THE OMAHA DAILY BETSt TUESDAY , JANUARY 14 , 1800. SPEC1KL NOTICES. Atlvrrtlflcinondi for itimc column * Mill lie taken iinlll lUiIU ) p. ni. for the cvi-nlnu mill until H Ji. in. far Ilic mill Snmlnj- edition * , nerii , liy rciincNlltiR n tinm- check , cnn linre nnxtver * nil- Ml < o n ntitnlierril letter In onrc of The Hoe. Annrrern no m1ilre * etl Mill IIP ilellvrrcit upon | ire > ieiitntlon of ( he check onlItnten , 1 l-- < i n woril nrHt Innrrtloni In it xtoril Ihorenfter. Nothing tnketi for led 111 Mil zrci for flrnt Insertion. Theitc nilvcrl ( riiiriitfl in nut lie run conxccu- tlvi-lr. SITUATIONS WANTICU. VOUNO MAN WANTS PLACE TO DO CHOnnfl. l ke cure of futnncc , .hnrscn or cow , for beard , Omnlia Hun. Col. , cor. Hth and Fnrnnrn. , A 101 WANTED , I'OSITION AS COM.IXTOIt , OH In wliolM lc house : btst of roferonc * * . Ad- rtroM H 87. llw. A MM1 * _ _ WANTKD MAL13 III3M' . WANTED. LIVK. INTKLUdttNT AGENTS IN Omilm to orirnnlie clubs of three to nye fnml * Ufa of our famous Orchard llomen lands In central Mluliilppl. The tlJ of Immlurntlon Bolnp south , where there nre no liot wlmK na cold winter * , no , no crop fiHliirw ! where two or three crops cnn be rnlBdl , " year : where there I * no such thins < n failure It n mnn will work one-lmlf ns hnnl ns he does In this country ; cool mimtners. mild winters ! sure V pnylnit crops of fruits nnd gnnlen truck : richest mil on rarth : bent rnlltvav fncllltle ; . Cleo. W. Ames , Bcnrnl fluent , 1817 Fnrnnm St. , ICO TO M PAID SALESMEN KOU CIOAHS : experience not neces nry : extrn Inducement ! to customers. IlUhopJlKllnc. . St. ' WANTED. MEN WHO IlEAMZB THE NE- cossltjr of n. trade ! we tench bnrbcr trnile. elRht weeks , nml Bimrnnte * Job : complete njt or tools donated : cntnlncup mnlleil. ftt. Louis rtnrber College , 819 N. 8th "trccti1J j,4\ \ i" ' WANTED-TO EMPLOY A BINOM2 MAN hnvlns acquaintance In Omnlm ; one hnvlnre Mperlrnco ns snlesmon preferred ! Rwxl money for the right mnn. Aildrcss II 33 , lice. II 340 WANTED-ENEUOETIC AND BUSINESS MAN with two thousnnd dollars , to Inlte chnruo of clllco In Ortmhn for the i-nlo ot mining slocks of Cripple Creek nn1 Colorado , with connec tions Chlcnso. St. txiuls. Denver. Colorado Spring. Pueblo anil Cripple Creek. Addrcs , II 44. Hoc. n-M-llS-M. WANTED-PHYSICIAN WITH EXI'nUinNCn ID lecture with medicine troupe. Address llox ISO , Dlnlr , Neb. 11-410-13 r.OO PEP. WEEK AND EXPENSES TO KKlAi ulcnra ; experience unnecessary ; special Induce ments lo dcnlers. Polk & Co. , St. Ix > ul . Mo. von iinxT IIODSES. HOUSES. F. K. DA11LINO , IIAHKCR HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. T1IC O. F. Davis Company , 1S03 Farnnm. D 126 ruiwisnED HOUSE FOR RENT : BEAUTIFUL house , ten rooms. clfRunlly furnished , hot water lieat. laundry , stable , carriage , etc. Thos. F. HMI , 610 1'nxton bloclt. D 127 _ STANFORD CHICLE COTTAGES : 6 ROOM. modern. Byron Reed Co. , tit So. 14th st. D 410 8 AND 9-lioOM HOUSES ON FARNAM AND 6-room bouse on 22J nnd Leavenworth. cheap. Jno. W. Robblns. Ill N. Y. Llfo Bids. D 133 _ tin NO. ami. 4-RooM COTTAGE. ] C2o N. 20th , 6-room flat , nice. 1C24 N. 19th. 8-room brick. COI No. 17th. S-room brick. . . . . . . . Omaha Heal Estate & Tiust Co. , 211 B. l - HOUSES. BENEWA & CO. , 103 N. 15TH ST. TOR RENT , MODERN BRICK HOUSE OF 13 or 23 rooms at 114-110 N. 23th st. See J. N. Frenzer , opposite poatolllce. Tel. 654. D 527 TO i-ll. HOUSES CHEAP. N. 13TH ST. D-M9W J2C MODERN JIOUSES. C. A. STARR , 923 N. Y. Llfo building. D M1SO EIGHT-ROOM. ALL CONVENIENCES. 1217 South Thirty-second ; nnd many others : all sizes. F. D , Vv'cad , Sixteenth und Douqlns. l ( , V , Jf D MJ92 Fl , FOR RENT. * ' MODERN HOUSE : EIGHT rooms ; with bath ; on car line ; near 'park ; also small house ; o3d location ; only 5. Uan- nett. ' 604 Brown block. D M195 J51 FOR RENT , NICE SOUTH FRONT EIGHT room brick hovse , with all modem Improve ments und In tlrst'Clafii condition ; possevalon Riven January 15. lucjulro on premiums , ' 2010 Half Howard street. D 213 8-ROOM FLATS , J3.00 ; 1022 N. 21ST. 21ST.D D 238 F2 > SOME ELEGANT HOUSES ; ttt N. 27th aSroum , modern , (20.00. 2004 S. mil st. . 7-loorn. modem , WM. Z002 S. lltt Et. , 7-room , modern , $13.00. El'il ' Jackson st. , S-room , modern , J23.M. 1100 LaFnyctte nve. , 9-room , modern , 12300. 207 S. Slili su. 14-room. modern. } 3).oo. 209 S. 2 < th st , , 0-ioonl. modern , (3000. S20J Bewnrd St. , 5-rooni cottnp.1. J9.0J. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Fnrnam at. D-M230 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , CENTRAL LOCATION , (15.00 per month. Enriulrc 1010 CapUol avenue. D-320 ll FOR RENT SEVENX ROOM HOUSE , ALL modern Improioments except furnace. No. 2217 Cns St. , nt JJ3 DM 116-11 FOR lin.NT Kim.MSIIKD IIOO.MS. FURNISHED ROOMS 1'OR HOUSEKEEPING , SOU St. Mnry'H. E M4W 13 * FURNISHED ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. S02i5 St. Mnry's nvenue. E MUD 20 * I'MJUMSIIIin UOOMS AND HO.VIII ) . FRONT ROOMH , WELL HEATED ; FAMILY bo.trd If desired ; rates reasonable. 324 North 2M st. . V r F 76 NICE WARM ROOMS ; GOOD BOARD ; RATES reasonable , Tim Itosc. 2020 Hnrncy. Hnrncy.PMWO P-MWO JUJ BOUTH ROOM , WITH HOARD , FOR TWO Fcntlcmen. 213 South ISth street , F M2I3 17 * ROOMS WITH ROARD , : : : TDODGE STREET. F M378 1J ROOMS WITH ROARD ; STEAM HEAT. UTO- . pin , 1721 Davrnpuit. F MS96-1S * FlTRNISHED TlobMS WITH HOARD. 1514 FAR- natn. F MII5 17 * LARGE"7wmi bM ! * " n o wTiT"BTnAai : E.V- cvllent table ; references. IOJ N. 18ih. ' ) F-MI5 ; 15 * POIl HOO.MS. 4 ROOMS ; M'ATER IN KITCHEN ; CENTRAL ; rMsonablo rent ; nle for housekeeping. jo3 Webster > t. G M500 NICE OUTSnnr"UNFURNlSHED ROOMH AT I3 N. 17th it ; up-Unlre. G M344 31 FOR RENT , SUITE OF UNFURNISHED nvima for llKlit housfliceplng ; meam heat , gns , bath. 2319 Douglas ct. G 3CS-13' . CONVEN ! lencou. 1713 ChlniRu blrcct. a M4II 19 * VOlU13.T STOUliS ANIJ OFFICES. RENT- THE 4-RTORY J1RICK BUILDING at 916 Furnam t. This building has n fire proof cement basement , complete strain heat- nir ilxtured.attr on all lloors , gas , tic. Ap ply nt the omen of Tin lie * . I JJ , > AUEJfTS WANTED. AOKNTij WANTED TO TAKD ORDERS FOR uur cclebratea } I.OO custom pants and sulti. ClilcnKO Custom PnnU Co. , 203 I'lftli ave. , Chlcuzi ) . STOnAGB. BT011AGE , THANK EWURS , 1 > 14 HARNEY. M 134 PACIFIC HTORAGK AND WAREHOUSE CO , , l-is-sw Jcmc . General itoraca and forwarJlne. M-1S5 WANTED TOI1UV. J.IST REAL ESTATE WITH F. D. WEAD , Sixteenth nnd Douglas. N-MI9J FI WANTED TO BUY A LARGE OFFICE SAFE. Apply to Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale clgart , 1018 Farnnm. NM 410 II WANTED , TO BUY A PULL 11RED JERSEY ur halt Jersey and Hol tcln cow. fresh , for caih , AdJreu II 43 , llto , N MISS II * WANTED , A SMALI SECOND HAND foundry and repair oultlt , Address S. M. Dor- tin , Broken Bow , Neb. N M430 Z3 FOIl FIRST CLASS. ALMOST NIJW. CLOSED CAR- rlaee tor sal * cheap. II 40. Ike. P JC3-I6 * SALE CHEAP. YOUNG. GENTLE FAM- horn and bimgj. Call tOU Sprue * tr t. J'-MS ; it FOIl SAL1J MISCr.LIA\KOU5. HARD WOOD 4 AND 6-FOOT FENCE * FOR corn cribbing. C. R. Lee , m Douglas. FURNITURE OF NINE-ROOM HOUSE , ninety or entire , lirnn beddcadu , iHwt rprlnKi ; hair mnllrrnses ; nearly new ; at IIS S. 23th ct. Mr * . Wrlnley. Q-M4SO MISCK.LLAMCOU.S. FOR RENT-FARM. JO ACRES , 3 MILES west of South Omnlm. Then. Swift. 