Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Pacific Character of European Hews Caused
a Dull Market ,
ti din Hciillr.liiK mill .Short .Selling
Which I'olliMvcil Win-lit
Wont OIT it
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. The mora pacific ohnr-
ncter of European news had Its Plt ct o'l
the markets today and they relapsed Into
the condition of dullness pr. vnlnR ! ! lit'fere
the war scare. Wheat clojo-l % c lower
than yesterday. Corn and oatn lost Uc and
' , fco respectively. Provisions oult from 2'/4c '
to 7'4c off , compared with last night ,
Consols , were hlRher , KlvlnR evidence that
the IJrltlsh public nt least Ml not anticipate
any very serious trouble : as th war talk
hag been the principal prop of the market
this hail n depressing effect and there were
liberal liquidation and short mlUnR. The
northwestern nnd primary receipt * were ( ilso
.Kcnerous , specially the northwestern dellv-
'cries , which are more than double what
they were a week ago. There was Indlca
tlon , too , of liberal Bold sh'pmi'nl.i. ' On
the realizing and short soiling which fol
lowed , the market went oft ? ic from lost
nlRhfa close. Hut there was a good de
mand for cash wheat from country millers
nnd for export , which ctuiHed some reaction.
The market was nlno strengthened some b >
n London dispatch which said that It WIIH
estimated tlicro tlint the rtccnt bad weather
In Aregnllne hud reduced the export sup-
plus from that country fully S.WO.OOO bu.
nnd that no morn would be shipped this
year than last. May sold early at C0 c
sold oft to from 5Djc to G9ia split , up to
5DTic , down to CDHc and at noon was r/J'Sc.
The market WRB strenglhcncd some during
the last hour by some sensational wnr new ;
which ret shorts to covering and May soli
nt BOtic , but eased ofta fraction nnd closed
steady at from C Hc to 594c. .
Corn was slow. The short Interest has
covered so freely during the past few days
that there was not much demand from that
line , nnd with some Indications of larger
Interior deliveries there was more disposi
tion to sell. May sold early at 29c , weak
ened to 28c , and rallied to 2Sc , closing
nt that llgurc.
Oats were quiet and easy , governed some
what by the course of corn and the tamer
feeling In wheat. May sold from 19c to
19-o split , to from. 19'ic to 19-Hc split , clos
ing steady about 194c.
Provisions started very weak on the un
expectedly larger hog receipts. A good
demand sprung up at the decline with which
the wheat market opened and more than
half of the loss wns recovered before the
end. May pork , which closed yesterday at
W.92V4. rested at $ D.S2'fc , or lOo decline for
the day. May lard left oft at a decline of
Be , and May ribs nt a reduction of 7V4c.
Kstlmates for Saturday : Wheat. B3 cars
corn. 010 cart ) ; onts , IbO cars ; hugs , 37,000 ,
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLOUK Firm : winter patents , J3.30ft3.CO : wln-
'tcr stralKhts , J2.9UW3.23 ; bpilns patents , J3.10W
3.23 ; pprlni ; Ktrulghts , J2.IOiT2.75 ; bakers , J2.00
WHEAT No. 2 aprlng , 57 T7'lic ; No. 3 sprlne ,
MWiif..Olic : No. 2 red , Cl 45f6 : ; c.
CO UN No' 2. MHc ; No. 2 yellow , se jc.
-OATt No. 2 , n'WK'io ! No.2'white , ZOJfaoyic
ijNo.lR whlCH , UU&li.tfi ! i .j-rt f
nYK No. 2. 33e.
IIAHLKV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 23iffCo ; No.
4 , 230 23c.
FLAX RKI2IV No. 1. 92',4W93o. '
TIMOTHY SUKI ) 1'rlme. J3.60.
I'UOVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J9.SO ®
B.624 ! ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , l5.47Uff5.CO : short ribs ;
nld.lir ( loose ) , JI.COIf4.Oi ; dry sjltM ehouldcrs
( lioxod ) . .J4.W0I.73 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
14.734.S7S. !
WHISKY Ulstllllers' ; ( Inlshcd goods , per gal. ,
HUOAU Cut loaf , J5.7J ; granulated , $5.12
standard "AV J3.
1'OULTIIY Kleady ; turkeys , OSllc ; chickens ,
7ffRc ; ducks , 110.120. *
The following \ > cro the receipts and shipments
today :
ClonhiK UiiotnllnlliH on tlie I'rliicliml
CuiiiiuiiiUtleH mill StnpIi-K.
NEW YOIIK. Jan. 10. FLOHJt llecelpts , 13,700
bbls.j exportr , 12.8W bbla , ; mniket steady for
winters , but easy on springs. Iluyers gen
erally Indifferent and decided conces
sions necessary to effect prompt sales ;
winter patents , J3.COiT3.73 ; winter straights ,
JJ.40W3.43 ; winter extras , J2.C3fl3.00 ; win
ter , low irrndca , J2.2)82MJ uprlng low grades ,
Jl.k5fj2.CO. llye flour , quiet. Iluckwheat Hour ,
dull , Jl.23fil.30. " .
COIIN MKAL-Dutl ; yvllow western , coarec ,
70oi llinndywlne , J2.33. ,
ItVi : Nomliul ; western : 42ff)5c. )
1IAIIL.KY Dull : westein , SWIOc.
1IAH1.KV MALT Dull ; western. JSff45c.
WlinAT-Kxpotts. BI.IKW bu. Bpot very firm ;
No. 1 luiid. 701lfi704c. Optloim opened easy , but
near menthe advanced x'.iurply on gcu.1 milling
demand for spring wheat. , lulu deliveries ruling
inlluT weak on easy cables anil nbsencu of war
miuH. Ti-udo gi'ncmlly waa Inactive ; closed par
tially HO up on near and ? i fjc ! lower ° " late
munllm ; NO. 2 red , January , closed at C7c ;
M ly , OiRUGtlte. clused C7HC.
COHN llecclpls , 600 bu. ; expoits , 2,6 * ) bu.
Bpot very dull ; No. 2 , 33V'jc. Options declined
during the day under Inrgu recelpm , nbxenco of
uhoits and Hympathy with wheat ; closed iiOfJJc
lower ; January closed S5Vic ; May , JiH&35iic ,
OATS llecelpts , 00,000 bu. ; cxiwrls , 100 bu.
Kpit dull. Option * dull , \\lthln n mniill range ,
cl.wliig partially ' /to lower ; January closed at
2lo ; May clr ed at 24Kc.
HAY HtioitKur ; shipping , J5.WS3.M ; good to
choice , J3.CO { | 10.W.
l.IIATHKH I'll in | hemlock tole , Huenos Ayres ,
light In heavy uelglit * , ? Ic ; ncld , 2lfi22c.
IIOP.S- Weak ; slate , common to choice , 1S5I
crop , 2' > < /5c : liuj crop. 4B10o ; Pacllla coast , 1S9I
ci p. 3ti'5o ' ; isa : crop , 4plijc ,
' 1IID1.S : iulet ; Ualveaiun , 12o ; Duenoi Ayre ) ,
diy. ISa ; Texun , dry , 10c ; California. 15c.
, WOUIqulct ; doiiK-atlo lleetv. lii 22c ; pulled ,
' .
PHOVISlONS-Ucef. nulet ; boot ham > . 415.MJ ?
1C.OO ; family , JIO.OOfn2W. Cut meat * , llmi ; pick-
ltd lumu , Jii.25tiii.75. Laid , Him ; wiwtvrn a ( earn
I'lobed lit J5.77' ' , < i linked ; J.inuaiy cloir.l nt J5.73 , Poik , hlKher ; old mesa , JlO.OKfJO.W ;
family. J10.00W10.W ; hoit clear. J10.7J012.25.
lUITTKIl llelil | , 4.10. ) pkss. ; market ateady ;
creamery , ICi/i'.c ; Klgln * , 25c.
KiHlS Hecctpts , 6.575 iilign. Market stonily ;
Into nnd IV nnuylvruila , 2oO-5c ; western , 2lt)2lc ) ;
nouihein , 20 { 23c.
TALLOW Kicudler , 3 13-lCQ3T > c ; country , 3U
Olo.CHKK8B UeeelpU. 1.371 pkg * . ; quiet ; state
large , 7i ! lOc ; amiill , TKUlOUc ; | rt bklma , 3H8J
6c : full ldms. 2U3e.
ri HPI5NTINB-Klrm , 31H832C.
