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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY JH3E : filTI ? ! ? Y , JANTAUV 2 , 1800. ! 3 COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. 1 Ofllcf , 12 JV : rlStrrrt- . \\'t Tllton , Mnn.iRer nnJ I.C51C3. - " 51 MIMMl Mn.VTIU.V. Floral del ns. J. U. Mcl'hernon. Tel. 214. Mr * John T , Hazen and her con , Paul , left yesterday for Clarlndd with an Insane alien t for the hospital. JRTho Grand hotel , Council muffs. High | C5Cla s In every respect. Hates , $2.0 per day - * ana upward. K. F. Clark , proprietor. Mlii Carrie DmlRe and Mlw Smith have It- riled Invitations for a dancing party at Cham ber * ' hall tomorrow evening. IMmilnd .lefterls wishes The llee to ex- ttnd his thanks to all the friend * who as- tlslr > d him during the recent fatal UlncM of his "lie. A match shrot at pigeon ? was hail yest'r- d y nv.rnlng between the Omaha and Council muffs Oun clubs. The Omaha club beat by eleven birds. Mm. Wing , who llvos at 812 Avenue K , lost a large number of fowls as the result of the nightly visits of n burglar who used chicken coop as the basis of Ills opjra- Ab ! Lincoln post No. 29. Grand Army of llio Itcpiihllp. will hold an Installation ct ofllc rs Saturday evening , January I. H Is requested that oil comrades be prompt In attendance. A Rood tlmo Is expected. Michael , the little G-yenr-oltl son cf Mr. and Mrs. Hlchard O'Contull , died of mem- braneoua croup yesterday mrrnlng , after an Illness of seven days. The funeral will b ? held at the residence In Weston this morn ing at 10 o'clock. The Woodwards repealed "Tha Midnight Watch" at Dohnny'B last night to n. crowded hous , ' . Tonight the great pby of the week will ho given , Judging by the sale of ocats , which commenced tnrly yesterday morning. "East Lyiino" Is an old and popu lar favorite of which penple never tiro. The body cf Kred SpJiks ha bsn lying at Lunkky's undertaking rooms over since his death , which occurr-d Monday , awaiting Ttmift. wcnl from his friends. N'ono ha ? been received , and the funeral will bo held today. Ilo ha * b ( > n an Inmate of the Insino ward nf St. llcrnard's hospital ever ulnca Septem ber , ism. Charles Itoss had a narrow escape from drowning In Spoon lake. Ho was among the crowd of youiig people on the lake skating , nnd In company with n young lady found him self upon t'aIn tco. Ilo rcollzcd the- danger In tlmo to puah the young lady upon firmer lc\ but not In timeto save himself , lie wen ! down In water ten feet deep and disap peared from sight. Ilo wns rrscusd with illlllculty nnd culy after being In the Icy water until ho was almost exhausted. Guard against ICES by fire and Insure your property In reliable companies.1. If you pay on Insurance * premium you expect Insurance. We represent soma of th ? best English and American companies. Lougcc & Toule. MONEY to loin on Improved Iowa farms. Largo loans a specialty. Flro Insurance. L. W. Tulloya , J02 Main St. . roams 2 and 3. I'lOUSO.VAL I AUAiUAl'IIS. F.d N. Drown left last evening for Pcorla , 111. Mr ? . A. S. Hazclton has returned from n visit to Keokuk. J. M. Hammond , an attorney from Ham burg , Is at the Grand hotel. W. S. Homer , who has been suffering with malarial fever , Is able to be out. nilly Den'ton , the well known horseman and driver , was In the city yesterday. Jamcj Matheson , who has been conflned to his bed for a week past by an attack of rheumatism , Is ahlo to ba out again. Charles A. Rills , formerly of the adver tising department of the Nonpareil , sc.vercrt bis connection with that establishment and loft yestculay for Des Mollies , where ho expects to lake a position. Reduced prices on HllKhtly used pianos at Hour.lclus' , the orchestral crown piano dealer. 11C. Stuteman strccl , , near M E. church. Every well dressed man appreciates gold laundry work. That Is why so nnny go to the Eagle Laundry , 731 Broadway. Telephone 157. Trniilili * at CroMOi'iit. James Slmddon and Henry Huffman , two residents ) of Crescent , have been having trouble periodically for a couple of weeks past. Shadden had a horse couflnsd In a stable which Huffman claimed , and Huffman declined to take the animal out. When Shadden Insisted on taking his property Huffman got a gun and pointed It In his di rection. Shadden was not daunted at all by the Eight of the fire arm , and Immediately Jump3d on Huffman with both feet , kicking him somewhere In the vicinity of his last meal. Ho then had Huffman arrested for pointing ; the gun at him. and Huffman spent live days In the county Jail. As soon as he I was released he went before Jurtlca Vlen nnd swore to an Information charging Shadden with assault with Intent to do great bodily Injury , Constable Ilaker arrested Shadden yesterday. The prisoner put up a bond of $200 and was released until Saturday at 2 o'clock , when he will have a preliminary hearing. The general Impression seems to bo that there Is not much In the case ex cepting a lot of bad blood. The firm of Woodbury Bros , having been dlrsolved , C. E. Woodbury has opened an olllce lu the Sapp block for the practice of dentistry. Stephan