THE OMAIIA DAlTAr TJEE : MONDAY , 00 , 1805. SPEGIRL NOTICES. Ailv orf ln < 'iiiriit-i for tlirio column Mill Innl -ii until lUi.10 D. in. fo tincrnlnK nnil until H p. m. for III inoriiliiK ntiil Niiiiilny filltlnnn. H , l > > r'in < ' tlitK n tin in c-lirck , run lint , c IIIIHVV CTH nil * ilri'NHiMl Io n imiilii'riMl Irllcr lit rnro of Tli - Her. AIINVVINO mlilroNNril it III lie ilrlU cri'd upon | irrnriitiit Ion if Ilic rlirrk only. Ilntm , 1 1-Uo n v\or < l first InxiTf Iniit 1c n troril tlu-ronf ( IT. olliln tnkfii for Irft-i I Tin ii ll'ifor flrM liinrrllon. llu-no mU rrllMctnrnlM tiitiml lie run coimrrn- SITITIO > > S TOt'NO MAN WANT1 1'I.Arn TO DO tnkn corn of ftirnfi o liorpcs or COM fnr tjnatd Omnhn llua ril mr 11th nnil Fnrnnm A -113 WARTKn MYMJ IIKI.P. WANTHD-MVI : iNTr.t.unnNTarxTS IN Omnha to oipnnlzr * cluta of tlirrc Io flvo 'mnl- Itfn of nnr fimniu OrrlnM IlnniM Inmli In central Ml sl s1ppl Tlix lido of ImmlKrntlm H rnlni ? i oiilli , where there nre no tmt wlniis no coM winters nn Mlrzimli no crop fnltnrei. where two or three rropi rnn * if nlsM encli > pnr , where there Is nn such tiling ns fnltiire If n mnn will work one hnlf ns Imnl n he dnes In thin country ! root mmmerc ntlM winters , jure pnvlnit cn-ps of fruits nn.l . qnnlen truck. rlclie t neil on pnrth best rnllwn > fnelUtles ( Ten VV Amen. Rencrnl nRent. 1B1T Parnnm t A CO\T HAND ; STHAPY WOJIK onrt Knrxl pay. Henry Kassebnum. tnllnr vVent Point Neb 11-MBiT _ JM TO jiio rnnMOVTII AND I\MT.NSFS TO nell rlKirs i xpnrlenee imticcprnnr > . extra In- illiremcnts to customeiB Tolk .t Co St .t. ' ] " ID 10 IM pAin At. sMn ixiu experlcnrc not ncrr8inr > . extrn Iniluroments to ctistoim-rii Illshop A Kline , St I .on ! Mo \ \ ANTHD rmST-ri.ASS RTUNOnilAPIinil nnd Iliinlnstnn nperntor Address KlvlnR ref- etenees mid i-xpcrlcneo II 9. Ilee ] ) M10S 31 WANrnn iOOKKtnnn. ! MUST in : rinsT- rlnss tvery way , must IIIVP rcfen-nces , R\C | fullest pirtlculnrn nddiws It 3 , Oiniilm Itee II MHO 3l WAM'un riJMAMJ itniii1. WANTin-tiint. roii OIN-IU nork nt N W coi of 21st and roil IIKNT iiousns. IIOJSHS. r ic. nAincnn jiouans IK AL.IJ PAIITS or Titn CITY Tim O r. m\ls Company , 1511 Tarmm D 4H rtiRNiBiun ) iiousn ron HUNT : nrAUrirut , linuse ten rooms elcsantly fiiriiln'icd , hot witer hent , Iniindi ) st ihle nrrinee. etc. Tljis r Hull , r.lG I'nxton block _ 13 413 ErANTOHU CIHCI.I3 COTTAGLS , C HOO.Mb nil modern Kas , fuel Apply Uyron Iltid Com- pnny. 212 So 14th st. _ U-41C IIOUSUS. DUNUWA & CO , 101 N. 1JT1I ST C1G NO 20TH , 4 UOOM COITAQU. It.2j No 20th C loom Hit , nice 1C2I N 10th 8 loom bilclc Gil No 17th S room brick Omaha lUnl Ustato & Trust Co , 2H S. ISth D M371 FOR RENT. HOUSE OP TEN ROOVIS MOD- tin conveniences , vely Imidy to buslmss En quire of D. T Mount. 2)3 ) S ICth nt D 530 8 AND 9-IIOOM HOUSES ON PARNAM AND C room house on J-'d nnd I.eivinwoith. cheap Jno. W. Robblns. .ill N. Y. Llfo HldgD D 602 ron URNT , 3-nooM nousa S E COR 23D nnd Clnrke I01 TACKbON PT , 7-11OOM J2i ) . 4105 I.nfot.tto nve . 9 room modern (25 207 8 21th 8t , 11 roim modern SM 201 S 21th st , 9 loom midcrn. } 30 277i Webster st , 7 room midern 123 2773 liurt 6t , 7-'ODin modern { 20 921 , N 27th nvo , 7-rooni modern )20 2002 B llth st 7-room niodjin , $2" 2X)4 ) S llth st . 1 room nndern. J23. ridtllty Tiust Company , 170J rurnam t. D 007 31 i on "iiKNT , MonnrtN intinc nobsi : or 13 or id rooniH nt 111 110 N 2jth st boo J N Trenzer , opposite poslolllcc Tel C'l D 827 fa.MAI.I. HOUSi : 411 H 2ITH AVI3 3 TO 4-11 HOU.1IJS CHllAl' . COS N HTII ST D M1.0 J.T. MonnnN uousi : KMII.V ri.Acn. ISth , south of Jlmdeiaon D m071-l I'OIl HKNT PtJIlMSIIUl ) UOOMS. IIOOMI rou iior'snicnniMNo TO nmn nnd wife , rent token In bonid 313 N 17lli runNibiuD ou UNI-I UNIMUD HOOMS , modern conveniences , 621'4 fa 13tli street H Oil 30 * KIJU.MSIIii ) HOOMS AM ) IIOAHIJ. i'jtONT ROOMS \VIM , HHATUD , TAMII.Y Imnl If desired ; rates ictisciniblc. 321 North Oil bt. I--C7C _ N1CI3 WARM HOOMS , OOOH HOARD , 11ATE3 icasomtile Iho Hose. 2J20 Ilarneyr r MSOO J18 FOH HINT , ruuNisunn TUONT HOOVIS with or without Iminl , steam hi-nt , olrctrle C bells liaths , ralon iiiioonnblo 11m Midland Hotel , ICth nnJ ChlcigJ ulieets r-OT-3Q SOUTH rnoNT HOOMS , noAiin , zaos noiia- rnoNT HOOM vvim AICOVH , for two , Imnrd If dialed S007 Caes tr t r 031 2' i HNIMIHD HOOJI3 AND I1OAHD Itll I * Ml- r ' " nam ' - J'l'RNIfiHED ROOMS VV11HItO/RD 318 South lull ulioft P in SCO 4 * ROOMS \vnil HOARD ; STEAM HEAT Utopia 1721 UnViJiport 1' M1I8J4 * rou iti : > T-iJ.M'in.Msiui ; ) HOO.MS. 4 HOOMH. WATiil IN KlTCIinN CKNTRAL : rearannbla rtnt , nlcu ror liDuaikei-iiInt' 1702 \Vcbntcr t. O MMO run HIM' STOUIJS A.MJ OKFICISS. rou HINT TIM : t-siouv unicic nt 910 rnrnuin si This bulldlns lina a Ilic- proof ciincnt liaHi-iuent , complete steam lieut- Ini ; llxturrn , wntir on all doors , cjs , ctu. Ar- ply at t'i olllto of Tlio Hue _ 1 810 BTOH13 11U1I.DINC1 AT 1011 1'AHNAM ST ; 3 stnrlea nnd basement , wood fur wholes Uo or iclnll | iurjafe .11 m at Nat , HniiU l > Ug. roii urNT , ornci : ROOMS. 1013 IXH'OI.AS St. UNi'AR\ : OPPORTUNITY roii rnisr nf > oar , clu'aii. KHui'O KIOII * . nunt in il left , diuit Htoru , wllh nil ll\ture complete , sulteil either us diniutiiK'nt xturn or to rent B I > - nrnlil > ; lorntloii itnlral , liolni ; . ' 301 , 2303. U'tt ' 2J07 IMMtiport iilreit. Apply U'lznid on tbo premlxes I- Mill 31 AVA > TI3I1. AOKNTH WAN I'lJII TO 1AKIJ ORDlIllb TOR inn cilcbratitl ill' ) lUftnm pama nnl sulta. ( hleaito Custom Pauls Co. , 202 I'lrih nvc , Chlcniio , J-M8J7 12 WAM'IJU TO IIKNT. WANTIII ) . 1 OR 3 N1CR ROOMS. WITH bath , for IlGht h O CJ , life. 1C-M933 SO' bTOll.VOi : . BIORAQU , THANK HWHRS. 1211 IIARNKY. sioitvon AND WAitinioubis co. . 03-V10 Jonci. aen ral tuiaia and forwcidlni ; . roit HAM-KI IIMTUHI : . ONU I.Alton ACOIIN IIAHK Ill'RNI.'R TOR ale at corner of Jlh utiivl and Half Ilowuril , O-9I2 2S ron HAI.U noiihis , WACO.NS , KTO , Toil BALB. STANDARD HRIU ) KHNTIJCKV combination horit , wairanttd Addrtin H 19 , Ueu. P-M1M 91 IIO11SC , IIARNK33 AND WAOON. AI.I. NEW ; price , JUW. lu < iulr < > U , iuiker Mork ' ' I'-MHJJD I'OIl lAI.n MI8CKMA > nOU < ? . HARD WOOD 4 AND UTOOT I'RNCK KOR .otn crlLMne C. R. Ixre , MI Douglas. SKATBS. AI.Ij SlX.r.S , 33 CI3NT3 TO 00 lllcycle Co . 321 N 1611. g M34S ONK FINE SEALSKIN NEWMARKKT AT A Krnt bargnln 1111 Douglas sticet n I ! Ilee. Q-MULF3 POR < ? ALE , NEW "CONN" SILVER "WON- der" lib cornet , chmip far cash or gno l note Address H 1 , rare of lice ej MSC1 21 * rou q.xM : RKOI TKRKD jinmnv row i ; qunrts Ju t c imlnc In It C r tter n Rnrnije tUirk Q-M1M 31 rou SAM : HIX-OND-HAND RIMIN < ITO.V Kood ns new R C Patterson R-imRe bloek Q-M1000 31 ron SAM : . A mm CLASS -MILCH row Andrew C Johnson. 313 ? 8 Uth St. cj-943 2S CI.AIHVIM A. MRS DR II WAimnN PI.AIRVOVANT UI5 llnhle Imslnees iii'illiiiu : Ith year at 119 N ICth S (21 IIATIIS. ITO. MADAM SMITH 1'22 HOt'OL\H STURKT. 