Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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    | WP 5 * u.
Local Jobbers Report a Quiet Business in
Host Linos.
llollilnj- Online * * I'revnlln In All
nlnr Mtien Hdipk-TukliiK
nl llniul nnil .At p re linn In
ii rl n IT 1'rollt unit l.onn.
The last full week of the year lias come
to a close and , na usual , It has failed to
bring forth any feature of Importance In
general trndo circles. The retail merchants
of the country have been too busy looking
nfter the Christmas business to upend nny
tlmo ordering new goods , nnd the majorltj
of the traveling men representing locn
houses have been nt their liomcs enjoylni
a vacation. In consequence , the Jobber !
hnvo very llttlo to report In the way o
business , but still every ono will say tha
trndo during the jiaHt week has been fully
as good as It waa a year ago , and all the
could bo asked for at this time.
As usual , during the last week of the
year , a great many Jobbers have taken ad
vantage of the lull In trade lo "lake Block , '
and the books of the different houses wll
noon show the gains and losses of the year
HM. The taking of stock In the largo
Jobbing houses Is no easy matter , and everyone
ono from the senior partner down to the
olllco boy la always Kind when It Is over
nml the new year fairly entered upon.
Country collections are slow and there
iloes not appear to bo any very good roa-
pen for expecting nny Immediate Improve
ment. During the past two months the
farmers have rushed to market a gooi
many thousand hogs , which have brouch
considerable ! money Inlo the country , bu
these who nro boat Informed sny that the
bulk has been marketed nnd that from now
on the hogs will not come forward so rap
idly. At the cnmo time It Is snld that there
nre not ninny cattle In this stale to be
marketed , and even If there were they nre
bringing such low prices that the farmer
would not get much out of them. Under
such circumstances It Is hardly to be ex
pected that money can bo very plentiful In
the country.
With practically no country buyers Ii
the market and with mall orders extremely
smiill , the volume of business doing In the
hardware line has been very light during
the past week. It la the season when very
little business Is expected nnd no ono li
disappointed nt the results of the pas
week. Local houses are taking stock am
getting everything In shape to start out
the new year.
A very light business Is reported by the
dry goods jobbers , though no lighter than
'Usual at this pca on. Huslnes * In the dry
goods line has been rather dull for some
tlmo past. Aside from a week or two early
In the season , the weather all this fall nm
winter has been very unfavorable for the
dry goods business. Thla Is especially Ihe
case with heavy flannels and clothing , and
in fact , with nil the various lines of heavj
wlnler wear.
The market for staple cottons has shown
no material change for the past weeic.
The manufacturers of blankets are com
mencing to talk higher prices. The present
comparatively small stock of both wooler
nnd cotton blankets which nre to bo found
throughout the country , the very satisfac
tory business which was accomplished last
season on most lines of medium and lo\\
goods and the advance In labor and cost
of tlie raw material , nil tend to stimulate
manufacturers nnd agents to try for an
The boot and shoe Jobbers have had more
than their hnro of grief trie past week
Not only ho-s trade In their line sufferei
from the mid-holiday quiet , but In addi
tion the weather has boon decidedly ngalnst
them. In all sections of tributary tcrrltori
the uniformly pleasant weather lias kep
the consuming demand down to the lo os
point and served to discourage buying on
the .fiart of the retail trade.
Omaha Jobbers , however , nre not the enl >
one who complain that business Is quiet
From all Mectluns of the country come the
Mima kind of reports. The shoe trade of
the country would seem to be still In the
dumps , nnd the manufacturers and Jobbers
of the largo eastern cities are complaining
The grocery jobbers have done as mucl
buslnecM ns usual during n holiday week
The market has been quiet , nnd there have
been few fluctuations or changes of an >
importance in values.
Sugars have shown some little strength
Reports from Cuba Indicate that the rein
nnnt of the old crop on hand is belnf ,
firmly held , whle ! the piwnect for there
being a new crop Is dally growing less
Kuropenn operators nro Inclined to hold a
firmer prices.
The rale In New York of large Mu.intltles
of pepper that was claimed to have boei
damaged In a warehouse fire has rcsulte <
In demoralising , to some extent , the mar-
Uet.The supply of mackerel Is said to be the
smallest that It has been In years. There
Is every reason for believing that the pres
ent strong tone of tlio market will continue
for the balance of the season , or until new
stock Is available.
St. I.oulM Cc n < > rill Market.
BT. LOUIS. Dec. 28. FLOUIl Firmer , with In
creasing ib-mnud from abroad , owlns to trouble
between thla country and Rnsland over the Vene
zuelan numtlon : local trade dull ; patents. J3.31)
W3.40 ; extra fancy , $3.103120 ; fancy , J2.t51i3.00 ,
choice. K.GOf2.75.
WHEAT Opened higher on Kenernl bull news
nnd jjood buylnir , which kept the nmrket up nil
day , and clo ed nt lUWlllc nl > eve yesterday : No.
3 rod , ciinh , C5c ; No. 2 hard. Bio ; December , " " -
Way. CS 55 ! o.
COUN Improved on advances clsnvhcro nnd
, lifcher prices for wheat , but later declined , clos.
i BT HO lower fur Dccemhur. ? o lower for Jauu
nry and ' , ic blKher for Rfiiy , I'mnpnnM with
yestcidny ; npot , lower ; No. 'i , aish nml Decent'
bi' . 23iiCj23ic ; January , 23 ic ; May. 25UP.
OATH Futures BtroiiKer ; | i.t , firm ; No. 2 , cash
an. ) December , IC'.io ; May , 131Jc.
It YK Quiet ; 32c.
HltAN Dull ; 43o bid for sacked , enst track.
TIMOTHY HKiD Une-hatwil ; tt.00tt4.0 > .
HAY Steady ; prairie , J7.0i&S.5l ) > ; timothy , JO.Oi )
© 14.W , tlllrf iddtj.
UUTTKU ( Julet : BPpamtor creamery , 23Jf2lo ;
fancy KlKlns. lM :7e.
I2OOH Lnwrr ; 17c.
L13AD--tjnlet. firm : J2.Mft2.Mi5.
KPKLTKIl Firm ; ? 3.5 bid ,
1'OULTHY liutter ; lutkcya , SJio ; chicken
6f7o ; ducks , l > c : Keese , lie.
I'JlOVIHlONH-l'oik. steady ; stnndaid m ss ,
J ! ) ; old , JS.mi. IJiid. quiet ; prlino hliviin , $3.12"
choice , J5.20. llacon , boved Mhoulders , J3.i
IMIKH , } i.iii ; aborts. J5.23. Dry Fnlt meiilH ,
boxnt sbouldeis , 5I.37H ; lon , Jl.W ; ribs , JI.C2'i ' ;
Kbortu. 11.73.
JliciiPTS-Flour. : B.OMbbls. ; whrnt , 15,000 bu. ;
corn , 2t.l i ) bu. ; oats , 13OH bu.
BlIII'MKNTri Flour , S.OtM bbls. ; wlicnt , 29,000
bu. ; corn , 32.000 bu. ; oats , 7.1WO bu ,
Dry Coed .lliirl.'c-t.
NKW YOIHC , Dec. ! . The cloning day of the
week f him til a very quiet builnejp , nnd busings
for 1S33 iiractlcally ended. ThiM'u were no buyers
present and Ilia oid r donund waa very lUht.
I'rlntlni ; cloth maikct dull and nominal at 3a
for C4 wjunrox.
FAI.T , IUV12R , Mats. , Doc. W. There has been
very llltlo biulneaa In print cloths during the
week , and Ilia market Is now dull. Only odds
WITO eold and not muny of them. A majority
worn m > ol , Tliu ( uluri's aio for free delivery In
small lots tliriniKli lhr > 'i > inoiithi. Thu ilullno.sH
will continue well Into Jgnuiiiy bnny c.ine. for
biulneMU Is always Blow nbout New Yrani. It | j
probnblo that | uv ent prices Mill bold until the
character of tha January kimliiciss Is -termlm l ,
Jf thcra U no maluilal Improvi'ment by Febru
ary prices arc uure to KO ufT , thoush irnnnfac-
turora will work a stubborn flslit uealnst drop.
rlnu under 3 ctnts. The miiiket la quoted ns
rtnll nt that prlua now. The shut-down for
1'hrlatnma kept duwu the prwluctlnn and pre-
venti'd tha Inrrniue In stock from belli ? lainr.
The uloi k will pick up larecly In Iho next few
days unless there comes to mo active demand for
upiln now cntlclimted.
The uunual pilnl c-loth statement for the year
1S03 was mudii public today. It Is as fulbms :
Tola ! production for ISM. IICM,000 pl--ccs ; mock
on hand nt the close of Ilio year , 2i7.0no pieces ,
ilila is the largest slncU on band ill thu clone
of nny ycur alnco 1 30. T.Mal ale of 18M ,
0.871,0 ( iilfces ; odJs , 8.576.0M pld-es ; l-C4s.
S.tW.OW pl.'C B. Th * blsbesl price luld durlns Ihe
year was 3 C-lCo. The ) owe l was 2 7.16o ; nv-
rra ( f , ZTic. This nvcrngo U .Olo lilnhcr Hum
thnt of Ilia Iloston markrt. It U slightly atnivo
last years nvrrnKe , but below Hint of the four
previous yeais. Sold for delivery al clo > n of the
year , 1,123.000 pieces ; uamo laat > 'c-ir , I.JOO.OOO
l > Ures. The utock In the country at Iho close
of the year nil ) be 461,000 pieces. This is the
blchfit umounl tlnre IfW.