Ilros. for plumbing and heating ; also fine line of gaa fixtures. "Woodmen" * Annual llan < | iict. The annual banquet and ball of the Modern Woodmen of America will bo given on the evening cf February C at Chambers' hall. That 'date marks the tenth anniversary of the founding of the local branch of the order. Especial efforts are being made to celebrate the eve.nt In the way In which It has been doiui In yeirs past. A committee , consisting of OUD Webber , John C. Fleming and 0 , J. Martin , has charge of the arrangements. In. vltatlciui have been sent out to the lodges lu the neighboring towns , and It ls expected that a largo number cf them will bo repre sented. So far word has been received from Omaha , South Omnlm and Missouri Valley to the elfcct that tliey will each send a large delegation. _ _ To save cost all parties Indebted to me prior to December 1 are requested to call and settle by cash or note. Respectfully. George S. Davis , druggUt. 200 Hroatlway , Hnvo you seen I lie new gas heating stovei t the comi'any'H olllce ? Dr. Cleaver'e ofllcs moved to 000 Urcadway. Slur lit * Kiilnlly Hurt. Andrew Neoley , a well known colored man who bos been breaking horses for George F. AVrlght for some tlmo part , was riding a iwlld horse yesterday morning , when the animal became fractious and throw him elf , - He struck on bis phoulder and head and wap plfiked up unconscious , He was carried homo ana lay during the groiter part of the day 'Without regaining his senses. Late In the afternoon | io aroussd , but was delirious from that time on. Dr. Harstow , who Is attending him , stated last evening that he could not tell whether his patient would recover .or not. Nceley Is evidently suffering from conclusion of the brain , but whether It will prove fatal canuot bo told for teveial days. Attend Davis' clearing sale of holiday good ? . Jarvls 1877 brandy ; purest , safest , best. , ' 'J , Iliirneil Tlirt'u HariiM. A fire started yesterday morning about 3 o'clock In the barn belonging to Mrs. Hintl at 22C Eleventh avenue. A buggy \ and a not of harness were destroyed , but the were rescued. The damage Is esti mated at $400. A barn belonging to Fred Schullz , nnd anoiSier belonging to Jainca Rich , also caught flro and were * badly dam- iced , the former to the extent of $200 and the latter about $100. IIuw to Uuru u lluil Cold. I had a bad cold and cough for several months and tried almost everything , finally Mr. Hunt , the druggist at West Ch ser - ; or , recommended Chamberlain's Cough Rein- ily. A CO cent bottle cured ins entirely. ( kbner Mercer , Dlllwwtutowu , Chcitor Co. , P * . 1 1 * \ iivi'i'\ MIIJAU. . of itrtv Hmiiiil Marked ullli The year I SOS was ushered in at the urual time an 1vlth 1 the usinl noli > . At midnight a whistle In Omaha ulth a deep bus vole : awoke the echoes , pnd was followed a f w seccnJs later by etlrrs with a vnrylui ? pltr-h , the grand ensemble Indicating that some thing extraordinary was happening. The High school cad'ts , from their homes In the various parts of th- city , got out their guns and fired as many salutes n they had am munition for , und the otlur boys helped out with flro crackers left over from the glori ous Fourth. Tliero was llttl ? excitement visible on the sir tts during the day. All the banks city nnd county offices , and many of the Jtorrs wcro closed during the last part n the day , nnd tlmo usually spnt In business was given over to feasting end other amuse motitp. The postal employ s had a half day oft. oft.In In the afternoon the la ill on of the city kspt open hotia nt the Y. M. C. A. rooms A larg ? number of the ladles were on ham all afternoon , nnd many young men , cs w II as soins oldrr ones , were given n plois- * nt afternoon , refr shmcnts being served. In the evening tlrra was an attractive program given In the roims nnd listened to by a large audlencs with many tok ns of approval The young people of the Christian churcl alto received their friends nt th Tabernacle from 3 , to S. Every one who vUlUtl was token In charge by a b vy of pretty girls ) ti'l made to feel at home , even though ho might have hail th ? contclcu'ncss that a fov. m'nutcs ' beforehe had bsen a total stranger H frcshmcnts wore Ftrvod hero also , In the evening there was a literary nnd musica entertainment , In which a number of the yming poopls &ho\vntl their various talents to the d light of their friends. Tlrse two social evrnts were all tha wns left from the once common prnctlcj o IccepInG "open house" on New Year's day 1'or various reasons the custom has be n discarded In private dwellings , but If y = s- tcrday afternoon's successes count for any thing. It will bo a long time before the churches follow. WITH Mi'cii Mi'bic AXII n.v\ci : l.ciip Your t'Hli.