r 0 TJTK OMAHA DAILY 1JI513 : WNDAY , DBOBMnBll 29 , 1803. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS. Office , 12 I'cnrl Street. H. W. Tllton , MattoRcrntul Lessee. [ 1 JIINOII MI\TIO.\ . Dora ) ( UMRi * . J. n. Mcl'herson. Tel 241. I1 X MiTlRiie of Nu-v York City It In the tlty tor t > holiday. Wanted , a K-JOd filrl for general house- * orJ. . Mrs J. W. Squire , 201 Story street. llebeknh lodge No. 3 will Rive their ar niial .vatch night nidal next Tuesday even ing , The M.nliterlnl . nEVClatlon will me t or Minday at 103 * a. in. In Ih ? pastor's study of the first l'rebytcrl n chtircl. Th ! > ( .rand hotel , Council niuffi. HlRli class In ovfiy reaptct. Rates. { 2.50 nor day finJ upnaiJ. 12. P. Clall ; . propilctor. The funeral rervlro for Michael McOlff , \\\io \ wan killed In South Omaha , will \ > f held nt Pt. Pranc's XaMcr'a church nt 3 o clock this afternoon. The members of th" First Baptist church will have n watch party Tuesday evening nt the residence of II. A. Ualletiger , " 21 Willow avenue. Chrlftlne Ensel has commenced a suit In the district point against Knrl Engel , whom she married In Germany In 1S77. She claims IP has struck Irr repeatedly. Monilny mornlni ; the ttlnl of cases on the criminal docket will bo taken up. The flr t on the list Is that of the i-tato against i : 1 Pancake clurgol with usfault with Intent to do great bodily Injury. The funeral of Mrs. Prank Barney will take place Monday mornlng at 10 o'clock from the residence nf her father In Hardy township. Instcid of today , as at first an- nounfed llcrt Itablln , n small hey , ran Into an Iron roJ that projected from the luar cf a wagon at the corner rf Vine nnJ Second streets yeslndiy or.d was. ' badly cut and brulsrd about the fo"e. Ho WBH running across the street and did not see the rod. Dr Patterson and wlfD of Klrltsvllle , Mo , r.ie s'opplng at the Or.mil hotel. IIo Is here for the purpose of attending the trial tomor row of Lr. K D Parker , who la charged with practicing inollclnulthont a permit from thi > State Hoard of Hcilth. A brilliant domino pirty was Riven Christ- mat night at the roaldenca of Mrs. 11 n Montgomery on Third street. A largo mini- bor of joung ppopln were present and the evening was happily spent In dnnclng. The house was handsomely decorated for the oc casion On New Year's eve the officers of Har mony chapter NO. 0.5 , O 13. S. , will be Installed , Mrs. Houghton of Hod Oak. dep uty grind mistress , acting as Installing olllcjr , with Mrs. 0. H. Jnckpan as marshal. All incmb rs of the older and their Ma sonic friends cordially Invited George Buckingham of Omaha and Mist May Duvall of this city were married Christ mas evening at Grace Episcopal church by Itev J 12. Simpson. The brldo Is the daugh ter of Mrs Maynard. The church was taste fully decorated with Christmas greens and holly and was filled with the friends of the parties from Omaha and Council Bluffs. The members of Pottawaltamlc tribe No 21 , Improve ! Order of Red Men , have moved their wigwam from 103 Pearl street to the O. A. H hall. 1C Pearl street , third floor. Regular councils will bo held every Thurs day evening Inntead of Wednosdiy evenIngs - Ings as heretofore. The "raising up of chiefs" will occur next Thursday evening , January 2 It Is desired that all resident and visiting brothers attend , A. D. Van Horn C of II. ' Pptcr Christiansen was arrested late Fri day night on the charge of disturbing the peace It Is claimed that Jennie Mack , a siren on Pierce strr-et , has bwn supportIng - Ing him , having brought him here from Davenport not long ago. She withdrew his allowance for reasons be = > t known to her self , and Peter demurred In such a loud tone of voles thit th ? door of the estab lishment was cracked. He was fined Jo and costs In police court yesterday morning. Manager Alton Is congratulating himself that he It filling a long felt want In the amusement line , giving high class theitrlcals nttlio new popular prices. The Woodwards have packet ! the new Dohany to the doors every night for the past week , and the "S. R. 0. " sign has been displayed early In the e\enng. ! Last night , ordinarily tba poorest show night In the week , was no exception. Thcro was just the right kind of comedy and the right amount of sensation In "The Police Alarm" to suit the crowd. There were fourteen people In the cast , and It was one of the ( .trongest plays given during the week. The Woodwards have earned such a fine reputation tint Manager Alton has al- mort been compelled to force them to stay another week. They have consented to do so. nnd all of this week they will have eighteen people In the company. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hunt and Mr. Jack fowler Joined the com- piny last evening and will appear In the cast Monday night. This evening a sensational four act comedy , "The Kentucky Girl , " will bo gl\en. Guard against loss by flre and Insure your properly In reliable companies. If yon pay an Insurance premium you expect Insuranc ? . We represent rome of the best English nnd American companies. Lougee & Towlo. MONEY to loan on Improved Iowa farms * . Largo loans a specialty. Fire Insurance. L. W. Tulleya , 102 Main St. rosins2 and 3. rr.HMAI , I'AHACIIAIMIS. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. George Hanthorn , a daughter. S. S. Etherldge of Des Molnes was In the city yesterday. Thomas RUhton , who has been sick for dome time past , Is now nble to be about acaln , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis , who have been visiting Kred and John Davis , have returned to their home In Chicago. Mr. Edward Lee Howe and wife of Port land , Ore. , an visiting Mr. Howe's parents at their home , 409 Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Keys have been spending the past week In Ohio. They are expected homo the first of this week. D. ! ' . Wadsworth and family of Ishpemlng , Mich. , are visiting his brother , S. II. Wads- worth , and his Bister , Mrs. Lucius Wells. Mr * . C. S. llyers went to Harlan Friday for a visit with Mrs. II. W. Myers Th y are. now both In the city , together with II , W , llyers , and will spend Sunday. Rev. V. C. Rncho , pastor of the First Bap- tlet church , will go to Omaha thU > morning to preach nt the Ileth ICden church for Dr. Kvarts , who will occupy the lluptlst pulpit In this city. Art Slnok filvi-u A ny. Not being able to attend to business , I ivlll sell anything In my line at actual cost , floods must go at tome price. See the ele gant new pictures that Just came In. All to bo cut and slashed. A largo etching given with each $1.00 purchase. W. W. CHAPMAN. 