2ND Hour room 11 Mas aic , teim , air ihol and pulliurlne | bnilis T M9X9 4 UMi : HOVVKLL. TURKISH AND HLIXTRIC baths Tlne t tmrlors In city. 318 320 nth T MSOI-31 * MMi : AMIII rOliMl-iiLYOr ST I.OtMl'Mns- Knse nnd Laths 107 S istli st Zlllxir roim 10 T M6S3 t I'KIISOVATj. VIAVA 3 < G REi : nLDO , IinALTH HOOK free ; borne treatment , Ind ) attendant U 123 IIATHS , MASSAQi : MMK POST. 310V4 S 16TII U 126 uvnuv RIGS cm\r. r.n 17th and fct. Mary's avenue , lelephono 440 ULi.r KIM IHLY consnr M\DU TO ouuuu t 1S03 Painim Lndy ncentsnnleil U M917 I 23 MONr.V TO LOAN ON PIANOS. IlIC'iCLr. ' ' Jewelry , etc. . ttrlctly conH lentliil. P. O box "CG U-4)3 i conin-5po\i > iNcn HURHAI I'npcr nnd list * , lOc IJarth I'ub Co . st Louis Mo u 003-JnnC' SUPiniPLUOUS HAIR AND MOLP/3 RI3- moved by electricity. Mine Post. 319H S 13th U-S50 MISS VAN VAI.KUNIILIROH DHSTUOIS PIIR- mancntly by elcctrklty Kupeiltuoiis Imlr , moles wurts , etc. Room 410 , N Y Life DldB IT 1)2 rr TO IOA.nn.vii nsrvrn. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO 31S N Y Life 1-o-uis at low rnlcs for choice security In Nebraska fi. Iowa farms or Omaha city property VV 123 MONT Y TO LOAN AT LOWEST ItATHS THU O P Dav Is Co . 1503 Parnnm Bt W 12J 0 Pfcll CPNT MONHY TO LOVN ON OMAHA real e = tite & Neb farms W. It MUUIc , Omilia W 430 MONUY IO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAIIA pro'ieity Pldellty Trust Co , 1TOJ rarnutn W 431 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPRoT'ElT"OMAIIA real estate. Uiuumn. Love & Co , 1'axton lllk W 432 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 023 N. V LITE \V-433 MORTGAGES Q. O. WALLACE. I1ROWN HLK W 134 LOANS ON IMPROVED i UNIMPROVED CITY propel t > . W. rarnam Smith cS. Co . iJ3 Ptinatn V435 MORTGAGE"LOANS. LOW RATES J. U. kittle , ICth nnd Douglas , OimlnW W 435 I'AUM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SAltl'Y , 1 TO 10 years , low ntca Qirvln llros , 210 N Y. L W 437 WANTED AT ONCE APPLICATIONS TOIl Inriso loins on buslsesss proiitrly , nlso dwell- hiff hoiixe loma ilnn't wilt until your old loan expires n , > ply now. PUkllty Tiust com inny. 1702 r-innm St. W 913 J23 $200000 OR LESS TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Omaha real estile at S per eent. Addri" < s G 67 , Hoc otllce. w9"J TO I.OA.V CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE PIANOS hoisei. wiiRoiid , etc. . at lowest rates In city , no removal of KOOI'I ; strictly confidential , you can pay thn loan off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORiaAGE LOAN CO . 30G S ICth st X-43S MONEY TO I OAK , SO Cu. M DAYS ; PURNI- tnrc. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room S , Barker block. x 133 TOR SALE. THn PALACE CAPE IN LHAD nnd Deiduood both dolnc Rood business Ad dress Matt Klopn , Lend or Dtadwood , S D | Y M407 MAKE MONEY HY CAREPUL SPECULATION In Kraln tluouh n reliable , successful firm , ux- rcllmt opportunities to nnlte profltd l > v our new pi ins , fully explained nnd smt free , blithest refeicnces Pntllson & Co , 700 Omaha. Hlds Chicago III Y M478 OR SALE I chair bnihtr sup tile lloor strain hint hot -v.iler , nnt J2 > At youl own price for cash Rlckner , I2ni o street Lincoln Y MU'D JO * rou n\ciiA.vnt : . EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OP LAND NEAR Onnha. what hive you to offer. H. r. Dalley , OWN. Y. Life nidg. 55-411 CLEAR CHICAGO PROPERTY POR PIRST clnss farm near Omiihn T. II McCulllch , suite W ( , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago in. X-S01-J15 TOR EXCHANOE-OMAHA PROPERTY AND $600000 cash for Chlciuo property T I ) Mc- Culloch. suite C04 , Chambci of Commerce. Chl- caKQ. Ills Z SOO-J15 TO EXPHANOE TINE IMPROVED"AND UN ImproM'd 1 mda In Mutliirn Pallfornla and sonu money for j-nod muclmidlst * fituii ten to forty thoumml dollars Addiess P O lux 701 Rhcixldc , Cnl / in970-31 * VANTED 1O i\CHANOC IOPARMs POR nidsi. Vooihccs & . 1 ullei , Creaton In J5-M109 30 KOIl SAI.U IinAIj USTATI3. ABSTRACTS. Till : HYRON REED COMPVNY RE 143 MPROVED PARMS. O W. CARLOCK. 1203 Parnnm st ItlO C14 Jl 1AROAIN8 , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ortlcu und farms. John N. Prcnzcr , opp P. O . JAROAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND I'ARiiii ealo or trade , r. 1C. Darling. Darker block RE-441 POR BARGAINS , TRADES. QUICK DEALS call or urlto D. V. Shales Co. , PI rut National Rink RldB RE-M515 31 VANTED LARGE CITY AND PARM PROP- ertlej for Mlo or exchnnRe T II McCulloch , sulta 604 , Chimber ot Commcice , ChlcaKo Ills. RE-SOO-JI3 lERE Id A SNAP. A PULL SO-POOT LOT , only 1 to 5 bk ! from the vny llnect liamm In the eliy Cost $2700 llmitum bulldlin ; tllp Only $1,2W. Will take a 1300 to 5700 lot nnd Imlnncii 3 > eir nt 7 per ecnt I'Mellty Tru l ompiny. 1702 Pnrnam st RE 932 31 M1OUTIIA.M ) AM ) TVPHWHITUVO , \ . C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL , C13 N. Y. LIKE. 430 OMAIIA 11US1NESS COLLLGU , 15TH , FARN\M 451 IIIOYCLUS. 1UI DARGAINS IN bECOND-HAND III. ryclan ; fkatcs , 33o to S3 OT. Omaha Illcjclo Co , :23 N. ICth itr ct. MW5-J3 PAWMIHOICIIHS. I. MAROWITK LOANS MONEV. 113 N. 10 bT. 4(9 IIOTKI.S. ETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N , W. COR. Klh end Podge. Roonn by dnv or wtek. 4S3 IIH LANOE HOTEL. W3 S. ISTH Sl'.i bTEAM heat ; table board , $1 0) | > er wevk. J.M5J UMUUTAICUUS AMI RMIIALMUU9. L 1C. nURKEf , PUN'ERAL DIRECIXJR AND eintaliiicr. 1C18 Chleaea St. , tcjephone M. 45 WANBON & VAUKN , 1701 CLMINO TiL. 1060 , M * T. MAUL. UNDERTAKUR AND KlT- baliner , 1117 Kurnam it. , Itlephuno 22J. 439 IH'ILDl.NO AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATIO > S SHARES IN MU7UAL t. A II. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , 8 per cent when 1. 1 , jrenri old : nlwayt redeemable. 1701 Pnrnam t. . Nattlniter. Sec HOW TO UKT A HOMB OR SECURE OOOD Interest on dnvlnss. Apply to Omaha , I * & H. Ass'n , 1704 IIc bldff d. M Natllnger , Sec. MUSIC , AHT AM ) f'EOIKJi : P aELLENRECK , 1JANJO AND trultnr teacher ISIS ChlciKo t. 109 wi.vrmir.n. RES WINTERED. 11EST OP CARE irlvcn horses loth winter and summer. Address M J Welch OreMin Neb M772 UPHOLSTERINO , FURNITURE REPAIRED nnd packed very chcaji this month M S Wnlkln 2111 Cu-nlnB Tel 1331 2S7 LOST. l/ST-SII ViU : CHAIN HUArULKT I1ETWEEN CM North 16lh t nnd Probyterlnn church , 17lh and Dodcc sts Plnder please return to Mrs Harlow , room 63 Drexel hotel nnd feelvc rewnrd lx > sl M1I9 30 IRRIGATION HOND SAI U. Notlco Is hereby Klven Hint scaled pro posals will be rcccivctl by the board ol directors ot the Middle I.onp Vnlley Irri gation district of Ulnlne. Cnsier nnd Vnlley countlcx , Nebrnskn , nt their olllco In West Union , In sild district , up to 2 o'clock p m. of the fitli ilay of Jnnunry. 1SOC. for $100,000 of the bonds Issued by suld Irrigation dls- tilct , $90,000 of snld bonds belnt ; In ftonoinl- natlons of J100 each , nnd 510,000 of sild lionils belnt ; In denominations of $100 each ; nil of ntd bonds drnvvliiK Interest nt the rate ot C per cent per annum , p.iynblo seml-nn- nuallv The nrlnclpnl nnd Interest ot snld iionds piyr.le ! at the olllcp of the stntu irenmnur ot the stnte of Ncbrnfkn , ' aid ) inds belnc pny.ible In Instnllinents ns fol- OVVM : $3,000 thereof invnb'e In cloven ycnis J-om tbe elate tlieieof ; J6.00I ) pnynble In > W"lve jenis from tbo d.ito thetcof ; $7,000 [ laynblo In tbltteoTenrs from the dnto thereof : $ . ? 