Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1895, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OM.AJTA DAILY J f Kt STrNn/VY. PlSOlBMinSK. 20. 1805 *
OouM ITot Compote with tlin Festivities o ;
the Holidays.
Tlrlulit I'rniiiliPH for Hir I'nliire , llou-
iMt'r , AIMIn Slort IJicntx it ml
Uiiiidllititn | | of Oil * AVVek
( lint ItllH I'lllHC'll.
Sool'ty and holiday festivities are antag
onistic , to siy the Icait. and when they come
together one or the other must witter. They
met last week and society waa vanquished ,
In fact It was driven frcm the field In a
mo * ' Inglorious defeat.
llunoid of the belles and the beaux turn
ing their attention to balln , receptions nnd
pleasures of a like nature , they trended their
onorgl a toward making pleasant the many
ontertilnmentH that cam * along with Christ-
mar. In addition to this , there was the
fllioppltiK that kept them busy during the day ,
to sny nothing of the lime that waa con
sumed In preparing the Christmas gifts for
distribution. Again the seat-on of opera that
( held ths boards during the last half cf tha
xv k was another magnet that sent society
Into a decline. Mich evening society was
out In full lorce , and while the theater was
benciltol , people wlu had earlier In the
scanon arranged for sw'll events cancelled
their dale- * and left the tide to drift where It
Tho' next wo"k proml'os but little In a
social way. for while the coming of New
Year's Is not recognized as a great social
epoch , It has Its devotees and it regarded
as a. holiday that must be observed with
horn ? feasts and family icunlons. This being
BO , iioclety can show but little plgns of life
until the 1S36 Is sveral days old. Of
course , during the next six dnya there will
bo the functions of less r magnitude , but
the real whirl of life will not set In until
after another week has passsd away. After
that there will be a gay season , which at
this time shows many signs of continuing
until the beginning of Lent.
The engagement of Miss Hill of Boston ,
who was recently the gurst of Mrs. Arthur
C. Smith of this city , Is announced , to Mr.
\Valter Smith of thla city , brother of Mr.
Arthur Smith.
The cngag ment cf Katharine , daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Johu Barker , to Mr. Robert
Krnnkllii Smith , fxm of Hon. Stephen J. Smith
of Hamburg. I'n. , Is announced. Miss Barker
Is a most charming girl and is a favorite In
the exclusive circles of Omaha society. Mr.
Smith In a resident of Council Bluffs , la. ,
and Is well known as a prominent young
business ) man there.
Th ? wedding of Mlsa Mae Burns and Mr.
Charles Kountzo will occur at Tilnlty cathe
dral on the evening of February 5. It Is un-
dcrstod they will go abroad for their wed
ding trip.
Gi'i-innn liy aioiuliiy MKht Cluli.
A very pretty german was given at Mo-
rand's hall by the Monday Night club. The
german was led by Mr. Will Cowln and Mr.
Herbert Cook , while Mrs. Dan Wheeler and
Mr . Clsment Chnso presided at the favor
table. The attendance was unusually large
and the favors were decidedly pretty. One
of the pretty figures was the "Fire Files'
Dance. " an original creation that crejttd
much amusement among the onlookers. Bach
couple- was provided with a lighted Japanese
lantern , and whlla the orchestra played a
modulated waltz all the other lights In the
hall were extinguished. The effect was de
cidedly pretty and unique. During the In
termission a dainty supper was provided.
.Mr. W. F. Allen and M'sa ' Colpetzer chap
eroned th-s party.
Mrs. Dan Wheeler woro-'a pretty gown of
palo green chiffon.
Mrs. Chas ? was * In white silk with sleeves
and sash of yellow satin.
i Mrs. Iledlck was handsome in white Per-
slaji silk.
Mrs. Harry McCormlck wore a white silk
eklrt and bodlc ? of blue and white striped
MisBesle Vales was charming In a gown
of pink chiffon.
Mlsa Chandler wore a pretty yellow muslin
over white silk.
Mlsa Curtis was In whl.te muslin with lav
ender ribbons and carried violets.
MUs Hlmebaugh was most daintily gowned
In white and carried a most beautiful bouquet
of pink roses.
Miss Dickinson was beautifully gowned In
a skirt of blue satin and bodlco of pink and
white Persian silk.
Miss Colpetzer wore a beautiful gown of
ecru grenadine over pink silk , handsomely
trimmed In lace and ribbons.
Miss Doane wore white silk muslin ovjr
pink silk.
Miss McKell wore black lace over white
MUs Palmer was stunning In white muslin
over pink1 silk.
Miss Taylor of New York , n stately blwide ,
wore a pretty gown of blue crepe trlmmod In
broad whlt-j Lutln ribbons.
Miss Hcagland was lovely In pink satin ,
Ml-ji Hlco of Chicago wore a fetching com
bination of black silk and green satin.
Mlsa Brown was pretty in white muslin
nnd lace. .
Miss Illngwalt wore a beautiful gown of
lavender t'llk trimmed In white satin spangled
with gold.
Among the guests present were : Mra
Allen , Mrs. Colpetzer , Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler.
Mra Chase , Mr. and Mrs. McCormlck , Mr.
un' Mrs , Iledlck , Misses Doane , Hlmsbaugh ,
Illngwalt , Drake , Allen , Taylor. Brown ,
Chandler , Palmer , Curtis , Hoiglnml. Squires ,
Colpetzer , Buck , Taylcr Rico , IJndsey , Mc-
Koll , Cook , Yates , Sloan , Mount. Dickinson ,
Metors. Gilbert , Burgess , Hoth , Patrick ,
Brown. Gannett. Allen. Wilbur , Towl ? . Swob ? ,
Barhsr , Palmer. IleJIck , Gulou. Cook. Cowln.
Fonda , Carter , Crummer , Ewlng , Coyt ,
Cooley , McKell , Mullen.
.Ml MX lluck'H ClirlxtiiiiiN Trn.
Younger members of society attended en
/ masse the churning ChrU-tmas tea given by
Miss Buck between the hours of 5 and 9 on
Christmas day. The handsome homo was
bright with holly and mistletoewllh lure
and tliero additional beauty , aided by roses
end palms. U was a pleasant opportunity
for the exchange of yulettdo greetings at tha
close of a happy holiday
In th : drawing room , where Mr , and Mrs.
Duck and Miss Buck received , Miss Hoaglaud
presented each guest with a llttlo bunch of
Ih the library Miss Nash served a delicious
frnpp ? ,
The effect In the dining room v.-as charm
ing. Upon Iho lable was a beautiful bouquet
of mammoth red chrysanthemums , palmy and
holly being also useJ In decorations.
M'ss ' Chandl r poured coffee and SIlss Pal
mer tei.