17 Main Street. Lost , n white npanlel bitch , lemon-colored earn ; weight , -15 His , Suitable reward given for return to 143 Droadvvny. lIoiViiinti'M Iliul llrciilc. Daniel Hoffman , a farmer living four miles oaut of Council Bluffs , forgot where he was the other day up'n entering the government building , and behaved hlmwlf In a v ry nn- gentlemanly fnplilon. A warrant was Issued for his arrest upon nn Information filed by the JnnlUr , anil he was arrested yesterday by Deputy United States Marshal Hlllweg. After a hearing the commissions bound him over to Iho giand Jury on the charge of committing a nuisance In a government building , and released him on a bond ot $200 , Reduced prices on Bllehtly used pianos at Dourlclua' , ttm orchestral crown piano dealer , 11C StuUman street , , near M , E. church. Jarvls 1877 br ndy ; .purest , safest , be f. Jury IN Di-llliri-utliiK' , All day yesterday was occupied In tha dlt'trlct court with the arguments of the attorneys In the case of Ktmball llroa. against the firm of Deere , Wells & Co , At the hour of evening adjournment the case was given to the Jury , and Ute la-st night the deliberating waa still going on. Fine cut glass and china , Wollman's. J , n. McDermot , undertaker , dealer la cburct ) goods , 512 Broadway. Telephone 203. ITIUTAIMIIOLN < S r ; Mauler Clnnilf Miilllinl ( lUm Tin-til TM n UtriiliiKM of I'lviiKiiri' , A merrier crowd of joung folk would be difficult to find than that which was Invited Thursday and Friday evenings to th home of Mr. and Mr : Charles Matthal , 305 Cast Broadway , to cclsbrate the Christinas f < s- tlvllles with their fon. Master Claule , The games were played In that enthusiastic man ner Incidental only to happy childhood. On Thursday evening the amusement was by mentis of a large balloon , which was sus | pended In the room , each guest drawing n numbered "Brownie" from n tray , and after being blindfolded , was required to place It i In the tmket of the balloon. After each hat a trial It was fcund that Miss Maud ! Bell and Master Albert Trcynor had been most successful , and they were awarded first prlrcs. Miss Daisy Cooper nnd Master Harry Cavln , being farthest from the basket , rc- celv d the booby prizes. Friday evening the amusement was of n similar nature , each child present receiving n numbered luy , and after being blindfolded was required to find th kcjholc of a largo padlock suspnided In the room. In this con test Mils IIIPZ norland and Mister Fred Gould were successful , nnd wcro given first pr'zas ' , while Miss Mabel Lacey and Master Willie Schnorr were furtlrst from the key hole , nnd received the baoblcs. Refreshments appropriate to the occasion were served both evenings nt the close ot Ili3 gam s. The following were Invited for Thursday Mlst'ss Fay Hell nlieck. Daisy Cooper , Maude Ilrjant , Kdna Keellne , Edith Shcrradcn , Nil- lie Jones , Marlin Bcnton , Ada Sargent , Jnnle Jamleson , May Crane , Maude nnd Sadie Ites- ley , Kittle and Hcislc B m. Laura and Mary Weaver , Carrie Rohrer , Maud Bell. Nellie Hajvvortli ; Masters Catl Chamberlain , Ivle Rohrer , Arthur Ke line , George Hayworth , Albert Tr jnor , Hirry Cavln , Oliver Patter son , Tom Licey. Roy Bell , Mac and All llanchett , Harry nnd George Van Brunt , George Crane Those present on Friday evening were : Misses Bessie Jones. Josephln Jennings , Eleanor Coffeen. Mabel Licey , Flor-nce Pip pin. May Klngsbury. Inez and Fredda Dor- land , Edna and Lsttla Butler , Ha/el nnd Bes le Hammer Untile McCullough , Ruth Williams. Fannlo Dietrich. Nellie Edwards , Mamie RobTts , Masters Fred Gould , Harry Kellcy , Charlie Lacey , Avery Jennings , Rico Shugart , Gcorgo Wheeler , Harry Estep , Bar ret Llnkey , Shuman Dietrich , Albert Houghton - ton , W1I1U Hayes , Willie Schnorr. Drnth of Mr * . IMiiinml .I .ITCTM. | After an Illness of three months Mrs. Ed mund Jefferls died Friday night , shortly be fore midnight , at her home , 131 Nicholas street. She was a sufferer from cancer. Sev eral operations were performed by the phy sicians in the hope of relieving her suffer ings and possibly effecting a recovery , but the relief was only temporary. Mrs. Jcfferls was born In Dundee , Scotland , In 1830. She came to Pottawattamle county In 1S53 with her parents , nnd hns lived near Coiinc'l Bluffs over s'ncc In 1855 she was married to Ed mund Jefferls , who survives her. Twelve children also survive John E. Jefferls of Washington township , William R. and E. D. Jefferls of Hardln township , Philip M. and H. V. Jcfferls of Rockford township , J. I. Jef ferls of St. Joseph , Mo. , Franklin and A. A. Jefferls ot Council Bluffs. Mrs. W. C. Duncan of Wlnfield , la. , Mrs. Joseph Danlger , Mrs. Mack Goodwin and Miss Marlon Jefferls of this city. , A sister , Mrs. Henry Rlshton , and a brother , David Forsythe nf Rockford township , also live In this county. All her children were with her when she breathed her last. Mrs. Jefferls was a devout member of the Broadway Methodist church. Tilt- funeral will take place Monday afternoon nt 2-30 o'clock from the residence. I.OAITM of l.ltcrntiiri * Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Harl entertained the Oakland Avenue Reading club and a number of friends Friday evening nt their home. It was the quarterly meeting , nnd nn ospsclally Interesting program was presented. A hlsv tory reading was given by Mrs. H. A. Cole. T. II. Orcutt entertained the company with a comprehensive talk on current events. Mrs. Harl read a paper on the "Life of Paganlnl. the Violinist. " One of Thackeray's Christ mas stories was read by Mrs. William G. Dorland and one of Dickens' by Miss Clara Evans. The literary numbers were Inter- epers'-d with delightful music. Mrs. Dr. Waterman nnd Mrs. F. C. Lougee rendered a plaiu duet. Mrs. W. J. Leverett , accom panied by Mlsj Dora Grass and Miss Carrie Murphy , accompanied by Miss Edith Foster , favored the company with songs. Mrs. Harl was assisted In entertaining by Mesdames H. W. Hazlcton , Blanchard and Richmond. About forty guests were present In all. Re freshments were ajrved during the evening. Arrt-Ntcil nil Alli'm-il SiiKnr Till of. Ed Mason , who llveo with his relatives on East Broadway , near the Crlttenden place , was arrested yesterday morning on the charge cf being a fugitive from Justice. Ho la sup posed to be a member of the gang who brok ; Into a Union Pacific car In Omaha Christmas eve and the night after , nnd stole 1,700 pounds of sugar. About 250 pounds of the itolen property was recovered at the res idence of another number of the gang In Omaha , and there are now five men In cus tody charged with the theft. Th ? police claim that Mason has been convicted1 once of breaking Into cars. He was a great friend of John Covr , who Is now pervlng a sen tence In the penitentiary for houss breaking. Him. Witty IiiKiino. Anna E. Witty , wife of J. N. Witty , who lives at 3522 Avenue B , was before the com missioners yesterday afternoon for