1 * Tilt ? OJIATTA rtAlTjY HER : Rl'XDAY , DlDOBMHEn 20 , 181)3. 8PBC1RL NOTICES. AilvcrtlKPiiiRtil' ) for Jlioup column * rrlll I S tnkon iinlll I2IHO p. m. for tlic FVi-nliinr nml tinlll 8 n. m. tor the ninrtiliiu nnd Snniliijnlltlotif. . Advertiser * , liy rc | iip ilnK ( n nnm- bcreil check , CHII lin c nnnwrrit nil- * drccicil In n iittmlicrcit Ictlcr In cnrc of Thr > llc. . Anmrcri o m1ilroitpil rrlll tic ilfllrcroil nion prcscnlnllon of Uic cliccJf onlr. Hnlcn. 1 l-8o i miril Hriit ItiNprlliint 1c n rroril tlicrcnflcr. r.'ntliliiK < nkvn for IPH limn 2Hc for nrit limprdon. Tlic p ndvprllMcnicnln mint IIP "in connect- tlvrlr. SITUATION'S \VAvrnn. Ot'Nn MAN WANTS PLACE TO HO f HnRI.S tnfco cnr nf ftirnaeo. lirifr < i or cowfor board. Omnlm Ilus. Col. , cor. litli nnJ 1.1n."n1 1VAM'in-M.YLI3 XVANTED-LIVK. INTELLIGENT AOrNTfl IN Omnha to nrpnnlze cliil of three to five fatnl- HM of our fumnus Orchard Humes lands In central Ml slvlppl. llm lldc of lmml rsl . .n . Is going south , where there nre no hot winds , nn cold wIntern , no bllirnrds. no crop failure" ; where two or thrrc crops can l.o ral * l encl year ; where there Is no such thing ns failure II ft mm will work one-half ns liard no lie does In thin country : cnol cummerc. mild winters ; jure pnvlnc crfps of fnilts and naiilen truck : rlche't roll on earth ! best ralltvsv faclllllts. Oeo. Ames , treneial agent. 1C17 rarnam st. . m' ' WANTED. A COAT IIANDi STEAD\ and eel pay. Henry Knfrcbaum. Pnlnt. Neb _ _ RALEMMEN TO HANDLE OfR HtGH GRADE ItilirlratbiK oils nnd greases , exclusively or ns a side line. A. It. Tlmmlns Oil Co. . r-lrve- _ land , O. ! i"LXi0'j5.- ! ! " M 10 "lIM PER MON-HI AND EXPENSES TO Kell clgnrs ; experience1 unnecessary ; extra In ducements to cuslmmrs. Folk & Co"nlB.I' ! ! , . ' " BALESMA'N"XvilTWANT AN ATILE AND nx- pfrlenrod Mlriman to tnUe chaw nf a branch onico In Omaha fnr our line of rrppry ? | vclnl- tlrn. nniV" make a month's trip four times a vrar 111 lielihl iHnR territory. Onod pal.irv nnd jieimnii'nt pjiltlnn. Addre-s , with full prulicit- inra nnd rffefiict-o , Cu hinan Ilios. Company , 78 Hmlwn st. , New \'n\k \ City. I1-973-M AiVEIlTIt > INT"AOrNT7 E.VPEHIENCED AND rollahlo ni.m with tr il home refciencoa ; iil-an- nnt anilI 'rv proflt.ililo employment. Fr l Klnln Si C .r < iiile.iito. II 9i4-Z9' WANTED. HY ONlToF THE LAHOEST PACIC- Ins ; houtes In Chlrnito. a tra\cllm ; snlPFman. Must Ix1 thnrniishlv ronvciiant with th" patt- S.IKP trndo wvst of Clilrncn nnd sppnk German. Blato pxpprlpnrp nnd salary ictjulred. Aililrpis PacKrr , 701 lloikciy , Clilcaco. 11 S73-SO * BALiSMAN TO DUUO TIIAHE Sm'l3 LINn or othorwlse. J.V. . Knight , 217-223 State st. llaclne. AVI . H | 1V ) A MONTH ; YOU CAN MAKE IT EASY : 0 hours a day ; cur agents den't complain of hard times , but arc. maklns big money selling Nallonal Dish washer : built on rclentlfle prin ciples ; guaranteed ; o\erjbndy wants one ; 1 000- 000 to be Fold , price low. Apply ut once. World Mfif. Co. , W 0. CulumbUH , O. 11-050-23 * SALESMAN- ! > > SALARY AND EXPENSES to a irood m.in to Intrnduec our wines direct from tlnryauls ; nppirlunlty for advance ; com mission If piefeired ; no cNperlL-ncc necessary with our complete Instillations ; Inclose two stamps. Ca > mus Vlneyntd , Cellar ? , 123 nnd 127 Eddy street , San Francisco , Cnl. 11 OC3-23 * WANTED-A SPECIAL REl'REKENTATIVE IN every state to travel. J73.00 to J100.00 Balary and commission to energetic joung men. Excellent chance for teachers and students. Huslnesi pleasant and permanent. Splendid opportunity to make money. Our new plan lakes like wild die. Address National Library Association. 221 Monroe st. , Chicago. IS WANTED , MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK AT home ; I pay $8.00 to JlC.Oi ) per week for mak ing crayon portraits ; now patented method ; nny one who can read or write can do the woik nt homeIn spare time , day or evening. Send fnr particulars nnd begin work nt once. Ad- Urtss II. A. Grlpp , German Artist , Tyrone , Pa. 13 SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OUR GOODS to the wholesale and retail trdde. Our goods 311 on sight. Liberal salary or commission paid. Position permanent. For partlculais nd- iliesti Centennial Manf'g Co. , Atlanta , Ga. Factory , Milwaukee , WIs. B SALESMEN TO TAKE ORDERS. WE SEND Fnmples : glvo exclusive territory ; pay good sal ary nnd t"cp nses , or liberal commission to proper applicants. Address P. O. liSjx 123 , New York City. IJ J3ALESMEN. WR WANT THREE TRAVELING * salesmen otvestcrn nnd southern states to selFMiiie pocket cutlery and sllvetware ; pay 13 per cent commission straight. A good line nnd want only llrst-clnss salesmen who can pay their own expenses for llrst thirty days until their nblllty Is proven. No others need answer , Hamilton Mfg. Co. , Chicago. 11-000 21 * J4M per 1,000 CASH FOR DISTRI11UTINO CIR- culais. Enclose 4c. U. S. DIstrlb. llurrau , Chicago. Il-OW 20 SALESMEN TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS ; salaiy or commlFslon ; expcilence unnecessary ; write for particulars , Superior Cigar Co. , Clil- cago. H-091 20 * SAllESJIEN , TO SELL STKEL TU11E SLI-3IGH runner to the tinde ; llts buggle.s or light wagons ; good side line. Samson Steam Forge Co. , Chicago. 