ICunsim Clly 3IarUcii.
KANSAS CITY. Den. :3.-WIIUAT-Dull ; No. t'lS" > ' J' ' ° r > ' 0 < 3 redc < * \ Nu. 2 siirlnj ,
" .U'.S. ' ' . ' " ! ,7s * . ' I"'I"R. Met r Jeclnl , SSaJlP.
, lT ; > ) UN-llthlly ? blsiicr , .low ; No. 1 inlxcJ ,
Jl ! a22So | No. ) wliU * . JUtO : " "
lvH-Dull ! No. . .
timothy , mtVflUM ; prairie.
cr'imcry ! ( : dairy.
Collnu Miirki-t.
.NEW YOIIK. Deo. -COTTON-I'ulures
f' ' ° il very ittiJy : sties , 63.JM bales ; Junuaiy ,
IT.ilj February , It.W ; Murcli , | 7S6 ; April , is
JIay. Jl.Oi ; June , .
; July. i.i AUSUM.
IJ.IJi BeplemUr. I7.J4 : October ! 1178 ; NoV.inb"
J7.7I ; Dumber. $ I.e ) : pot clowd ea yj mid-
dllr-f uplandi i. lUei inldJllinr gulf. to ( ; Ntlvj ,
IK tale ; miadllnr , I'/c ; eel itvtlrti. none , sr < i
911 bale * ; exports to Or cut Tlrllnln. Sf t tnln
to Franco , 4 ) bale | to the continent , l.toi bnlcs
forwarded , S07 | IM ! ; snleJ , 113 bfllcaj all spin
nNK ; Mock. 1SI 278 Imles ,
NR\V OIU.KANB , Dec. a.-COTTON'-SI \ < ly
middling , 7 > c ; low middling , 7Ucgoud ; ordinary
7 3-lCcj net rcclpts , 12.S1K Inl * * ; Krrr * , 1S.11
linlen ; exports tu Orent llrltiln , 4.000 biles ; con
tlnrnt , 7.099 11" ; rosuwl.'e , 1.005 bale * ; snle
t.t-rt \ jaftntnck \ , 4 , SM ImlM.
ST. IXJL'IS. Dec. 21. COTTON Quiet ; mid
dllng , 7"xo ; sateti , CO bnlesi receipts , 7SJ bales
ehlnnents , MS lolf ; ttork. "n. Ql bnles.
Condlllfiii of TrnitG nnil ( liinlntlond
on Sluplt * nnil I'niu'V rrinliice.
EGas-KHIclly fresh tock. 17'ifllSc.
lIUTTnil racking stock , U312 < ie ; fair to good
country , llttllc ; choice to fancy country , HaUe
VUAL Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , are quoted a
CUQ7c ; large and coarse , 4GCC.
ClinKSK Domesllo brick , ll'.ic ; iJam , pe
doz. , I3.CO ; Club House , Mb. Jars , per doz. , J3.W
Llmbcrger. fancy , per lb. , lUici Roquefort. Vi-lb
jars , per doz. , 13.CO ; Young Americas , ll'.jc '
Twins , fancy , lie.
1'OITLTIIY Dresseil Chickens , Mjec ; ducks
choice , ( J9c : lurkeys , choice , 8B10e : Reese , Cff7o
HAY Upland , 5.50 ; midland , J3.00 ; lowland
JI.M ; rye straw , 11.00 ; color jnakes the price on
hny ; light bales sell the belt. Only top grade
bring tnp prices.
1IHOO.M COUN New crop , delivered on trnck
In country , choice green felt-working carpet , pe
lb. , Sllc ; choice green , running to hurl , 2Uc ; com
mon , Hie.
OAMII Prnlilc chickens , unflrnwn , per do * .
JI.O ( < > gC.M ; drawn , J5.001f5.CO ; nuall. J1.50IJ1.73
Jnck snipe , 7ctfJ1.00 ; grouse , J5.C086-W ; snipe
d)375c : golden plover , J1.2."i ; Jnck rabbits , pe
doz. , tl.75ff2.OD ; small rabbits , 75CRJI.W : mil
lard duckn , J3.ftW3.73 : redlieid. , J3.75M4.00 ! cnn
va bacli ducks. J3.00fl8.00 ; tenl. idiie wlna. K.WQ
2.23 ; trjl , green wing , Jl UfZ. " " . mixed ducks
J1.7SR2.23 ; Cnliada gcexe , } C..Of)7.M ) ) ; small geese
J4.IMas.00 : brants. M.W ; deer nnddles. l.iffKc
deer mrcnsses , llf11o ; elk unildled , llltlJc ; elk
rnrcnssofi , SOIOc ; snlelope nmldlea , lW ! e : ante
lope cari'HKies. 19Qllc ; squirrels , per doz. , 60J75c.
riQICONS Live , per doz. , Jl ; dead pigeons no
CAULIFlJO\VKH-I'er doz. heads. J2.00.
CAllHAOK Holland need , heads small and
hard , per lb. . H4o ; California stock , per lb. , 2c.
MUSIIIlOOMR-rer lii-lb. box , C3i7Sc.
I'OTATOKS Kancy nntlvo stock. 30c : from
slore In niinll lots. SOfl.Vic : Coloiado stuckMOI5o
ONIONH-l'er bu. , 230350.
IIHANS Hand pick-oil navy , per bu. . Jl.W.
BWEBT I'OTATOnS Choice stock , J2.7S per
CKLKtlY California , per doz. . SOcOJl.O ) ; Cole
rnda , tSt/COc / ; , 30JT.1SC.
LIMA I1RANS I'er lb. . 6e.
WATRIl Jl.SOffl.75.
rnKSS-per IS-nt. case.
Sr-OTCII PEAS In cnck . per bu. , II.W.
API'LKS Kiincy New York , J3.2.V 3.M ; choice
stock , j.3'Q2.I ; Utah apples , p r box , Jl.W.
OIll-XiON I'KAHS None.
CltANIinHHIUS Jersey , J8.75 ; Cape Cod , tlO
MALAGA ORArnS-Pcr CO-lb. bbl. , JC ; per
GUANOES California budded Becdllncs. reiu
lar lze > . 13.73 ; 90 to 1:8 sizes , t3.MQ3.73
I.KMONS Cnllfornla , per box , $3.75B4.50 ; lies
sln.n. i SI..V > .
IJANANAS Choice Inrge stock , per liunch , J2.00
ST2.23 ; medium ulred Lunches. I1.75ff2.00.
OVSTKUS Mediums , 13c ; standards , 19c ; exiru
selects , lie ; Itrunch & Co. belcctfl , 25c ; .N'fw York
counts , 29c ; stundurd bulk , per Kal. , H.10.
HONEY Fnncy white , per II ) . , Uc.
MAFI.I3 SYKUP Flvc-Bal. cans. each. 12.75
pal. cana. per doz. , 113 ; H-gal. cans , (8.23 ; quar
CIDteli i'ure juice , per half Lbl. . 13 ; per
baAUEl'lbICUAUT-Per bbl. . 3.7S ; half Lbl. . 2.Z5
FIGS New crop. California , 10-lb. boxes , per
llj. , lOc ; Imported fancy , 3-lb. boxes , 15c ; choice
in-lb Imxes. ll'zi12c. (
DATES New I'eralan , 60-lb. boxes , per lb. , 6J4c
fards , 10-lb. Ulixes. per lb. , 9c ,
MAl'LU StJOAll Choice , per lb. , 010c.
I'HESnilVlW Assorted. 20-lb. pails , each J1.40.
COCOANttTS rer 100 , 54.50 ; each , Be. .
NUTS Almond * . California , per lb. , medium
size lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per lb. , large , 12'ic
lltazlU 'Per lb. , Sc ; ICnsllsli walnuts , per lb.
fancy soft shell , Jc ; standards , llIlV4c
nibcrts , per lb. , 100' pecans. pnMshod medium
lOc : larse. 12o ; peonuls. raw , 5ljc ; roasted. 7f ?
7Hc ; hickory nuts , small , per bu. . 51.73 ; hickory
nuts , large , per bu. , $1.50 ; black walnuts , per
bbl. , J2.
ISEEF Light western steers , 400 to GOO Ibs. , 611
fJCc ; tooil cows nnd heifers , 4i3o ; mnllnn
cows and heifers , 4i4o ; Rood forequa tiers
cows nnd heifers , 3'i(3'35ic ( ; good hlndiiuarleis
COWB and heifers , CffOVic ; cow lounds , Oo ; cow
chucks , 3' c ; steer chucks , 4'Sc ; beef tenderloins ,
fresh , Us ; beef rolls , boneless. SV4c ; sirloin lmtt
bosirless. SV ci loin Uitks. bonclees , S'.jc ; Inh'
backs , C'.ic ; cow ribs , No. 3 , 6Vic ; cow loins. No
3. 7 Vic. .
MUTTON Dressed mut(0n5jjc. ( . racks , BUc
leiia , 7c ; saddles , 7c ; cw. , 2'ic.
r6llK Dressed Imps . &c ; Pork loins , Co ; spare
rlba , 4Hc ; poik shoulderj , 4 > ic ; pork shoulders
skinned , 4iC ; P'irk trlmmlnwi , to ; tenderloins
12c ; plisf feet. cleaned , per doz. . 33c.
