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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1896)
THE OKAIIA DAILY BETCt fFjTCUIlSDAY , JANUARY 10 , 1890. SPEG1RU NOTICES. for < lirnp column * trill lir < nUrn iinlll lUtao p. m. for 1lio iMctilnp ; nnil until H | > . in. for ( ho nioriiltiB nnil Htimlny edition * . Ail * ertlnem , liy rrtiitmtlnK tt nnin- lioroil clipclf , cnit Imvc nnmrcrii nil- ilrmnptl in n nnnilirrcri loiter In cnro of The tier. Aim or * no ntlilrcRncil Mill he ilcllvereif titinn prcNctilndoii of MIC chcok onlllntrn , 1 l-2o n * roril nmt lnii T < lon | 1o n won ! Iliorrnflor. Neil M tier tnltm for le * Ihnn 2Bo for flrnt liiMcrllon. Those ntlvrrllncnicMt * niimt he run cormccn- tlvcl- . SITUATIONS WANTKD. tOUNO MAN WANTS PLACE TO DO CHORES , take cure of furnace , horant or cow , for board. Omaha Bus. Cot. , cor. IBth an.l . KArnam. A 101 WASTED MAM : HELP. WANTED , LIVH , lNTiW.IOENT AOHNTS IN Omaha to orgnnlze clubs of three to nve fnrnl- llra of our fnmoun Orchard Homes land * In central Mlislralppl. The tIJo of ! mmltrnllon If rolnn finuth , whore thcrf nr no hot wind * . no cold nlntcra. no tilliznrda , no crop failure : where two or three crops can be rnljcfl < " year ; where there Is no mich thing ; ns failure It a itnn will work one-half as hard n he does In thin country ; cool mimmrm , mild wlnteri ; jure paying crops of frulli nml Harden truck : richest toll on earth : beat railway facilities. OPO. W. Arnfa. Renral nitent , 11)17 ) Fnrnom at. , jeo TO tiM PAID BAi.rsMnN ron experience not necessary ; extra Inducements to customers. Illshop & Kline , St. WANTnn-TO EMPLOY A RIN11M : 'AN having ncqualntance In Omaha ; one rmuni ? rxpprlcnro ns salesman preferrnl ; Rood money for the right man. Address II 55. Dee. 11 316 WANTHU-nNr.norrnc AND HUSINHSS MAN with lwo tlioiiwiml tlollnra. to take chante of omcc In Oinnhn for the mle of mining utoclta or Cripple Crrok nnd Cnlormlo , with connpc- tlcns ClilcnRO. fit. J/mK Demer. Colorado Rprlmr * . 1'ueblo nnd Cripple 'CrffcU. Add res. n-M-415-M. H H. Bee. _ tuoo i'inVIKK : AND nxi'KNsns TO BKM * clicnm ; experience > inntvc ary : special Induce ments to dealers. Folk & Co. , St. " * ' * } . , WANTED , CANVASSnnS TO SEM * BAKING powder wUh beautiful omeHI" * : lilK money : plensnnt work : nulck Bales. Weilern Novoltj- Co. , fit. Joseph , Mo. IJ-M4GO 19 ron nnsr HOUSES. HOUSES. P. K. DARLING. BARKER HLOCK. HOUSES IN M.I. rAIlTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Dnvl Company , U03 Farnam. D ISO FUnNIBlinD HOUBE FOU UENT : BEAUTIFUL \liou 9 , ten rooms , elfKantlj furnished , hot water xhent , laundry , stable , carriage , etc. Thos. P. IIMl. 618 Vftxton bloclc. D Hi BTANPOKD CtUCLK COTTAGES ; 8 nOOM. modern. IJyron Kc d Co. , Z12 So. Mth Bt. u neB B AND 9-ROOM HOUSES ON FA11NAM AND B-room IIOUPO on Z2d nnd I-envenworth , cheap. Jno. TV. llobblna. 211 N. Y. Ufa UldB _ I1OUSCS. 1JENEWA & CO. , 103 N. 1STII ST. TOR 11ENT , MODERN I1IUCK HOUSE OF 13 or 2 rooms at 114-1)6 N. 25th St. Sea J. N. rren r , opposite posloince. Tfl. 6j < . D S27 s TO 4-n. HOUSES CHKAP. COS N. 13TII ST. D M950 J2C" MODE11N HOUSES. C. A. STAIUl. 825 N. Y. Life building. D-M180 CIOIIT-nbo&i ] ALE CONVENIENCES. 1217 South Thirty-second : nnd many others : all sires. V. D.VcaJ , Sixteenth anil Douslns. D M192 Fl HENT. MODEHN HOUSE ; EIGHT roomn ; with Lath : on car line : near park ; nlno small house : coed location ; only J3. dan- nclt , 504 Jlrowr. block. D M135 JS1 FOR RENT. NICE SOUTH FRONT EIGHT room brlclc hocse , with all modern Improve ments und In tlrat-clazs condttlqn ; posiicsslon Blvcn January 15 Inquire on premises. 2610 Half Howard atrect. D 219 S-llOOM FLATS. J5 00 ; 102S * N. 218T. D-238 F2 . T1IO IlAnGAl B I < rooms , 2llh nml DouRlaa. . modern , reduced from JCO 00 to * 40 00. 7 roomi , modern. 27th , near Cumin ? , reduced from J2300 to J18 00. 9 rooms , modern , 21th nnd Douglns , reduced from 3T 00 to J2000. 7 rooms , modern , 31th and Jnclison , reduced from $27.50 to J18 00. Also 8o\eml other ( Inn houses cheap. ridellty Trust Company , 1702 Farnam street. ' D 462 FOK HENT , A NICE e-HOOH HOUSE N13WL.Y papered , SS 00 per month , Includlnu city \\nter , tn people that pay rent In advance , 119 N. S7th ; tnko Tarnam car ; Stoetzel. next to P. O. D 461 EIOHT-nOOM HOUSE. CENTRAI , LOCATION , $15.00 per month. Enquire 2616 Capltnl nvenue. n 17S-I1 * STEAM HEATED STORES AND FLATS. Houaid Remclc , agent , 1C10 Chicago st. D 1T4-F14 TLATS ; HIX HOOMH ; 113 AND 419 SOUTH Eleventh : mar Howard : conil repair ; lent low. Room 314 First National Hank Imlldlng. D M479 23 FOR UIINT UOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. 2020 St. Mary's avenue. E M449 20 * TURNISHED ROOM. J5 MONTH. 1916 FARE - nam. . E 163-10 * I'HIST CLJ\SS HOARD AT 1610 DAVENPORT street. E-MI71 F14 * rURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKKEPINQ. 2011 St. Mnry'H. E M4S3 17" HOOMS AND I1OAIID. FRONT ROOMS. WELL HEATED ; FAMILY bo.ird If 0 xlred ; rates reasonable. 324 North 23d et. x F 67q NICE WARM ROOMS ; GOOD HOARD ; lATE8 reasonable. The Rose , 2020 Haincy. Haincy.F F MjOC JIB SOUTH ROOM. WITH HOARD. FOR TWO gentlemen , 212 South 25th street. F M225 17 * ROOMS W mi HOARD ; STUAM HEAT. UTO- | ili , 1721 Unennort. - = " T M396-18 * FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD. 1114 FAR- num. F M4I3 17 * ROOMS WITH 1IOAIII > , 2223 DODGE STREET , F M477 20 BTRICTLY PRIVATE FAMILY , \NUdOMii : < Y vllunlnl , lll ni-conim-.livtt > feW crnllcmen vvlt'i cholco rooms anil Niard ; r fereiicca ex- thimgcd. ' 22 19lh street r--M473 17 * FIRST CLASS HOARD : 1314 DAVENI'OHT ST. F M471 Fit * LARGE SOimi ROOM WITH STEAM ; EX. crllent tabla ; rcfcicnccH. SC3 N , ISlh. F-M4JJ 18 roil ni\T-UMi-UUMMIKD : 1100.MS. 4 ROOMH ; WATER IN KITCHEN ! CENTRAL : reasoiiable rent ; nlc for housekeeping. 1702 Webster st. O M558 NCE ! OUTSIHU UNFURNISHED ROOMS AT 81S N. 17th stj upstair * . G Mid 31 UNFURNisir7o : fiooM. MODERN CONVEN- ICIIVH. 17H C'lilcasa lreetv U-M4lli : > FOll H > : XT STOHICS AXU OVPICUS. VOR RIINT. THE 4-fiTORY 1IRICIC lUHLUINU nt 913 Farnum it. This bulMIni ; Ima a lira- iiroof coiiK'nt baaein > nt , completa atcam heatIng - Ingilxluro , water un all ilaors , oi , etc , ApPly - Ply at ta offlce of Th < ll c. ! - : AOKftTS WAM'IJU. AGENTS WANTED TO TA1CU ORDERS our celebrattit 2100 custom pants and sulli , Cliicaco Custom I'anU Co. , 2M Fifth av . , CMIcneo. . J SIMT FS bTOIIAQD , FRANK KWURS. 