-rcil In with Ili-Illliint I'Vstlvltli'M. The Grand hotel was the scene of n brll llant gathering last evening. For a long time It hag boon customary for the society ladles of Council Dluffs to celebrate their quadrennial emancipation from the rules that bind their rex by giving a party whlc ! shall outshine tins ? the gentlemen have pro vlded for them during the three years pre ceding. Last evening they surpassed al previous efforts. The dining room was con verted Into a dancing hall. The ceilings wre festooned with evergreen and holly , am palms t'tooi In the corners. Those pressn comprised the "smart set" cf the city. Ths ladles wcro becomingly gowned , the gay colors as thy shifted about in the waltz cr lancers presenting a scene quite kaleldoooplc The Omaha Military orchestra furnished de lightful music for a program of sixteen num bers , besMea several extras. About 160 guests were present. In the Iloyal Arcanum parlors there was nno"iicr social event , Uss pretentious but fully as enjoyable. The young ladles of the Ilfigli school entertained their gentlemen friends at a leap year dance. Holly and ever green were , handsomely draped from the celling and about the pillars. In the rec3p- tlon room tables were bet , decora'ed with evergreen and lighted with candles. The young ladles showed their entire ability to entertain , and the young men who wsro for tunate enough to be invltC'l to share their hospitality received many valuable hints in the art. I'lIll.MIVS GISTS OX HIS MUSC 1,13. 1'oiimlN n .linn mid HIM Son on Af- couiit of n MlMiliiffil Itrlclc. Some one threw a brick at the door of F M. Phillip ! . ' residence , south of the Iloel Island round ILOIISJ , Tuesday night , and with deadly aim. It lootoneJ the hinges and caused quite a large commotion among the members of the family , who thought a bomb had been exploded In their neighborhood Phillips rushed cut , determined to have venge ance. He found Willie Thacker , a smal boy , living In the southern part of the city going past In company with a friend , ani accused them of throwing the brick. They both denied It , and told him that they were on their way home from a dance. If the miscreant waa any one else ho had disap peared , and Phillips , believing that a boy In the han't was worth two somewhere else proceeded to give him a fistic dressing down The boy's father happened along while this was In prgress anil asked what was the matter. Phillips told him , and another fight was going on Inslds of a minute. In this contest also Phillips came out best. Yester day morning there were two Informations filed In Justice VIen's odlce charging him with assault and battery. He will be tried next Monday. Itolilicil ( ! M > Slirrlir of County Money. KLMSVIM.E , Miss. , Jun. 1. Last night when Sheriff n. K. Edvall wns leaving bl qllice three masked men covered him with revolvers and told him to give up bis life or his money : that they preferred the money , and demanded that ho open the * nfo. The sheriff gave them the keys. They opened the safe and toalc nbnut JS.OOC biloiiKln to the county. The robbers tied the sheriff securely , and when they left lucked the olllcc door behind thorn. It was several hours ufter the robbery bsfore a member of the sheriff's family went In aeureh of him and found him locked In Ills olllce , the Isoy being left In the door. There Is no clew to the identity of the robbers. Drvi'lnplnir n4xv Mining DlNtrli-l. HAl/n.MOUB. Jan. I. A private dispatch states that N. K. Fairbanks , the millionaire lard refiner of Chicago ; K , 1C. Wllhml nnd T. I ) , Hooper , bankers of New York ; Gcn- i-rnl T. M. Logan of Illclimocd , Vri , , and others linve organized nt Richmond the I'ledmont Gold Hell Chnrteied company , with a capital stock of JL',000,000 , for the inuparo of developing on a very extensive hcalo large gold mining properties , covering sovetnl thouimnd acres. In llucklngham county , Virginia. Investigations of uxpcits , It li claimed , show that the average of llit'fL ort's elves a much better percentage of gold than either the South African or the Cripple Creek districts. IlliuiK * Klxril oil ( lie Operator. ST. LOUIS. Jan. I.-.M. H. Fleming , one of the operators of the block system of the Terminal railway tunnel ! la blamed for the rear end collision that last nlcht canted one death and cnmn near resulting in many more. The rules of the company permit but one cnsthound or westbound ualn to enter the tunnel. Today Fleming ad mitted before Superintendent Dunlan that ) ionn to blame for allowing two trains In ( lie tunnel at the earns tlmo on the tmme track. Ho was suspended Immediately nflcr tint wreck occurred , and will "probably be brought before the coroner's juiy , which will Investigate the wreck Ionian ow. Mlnt'r'H Lump iK'iHcil tin * GUM. 8HAMOK1N , Pa. , Jan. 1 Five men wcro bijdly burned , three of them probably fatally , by uti explosion of gas at the Glrnrd mine last night. Those likely to die from their burns are : Samuel JlcDunce m'nsr ; Michael Yundea. miner ; Joseph Kncowskl , laborer. Superintendent Alex Law nnd Foicman ISvun Jenkins were Ferlously burned about the face , nrms und body , but will recover. The bodies of the three first named pre sented a horrible appearance. The flesh was h-o tenlbly roasted that It dropped from their arms nnd faces. The explosion waa by n lamp Igniting the gas. DeWltt's Little Early Risers the pills that euro constipation and biliousness. I. en * ' * MiiriU-ri'rx i : i-npc. ALTON , 111. , Jan. 1 , A