INo. lN | o. ll.No. II
" | _ Lgi ! . IM
niack J20025 J 15 00 I sjio jioffia J C 0
Hlack Yearlings. ail ! 1000 [ oo 7 UO 30
Illack Cub 00 f GQ C 4 00 6 00 200
lllack Montana
Mountain 18f22 14 00 1000 10 00 4 00
niai-k Montana
Yearlings i : oo 5 00 8 00 C 00 2 CO
Dlack Montana
Cubi nC 60 4 50 3 00 4 00 20
Silver Tip 12 00 8 00 9 00 4 00
Bllver Tip Yrlgs. 11 00 8 00 GOO 5 00 25
Silver Tip Cubs 0 00 4 50 a oo 300 1 60
Drown 20W2J 10 Or 12 oo 12 00 5 0
Veai lines ' 8 00 GCO 8 10 4 0
Cubs 7 oo 6 00 300 t 00 2 0' '
lladger 1311 50 CO HO 50 0'M
Flrher 800 6 00 < 0-J . < W 2 00
Silver ( according
to beauty ) 109 00 CO 00 3000 1000
Silver Palo ( ac
cord's to ben. y ) M 00 30 00 20 0 } 13 00 coo
Cross 7 00 3 00 2 00 1 00
Red 1 50 1 25 1 00 23
Cray 7S 60 40 35 1 !
ICIt 60 4U 30 20
HIDKS No. 1 Green hides , 4tc ! ; No. 2 green
hides , 3H' : No. 1 Krcen salted hldea , Cc ; No. 2
1-reeii salted hides , DC ; No. 1 jtrevn salted hides ,
25 to 40 Ibs. . Co ; No. 2 ereon Halted hided , 23 to
4 ( ) Ibs. . &c : No. t venl calf , 8 lo 15 Ibs. , 7c ; No ,
2 veal calf , S to 13 Ibs. , Cc ; No. 1 dry Hint
hldofl , KWIOu ; No. 2 dry flint tildes , C I7i ! ; ? , . j
dry baited hldea. 7c ; part curetl hides , c per lb.
less than fully cuied.
HIIKI- : ! ' I'lIl.TO-areen salted , each 23CCOc ;
green united shearlings ( short wooled caily cklns ) ,
each io ; dry ahearllnss ( short wooled early
skins ) . No , 1 , each. lOc ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early tklns ) , No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry flint
KUIINIS "lid Nebraska butcher wool polls , per lb. ,
actual wvlclit , Bjfoc ; dry flint and Ne
braska Munnlii noel pelts , per lb. , actual weight ,
4f5c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
lb. , nclual welabt , IVCVic ; dry flint Colorado
Murmln wool pelts , per lb , . actual weight , 485c :
dry pieces and bucks , actual xvelght , 4if5c ;
feet cut off , at It Is useless to pay freight on
rough tallow ,
HONis In car lots weighed and delivered In
Cldcugu : Diy buffalo , per ton , tl2.W01l.00 ; dry
country , blenched , per Ion , tlO.OOW12.00 ; dry
country , damn und meaty , per ton. to.OOffS.OO.
WOOI Unwashed , line heavy. C37o : tln light ,
fT9iquaiter ; blood , 10fTlc ; cccdy , buiry nnd
rhuffy , KfiOc ; culled anil broken , coarse , 7ffOc ;
eotle-l ami brnken. flne , CffSc. Fl - c w.isheil
Mrdlum , 15(1 ISc : line , Il316o : tub wanhcd , ICO
Itc : black. So ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 233c ; dtad
pulled , GOCc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MvLTinoI Markets.
LIVKItrOOL. Dec. 28.-l'ItOVISIONS-nacon ,
quiet but Htvady ; demand poor Cumber-
Unj cut , Huenns Ayres , 2S to 30 HIM. ,
2ii ! ; blnrt rll > > , ° 1 Ibs. . ? iS : long clear , llulu ,
3S to 4S Ibs. , CCc ; long heavy , GS Ibs. , 25s Cd :
short clear barkn. lluhl , If Ibs. , 2Cs ; short clear
mliMloH , h nvy , G5 Ibs. , S3s Cd ; clear bellies , H
to JQ Ibs. , 31s. tJhouldem. c < iuar , 13 to IS Ibs. ,
2Ss. Hams , short cut. II to It Ibs. , 3Ss. Tallow ,
Dnu North American , iff lfl , extra India
me s , 7s Cd : ptlmo mry * , & 7s Cd. 1'ork. rrimo
mess , line we teiii , Wa ; prime mess , mcxtlum ,
45J , Lard , quiet ; prime wotein , 27s 6J ; rellned ,
III pulls. Ks Cd.
C1IKKSK Quint but Bteadr : demand pxir ; fin
est American , nhlle , 4Js ; flne t American , col.
orcj. 45s.
HUTTHH-Kiniuit United Etslcs. 7s : peed , W .
OILS TuriH'iillnp splilts 20 Cd ,
, , llosln , coin-
mon , 4s 714d. l.'oltoii need oil. LlverpdOl irtlncd.
17n. I.lnsted oil. ! 0 < . retroleiim , rsfliu-d. $ ' , iJ.
HBrUKlKHATOH 1IKBF Pcicquarters , 5Hd !
hlndiiuailers. ' . > J.
HLUACHINO J'OWDKU-Hardwood. f. o. b.
I.lvi'ipool. (7.
J10I'3-At London ( I'jcino coast ) , i : It.
\Vlicnt lliirkiit.
HINNEAI'OI.ia , Dee. I8.-Mllleis raUed their
jlJs for rush wheat today lo Ic under
Ihe May price , nnd on of Hie lire ? milling
film * bought CO 000 bu. to urrlve of ( .no nf the
elevator rompiinlts ut Hi * Max pi Ice , tba first
Mlv at that luvt-1. I'rrOlclluiu nie tlist within
WB w ks vabb wheat will b < at a premium over
May : May. MHc ; tn track. No. I liard. Mo ; No.
1 noith.rn. IH4o ; No. 2 ntrlhern , Wc ; re-
ctlpli , Z15 can. _
NI V YOIIK. D c. IS. SUCIAK-naw , ttrong ;
lr refuiliig. JUci ccuirKusul , M te t. SUe : ra
ined , quiet ; KtanJiud A , 4\i , conftctluuus' A ,
4he ; i-ul loaf , 61ic ; Cumulated. 4K > > .
I/JNDON. lc. : i - - SI'OAnane , rather
nini.i. crnirlfuiial , Jjva. ltd SJ. MusoyvalJ. fair
cllnlni.It's ul ; Iwvl.rucr ; December , Ids id ;
Wheat Wns Aotivo nnd Strong During tbo
Session ,
StreiiRlh AVnn Slnrleil lij- < lie
Liberal Kxiiortn for tin ; AVccU
mill Sinnllrr Nordnrrnlprii
CHICAGO , Kec. ! 3.-Whcnt was nctlv
nnd strong today , covering a range of 1
nnd closing about at the top. from lo to l',4
lilKlicr than yesterday , the former for Ma )
the latter for December. The news wa
more encouraging to holders , nml loca
trndcra were Inclined to favor the long sld
for n turn.
The strength was started by the mor
liberal exports for the week , the total clear
Ings of wheat and Hour being 3,4o7,000 bit.
tignlnEt 2,050,000 bu. last wed : , mitl 1,811.000
bu. for the same period lust year. North
western receipts , too , were more moSeral
nnd considerably under these of a wcel
back , and local nrrlvnls also showed som
reduction. The market was strenRthenei
Inter by the prediction of a cold wave , fol
lowing the late mild temperatures. Argen
line reports were less favorable than Int
mull advices have Indicated , ono cib !
stating that rains hnd delayed harvesting
and a farm Implement concern hnd report
that the crop would ba of Inferior quality
Domestic mm kola lilgber. New York wlrec
that foreigners had taken 2,200,030 bu. wltblt
a week , and that houses doing a Inrgo cast
business there hail purchased COO.OOO bn. to
day for Starch delivery. California advice
were also bullish in tone , stating that til
\voather was very dry and that largo en
gapementH had been made for Australia
with n cargo for the Cape , with millers bid
ding Gic over May for milling wheat. l'"or
elgners bought In New York nnd Mlnneapo
Us and St. Louis purchased here. The mar
Itet was helped by Washington advice ?
which Hinted that Russian otllclul report
placed the world's wheat yield at 150,41.7,000
bu. smaller thnn last year , and that th
rye crop was 12S.971000 bu. ! > hort. lierlln
wns V4 mark higher. Paris Hour was 1
centimes lower , and whont C centime
higher. Antwerp wns higher. New Yorl
reported 40 loads taken for export yester
day , Instead of 21 as previously stated.
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Articles. I Ouau. I HUli. | Low. | Cloaa.
19Hc : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 17
RYE No. 2. 32-ic. (
11AHL13Y No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3. f. o. b. , 215 ?
33o : No. 4 , f. n. b. . 20fflc. : !
I-'LAX SEED-NO , i. aiiic.
T11IOTIIV SEED Prime. $3.4003.43.
1'llOVI.SIONS Moss pork , per bbl. , J7.C2K.ft
7.73 ; lard , per 1W Ibs. , J3.23 ; short ribs , sides
( lees ) . } 4.2-JU.fH.271i ; dry salted shoulderr
( boxed ) . xi.l7Vj04.G2i ! ; shoit clear sides ( boxed )
$ l.37li 4.50.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal.