PKTHOLKUM-Vlunerj United closed at J1.49
bid. ifllned , New York. JT.7J ; PhlladrlpliU nn I
Hnlllnioie. J7.7Q ; Phltadvl4ila | and Halllniora In
bulk , J5.50. '
HOSIN Sleadyj lrplne.l , common to good ,
ilirti-4tteady ; domestic , fair to extra , 3H06ci
Jniuin , 3U 4c.
> IOLAr > HiS : Steady ; Now Orleans , open kettle.
BJO.I I" choU-e. 36c.
MirrALH-riB Iron , weak : southern , J12.000
13.W ; luirtlu'Ui. JI3.OOW1S.CO. Copper , weak ;
broker * ' pilcr , J10 ; exchange piloe , J3.80U10.00.
& * l.i-ntl , iiulet ; broker * ' price. J2.95 ; rxelmnso price ,
\ J3. Tin. quiet ; utralO , J13.23. Hpelter , quiet ; dane -
ne lle. Jl.u08J.iK ) . ' .
COTTON CUMD OIL Weak nnd generally
I. lower , with bolder * Indifferent ! prime crude ,
ZI < 724He : liutttr grade * , 30e ; prime summer
. yellow , SS030C. _
S | , I.oiiU ( ieiiernl SlurUef.
ST. I.OU1H. Jan. 10-FLOUH That foreigner *
ere anxious for tupplle * U Indicated by the fact
that cable bl.U me coming higher and sale *
me maOe la ICntillili market * lo a conslderablo
extent. Patent * . Il.Uij3.45 : extra fancy , J3.15W
S.Ki fancy , J2.75fl2.k5 ; choice. J3.00 2.CO.
WHKAT-Nol imluuice.l by tha European sit
uation , but heavy rvcelpt * In the northwrd
caiuc.l un early iVcllne , which \vu > not over
come , future * cloving HJHto under y.iilcnlay.
Hj > ut , dull nnd feature ! ? * * ; No. cuali , CCHc ;
Nu. 2 hurd , C5UC ! January. Uic ! ; May. C9Hc.
fOHN IH-clliied at opening on weakneaa In
\\lirat nnd heavy receipt * and remained weak
nil day. rloalng * teidy to UVUo below yeater-
day for future * ; ) Ht dull and lower ; Na , '
iuU .l. . ciiti , IJ'.jc ; Jiinuary , Uc ; May. 2Jiic.
OAT8 Fuluir * quiet and eaky ; poi nominally
l'iwrr , Nu. 3 run ) ! , 17lc ! ; January , ISUc , May ,
19"i e.
HVU Hleher : No. t. I'uuular , old at JCc , and
later woa S6Uc bid.
UAY-Tlinolhy unclungeJ ; | 7.0001I.X ( ) tlita fide ;
rrnlrle , strong for choice grades ) lower grade *
slower ; JS.7SB 10.00 thin side.
COHN MKAI-JI.3001.15.
FLAX SKKIJ-Quolnblc Bl SI * .
TIMOTHY HnKU | I004 > 1.4A.
I-Ot'LTHY Lower ; turkej-s , SHc ! chickens ,
5ff7c ; ducks , HWSHc ; geese , SHC&\
HITTTKn Steady ; cttomcrr , 2og2Scj dnln'r 1 *
I-aOi4 Lswer , with largo offerings ; 15o for
good stock.
LKAI > Dull nnd weak , It.'lHOW no sales
report l. FpcltT , dull : JI.75.
PHOVISIONH I'ork. lower ; ctnn.lnnl mess. Job
blng , new , J3.75 ; old , J9.KH ; laM. nominal ; ptlmo
steam , JS.M ; choice , J5.IO ; bacon , boxed r.houl-
iler . f.37i ! ! longs , 'JS.SO ; rllrt , J.62i4 ; shorts
> . > . . . > ; dry salt meals. lioxe < l shoulden , J4.IV )
longs , J4.75 ; rlhs , t4,87'i ; shorts , J5.00.
HKCKIITS I'laur , 4.0 5 Uls ; wheat , 33.W ) bu.
corn. f.2.rOO bti. onts , Ij.OO. ) bu.
8I1IPMKNTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 18,000
bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu.j oai , 8,000 bu.
Cnnillllnn of Trnilc nml QuiilntlntiK
on Stniile nml Kniicy I'roiliice.
The long continue. ) mild weather lias brougM
In n flood of country eggs , nnd the result Is
Ilial tlie market , nfler holding steady nt ISc for
some time , has broken Im.lly , nnd II Is hard work
to tell Just whet * eggs will sell before there Is a
Change. While n few esgs went yeslenlny nt
Kc , It In not tafe lo quote alwvo the figure given
Iwlow ,
The poultrj' market Is nlso weaker , as receipts
are coming In more freely , while the wnrm
weather makes It Impossible to hold fur strong
prices. Quotations :
KOOS Strictly fresh slock , I6e.
IIUTTKH-Pncklng stock , rolls , lie ; packing
slock , tuts , 9 10o ; fair lo gel counlry , I3814e
choice lo fancy country , ISlilBc.
VKAL Choice fat , 70 to I.M . Ibs. , are quoted nt
{ J7c : lar egnnd eonrse , 4fiCc
CUKUHIi Domesllc brick. llHc ! Kdam. per
doz. , J9.CO ; Club House , 1-lb. Jars , per ib , , J3.W ;
Llmberger , fancy , per 1b. , HWc ! Ilwiuefctt , Wb.
Jnrs. per dor. . J3.CO ; Young Americans , IHic ;
Twins , fancy , lie.
POULTHY Unwed-Chickens , 7iSSUc ; ducks ,
choice , DiflOc ! lurkcys , choice , 10S7I2c ; geese ,
HAY Upland , J5.MJ midland , JS ; lowland ,
J4.W ; rye straw , J4 ; color makes the price on
liny ; llghl bales sell the best , Only top grnden
bring lop prices.
IIHOOM COHN Extremely slow pale ; new
crop , delivered on track In country , choice preen
sclf-woiklng carpet , per lb. , 2'Jc ; choice gieen ,
running to hurl , 2c ! ; ccmmon , lUc.
OAMII Jack snipe , TScRll.O ) ; golden plover
J1.25 ; Jack rabbits , per dox. , Jl. 75112. 00 ; ptnnl
rabbits , 75c JJI.f ; mallard ducks , JJ.WH3.75 : rnl- . , J3.75W4.00 ; ranvnstuck "ducks. J5.00JIS.OO
teal , blue wing , J2.00fl2.25 ; teal , green wing
Jl.75f2.00 ; mixed duck * . Jl.75ff2.25 ; Canada gc.He
J6.00ff7.RO ; small gees. ' . J4.COtl5.00 ; brnnts. J3.60
Hiiiilrrcls , per doz. , G0f75c.
PHI ICONS Live , very slow ; dead pigeons not
The New York potato dealers have combined
nnd In the future will refuse tr > buy stock from
Ihe country , compelling growers to ship on com
mission. In this way receivers will be better
able to protect themselves , ns they onnnol lose
anything on stock handled on commission , while
previously they often bad to sell stock which hn.l
been bought In Ihe counlry nt a positive loss.
Quotations :
CAUL1FLOWEH Per crate , J2.75W3.00. or J1.50
O1.75 per doz.
CAHHAdK-CallfoMila stock , per lb. . 2c ,
MU8HHOOMP Per IVH" . box. 80f75c.
POTATOns Fancy native stuck , SOc ; from
store In small lots , 30@S5c ; Colorado attack , C0@55c.
ONIONS Per. bu. , SOc.
IHJANS Hand picked navy , per bu. , 11.60.
8WKI3T POTATOnS-Cholce slock , J2.73 per
CKLT3IIY California , per doz. , 90c ; Colorado ,
CCffGOC ; Knlamnr.oo. 35c.
LIMA I1EANS Per lb. . to.
WATER CRESS Per 16-qt. cose , Sl.50ftl.7L
BCOTCII PEAS In sacks , per bu. . Jl.OO.
MEXICAN STRAWimmtlKS-rcr qt. . i5c.
APPLES Fancy New York , J3.2303.CO ; chojce
western. J2.503.0 > ) ; Utah apple * , per box , Jl.CO.
CRANHERRI US Jersey , JS.75 ; Capo Cod , J10
McFnrlln's , J10.