letter received last nliiht from \V. L. Sachtlehen by his father bore the tidings that two more of the Kurd ? , arrested und an trial for the murder of F. a , Lcnz , the Pjttuburg wheel man , Imvs e&caped , and that In the pres ent unsettled state of affairs at Erzeroum und throughout Armenia pursuit would la ufciess , It Fuems that. In so fur as Ua ob ject of avenging the donth of Lcnz was con- rurncd , Bat'litleben'B mission has in oven an utter failure. America la fast forging ahead In every thing. Cook's Kxtra Dry Imperial Cham pagne is excelled by uo foreign article. FARMERS BECOME FURIOUS Iowa Agriculturists Threaten Their Land lord with Instant Death , MOB OF Fim CHASE B ' < NKER WILEY i\cllcincnl Itmiiilnu ; Ill ; li In Motiotili Connly mill TcnniK * Itcfiivco I'll ) lU-iil or Vacate < hu SIOUX CITY , Jan. L ( Special Telegram. The Monona county nulhorltlcj south o here- arc having trouble over the evictions o tenants on land owned by M. A.Vlly o Castnna , president of a bank nt that place For smo tlmo Wiley has been very nctlve In the collection of rents In Jordan township and Is said In some C.ITOS to have 'Vtrlppei tenants to destitution. " Ills' latst attcmp wns met with resli'tancc. ' The deputy sheriff who tried to P2rve the writ was met by a mob of fifty farmro provided with a ripe cni hastily left to avoid lynching. Wilt ) threatens to call for help from the militia but the Jordan people say they can cope even with them. Wiley and City Marshal Spencc of Ca. tain , who nssjlst'd at the eviction eon on of Ihe tenants , haveb'un arrested , chargei with conspiracy to rob him , and a loot wll bo made of the case. \Vlky was hung In cfngy last night and ex cltcmont runs very high In thnt neighbor hood. The Jordan people declare they wll allow no more' renters to b ? "stripped to destitution , " which they claim has been done In & veral Instances. AS TO am.VT AMI MIMC I.VSl'UCTIOX Aulliorlllcs of loun TOVIIIM SIIKKON SIOUX CITV , la. , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) Among other matters which will b3 presented at the coming scss'on of the legislature of this Etat3 Is one uf considerable Importance concerning the Inspection of meat and milk In which the larger cities of the state are taking considerable Intorest. The prepara tion of the bill has been left largely In the hands of City Veterinarian Johnon of this place , and the original draft cf the measure has been completed. The bill affects only nich cities as have a population of 5,000 or over. After providing for the repeal of the present , law , which calls merely for the In- spcton : of the milk sold throughout the state , It goes on to prohibit the sale either cf Impure or adulterated meat or milk and fixes as a penalty a fine of from $25 to $100 for any violation of the law. The manner of Inspection provided for Is much more thorough than that under the old law and calls for a periodical examination , not only of food offered for sale , but of dairies , sta bles , meat markets , warehouses nnd slaughter houses. The Slate Dairy commission Is re- qulrsd to appoint Inspectors In all towns having a population of 5,000 or over , to con- duet these Inspections , each Inspector to servo for n term of two years and to receive a salary of from $1SO to $1,500 , according to the size of the town. It Is proposed to place the sale of meat and milk under a email license In order to make the Inspection serv- 'ce at least partially sjlf-sustalnlug. IOWA LAI ) KILLS HIS COMI'AMOX ( liiarrel Over 11 CIIL-TT of Tobacco lle- miUs 1'V.tally. SIOUX CITY , Jan. L ( Special Tjlcgram. ) While playing this forenoon near a cave 01 th ? bank of Floyd river , a short distance from thlo place , Fred Whltten , aged 13 , was she dead by Harry Dloomlngton , a lad of 17. Al though no one was near enough to overhear the controversy which led up to the tragedy It la said that Whlttcn's refusal to furnisl his companion with a cluw of tobacco pro voked the latter so much that he raised n shot gun which he carried and shot the younger lad through the heart. A man who sndcavorcd to stop him as he hurried away was frightened cff by Hloomington's threa to kill him aa well. Dloomlngton then left the gun at a neighboring house , crossed the river to Nebraska and had traveled i-evcra inlbs before captured shortly bifor noon Ho professro to having fired the gun by ac cident. The dead boy's mother has beci raving ever since being informed of the shooting , and tears arc entertained for her reason. Tliolr IlonicdUe Trouble * Wore Ilrlcf. CUESTON , la. , Jan. L ( Special Tele gram. ) Mrs. Eme Smith , wife of Zacharlah Smith , a Union county farmer , worth about 135,000 , instituted divorce proceedings yes terday against her husband , alleging cruelty and Inhuman treatment. She asked the custody of a child , $1,000 temporary alimony and $10,000 permanent. Smith was preparing to leave for Texas and had hla goods In n box car when his wife had them attached and asked for a divorce. About 4 o'clock In the afternoon a reconciliation and settlement was effected , and the couple went home , ap parently satisfied. So were the attorneys. Married at I.arraFic-c. CHEROKEE , la. , Jan. L ( Special Tele gram. ) Prof. James B. Llffrlng , principal of the Cleghorn schools , formerly holding a Ilko position In the Larrabee rehools , and Ida May Lowell , were married at the home of the bride's parent ! ) In Larrabco at C o'clock this evening. Beth young people are highly connected , and are very popular throughout the county. \VllM l ) 'HllOII l 'llt Ovi-r ItllHlllCNN. CIinSTON , la. , Jan. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) William Hawkins of Greenfield , while in a despondent mood , this morning , committed suicide by placing a 3S-callber revolver to his temple nnd firing. Ho wns about 30 yearo old , married and engaged In the restaurant business. I'rcaclicr L'allcil lo lliirlliiKlon. CHESTON , la. , Jan. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) Rev , A. E. Hastings of the Lenox Chris tian church has accepted a call from the Christian church of Burlington. StrciCaen < 3Iay Him on Sunday. TORONTO , Jan , L A very Important de cision has been handed down by Judge Hose. Some tlmo since the Ministerial association of Hamilton took action against the street car company for running cara on Sunday. Judgj Rose's judgment was an all points In favor of the street car company. lie held that the running of cars was In no sense a violation of the Lord's day act. .Shliiliir | | Oraiim-H to the Uiillcd Kfiitt-H CITY OF .MEXICO. Jan. L A dispatch from Vcra Cruz says the Norwegian brig Horghlta was. capslztd by the storm Monday. The captain and crew , with the exception of two , are lost. Ths Mexican National railroad during tha last ten days has shipped fifty carloads of oranges to the United States. Destitution atVliltc liny. ST. JOHNS , N. P. , Jan. 1. Incoming steamers bring reports of much destitution at White Bay. Many people are subsisting on sea birds and eea reals , while others are eating 111 9 eeed potatoes reserved for next spring's crop , The government lu urged to take measures to relieve them , or death may result In many cases. AVrrcot l-HpclIeil from LONDON , Jan. 1. According to the offl- clals of the foreign ofllco hero and the Spanish ambassador to London , there Is no truth In the report wfylch reached Caracas , Venezuela , from llogota , republic of Colombia , that the Spanish and British ministers have ben summarily expelled from llogota or from Colombia. A. G , Hartley of Magic. l' & . , writes : "I feel It a duty of mine to Inform you and the public that DtWItt'B Witch HazJ Salve cured me of a very bid case of eczema. It aUo cured my boy of a running sore on his leg. 'I'll UI UK lu Hit * SuIiiirhM. CINCINNATI. Jan , 1 , Cincinnati re ceived n Now Year'n gift of twelve square miles of territory today. Increasing ths area from twenty-four and one-half tquare inUrq to thlrtylx n id one-tin.f , and In * cte-1 iiff thep tiulillun to SiiOQiV It nl o liv r > i 03 th' U.ltiplcAto ! Jll.mlv * . which l nbnut 5 I > T cent In renp" . Ix nl'o In- creates th > b .nded debt nbtltt' Jl.o'Xl.OOO. ' which Is likewise nn In roasu.ofi abaut ft P r cent. The vlllace * nnnoScd are. Linwood - wood , Avondnlo , Clifton , WwxVootl nnd Riverside , live Milages , with nrt jflKgregnte pjpulntlon of 10,000. f ( J Political Science \ t > HMMoii. INDIANAPOLIS , tnd. , Jan. l.- Thc Pollt- leal Science association of i llui' central Btnteshlch met In joint se pim ye-ttr- day with the American Kcoiiomlo associa tion , ndjourned today , after , deciding to go to Nashville i xt year. Th0 symposium. "How Can We Make the Study of Pcllilcai Economy , IJco'omlwi nnd SSt'lology More KfTectlvo for Oood Oltlzen-lilli1 wns dl - cii setl. Papers were lead by Vrof. John J. Hnlrey of Lake Forest unlverslly , James H. Panlleld , jupsldcnl of the association , nnd Prof. J. A. Woodburn. IllliiuN Miner * Ailoiil n Scale. SPKINGFIULO , 111. , Jnn. l.-A delegate convention of cml miners' , representing Springfield sub-district , wns held here today - day to consider the wnge question. H ap pearing that four mines wore already wont ing at 35 cents per ton , gro M weight , nnd that live more Imd determined to go to work nt the same price , n revolution was ndopted fixing tlio scale of the dlitrlct nt 3S cents prr ton , fjiosa weight. Heretofore the schedule had been -10 cents , but has not been sttlctly enforced for some time. Delis l'i Ami In for Coni > ni | > l. CINCINNATI , Jnn. l.