Miss Chandler was extremely handsome In
palo ynllow llbsrty silk trimmed with lacs
and ,8he wore meteor roses.
Miss Palmer wore a becoming gown of
whlto iutln and whlls chiffon.
Mrs , Buck was gracious In a gown of
lieavy black silk with jet front.
MUs Buck were a dainty muslin over
jilnk silk trimmed In pink rlbboni and laco.
Mlas Hoagland was pretty In whit ? silk.
Mlsii Niu'h was lovely In a gown of ac-
cord'cn pleated pink rhlffon wllh violets.
Miss Allen. Mils Squires. MUs Taylor of
NewYork. . Miss McKell , Miss Taylor , Miss
Ilro'wn , Miss LliuUey nnd MUs Mora. aUo
Mis * Brown wort whlto muslin ant ] lace
o\ur palo green tatln ,
Mlsa McKell was gowned In whllo challlo
with 'vest of laca over pink silk and she
vore whlU violet" .
Mli Taylor wore black loco over whlto
mtln , caught at the shoulder with bunches
Df holly.
MUs Llnds y wore a black crept skirt and
valst cf palu blue silk.
Mlsi Squire * was stunning In green gauze
end slio w'oru American b.'utitUs.
" * MIw Taylor of Now York were black Ditln
nnd HnglUh violets.
MUs Mono was In a becoming gown of red
crepe trimmed with black lace ,
Miss All u was gownej In while striped
Iliirk from nit Kxtcuitril Trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nell have returned
to the city after in absence of some three
woskn Mm. Nell visited htr relatives and
frlfniU In Milwaukee , while her husband
enjoyed t fomewhnt extended trip through
the gaitth Mr Nott vUlted His Atlanta
exposition and then Journeyed far aouth
as Fhrkls , stopplnR at points of Interest
the way , including St. Auituitlno.
An HnjnynliliClirl * inn * I'nrty.
Mr. nnd Mr * . A. L. Ward gnvo n very
pleasant dinner party to their friends on
CMstm-is at their cozy horns. D21 South
Twenty-first avenu\
The house was appropriately decorated with
Cl.rlslin.i3 decorations nnd presented a very
pleasing appearance to the Invited guests.
At 2 o'clock an tlcgint dinner was s rved ,
wMch consisted of All the delicacies of the
The remainder of the nftcrnoon was pleis-
antly spent playing cards and other giimrs
and In the cv nlni ; an opportunity was Riven
those who desired to trip the "light
fantastic" until well on to midnight , ai
which time , after bidding their g-nlal host
nnd hostcsfl a hearty farewtll. all departed
for their homes , highly pleased with th-
entertalnment they had received.
A pleasant feature of the evening's en
tertainment was scmo cholc > selections on
the guitar liy Mr. Suttle. who Is an artist In
his line , and rendered most beautiful music ,
to the delight of all.
A dint In the Swedish language rendered
by the Mimes Larson , though not B ncrally
underilood , was highly cornpllmentuJ.
Mr. Ward also contributed to the enter
tainment of his guests by assisting Mr.
Suttlo In some cholc ? dusts.
. Those present Included Mr. and Mrs. S.
.Suntllle , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sand rs. Mr.
nnd Mr * . Jackson. Mr , and Mr ? . J. J. Cobry ,
Mr. John Lenox , Mr. Taylor , Mr. Hosltter ,
Mr. Llnehnn , Mr. Suttls. Miss Fleming , Miss
M-iKglo Callahnn and Miss Russia Larson ,
while Miss Mary Sawtllla and Masters John
and Chiirllo Cobry and Leo Sawtllle made up
the little folks' contingent.
nt a IViiNt.
The cozy hom.i of Mr. Henry Bumbach al
Thirtieth strejt nnd Grand avenue waa open
by Invitation to some of his friends en
Christmas day.
Early In the afUrnoon Hie guests began lo
imlvo and were received by Mr. W. S.
Bull and Mrs. Dlstmann of Council Bluffs.
An nlegant repast met the vlsllor
In Ihe dining room , while some of the
Fcrl band discoursed sweet music on the
violin and guitar.
ttvirythlng teemed to Invite enjoyment and
all seemed to participate heartily In the occa
Th , Christmas tree was a special object of
admiration. Various games also received at
tention , while m.Jiiy of the young and old
responded lo Ihe music of quadrille and the
waltz , for which Mrs. Dlstmann bore off
ins prize for grace and easy movements.
Thn following parties w re fortunate
enough to enjoy the hospitality of Mr. Bum-
bach : Mr. Conrad Dlsttnami and Mrs. Dlst-
nmnn of Council Bluffs , Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
llurt. Mrs. John Baker , Miss Lucy Baker ,
Miss Lizzie Brown. Mr. Htnry Krless. Mr !
and Mrs. Coady. Miss Carrie Ccody Mr C
Dalmnn. Mr. Peter Haze , Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Da urn and daughter. Mrs. Humcr. son nnd
daughter. Mrs. Gruner. Miss Koto Moore
Jlr. and Mrs. Harry And rson. Mr. and Mrs !
? ' Et Cole > Mr"elndrlcks Jlr.
nni R
? ' ' xMrS ° merS' Mr" J" AIllB ,
Mr M
' r ? Nels ° " . JIr. John Hainan
r'n ,
, , ; ,
Mr. P. S.
Miller. Mr. J. S. Ormond , Mrs
Murray Mist- Sophia Moore , Mr. Frank
Arocdale Mr. and Mrs. Nason , Mrs. Barnes ,
Jeyers | , Mr. J. S. Dcyer and Mr.
\VolooniiMl Merry ClirlNtnuiM.
One of the
noteworthy society
events whlcTi
marked ChrNtmasthJe In local social circles
was Iho dancing party glvn Christmas eve
by the Terpslchorean club at the new Metro
politan hall. About D o'clock the dancing
began to the strains of delightful music , and
until a late hour the ballroom was a scene
of. beauty and splendor and a most enjoyable
time was had by all present.
The punch bowl was a favorite with the
merry dancers during the entire evening
while the conspicuous chandeliers , festooned
with mistletoe , afforded considerable mirth at
ulirerent times.
Later In-the'eveWng the
- most dellclou * re-
freshmenla lo ba ha\ were pjrved nnd danc
ing was resumed unt.l after merry Christmas
waa ushered in , when the Terpslchorean's
party became a memory of the past.
Among those present were : Misses Ault-
houpe , Hall. Miller , Arncld , Parla , Lawrence ,
Thompson , Woks. Clara Ristman. Cowlea
Van Buran. Latey , Helen Fowler. L ° ? Ring
Rlordon. Van Druff. Beatlle of Lexington !
