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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JANUARY 18 , 1890. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LINCOLN , NEBRASKA. AI1STHAUT OK T1TI.H. tr. n. McMnrtrr , anr H. iiiu si. AUCIIITI2CT.O. ixvin. nrnr. : A < i i. iiiriinrn * nn . ATTOIIXKYS. Jin n < - A AltNchnlcr , HOI < > St. Tel 108. llnchuer A lliiniiiHiiin , 11)11 O SI. Drown A Miimplcr , It. tit & III , 1127 _ O .SI. > . I. . Calilwcll , It. 10 A II , Muntuom- i-i-y Illk. V. C. .lotuiflton , n. 12 A 1.1. lllchitrrt a. v. i.nnu , n.i , 1121 n si. l.ovc A Prnrnploii. 1112. % < 1 St. DlncUcll A Voile , J1ST C ) . SI. IMione TH5. SIc > crnor t KiiKcr , XKtt O St. Tel. BOO .1 oil 11 I * . Sin u If. .McMttrtry Illk. Tin-nit Oiiiicnhclnier , 10211 O St. C. M.Tnrlcrr , MoMiirlry lllte. J. 13. I'lilliioll , liaa O SI. O. S. Italnhott , 1127 O SI. HIckcltN A AVItnoii , aioMurtry Illk. 31. M. Slnrr. It. : I2 , llrowncll 111k. SIcnniN A. Tyrrell , lll.'l O SI. fralliol. llrynn .fc Allen , 11. ! 10 Me- Aim-try Illk. iiAicnmns. ' it. AV. 3iu.xtT.-n Co. , 1:10 : s. isth si. phone , Tn.'i. W. II. Miller , 12ir. M St. 91. I. . AVIIilninn , 2is.T : o SI. tAiticrlciin i\oliniiKo National , 1100 O S I * Colmi.llla National , J. II. AVrlKht , I'ren. . 102.-I I ) SI. FlrMiiitloniil , X. S. Hnrwooili rrc . , S. i : . Cur. 10th & < > . SIN. iiAitiimt SHOTS. BlinrlcH lliMVc-ii , Ilrnco Illk , 15th * O Stn. iW * . I'\ Cole , S. AV. Cor. llth & 1' . , Cnpl- tnl lintel. T. i : . Doelch , Olh mill O Sin. C. II. Ilawherf , Lincoln Hotel. Ceo. M. HollliiR.-r , 20S Jf. loth St. . A. I. . JoliiiHon , tlO I * St. Jllllcr .V Wnllnce , 10th & O SU. 'J. M. MorrlH , UK N. 12th St. C. T. Neville , 101) N. lllh Sl.f O. AV. IMcilNiuii , 125 S. 10th , SI. IlciiMer A Vonl , * 2il : N. lOth St. II. J. llolilnnoii , hiiNcmciit Ilurr Dlk. . AV. M. Smith , 1025 N. SI. I' . AV. Vnmiell , Olh A O Sin. < Seo. A. Wclili. 12 S. 12th SI. 13. II. WlllIiuiiM. 71O I * St. II. A. AVUe , l.'IOl O St. . I'otvln nik. IIATIIS. Clirln' I'lace , N. AV. Cor. lllh & P. SI * . BIrM. M. S. GOOKC , I.aille * only , 1B1O O St. Snlplio-Hnlliio llnth HOIIWP , nrx. M. II. A J. O. Everett , J-Hli & M Six. JL II10YCLKS. 'Jnek Fnrccll , renr 1.12 N. lllh St. Inline Krlnhctle , 1-KI5 , O St. \Viii. Kelnnll , l-ttO : O St. E. It. niithrlc , 15-10 O SI. II. II. 1'leroe , lUh ! mul P SI * . II. K. SlillcK. 112 N. lath St. JIV. II. Wnr l , 1018 O SI. IlfcACKSMITIIS. C. AV. Cnmonn. 825 II St. FlNlicr A AVcMtovcr. O20 N SI. . IV. Mliilck. 10th A M Stn. A. Siiiinn , 228 S. Olh SI. H. S. Tylce , 213 S. Olh St. HOUSES. Bird. S. J. Allowny , 122O M. St. I. lliiucr , ii08 N St. Itlrn. L. J. Duller , 1308 N St. BIr . S. A. Cnthcr , 1118 a St. Mr . HI. GrntlRiiy DoKKett , 1O21 M St. BIr . Ednn Peery , 1128 a St. BIrM. J. W. Uhl , 14-10 N St. HOOKS AND STATIONEUY. fcs H. W. llrown. 127 S. llth St. If" * ! ,1V. , K. nnrlln rniiie , ins S. llth St. U. P. Hehnril. 2O2-SOO S. llth St. A. T. Leniliiir & Co. , 1100 O St. C. M. Onhorn , in-1 S. 12th St. A. L. Shinier , Cor. 15th A O St . t HOTTLINO WOIIKS. lliieolii llottlliip : Workn. U15-317 O S . IIIIOICEHS. Axlnlcr A Co. , 231 S. llth St. A. I ) . IllrfcM , 1038 N St. Penny A Co. , lllh A N SlM. II. C. YOIIIIKT. 137 S. lllh St. IIUSINESS COLLEGE. D. It. MIIIlirltlBf , lllh A O Sin. CANCEIl A TUMOIl SPECIALISTS. Pr. T. O'Connor , 130O O St. IWeNley aneeii , M. n. . 1122 O St. CAHHIAGES ANI WAGONS. nillmeycr A Sadler. 1133-35 M , St. Ilnrnier A WlneheNler , 1O20 O St. Ile H A Mueller , 235 S. Oth St. SvrmiNOii A AnilcrHOii , X121 P St. J. S. Tylec , 213 S. Olh St. OIGAIIS. Frnnk In Tell , 1O2O O St. Nuvlllo HroH. , 115 N. lllh St. O. It. Wolf , 103(1 O SI. 12 il. YOIIIIW , 12O7 O St. , Phone 1. CLOAKMAKING. Jlrn. Ailillc E. Slmw , 131O N St. CLOTHING. Hro lllllK , Kln A Co. . 1013-1O O St. Eiltv. Cerf * Co. , 025 O St. CLOTHING CLEANED. BIri . BInry AVnlker , 137 S. llth St. COAL. nnrlon Knel Co. , 1O24 O St. J. ai. Ilroiul , 1007 O St. ituuMcv Conl Co. . 102-1 O St. . _ J. K DeHcher , II ) J5 J St. , Phone 411. DlerkH Lumber A Caul Co. , 125-140 S Hill St > J. S/Gnhel / , 110 S. 13th St. Phone. 800. IlnleliliiH A llyntt , 1O4O O St. II. M. Leiivltt. 117 N. 12th SI. Lincoln Conl Co. , 1OI5 O. St. Neb. Coiil Co. , E. Hacker. 114 S. 1SIU HI. , Phone. 23O. OberllcM' Lumber A Coal Co. , 127 B ) 12th SI. Wm. II. O'Shen , 20th nnrt N Sl . BI < L. I'rentcr , 122O O St. IMione 58B. Ch.irle. . E. WlUon. 44O S. Uth St. COLLECTIONS. BiiraKac'N Collection ARency. II. Hor- rUoti , MniuiKer , Citpllnl Hotel. (1. It. Kemmel , 1031 N St. niekellH * Wllnon , McMnrtry Illk. II. C. Yoiinir , 1 T S. lllh St. COMMISSION MEHCHANTS. O. JnuohMon , 217 N. Ulh St. CONTItACTOIlS A IlUlLDEIlS. D. II. Ilrowii , Sill S. lOlh St. J , J. Huller , 135 S. 13lh SI. DENTISTS. I , . P. Dnvln. D.D.S. , lllh * O S ( . O. lf. Liuuberlnon , D.U.H. , Cor 12h A O SU. JT. lllner , D.H.S. , 1231 O St. Mr. P. D. Hherwln , It. 17 , llnrr Illk. Loiil. Wente , D.D.8. . 137 S. llth SI. DEPAUTMENT STOUES. * II. HeriioUhlmer * Co. , 1131-43 N S . , i:01-iin S. 12lh St. DETECTIVES. tale Detecllve AHHoclnllon , A. L. Pound , Chief , Uil llr UroTvnt-11 Illk. DHESSMAKEHS. Bllmi Ll le Elvln , 151O O St. , It. 1. a Blr . It. EnrlKht , 120 S. loth St. Mr . Jennie 1'Miiiiey , It. 27 , Potvln nik. Mr . Anna Gulluu , 14O3 O SI. BIlHN M. Jlnl one , llrownvll Illk. Blm. Jeuule Polios , 1443 N St. SlurtfU SUti-rn , 1323 O SI , Blm. C. J. Todil , 1121 O SI. DHUC1S. II. W. Ilrowii , 127 H. llth St. Henry II. llarlle , D2U O St. \V. T. Duil eon , 1MJ3 O St. Kurekn Ilemedy Co. . 