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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1896)
OMAHA DAILY KK : tWYHHDAY , .JAtfUAllY 2 , 1890 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Old Year Died with tbo Much Dis comfited , WHEAT V/AS / UNSETTLED AND WEAK HcRtiii Jo Ilttili1ni | ( ! Hnrly In tin iir < irt In liven I'll , * t IIHtiw to Curry tlic ( Ivor. CHICAGO , Doe. 31. Whcnt bid the old /car Kooclbye with Us bull liat coclcctl on tlio side , of Its bend nnd Its nose In the tilr In derision t > t llio dlFcoinfltod bear ? . It closed with n Kaln ot sio , nftcr nn curly U cllno of ' ,4c. Corn nnd oats did not chanBc their vnluc materially for future Uollvcrk-H , but 'ie ' cnt > \ \ Pttlff was weaker. Provisions sold off on Increased receipts of hops. Wheat was unsnttlcd , PhowlnR dccldi-d veakn us early In the session and selllnc oft U" , but made a sharp reaction later and went up viu from the low point , but cased oil pome. The only weak factor early was ths Liverpool cable , which quoted that mar ket nrt opening higher , but lo.-lns nil the Improvement. Uut trade was dull , the finan cial outbok urmllrfnctary , with money paid to bo Rt-owliiB tiioro dllllcult to borrow and Interest rates huulciilni ; , and a tomorrow will bo a holiday , the IOIIKS , In view of the nervous uncertainty itUendlnK tbo mnr- Icet , be/ran to liquidate ami even up , whlcli v us n n Important factor In brlnRliiff iihout th ? early decline. Later , however , the trade Ihoduy. niul Good buylnt ; followed. The vorhVu shipment ! ) last week were olllrlnlly reported at only 5 , X ) . iO bu. , or 1'iUH.OoO bu. lens tlmn the c.-itfmuliid weekly con- fiumptlon. Tlure wns no contnidletlon of yustetdav'H re-port on the blK dccrcasu In the Kngllah visible supply , and there were ctinlirmatory it-ports ot iv wet Australian harvest. Another strong fautor wan found In the bit , ' clearances from New 1 ork marly rao.WW bu.-tind then th < : shorts pot nervous and IJCKUII to buy , not licltiK wllllnj ; to stand Mioit over the liolldny when there \vns o much that was bullish In the iilr. Now York sent heavy ImyliiK orders end all domestic markols were on the up Ki-nde. May nold from G ic , off to Mr , then Tip to COc , off to Bit-He , elo lni ; at fiD e. The biiHlntss In the nneculatlve department - mont of the corn tradu wns dull , but prices wore held steady by'the llrmnusof wli-nt. - The cash branch of the biHlnosa wns heavy nnd depressed by the anticipated ef fect of the adherence to tariff rnf > H which the railroads arc expected to olworvu from the bKlnnlnK of tlu new year. Through billed carloads were fold at from a c to 1C tinder yesterday's rates , and locnl billed was ' , { ,0 lower. December com eloped ' , dc lower for the day , nt 2. > ' < ; c ; January lost from He. to Uc , and May Is unchanged. In oatn the trading In futtlics was mod erate ony ! , and only In the way of evening' up trades previous to the holiday. Jlay moved over only a 3-lGc range from top to bottom , opening at Iflc , selling up to lUHc , off to from lSic to 19c , and closed at from 3Dc to 19fc ! , as ngalnsl lc ! ) on the day be fore. Provisions , which advanced yesterday be cause of the day's run of hogs being smaller than expected , declined today because of a disappointment of n totally different character , the run of hogs reported from the yards Mils morning being 27,000 head , In place of 19,000 head , ns expected. Trade WIIH of the recent moderate volume , and without especial significance In the matter of Individual operations. Compared with yesterday's closing price ? , the following de clines have occurred : In January pork , 7VSc ; In Mny , 12Ac ! ; January nnd May lard , each 7V c , and In January and May ribs , each Cc. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. CO cars ; corn170 cars ; oats , 100 earn ; hogs , 31.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUK Easier ; sprlnc patents , J3.103.2 : ; spring ftrnlRlilB , K.ViftZ.'S ; winter patents , (3.40 ; wlntur strnlglit , } 3.20ff3.3J ; cxpoit bakers , | 2.00 2.25. WHWAT No. 2 pnrlflc , 57ff57Jic ; No. 3 sprlnpr , MV4c ; No. 2 red. CITWtHc. COIlN-No. 2 , 23V4 | 2SHc. OATH Nn. 2. U'/ic ' ; No. 2 whlto , 10'tc ' , f. o. b. ; No. 3 white , 17 10c , f. o. b. ItYH No. 2 , 32'4c. ' HAKLI3V No. 2 , nsmlnal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 22f SCo ; No. 4. f. o. b. , 20VtC22o. FLAX SnKD No. 1 , 92Ue. TIMOTHY anRD I'rlme , } 3.60. I'ROVISIONH MCRS pork , per lib ! . , J7.75JI7.S7V4 ; lard , per 100 11 > . , J5.27'i ; ulioit libs , nldc-a ( luosp ) . 14.2094.23 ; dry Halted shoulders ( lioxod ) . $1.37140 i.C2't ' ; short clear sldea ( boxed ) , { 4.37'ifrt.50. " WIIISICY Distillers' llnlshcd nooda , per ual. , 11.22. HLTOAIIS Cut loaf , 13.CO ; uromilated , JI.S7 ; Itnndaid "A. " J4.75. Tlio following were the receipts and shipments today : On tlio 1'roJno'j a < ca'iniia to I w thu buiinr mar ket was uleady : cro.-unei-v. inj.Mc : ilnlry , rja-JDc. KBKB. ( steady ; freah , coa''lc. Clicej , qnlcti NUW YOUIC CJiJ.VCUAL MAHKI3T. Cloning QnndiiloiiH on ( Iio I'rliiclpal CoiuiiioilltleN nml Sliinli'M. NnW YOH1C , nee. 31. FLOUU-IJecelpts , 33,300 bbU. ; cxpoits , 37,100 libls. ; fairly active ; sprlnir pntenta nnd baiters nt former prices , The cloo Wns steady to linn ; winter patcnle , 53.Mff3.Gr > ; city mill clearx , 13.90iT4.Oa ; Mlnnesotn rnta , JJ.S083.15 ; winter extras. } 2.C.j3.05 ; winter IDW Krndcfl , | 2.10ft2.GO ; hlpplni ; low KnuH'H , J1.50ff.CO. Ilyo Hour , steady ; Kuperllne , | 2..002.76 : fancy , | 2.3fl2. ! > 0. DucUwheat Hour , dull ; ll.30Ol.3ri. COHN WlAlt Steady ; yellow western , coar c , lOo ; Ilrnndywlnc , f2.2S , HYU Nominal ; wentern , 42iJ4r.e , HAKLI-jy Dull ; wvulern , SUtflCo. I1AH1.1-V MALT Dull ; wcbtein , < 98ICc. IIUCKWIIKAT Dull ; Sii f39c. AVHRAT Itcct-lpts , none ; cxiwrts , 400,500 bu. Bpot mnrUi-t , firm ; No. 2 red. Cfljo ; No. 1 hard IMie. Optlpns opened w.-nker under I.lvcipnui nown and llcpildatlon , ndviinci-d on di-ciTancd worlil'B slilpnienlH nnd heavy local clearances. iiiiiuiy riiEt-ii nnii tnueii up wiin a root bull I ! ' niati-li ; clOM'il ! lWUe lower ; No. 3 red. January , ICURCTo , closed CCio ! ; Jlay , C8V4&C70 , closed Iclic : iiei'fiulH > r , fC'lo. COIIN Hervlpts , 2.9M bu. ; exports , Z33.700 bu. Bpot , dull ; No. I. 3I&C. Options dull , but Iti-ndy , nil day , closing unchaiiRcil ; January { lOHed 34 Vic. OATH Itecelpln , 141 , WO liu. ; exports , .1.700 bu. Optl.viH dull nnd ft'nturelecs , rlaslnn iMiciiiink'cd : liinunry , closed 234e ! ; May , cloaeil 2lc. HAY-iawy : . milppUitf. J7.00iffr.M ; good to Cholec , Jb.WIO.OO IIOl'.SVnk : stale , common to choice 1894 trop. 2V4W6c ; 1SS5 clop , 4 flOc ; raclllc const , 1KH trop. Sli Oo ; UW crop , 4moc. llini.S : CJuk'tj Giilvfulon. 12o ; Ditenoi Ayre * flry , ISe ; Ti-xas , dry , lOo ; Cnllfoml-i , I5c. domtstlo llceve , lca20i pulled. KH Firm ; hemlock sole ; Iliunos Ayres llKlit lo lu-nvy welfihtB , 22c. ' I'ork , active , firmer ; mess , ta.OOJf9.25. I'KTHOLUUM-StronBfr ; United cloned nt Jl.DO bid. I TtTItrnNTINE Dull ; 30ff30V5c. llHTTKH-llecclpts. 3,323 | ikKc. ; western ilnlry ll 19o : ( - tcrn cieamery , 17 25o ; iignu | , 2c. Ciri < : isi-llcrt : > litA | l.M4 pkK . ; iiuivt ; lurKe , ll ; 10c ; smnll. 7 eiOiio ; part eklun , 3ij 0c -tvw. , full klm , IWe. IcnOH Itcc-rlptR. J.W8 pkeg. ; rteady ; state and t'cnniylvanla , WiCSc ; western , SJCfSle ; touthiMn , ! 