000 payable In fourteen jenrs ftom the dnte thereof ; $9,000 pay.iblo In fif teen years fiom the date thereof ; $10,000 [ iiyable In sixteen years from tbe dnto ibcreof , $11000 payable In seventeen years from the dnto thereof ; $13,000 inynblp In cluhtcen years from the date thereof , $15,000 nvnble In nineteen years from the date [ hereof ; $10000 pavablo In twenty years finm the dnto tlicieor Tlio board of directors reserve the rlcht to reject any and all bids Address nil bids ; o Charles Klrolil , secretary , Sarsont , No- miska. Hv order of the board of directors , made this lib dayof December , 1893. ononnn HARRISON President. CHARLES NICOLAI , Secretary. Declld 20t JI s'rocKnoi.Dins' MnnriNn-OMAiiA & niKHOIN VALLUY RAILWAY COM PANY. Notice Is hereby Riven that tbe annual mectlniT of the stockholders of the Omaha .1 nikhoin Vnlley Railway Company for : he election ot seven dliectors nnd trans action of such otliei Dusin-ss ns may law fully come before tno meeting , will bo leld In tbe library , Union Pacific building , Omnha , Nebraska , upon Wodne dny , the 1st day uf Jnnunrv. 1SJC , nt 10 o'clock , n. m The stock transfer boolis will bo cloned ien days before the date of the meetlnp. [ ioston , Massicbussetts Deccmbci 12 , 18UT ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary D22 ellltm EnS' MEETING-UNION ELEVATOR COMPANY OP OMAHA. Notice Is hereby Klven Hint a meeting of tbe stockholder of the Union Elevator Company , foi the pui | > ese of electing1 seven llrectors and the transaction of uch other mslness us may properly come before the nesting , will be held In the library. Union I'arlllc building , Omaha. Nebraska , upon Monday , the IHli day of January , 1890 , be tween the hours of 10 a. m and C o'clock p in. The slock transfer books will be closed ten davs before the date of meetlnc. Omaha , Nebraska DecemliT 21 , ISS'i S H. H. CLARK , President. D22 d23tm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE OMAHA - HA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY RAIL WAY COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that the annua neetliiff of tbo Ktoikholdors of the Omaha & Republican Valley Railway Company for the election of seven directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly rome ticiore the meeting , will be bold In the llbraiy , Union Pacillc building Omaha , Nebraska , on Wednesday , tbo Isl dav of January , lb9C , at 10 o'clock a m The stock books will be closed for that purpose ten days before the meeting. Hoston , Massachusetts. December n. 1895 ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretnrv. D22 dlltm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that the nnnua ! meeting of ths stockho'ders of the Union Land company for tha election of flvo direc tors and the transaction of such other busl- ne s as may lawfully come before the meeting , will be held In the library , Union Pacific building , Omaha. Nebraska , upon Monday , January 13 , ISM , nt 10 o'clock , i m. The stork transfer books will bo elosed ten days before the date ot the meeting Doston , Massachusetts. December 12. 1S93 ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. D22 USItm WHITE STAR LINE. Sailing from New York VAcdn < < sdays , as follows No gulling the 25th of December. ISM Teutonic. Jan 1 10 n in ! Jin. 8 , 10 a in . Majestic , Jan 15 , 10 a in , Germanic. Jan . ' 2 , 10 u. in. Unlled States and Royal Mnll fate imCrn. .Saloon pa hage' , JjQ nnd upw ird , according to fiUamcr selected and location of berth. Second cabin J3. > nnd $ < 0 on Maj-cllc and Teutonic DHAPS payable on demand everywhere In Runt llrltnln nnd Ireland sold at lowest rites Per Inipectlon of idans of steamers and any further Information apply to local agents or direct to II. MAITLAND KERSEY. O'l Au't. 23 IVway N Y. N ANDrifON , O'l W'n Act . 211 SOUTH CLARK ST. CHICAGO RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IIJUIILINOTON & MO RIVnil.jArrlves OmaluUnlonD | _ < pot , 10th R. Mason His I Omnha C 30am Denver Express 9.35am < 3 pin Illlf. Hills. Mont. A Puget Snd Rx. 4.03pm 4 Mpm Denver Ejnrcti .05nn T,09pm Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) , 7:45im : , Lincoln Local ( except Kundujll ) :5am 2 4Dpm . Past Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally , , . Lenses IfllirAClO , I1URLINOTON & Q \rrlves I OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Bis | Omaha C.OOpm Chicago Vestibule 8,00am 9 4ain Chicago Express 4il5pm 7 Wnm , , Chicago A HI. Louis ICxpress. . . 8 OOmn ll.S.'am Pacific Junction Local 5,30pm Past Mall 2.40pm Lens ( CHICAGO. MIL & 8T PAUL IArrl\ts OrmhaJUnlonD pot , 10th & MaBon8ts _ I Omnha C.OOpm nT.Chlcago Limited 8 03iin 10 5am..ChIcago Express ( ex Sunday ) . . . t J5pm Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORTHWnST'N ( Arrives OmahnUnU | > n Depot , 10th Mason Bis I Omaha " 11 OOini , , , , Ilistern Express 3:10pm : 4 43pm . . . Vestibule 1 Limited 5 45pm 7 OSuin . . . . C-irroll I'asscnger 10 40pm C 45pm. , . . Omaha Chicago Special . . . . 8 OOun 4 30pm Iloone Local , 30am Missouri Valley Local 9,30am Leaves ( CHICAGO. R I. & PACIPIC ( Arrives OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th ft Mason Bis I Omaha ID < 0im .Atlantic Express ( x. Sunday ) , . 5.3Spm 6 25pm , . NlKtit Express 8lSam : 4 50pm..Chicago Vestlbalrd Llinlt d . . . . l:35pm : 4.50pm. . .81 Paul Vestlbuled Limited . . . liSSpm ' - WEST. e. < 5pm.Oklahoma & Texas Er. tes , Sun..IO.6am ) 1.40pm Colorado Limited 4 00pm Leaver ] C , , ST. P , . M. & O .Arrives OniHlml Depot. Uth and Wctiittr Sla \ Omaha 8 15am , . . .Sloui Clty Accoinmoilatlon , 8,15pm 13.Upm .Sioux City Express ( ex Sun ) , ,11 55tm B 48pm Bt. Paul Llmlieg < 10am Leaves I P. E & MO "VALLEY ( Arrives Omaha ! Depot. 151h and Wtbsler Bla I Omaha "l:15ptn. : . . . .Past Mall and Express. . . . , l > SSnin 3'ltpin , ( ex , tint. ) VV'yo Kx ( ex Mon ) 5.35pm 7.50am Nurfolk Exprcs ( ex Sunday ) 10-25 im B 4 ! < pm . St Paul Express . . . O'lOnm I IT c.TiTrj X C H OmalmlUnlon Depot 10th & Mason StsJ Omaha * 9.05am. KaiiHiu CHy Day Express 6.30pm J , < ! pm.K. O. Night Ex Via U. P , Trans 7 09am Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC , ( Arrives Oiimlial Depot 15th and Web ter Sts I Omaha 10,40am . . .Bt , Louis Express C 00am t 30pm SI. Louis Express 4.0Spm 3 30pm .fl.Nebraska JLoculex Pun ) . . . . 0 OOiin Leaves I SIOUX TilfY PAcTpIc ; ( Arrive * * Omaha ] Depott 15th and Webster 8U I Omaha ' 6 : < Spm . . . . . . ft. Paul Limited . . . . . . a 10am Leaves SIOUX CITY & PACIPIC ( Arrive * OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts I Omaha 7.05im , , , , . . .Sioux City Passenger . 