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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1896)
THE OMAHA DALLY BEJCs jOjUUnSDAY , JANUABT 2 , 1800. SPEG1RL NOTICES. for Hi one colntntm lie tiiUon until 1'JiHO it. in. for < lie etriilnw nnil unlll H 11. m. for HIP tniiriilncr nnil Similar edition * . Ailt crllNern l > r rn c lln c * < nntn- lirreil clu-rk , cnn lime niimTor * nil- IroKuctl o n luiintierpil Idler lit cnrc of The Ilro. Ati er no nililroaieil irlll IIP ilrllverpil tipon iircm-iilnMon of HIP plicck only. Itnlpw , 1 1-So " mini nr Iturrllnnt In n rronl Iliprpnftpr. NolliliiK fnken for Ion * ( I , , , , , a.-.c for Ilrst liiHprllon. TIIC-HP niUprtlNpincnlH must lie rim cnimecn- llvolr. AVA\TII : > . TOltNO MAN WANTS I't.ArR TO DO ink * cnra of Mrnnro , howler hoard Omihfi llus. Col . cor 15th nml I WANTED BY MAN ANDWIFB. . ri.ACt : TO Vnnkfcolli \ POM rooks , ten l r , ' c P rlrn . A-Mrmii H 16. HP' . A-M1.32 WA\TI3I-MAMJ ! ANTKD-UVn. INTnU.IOnNT AOrNTS\U \ * Omaha to orcnnlio cluhd of three to five nini Orchard Homo. Inn W in lie * of our fnmmis rentrnl MI-slMilrpI Th" thle > ' TO'EftdS ' . no hot wlnrts. coins inuth whcrr there ore no ? n1l , wlnti-n. . no Ulzrnrds no "op fnlltn-M. where two or three cropi cnn to rnl ' } ' where there l no Mich thins n rnllurfl. yenr : n Sinn will work one-hntf ns hurt " 'he .low In thU country : reel Himtnem. mIM truck | ; rlche-t of fruits nnd Rnrdrn pnvln < r crrps roll on enrth : beit llwnv fnell tlM % ; , , I .imam ft . Am" , central nfiont. ICK JJn M TO J1CO 1'AID SAI.liqMHN roll nOAH * exiT rlenoo not ticewi"xtrn lnrt ' ' "ni"nli to ciiitomcri. Illshop & Kline. Kt Cnttn rcM'I.Nat.S JMW TO JIM 00 WU MONTH AND in soil clKiirs : cxpoilcnce " "nr "ary4 , " "J , " to curtomcre. 1 oik * - - Imluccmontn _ J- , tVl- Y. Iticlnc WIs iv\NTin i.nsMnN , TT lry. only < - t > erlcnrol men with Rrnxl nVo.1 apl , , > n. Uoscnbaum .Towclry Lincoln , Ncb _ _ _ \vrf\VANT AN Aiu.n AND nx- Mlwrnnn t tnl.c clifwo of a hrnncl olllCB In Omnlia for our line . "t ' " " /0 ffi"UCnWoifK' ? Jfi'n ? ! , ? T0 CJirJi ramry1 . . ! P nfnl position. ' wllh full iinillciiliiR nml rcfircnccK Ciijhmnn r' < t ' Hroi. Company. 78 Hudson Btrcet. _ ? . . OWN rou rn\v PI'SHINO V1 " , , , , ! . "nlcJmin on rnlarj. experience unncces-ir > . permnncnt .mplojmont. apply now. l.uKe llrns ft / 11-M187 1' , Chlcairo - Co. , Nurscrjincn. > tv $ i tvt , WANT1JU KIJ HIM. ! ' . Bif \VANTin-r.iHL rou or.NniiAL nousi- vCork. throrln fnmll ) . 1113 South atli , ! " " J 1 \VANTHD ami , rou OINIIIAI. ' . norlc. 2719 JntkHon mrcct _ O-Mli2 2SM I.nAVKNVVOUTH ST , OOOD rOMPKTHNT Klrl wanted for Kcnertl hou f orlt , snull fam- 11) ; must ho good cook. Cill nt 01H 9S1 j. A YonNO ron . D831 rrnnUIn s _ WANTIM ) . A T.AUY STKNOOKAl'Iir.U AND uitilil ItcmlnKton oporntor , wllh cjijerlcnco ns ilouhlc entry hmiUUiipor nml rapU with llRiirfH Ono who hns hid ixperldice In ollicf wotlc Applj llcmlnston T > powrllcr oinpp. 1,10 I'm mm uticct. CllSj I _ WANTED A coMfirrnNT Nunstj Giur. rpii two children lira Urnrat n. Hut. 02 1 Mil- low nvonut. Council lllurfs. C M2)3 2 l-'OIl IIOUSCS. r. K. DAIU.ING , nAiucctt ni.ocic. P 113 IIOUMKS IN ALT. PARTS OP THE CITi" . THU n. r. DivU Companj , 1503 rarnnm. P ill ruiiNisTinu nousc ron KENT ; niCAUTiPun luitise , ten looms clmaully furnished , hot water licit , laundry , nlible. rarrlJKe , etc. Ihos r Hull . filC I'axton liloch. D 115 BTANl-OHD CIKOl.n COirAOKS ; C UOOM , modem. Iii.n ! Ilnd Co . - 211 Ho. 14th st D llu HOUbtiS. HKNiWA & CO. . 103 N. 1JT1I BT. Cl NO. 20TH , 4-ltOOM COrTAQU. K25 No JOth , 5-rooin llat , nice. IfSI N. 19th , 8-rooin brlclt. COI ND 17th. 8-rooiii hrltlc. Ornihi Heal KBtnio & Trust Co . 211 S. 18th. D M371 FOH nnNT. nousn or TDN nooxis. MOD" ern coiivenlciicts. vi > r > linndy to liuilJicis in- qulro of D. T Mount , 200 S 16th at. U 535 8 AND iT-ROOM HOUSKS ON TA11NAM AND B-room house on 211 nnd I.envcnwoHh , cheap Jno. W. Uobblns , 211 N , Y. l.lfu IJlde.D D 5C2 f rou HUNT , 3-nooM nousn , B c. cou 230 nnd Clnrke. D l'J3 foil UCNT , MODHllN HUICIC HOUSU OP 13 or 'B roonw nt 111 116 N 23th st. See .1. N Trcnztr , opposite poaloflkc Tel 531 D 827 4irs. 24T1I i TO 4-n. nousns COS N. mil hT 1) M1V ) 10 S1X-1100M MODIIUN UOUaC. KMII.V PLACE , ISth , south of Mnndcrson. D m'J71-l * MODUUN 1IOUH1M. C. A. STAUll. OT N. Y Llfo bulldliiB. IISO niciiiTluooM. AI.I. roNvnNinNcna , 1217 South 'Ihlitt-Bi-H-ond ; nnd many olherg ; all uUtS 1' 1) Wcad , BIMcenth and Douslli. DM133 n I : ' IlOt'fin KIOIIT roil UI.'NT. MODHUN ; loonm , with b.ilh , on cur llnu , nenr imilc , nlM nin.iil house. Koxl locution , enl > r Onn- ni It , 001 lliown blmk M195 J51 rou UINT : , I'liirrrv COTTAOK ; BIX IIOOM.S , \\llli I'.ill ' ] , ntuiin luivt , larKe jaul nnd Btnblc , linir Tntnl ) foulth Mli'fl line ( lannett , DOl Iliuwn I'locK D-M1SO ! UIQIIT-IIOOM llOUHt : , ClJ.NTIlAI , l.Of AT ION , Jlj ( W IKI nicntli. nnnuliu 11)10 Cupttol a\mu.i n Mia : 7 KOU un.NT rtiu.M.siiicn iiooiis. Tiiuii3 : uoosts rou IIOIJHIKRIPIN ( ] TO man nml wlto , rent tul.en In boaiil 319 N. 17th. UOOMS , : oi s zrru BT. HTUAM hont. KUUMSIIUU UOO.MS AM ) 1IOAUI ) . HOOMH. wiii. IUATID : FAMILY huarU If desire J ; rnteu reaBonable. 221 North 33d t. K-67C KICK WnilOOHS : GOOD ItOARD ; IIATUS ix.abonilkIlia llosu , 2020 llurney. bOUTH PHONT nOOMS , HOARD , 2J03 DOUQ. | i . F-M81JJ11 * I'ltONT UOOM WITH AI.COVU. SUITAIILU for tno : board If < U ! red. 2007 Cam tt ttP UOOMS AND 1SOAHD. 1911 PAH- P 503 S rui < Ni8iiiu JIOOMS WITH UOAUD. 210 bouth ! l > th atruct. 1' m DCG-4 > JtOOMBV1TII I1OAUD ; BTUAM HEAT. Utopia , 17il Davenport. r Mm jt > HRXT u.-vruuNisiinn HOOMS. 4 UOOMS : WAT U IN KITCHEN : CI2NT11AL : renHOiinbla lent : nlca for houickeciilnc. 17U2 \Vtl , tci at. Q-MM5 I'OIl HIJM'-STOHUS AND O1TIOUS. UENT. THE 4'bTOKY HUICIC 1UIIL.DINO nt 014 Parnuni Bt. Till a bulldlnie haa a lire- iirnaf crmrnt bafemtnt , completu eteum heat ing rUtuici , "atvr on nil lloora , can , etc. A ? * ply at t'i ' olllce of Tha lice. I Ola BTouu UUH.DINO AT ion TAUNAM sr. ; 3 llarlo and baaemenl : food for wholesala cr retail puipoiei. : it I'lret Nat. lUnk l > Ug. I-M5J1 rou ncNT. orricu UOOMS. in : DOUGLAS si. I-M9W ACIUM'S WANTIJD. ] < A1)Y AQUNT8. Ul'linUU UNDEUQAUMENT Quirk ralen , big prulll * . Calaloduo free. Mrs. N. 11. Llltls Mfe. Co. . ChlniKJ , 111. J M15 1 AOIN \vNTED 10 TAKE onuints our ctkliratcd (4 00 ciutoni pJiiU und putt * . Clilracu Cuitoiu 1'anU Co. , SOI riflh nve. , Clilcaso. J-J1947 sTon.vai : . STOUAOn , FUANK EWEH3 , KM . M-411 'ArirlC STOUAOE AND WAHEItOt'SK CO 0i-910 Jones. Qcncrnl torage and fonrnrdlnc M-4U WA.NTIJI ) TO III V. LIST HEAT. ESTATE WITH F. D WEAD Sixteenth nml DoU'jln N M19 ! PI roii sAi.i-.Miscii.i.