11-004 20 * $ GO TO $150 PAID SALESMEN FOR CIGARS ; experience not necessary ; cxtia Inducement ! * to customers , lllshop & Kline , St. Louis , Mo. 11-11003 , I2S WANTED , FIRST-CI.ASS STENOGRAPHER nnd Remington operator. Address , giving ret- ciences nnd experience , II 9 , Ileo. II M1US 31 WANTED , 11OOKKEEPER , MUST I1E FIRST- class every way ; must have references ; ulve fullest particulars address H 3 , Omnha Rec. II MHO 3I ) SALESMAN TO DRUG TRADE. SIDE LINE or otherwise. J , W. Knight , 217-225 State St. , Y , Racine , WIs. H ll FKMAI.K III3L1 > . WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work nt N , W , cor , of 21st nnd Latluop. C M08S-31 rou iu.vr-noL'.sis. : HOUSES. F. 1C. DARLING , DARKER BLOCK. D-413 HOUSES IN ALI , PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1503 Farnam. D 414 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT : I1EAUTIFUL house , ten rooms , elegantly finnlslied , hot water lient , laundry , stable , carriage , tc. Thns , F. Hall. , C1G Paxton block. D 415 STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAGES , C ROOMS ell modern , gas , fuel. Apply llyron Reed Com pany , 212 So. Uth st. ] ) - 110 HOUSES. IJENEWA & CO. . 103 N. 15TH ST. D 417 (1C NO. 20TH , MIOOM COTTAGE. U23 No. 20th , 6-iuom Mat , nice. 1C24 N , 1'Jth , S-room brick. C04 Nu. 17lh. 8-ruotn brick , Omaha Real Estate & Tiust Co , , 211 S. ISth. D-MJ71 FOR RENT. HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS , MOD- crn conveniences ; very handy to busUu'ss. En quire of D , T. Mount , 200 a , 16th sU D 530 I AND 5.ROOM HOUSES ON FARNAM AND C-ioom house un 2 1 and L a\cmvuith , clie.ip. Jno. W. Rubblns , 211 N , Y. LIfo Uldg. D-M3 TOR RENT , 3-ROOM HOUSE , S. E. COR. 23D and Clarke. U-1'JJ 1101 JACKSON ST. , 7-ROOM MODERN. 20. 4100 Lafuyctla uve. , 9-room modern , J2j. 207 H , 241h t. , K-room modern. JM. "WJ"S. 2tui tt. , 9-rooni'modern , < 30. 277SVfbster t. , 7-room modern. (25. 2773 Hun ut. . 7-room modrin. (20 , 1121 ! N , 27lh uve , , 7-room modern , KO. 2'M3 ' H. llth el. . 7-room modem , )2i. JOOt a. lllli t , , T-nunn modern. 12S. ' Trust Cumpuny. 17U2 Farnam it , D-C07 31 rOR RENT , MODERN 1I1UCIC HOUSE OF 13 or 26 rooms at Ill-lid N , Uth M. See J. N. Fmilfr , ni'poslle poutolllce , Tel. Ml. D 827 SMALL HOUSE. 411 S. 24TH AVE. AVE.D11010 D-11010 I TO 4.R , HOUSES CHEAP. COS N , 13TH ST. D-MMJ J26 * SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , EMILY PLACE. 18th. HOUIIi of MaiuUTDQll. D m071-l * UEBIRAIILE NINE-ROOM I1RICIC , MODERN , uvcrlpoks Ilumtcoin park ; u-nt low. Hums' China Store , D-102 20' ui\T-i < -uiiMsiii-3u 1100.119. THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING TO mail and wife ; rent taken In boaid. 51'J N. nth. K-M2JS rURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS ; modern conveniences ; C2H4 8. l ll > strret. E S41 30 TOR RENT. THREE LAR013 Fl'RNISHKD rooms complete for houtcltefplng. No children ; 1913 Farnatu tliccl. U-967-2J * FURNISHEI ) SOUTH ROOM. VERY DE8IR- able. In prhats ( Binlly , 2JC3 Douglm it. ITIIMMMI > HOOM.S AMI no.tnn. HIIONT rtOOVfJ. V r.F.L lirATI.Hj FAMILY IxMirrt If dtorcil ; ta'rt r * . * nn3Ue. ti N.irth 33d lit. K-6T6 NICE \VArtM nrxiMyj noon noAMn7nATC3 rcntonable. The llose. SVK llainer , r-MMC J16 roif"ni.vT. . nTiNtKiiun "HIONT noo.\i ( nllh or without bonul ; stMim lif.it , rlcrtrlc liell * . l > nlh ; rnte-i rrnscr.nble. The Mlillam Hotel , Kill nnJ Chicago sticets P-M7-3J EOUTIi PIIONTTtooMsT BOAIU > , IM ? nova Ins. K-MS13 J 11 FIIONT IIOOM WITH ALCOVE , Hl'tTAtlLI for two ; bcnrd It desired. JOOT Cats ft.r9342' r-934-2' ROOMS ANO UOAIID. IMI PAH P-9M.2 * nonjis WITH noAitn , sis South tctli slrptt. F m fCC-4 * STEAM HEATED PAIU-OIIS , WITH ALCOVE , for 2 gentlemen , with bo ml. 2315 Ioticln M r-107 29 2 on i PAitTLY n'ltNisiti.u IIOOMS von light housekeeping ; chcnp lent , 2)11 ) jlurt st , LAiuin SOUTH riiox'T UOOM WITH itentn , 'phone nml excellent table. liefer- cnccn regultpil. 202 N. ISth si. F 1H 20 * e HAVE YOU HHCN TMIJ LAIIOI rk-Kant rooms lit ( lie "Alamode , " 300 N. 15th7 Cull t once nnd secure one for the winter with nnJ without board. Day board , $1.00 pr W erl 1--HS 53 * _ NOTICE. A FEU * MOHI : or THE ELIXIANT Hiram h-att'l rnotiiM. with or wlthrut board , nt I In1 NVcli'ii-r hotel , l.-l ! > llo ntd St. In > lionrd , I3.M | I week. Flint-clan. 1' 11B 28 * iiooMH "wrm"iloAHU - STEAM HEAT. Utopia , 1721 Davenport. F M11SJ4- roil HUNT UMfuiiMsiiKD UOOMS. rilOOMSVATEIl IN KITCHENi CENTRAL : icnson.iljla rent ; nlco for housekeeping. Ii02 WeLalvr st. Q-MMO FOIl III3.VT STOU15S AMI OKKICI3S. FOtl HENT. THE 4-ST011Y HUICIC 11UILDINO nt OH rarnnm t. Thin bulldlns has a lire- proof cement basement , complete steam heat- Inrj nxturen , water nn nil lloors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the oince of The lice. 1 910 STOUT : nuii.niNO AT ion FAHNAM ST. ; 3 stories and basement ; coed for wholesale or retail purposes , 314 First Nat. Itnnk Mdi ; . I MD21 roiTnENT. OFFICI : IIOOMS. ion DOUGLAS St. I MSJfl UNPAP.ALLELED OPPORTUNITY of year , cheap ; Kroccry stoic , meat market , driiK store , with all fixtures complete ; pulled cither ns department store or to rent sep arately ; location central , being 2301 , 2303 , 