Mo. , Fuller , Williams.-Klrkland of Council
Bluffs. Squires. Hobby , Arniitrong , Burnham
Naudaln. Drolhy Miller , McGuinn. Askwllli
and Bulwark , Mosscrs. Bsrt Fowler. Jones ,
Holiday , Melgs , Potter. Angel , Currlg , Hsn-
drlx , Godrlch , Sprlngate , McCrary. Vander-
voorl. McConnell , Shaw , McDonald , Kemper
and Johii'ton. The club members pressnt
were : Whltehorn , Koenlg , Burdlck , Squlrei' ,
Thompaon , W--olworth. Cooley , Ree-3 , Berlin ,
A exander , Baldwin , Sharp. Staley. Goodall.
Vlerllng , Hamlln Coulter , Hatstead and
The marrlaqo of Ml&a Grace Helen Marty
nnd Harry Ensign Uttley was celebrated at
the residence of the bride's parents Tusday ,
December 24 , at 2376 Harney street.
Promptly at 8 o'clock the sweet strains of
Mendelsshon's wedding marcn. beautifully
rcodsred by Miss NettleHaverly , announced
the arrival oC the bridal party. Miss Fern
. .larty , slater of the bride , mdld or honor ,
followol by the bride leaning on th ? arm
of her father. Preceding the brids was sweet
HUle Margusrlte. Marshall , a cute little tot
of 3 years , carrying the bride's boquet.
They were met In the south parlor by the
groom and Mr. O. 0. Ashoao , his be-t ) man.
Tn beautiful Eplasopal ceremony was per-
ormcd In a solemn and Impressing mannsr
by T. J. Mackay , rector of All Saints'
The brldo was beautifully attired In a
rich gown of whlto satin trimmed In
chiffon. The bridal veil was held In plac *
by lilies of the valley.
The nuld of honor were a pretty pink
sUk trimmed In pink moiiUllne ! > de sole.
mu j/miuia nun room
uiumg were arils-
Icilly decorated for the occasion and ths
tiblo covenjj In lace over white satin , from
which dellclMia refreshments were srved to
about 100 guosto. The presents were costly
and elegant.
The Omaha Guards were- present In full
Iress uniform by spclal request of the
A ChrlNtiiuiN Dance.
A most cnJoyablD dancing party was given
Christmas evening by Prof. F. D. Arncldl at
Sanders' club rooms.
Mra. p. D. Arnoldl waa most charmingly
attired In brown silk trimmed In pale , blue
Mr . W. P. Arnoldl looked most becom
ing In strawberry crepe silk trimmed In
claborato cream lace.
Mlsj Anna Arnoldl was exquisitely gownsd
In pal ? blue satin with pearl trimmings.
Mitu Allco Hoddor worn plum colortd allh.
Miss lUnimh L3ary wore pea green t'llk.
Miss Hannah Ileagan wore black silk
crcpo. ,
Mesdamoa Arnoldl. Cunningham , Connelly.
Samurs. Mueller , Misses Connelly , Hlordan ,
Miller. HOSS- , Brown and Banks were also
moDt becomlnly gowned ,
Mepdames p. D. Arnoldl. W. P. Arnoldl.
Albert St. Sunder. P. Slatter , G. Uushvllle
\V. Cunningham. J. Smith. A. Gordon , J. ! > '
Connelly , 0. Prince , P. Murphy , were also
Mr. Albert St. Sander favored the guests
by playing a selict'd vlclln solo.
Mis * Anna Atnoldl and Mr ? , P. D Arnoldl
rendered a vccsl du t with Mr , Albrt St
Sander as accompanist on violin ,
A most enjoyable time was spent and a
very elaborate supper wau served at mld-
nlfiht ,
Mrx. Minor Kii.
Christmas day Mrs. E. A. Miner , 1108
South Eleventh street , entertained at dinner.
Fhi table waa decorated with holly and chrys-
Those present were : Mrs. Mary A. N'ason.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Nason. Mr. Walter
Williams. Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
N'istn , Mr. and Mrs , Julius Williams. Mrs.
K. V. Barney , the Sllisen JesU. Helen. Flor
ence and little Mary Nason , Miss Kdlth P.
Miner , Mr. Bert CV Mnier and Mr. P.oy C.
_ _
AliiiitizumitN t ) mi pi1.
On Thunday evening the Montfzumai
gave another of their very enjoyable dancing
parties at their club rooms at 1612 Douglas
Tha bait was tastily draped for the occa
sion and delirious refreshments were served ,
KlRhteen of th latest dance * were enJoyed -
Joyed by about ulTly couple1.
Among thoM present were noticed ; The
Misses Metcalt , Itohn , Byrne ? . Gordon , Hill.
Wanner , Thlcl ? , Stockham , Kmerson , Me-
Cnllough , McElroy , Frazler , Felb'r , Carnaby.
Johnson , Wlgman , Toft , Von Dorn , Hie" ,
Heck. Swart * . Lymin , Wlgmin. Quick. Peten ,
Seaver. Garnsey. Sheldon , Letder , Mlllon * .
Thompson nnd Mrs. Johnson.
Messrs. Waleh , Umstwd. Howe , Gordon ,
tluzzell , Walker , Ilaiim. Helmer. Cd Lowry.
N'ewccmb , Patton , Cully , McCallogh. Squire ,
Honey , L. Lseder , Orimth. Ooney , Itansen ,
Klngsley , Potter , Merrill , Ulgby , Whitman ,
Car-dwell , Ireland , Von Dorn , Patton , Gcrn
hardt , Vandervoort. lluthvcn , Kck , Young
Powell , Conklln , Sullivan , Cocmbs. Sell
Scenne. French , Oarnse , Goin y , Clifford N
Korbes and J. Edward Kaufminn.
I'rc-Jty I'nrly lit UHPnxlnn. .
A Christmas party , gotten up on the In
Rpiratlon of the momest , and therefore de
Hghttully Informal , was given at the Puxto
hotel , Christmas night , by Mr. and Mr
Lyman Itlchard.ion , Mr. and Mrs. G. S
Wllhelm , .Mr. nnd Mrs. Tupper Wyman , Mrs
Dewsy and Miss Dewey. The parlor on th
first floor wan covered with wnvasM , and ex
cellcnt music was fiirnlshe.1 for those wh
cared to dance , whllo other guests spsnt th
evening pleasantly at whist nml high five
Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Henr
Cartan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Offutt , Mr. an
MM Francis Wessh < , Mr. nnd Mrs. Hachar
T. Llndsey. Mr nnd Mrs. William Morris
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Coutant. Mr. and Mrs
John H. Buchanan , Mr. and Mrs. Culllngham
Mr. and Mrs. Prltchott , Mr. and Mrs. W. V
Morse , Mr. and Mrs. Lav ! Carter , Mr. an
Mrs. Adolph Meyer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henr
Yates , General nn 1 Mrs. Mandcrson , Mr. Ben
Jamln Smith of Hoi-ton , General Cowln , Mlra
Daa nc. Miss Palmer , Mlfs Curtis. Miss Tny
lor of New York , Miss Squires. Mlw Dlckln
son , .Miss Hoagland , Mist Besale Yates , Mis
Dewey. Messrs. Curtlss Turner , Chat He
dick , Luther Drake. John Patrick , Hussel
Wilbur , Frank Lea Shott , Will Cowln , Kdga
Carter , Thomas J. Kelly.