MALAGA GRAPES Per 60-lb. bbl. , } 8 ; p r
05 to 70 Ibs. , gross , J7.005F7.SO.
ORANGES Cnlllornla budded seedlings , regu
lar sizes , 53.001f3.25 ; 250 to 2S3 sizes , 52.7503.00 ;
navel * , J3.75SJ4.W ; large sizes , J3.25fi-3.50. '
LEMONS California , per box , J3.7504.50 ; Mes-
slnas ,
HANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , J2.00
O2.25 ; medium sized lunches. Jl. 7502.00.
OYSTERS Mediums , 15c ; standards , 20c ; extra
selects , 25c ; liranch & Co. selects , 27c ; New Yolk
counts , 20c ; standard bulk , per gal. ,
HONEY Fancy white , per lb. . 13c.
MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , cans. each. J2.75.
gal. cans , _ per doz. . S12 ; H-gal. cans , J6.25 ; quart
CIDEli Pure Juice , per half bbl. . $3 ; per
bSA'UEK > 'KRAUT-Pcr Lbl. . S3.75 ; bolt bbl. . S ! 25.
FIOS New crop. California , 10lb. . boxes , pet
lb. , 10e : Imported fancy. 30-lb. boxes , 15c ; choice ,
10-lb. Uxeav 11V4W12C. . .
DATES Now Pcrlan , 60-lb. boxes ; psr lb. , BJ4c
fards10-lb. ' boxes ; per.iu : , 9c , , - .
MAPLE .8UQAJI Cnolcc , perIb..9Jflic.
PHESERVES Assorted , 20-lb. palls , cacli S1.40.
COCOANUTS Per 100 , J4.CO ; each , Co ,
NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , medium
size lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per lb. , large , 12l4c ;
nrazlls , per lb. . So ; English walnuis , per lb. ,
fancy eoft shell. 12c ; standards , HBllHe ;
filberts , per lb. , lOo : pecans , pn'lshcd medium.
lOc ; large , Ito : peanuts , raw. O c : roasted. 78
7VSc : hickory nuts. ' small , per bu. . JI.75 ; hlckorj
nuls. large , per bu. . Jl.CO ; black walnuts , per
hbl. ,
HEEF Light western steers , 400 to COO Iba. ,
014c ; good cows and heifers , 4ic ; medium
cowa nnd helfcra. 4'ic ' ; good forequarters
cows nnd heifers , 3 Vic ; gaod hlndquancrn cowa
nnd heifers. 60 ; cow rounds. 5c ; cow chucks , 3Hc
steer chucks , 404'ic ; beef tenderloins , fresh ,
19c ; frozen , lOc : beef rolls boneless. S'ic ; sirloin
butts , boneless. 8V4c ; loin backs , CVJc ; cow ribs ,
No. 3 , ( ! f)7c | ) ; cow loins , No. 3. 7lfS14c. !
MUTTON Dressed multon. C c ; lacks , SVic ;
legs. 7c ; unddles , 7c : slew * . 2'ic.
POHIC Dressed hogs , 4 ic ; pork loins. Co
spare ribs. Co ; poik shoulders , 44c ! ; pork shoul-
.lers , skinned. 4c ; pork trimmings , 4o ; tender
loins , 13c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 35c.
HIDES No. J green hides , 4Vjo ; No. 2 green
lildea , J14c ; No. 1 green naltej hides. Co ; No. 2
green called' hides. Co ; No. 1 green nailed hides ,
25 lo 40 Ibs. , Go ; No. 2 nrotailed hide * , 25 lo
40 Ibs. , Co ; No. 1 veal c ir , S lo : s lb * . , 7c ; No.
2 veal calf , 8 to IS Ibs. , Co ; No. 1 dry flint
hide * . SOlOo ; No. 2 dry llinf hide * . 6 7c ; No. 1
dry batted hldea , 7c ; part cured hide * . ! Jo per lb ,
leu * than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS-Qrecn sailed , each 3COc ;
green salted thcarllng * ( short wooled rarly tklns ) ,
each Uo ; dry vhcarllng * ( short wooled early
tklns ) . No. 1. each , lOo ; dry shearlings ( short
waded early > klns ) . No. 1 , each. Cc ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher woolpelts , , per lb. .
actual nelght , CUCo ; dry Hint Kansas and Ne'
jraskn. Murrain wool pelt * , per lb. , actual weight ,
4ii3c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
I ) . , actual weight , 4Jf6Vic ; dry nint Colorrido
Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4Oic ;
dry piece * nnd buck * , actual weight , 4tfJo ;
ftel cut off , a * It U uscle * * to pay freight or !
' '
AND aiinASE-Taiiow. NO. i , jw0 ;
tallow No. 2 , : c ; grease , white A , 3V c ; grease ,
wllie I ) . Zc ; grease , yellow , 2Jlc ; gteaje , dark ,
ta ; old butter , 3ft2lic ; beeswax , prime , lS22o ;
rough tallow , IVie.
HONiS-ln car lot * weighed nnd delivered In
Chicago ; Dry buffalo , per ton , J12.008H.OO ; dry
country , bleached , per ton , J10.00U12.00 ; dry
country , damp and meaty , per ton , JO.OOO3.00.
WOOL Unwashed , line heavy , 6fl7fl | fine light ,
! f)9c : quarter blood , lOfflzc ; a edy. Lurry and
chaffy , 869c ; cotled and broken , coarse , 709c ;
( Hit If'I and broken , fine , CtrSc. Fleece washed
Medium , liniSe : fine , i ( 16a ; tub washc-d , 160
ISc : black. So ; bucks , Co ; lag lock * . t33o ; dead
nulled. CRC.
Coffi-u Mnrkct ,
NEW YORK , Jan. 10 , COFFEE-Optlona
opened quiet at unchanged prices , rulsd Inactive
and featureleu , will ) only local trading , Foreign
ndvlcea Indifferent , and rpol demand uniatlftfac-
ory ; closed qulcl at unchanged price * lo C point *
let decline ; vale * , C.7W bags , Including March ,
.12.H3SiJ.00. Bpot coffee , Illfi. dull : No , 7. J14 ;
mild , dull ; Cordova , JI7.WUI8.00 : wartlioui * de-
Iverle * from Neir York yesUrday. 7.703 bags ;
few York stock today. 253,0-J7 bags ; Unltrd Slate *
ktiwlc , 364.9C ! lugs ; aHtut for th United Ktnte * .
IJ.r ) baci ; total vlslbla fur tha United State * ,
OjU.901 bugs , against 4 > 8.(21 bag * last year.
SANTOS. Jan. 19. Quiet : coed avernu * Santo ; ,
S13 : rnrplpt * . 7,000 bant ; flock. 4U.OOO bug * .
IIAMIIUIIU. Jan. ! P.-Closed kteady nt Uf ad-
anca to lif decline ; sale * , 33,000 bars ,
IHO Di : JANEIRO. Jan. 19. Weak ; No. 7 Hlo ,
I3.C9 ; exchange , 9 S-ICJ ; receipt * . 8.000 bag > ;
leared for lh United Slate * . 1,000 tans ; for
Europe , 7.0CO bfil * ; stock , 209,000 bag * .
Uncortnlntj Concerning the Immediate
Effect of the Bond Offer ,
Snlex of Wool I.nrKf , lint Mnrli of
It i'liroluineil for Speculation In ,
Anticipation of n 'I'nrlfl
IIHiitt Levied on K. .
NKW YOniC , Jan , 10.-II. O. Dun & Co.'a
Weekly llevlew of Trade , which Issues to
morrow , will say : The new year begins
with such uncertainty that business Is
somewhat retarded. The proposed sale
of bonds offers grounds for conlldencc In
thu future , but no one Is able to deter
mine what Its earliest effects may be In
the money market , and for the time It Is a
cause of hesitation other'than hopefulness.
Speculation In products has liven ncllve. Cot
ton Is unclmngol. Wheat Is about 1 cent higher
nnd corn the Kimc , without dlntlnct reason In
either cnne , for the Rovernmenl rrporl , tardily
conforming to commercial estimates of omo
inotittm ABO. did not command great co.tndencc.