2303 , 2i07 IJavwiiwrt street. Apply Tlznrd. on the 1 1111131' AGUXTSVATI5I ) . AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE OHDEflS FOR our celebiated J4.P" custom pants nnd suits. Chlcairo Custom rants Co. , 203 Fifth avc. , ChlcaBO. J-MDI7 F2 AC5HNTS TO HANDI.I } OUR .SfPF.ULATIVn RasllKht burner ; makes kerosene hitimi Rl\f a brilliant K\sllqht. : No chimney ; no binoke ; cheaper than oil Samples free to the i * mean- InB buslnepB. Ad.lrC'S Ihc Pupe.latlvc Mfg. Co. , room 74 , Woild bulldln : ; , New York. J 970-20 * WANT13D , AOI3NTS. II1O PAY. CHOICN lenltory. I'a > s Hick , accident , death and en dowment benefits. Address American lienevo- lent Association , St. Louis , Mu. J 077-20 * WANTED-LADY AQFINTS. IIYGRIA COH- nel-i arc the. best sellers. Dig profits. Easy work. Cntalocua free by tending to Western Corset Co. , St. Uouis , Mo. J CASH PAID FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR'S AD- drcsses ; also newspaper clIpplnKi , J20 per M. Send ntamp. Adv. Clipping llurcau , Mahler bile. , New York. J AGENTS MAKK MONI-3Y AND PLENTY OF It selling our aluminum novelties. Illustiated catalogue , price lists , free ; ten cents brines n sample. Novelty Introduction Co. , } 0 State St. , Chicago. J WANTED MEN TO SELL OUR HARVESTER nnd harness oils on commission. Address with lefeiencc , Atlas Oil Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. J AGENTS"WANTED MOUEY "STORK" nunN- cr with new Hilled shadf > nnd.new "adjustable feed" for 1SOS , now icady. Also new "I'nrlor" burner Juit out. Samples of 'wth styles for testing for J300 cash with order ( half price ) . Write for Illustrated literature , patent nnd agencies reports' . Guaranteed no "renewals" reaulred. Testimonials of wealthy merchants , principal cities. Also of national men every body knows. The best Is always salable. Morey Gas llurners captivate and hold the good opinion of the public. Exclusive monopoly of sale given parties having Spondullx ( Impecuni ous , don't bother please ) . A. O. Morey , La Grange , III. , In\enter. Patentee & Manufacturer. Wn DKSIIin TO NHGOTIATC WITH TRAVKL- Injt ami local salesmen to hnndlo our brnivls of fine cnss poods , "Old UrooUlp , " "Otcar Pep per. " etc. ; also our line of line Kentucky whis kies an.l wines In barrels : commission , or sal ary nnd expenses If preferred ; lefcrenco re quired. AddrcES D. II. Foushee & Co. , Lexing ton , Ky. AOHNTS WANTED EVnimVHEIin ; U dally sure ; many nrc making double this Belling nlumlmim novelties , the new sulittltulo for sil ver , unlimilshnble , wears better , costs less , liberal terms. Write for full Information nnd cntulpmie or sample 10c. Aluminum Novelty Co. , 335 Broadway , New Yoik. J AGENTS GOLD GLAPS NAMH PLATHS , numbers nnd slfm.f , readable darkest nlKhts ; samples loaned. Thomas & Co. , Englcwood. III. AQI5NTS WANTED 15 MONEY MAKING RE- culptH for Soc to experienced fluents only. Those ara quick money makers ; with a small capital experienced men nrc making ns hluh ns $30.00 n week. You can do the same. P. P. Phillips , Mnrshalltown , loun. J 087-20 * WANTED , GOOD CANVABSEIIS FOR HEAD- lest sclllnc ollloo specialty on the market : sam ple poBtpald. 35c : corretpondcnce Follcltoi ] . Clarke Mfir. Co. . Glen's I'nlls , N. Y. J 093 23 * WANTED , MEN AND WOMEN TO TRAVEL ; Kood salary and commission ; Fmall capital required ; pleasant work. Address H 8. Dee. J 105 20- WAXTI3D TO UEXT. WANTED , 2 Oil 3 NICE IIOOMS. WITH bath , for light housekeeping. Q 65 , Ilee. K-M03S 30 STOUAGE. STORAGE. PIIANIC I.WEI18 , 1214 HARNEY. M 121 PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 803-310 Jones. General storage and forwarding. M 122 \VAXTKIl TO IIUV. I WANT TO I1UY FOR CASH SECOND HAND fireproof safe ; weight about 3,000 Ibs , 41 ll.iikur block. N-5SI-20- WANTED , TO 11UY 2. C OR 8-ROOM HOUSES without lots , near 23th and IlrUtol preferii-il. Address H 7 , Ilee , N S'J7 20 I-'Oll SALU IIOUSI2S , WAfiOXS , RTC. FOR BALE , STANDARD 11RED KENTUCKY fomblnatlon home ; warranted , Addrcfs H 10 , lice. P M100 31 HORSE , HARNESS AND WAGON. ALL NEW ; price , fto.OO. Inquire 30 , Darker block. I P-M117 30 run MALI : HARD WOOD 4 AND 6-FOOT FENCE FOR lorn cribbing. C. It. Lee , 901 Douglaa. Q-423 SKATES , ALL BIKES. S3 CENTS TO 13.00. Uinaha lllcycle Co. , 823 N. ICth. Q-M3JC ONt ! PINE SEALSKIN NEWMARKKT AT A croat bargain. 1311 Douglas street. O 8. Ilee. Q-M5S1-F3 FOR SALE , NEW "CONN" SILVER "WON- der" lib rcjinot ; rheap for casli or good note. Address II 1 , caiu of lice , Q-MliGl : i > SALE-SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER , ncnrly new ; Hist clabi condition ; tenns rosy and cheap. Address II 5 , IU-e , CJ V83-JJ * FOR HALE. REGISTERED JERSEY CO\V. 17 iiuartv ; jam camlnf In , R. C. Patterson , Rnmgc block. Q-M 9 31 OR SALE. SECOND-HAND REMINGTON , food as new. It. C. Patterson , Ilamui ) block. Q-M1000 31 OLAinVOYAXTS. MRS. nn. U. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business mtdlumj Ith year at 119 N. ICth , S 424 MASSAGE , 11ATIIS , CTO. .IADAM . SMITH , 162 : DOUGLAS STREET. 2ND floor , room 11. Massage , steam , alcohol and sulphurlnt ) butlin. T M99 4 MMD. HOWELL. TURKISH AND ELECTRIC palhf. Finest parlors In city. I8 ! 