9V4 fSOc. TALLOW Steady ; city , SJSOIc ; country , l'JritOLiL'M : rirmer ; United cloged at Jl 41 bid ; refined. New York , J7.75 ; I'liiladflti'.l.i , , | llaltlmor , $7.70 ; 1'lilladeliilila and llaltlmore In bulk. 15.f > 0. ItOSIN Steady ; ttralned , common to food , | J.70 < n.73. IUOK Hlrnily ; domestic , fair to extra. JK06cj iBtmn , SHe-te. MOLAKrtKH-Steaily ; New Orleans , open Itettlc , Kaol to cluilce , S9W5CC. MKTALH I'lff Iron , easy. Copper , quiet ; bro. t > ers' price , JlO.ISVi ; exchiinit" price , $10. I.rad , rn y ; lirokers' price. > 3 ; oxcliangu price , J3.iii U3.15 , Tin , iiul t : straits. } 13.30 : plates , market quiet. Spelter , iiulet ; domestic , J3.CO. COTTON KKD OIISiow anil weak ; prime crude , ! 4tf2 < Vic > 1.utter grade * , 30c ; prime sum. mcr yrllow , 2SU30c. CoiTi-e BIurKot. NKW YOIIIC. Dec. 31.-COI-'Fin-Optlon opencil at 10 points decline , ruled Kencrully fea- tunle nnd lalln-r weak unJer local prcsnuro and slack tx > t demand. Kuropean inarkeia doted tomorrow und Havre clo ej till Friday. Clui * btrtly U (3)r ( tt 1031J polnu ntt deollntj rnl 5,000 ! . IndlnifMftrrh : , HIM. Ppot mN f.iIt'.i ' dil.N" 7 IHSii. Mild , dull ; Cordova , II ? 3. In tlS ' - , MM. S12iiKf \ Mnrnrnlbo nml 10) l n n wnip Ountemnln , p. t. II..TI-C rti-lherlM fi.m N w York y tiny , II IMagr. \ . N-w Yoik Hock dny , SM , } l > nx ; Vnllnl StntM a.JH l < n * ; mtnnt fir th.fniloil 8mnw. lisir : tntiil vlnll.le . for thr 1'nltnl Htnter , tin * * . "Kfilnut t.Wm I K tn t yvnr. BANTO8. lit ? . $ l.-Oocil R ntm. JU.Mj rrw-Ipts , 1J.O-W ImM. Iw.i iUy ; Utik. I.Z.rflO IISRB. HAMIlt'nO. l > w. ll.-ulrl ; unclianRcil to ( I tifir mlvnncp ; ' < . ll.C' ' < i but * . ItH ) I > U JANCIIM. nr < - . Sl.-Stfft'ly ; Nn. 7 Itlo. J1I.75 ; cvhanRp 5-Jdj rfr > - [ ! , 21.HOO IMRS for thiw OHJI.J c-kniPtl fnr tlie United HtntM , S.MO tifiKSj fin Kili-ot'O. ' I.Otl ) bags ; flock , 253,000 1'iiKS. o.iiAHA ( IIMIIAL : MAiticnr. Coiidltliiii of Trndc mill ( liiolntlonft on Stanlc nml I'niicy KOOS.Strictly fren'.i * ( oek , llUTTKIl-l'ncklns sock : , lie ; fnlr to Rood country , 13Qllc ; choice to fancy country , 13B1CC. ViAICrialc : fnt , 70 to 103 Ibs. , are quoted nt STc ( , IniBennd conrnc , 4BCc. CIH-yE-Dome : ! tlc trick , JHio ; HJam , r r dor. . J3.CO ; Club lions ? , Mb. jars , per tloz. , $1.50 ; l.lmljeiKci. fancy , per lb. . lllic ; lloqutfort , ' 4-H' . jais , per doz. , J3.CO ; Youns Amcrlcns , ll'.ic ' ; Twins , fancy. He. I'Ol'LTUV-Drcfsed-ChlcU'ii' . CffTc ; ilueW. cliolrp , 9fil c ; tuikfjn , clMlc-c. 1'JUllc ; eete , HAY L'pliind , JJ.50 ; midland , J5.00 : lowtnnd , J4.SO : ire ktmw , Jt.oo ; color makes ili price on linj ; llclit bales fill tlio Only top gradM brim ; Kip | irlei-s. ItltOOM COIIN New crop , oellvercd nn track In countiy , choice Rrcn telf-wnrklnK rnipft , per lb. , 2'K ' : chnlce srcen , runnlnB to hurl , 2Sc ! ; coin. mnn. 1Vic. OA.M13 Prnlilc clikkrnii , undrawn , per doz. , Id.OOffc.M : drnun , 5ri.oons.COi quail , Jl.SOftl.'S ; diilpc. ; ; cy1.00 ; KIOU C , J5.60itC.00 : snipe , COW75c : million plov.-r , JI.25 ; jack rabbits , per tc.z . jl.75i2.0il ; mnall nibMts , iScSTJl.OO ; tnnl- iaid dinks. 53.SOffi.75 : : irdlieadu , J3.7S f4.00 ; cnn- viisluicli ilurks , J5.00IS.OO : tral. blue whip , J2.00iJ 2.J" > ; tr. l. mofii wlnR. II 751f2.0j. mixed ( Uick . Jl.3(72,2i ; r.inmln KCCPO , 56.00g7.M : smnll Kee. e , JI.BOjJ.V'-i : brnnt" . J3.50 ; deei ! < ndJles. ICftlCe ; dc-tr i-orcaffps , lir < 13celk ; raddles. llWISc : elk r.-ii-ianjes. DWIOc ; anlolnpc saddle ! " , IS'jflCo : anlo- lupu raic.ipjpi' , liigilc ; siUlircl9 , per doz. , GOJJ75C. S Live , very slow ; dim ! pigeons not VnonTATlLKS. CAULIFLOU'IJH-IVr iluz. heads , J2.00. CAIIlAi--lIillalid sppil. heads small and linid , per Hi. , Hie : Callfoinla stock , tier lb. , 2c. Ml'mlttnO.MS I'er I'4llbox. . 01T5o. POTATOES l-'ancy natlie slock. "Oe ; from sloip In finall lots , S'fS5c ' ) ; Colorado stock , M855c. ONIOXHIVr l.u. . 2.1TSc. Ilt-\N ! > --nnniI picked navy , t.rr bu , , tl.M. BWKIVr I'OTATOIJS Choice stock , J2.73 ptf 'nLKnY-t'nllfoinln , per dor. , OOcffJl.OO ; Colo- rnd ) , r.j'fCnc : , 30T35c. LIMA linAVK-1'f-r 11. . . IV. \V.\Tnrt rilKSS Per IC-qt. cni > f. fl.Mnt.7S. THAS In cipln per bu. , Jl.OO. . CALIKOUNIA STltAWlIliUIUnfi-N.-ne. AI'IM.KS Fniu-y New Yoik , J3.2.1W3uO ; cliolc * Rtoik. sr5(2.75 ( ; L'tali npple * . per box , J1.60. CALIKOUNIA QI'l.VCKS None. ounnoN ruAits-Nnnc. _ , . . . CIlANr.nnilIiS : Jet.'cy , JS.7j ; Cape Cod , tlO ! MALAOA ohAITS Per CO-lb. bbl. , $6 ; per C5 to 70 Ibs. , Krofs , S7.CO. THOI'ICAL FHUITS. OUAXans rnlltoinla budded seedlings , repu- lar SI-H. | $3.75 ; ! > G to 12C sizes , 53.SOff3.75 ; LEMONS California , per box , J3.75B4.50 ; Mcs- Rlnas , H.MS4.0. HANANAS Choice larce stock , per bunch , J2.00 Q2.25 ; medium sized 1 unclics. tl. 75 2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTKIIS Mediums , loc ; slandaula , 19c ; extra Eclfct.i , 2lc : Liiunch & Co. selects , 20c ; New Yoik counts. 2ic : ; standard bulk , per gal. , J1.10. HONEY Fnncy while , iier lb. , Kc. MAI'LR 8YHUP Flvc-gal. cans , each. J2.73 ; gal. cans , per doz. , J12 ; Vi-gal. cans , J8.23 ; quart CIUEli i'ure Juice , per half bbl. , J3 ; per RAUL.IW iv w > . . * . - tbl. , J3.75 ; half bbl. , J2 25. F1OS New crop , California , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , loc ; Imported fancy , 30-lb. boxes , 15o ; choice , ' ' DATES Niw'Vc-s'ian , CO-lb. bores , per lb. , BVJc ; rnrds , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , Sc. MAl'LE SUQAll Uliolce. per lb. . OiflOc. 1'ltESEHVES Assorted. 20-lb. palls , ench $1.40. rocoANtJTS Per 100 , $4.00 ; each , 5c. NUTS Almonds. Callfirnla. ner lb. , medium size lOc ; Tanngona almonds , per lb. , large , 12itc ; 7'Acicory n , , . , . y nuts , larse , per bu. , Jl.CO ; black walnuts , per bbl" ' 2' MEATS. UEKF Light w steni sltcis , 400 to COO ibs. , ty , gee ; B"0d cowo tuid heifers , 4K05c ; medium t-ows nnd heifers , 4io ! ; good forcquartuis rows and heifers , SUWiJic ; uood lilndquiirtcrs , oins , No. 'M'UTTON Dresred mutton. SVJc ; racks , E',4c ; ICES 7c : paddles , 7c ; slews , 2Vic. 1'OItIC Dressed IIORS. DC ; pork loins , Cc ; spare rlb 4Vic ; pork gliuuldcn , 4ic ! ; pork shoulders , skinned , 4ic : poik trlmmlnp , 4o ; tenderloins , 12a : r.lcs" feet , cleaned , per doz. , 3c. Funs. I No. lNo. | II No. II I Lee. | Md'inSm'll | | I1EAU Ulack J20JJ23 J 1500 $ S 10 } 10 12 t coo Illnck Yearlings. . 10 00 7 00 7 00 3 00 Ulack Cubs CO 6 4 00 C 00 200 Ulack Montana & Mountain 1S322 14 00 1000 10 00 400 Murrain wool pens , per ID. , nciuai weiunt , 4iic ; dry i.leces nnd tmrlis , nctual weight , 45/3o ; feet cut off , us It Is useless to pay freight on TALLOW AND OnEAHE Tuliow , No. J. S'ic ' ; tallow Nc. 2 , Sc ; greaie , white A , SVic ; grease , wlilte 11 , 3c ; Kreuw. yellow , 2',4c ; greate , dark , 2q ; old butter , SS2',2c ; beeswax , pilme , 15C22e ; loucn tallow , I'.ic. JIONKS In car lots weighed and delivered In ChlcaRo : Dry buffalo , per ton. J12.00fil4.oO ; do- country , blfaclicd. per ton , J10.00HJ2.03 ; dry countiy , dump und meaty , per ton , J3.0JQ3.00 , WOOL Unwashed , line heavy , title ; fine light , Siiro ; quarter blood , ] 0f12c ; ecedy , hurry am ! cliuffy , SB9o ; cotted snd broken , coarse , 7Q9c ; rotted unJ broken , fine , CSfSc. Kleoco wnsln-d Medium , IMTISo ; fine , HfflCo ; tub washed , ICff 18c : black. SL- ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 2if3c ; dead pulled. Cfl6c. _ Cotton Miu-U . NEW YOHK. Di-e , Sl.