Whenl receipts nt western points were nmost
double laft yfitr , ZS05,70I bushels , imalnsl l.Wi.-
704 bushel * last year , but Atlantic exports worn
n little larger ttun last year , flour Included ,
2.337,838 bushels , nRalnst 2.010,750 bushels n year
BKO. Corn receipts nre about n Quarter Iniger
than last year , while Atlantic exports arc nl > oul
four times ns large.
The Induslilnl situation tins not materially
chanped. There Is much hesitation In the
Iron business , nnd pome ndvnncc In Ilessemer
plir , lifcause of the expectation that Connellsvllle
coke nnd lake ore will both IIP dearer , nnd yet
finished products of Iron nnd steel nrc on the
whole quoted a little lower. The business In
nails Is extremely slow. Nothing Is doing In
inIK nnd while thtto Is a. rather hettrr demmd
for sheets nnd plates nnd several ( -ood ordera
nro retorted for structural woika. nnntes nre
qu.ited it shade lower. Kverythlnif turns In con-
tiuots for ore , which nre still unsettled , but the
great excess In iimtluctlon of plK Iron over ths
present demand la no longer denied , nml It Is
expected that quite n number of the furnaces
will presently discontinue production. Lower
pilces for Alabama. Iron renews competition with
eastern furnaces.
Sales of wool nre large , C.609,300 pounds for the
week , ngalnst 6.236,715 pounds last year. ntiouKh ! :
n largo part of the purchases la of n speculative
character , based upon the belief that prices may
l.e'ndvnnc d If the new tariff till goes Into crtect.
The opening ot woolen goods shown a further
tendency toward lower prices. In spite of the
prevalent belief that higher prices would be real
ized before long. If the revenue blU which pas.- . !
the house should become n law. The cotton mllbj
nre Bcncrnlly running , plough not all with full
force , and some are piling up goujs without
resnrd to the Imme-llate. . demand , which Is com
paratively slack , ns they apparently brtlcvc t at
ho short tupply of eottcn this year will ensure
them profltB In the end. ns It has during the
past lalf year. Nevertheless , goods havede (
cidedly weakened In price , quite n number of
changes having been recotded during the past
WKiuures ! for Ihe week have been 431 In the
UnHed States , against 421 J"t year nml rfly-
three In Canada , ngnlnst llfty-four last year.
Totals . . . . . . .IJ 27,050,427 19.1
\ \ nco. Houston nnd Oalveston nre not Included
In totals because containing other Items limn
clearings. Aujrustn. Toledo , Davenport , la. , Day-
Ion , O. , and Knoxvllle. Tenn. . aic not Included
In totals because of no comparison tar last
year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ConiioJnln of Poor CoIIeclloiiN Every
where Kxeejit In tli .South.
NKW YOniC , Jan. 10. nrodetreet'a lomorrow
will sayi Geneinl trade hna not Improved np-
preclably. Some wholesala bouses arc sending
out Irnvcle rs , while others bnvo not completeil
taking account of stock. Mild weather at west
ern polnta hn Interfered with bunlnfss In Borne
Instances , nnd the week continues lo present
clnracterlMIca of n between season period. The
Impression Is general , that uncertainly na to
llnanclal action by congress nnd dlnturblng po
litical conditions have nn unfavorable Inllurnce
on the ptonpect for new enterprises. Mercantile
colloollona caul , west and northwest nr com
plained of , but at the south Ihe romiurallve
case with which they are made fninii a con-
fplcuou * exception. Demand for funds nt various
western renlcis Ii the inoet active for n. year ,
Kloeks r.f wholetalers at many of the larger In
terior distributing points are low. First udvlcca
of ealeimen on the road are of moderate de
mand for goods. Improvement showing lUcIf
first In tlry goods , she < n and clothing ;
Kxports cf wheat ( Hour Included ns wheat )
from both coasts of Ihe United Htules this week
amount to 3,457.000 bushels , ns compared with
3,963,000 bushel * lait week , 2.C37.004 bushels In the
corresponding week one year ago , 2,400,000 bush
els two year * ago , and 3.SOS.OOO bushela In the
corresponding week In 1893.
There were 410 bUKlntea failures In the United
ilates thl > week , Ihe aggregate last week was
401 , In the cam } \veck one year ago It wo * 406 ,
and In tha conc p' > ndlng wetk of 1891 , Just after
Die panto , U wax 4SI , while In thu like week of
1593 , ilvo months prior to the llnanclal dliturb-
once of the year , 301.
Siieonlntlvo IntiTcntii Ilurlily I.onkeil
for < > 1'uiitilnr Louii.
NHW YOniC. Jan. 10. Ilradstcefa weekly re-
vlow at the New York stock market * ays BJH-C-
itatlva Inlcrrita were unquestionably somewhat
dlkmnyrd by the unexpected launching of the
1100,000,000 government bond Ujue a * a popular
ubscrlptlon. Tha principal clement of dliturb-
nnco was the Iden Hint the period of thirty day *
allowed far Ihe closing of the lulucrlptlon * would
afford opportunity for fuilher depletion of the
gold reserve and the development of other unsettling -
settling ( aclors. It wa * obieived that while Ii ?
mbllc w taking no Interval In ( peculation. aA !
hat the hope of a , booming tendency -which a
tale of the bonds to the Morgan * yndl' < ito might
hurc crwited l. fn , ref ) As1 ( , ther w * no
llquldnllon , nnd tlio lending IntereMs In th
market. whll InrllrieJ to t nd nsld < \ hud nn
disposition to work .jia lht- short aide. Further
consideration of Ihejwftfr leil nlsd to rern
other Important coniyflslhns. In the first place
It Is the opinion of , lly'street , that the Morgan
bond syndicate will Wt'llUbnn.l , but will put In
ft bid , with the choTitVi * In favor ot Us obtain
Ing the whole , or rt"iiny rnte nil but a fmil
portion of the bon.lcTwne. . The fact tint the
public , even If It wnfiH the bonds , cnnnot ob
lain gold wllh whWh Xlo pay for them. Is a
limitation tipon popi > T.iw > ub < crlpllons , while the
t nks which have1 ttii < * aM nre mnre likely lo
net In connection MBti the syndicate than to
lake the nltemntlvimrf tmylng n high price or
having their tndlvldptl.litds rejected.
Tlie withdrawals n > f a old from the treisurj
have not l > cen exc fplyf , nmountlng In all to
J2.000.OO ) or more fpr'tlje week , white Ihere Is
M-ldenco that the Tttxnpury has nrmeil Itsel
ngnln t such ilepletlntv if Its resen-c by nn nr
rnngement with rcn.-tln New York banks to sup
ply It.wllh gold during the thirty days of BUS
Pfnie. ,
The money market , though firm , has nls.
onlmod down considerably , nnd though gold ex
ports for Ihe week nmountnl to J3,2.VW ) ( In
eluding IICO.OX > taken from the treasury two
weeks ago nnd held In Iho bankers' vaults ) , px
change Is not sj nctlvo or strong ns to Indlcnte
rt heavy outflow. These fnclons therefore , as
serted themMves and caused n marked harden
Ing of value's throughout the balance of the
market. At the same lime the market has been
very narrow , nnd covering of short contracts
furnished the bulk of Ihe buying. The foreign
markets have been Influenced nlmost entirely by
the Trnnsvnnl complications , nnd the Venezuelan
question has been relocated to the background
This , wllh the less .acute feeling about the lat
ter subject , ha * checked foreign selling of Amer
ican securities nnd even Induce , ! n certain amount
of professional short covering for l ondon nc-
count. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Share Speculation AVnn IrreKtilnr nt
tlie ( ) | i en In K.
NI3W YOniC , Jnn. 10. The share speculation
today wns Irregulnh nt the opening nnd the
volume of business was only moderate. An ens
ler tendency soon became evident , nnd genera
fractional losses were scored. Ilefore Ihe ex
piration of the first bout , however , the selling
pressure wns exhausted nnd a well dellncd cov
ering movement ensued , under Ihe leadership of
tint Industrials , which carried prices up to n
malarial extent. Later In the day the nnthrn-
cite coal stocks and grangers were strong fea
ture. ! . The lust mentioned group wns holpei
by reiM > rls of n decidedly Increased movement
of cjrn. The sltmultillng Intlumce upon th :
CDal stocks wns nn Inaccurate minor of nn
Impending concerted advance In anthracite con
prices nt tidewater. The cold snnp has un
doubtedly slmrpened the consumptlvo demand
for coal , bill Ihls will only exert n tem | > ornrj
Inlluenco upon Ihe wholesale trade , except us
iv halt Is called In the hc.ivy mining operntlonn.