3N H. ISlh. T MM4-31' MME. AMES. FORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS. Mas- sag * and Lathi. W ! S. Uth St. , tJ fiMr , room 10. T &I9S3 4 VIAVA SH nr.r. nt.tio. , HEALTH HOOK free ; home trrntment ; Indy attcndatit. I. ' 423 I1ATIIS , MASSAGE. M.ME. POST , M9H S. UTH. U 426 FINE LIVERY RIOS CHEAP. ED TUI'MLEY. l.th and St. Mary's avenue. Telephone. II ) . IW.I.LEPPERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER nl 1903 Parnam. Lady ngcnts wanteil. U-M937 J 23 * MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS , IIICYCLES , Jewelry , etc. ; ttrlctly conHJcntlal. P. O. box 318 , U ( OS MATRIMONIAL CORRESPONDENCE IlUREAU. Paper and lists , lOc. Earth Pub , Co. , St. Louis. Mo. U C05-JanC SUPERFLUOUS HAIR AND MOLES RE- movtd by electricity. Mme. Post , 31314 S. 15th. U 850 ilISS VAN VALKENIlORtlH DESTROYS PEIt- mnnently by electricity supeiltuovn hair , moles , warts , etc. Room 41C , N. Y. Life 1)1 ) JR. U * 90 \VIOS. ANY CHARACTER OR COLOR MAILED for 11.01. Ilcnrds 40 cts. ; moustnches 7 cts. ; masquerades , etnRP mnkrupc , Irlcka nnd novel * tlfs. CntnKeue frfe. Chns. Mnrchnll , Lock- port. N. Y. l'-CS-29 " SEND TEN ( JENS FOR FULL DIRECTIONS how In mnkc rubber ftnmpii. Address The Nntlonnl Rubber Stamp Co. , 300Volls ftri-rt , C.ilcnRO. U 9t8-a * _ \V7\NTED-PR1VATE INSTRUCTION IN 11OOK- kcfplni ? PVenlnRs ; tnte terms nnd references. Addie s H 4 , Uie. TJ 8SC-a' _ _ 2S2) l7EAVi:17\VORTH : ST. . OOOD COMPETENT Klrlniilcil for general hnnsfuork ; Finall fam ily ; must bo good cook. Call Monday.U . U OS1-20 * SIOKI3Y TO IOAIllSAIj KSTATU. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. Life , loans nt low rntes for choice security In Nebrnckn & loun fnrma or Omaha city property. \V 42S MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Fnrnam nt. W 0 6 PER CENT MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. 1) . Mclklc , Omnhn. \V-430 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Fnrnam. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Ilrcnnan , Love & Co. , Paxton Hilt. \V-432 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 823 N. Y. LIFE. W-433 MORTGAGES , a. Q. WALLACE. DROWN 11LK W 431 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , Vf , Farnam Smith & . Co. , 1320 Farnnm. W 135 MORTGAGE LOANS LOW RATES. J. D , Zlttlc , ICIh nnd Douglas , Omaha.W436 W-436 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 yenis ; low ratca. Garvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. L. W-437 WANTED AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS FO R largo loans on luslsesss property. nlw > dnell- Intr hou o loan ? ; don't wnlt until your old loan expires , npply now. Fidelity Trust com pany , 1702 Fnrnam St. AV 043 J23 J2.000.00 OR LESS TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Omaha real estate nt 8 per cent. Address a C7 , lice olflcc. "W 035 BIOXEY TO LOAN CHATTCLS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , ngona , etc. , at lowest rntes In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly conllilcntlal ; you can pay the loan off nt any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 S. 16th st. X 433 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. Cu. 00 DAYS ; FURNIture - ture , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker block. X 130 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. THE PALACE CAFE IN LEAD and Deadtt-oodi both doing good business. Ad dress Matt ICIopp , Lead or Dcadwood. S. D. Y M407 MAKE MONEY BY CAREFUL SPECULATION In gialn through n. reliable , successful firm ; ex cellent opportunities to make prontu by our new plans ; fully explained nnd cent free ; highest references. Pattlson & Co. , 700 Omaha IJldg. , Chicago , III. Y M478 'OR RENT , GOOD BAKERY. ADDRESS W. n. W. , 1702 N. 26th at. Y 0 4-20 SPECULATORS CAN MAKE SIDNEY IN wheat , cotton , stocks nnd provisions by sending orders to responsible houses. Wo are repre sented on the principal exchanges ; can glvo references. Our book. "Profitable Trading , " nlso market letter. IB free. Oidere taken upon small margins. McKcnzle , Turner & Co. . 418 Western Union bids. , Chicago. Y WANTED , YOUNG MAN WITH FEW HUNdred - dred dollars , to take charge of branch of- flee. Salary. tlOO month nnd commission. Legitimate business. Address G C3. Bee. Y 100 20 * WANTED. AN ACTIVE PARTNER IN A GOOD paying nnd established business ; J2M.OO re quired. Address II 11 , I5ee. Y 101 20 * FOR EXCHANGE. EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OF LAND NEAR Omaha ; what have you to offer. II. F. Dalley 8 0 N. Y. Life Bldg. Z 441 CLEAR CHICAGO PROPERTY FOR FIRST class farm near Omaha. T. B. McCulllch , suite C04 , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago , III. Z-S01-J15 FOR EXCHANGE OMAHA PROPERTY AND 16,000.00 cash for Chicago property , T. U. Me- Culloch. BUlte C04 , Chamber of Commerce. Chicago - cage , Ills. Z 800-J15 TO EXCHANGE. FINE IMPROVED AND UNImproved - Improved lands In southern California nnd some money for good merchandise from ten to forty thousand dollars. Address 1' . O. box 701 Riverside , Cal. Z m070-31 * FOR EXCHANGK. A NEW MODERN RESIdence - dence of 10-rooms nt Kearney , Nebraska , for stock of general merchandise , or boot nnd fhoes. Ilulldlnga cost $7,000 to construct nnd are complete with nil modern city conven ience * . Title good and no Incurnbrnncc. Ad dress Mlduny Land Co. , Kcainey , Nebraska. Z 972-20 * WANTED , TO EXCHANGE-REST EIGIITY- ncio farm In Phelps for clean dry pools. Ad- drras Emb , , box. 3 , Rertrnnd , Neb. Z 063-20 * TO EXCHANGE } 2M ORDER ON MANUFAC- turi-r for llrst clans new upright piano. Address F. Il.arrett , 1507 Farnam ut. Z OS2-2U * TO EXCHANGE FOR 12 TO 15 ACRES NEAR city limits , rental property with Income cf 10 per cent on 15,000. For piutlculurs aildrMs H C , Hue , or call at 0.2 S. 3Sth M. M.Z Z 003 20 * WANTED , TO EXCHANGE IOWA FARMS FOR indbe. Voorliccs & Fuller , Crcston , la. Z-M100 30 * FOIl SALE-HEAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE-413 IMPROVED FARMS. G. W. CARLOCK. 