Kntrrtnltii'il f Dliiiicr.
Mrs. Samuel llees entertained the famllle
of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. French , Mr. and Mrs
Fremont Craig , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thorn
ton and Mrs. Helen U. Clark at dlnne
Christmas day.
The home was handsomely decorated. Th
sitting room , which contained a tree we !
filled with gifts , was trimmed In vartuu
The dinlruj room was dressed In re <
throughout , festoons of blood red clnln
hanging from the walls , celling ? , curtain
and gas fixtures , presenting a very rich ap
peardtice In the gas light. One feature o
the dinner w'as the California olives , fruits
nuts and raisins , &ent for the- occasion b
Mr. M. G. McKom of Los Angeles. Othe
parts of the hous ? were trimmed with boll
and decorated with flowers and plants.
On Christmas morning at 10 o'clock , a
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Weber , 72
South Thirteenth street , Mr. E. A. Epper
son and Miss Eliza M. Urban were united In
marriage by Hev. A. J. Turkic of Kountz
Memorial church In the presence of a few o
their moi't Intimate friends.
The bride has resided in Omaha for a num
her of years , the groom Is a resident o
Boone , la. , and Is In the passanger servlc
of the Chicago & Northwestern Rallwaj
The bride and groom have the best wlshe
of their many Omaha friends.
They 'departed at G:45 : p. m. for Boone
where they will make their homo In th
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parke spent yesterday
In town.
Miss May Colson of Fremont , Neb. , Is visitIng -
Ing Miss Marsh.
Miss Jessie Lansing of Lincoln Is the guest
of Miss Alice Weller.
Mr. Mcsher Colpstzer gave a dancing
party en Friday evening.
Miss Walllck of Indianapolis , Ind. , Is the
guest , of Mrs. W. J. Hughes.
Mesira. Clark and Chat Redlck returnee
yesterday from a short trip to Leadvllle.
Mr. and Mra L. M. Bennett entertalnei
ths Saturday Night Card club last evening
Last Friday evening Mra. W. L. Coaklcy
1042 Georgia avenue , gave a "chafing dUO
party" for fourteen of her friends.
Miss Amy Barker entertained again In
formally at luncheon on Saturday for Mlo
Mulden. Covers were laid for eight.
Miss Amy Barker entertained Informally a
luncheon on Friday In honor of Miss Louise
Mulder of the Damrosch opera company.
Mrs. Henion and Mrs. Frcdway of Dubuque -
buque , la. , mother and sister of Mrs. Frank
Marsh , were In town yesterday on their way
to Phoenix to spend the winter.
Mrs. George Joslyn gave a box party a
Boyd's theater yesterday afternoon. These
who occupied the box with Mrs. Joslyn were
Mesdamcs Van Court , Jaynos and Lewis
Mrs. Charles Keller Invited a number o
children and some of the older people to a
pretty Christmas party , the center of at
traction being a beautifully trimmed Christ
mas tre > .
Miss Alice Weller entertained , sixty o
htr young friends very delightfully Friday
evening at her home In Kountze Place
The house was tastefully decorated will
holly and mistletoe. The early part
of the evening was spent in playIng -
Ing cards. After dainty refreshments
had been served dancing was Indulged In un
til a late hour.
I'lf UHiiri-M In I'roNiit'ut.
Miss Eva Kennard gives a dancing part }
on NEW Year's eve.
Mrs. Frank L hmsr and tha Misses Leh-
mer will give a reception en January 2.
Mr. and Mrj. Clfrment Chase will receive
on Wednesday afternoon from C until 7.
Mr. acd Mra. C. A. Claflln will entertain
the Ben Ami club Tuesday evening. Deccm-
bs ; 31.
Mrs. C. E , Squires will Introduce Miss
Squires at an afternoon reception on Tues
day from 2 until G.
Miss Louisa Korty and Mlsn Lydla Rheem
will receive on Now Year's day frcm 2 until
3 at 2330 Poppleton avenu-f.
Ths > event of the week will be the leap
year ball , which will occur at Crelghton
hall WedncfUay evening.
The wonion of All Saints' church will give
ono of their pleasant parties at Metropolitan
hall Monday evening , December 30.
Mi's Squires will receive on Wednesday
from 3 until 5 In honor of Miss Taylor. She
will bo assisted by a bevy of pretty girls.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShans- and Mr.
Lea McShane will give a large dancing party
on Tuesday evening. December 31 , at 8:30 : ,
Invitations are- out or the reception and
dance to be given by the Montezeumas
Thursday ove-nlng , January 2.
Miss Ctulta Curtis and Miss Frederlcka
Wossells will receive on New Year's day be-
twosn the hours c-f 4 and a , at 408 North
Twenty-second istmct.
The Misses Lawrence , Pondfr , Blanchard ,
Skinner and Jones will rotslve New Year's
day , from 5 to 9 o'clock , at the homo of
lsi Mao Lawrence , Twenty-fourth street
and Poppleton avenus.
The worn MI of the Grand Army of the
Republic will give a progressive high flvo
party at Metropolitan hall on Fourt'.enth and
D3dgo streets Tuesday evening. All old vet-
trnnf , families and friends are requested , to
Mr. S. A. McWhorter has Issued Invitations
to a large number of his nialo frk'iiJa to
spend the last day of the old year with him
at hla home. Billiards , carda and other
games until midnight , when a famous Now
Year's hot punch will bs br wed and general
merry greetings will bo exchanged.
Mnveiut'MtK uiul WhrrtMiIiuutH ,
Mr. Hompr Hewing arrived from the Black
Hllla and U visiting wlta Mr. C. T. Butler
for a week.
Mlsa Graca McMillan , who Is studying at
tha State university at Lincoln , la home for
the holidays.
.Mloi Grace Ilandill , a student of the State
university , la et her homo Kc-untze I'lac ;
for the holidays.
Mr. H. C. Patterson , who hai been In New
York and Philadelphia tor the pait raven
weeks , returned yesterday ,
Mrs. Minnie Neal has gone to Kaneja
City and will visit with frlendj In Inde
pendence Mo. , before she returns.