Sugar ccrtlllcntca sold up 2Hc , to 103H. pnrtlj
on the belief expresstd that the Ocrmnn sugar
bounty bill In the Itelchstng' will not pnaa nnd
partly on n pretty eonlldent sentiment by the
traders that the old dividend rates will be main
tained this The preferred stock rose li
per cent. The denial by President Hoyt of the
united States Leather company of the rumors
that the management was endeavoring lo place
a J2,00..000 . loan was followed by nn advance In
the preferred stock , due mainly to covering pur
chases. The general market was buoyed up by
the conviction that the delay Incidental to the
program for floating Uic new government loan
will not result In any serious financial disturb
ance. Tlie fact that only Jl.250,000 In gold wns
engaged for shipment tomorrow ulso had n fnvor-
ixblo Inlluencc upon the market. London was n
purchaser of St. Paul and n few other stocks to
it moderate extent. The principal advances , other
than those mentioned , were : Lake Shore. 21 ;
per cent ; Chicago Oa. 2)4 per cent ; Manhattan ,
Delaware & Hudson. Illinois Centrnl nn.l N-mv
Jersey Central , 1 } ; per cent : Lake Krle &
Western preferred , 2i per cent ; I ickawnruin , 1H
per cent ; . Tennessee -Conl. 1V4 per cent ; Louls-
vlllo & Nashville nnd Canadian Southern , ! * { ,
per cent , nnd the granger * . ajUfliJ per cent.
Liito In Ihe day realizing sales caused a general -
oral reactionary movement. In which Manhattan
and Leather preferred were the chief Miffereis ,
with losses of about-rt ' point. In the less nctlx'e
shares n. recession oT'.S | > er cent was made by
Metroiwlltnn TracUpn. . .In the closing dealings
prlcra ngnln ImrdeneiU ap.l . the closing was nrm ,
with substantial net 'advances general.
Iluslness In railway inongages was of moderate
proportions , nnd a ytrcng tone ruled. The Head-
ina Issues were thoi > ntures of the trading , and
on good buying gained 1G2V4 per cent , the Hist In
llu second Incomes. The Atcblson nnd Kansas
& Texas IESUPJ .were lilso well supported and
gained sharply. Tljf palca aggregated J1.55S.OOO.
Oovcrnmenl lr.nili rulfd trong and higher. The
new 4s coupons anl new 5 , couoons sold up li !
and 1 per cenl respectively on' purchases of
J10.000 eacli.
The Kvenlng Post's.Jx > ndon- cablegram snys :
There was , n continual Improvement on. the
stock markets today , but on bVtirs covering nnd
an absence of furttter-'dlsturblng political news ,
rather than on dellnlle favorable news. Amer
icans rallied with ( he other markets. The close
was undet the best' 'Tilt-re Is no'public support
In any of the markets , certainly not In Amer
icans. The" .expectVrd gold to arrive by the
LucanlnJ will go to'ttltoUlunk of Kngland. Thejc
la ,110 .sign yet of , th < ; , Morgan syndloate buying
gld. . There wns a'l'ush today to deposit Heading
bonds. Especially notlcnable iwns the. number of
The total sales of stocks today were J57.720
sliares. Including : American Sugar , 40.COO ; Atuhl-
iion , S.C'W ' ; Hurllngton , C.IOO ; Chicago Uan , 11.COO ;
Loulevlllo & Nashvillo. 3,700 ; Manhattan Con. .
3,800 ; llMdlnt ; , 7,700 ; St. Paul , 18,000 ; United
Slates leather preferred , 1C.COO.
10 ,77U ; Vienna , 10J. The oinounl of bullion
gent Into | h Hank of England on balance today
Is .
ItEilLIN , Jan. ID. Exrrmn * * on I/ondon. eUhl
dsy ' strht , murks 4H pfg , The weekly state
ment of the Imperial llxnk of Oermany shows
the following changes , s eompaml with the
previous accounting : Onsh In rund , Increase , markn ; Ireasury notes. Increase. 340,000
murks : oilier securities , decrease , 7S.900.OW
notes in circulation , decrease. 2.SSO.OOO marks.
Snn f rnnolRcu Mining llnnintlonii.
SAN FHANC19CO. Irt.-TIm official ole lnir
quotation * for irnnliu stoaiti taliWJM at fol
lows :
Alia 10 Julia a
Alliha Con. ' . ' 7 Junttco 4
Andes v > 4 KonttlottvCon II
Hotelier Ill ) Mexican. Gil
Itcst.l Ilolchor. . , . DM Mono .1
HodloCon , 40 Mount Diablo 13
million is Occidental Con. . . . 110
UulwcrCon. . , , . , . . 111 Uphlr ISO
Caledonia Overman 'JO
Challcniro Con I'otoM i. . . . . . . lit
Chollar K.I SAvaire HI )
Contldenrii. 120 Scorpion 3
Con. Gal .V V.i J55 Slorr.1 Novail.l I )
Con. ImnorUl Silver Itlll -2
Crown Point 2.1 Silver Kin ? So
i-xclminor. . . . . . . II Union Con 47
OouldAOurrv r , t Utah Con. . . . . . . . . . ( I
H.ilo.V Norcnm. . 140 Yullow Jacket. . . 44
Silver bars. lUIHe. Moxioin ilolllM.
Drain , nljnt , par ! lolejr.ipmc. pi
ticrr Yurie Mining Utintntloiis.
NK\V YORK. Jan. 10. T.ta following arj the
clostmr ml
Dulwcr. 10 Ontario 700
Chonar 70 Onlitr. 1:10 :
Crown Point as I'lvmontl 2iuil (
Con. Cat , A V.iMO QiilcKsllvor 175
Dondwood 00 Uulcksllvor nM..140l )
Gould .V Curry 47 sierra Nnvad.1 . . . fliiil
Hnbi.t Nnrerosi. . 110 Ftnnd.inl lliU
Hompstnkii . .BOOH Union Con 4'J
Iron Silver 18 Yellow JacKut. . . . . 4U
Mexican ( JO
1 offered.
London Stuck Unotntlons.
LONDON. 10. 4 1) . in. closing :
Consols.m'.v Mexican ordinary.
Consols , nco't. 10H ! < St. P.iulconi
Can. P.'icllie M J N. Y. Cenlril
Krlu lit ; PonnHylvanl.1
Krlu2dt IN Ituadln ?
III. Central 1:1 : Mux. Con. now 4 .
ItAH RILVEll-30 9-16,1 per ounce.
MONEY U per cent.
The rnto of discount In the open market for
short nnd three months' I lll 1st HI per cent.
11OSTON , Jnn. lO.-Clenrlngs. J13,112,9SB : bal
ances. J1.3S4.SSO.
HALT1MOHH. Jnn. lO.-Clenrliigs , 12.201,977 ;
balances. 1271,714.
PHILADELPHIA. Jnn. lO.-Clcarlngs. J11.C30.-
231 ; balances. 11.372,174.
ST. LOU18. Jnn. 10. Clearings , S3.90fS.161 : bnl-
nnees , W49.023 ; Money. ESjS per cent ; New Yorlc
exchange. f > 0c premium.
CHICAGO. Jnn. 10. Clearings. S11.7C3.3&1.
Money on o.ill ilrin at C per cent ; on time. C1J7
r cent : Mew York exchange , SOc : foreign ex-
< ! ncl" , , > nged ; bankers' London sterling.
NE\V YORK , Jnn. lO.-Clenrlngs. J91.0S3.C01 :
balances , J , > ,411.0S3. Two hundred thousand
dollars In gold has been ordered
'roin the subtreasury by Messrs. Watson
Hi ' VTokcra' Jt ls understood that the Bold
will not bo exported.
IlviTiool | Miirkftx.
LIVERPOOL. Jnn. 10. WHEAT Spat quiet ;
demand moderate : No. 2 red wlnler. Oa 4d : No.
.1 red spring , slocka exhausted : No. 1 hard Mani
toba , Ds 4V4d ; No. 1 California. Cs 6d. Futures
opened quIijL but steady nt unchanged prices ;
closed quiet with January unchanged and other
months } . ! lower from yesterday'a closing price ;
business about equally distributed : January. 6s
ii.I > ; } > nP'.SBSil ! : March. Cs C',4d ; April. Cs
iJiil ; May. Ds
C&d ; June , Cs dirt ,
COHN bpot quiet ; American mixed new , 5s 3d.