-COTTON-CInsed very steady ; nalcs. 127,70 < l bal. > s ; January , J7.'J ; I''eb- ' ruray.l7.fC ! March , J8.01 : April , } S.O' ; Mav , $0,15 ; July. J8.2I ; Auirust , 1 .2. ) | St-ptPmbcr , J8.03 ; October , $7,68 ; November , J7.64 ; DecemlH-r , nom inal , Futures cloned etendy ; sales , Z50.10) bilc-s ; Jnnuaiy. JS.C4 ; l-Vbru.iry , JSM3 : Maich , Ji.Sl ; April , tS.21 ; May , IS.3I ; June , H.Sil ; July , J8.11 ; August , J8.42 : Si-plnnVcr , J8.J2 ; October , JS.02 ; November. J7.92. HT. LOUIS. Dec. Sl.-COlTON-Stendv ; mid- illlnf , IHc ; tales , M bales ; receipts , 2,753 bales ; tlilnments , 2.32ii bales ; slock , 70,7 ! > 2 lairs. NEW OULEANH , Pec. 31.-COTTON Firm ; middling , 7Uc ; good ordlnap- D-ICe , Dry ' NEW YORK. Dec. 31 There has been practi cally no butlnvss , us i-cllera und buyers nre wall- inK for Hie developments of 1'ie new year , Wi-ntlit-r conditions and nn udvnnce In cotton have given n different and better tcnu to the market und greater cheerfulness wns manifested In all illicctlcni. . The printing cloth murkft w&s dull UtMANC'lliSTEIl : , Dec. 3I.-Cljhs | and yarns nul t nnd lets dl8pltlon to buy. l-'ALL UIVin , Muss. , Dec. 31 , Print cloths dull at 3o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Acfiiiiiulntlon f Cirulii HlnckM. NKW VOU1C , Dec. 31. Special cable and telegraphic - graphic dlbpatchfs to llrailstrevt's , covcrlm ; prin cipal ( , - > Inl3 of accumulation , Indicate the follow- InK chancrs In available clocks last Saturday , as coin | > url with the preceding Saturday ; Avail able supplies Wlirat , I'nlltd Slates and Canada , t' ; > t of th Kooky mountulns , Incrcaji- , 1,7:7,000 bu. j afloat for und In Europe , decrease , 1,741,001 bu , ; coin , I'nllrd States and Canada , cuil of Ilia Itockles , liuuase , C23.000 bu. ; oats , United States and Canada , raft of tlm Uocklm , In create , CD.OCX ) du. Tha luor * inportant In nvnIUble wlipnl slick * last w V. which were nnt tnrludnl In thr ofllrlM visible supply lutp- mrnl , are son.ooft bu. In the nnrlhwi-nern Intpiljr Mcvntors , 305.000 bu. nt Fort William , Ont. , JI3- OM bil. In CnlmRo private ettvntom And 1M.O < * ) 1m. nt Omnli.i. Thprp * rr dccrpi / > s of (3.000 ( bn. nt llurllnfttnn , ro.W ) Im nt Onlvtfton nnd 2S.Obu. . pnch In Mlnnvnpolls prlvnto clcvntota nnd nt I'lttsbufB. AVOOL .ii.\iticiT itivuw. I'roilnot Si-lllnur nl u ( Joml Advance IVC-f IIIN < WlM'U. ItOSTON. Jan. 1. The American Wool find Cotton lleportcr will tny tomorrow of the wool trndc ; Tlic snips In the t ireo principal markets of the country In the last wrt-k of UD5 have nmountfil to 12.213,000 Ibs. . nontly 7.5' .0' Ibs. of which wns domestic Mock of eveiy known descrlp- linn. This wool has been s Id on tlie average nt prices & per cent In advance of tha actual selling rates nnd nt len t four- fifths of It has gone Into consumption. Never theless , tbc stork purchased last f > ek wns nil Uniijht clipnp nnd wan need property , even nt the inmost nUmice pnld for nny pHitlculnr clap * nf wrrl. While a largo pnrt of the hufdn < Bi has been done wllh the worsted people the woul manufacturer bns been well represented , which Is irgnrded on nil bands ns n healthy symptom. In Ilostcm , 8,156.000 Ibs. . C.WO.OOJ Ibs. of which wns d-imcMIc , Is the mil Let lecord for the last week nf 1S93. The year went out without Inci dent , with the market firm en alt kinds of wool. Llvi-i-pool Miirti-t. . LIVERPOOL. Dec. SI. WHKAT-Spot firm ; demand moderate ; No. 2 red winter , 5s 3d ; No. 3 roil spring , slocks exhausted ; No. 1 hatd Mani toba , ( is 3,1 ; No. 1 California , 63 4'.4d. Futures opened quiet and unchanged ; closed steady , with near p sltlans ViWHd lower nnd distant positions Hd lower ; lju.ilnc.ig about equally distributed ; January , Cs 3d ; February , fs 3Hd ; Match , 5s 4Hd ; April , la 41dMay ; , 5s M ; June , 59 r.ld. COHN Spot steady ; American tnlxrd new 3 ? 2di Futures opened steady , with near nnd dis tant positions 14d lower ; mislneps nl > out equally dlslrlbiitt-d ; January , 3s 2.1 ; Febiuary , 3s 2-1 ; March , Z * 2Vid ; April , 3s 2V4d ; May , 3s 2ttd ; June , 3s 2t < , il. FLOt'H Firm ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy wlnti-r , 7s Cd. rilOVISlONS Hncon , steady ; Cumberland cut , 23 to 30 ll > s. , 2Cs ; nhort rlb , 23 Ibs. , 26s ; long clear " , light , 3S to 45 lb . . Mi ; lung ck-nr , heavy , t. Ibs. , Ks Cd ; rbort clear backs , tight , 15 lb . , 2Hs ; smrt : clear-middles , heavy , 55 Ibs. , 25i M ; clear bellies , II to 1C Ibs. , 3Is ; shoulders , miuaro , 12 U ) ID Ibs. , 2s ; hams , slioit cut , 14 to 10 Ibs. , 3Ss. Tall , xv , line North American. 22s. lleef , c-xtrn India , 72.i Cd ; prime me s , 67s id. ; I'.irli , mi-is , Uno western , i"0s ; prime me.'S , medium , 45s. Lard , firm ; prime we stein , 27s ( id ; refined In palls , 2s. ! ) OHEIMK Film ; llnept American white , 15s ; fines. ! American colr.rrd , 43s. HITTTI2R Finest IJnltnl Slates. 05s ; good , COS. TtTUi 1INT1NE S1MH1TS 20 Cd. ROSIN Common , 4s 7Hd. COTTON SEIH ) OHLlveniool refined , 17s. LINSEED OII20s. . I'ETROLEL'M Refined. SVjd. nEFRIOEUATOU 1IKKF Foreijuartcr , 314-1 : rOWDUll Iliildwood , f. o. b. , LlV.-tpD , I , 7. HOPS At London ( Pncllle coast ) . 2 3s. Tl.c lecclnts of wheat ilurlnir tbo tiast three dnya v.-ore 1C7.0J ) centals , Including C41 > V ) Ameri can. Tlie receipts of Amerleun corn , 81,200 ccn- tnli . Weather mild. Kt. I , IIH C i-in-nil liu-Kot. ST. IXJUIS. Dec. 31. KLOtrn Firmer ) with In- cii > ilnif ! demand from nbrond. owing to trouble between this country nml I'.iiKland over the Vene zuelan clues.Ion ; locnl trndp dull ; patents , $3.CO ( RS.40 ; extra fnncy , } 3.10iiJJ.:0 ; fnncy , W.SSffS.OO ; choice , J2.GOfi2.75. WHKAT Unsettled nnd cnsler early , but later on heavy clemnnce * tallied nnd advanced , eased off , but closed ' , l71&c higher than yi'iteiday ; Ni2 red , cn .h , Cj'-ic ; No. 2 hard , GHfcc ; May , 5'Jlic ; July , S'JHc. COIIN Uull , but Etiong with wheat , closlnn n slmdc better for futures than yesteiday ; snot HtcHiIy ; No. 2 inlxoil. cnsli , 21ic ! ; January , 2356C ; Mny , 2'i c ; July , 2Tc asked. OATS Futuifs opened weak nnd lower , but rccovcriil and closed lower. Spot , steady ; No. 2 , cash. 16c ; Mny. lOUc. nYK Quiet ; 3c. CO UN MEAL-SI.30 1.35. UIIAN Nothing UcliiKj sacked east track quo- tnble nt c. Kl.AX SHED Nominal nt S7c. TIMOTHY SKnn-J3.W5T3.40. HAY Steady ; prairie , J7.W5JS.50 ; timothy , 59.00 014.00 , tills side. IH'TTEIl Steady ; fepnrator creamery , 205f21c ; fnncy UlBln. :4ff2ic ; dairy , 17fl22c. EGOS Dull ; lower nnd In large supply ; IGe. WHISKY tl. 22. L.I-XVU Nothing dolnu ; holders nslilnff J2.50. with no buyerc. HI'ELTUn Nominal : 53.MS3.CO. I'HOVISIONS I'oik , EtblnJard mess. JobblnR- , ni-v. J3.C9 ; old , $8.23. I ird , lower ; prime. J.1.65 ; choice } i.22' ' . . Ilacon , boxed shoulders. J5.5o ; lonKS , ? 3.12' ' , < . ; ribs. ? 5.12Vi : shorts. $3.23. Dry b.xinl mcatB. lioxed sliouldirs. tl.37i ! ; longs , J4.M : ribs. S4.62(4 ( ; tliorts , S4.75. HKPBU'TS Flour , C"W libt . ; wbcnt 42,000 bu. ; corn , 43OH bu. ; oats , 1S.