block CT , Mention COO John Appct and wife to John Lemkt * . lot 11 und 12. block C. Mlllanl 709 15 C Urunnitr to II T Niwh , block 20 , Morse & H'u mid C50 C C ( Jcorfii > to J W Geon.-e , lot 1 , Guorgo'rf xubillv . . . . . . 300 QUIT CLAIM DKKDS. C Ji * Harrison , receiver , to Michigan Mutual IJfo In sura nou compuiiy , lot 2 , block fl , Lakn'H add J O KoHter , trustee , ct nl , to V O I > .intry , lotd 3 , 0 und 7 , block U , Klormico , . , . . . , t D13KUS. Spoclul rnriBter lo Dime Saylnga bank , J lot 2 , block 0 , Laku'u ndil , . . , Total amount of transfers Our Free Letter . Reviewing the grain and aleck .narketi , will b * ent you dally on request , in thr hope of deserv ing part of your builness. Ordera olldled ( or caili cr on three to five point margin * . J , R , W1LLARD & CO Mci.ibcri Chicago Hoard uf Ta < ] g. New YorU Produce Exchange , New York Com. mock Kx chinje. 17 Hoard Trad * , Cblnayo , 44 Uroadway. Niivr York. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone lOiifl. Omaha , Nub. COMMISSION GRAIN , ; PROVISIONS : AND ; 8FOCK3 Xoom HHi Hoard of Tiade. Direct met * to Chicago and New York. i.itvrwientil John A. Warren It Co. nought and sold on commission. Mccliew Investment Co. , Colorado Hprlub' " , Colo.