I'll lures opened quiet nl unchanged prices : closed
quiet with May nnd June d Iswer and other
months unchanged from yesterday's closing
llgurcs ; business about equally distributed ; Jnnu-
" . 'y',31 , 2'i ' February , Ss 25J.1 ; March , 3a 3d ;
AI'rl. | 3s 3 d ; May. 5s 3Ud ; Jane. 3s 3'td. M'TjS"11' ' ' d ° mand " ° 0r : StUU"
PllOVIsiONS-Hacon. nrm ; demand fair ;
Cumbeiland cut , 23 to Ibs. . 2Si 6.1 ; short ribs
2 i , " . 2"HJJ : lo" ( ? clear , light , 3S to 45 Ibs. ,
27 Cd ; long clear , heavy. C5 lb * . , 27s ; short clear
backs , light , IS Ibs. . 27s 6d ; bhoit clear middles ,
heavy. 6j Ibs. , 26n 6d ; clear belllra. II to 16 Ibs. ,
31s. Shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 27s. llnms
! , hort cut. II .to 16 Ibs. . 10s. Tallow , line N. . rlh
American. 21s 3.1. H--elX extra India mess. 72 Cd ;
prime mess. C7sCd. Tork. prime mess , line
western. Ms ; western medium. 45s. Lard , firm ;
prime western steam , 29s ; refined , In palls , 3Cs.
CHEESE Firm ; demand moderate ; llnest
American , \ \ litu43s ; finest American colored ,
HUTTEH Finest United States , 95s ; good , 60s.
TUHPENTINE-Splrlts. 21s 6.1.
OILS Hosln , common , 43 9d. Cottonseed oil ,
Liverpool refined , 17s. Linseed oil , 20s. Pe
troleum , refined , SVM.
nEFHIOEIlATOU BEEF Forequarters , , JJ4d ;
hlndquarlcrs , Cd.
Llven > ool.t7- ! I " ' . < > . ii -
HOI'S At LonJtn-Pacinc ( .coast ) , 2 5s.
The receipts of wheat during the past three days
were . 132,000 centals , Including 81,000 centals
American. Tlecelpts of American corn , 73,000
Weather light and froaty.
Wool Mnrket.
nOSTON. Jan. 10. The Commercial Bulletin
will nay of the wool mnrltet : Were It not for
two larpre sales the record for the week w.ill Id
ho small Indeed. The Kerrvllle wools , from
Texan , were marked onn basis of 28o to. 29o
clean to the extent of [ 00,000 Ibs. The other
largo sals was n line of forelun cross bred
wools nt current rates. The full Texas wools
will to used as a uuhstltutc for Cape of Good
Hope wools , which cost 33c clean. Though there
has been no Beneral Inquiry , the mniket Is
steady. The sales of the week nro S.741 bales
domestic nnd 6,634 bale fnri > lKn , against 7.563.-
00) Ibs. dom a'lc nrd 2,351,0 0 Ibs fore'gn 'nst we. It
and 2,808,000 Ibs. domestlo nnd I.10),20) ) Ib3. foreign
for the same week last year. The sales to date
show an Increase of 4.899,010 lb . domestic nnd
1.678,800 Ibs. foreign from' the sales to Ihe came
date In 1S95. The receipts lo date show nn In-
creasfi of 3,483 bales domestic and 0,272 bales
Cotton Market.
8T. LOUIS , Jan. 10.-COTTON Quiet , steady ;
no sales reported ; middling. 7TJc ; receipts , 1,203
bales ; shipments , 611 bales ; stock , 73.90S'lyiles.
NI-JW ORLEANS , Jnn. 10. COTTON Firm ;
mlddllnff , 7 13-16c ; low mlrtdllmr. 716c ; good or
dinary , 7'Jc ; net receipts , 7.53S bales ; gross ,
5,556 bales ; exports lo Great Ilillnln. 2,727 Inlea ;
coastwlce , 902 bales ; sal OH , 2,500 bales ; stock ,
409.100 bales.
NKW YOUK. Jan. lO.-COTTON-Futures
closed fttcady : palm , 148,50) bales ; January ,
J7.1W ; February , J7.99 ; March , JS.06 : April. > 8.11 ;
May , fs.17 ; June. J8.20 ; July , JS.23 ; August ,
[ 8.24 ; September , JS.03 ; October. J7.S7 ; November ,
I7.R3 : epot quiet ; middling , S 5-16c ; net receipts ,
,72i ) bales ; profs , 4,003bales ; forwnrded 1.277 bales ;
sales , 247 bales , ull splnncra ; stock , 192,225 baleti ,
KANSAS OITV. Jnn. 10. WHEAT About He
lower ; No. 2 haril. G7Hic ; No , 2 red. 69c ; No , 2
spring. D6S50V5c ; No. 3 springG4flu4Ac ! ; rejected ,
COHN Ixiwer. dull ; No. 2 mixed ,
No. 3 while , 22tfe.
OATS trnclmnged ; No. 2 mixed , 17c : No. 2
white. ISWlSHc.
IlYK Dull ; No. 2 nominally SOc.
HAY Weak ; timothy , J10.00ifl2.50 ; pralrlo ,
| O.Ofl J7.00.
IHITTKH Steady to nrm ; creamery , 18VSG21c ;
dallT. 13B14C.
KGGS Weak , lower ; fresh. 17c.
Ilry GooilH Market.
NKW YOIIK , Jan , 10. The moderntc tone of
mprovcment reported previously shows expan
sion , as In many quartern morn business was
lone by vUltlng merchants , nntl on ( he part of
resident buyers BOmu surprise was expressed nt
: h assessments called for , Tiic cloud of darkness
hat has rested over the market begins lo break ,
an.t . It ls most likely that the current week will
develop more Inquiry. Printing cloths quiet a * So.
Sulfur Market.
NEW YOJIK. Jan. 10. RUdAK-linw , firm but
quiet ; fair rcflnlm ; , 3 Vic ; centrifugal , 90 teat ,
LONDON , Jan. 10. SUGAll-Cane , n'teady ;
centrifugal , Java , 12s 10'id ' ; Muscovado , fair
refining , 10s 9.1 . ; beet , quiet ; January , 10s 9d ;
/ebruary , 10s lOlSd. _
MlnneiuiollM AVIieiit ainrket.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jnn. 10. WHEAT Hteady ; : January , M71c ; May , WiQXHc. On track ,
No. 1 hard. S3Hc ; No. 1 northern , 51Hc ; No. 2
lorthern. 53c ; receipts , 590 cam.
FLOUlt Dull ; tlrnt palrnta , 3.oo 3 40 ; domes.
tlo bakers , 2.W ; expert bakers , J .CHH2.2g.
'FrlMCO Wlient tluotiitloiiM.
HAN KIIANCI8CO. Jan. 10 , WHEAT Steady ;
May , J1.07i ! ; cleartd , 51,80. ) ccntali.
DrjGooiU Market.
FALL niVER , Jlaaa. , Jan. JO.-I'rlnt cloths
very dull at 3c. _
Iron VtNHrl Aniore. !
A'ICTOniA. n. C , , Jan. 10.Abit fotir-
manled Iron vessel Is ashore near Carmanah
point , Vancouver Island , and Is a total
wreck. She la mjpnofe.l to l > o a grain
vessel for I'prtland , I'UB.S and a Ufa boat
lave.pono to her assistance.
8HATTIK. Wash. . Jan. 10. Shlpplnu
mou hero say the Iron ship lost off Van
couver Islnnd la the Jeanette Cowan , 2,980
ons , 125 iluya out from Capetown for Van
couver ,
INSTUUMENT3 placed on record January
10 , 1896 :
John McCrary and wife toV O Ilod-
Bcra , lot 1C , block 1 , Marysvllle . $1,200
Francis Deut ot ul to O D JJellls ot al ,
lot 10 , block 43 , Hennon . 00
T 11 Cunningham and wlfo to Patrick
Cunningham , lot 11 , block 10 , Walnut
Hill . 10
) } > and Mary Johnson to Kllza John
son , lots 8 and 9 , renlat of Waverly. . 1,000
George Gould to K I Procter , lot 0 ,
block 1 , Cherry Hill . 1,200
Sheriff to R K Drown. t > 22 feet lot 1C
and n 30 feet lot 16 , block C , Kountzo
Fourth add . 3
Same to K D Callubun , wH ot oVi of nose
so 7-15-13 . . , . . , . , . 0,000
Total amount of transfers . , . . . .19,235
Another Day of Fair Receipts and Actlvo
Business at the Yards ,
llulchcru , dinner * nntl SJooUcru All
Sell ltilcUI > - UOKI I'oll" " ' I'ro-
% lnlonn mill lo > ie n Nlekcl
In rrloex.