SUGARS Cut loaf , $3.30 ; granulated , $1.37
standard "A , " J4.73.
roULTRY Steady : sllchtly lower ; turkeys
Ofyic ; chlrkeiiH , cg7i,4c ; duplex. lOffllo.
The following were the recelpta und shipments
today :
On tlio Proliico ctcn.iuu tnlav tlu buttur mar-
feet was quiet : creamorv. Hi.J'JJc : dairy , lii ' 'Uu
Ecse. eailurj fresh , li)3'JOc. Chtcse , Hteady
Cloning ( luotiiUoiiH on < lic Prim-Ilia
Coiiiiiii > illil < > H mill .SdnileN.
NEW YORK , Dec. 2S. FLOUIl llcrelpti. 13,000
bbls. ; exports. 9,200 Mils , ; somewhat firmer on
tlio advance In wheat , wtli | a belter inquiry for
spring patents ; Minnesota pMcntu , t3.2jQ 3.l3
Minnesota bnkers , > 2.70IJ.00 : ; city mill patents
J4.00i71.25 ; winter patents , 53.45S3.63 ; wlntei
Btralshts , I3.30fl3.43 ; winter extra * , J2.Cjf3.05
winter law srades , JS.1082.60 ; shlpplns lo
Krades. Sl.90n2.G9. Rye Hour. Btcidv : suDuiflni" .
> 2.SOS2.75 ; funcy , li75G2. 0. Uuckwhcat Hour.
dull ;
COKN 1IUAL Steady ; yellow % vestcrn , coarse ,
70c : llrnmlywlne , J2.35.
ntJCKWHEAT Weak ; spot , 3Se.
HYU Nominal ; w atcrn , 42fi4V ,
HAUI.I5Y Dull : western , 33sr4Cc.
UAKI.RY MALT Dull ; western. 40ff30o.
WHEAT IleculptlT. 13S.SOO bu. : exports. 23,000
bu. Spot , strong ; No , 2 red , CS'io ; Nu. 1 hard ,
07J4ifj6SHiC. Options opened utrotiser nnd nd-
viinced nil tbo moinlnx on heavy weekly ex
ports , unfavorable Argentine crop newd. Wall
stioet and forelmi buylnp , n utrons each nltu-
atlon and Blonily c.iblcs ; cloned - fflo lilKlicr ;
Hay. C5'iOW = ic ; closed C3 o ; December. cl > scd
CORK Ilecrlpta. 113.000 bu. ; exports , 01 , 3M bu.
Hpot , linn ; No. 2. 31 lie ; uleamer inlxr.l. 33' - .
Options quiet , but advanced In sympithy wfth
wheat nnd on decrvnxml rccelptH , closinir un-
chansed to 3ic lilghor ; May , 31 7-lCJT3i.c | , closed
3l5 c : December , closed CIVic.
OATS Receipt * . 152.400 bu. : exports , SOO bu.
Hpnt marlift , tlrm ; No. 2. 23V.C. Ontlons dull
and nominal , without a Hade , closing ic ( , blKlier :
May , closed 23I o ; December , rloncd 2J'c.
JIAY iisy : ; Bhlppbii ; , J7.00ffl7.W ; cosd to
choice. JS.5099.00 ,
HOI'S Weak : state , common to- choice , 1SSI
crop , 2lifr5o ; ISM crop , 4JClila ; Pacific coast , liJI
crop. 3 3o ; 1S'J3 crop , 4il'e. '
IIIOU.S Quiet ; nulvcsloii. 12a ; Iluenoa Ayrca ,
dry , Ilfo ; Texas , dry , pic ; California , 13c.
WOOL Quiet ; domestic fleece , lif2Jc ! ; pulled ,
J.HATIU-Jn Firm ; hemlock sole , Iluenoa Ayres ,
Debt to heavy weights , 22o.
I'UOV/HIONS Heef. quiet ; family , } | n.OOffl2.0V
beef lianip , J15.60JTia.00. Ciit meats , steady. Laid
steady ; western steam cloA'd at J3.60 ; IK-comber
tiimll. 79iftig'c ; part nkliiii ,
full Bldina. 2i3e.
KnoH-llocclpt * , ! ,083 plies. ; fle.idy ; state ami
I'ennsvlvanla , 20itou ; iveeiern , ZOiffSlc ; foutliwn ,
TAJ.LOW-Stcady ; city , STJffllc ; country.
1'KTJIOLKUM Firmer ; United closed nt tl 41
bid ; lellned. New York , J7.75 ; I'lilluilrlpiil.i mil
Ilaltlmoie , n.TO ; 1'hlladoliJila und Halt I more In
bulk , J5.r,0.
HOSIN steady ; strained , common to good ,
Timi'KNTINK-FIrm : 30403lc. !
ItlCi ; tJlFiuly ; donitstlc , fulr to extra , ZKQCc ;
Japan , 3 % 4c.
MOLABSCH Slrnilv ; New Oilcans
, open kettle ,
guotl to choice , S9ff36c.
MKTALK rig Iron , nulet ; southern. J12.00ff
kera1'prlcu , JlO.37'i ' ; exch.inKfl price , in 2 ; l'o.37u !
Lead , dull ; brokers' price , J3.03 ; nchangu price ,
f3.13ff3.17H. Tin , nulrt ; straits , JI3.70 ; nlates
weak. HpellPr , nulct : domestic , I3.43ff3.59.
COTTON BKKD OIL-siuw nnd weals ; prime
" ' C | P " 10 eUIU"
mcr yellow , "jSffSUc ,
NE y YOIIR. . Dec. 2S.-COFFKK-Optlons
opontd Irregular , with price * unchanged to 15
points higher , rule.1 eenirslly linn and falily
cllvo en report ! via Jlavro Indicating damaiie
o S.inlori codfe crop ; closed fteady al n nut de
cline of S points to a net uduinco of 20 p.lnU . :
liwembor. JI3.75. Biiot cottee. Ilio. dull ; No , 7.
14.63. Mild , dull ; Coidova. ? 17.5)iTIS.3. Wars-
iou e ilcllvfiln from New York yesterday. G.8IO
UiB i N w York Hork Icday , 8M.776 IMK : IJitlle < l
States stock. ; : i. S | WB : alloat fur the United
Stales , * M.OOO bngt ; total visible for th United
Stnlei , t,7 , : :8 baE , UKalitit 61S.CC3 bags .Iakt
SANTOS Deo. 23. Market nulet ; geol nvrrixe
ianlo , 415.1) ; receipts , Vt.W ) bust ; tock , 4IO.OW
IIAMIU'RO , Ute.Market Irregular at 11
fK. udvaiic : talea , C.OO ) Ulg .
llAVlti : , Dec. 11 Market pptned steady and
inihatiKOd to * , ' ! decline ; at noon , closed un-
hun eit to lit advance ; nalei , lom > IKIZI.
1UO I'M JANE1HO. Dfe. U _ Market weak ;
No. 7. Ilio , m.W : exchanse. 9 0-521 ; recclpii.
1,000 l ) e ; cleared for the t'nltad rtiated , O.ii > i
g > ; fcr Europe , 6,000 bugi ; mock , ttJ.OQO bae * .
Pori-luu I'Miianoliil .tlTulm.
IIKHI.1N , LWc , 8. Kxchausi on I.oudon , eight
days' iiLsUt , 29 oiaiku 1 > iitt.
UVKIU'OOU Dec. 2J. Today U o holiday on
h Cotton and QniUi -
TAKIS , Ucc ti Tliree per rent rentes. lOOf
tie for Hie account. Kxclmnge on Ixmdon , Kl
I : for rliecki.
I-ONDON. Dec. 21. Ool.l U quoted at DUCIITH
Ayre * todUr at 31. W ; Madrid. IT.U ; I.ltb"n. si.
St. 1'etgrtlurir , M ; Athens , 77 ; Home , 107.70 ,
Vlfnnn , 1W. TTie nrniunt of bulllnn pnn * Into
thr llnnk of Knslnn < V/ i bnl.inrc today wns
f 7.0W. _ _ _ _ _ _
Trnillnir in Si > cnrlll nVn * Ilc.ilrlctpil
NK\V YORK. D . -/rradltit ( upon the flock
market today was renirlctrd. owing to nti Indisposition -
disposition to mnkc Venturas pendln ? the rocelpt
of dennlte news framJiiliiiiBlon rcsardlnt- the
exi ctpd bond Isnue and the vote of the house
< xt the bill bofaro It tlrovMlng for nnnnrlnl re
lief. In tlio cnrtUr dealings prices recovered
on lower quotations for" American securities ca-
blc-d from Ixindon nnd MI selling for that ac
count In this market. " Wo declines were Im-
( xirlnnt In only one or .two Instn.ncos. nn > l n
llrmer t3ne s m devernfffd on buylnir for Imth
ncrounl * , cntislnir nlmrp iiniirovements , fsnc-
rlnlly In leather preferred , Sugar nnd Man
hattan. Thu cljslmt A strong nt tbe top ! ! . -
ures n.nd with Renernl nulwtnntlnl net pnlns.