403 No. 15th. R-M3M-16' CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; 8th year at 119 N. 16th. S 1 5 MASSAGH , 1IATIIS , I2TO. MADAM SMITH , 1322 DOUGLAS STREET , 2D Iloftr , room 11. Massage , gteiim , nleoh > l nn.I sulphurlne baths. T 418 1S MME. AMES. FORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS. MAS- cage and baths. C07 8. 13tli st. , 2d Il-rar , room 10. T-M398-1S' I'KHSO.VAL. BATHS , MASSAGE. MMB. POST , HSW 8. UTlI. U 140 FINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED BAUMLEY , 17th nnd St. Mary's avenue. Telephone. 440. BELLE El'PERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER at 1909 Fnrnam. Lady agents wanted. U M937-J2S * SUPERFLOUS HAIR AND MOLES REmoved - moved by electricity , Mme. Post , 319 < i S.lMh. MISS VAN VALKKNBUUGH DESTROYS I'ER- mnncntly by electricity tupcrlluous hnlr , moles , wnrts , etc. Room 410 , N , Y. Life bide. RELIABLE INFORMATION REGARDING THE wonderful Crlpplo Creek gold fields , with photo graphs or gold mines nnd district , showing 100 opportunities to grow rich , for $1.00. Address W. H. limbeck , box 77 , Cripple Creek. Cole MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- crty ; strictly confidential. Address P. O. llox WEDDING INVITATIONS , BURKLEY PTG.CO. VIAvr co. , 340 IUE : IIUILDING : HOMI : treatment for ladles ! physician of fifteen years experience In attendance ; consultation free. U M 133 Eincrmc rntNTS AND roimiAiTS. J. F. Iloiltkcr , 1503 Douglas street. U M321 FC HENTAb DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF Omaha , 12lh nnd Pacific , will extract , clean , treat and fill teeth , except with gold , free. IJ M3I3 23 15.00 WILL , 1113 PAID FOR THE RCTUHN IN good older of caih book belonging to Stanley Hakcr of the U. 8. navy pay olllce , which was In trunk sold at Union Pacific unclaimed bag- Kngo nlo October 4 , 1M3. A. Trnynor. gcnorul baggage agent , Council Ulurt , la. EQUITY IN MY PROPERTY , N. W. CORNER 19lh nnd Pierce , 104x141 , 4 houses : nisi one rnfo ami 3 K-foot show canes with stands. Fred Mohlc. 1510 Dodge. UM-40S Fll. C. D. 55. . OMAHA. 1 CAN UEPLACK "GRIP. " medicine nnd book , JS.Owill ; pay Unit for bame nnil nik no questions ; the letters wore kept In grip for detective purposes ; that on ? stealing the grip would llkuly communicate with me with hope of reward , as > ou have done ; they nre useless now ; ycu cnn keep them ; write or not , ns you choose. II. H. M. U M45I 14 MONEY TO LOAN IlKAIj HSTATK. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 313 N. Y. Life. Loans at low rates for choice security ID Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Dnvls Co. , 1E03 Fnrnam st- W 141 0 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN Oil OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. It. Melkle. Omnha. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA rial estate. Urcnnaii. Lava & Co. , Paxton blk. W 147 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 825 N. Y. LIFE. W 143 MORTGAGES. G. G. WALLACE. BROWN DLK. W 143 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 13M Fanmm. , W-1M MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW RATES. J. ' D. Zlttle , 16th and Douglas , Omahi. W--151 FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SARPY. 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. L. . W 152 WANTED AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS FOR largo loans on business proper If. also dtreMng IIOUBO loans ; don't wait until your old loan ex pires , apply now. FldelltyTrust company , 1702 Farnam st. W 043-J2S FOR MONEY SEE F. D , WEAD , 16T1I AND Douglas. W M183 11 ' " SECURITIES FOR SALE We have accepted nnd offer for cala the fol lowing llrst mortgage loans on Improved Omaha property. No better Investment can be found. 11,000 G yra , G',5 per cent , 8-room modern house. $1COO 5 yrs. , 7 per cent. 8-room modern house. J900 3V4 yrs. , 7 per cent. 7-room cottage. iz.ODO 5 jrs. , 7 per cent , 8-room modern house. Jl.OOO 5 yrs. , 7 per cent , 2 dwellings. J1.100 5 yrs , 8 rer cent. dwelling. This list changes every week. Call and Inspect thexe securities and satisfy jourself. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam st. W-212-18 GEO. P. BEMIS , LOANS , PAXTON I1LK. W 334 F7 LOAN CHATTELS. MONEJf TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , ivagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any nmount , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , , 300 8. ICIll st. X-153 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. 60 , 59 DAYS ; FURNI- turc. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , llaiher block. X 191 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE , I3EST REPUBLICAN PAPER AND Job plant In eastern Nebraska , In strong ie- puhlfonn town nnd county. It goes cheap for a llttlo cnsh. Addrces H 33 , Bee. Y 563-10 FOIl EXCHANGE. CLEAR CHICAGO PROPERTY TOR FIRST class farm near Omni.a. T. B. McCulloch , suite COI , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago , III. Z-S01-J15 FOR EXCHANGE-OMAHA PROPERTY AND JO.OOO.Oi ) cash for Chicago nropdfy , T. IJ. Mc- Culloch , suite COI , Chamber of Commerce , Chi- _ cagoiu. _ / 800-J15 FOR EXCHANGn , tM.OOO STOCK SHOES AND Rents' furnishing goods for one-third cush and balance real estate. Simpson & Co. , 1009 O m. , Lincoln. Neb. Z M443 14 * Toil SALE-HEAI , ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE 11YRON HEED COMPANY. RE-US uu BALE , WEST FLORIDA LANDS E8. pcclally adapted to fruits ; S77 acres with brick yard In complete runnUitc order ; 75-horsa power cnxlnu and boiler , new pattern sward brick machine nnd puemlll ; Pott's crushers , track and cars with winding drum to haul clay from bank , two carts and uueon to haul wood , sheds with pallets for 120,000 bricks , one ha nil press , nbiuidnnco of clay nnd wood , dwelling house with six rooms , kitchen and bath room. Good water And location , perfectly healthy , James McCullough , postolllce Quintette. Flti. RE 503-Feb 3 BARGAINS. SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- r.lts and farms. Jno. N. Frenzer. cpp. 1' . < > . . IH3-1H WANTED , LARGE CITY AND FARM PROP- crtlM far sale or exchange , T. B. McCulloch , > ulte COI , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago , 111. RE 800 J15 GEO. P. BEMIS. HOUSES. LOTS , IRRIGATED farm lands , loans. SOS and 3C3 1'axtnn block. RE 323 BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , mtlo or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker lllock. RE-1W FOR SALE , FINE PRAIRIE FARM OF 400 acres or less , If desired. AdJrecs Franz Maurer. West Point. Neb. RE Mi : : It HOUSES WINTERED. HORSES WINTERED ; BEST OF CARE Riven horses , both winter and summer. Address M. J. Wtlch. Grelna , Neb. M772 Ul'IIOLSTEItlNQ FURNITURE. UPHOLSTERING. FURNITURE REPAIRED nd packed very cheap this month. M. 8. Walkln. till Cumlne. Tel. 1131. 