-I'tesldent B. V. Debs of the American IVillwny union cnme under the Jurisdiction of Judge Tnft of the t'nlted States court during the great rail road strike In ISO ! and the proceedings are not yet ended. Today the demurrer of Debs and his nsfoclatc directors' , Howard and Rogers , In the contempt proceedings , was overruled and nn order wan ln = ued directing Debs nnd associates to ( lie nn answer within the days. Debs mny yet imvo to endure another ttlnl for contempt. Mel Disaster In AliiNlcu. SEATTLE , Jan. 1. The Fchooncr Elwood , Captain F. E. Wymnn , Is n. total wtcck In Alaska. One sailor waa drowned nnd the remainder of the crew only reached Fhoro after a brave struggle. The ( team- ship Topeka , which arrived this morning from tin north , biought the llrst news of the dlFJister. Captain Wyman nnd four cnllors cnme down on the Topekn , while the others remained In Alaska. The Kl- waod left Seattle September 11 for Kodluk nnd Cook's Inlet. Train Doralli'il Iiy 11 JACKSON , Miss. . Jnn. 1. The Chicago fast mall train on tha Illinois Central , southbound , due here nt 1ES : n. m. , struck n mule two ml'.cs north of Holly Springs. Miss. , derailing the- engine , ImgRnue and mall cars nnd three conches. The two Pull man sleepers did not loavu the track. The fireman wns fatal'y Injured. It cannot bo learned whether any of the jmsseimcrs were Injured as the rallroul olliclals here are reticent and will give out no Informa tion. \Vestinlalstcr ICealiel Club Slioot. I1ABYLON , N. Y. , Jan. 1. The blur handi cap pigeon shoot of the Westminister Ken nel club took place here today. A great ciovul of clubmen and others wltnesed the match. The entries included many of the well known shots , and allhough In some re spects the conditions were not as favorable as might bo desired , the sport was good. Waiter W. Watroim wn ? llrst , twenty-eight yards ; I ! . II. Kltrcdge , second , twenty- eight ynids ; W. S. Edy , third , twenty-nine yards. _ An Old Soldier Cured or Cliroiilo Diarrhoea. During the war John L.Hase of Mill Crook \11 , , contracted chronic diarrhoea , which Inconvenienced him very much , and at times greatly Impaired his strength. He says : "One- dose rf Chambsrlaln'si Colic , Cholsra and Diarrhoea Remedy has always relieved me , ard two doses cased me > so that I could at once po about my business. I always keep the Remedy at hand. " , CiiiiiuidliiiiH the "Winner * . PITTSDUIIG. Jan. 1. The International Hockey and Polo tournament nt the Schnley park casino was continued ! today nnd re- Miltcd In a dce'dcd victory for the Cana dians In both afternoon and qvcnlng games. Scares : Afternoon. polo Oueen's Univer sity team of Kingston , II ; Western unlver slly , Plttsbnrg. 0. Evening1 : Hockey- Queen's university , 9 ; Cnssino , 0. The two games were attended by over ' 8,000 people. lni ; for < he Convention. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 1. Hon. Jcveph H. Man- ley , secretary of the republican nntlonnl committee , will meet In this city January 19 with the subcommittee to make ni range- mcnts for the convention. Mr. Mantcy Is chairman of the subcommittee on conven tion nnntiRements , the oilier members be ing Congressman Campbell . S. darken of Iowa , General Powell Clayton of Ar kansas and Mr. H. C. Kerens of St. Louis. niHMlipearcd ( o Avoid nil Attachment. NEW YOIIK , Jnn. 1. A local paper says : William I. Ilusscll , one of the largest op erators in tin In this country , lias been absent fiom hla ofHce since Friday last. Lewlson 13ro ? . , copper merchants , obtained an attachment against Mr. Iluosell on a claim for 132.5CO. Friends of Mr. Russell expect that he will be at his oOice on Thursday. He Is one of the best known men In the metal trade. Steel Shops Closed for It CHICAGO , Jan. 1. A local pap'r says : Hy closing down the shops last night for an Indefinite period the Illinois Steel com pany stcde a march on 4,000 employe ? , who had planned to begin the new year by Ihe inauguration of ti general strike. The rn. n wanted higher wupes. The olllelais of the company my Ibe shut down Is solely for the purpose of making repairs. Sydney Drew Company MEMPHIS , Jan. 1. The dramatic com pany headed by Mr. nnd Mrs.Sydney Drew disbanded here tonight. The company was booked for an extcn ° lvc western tour , but business had been light nnd after tonight's performance of "The Hachelor's Haby , " Mr. Drew decided to disband the company. All of the players return to New iolc tomorrow. TrnvelliiK Mini HcconicH IiiMitiie. CLEVELAND , O. , Jan. I. A. N. Marsh , a traveling man , living at Louisville , Qy. , became Insane at the Hawlcy house today. Ho entered a room nnd refused to come out. He was finally arrested after the door wan broken down , nnd Is now detained In the central police station , IiiHinif O T IlnriiliiK of Her Children. PALMYRA , O , , Jan. 1. While Mrs. Thomas R. Bebb wns making n call yester day her hoii'-o waw burned find her two baby boys cremntcd In th * nilnst. She al most lent her life In nn attempt at res cue , nnd has become Insane as a result of the shock. _ MiililiiK Tandem IlueorilM. CORONADO , Cnl. . Jnn. 1. Hewitt nnd Taylor , on n tandem , pnced by Btone.Swnn- Uirgh , Washhwm 'and Jlriml'ltoTl r > n a qi'nd , broke the world's record for n mile , llylnu Htnrt , by 2 4-5 seconds- their time being 1:47 : 2-5. tf 1 T\vo Foot Hull PORTLAND , Ore. , Jnn.-r lr Foot bnll : Butte , SI ; Portland , 1. i NEW ORLEANS , Jan. J.