1203 Fnniam st , RI3 4 Jl BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertt ! and farms. John N , Fienzcr , opp I' . O. RE-413 BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; ealo or Uncle. F. 1C. Darling. Barker block. RE HI FOR BARGAINS. TRADES. QUICK DEALS , call or nrlto D. V. Sholvs Co. , First National Il.ink UMi- . RE-M51I ! 31 \\-ANTED-LARGE CITY AND FARM PROP * erllcu for enlo or exchange. T. B. McCulIoch , sulto CO I , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago , Ills. RE-SOO-J13 IERE IS A SNAP. A FULL M-FOOT LOT , only 3 to 6 blks. from the very ( Input home * In the city. Cost (2,700. Beautiful buildingsite. . Only 11.200. Will take a J5W to 1700 lot and balance 3 yearn nt 7 per cent. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Famam st , RE 052-31 MISSISSIPPI BOTTOM LANDS The undeislgned will sell some Improved plan tations In IxfaquFna county , In Ihu feitlle Mis- clsilppl bottom , adjacent to the river , In quan tities to cult settler * on easy terms. Apply to Unlit. J , Turntull , Duncantby , Ii.auuuia. Co. , Mies. RE- FOR SALE , HOME IN CALIFORNIA CHEAP , Llvermore valley ; fplfmlld ranch , 32) acres , fruits , grain , $18.000 ; IOIIK time , easy termn. 11 N. Llndcoy , IVesno , Cal. RE 002 29 * XR SALE. TWO NEW COTTAGES , CELLAR , cistern , city naUr , $1,200 ; long time. Apply 1318 Fnrnam , RE-112 29 SHORTHAND AND TYI'niVIUTIND. A. C. VAN SANrS SCHOOL , (13 N. Y. LIFE. 450 MAIIA BUSINESS COLLEGE , 15TH , FARNAM 451 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th and Dodce , Rooms by day or week. 452 THE LANGK HOTEL , 603 S. 1JTH 6T. | STEAM heat ; table board , $3.00 per we k. M < 53 I'AWMIUOICCUS. I. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N , 18 ST. 44) UMIOLSTP.IUMJ Ft HMTrill * . l-PHOLSTEIUNO. XnTllNITntB REPAIRS Aid pnckediry rlicnp this month. M S Wnlkln. 2111 Curntmfi Tel. 1331. 2C7 HOUSES WIXTEUEll. HOURS \VlNTErittDir"'ni-.sf OF CARE pl\cn horsed , loth wnter nnd summer. Addre M. J. Welch , Ordiin , iNcb. M772 U.M > EUTAKEliS AMI K.MIIALMEllS. H. K. BURKF.T , FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANI cmbnlmer , 1C18 ChliJaco et. , teltphone 3) , 454 M. A. MAUL. HNDKIlTAKKn AND balmcr , H1I Farnnm ttt , telephone 223. IllJILDINO AND , LO'AN ASSOCIATIONS SHARES IN MUTUAL I * & . ASS'N PA C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old ; alway redeemable. 1701 Fnrnnm St. , Nattlnger , Sec HOW TO GET A HOME 'Oil RECU11E GOOD Interest on pavings. Apply to Omnha , I * A II. Ass'n , 1701 Dee bldg. G , M. Nattlnger , Sec. MEDICAL. LADIES-DR. HAWTHORNE'S FEMALE REG ul.itlng nnd Tonlo Pills nro wnm.in's sm ftlenil. Never fall. Absolutely fnfo. At ilrun Klsts or rent coaled $2.00 per box. Hawtehorn Chemical Co. , Philadelphia. Pn. FOR MEN-DR. HAVTlToRNE'S TARLliTS check at once ; cure In a few days. II per box ( sealed ) . Hawthorne Chemical Co. , Phlladct phla , Pa , MUSIC , AllT ANIJ IAN UAOE. GEORGE F. GELLENBECK , BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1815 Chicago St. 100 IIICYCLES. BIO BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND 111 cycles ; skates , 33c to $3.00. Omnha Bicycle Co. 523 N. 16th street. MCC5-J8 STOCICHOLDRUS' MEETING. Office of T-ce-Clurko-Andrccsen Hnrdwnre Comimny , Omnlm. Nebrnaka , December 14 1S'.C . Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the I'to-ClnrUu-Aliilroosen Hn.nl- \varo company that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the company will be held nt the olllce < < of the snkl company. 1219 , 1221 nnd 1223 Ilnrney street , In the city of Omalm , In the Plate of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January II , A , D. , 1S3G , nt I o'clock p. m. . for the purpose of electing u lionrd of directors for the company to servo during the ensuing year , and to transact such other business ns may bo presented nl ouch meeting. ' " ' W. SI. GLASS , Secre'tary. D14d32t M STOCKHOr.lJKnS' MHUTINO UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that the annual neetlng of lh stookhokleis of the Union : and company for the election of live direc tors nnd the transaction of such other busl- iess ns may lawfully conic before the neetlng , will be held In the library , Union 1'uclflc bulldlntr , Oinnhn , Nebraska , upon Monday , January 13 , 1S9C. nt 10 o'clock , n. in. The stock transfer books will be closed ton days before the date of the mcetliiK. Boston. Massachusetts , December 12 , 1895. ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. D22 d23tm STOCKHOLDEItS1 MCETING-OMAHA & BLKHORN VALLEY RAILWAY COM PANY. Notice Is hereby Rlvon that the annual neetlnp of the stockholders of the Omaha & Klkhorn Valley Railway Company for the election of seven directors nnd trans action of such other uusinasa ns may law- 'ully come before tno mectlm , ' , will be icld In the library , XJniun I'.ii'llle building , Omaha. Nebraska , upon WcdiiEsdny , the st day of Janunryi ISiVj , nt 10 o'clock , n. m. The stock transfer books will be closed en days before the date of the meetlnp. Boston , Mnssachusctt.i , December 12 , 1895. ALEXANDER MILLAR , Secretary. D22 dlltm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-UNION ELEVATOR COMPANY OF OMAHA. Notice Is hereby Riven that a meeting of the stockholders of the Union Elevator Company , for the purpose of electing seven directors and the tranactlon of such other business as may properly come before the meeting , will bo held In the library. Union Pacific building , Omaha , Nebraska , upon Monday , the 13th day of January , 1S9C , be tween the hours of ' 10 a. m. and G o'clock p. m. The stock transfer books will be closed ten days before tho. date of meeting. Omaha. Nebraska , December 21 , 1895. S. H. II. CLARK , President. D22 d23tm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE OMA HA .t REPUBLICAN VALLEV RAIL WAY COMPANY. Notice is hereby given thai the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha & Republican Valley Railway Company , for the election of seven directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come Uurore the meeting , will beheld held In the library , Union Pacific btfildlng , Omaha , Nebrncka , on Wednesday , the 1st dav of January , 1S9B , nt 10 o'clock n. m. The stock books will be eloped for that purpose ten days before the meeting. Boston , Massachusetts ! . December 13. IS95. ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. D2 _ > dlltm WHITE STAR LINE. Sailing from New York Wednesdays , ns follons. No Bailing the 2oth of Dec'-mbcr. 18 % . Teutonic , Jan. 1 , 10 a. m. ; Drltnnr.Ic , Jan. 8 , 19 n. in. ; Majestic , Jan , 15 , 10 a , m. ; Germanic , Jan 22 , 10 u. m. United States and Royal Mall Steamers. Saloon passage , $50 and upwaid , according to ctcamor selected and locution of beith. Second cabin J33 and SI3 on Mnj ctlo and Teutonic DRAFti payable on demand everywhere In Great Britain and Ireland sold at louost rates. For Inspection of plans of steamers nnd any further Information apply to local agents or direct to II. MAITLAND KERSEY. G'l AB't , 29 Il'way N. Y. N. ANDERSON. O'l W'n Act. . 241 SOUTH CLARK ST. CHICAGO. RAILWAY T1MBCABD Lea\fs 111'JRLINGTON & MO. lUVEIl.lAnlvcs OinihalUnlon D < pot , 10th A : Ma onStsJpmaha S:30am : Denver Express , .7. . 9:35am : 4:3-ipm.IIik. : Hills. Mont. & Pugct Snd Ex. 4:05pm : 43pm ; Denver Dxnicss 405pin ; T0pm..Nebraska ; Ixjcal ( except Sunday ) , . 7:43pm : " , , .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) , .llsam : t45pm..Fast ! Mall ( fir Lincoln ) dally. . . Linves ( CHICAGO , HURLINGTON & Q.JArrlves OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. [ Omaha B:00nm : Chicago Vestibule. 8:00am : V:4am : Chicago Express 4Hpm : 7'50pm.Chicago & St , Louln Express. . . 8:00nm : ll:8Jam : Pacific Junction Local 6SOpm : Fait Mall 2:40pm : Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST , PAUUIArrlves OmalmlUnton Depot , 10th & MasonSts.Jpmaim 600pm ; Chicago Limited fi:33nm : 10j4Jam.i.CilcagoEiprcss ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 325pm ! Lflves ICIIICAOO & NORTHWEST'N.IArrhes OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha ; ( . , . . . . . . . . . . Express. „ 3:10pm : 44 ; pm , Vrstlbulcd Limited EHSpm 7tO'.am Carroll Passenger 10:4pm : ( S45pm ; Omaha Chicago Special 8:00.im : 4:30pm : noone I.ocnl 9:30am : Missouri Valley Local 830am ; Leaves ( CHICAGO. R.-.I. * PACIFIC.Arrlvei ) OniahulUnlun Dtpot , 10th & Matun Bin.I Omaha DAHT. IflMOnm..Atlantic Expreeii lex. Sundav ' ) , . E35pm ; C2Spm ; NlKtit Express . . . , , 8lCam ; 4:50pm : Chicago Ve tlbul-il Llmlteii l:3ipin : 4:60pm..8t. Paul Vemibuled " Limited. . . . iiiipra WEST. 6lpm.Oklahoma : &TBM Ex. tsr. Eun.i:5am ) ) l40pm Colorxln Limited 4:00pm : Leaves I C. , STi "P. . M. & O OmahoIpepotlStU' ana Webster 8ts 8Uam : Sioux City AccoinmoJallcn. , , 815prn ; 12lpm..BIoux ; City Impress ( ex. 8un.llC5am : t45pm ; St. Paul Llmliec < ; 10am Leaves I F. . E. & MO. VALLET. ( Arrives Omtthal Depot , JMh/ttnd ; Webster ata. I Omaha YflSpm . .Fast MeiPn.id"Expre s 6:85pm : 2lSpm.ex. : Bat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex Mon , ) , , . C:35pm : 7:60am.Norfolk : Expreri ( ex. Sunday.10:25a ) : C:4Spm. : . . . , St. Paul | . . . . . . ; , , . : > a Leaves I 1C. C. . BT. 1. & C. I ! . ( Arrives OmahaUnlon [ D potJ t10tnftllason Bts.j " Omalu , 9:0r.am..Kansas : City , Day"Express"B:30pm : ! < 5pmK. C. Night Er , yiaJJ. P. Trans-JiOOam Leaxrs I MISSOURI PACIKIC. [ Arrives Omaiial Depot. 15th and Webiter Sts. I Omaha fOMOam 3t. Louis Express C00am ; ( : SOpm St. Louis Express , 6:03pm : t80pm..fl.Nebroslta ! Local ( er. Bun. ) 9:00am : Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omahal Depot , ISth ml Webster 8ts. I Omaha "t45pm ! Bt. Paul'LlmTred 9lO ! 