171 LOST. LOST-BUNCH OP KEYS. LEAVE AT 1511 > t. for reward. Lost 4IMC [ AllTY THAT TOOK OVERCOAT FROM Crelfhton liall Saturday night by mistake please call at 13JJ Douglas it. , S p. m. I.03t-4IS-13 | HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. 13th nnd Dodge. Rooms by day or wecU. 164 THH LANGE HOTEL. 602 S. 13TH ST. ! STEAM heat ; table board. $3.00 per week. M16S PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROW1TZ LOANS HONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. MUSIC , ART AND LANCJUAOE. GEORGE F. GKLLnNBECK. DANJO AND guitar teacher. ItlS Chicago st. 109 ELOCUTION. 2ULEMA FULLER , 816 KARI1ACH BLIC , EN- cagcments made foi readings In and out of city. IIUILIHNn AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when 1. 2 , 3 years old ; Mwnja redeemable. 1704 Farnam ( „ Nntllnger , Bee. 169 HOW TO OET A HOME Oil SECURE GOOD Interest on mvlnRS. Apply to Omsha L. & U. Ais'n , 1704 Bee bldg. G. M , Nattlngor , Sec. 170 UNDERTAKERS AND EMIIALMERS. II. K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago et. , telephone W. 164 SWANSONA VALIEN. 1701 cUMiNorEL. loco M ! a MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND KM- balmer , 1417 Fnrnnm M. , telephone 23. 1CS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL , 1J N. Y. LIFE. 161 OMAUA BUSINESS COLLUdB , 1ITH. FA11NAM. 1C2 11ICYCI.K.H. DON'T I1UY A niCYCLK UNTIL , YOU BKI3 our 'DO lint. We Fell Eimilrles nnd do repair- In ? . Ak-Snr-llen Cycla Co. , 319 South 15th street. 409-F 11. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Ofllco of Lee-Claikc-Andreesen Hardware Company , Omaha , Nebraska , December 11 , 1SD5. Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Lee-Clarke-Andrcescn Hard ware company that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the company will beheld held at the olllces of the said company , 1213 , 1221 and 122J Harney street , In the city of Omaha , In the Btate of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January 14 , A. D. , 18M , nt 3 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during the onsnjlnp year , nnd to transact such other business ns mny bo presented at 8 ' ( Attest. ) II. J.LEE , President. W. M. GLASS. Secretary. DHd32t-M GIIATEFUL COJIFOIITINO. EPPS'S COCOA IIKI3AICFAST SUITER "Uy a thorough Knowledge ut the natural laws which go\ern the operations or digestion and nu trition , and by a lareful application of the tine properties ut well selected Cocoa , Mr. Epps 1ms provided for our breakfast nnd supper a deli cately flavored bcvernse which mny save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Judi cious USB of such nrtlclcs of diet that n constitu tion may be gradually built up until rtrong enough to resist every tendencj" to tlltcase. Hun- dicils of subtle maladies are Homing around us ready to nttaclt whatever there Is n , weak point. , Ve may escape many n fahil shaft by keeping curselves well fcrtlfled with pure blood nnd n properly nourished frame. " Civil Service Ga zette. Made simply with balling water or milk. Bclil only In half pound tins , by grocers , labelled lhUS ! JAMES KPPS * CO. . Ltd. . Homoeopathic Chemist. London. 'Snuland. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The lice Building company will bu heW nt the olllco or The Omaha Be ? , Omaha , Neb. , nt 4 o'clock p. m. , Tuesday. January 21 , 1896 , for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the en suing year and transacting such other bus iness as may properly come before such meeting. By order of thf president. j2-aZJt N. P. FEUL. Secretary. WHITE STAR"LINE. . Salllns fiom New York Wednesdays , ns follows. No jailing the ! 5th of December. 1896. Germanic , Jan. 22 , 10 n. m. : Teutonic , Jan. 29. 10 n. m. ; llrllannlc , Feb. C , 10 a , m. ; Majestic , Feb. 12. 10 a , m. United States and Royal Mall Steamers. Saloon passage , } oO and upward , according to eteamer selected and location of berth. Second cabin ? 35 and 510 on Majestic and Teu tonic. UIIAFTS payable on demand everywhere In Great llrltnln and Ireland sold at lowest rates. For Inspection of plans of steamers and any further Information apply to loonl agents or direct to H. UAITLAND KRIISBY. G'l Au't. 29 fl'way N. T. N. ANDKHSON , G'l Wn Agt. . 2H SOUTH fLAHIC ST. , CHICAGO. RAILWAY TIME CARD ( BURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.Arrl\ ) OmahaUnlon13epot | _ , 10th ft Mason sts.l Omaha S:30am : , . T..Denver Express 9:33am : 4Vpm.Blk. : Hills. Mont. & Puget Snd Ex. 4:05pm : 4:3Spm : Denver Exorcit. . . 4:03pm : Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:4jpm : . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday.ll25am ) ! _ l45pm..F ! _ st..Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . Leaves 'IcfliCA'GDT'HURLlNafON & vJ.JArrives OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.l Omaha 500pm ; Chicago Vestibule SiQOam t:4Sam : Chicago Express 4ltipm ; - Wpm..Chicago & St. Louis Express. . . 8:00am : ll:33am paclfld Junction Local , C:30pm : Fait Mall 240pm ; Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST , PAULJArrlves OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason 3t . | Omnlm " 6:00pm : . . .Chicago Limited : jp 46amii.ClilcagoC.ipres3 ( _ S ; ] iayi . . _ t .2Spm Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORTHWE3T'N.ArrlMs | ; OmahulUnlon Depot , 10th & Mnscm Bts.l Omaha ll:00am. : . . . . " . EaMorn Expreas. . . ' . S:10pm : 4:45pm : VcBtlbuleil Limited 64pm ; 7OSam : Cnrr.ill . Pacscngrr 10:40pm : 5:4Cpm : Omaha Chicago bpcclal 8:00am : 4:30pm : Boone LooU 0:30am : Missouri Valley Local. . . 8:30am Leaves ( CHICAGO. R. I. & . PACIFIC.IArrlves Oinali-ilUnlun Dipot. 10th & Mason Sis I Omaha EABT. JOMOam..Atlantic Express lex. Sunday ) . S:35pm : < :25pm. : NlRtit Express 8:1Eam : 4Wpm : Chlrneo Veitlbulcd Limited l:33pm : 4:60pm..St. Paul Vestlbuled " Limited. . . . l:33pni : "WEST , CMBpm.Oklahoma & Texas Ex. ( . 