1OU1 N 91. A. L , Hliniier , Oof , loth A O 8U. 8. A. D. Shlllluir , 237 S. lllh St. New Lnunlnir Phuruiuoy. J. O. Wocititieuur , 13O M. lOth St. DHY GOODS. Fllitferulil Dry Gooodii Co. , 1O23-2O "O St. Uurvu' Hew York Store , 110U O St. i ILICTJUCAL ixc < i\iins AND MA- CIIIMST.S. M. O. Ili-llly , 11th ninl M Stn. It. L. Smith , cor. Ulh A M Stn. K.Ml'l.OVMn.NT HL'ltnAUS. Lincoln nnitiloyiiienl mul llcnlnl Iliil-entt , 1OI2 O St. P. Coiirney ItleharilM , 132 N. lOth SI. KXPItUSS COMPANIES. Ailanin R\ironn Co 1" . I' , MeLutiKhllns MnnnKer , 113 S. lOlh St. EYE AXO EAU SPECIALISTS. Dr. Mnilileii. S.V. . Cor. lllh mul O Stn. Dr. 1L. . Itlicr , 1231 O St. Phone 300. ri.OIIIST.S. Prey A. Prey. 114 S. 12lh St. PLOiit ; A .Ml PHED. Allnnllo Milling Co. . Hobert Pvtcrnou , MniuiKer , 1UO S. llth St. Geo. A. linker , 1.S31 O St. J. M. llron.l , 1007 O St. llonil A lleilnon , 410 S. llth St. It. L. Gnrleii. O mill 2 lib Stn. Jan. GIllL-n , 2115 O St. S. A. Ilenlim , 3100 O St. M. L. IIlKlvy , 11)33 O Sit C. JiiL-ohMoii. 217 N. Dili .SI. > I. D. Johiinon , 14.1 S. Oth St. Johnnoii A Olnen , 11H S. Dill SI. 11. N. Tovrn , 27th mul O Sin. Phone 520. Charlcn E. YVIInon.140 S. llth St. PLOUH MILLS. Illrchnri ] , Ilrlilne .t Co. , 315 N. Olh St. PUHNISIIED HOOMS. "Arnyle , " Mrn. S. A. Wnnl , 11O S. 12lh SI. Plume O57. Win. llnrr , 1327 O St. A. C. Eherhnrt , 1)32 P St. Mrn. S. J. Harrln , 1342 N , Cor. 14th St. Mrn. M. V. Joiien , 231 S. Olh St. Mrn. S. D. ICcniiiton , 138 S. lOth St. Pnlnce DliiliiK llall , 1130 N St. ShiHTcm * Annex , 133 S. 12th St. Mm. M. E. SIiiMV , 131O N SI. PUHNITUItE. Ilnynril A Guerlii , 132O O St. Meliizer A SwclirlliKfli , 1323 O St. Pranr. Petcrn , 1518 O St. PUIIRHSR. P. E. Voelkcr , Cor. lith'.t N Sin. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. G. C. Moore , 1OO N. Oth St. GOVERNMENT CLAIM AGENTS. John Glllenple , 113 N. 13th St. GUNSMITHS . , Inane Prlnhelte.l-l35 O St. Win. ICelHiill , 143O O SI. GROCERIES. Prniik CnnnliiKhniii , O2l N. 12lh St. J. P. Deneher. 11)15 ) J St. Phone 411. It. L. Garten , O A 21th Sin. Jan. Glllen. 2115 O St. S. A. Heiilon. 24O O St. Win. Hotallnw. 1425 O St. S. S. McKcmiey , 2712 O St. J. Miiilnen , 2OIO O SI. II. P. ReiiKan , 235 S. llth SI. Mrn. O. Rlonlmi , 10 IO O St. G. P. Sclianf , 323 N. Olh SI. C. M. St-Itx , 1125 O St. Phone 020. J. W. Smith A Co. . 310 H. llth St The Keyntone , 142 S 12th St. Phone 744. II. N. Town , 27th A O Stn. Phone B20. Alex Wcher , 131-33 N. 14th St. D. M. Wilt. lOth < fc O Stn. H. Yimoul , 14O1 O SI. Phone BIS. G. L. 1C. OF P. AV1I1 II. Love. G. K. H. S. , 1113 O St. GLASS AND'PAINT. Standard Glnnn A Pntnt Co. , S. E. Cor. 12lh A 91 Sin. HARDWARE. Humphrey Ilron. , 1O1-1O7 N. Oth St. HARNESS , rim * . K. Slof.-rt. iti S. Oth St. Woodrrorth A McPiiII , 1218 O St. HATS , ETC. .T. A. Smith , 1137 O St. HIDES , PURS. ETC. il DobMon A LmiKrcii. U2O It St. HORSESHOEING. Ploycrii A Ilolofnon. 122 S. 14th St. HORSES. Mendow Rrook Pine Slock Farm , P. W. Ilnldwlii A Son , 1203 O St. HOTELS. Capital Hotel , llth and P Stn. Hotel Ideal , W. C. Flciiry , 121 S. 14th St. Klmball Hotel , 151O O St. The Lincoln , Oth and P Stn. The Miiilell. 13th mul MSlM. . The Wlndnor. 321-28 N. llth St. Tleriinn Hotel , 238 N 7th St. Tremont HOIIMI8lh mid P Stn. Union Hotel , 728-30 P St. ICE. M. L. Trenter , 122O O St. INSURANCE. Ilankern' Life Inn : Co. , llth A P. Stn. Piirmern * A Mcrchnnln' Inn. Co. , Farm > crn' A Merchant * ' nulldluff. J. R. Iiiknter , 1O25 O SI. G. R. Klnniu-11. 1O31 N St. The Teaehern' National Fraternal Ilenellt AHMII. , 303 Ilracc Illock. Trnvelern' Life A Accident , Room 8 , Union Illk. INVESTMENT AND LOANS. Abbott Ilron. Loan Co. , 1025 O St. P.V. . Haldwlii A Soil , 12O5 O SI. II. P. Polnom , Cannier Induntrlnl Sav- IIIKH Hank. Helm A Heed , 112 S. 12th SI. Tel. flO.'l. J. R. IiikHter , 1O25 O St. J. II. McMurlry , .Mu fiiPlry Illk. Merchant Triint Co. , 1OI ) S. lOth St. A. E. Moeller , 1O23 O .St. . Security Investment Co. , Rlehnriln Ilk Ward A Cnlbcrtnoii , 11)11 O St. Woodward Ilron. , 103 S. llth St. H. O. Yountr. 137 S. llth St. IRON WOIIKS. HOILERS A ENGINES. HedKctt Lincoln Iron Work * , 7th ami M Stn. 3. Iloberln. 203 S. Oth St. JEWELERS. llloedel A Crocker , 121O O St. Dave Iliiken , 31O N. lOth St. P. II. HnrrlH , 1133 O St. E. S. KliiK , 1300 O St. A. E. Patch. 2353 O St. JO1I PRINTERS. Hunter PrlnlluK Co. , S2.1 N. llth St. Georixe Ilrolhern , 11U-118 S. 13lh St. Jno. Mclntonh , 1134 N SI. L. D. Woodruff , lllh and BI Stn. JUNK SHOPS. S. Polnky , 331 N. Oth St. LAUNDRIES. Clnrknoii Laundry Co. , 330-338 S. lllh St. Phone 27O. The Ill-lit Laundry , 3208 O St. Yule Ilron. ( Hand Laundry ) , 1417 O St. LIVERY STAIILES. A. G. Illllmeyer , 1131-33 M St. T.-l. 433. Jordan A Reene. 1O3O O St. W. P. Smith , 01H II St. Spere A Co. , 331 S. Olh St. LOAN OFFICES. M. Polnky , O33 O SI. LUMIIEH. DlorkM Lumber A Coal Co. , 123-40 S. 8lh SI. J. S. Gabxl , 110 S. 13lh S ( . Phone 300. S. K. Mnrllii , 737 N St. Oberllen Lumber A Conl Co. , 127 N. 13th SI. Will. H. O'Shen , 30th A N Stn , M. L. Trexler. 132O O St. MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN. G. E. ThompHon , 1311 O St. MANUFACTURERS OP MATTRESSES. Puyue A Leek , lOth & K Stn. BIASSAGE. Mrn. BI. Gooffe , 1511) O St. , Ludlen Only. Sanitarium , 14th A M SU. BIRAT MARKETS. Geo. A. linker , 1831 O St. M. L. lllKley , 1033 O St , Wm. Holullutr , 1425 O St. L. LuvdlUe , 300 S. Olh St. J. BIndnen. 