\.Mu > ts. HAIIt ) WOOD 4 AND 5-FOOT FENCE FOU ectn cribbing , C. II. L"e , J1 Douglas. Q-4U ONK PINE SEALSKIN NEWMAUKHT AT A Krrat bargain 1311 Douglas street U 6 Ilee. ' , . Q-M',31.PS Eltm'Y CO\V ! , rilKSM , TWO 11EOIS- tfrwl JTSC > . cne Jemey Durlmm. Rrnnd , blr rich milker * ; V > < oich. Wnnted extra Boot fprlng cows. Address II II , lice. Q-M1J8 ! MUS DU II. WAUUEN. CI.AIUVOYANT , UE- llnblu business innllumi tth jenr at 119 N. 16th. 8 124 MASSACJi : , HATIIS , BTC. MADAM SMITH l'2 DOUGLAS STUEET , 2ND Iloor , n > im 11 Mnssage , eteim , nlcohol nnO ftulphurlnc baths T M9W 4 M.ME AMES. rOHMEIlt.YOrST. I.OTTIS. Mn - SiiKe nnd baths. M)7 ) H. 13lh St. , 21 Iloor , roam 10. T MtS ! 4 VIAVA 3t BEE HLDO , HEAI.TH HOOK free : home treatment ; lady attenlnnt. U 123 IIATIIS , MASSAOEr'niME. I'OST , S19U S 15TH , U 423 PINE I.IVE11Y RIQS CIIHAI' . ED HAUMI.EY , , 17th nnd St. Mart's avenue. Telephone 411) U-4J7 lliiI.l" El'I'EUI.Y COHSET MADE TO OHDEU ut 19C9 larnam. L.udy nsenu vvnnte , ! U-M937 J MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS , IlICYCLKS. jenclr ) , etc. ; strictly confidential. P. O box 326. U-40S MATUIMONIAL COIUIESPONDE.VCE 11UUEAU Paper and lists , lOc. Enrth 1'ub Co , St , Louis , Mo U-C03-Jan ' SUl'EUPLUOUS HAIU AND MOLES UE- movtd by electricity. Mme. Post. 319V& S 13th. MISS VAN VALKENHOHUH DESTUOYS I'EIl- manently by electricity supctfluoui hnlr , moles , warts , etc. Iloom 410. N Y. Life Hldg. 11-902 CHA11LES HUNKER , OU ANY ONE KNOWING IIB | mtilrcsa , will ronfcr a ti\or hy wrltlni ; to Iloaendorf * . Hlrschborir , Inilepcmlincp , Ore U M193 1 * PAPEUS UECEIVED" ; HAHUY , iFoTiE IN wilcomc ; 1'uss wnnti to see > ou. Mldnlp. U M19S ! ur TO LOA ? ; nuAi < HSTATK. ANTHONY LOAN AND TUUST CO , 318 N. Y Life Lonna nt low rules for choice security In Nebraska & Io a farms or Omaha city property. MONTY 1O LOAN AT LOWEST UATKS THE O r Divls Co . 1503 Parnnm Bt. \V-429 C I'Ell CENT MONEY 1O LOAN ON OMHA real estate & Neb farms. W. 11 Melkle , Omiha. W ISO MONEY TO LOAN ON IMI'IIOVED OMAHA pro'jertj. PMellty Tiust Co , 1702 Pnrnam. W 131 MONEY 1O LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA teal estate. Urennan. Love & Co. , Tnxton lllk W 133 CITY LOANS. C , A. STA11R. S23 N. Y. LIPE W 133 MORTGAGES G. \VALLACE I1UOWN 11I.K \V-434 LOANS ON IMPROVED . < t UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. 1'arnam Smith & . Co. . 1320 Pnrnam W 135 MOUTOAGE LOANS : LOW RATES. J. D. Zlttlo , ICih nnd Douglas , OnnlnW W 438 PAll.M LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 19 jtnraj low intea. Girvln Hros , 219 N Y. L WANTED AT ONCB , APPLICATIONS TOR InrKn loans on buslscsas property , nlso il cll- Injr IIOUSL loins : dnn't v\nlt until > our old loin explrei npply now Pldclltj Trust com piny , 1702 Tnrnam St. W 913 J23 $2000 00 OU LESS TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Cm iln leal estate ut 8 per cent. Address G 07 , Ilee ottlee. W 955 POIl MONEY SEE P. D. WEAD , 10TH AND Douitlaa W J1192 n MO.VEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS horses , nacon.3 , etc. , at lowest rates in cltj ; no removal of gooi- < : strictly confidential ; you cnn p ly the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . SCO S IClli st X-433 MONEY TO LOAN , SO to. 90 DAYS ; rt'RNI- ture. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room S. 13-irker block X 439 IIUSI.MSS CHAXCKS- POR SALE. ri.MUHES OLD ESTAIILISHED plumbing business , thinp lent 309 S. 17th Y 182 A STOCK OP GENERAL DRY GOODS , J000 xchaiiKO for Innd and pirt cash Address Mi'll Clajpoal , Prankfurt , Ind Y M199 J FOIl K.VCHAXfiE. EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT Or LAND NEAR Omnhn ; nlmt hive you to offer. H. F. Dalley , 91) N Y Llfu Hldg. CLEAR CHICAGO PROPERTY POIl PIUST class farm near Omaha. T. I ! McCulllch , sullo 0)1 ) , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago III. 55-S01-J15 l-OR EXCHANGE-OMAHA PROPERTY AND JG.009.00 ( .i h for ChlniRo propeity , T. D. Me- Culloch , suite COI , Chamber of Commerce. Chicago cage , Ills 55 EOJ-J15 HANDSOMIJ I1H1C1C I'llOPHUTY AND CASH for buelrups pioptrtj ; cottnue and lot for ncre tinct , wist , 173 ncru farm , clear , for house nnd lot , Kood lot In Lincoln for horses , riattmuoulh homo nnd cnsh for one here , Mil- wniiltio lot for one In Omaha , lot for n pinna. r. D.ViJ. . IClh mil Douelan. Z-M131 4 rou 'RAM : AND KXCIIANOO , so Aciins clear for pied eiiullj , 40 clear for horsn and hugKy ; > 2iWllmt mcilKnRo , IS'Mi ) Block e i > ds for vacant lots ; St. l.nuia ] ) ropi > rt > for Omiiha property : 30-ioom hotel , Brent snip. Call imlck kSJ N. Y. I.lfc llldiI * WaKrman 55-MM1 2 FOIl SALE HEAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BYIiON UEED COMPANY. RE 412 IMPIIOVED FARMS. O. W. CARLOCK , 1205 Puriiam 8t. R13-CH Jl > IIAUGAINS , SALE OR TRADB-IN CITY rilOP. crtlcc and farms. John N , Frenzer , opp 1' . O. < t UE 413 HAUOAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; ( ala or trade , F. K. Darllnff. Barker block. RE 444 WANTED-LAUOfi CITY AND FARM PUO1-- erlles for tale or exchange. T. U. SIcCulloclj , suite ( Ot , Chamber of Commeice , Chicago. Ills. RE-600-J1S S-ltOOM HOUSE , CITY WATER , FULL LOT , nrar motor , Jl.J'M.W ' , eauy terms. 8-room modern Kountze- place home , (2 50),00 House and lot nenr HlKh school , $3,000,04 , 10 acrcu , 6 miles out , 1500.00. 3 ucrea between Omahn nnd 8)uth Omaha , tl.StX ) . 3 story tjrkk , Parmim stnel , tlS.OOO.O'J. kCxlSI business lot , til 000 00. P. D. Wend. 16th and DOUR ! is. RE-M191 4 tJIIOUTIIANI ) AND TYl'EWIUTINa. A. C. VAN 8ANTS SCHOOL , HJ N. Y. LIFE. 450 OMAHA 1JU&INESS COLLFQE , 15TH , FARNAM 451 I1ICYCLES. HIG IIARQAINS IN SECOND-HAND HI- cjclM ; tkates. 33o to (300. Omaha Ulcycla Co. , 223 N , 16th street. M6C3-J8 J100W HICYCLE POR JM 00. IMPERIAL , USED but t\vlce , thU week only , Addrets H 19 , Heo 11174 2 UMUUTAKiilS AM ) EJIHALIIEHS. II. K. HUUKET , FUNEUAL DIUECTOH AND embalmcr , 1618 Chicago st. , telephone W. (54 8WANBON & VAIJEN , 1701 CUMINQ , TEI * 1060. 455 M. A. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- balmer. 1IH Farnain St. , telephone 223. 45 $ HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. Hth and DoJe . Uoomi by day or wtek. 451 THE LANOE HOTEL. OJ 8. 