10,43pm 5 43 | < ni. . . . . . . . . .8t. Paul Limited. . . . . . . . . ; 3t > am Leaves" ! IJNION PACIFIC I Arrives OmahaUnlon ( Depot , 10th & Mason Sts I Omaha t 10am. . . . North Platlo Express . 4 3)pm ) tilOam . , , Overland Limited . 4:45ptn : 3 35pm Ilcat'co & Stronub'e Er ( o . Sun ) . 4:30pm : C.4ipm. . Grand Ulund Kxpresk ( e . c'un ) . .12ilOprr 3.88pm . . . . . . Fast Mall. . . . . 10 tSaii ta I WADASH RAILWAY. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. 101 Ii ft Mnson ls ' Omnlia 4"35pm . St7jDul Cannon Hal- . . ? . . . llMaa : fcurreiit Literature. "England In Nlcarastn nnd Veneruola" Is the subject of a timely tiapcr by 0. It. D Gossip In thef Oncember number of tlio fortnightly Review. Leonard Scott I'ubll- citlon company. New York. The December 'Ttulnber of tlte Progress of the World Mngnzlne contains an un usual number of illustrations , Including largo half tone portraits ot all the novvly elected state governor and other Important persons recently chosen for olllce The Progress of the World company , 150 Fifth avenue , New York. A large number of additional new pic tures and now facts relating to Abraham Lincoln's youth are Introduced In the Christ mas number of McClure's Magazine. There Is one serial t-tory by Anthony Hop ? nnd short stories by Uobert Uarr and Ella HlR- Klnson Chapters from a life , an autobi ographic paper by nilzabetn stuari rneins , Is an attractive number S S McCltirc , Ltd. , 30 Lafayette Place , New York The Decamber Cosmopolitan Is no bulky and withal so handeomo a numb-r that one marvels how It can be afforded for 10 cents It contains stories by Hobert Louis Steven- fen , Isiac Xangjlll , James Lane Allen , Sarah Grand and Oulda An Illustrated article on actresses who have b'como peeresses Is en tertaining. Tlio Cosmopolitan , Irvlngton , New York "The Late Ilond Syndicate Contract" Is the tltlo of a very able and timely con tribution by Prof. A. 1) Noyes In the De cember number of Political Science Quar- .erly. Other topics treated In this Issue nro "Decrease In Interstate Migration , " 'Liquor Legislation In England , " "Geog raphy and Sociology" The. Get man Em- leror" and "Pour German Jurlt'ts. " Linn < . 2o. , IJoyton. "Low Tariffs and Ilird Times" are made tlio subject of a pimphlot , mien Ing our arlff rates from 1821 to 1SD3 , and tracing the effects upon the balance of trade and the re curring panic Tlio fafts are clearly sot forth , nnd form an Impressive object lesson on the effects cf low tariffs. Published by the author , T. I ) . Walker , Minneapolis , Minn "Through Story land to Sunset Seas , " by H. S. Kneedler , Is a handsome brochure , re- litlng what four penplo saw on a Journey through the southwest to the Pacific coast It Is sent out with the compliments of the pns enger department of the Southern Pa cific Holiday art seems to have fnlrly outdone Itself In the beautiful Christmas and New Year cards Issued by the fine art publishers , Raphael , Tuck & Sons of New York , whose assortment this year -ecms to embrace e\ery Imaginable design. NHW HOOKS. In the fiftieth volume of the Century , con taining the numbers of th > magazine for the s'x months which has past , Just ap peared , history , biography , art and bcl ° nce have adequate treatment , as well as fiction and the lighter things. Perhaps the most notable featuio of the volnm * Is Prof. Wil liam M. Sloano's "Life of Napoleon , " which reaches the most exciting portion of the Kicat conqueror's career. TliEre Is a pro fusion of Illustiatlons , Including not only reproductions of famous matterpiec s of painting , but also miny drawings made for the work by Prench , English and American artists. A suggestive contrast In the clnr- actcr of th ° two Napoleons Is furnished by Miss Anna L. Dlckncll's Interesting rcmln- I'cences of "Life In th > Tulleries Under the Second Empire ' * In the line of fiction there are th closing portions of Marlon Crawford's "Casa" Uracclo , " the whole of Julia Magruder's ' 'Princess Sonln , " and many short stoiles by favorite writers. Tlio Cen tury company. New York. "Domesticated Animals , " by Nathaniel Southgate Shaler , Is not what one would at first suppose from the title , a text book for schools , but It U a work of rare- merit for the general reader. The author treats of the familiar domestic animals and birds and their relation to civilization In an original and en tertaining way. The book deals principally with the horse , the dpg , the familiar beasts of burden and domesticated birds Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. "Tho Private Life of Napoleon , " translated from memolis of Constant , the first valet do chimbre of the empercr , shows that no mat ter whit other heroes were. Napoleon stands out to his vnlet as a real hero , and Con stant's account of his master , from whom he was separated but a few days In the years that passed between Marengo and Fontaln- bleau , Is as sympathetic as It Is Interesting. No man ever had s > o near a vlon of the em peror as the authors of these memoirs , as M. Imbert do Salnt-Amand says In his eloquent preface to the English edition , now for the llrst time presented to the public. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. To put into the hando of a boy or a girl the two hamlsomo bound volumes of St Nicholas , which contain the numbers for the past year , Is equal to a gift of half a dozen Btory books In fact , some of the mcnt popular books of the year for children hav first seen the light In these pages. Hero one will find Palmer Cox's irrepressible Brownies , on their tour through the union ; Howard Pyls's brave "Jack Balllster , " who got the best of Blackboard's piratical crew , Albert Stearns's "Chris and the Wonderful Lamp ; " Napoleon's dashing page , In Elbrldge S. Brooks' "A Boy of the First Empire , " "The Quadrupeds of North America , " of all sorts and ccndltlons. de scribed by W. T. Hornaday ; and a number of famous hora > s , historic and legendary , that are very lovingly written about by James Baldwin. Aside from these serial features the volumes ate crowded with stories , sketches and verses that will help as well as amuse chlldlyh readers. There are also many articles that are written especially for girls OJB satio acnil Aiaoqj jo sjcajaiui atn uaAn provided for In the pictures nnd jingles. The Century company. Nun York. 'Tho Laureates of England , " embracing all the laureates from Ben Johnson to Alfred Tennyson , by Kenyon West , Is an Interesting and well arranged volume. It contains ex tracts from the works of all the poets v ho have worn the laurel of the Enellsh court , preceded In the case of each writer by a succinct biographical sketch , The volume Is opened with an essay on the origin and significance of the English lauroateshlp The book Is handsomely printed and attractively Illustrated , Frederick A , Stokes company , New York , A new book of Incalculable value to any one Interested In the cause of humanity Is "The Poor In Great Cities , " bringing to gether , an It does , the best experience In dealing with the problems of the poor. The authors contributing to the volume are : Wal ter Besant , Oscar Craig. W , T , Elelng , Jo seph Klrkland , J W. Marie , J. A. 