2O4O O St. Henry PU-10 , 314 S. llth St. G. P. Scbnnf , 323 N , Ulh SI. H. N. Town. 271k A O SU. Phone B2O. The Tucker Co. , C. A , Tucker , Mgr. . Cor. 131k A O Sin. .Phone 734. Welter Puckluir Co. . StU N. 10th St. D. M. Will , 1O L 4t O Bin. MEDICATION , DOSIMETRIO SYSTEM II. S. Anhley. SI. D. . 1215 O SI. .MERCHANT TAILORS. Geo. Cnllcn , 1223 O SI. L. S. Gllllnk , * R. 18-10 Nemnnn Illk. Jamen Hearn , 303 S. llth St. Mrn. M. .lohnnon , 1O12 O SI. M. II. McLmiRhlln , 1020 N St. Lincoln Piintn Co. , 12O S. 12th St. Neb. Pnnln A Suit Co. , O. H. Onklcy 1217 O SI. .K. S. Reed , 125 S. lllh St. A. W. Steveiinkl , Y. M. C. A. llnlldltiB Mrn. Mary Walker , 137 S. llth St. MILK DEPOTS. Wm. A. SprotiK , 131 S. llth SI. MILLINERY. M. Ackermnn A Co. , 1O20-31 O St. Mlnnen Iletln. 121 S. 12th St. Mrn. IV. E , Cohh , 117 S. llth St. Mrn. Geo. Cnllcn , 1221 O St. C. E. Van DIINCII , 1141 O SI. Mrn. M. Luke , 1-10. O St. BIODELS AND PATTERNS. M. O. Rcllley , llth mid M Sin. T. J. Thorp .t Co. , 3O8 S. llth St. MONUMENTS AND STATUARY. Klmhnll Ilron. . Cor. 15th mul O Stn. J. P. Sheeny , 2O21-23 O SI. W. II. Tylee , 7OO L St. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. N. P. Curtice .t Co. , 2O7 S. llth St. Enley A Camp , 131) S. 12lh St. . FcrKUnon Mimic Co. , 1:18 : S. 12th St. NEWSPAPERS. The Call , 223 N St. The Courier. 225 N llth SI. The Herald. 121 N. Oth SI. The Nci > n , 133 N. Oth St. The Frel Prenne , llth A N Sin. The State Journal. Dili A P Stn. NEWS-BEE AGENCIES. W. H. Plllnbnry , MRI- . . Lincoln circula tion , P. O. Ilex 837. Ira IlriMvii , 111 X. llth St. Capital Hotel Ncwn Stand. 'Prank Dn Tell. 1O2O O St. II. J. Heltrlck , 1BO1 O St. Lincoln Hotel Ncwn Stand. Llndell Hotel1 Ncwn Stand. H. Oury , llth and O Stn. ' Wludnor Hotel Ncwn Stniid. L. II. Wren , 217 S. llth St. Ed YOIIIIK , , 1207 O SI. OPTICIANS. H. M. llcttn , II. 5 , Alexander Illk. G. E. Thompnon , 1241 O St. PACKERS. Swift Ilccf Co. . 71-1 O St. PHOTOGRAPHERS. J. P. Kennedy , 1O2O O St. P. W. Mnrcclliin , 1222 O St. P. E. Poe , 132 S. 12th St. T. W. Townnend , 22U S. llth St. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. N. J. Ileachley , 23O S. llth St. , r. W. llowiuaii , M.D. . R. 33 , llrowncll 11 lock. Win. Green , M. D. , 1215 O St. Dm. Holyokc A Holyokc , 137 S. 11 St. Dr. L. II. Mucdonnld , Plat C , Sallnbury Illock. Minn Lenore Perky. 91. D. , R. 10 , Little Illock. Phone 125. G. II. Slmmonn , M. D. , 1200 O St. , Phone 387. . PLUMHERS. Win. Anbton , llth mul N Stn. Kornuieycr PlumbliiK Co. , 213 S. 11 St. PORTRAIT PAINTER. C. W. Dnrkttt , 1123 N. St. POTTERY. Lincoln Pottery Workn , 71B S. lit Si. PRIVATE SCHOOL. "St. Thcrenn'n , " Sinters of Charity , 13th A M Stn. RAILROAD TICKET OFFICES. Mo. Pnclllc Ry. , P. D. Cornell , C. P. A T. A. , 1201 O St. Rock Inland II. R. . C. A. Rutherford , Agent. REAL ESTATE. P. W. Ilnldwlii A Son , 1215 O St. John J. Glllllan , lOth A O SU. Helm A Reed , 12O1 O St. Phone 003. J. H. Inknter , 1O25 O St. J. I' . Lantx. II. 4 , 1121 O St. A. E. Blocllcr A Co. , R. 2O , 1O25 O St. J. H. BIcMnrlry , McMnrtry Illk. Pierce Realty Exchange , OHlcc Cap ital Hotel. Wood .fc Ciilbertnon , It. 0 , 1011 O St. II. C. YOIIIIK , 137 S. llth St. P. S. Rice. II. 11 , 1127 O St. RENOVATING ( FEATHERS A JIAT- TRESSES. ) R. n. Doran , 132 ! ) O St. RESTAURANTS. G. IV. A < lnHIM , 11)51 O St. Peter R. Ilrauti , 12O S. 12th St. Cnrvcr'n Dining Hull , 8OO P St. H. Glover. 1O30 N St. JIIUICH Henry , 132 S. lOth St. J. H. Miller , 1213 M. St. NelllKnn A Rynn , 14O S. lllh St. Palace Dining Hall , 11.'JO N St. Geo. II. Scott , 310 S. 12th St. ShaiTer'n Annex , 132 S. 12th St. The Model , 32O S. 12th St. SANITARIUM. Siilpho-Snllne Hath Houne. Drn. M. II. A J. O. Everett. Cor. 14th A M Stn. SCULPTOR. John Ciirrlen. 332 S. 10th St. SHOE STOIlKa AND SHOEMAKERS. Michael Ilmier , 1O1II O St. Fred llrandliornt , loOO O St. Cyrnn Carman , 3 llracc Illk. A. Gartner , 81O P SI. PerkliiH A Sheldon Co. , 1120 O St. J. II. Pcttlt , 100 S. 13th St. Smulcrnoii , Jichureman A Davln , l-l.l O St. King Steear , 302 S. lllh St. U. S. Shoe Store , 1O10 O St. M. Walt , Y. BI. C. A. Iliillillng. SKIN , VENEREAL A GEN1TO URIN ARY DISEASES. Dr. E. J. Angle , 1233 O St. Phone 372. STAMP PATTERNS. Mrn. L. BI. Lnke , 14O5 O SI. STOVES AND FURNACES. Ilnynril A Gncrlu , 1320 O St. Meliicer A Swenrlngen , 1325 O St. The Hall Ilron. Co. , 13O8 O SI. SURGERY AND DISEASES OP WOMEN. Dr. J. O. Dnwnoii , 11O5 O St. Phone 330 TEAS , COFFEES AND SPICES. Golden Gale Ten Co. , 130 S. lllh St. , TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CO'S. Pontnl Co. , P. C. Lacey , Mgr. , 103 S. llth St. St.THEATRICAL THEATRICAL GOODS. O. BI. Onborn , 131 S. 12th St. TICKET IIKOKERS. Geo. W. Johiinon , 12O7 O St. Phone 1. TINSMITHS. F. AV. Ilallard , 323 S. Olh SI. TOYS. A. L. Blinder , Cor. 15lh A O SU. TURKISH IIATIIS. Chrln' Place , N. AV. Cor. lllh A P SU. Sniitturiiim , Cor. 14th A M. Sin. UNDERTAKERS. .In m en Hen ton , 342 S. llth SI. A. P. Oeder A Co. , 12O S. 13th St. I'l.oiu128. . Troyer A Gingery , 310 S , llth SI. UPHOLSTERERS. R , E. Dormi , 1521) O SI. E. C , Hnrlnhorn , 123O BI St. Prun > I'etern , 1518 O St. A'ETERINARY HOSPITALS. S. E. Coniord , A' . S , 1135 M SI. Tel. 433. Dr. Geo. P. Tucker , 14O1 N St. Tel. 732. VINEGAH AVORKS. Lincoln Vinegar AVorkn , 231 N. 0 St. A'OICE CULTURE. Mr * . Kate II. Cheney , COO llrnce Illk. WALL PAPER. A. T. LemliiK , 11 ( Ml O St. , 118 N. llth St. & 1825 O St. AA'INDMILLS. Aeriuolor Co. , R. P. Hoiltfkliin , BItfr. , 73O-32 O St. AVINKS AND LIQUORS , U. R. Ilerlram , 14O S. lllh St , AVui. llriinilt , 311 N. lllh St. Capital Hotel liar , Chan. M. Hurd. D. J. DUKUU , 31O N. Olh SI. . p. J. Kennedy , 1117 P St. Lincoln Hotel liar , Jnincn Hamilton , Prop. Opera Houne lluffet , 115 S. 12th St. Prrd Ottenn , 1033 O SI. S. SellKnobn , 324 N , lOlh St. The Abbey , 138 8. llth Si. The Diamond , 1431 O St. "The Turf , " 127 S. 13th St. WHOLESALE DEALERS ARTIFICIAL STONH. The Lincoln Artificial Static A Tile Co. . 