PRIDAY. Jan. 10.
Itpcclpls nntl shipments for UIP pnst
twenty-four hoiirp , ns conipnrcil with the
previous six ilnys , nrc ns follow :
Cnttlo. Iloir' . Sheep. Horses.
January 10 , 1.7G9 4.S20 103
January 9 1.123 fift C
Jnnunry 8 2,0.19 6finS 371 45
January 7 2.BIS J.2S2 212 . . . .
January C ! H 1,190 . . . . 20
January 4 1,15'i ' 2,712 12 . . . .
January 3 l.ftft 4OV
Cattlo. HOBS. Sheep. Horses.
Jnr.unry 9. , , . . . , , . . 38 ! ) GOO
January X 9H ! ! 4i !
January 7 7S5
January G nni 20
January 4 237 . . . .
January 3 1,101
Jnnunry 2 4flo >
January 1 $6 .1. . K > 7
The disposition of the day's ofterliiKa or
live stock was ns follows , each liuycr pur
chasing the number of hcatl Indicated :
Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Omnha. 1'acklnjr mmpany. . . . 3' ' "SI
The O. 11 , Hammond Co. . , . * ? ' > 1,190
Swift n d company 4 M3 . .
The Cinlnhy rnekltiR Co US 1,708 IV
It , Decker and Ocgnn I . . . .
llamllt.m A Stephens C . . . . . .
Vanannt & Co 42
Decker" llms IV )
Nelson Morris 127
Shippers nnd feeders 179 2 . . .
lxft over 40 300 . . .
Total .TTTI m
CATTM3 The flipply of cattle was fair
for a Friday , seventy-seven freah loads be-
Ins : 'reported In the yards. While no ma
terial Improvement was madp 'n ' ths market ,
the conditions were fully as favorable ns
yesterday and very satisfactory to the sell-
IIIK Interests.
AmniiK the cattle on sale was quite a
number of loads of dressed beef strers ,
rnnplnir from commonlsh llpht stulT to
choice heavy. The demand , like yesterday ,
was active nnd every ono seemed to want
cattle , both packers and shippers. It did
not take IOIIK to clear the pens at Mrons ?
yesterday's prices. As hlnti as $1.30 was
paid for one bunch of very choice steers ,
while there were others Rood cnotiRh to
bring $1 to $4.23. The weak close of the
market In ChlcaRO was not reported early
onoiiRh to produce any material effect upon
the market here , as most everything was
already sold.
Cows and heifers were fn active demand
and the offerliiRS met with ready sale nt
Just ahout yesterday's prices. As high as
$3 no wns paid for one bunch of choco : corn-
fed heifers.
Only a few stackers nnd feeders were
offered on the market , but what there -wore
sold at good strong prices. Representative
sales !
, 800 3 00 3. , , , C70 3 25 3. . . . 893 3 30
, 405 3 00 1. . . , X,0 3 25 3. . . . 793 3 40
, COO 3 00 G , . . . ( HO 3 25 C , . , . COO I CO
950 305 3 , , , , 730 3 25
N. K. Puisons.
NO. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 stags. , , , , .1165 J2 10 C'leteers Hit J3 4)
G COWH. . . . ,1030 2 70 27 Menu..10 % 3 40
5 feeder * . . .1098 275
M. Hllvn.
2bu ! ' 1435 1 75 21 cowii 1054 2 C1 !
6 bolferu 4il 235 4 feeder C82 3 IS
8 rows 833 2 40 14 feeder * , . , , UTG 325
HOOiv-Snloamen did not have everything Ihclr
iwn way IIH they did yesterday. The weak clone
n Chicago yeutercli.y and Iho lower provision
narket made Itself felt today. Tlie buyer *
started out this mornbig bidding S3.CO , but very
'ew loads were Bold at that price , thu trade
eventually developing Into u J3.55 market. It
wan at llila latter price Hint Ilia bulk of Ihe
toga void , J3.C5 lielng Iho popular price today ua
wull a * yeiitcnlay. Them were , however , very
'ew eales above that price , only one load toucli-
ng J3.CO , while yesterday there wu quite a
airing at JJ.ST'/jOJ.CO. Till * brought the general
uvemgu of Hie market down a iliade from yes
terday's uverugo price.
The rnailtet was active , Iho demand on the
part of the packer * being good , and every-
hlng wa * > old out early , Heprcientallvo Bales ;
> 'o. Sh. Av , Pr. No. Bh. Av , Pr.
63 . 1(0 . . . S3 49 70 . M7 . . . S3C3
2 . 211 40 3 47' , } C4 . 2 9 209 3C5
21 . 191 . . . 3 M 62 . 257 * 2 M
j7 . 290 . . . 3 71 . 255
CO . 872 120 3 CO 49 . 290 80 3 C3
j9..2 3 120 i CO 77 . 217 80 3 C3
9 ; . . . . . , .191 40 3 M C3 . 2.V9 120 3 CS
6 . 52 ICO 3 W C : . 2J1 * 3 S3
3 . S1W 120 3 S2'/i ' 75 , . 203 kO 3 S3
CO . 2C9 ICO 3 C2li 74 . , . .250 C ) 3 CS
J ) . 284 80 SC511 & ! , .187 1M 3 CS
C8 . 218 40 3 M',4 ' ? . , . , „ , . 200 3C5
CO . , ,3CC ICO 3 C2lJ 61 , .297 ICQ 3 C3
,5 , . , .208 80 3 C2Vi 3 1,3
. . . . . . . . . . . 3 C24 ! : : : : : : 107 3 C3
CO , . . 315 80 3 62H C4 31 ! 80 X CS
9. . . 72 26 } 120 3M
2C3 cj 266 80 3 S3
149 209 3 CJ
7 . 2 6 e . . . , , , f.2S2 I C5
8. , , . 273 2 ! 20 ] 1 S3
J . § J t > 4 , . , , 210 3C3
C7 , , . 897
, 2 CS
! : : : : : : : : iil 61. , . . 313 3 CS
1 . 24 U. . . , 302 200
Z . 2H C 2i)9 ) 0 1 K
. . . . . . . . O IV ) 89 3 CS
C3 . 283 1:2 283 3 CS
CS . 218 7. ; , 273 3 53C5
M . 300 ' " ' C5
CD . 299 , ) . ! ! SC3
2S 80 Ml 49 SC3
C4 1IX ) , ! CI > CS
,7 Ml
,7CO 312 ; ; ; ! ; , ' ! 49 ICIVi
} 181 7 > Ill HH
57 SW 1M JK W t 41 S S7U
SI 303 M S Si 62 ill 120 J 0
U 2tt 120 I .VI
S ] . . . 0) S Ml 40 IM
1 2.v ) , , , Id ) 10 . . .m . . . JW
i. . . . , . . . : ? ) . . . 155 4. , 2IZ . . . 150
1 219 . . . 3 ( 4 97i SO SCO
6 241 . . . 3 47H .1 3 . . . 1 CO
4 397 . . . 3M ( . . . , . , . . ! . . . 3 CO
SllHEP There was only ono load of sheep her * ,
nn.l U sol.l readily nt fully steady prices. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
7 culls , K JIM
M native lambs ' ' < W
Common ( o llent lleeven Were Taken
nt Kxti'emc ItniiKeN.
C11ICAOO , Jan. 10. The cattle trade wna nlow
toilay nnd yeslenlft } ' . Common to the best
l > ecves were taken nt nn extreme range of from
JJ.2J to $ . ' , with sales largely nt finin $ J.S ! ! to
J4.CO. 1'rlces were largely lOo lower than > e ler-
day. As dressed beef concents weto taking most
of the cattle used ns good feeders , not many
cattle were Iwught to thlp linck to the country.
nnd Ihe best feeders ndvnncol to J4.80. C\w and
bulk * nlso slmreil In the advance , anil there WAS
nn active demand , cows and heifers selling
largely nt from 12.10 to JJ.SJ. Calves nrrlvetl
more freely , hut RWJ lo choice lots were tlrm
at from J4.7S to 1G.T5 per 1C > > Ibs. Texas cnltls
were lirlfk nt from JXU to JI..1S.