'Hlls ' , E. II , Spearman , \YllIard Parsons , W. J. Tucker , Robert A. Woods , all nell known students of the great socla'l problems. The work Is Fully Illustrated unJ contains an appendix on tenement houset-building by Ernest Plage. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York , "Amos Judd , " a , now novel , Introduces J. A Mitchell , cdltoi } pf Life , as a novelist of marked originality ; Ho has chosen for the liero of his story a yanng rajah of northern tndla. When 7 Karq pld , during a revolu tion In his country , the young prince la cent for safety to Connecticut This occurs through the Instrumentality of nil American merchant , who , ilurlug a reslde-nce of a dozen jcars In India , enjoyed a position of considerable flnaijclnx | and political Impor tance , The story s.ppens with the appear ance of the yourig rajah at the little rail road station In Connecticut Tlio reader's lieart goes out In t > ympathy to this little Jrlental exllo as io 1 * Impressively ushered for the first time * Into the awful gloom of a Puritan parlor lie grows to manhood In heso environments , receiving a typical New England education. Including a course at Harvard. The novel concerns Itself chiefly with the lo\o story of his young manhood. It Is enough to add that the artistic possl- jllltles offeied by such a subject have- been 'iilly appreciated Charles Scrlbner's Sons , Now York It Is not very oft n that essays and com ments appearing In a weekly Journal lm\e fuel ; permanent value as to be put In book 'crm ' In "Reflections and Comments , 1SC5- IS95 , " Edwin Lawrence GodMn gives the mbllc a sort's of the * articles ho has con- rILuted to the Nation for thirty years past. In this volume such papers aa "Culture and War , " "The Comic Paper Question , " "Mr. IVoudo as a Lecturer , " "Mr , Horace Greeley. " "The Mania and Mann rs of the KUchen. " " .Hm Stuart Mill. " "Panic ! , " TynJall and the Theologians , " "The Church and Science , " "Ohromc-Clvlllzatlon. " "The Shrrt Hairs and the Swallow Tails , " "The Debtor Claw , " "Phjtlcal Force In PolltlcJ , " "Summer Host , " embody fine sp clmens of Mr Godkln's nit and Wisdom Charles Scrlbner's Sons. New York. The bound volume of Harper's Hound Table for 1S95 the 16th In the ser'cs mirks nn Important < poch In the hlttory of this period ical , the chief features of which have been a clnnge of nimo nnd ill establishment of a new department. With the Issue of April 30 , 1S95 , the name of the paper was changed from Harper's Young People to Harper's Hcutid Table , nnd the dtpirlm nt of "Inter- scholastic Sport" Wds established. Still an other noticeably unique feature of the past yc-ir hns b n the weekly publication of bl- cjcle mnps marked charts nnd descriptions of vnrlotis bicycle routes In the vicinity of different Important cities In America. A brief glance nt the present \o1umo shows that during the y nr ten serials by well known authors line made up n portion of tno contents , in addition tncro lm\o ap- pcirod during the same period of tlino over 123 short stories , almost as nwny descriptive nnd historical sketches , and numerous ar ticles full of valuable Information. Harper & Bros , New York The artist who accompanies his pictures with narrative , er the author who Illustrates hlo own books , Is becoming a familiar figure and Mr. Alfred Pnrsoni Is among the ciic- cossful ones. His "Not's In Japan" Is a very pleasing book of Japanese travel , containing the article1 ! which have appeared In Harper's Magi7lne , nnd whotj Illustrations of flower ? and follags certainly come ns near to giving HID effect of color as mere black nnd white could pn'slbly do. His narrated Is InterestIng - Ing , and while It contains little that IB en tirely new , the subject Isst II imlncKu ° yeil and fascinating , and the personality of each new nrlter gUcs It a fresh Infrcst. Harper & Bros. , Now York In "The IIoiw-Boit on the Styx , " the author , John Kendrlcks Bmgs , recounts the doings and wylng. ! on sundry occasions of the Asioclated Shade" , n select body of Im mortal ghosts who organlye thems ° l\es InU a club for mutual Intercourse and social bene fit. The house-boat , the Nancy Nox , nnchored close to the hndcs shore of the Styx , I ; tin club ; such eminent spirits as Sir W.ilt0' Raleigh , Oasslus , Demosthenes , Blackstone Dr. Johnson nnd Confucius arc the houst committee , and old Charon Is the steward ind manager of the organization. Harper & Bros. , Now York. Miss Woolson's thorough knonledge of the "mechanism" of the- short story Is consplcu ous In "Dorothy and Other Stories. " Dor othy marries Alan Mackenzie , a man every one supposed to be utterly commonplace , and she dies of a broken heart after losing him When her stepmother finds out who Dorothy Is In love with the scene Is at once pathetic and funny. In "The Waitress" the author draws the character of Modcsta , n Tuscan peasant woman , as that of a perfectly kind clnrltable , self-sacrificing creature , who would not hurt a fly. Yet when she gets Jeilous she tries to kill her rival The scent Is intensely dramatic. Harper & Bros. , New York. Eight sketches nnd a short story , giving Impressions of the e\ try day life In the Scotch \Ilhge of Barncralg , are presented In "Sun slilno and Hoar , " by Gilbert Setoun. "Red- Letter Diy " Is a description of the custoir of "first-footing" on New Year's day and tin. superstitions which attend It. "The Widow't Klrkln" sketches the starting of the Nancy from tlio port. Its loss at sea , and the padnesf ciused In Barncralg by the drowning of the men. Harper & Bros , New York. "Aftermath" Is part second of "A Kentucky Cardinal. " In the latter talc , Adam Moss an enthusiastic lover of all nature , falls It love with Georglana Cobb It Is but a ffw lays after their troth Is plighted that "After- nith" begins. It Is in Juno , and their wed ding Is to take place In the early part ol September. Day by day , the love-web , spun lighter and tighter , se ms to the natuie-lov Ing Adam to Interweave Ityjlf with the ad vanclng stages of the season and the slnglnp of the birds G orglana's feirs that ho may love his birds and his studios of them better than her nro overcome , and they are mar rltd. Their mairlc-d life , poetical almost Ir its simplicity and mutual tins Iflsliness , end' sadly and tragically n year later , whoi Georglana gives her life for that of their son , who comes Into the world. On almost every page are touches nhlcli show the most delicate and sympathetic appreciation of the beauties of nature. Harper & Bros , Now York. "People Wo Pass , " by Julian Ralph , con sists of eight stories of life among the masses of Nen York City. "The Line-Man's Wedding" describes a wedding nhlcli took place at the top of a telegraph pole to en able a newspaper friend of the 1'no man to write a sensational "beat. " "The Mother Song" tells of the aspirations of a Boweiy boy , the son of an old apple woman ( who conceals her Identity for the boy's sake ) , to nrlto a ballad nhlch will bring him and his mother a fortune. Harper & Bros , New York. " 'Censlon" by Mnudo Mason Austin , Is n simple love tale and sketch of ranch life near Paso del Norte , where thc < slothful Mexicans are somewhat excited over the railroads which the enterprising Americans are build Ing. 