--Memphls , .10 ; Southern Athletic club , 0. NOT HIS FIRST EXPERIESCI Another Member of His Flock Once At tempted to Blncknmil Him , AFFAIR WAS CAREFULLY HUSHED UP Airs , Dm Idxnn I.rfl a Ili-lulit Ctirvf UN n. . ttoriMMM-r Ili-lilnil Her In lloiton Pitlil .Nrltlii'i- Principal Xor SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. L Scandal Is be Ing added to scandal In the scnsatlonol d velopments of the accusations made b 11'v. Charles 0. Hro\ui against Mrs. Marj Davidson. The reverend gentleman declare that ho Is no n w victim to the wiles c blackmailers. Fothe second time wlthh eighteen mouths he Ins been made the vie Urn of scheming women who entcu-J hi sanctuary to entrap and p rsccuto him. Nfarly two years tigo. Jis declares , Mrs. M A. Stockton , a member of his own congrga tlon , n woman who assumed a Chrlstlar spirit nnd won friends In the church , planned upon him a scheme of blackmail , ulilcl would have , It Is stated , but for the lliiicb aid that came to him from nn uncxpcctC ( source , have succeed d. Some tlmo after Dr. Brown saw Mrs Stcckton , ho says , he received a message from her. She wns on a bed of Illness. Sh wrote him nnd asked Urn to call and glv that spiritual consolation which , In his vo cation , he must surrender. It uas hi ; dutj to go , nnd h ? went. He had uo more thai entered the room , he declines , than Mrs Stockton sprang toward him and throwlnr her arms around him , kissed him. He wa dumbfounded nt the tuddenncss of the at lock nnd horilflcd at the offence of tlr woman. 11 fotc he could releas ? himself n confederate of Mrs. Stockton wns In th" room , n smiling spectator of the KICII * Dr Hrcwn says he realized that ho wns trapped Ho left the room ns rapidly as patslbls Distressed nnd oxcll d , ho declares , he dli not know what to do. lie could not cvaJc an understanding of the wonun'a motive hut he says he did not feel able to tell his congregation. II could do no mete thai aw.tlt tlevelopm.nts and strive to defeat tin. schemers' plans. With his distressing meeting with Mrs Stockton , his association with hsr , h ? ba ceased. He had absolutely nothing more to do with her a'ld , although E-he continued to nt tend the First Congregational church , ho die not care to a.'U'imc the duty of exposing her Although he could do nothing himself , ln 'ml frltmls who wre active In his behalf Mrs. Stockton had a lawyer , and If his swon aflldavlt bo the truth , Mrs. Stockton was > trapped , not only In her game upon Dr Drown , but In two others In which she hopci to make largo sums of money. Mrt' . Stockto : lu still a member of the First Congregallona church , of which Dr. Ilrown Is pastor. SOMKTIUNG OF A HOHROWEn. I30STON , .Ian. L Futher Investigation lnt- > the case of Mrs. IlnvhUon of San Francl.sco charged with wrongdoing by Hev. Chailes O Urown of that city , brings to light the fac that Mrs. Davidson did oice live In flostor and that lie had an Interesting career In which she manigcd to get considerable monoj from ouo person before uhc left ths city. In 1890 and ism Mrs. Davidson was a number of Rev. Nehemlah Boynton's congregation at the Union church , nnd later b.came P prominent member of Treouont Temple con gregation. At that tlmo t'Uo ' was peddling starch , and bv her elociucncz she sjld a laigt stock with good profits. Many friends , among whom Mrs. Sarah J Stevens , an old lady about SO yeirs cf age became deeply Interested In Mrs. David son and her alleged religious work. Mrs Slovens had consldeiable money invested In bonds ; , nnd when these were called In anc paid Mrs. Davidson learned of the amount of ready cash held by her friend nnd per suaded Mr. ? . Stevens to loan her $2SOO on a note at 4 psr cent to enable Mrs. Davidson to start in the dressmaking business. The note was payable In ( en years. Soon after ward , wanting more money , she p ° rsuadei Mrs. Stevens to loan her ? 2,000 more , also on a len yearn' note , but this time at S pe : cent. Mn = . DavlJaan went to Chicago In 1S03 and from there to San Francisco. Her pa > - monts of the Interest on th ? nates , it Is said , have been few and far between. In connection with dealings with Mrs. Stevens and appeals for remittances die has written very flowery letlers. The following la an abstract from one of them : "Of course , I cannot bo unmindful of my obligations to dear Mrs. Stevens how I would love to come In this afternoon and bring some rlpo strawbcirle-3 , so plentiful In the market , and new oranges nnd frsh flowers. The weather Is cooler today than usual , but like many of our June days Way back east. Stii : I love the east best , with Its snow and cole winters , bJcausa I lov ? the people be.'t there Thcro is so much evil here and cxcltemenl to distract the mind. I will enclose J50 , ant to make things as I once spoke of doing , 1 will bend you more next month and with God'o help , may I prov ? my gratitude to the dear , loving friend as well as to our Heavenly Father , who helped mo In my hour of need "My love , God known , Is In my heart for you , and begs to express Itaolf according to the means of His grace , who will ble s you for your kindness to mp. "MRS. MARY A. DAVIDSON. " TKMSGHAI'IIIC IIIIIEI..S. Doint'Nllo. Four cbildrsn of II. Olerourd of Lafayette. La. , were killed Tuesday by a tialn . William Giahnm wns airested at Atlanta Tuesday , charged with counterfeiting. It Is stated Governor Morton will in n few diij'H announce bis candidacy for ihe presi dency. Wlepert & Schmidt , furriers In New York , hnvo assigned , Liabilities , $111,009 ; assets , The