9un.lO:3Sam : l40pm ! Colorado Limited..4:00pm : Leaven C. , ST. P. . M. & O .Arrives _ OmahnlDepot _ , IStli nnd Websier ata. I Omaha Clam : Sioux City Accommodation. . . S:1Bpm : 12lpm..eioux : City Express ( ex. bun.i..HCSam : C:45pm : St. Paul Llmlicr. ; 10am Leaves ( F. , K. ft MO. VAI.LET. jArrives Omahal Depot , 151h and Webster Sts. I Omaha SlEpm : Fast Mall and Express. . . . . . . . E3Spm ; 2Spmex. : ! Oat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex Mon. ) , . . C:3lpm : T:50im..Norfolk : Express ( ex. Sunday ) , , , 10:23am : d:45pm : St. Paul Express S:10am : Ixnvea I K. C. , HT. J , a C. B ( Arrives OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th ft Mason StsJ pmaht 9oam..T.Kansas : City Day Express. . . E30pm ; : ( JpmK. C. Night Ex. Via U , P. Tians. 7X : ( > am Leave * I MISSOURI PACIFIC. TAirUes Omahal Depot. ltth.iindWeliiter _ 8t . I Omaha ' id:40am : . . . .31. LouU Eirrc 6:40am : CiOpm Ht. Louis Express. COSpm tHOpm..fl.Nebraska Local ( e . Run. ) 900am ; Leaves P IOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lArrlvei Omahal Depot , 15th and Webtter Bis. I Omaha "cJ45pm St. Paul'LlmllVd 0lOam ; Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lArrlveT OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th < L Mason fits.I Omah 7nam : Sioux City Passejiirer . . .I0:40pm : JijSpm. . . . . . St. Paul Limited DiiOam tJeaves [ UNION PACIFIC. { Arrive ! OmuhajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.l Omaha SSOnm North Platta Express , , , 4:10pm : 8:0am : Overland Limited 4:4Spm : 3:20pm.Deat'co : A Stromsb'tr Kxex. Sun. ) 410pm ; G:4EpmGrand : Inland Express ( ex , Sun..12Wnm ) ; SiiOpm Fast Mall 10:25am : ltavf I WADASII RAILWAY. lArrlvej D pol. IQIIi ft Ma on Sls.lOnnhn St. Louis Cannon nail ,11Uaiu : MortKUKPH Fllril mill Ilc-lrnHud , Registrar of Deeds Elsasojr has com pleted his report to the ttato auditor , show ing the totals of the mortgage Indebtedness record of Douglas county for the year ending December 31 , 1895 , The report shows 139 farm mortgages' filed , 1248,196.91 ; 1,615 mortgages on town and city propsrty , $2.777,910.42 ; total number or mortgages Died , 1,751. amounting to J3.020.- 143.33. Mortgages satlsdrd were as follows ; Farm , 07 , JU-.GIO.GO ; town and city , 1,477 , RCC1.C32.S2 ; total number satisfied , 1.C44 , amounting to $3,674.243.32. Number of uher- lff'8 and other deeds jn forecloture , 432. Ilucklou'M Arulcn Siilvc. The best zalvtr In the world for cutsbruises , sores , ulcer * , salt rheum , fever tores , tetter ] chapped handi , chilblains , conn , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures pile ? , or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give ptr- feet atl fixctlon or money refunded. Price ? ' * ' . sti per box. For sale by Kubn & Oj. NEW APPLICANTS EVERY DAY i t Nnmbor of These iWlo Want City Jobs TJn- usuaily Largo , FILES IN MAYOR'S ' OFFICE CRAMMED FULL Mniiy fif The e AnkliiK for IMnco Arc HuliRer Although tlio dcmttnd for places Is Invari ably far In excess of ttio ratroiugo that a new mayor has to bestow , tlio pressure that Is being brought to bear on Mayor llroitch In that rcspwit Is something unprecedented In municipal nflalrs. Tlio mayor does not ar- rlvo at the city hall until attornoon , but hla private secretary , Mr. Wcrtz , Is kept busy most of the forenoon attending to pemms wbo have tales of woe to tsll and assorting and filing away the hugo bunches of written ap plications that come In with the morning mall. Although It would seem that the limit to the applications would be reached by this time , such Is not the cap ? . Yesterday n stack of applications from more than a score of entirely now candidates was received. The applications arc all ex amined nnd flkd away to bo submitted to the mayor when ho arrives , nnd In most cases the applicants visit Mr. Broatch In person In Uio afternoon to supplement their written applica tions with a personal appeal. Consequently there Is a sort of levee In the mayor's office evury afternoon , and there arc usually more applicants In line than could be given an audlenco If the entire afternoon was devoUd to their Interests. Saturday moro than 100 candidates for Jobs were congregated In and about the ofllc ? , and lent ; after the door v > ns closed they remained outside and clamored for admittance. One or two , who bad boon unable to secure a hearing , called up the mayor by Ulephono and thus succeeded In getting his car long enough to make their buymcss known , OUT OP WORKS APPLY. The general dearth of employment Is held responsible for this unprecedented raid on tlio appointing power. Scores of men who have never mixed In politico before are numbered among the applicants. Thsy are out of work. In many cases their families are without the necessities of llfo and they turn to a political office aa a last resort , In the hope that porno j.K > rt of municipal plum will fall their way. Secretary Wertz remarked that be had no Idea of the number of men out of work In Oinnha until he went Into the mayor's office. They visit the omce every aay uy BCOTVS nuu , It might bo said , by hundreds. Many of them are deserving , and.nine out of ten arc neody. One man , who had been In good circumstances nearly all his Ijte , dropped In yesterday. Ho was a good mechanic and said that In times past ho had always found profitable em ployment at good wages. Hut now he had been out of work for months. His savings had disappeared , oijd his family was prac tically destitute. He. had filed an application for any sort of fob that would enable him to live. Ho was willing to work on the streets , and there were tears In his tyes as ho pleaded for a chance to work at any price , or at anything. , [ , . Another man has been a constant visitor at the otfico slnco the new administration went Into powe ? . ' ' -"He has seven small children , and he'aays ' that there is not a pound of coal In hl9 house and his children will freeze unless he obtains , relief. He Is also acha'rd worklrfgl1 and , heretofore , pros perous mechanic , and asks for political em ployment out of sheer necessity. Tbesa are not Isolated cases , .and , In fact , a majority of the- men whoiare asking for recognition at the hands of the present administration base their clalms-nioro on their urgent need than on any specific political service. , There Is no' lack of applications from politicians and ward heelers , but BO numerouy are the applications from other sources that the politicians are In a , minority. "t EXAMPLE NOT EMULATED. An Incident occurred Saturday afternoon that goes to Indicate that humanity occa- slonally finds a place In 'politics. A well known ward worker , who claimed a large measure of the responsibility for the elec tion of Mr. Droatch , had an application on file for an inspectorship. He was backed by n number1 of Influential politicians , and his chances for appointment were considered fairly good. He was In ths mayor's office for an hour watching the hungry looking horde that waited for a chance to Interview the executive. He heard several of the hard luck stories which1 the applicants related to Mr. Wertz , and evidently did a good deal of thinking. An honest looking fellow , with a trernulo in his voice , begged for a chance. His wife and children had not had a square meal for two weeks , and ho must have werner or orlvo un the strucKle. He could only obtain the -rame assurance- that was given to the rest ; that only a few could be satis fied , but his application would bo considered In Its turn. As he turned away with dis couragement evident In every motion , the politician took bis place. "How many of that sort of applications have you got ? " he Inquired of the secretary. "Oh , a couple of hundred , I fancy ? " "GIvo mo my application. " The secretary sorted cut his application with Its array of endorsements and handed It to him. He deliberately lure It 'Into , shreds and turned and left the office without a word. This disinterested example Is not regarded , however , with any pronounced spirit of emu lation , and tha stack of applications on ac count of services rendered Is atlll extensive enough for all purposes. It IB not expected that any radical action will bs taken relative to appointments Tuesday night. It It. stated that Mayor Broatch will transmit th3 ap pointments of W. J. Connell "as city attorney , II. B. Howcll as city engineer , and J. T. Wertz as private t-scretary , nnd that thesa are all the appointments that will be made at that time , unless the present program Is changed. Dr. Bull's Cough1 Syrup has always been kept up to the standard. It Is the same It was forty years ago , the best sold. AND NOW THUY ALL IIAVn IT. Health Olllolnlx Siiy Unit InUiiiMi7U Him llt-ooino ICitliU'liilc. The health officials report that the epidemic of colds Is pamsthlns remarkable , The com plaint has developed Into a sort of Influenza which has become BO prevalent as to bo al most universal. The extent to which It Is ex perienced was rather ridiculously In evidence at a performance In a loojl theater the other night. During a"Itij | Jn the dialogue , which the heroine Improved by wringing her hands nnd working horsilf Into the frenzy of emo tion appropriate totfie.followlng lines , a small boy In the upper gfUlojy began to cough. In a second a d'zen othei small boys In the gallery - lory joined the chorus It spread to the bal cony , swooped doAvn. Into the parquH and rlchochetted to tlWritugo. In less than ten eeccnds from the iiiHlrtl demonstration of the small boy the , refrain waa unlverwl. The heavy eoubretto vtajjicnnipjlled to participate and oven the sorriwfnft heroine finally vented her emotion In a' ' eqrlips of mournful coughs which found ccho'lrr every part of the house. It was at least a couple of minutes before the Interruption wholly Beared , but the herclno came out a winner. 4n her fit of coughing had brought the tears' , thht had previously stub- bcrnly refused to jlpvj , " Criiillfiii'il. . tliv firnve. The following birth * and deaths were re ported t the healtli'olaw during the twenty- four hours ending ai noon yesterday ; Births Edward Fisher , 1G16 Corby . .vreet , boy ; John Kraus , 231 ? Boulevard , girl ; Wil liam Bruhn , 2713 Douglas , bcyj Edward Bur- nap , 1832 North Twenty-seventh , girl ; Wil liam Hlce , . 1703 Boutji Ninth , boy ; Daniel Murphy. 1133 North Seventeenth , girl ; David I1' Clark. 1819 North Sixteenth , boy ; Charles Gift , 1010 North Seventeenth , girl ; Charles E. Fay , 2522 Indlsna. girl. Deatbii Frank Hanscn , 3V5. 3312 Blondo. diphtheria , Foreut Lawn ; Edwin A. Edmund. son , 4 , Thlrty-twvonth and Fowler avenue , iheumatlsm , Interment at Seneci , Kan. ; C. W. Brooks , 72 , 4213 Centsr , heart disease , Forest Lawn ; Mrs. Theresa Grossman , 71 , 2518 Wcolworth avenue , bronchitis ; Forest Lawn ; May Allison , 38 , 1015 Davenport , paralysis. Mt. Hope ; II. J. Hawley , 75 , 1728 South Twentieth , 'pneumonia , Interment at Sioux City. Ii. Dewltt's Llttlo Early Risers cure Indiges tion and bad breath. ALMOST I > IRADUt > OIIII.TV. Twonir Women Arrnlnrncrt for I-'re- qtidilliifr AVI IIP llnonix. Some twenty women of various ages were arraigned before Police Judge Gordon yester day morning on charges known In police .cir cles as "wlno room working. " They bad been arrested out of a half-dozen wine rcoms abut the city , which It Is said do not cxll't ' , Satur day night. The majority of the women wtre old-timers nnd had been frequently orrestcd by the police for prostitution , or for other offenses grow ing therefrom. Their dull eyes and pile , dis sipated faces , Intensified , by the length ot time that they had been lying In Jail , plainly showed that they had led a continued Immoral life. Among the number , however , was one who gave the name of Lou Conners , who ap parently had traveled the road of sin for only a short time. This seemed to be shown In her still bright eyes , pretty complexion and the shrinking with which ohe approached the bench when her name was called. The Judge read the charge and asked for her plea. The proceedings were evidently ii"w t her. "What did you Bay ? " she asked. "Will you please read It again ? " The complaint was once more read and she looked surprised. "Whit do you plead , guilty or not guilty ? " demanded the Judge. "I guess I am guilty , " was the answer. "I went Into the wlno room with n man , but ho left mo there. Ho said he would csme back , but he did not. " "Five dollars nnd costs , " announced the csurt , nnd the girl walked away with Uars In her eyes and her head bowed In shame. In con'rast with her , another one of no toriety was called. She walked up to the bench with a rmlle upon her face. "I know I ought to have been on the line , " pho rold , "but If I remained down thereI would starve. So I wont to the wlno rooms. " "Ten dollars and cssts , " was the s.'iitsnce and the woman walked back to the seat with a smiling face , as It a police court episode was an amusing r > irt of her llfo. There were In the number , too. ft couple of married women. When they were arrested they hsd In their poscwslon enough money to give bonds for their appearance. When they walked up to the bench their faces were hidden by thick black veils , which they were compelled to raise. They gave the names of Eliza Brown and May Phlllpps. They said that they had merely dropped Into the wine- rooms to get a drink. They were- fined % a and costs each , "I can't get work , " remarked another. "If I don't get money some way I will have to starve. You can do what you want with me , " she defiantly continued , "I was In a wine- room and I will go there again. " "Five dollars and costs , " .was the answer she received. Most of the women pleaded guilty to the charge against them and were Invariably given the same sentence. One or two of them demanded a hearing. The great majority will hnvo to board their fines out In the county Jail , as they had no money with which to pay them. HIS IJAU1ES' SAVED HIM. Nolnil 1'romlNOil lo 13o IlL-tler mill AViiH IloleiiHPil. The