In lii > K8 the ndvnncc wns checked today , anil
prices broke 5c , tnullnR lielng much lower thnn
on previous days of the \\eck. Halm rnngetl nt
from | 1. SS to J3.S1 for common to prime drove * .
with sales largely nt from } 3.75 to $3. SO , lluycra
contlnucil to discriminate nenlnil big 3T 0 nnd
4W-II ) . IIOK.I , but all desirable lots found quick
sales , nnd people were of the opinion that hogs
purchased below Jl will bring In fair pioflts In
the long mil.
Despite the liberal receipts of sheep thli week
OIK excellent demand for fheep nnd Inmbs from
local diessed meal concerns caused a further Hue
of from Ifio to tSc. Native sheep sold freely nt
from 12 lo 12.73 for p.x > r ti > fair , up to from
P.W to 13.75 for good to extra. Yearlings found
buyers nt from (3.H ( ) to ) IOJ. Hiles Inclndevl n
gixxl many fed western sheep nt from J3.39 In
J3.75. Ijimbs showed espivlnl animation nt from
J3.M to } J.
Kecelpts : Cattle , C.5W head ; bogs , 40,000 head ;
sheep , 15,000 head. _
KniisMN City l.lve Sloek.
KAN'HAH CITY. Jan. tO.-CATTl.U-lleeflpls.
G.2'W ' lionil ; rhlpments. l.S head. Markrt steiuly
to sttwng. Texas steers , t2.T3If3.SD ; Texas eown ,
J2.CO : beef steers. J3.0off4.40 : natlvo cows. H.7MJ , ' <
3.13 : stockers nnd feeders , $ ! .SOSJ3.7S ; bulls , J2.W
. .
HODS Hecolpts , lO.ftM head : shipments. 400
head. Market weak nnd Co lower. Hulk of
wiles , t3.UVKir3.C7U : henvy , 53.i K3.CO ; packeni.
I3.S003.0) ; mlxeil. f3.S5fl3. & ) ; lights , J3.3LHJJ.M ;
Yorkeis. H.4r. . 3.f > 0 : pigs. JS.45.
HIIUKP llecelpts. S.C'ii ' ) head ; shipments , none.
Maiket steady , tjimbs , JI.OOIil-M ; muttons ,
| ! .O
Record of receipts ixt the four principal marttota
for Krlilay , Jnnunry 10 , ISM :
Cattlo. llast. Sheep.
oulll Omnha . 1.700 4 , < i ) lua
'Mcnini . " .J1"0 4 ° . ( l0" " .000
Kansas City . C.S RCO ) 2,600
St. iKiuls . 2.000 6.0W 1.000
Totals . 16.401) 01,000 18,700
St. I.ouln l.lve Stoek.
ST IX3UIS , Jan. 10. CATTLE llecelpts. 2,000
head. Market steady : native beeves , J3.23ffl.75 :
COWH and heifers , J2.0083.40 ; Texas steers , J2.CO
liobs llecolplB , ,000 bead. Market Go lowcr |
heavy. J3.6003.7oi mixed , JJ.40y3.70 ; light , * 3.M
I ? "I T'i
SI I KUP llecelpts. 1,000 head. Market steady ;
natlvo muttons , J2.75G3.50 : southern , J2.23Q3.13.
X iv Yorlc Ijlvu StoeU Slnrkel.
NI2\V YOUK , Jnn. 10. DICKVUS necelpla ,
3.DC2 limil ; Kurojicnn cables quota American
steers nt lOiJIOUc , dressed weight ! refrigerator ,
KUKRI' AND ijAMHH llfceiius. s.iiii ncau ;
steady ; sheep , px > r to pi line , J3.004.40 ; lambs , ,
nfrrlor to choice , f4.7"iWS.SO.
HOGS IlecelplH , 7b43 head : higher , nt J4.200
4. CO.
nml Flrriiiuu Iiijureil.
SPHINOPIKUD , III. , Jnn. 10. The Illinois
Central passenuer , lenvlnp ? hero nt 8SO : this
mornlncr , ran Into nn open switch at Mud
Lake , peven miles east of this city. The
onKlne nnd bnBsage car were thrown oft the
irack and turned over. The engine wns
badly damaged and the baBijnKe car la a
total wreck. The Injured nre : Knclnecr
Adam Shell of Clinton , head badly cut and
lerhaps Injured Internally ; ' Fireman Alonzo
NIcDonnld , HnrliiKlleld , bndly bruised nnd
scratched. There Is un embankment twenty
feet hlKh just beyond the FCCIIO of the
wiuck. KnBlncci * Shell remained nt his
post and reversal Mi ciiBlne and limloubt-
cdly saved the lives of his twenty pas
sengers by HO , 'doliiK , us othorwlso thcMrnln
would have Bono over the embankment Into
the lnlc. He and th : llreman Jumped nt the
last moment. ,
CorreHponilont Koiuiil Demi In Ileil.
BNV13R'Jan. 10. Walter Clark Nlcliols ,
who arrived In Denver last night from
S'ew York , wns found dead In bed In the St.
James hotel this afternoon. Nichols cnma
lo Colorado for the purpose of writing up
the Cripple Creek gold district for the
[ Jarpcr Urothers' Publishing company. Ha
had long cultured from heart trouble.
AIIK'elil Olive. Relier n 1'a rd oil.
SPKINQKIKLU , Jan. 10. Governor Alt-
geld today granted u pardon to ex-Ilepro-
pcnUitlve John I * . Geher. , doing five years'
: lmb nt .Toilet penitentiary for murder dur-
ng a riot nt Joule's mine In Tasewell
county. In 1G9I , when two men were killed
and thu inlii ; burned. The govcinor holds
Uehcr Innocent.
Fiilr mill Collier \orlliweMterljr
WliulM for JVeliriiMliii.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. The forecast for
Saturday Is ; ,
For Nebraska Kalr nnd colder ; winds be
coming northwesterly.
For South Dakota Fair and colder ;
lortlnvesterly winds.
For Town Fair ; colder In the northwest
portion ; southwesterly , shifting to north
westerly winds.
For Kaunas Fair ; co'.der In the northwest
portion : westerly winds ,
For Missouri Fair ; warmer In the south
east portion ; southwesterly , Ehlftlni ; to
northwesterly winds.
Iteconl. ,
OMAHA , Jnn. 10. Omaha record of tern-
pcruturo and rainfall , compared with ilia
corresponding day of the pnsffour yeuru :
1890. 18D5. 1831. 1B93.
Maximum temperature . . C3 37 40 11
Minimum temperature . . . 31 17 C 0
Avciaga temperature . 48 27 20 S
I'rcclpllallon . 0 0 0 T
Condition of temperature and precipitation
nt Onmlia for the day and slnco March 1.
1KJ5 :
Normal temperature . IT for Iho tiny . . . 31
Accumulated excess slnco March 1 . 432
formal precipitation . 02 Inch
Dellelency for the day . . . . . . , . .02 Inert
Total precipitation Rlnce March 1 20,72 Inches
Dcllclcncy wince March 1 . 11 2J Inches
from Stiitloim at M ji. m.
Telephone 1031) ) . Oinuliu , Nub.
Hoom 11114 Hoard of Trade.
Dliect wires to Chicago and New York ,
Comnpondentm John A. Warren & Co.
Hoom 4 , N. Y. Llfcniitg. , Oniahii.
Hrunch olllcei at Fremont anj ( Tulunibui. All
ordem placed on Ilia Chlcagi Hoard of Trade.
Correnponclentu : Hwurti , Dupeu & Co , , Chi-
Cairo ; -tilirelnur , Klacl : & Co. , Hi. Louis. llefei
to t-'ir l National tank. Oinaiia.
Our Free Letter
Reviewing tin train and flock uurketi. will I *
unt you dally on requeit , In the liopt cf deiiry
tnv part of your > iu > lnesi. Orden ( ollclUd for
ciuh cr on three to five point margin *
Member * Chicago Hoard uf Tlid * . Nor York
Produce Exchunge. New Yoik Cent. IHocU IIx-
change. 17 Uourd Tr Ut , Chl > ; < i(0. < 4 '
York ,