1M4 IIARNKY. M-1J4 PACIFIC BTORAQK AND WAREUOUBE CO. . WS-310 Jonts. Qracra' jtorana and forwarding . M-1M -TO IICV , I.I8T REAL ESTATE WITH F. D. WEAO. Slitfonlli an.l IVmnlar. N--M191 VI WANTED. A' SMALL HIX'OND HAND fwindrr n3 repair o tm , AdJicia H. Jr. Dor- rlf. L'rokcn How. Kit ) . N M40 ! 23 * 1 BECOND HAND FUJIMTUJIL' . nilOWN'S. 103 B. Hill. N-456 ron H.iM - I'JIIST Clu\SS. ALMOST NEW. CLOSLIJ rlaifii for sala cin-a p. H 4 ) . Uco. I' ZH it * KOR SALU ClIBAl"VOlfxar ENTLB l'Si lly harte and lujuy. Call 101) Sprue * ' ron M HARD WOOD I AND B-FOOT FENCH FOR corn cribbing. C. R , L , Ml Douglas. FURNITURE OF NINE-ROOM HOHSn. ulnxly or entire , brn. bMitrnda , boot rprlnirs ; lulr mAttrcMes ; nearly n wj it 115 9. 2Sth at. Mm. Wrliley. Q-M429 FOR RENT-FARM , 210 ACRES , 2 MILC3 west of South Omaha. Then. Swift. 405 No 15th. R M293-1C * CLAIIIVOVAM'S. MRS Gil. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable butlneas medium ; 8lh year at 119 N. Ifith. 8 118 ! MASMAJ | : , MATHS , CTC. MADAM SMITH , 1322 DOUGLAS STREET , tD no < , r. room II. Massage , atenm , alcohol ive.l autiihurlno bnthi. T 41J 18 MMIX AMES. FORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS. MAS- c&rf > and baths. 07 S. 13th at. , 2d llnor , room 19 , T M395-18" M.ME. LARUI2 ; MASSAGE ; 1617 HOWARD street. T M4SO F15 DATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 219M S. 15TH. U-140 FINE LIVERY RIOS CHEAP. ED HAUMLCY. 17th and St. Mary's avenue , Telephone. 140. U-141 HELLE EPPERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER at 1909 Farnam. Lady agents wanted. U-M937-J2.V t SUl'ERFIXJUS HAIR AND MOLES RrT- movcd by electricity. Mme. Post , JlS'.i S. ISth. U 8SO MISS VAN VALKENI1URGH DESTROYS PER- tnanenlly by electricity aupcrlluoua hair , molts , warts , ate. Room 416 , N. Y. Life bids. RCLIAHLE INFORMATION REQARDING HE wonderful Cripple Creek gold llflda , with photo graphs of gold mlnea and dlntrlct , ahowlng 100 onportunltlea to grow rich , for $1.00. Address w. II. Harbeck. box 77 , Cripple Creek. Colo. U 205-H * MONEY TO LOAN ON 1'ERSONAL 1'IIOP- erty ; strlolly conndentlal. Address I' . O. HOT 826. U-142 WEDDINO INVITATIONS , DURKLEYTTG.CO. , U 238 F3 VIAVI CO. . 346 HEE BUILDING ; HOME treatment for ladles ; physician of fifteen years' experience In attendance ; consultation free. ' U M139 r ELECTRIC PRINTS AND PORTRAITS. J. F. Hodtker. 1302 Douglas street. 'J M321 F6 DENTAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF Omahn , l2lh and Pacinc. will extract , clean , treat and nil teeth , except with gold , free. 17 Ml 12 23 $5.00 WILL HE PAID FOR THE RETURN IN. good order of cash bock belonging to Stanley , Haker of the U. S. navy pay QJMcc , which was In trunk sold nt Union Pacific unclaimed bag gage sale October 4. 1593. A. Traynor , general baggage agent , Council Hlufts , la. . U-M362 16 EQUITY IN MY PROPERTY. N. W. CORNER 19th and Pierce , 100x144. 4 houses ; also one safe and 3 C-foot show cases with stands. Fred Mohle , 1510 Dodge. UM 409 Fll. SIDNEY TO LOAX linAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. Life. Loans nt low rates for choice security ID Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property \v-rn MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWESTJIATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1B03 Fnrnam sU W-144 8 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN O17 OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. D. Melkle , Omaha. W-145 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , lircnnan , Love & Co. . Paxton blk. W-147 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 925 N. Y. LIFE W-148 MORTGAGES. G. G. WALLACE , BROWN BLK. W 119 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Fmlth & Co. . 1320 Fnrnam. W 150 " " MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW RATES. J. D. Zlttle. 16lu and Douglas , Omahn. . W-151 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY. 1 TO 10 years ; low1 rates. 'Gnrvln Uro ; . . 210 N. Y. L W-I52 WANTED AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS FOR large loins on business proper ! f , also dwelling house loans ; don't wait until your old loan ex pires , apply now. Fidelity Trust company , 170J Farnnm st. W 943-J25 FOR MONEY SEE F. D. WEAD. 16T1I AND Douglas. W M192 Fl SECURITIES FOR SALE Wo have accepted and otter for rale the fol lowing lint mortgage loans on Improved Omaha property. No better Investment can be found. $1,500 5 yra. , CW per cent , 8-1 oem modern house. $1,600 5 yrs. . 7 per cent , 8-room modern house. $900 3 % yrs. 7 per cent , 7-room cuttage. 12,000 r > } ra , 7 per cent , 8-reom modern house. $1,600 E yrs. , 7 per cent , 2 dwellings. $1,100 C yrs. , Q rer cent , 8-room duelling. This list changes every week. Call and Inspect these securities and satisfy yourself. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam at. W-212-16 GEO. P. UEM1S , LOANS , PAXTON 11LK. \Y-334 F7 BIOMSY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , homes , nagons , etc. . at lonest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly conddantlal ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 800 S. 16th st. X-15J MONEY TO LOAN , 3v. CO. 00 DAYS ; FURNIture - turo , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker block. , , . X-154 UUSIIVBSS CHANCES. FOR SALE. BEST REPUBLICAN PAPER AND Job plant In eastern Nebraska , In strong re- publlraii town and county. It goes cheap for a little cosh. Address H 38 , Bee. Y 3C5-16 BUSINESS CHANCE. LEASE OF-A FINE store for dry goods ; moderate rent ; estab lished business ; owing to. consolidating our bustneas nt Dubuqur , In. , we offur our lease of our building , running 2 je.irs ; this Is n snap for any ime wanting to atart Into business In a good , llvrt tovvn , Hennlnson Bros. , Ilaone , la. Y M465 20 FOR SALU. BAKERY AND FANCY GROcery - cory : In live town of 2,500 In eastern No- braaka ; line tiuile ; no competition ; elegant futures ; good , clean stock. Address H 57 , llee. Y M481 F2 A SNAP ; CONFECTIONERY FOR SALE ; A bargain ; rent low ; living rooms ; aales from $8 to 315 jier day. Address 13 13 , Bee , Council Hluffs. la. . Y M4S4 21 FOll EXCHANQE. CLEAR CHICAGO PROPERTY FOR FIRST clo farm near Omaha. T. B McCulloch. nulls C04. Chamber of Commerce , Chicago , 111. " Z-801-J1S FOR L'XCHANOB-OMAUA PROPERTY AND $0,000,00 cash for Chicago property. T. II , Mc Culloch , suite 601 , Chamber of Commerce , Chi- , rasa. Ill , 2 SOO-J15 FOR KXCHANdU ; GOOD SOUTHERN MICHIgan - Igan property for raw or Improved western lund or stuck oC merchandise. Address Lock Box. No. 2. Ong. 