an exam ination as to her sanity. She has ben troubled for the last four months am ! has been continually growing worse. She has a notion she Is being persecuted , and spirit forms appear to her and talk to her. Other delusions nppar to her , and she thinks she smells Bulphur burning and coals of flre arc heaped upon her. Her husband raid he thought her mother was once Insane. She was ordered taken to Clarlnda , and Sheriff Hazcn left with her for that plac ? yestcrJay afteinoon. r\unii T.uiiuilry Co. No. 520 Pearl street. Telephone 200. We have all the latent Improvements for laundry- Ing. Wing point and turn down collars , and for the saving ot linen In general. Steohan Bros , for plumbing and heating ; also line line of gas fixtures. Glim SlPwart'N Ollli-iTK. The following officers were elected Friday night by Clan Stewart , and will be Installed January 10 by Royal Deputy Faulknsr of Omaha : Chief , J. R. Macrae ; tanlot , A. Whltelaw ; recording secretary , John S , Gar diner ; financial secretary , David Fowler ; treasurer , R. J , Turnbull ; senior henchman , John Martin ; Junior henchnun , J. T , Ander son ; sentinel , A. Bell ; sonetchal , D , Mc- Kenzlu ; phytlclan , D. Macrae , jr. ; trustee , A. Whltelaw. Will Crlclmitf IIHI-UN' Illrtliilny. In accordinco with Us usual custom , Clan Stewart will celebrate the birthday of BobbU Burns , January 21 being the day , The Scotchmen never mlaa having a gay time on an occasion Ilk. tills , and all the Indications arc that the celebration this year will bo fully up to the past record. The committee having charge of the arrangements Is com posed of J. S. Gardiner , R. 0. Graham , A. Whltelaw , J , T , Anderson and I ) . Macrae , Jr. Have } ou seen the new gag heating stoves at the company's office ? VnlliMl Workmen Klfi < t Olllerrx. The following officers were elected by Myr- , lo lodge No. 12 , Ancient Order United Work- I'cn : Past chief of honor , Mrs. W. 8. Wll- tins ; chief of honor. Mrs. Charles Spies ; ady of honor , Mrs , W. A. Hlghsmlth ; chief if ceremonies , Mrs. Ward ; recorder , Mrs. W. I. Spies ; usher , Mrs , E. F. Wagner ; flnan- : lur , .Miss II. McMlllen ; receiver. Mrs. Jamo * iIcMlllen ; Inildo watch , Mrs. Stevens ; out- Ido watch , W. A. Hlghismlth. Attend Davis' clearing sale ot holiday Latest silver novelties , Wollman'i. TUP. VT rou THI : I.ITTM : IMOIMI : llv. . ll < nr > lli-I.oiiK nmlVlfp Clvc n Dinner lo Tlirlr I'lipllN. The pupils ot the DC Lang Industrial school wcr given n surprise yesterday afternoon. They met as usual for their Saturday's In- structlon In the art of sewing. At 3 o'clock , when the regular work was over , the an nouncement was mads that In the large as sembly room there was < i dinner awaiting them. With vvldopen eyes the fifty little ones filed Into the hall , where they found the tables already laden with the good things which had been provided for them under the direction of Mr nnd Mrs. De-Long , with th assistance of Mrs. C. T. Officer , Mrs. C. B Wcodbury. Mrs. Cram , Mrs. Mnore , Mrs. Stacy , Miss Cousins , Miss Barnard , Miss Wccdbury nnd others Some banquets may be a little more elaborate , but It Is certain tint none ever hit the right spot any better than that one. After full Justice had bcsn done th dinner a couple of Christmas tress which stood at one end ot the hall were as faulted , and In n little while crops of apples oranges and candy had been gathered am wcro In the possession ot the little fellows , Th attendance nt the school Is usuilty over 100 , but It was smaller than usual yostcrdav owing partly to the bad weather , but mostl ; to the entire Ignorance of the pupils that an ; special treat was In store for them. Hai they known It , thcr ? would not have been ai ' 'inpty chnlr. Mr. DeLong lus succeeded In securing n firm hold on the Interest of the children , and he 'Is now trying to think of a scheme by which he can gain that of the fathers , many of whom epend their Mm and a good part of their money In the saloons. "I am going to arrange some sort of a me ting with them. Wo shan't talk religion or politics , because we should disagree , ' told he , In talking over his plan. "We aren't going to compHIn of the man who has n hunJred millions Just because we haven't a cent , for the millionaire can pu his millions away In a vault while we can' so easily dispose of our stomachs. We Jus want to meet and be filemlly. I wan them to wash tho'r fices and brush up the old clothes so they will look as well as possl ble. A little experience gained In this line they will not be long In choosing th > new life. Wo can shove some religion Into them , perhaps , ntto" we havelookoJ after their phystcil welfare , hut we slnll no wo-ry about that much until the fine comes. ' wii.i. nitiMJ vi * A Siw roi.vr DOCH n Sitlooii Iiijimutloii 1'inlcitin Olil Iat > Hold Ihulor ( Iiv \ -n t A week from next Monday there will bo a rather Interesting case tried In the district court , at Avoca before Judge Smith. It wll bring up a question which has never yet ben passed upan by any court. Thomas and Timothy Healy and their mother , Mary kept a saloon In Avoca when the prohlbltorj law , vvltSicut any mulct attachment , was In force. One day they ran against a snnt , In the shapel of an Injunction , which was obtained by the temperance people of the town. They were compelled to closa their establishment , and they made , no effort to rccpen It until the mulct law was passe J. Then they embarked again In business , com plying with all th ? provisions of the new law. They supposed that by doing so ttiej would avoid further trouble , but they were mistaken. An Information has been filee charging them with contempt of court , am the case will come up fcr a hearing January G. The question Judge Smith will have to decide Is whether or not a compliance , with the terms of the mulct law protects the saloon keeper not only against t'ne prohibi tory law now , but against the consequence of Its Infringement when It alone was. the law of the land. The question Is an Interest ing one , from the fact that there are many caloon keepers all over the state who have been enjoined In years past , but will be will ing to start , up again If they find the coast clear. AVIii're to Worn 111 p. Broadway Methodist Episcopal Pr aching at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. by the pastor class meeting at 12 in. ; Sunday school at 12 m. ; Epvvorth league meeting at C:30 : p. m. midweek prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 : p. m. The servlc s Sabbath evening will be a song and gospel service. J. H. Sersenoy , pastor. First Baptist Corner Bayll&s park. Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. ; sermon by Rev. Mr. W. W. Everts of Omalu , recently from Havcrhlll , Mass. ; 12 m. , Sunday school ; 0:30 : p m. . Baptist Young People's union ; 7:30 : p. m. , a coi'p ' 1 service , under the auspices of the Young Men's Chilstlan association. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Pierce street , thrso doors wect of Glen avenue. Social services at 10.30 a. m. ; preaching at 7:30 : p. m. T. W. Williams , pastor. Th Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Huntlngton's hall , No. 104 Broadway. Sunday school , 1 p. m. ; preaching , 2:30 : end 7-30 p. m. R. J. Huntlngton , president of the branch. Second Presbyterian The- pastor , A. L. Sarclut , will occupy the pulpit morning and evening. Subject for morning : "Life Length ened ; " evening subjct : "The Shadows that Die at the Sunset. " St. Paul's Rev. L. P. McDonald , pastor. Holy communion , 8 n. m. ; morning prayer and sermon , 10:30 : a. m. ; Sunday school , 12 m. ; evening prayer and sermon , 7:30 : p. m. Subjects , morning : "The Fullness of the Tims ; " evening : "Nlcodemus , an Example of Hesitation and Delay. " Christmas music by full choir. Parish meeting Monday evening at 7:30. : Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Corner Eighteenth street and Fifth avenue. Preach ing nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; class meetIng - Ing , 9:45 : a. m. ; Sunday school , 12 m. ; Junior league , 3 p. m. ; Epworth 1'ngue , C:30 : p. m. ; watch night meeting. Tuesday night , 9 p. m. , under direction of Epvvorth league ; prayer meeting Wednesday evening , 7:30 : ; seats free W. H. Gobi' , pastor. St. John's English Lutheran James' hall , No. 17 Pearl street. G. W. Snyder , pastor ; 3hrUtmaB communion nt 10:30 : a. in , ; preach ing nt 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt 12 m. ; young people's meeting at 0:30 : p. m. First Presbyterian Corner of Willow nve- nuo nnd Seventh street. Rev. Stephen PI elps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Congregational Services , Decembtr 29 ; nornlng subject : "Joshua's Vision Before Jerl- cl'o ; or a Sermon for the New YcaT : " ovcn- ng subject : "Watchman , What of the Night ? " Trinity M thodlst Episcopal Corner Fourth Btieet and Ninth avenue. Class meeting. 10 a , m. ; preaching , 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : n , in. ; Sunday pchool , 12 m. ; Epvvorth league , 0:30 : p. m. Conrad Hooker , pastor. Rev. Thlckstun will preach this evening at the residence of Mr. Alma In Streetsvllle. Christian Tabernacle Corner Scott and Mynstcr streets , R. W. AbberUy , pastor. Pleaching at 10:30 : a. m. on "The Old Year and the New , " At 7:30 : p. m , , preaching and song service. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 : p , in. Srtnday school at noon. Glace Church Holy communion , 8 o'clock , Mcrrlng torvlce. 10:30. : The Chr stmas music , with the solo by Miss LIdell. will be re peated , Children's service , 7:30 : p. m. Young Men's Christian Association Mcn'is rally at 4 p. in. F. W. Pardey will tell about seme thrilling "Experiences In Life. " Lout HIM Money , John M. Murphy was to have had a trial In police court yesterday morning on ths charge of trying to break In the door of a saloon on the corner of Slxtcjntli ttreet and Broadway Christmas night , but he filled to appear. He had been released upon put ting up a bond ot $25 , and when he filled to respond at the call ot bis name' the court declared the money forfeited. The proprietor of the Joint was on hand with a bill , which IB supposed would be paid out of th ; fine , but Judgs Mcfiee told him that the $25 Juit sutllced to heal the fracture which the public P53CO had Fillalned , and If he had any per sonal grievance ) lo would have to cueMur phy. Every well dretued man appreciates go > d aundry work. That Is why so many go to the Eagle Laundry , 724 Broadway , Telephone 157 , Caluntliv ANMI-in lily 5To. 1 , I' . S. Will entertain Its friends January 1 , 189G , n Woodmen of the World hall Uy giving a masquerade ball aniVonnquet This will lie the > sixth annual entTtnlnmcnt given by the order. The best coptmned Udy find gentle man will each receive a prize , ns also will the lady nnd gentleman best representing certain chsractcrsroi < J'lckets for sale by William Keellne , Batiftast Broadway , and George W Klein , 112 West Broadway. Gen tlemen , 50 cents ; ladfcg ; 25 cents , pu'n Pnrt > . A happy crowd of JJtlle people gathered nt Chambers' hall las * . eXcnlng , together with quit . n number of Inelr older friends. The ccca'i.on was a cSVlpt ias party given by W 13. Chambers fortHtf children. The girls WCTO mostly dreraeji' In white. When the floor was filled with the small bits ol humanity the scene was a pleading one , and these who stood by vser- evidently quite ns well entertained as these who danced. After 10 o'clock all were allowed to dance. Hoot * . In all sizes , pointed and square toe , calf skin. a $2.00. $2.60 and $3.00 a rnlr. nt B ) ers' shoo store. 412 Broadway. DClcavcr'9 ofilcc moved to COO Broadway. Two-ln-hnnd umbrellas , Wollman's. O SOUTH OMAHA NE WS All of the property ownerj on M stree from Thirteenth street cast to the B & M track ? , have signed a petition , which wll bo presented to the mayor nnd city councl ntxt Thursday evening , waiving ell damage to their property for the grading of th street , as proposed bv the South Omaha Water Works company , provided the grading l > 3 done at the expense of the water works company. All that remains now to be don ID to have the city council piss the prope ordinances and the work will be commenced The twenty-Inch mains ot the new compan > wilt run west on M street , from the rnllroai tracks to Twentieth street , thence south to N rtreet and west to the flock yards Nearly all of the councllmen have cNprcsiei themselves In tivor of the scheme , ns th ttreet will then bo opened to the tracks free of cost to the taxpayer ? . All that the wate works company wants Is the dirt from th grading. This soil will b ? used In construct Ing a djke about the plant , which will be built at the foot of N street. Work on the trenches will commence as soon as tha conn ell passes the ordinances. The pipes are be Ing cart at Plttsburg now , nnd some are already on the way here. Supcrlntenden Dlmmock etpects to put about 150 labor crs , beside the caulkers and helpers am bosses , at work shortly after the first o the year. _ At tiltChiirclii'H Toilny. "Life's R'newal" Is Dr. Wheeler's New Yfnr's sermon nt 11 o'clock today. Elder M. Carl Smith conducts a review a the bible school this forenoon at the Flre Presbyterian church. Rov. J. F. Ross , pastor of the United Pros byterlan church , ha resigned , and will leave for the east shortly. 