'Censlon , the young daughter of a wealthy nnd easy-going owner of a ranch not far from Paso del Norte. loves , as passionately as only her warm Spanish nature can love , Eduardo - uardo Lerma , a bold , coarp'ly handsome man of 38. This beautiful Mexican girl is In direct contrast to the man upon whom she bsstows her love. Ho Is a thief , liar , ami hypocrite , nnd only cares for 'Censlon as he would for an exquisite wild flower , to be plucked , scented and trampled In tue dust She goes with her brother , Pablo , to the great fair at Paso del Norte , yearning for the public recognition from Eduardo , which he , cownrd-llko , does not give her , among the more splendidly dressed senora Edu ardo's evil suggestions glance from her at from shining armor , nnd In the end her brother Is able to sive his sister from the villain's wiles by proving him a robber , the deserter of his wife and children , nnd a would-be murderer. Harper & Bros. , New York "Oaklelgh , " by Ellen Douglas Deland , tells the story of Mr Kranklln , a widower with nvo children Edith , aged 1C , Cynthia and Jack , aged 14 , and two younger ones Edith has difficulty In managing the household Mr Franklin marries Miss Gordcn The children , led by Edith , rebel ; but the others are leconclled otter a struggle , and tha step mother finally wins the affections of the eld ct rise. The story Is a simple one of home llfo and of the little dally struggles nnd trials ; but ths characters are natural , and the tale Is full of human Interest. Harper & Bros. , New York. IIOOItH HlM'I'll ! . FROM TUP ] PUBLISHERS' American Book company , Chicago ; "Old Greek Stories , " by James Baldwin. "Sto ries for Children , " by Mrs. Charles A. Lane. "Fairy Stories and rabies , " by James Baldwin. Stone & Klmball , Chicago"Macalro , " a melodramatic farce , by Robert Louis Steven son and William Everett Henley , ? 1 "The Gods Give My Donkey Wings , " by Agnes Evan Abbott , $1. "Tho Gypsy Christ , " by William Sharp ; $1. "Ross of Dutcher's Cecily , " by Hamlln Garland , ll.CO. "Black Spirits and Wnlte , " by Ralph Adams Cram ; II. American Railway Guide company : "The Rand-McNally Olllcial Rallnay Guide , " re vised edition for December ; 40 cents. Thomas Whlttakcr , Now York. "The Protestant-Eplbcopal Almanac and I'aiochlal Lift. " paper , 25 cents The Record Publishing company , Phila delphia "Philadelphia Record Almanac 1S8C " PROM MEOEATH STATIONERY COM PANY , OMAHA. Frederick A. Stokes company , New Yorlc "Tho Laureates of England , " by Kenyon Wcit : 12 mo "Stolen Souls , " by Wllllim L ? Queux ; 12 mo. "Toxin , " by Oulda ; 75 cent * . "A White Baby. " by James Welsh "Sinners Twain. " by John Macklo , 75 centi. Tlio Caisell Publishing company , New York. "Girls Old and New , " by L , T. Meade ; 1C mo Charles Scrlbnor's Sons , New Yoilt "The Ainailng Marriage , " by George Meredith ; 2 vols. ; (250. "Domesticated Animals , " by Nathaniel Southgate Shaler ; J2 50. "The Poor In Great Cities , " by Robert A. Wooda , William Jowctt Tucker and others ; | t. "Anms Judd , " by J. A. Mitchell ; 75 cents. "REfprtl"na | and Comments. " by Elward Lawrence Godkln ; $2 , "St , Nicholas Maga zine , " bound , 2 parts ; November , 1891 , to October , 1895 ; $1 "The Century Magazine , " b'utid , May , 1895 , to October , 1S95 ; } 3. "The t'rlvnts Itfe > of NMpoleon , " memoirs of Constant. 4 vols. , 12 mo . $3. The Werner company , Chlcigo' "John Sherman's Recollections of Porty Years In the House , Senate * and Cabinet , " 2 voK , Harper & Dros . N'en York"Dorothy and Other Stories , " by Constant IVnlmore Wool"- , If. mo "Prom the lllnck Sea Through 1'ersla and India , " by Edwin l < ord Weeks ; 8 vols "Judc , the Obscure , " by Thomas Hirdy ; 16 mo "Noteu In Jnpin , " by Alfred Parsons ; S vo ; | 3 "Pom IVr- focti. " by I ) I'cro ? OilJos , tranvlntlon by Mary J Serrano , 1C mo "Stin hlno and Hosr , " by Ollbert Setoun , Ifi mo " 0 > k- lelgh , " by Ellen Doughs' lie-land , 10 mo "Aftermath , " by James Lan' Allen ; 32 mo "A H.nisebott on the Styx. " by John Ken- drlck Hangs "Dixie ; or. Southern Scsnp and Sketch0 * . " by Julian Rilph , S vo . $2 BO " Tension , " by Mnudo Mason Austin ; 32 mo "The Journal of a Spy In I'arlp , " by Raoul Hesdln. It ! mo " .Methods ot Mind Training. Concentrated Attention nnd .Mem ory , " by Catharine Alk'ii , 1C mo "People \Ve Pass , " by Julian Ralph , S vo , $1 25 "Red Men nnd White , " by Owen WU'tpr , S vo "HnrpiT s Round Table for 1S15 , " single volume , 1,090 pages. PKOM T1II2 AUTHOR- M Glass , S31 Scott street , Covlngtnn. Ky "Our Money System , " by M. Glass ; piper , SO page * . Mnunrlnrx llrcli nl. THE ESOTERIC Esoteric Publishing coin- piny , Applegnto. Cnl. WOMAN'S PROGRESS Woman's Propreis company , 1009 Walnut street , Philadel phia RHODES' JOURNAL OF HANKING Brad ford Rhodes . Co. , "S William street , New York THE OFFICE MENS RECORD The Onicp Men's Record company , Major Black , Chi cago. THE INSURANCE ECONOMIST The Econ omist Publication association , Potter bulld- Inis New York POET-LORE Poet-Lore company , 19fi Sum mer stre ° t. Boston NMCKELL MAGAZINE Russell Publishing company. 51 Summer street , Bn'ton THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Leonard Scott Publishing company , New York. TABLE TALK Table Talk Publishing com pany , 1113 Chestnut street , Philadelphia. roil Tin : nitiniMints. V Tn 4 Pri'nrlirr Inl < > riri > ts It for KutKlilN of tlic Kilp. At the late convention of the Travelers' Protective association of Texas , held at Fort Worth , the chaplain of the church on wheels Rev. Homer T. Wilson , delivered n most Inter- opting nddress on the life nnd characteristics if the drummer. Among other things , ho 3-Id : The editor , the lawyer , the merchant , the bootbhck and the pirsan alIKe listen to their words of nlsdom and laugh nt their latest Jokes They are the exponents of the Utost styles , In dress nnd minners , nnd the missionaries of the most stupendous problems In political economy. There Is no question In science , literature or the arts tint dofs not come within the scope of their Intellect , If the knowledge of the subject will In any way aid them In closing a deal , nnd 1C It Is i question of "two off for cash" they will aven extend their knowledge Into the limitless fields of theology. They are always loaded , and whether the charge Is Just the one most suited for the game. It never falls of the mark But wo must not view the mission of the ommcrc'al tourist In the light of a selfish mercenary It is true they are not out for their health nor pleasure , especially when making n long run en rough roads , with a alow team and a talkative driver These