'Neb. r % - M470 17 I < 'On SACK UI3AL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE 153 FOR SALE. WEST. FIXDRIDA LANDS F.3- peclally adapted to fruits ; 577 acres with tilck jarU In complete running order : 75-horeo power engine and boiler , new pattern sward brick inat-hlnn ami pu.mlll ; Poll's cruahera. track and car * with vvlmllnu drum to haul clay from bank , two parts and wagon to haul wood , aheds with uallels for 120,000 bricks. on liand ure8 , abundance of clay and wood , dnclllne hoiis , ) vvllli six rooms , kitchen und bath room. flocul water and location , perfectly healthy. James McCuIlousn. poatolllce Qulntrltf. i-\y. RE-305-Feit T BAROAINtf , HALD OR TRADE IN CITY PROP. ft'Mt nriil farniH. Jno. pf , Frtiuurpp 1- . i > . RE-15J WANTED. LARGE CITY AND FARM PROP- crtles for vale or rxclian.e. T. II. McCulloth , tulto COI , Chamber of Commerce. Chicago , 111. RC-SOO J15 Oi:0. P. IJEMIS , HOUSES. LOTS. IRRIGATED farm lands , loans. S03 and 300 J'aiton block. HB-S23 JJAROAIN3 , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , i.Ua vr trade , F. 1C , Darling , Barker Block. RE-169 LAND. SO In Sarpy county'W > . 50 near IVrt Crook , $0) ai acre. (0 nt Mlllard. JCj an acre. 4) enl imved ruad , $0,000. 10 at toy tit Omaha. $1,209. 51 ntur Unoiln , $ ICi . k ) In Iowa , fM ( level. ) M la IsvvA. $2.4M ( leicL ) JW In Iowa. IS.JOO ( Itvtl. ) 1W In lovta. 121 an oor . ( l v H Vr ) nmr Omaha , $7.500. M near Omaha. $4,400. IS vrtlli fm kulldlnrx , JT.vOO. 210 Haii > y county , IW on acif. C. F. llatiUcn. til N. Y. Lift. HE 47i. * ( inOHTtfANI ) AND A. C. VAN SANTS 8C1IOOU 512 N. T. LIFT * . OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE. UTH , FARNAM. 161 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. Hlh i nJ Dculgf. Rooms by day or week. 164 Tim LANOE HOTF.L , C02 B. 12TII ST. ; STB AM heat ; table board. $3.00 per week. M16i I'AAVKIIROKEHS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 1C ST. MUSIC , AHT AND I.ANOUAOU. GEOROlQ r. GEI.LENHECK. BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1815 Chlrngo at. 109 EI.OCUTIOX. ZULEMA FULLER. 516 KARHACH , BLK. . EN- gagcmenta made fet readings In and cot of city. 2I1-F4' llUIIUIra A5D LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & II. ASS'N PAT 6. 7 , 8 per cent "when 1. 2 , J years old ; always redeemable. 1704 Farnam at. , Nattlngcr , Sec. HI HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Oimhn L. .1 1) . Ats'n. 1704 Bee bide. O. M. Naltlnger. Sec. AND EMIIALMEUS. H. K. HURKET. FUNF.RAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chlmco at. , telephone 90. ICC SWANSON & VALicN. 1701 CUMING , TEL. 1WX 167 M ! o ! MAUI < . UNDERTAKER AND EM . b lmcr , 1417 Farnam M. . telephone 825. 168 HICYCLKS. DON'T BUY A BICYCLE UNTIL YOU SEE our ' 80 line. We sell sundries nnd da repair- Ing. Ak-Sor-Ben Cjclo Co. , 319 South 15th street. 409-F-ll. HOUSES WUVTIZIIED. HORSES WINTERED ; REST OF CARE given tioracs , both \v Inter nnil summer. Address M. J. Welch. Gretna. Neb. M772 UPIIOLSTEIUNG FUllMTUHE. UPHOLSTERING. FURNITURE REPAIRED nnd pacReil very cheap this month. U , S. Walkln. 2111 Cumlr.c. Tel. 1331. 171 DERMATOLOGY. All V CVIU ITCHINGBCAI-P.Fall- UILT OAlSlB Inu llnlr.all fckln nmlT Hcalp Diseases. Twenty ycnrs' experience./ JOHN II. WOOD11URY , 127 W. 42d bt. . N. Y Branches : Boston , , Louls.Chlcago. 160 p. book on Boautr & Ucnnatologr > lor a clump. NEW PUUIitOATIOKS. * © A licy-liole la , of courHe , n tiling to udore , nnd Just oa tru ly "Comfort" a tliiiitf to enjoy. 'Via n inr- velotiB nioutUly maga zine of 24 Inrsrc pnjrcs , wltli numerous beautifully colored Illustrations. Single copy5cents. Askyourncvrs- tnnn for IK See key next time. ONCD MORE In harmony with -norlJ.aOOO completely cured men nro staging happy praises for tbo greatest , grand est nnd most suc cessful euro for sex ual weakness anil lostvlsror known'to medical eclunco. An account of thlswon- cfcr/til discovery , to. book form , with ref erences and proofs , will bo sent to suf fering men ( sealed ) free. Full manly vigor permanently restored. Failure Impossible. ERIE MEDICAL CO..BUFFALO.N.Y. DR. McCREW : TIIK nvi\ SPECIALIST WHO 1HKATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES Weakneaa ADilorderol MEN ONLY 10 Years Experience. 9 Veara in Omaha. Rook Free. . Consultatiom and Kxammation Free. | 4lh and Farnam S t WHITE STAR LINE. Balling from New York Wcdn cda > 8 , u * follous. No jalllne tlio iitli of December. 1S3C. Germanic , Jan. 22 , 10 a. m. ; Teutonic , Jan. 29 , 10 a. m. ; Hrltunnlc , Feb. 5. 10 a % iru ; Mojeatlc , Feb. 12. 10 a. m. United States and Royal Matt Steamers. Saloon passage , 150 and upward , 'according to etcamer selected and location of berth. Second cabin 135 and $40 oa Majestic and Teu tonic. DRAFTS payable on demand * everywhere In Great Britain and Ireland sold at lowest rates , For Inspection of plans of steamers and any further Information apply to loonl agents or direct to IT. MAITLAND KERSEY. G'l Ag't. J9 B'way N. T. N. ANDERSON : a-i wit A t. . 244 SOUTH CLARK ST. . CHICAGO. RAILWAY TIME-CARD Leavra IDUnLINQTON * MO. RlVRIUArmu OroalialUnlon Dtpot , IQtn & Moaon Bts.l Omaha 8SOam. . . Denver Kxpress. . . . . . ; . . . . 9:3tam 4Upm.Itlk. Hills. Monl. A Puget Snd Ex. 4:05pn. : 4S5pm : Denver Excreik 4OJpm TAtpm..Nebraaka Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:45/m | . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday.ll:25am : t ; 5pm..l''uat Mall ( torLlncoln _ ) dally. . . ttaiea IClUCTaOTTlUTlLINOTON & tj.jArrives" OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th 4 Mason Sta.l Omaha ( :00pm Chicago Vestibule 7. . 8:00am : : Uam Chicago Expre > a 4lSpm : 7-Wpm.Chlcaco & Bt. Lbula Expreaa. . . 8:00am : Iltiaro. . Pacific- Junction Local C0pm : ] . Faat Mall , . _ . . . , . Lravea ICHICAOO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.IArrlvea OmahttlUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 'e.Mpm Chicago Limited 8:05am : 10.45am..Chicago Expreaa ( er. Bun Jay ) . . . : tlpro Leaves ICIUCAOO A NORTHWEST-N. Arrives OmalialUnion Depot , 10th ft Mason Bts.1 Omaha Il:00am : Ilnrtern Kxpress. , , J10pm ; 4:4Spm..Vestltiule : > l Limited BMSpm 7:05am : Carroll Passenger . . . . .lOMOpm C:4Spm : Omaha Chicago Special 8:00jrp : 4 0pm lloone I ocal :30am : Mlaaourl Vallay Local tiMam Leaves ICHICAOO. It. I. OmanalUnlon Dtpot. 10th EAB-i. 10 : 0am..Atlantic Expreaa lax. Sunday ) . . 