1201 O St. . Viatic 1. iuiu. Crown IlreTtlng. > Co.n 140 S. nth SI. Qnliicr IlrewliiR. Co. , E. Pmmcrnni , Agent , 140 S. lOlli St. Schlltc Ilrertlng Co. , II. J. Snndcra , Agent , 210 N. 7th St. HOOKS AND STATIONERY. AV. E. Illirllnglm , 133 S. llth St. COAL. Ilnrlon PncI Co. , Kith and Y SU. Ilnnney Conl Co. , 1O2I O St. J. S. Gllbel , 11U S. 13th SI. BI. L. Trenler. 1220 O St. COAL. EXCLUSIVELY AVHOLESALE , Geo. AV. Grlbhcn , IBIh .V O SU. H. Bt. Lenvllt , 1133 O SI. CIGARS. I Neville Ilron. , 113 \ . llth 81. COMMISSION BIERCHAVrS. ' . A Co. , 21(1 S. 7 St , HarKrcnvcH Ilrox. , 7-13 O St. DEPARTMENT STORE. II. Herpolnhelmer > it Co. , 1131-45 IV A 301-213 S. 18th St. DHY GOODS. H. It. Nlnnley A Co. , 1O20-2S O St. FLORISTS. Prey A Prey , 114 S. 12th St. FLOUR AND PEED. P. S. Johiinon A Co. , 220 S. Oth St. Kendall A Smith , 800 P St. J. Reach .t Co. , 225 N 12th St. Prank BI. Pierce A Co. , 144O O St. FURNITURE. AVInconnlii Furniture mid Colun Co. , 001-07 L St. h FURRIER. P. E. Voelkcr , Cor. 13lh A N SU. GLAdS .ft PAINTi Standnrd Glim * A Paint Co. , S. E. Cor. 12th A 91 SU. GROCERIES. C. II. Roman & CO. , 1002 O St. IlnrgrcnVen Ilron. , 743 O St. ICE. M. L. Trenler. 1220 O St. ICE CREAM , MILK AND CREAM. E. Slnlcr , 127 S. 13th SI. Phone 1130. LEATHER. Lincoln Leather Co. , 82(1 ( O St. LUMBER. Lincoln Lumber Co. , HO H. 13th St. S. 1C. Martin Co. , " 737 N St. BI. L. Trenler. 122O O St. BIILLINERY. Ackermnn A Co. , " 1O2O-31 O" St. MUSICAL GOODS. N. P. Cnrlln Co. , 2oV S. llth St. Entey A Camp , 13O S , 12th St. PACKING COMPANIES. Cudnhy PackInK > Cb.v F. X. Gale , Mgr. , 045 L St. ' * " PLUMIIII G , SUPPLIES. AVcntcrn Supply Co. , 820-2 N St. STATUARY AJNDoMONUMENTS. Klmbnll Ilron. , IRth and O Stn. STOA'ES ANlS FURNACES. Hall Hron Co. , 1308 b St. TAILORS FOR THE TKADE. N'chrtknka Puntn At'Sult Co. , 1317 O SI. Spelr"Hcrzosr Tailoring Co. , ' 1228-3O * -ost : I AVINll BULLS. Wcntcrn Supply TCo.r82O22 N St. AVOO'D AA'ORK , JASH , " 11LINDS , ' ETC.- > Curtln A Van Pm bcrK Co. , UO1-23 U3I.St. . " ip , , . HAVELOCK , NEB. . > * " Thin In ' 'the flrnt ntntlon iiorthcnnt from Lincoln mid 'In ' a nuburb of the latter city. It cotitnlnn the repair nhopn of the II. A BI It. employing iilwnyn ncv- eral hundred handn. Scoren-of hoiisen arc now In proccns of erection. It ban good churchei * and nehooln , n roller lloiirliig mill , mul In nurrounded by very fertile nil a highly cultivated farming Imida. LEADING BUSINESS MEN IIAKERY. J. Forbcn. HANKS. State Hank of Hiivelock , Robt. Lyoun , Cnnhler. HARIIERS AND IIATIIS. D. O. Piper. C. M. Scott. Scott.UILLIARD HALL. J. C. Sturm. HLACKSMITIIS A CARRIAGE MAKERS. Ilrondwater A Dennln. CLOTHING. P. Donnelly , Indiana Arc. COAL. D. C. llerry. O. Mnntcrn. CIGARS A CONFECTIONERY. Mrn. Mary O'Domielly. D. P. Woodn. DRUGS. Dr. J. A. Scott. E. E. Mmlcr. DRY GOODS. Peter Donnelly. FLOUR A FEED. P. J. Aide lib ruck. F. AV. CnVr. E. Kciiworlhy. O. Miitttcrn. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A. AVulker. GENTS FURNISHINGS. G. G. Smith. GRAIN. D. C. llcrry. GROCERIES. F. J. Aldeiibruck. P.V. . Cnrr. E. Keiiwortby. O. Mnntcrn. Phlppn Ilron. A Co. . , HOTELS. Hiivelock Holel/.Mrn * . H. Lnpe , Prop. Holllet Houne , J , , . ' . ; Holllet , Prop. BlcCormlck Hotific. The Ark , Jan. Campbell , Prop. HOIISESJIOEING. llroudwnter A Ii-imn J , J. ICutir. JKWin.KH. E l 9. AVlUKCt. , , JI1I1LS. Keiiilnll A Tcltt'j ' it. Sturm , Miller. 3Ii.VT MAItKBT , C. Jloriui. , ( LAUNIIIIV. a , a. smith. ; ' , LUMUl'- D , C. Ilcrry. t NEWSI'APKH. The Tlmcn , Iluutfl wnu Pub. Co. , Prop * . PHYSICIANS. O. P. llullnrd , M.D. , Liineanter Illk. A. J. BIoKluiion , M.D. , olllce over Shu- ler'n. Dr. J. A. Scott. POSTMISTRESS. SIrn. Mary O'Dounelly. RAILROADS. I. A BI. II. II. ' C. R. I. A P. , H. II. Gregg , Atfcul. REAL ESTATE. J. J. Knar , tobt. Lyoim. | RESTAURANT. J. P. ItelU. SHOE STORES A SHOE BIAKBUS. ' . J. Aldenbruck ; eter Donuelly , ludluuu Ave , t D. K. AVoodn. SCHOOL. C. U. Corpy , Principal. UNIVERSITY PLACE Electric earn unite thin village Trill the adjoining city of Lincoln , the heart of which In only three mllen dlntanl. The Ncbrntkn AVenleynn nnlvcrnlljr In the center for thin beautiful cliintcr of ntihnrlinii homen. The college building In mnnnlve , thb cmnpnn In npncloun , mid mngtilfU ccntly nltunted upon thr > niimmlt o gently rlnlng ground which nlopcn to the valley miles itwny. Thin In the great Melhodlnt college of Ncbrnnkn mul ban no\v nearly hal n Ihonnand ntndeiitn In attendance The tuition In free. Support In ob tained from the church conferences LEADING BUSINESS MEN RANK. The Wliidom limik , T. M. AVlmberly Can liter. HARIIERS. L. G. miller , Cor. St. Pmit A AVnr- ren htn. HLACKSMITIIS A WAGON MAKERS D. AV. Clark. HRICK. 