tlreaamo pulls sometimes Induce them to 'tako a little wlna for the stomach's sake , " and it Is Iniely possible their solicitude for the stomach sometimes causes them to loj * their heads. As a drummer friend I once Know , whom I hid pulled out of the gutter and was trying to sober up , after taking a hearty drink of water , eald to mo "Brother Wilson , hlc , I's behind , hlc , on niter" We ihould always k ° cp our own accounts checked up , nnd be careful that the elements essential to our health and happiness should not be found want ng ' The peaceful commercial Intercourse of nations has always be n necessary to the spread of truth nnd righteousness When Heating navies nro lying Idly at inchor , and the high o as whitened with tlio sails of comme'c . then the ship of the inlEHlcnary may sail unmolested to the distant isles of the sea , carrying with It joy and gladness \ WAR REMINISCENCE. Tlio peace and happlnea of our native land was disturbed a few yfars ago by a dreadful war. Th" flames of sectional prej- udlco wis fanned Into a oaethlng billow of destruction HID bonds of unlcn nerc broken ; commercial Intercourse was at nn nd The thund'rs of war were heard , the roar of artillery , the rattle of musketry , the shrieks and groans of wounded and dying rent the ar. For four long , weary years our country was In the throes cf unuttorabl agony When the last battle was fought nnd the sto'm clou\ passed an ay th = > genial rays of a southern an looked down upon a land desolat * anil ruined. Palaces and cottages In ashes Fer- tllo fields , nhero enc the cotton 'bloomed beneath the Mars , " and the beard d .grain ironed for the sickle , nro now desolate. In tatters and rqgs , the soldiers of the lost cause footsore and weary , returned to th'ir cheer less honiM. Tlio scenes of the nnrch , the fuiy of the charge , the groans of th dying , are not moro terrible than the dread = d fear of hunger , from which even the gisat Napoleon fled through the winter-mantled plains of HiitHla. The nrtlst's brush ban given the world a picture of the soldier's departure , and the return ; but nlut Is tha artistic de rlptlon compared to the vivid reality , engraved on memory's tablets The cause ho loved Is lost , the banner under nhkh ho fought far- over trails the dust , heartbroken nnd wounded , fresh from the last gieat strug glu , ho comes The wife , true to wonun's love , neary from tlio four years' bnttle nt home to keep the nolf from the door , now with open arms TECOIVPS mm , nnom une oac- rlflcol for the cause she loved Neighbors and friends rejoiced with each other at loved ones returned , nnd nept together for those nlio leturiiEil not again It wns during these dark and gloomy days that the commercial messenger n ! > pr3nl upon the scene , bearing n mehsage of co'n- furt and peace The blood-thirsty pollllcla-is especially tho'o ' who had never timelt the umoke of battle were bitter In theli anath emas against a fallen fo ° . Unlike the Immortal hero nn'd conquerni ofppmat - to * , whoso Hut sentence after the Kiirron- der was. "General L o. hnva your mon any rations' " on being Infoimed of fie desti tute condition , gave- orders to liU men to see that rations were Issued nt once "to General LCO'B army" Gcneril Grant wag a bravo and gallant leader , ami comni inJed the love and confidence of II'H ' men , but when ho rctmncd lily sword to the crab- hard , and with a loving hand gave bread to a fallen foe. and upon a r.nldlcr'H honor defended those whom ho had conquered , he- Immortalized liinis.-lf In th ? tyus of the cHIIUed world BEARING THE OLIVE IK'NCH Whllo politicians were grappling with the problems of reconstruction , the nitiU.anl- men neru visiting the country of thd ron- qticiul , and kindly ex finding to then the privileges of their goods , with a reason able time In which to pay for them This was a Idiidnesn , and upon the principle , "It Is moro blessed to glva tli in to re- colvc " Not only lid It art . < balm to th wounded t'jiil of the touth , but Hie giver received a greater lilesulni ; Tlio Kcod of kindness thus town by the drummer's hand hag grown to bo "Llko a trco planted by the ilveru of water that bring forth his fruit In his t > ? ason. " Thcso commcrchl angol-i have taught the r.ortlrrn man that a pouthcrnci Is a noble man In his home and bushiest , and the southern - orn man has also learned , from these mes sengers of peace , that a "Yankee" Is a good fellow , tco , and he is ready to receive him , wooden nutmegs and all. factional prejudice U almost n thing of the pait. Th genial wholesale drummer , with iilr > In hand , 1ms visited every city , town and hamlet , stopped at all the good , better and b : t hotels ; listened to tbo oft re peated cong , "Hovy'll yo hu\o ycr s'.ako ; how'll jo have yer alga , tea or coffee yass uah ! " ant } after eating heartily of the stand * ard bill of faro , spending thnevening In tell ing J-lces and playing some Innocent game , for "they are nil honorablu ( Innocent ) men , " and the landlord and the neighbors retire , with becoming gratitude that tliure ard angels among men , The commercial Intercourse between the sections has done more to reunite our cjun try and allay political prejudice than all tha Una pasatl by congress since the war. The hum of the 'plndle , the wheels of tlio manufacturer , based upon the agricultural nnd mineral wealth of the south nro now Ir motion. A new era hns dawned In tha onward movcm nt of commercial Interest ; the new south has taken her pi ice ns a part of the proudest nntlon mid r the sun , nnd. In the lingungo of the Immortal Orndv , * "Ihcro Is no north , nn south no cist , nj west , but It's our flag nnd our country " Victor Hugo sild ' Prcjudlc la the soul's norst en my " This green-eyed monster lurked In the minds of thi pilgrims nt Ply mouth Rock nnd Jnmrstnwn tin ? Puritan of the north nnd the caviller of the south grnv to Immense proportions , the rplrlt of envy nnd jMlousy Increiscd. until n mighty strug gle nnd n biptlsm of blood burled out of sight the dividing lln of our nntlon SOBER. VPR1GHT MHN All honor to the tiavellng men. nho have tnkon pnrt In , reunited the scnltorel frng- mrtits of a grtnt country nnd produced the now man tbo American cltlrcn But thrro Is anoth r feature of their mission upon which I upeik with nil the fervor of my soul A largo per cent of the traveling salesmen nr * moral men ; c"inpnrntlvoly few of them nro Intemperate The great coni- m iclnl Interest of our country domntuU sober , upright men H Is a hopeful sign , In the evening of the nineteenth century to we the principle of temperance unking Its Impr jslon upon every legitimate enterprise of our country Uvcn those nho are en- gapei In traveling for wholesile Iliiuors nro theni'vlvei rcMnilred to lie lompprato men The Inlluence of the drummers of Kdny U In the olrectlon of right-doing At our liu > t nnnunl convention they voted the vvln from their liiiuct ) ( | , ntut thus t heforo the world an example worthy the imitation of all Thl4 nns n imi ter