8:13pm : : pm NlKht Expreaa 8:15am 4tOpm : Chlcaeo Veatlbulca TJmltrd lJJpm : 4Mpm..Ht. 1'nul Veallbuled Limited. . . . ' WEBT. : l5pm.Oklahoma * T a Kx. ti. Bun.10SSam ) Itjopm Colorado Limited 4:00pm : Leavea I C 8T. P. . M. _ fb lArrlvts Omahal Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. j Omaha ! :13am : Sioux City Accommodation. . . 8:15pm : UI5pm..Bloux City Express ( ex. bun.l..llSSam : t:4ipm : Bt. Paul Llmliec ; 10am Leavea i K , E. & MO. VALLRT. lArrtves Omahal Depot. IMh and Wrbaler 8t . I Omaha llCpmex. : Bat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex Mon. ) . , . 5S5pra : 7Mam..Norfolk Kzpreaa ( ex. 8unJn > ) , . lo.nm t:45pm. : . . , St. raul Exprcaa Lca > ea I K. C. . ST. J. & C. D. IArrltea OmahaJUnlon J ) pot , 10th 4MaionBtsOinalia _ _ _ | _ 'S:03am..r.Kansas : City Day nxpress..TBJOpra : tUpmK. ; C. NUht Ex. V | JJ , P Trana.TOOani _ ; L avea MISSOURI PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha' ' Depot , ISth and Webster 81s. I Omaha I0:40am , , . . . St. Loula Expreta , . . :00ara : I.SOpm St. Louli Kxpreis. . . , , . , , , . ( : OSpm 8IOpm..n.Nebcaika : Local ( t * . Sun. ) ; 00am L avta I SIOUX CITT * PACIFIC lArrlvea Omahal Depot , ISth and Wtbtter Bts. I Omaha " ' . Paul'l.lmlltd :10am : Lca > ea I SIOUX CITT * PACIFIC. lArrlvea OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sta I Omaha * 1KCam..Soux | [ City Paaaengcr 10:40prn : B.4tpm. at. Paul Limited. l:30ani : txavea I UNION PACIFia lArrlvea OroahalDnlon Drpot , 10th * Mason Bta I Omaha tlAani..uNurth Platle Express , . . . , . , , 4:10p"ni : tMam : Overland Limited 4:43pm : J'JOpm.llcat'ce & Btromab'K Ex.ex. ( Sun. ) 4:10pm : S:4ipin.Urard : Itland Uxpreaa ( tx. Sun.lIMpm ) ; 8dOpm y at Mall .t : tiam U v < I WAUA81I RAILWAY. lArrlvet OmahalUnlon Dtpot. tQ4li " ICaaon Sta.l Omahii . . . .Bt. Loula Cannon Ball. . . TOTAL STATE -CASH - ON HAND Detailed Showing1 of * the Balances in the Various FnndSml January 1,1890 , , PERMANENT SCHpOL FUND IS WEALTHY ' ' ttrer 9000,000 'jll'lit UnlnvcMcit In Thin I'unil niinnl Mor-tx , but Fnllrf to , | oil ItM LINCOLN , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The State Board of Educational Lands and Funds hold a meeting thta aftoriioon In the office of the governor. The board comprises the governor , attorney general , secretary of state , state treasurer and commissioner of public lands mid buildings. Aside from routine business the board discussed the matter of the In vestment of the permanent school funS , amounting to JC01.C37.27 , but no decision was arrived at , and It Is likely that another meeting will be held at an early day and an Investment of the fund made. At the time of The lice's presentation of the condition of the state treasury , a few days since , the balances of the current funds and the balances In the various state depos itories Imd not been made up to the 1st of January , 1896. These have slnco bora brought up. and from the annual report submitted by State- Treasurer Dnrtley to Governor Hoi- comb the following statement has been ob tained : BALANCES OP CURRENT FUNDS. General . . . $ 62,733 71 Sinking . . . . 2W.OS5 n Temporary Echool i. . . , . 245-IID 0 > Temporary university . 3,5.1300 Penitentiary . 4081 Normal building . , . . G 15 State bond . 211 Capitol bulMlnpr . 41761 Hcform school building . MS 40 InstituteFecblo Minded . 409 63 J.ivo sleek Indemnity . 4,50130 State relict . i 61,453 C4 Hospital for Insane . . . . . 4,113 5) State library . 71430 University library . 1.703 52 Normal library . 1,8 93 Normal Interest . 78 10 Interest charged county treasurers 44 89 Conscience . . . . . 1 00 Total . . ? M0.33S 90 On January 1 , 1S9C , the following balances wcro In the varlouu depositories cf the state , which make the sum total of the current - . rent funds mentioned above : State Depositories. Amount. American Exchange , Llnco'.n . $ E0.31Q 12 Columbia , Lincoln . G 1,730 13 Merchants' . Lincoln . G.OOO CO Capital National ( suspended ) , Lin coln . 238,361 S3 Omaha National , Omaha . S3 , GO J 70 United State" , Omaha . 1,171 OG Merchants' , Omaha . 3,108 14 tlt'lon , Omaha . CS.1C7 21 First. Omaha. . - . . . . . - . . 14,401 C7 Nebra ka , Omaha . 1,416 51 Commercial , Omaha . 1.M1 53 Globe Loan and Trust company , Omaha . J.r . 10.22T M Adams County , Hastings . .v. . 5,167 40 First , Jlastlngs . 1 . 4.3D2 S3 German , Hnstlngn . . ! . " . . 11,59132 Nebraska City , Nebraska City 1095 St Paul , St. Paul i.\ . 3,03287 City , York . L.l.A . 4,711 . 71 First . Columbus * 5,259 G3 First . Alma . , , 21,891 33 t , Beatrice .J..r. . ' . 17394 " " " " ' ' ' " ' " ' Flrstl Bluo"HU1 ( " " . . . . . . . . . 2.020 Co First , Crete . . < . . ' . . 7950 First , Orleans . . . . : > . . 6,00 : 00 Saundcrs County.i Wahoo . 15,70231 Citizens' , McCooK 1 . 10,32424 Citizens' , Geneva' , , , . 2,50000 Buffalo County ( suspended ) . . 4.49 00 ' Total . ' . . . ,1 . $ G0,55S ! SO PERMANENT" .FUND BALANCES. In addition to , this $610,358.90 , current funds , there are < ttie permanent funds and endowments , balances * January 1 , ISuG , as follows : ij * < ' . Permanent school " . . > . $ C01GD7 27 Permanent university . jrr..iV > i 17,71033 Agricultural coMegxr endowment . . . 55,937 40 Normal dndoumcnt.t'.V 1G.G05 12 Permanent saline . i. ' 13,201 14 Total . i . i . $703,160 31 Of this ? 705,160.31 It will be noticed tfTat 'none cf It la In any'of the state depositories mentioned In Treasurer Birtlcy'o report lethe the governor. The 'total funds , current and permanent , and endowments amount to $1,345,509.21 , of which $040,358.90 Is de posited In state depositories. The condition of the principal funds during ; the past year , or u'.nce the last biennial report of the state treasurer , in as follow ? : FUNDS ggSgg IC8I 't 'UOfra | : shgsah'ilfegl B : * stis S3& 8 : : tit S 1-1 iS38 _ ' h'ss's 9081 'f "lea Ilech mill Jo ii I'M Arrenteil. LINCOLN , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Molly King , \\ho keeps a disreputable resort on tbo "res ervation. " secured warrants today for the arrest of William Decii , steward of the pen itentiary , and J. H , Jones , deputy warden. She alleges they went to her place last night and kicked In tbo door. Doth Dech and Jones were seen today by The Be ? correspondent and they deny the story emphatically. War rants were served qn Dech and Jones. The examination was tut for 1 p. m. At that hour'the defendants appeared , pleaded not guilty and asked , o , , p/tlnuance ) until Satur day at 2 p. m. , which , was granted by Police Judge "Waters. TlieuprlsanerB were released on their own recognizance. Fine KUfliU of Alfalfa. M'COOL JUNCTfOIjf , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Spe cial. ) The Danes | Jn .tlie Danish settlement In West Blue township , In southeastern York county , have hb best fields of alfalfa In this county. TTioaa owning farms through which Turkey creek .runs have no fine air falfi as can be found In the Mate. Farmers living on uplands .do .not have SUCCCMJ , claimIng - Ing the soil Is too rich. la SWEETITESS Mid POY/EH ofTOME , BEAOTf of DE- 'SflCH. and STRENGTH of 'COMSTRUCTIOH 'J9AY STATE" GUITARS , MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS , and FLUTES are equalled by no other Amerfr caoliiitrumtnts. Lowr tlnirlyj | of anyilrtcllr hlgh-Knula Inilru. menu , -'o AWAUDJ. benil fet Catalogue ! . JOHN C. HAYNES & CO. , 44310 4C3 WnBlilncton Bt BOSTON NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the stockholder * of The lice Building company will bo held at the ofllca of The Omaha lie ; , Omaha. Neb. , at 4 o'clock p. nt. , Tuesday ! January 21. 