0. E3. Bruce will have charge of the t rvlco at the Fourth Ward mission this afternoon. "Living Church" Is Dr. Wheeler's evening topic. t The fourth annual sunrise service on New Year's day will be held at the First Pres byterlan church at m. m. Elder Harry Wells nnd Miss Jennie' Allan will be in charge of the service ? . ' A meeting ot the Ydung Men's Christian association will b : " hein' In Woodmen hall South Omaha National 'bank building , at o'clock thlo afterncbn. Rev. Irving Johnson will address there prerent. Rev. Irving Johrisqn"will preach at St Martin's Eplscpal "qhut-ch this morning on "The Miraculous- Birth of Jesus Christ as a Refutation of Skepticism. " All are Invited I'llljIllK- Holding Court. A mock trial wSs held In the assomblj ( rooms at the High school last night by the Current Top'c club. There was a good at tendance fend , much miissment. J A. Beck teacher 6f sh-crtimna'W'the ' HlglTschool , w'as the Judge. Elroy Tlbblts and Roy Dennis acted as prosecuting attorneys , and E. Row land Smith and James Duncanson defendec the prls-onsr , "Dick Sampson , " on the charge ot arson. The prisoner was found guilty an ; a propT sentence was Imposed. MiiKlc Cly ( D. L. Holmes le sick. Miss Clara Allen is visiting friends li Missouri. Gcorgo Hunter ha. ? returned from a trip to Des Molnes. Miss Lsna Wllkcsan of Wintcrset , la. , ID vli'ltlng Mlta Susie. Scott King and wife will spend today with relatives at Elkhorn. . Griffith Condon of Davenport , la. , la visit ing friends In the city. A. B. Vanzant of Ewlng ispcnt part of yesterday nt the stock yards. M. T. Munslnger of Tabor , la. , was visitIng - Ing f'lends In the city yesterday. Charles Jedek of Oxfcrd Center , la. , Is the guet't of Police Olfio'r John Riches. Born , to Mr , and Mrs. Ben Tingeman Twenty-first and I streets , a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hall ent-vtalned the Drive Whist club at their home last evening. II. Nlcholy anil J. C. Nichols left yeoter- day for Ponca to attend the funeral of their motlrr. A. F. Hubbard of Underwood , la. , was a guest yesterday afternoon of the Union Stock Yards company. Lewis Smlthberger , a prominent cattleman ot Stanton , was In the city yesterday after noon with stock. Captain and Mrs. Parkhurst are spending the holidays with their daughter , Mra John II. Leak ? , at Chapman. New Year's day the women at the South Omaha hospital will hold a public reception from 3 to 7 o'clock p. m. The rep'.anklng of the L street viaduct road ay was completed yesterday. Work en the sidewalks will now bo commenced. Mrs. Ben Roth has been brought home Frcm St. Joseph's hospital , Omaha , where she underwent a surgical operation. John Shannon of Hopkins , Gus Bradcn- ! > ury of Malmo , and Art Perry of Wahoo ivoio at the yardo yesterday afternoon lookIng - Ing after cattle shipments. C. F. Thompson of Mount Union , Pa. , la ths guestof W. C. Heeler of the Adams Exprcui company. Mr , Thompson came west A Ith the expectation of locating here. Nela PurltiKton , who was laid up with iyphold fever for a cpuplo of inonthn , made ils appearance nt the > atd.s yesterday after noon , and was warmly received by his 'Mends. ' IK t The Ideal club will" give a dance at Ma- ; onlc hall on the evening of D.'cember 31. Vfter midnight the < v'6ln'en have entire clmige if the floor and will choose their own part- icrs for the dances. ' i'B J. M. Cummlngs jjf'fihlcago was a visitor n the city yesterday ; 'Mr. Cummlngs cama ire to purchase avbunch of feedero for his Illlnolo farm. Mr , ; cilmmlngo Is an old en- jlno'r and was oqb or the conuructors of ' ; ho Union Pacific. ( Hj , The committee of , ( he > council appointed raino time at ? ? by .Me mayor , consisting of ilyan , Bulla and Mies , t to Investigate the al- egid overcharges ot Iho American Water A'crks company wlllilmeet representative ! ! of he water company ion Monday , and the mat er will bo talked over. _ A SmiKi * Ailjoiiriifil Court , George Stevenrann a traveling museum man , charged his employer , Robert Sldes- tvcrth , with Ueillng , a raccoon and a big attleinake. Both "varmints" were brought nto Judge Brly's court In New York , vhere- the rattlesnake escaped from Its box , 3filcer , witnesses and rpectators bolted out hrough the side doors , and even Judge Qjerly , a veleran toldler , fled , making his : xlt by the fire escape The rattler waa cap- .ured , but the case went over to allow the : ourt to regain Its nerve. Conductor Maili ! a SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 28. Slott C. Mcr- ter of Rochester. N. Y. . wants $25,000 datn- igca from the Southern Pacific company for ougli treatment he claims he received from Conductor Hubbaid. At Port Costa , Hub- aril , who vvns on the lookout for uculper IcUelu. asked Merker to wrltu his namu to umpuro his signature with that on thu Icket. Merkrr refuted , und ths conductor turtcd to eject him. Me'rker Hliutfb'Ieil lo enialn , und In thu melee he waa badly In ured. Hubbard failed lo eject Mtrker. und iftervvurd learned that iUiker'a ticket was CAVE CRIMINALS FAVOR ! Iowa Officials of Polk County Charge with Irregularities. PRISONERS ILLEGALLY RELEASED FROM JAI lie * MoliirM I'nlli-o Make tin- Com lilnliit mill . \nifrl Dint rinurniit VIolntloiiN nf tlic I. " " Arc 1ES MOINES , Dec. 2S. ( Spsclal Tele gram. ) Thcro Is n fight b.twcen the clt and county police forces , nnd dlsagrcoabl charges are made by the city officials con cmilng the conduct of the county Jail. It I said by the city officers that the sheriff' force has nude n prnclk-o cf dlscharglu prlsomrs long before their terms weie scr\eJ They said that In n rmnibsr of cases prlwn crs arrested on suspicion of being Importan criminals have been sent to the county Jal for short terms , while their records weie be Ing looked up , and bo.'or ? their terms hoi expired they would be released by the shei Ift's officers , the police declare , without an ; authority whatever. They say that Iiv ni tuber of cases prleon is fcent up for thlrt ; djys ha\o been let out after ten days , o less. less.The sheriff denies this , but th ? city officer persist In the charges , nnd an Investigation I uxpeqt d. Mayor Illllls Is to bo Investigated by tin city council at a special meeting , In n fev days , on account of charge" that he has bsei using the city police forcij ns n polltlca machine. Ho has discharged two officer within th > past week , and , It Is charged , .tha It was because they would not devote them selves to booming th ? mayor for a scconi term. The police force has not been loya to the chief In this regard , nnJ the officer xpect that unless the council finds a waj ti head him off the major will discharge i large numb'r of officers In the near fnturi and have n general sinking up of the do partmcnt. IVAVI'.S TIIIJ 1IOMH Locution of tin ? Oilil IVIIowV ( ) IM 'I" Ax > luii Pro > oKi-N t'oillliu-ill. JRFTRRSON , la. , 1 > 'C. 28. ( Speclal.