'm leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Bis.I Omaha * 7:0Vm. : . s'loux Clty Passenger 10:40pm : ! . . . . , . . . . , . . Paul Limited. . :80uni : LeaveTI UNION PACIFIC. "ArMviT ' Omaha [ Union Depot , 10th & Mason Blt. Omalia ( ; 10am North Platte Express 4JOpm : t:10am : Overland Limited 4:45pm : 33pm.P-eit'c ; & Stronub'c Er ( ex , Sun. ) . 430pm ; C:4Spm.Grand : Island Expresi. ( ex. riu.i..llloj : > in iilipm Fast Mall lOiKJiij Leave * I W All ASH RAILWAY. TArrlves OmahalUnlon Depot , IQIh & Mas < * n Sts.lOnmha St. Louis Cannon I ) . . , , . . , . : WINTER SPORT FOR BOYS. Trapping Partridges , CltnAltia Knbblts mid Sliootltitr Squirrels. .IU.-J ess w Everybody knows tltab Ilia llttlf ilarliy. ns lie roams nbotil the jiopulrus plantntlona of the south , Is rnpgcJ anil dlriy ami neg lected In mind , body nnd estate , but what i everybody doesn't know Is that he Is a born ' nnturnllst nnd gels ns much { tin nnd RCIHI- ! ! . Ino , absorbing Intcrcsl out ct the woo.ls and . fields about him ns the clly-brcd boy derives | from a dollar and n linlt b'now. A stretch ot sandy road Is n stretch of snndy road to the [ nverase person ; not so the small hunter , who , while on nn errand to mill or store , truv- , orscs Its rutty lenRlh. i I "Kox been pronlln * yero ! D.it a to\ foot , " i says one , looking critically at the. Imprint In I the sand. | 1 "Dal ain't no fox : 'tis a mink ! " ndlrms an other ; nnd then oil set to work to find a plainer trnck that will confirm , on contradict their suppositions. "That nro n. fox. ai > ' ho went In Mlsa Oelgel's yard nftcr hnr yntuiK ducks. Hero's Vnero ho push In under do fence , " Insists the discoverer. " 'T.iln't so , 'tnln'l so , ' ( nil , " rebels his companion ; "thai trnck ain't nulliln' lr.it Mlnco Field's yallcr dog what come 'lout ; ycro this mornln' , " nnd fco the nritimr > nl goes , every foot of the rend suggesting n whole combination ot possibilities to ucthc Imaginations. TUAI'PINO GAME. Whenever n ditch , fringed heavily with broom sedge , stretches. across the field , a childish figure or two lurks near , listening cngerly for the welcome bound that ehall tell them n trap has fallen. Partridges nest In the broom sedge ; sparrows , too , nnd doves , nnd all manner nf winged wild tilings. Traps made of carefully selectsd sticks are laid In ambui'h , n , llttb meal or ground peas sprinkled within , and Into Ilioso snares unwary creature ? are liable to walk un suspectingly. To contrive an original and under 13. have gone Into the wo id business. Tlicy have rented n cellar for $2 n in-nth , a cellar without any floor , nnd unllghtid mve for the opening on 4he pavement nbove , where n flight of step ? lead duun , and liere ttuy cnrry nil the stray bits nf wood , odd bo.xei ? , frames , hoops , etc. , which they c.in flnj. flnj.These These they break up into spllnuis , bundle up tuntly and fell In the big tenements where nnny Iamllle live on different floors , iind the llttlo worJ-psddlcrB carry their wares right up to the doors of the living roams. AB tfic v.jod costs Iliem iiplhlng they can afford to sell It at o low rate. They glvo a good sized buiullo all split up ready for the stove for 12 cents , and soil It caelly. EAllXIN'O STOCK. "Hn\v do you get to much wo.d ? " nske.1 a victor nt the cellar steps. "I gits mlne > mostly fiDin the type foun dry , " mid the smallest member of the firm , "You see , thflr paper what they uses comra nil In framoa to keep It from m.ishln' and eurlln' up. I gits the frames and brings 'cm hero' till I git n chance to break 'cm up. " "I glti mine fnm the chemical works , " raid another putner. "They has lots of boxej tliri > , cottitn' In nil the time. " "And they nro willing for you to take them ? " "Ye1 ! , but I maCe n regular bargain with 'cm. Joe nnd Hurt * goes there with me ( o fpllt up a good turn of boxes for the gentle man's own use , then they l.t us take a\\n > an many aa we can carry , In pay for our wrk. Smctlmes wo git nnother boy we know to help w-'ion ' there's much tmslnerv- " Iturtz.hc-ain't here much ; ho docs the scllln' of th' bundles ; he's n pretty good hand ut that , and likes that parl of the bushier ? /ftnn fmviy/fy'A ? t , . y i w " y// 4m/ ' / 'PS * / 'iff/"flui'm X"1is wii m , f t % IttesMfflBn - s /WeWKSi ' . fM wSaW < ; ' ATTACHING THEMSELVES TO THE LUCKY OWNER OK A GUN. certain "dead-fall" Is the acme of thesa joys' ambitions. When the persimmons Irop plump and toothsome from the purpling joughs , nnd the thick rliuls that protect ho walnut , the hlckorynut and the chlnc- quepon gap wide nl the touch of frost , these Ittlo huntsman make their plans. "Squirrels awful fat now ; de pecan tree 1st a-sheddln' , " a lanky youth reminds his ellowp , nnd forthwith they set about mak- ng a squirrel trap , or , In default of that , attaching themselves In a body to the lucky owner of a gun to explore the fastn'sses of the forest and Held at his beck , contonl vlth the prospEct of being , present when lie all Important moment shall arrive to ako aim and fire. BIRD LANGUAGE. The sweet , precise whistle ot the partrlclgs o well known to town nnd country people alike , but to these small game lovcro the > eculiar Inflection and number of notes In hovhlftb Is significant of tlio i x of the ) lrd. "It looks like dat rooster partrldgo can't find he mate , " It will be obvervoi , as ho Insistent call sounds across the field. 