1896 , for the purpose of electlnjc a board of directors for the en ] suing year and transacting such other bus iness UB may properly come before such meeting. IJy order of the president. J2-d2U N. P. FJ21L. Secretory. IIISTOIUOAI. SOCIKTV MKKT1XO lion. J. Slrrllnir Mnrton'n Pnitr on Tnxnllon n Fcnltirp. LINCOLN , Jan. IB. ( Special Telegram. ) The nineteenth annual meeting ot the State Historical society clo cd with this evening's joint session \vlth the Horticultural Associa tion In the university chapel. The hall was well lllled and thd exercises very Interesting. Ex-Governor R. O. Kurnas received n tele gram from J. Sterling Morton announcing that he could not bo with the society nt this meeting. Ho had , however , forwarded a valuable contribution " , which was read by Mrs. A < J. Sawyer. on "The Cost of Local Government Then and Now. " In this paper Mr. Morton traces the fluctuating , yet con- ttantly Increasing , local taxation from 1S35 , the days of territorial government In Ne braska , down to the present. He vigorously denounced the extravagance ot county nnd municipal governments In Nebraska. As n territory tha entire cost cf governing the state was but $20.000 per. annum , and Mr. Morton claimed that EO far ns protection to llfo and property > \as concerned they were bettor conserved Ih Nebraska then than now. The voting ot bondo to railroads hs deplored and cited several counties In the state which" had even voted bonds nud paid them , too , nnd then failed to secure the railway privi leges for which they were voted. Such ex travagance , ho Insisted , was communal sui cide. At ono period In the pa&t the total tnx ot his own homcstoid , Arbor l-.od.rjj , had been but $5 per annum. Now the taxation was between $200 and $300 , or moro thwi the land originally cost at $1.25 psr ncre. The remedy for bad local government ho held to bo In the election ot honott men to cfflcc. The theory of bond ? for a county odlcer'o honesty was all wrong. It was not right to ask eight or ten men to become responsible for a man elected by scvcial hun dred of thousands of votes. The majority party should bo responsible and share ns a whole the loss , If any , sustained by dishon est officials. The rate ot taxation In the state had rtoadlly Increased from nn average of 9 to 24 mills on the dollar , nnd with no compensating benefits. Mr. Mor ton's paper received hearty npplnusc at the conclusion ot Us reading. An Interesting account of "Tho Under ground Hnllroad In Nebraska" was given by Mrs. Alice A. Mlnlck of Beatrice. She had been personally acquainted with John Brown , and had assisted him In some of his enter prises In 'running slaves through the state Into Canada In 1S5S-9. > "Tho True Story ot the Death of Sitting Bull" was given by Major D. O. Fcchot. At the request of Theodore Roosevelt of New York the article was prepared fcr the Coj- mopolltan magazine , and la now the property of that company. By their permission It was roa before the society this evening. In ono or two respects It contradicts the ac count given by General Colby at the society's meeting lart year. It Is a personal sketch , as .Major Fcchot commended the force sent out by General Drum to capture Bull. The latter was killed by Indian police betoro the arrival of the major and his troops on the cround nt Grand River. The officers elected are : J. Sterling Morton , president ; R. G. Furnaslca president ; W. S. Summers , second vice president , nnd II. W. Caldwcll. secretary. EXPERIENCE OK A IMONEEU. E. AV. Haj-inoiul TalUn of Early llnjM In the AVoMt. SPRINGVIEW , Nob. . Jan. 15. ( Special. ) E. W. Raymond , a squav ; man , residing on the Sioux rcBrvatlcn , twenty-five miles north cf this place , was In town ono day laot week. Ho was a scout under Fremsnt and crossed the plains with the general In thy MOs. Raymond wan a young man then , but can remember when Omaha was com- preed of a few dugout ? and the Indians and buffalo roamed at will where the city ot Lincoln now stands. The old man llvos with his squaw and family on Iho Keya Paha river between Trostlq and Dog Ear buttes and It IB worth one's whllo to go and have a chat with the o'd mnn. He Is a regular encylopedla on western history. His cabin , a log concern , Is built on the south side of the rlvor and t&eltcred on the north and iVesrt by 'a few nbres of cottonwood trees , where ho has resided for the past forty years. His wifo'o mother , an old Sioux ti-uaw 108 years of ago , died a short time ago. This old woman was also loaded with history and looked more like an old dried up buffalo robe blowing about over the prairies than &he did like a woman. The old woman never slept over night In a house , but had a topeo. In her latter days , near his house , where she lived winter and sum mer and finally dle'd there. She was born In Ana of the New' England states , but with her tribe was driven from state to state until fho finally died In Nebraska. Yurie County AfTnlrn. ' YORK , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) The now board of supervisors of this county took their places yesterday and wcro formally declared an official board. But I'.ttlo business was tranfacted. Robert Henderson , representing Brown , Henderson and Hays townships , waa elected chairman. The new boarH Is com posed of William Davidson , D. W. Baker , T. B. Reed. Robert , Henderson , H. Williams , II. M. Dctrlek and James Sturgeon. Jules Lumbard , tha veteran musician of Omaha , Is in the city , a guest of W. A. Carpenter. I' . A. Kllner of this city , accompanied by Miss Geraldlno Grlppen , left for Chicago yes terday. George E. McDonald of Lincoln nas In this