13TII ET.J STEAM heat ; table board , 13.00 per week. U4U MUSIC , AHT AND LANMUACin. GKOItOn F. aCLLENRECK , I1ANJO AND ctiltnr tenchcr. ISIS Chlenga st. 109 LOST. LOST. SMALL FOX TKRR1ER , ONE TAN AND ono tpottcJ cnr. Hew art nt No. 101 So. Hd vc Lost 1S1 4 LOST , A SEALSKIN MITP. UKTt'HN TO CrelKhtnn thentrr. Lost M2-U 2 1'AW.MlHOICnilS. It. MAROW1TZ LOANH MONEY. 413 X. 1C ST HOUSES WIM'EltEIl. HORSES WINTERED ; 11EST OF CARI raen hirsts , both winter nnd summer. Addres M. .1. Welch. Urelnn. Neb. M772 UIMIOLSTKHI.NG rUUMTUHE. UPHOLSTERING. FURNITURE REPAIRED and packed very chcnp this month. M. s Wnlkln. 2111 Cumlng. TeL 1331. TO IIUILDING AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATION SHARES IN MUTUAL L Jt II. ASS'N PA1 6 , 7 , 8 per cant when 1 , 2 , 3 years old ; nlwai redccmnble. 1701 Farnam it. , Nattlnger , Sec HOW TO GI7T A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omnhn , L. A U As-Vn , 1704 llco bldg. d. M. Natllneer , Sec 448 nUS' Mni3TING-UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice Is hereby Riven that the annun meeting of ths stockholders of the Unlot I.nnJ company for tlio election of five illrcc tor-j ntul the trnnsnction of such other busl ness as may Inwfullv cotno before the mooting , will bo hcUl In the library , Unlot Paclllo building , Omaha , Nebra kn , upoi Monday , January 13 , 1S3G , at 10 o'clock ii. m. The stock transfer books will bo closet ten days before the dale of the meeting Boston , MaHsachtisctts , December 12 , 1S33 ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. D22 ilffltm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-OMAHA . "J. ELKHORN VALLEY 11A1LWAY COM PANY. Notice Is bcreby given that the nnnua meetlnrf of the Btockholilors of tlio Omnlu & iikliorn Valley llallvvav Company for the election of seven dlrLctora nnd trans action of Btich other business as may law fully come before tne inpetlng , v. Ill be held In the llbraiy , Uniun Pacllla building Omahn , Nebraska , upon Wednesday , the 1st daj of January. 1SJG , at 10 o'clock , n. m The stock transfer books will be closed ten days before the date of the meeting. IJoston , Mnssichusetts. December 12 , 1S15. ALEXANDER MILLAR , Secretary. DI2 dlltm Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS IN Nervous , Chnulc 11 ud Private DIseass , SEXUALLY. AH 1'rlvutu , rrcitmuiit hy m.ill -S-- consultation frui ) . Cured for life and the poison thorouulilj cltanscd from the ystrm. PILES. FISTULA and RECTAL ULCERS. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCKLE permanently nnd successfully cured Method new and unfailing. STRICTURE AND GLEET iJy ucvt method without pain or cutting Call on or address with stamp Dr , Searles & Searles , 111) b. 1 Hli St. . hood , Norroifl DoMlltr , , - of UxtrnKCH \onthriil HrrorM enclosed cts In otamps for i * > < 3tnKO nnd pacLlut ; and wo will sen senBY , EV3AIL Supcclnlly prepared tosuityour I nclK Id unloose and tour llttlo book entitled ' Health brines Hap- ! IplnoHS. " All correapondouco coulidentlnl.J I Wrlto to-day. Address , _ s OR. McGREW IS THK 'IM % oPECIALI ST WHO TRKATS Alt. PRIVATE DISEASES \Veaknesi & Disorder of MEN ONLY 20 Years Experience. 8 Yean in Omaha. Hook Free. Consultation and Examination tree. 14th and Farnam Sis. . OMAHA iiil. : WHITE STAR LINE. Sailing from New York Wednesdays , as follows Na tailing the 23th of December. ISM. Teutonic , Jan. 1 , 10 a in. ; Riltannlc , Jan. 8 , 10 a m. : Majmtlc , Jan. 15. 10 a. in ; Germanic , Jan 22 , 10 a. in. United HUtes and Royal Mall Steamers. Saloon passage , S50 and upward , according to ete liner selected and location of berth. Second cabin $35 and W on Majtctlc and Teutonic DllAI'H payable on dtinand everywhere In Great Ilrltain and Ireland sold at lowest rates For Inspection of plans of steamers and any further information apply to local agents or direct to IL 1IAITLAND KERSEY. G'l Afc't , 20 R'way N Y. N. ANDERSON , O'l Wn Apt , 2 l SOUTH CLARK ST , CHICAGO RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IUURLINQTON & 1IO. RIVER ( Arrives OrnahalUnlon D pot , 10jh & Mason Hla I Omaha S:30am : Denver Kxprexs 0:35arh : 4:3npm.lllk. : Hills. Mont. A Puget 8nd Ex. 4:0jpm : 4:35pm : Denver Exnrcai 4:03pm : TOCpm..Nebraska : Local ( txcept Sundn . . 7MJ/m | . . .Lincoln Local ( except SunJaj.ll:25am : t-48rm..l''ast Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . LTaTeilcmCAdoTllURLINOTON & Qrrlv ] s' OrnahalUnlon Depot , lOtli & Mason fits ( Omaha C.OOpm Chicago Vestibule. . . ! 8.00am S,4Snm Chicago Express 4:15pm Tf > 0pm..Chicago & Hr. Loul Express. . . 8.00am llS5um : raclfio Junction Local 6SOpm : Fast Mall SHOprn Leaves [ CHICAGO , MIL & BT. PAUL lArrlvm OrnahalUnlon Depot , 10th & . Mason Sts I Omaha 6.00pm .Chicago Limited 10. Sam..Chicago Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOJlTHWnST'N. | Arrl\ei OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Matun Bin [ _ Omnha * 11.00am IJafterri KxprcaiT. , , . . , . , . > :10pm : 4:45pm : Vcstllmled Limited , . 645pm ; 7.05am Carroll 1'neaengor , .10:40pm : C-45pm Omaha Chicago bpeclal , . , , , . . 8.00am 4:30pm : , , . . lloone Local , . t:30am : MUsourl Valley Local , . 9:30am Leave * ( CHICAGO. U. I. & 1'ACIFIC. Arrives OmahalUnlon D pot , 10th & Ma on Sti Omaha EAST. 10-Wam..Atlantic njpresi lex. Sunday ) . 6 25pm NlKht nxprew , . 8:16am : 4Mpm ; Chicago Vnllbulo.l Limited. . . l:35pm : Paul VeBllbulad Limited. . , 1:33pm 6:45pm.Oklahoma : &Tiaa ICi. ( tr. aun..10:35 : m IMOpm Colorado Limited . ; OQpm Lcivei I C. , BT. P. . M. tc o iArrlv i " Omahal Depot , 18th and Websier at . | pmaha * : lnm..BIou Clty Accommodation , . . sTlSpm 12.Upm..Sioux City 13iprt i ( ex. aun.l.ll:55am t'48pm Bt. Paul Llmliec * :10am : Leaves I I . . E. & MO VALLKT. ( Arrives Omahal Depot , 15th and Webster fits. I Omaha i. 16pm . Tast Mall and Express . 6.3Spm ! : lCpmex. Hat. ) Wyo. Kx. ( ex Mon > . , , lynm ; 7-Mam. . . Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday ) , , , lO:25am : C 4Epm . St. I'aul Express . 9-lOam Ltn\ea I K. C. , BT. J , & C. D. ( Arrives OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th JMasonBtsJ Omaha 9.05am. . .Kansas City Day Express , . . t,45pmK. C. Night Ex. VlaJU r TranSj Leaves I JIIS8OURI I'ACiriC. Omahal Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha 0:40am : . 