Mltvi Flcrrao * Hardy la spending tha holi
day uoaaon In Chicago , the guest of Mlsa
Laura Graham , formerly of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C , Bruimcr and their
1 daughter Laura r- > * n n Unit the holldt ) *
with Mr and M John Ou'ld ' at CVroll , la.
i Mr C. F lUaiw-returned Chrhlmaa morn-
J Inic from IlMilnool , S. I ) . , to np-nd the hsll-
doyi with Ills mother nt 270.1 Davenport
Mr . FrankjVofs , who has been In the-
east for sevijytcthionths , h.n returned to
her home , GOlM'juth. Twenty-ninth street ,
for the wlntery *
Messrs. Henjjaif nnd Sam Newman have
return td frarn i five months' visit In eiot-
. ern cltci. They /would like to meet their
old friends at tiifcjr home , 1144 South Tlilr-
J te nth street. p. ; , , i
J Cards are Hfit' ( for the wedding of Miss
Kleonore Lai/lMi * 'Sengstack ' to Captain P.
B. Lawrence nt6t. ! John's Episcopal church.
Paisalc , N. J. > 'MVeiJnesday , January 8 , at
7:30 : p. m. Cuptiln anJ Mrs. Liwrenco will
be at horns Tupt'lays nnd Fridays after Jan
uary 20 at 2108 Chicago street.
fir. Harry McConnell returned from the
south on Monday.
Mr , P. P. Klrkendnll returned on Sunday
from B ston nnd New York.
Mlsi Flora Webster hag ben 111 for the
past week nnd Is Just able to be about again.
Mr. Paul Hoagland Is suffering from a
sprained phoulJer , the result of a fall on
Mist Uuth Phllllppl la at home from the
Northwestern university at Evanston , to re
main over New Year's.
Miss McKenna Is expected home January
12. She will perhaps bs accompanied by Mrs.
Ajreti of Governor's Island.
Miss Emily Wakcley returned home on
Monday from New York , where she has been
visiting for th ? past two months.
Mli'3 Hattlo Cady Is Just recovering from
nu attack of th ? grlppj which has kept her
within doors for the past two weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs , Charles S. Culllnghnm re
turned on Saturday from their wedding Jour
ney and are living , fcr the pressnt , nt the
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Hltchccck nnd
their children nnd the Misses Crounso spent
Christmas day with Judge Crouns ? nt his
country place near Calhoun.
Mra H. M. Caldwell left last Saturday for
Tlcga , In Pennsylvania , where she \vlll visit
with her parents through the winter. Mr.
Victor Caldwell has gone to the MHKml for
the winter , or until he Joins his wife In Cali
Oiit-nf-Tim ti Vl.iUor * .
Miss Octavla Whcalon Is the guest of Miss
Edna Ccwln.
Mrs. Smith of St. Joseph sjrnt several
days In Omaha this week.
Miss Beckwlth of Mount Pleasant , .la. , is
the guest of Mrs. Clement Clms' .
Mrs. John A. Sargent and son Edward arc
the guests of Mrs. Edward C. MrShane.
Mr. S. M. Mills of Lincoln IB sp.ndlng the
week with his mother at 2214 Webster street.
Mr. James Patten of Chicago spent Christ
mas with his uncle and aunt , Mr. nnd Airs.
John R. Buchanan.
Miss Mulder of the Damrosch Op'ra com
pany spent several days as the guest of
Miss Amy Barker last week.
Miss May Butt of Mankato , Minn. , arrived
In Omaha Thursday and will be the guest of
Miss Ethel Tukfy for a short time.
Mrs. U. F. Thompson and son of Atlanta ,
Ga. , are the- guests of her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Staidsh ) | , C20 South Twentieth
street. , "t
Mrs. William Gyger of Philadelphia is
spardlng the holidays with her mother , Mrs.
S. Gyger , of , J21C South Twenty-eighth
stieet. , - , ,
R. L. Vcddcr'and wit ? of Pawnee City ,
Neb. , are spctidlng the holidays with their
daughter , Mrs.J. . W. Fyte , 2514 Chicago
street. a * t
Mr. and Mrs. ' Frank Mills and daughter
Helen of OtUim'na , la. , are sp ndlng the
holidays wlthUlieiri mother , Mrs. P. J. Mills ,
at 2214 Webster street.
Miss Olllo B. 'Haclrtt ' of Creston. la. , for
the past two weeks' the guest of-MIsses Clara
and Anna Crslghton , has returned home
after a most Enjoyable visit.
Mr. George Cnfymln9. proprietor of the
Clifton. GaultjandAtlantIc , houses , Chicago ,
spent tup pasLweeli. here ylsltlng lit the fam-
lly , of Mr .R 'p. , PattersonVSlr. " fcilmmlns
feeds l,80d peopls * per day.
The lost neck will doubtless be remembered
in Omaha for years to come on account of the
elaborate production of German operas under
Mr. Walter Damrosch.
To say that Omaha does not appreciate the
finest In art la now Impossible. The audl-
orces were enthusiastic and Intensely In
On the opening .night the house was well
filled and many p'opls seeking gallery ad
mission were turned away. The musicians
were there with their scores of the opera ,
"In order , " as a young woman expressed It ,
"to sE-e that Mr. Damrosch did not skip
anything. "
When the conductor apprared he was
greeled wllh applause and from Ihe Instant
his baton descended and the opening bars
of the overture the Pilgrim's theme
floated through the house every far was
strained , every soul held captive , until nt
the end tha audience broke loose In tumult
uous acclamation.
The scenic olfects of Iho various operas
w re of course detracted from somewhat by
the limited size of the stage , but in the
"Walkuro" especially everything possible was
done to make amends.
The chorus was somewhat of a dlsappolnt-
mcnt , especially on Ihe mab side. In
"Tannhauser" one mlghl have easily ex
pected more volume from the pllgrlma
The orchestra was excellent , In fact It was
almost beyond criticism.
The brass work was a marv I of beauty ,
the dlmltuundos being especially striking.
The general string work , particularly thu
plr/lcato chords , was wonderful , wlillo the
; ole abac and sola 'cello contributed their
jest powers. To hear thes : , operas played
through by such an orchestra , even without
soloists , Is alone worth the price of ad-
iilsslon In the opinion of the music lover.
If any unpopularity cr prejudice held sway
n Omaha against/ / Wagner as a composer It
ms surely been dlsp lied by the perform
ances of the- season Just closed and un
doubtedly next year the welcome will bo
more enthusiastic' and moro financially
generous than this ono has ho-n ,
"Tannhauser" on the opening night was
put on with a strong castsThe opening
cene , In which the hero Is discovered asleep
vlth head resting on Venus' lop , Introduc d
ffcctlvely Frl. Mjilder as Venus nnd Herr
Omening as Tannhauser.