- ) Mtich has been said and printed concernlni Jsfferscn and the Odd Tellows' Orphans home , ns well as the later action of the com mlttee appointed by the grand lodge to se Icct one of the several sites ofttred by thi Odd Fellows and citizens of this city. Till1 commlttw Is composed of Odd Fellows fron Indlanola , ono of the towns seeking the lo cation of the home ; Clinton Is another towi In the field , Uurllngton , Knoxvllle and Man c'ncster. At the time the matter was con sldered by the grand lodge each of the sev eral towns had submitted a proposition , set. ting forth the claims and advantages am stating definitely what each would do In casl and land donations. Upon the showing mad < at this time the grand lodge , by unanimous vote , decided to locate the home nt Jcffer son. The records cf the grand lodge show this to 'nave been the case. The committee which the year before had bscn appointed to personally visit the towns competing foi the location and make a recommendation , was continued In office with Instructions to miKe a choice of one of the sevcinl sites offered by Jefferson , nnd maKe a contract , providing the city was prepared to make good tn offers made to the grand lodge. The committee vlslt ° d this city the latter pait of Novembai and decided upon a site , or at least took an Informal vote , all b.lng In favor'of the sime plat of ground. From here the members went to les Molnes and held a secret ses sion and file following day gave It out thai the matter of location was not definitely settled , that It might bo Jefferson and II jiilght be Indhnola. While lure the com mittee stated without rescive that Jefferson agreed to do all that was embodied In Its proposition before ! the > grand lodge , either stated or Implied. After the Des Molnes meeting It was given out that a circular would be sent to the representatives com posing the grand loJgo asking them If they understood that tlie "hcme" was located at Jefferson , nnd If they were of the same mind at tlie present time. This circular has been sent out , and accompanying It are the piopo- sltlons from Jefferson and Indlanola , the Indlanola property , apparently , having ap- pi eclated In value since the same , was sub mitted to the grand lodge. Another circu lar , setting forth the advantages cf Indlanola , was enclosed , although nothing of like char acter concerning this city appeared. Sine ? t'no later action of the committee became known the Odd Follows of this city have received a large number of voluntary letters from representatives and Influential Odd Fel lows protesting against the action cf the committee , and saying that there Is no shadow of doubt that the grand lodge definitely and finally located the home at Jefferson , nnd expressing Ignorancs as to the motives of the committee. uuAsiinn ivro A I > ASSIMIH TIIAIV. Wreck at ! ) < AlollK-N InjiircH auni. . . lii-r of I'coillc. DKS MOINKS , Dec. 28. ( Special Tele- ; ram. ) night people were Injured In a wreck it the crossing of the Dss Molnes & Kansas 3lty and the Chicago Great Western roads n the outskirts of the city this forenoon. A > asseiiger on the Kansas City line v\ns on the irosslng when n freight on the Great Western an Into It. The rear coach of the pass nger \as turned over and wrecked and the follow- ng were Injured : John Tlmmons , Prairie City , head bruised. n. A. Daugherty , Eldon , In. , both hands : rushed. Mrs. S. B. Houlette , Dos Molnes , hands cut y glass and head badly bruised , S. 10. Honlette , Des Molnes , both linnfla lurt , left hip Injured. Rov. H. F. LIngenfeltcr , Des Molnes , head , eft knee and right shoulder badly hurt. C. C. Rhodes , Tuskego , la. , Injuries to head ml race. Mrs. Llngenfelter and Fay Rhodes , aged , ( lightly hurt. I'ropoHi-il Kinlxli CHRItOKHC , la. , Dec. 28. ( Sp.'clal. ) Jillle O'Donnell , the well known fculher- v eight of Sioux City , and Chailes Davis il' ' Chicago will spar ten rounds for pclcntlflc tolnts at the Grand opera house In thin Ity January 2. Five otinco glove ; will h ; liucl , and a purse of $300 and gate receipts , .11 to go to the winner , will be the principal > bject of the contest. The local sports arn 'fry much elated over their success In se- urlng a meeting between these two men ml the fight Is looked forward to with uucli Intercut , as It It > secretly understood hat It will be to n. finish Initead of n parrlng exhibition , as advertised. Hath men , avc- gone Into hard training , and the con- est will no doubt bo a stubborn on ? . George I ) . Roddls of tbls place received . message from Oloster , Miss. , today con- eying the Intelligence of the sudden death f his brother , Frank , who left Cheiokc ? short time ngo for that place. He was un down by the cars and liiitantly killed , iut no particulars are given MincUril IiMtn l''iiriii < TM. WRBSTRH CITY , la , Doc. 28. ( Special 'elegram. ) Many farmers In this section of he state have been victimized , It IH alleged , ly a man named Uauin , who repre ent him- elf as a government official In the land of- Ice at Dea Molne * . He Instiled that he tag able to secure title to the contested racts cf land In O'llrlcn county , and for lerformlnf ; this service for a farmer who It nxlous to get hold of the land , or a part if It , he takes a note for $150. Several cf ho notes hive turned up at local bankb , and n effort will bs made to flop collection on hem. Damn's contract , given to o.'cure the totes , state that If lie- does not get the title f the land for the prospective purchaser hi till return the note. Those acquainted with he homestead laws of Iowa know how much , ls contract ! are worth. Swlmllril lion jJolnrN Mrrt'IiimlH. TOUT DODGi : , la. , Dec. 28. ( Special Tele- ram. ) An attempt to swindle two Dss lolnes dry Roods houses by forged lettcru urpcrtlug to come from a prominent citizen r thli town ban Just developed , The DCS [ alnes merchants received totters signed Ith the name of M. D. O'Connell , directing enerous bundles of goods to be- made UP and lipped to a party In St. Louis by mall gen- A WAVE OF SICKNESS THROUGHOUT THE WEST. ii f HIP Miiliuly Jxivt 1'i-vt all-it t In MIMIJ CHMI-S npprl niliii'i-il \ > y Cntarrliiil InCoclliiti > iM-i" > , ll > of I'lninptMiiillon Half the people In Omaha are Just tlov siier-aliiis and running nt the nose , n ImnklnK. rotmlilnir nnd opinlnc with mori or II-M tiny Some ure dioopltiK In llio tlr languid linlf-slcknrfs nf n tind cold otln-i' ' nrc ser.ouslv III fiom nenkctcd cold , luil dead with heidnrhe , cnrioho IniiKitoho Irnracln ! , duo to latent cntnirlml i > ' oi Widdrnly nwakenrd from rold and tmkr like sloop to Melons and ilexti if live activity Thcso ancatarrha ! Mirferotx. The other htilf nf HIP i i.Miinunltv nn romplnlnlni ; nf ilillN , followed In pa'.n din ml t'iv Id ( be lifiid nnd lipila nud to'r tuts In the iiiiuclc Thriiow