31. Louis Kxr-res . , . ( :40ain : t.iOpro . Bt. Louts Express . , 6OSpm : 30pm..fl.NebraskaLocal _ ( ex. Fun > . DiOOam Leaves I SIOUX CITY" & PArFIc ; ( Arrives Omahal Depot. IHh and Webster.Bti . I Omalia t45pm ! . Bt. Paul Limited . DslOam SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC , OrnahalUnlon Depot , 10th A Mason Sts I 7.03am..Sioux City Paeseflger 10.40pm t.45pm St. Paul Limited giiOara Leaves I UNION PACIFIO I Arrives OmuhaJUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Bts I Omaha 930.1111 , . .North Platte Express 4l : pm S'Wam. . . . . Ovrrland Limited 4H.irn | S'SOpm.tleat'ca & Stromsb'g Ex.ex ( Hun. ) 4:10pm : S'llpm.Grand Itland Express ( ex. Hun ) . . ! ! .osjim 3.30iiu | 1'ast Mall 10:25am : L v I . WAI3A8H RAILWAY. OmahalUnlon Depot. 101 Ii ft Mason SlilOm-iha St. Louis Cannon Hall ll'.Kaai A CLEAR CASE. . , From the Woman nt Home. .j e Trank Vanbrugh held a good appointment on the staff of the/ Dally Argus , anil always had more lllc-arj' , work on hand than he know how to get Vhrcugh ; ho might , there fore , be considered , "rising" man. Ho had written a little bqnk pf estarc , and the critics haJ told him that he had a style which Is perhaps the highest praise tint critics Ufa ! In nouadaya. On the other hand , Ills one- volume novel had been pronounced crude , morbid and overambltlous , and had g-ne through thrc editions ; whence It may easily bs seen thU he was en the road to popuhr success. Ho had begun to knou thli , chlelly by the kind of circulars that now reached him In half-penny wrappers. They urfJ al- waja to bo advertisement- patent fuel , new stoves , or outfitters' warehouses ; they now provo to contain notices of press-cutting Orms , nnd booksellers' catalogues a signifi cant change. "Is this fame ? " ho once asked himself , when ho was requested to send his photograph and n sketch of his early life to an American newspaper. On second thoughts , ho concluded that although It could not bo called fame , It might mean success , and he went on his way rejoicing. Hut c\cn a moderate success like his has Its drawbacks , as he discovered , to his cwt. Llko jnost journalists , ho was not aery eirly riser , nnd It was with a feeling of dis tinct Irritation that he heard one morning while liu was still In his bath the announce ment of a visitor. "Comlnf ! , " ho roared through the iloor to tlio adjacent sitting roam , and proceeded to dress hlmpjlf In a leisurely manner , wonder ing meanwhile whether this arly caller were a nrlntcr'u dexll or a dun. lie looked a personable young fellow as he came out of hlj room , of middle height , mus cular , brink , ersct , with a keen , hawk's eye , dark hair that curled whenever It was long enough to get n chance , a quick , bright man ner and a smile that was \ery attracthe. His air of hcilth , strength and Joyousness niado htm a. curious contiast to the stranger whom ho found In his sitting room , a mm who might bo any ngr between 30 and 60 , sallow , worn , indcjcribtbly fatigued looking , with a long , fair mustache , a down trodden look and decidedly shabby clothes of come- what foreign cut. Ho made a profound bow when Vanbrugh entered , and stood clayplng his .picturesque f'lt hit to Ills sldo In an attitude of liumblo expectancy , while his host , glancing at him carelessly , asked him to bo seated , and h.m- self took his usual place near hh desk. "I am ashamed to Intrude upcn jou , " Mid thu man , ppeaKlng In a low. fluent ice > not unpleasant to hear , "but the fact was that Messrs Mailing recommended mo to call upon you " "Kh ? " said Vanbrugh. Ho suddenly ro- nKiubercd an account Uiat h ? had lately Men In the papers of a man who \lslted authors with falua testimonials and mei-agcs from publishers , nnd he wondered If this was the man. Certainly Measru. Mailing & Son wetc his publishers. 'HaV , ? you a letter from Mr. Mailing to mfc ? " he asked rather sharplj. The stranger lifted vlgs hand dcprecatlngly. "Not from Mr. Mailing , " he said. In a gentle \olcc , "but I ha\e a letter to show you. Mr. Mailing said that I otight to show It to sou. He was very kind , but. of course , ho could not find me work to do. It Is work that I am In search of , and unless : I find It I dare not th'nk of what will happen to my wlfo and " ' ' children. Ho paused and put one long , lean hand over his ejes , as though to ke-ep out the picture. ' ' "What sort of worjc do you w.7nt ? " said Vnnbrugh , fidgeting \iflth his papers. "Copying , typewriting , shorthand from dictation. Anything to keep the wolf from the door. My poor little girls sir , on Christmas day I had nothing to give thorn but bread and cheese I could not bear to sea them crying and I locked mjself In my own room way from them. But why should I 'tell ' yoif-such pitiful details ? "Head this letter and you will see that It Is no fault of my own " His voice choked a little and he held out the letter with a shaking hand. Frank looked at htm doubtfully. Cither he was. a splendid actor or his emotion was sincere. Vanbrugh had learned by bitter experience to be suspicious of strangers , but ho was In clined to believe In this man's \eraclty. Tha paper In his hand bore an engraved crest nnd address with which he was well acquainted. Ho turned to the last page to sco the signature It was one which he knew well , and the letter , addressed to Mailing , the publisher , gave a glowing account of the bearer's abilities and past achievements. "Your name , then , " said Vanbrugh , keepIng - Ing his e > e on the letter , "Is Charles Slm- mends ? " "Yes jcs at your sen Ice ; If there Is any thing I can possibly do for you. I have had nothing to do for the last three months , owing to an Illness from which I have only just recovered. If jou had any copying" "But I don't want anything copied , " said Vanbrugh , In a rather perplexed tone. "I do all my work myself. And I don't know , but perhaps If jou called at 'The Dally Argus' office tomorrow , about 4 or C , I might have heard of something" He was almost abashed by the man's eager gratitude. "You gi\o mo nsw hope ! " he cried , starting up , as If ho coula no longer endure to remain seated. Then his face fell ; the flro died out of his blue eyes ; his hands toll helplessly to lilt1 sides. "My poor wife my children , " ho muttered. "Must I go homo empty-handed once again ? Sir , If of your goodness you could but lend me a poor half crown I will faithfully " "Oh , good Lord ! " sold Vanbrugh , shocked more by the smallness of the request than by an > thing else , and touched , also , he ccarce knew why ; "hero's a trifle If > ou can make any use of It you needn't mention It again It Is nothing " Hut they were two sovereigns that found COLD AND COUGH CURES , I'roiiiptl- ITvctunl In Curlnir ColilM a nil CofiKliM nnil it SunI'r < or Pm'Uiiionlii mill All Munyon's Cold CUre will positively break up the grip or 'a * told In a few hours If aken as soon