11. O. Cn.ntle A Co. COAL. II. O. Cnnlle A Co. W. J. D. Canntn. . , DRUGGISTS. J. E. Ilurney. < FLOUR A FEED. G. P. HUT. J. II. Bliinncttcr. G.ENERAL MERCHANDISE. R. Dally A Co. D. C. Phllllpn. T. AV. Smith. HARDAVARE. BI. L. Fuller. INSURANCE. H. Rurch A Son. Robh McCartney. . ICE. AV. J. D. Countn. JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. J. Dennett. * * LUMRER. H. O. Cantlc- Co. .MANUFACTURER OP SUIISOIL PLOWS. D. AV. Clark. Clark.MEAT MEAT BIARKET. C. H. Moncly. PHYSICIAN. AK. . Cnrlylc , BI.D. , Cor Miller A Blcr- rlll Stn. POSTMASTER. J. A. Alley. NEIL AVESLEYAN UNIA'ERSITY. Rev. Ixaac Crook , D.D. , Chancellor. Chan. Fordycc , A.M. , Principal Normal Dept. NEWSPAPER. The Tlmcn , llnnghmnn Pub. Co. , Prop * . NOTARY PUHLIC. J. llcmictt. REAL ESTATE. H. Ilurch A Son. Robt. McCartney. SHOEMAKERS. L. S. Hiilllnger. STOVES & TINAVAUE. M. L. Puller. 1IRIG11T SHORT STORIES. Chicago Trlbuno : "I haven't lived with you twenty-flvo years without finding out you're a brute ! " wrathfully exclaimed Mrs. Raugle. "I know a million reasons why I'd hate to be you and only one why I'd Ilka to be you ! " "What Is that one reason , madam ? " fiercely demanded Mr. Rangl3. "Because you've got a good wife ! " she screamed. New York Truth : The village wag thought lie would have some fun with the mild-mannered young man who had recently taken charge of the county paper. "I say , " ho said , coming Into the oftlco excitedly , "there's a man hi the street lookIng - Ing for you with a club. " The young editor looked up pleasantly. "Is that so ? " he Inquired. "Wo make spe cial reductions to clubs. How many sub scribers haa ho got ? " Chicago Post : "It's not dark enough yet. " she whispered , as shs peered eagerly up and down the street. "There's no one In sight , " he replied , after a careful survey. "But some one may come around thai corner at any minute and recognize us , and then I should want to dlo. " "Well , then , we'll wait a bit. " What dreadful deed did these two con template committing ? Ho was only about to give her the first lesson In riding a bicycle. New York Herald : "Farewell forever , then , " cried the weeping girl ; "we part , but the sorrow of this shall scar my young llfo for aye ! " In a parcxysm of grisf uncontrol lable fie threw herself upon the couch as the street door flammed shut behind the haggard young man who had torn himself from lior presence. Then , hastily arising , shs brushed away tbe traces of tears and went down to match that lovely piece of heliotrope. Indianapolis Journal : The salacn door flow open , and the ragged gentleman struck the sidewalk with suddenness and all of his per son from Me heels to his hat. "Well , what are you going to do about It ? " aoked the facetious passerby. "D > ? Do , sir ? Nothing. Do you think I would Imbrue my hands In tbe blood of a common whisky seller's hireling ? If he ivera only a gentleman " and the ragged gentle man looked battle , murder and sudden death. Chicago Times-Herald : "Ss you do not want my poem ? " th poet Inquired breezily. "No , " the editor replied , without looking up from hlo writing. "I see , " said the poet ; "too per to buy good verse. " "Sir ! " the editor exclaimed angrily. "Ob , that's all right. You needn't got warm about It ; poverty's no disgrace. " Washington Star : "JosUr , " said Mrs. Corntowel , "would you fight , of they was a war ? " "Yes-slr-rco , " was the earnest reply , "Every time. " "An1 git up In the gray dawn ter the BJund of a bugle an * not make any ( UBS 'cauo ye didn't hev nothln' but hard tack fur break- fa * ' ? " " " " "Course. "Well , I'm gUd to hear It. Ef yo'ro wlllln' ter do all that , y ? surely won't have no fault ter fln' 'bout glttln * up at fl o'clock termor- row inornln' an' llghtln' the flre. KJ'S I kin cok ye some pancakes thet wouldn't be de- splaad by nobody. " Cincinnati Enquirer : The temperance apes- tie was walking alcng the sidewalk , serene In the consclousniss oC his own goodness , when a well dressed man stopped him and shook his hand , "Guess you don't remembr me , " said the well dressed man. "Why ah " "Three yean ago I attended one of your meetings/ and heard you draw A graphic pic ture of tbe able mechanic whose children wont ragged , while the children of the salcon keeper , with whom he rpoot hli wages , were dreised In ellki. Tbe story fitted my case to a T. " "And you reformed ? " "Should say I did reform. Went Into the saloon business myself , " . Acts at once-never lalli , One Mlnuto Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that fever ish condition which accompanies a revere cold , The only harmless remedy that pro- dices Immediate remits , DEEP PLOWING INSURE CROPS SnccoStful Tests of Subioillng by an In telligent .Vftrmer , RESERVOIRS OF MOISTURE UNDER GROUND IlanlNliIng the Ingnhoo of Drouth h ) SuliHiillliiH ami I'rciiiiciit Cultiva tion Knriitcr NcRtnlth'M Exper ience In Western Ncbrailta. CAIWEUT. Dundy County , Neb. , J n. 13. Perhaps thcro is no one thing so noce.