ti miltk frvcrls li pul o nnd n birth tvvpllilt It in pi-rntuic. Tlu-v have n COIIKII tint N In cc ant ntul dlstrcsMnp , v\lth tiennus vlik nes nnd cold dejection llko the tn lo o tlentli Tlit-y liuve the grip Tlmt Is to pnv , iibout half the pnptilntloi Is iirferti'd with cntiuih , nnd the ( tlicr b il by the K lp That l < n't nl' Half of thosi who are lck with tingili | bavo o.itntrb nnd half of thoao long nffcctcd bv entntil nre down with thecrip or quivering In Iti lli t prcmonntoij mlsoil ( " < The fnct l < < r.itnrrh nnd the grip mo sis ter diseases Tln-y nre Intensely sj inpa thetlc Hncli Involves or Invites the other Cntnrrb Indiioei n bnlf pol oncil conilltl i that makes the lungs , l.lndpv , otc , n qulcl prey to grip An nttnck of grip loti iiovvi the tone of the pjstom to the mtnlmnn of vitality nnd cnnlile * . omp ilorinnn oatnn h to subject the entlio unatoniy ti Hiiddcn nnd dcaiKy InviiRlon. To those win dread the grip , not for tin miseries of liulurnrn proper , but for tin calamitous nftciclaps of Hrluht'H tllsi-nvp consumption 01 bopele s plivylcil dplill Itv , good nnd tlniflj lulvlce would s-ien to be , look to > inr catarrh tioublp Arl precisely ns > ou vvou'd If 1,011 , bad > vvnl- lovveil nn ounce * of poison by inlstnUo. Sei the specialist nt once M\V \ i\irs nvv. onuiiiours 01 .Vcu \ < -nr'N ) : > . it ( o 11 uitl.t , CITI/.IJ > OP IOWA. Wlmt lit * > iiijs Aliiml tinnillcnry ol ( lit1 Uoinc Trciilinoiit. Treating and curing patients nt n ills tnnco tbroimh tbo mall nnd uspiom , Is i notnblo feature of the Copcliuid .t Shop in system Jlr Jnnics Huike. Scianton , low i a well known oiltzen uf HUMUS and stand Ing In his community , writes : .TA71IRS HIiRICn , Scrnnton , Iowa. "A recent coin so of home tic.itment for a long-'itnmllnif catairh and noivou lioublo has yle deil mo rich icsult" M\ Hystcni had become weikened and deranged by thin blocil , Itnpnlrnunt of the reive centeiF and cal.urh until 1 was a good dial of nn Invalid , although nble to be about my oral delivery , nnd adding that the write would bo In Des Molneo caily In January am call and settle. One of the orders , amount Ing to over $40 , vaa shipped. The othc merchant had his suspicions arrnscd by the postmark , which showed that It was mallei Cairo and Nrvv on n postal car between Orleans , nnd the further fact that neither letter nor envelope bore a business cird. He wrote to Mr. O'Connell and was promptly advised that the letter was a foigery. The other hou < > o also -wrote him after shipping th goods and may jet recover them. ciovnitNoii JACKSOX unsiinin V < triiiip > ! < ! ' low n Knllroiul C iin IlllNMlllll SOIIItll * I > V HllllJ. DES MOINKS , Dec. 2S. ( Special Teregram. Judge Den McCoy has sent a letter to Gov ernor Jackson declining the railroad com mlsslonershlp on the. . ground that he Is In eligible under the state constitution , nnd also that ho cannot leave Important private bubi ness. Governor Jackson has made no appolntm n of a railroad commissioner , although one has been hourly expected today. The governor announced tonight that he would not appolm befora Monday. A new nnd Important can didate has appeared In the field In the person of Edward Daw son of Waverly , nnd It Is believed the contest is between him and Sen ator Harman of Independence. J. S. Mc- Kenney of Fnlrlleld and n n Tucker of Co- lumbUB Junction are also being urged by their friends , and have strong delegat'ona ' here to Intercede with the governor. Spencer Smith of Council llluffs , J. M ICemble of Muscatlne , Colonel G. L. Gcdfrcy of Des Molnes and G. B. Pray of Webster City are all known to bo In the race , and all have delegations on hand and have been getting their friends to Hood the governor with telegrams and let ters. In addition lo these it Is said that applications have been made by Interested friends on behalf of about fifteen others whose namea arc net made public , but any of whom would like the place. The goveinor'a office was thronged wltlr del egations nil day , and the executive Ins been compelled to lay nsldo all other business and dcvoto his time to the contest. smitten m-ntii ut rnrNon. CARSON , la. , Dec 28 , ( Special. ) Yester day , while at the dinner table , Jap Otto , ona of the old psttlors of Pottawnttamle county , was stricken and died almost In stantly. Ho put his handj to lilt bead , started to get up and fell dead. Andrew Mlllsr , nn old boldlcr living In town , was taken sick nt midnight and died at 3 a. m. today. Ho was on the streets yesterday nnd had his picture taken. Tree l-'Jwlil " .I ll > . WEIISTER CITY , lo. , Dae 28. ( Special Telegram. ) At Jolly , a small town west of here , a rlct was precipitated by a rallle In the billiard hall , and over forty men and boys took part In a general fight latt night Scvsral heads were Einae'ied , and one joung man had his thumb chewed ott. Today ar rests were made of all who part'clputcd ' In the light. _ _ Kin * nt Ill-lie I'lnliii * . CEDAR RAPIDS , la , , Dec. 28. ( Special Telegram. ) At Delia Plalne at 2 o'clock this morning two frame I'toro bulldlnga , together with contents , were destroysd bj arc , causing a loss of nearly $10,000 , partially Insured , Mrs. Huston , who lived over ono af the stores , narrowly escaped with her life. _ MMNMN | | | | > | I | drill * of Irr. DUIlUQUn , Dec. 28. ( Special Telegram ) I'lio route being free of Ic2 the steamer Orion .hi i morning began a voyage from Dubuquc : o Vera Cruc , Mexico. of I'nt hlirril } . Pat Shecdy , whoso plan to establish a new Monte Carlo at Cairo was telegraphed from Mew York last week , Is something of an epigrammatist. In detailing his plan to the eporter he said that the Invalids who go to 'Jalro ore "looking around for some mental llveralon. There Is no finer thing to divert he mind than gambling , It makes people 'onset their other troubles. " He was once isked how It was that , If ho played a fcciuaro" game , he cor.'d always find people la could beat. "My boy , " he replied , "there'H i slicker horn every mlnti'e , and , " he , ad led , eflectlvcly , "sometimes twins. " On another iccaiilon ho watched the bubbl o rlso In the vine h was drinking. "A gUia of wine , " he ireiently observed , "makes a poor Irishman 'eel llko a millionaire , " lliiIiiK Aiiit'rlriin lloniU. Some time ago an American Munch com- mny sold to tli3 grand duke Alexander of [ tui'ila an electric launch of the same type is that provided for the United StattJ men if war New York , The czar of RunU has iceii the boat , and being greatly pleased with t ban commissioned the Jluralan embassy ' " " 'Aftt0llKnl11 "U > 1Ml" Utn'r" , , ' n'"J ' vigor nnd to get il.i uf m.v M-veral nil' "fd v ° "S 'ht " 10 'd ' of Prs. I'opfcl ' Cv , ic . ustuihu. mo ti i\ccll.Mt hpilth Tbf mea I lclnc mil ndviic lint tiTi-ctod m > euro were hjd at .1 titnini. u\iio' ) e I romine.iU Uie e piiv ifniis , to nil my fi lends. " rinisn I liiviillils Mlio l iiiniKt I'll t- That tinCopcmnd niul Shrii n -um lo a ii'Iiukv to the m , ind abu-e of ovricliaiKliig Iho nick. Sjionid-Tliiil i.ndiM the Copelnnd anil bhopnid p.vtoin no patU-nt ! < subject lo un- CPitixlu or caiulelous fep-cb.irKhig or tii any tnIPVV or i'j > pen p wlmtcvpi bovonil thn ns f < i iiu < nt of Ju i ) monthly , Itioludlntr nil medlcllH'i Tblid Tlmt chronic rji'ftj dc cilbpd In cvmptom bl.inks Iiv t-outilry ivitkntM ara dlamiu cil nnd treated by mull vv'tb phe- 1 ourth That mulct the Copelatul nml . . . .ai'piMBtom nil urTiri'ts are conllnlly I wplr-diiio lo 11 iii ticntmpnt tree on personal | nppllc. tuin I 1) . .1. DIlll-CII , lll'JU rillll-lll IIMMIIIP , routii'll Illiiilo , Is aiiu of ItoiKlimts- I IIT DhuTii ill the Oiiinliii unit Council I IllnlVM llnllmi > iMiinpiui > . 