as l jo cold appears. When lie colt ] reaches tlio lungs and there la a cough and oppressed lireathlng , Munyon'a Cough Cure , used 111 alternation with Cough Cure every half ) iaur , will effect an Imme- liate cure. When there Is pain In the cheat llunyou's Plasters vrlll give great relief anil act as a protection , These remedies are a sure preventive pi pneumonia and lung rouble : ) . WHY POISON YOUIt SYSTEM vlth dangerous drugs ? Why not try Mun- on'g Now and Improved Homeopathic Home lemsdles ? A separate specific for each dis- eaxc. Absolutely1 Jlarinlets. Positive and ermanent curesIr/yt * druggists , 25 cents a bottle. if Personal letters ! to Prof. Munyon , 1505 Arch street , Phlud injila , Pa. , ansvvercd , with ree medical mUlqer { or any disease. STOCKIIOLDUnS' MCnTINO , OIHco of Lee-Clarkc-Andicebcn Hardware : ! onipuny , Omaha , Nebraska , Uecember II , b95. Notlcd Is hpreby given to the block- lolders of the -ClarUe-Andrceben Hard- varo company that the annual mectlnj ; of ho utockfioldera of tlio company will bo icld at the olllcca of the said company , 219 , 12J1 and U'2J Harney street. In the city of Omaha , In the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January H , A. 1) . , lb3C , at 3 o'clock i ) . in. , for the put pose of electing a lonrd of dlicctoi * for the company to serve nrlnn the omuliiK year , and to transact uch other business as may bo presented at uch meeting , ( Attest. ) II. J. LED , President. W. M. GLASS. Secretory. DHd32t-M NOTIC13 TO . The annual meeting of thu utockholdeni of The Heo Building company will be held t the olllco of Tim Omaha Ilee , Omalia , Neb , on Tuesday , Junu- ry n , ISWi. for the pun > osa of lectlng a bounl of directors for the en- ulntr > car and transuctlng * * uch other bus- ness as may properly como before such meeting , Hy order of the president. N. 1 . FUIL , , Secretary , their way Into the visitor's long lean ham' ' " 1 suppose It's a genuine cne , " said Van brugh to himself , rather ruefully , when th Impccunlouti literary man had taKen his departure parturo and the donor ot the sovereigns list had tlmo to reflect upon his Rltt and th very effusive burst of gratitude that had tel lovvcd It. "It sounded real enough. An that letter from James Desmond that vva certainly In hli own hand. However , \vlie I've tlmo I'll go rou ml to Mailing's and w what they know about him. " Ho had light on the subject before ho wen to Messrs. Mailing. He turned Into hla club that nttcrnoon and met Desmond , a writer o some repute , upon the steps. "Olif > sild Vanbrugh , nftcr greeting him "what about that man Sltnmoiuls jou sent t Mailing " "Slmmonds , my dear boy ? Capital fel low , very clover , died a year and a hal ago. " "Eh ? " "Oh , I see , " said Dfsmond , falllnt : Int a roir of laughter. "I've heard som thing of this kind before. Thcio's a man gold ! lound begging under that name , Isn't there And > ou'vo been lilt ? How much did he ge out of you ? Motley gave him 5. " " 1 didn't los so badly ns that , paid Van urugn , trying to laugh , too , but lie nail me I must confess. Then ho didn't como fron Mailing ? " "Dless > our Innocence , no. He's a svvlnd Icr , my boy , a downright swindler. " "And a very clever ono ; I wish I could gc hold of him again I" said Vanbrugh , gnulg Ingly. "A clwr case of tin worst kind o tl.ert. " Ho had his wish rather sooner than ho anticipated. A few vveelis later In the season he was taking a shci t cut to the Strand througl some of the nairower and 1 sstroriientec | streets near Drury Lane , when hh ntten tlon was caught by n figure en the pave ment which seemed vaguely familiar. Whore had In seen before Uiat shabby , jaunty fig tire , with the soft felt hit , the Indescribable nlr of poverty-stricken plcturesqucncss ? Van brugh had an cyo for HKenesses ; In another mlmito heh Id a man by the aim. It was thu swindler. Indeed the so-called Charles Slmmonda himself. Hut the man was more ngllo than Van brugh thought. He turned a white , terror- stricken glance on his captor , then wrenched himself free and dived down a narrow line on his right hand. Heedless of conserjunccs Vanbrugh plunged In pursuit through the crowd , but the man was evidently well nc- qualntrd with the mares of the stioets , am was speedily lost to vlow. Vnnbrugh , psr- celvlug his pursuit to bo useless , stoppa 'short , and found himself In a narrow alley which his Instinct told him was "dangerous.1 The sinister folk who lounged about It be longed unm'ftakably to th ? criminal classes As he had no mind to bo despollei : of hla watch or his putse. he shrugged his shoulders nnd prepared to depart , but at tha moment hi ? ojo was caught by a face vvhlcl peered at him from an upper window and re treated the very face , with Its long , fair moustache of the man of whom he was In search. Vanbrugh , n't will be e\Id'nt to every reader of these pages , was * not a pru- dnnt man. In at the open door of the house , and up the common stair he dashed qult'j heedkss of the probability that he was lushing headlong Into n den of thieves. He had ju quick an eye for locality as for HKc- nessoj , and knsw at once the exact position of the room at the window of which he ha < sctn the pscudo Slmmonds II ? went stralgh to the door , throw It opeu , and walked In. IIo looked round nnd stood aghaut. No man was In the room at all. It was ten anted only by a tall girl In black , who- sat at a table on which stooJ a sewing machine As soon as Vanbrugh looked at her and mel her eyes ho felt \agu ° ly startled and taken abaclc. Why , this girl In fplte of her shabby clotlies , her sewing machine , , her poor ajrroundlngs this girl vvaa a lady. Her nalo face vvao exquisitely rellned. Her hair shone UKspun gold above her common gown Hsr ejcs were so proud , BO sad , so calm that Vanbrugu's gaze fell beneath them. "Do jou want anything ? " she said and her volco was the \olce of a lady , too. "I beg your pardon , " said Vanbrugh , re moving his hat. "I thought I had tracked a man to this room a swindler , a thief , ivhom I had long b cn In search of but 1 was mistaken , peilmpq " "There Is no thief here , " said the girl , briefly , nnd began to work her machine as If to put an end to the colloquy. But her face had crimsoned and then turned white. Vanbrugh made one step to her side , and put his hand on her wrist. "You know where he Is , " he said sternly. "Ho has passed through this room. Ah , there Is a door " II * dropped her wrist and would have stridden to the little -wooden door which he had not at first observed , had not