fact that his wife was sick In bed without any one to care for her twin babies saved Sam Nolan from serving fifteen days In the county Jail. He was arrested Sun day on the charge of being drunk nnd raising a disturbance on Sixteenth street. Later , one of his neighbors at Twenty-sev enth and Charles streets requested that tliij charge of wlfebeatlng bo added to the com plaint , and consequently this confronted Sam when he wna arraigned yesterday. On the strength of the charges Nolan got fif teen days. Shortly alter the sentence was Imposed , however. City Physician Savllle appeared In 'court In behalf of the man , or rather In be half of his wife. HP stated that the wife had no one to care for her or her babies except Nolan and that she Would lie absolutely help less If Nolan was not released and taken to her. On this showing Judge Gordon re mitted the sentence pending good behavior. Nolan has frequently been arrested on the charge of beating his wife when he was drunk , although It Is said that ho Is kind to her when sober. The family has been an object of charity all the fall and winter , obtaining Its supplies from the county com missioners. Nolan ha.3 been on his good behavior In the meantime as he could got no money with which to become Intoxicated. On last Wednesday the neighbors succeeded In obtaining employment for him , but as soon as he received his wages Saturday night he spent all the money In getting drunk. Lovt nodi Frleml Mini Money. Martin Redmond , a farmer living at Ued Oak , la. , became acquainted with a younc stranger who chanced to pass through his town one day last week , and as Martin had saved up a llttlo extra cash he agreed to come to Omaha and act the nights of the city. They arrived In town Sunday night and retired at an early hour , selecting : the Aetna house as a lodging place. Shortly after 12 o'clock Iledmond awoke nnd was surprised to discover that his friend had taken hla de parture , and had also exchanged an old shabby suit of clothes for his new one. In the pocket of Redmond's pants was $23 , which had also vanished with the clothes. Hedmond reported his loss to ths police , and a detective was cent out to try and locate the thief. _ May Ho the Mt-n. Charles Turner and George Munson were arrested late Sunday night on suspicion of being the safe blowers wanted by the authori ties at Louisville , Neb , , for cracking a strong box In the elation of the Missouri Pacific : last Thursday night. Only ? 8 In money was taken at the time , but the safe con tained a much larger sum , which the men failed to get , having been scared away. The description of the- men wanted tallies ex actly with the men caught In this city , ami an officer from Louisville will be sent tp Omaha to Identify them. Minor HUH of George Tyson and George Stllra , who had a fight 'with John Reynolds at Eleventh and Howard streets several days ago , were yes terday fined $5 and costs each. The assault and battery cases brought by William Bruton against Hans Tim mo ana his son , George- , were dismissed yesterday , as the complaining witness failed to appear to 'prosecute. Harrison Talbot and Guy Davis , two email colored boys , who were arrested Saturday night on the charge of vagrancy , were dis missed , their parents coming Into court to plead for them. Warrants have been Issued for the arrest of William Lakofto , Emanuel Swoboda , Frank Svvoboda and William .Nelson for setting fire to ( he B. & M. bridge at Fourteenth street last Friday afternoon. The blaze was ex tinguished by employes of the company be fore It had obtained any headway. Georg ? Cramer , who was arrested on the charge of Ill-treating dumb animals , wau discharged , Cramer Is a coal driver who attempted to compel three horses to haul a lolfl of coal , weighing , together with tha wagon , ever 9,000 pounds , up the hill on Fdrnam street , between Sixteenth and Seventeenth Directs. Fisher and Itnqr , two storekeepers dclng business In the vicinity of Sherman avenue and Corby street , were arraigned In police court on the charge of keeping and celling gunpowder without a Ilceniw. The two men pleaded that they did nt know that they were required to get a license and on this showing Judge Gordon discharged them , _ _ Acts at once , never falls , One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that fevcr- 1th condition nhlch accompanies a vevrro cold , The only harmless remedy that pro- dices Immediate results. " C'liiHi-il ) iy ( lie Creditor * . The crockery store cf Catch & I/iunun was cloecd by the sheriff at noon yeiterday on attachment suits aggregating $32,191.20. The cults were as follows ; First National bank , $12.363.53 ; Simon Ca - ady , one suit for $10,333.33 and another for JCCC.CC ; Union Stock Yards National bink of South Omaha , $5.330.63 ; W. A. Paxton , rent $3,600. A special deputy sli or Iff was placed In charge of tbs > utock. - Ob , If I only had her complexion ! Why , It In easily obtained , Use Pozzonl'a Com plexion Powder. HIKE T1ERNEY CONV1CTEF In the Oonntorfoiting Business on an Exton- slvo Scnlo. TRIAL IN FEDERAL COURT YESTERDRY Ounuilty of Spurious Coin Found In UN lloime Wife MtiNt Slunil Ti'litl on the Same The trial of Michael Tlerney of O'Neill , charged with countorfoltlriR , wns hail be fore Judge nundy , In the United States coi'rt , yesterday. Ho was found gitllly. Hln wife , charged \\M\ the Mine offense , will bo tried next. Last July Tlormsy and his wife , Mary , were arrested by the United States secret service offlccrs. They wore arraigned , pleaded not guilty and were "released on $2,500 ball each. Tlerney Is a man of probably BO years of nge , nnd ten years ago ho was one of the most prosperous farmers and ranchmen In Holt county. He was one ot the [ ilonuer settlers and ho and his faintly occupied an enviable position In the esteem of all their neighbors. Ten years ago , however , thtoiigh unwlso counsel , Tlerney was In duced to sell his ranch and open a saloon In the town cf O'Neill. This was the signal for his downfall. Ho took to drink , and after an uphill struggle for four years , he aban doned the saloon business and went to bliicksmlthlng. In the meantime , his son , Edward Tlerney , had Grown lip to man's estate , and under Influence ot associates of the bar room , developed Into a pretty tough citizen , and was finally arrested , charged with having burglarized a freight car ot a lot of property belonging to a local merchant. Ho was tried , convicted and sent to the pon. After serving about a year ho was pardoned on the representations made In a petition signed by the friends of his family. This experience , however , did not tend to Improve the young man's habits , and ho was soon up to his old tricks again. His mother al ways sided with him against the father , and the Tlerney homo became synonymous with everything that suggested unhapplncss and discord. . The woman opened a cheap boarding house , which was n resort for gamblers and disreputable characters gen- cially , until llnally Ed was again arrested , charged with larceny , and upon conviction v.