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 9,000 bills , i wheat , 25,000 bu. ; corn. D7.000 bu. ; oala. IC.OOO bu. Mercantile FiilInroH for IS ! ) . " , . In Its last issue "Ilindsticct's" gives n sum- mnry of the mercantile failures tbrouRhout tbc United States for the calendar year just eloped , says the St. Louis Ilepubllc. The total number In 1S93 Is 13,013. as contrasted with 12,721 In 1S94 , nn Increase of 2.2 per cent. A snniPWiUit unusual condition Is apparent durlnfr tbo past year In Hint , although It Is the sec-.nd year after tlio panic , the fnllures are slightly In excess of the number In the year Immediately following tlio panic. Tlie commercial death rate during the year was 1.23 per cent , ns compared with 1.21 per cent In 1S94 , nnd I.CO per nt In 1593. The percentnKO of assets to liabilities In 1S93 wns 55.4 per cent , as 53 per cent In 1S94 , and 03 per cent In Commenting upon the foregolnjr , "llrnd- strc-et's" Bays : "The total Increase In business failures In 1S33 cnntmhtcd with 1S94 amounts ta only 292 , for which c.ilns In tbo western , north western and middle states arc icsnonplble , they hnvlne been respectively 333 , 77 nnd Gl. While the Increase In tbc total number of buslncvx failures In tbe western states was apparently lniK about 11 per cent the Increase in total liabilities of falling traders did not amount to more than 7 per cent , from which It may be pcrct'lvt-U that commerclul nnd Industrial cmbar- infcsments In that region were largely among i-maller concerns. ' _ Toledo Grniu Market. TOLBDO. Dec. 31. WHEAT Higher , firm ; No. 2 , cash , G ; C ; Mny , CGTic. COIIN Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc ; No , 3 mixed , 274c ! ; May , 28Ttc OATH Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 19c bid ; No. 2 white. 20c bid : May , 20o bid. nvn Dull : NO. 2cusii , 37',4c. CI.OVBU SEED Illaber , Uull ; prime , cash , J1.30 ; January , | 4.35. KKCniPTS Flour , CM bbln. ; wheat , 14,000bu. : corn. 47,000 bu. ; oate , S.OOJ bu. ; clover seed , 133 bags. SHIPMENTS Flour , 0,500 bbls. : wheat , C.100 1'i-orlii MnrkvtH. PEOIUA , Dec. 31. COItN Steady ; new No. 2 , 25c ; new No. 3 , 23V c , OATS Slow ; No. 2 white , 17-UQ17ic ; No. 3 white. HftiCTlTc. ItVE Dull , nominal. WHISKY Market Btr-ady ; nnlslicd goods on the basis of J1.22 for high wines. ItnCEH'TS Coin , SC.500 bus. ; oats , 44.530 bus. ; ryi- . none ; whUky , none ; wheat , 3.CO ) bus. SHIPMENTS Corn. ? J,8M bus. ; otil , 40.800 bus. ; rye , none ; whisky , 523 sals. ; wheat , l.SOJ bus. _ _ MliuioniiiillH AV lie-lit .Mnrk ( * < . MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 31. WHEAT Firm : closed : December , Cl-lic ; May , 53ic. On tnick : No. 1 haul. 56e : No. 1 niutlicrn , CITic ; No. 2 northi-rn. ts jc ; reeclptB , 177 cars. FLOW Quiet : llrst patents , t3.00fl3.40 ; do- msstlo baUera , } 2.COexport bakers , J2.00ffl2.23 , City I'miliivu MiirK' . KANSAS CITY , Dec. 31. No era'n ' maiket III'ITEH Weak : creamery , 18iC22io ! ! ; dairy , firm. 149l3c. EGGS SIlKhtly nrmer ; 174c. ! SuKnr Murlc < * ( . NEW YORK , Dec. 31. SUQAIl Raw , market nrmer ; fair leflnlliK , 3ic ; ccnlilfUKal , 90 test , 3l"j refined , modciatc-ly active ; mould A. fi'/iO ! standard A , lite ; cut loaf , I'.ic ; Kranuluted , 5c , Print ClothH Hull , FALL IUVEH , Mass. , Jan. 1 , Print cloths wcru dull nt 3c , 'KrlNt'oVluiit ( li BAN FUANCIECO , Uej. 31.-CU-nreJ , 115,322 ccn- tali wheat , _ FIrMt on ( Inlfil ! ( lti-c < iril. The lirst trip of the patrol wnffon for the year 1EDO WBS to the tonilorlolu district , John Mllleyvn ? . belnj ? thown n hit of high life Now Year's eve by I uther V , Urown. They nro white men , hut were not iletcrrcd hy tlio fact from entering n illsrcputnlilo colored Joint. While In there Miller was robbed of $30 , two-thirds of which amount waa recovered , The two men , nnd Lulu Peoples nnd Jessie Carter , colored women , weio ulTcsted. Notice. Tlie "HOCK ISLAND" veztlbulsil limited le&vlng Omaha Union Deoot DAILY at 4:50 : p. in. , with sleeping car for Omaha piusen- tiers , is tlio DKST train from Omaha to Chicago , as the UOCIC ISLAND depot In Chicago Is located In the heart of the city , thus avoiding transfer , and Icutls passon- gera within ecay dlstatico of all prominent hoteU and business tiuuses. Ticket cIBs ? 1C02 Farnam street. DeniouriiiH Sivltcli C'liiiilliliilcH. ANNAPOLIS , Jan. 1 , Senator W. Cnbl Bruec of Baltimore was nominated for president of the senate by the democratlq caucus tliU mornlniT , thiiH reconslderlni ; lt action of last night In nominating John Walter Bnilth for that olllce. Senator Ilnice will accept , nnd the democrats will there fore oruanlzQ the cenate , In which they have a majority of fourteen to twelve. lj' Aiui ii < ri'il. William Jackson , a Btrapplng big colored fellow , was arreutcd at Twenty-fourth and Wlrt streets New Year'a mornlnir nt 4 o'clock , I'/r belnf ? a vasrant and a suspic ious character. Ho carried a roomy tack which loooked nu though It could carry u duzun fowls without any trouble whatever. In addition to the bag ho had the useful end of an axe in liU possession. OMAHA LIVE $ tl ( 1IARHET Holiday Ghnrr.ctcr of BusintRs Warranted by All Aspects nt the Ynrds. CATTLE TOO SCARCE'.TO MAKE A STIR I-'cw CnriifiMlN OITorcii llrlnur n Dime ItlKlirr nml I'ivvi-ytlihitf SI-HM I-Jiirly I-'nlr Slio'n IIIK < if 11 URN nt Slnil.i - Vi-U-i- ! . . WEIiN'KSDAY , Jan. 1. riccelpts anil rhlpmcnts for the past twenty-four hours , as compared with the previous six days , are ns follows : RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. HorsM January 1 r.M 2,4 ? ? r.99 22 liecomber 31 I.M3 5,0.rl 1,311 2\ Ucccmbsr 31) CS2 918 . . . . 162 Uccember 28 G73 2,951 1,127 December 27 701 2,20 : ! Decembar 2 ( ! 1,035 1,9.11 December 21 509 3820 4U9 . . . . SHIPMENTS. Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. December 30 17.1 . . . . . . . . 102 December 2S 151 . . . . C7S December 27 190 . . . . D'cember 20 311 December 21. . . . , , , 219 . . . . 312 . . . . December 23 -173 27 December 2t 813 . . . t > 13 OATTLK The market today pnrtonk very largely of tlio holiday character. Only n few cat- tin of nny kind v-cro received , nnd not enough to really cnll It n market. A feu- pretty decent corn fed steprs were among the- offerings , nnd tlio market on that kind of stuff was strong to 10e higher. One load reached ? 4. and a few otlicr loads brought from $3.40 to 13. iO. Cows and hclfcrs sold nt about the fame old prices' , but the trade wns by no means active. In the end the offerings , which were very light , were all taken. Tlicro were no Ftockers and feeders to matte a test of tbo market. The few offered chantced bandit at about steady prices , lleprcacjitatlve sales : niip RTKHIIS. N'o. Av. I'r. No. Av. l > r. N'o. Av. Pr. l..13.0 J.1 00 7..1062 M 33 : H..1S1 W M 1..12IO 30(1 ( 3..100C 350 21..1330 300 2..MO ,12.- , ] . , . , MO 340 : fl..H43 370 3..1016 333 12..1220 340 SO..1323 400 COU'P. 1. . . . SM 17.- 3..1040 221 2. . . . fM S 43 1..11M 175 4.,112.- , 223 .1..12M 243 CALVES. . 210 200 B. . . 3C2 2 73 103 4 00 . J03 2 10 1. . i 2SO 3 0' ' ) 1. . 230 I CO . 2.7) 2 BO 1. . . 90 3 01 1. . ISO 4 CO . 300 2 CO 1. . , 100 3 CO 1. . 220 5 00 . SO 2 75 STOCKERS AND KEEDDRS. . 550 2 CO , . 45 3 00 1. . . . ( ! ) .1 15 .1000 2 50 1. , . 400 3 00 4G. . . . S70 3 m 2 75 3. , . 670 3 10 1. . . . SSO 3 15 2 73 32.B. . , .1009 3 10 1. . . . G70 3 15 2 75 B. , . 722 3 10 3. . . . -ISO 3 15 . 6V 2 75 . . . SM 3 13 1. . . . TSO 3 20 . 484 3 CO so. . . 765 3 15 1. . . . S23 323 .1213 3 00 1. . . 