the girl , casting aside her mnek of calm and quiet , thrown herwlf upon him and birred the way. "Oh , stop , stop If you have any mercy , " she cried , "don't follow him don't go that way. I know what you have como for but It Is not altogether his fault nh , won't you listen ? won't you be merciful1' " Vanbrugh's position suddenly struck him self as humiliating and ridiculous. He had wanted to catch the swindler , certainly , and had rather thought of giving him a thrashing Instead of handing him over to the police ; but it was absurd to be Implored In this matter as If he were a monster of cruelty. Of course the girl wag the man's accomplice but she was a very pretty girl ! "Merciful ! " he said. "You seem to know all about It. This man who calls himself Slmmonds what Is his real name , by the way ? " She looked at him mutely , and he under- Btood that he would get no answer to that question , "What Is jour own name ? Can you tell mo that ? " he asked , with more rotighnesj of manner than ho quite meant to show. "My name Is Dora Slmmonds , " she an swered , and he could see that she was trem bling. "Tho wife of the man that I am looking for , I mipposc ? " "No , " she answered , whllo the red blood surged to her brow , and made her for the mcment a living image of shame , "his daughter. " Vanbrugh's face seemed to have caught a tinge ot color fiom tiers. He felt the shame of her heart as If it had been Ills own. " " ho eald at last In his "Forgive me , , Impul sive way. "I I did not understand. I will go. " Ho had scarcely reached the door before slio stopped him. "If you will tell me , " she said , "what my father took from you , I'll pay It back Indeed I will. If I work my fingers to tlio bone I'll pay It back and then you will perhaps not wish so much to punish him " 'I don't wish anything. It was only a trifle a mere nothing , Don't think of It again. " 'Hut I must think ot It , " Blio cried , clasp ing her hands together. "I must think ot It I cannot bear my life unices I try to undo the harm that ho haa done. " Vanbrugh'n heart swelled with pity , nut oven as ho tried to think of words with which to console her , slio covered her eyes with ono hand to conceal her tears , and shut the door suddenly In his face. "I wonder have I been taken In again ? " said the journalist , as he descended the rotten Blairs , A few daya afterward he found In his letter box n llttlo packet Inscribed with his name. It proved to contain 10 shillings , and a busi nesslike endorsement , 'Tirst Installment. Dora Slmmondi. " A week later a similar In SWEETNESS and POWER of TOME , BEADXr of DE- "BAY STATE0 GUITARS , MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS , and FLUTES an equalled \ > j no other A inert cantrxtrumcnu. Louritlnprlcs. of Miiyitrlctly high crado Inttru. menu. a > AW.HIDJ. bead tot CaUloguis. JOHN C , IIAYHES fc CO , , 44310 403 WaHhlnelon 8 110STOK packet was left In his beT , and then Van brttth ; rowed within hlmrelf that he nouti nnd out moro about that girl , who o w n yc lovely fACO had begun to tmunt htm In hi dreams , or die In the attempt. Ho nought out the street In which she ha > be-fn living , but she and her father were gone. Ho made Inquiries In vain. At last , by pure accident , he ciine upot her na she was descending the stairs that lei to his rooms. U waa twilight and ho catigh her by the nrm. "I have found jotil" he said. "You ha\ en putting that money Into my box again ! Ho spoke almost flngrlly nnd tin cole came Into her pallid face more pallid , mor vvtrn by suffering1 than when he had seen her last. "If I did. " sl answered , "It v\a th right thing to do. " "DM vour father tell you ? " "Yes " "Iltit ho did he " "I earned the money , " said the girl , will n. re ontful flash of her eyes , "oirned I honestly , by needlework. If you wish to know. My father was glid for me to pi > It back. He he had b'en very much templet and I nni sure he will not do anything like It again " Vanbrugh thought of Motley's 5 nnd fel doubtful. "How did ho como by that letter ? ' he asked. " 13 his name Charles Slmmondt o. ' not ? " "Charles Stmmomls was my uticlf. The letter was written about him , mid my fath r ho lias made use of It twice , I believe , " she at.&vvcrcJ , her volco sinking Into low ac cents of grief and shame. "It was all for my fciko he could not boar to s c mo work Ing hard nnd now he Is overwhelmed l > \ griff and contrition " Vanbrugh reflected that so good an actor ns her father could no doubt make her bo llevc what ho choee. Thera was a colder ton'In hi * volco na he said1 "Ilrlng that letter to me , so that he cannot b tempted ngiiln , and take back > our nioni ) Ml s Slmmonds. " "You do not believe mel You do not b llovo him ! " she cried , vehement ! } . "Hut 1 will bring you HIP ltter. Ho would starve rather th in use tt again. " She ( lung away Into the darkness run Vni'brugh fill ash.uned. Hy ono ot the nexi diy's posts the letter from James Dasnum-1 was U'turncd to him , but without a won1 from Dora or her father. Yet Vanbrugl managed to Intercept her when she brought the last Installment of the money , thougl how ho mnnag d to do It no one ever knew. Ho began abruptly : "I feel degraded b ) taking this money from you. I would sooner far sooner that all I had was jours. Miss Slir.monds , will you marry mo ? " "Do you mean to Insult me , Mr. Van brugh ? " "I love you with all my heart , Dora. " "It Is impossible. You don't Know any thing about me. " "I know tint you are the noblest girl In the iworld. Hut I do not love jou for that I love jou because I can't help It. I have loved jou , I believe , ever slnco I saw jou first. Can't jou ctro for me , too a , llttlo1' " Ho tried to tnl.e her hand. Dora drew herself away. "I shall novcr marry , " slip said. "My father . Ho was not Ilko It once , " she broke off to biy tremblingly "but he gambles and you know what that meiiis. " Yes , he knew , but he knew also that Dora loved him , and ho was content. Nevertheless , ho might never have callpil her his wife had not her father's career bsen cut -short. Ho fell under the hoofs of the omnibus horses ono slippery wIntel's day , and was rarrlel to the hospital onlj to linger a few hours. Vanbrugh joined Dora at his side , and hand In hand thoj watched and watted during the last mo ments of the gambler's wasted life. In spits of Dora's representations , It must bo confessed that Vanbrugh had alwajs looked -on her account of her father's pen itence as a pious daughterly fiction. And so he might always hive thought had not the djing man opened