-xary to the profitable development of western Nebraska , and which ts so llttlo under stood , as the simple one of subsolllng our plowed lands. A few of our farmers who have Investigated the subject know some thing of the benefits to bt derived there from , but the larger number are cither Ignorant ot the matter or Indifferent to the Importance of anything new , or to that which seems to be on Innovation upon the old way ot doing things , and therefore useless , be cause they cannot at once sea Into the "why and wherefore" of the same. Now , a large portion ot the state of Ne braska has again mi tiered greatly from drouth during the year just past not so much because there 1ms not been sufllclcnt rainfall during the season , but for the reason given above or that the moisture which wo did get was not properly saved to bo drawn upon when most needed. This Is not done by constructing ponds or reservoirs on top of the ground , but underneath the sur face by subsolllng sixteen or more Inches deep.Much Much has boon said , jvrllten and published on this subject during the past two years , and yet I wilt venture to say that four-fifths of our farmers do not realize today that It Is their own fault largely that they have been so unsuccessful In ralalnir iinvlnir crons during that period. Hut now , since a few Intelligent and enterprising farmers have successfully demonstrated that there Is a way to overcome the great "bugaboo" of drouth , there Is no longer any sensible excuse for wasting one's time farming unsuccessfully In a dry country. NEW IDEAS OP SLOW GROWTH. I ntn owaro that It la difficult to get some people to toke hofd of now Ideas or to depart - part from old ways , In a word , to "got out of the rut , " but If every farmer on the table lands of western Nebraska would subsMl Ms plowed land and properly cultivate the same afterword ho need not longer fear the drouth. Of course , I do not claim that subsolllng will do any good unless the ground Is either moist at the time or Is afterward saturated with the water , but after It Is well soaked by the spring rains and the land re ceived the proper ame-unt of cultivation through the season I believe we need not fear a crop failure even In the drycst HcasonB. If any ono doubts this who has not in vestigated the subject let him send to T. L. Lyons of the Nebraska experiment ata- tlon , Lincoln , Nob. , and procure bulletin No. 43 , and If he still has any doubts re maining that deep plowing and frequent tOiallow cultivation of corn Is the thing let him get subsoil plows ( aa I did In August , 1894) ) and go to experimenting for himself. The fall of 1S94 waa very dry and last spring wo got no rain until May 30 , so I thought It useless to subsoil any ground for corn , as the season was already BO far advanced , und for that reason I rushed the planting with "listers" In order to get the seed Into the ground as soon as possible but I now believe that If I had subsolled ono- fourth as many acres and planted It with the ordinary planter , keeping a "dust mulch" on the surface by frequent harrowing through the season , I would have raised three times as much corn per aero as was obtained from our listed grcund. and I have been "kicking" myself all fall for not planting less ground letting the balance Ho idle- rather than to plant so many acres and cot so llttlo corn. SATISFACTORY TESTS. I did some work , however , with the sub soil plow in June , late though It was the results from which have convinced me'that it is the way to farm In western Nebraska I never had a better garden than I had this last year on ground which was subsolled and I planted sorghum , which was one-third better than the balance of the niece which was not subsolled. On another small plat of ground which was subsolled a day or two after the rain of May 30 , I sowed turnip seed , giving It several good borrowings , beslclo going over t two or three times immediately after It was plowed with a twelve-foot smoothing board , which served to pack the subsoil down quite firmly ( a very Important Item , by the way , to be remembered ) , and as the young turnip plants were destroyed by Insects I resowed the patch , giving It two or three ncro borrowings , so as to destroy the weeds making at least nine or ten times going ovr with the harrow and smoothing board , which cept the surface fine and loose , the dry dust jolng a perfect mulch , and the result Is that every foot of that piece of ground is now nice and moist to a depth of from two ' o four feot. In ono place chosen at random I found ho soil to bo damp enough to "ball" in the land as far as dug , which was four feet and two Inches and In a dozen other places t was the t.ame as far down as ono cared to llg from twenty-four to forty-olght Inches , will Just say hero that the ground Is per fectly dry all around .this plat and as hard and lumpy as It Is possible for any soil to IB. I will also etato that the other pieces hat were subsolled last spring on my place are In a much better condition than where not subjolled , but there IB not such a marked difference as I3 shown onthe ono first described - scribed plat , nnd I attribute It to the mode of after treatment. The potatoes , cane , beans , peas garden corn , melons , etc , , were- cultivated In rows thirty rods Ions with an ordinary cultl- ator , and I find that the ground that was stirred the deepest dried out the worstTO am convinced that the best way to' re- aln the moisture in deeply plowed grcund 1s to etlr the cell often to a depth of two or three Inches only and to keep the ground as nearly level as posnlble. Where the ground was tramped and harrowed thn most It is In the beat con- dtln ! , which gcea to prove that In order to retain the moat moisture the plowing should be made au firm as possible , PO as to exclude - cludo the air ; then by frequently working the surface Just deep enough to kill the BI1J. 