city yesterday In conference with the trustees of the Mothcdlst Episcopal church with regard to the plans for the new build- Ing. Ing.Mlsa Mlsa Zella Sheeks of this city returned to Falrbury yesterday , where the will once moro resume her millinery business. Tlie York Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church held the monthly business meeting and social at the homo ot Miss Belle Warner last evening. Joseph Hunter and M'sa May Bodle were married yesterday by Judge Edward Bates at the homo of the bride. Both of the young "couple are well" known at this place , and very popular , the groom being connected with the hardware firm of R , V. Hunter. They left for , the east. _ DoclKO Co u illy Siipc-rvlMorM M < > > ( . FREMONT , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The first session of the county board convened yester day. Ot seven members compslng the board four are republicans , two democrats and ono populist. B. W , Reynolds of From out was elected chairman , Sheriff Kreader ap pointed J. Edwards 'deputy sheriff and his bond was approved by the board. Dr. J. H , Crabbs waa elected county physician ; Joseph Dowel ! , janitor of the court house ; E. N. Mtrse of Fremont , member of the Soldiers' Relief commls3lon ; Superintendent Fletcher of the county poor farm was re- elected. The register of deeds was allowed to retain $700 above the amount allowed htm BB salary fo ? pay , of a deputy. nil Old galiller. CLAY CENTER , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Spe cial. ) The new board of supervisors of ths ! county held Its first meeting today and or ganized by electing Hon. A. P. Randall of Marshall townehlp as chairman. The usual standing committees wcro appointed for the year , The board appointed Dr. O. P. Shoe maker as county physician , and selected Charles Jessup as janitor for the court houte and grounds. The latter appointment dis an old soldier , who has held the po sition for ton years under all ether political changes. The board stands : Four popullsU , two republicans and ono democrat. KntUlleil with IVtilirimkii. NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special , ) The BED correspondent recently talked with P , B. Gavin , banker at Wallace , who has returned from a trip through Mlsslwlppl and tbo south , Mr. Gavin has paid close atten tion to the development of the "new south , " and , after penonal Inspection of the re sources and advanUgen of Mississippi , sayi ho Is perfectly content with his Lincoln county home In Nebraska , Ho does not like the climate , the people nor the conditions that prevail there , and predicts tbat any Ne braska farmer or merchant who goes to tbat country will be glad to get back , Ituou Couple Elope , ROOA , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) John Haskln and Miss Lucy Myers , both of this place , were married at Lincoln yesterday , The bride's parents opposed the match , and an elopement resulted. The couple returned homo immediately after the ceremony , and as tbo young ) ady la of legal ago the old folks are compelled to accept the Elate of affairs as beat , they can. DEVOTED TO SMALL FMS Horticnl t nrista Put in a D.\y Discussing Berries - rios of Various Kinds. OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR THE NEXT YEAR .lion to Mmtnprr ( lip AfTnlrn of UIP Snrl.-tr P.U-rt.-.l t < hc iir SonNlon Hoitdnc of tlir Oil } ' . LINCOLN. Jan. IB , ( Special. ) At the opening of this morning's session of the Ne braska State Horticultural society reports from a number of committees were received and octet ! upon. The following papers wcro tead and discussed : "The Haspberry. " W. J. Hesscr , riftttrmouth ; "Ilolany of the Bush Fruits , " Prof. P. W. Card , State university ; ' "Botany of the Strawberry , " Dr. C. E. tics- soy : "Are the Birds Friends of the Hortl- culturlut ? " Prof. Liurcnce Ilruncr ; "Neg- Irctcd Native Fruits , " P. Younger , Jr. ; "Most Proiltablo Varieties of Gooseberry and Cur rants , " A. J , Brown. Geneva ; "Summer Fruits In Central Nebraska , " W. P. Jenkins , Arcadia , The following officers wore elected : Presi dent , E. 1C. Stephens , Crete ; first vlco presi dent , C. A. Marshall , Arlington ; second vice president , D. C. Mosher , Lincoln ; secretary , J , II. Hadklnson , Lincoln ; treasurer , Peter Younger , Jr. , Geneva ; directors , J.V. . Stephenson - phonson , North Bond ; E. C. Erfllng , Omaha ; C. H. Barnard. Table Mock. The long program for the afternoon was brgun at 2 o'clock. In the absence of R. D. McGcehan of Atlantic , .la. , his paper on "Raspberries and Blackberries , Variety and Cultivation , " was read by another member. The subjects discussed were : "Cultivate the Local Market. " "Winter Protection , " "Ex periencelth New Fruits , " "Cost and Method of Packing Small Fruits" and "Homo Canning of Fruits. " Illght or ten more papers , all of moro or less Interest to actual growers , occupied the rest of the sewton. Thoassociation met tonight In conjunction with the State Historical society In tht- chapel of the university. As the associ ation's share of the joint session , Hov. C. S. Harrington delivered n scholarly and elo quent address on "Tho Ethics of Horticul ture. " Following Is the program for tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock : Deferred papets and discussions , report of committee en revising rules for exhibits , revision of premium list , revision of recommended fruit list , appoint ing standing committees. The meeting will adjcurn at noon. BEEMER GOT TWO THOUSAND. It transpires that , notwithstanding the- re cent dcclnlcn of the supreme court In regard to penitentiary matters "Contractor" Beemer has succeeded In getting his hand Into the public treasury to the amount of $2,000 , It will be remembered that the court declared the Beemer contract void and emphatically said that the bualnoju of the prison could not bo conducted In that way. But on the 6th of September last A. D. Beemer la showri by the books of the state auditor to have drawn $2,000. This was subsequent to his alleged contract with the Board of Pub lic Lands and Buildings. H Is suggested now that the Board of Public Lands and Buildings la In contempt of court , not only by Its refusal to do anything In the way of maintaining tbc convicts , but for Its action In paying Beemer this money. Before Bremer was appointed "contractor" Dorian drew from the last appropriation for the pen itentiary the sum of $10,899.87. This makers $18,899.87. But the money paid to Dorgan was under an old contract not yet annulled practically. The | 2,000 paid Beemer , and only accounted for to the Board of Public Lands and Buildings , Is considered an Illegal payment from the fact that the supreme court has held the Bqemer contract void. Bcomor says In regard to this matter : "I find by reference to my check book that of this $2,000 I have expended for various bills Incurred at the penitentiary , salaries overdue , etc. . $1,647.44. This leaves a bal ance on hand of the amount dr.