940 3 13 HOGS There were nily n few lions In today , but the demand was iood nnd the olTerlnRS were nil taken In ( troil Reason anil at nbout yesterday moinine's prices. The bulk of all the IIORS sold lit J3.40. with .1 top nt 53.45 nnd a Eprlnltllns at 13.42' ' ; , . Iteprivemntlvo tales : No. Ay. Sh. I'r. No. Ph. Pr. 02 40 S3 35 K3 , 80 f.1 40 ! ! l04 . . . 3 35 ' CO ' . .310 so 3 40 63. . . .21)1 ) EO 3 35 73 ! . . .302 . . . 3 10 23. . . .2S3 . . . 337',6 . .233 ICO 3 43 . .523 ICO . 3 37 ! < . Gl. . . .27) 12J 3 40 Sail . .230 250 3 37Vj 120. . . .329 120 3 40 G2. . " .31) 120 a JO 93. . GO" : : , .23S. ' 3 40 c * * . .231 40 ' 3 40 F.3. . , .325 3 40 70II . .253 40 3 40 20.- . .214 340 80. . . .2c ; so s 40 03. . " 2" ° .1 40 32. . . .213 10 3 40 70. . "so ! 3 40 33. . . .K2 40 3 40 SI. . .507 340 25. . . .C-iC SO 3 40 41. . 3 40 . * J2 ' . .205 . . . 3 40 64. . . . . . . . 3 40 Gt.'I . .27C 40 3 40 M 27S 3 42'i ' 37. . . .323 40 3 40 B7 317 3 42' GO. . . .270 120 3 40 70 203 3 42' $ 74. . . .2T7 . . . 340 78 252 3 42't CO. . . .213 . . . 345 PIGS-ODDS AND ENDS. .280 . . . 200 3 270 3 S7'J 5 200 3 35 SHEEP There was not much business doing In the sheep market. The offeilnss were all feeders. The demand for muttons Is ecod and values flim. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHICACO MV13 STOCK. Rood It I lie Cattle Wore AKiiiii Scitrci- YuNtcrilny. CHICAGO , Dec. 31. Choice lots of entile were steady , but others were weak. Sales were on n basis of from $3.20 to J4.CO for common to strictly choice beeves , few goln ? under $3.50 or over 4 23. Gcod ilpo cattle were again scarce and the supply consisted principally of medium to rather Rood designations. The slacker and feeder market wns dull as ever with light ou'cr- and a poor demand from country buyers , but choice cnnners' stuff was again In Rood demand nt steady * prices , I ho moderate supply pi eventing nny weakness. Cows and heifers old largely at from JJ.S5 to $3 , and calves were Ilrm under continued llcht receipts. Ked Texans wclBlilnj ; 9SO and 1,275 lljs. , were In demand nt from J3.10 to 83.76 , nnd Binrs Jlcxl- cnns weighing nround 800 Ibs. , were steady at 12. W. Chicago packi-rH have Leon paying the recently advanced prices for IIORS very reluctantly , nnd they have succeeded In forcing n decline ot 5c today. The principal beir ai-Riiinent wns ex ported larger receipts duilnf tbo icmalnder of the week , the late fall of snow having made good sledding In Illinois and Iowa ; nnd large receipts at Kansas City und fit. Loula were looked ujiwi OH forerunners of better supplies hero. A few sales of fancy light weights at from J3.G7',4 to J3.70 cut no tlguie , nnd m st of the nalcH occurred nt from J3.40 to J3.G5. with the bulk of the- transactions nt from } 3. 5 ta ? 3.M. Choice pigs sold about as hleh as choice hogs. There was a very good demand for eosd sheep nnd lamlm , and prices remained strong. Com mon to choice plii-ep were onlnble nt from J2 to $3.CO , the bulk felchlns from J2.M to J3.25. We t- ernfi wora In demand nt from J2.70 to J3.25. and lambs cold at from ? 3.25 to } 4C5 for poor to prime lots. Exporters were not buying many KhiH-p nml heavy clicep weru hard to soil. ItccclptH : Cattle , 5,000 he-ad ; IIOCH , 20,000 head ; Eheep , 11,000 head. WI3I3ICLY I'ACICIXO 11OIJ.SK OUTI'lIT. mill Weather CnndltloiiN ll < > - taril the .M < ) vi'iiu-nt CoiiHliluralily. CINCINNATI , Jan. I. ( Tclpsram- ) Tcmorrow'a 1'rlco Current will say : Holidays nnd weather condlllonn Imvo retarded the hog movement. The week's packing Is 216,000 , against 413,00-3 the previous weelc , nnd 210,000 last year : total , 3,920,000 head tlnce November 1 , nsn'mt 3f > 90,000 head last year. ( I'ho current stason'B cot ton oil production Is p > > tljnaled to tic 50 per cent olirrt of last year. Hie qt-cfijaso equalling 750,000 llerces. 1'ioinlnt-nt packing''points compartas follows : oil ) . 6 . a 1S93. 1SJ4. Chicago ' < 55. ' > M . ' MM-11- . lSl.r ,0' Kannns City Hi. , , . 4S2.000 470.l ) Omalia U'l.'i. . . 231,000 SSMM St. Louis . . ' . ' . . , - . . 1C1.0CO 195,0-XI InillaiiKpolIu . ' . . . , . , . 2IS.OM 104,000 Cincinnati . . . 123.000 irDW Mllwnultee i.1. . J22.0W 210.0M Cedar Haplda J.J. . S3.WJ Sl.iDO Ottumwa 04,0M ( 920 0 KI. Paul ' < < ) > 7'J.OW ) KKJ.IIOO Bluu-c City , , . : , ; , . . G3.COO 82,0)0 ICaiiHitM C'lty.Jjivi' Htoc-l : . KANSAS CITV , Janji-t-tfCATTLE Hecelpts , 2.SOO ! elilpmcnts , 2.40) ) lit-ad ! nniket uleady : Texas ftetis , f2.5ift3.2ir .Texas cows , S2.OT&2.CO ; beef fleers , 13.00S4.30'Uatlvo : cows , Jl.COifJ.23 : Hloi-keiH ami fcfdt'is , J2COff3.43 ; bulls , } 1.80 { < 301. market steady ; lambs , f _ . ! . ' < Hf4.85 ; muttons' 12.50 ® 3.25. _ . _ , , fit. LoulN Live Stock. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 31.-CATTLE-Rccelpti. . 3.MO bead ; market ttendy , Lut t-low ; natlvo Uevre J3.2504.63 ; Texas etecrs. J2.iOH3.C5 ; cows nnd heifers , bulk of salci. . .0)3.:3. ) . HOCJtf Iteecli'ts , . hciid : market Jo lower : lu-avy , I3.40S3.CO ; mixed , S3.30fr3.3 ; light , J3.2S ( U3.50. BHEBI' Receipts , 2,100 head ; market strong ; natl\es , $2.4003.4' ) : soutliern , < 2.23e3.J3. Slunk III SUvbf. nccord of receipts nt Hie four principal maikets for Tuesday , December 81 , US5 ; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha. , , , . . . , . , . . . . . . . , . 1WJ 5,051 1,314 Chicago , , . . . , . , . . . 6.000 27.0CO 10.0 ( Kansas City 5.1W H.TOJ 3.IM St. Loulo , . . , . 8. W > O.OM 2,10 , ) Totals n.ti'JS 63,751 19.414 NI-TV VurU LIve Sliirk. NHW YORK. Deo. Sl.-IIBiVICS-Rm-Ipts. 403 head. European rabies quote American sU'ein nt Vfille drfen-d weight ; refrigerator betf at tJi'Jic. Hllin : ! ' AND LAMILS-Ilrcclpts , 1 , 1 head ; firm lind higher. HOas-HtctlpU , l.tCO head ; Hrm at JI.:02.W. \vnsrnn.v IM-\SIO.\S. Vctornim of ( lie I.ntr War Iti'iiii-iti- lii-rcil li > - tlic ( Jcnrrnl (1 M i-rninciit. WA81IINOTON , .Inn. l.-Spcclnl.-I'cn. ( ) slons Rrnntril , IMUO of l > ccembet- , were : Nchr.ukn : OrlRlnal-Krcderlck 1 , Snytlcr , Toknmnli , Hurt ; Jnme.i 12 , rainier , Sltlnoy , Cheyenne. Addltlonnt t.ewlni. . Cntlln , I'V.Irlniry , .Tofforson , Inorensc John U. D.lvls.York.Votk. Original widows , etc Cor- dclln Utilllelil , Osceoln , 1'olk ; Umcilne Wool , Ilnntlcy , Hnrlnti ; Mtlxnlieth Krucpcr , lluin- tihrcy , 1'Intte ; Caroline Wright , 1'liiltivlcw. Pierce ; .MInois of Wllllnni 11. IJnyimide , O.'ceoln , 1'olU. lown : OrlRlnnl Onrret lllnson , Huron , lies Molnos ; Henry .1. Wynmn , Mount I'lrnpnnt , Henry ; .Mnthew Kccny , Mttleport , Clnvton. Hcncwal nnd lelsstie Jncob Cop- ! ' . Trimble , Montroso. LOP. Th 'inns ' tKnlkncr , Trcnilso Cltv , Wnyni' : Dnvld H. Hoizer , Cornlni ? , Adntiis ; Mlclmel Lone , Mnrslinlltown , Mnrshnll. Original widow Sarah A. Crook , Dudley , Wnpr-llo. Colorailo : Kenewnl and Increase uilwnrd Waymnn , Ueiivor , Arnpahoe. Itclssut1 Jep. o Knowlei , Greenlnnd , DoURlas. Montiunt : OrlRlnnl John liurkinnn , Fort Custer , Ctistcr. IFSUO of Deccmhcr IS , were : Nebraska : OrlBinnl Hcnjnniln rye , Aurora , Hnnilltnn ; Ara C. Downer , Ne braska City. Otoe ; John O. Link. Cozad. DnwronVllllnm : H. H. llnlston. Grunil iRlnnd , Hnlli llcymon S , McOrnw. Hnstlnun , Ailani * ; Martin V. IJasterilay , Tocumsch , .lohiiron. OrlKlnnl widows , eteSurah Thompson , Haraila , Hlcliardsoni minors of Norton M. Standard , Ornfton , l-T-lmoro. Iowa : OrlRlnal Kobort W. Clark , DCS Molnes , Pollt ; Walter O. Carpenter , Crestcm , Union ; Hnlph Shattn. Toleilo , Lucas. Addi tional Simeon Uartley , Marshalltown , Mar shall. Honownl and Incroapc ChnrlC1 13. TIphnm , DCS Molnos , 1'olk. li.C'cu e l.ucui llnrriiiKton , Oxford , Johnson. Orlplunl widows , etc KrnnccK H. Snxton , DeWltt , Clinton ; Co'ln A. Johnson , Ailcl. Dnllns. South Dakota : OrlRlnal Kuseiio A. West , Wntcrtown , CodltiRton. Increase 1-Mwanl J. Crofcot , Hot SprlUBS , Kail Utvc-r. Colorailo : OrlKlnal widow America An derson , Denver , Arapahoo. Montana : Original William II. Urown , Mclrosp , Silver How. Issue of December H , were : Nebraska : llelssno Michael U. Murphy , HpmliiRfonl , Ilex Htitto. Iowa : Increase Simon A. llcndon , Ports mouth. Shelby ; William Mclloth , Keosan- ntia , Van Hiircn. Itplssue Henry M Wad- ! smlth , Sheldon O'Hrlen. Widow Indian wars Louisa We'thom ' , W.itson , Clayton. OrlRlnal Widow llcnewnl Kllznbcth Cop- plo ( motlipr ) . Ottumwa , Wapcllo. South Dakota : Uenewal and Increase James M. Klntncr , Hot Sprlnfrs. Fall lllvcr. .Montana : Mexican war survivor M. Wllklnfon , 1'ecr i/ > imo , necr . California : Oiln.nnl Hohert Welsh. Sol diers' home , Los Angeles. Original widow Klla V. Ilnnnum , Sun Francisco , San Fran cisco. It-sue of December Ifi , were : Nebraska : Addltlonal-DwlRht n. Hall , I'oarl. Clnso. Kcnowal Jonathan 13. Hawley - ley , Arcadia , Valley. Itenewal nnd Increase Alpxanilor H. Hofoi-p , Omaha , Doliplns. Iowa : Or'B'nal Theodore Stewart , Musca- tine , Muscatlne ; Jnmes Armstronrf , Murray , Clarke. Reissue John M. Cocliran , Laconn , Warren : Mlrhael Muldoon , Marshalltown , Marshal1. ! . OriplnaU widow etc. Hoone Jamlfon ( mother ) , Perry , Dallas ; Julia A. Doan , Dos Moines , Polk. South Dakota : OrlRlnal James M. Sut- terneld , Hot Sprlnps. Fall Illver. Addi tional-Joseph 13. Calkins , Oelrlehs , Fall Hlvcr. Reissue and Increase James Lewis , Canover , Miner. OrlRlnal widow Marga ret K. Dovlnc. Hctland. Klnpsbury. Colorado : OrlRlna : James H. Clark , Den ver. Arapahoe ; Charles .1. . . Pliplps , jVlrna , Park , nclssue Uenjamln F. Todil , Castle Hock , Douglas. N'irth Dakota : OrlplnnI Charles P. Hln- min , Grand Forks , Grand Forks. Increase Ole N. Orland , Hntton. Train. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Dis covery know Its value , and those who have not have now the opportunity to try It fre ? . Call on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and ad dress to II. E. Ilucklen & Co. , Chicago , and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free , as well as a copy of Guldo to Health and Household Instructor free. All of which Is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. Killed Uio Heavily AVHKlMi-il Oni-H. NKW OriLEANS , Jan. 1. This was the thirty-fourth day of the Crescent City Jockey club's winter mpetlnff. The now Year's handicap was the feature of the day'scard. . A long delay .at the post bent the weight carriers , and Lillian K , a light weight , coming through at the end , won very cleverly. Caplnln Kldd wns the only winning favorite. Weather clear and cool : track slow and attendance large. Sum- First' race ? fifteen-sixteenths of a mile , relllng : Donation ( to 1) ) won Sauterne (3 ( to 1) ) second , Del Coronado (1 ( to 1) ) third. Tims : IIHi. Second race , selling- , seven furlongs : Mlfs Howett ( I to 1) ) won , Miss Clark (8 to 0) second , Invade (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:32. : Third race , mile and an eighth , selling , 3-year-olds nnd upward : Captain Kldd (2 ( tn 11 won. Clnrus li'2 to 1) second. Dr. Parke (40 to 1) ) third. Time : 2iwv : . . Fourth race , one mile , New Year s handi cap , 2-yoar-olds and upward : Lillian 13 ( If , to 1) ) won , Stiulro G ( S to 1) ) second , Nlknta (15 ( to 1) ) third. Time : IMOtf. Fifth race , seven and n half furlongs , celling : Ulltzen (10 ( to 1) ) won. Nicollnl (5 ( to 1) ) scond , Imp. Monica's Pet (50 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:3971. : AHNOl-laUiill Foot Hull. The Scottish Thistles went to Fort Omaha yesterday morning and rubbed up against the Second Infantry foot ball team for the second time this seaion , and came out even , each sldu scoring one goal. The sol- dlera beat the Thistles on the last occa sion , but yesterday the city team was as sisted by several good players , which ma terially helped them out and enabled them to put up a closer game. The struggle throughout was fairly oven , and occasion ally some good piny was shown on both sides. North scored for the Infantry team In the middle of the first half , and It looked oa though Ills side would pile up ii score , but after changing ends the Thistles worked bstter together , and Uublltz retired from the soldiers' tide and the Thistles secured a goal off one of their opponents' backs , and thus the game ended In a tie of one goal each. IliivUlcn'H Arnica Snlve. The best salve In the world for cuts.bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all akin eruptloas , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to glvo per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 QiatR per box. For E.-iIo by Kuha & Oo. .Spun-Inn ; K.vlillillloiix lit Lincoln. IjINCOLN , Jan , 1. ( Special Telegram. ) A sparring- exhibition of four bouts wns given tonight nt Germanla hall for the benefit of Hen Floyd. Five rounds were sparred by John Kessler nnd John Pntter- aon , with little Incident , and they were fol lowed by a live-round go between M. Tobln and Tom I2&ty , the latter a colored ama teur , with the advantage heavily In favor of Tobln. Hotter work was Illustrated by John Turner and George IJaglcy , the latter of Hcatrlcc , In n live-round contest. The program closed with four rounds between M. F. Mclntyro and William Klny , In fesled. At the conclusion of the bout King walked over Into Mclntyro'w coiner and of fered to whip him then nnd there , but the men were kept apart by the police. The benefit netted about $100 for Floyd. The Doctor Out of Town \Vlic-n .11 OH I ISVrdt-il. Mr. J. Y. Schenck , editor of the Caddo , I. T. , Hanner , when his llttlo girl , 2 years of age , was threatened with a fevere attack of the croup. Ho fays : "My wife Insisted that I go for the doctor , but as our family physician waa out of town I purchased a bottle tle of Cliamborlaln'o Cough Hcmedy , which relieved her Immediately. I will not bo with out It In tlio future. " Wlml HniiillcT.ppi-iI tli < - ( iolf I'liij-iTH. I-AKI-WOOD , N , J. , Jan. 1. The golf players were forced to face n strong wind today In the match for the cup offered by George J. Gould , nnd high scores wore the exceptions. There were forty-live entries for the matt-hcH. Itcv , Dr. W. S , IlaliiK- t'ord of fit. Andrews club woa the cup with n net pcoro of eighty-eight , Ho had a handicap of three. George A. Armstrong. clto of SI , Andrewti , won the gold medal given by the Lakewood club na xecond prtee. It J-avi'M < Itu Crimpy Clilldri-ii. SBAVJKW , Va. . March 0 , 1S95. We have a splendid role on Chamberlain's Cough Itcmcdy , and our customers coming from far and near , tpcak of It In the highest terms , Many have eald that their children would have died of croup If Cliamberlaln'9 Cough Ilemedy had not been given , Kellam & QUITCH. I'layt-il Foot Hull. EU PASO , Tex. , Jon , 1. Fltzslrnmons played at foot ball today , A team com posed of Indian Htudents from the terri torial Indian school at Albiuiuenme , N. M. , and said to bo the nrnck foot ball team of the territory , met El I'aso'a eleven oa Iho gridiron this afternoon , and were defeated by the latter. Fltzslmmanti played right tucklo for KI Paso , and