'J'li nhnri > panic from which we nri * . haiiplly ,
rapidly rrcoteilnK cnriles with It n lesson which
should not be overlooked , ns It recalls the cur-
dlnnj frtct that tinAniTlcnn peo.ilo nri > moro
heavily Indebted tlmn nny other nation to for
eign Invcstois for capital used In the develop
ment of their resources. This foreign Indebled-
ni'ss Is always n snurce of ilnnRor , ns not only
the Interest upon It la dmwn fnnn us nt Inter
vals , but tbe principal cnn bo Inftnntly rcall iil
by snles of securities on the New York rilocl ; ex-
On the oilier hand , retro pertlon nlsa estab
lishes the Mrcniith of the Unltrnl Stntfs. After
the closs of our civil wnr this country wnsn \
Ifoor tlnnnel.ll credit nbixtnd , n the IrndltiR for
eign cnpltnllsta l.vllcved Hint It would rcinilrc
nn Interval of nt lent I n ncncmtlon or two be
fore thu oiuntry could recover from tlio effect
of the rtnipulp. To tlielr profound surprise re
cnporatlon bcpiin linmedlntrly , for with tha ex
crptlon of tlio cotton nnd miRnr Interests , th
Industries of tbe country had bnen stlmul.itei
ratber than dcpiesaed during the four years o
strife. lly ISii ) the steady reduction of our nn
tlonnl debt hnd su fnr progressed that It could
bo refunded nt steadily declining rnt PS of In
turest. nnd , on January 1 , 1873. specie payment
were rraumed. The contrast between U61 , whe-T
0 per cent ROM 1-onds of the United States soli
on the continent of Kurope nt 33Vi , nn I 1S79 , whei
Its 4 per cent bonds commanded it premium , con
vlnccd tha financiers of KuriH > > ! that tlio Unlti"
States wns n country of Inilnltu ies > urcrs , nd
mlrnbly utilized. For home consideration It tn.i >
bi > pertinent nt this time nlso to note that be
tween 1S79 nnd IS l wt Iniimrtoil over'
In Rjld through tin ? oiwratlon of a favornbls ox
clmnse , ultlioURh wo then hnd on Island IIIR ox
nctly tliu game amount of greenbacks ns at tb
present time.
The Bloomy temper of speculation , which lint
clinrnricilznl tbo closs of the preceding week
was relieved to a mniked dcRieo by thu promii
decision of the New York clnrlnit house commit
toe , cabled to Europe , that Innn ceitlllcatf
would bo nt once Issued If to preven
furtber nnanclal disaster. Foreign Investor
forcibly expressed their apprcclatlm of till
timely notion by heavy purchase * or Amcrlcni
securities In their own markets nnd by caUlns ,
to New York heavy purilinslnff orders. In otbt
words , tlio panic was ut nn end. The loca
market quickly responded nnd substantial re
coverles In tbe prices of securities were made In
Bbort order. The rnlly was greatly stimulate
by Binnll cash Investment oidera to nn n sregati
of a largo nm.iiint. The more cheerful s ntlm nts
coiUlnucil nil of this week except In po far n
both local and foreign dealers returned to a nor
nml discrimination respecting seem Hies affcctei
by special Intluences nnd to the discussion of the
broad consideration , of our financial condition
Tlio loiealKlit of the clenrlntr house committee
was rellected In a decline of call money rates
from 73 per cent on Monday to below the Icga
ngure. nnd the wide discrepancy between tin
actual gtild shipments nnd tbe previous extraor
dinary estimates was nlfo credited In part to
their businesslike attitude.
The domliiatlim- topic of Interest lias been
and still Is tba question of nnanclal relief to
Iho treasury by nn Issue of KOI eminent bonds
Tbo problem Is still open. While It Is under
stood by well Informed llnanclers that prnc-
tlcally every preparation for an Issue of bonds
has been made by the administration , the passage -
sago of Hie band bill In the bouse Is expected
to induce the president to defer notion unit
the senate lias defined Its position on tbe llnnncln
question. The expectation of a bund l-sue am
pivpnrntlon for such n event by bankers nm
capitalists caused a .small premium on eoli
obtained from sjurcei fiulslda of tha ticasury.
Lxpoits of gold tot the week amounted to
about $2..100,0'W. ' ns against estimates of { 10,000.-
0V ) to llJ.ttW.OM. Enily In' the week It was re
ported Hint would-be shippers of gold were hin
dered by the scarcity'ofl'gnl tender notes of
largo denominations , but n > sufficient explana
tion of the nonsliipmeiit of three-fourths of the
od ! ordeied for exi > drt by today's steamers
Revived unfavorable .criticism of the llnanclii
condition of the Ilaltlmorel & Ohio railroad was
responsible for n net break from the highest
price of 1H4 per cent. . The rumois were speci
fically denied by an ollleUI ot the coiniuny
Sterling excliangu intos , which had been slmrplj
advanced onrly. declined 'in the expected la-
sue cf Koveinmi-nt bonds.- Reports of rnllwa >
trulllo returns for the third weelc In Decemlwr
nnd an exceptionally * favirnlle statement b >
the St. I'nul company for ) November excited n
t.ivorabla Influence ) upon th marltet.
ins uuying movement quiminaioii on Thurs
day , advances having bijen meanwhile so .rod over
Saturday's closing of 13 . per cent In Cuncoll-
dated Gas ; I' , 11 per cent ; Sugar , 10V- per
cent ; Luckawanua , 10H per cent ; and Rock
Island , 10 psr cent. Tlnal prices , nltbougl
sliowlng liberal coneessions from the hlghns
of tin- week , revealed material net gains , ex
tending to 10(4 per cent In Consolidate 1 Gas
The aggipffute BOlei were 1.0S7.7M shares. To
day's railway bond market wns Irregular , but
closed fairly firm. Thfr sales nifgregaUM J72'j.Ct ' ) '
The di'allnR.s for weelc wro inaiku.1 by t
rebound In tha speculative l ? ilej , fr.nn the. he-
voro declines of the prevlnis v.-cuii's rluslns
HgureH. The Improvement exien'lej to 714 IHM
> - < -nt In Ivansao & Texas * econds. Tiie b'ss
active bonds failed to han > In the Impnivement
and bhnrn iiccllncs occuried In many ln. tancu : <
The deilfngs foo'cd ' up } 11.101,010. Ciovernmentr
declined shaiply In nntk-ip.itlon of a new Issii'
of bundj. The- new 4s fell off 3 per cent ; 6s
2'per cent , nnd 4s coupons , 2 per cent ; nm
J * o.upnna , legletercd , 2 < i per The Una
bids were somewhat abive the lowest prices ol
the wefk. The rales amounted to J32.0W. S'l-
ver certificates gained Vfz per cent on purchase * ,
< if ( W.OOO.
Thu Kvenlng Post's Lr-iulon cable says
The stock maikets here continue go d , except ror
Anirrlcan Bocurllles , which weie well lioLm
the pailty nil day and dull. The Times mono )
.utlcln Elates that llotlisrhlld declines to take
part at present In nny United Status loan. I
would prefer , however , fitlll to debcrlbe the situa
tion In the words f my dlftr.Uih vcsterd.iv. The
fcatmo here totluy was n bhaip spuit In mines.
At 1'nrls the bourse was dull. At llerlln the
nurl'.ut was htcady.
The New Yoik I-'Inancler siys this week : Ttie
year closes with the loans of the clearing house
brinks at their lowest figures , the total , 5I7S.JCC.-
M , being t2.000DM under the it-tuin made April
27. when the loan Item blood nt MM.4Sf.GQ4. The
unusually heavy decrease of { 11,160,100 In loans
for Iho week Just ended reflects the contraction
which the panic of ten days brougnt about , nnd
; he only Eurprtse Is that the closing out of lo.ins
was iut larger. The Blirlnkage fiom the hlgh-
ebt point reached durln ? the Is , however ,
over fll.OOQ.VOi.
At tlie time ( September H ) when the banks hnd
outstanding the largest toinl of loans In tlw blB-
tury of Iho clearlnB Inusf , their deposits were
I371.7iO.2tJJ. or more than J70.iKM.00' ' ) In excess of
the present dcpoHits , nnd tbe exoegs rfserv. ' wa.
nomuthlng over ! 23OWOW , or tlO.OW.OOO larger
than ( it the picsent. A IIPW Ixmd Isvue , theic-
'oie , comes nt a time when the PXCCSJ reserve
* down to tiri.OtW.COi iigiilntt > , ( ) OH when
HID previous Issue waa made. The total cns'i
loldmgs of the banks nt the present tlmo nri *
inly SH1.Z12.00' ' ) , which Is over 413.COT.iW ) bs
Hum the nm > unt In the banks when the bin
usue waa maile , tun ! the t > pcclc lield Is nln-i
! 13.000,0t > ) lens than nt that period. The lutal
osi of gold slnco January , JSJI. due almost
* < 'lely to dlfTertnt iKind lesues , has h.'cn over
> WWOti ) ) ) , Tor the first tlmo nlnce October 12
ho banks lo t gold last week , the decrease In
Mieolu being (71X300. Tim fulling ff of ilOL'ul.-
C' In net deposits Is almost unprecedented. Tin1
IMdcnd period n w nt band will likely cha.'inc
the complexion of the statement for the better
within a very short time. As It Is the outlucAv
s for a Him money maikot for ti'ime time to
Thu following ucio the closing quotations on
he leading stocks of thp New York exchange
oday :
STTTlUNCJ KXniANOII-Pun. vrllh scttm
business In bnnkfrs' bills nt JI.MfN.Wi for de
mand nn.l 14 S7l I.S71i for Hxlv dajs ; im tei
rn'M. J4.8S'itT4.SS ' i and (4.9004.91 ; commercial
bllM , tl.ST.