111. Dint np\ I\CH tlU'M * Illl'tM D J D1NUUN li.a rouith 5 o.ii s iifo I di'ViMiippd n nosa nnd tlnunt trouble vvhuli 1 nftciward fomul to bo cluonlp catairh Alv cvinptoiim ox- teiulrd , aftci n while , to the lungs In tbo way ot .1 bid ni'inliiK tough , with gagging and naiiHpii , ii'ilii" and ' orenesx tluough the chi t and n 'IncKIng' tfinrt to clear thp liionohlal tiibpd 1 took eo'ds voty casllj , the leant p\po uii > n'rnilng to UK- H.ivato all my ; > mpljim 'I he p.it.uihnl l > olnin was fast lu'inlni ; me down , until t took a e tuse of irpatment with Urn Cope- Innd nnd Shopnid , which has completely cured me " R , . ( )0 ) A MOVI'II. All dlseises. No variation from thlsT charge It covers full treatment and all mpdlclnps. For mall ticatmcnt send for Sjmptom Sheet. DRS , COPELANI ) & SIIEPARD ROOMS : i2 ANM3 313 NEW YORK LITU ' BUILDING. OMAHA. KGB. Olllco Hours 9 to 11 a m ; 2 to 5 p m. Kvo- ulngs Wcdncsdnji nnd Saturdays only G to S. Sunday 10 to 12 in NEW DOHANY SOMlVriHNO I OR .NOIIHNU. WOODWARD TH HTRE GO. ONI : SOLID Tonlfrnt will be Riven the beiutlful ilnunn A Scnsnlldiiiil 1-Acl roiiH'dj. Twi-lve iioojilo In llio cutt 1'ilco 10 untH la nil l > irts f the housr No cxlrn cluirui ( or reserved IRRIGATION I1OND SAM : . Notice Is hereby given Hint healed pro posals will tic icculved by the bonid of directors of the Middle I.oup Valley Irri gation dlbtilct of Hlalnc , Cusior and Valley counties , Nebiat.k.1 , at theli olllce In West Union , In sild dlstilct , up to 2 o'clock p m. of the fith dav of January. UDO. for JIOO.OO * of the bonds Ibsued by said Inlgatlon dis trict ; J99.000 of said bonilH being In aenoml- nntlons of J.100 each , and $10,000 of raid bonds hclnp In denominations of $100 each ; all of bald bonds dinvvlng Interest at the rato- of C per cent per annum , p lyable sc-ml-anr niially The iuliiplp.il nnd Interest of milil bonds payable ut the olllce of the state treasuiur of the st.ile of Nebraska , said bands being pixibls In Installments as fol lows. : fli.OOO thereof pn > ab'p In iluvcn Vcnra t-im the date thereof ; $0,000 pajable In SW"lvc jcais from thu d.itc thereof ; $7,000 payable In thhtion ynrs from the date- thereof ; $3,000 payable In fourteen joarp fiom the date there ; J9.000 p.ijnble In fif teen sears from the date thereof ; JIO.OCW pijable In flxtpen years fiom the data. thereof : $11.000 pajnblo In scvi-Miteen years fiom the date thereof ; $1.1,000 payable In eighteen icars from the date- thereof ; $15,000 pi > able In nineteen > euis from the dnto Ihcrpof ; $10000 pa.vablo In twentj > cai fiom tbo date thereof The board of directors rcpervo the right to i eject any nnd nil bids Address all bid * to CbarieK Nlcolal , FocrM.iry , SaiKcnt , Nc- brnHkn. Uy older of the board of illrectora , made this 91 h tiny of December , 1S03 onoitnii OAHRIKON. President. CHARLES NICOL.AI , Sccrntnry. Dec-Hd 201-M it Washington to buy for him another Ilka t at a cost of about $4,000. CI.OLUS Ol'1 .SVVAI.I.DVVh. V ItiiNsliin Sti > ainir IN Hi > Nikl lix M.trlmlH of I he ri.-i-l l.lltlr HlrilN. A Rutislan steamer hailing from Od'ssa hna 'Dr some time been engaged In the Mcdlter- anean trade , principally carrying pat-icngers Between Leghorn and Malaga. On ono of tlio -cent trlpu It encountered an adventure ivlilch will never bo forgotten by either the : rew or the passengers. The payjago had , jocn a stormy one , but the day of the oc- : urrence * wus unusually fin : . Though a alb..r heavy sea we , ; running most of the > aiongerH wcro on deck. Suddenly the look- > iit v'loulcil ; "Hurricane cloud leeward. " At once there was griyit consternation ibo.iid and a number cf people nought fafety icluu' . 'Iho cJiptaln , how'ver , after glancing t the barometer , gave It iu > his opinion that t wan no liurrlcinc cloud Th ! black IIIUHB hat they KU\V hovering near the horizon van , he thought , a particularly dcnve vnlunio if smok from some fteumei Hut the sIu- lon of the mystery came ninth sooner than hey had cpected. The threatening mass rew larger and lurg'r , and econ was seen to iear down In the direction of the veshol i Ith terrific fcpecd. Everybody , both crew nd pat'jcngcrs , became frightened at the. lybterloiiH cloud , which teemed to move with ; reat rapidity , notwithstanding that a per- ect calm prevailed , Then came the htlutlon. The vast cloud hat they had recn was ccmpoasil ofutlown. . 'he forerunners , a small detuchinent of some 0,000. BwoopeJ down on the dfck , to the be- rlhlennent cf the jieoplu on board. These , eri' raon followed , not by tluutands , but by lunilrodu of thoutun' ' The birds literally verw helmed the vc = l. The man at tlio khecl lost hl ) < liojrliiK' , and the wildest dl - rdoc prevailed. The blids poured Into every vullablo opening , hatchways , windows anil v rywhere elfo. They got tangled In the oped and tall * , and clut'tured about the rlg- Ing Even the smokestack was to filled up ut no time that thu fires were rearly extln- iilaliod. The moat uimt/lni ; part of tlio hole thing was that the birds did not cvlnco ny dlnposlUon to leave. To heighten the confusion the Bteitner ad got out of UK course and ran anhoro. lowever , on account of going very tlow , no latcrlal damage wau done , though the pav- Migcrs were badly frlght'iied. When the rcivv hud recovered from their ama/einent icy began to clear the deck and the vuiel i general of these unexpected and not at all clcomo idiots. The captain ordered the men to uce nhovcls nd whatever clue they could to throw thu Irds overboard. After getting fairly In tape the veeeel pioccedtd on Un voyaK , ivIng been delayed for nearly eight hours i account of this singular experience , The iptaln could not offer any theory ai to litre thin vart army of swallown came oiii. All ho eald WUB that the blrdii wera chaubUd from a long flight during the orm of the previous day , anil nouuht rut i his vi ? > el.