Frl. Mulder lip&ja striking soprano voice
f clear , limpid .quality mid made th. , most
f her role , llerr Grucnlng made a tre-
icrdous hit by ? both singing and acting.
lc Is thoroughly'olert for every opportunity
a make the ni < ) aU of the action of the play ,
Jiver resting , ' sMilngly never tiring , his
ash and unctlouievrve to Inspire the auJI-
nce and hla co-workers In the duetto. His
olce Is superhi ai < J while thoroughly satls-
actory at allijitlmes Itwas perhaps un-
sually so In tUo-rcukless song about profan-
ova et the contwtv
Wolfram wai"w < ' ll represented by Wll-
lelm Mertene. - Ills' voice and acting have
> oth Improved Onaeiwe heard him last.
Klafsky , the swat and only Klafsky , with
ier niagnlficenj volpo , her dramatic repre-
antatlons , sing Elizabeth , a part , however ,
vhlclv tfoes notufuUjkportray her powers. In
its , howavere \ Uid on opportunity to diu-
> lay her morafVJJg4to | work , and sh did EO
vltb entire satlViucllon ,
The Landgrans .had a rather stiff exponent
n Conrad Behrens ,
The femado chorutes in "Tannhausar" wer ?
34iitinilly sung.
"Die Walkure" waa received with a sur-
rlslng ovation , and from the first HFO of
the curtain until It Ml on Brunnhl'do niir-
rtindtsl by the wall ef fire th tud'nce ' per-
slritnl In A grnnd crci _ nJr ) of Declamation.
Prl , Mulder ninde u lio.vitlful SolKltnde ,
her Ringing and acting having much morn
rhancei than In the Venun ( f the preceding
night. In h'r J'lo work , and In the- duo
scene * with Selgmmid , her voles wn < nlioul
nil that could h desired , and her nctlng.
which wni accompanied by the lo\e mntlf
on the pitiful abat > , or the sad , sad 'cello , was
Barren BerlhoM surprised msny of his
ar nt ndmlr.ra by the strength of his Sols-
mimd. His voice wan highly acceptable , and
his nctlnt ; was full of fire and emotion. The
Hundlng of von Putlltz was somewhat stiff.
Popovlcl madi' R good Impression ns Wotan.
Ono Is Inclined to look for a bigger voice
from the O-d of Fire , but the acting of this
artist made up for any deficiency of voliinu.
real or Imaginary. His closing scene wan
most artistically carried out.
It was ns Brunnhllde that Frnu Klafsky
did her most wonderful work. The tremendous
deus dramatic and musical effects demanded
by this character were adequately produced
by her and her splendid nhydqne. maRnlflcent
acting nnd queenly voice captivated ov < .ry-
body. She is truly a most remarkable
The chorus of Vnlhyrl's , at the beginning
of the thlrJ net , was the only itppeannco of
anything like n chorm In th ? entire opera ,
and It was a rare treat , ench of the singers
being nn nrtlstc.
* t *
The choir of St. John's Collegiate church
( Crelghton college ) , Is now at work forming
n combination of all the Catholic church
cholw of this city and Council Bluffs for
the purpose of giving Rossini's "Stabit
Mater. " They expect to give this work In
snored concert on Sunday evening. February
9 , and In addition to the vast chorus's will
be assisted by some of the leading soloists of
the city.
The third piano recital by pupils nf Miss
Minnie Lovl , assisted by Miss Mary Latey.
will be given Monday , December 30 , at S
p. m. at the First Unlvcrsnllst church , Nine
teenth nnd Lothrop streets , with the follow
ing program : .
Morning Sonp . Lange
Iicnrlcttn Benedict.
Duct-Rondo Vllliigeol- ? . Hummel
.Innct nnd .M.unle Mnrrlott.
The. Little Wnnderer . Lnnge
Tress Keys.
Flciirettc . Llcbncr
Lola Benedict.
Tannbnitser Murch Wagner . Low-
Artie Jaqultli.
Vocal So'.o The Journey i ? Long..Coombes
Miss Mnry l itey ,
The Musical Box . Lieblch
Renle Dyball.
Frolic of the Buttertlica . Bohm
Mamie Waterman.
Dancing Star VaHc . Godnrd
Muudo Keys.
Tltnnla . Wtly
Giacc I'oiter.
* * *
Mr. Tnber gives hlu thirty-sixth free organ
recital this afternoon In the First Congrega
tional church at 3:30 : o'clock. The following
program will be rendered :
Processional March . Whitney
Chil.Minu.s Pastorale . Bust
( n ) Minuet . Beethoven
( b ) Transcription On Wings of Song
. Mendelsohn
Overture Bohemliin Girl ( by request ) . Bnlf *
Adagio From Scotcli Symphony .
. Mendelssohn
Romance Evening Star ( by request ) .
. Wagner
Scherzo Pastorale . Gregb
Nazareth Tianscrlpt Ion . Gounod
* * *
Mrs. Ford gives a piano recital at 3:30 :
o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. The pro
gram Is :
The Spanish Dances , Nos. 1 , 2 and 4. . . .
Misses Alice Towne , Bessie Ford.
( a ) Album Leaf . Klrclmer
( b ) Waltz . Dcnncc
Miss Nellie Krelder.
The Klrmess . Gurlltl
Miss Mabel Gray.
Spring Song . Merkol
Miss Kdlth Bloumer.
( a ) 'Album Leaf . Grclg
( b ) Kllln Dance .
Mls Bessie Ford.
Tin Hunting Son ? . Mendels hon
Miss Ethel Partridge.
The Wanderer . < Schubert-LI = zt
Miss Stullard.
The Water Smite . Gottschall ;
, Mtss Alice Towne.
Tanfllmuker larclr. ' . . ' . Wngnpr'
( Two Pianos Four Performer. ? . )
Misses Ethel Partridge. Katberlne Hayes , .
Gertie Carey , Emma liable.
The- fifth public piano recital by the pupils
of Mr. Martin Calm , assisted by Mrs. Martin
Calm , will be given at Crslghton hall on
Monday evening at S o'clock sharp. Tlve
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Calm and the pupils
are Invited. The following program will be
i ordered :
Duo , two piano ? , ( airs Hobcmlen3).PIrani )
Corlnne Paulson and Henrietta Fees.
a. Waltz Chopin
b. Romance Rubinstein
Jessie Lobman.
Song Mrs. Slnrtln Cahn
a. Murmuring Zephyrs . . . .Jenseii-Nlemann
b. Toncplctme Grieg
Frederlcka Weasels.
La Galnntc Hummel
Henrietta Rees.
Etlncelles Moszkow.ihl
Grace Hancock.
IJallndo Grlug
Josephine Dell.
Song Mrs. Jfnrtln Calm
Prelude nnd Toccata V. Lachner
Corlnne Paul on.
Grand Duo , two pianos , ( La Norma. . . .
Josephine Bell and Grace Hancock.