enjoyed the sport of throwing Indiana heels over head Im- menucly. The score waa 12 to i. HAD HOT WORK AT THE TRAPS Shotgun Expert ? Spend the Afternoon ii Olosj Oompotition , OMAHA OUTSHOOTS COUNCIL BLUFFS Ten ill from limit LIINTIKiiln I'.v i \iirr uv tin-Kin to tin * \olmi Kit Jlt-ii Mooi- " < of the .ttiilrli. Tliero was a largo and hilarious crowd o Oninlux ami Council Uluffs shooters ass m blu.1 on the Omaha ( Sun club sroiinds , across the river , yesterday , the occasion being a grand liolldny sweepstake ! , a mntch shoo between a team of the Omaha and Coiincl Illtiffs clubs , and a number ot special shoots The principal Interest was centered In the club shoot , ten men on a side , fifteen live blrJj , for the price of the birds. The daj was all that could have bren desired for the sport , ftlll nnd cloudy , but of Just tlio right temperature to malte outdoor exercise delight ful. The Oiunha men were In particularly nooi form , and fairly and squarely outshot their Iowa cousins. The latter will banquet the Omaha team In honor ot their victory some evening this week. In the tcor the figure 1 stands for a kill with the llret barrel , figure 1 ! for a kill with the second barrel , and x for dead out of bounds , and t > for a mlaj. Tlio score : OMAHA. Montmorcncy 11220 22121 2021-12 Stnead 22112 21111 12111-13 lllako MHO 22121 020J2-11 Peterson 121I 01121 12011-12 Nimill 109 2 1221 21222-11 MoKarlano 21201 12112 22012-13 Kll'ld 2202 22011 21000-9 Item ! mil 22111 12011-12 hoomls 12111 12111 21121 If rnrmclco 21111 11211 12110-11 Total 12 ! COUNCIL m.UFKS. ntckmnn 21022 20:22 12221-1.1 llnrdln 2201' 2T011 11102-11 West 20211 22121 2202-12 Itnlnrlnli M201 212 2 0121 10 Klngsbury 2221 11201 00122-11 llnrt 00222 22000 21112-10 I'jper / 02102 12101 10222 H Uoershlem 11222 01211 21120 13 llnrle 21002 21101 11200 10 Gnihntn OHIO 20J11 11111-12 Total IIH Following the team shoot was a special shoot for the price of the birds between 1) . T. Stubba and II. H. Kennedy of this city nnd Hilly Ilardln of Council Ulults , which resulted as follows : Stilbbn Oint2 12202-7 Kennedy 01221 12102-8 Hardln 20011 10011-C , The day's sport closed with n grand swccp&takcs shoot , ten birds to the man , $1 entrance , four moneys. Score : Montmorcncy 11211 10112 0 Field 02012 11111-8 West 10021 22022-S Hcreshclm 11012 12212-9 McFarlane 11121 21122-10 Hlghsm'tli 21102 21220-8 LoSmls 11021 21122-U 1'yper 2.020 02111 7 Nnson 22020 00100 I Klngsbury 12111 01122-9 Smcad 12012 12002-7 Kennedy 12121 01211-9 Hclnrlch 12011 11110-8 Pivrmelee 11111 21112-10 Patterson 00211 11011 7 Pannelso and McFarlane divided first money ; Montmorcncy. Uereshelm , Loom's , Klngsbury and Kennedy second ; Field , Wert , Hlghsmlth and Hclnrlch third ; Patterson , Smead and Pypor fourth. I.HAI ) XOT EXOIKSH TO AVI.V OUT. Uo Kc-tt oil Ai-RiMidiui < t OnIlcst of UiiSoml OIV ! > > Six I.ciiK-IIix. SAN FUANC1SCO. Jan. 1. The largest crowd that over gathered within the gates at the Gay District track was present to day to witness the llosemcad stakes. So great was the crush that It wns Impossible for the bookmakers to handle nil the bets and hundreds were unable to pines their money on their respective choice * . W. O. B. McDonough's HHy , Imp. Santa Hclla , demonstrated that she Is the fastest filly In the west , giving away weight , getting oft none too well , nnd then winning EO Im pressively as to set nil doubts nt rest re garding her superiority over Green 13. .Mor ris' lllly , Snlllo Clicquot. The latter wns a strong favorite nt C to 5 , with Imp. Santa Hello , and Imp. Miss Hrummell coupled at 2 to 1. li J. nnldwIn'H Argentina war at G to 1. Doggett , on Argentina , uent me Hag three lengths , and wns six lengths in front before the others realized that It waa a go. Turning Into the stretch , Salilc Clicquot nnd Santa Uella eloped up on the Hying leader , the latter winning by three lengths , with Argentina two lengths In front of Snllle Clicquot. "Plttsburjj Phil" started his horses for the first time todny , running second with Kd Kearney , and win ning the handicap with Derfnrgllla , who he backed heavily. Two favorites , two second and two third choices secured lirst money todny. Weather clear nnd pleasant ; track fast. Grillin , the famous jockey , who rode Long Lady In the Itoscmead stakes , was thrown from the horse and badly shaken up , but though he wns unconscious some time , he was not seriously Injured. Sum maries : First race , five and a half furlongs : Two Cheerp , 107 ( Chorn ) , 2'i ' to 1 , won ; Irina' , 101 ( T. Sloan ) , 2 to 1 , second ; My Sweetheart , 103 ( HlnrlchtO. 8 to 1 , third. Time : 1-.T.V4. Imp. Lady Splendor , Vernon , Synrllciite , Flnslnughtcr. Swlftsure , Chartreuse , Or phan lioy , Con-lnno nnd Uuclclngham also ran. Second race , mile and seventy ynrdn , selling : St. Lee. Sfi ( Hewitt ) . 4 to 1 , won ; Kd Kearney. 110 ( Doggett ) , 7 to 10 , second ; Montnlvo , 103 ( Cocliran ) , 10 to 1 , third. Time : 1:13. : Joe 1C , Janua and Instigator also ran. Third rare , cevcn furlongs , handicap : Joan , 108 ( Cochrnn ) , 8 to 1 , won ; Lavlente. 98 ( T. Slonn1 to 1 , second ; Ferris Hnrl- ninn , 100 ( Slaughter ) . 2'i to 1. third. Time : 1.-2H1. Ilenham , Callente. Unity , Don Plo Pico and Lucrctla liorgla also ran. Fourth race , five nnd a half furlongs ; the Ilospmcnd stakes : Imp. Santa llclln. UK ( T. Sloan ) , 2 to 1 , won ; Argentina. 10S ( Dog gett ) , C to 1 , second ; Sallln Clicquot , 10S ( Martin ) , 7 to fi. third. Time : 1:07. : Una Quo Amo. Imp. Miss Ilrummcll , Long Lady , Heart's Ease , Marionette , Olnra Johnson , Crrrara and Josi-phlnc II also ran. Fifth race , about a mile and a half , the Delmonte steeplechase : St. Urandon , 139 ( Kenny ) , G to 1 , won ; J , O. C. , l.T ! ( Ilpii- ncFsv ) , 7 to R , second ; Colonel Welghlman , 128 ( Mara ) , 7 to n , thlr.l. Tlmo ; 32i4. ; | Tem- plemore , Oregon Kcllpso , The Lark and Wynndotto alno rnn. Sixth inco , nbout nix furlongs , handicap : Dcrfargllln , 111 ( Dnggett ) , 7 to fi , won ; Mo- Llght , 112 ( Chorn ) , 8 to 1 , Foeond ; imp. fitnr Uuby , lir ( W. Martin ) , 2 to 1. third , Time : 1:12' : , { . lliii'ncmc , Morven , Hellleoso , Uluo Uell , Ferrler , Mainstay and Quirt also ran. IIAIIVAIUJ T1II3 CIII-3SS CIIAMI'IO.V. Old ItlvulH from .Vciv Iliivn nt ( lie Ilolloni of ( lie l.lHl. NKW YOHK , Jan. 1. The fifth round of the Intercollegiate chess tourney wns played at the Harvard school yesterday. The ploying was as follows : Price , Colum bia , beat Murdoch , Yale , Kvans gambit de clined , In thirty-nine moves ; Hojinour , Princeton , bent' Hlder , Haivard , Vlcmm opening , after forty-seven moves ; Itoss , Columbia , beat 'Arnstoln , Yale , ptjl , llfty- nltio moves : fiouthurd. Harvard , b nt Klmor , Princeton , VU'nnn , nftcr thirty-eight moves. Today the Intercollegiate chess tourna ment concluded and Harvard conio out vic torious. Today's playing resulted ns fol- lo\vn : Seymour. Princeton , bent Price of Coliimbln , after forty-Kcvun mavcs ; Uviler of Harvard beat Murdoch , Yulp. nftrr llfty- three moves ; Bouthard , Hnrvil\l , bent Arn- Btt-ln , Yalo. after thirty-eight movi's ; Horn , Columbia , beat Klmer , J'j-Iiiceton , nftor llfty moves. The fcllowlng Is the final record : - Won. Loit. Harvard . ! -i 3'i Columbia . 8 4 Princeton . ; } Vule . ' > ' ,6 ova The following IB the Individual record of the 1 > lnycr3 : Won. Lo.t. Prlco . 