STATR HONI'3-Ilincllve.
nAti.noAt > iioNns rirm.
aoVKUNMKNT ItON'DS-Slendy ; new 4. . rcc.
lll'H coupon , lltHi in , Tff. , ItJVii coupon. 111 < 4
4 . rec. 109 ; coupon. 11' ' ) ; it. tog. , H : I'arine ( a
of ' 9C. 99.
Closing quolnllnns en Irnas were n >
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 2S. Clearings , $13,103.-
143 ; I'alanrcs , ; 2.112.4o6.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 23. Dealings , $3.010.038 ; bal
ances , f 510 , 27' ) . Money , CSS per cent. New York
exchange , " 3o discount Lid.
NEW YORK , Dec. tS. The exports of specie
from the port of New York for the week
amounted to f2.3H.DM In gold and } l.o.H , i)0 ) In
silver. The Imports were : ( Sold , 1131 , Mill ; ( .liver ,
| 3.o,2 : diy goods , $2,422.013 : general merchandise.
JC.231,711. Clearings , 5111,787,10 $ ; balances. $0S1J-
XIMV York Wi'okly lliiiil : Sditeimict.
NEW YORK , Doe. 23. The weekly bank state
ment shows the following changes : Restrvc , dc-
creis.Jl , U9.123 : IUIIIIH , decrease , $11. ISO. 1'W ;
bpeele. decieaso. $7l2,30u ; legal tenders , decrease ,
H,437,2M ; deposits , decreai" . tlC.iOI.CO ) ; elieulH-
thm , decrease. $4S,4W. The banks now ho'.d $ 3.-
ho'jii3 In excess of the requlicments of the 3
par cent rule. _
'l.'riKfi. AVhciIt < llIlIllloilH.
Maf. $1.0C 4.
_ _ _ _
S < -I -IltlHtS DlMCMIHS ( lie 1'frplOA.ItlCH Uf
INDIANAPOLIS. Doc. 28. At this fore
noon's oaeslon of the American Uconomlc
association and tlia Pclltlcal Science * Associa
tion of the Central States papers were read
by Prof. Irving Fisher of Yale university
and President Francis A. Walker of the
Massacluuiotts Institute of Technology. Prof.
\Vlllard Fisher and Edward A. norj nlwj de
livered brief addresses ,
Prof. IrvinK Fisher's subject was "Tho
notation of Changes In the Volume of Cur
rency to Prosperity. " This paper ID confined
\ j a small part of th ? subject announced nnd
lri directed against the argument that the
appreciation of gold aggravates dcbti. Thin
argument looVa only at the principal of the
di-lit anil disregards the rate cf Interest.
The c'.ntentlon Is that appreciation \vln n
for.seen Is forestalled by a lowering1 of tlio
rate of Interest. The Dclmonl-Morgan bond
fcymllcatp was willing to lend our government
some $03,000,000 at 3 par cent If a gold
standard were specified , but demanded 2
per cent If they had to assum ? the rls-ka of
a fall of ftanJard. Prof. Flchor produced an
elaborate algebraic example to illustrate hi :
At th ? late afternoon session today papers
wcjo read 'by Profs. K. W. Tausslg of Har
vard university on "Tho International U e
cf Gold and Silver" and by Hti.ry W.
Parana m of New Haven , Conn. , on "Tiie
Practicability and Desirability for the Com
mercial World of a Double Standard of Cur
rency. "
Imiiorliuil Suit AK'nlnnl Uiu U.
urrr of IllliuiiH ,
CAnM'LU , III. , Dec. 28. Next Thursday
the suit against tlio Chicago bondsmen of tin
ate Etato treasurer of Illinois will bo heard.
it Is especially Important to hundreds of
depositors In the Hamsey bank , as on the
result will depend whether or not tli-'y re
ceive bade the- money placed In the hands
of ono who wan highly ottecmed a.a town * .
nan and statesman , and whose wealth was
thought to ba great ,
This suit is to test the validity of the
claim of the II vo Chicago bondsmen for $3GJ-
)00. ) representing the amount due the state
rom Mr. Hamsey , which tbpy paid Into tltc
rcasury to make iood tha shortage.
Ths tcDtlmonv promises to beIntmstlng. .
Oepoyitii/ni. aav * been taken from Oovernur
lolir P. Altgold uud hlH private secretary ,
William F. Dose. Stala Auditor Gore , John
II. Tanner , Colonel H. 13. Ilayle , assistant
adjutant genual ; Senator I ) . F. Caldvvcll , a
nnr of SprlngfieM ; John H. Walih , pretl-
dent. and F. W. lilount , cashier , of the
Chicago National bank ; John A. King , presi-
Icnt , John II. Whltbcck , vlco president , and
i , S. GoJdard , cashier of the Fort Dearborn
National ban ) : of Chicago ; Klbridgo G. Keith ,
president , and Harvey H , Hitchcock , cashier
of Metropolitan National bank of Chi
It Is said tbe Chicago banks paid no In-
erest to Mr. Uunsey for the tii-e of tbo
tate money , and therefore the creditors here
an entitled to It. An attempt will b ? made
o prove thl * point in the coming null.
Hun .Vn I'Vnr ' for ( litllo > vri ,
SKATTLE , Wain. , Dec. 28. William
Iroivn , manager of the Canadian Pacific und
\ustrallan Steamship c-'inpiny , o\rnlng the
Mlowera , eald that tbo company had no mis-
tlvln i at : to the eafety of the veiue ) . They
> cli--va that lier captain , after the Strath-
ntvlu haiviicrs jiartod and the- hurricane CJIIID
up , bad concluded that it was time to tliltiV
f his own ship and paittngra and valuablu
rgj. Ali it wau probable that he wau un-
tbto to turn tils tblp in the direction he had
e't tUo Sirallmevls , cwlpg to ti" ! torrlllc
'orm ' , so , fCT fear of further endangering hU
\vu flilp , lie had prjccejed ( or Honolulu.
Light Bun of Cattle raid Only a Moderate
One of Hogs.
It l MnrUrt OiHMii'il I'n Stow 1ml HIP
Ynrilx Were ClritriMl nt 11 o-CVnt
Over l''rlttny'n
Receipts nnrt shipments for the pns' '
twenty-four hours , na compared with the
previous six days , nro as follows :
Cntllo. HOB * . Shcco. Horwi. .
December IS . 73 lMl ! 1.127
T > ecember " 7 . . 701 S.SO . . . .
December 20 . l.B5 ( 1.831
December 21 . f.O ! ) 3 S2i ) 4WJ
December 23 . U.7D l.Zttl 1SI
December 21 . 710 4.2SD 116
December JO . 2.SC5 6,731 KU
Cuttle. HOBS. Sheep. Horses.
December 27 . I'M . .
December 5 . 311 .
December 21 . 210 . . . . 312
December 23 . 478 . . . . *
December 21 . 81.1 . . . . M3
December 20 . CI.1IG2 .
December ID . 1,368 312 . . . . 01
The receipts for the week with coin-
jinrlsons nro :
Cattle , HOBS. Sheep
Receipts this week . 4,500 12,111 1.707
Receipts last week . 11.102 M.Sffi 2 , SI.
Same week lust yenr. . . S.003 15.S26 Mr
Hume week 1893 . 8.243 15 1 ! > J HJo !
Same week 1S32 . 13.8CC lili 2lif.
CATTI.K-In the cattle ynrtln It wns prac
tically u repetition of yestcrduy. The re
ceipts were the name , twenty-six loads for
each day. nnd the cliamca In the market
were so Binnll ns to hardiy bo worth no-
In the line of tnt cattle there wore some
prutty decent corn-fed unlives. Ono load
of right good 1,111-lb. bcvcs sold nl $1.03 ,
while two other loads uroiifilit $3.80. The
market was not mateiln'.ly different from
yesterday , vnliicB generally being Just nbout
steady on all grades.
There were only n few cows nnil heifers
on Htile , but thttt did not appear sultlclont
to put nny life Into the market. 'Hie trade ,
an u whole , was Mow and uninteresting.
The buyers were Indifferent , and. If the
olTorlng.4 did not ju t happen to please
their fancy , they would not try very hard
to buy them. In the end , however , the pens
were cleared.
Only n few sloolcrrs nnd feeders were
offered for sale nnd the market was slow ,
as usual on Saturday.
The cattle market of Iho pasl week lias
been In some respjcts unsatisfactory to the
Hailing interests. The receipts have been
light. In fact , extremely light on some days ,
and Htill Hie demand has been of sntcb an
Indifferent character that tlio trade on
most days has been dull and lifeless. Vuluos
have had a slightly upward tendency In
spite of the fact that the market has failed
to develop any life or activity. The ml-
vanro has not been large and has been
conllncd to such cattle as especially stilled
tliu wants of local packera. While tbo de
mand lias been light It has ? beJti stilllcient
lo lake tbo few cattle coming , and the re
ceipts of each day have been cleaned up
on the day of arrival.
Stacker. * and feeders have been In light
supply all the week and the amount of
business doing small. There Is u good deal
of complaint on the part of operators ra-
gardlni ? the scarcity of money , and It would
seem to be the general opinion that little
activity can ba expected In that branch of
tbe cattle market until more money Is
available for feeding purposes. Representa-
llve sales :
No. Av. I > r. No. Av. P. . No. Av. Pr.