convict labor lensn In Tennessee ex pired Tuesday , and l.fOO convicts were turned over to the Etate. Owing to the expiration of tltlo to claims nt Cripple Creek with the yonr , wholesale clnlm Jumping was reported from thoie Tuesday night. Mayor Strong nan decided to reorganize the civil service board of New Yoik , nnd has called for and received the resigna tion of Lee I'hllilps. Stockholders In the Wan-on Lumber com pany of Houston , Tex. , have pft'tlcmed ' fora lecelver , alleging mismanagement of the. company's alfalrs. Justice Irving O. Van of the New York supreme court hns been appointed to the vacancy In the court of appeals caused by the retirement of Hufiui W. Peckbam. A negro boy named Tony tJolf , near Heach drove , Ky. , Tuesday night shot his father while the Intter was asleep. The boy WHS ungered because his father whipped him. Jumps Chnffey , who l supposed to have received $100.000 woith of stolen goods from the convict , \Vllllnm Uarrott , waa sentenced Tui'sdnv nt I3c.slon to ten years In the pjnltcntlnry. Quaker Wisdom6 , 1 } I" " Wine hath jdrdwned more men than the sea , " and ill food killed more than hunger. Quaker Oats is a purej wholesome food. So/d only in 2-11 } . Packages. TOBACCO © PELOIA.LJST. Having fully dcmonstraluil by > oars of Muccc-ssful practice and experience that ho Is able to cure multitudes of diseases which b.illle the skill of ordinary physicians , ho feels It his duty to make known to huft'eimg humanity that he devotes Ins whole llmo und energy lo this particular branch of the piofe.sslon. nnd will prep.ue and furnish medicine at his olllce or visit those cases which may require personal examination. Pa tients at a distance may consult Dr. Mosher by leltcr , giving a caiefully willten history of their cases , describing their symptoms minutely ni ; possible , which will enable him to make correct diagnosis , and Judge very accurately of the cuinbillly nf the disease , nnd to npplv proper lemedles. Meulcl'-c forwarded cither by mall or . 'xpie s , and all mcdlclno irescrlbed by Dr. Mosher is pirparetl under Mi own personal supci vis-Ion. lie treats all diseases without mercury or other poisons , which create disease of themselves. The doctor by his new HI5STORATIVK TREATMENT cures nil cuutble dlsenses , nnd treats with success nil affections of the Liver , Throat and Lu g , Catnrih , Epilepsy. Dyspepsia , Henit Disease , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , nnd all Nervous Diseases caused by- overwork the Indlscictlon of youth , or the excesses of riper years , and whatever mny tend to lower the latent foice or the tone of life's vitality , causing physical debility , ncivous exhaustion. Insanity , and prcmattir e decay. Consult personally , or by Letter , free nnd strictly confidential. Address , . . . / Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , la COUNCIL BLUFFa STEAH DYE WORK * All kinds of Dyeing. Cleaning done la the highest style ol the art. Faded nnd Btnlncd fabrics mada to look as good as .new. Work promptly done anr delivered ' .n nil parts of the country. Send fo * lirlco list. C. A. MACIIAN , Proprietor. wiiy , near North VMMein Dcpol , Council Bluffs. Iowa. Tel. 32i THE FASHIONABLE PCRFUMC. Flowery , refreshing , delicexl'e And l&ofinC ; . o For sale by drug diets only. IMPERIAL CROWN PERFUMERY CO , SAinT LOUIS. MEYER DROTMERS DRUG CO..AGEHT5 AUSOTRY / v/EDDIMG / DELL5\Tv\o \ new 'enowri1" ' \ pt'ACH BLOW , j odors. flIAIJK AM > WOHIC fiU. 19 BROfW COUNCIL BLUFFS , IDE NEW DOHANY f WODDWARU THEATRE GO , ANOTHUH SOLID WKBK. Tonight will to given Ihe bcaulKul drama R AST LYNN Ex One of the elrongc-ut playi of the ilny , lilgliltcii pcoi'lo In tlie cuti , 1'rlco U ccntn to 11 jrarla of tlio liouac' . No fill a tliuifc for encivcd reats. "Pse In Town , Honey ! " Flour Plate after plate of delicious , healthful pancakes There's a pleasant breakfast for you ! Aunt Jemima's is the bent material. Made of Wlicnt , Corn nnd Kino tha three great staffs of life. Csware of imita tions. Sold only in rcil ] > ncktigea ) HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE. llujr n nacliii.'u of ( iciiulna Aunt .Icinlnm's Bclf- lllslnu I'linciikii Flour , and If ) uu do not dud It umkos ttio bunt c.ikc'n loiio/ur nlo. return tha empty lioi to jrouritniccr. I-nvo y jiiriiaiiia.niiiltlio grocer will refund tliu nion.y ami clmigolltouj. Bcltntlllcally 1're pared nn J Manufactured only by R , T , DAVIS MILL CO , , St , Joseph , Mo. Hcnrt ucla In Mumps for l.lfn Illstoi-f of Aunt Jemima ami a tea or lur I'lcUunliiny Uolli. Save Your Hogs They are worth money now and will ba woith inciro In the near future. Campbell's ' Hog Cholera Remedy Is a Guurantowl Preventive and Abuoluta Cure for this deadly dlscas ? . Thoroughly tested hy western Iowa B toe It raisers. Uocl not fall. Brown & > Wostnor Solo Manufacturers and Agents. 617 Alain St. , Council Jiluffs. Send for a package. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , - - $100,00 \vi ; SOLICIT votm \vi : iisinn : vouu ( INI : ( ) ! < 'J'lIK OMMJ.ST IIA.V'ICS J.V IDM'A. n vim INT r.\n > UN TI.MI : nr.rosrra , OALIi AND S12I3 VH OH WltlTU.