-nyn by me on the contract of $352.66. " The Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust com pany , plaintiff In error , against Peter Gees et al has appealed Its case to the supreme court. Before Judge Ambrose , In the district court of Douglas county , the plaintiff asked for a receiver for the Gees hotel property , but the application was den'ed. The amount Involved Is $72,678.66 , the estimated value of lots 3 and 4 , block 172 , city pf Omaha. Articles of Incorporation were filed today of the Wlnkleman-CIagPtt Manufacturing com pany of Omaha. The business to bo carried on Is the manufacture and sale of an anti- freezing stock tank , lightning food cooker , gold chicken cholera cure and gold hog cholera euro. The capital stock Is $30,000. The Incorporators are : Henry F. Winkle- man , Fred H. WInkleman , J. T. Wojab , John Springs , Clarence Clagett and W. H , Simons. Major William Dally , J. II. Edmlsten. Jay Burrows , Benton Maret and II. Stockholm of Ouster county left this evening for St. Louis to participate In the populist conference ; called to locate the next national convention of that party. Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Ltndell J. Goldstein , Mrs , J. T. Wertz , George A. Day , H. F. McIntOBli , W , n. Adapts , At the Lincoln John Burke , Charles ' ll , Keller , Charles E. Williamson , J. A , Eyler , J. 11. McFarland. i _ Accepted < lic Soldlern' Home Addition' . GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Jon. 15. ( Special. ) The members of the Board of Public Lands * ' and Buildings convened 'at the Soldiers' hcmo laet night and accepted the new addi tion to the homo , an appropriation of $12,000 for which was niodp by the last legislature. The addition will prove of great convenience at present , as the old building Is taxed to Its utmost. The addition will accommodate fifty more veterans. The newly elected county board met yes terday. It organized U once by the election of E. C. McCa'shland as 'chairman. ' The board Is composed of , four republicans , two populists and ono democrat. I'Icrcr County MortKiiKi. ' Hccoril. PIERCE , Neb. , Jan , JG. ( Special , ) The- Pierce county mortgage record , on file In the county clerk's ofllco , shows the following for December : Farm mortgages Hied , 8 , JD , 820 ; released , 8 , $2,893 ; city mortgages ( lied , 3 , $2,369 ; released , f , $250 ; chattel mortgages nied , 61. $12,207 ; released , M , JJO.EIG. The record shows that for the- year 1895 the num- jor of farm mortgages Hied was 101 , amount ing to $199,017 ; released , 157 , $121,355) ) city mortgages niod , 35 , $20,836 ; released , 9 , $6,231 ; chattel mortgages tiled , 1,049. $188 , . 808 ; role bcd , 302 , $52.924. Grow INK Old Gracefully. PIERCE , Npb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) C. A. rtclmers , who reached the half century mark In years yesterday , celebrated the event last night In a royal manner. In repponuo to In vitations over 101) ) of his friends gathered ut the opera house and engaged In dancing. Ex cellent refreshments wore served. Fine music was furnished by the Norfolk or. chostra. Mr. lielmers Is pi evident of the I'lerco State bank and has a wldo circle of friends In this locality. Curl ICortli Tallin to the 1'i-n. PIERCE , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Spoclal. ) Carl Kortb , the mm uho embezzled Pierce county's money while ho was treasurer , uaa jrought tip from Omaha and taken to Nollgli yesterday , where he wss turned over to the Antelope county sheriff , and will bo tikon to Lincoln Immediately to begin nerving his sentence of three yearn In the penitentiary. Sentence was passoJ upon him two years ago and affirmed by the supreme court last Fri day. | Kuiierul oC AVIIIIiini Kcrliy. QE1UNO , Neb , , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) The funeral services of William C. Korby wcro conducted hero yesterday under the auspices of Scotts Bluff ledge No. 20 , Ancient ? rvo and Accepted Masons. The doceasej lad been a Maion for over fifty years , and was ono of the pioneers of this county , Went Point Club Bluet * Oflluum. WEST POINT. Neb. , Jan. -(8psclal. ( . ) The Young Men's club , a very flourishing organization , elected the following oftlcers or the ensuing year ; L. Rogontb ? ! , presi dent ; H. V. F , Klolte , vice presldnnt ; Jo 1m Baumtno , secretary ; John Thorp , tmaurcr. SNOW MCltUASICA. Molntnrr Qnlto Kvcnlr DlKlrlhttte * Aroitnd Port Cnllionn. FORT OALHOUN , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Last night snow foil to the depth of nearly an Inch and nt present a slight rain la fall ing. Prospects nro for moro snow during the next twelve hours. No wind accom panied the snow , therefore It fell evenly and will bo of grout value to crops and InnJ , moistening It for spring \\ork. Farmers arc hopeful over crop prospects for thla yeir. LITCHFIKLD. Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) It has been snowing at Intervals n good part of the day. But little tins fallen so far. However. Indications nro fair for con- pdor | blo more. NORTH LOUP. Nob. , Jan. IB. ( Spe cial. ) A light snow fell Inst evening , and this morning thp landscape Is obscured by the very unupual phenomenon of a dense ( OK , Tim tcmpcrnturo 1 quite/ mild , with A slight brcezo from the south. More snow Is likely to fall during the day. SHELBY. Neb. Jan. 15. ( Special. ) An Inch of snow last night broke thn recent dry spell and Indications are favorable for moro snow. For a number of days the weather has been \\jrm and springlike. ASHLAND. Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Two Inches of snow toll last night. It will moisten up the ground and lay the dns-l. VALLKY. Neb. . Jan. 15. ( Spc-clM. ) This section v > ta visited last night by a good snow. EXETER , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) The summer weather terminated In a enow storm last night. A halt Inch fell , without any wind. The weather has the appearance of clearing today , and the Indications arc- for colder uenthT. WEST POINT. Neb. . Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Two Inches of snow fell this morning. MHITII IM.ATTK APFAIUS MOOMUVO. Irrlurntloii ComniuileN Rlert Officers nml Profnire for Ilnnlnen * . NORTH PLATTE , Nob. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) The Farmers' and Merchants' Oinal com pany held Its annual election of directors with the following result : Charles McDonald , C. F. Hidings , D. W. Baker , Henry Wntto- math and C. L. Patterson. There la talk of organizing the precincts through which the canal onned by this company la con structed Into nn Irrigation district , and If this Is dcno and satisfactory terms to the company and district can bo arranged , the cans ! will probably bo purchased by the district. The South S1do Irrigation and Land com pany has elected the. following officers and directors for the ensuing year : A. F. StrlcU , I. Bi Bostulck , Gus Moyers , Max Beer. Claus Mylander. directors , and A. F. Stroltz , president ; I. B. Bostwlck , vlco president : Gus Meyers , sscretary and troasurer. Thla campany has Us forty-two mile dllcn al most completed , having less than flvo mllea of ditch yet to cnstruct. It takes Its water out of the North Platte river north of Sutherland , Humes the water across the South Platte river with a sunken flume ono half mile long , and runs for nearly forty mllea through the fertile South Platte valley , opening up to successful farming ono cf the largest tracts of Irrigable land la the Suth Platte valley. Its construction Is the result of homo enterprise and energy and has been constructed almost entirely on homo capital. It Is hoped to get water from this ditch In the early spring. The stockholders of the First National lunk have chsen the following directory for the year : H. S. White.P. . A. Whlto. E. F. Seeberger , Arthur McNamara. and Edgar Zabrlsklo. H. S. Whlto was chorcn president ; P. A. Whlto. vice nn > sldent ; Arthur McNamara , cashlor. 1'ropuHvil Iliillronil Iniprovqiiicntn. PLATTSMOUTH. Nob. , Jan. 16. ( Spoclal. ) B. & M. Road Superintendents C. A. Dlxson of McCook. F. J. Kramer , Alliance ; A. B. PIrlo , Wymore , and Charles Hedges of Lincoln were In the city yester day evening In consultation with Superin tendent of Motive Power Hawkaworth on matters pertaining to some very Important changes that will take place on the ontlro oystem February 1. It Is relative to the use of some now Improvements on the engines eve ? the system. The Rock Island road crossing In the west end of this county , where two teams were caught , causing the death of two men , In Icsu than two months , was Investigated today by the county commissioners , In com pany with the officers of the road , and It was mutually agreed that the place was a man trap of the worst kind and that It must , be changed , agreeing that the county make the necessary Improvements and assess the railroad with one-half the co t. Mrs. A. L. Shucy returned today from n visit at Ottumwa , la. Harry Northcutt of Nebraska City was In thu city today. PoiinllntN OrKiinUed the Hoard. FULLERTON , Nob. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) The Board of County Supervlsoro mot yester $ day and after several ballots Sam Leigh of Beaver township was choszn chairman. Leigh la a populist , but was supported for the position by the three republican members on account of his honesty. T. W. Lonker , the defeated candidate for county treasurer , was chosen county treasurer to fill that office , made vacant by the death of Dr. W. H. H. Plllibury. The pcpullsta have a majority cf ono on tbo bwrd. The funeral services cf Mlsj Gertie Fran- son , the young woman who committed sui cide Monday -night by taking arsenic , were held today at the residence of her parents juMt east of the city. The dead girl Svas ro.ipectod by all who know her. < _ _ _ _ _ . AnroruIlnnUM Hlcct OltlcerN. AURORA , Nob. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) At the annual meeting of the Flri't National bank last evening William 'Glover was ro-eloctod president and Carl Forney , late assistant cashier of the Aurora Bank company , was elected cashier. General Dclovan Bates was olccted vlco president , but retires from ac tive service In the bank after on uninter rupted period of thirteen yearn as book keeper for tbo Institution , Kx-Cashler Hoiii'a- man also retires after nearly ton years serv ice. ice.Tho The Aurora State bank re-elected all Its old officer * , as follows : President , D. E. Thompson ; vlco president , A. W. Peterson ; cashier , Harvey Colo. Mr. Peterson will have llttlo to do with thebuslnosu In the bank , but will look after his mercantile busi ness In the general line. I'nrU roinnilHMlonerM Appointed. FREMONT , Jail. 10 , ( Special. ) Judges Marshall and Sullivan have appointed the following park commissioners for the city of- Fremont pursuant to ihe law passed nt the last session of the legislature. : Knoa F. Gray , J , T. May and Arthur Gibson. The criminal docktt will bo taken up January 24. Jess Wheeler , Peter Mllledgo and John Spangler have been arraigned ami each entered a plea of not guilty to tbo charge of grand larceny. Maria Mllledgo was arraigned this afternoon on the charge of assault with Intent to murder John Mal colm. .Tin- pleaded not guilty , Wnrlc of Tlili-VL-H nt Uxctor , KXIJTER , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Corn thlevoj are at work about this place , John Kelley , who Is feeding stock here , bad con- aldorablo earn stolen last night , Suspicion" fall * on two or tbreo parties who llvo on- the outskirts of town. Mr. Watt Bennett , from Hcrklmer com pany. Now York , surprised his old friend * , the Buck brothers , by dropping In on them this week. Mian Alia Powell has i position In tli p-utoUlce as an assistant. To the Iti-form School for Huron Ycnm FREMONT , Jan , 15. ( Special. ) Carl Han- HOD , a 14-year-old boy , was before Pollco Judge HolmoH yesterday afternoon , charged with petit larceny. The judge contldercd that the rrfortn school was the proper place for him and int him over to County Judgu PlambeuU , who , after a trial , sentenced him to the reform ncliool till he becomes of OK . The Dorsey Hoio company gavq a matijuer- ado ball at Masonic hall tlili evening. Some very unique coitumev weio wont. Gullicrtxou l'upr Gut * * to Trenton. TRENTON , N b. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) n. O. Adams of this place bay purchased tha Culbcrlion fjtntlucl , removing lli entire plant to Trenton , where bo promlies lili fol lowers a diffusion of popullit doctrine. One Mlnutu Couch Cure I * harmless , yro duces Immediate remits.