103) } 3 25 SI..1173 J3 M IS. . . . 1407 J3 SO
llllti 330 9.1213 3 TO 20..1384 380
.1057 330 4..12V ) 333 1..16IO 3 S.1
.1219 3-10 J8..1.1i7 3 Co 3. . . .1230 3 sr ,
.11M 3 43 9..1270 3 73 JS. . . .1111 4 05
SCO 1 40 3..107C 2 13 K. . . .101C 2 40
. 7CO 1 SO ' ' ' ' . .117il 2 40
1 73 . . . . 2 r. . .105) 2 40
.101) 1 T r.irvii 2 20 . . * ) 2 43
. DM * 1 SO 110 ! ) . .1117 2 r ,
.moo 1 S'l 1. 122i ) . .1011 2 reV
200 1. 1110 2 23 9. . .1023 V CO
2 00 1.G. . lilt 2 25 2J. , .1031 2 r.o
. 10 2 Cr ) 1.R. . 112) 1. . .l'SO ' , 2 ! i )
. f.10 s m R. 11)11 2 30 1.S. . , .117rt 2 M
. .1110 2 u : 23. 1050 2 30 S. " 2 rr.
.1130 2 10 1. 2 CO 11. "lll7 2 CO
.10.V , 2 JO 4. .1132 2 20 24.S. . , .10li7 2 CO
1 ' 1V1 2 ! . - > 11. S 25 S. 2 03
.11 * ) 2 ] . ' > 1. , WO 2 3" 51. 2 73
.1020 2 r. 5. CIS 2 33 1. . . MO
.1115 2 IS 1. T > 93 2. , .190) ) 3 00
.lie ; 4. . . . 1047 240 3 25
. 530 2 00 . . . . 740 2 40 1. . , . 70,1 2 CO
. . CM 2 13 1. . . . 7SO 2 40 S. . , . SIS 2 G3
. . B.-.C . 2 20 1. . 2 4) ' . . 740 2 C5
. 04) 2 20 1.J. . G30 2 41 l.'l . . 9JJ 2 SO
. G02 2 30 C. C7S 2 45 21. . . . 907 2 SO
. COO 1.1. 730 1. . , .1000 3 00
2 35 ! 5' ' )
2 no . . .102) 2 SO 1. . .1000 2 M
.1130 2 U > > . . . . Ml 2 30 1. . .HOT 2 ro
.1' ' J 2 10 . . . 710 2 40 11. . .1.-.12 2 0)
.157D 2 15 . . . fv ) 2 4) 3. . .H5G 2 00
.142) 2 40 1. . .131.0 2 CO
.1300 .110) 2 40 .1755 2 75
.13 * ) .1700 2 M .1311) 2 60
.14 : ; .1330 2 W 2 K
1..1210 2 40 1. . . . 70) 2 C )
nvcr in met iinnil * rruin ycetctuny , inn ] In the
Imnilu of HiicculutorH , The trnileva clew to
open , l.ut when thu buyera did Ket down In IIIHI-
jiuss It ilorvlopnl Into u J3.33 mii ) < ct. The pack-
fin boUKlit Iho IIUKU at nliriul Iho prices they
wcro bld.linir lit Hie clusi yv > ifnlay , or Cc luwtT
than j'esterduy'o i-nrly inml.a. When oncu uinlei
v.'ny the 4raile was fairly uctlvo and nil rarly
clearuncovus t/IiTlrd. / Tlio iri'-at liulk of all
the | IUK unlil nt S'l.K , na ntahitit $3.10 yestur-
day m.iiulnK.
Jn tpltp uf HIP Intervention of a holiday tlie
lu niurl.-ct of the wu ek lias bcea In pruiy
fair uhape. Tlictti \ nartc'rl In wllli the inar-
: ut at tbe luu-'ct jiuUit uf the year , hui ; > i felling
on Monday Imsely nt ? 3.2'ijl27' , ' . . On Tuesday
n decldeil advnnco vin cored nnd the niutliel
wna Btlll lilclieion Tliurrday mid FrMny. With
llui cl. e of HID vcf'.c ' u jioillun of the Kaln
\tuH lc l , biA tbo market was Mill Ci/'lUc / lilKliei
than at the ojiunliih' . ltepn > Denlullvo k.ilco ;
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No , Av. HI ) . Pr.
it . 101 . . .rsro M . ; i ) u ss
. MS . . . 320 Gi . S < 1 ) 383
0 . 20' ! 12) S S5 II . S7U . . . sis
3 . 4JI . . . 333 CJ . SOS 12) ) 355
3 . 147 40 3 ari 71 . 3'J M
61 . 27. ) 12) 3 85 . SV 12) )
) . I'M 250 3 m M . 28
Gi . 2 1 1C ) 3 85 4" , . r$1
B . S > 1
"i . 248
1 . 8W
1 . 410 . . .
4 . 270 . . .
1 . Ill . . .
0 . 13 . . .
HHI2I2I' Tlia
ic.iviujt vt tlio utck and tlio nuilici ilrni
; oud lnulti.'n .
Under tl > Induuncs of cxtrem"ly Hcht rc-
rcli'b | and Improved oondltl ni nt other io < tlet
.lu tendency ut ( ho > heci | niailtct hai lx n up-
varil id ) thuofk. . Oo'nl nrjtuiia lia\e ln-uii In
deiuund nil thu week ut Hint | ) ilce , O9xl tu
chulce natlv 4 nro iiuotHtlM al ! 2. ; } J l.:3 : good
a cliolco weHiri > , | ! ! .0i > ri3.00 ; fair la luol ; stork
lirT. II.7W2.U ; ; uuimilun In rholiw I' ) to IJ'J-lu
ambi at U.OJJfl 15. llvictcnlutlvu alcs :
No. -V- 1 > r-
It M lcon wft'neri" , cornfed . 7a } S 5
31 w * lcrn wctliMn , oomfcd. . . . . HI 3 V.-
Iteoord of UM..U | at the four nrinclpul mail.flo
or Kuturdny , UCVUIIKHT ' 'J , IkSI :
Untile. Has * . Kl > ut )
Boutli Omalm . CM 2. U l.lh
Cuina * City . . . . . . , . . . , l.&JO 11 , i )
HI. haul * . . . . . 7JO 2.SOJ
Totuu . s.oij
C'llx 1,1 viniotU ,
KANSAS i-jTv utTTLI : u "r-u
1,2' ' brad ) ulilpmsiiH. 1 ! > ' l.iaJ , inaiU" ! n in n
ally hlt-ady ; Ttius ilccu. } J'/iiiJ.JJ ' , Ttxa > .ivn
' ( i
J1.W3.I8 ; ntockN-9 nml foJrs , JLJCffHO ! IrtilU ,
. .
-Hpolrts , S.yw hcnd ; i > lil | < iwnti ! , fM
liendi Ivwt erode ] stpndv. others wNikj Imlk of
* nlF\ ! .l.4i > 4J14S : liMVlrH , > .Vt,03n' , | M < kpr ? ,
l3.Vff3,47U ; mixed , > .1. M9.4 ; : llgM , fi.3093.43t
Vurktri. tt. 9 3.4l ! I'lm. t ! JSffS.M.
Sill ! ! ' ! ' nrrrtpt * . S ) licnil ; uhlpni'-nt' . mmfj
nmrKrt stMdy ; latnl > , JJ.OPjn. 15 ; inntionn ,
cmcui : > i.ivn STOCK.
. l > eo. 2S.-Thln wrok'n dlipply of rnt-
tic wns extremely light , niul B.HH ! to cholro
dre5eit beef nnd fJil | > pln lo rafte from ll\J
ti I3o lilxhcr lovlny thnn a wwlt nK . 15 tl
inatliiR the * up | > ly for ttio l.iKt fexv days of Oc-
ccniluM1 , tlio ChlcHKo r ttlo rwflpls this yenr
will njTRtvi-nto 2WI.OCO lirad twins : l.0 > 3 IP < SI
tlmn nrrhod Inut > Pnr nnd 5S1.WO slinrt of I1' ' ! ,
tlio Iwiuior yonr. This work'n supply Is rx
tremcly and B" " ! tn rlmlro difded Invf
nnd nlitpplni ; ntri > tt wen > fnim \ < v to l" > i * hlcliir
Ihnn n.vk itpt. The driiund Ins linprivi-d
nnd rxporteis nre I > U > | IIR frwly around pf-siiit
pilren mi nroount of llclit Itiltlsli cuppllcH of
Aiuorlrnti IIMVPII. l' lvs Imvc IHHMIIIC f > Kenivis
tlinl the \IH \ liiis nip now pelllnR nt from JC ti >
S0. * > . iunintlims uile ns follonn : Common t. >
prlino Btorrs. rriMn J.1.W to Jl 75 : ntwktm nnd
fcK-iloin , fu < m 1241 to } H.(15 ; liiills. row * nml
lirirpis , from H.SO to 13.60 ; Ttxniiii. from t3 to
I3.l .
Tln < IIOR ieoolis | | this ypnr will n | > proxlinnto
7fi1i.0i hend , the nnliimls for tlio Insl few
ilny ( > f 1 Vivmlirr lu'lni ? fttlninto.1. Tills plinwrt
nil lnrr n n nr lif.O' * ' lings over lant yiv r. Wllli
iiMvlplH ti 1ay of iMi-cly u.OiX ) hnnn , p.u-lters s * i
nxlmiiflnd iln > utipply nnd pilcv * were uti-ons nt
yoslerdny'B ndvnneo. nn Incre.iH d proportion of
tlio on'riliiKs fotchlnir Jl.OO. 1'rlcoa title as fol
lows : I'ommon to eh > lre lionvy , fiotu { 3.40 In
J.l.flS : nilxo.1. fmin 3 I ) in t.l.rlight ; , fi-om J3.40
to (3.C5 ; | , | K , fnim 12 In .1.M.