-aa sent to Jail for thirty days. The prop erty he otole , clothing , belonged to the Ilev. Hausoman and was of the value nf $123. It was the latter crlmo that led to the discovery that the Tlerney house was a refuge for n nest of counterfeiters. In searching the premises $200 of spurious coin , Including $10 gold pieces were found. Silver dollars largely predominated. The bad money was found se creted In n pile of lumber adjacent to the premises , and the officers were not long In fastening the crlnie , as they claim , on Tlerney and his wife. Two Iiiiliintrloti * Hunch OVTIUTM. John Clay Irwln and John Hughbank are enterprising farmers of Keith county , this state. It seems , however , that they grew tired of keeping their respective houses warm this winter through the Instrumentality of "cow chips. " It Is charged that they went to stealing coal from the passing trains on the Union Pacific. Anyway that Is what the railroad detectives , Vlzzard and Miller , say. They alleged that these two frugal ranch men bave been In the habit of boarding coal trains at night at the station cast of Oga- lalla and throwing coal out In big lumps on the prairie ns the train ambled along. The following morning they would go' over the same territory with their big road wagons. It Is said that In this way they have succeeded In accumulating enough of the bituminous to last them until the blue birds begin to chirp again. They were brought In yesterday by "Rattlesnake Pete. " Xotex of the Court. Contrary to expectation Judge Shlras did not hand down his decision In the case of Mast , Fees & Co. of Springfield against the Dempster Mill Manufacturing company ot Beatrice , yesterday. The former claims damages on account of an alleged Infringe ment on certain patents. The case of , EmlIy Snow against the city of Omaha , asking for an order restraining the defendant from collecting certain taxes levied on her property In the northern part of the city , was called * and continued , by Judge Shlras to await decisions from the circuit court of appeals and the supreme court on this very matter. A. G. Hartley of Magic , Pa. , writes : "I feel It a duty of mlno to Inform you nniUtho public that Dewltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cuml mo ot a very bad case of eczomc. It also cured my boy of a running sore on his leg. To Colflirnte Their Half Centennial. MILWAUKEE , Wls. , Jan. 13. Detween 400 and 500 representative Wisconsin men will attend a conference In this city , begin ning Wednesday afternoon , to discuss tlio question of celebrating the fiftieth anni versary of the admission of the state Into the union with a big Industrial exposition In 1898. The list of delegates Includes many commissioners elected by county boards , mayors of cities , presidents of state agri cultural. Industrial , commercial nnd educa tional associations , and of similar organiza tions. The Iilenl I'aiincen. James L. Francis , alderman , Chicago , says : "I regard Dr. King's Ne\v \ Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for coughs , colds and lung complaints , having used It In my family for the last flvo years , to the exclusion of phy sician's prescriptions or other preparations. " Ilev. John Ilurgus , Keokuk , Iowa , writes : "I have been a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for CO years or moro and lave ; never found anything to beneficial or that gave ma such epeedy relict as Or , King's New Discovery. " Try this Ideal cough remedy now. Trial bottles free at Kulin & Co.'a drug stori . Kllleil One mill Wouiiileil Three. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 13. A special to the Republic from Perry , Old , , says : News of a terrible fight reached' here today from Inland , forty miles from hero , between offi cers and a gang of horse thlovcs. The sheriff of Woods county , while In pursuit of the band , overtook them and a running fight occurred. Jeff Coates , the leader , was shot dead from his liorso and three others of the band were so badly wounded that they were captured. One man of the aherlff'a posse was seriously woun.ded. The remainder of the band , six men , escaped. Colornilo'M Hot nnllronil War. DENVEn , Jan. 13. In addition to reduc ing fares to Colorado points where It comes In competition with the Santa Ko railroad , the Quit road has authorized scalpers to all tickets to Chicago for $25 , to St. Louis for $21.CO and to Missouri river points for $11.CO , thus making a general cut of $2.50 to $4.CO , This cut Is mnilo on account of the coal rate war Inaugurated by the Santa Ke , We heard a mechanic say that ho would not be without Salvation Oil. U kills pain. Havana I'reimrliiK for a Slew , CHICAGO , Jan. 13. A special from Wash ington sayc : Torpedoes are blng planted In the harbor of Havana and heavy siege gunu are being placed In position. This was the private Information received by ( ho Cuban Junta and given out by Scnor Itubons last night. Illver Hleiiiuer ( iin-x to the lloltoia , MEMPHIS , Tenn. , Jan. 13. The Memphis and Cincinnati steamer , Congo , south bound , sunk last night at Caruthersvllle , Mo. No lives were lost. The boat la tlirt-o yean old and U worth $20,000. Tire SUuter * I.OMC Their Liven , LACON. III. , Jan. 13. Three brothera named Lettner , skating last night on the Illinois river , broke through the Ice , Two were drowned. The youngest , aged 12 , wai rercued , rounA's ( fUisisx MAY nn AMVU. lipnnlliin Prrpnrcil for Any Klml of it Surprint * . WASHINGTON , Jn. 13. The Japanos-0 legation ha.4 received no advices concerning the report tlmt the queen of Corcn , wlJ to have been murdered at the recent uprising , s In fact alive and well. This entire trans action , however , has be-n shrouilocl In so much mystery tlmt officials hero would not bo surprised at any developments. In ISM the same queen \\fts reported killed , And all the detsllst of th atrocity were given to the * \\orlJ , but after a year of mourning her majctty returned to the capital amid great rejoicing. The recent reports of her aMAMlnatlon have been no exact as to npp.'nr Authentic , although the ofllelttis have viewed soiuo of the Instances with cusplclon. H was Mid that a Japanese shoslit or rough , killed her , although It lactt loiouii that the queen Is never seen , oven by the foreign representatives , H has always seemed Inexplicable how one of the shoshl secured access to her , The Japanese govern ment hai proceeded , however , on the theory tlmt the queen was dead , A special envoy was sent to Inquire Into the circumstances of the uprising , nnd as a result tlio former Japanese minister to Coren , the 