3 3 . . . . . . , . . . . * . . . . . , . , . , . n i Hlder . j $ } Southard . } ' /i \n \ Arnstcln . . . J J Murdoch . . . , . , . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . J Klmer . Seymour . . . , , . . , , , , , , , I t BT. PUTKUSnUIta , Jan. 1. Yesterday at the local club the chess playi-iK met In an other round of the International chms tournament , the result , being as follows : Laskcr ( white ) and PllUbury , drew a Potroff after thirty moves ; StelnltK ( white ) heat Techlgorln In a ( jueen'ii gambit , after thirty movis. The iccord : Won. Lost. Plllsbury . Ms ; ' Laskcr . . . . . . . . . . . u 3 Btelnltz . i , . * , . TEchlt'orln . Hi 6'/i ' i 1)11IC ) WITH A MOOIMI. lldn 1'rcdrrloU DiuitttiiNN OvrronitK UIP t'ffjiidlcci of it Vlrnlnlnn. llert \ n new story sbMtt the Into Fred' ' trick DoiiRhu ? , contributed to history by John I. WUo of Virginia , A prominent gentleman of that slnto was traveling with the colored orator , and tli'lr business brought them In contact with Colonel Dlnwlddle , a Virginia pentleninn of the old * cliool. "Colonel Dlnwlilille , " said lie , "allow mS to Introduce tny friend 1'rcJcrkk Douglass. You nnist Imvo licnrd of him , " The colonel put Ms hands behind him ni Mr. Douglass stepped foiward and extended , hl . "Douglas ? , " said the Virginian , "I nm , . film ! to fee you. Hut you will excuse me | I have mnde It the rule of my life never ta EhnKe hands with nlKger ! . " "Oh , certainly , " said Douglass , "I nm nn ox-slave , and I know the prejudices of thl old * lnvc owners. " There was nome further conversation and then Douglass said to the courtly ran of thl old dominion : "Uy the way , colonel , wo ar ( Just going to tnko a drink. Will you Join us ? " The old gentleman hesitated , cleared hli throat nnd then replied : "Well , DotiRlass , I have made. It another rule of my life novel to refuse to tnko n drink , 1 don't mind II I do. " One Minute Cough Cure IB harmless , pro- - - - Immediate results. It > - piirt-liiiNlni ? ROU < | N itiiiiliat ( lie fill * louliin'i'lirnslu fncloi-li-N. If yon onnnot llnil > vliit ynu tiunt coiiiniiinl- oni > ivldi dir iiiiiniifuudiroi-M nx la \\lint ilviiloi-N linndlc tin-11- IIARS , ItlMlljAP AXI ) T\VIM < : . BI2MIS U.UAIIA HAG CO. Minufncturcrs of nil Ulmls of cotton dtul bur- tap bags , ration Hour packs unJ twlno a > pec- tnlty. CH-CIC-GIS S. Iltlt St. ItltlOU'IMlllOH. ixn ASSN. Cnr shipments innilc In nur own rcfr- ! t-rntor nils , llluc Itltilion , KHtc i\nort : , Vienna [ : xiotl. | nnd 1'uinlly Kxport , Jcllvctcil to nil i > .nt ut city. _ CAHIt1AJiS AXI ) AVA 0.\9. i5u u Ai ioM ) cTu RI A < ; irca fiut rubber tlrca nnd tinll-ticnrln ? nxlcs on their iwn in-ilfo vehicles , nnil eell n top bucBV for J&O.OO beslOea.Vrlto them. ISth nnJ Hnrnej- . COKFISM , SIMCIiS. IIAICI.VC ! l' ( ) WDICIl , CONSOLIDATIJI ) COFI'KK CO Coffee Honstcrs , Fplro Grinders , Mnnufactut-pri Icrmnn Ilnklncr Powder nnd Oerninn Dry Hop Yenst , H nnd H1G Uarncy St. , Omaiia , Neb. FL.OUII. S. F. GIL3IAN ; Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. C. E. Dlack. Manaser. Ornah * . IltCNVOHKS. . INDUSTIIIALR IRON WOKS MiinufactiirlnR and Itopnlilng of nil kinds ot rr.acblnery , engines , ijiini ; > s , elevntors , printing ncs.sos , hangers , sinning nml couplings 1403 nnd ( OS Howard .St. , Oinahn. PAXTON& VIERLING IRON WRKS Mnnufacturcrs of Arcliltcctuinl Iron \Voik. Gcneinl l-'oundiy , Machine nnd Illacksnillh Work. linglnecrs nna Contrnclois for Vlre Proof lulMlnss. Olllco nnd worlis : U. P. Ry. and So. I7th street , Omalm. WATCH. KIH 13 SI3IIVICE. AMHRICAN DISTRICT TULE- GRAPH. The only perfect protccilun to property. Uxarnlna t. nest thing on cnith. Ke.ucc ) Insurance ntes. l.'Ol Pouclna St. OVJJKAM , KACTOIIII3S. KAT/-NEVINS CO. Manufacturers of Men's and Hoys' Clothing , Pnnts , Shirts nnd Overalls. S02-I12 S. lltli St. HIIIIIT KACTOIIII3S. J. H.EVANS-NEHItASKA SHIRT COMPANY. Exclusive custom flilrt tnllfta. : C15 Farnam. Our Free Letter Reviewing the grain and slock .nurkets , will In cut you dally on request. In the liope cf deacrv * nc part of your business. Orders solicited tot each cr on three to live point margin * . J , R , WILLARD & CO Members Chicago Boaid of TlBue. New YorU 'induce Kxchnnsv. New Yoik Con . Stock Kx hsnjte. 17 Hoard Trade , Chicago. 44 Broadway. NV.v York. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone ! ( ) : ? ! ) . Omaha , Neb. COMMISSION I PROVISIONS : AXD : STOCKS Iliiom lll'i Board of Trade. Dliect wlri'S to ciilcaKO nnd New York. Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co. . ' . I > . SMITH. ( Tel 130S * S. M. STANFOIID. F. P. SMITH &CO. GRAIN : AND : PROVISIONS Room 4 , N. Y. Life Bld-jr. , Oniulta. Ilranch ofilces nt Krcmont 'ini Columbus. All rdcra placed on tbo c'hlcnuo lioiud of Trnde. Correepondfiitn : Swnrtz , Dupec & Co. , Ch | . SKO ; Hlnelner. Fine ) ; K Co. . St. Louis. llefei o First National bank , Omaha. PROPOSALS FOIl PAl'UU FOIl T1IR PUBLIC I'niNTINQ AND IIINDIKO. SCALED PROPOSALS will bo received intll Jmumry 2:1 : , l.SSJ. nt 10:30 : o'clock n , in. . or fiirnlshliit , ' the 1'APKIt for Iho PUHLIO ItlNTINO nml DINDINO for the year cndlnK liSth of Fohrnary. ISW , thu paid pro- csnlH to ba opened before nml the award of contracts to be mndo by the Joint Coin- ulttno of CoiweHH on Pnbllo Prlntlnff to ho lowest and best bidder for the Intcreat if the Government , the committee renerv- np ; to Itself the r'frht to reject nny and nil ilda , riH ItH JuilKiiH-nt of the best Intorecta of the Government nmy dlctnto. Dululleil schediilrs of tlm description , luantlty , nml iinallly of the jmijor requlrrd , lecompunleil by Hnmplca nnd blunk pro- lOKali1 , nnd B'vliKf ' thu re/culatlon with vhlch blddcrK muut comply , can ba obtained ly adrosHlntf Th. H. Henedlct , I'ublla 'rlnter , U'liHlilnirlon , IJ , C. Tlio contracts will bo entered Into for HUII- ilylnsf Btieli ( | iiantltlcs of paper an may bo nri-rted ilurlnn the year , and no more. The estimated quantities net forth tn detail n the eclieiUile comprise : Wl.OOO rcamH machlnC'IlnlBh prlntlntr pa- per , 21 xM 15,000 reams innchlno-flnlEh printing pa per , SkxlR , 23COOrc > ima HlK'-d nn'l Fiipcr-calendered white or tinted printing paper , vu- rloiiH Flzex , 21 COO rcamH v.'hlto writing paper , various Blzes and wn'irhts. 2-100rcam8 coloicd whit'iifj paper , varioua FlznH nml weights. 2000ieaui8 cover paper , varioua sizes and wcliihtH. 100,000 pounds of best pinto paper , 1M.GOO pounds of best man paper. I7n. poundH line co.itcil v/ood-cut paper. " 100 roams manlla luper , varlouu slzca nnd wdKlilH. , lOO.OdO poundHlazi'd ( bond paper. > OOW poundH artllicial parchment , varlouu sizes. 2000poimdB parchincnt deed. 720 ttfl ilientH cardlioanl , various colors , 1 Blzen , welKhlH , olc. 7,200 reams first-clans ledKC-r paper , whlto or blue , laid or wove , various ! ze nnd welKlite. . , , DOM reams Kc-cond'ClaHS ledger paper , ' whlto or blue , laid or wove , various Blzca nnd wolKhtx. 2 700 remns tlHsuo nnd copying paper. 35 reams blottliu : paper , any required color or weight. IM reams tar paper. 21x30. 'M reams plaid , marble , und comb pa * per , vailous tlzes , 400 reams typuwrller paper , various sizes and weighty. SC5 reams cap , letter , mid note paper. lrt ( reams whlto French folio , 17x23 , 2.CM iiheuts parchment , ICxl'l. will be received for ono thou- and roams or more. . . . . . . . Hy direction of the Joint Committee ot ConErc.a on 1 . I'ubllo Printer. WaBhlneton , Uccember 20 , 1895.