'pojnow oq in * sjinaaj jsoq BU.J spaaM frequent scratching of the top soli breaking the crust , If there be any , aa soon as pos sible after It terms tends to prevent evan- oration , and line dirt upon tbo surface acts he Dime a ? would o coating of straw or manure , thus materially aiding in the re- entlon of moisture. PLOW DEEP. Irrigation by large wind mills and mam moth pump ? Is all very well , and no doubt would do much good If our poplo had the means with which t ? purchase thorn , but a * nest farmers In this part of the country can not procure such a plant , the next best thing hould bo employed , which Is to wibioll their and. Tills need not be- done oftener than once In three years , and can bo done with wi good horses' attached to each plow , though f the ground bo dry or unusually bard three vould be better. The subsoller should follow the ordinary wo-horsa plow , cutting from fourteen to Ixtcen Inches wide , and from eight to ten nchos deep , and the plowing should be go no vcr the earns half diy with tmno sort of de vice for firming the BUbsoll to prevent it rom drying cut , by closing up all the air paces. If some machine * la used this will > e effectually done , and the uurfaco of the ground will bo left covered with loose Irt and flno lumps for a mulch. There Is a machine made for cultivating urea rows at once with two horses the nventlon of the Baino man for corn , pota- ces , etc. , which U said to be n great aavlng f time and labor , where shallow cultivation s practiced , and by arranging our grain rills so as to som small grain In rows dapted to this new kind of cultivator , which , I placed upon the market soon , would en- ble farmers to cultivate wheat- rye , etc. , s well as corn ; by arranging the cultivator o suit the width of rows. I am not writing this In tbe Interest of cy machine or machine man , but solely to cqualnt my fellow fanners with the fact cat there are such Improved machlnw nide as will , If employed , reduce the cost of irfnco cultivation of our head cropi , but th thins mopt desired by our farmers just now Is to knov ; lionto cbUIn rubsoll plow * and such other Improved Implement ! ns will at-sist thuu in producing better crops at less expense. Knowing how difficult It Is for m ny of our farmers to procure new kinds of machine * , oulng to the very light cropj the past year , and ( he total fullurts of ttio two preceding ones , I have asked the maim- facttirrr * of subsoil plows to grant A year's timeto purchasers who cannot R I tlirm In nj- other uay , ami for the Infoimnllon of men I will say that my request wai grnntrd , and tliow who wish to purchase n tubioll plow can gel ono by securing the makers or agent an-Mnst loss at the end of the year. There h no itonbt In my mind whatever In regard to this way of preparing our land for Mire crops 1 I hive tried It to may entire satisfaction the past season , and I know what I am talking about. I think I was the first per son In Dundy county to Introduce subsoil plowing .and I m * o well pleased with the results thnt I nlmll , If possible , procure one or two moro plows and subsoil every aero of com ground thnt 1 possibly c < n during the next two or thrfp years , for nothing I can do will pay better. Having a pretty large farm (1,440 ( acres ) , about half of which Is broke out. It will lake como tlmo to get COO acres subsollfd , but It will pay big In the end , nnd I want others to bo benefited also In the same way , which Is the object ot writing this long letter. M. W. NESM1TII. _ SKT The IMntiKp of - thellnrnliiu ; Caroline Over the Caliiraet. It was fifty-eight years ago on December 29 , 1S37 that the steamer Caroline was nt- thcked and burned at Schlosjcr dock , abova the Kails of Niagara , on the American sltlo of the Niagara river. There are many liv ing today , sayH the Philadelphia Record , who can easily recall the Intense excitement this incident occasioned on both sides ot tin border , for those wcro times when blood was hot and only too ready to do battle for realer or fancied wrongs. Never to this day have the stories told In Canada and these told In the United States agreed on I'.io destruction of this vessel , but people of good judgment recall the affair as a most regretablo Inci dent. in tno year 1S37 the province or upper Canada was ablaze with Internal and ex ternal strife. Many strong men had left their homes to do battle , and the timid members of tholr households wore unnerved by the uncertainties ot war and the local dangers with which they were personally surrounded. Then It was that false rumors flew thick and fast , to be gobbled up and believed by those who had no means ot as- ' cortalnlng the truth. Tlioaj who have not made n careful study of the Incidents ot 1837-38 will find It hard to conceive the ex citement which at thnt time prevailed , but they will readily recognize how foolish was the patriot movement In Its effort to change the Dominion's destiny. The patriots had gathered on Navy Island , just above the falls , nnd there from their headquarters they Issued proclamations which caused the government to recognize the necessity ot prompt action. Governor Sir Francis Bond. Head issued a call for troops and in re sponse thereto about 2,000 men gathered on the banks of the Niagara river , near Clilp- pewa creek , on the Canadian mainland , cp- poslto Navy island. It w < is at this tlmo that : ho steamer Caroline appeared on the scene. She was built at Charleston , S. C. , In 1822 , ot live oak. 