Tills jear's lei-elpts of sheen will l > ent nil
records , Ilio nrrlvnls Ithe l.i l few days of De
cember lieliiR riitliiiiitml ) fiiitliiK lip 3,3 . > .1 > M lirnd ,
nn Incie.iao cf 2.d.0v)0 ) hend over 1S-JI. Hales wein
nmtlo nt nn luUancp nf fully : ic oxer a veek
nK' . < m thu 1'anlB ' of from tl.75 to ) } .r,3 for In-
frilor to prlino unlive shorp , from JJ to S3..13 for
iruod prime wcstoins nnd fiom J.173 l.v j.r. | . " > for
fnlr to | iiImp Innilis. Tlio ureittfr i ul of Ilio
niipply fiom thin ilmo on will piobnuly oonslxt
of fiM western sheep.
llrcclpts : rnllli4W liend ; IIOEH , 0.000 hend ;
sheep , 4,000 lipuil.
K < . IIIIIN | llv > Slock.
RT. I.OtTlrt llrtr. ! K r Arrri.l _ Tt.i/ , * l.1 rAft
head ; strndy ; nnllvo Invvos , } .1.'ifH.7"i ; cows nnd
lielfei-H , bulk of nales. JXK3.W ( ! | ; Texas nlocm
lunuo $2.2."i4f.,75 ) for KIHSS nnd fed.
11OOS Hi-eelpti" . 2 > 0i ) bend ; market Mronjr ;
hpnvy. $3.Mlf3.IX ) ; intxeJ , < 3,30ff3.rMj llRht , V3.5oy
' '
'Hl'lUKl' Heeolpts. WO head ; Mc.idy ; nutlvcrt ,
$ : .255f3.25 ; soulhelll , I2.0aff3.00.
Conflict Would lie ( Inaiuni Stiiii > ii-
iloiiH of Modern TtniCN.
KANSAS CITV , Dec. 28. Tlio Journal
prints nn Interview with Hon. Jatncs Mo
Mullln , member of the Canadian parliament
from North WollliiRton , Out. , who U visiting
Kansas City , on the war scare. Us says :
"I rcRrct to llnd the general feeling of bitter
ness toward everything Urltlsh In this coun
try. Tltoro Is no such fcellni ; towanl Amer
ica , for only the most friendly fellHB exists
toward this country. We are two peoples
with n common origin ; \vhy should wo light
each other !
"An far as Canada lo concerned , there Is no
feclltiK generally Jn favor of annexation to
the United States. In the event of li < r.ihlo
Canada may be depended upon as thoroughly
loyal. Canada has no reason for wanting to
bs annexed. Wo enjoy nil the liberties of n
self-governing people ; we contribute nothing
to Kngland's revenues ; we pay only the sal
ary of the governor general , which Is $50,000.
In return we got the nil-powerful protection
of Kngland'n nrmy nnd navy.
"We want to trade with you ; wo want
reciprocity. Tbe new tariff net Just passed
by ths housf , will. If It becomes a law , un
doubtedly provoke reprisals In the Bhapo of
retaliatory duties on logs. The bill restores
the CO per cent MeKlnley duty on sawed
lumber , but Canada will probably put on nn
export duty on logs. "
Mr. McMulIln Is of the opinion that war
between the two countries would bo dis
astrous to mutual Intercuts. "Ktigland , " ha
said , "has Investments In this country that
draw $500,000 Interest every ilny of theyear. .
War would be a terrible thins for both par
ties , and It Is a mooted ( | tioatlon which would
suffer tli ° more. 1 believe that one result of
the Incident wll he ( he formation of a coali
tion of Hrlttsh colnnlrs ttiraiiRhout the world.
I do not look for war unless the Venezuelans
commit arts which will conip : ! Kngland to
protect hcrstlf. Thfn , If thVi country car
ries out the Monroe doctrine "ns Amerlpa
Interprets It , there will be the most stuptn-
dotts and disastrous war of modern times. "
McoiifH of VIoliMK'i ; In MIC Seventh
Century llnvc ltci-i Hcicitcit.
BOSTON , Dec. 28. A correspondent writ
ing from Oastautlnoplo concrrnlng the re-
cnt Turkish atroollloa lu Ania Mlnir says
that at Arahltir 2,000 Christians were killed
anil wcunJod nnd that out of aomo 2,009
liouseu of Christians fully t'lroc-quartero ' were
burned. Into thu remaining houses , Iho
writer etataii , uro huddled several thousand
survivors who nrs living on tlio refuse grain
rescued fr-m their burned houses. Tiio
urnos of the worst p rlods of Saracenic In
vasion In the seventh century have been re
over and over. Thousands of Ar
menian Christians have boon forced to accept
Mohammedanism nt the point of the nword.
Christian women without number have been
carried off to the harems of Kurds and Turku.
The apathy of Europe nnd America , so far
as the gorcrnmantts are concornad , Is almoat
as surprising nu the cruelty of the Turks.
Tilers Is still talk of committing reforms to
the ? ? murderous Turk * . Thsy will take care ,
unless Huropo Inlcrvcnoj , to see Umt..tli < ; r9
shall bo no Armenians toll to participate' in
AVI1I llnvc ii ! ililei > Tj.tfiirf.
DBNVKIl , D2C. 28. Mr. I. L ) . Porter of thh
city , who has been chostn president of the
Now York Mlnins exchange , will ba eycarted
to New York by a largo number of th busi
ness men of Colorado. A ispt'cial trjln will
be rim , canylns at Ir&ist 71,000,000 worth jf
drey , besides millions of pure gold , under DID
iroteutlon of armed guards. The Colorado
larly will nttond the first call on Ilia New
York exchange.
Can lie nmdo by my plan nf. C'i-"oj > cmtlvo KicuuUi- |
lon InVnll elrrot on ln\c"iini.'iil of ilOO. KIIIIM
loin 510 upwuida ic-iil.f.l. u . ( en. nf my clleiiti
las ever lout u dollar on my p'nn Kend fur prim-
> eciu nnd muiUtit Icitoi ; null. J free , lllcln t
tfercncCB fuin' ' , ed ,
u. aionriMKii IM.MJ.
Ilnnlcvr .V llroUor , ; > l ) iiroiul'nuy , \ . V ,
A > many conipluliit.i HID tainiiii ; to Hie. ChlcnKu
Ilriird of Tindc bhntvln tlnil iieiions livcii'lliu ' ; t
dejl 111 i-nilil nr.d liruvluloim tiuuux i ni'inliviti nf
ho li/md und ulJ > et t I'H rtilfrf nnd lu3til.i >
tluiu uru iiilsk-1 line Ce.illn , ; wllli iW'BJi.n ' u.-
IrnK wnt hn\c nn L'unn ( linn wlili till ] lloiird ,
hu public U cnutloiu-d nK : > lnit rto.illlwith : muh
JCIHUIK or lliini. : nnd In nuilll l iiit | : (1KOIKJI !
! ' . CTONU , K'l'ifiuiy , will mi IVPI any lii'iulilcj '
m IK ulictlier uny prirtlcu'.ii' jeitun or mm 1 <
u niHiibcr of eui'h Cirird.
niniICK : l' _ . PTONII , Hferclnry.
yoo.oio.pu lioyul Insurance
In Craln and Provisions. i
executed ( 'ld.i > iii fluaril nf Truilr In rn h anil
, 'pVU'iia , AtUmifei inaile nn . 'I'li-Uiuntiit I'lnrUtouV
\Saiehaux , Unluu.Stai'K Yurai. liH.n 11 miy Clilesea
Ixntclnif liiFtltiiuii | or Coi.itiiprcUl f.ueuc ] , ) i > lly
tiirk rt icttaruu n.ll .tl'jli. Cu 1 1 ( Kpon eure lullcltej.
SucccsHful Spsculation.
Activity 'i 'iln jir'tvalh in tliu nnrltut for
StocKs , liondi , ( i fa In , Cotton , I'rovl-
Hloti.s iiiiil other Hroitritlus.
I'.uniiliict und Dally Murkot J/vtloriloscrlh. )
low moili'St sjipt'iiliillvo Invualini'iin result lu
upld nml liiindiiiiiiiu iMulIu nrillfl free un
tppllcullon. Kufurmicoi fnrnlihu. ' .
ilombcr N. Y , Counoll l UJ t ? lock Uxcliuiig *
, 47 ISru.iUvay , Now VurU ,
' .n ( 'urru pun li'inoutuliul lu every
Ilcvlcwlnf Ihe gruln nuil tiorit .nirkftt , will IK
( nt y > 'U ilatly on iviqueat , in tli * liapj of uc erv >
at : rmt ol your 1'ii.uu = , Oideit t lldlej lot
aih > .r ( .11 Ibrco la fltv vo'.ut uiaixhit
J , R , W1LLARD & CO.
M. rti'i * Ctn-aso Ilfu-d rf TfJ'lf. f vw York
'luiu-e I nunkw V'ik i'cm. Hf'tk l'x.
.lunrr. 17 Uuuid TC4'J , CMvtxu , 41 Uroadwsy ,
. _