< * *
As the time draws near for the concert
to be given by the Obsrlln College Glee
plub at St. Mary's Avenue Congregational
church It becomes apparent that It wilt be
a successful and popular affair , both socially
and musically. The college men of Omaha
are taking an Interest in till ? concert and
are engaging seats for their several alumni
associations and preparing to have their sit
tings decorated with the college colors.
Council Bluffs will probably send a largo
The Intonation cf the singers Is said to be
faultless , and the original pitch Is perfectly
maintained throughout. Foremost In the
program lo be rendered here stands Arthur
Foote's "Bedouin Love Song , " which has
acquired great popularity In a short time.
The fine shadlngs of passion , as fittingly
adopted to kthe florid and glowing eastern
character of the text , find due expression
In their singing. The college songa sparkls
with humor and vivacity. The subJued under
tone singing and the numbers belonging lo
a more serious vein are rendered with fine
effect. The program Is as follows :
Hedouln Love Song Foote
Glee Club.
Ulgeunerwelsen ( Glpiy ftleU > dle3).SuraBate
Mr. Rounds.
Melange Brand , ' 05
Glee Club.
Dreams Strelezkl
Mr. Piltterson.
IIiiHli Neldllngcr
Glee Club.
[ n a Gondola Meyer-Helmuml
Air. AihiniH and Glee Club ,
Polonaise In A Chopin
Air. Brecklnrldgo.
Quaker duet Perry
Mt'hHr.s. Patterson and llnlin.
An Author-Manager inn I..Victor-Herbert
Mr , SaviiKe nnd dec Club.
Tears Witt
Glee Club.
Albuniblutt , Wagner
Air , Rounds.
Frog Chorus Perkins
GIci > Club.
luntsman's Furuwull Mendelssohn
Glee Club ,
Miifilu Tixliiy at tinV. . M. C. A.
Mr. Marshall of Philadelphia conducts the
nuslcal services nt thu "oung Aien'u Chris-
Inn association this afternoon at 1 o'clock ,
Mr. W. R. Morrison will render a vocal
eolectlon , and thu Association orclicstia ,
vnlrh has attained u popularity nnd pxcrft-
tncy in Its work never befora reached ,
vlll prc.'ent n choice prelude nml offt'itoiy.
The addresses of the afternoon will be by
Jr. Jlyles , on "Let Us Have Peatv. " and
i gtralghtout talk by Evangelist Pieman
o young men.
One Minute Cough Cure Is harmless , pro
duces Immediate results.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
nuMiiiT.vvr ttMHti : * * < nv > ms. :
SiilirrliitcnileMil Siiiifnril of Uir Ailnnix
( ! iii i ( o ritii'liimttl.
The announcement WAS ni.nle by nn
ilrrulur yesterday th.U Kenton ? ant < > rd , su
perintendent of the Ad.ims Kxprfri rompiiiy ,
will en January 1 bo tr.msferriil to Cincin
nati , to iccecil Man.iRcr W M. Barrett , who bc-f-n tr.insf'rrod to Philadelphia.
Mr. Sanicrd , during his tojourn In Omaha
the pnst three years , has won for hlmse-lf
n-nny frltnds socially , ns well ns In express
nnd ra'lrnnd circles ,
Mr Panford started In the n < cprcs < business
twenty-five ypirs ngo ai a clerk In lh Cin
cinnati ofilce. By faithful performance of his
dutlai he WAS gradually promolc-d until he
obtnliiPd the rrsuonMble position of money
clerk , which post ho held for n number of
years. A Vacancy occurring In thff agency
at Oovlngton , Ky . ho was appointed to the
position , where ho remained for . \ period of
six yoars. At this tlma the company extended
Its service over thu lines of th ? Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. IMul rnllrwd , when ho
was transferred to the ngrncy nt Milwaukee ,
nt which point ho made n recoid which
brought htm prominently to the attention of
the higher ofllclaK and when the Adnmn
company obtruded Its buslnes over the Bur
lington system he- was appointed lo the posi
tion of superintendent of the western division ,
with headquarters nt Om.iln. Ho has been
very successful In the management of the
company's affairs In this territory , nnd the
Important appointment which he has Just re
ceived Is noiifdored a dewrvcd recognition
of his merit and superior executive nblllty.
J. II. Butler , ngent of the company at
Kansas City , will succeed to the position of
supsrlntendcnt nt this point.
VV.-rc Looking for llumlur * .
Itc-sldents In the vicinity of Twenty-sixth
and Hiiincy pticets have become gioatly
alarmed recently over the \iro i nce of two
strange men , who arc seen to out or the
vacant brick bouses near theto nl direct cut
hours of the day nnd night. H I * supposed
that they nro after the plumbing , pome of
wbli b was reinovt-n fuim ono of the lieu es
net Knu' since. Lust evening strnngu noises
were hciird , nnd. ns two men bad been
- en piowllng uround during the nftcrnoon ,
the police were sent for and made a srim-h
of the iironil e . The only trncc of the sup-
pj ed burglars found was a wnsb boiler
In ono of the houses , which had been re
moved from Its usual resting place and
tnken near a door. As the door \MW left
opened , It Is thought that the unwelcome
visitora Intended to call ngaln for tbulr
HO.VH Stole llllllnril llallM.
Willie McVcy and Jlminle Mullet , youths
cf the street , who have been In the city
lull a score of times within the Inst year ,
were ngaln arrested yesterday afternoon ,
charged with burglary and grand larceny.
H H alleged that they stole four sets of
pool balls , valued at JHO , from the saloon
at 1317 Howard sti ret about 7 o'clock Friday
evening. Twenty-nine of the mls lng balls
were found In the pockets of the young cul
prits. _
Washington lodge No. 27 , Degre-3 of
Honor , will give a dance nnd oyster supper
Now Year's eve nt Continental hall.
M. C. Council , steward at the Paxton hotel ,
now sports a beautiful diamond pin , a Christ
inas gift from the employes In his depart
Yesterday afternoon the Jury In the case
of A. B. Alprln , Junk dealer , charged with
Impeding Justice , brought In a verdict of
gu'lty. '
Twenty-two saloon kespers hove paid thPlr
inG licenses up to dnt\ This Is a consider
able decrease from the amount that had been
paid in at this date In previous yoars.
Tha bids from the local banks for the
custody of the school fund will bo opened by
Treasurer Dumont at 3 o'clock Alonday after
noon. Only one bid had been received up to
noon today.
Two or three of the Insurance companies
hove- transmitted to the comptroller th ? re-
hate due the city on account of the cancella
tion of the policies on the city hall. The
imcunt of rebate on each policy Is about
$3 or $9.