'Her capacity was forty-five tons. She had been sold as a smuggler , and was purchased and pressed Into service between Schlosscr and Navy Island. It was about 5 o'clock on the afternoon of December 29 , 1837 , that the Caroline moored at Schlosssr dock Tor the night. The smallHavern on the dock , kept by a Mr. Fields , was crowded , for Schlosscr was then a prominent place , It liolng thn upper end of' the portage between Lake Ontario and Niagara river. A number of men took beds on the boat , nnd , In all , report says , thirty-three men slept there on the fatal night. It was about 8 o'clock that an unarmed watch was placed on the dcvk. There was no thought of danger. Colonel McNab concluded that this method ot supply of the patriots must bo cut off , and he therefore decided on an expedition to send 'the Carolln ? to destruction. Captain Drew was put In command of theexpedition. . In all seven bo-its wore loaded. Ono wan commanded by Captain Drew , another by Shoperd McCormack. the third by Chris topher Ucer , the fourth by John Gordon , the fifth by John Elmsley. the sixth by Thomas fleeter , nnd the seventh by John Oattorsby. The members ot the expedition proceeded up the river a short dUtanc ? before crossing. After passing mid stream they were given orders to destroy the Caroline wherever nho was found. Two of the boats lost their way , ono grounding on Buckhorn Island , whll ? the other pulled along the plicro of Navy Island , and was fired at from phore , but fortunately none of the men In It were hit. The other five boats kept together and pulled on to the wharf at ScMos3r , where tha Caroline was moored. As they approached the sentry aboard called out , "Who comes there ? " In accordance with Drew's ordera no answer was given. Ths sentry repeated the challenge , and , there being no raspsnso , lie fired at the boats , It Is said , and then ran ashore. The nolsa of the shots aroused the people on shore and thosa on the steamer. There waa a brief battle , and Amos Durfrco fell dsnd on the wharf , a bullet piercing Uls skull. At first It was thought that ho was ono of the attacking party , but the latu J. M. Ilutterby fully Identified him as a oyal Ynnkcii , The Invaders secured con- rol of the Caroline very easily , nnd , cutting icr loose , they towed her out Into the river. Members of the attacking crow boarded her and made surq no human beings were left aboard. Then she wan set on fire , and by ho tlmo the rridd o tf the stream was r died blio w s all ablaze , line names lit up the wild river from shore to shore and made n icvcr-to-be-forgotten scene. As she started lown the current the thrilling cry ran around on both xhorcs that there were llv- ng souls on board , and HU the vessel , wrapt n vivid fbmea. which disclosed her doom , as they shcno brightly on the water , wan lurried down file rapids to the cataract , a number caught In fancy the walls of dying human beings hopelessly perishing by the double horror ot a fate which nothing could avert , and watched with agonizing attention the flaming mass until It.was hurled over the falls to bo crushed In everlasting darkness and unfathomed waters below. When the news of the Curol'no ' "mas t-aero" spread there wera wild mutterlngs ot war. Ths United States government demanded - manded redress "for the destruction of prop erty and assassination of citizens of the United States 'en the soil of New Ycrk at Hchlobser. " The men known , to have taken part in the expedition were Indicted by the New York courts and they were toaitfd as heroes" In Canida. Public sentiment was worked up to a high pitch and a war between Great Britain and the United States nnnearcd Imminent , In November , 1840 , Alexander McLod C2iue from Canada to Now York and boasted that he was the flayer of Durfrcc. He was at once arrested and the Indignation of the- English was greatly Increased. Ills relcusa was demanded and tha situation was decid edly embarrassing. Ho was finally brought up for trial , however , In October , 1811 , when U was clearly shown that ho was a mere braggart and had not oven bejn present whc < n Durfree was killed. Ills acquittal hap pily ended the case and smoothed the way for the Ashburton treaty which opened at Washington noon afterward and settled all questions between England and the United States. Salvation Oil la a certain cure for head ache , toothache , earache , &c. Only 25 cents. AVimteil Koinr llunilii. Chicago Post : "I'd like to get some or these popular bonds , " said the man with tbo meerschaum plpo reflectively , "So would I , " returned the nun with tha cigar. "I'd get them , too , If It were not for ono thing , " continued the man with the pipe , 'So would I. " 'I don't know just how to bid for them. " 'Neither do I. " 'Still , I suppose I could find that out. " 'So could I. " 'And then the only thing that would stand In the way la the fact that I haven't any gold. " "Same lure. " Arnica linve. The be t naive In the world for cuts.brulict , lores , ulcen , salt rhbum , fever eores , totter. chapped hands , chilblains , corn * , nd all skla eruptions , and positively cure * piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to glr * per. feet satisfaction or money refunded. Price 29 Ctnt * per box. For iao ! by Kuba 4 Oj , ,