his e > cs at the last moment , look-d him In the face , and raised himself up by ono supreme last effort tc say a won ! In Vanbrugh's ear. "Korglvo ! " ho said , and sank back on his pillow , dead. It was always Frank Vanbrugh's opinion afterward that his wife's pltilnir estimate of her father's character had been truer than his own. _ bcrofiiln. Soren II OMAHA , Neb. Dec. S , 1895. My mother has suffered for jenrs with scrofula , and waa growing vvorso all the time until bho be gan taking Hood's Saixaparllla She has been gaining since that tlmo. and the scroful.i sores are now healing Willie- Swan , 2611 St Mary's avenue. Hood's Pills euro all liver Ills. THE CUUCODILB PHCUhlAII. A ) > i > cnrM to lie Very Mucli Ilenil When lie IN Much Alive. There la llttlo in the animal kingdom that can bo so dead and be so much alive as a crocodile. The numb ° r of unsuspecting per- uans who have mistaken him for a log and lave failed to discover their mistake until t wau too late to bo of any benefit to them will never bo known. In ancient times , several years prior to tlio British occupation of Hgypt , some of the po- ile of that country worshiped tlio crocodile is a god , there being nothing else liku him They fed him on dainties and toggc 1 him out with jewelry. In other parts of Kgypt , how ever , the natives looked upon him as a devil Having no flro arms , they did not fill him with lead , but they managed tc- Immolate ilm successfully with such weapons as were 'ashlonahle at the time. The crocodile Is not so numerous In the \'IIa as he wai In the days of the Hameses amlly ; In fact , ho rather shuns the river now below the second cataract on account of ho annoyances Inseparable from tourist rafllc. It seems Impossible for a tourist to see a crocodile without trying to plug him vlth a revolver , and to a reptile that Is fond f a quirt llfo tills sort of thing lu simply nsulTerable. He will not molest a man unlesH ho can take him at a disadvantage and us long as the man does not unthinking ! } tep on him the crocodile will go his oun vay and calmly await his opportunity. Ho feeds on fish , but foi a cotrse dinner 10 would rather have humanity , black pro- erred , which shows that there Is no ac counting for taste oven among reptiles. Hie nethods of capturing large game are plural , is well as singular. Sometimes he will He on a river bank paitly , covered with Kind or nud until an absent-minded native wjnders vlthln reach. Having grabbed his prey ho 011 waddle Into the water and there drown ho Btruggler. Ho will then drag hla victim ashore and bury him In the sand or mud and wait for days before he gorges himself. Dowltt's Llttlo Karly Risers euro Indiges tion and bad broatli. KHO/.i.V : TO A.V IltOlV IIAIIj. Cuiitiirc * of ti Wildcat ! ) n Moiitiiiiu Hunter. What la by long odds the bpst hunting lory of the season , says the Anaconda Stand ard , comcvi from St , Ilegis , Mont. , and the ectlon foreman , Ncls Thompson , who lookis after the Snake track at that place , Is the lero. U la probably the first case ot Its kind on record and establishes an Interesting pre cedent In the killing of wildcats. Laut Thursday morning as Thompson and ils gang ot Scandinavians were pumping their landcar along the track on their way to their work , which that day was along the clay ) ! uff.i east of St. Kegla , they were startled by ho angry snarling of a wildcat ahead of hem. They slowed up the car as they ounded the bluff , and a strange sight greeted heir eyes. The morning was bitterly cold and a fringe of Ice bordered the banko of the t , HeglH liver , which nulled along Jutn below ho track. Hroken Ice and a wet trail up the tank showed that the cat had swam through ho Icy stream and explained hl present pro- Icament. For ho certainly was In the gravest ireJlcament In which vcr u wildcat found iliiiself. He was fattened firmly to one of ho fiteel rails by on ? forefoot , The supposition Is that the cat had come lirough the river and leaped up the track inbankment. Ills last jump brought ono of Is wet forefeet upon the rail , and It froze to lie itosl , There ho way , held as fast as If n the jaws of a trap , The ground t howe.l hat ho had struggled to free himself , but hlJ ( Torts had been In van. | A blow from a crowbar cracked his skull nd the victim of cold water was dead. It equlrud a strong pull to detach the frozen oot from the rail , and when It did como utclies of skill Bllll adhered to the tteel. Tor throat diseases and coughs u > 9 Drown'a Jronchlal Troches. Like nil rwlly iood ; hlngi , they are Imitated , The genuine are old only In boxes. IN THE SHADE OF 1IT , OLYMPUS Bmsn , tlio First ami Possibly tha Next Capital of the Turks. WHITE CITY BUTTRESSED WITH GREEN A MIHIIUP for IJterj lnjIn ( lie Vpnr nnil Countli-m MInnrHn Itpllp * of ( hr CriiinilvH mill Ant-lout Moloin Hulpr * . Urust , on the slopes of ( ho Myshn Olvjnptis , was the first , and by all the signs will be the next , and \cry probably the last , capital of Ottoman rule. When Osman and Orchan ltd tholr hordes In from central Asia , says a writer In Harper's Weekly , the latter cap tured llrusa. from the Crusaders , nttor a ten > ears' siege , and as sovereign Kmlr and I' dl- shnli , founded the dnasty , whoso brilliant court remained tliore cnly a century btforo Constantinople foil. This prosperous city of the Astatic province of Anatolia Is retched by small steamer * dally traversing the sixty miles between Constant- ! noplo aud the port of Mudanla. A Belgian company built the lalhvny line of twonty-flvo miles comucllnt ; Mtnlanla and llrusi. nnd an Italian company ninilii a carriage1 roud which Is tvorlby of any nngllih shire , and unique In thp sultan's dominions. The hot mineral springs at llrusi were a favorite * resort of the Hzantlno emperors , nnd with , the added charms of Us climate and landscape bftuity. this city on the slope of Mount Oljmpus linn alwajs bfcn In great favor with Turkish offi cials. It has n pay season frcm May to Octo ber , when the scores of llas on the Mu danla rr.iorcs nnd the 01) tuple slopes nro oc cupied by Constantinople residents. Ahmed Vufyk I'.isha , the last governor of the vlhyet , did , much In the way of public works and Impiovcments , which nro generally admitted to have been undertaken wllh the \lew of Bum becoming a city of refuge for the sultan and his court , Drusa has a mosque and n walk for every iliy In the joir , and the hundred ? of mln- nrcts and low domes give plcturcsqiunr-ss d to the white city , which stretches for three ; or four miles across the greenest