Several new cases of scarlet fever were
reported to the city health department yes
terday. Thp disease is1 continually prev
alent to a moderate extentbut the- cases
.ire generally mild nnd there has not been a
death on that account for nearly three
A postal card was received by the chief of
pollc * yesterday frcm Louisville , Ky. ,
offering rewards for the capture of six Jail
bieakers , who caused n wholesale Jail de
livery in tint city on December 28. The
names of the men are John Lee , William
Ilyder , Lsster Goodwin , James Carroll , Jack
L dcly , and a man named Conroy.
Dick OKeefe and James Oberfleld wore
ai rested yesterday afternoon for disturbing
ths peace by lighting. The former declares
that It was all the fault of the latter , who
canto Into his olllco and endeavored to nin
things his own way. There was a dispute ,
and then , according lo O'Kcsfe's story ,
Oberflcld struck him several times.
The nnnunl election of officer * of Tangier
, Ancl.nt Onhr ot Ihc Mystic Shrine ,
was held nt Mnsonlo t'inpio Thursday even
ing. The result wns : Potentate. Henry
Hardy ; chief r.iban , Chnrlej It. Hunllngton :
sstnnt : IMwIn A. Perfect ! high
priest mid prophet , Nov. T. J , Mnek.iyj
orlontnl guide , II , V. Thomas ; representa
tives , Colonel Hniry C. Akin , I. 0. Klioailet ,
Philip Hose nnd KH A. Barnes of GranJ
Fremont lodge Xo. 23 of Fremont , Ancient
Order cf Unltixl Workmen , tl oted the fol
lowing ofllcors- Master workman , J. H. C.
Slobb ; foreman , J. W. Forbes ; overseT , N. S.
Short ; guide. John D. Mnrkey ; recorder , A. K.
Damoj financier , S. Sickle ; receiver , F , M.
Smith ; Inside watch , William Dodson ; out
side wntch , At. H. Hunter ; trustee for thrc-9
y ars . C. H. Schaefftr.
At n recent meeting of the Hoyal Neighbor *
of America of York the following olllcers
w-ere el clcd : Mrs. C. K. lloss , orncl ? ; Mrs.
Klla Brooks , vice oracle ; Mr * . T. 13 , Bennett ,
recorder ; Mrs. Thomas Price , receiver ; Mn.
Jack Wnlsh , mnrghnl ; Mrs. Dora Vnndruff ,
Insldo scntlne-1 ; Mm Mary Armstrong , outer
sei.tlncl ; Mrs. A. O. Prultt. chanc llor ; Mrs.
Gcblc , manager ; Dr. B. F. Ling , physician.
Omaha camp No. 120 , Modern Woodmen cf
America , will have Its annual Installation of
olllcers Wednesday evening , Jnmiary 1. with
full ceremony , according to the rltunl of the
order. Compl to reports will bc < ntndo by all
outgoing cllicers for the pnst year. All mem
bers arc earnestly requested to bo present
and receive full Information of the * Inner
workings of the camp. A sp'clnl program
has been nrrnnged for , with refreshments.
The otncers-olect are : 0. F. Rlsnssor ,
venerable consul ; P. Mueller , worthy ndvlscr ;
C. W. linker , bnnker ; O. D. HIcJ , clerk ;
J , C. Cnllnhan , escort ; J. H , Krutnmc , wntch-
ninn ; II. K. Jones , sentry ; H. A. Day ,
trustee ; Dr. C. F. Clark and Dr. A. Craw
ford , physicians.
The Woman'ii Belief corps of Kxstcr has
elected the following olllcers : President ,
Mrs. L. M. Parker ; senior vice , Mrs. William
Miner ; Junior vice , Mrs. Long ; treasurer.
Mrs. L. Woodard ; conductors , Mrs. H. Pflug
and Mrs. H. Hamsdcll ; guards , Mrs , Plerson
nnd Mrs. Llndon ; secretary , Mrs. Lottlo
Morehcad. The new olllcers will bo Installed
at the first meeting In January by Mrs. Ade
line Patton.
Alpha camp No. 1 , Woodmen of the World ,
nt Its regular meeting Thursday evening
elected officers for the ensuing year as fol
lows : George C. Thompson , consul com
mander ; O. P. Black , adviser lieutenant ; C.
K. Allen , clerk ; U. E. McKelvy , banker ; H.
J. Spanton , cscorl ; A. J. Bruegman , watch
man ; W. B. Church , sentry ; M. Kelsor ,
manager , and Drs. Claussen , Stone nnd Mer-
Ham , physicians. The officers wll be In
stalled Thursday evening , January 2 , after *
which the camp will entertained by the
r.cwly elected olllcers with an old fashioned
smoker. A report was rendered showing the
work done during the paet year In the way
of Increasing the membership , nsHlslnncp ren
dered s'ick and distressed members , etc. ,
which reflected great credit upon the camp.
The Uxeter lodge of the Anclsnt Order of
United Workmen elected lite following offi
cers recently : Past master workman , M. L.
Rogers ; master workman , Jacob Pflug ; fore
man , W. H. Courtrlght ; overseer , Frank
Andrews ; financier. J. C. Wilson ; receiver.
W. S. Dlmlck ; recorder , W. F. Nevcns ;
guide , W. I. Compton.
Germanla lodge of Fremont , No. 310 ,
Ancient Order of United Workmen , elected
the following officers : Master workman , F.
It. Motter ; foreman , D. Hanson ; overseer ,
John Peters ; recorder , Joseph Stein ; guide ,
H. Kohl ; financier , Carl Peters ; receiver , D.
Strewe ; Inside watch , T. Schultz ; outslds
wntch , A. Schneider.
Ashland lodga No. HO" " of Ashland. Aliclent
Order of United Workmen , held Its annual
election Wednesday evening and elected the
following officers for the ensuing year :
Past master workman , J. W. Moon ; master
workman , J C. Altken ; foreman , C. F. Kirk-
Patrick ; overseer , W. A. Fowler ; recorder ,
Ira Sexlon ; financ'er , J. A. Bowen ; receiver ,
N. S. Wntterwlre ; guide , J. H. Granger ; In
side watch , n. J. Whlpple ; outside watch ,
Johnson Knight ; trustee , J. B. Russell.
Alpha camp , No. 1 , Woodmen of ths
World , purposes giving a masquerade ball on
next Thursday evening , January 9 , in Ita
hall. The affair Is expected to be a great
DeWltt's Little Early Risers the pills that
euro constipation and biliousness.
of Christmas leavings. Our Christmas trade-turkey was large
and fat , The pickings are plentiful and profitable to all who
come. Here's a list of what's in this
ll'ML'tll ,
Coats color , $3.50
Brown astrakhan cloth
Coats , unit wi'ru J10.0D . . $6.50
Hu"tlii'-.MIxtnni Ilex
Jirhuts : , wuio JI5.01) . , , . . . $8,48
( lives clinlco from odd slzo C'oits ;
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