stroke , nnd If other oiKfltilx.1- tlons teprcsentlnt ; the huslncsi Int icsla would follon the example In a short tlmo legislative emctment < would follow that would rid our country of many evils' . Men nho travel with grip nnl tutnk ar hrought Into cloie contact with e'ery shad ? of nought nnd rvery kind of Immunity. j.ot us remember whll U'nnl way "n v\ord fitly of gold In pltchcr-j of I nm not chlmlnr my church on wheels If would bo lonesome on som claim thej > L men are doing ij benefit -ur country In ages yf It Is not the phllos phei thel sclcnllDt. nor the clpili-al iv > r.sjiir ilono makliiR ) the vvorld bettor , but tiuTuod- feirlng mm , nho In biislnessi pursultB of life , Implant a principle nnd by a single wont sow the seed of the. kingdom of God In the human heirt "Ye nre a royal priesthood " sild the Inspired nrlter , and thus taught the beautiful 1 s-wn 'of milversil royalty. The eloquence of tlio pulpit will never cirvort the world , but the eloquent acting of men In the humble walk * of llfo will melt the stony lieirt and bring the world to God Who can eatlnnte the value of n plnglo noble net If the ever resiles billon < i of the deep move from shoie to shorn , and the nounl of the hnrp mounts upon mviM unseen In the lealm of spice , to nn unknown theical shore' Is It not also true that the Influence pf a n ble not pel" In motl n naves of the moral atm sphcic , that roll onward ind upward , until tliev Kim the phoies of a brighter noild than thl ' nnnos Tha drummer * have recently glv n nearly ? 300 to our Orphans' lunie , .ind on Thank - giving Oay , n few of them cVled to iny their respects to these little scnls , who 1ml been n kindly remembered Tip children sang "There Shlll Do Showers of Rles'ilng * " and is the song p'bsed I oiw t irs trickling down the cheolui of these nobl son8 and I thought which of the two recelv'd Ills greater bless ing Iho chlldr n < : r the drummers Tim kind , loving act made the atmosphere quiver with llfo and love Not long since , I . 'at In a hotel , n ar a table ; .1 drummer sat cpposllo mo writing c'lcri to his linuse. After a while he said "Now I'll write to anotlrr " Appreciating the statement , I said , "that In a noble thing to do" II then turnel to mo and raid "My filend , I 1mo l > cn traveling for twenty years , and I have never filled writing my inoth r every day " and then he contlnu-d In a beautiful touch ing tribute tn his mother What a soimon to the young mon who 1 _ Only a few wor > ls were up Ken , but who can rstlmate the Influence over the hearts of th- ' young men who heard It then , and tlu thousands who hav 3 heird mo many times rep at H since. Do careful , my friend , how you speak when sometimes annoyed by the drummer newsboy , that llttli * nolby tongno nny somciiay tnrin a naiioji vviui ui" lowur of his burning elwiuoncIt will not coat you much to epcak kindly to him. and per chance , you may kindle a ( Ire of holy ambi tion In hlo llttlo soul that will continue to burn until the Impurities of hlu environments ire consumed by th glories of a noble man- lio-sl. Danish from you Impute thoughts nnd nets , nnd "Lot no filthy communication proceed out of your mouth" The llfo and character of the drummer should be at least crju il to tin goods ho sells , nnd In most cas s bi'tlor. Ills goods will be consumed nnd worn out , but his Inlluenco In a community fur g od or evil will never end I am not lirii Ing that Hie drummers sh till become preachers If this should ocuii , buih the pulpit and the business might suffer. The Impression mofct deslr < 1 Is tint the bus iness men of the countiy shall become tlio avenno for the mornl uplifting of the FJCO. Tlie business of the drummer Is not to build up Hcct or party , but estnbliali lines nnd put In motion tb fastest trains nf commerW. Mnny and potent nro the Influences that Uitlr Into and affect our religious and social fabric. Commercial follow thin has united our country , despite the bitterness of pirtlsnn politicians Tlnough thU system of ulilLa- tion we have become acquainted with cur neighbor and I .nneil to love him , though our political cnods nny differ The bir- barlc spirit of Inlolnaiico ha vanished be fore tlio Clirlbtlon gincr of foibearance Tlu o < c cnrt nnd utiiKO co.ich of long ngo hitvo glvdi place to the lightning i xpi BH and the Pullman palace train The Inventive ginlin of the present Ins holtul thn world vvllh glory nnd brought iniitlneniH In close toiu h with each otliei The cioakor and th crank , In politics nnd religion , must stand asldo anil 1ft tht : tplrndld lialn of the nineteenth cen tury have thu "right of way " 11100TRY VANISHING. Iho public ncliools of ted ly nro keeping pace with the ago of progress. 'Ihey are tint teaching theology or sectarianism , but prcpailng the young mind for the great duties of life and educating them for thn high und bonoicd position of American cltl/.t-nu licfco inllucnces have made nn Impios&loit upon the world of religious thought. The prejudice of the pulpit und the i w hui fur the most pirt vanished , nnd the beau tiful spirit nf fellowship nnd love now char acterises the follower ) ! of the merk and Idwly o'ic The hosts of the Christian world are now In heart united , nnd art stunning the battlements of uln And1 au we rtand tliuul- der to tliouliler In defense of the right und against the wrong , no will forgot the dlff r- cni.o In cited , and nt latt win a glurlnui > vie- toiy for "God nnd home and native \Vo rannot spouk too big' ' | y " eiico of the jiritu In molding th "Tlio pen U inlKhtler than the _ who occupy th'H ' hlRh und honorrd p should fjii'ak , nu many of them do , piiidcntly of public opinion , anil with a man- ter hand stilke at the evils of the day and present to the world the spirit of true patri otism The need of the hour In all the de partments of church and state h men When ( Uneml Pit-ton and Ma fpllant 'Scotch Grays" were making the desperate charge on the battlefield at Waterloo , Na poleon , vle-wlng HKIII through liln glats , tuld : ' If I had such men as those I could conquer the world " In the moving procession of the century no need men , not narrav.-mlndtd ccllUh big ots but men Men on the road , In the field , In the halls of legislation , In the pulpit everywhere the call of the hour Ii for men/1 With all these Influences , present and oct- Inu , may we not upend the evening of the century with pleasurable anticipation ! for a glorious future , M the rising sun of the new century dawns upon us , let m hope Ms genial raje vvlll fall upon n land united , That bitterness and Kctlonallmi shall Im no moru , but under one Hag we ( hall live , bound by tics of brotherhood. And may the spirit of Him who edited ( ho tempest speak peace to tbo troubled waters of a divided Christendom and1 nuke them one. And , brethren of the road , when the laist hill la Isold , the older beak , the rli [ and the "House not nrd vv th liandi , eternal , checked up , muy we bn prepared to biitT the 'Iloueo' not made with liantls , eternal In the heaven *