'military ' nt- tnchc , and several of the suite were recalled and replaced under arrest. They are now heli ) nt the court prison nt Hiroshima , waitIng - Ing trial for alleged complicity In the up rising , The king of Corc.1 has ! M ncteil on the theory tlmt the queen was dead , Immediately fclloulng her euppowd demise the king Issued a decrc ? stating that the deceased queen , be ing a designing woman , would bo considered to have occupied the position of concublno . .j , during her lifetime. The purpose of the do- J croc was to prevent the succession tf the queen's on to the position of crown prince. The king's ihcroo excited great Indignation * among the foreign ministers stationed at Seoul nnd they protested1 against It n.9 an act of Immorality. The king ncconllngly revoked the decree and IseucJ nn order restoring th ? queen to the full rank of jroyat consort. The original dccreo degrading the queen Is said to have been Inspired by ( ho Till Won Kut , who headed the rebellion at the tlmo ot tha uprising. The last reports received hero wcro that the Tal Won Kut was In trouble , the people having rebelled nnd driven htm out of Seoul. This was unofllclal , however , although there Is little doubt that the middle - dlo kingdom Is sorely tried with Internal dlsordors. There Is nothing In advices received at the State department to sustain the report that the queen of Corca was not assassinated as reported last autumn. IIAVK TMOUIIM8S ! ' TllRIIl OWN. Hawaiian Iteiiiilillo Now Thrciitcneil liy a SIMM-onion Movement , SAN FUANCISCO , Jan. 13. The steamer Australia today brings the following from Honolulu : HONOLULU , Jan. 0. Minister of Foreign Affairs Cooper Is on the Island of Hawaii. * He will sec the leading men of the li'land re- girding a rumor that Hawaii wUhci to eeccdo and form Its own government. The leglsla- turo will meet next month and the secession 1ji ] movement will bo brought up. If the real- dents of the Island dccldq to form their own government nothing but outride Interference would prevent them. This government would be powerless , as Hawaii Is more thickly poptt- la.ted than any otlir Inland of the group. The friend ? of Lllluokalanl would Ilka ts sea war between the United States and England , believing Englind would lze thesb Islands and restors Lllluokalanl. The remaining po litical prisoners were released New Year's day. They claim they will oupport the present government. The Hawaiian band rtranded In a town In Ohio will be brought back at the expense of jigf the government. JOSEPH COOK SIAY llHCOVEn. Authorized Statement of IIlH I'rt'Ncnt Condition. BOSTON , Jan. 13. An authorized state ment regarding Jcseph Cook's condition Is published by the Congregatlonallst , the organ of the Congregational church : On August 30 Dr. Cook lectured at Melbourne. The next day , which was Sunday , during hlo preparations for the service , ho was salzed with vertigo nnd almost total lois pf sight. , , . „ By the end cf September he was sufficiently , , / | recovered to Justify the physicians In allow(1 ( Ing ' him to embark frcm Sydney to Japan , w'haro ho was to meet his wife. When ho reached Japan on Novembsr 21 ho was weak In body and depressed In fplrlt. During tha trip across the Pacific he dept under the In fluence of opiates. Ho was tlio victim ot melancholia and troubled almost constantly ovsr his condition. At San Francisco tlio physicians felt It safe for him to travel oast. Ho was taken to Clifton Springs , and there Is reason to anticipate a favorable termina tion of Ills maladies. SHOP UIItI < KNEW HOW TO H1IOOT. Flrt-H at Floor Walker WlioHC At- tentloiiH Were DlHtnutcfuI. INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. 13. A sensational shooting occurred In the large dry 'goods hotiso of L. S. Ayres & Co , , In Warren stieet , this morning. Miss Ituth Gordon , clerk , fired two shots at Harry Purvlanco , a floor walker. Ono Eliot mode an abrasion n Purvlanco's left elde. The second shot tcok effect and Purvlance grabbed nnd overpowered - powered his assailant before she could flro again. Mlss Gordon charged Purvlanco with ingentlemanly conduct toward * her. Pur vlanco Is married. The shootTnB caused a janlc among the army of clerks. Miss Gor don was reported at police headquarters. s cni.nn OF A CHICAGO MAJV. with TryliiK to Ilnrn ail Ini- meime How of KlntH. CHICAGO , Jan. 13. Isaac Cramer , one of th ; proprietors of a wall paper store at 2314 Cottage Grove avenue , Is under arrest , charged by the police with an attempt at ar- TOII. He Is accused of having used oils , shavings and n candle to contruct the ground work for n flerco midnight Ore In the big Marathon flat building , nar Twenty-third street and Cottage Grove avcnuo. Had not the plot been discovered by the Janitor tha occupants of thirty-eight flats would have btou subjected to dangir of death by flro or suffocation and the ownerj of twelve utoroi would probably bave been burned out. Indian Moillitliiu Ucfuiteil to Work. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 13. A special to the Star from Perry , Okl. , fays ; PawneeBUI , who has Just returned from the four bands of the Pawnee tribes , brings news that tin Indians have all left their farms and moved Into tepees on Black Bear creek , and have none to ghost dancing and making medicine , Crazy Horse claimed to Imva made medicine that was bullet proof , but when tried ai an experiment on his brother , In front of tlio council of chiefs , tlio bullet penetrated the brother's heart. All of Crazy Horre's cattle and ponies have been taken from him by ttie chiefs as a penalty , and there Is talk of tliB federal officers Indicting him on the cliargo of murder , Tronlileil with Hlek IleiiilneheM. "I cheerfully recommend Hood's Pills , as [ have found them a euro for sick headache , I was troubled with Rick headache for years , liut slnco taking Hcod'u Pills I have not had them at all. " MM. Emily Pfofferle , 2940 Cattallar St. , Omaha , Neb. Hood's Pills euro Indigestion , blllwuncis. Cnrlii'lt May dial lea urn the Winner , EL PASO , Tex. , Jan. 13. A letter wtti received hero today from Corbett , an nouncing that he will bo at the ringside when Fltzslmmons and Maher fight , to dial- cnge the Australian 'In caao lie wins , Peter Maher will probably go to Las Crucei , N , M. , tomorrow to train. A large delegation of sports from San Francisco and other Pa- flflc coast points arrived In 121 Paso today to tco FltzilmmonB and Maher In training. Each of the big pugilists , accompanied by a crowd of friends , attended the bull fight * la Juarez ! this afternoon. Maher and Kltzslm- mons enjoyed glaring at each other from distance , Suddeu changes of weather caueo Throat diseases. There U no moro effectual remedx for Cougha , Coldu , etc. , than Brown'a Ilroni chlal Troches. Sold only la boxes , PrJct 25 ct . -