buttress rf all Oljinpus , nnd looks down upon the lovely fertllo valley of the Ulfer Clnl , f d by the inciting snow fields above. There are some 70,000 Inlmbltnnts , of whom 12,000 ire Armenians , nnd no miny mono nro Greeks ; and thuusinds or "Cherkcsscs , " or refugees from the Dimibc provinces , came to the vilayet nfter the late war , and bo- cime the busiest of lit Industrial classes , lirusa silks nnd gaures , lirtuu ton els , Urusi saddles and shoes , have long enjoyed pref erence lit ll the markets of the Levant. A pir.ttlte attacked the silk worms some thirty jenrs ngo , and silk culture Is only now reKilnlng Its old rooting. The hill Llopeabout the lo\vn and all tlio valley below are dotted with mulberry plantations , md more cuttings are set out oich > eir. Alimcd Vef > k 1'ash.i establls'ied a school of s Ik culture , where fro ? Instruction IB fur nished nnd pupils are equipped for pursuing this Industry , which means so much for J the prosperity of Drusa. The Green mosciuo Is first of all the 305 mnsriuen of Ilriui. Ha nilbrab , door frames , walls and galleries ) nro Incnislcd with old I'eifclan tllr > In which th ? predominating green Is but llttlo relieve I by the pure turquoise ; or dill ) red enamels. On the terrace be hind the mosque Is an Dclagon tower coated over with soft , failed turquoltia tiles , and con- lalnlng tlio tomb of Mohammed I. , and a whole llttlo family group of graves. The pill on the hiiltan'u tomb Is of heavy red silk woven over with verses from the koran .uranged In chfvron lines , with the charac ters raised In gold thread a fabric cf great richnem and skilful workmanship. Ahmed Vofjlc Pasha , liad the mosque nnd the tombs restored by n Fionch nrtlbt when earthquake and long neglect had left them almost a ruin. ruin.Tho The Great niosquo , In the heart of the town , hau lost all ita Mia , but the va t Arab Interior has a central damn open to the sky and n plashing fountain beneath. Texts from tha koran are written high on the white washed wall' ) in countless nrtlutlc and In genious devices , In Cuflc , Pernlan and archaic characters , endured In outlines of Collins , svvordp , circles , Mars nnd blosioms , the most atrlhlng decorative effects obtained In any mnsqim by this Orisntal art of ornamental writing. A sheik with his koran class Is always sitting near ono co'umn , small boys i Delving to and fro as they study the good book , soldiers devoutly piaylng , nnd oven vMlcd women prostrating themselves toward Mecca In this most popular mosque" of the people. All the faithful go to pray at the tombs of Oilman and Orchan , In the rose garden of the old "Illssir , " or citadel , whnro massive towers and walls w re built In the Crusaders' time. They were also ret ULd from luln by the progressive paoha , the Ilaussmann ct Ilium , and the gardens about them nnd the groves are the holiday retort of the people , Uvery Tilduy the people gather In family picnics , and at the IJulram there Is a great festival The tomb of Murad II Is a mound of earth In a tiled pavilion , whose open roof allows1 , sncw , rain , and sunlight to fall upon It , na on any poor man's giave , according to hla wish for a nmplo burial. It Is so hidden and neglected In Us elmdy old garden that this tomb nnd tha mosque have been sadly de spoiled of their precious Persian tllca. The baths are In the Cheklrjeh , or "Lo cust , " suburb , near the group of Iron nnd sulphur springs , some ot which have a tem perature of 198 degrees Fahrenheit. The largo Kara Mustafa bath hou o Is lined throughout with bine and white tiles , and the luxury of the real Turkish bath may bo en- joyoJ In surroundings of some Oriental splen- dnr. The Yena Kaplljl bath IIOUBO Is faced throughout with white marble , which the ste-im and Iron have stained to the richest harmonies In cram. orange ami red , and by alternation of ladles' days , the Ilrusa beauties may onjcy the advantages of bth these great establishments. llrusa has two good hotels kept by Ru- rop-ans , and ulth the splendid carrlago roads around the town and the many possible excursions to points on Mount Olympus and to Its summit offer * moro attractions to vlpltors than any place near Constantinople. llrusa barars are a labyrinth of great domed halls and chambers , and narrow lanes of booths that ore highly attractive , The silks and gauzes , the bath towels , the old embroideries , rugs , metal and leather goodf , have each a neighborhood ot lt own , and there Is a fruit and sweetmeat bazar In a vlnc-trclllsed street that Is full of Interest. The veiled ladles and their children , the xhaggy peasants , nnd the booted Anatolians In their gay jickcts and waistbands , m.aho up street crowds of such color and plc- tiiresqueness as are never seen In those later days In Constantinople. With nil this color and costume now enlivening Its street , llrusa Is accused of becoming moro European and commonplace every year. The railway liaa done away with the grtut camel trains that uted to como from Inner Asia , and the com mission merchant with the strangely belted and turbJiiod men who came with the car avans , IIAMV.S IIAIID i.ucic. Ian fur COIIKIM-HH Wlion llu Hutu lloon .luilKf. There Is a congressman from Mlfsourl who as a kick coming to him , as the boy say , nd his ivjino IB Ilaney. The congressional Irectory U absolutely sllont a to hU blrth- lace , hi * early llfo , hla past , his present or ils future. But that docs not Int rfcro with 10 story , related by tlio Washington Post. In tla congressional campaign uf 1S9I Mr. , aney was offered the cholto of two iiomlnu- cus on the republican ticket , llu roulil iavu , he was told , tlio place on the congrcs- lonal ticket , 01 lit- could bo nam d for su- ircme Judge The one position paid $5,000 a ear for two years ; the other wan worth f 1,509 year for ten ycaia. Mr. Ilaney pindoreil hj problem , "Well , " nald ho , finally , "I annot be elected to olthcr place , Now I an stump the twelve counties of my district cutler than I can travel all over the 115 coun- If-s of the nut * . I'll take the congressional cmlnatlon and save time iinJ money. " The election came around , Mr , lUnoy , na luch to his Burprlio as to the actonlshment I cverylxDrty else , was el clod to congress , lut the other man , who had taken the notii- ratlon for Judge ten yearj at ? 100 a ywr , ilnd you wa elected nUo , and thcro was orrow In th heart of Hunoy. When the Missouri congretiman told hli lory In the cloak room the other day hla lunl-hearted colleague * laughed utld made I in buy dinner for the crowd.