'When partrldgo lo eon trouble , he whittle lat fashion ; all de other times ho call differ ent. It do same way wld do whip-poor-will and all dcm whlstlln' blrdi' ' . " "Listen to dat chlllle hawk , " ono Bays ; 'slio's got young one * near about somo- vhorps , " and In Eomo iiiBcrtitlbl ? manner uey manage to keep their eyei en the hawk ind track her to the particular tree where ic. ' ncttt Is , the nest that eh3 thinks so rafo rcm detection. Great Is the Jubilation when n rabbit's nesl Is found , with the tiny Infants cuddling close In the shallow hole. The news spreads Iko wildfire , nnd poor bunny , cawerlng lomcwhero neir , trembler , and with rea- on , for her young offspring. SPOUTING AMBITIONS. The vry first time In his llfo that a negro > oy hao anything that ho can call his own 10 swaps It for n puppy ithat can bo trained o run rabbits ; then ho begins to think of he gun ho may be able to buy in the future , t may only bo a common gun , unreliable , Ikely to explode when not expected , to re main obdurant and unresponsive at Inoppor- uno time. ? , but neverthelcao a gun to bo rgardej with pride and clicrli'hed ns a peirl nbovo price. He will lioard up small change or months and months for this purroso , The next best thing to a gun , however , Is a num- ) er of slingshots and various primitive con- rlvancoa for letting fly a rock , psbbla or other ilssllo , and If his possessions boast none f these , effective execution can bo done with a properly curved stick , As It Is with the denlzona of the fields nd wcods , eo with the curious web-foctod jlrils thai llvo In the marshes and swamps. 'ho boys think nothing of wading neck e p In water to get a belated young marsh icn , or even of swimming across a stream o run down a pair of ilustcroil little cranes hat are too confused tu get cut of the way , A snake or lizard of any kind or descrlp- Ion haii a marvelous charm for the llttlo lackwoodsinan ; ha Is not afraid to attack ny snake , no matter how big , anil when hems ms vanquished him will linger on th spot eng to study his color , markings , lzo and harocterlstlcs , If ho can coma across a snake ehed , " thai Is , an old t'kln thai a nake has crawled out of , hU delight Is un * lounded , and unspeakable biles attends the apture of a live owl , no matter how wnall ml young. JENNIE QUANT , _ HOY piiiLins , incur WnyM nf KiirnliiK nn I Ion cut Tlirouirli Ilnmlilo LIrliiif , In all big cities there are tcorca of boys etween the ages of 8 and 1C who are thrown n their own resources and must find food , odglne and clothing as best they may. Varl- us philanthropists have recognized this state t things and have established lodging icuseu , where a bed for the night costs C e > nt , breakfast the same , and dinner 6 cent * . 'o provision U made for lunch. The man- er In which many of those children earn the ll-lmportant 18 cents each day U Interesting , i Three ot ttio most cnterprUluic boys , all ' better than the gettln' the boxea and chop- pin' 'em up. " "How much do you make a day ? " Wo's got PO now we make 20 cents apiece easy , nnd sometimes as high as 35 cents. 1 started the business first , I used to break up the frames In front nf the side door of the factory. I broke 'em up with a stone 'cause I never bad no hatchet. I got these other boys In with me nnd now we all three got hatchets and a stone to nhnrpcn 'em on. " "Somo other fellows Is gone In to this too , " remarked the small Iny , "and I shouldn't wonder If they do bctt-r than us , 'cause they gits a cellar for nutliln' . That wan a rare stroke of luck for 'em , besides Dick Slow had $1 to begin on nnd we worked most two months payln' Mr. Leach back for what ho advanced us on the rent. IIo's goln' to let us have the cellar a half dollar cheaper , he says. " Picking up old Iron , horse shoes , nails , bolts , etc. , along the lines of the car tracks Is another mode by which certain boys earn n livelihood. The Iron la sold to the Junk men , and often the pickers make 15 or 20 cents a dny. The boys oft n find odd pennies and pieces ot money along the line of the surface ronds. Boys with deft fingers and n Bteady do mestic turn of mind make good wagea wash ing dishes In the big restaurants , olhfrs make themselves useful about ( he1 big mnr- keto , waiting on the butchers , carrying out orders , etc. Scores of boys also find em ployment carrying out lunches from the box lunch companies to the various business men , Journalists , lawyers , clerks , etc. , who are tco much occupied to leave their desks e\vn for a half hour. WATCHING ADVERTISEMENTS. The very first thing that these Felf-piip- porting boys do In the morning In to buy or bcrrsw a newspaper , so that they can bo nn th ? lookout for business. Sometimes two or three club together and get a paper , or else they levy on the klndnesu of their newsboy acquaintance , No broker , banker or widely known mer chant reads the advertisements with mnro attention or avidity than co ! these little walfsi assembled In the gray light cf morn ing In front of the lodging house. No one In allowed In the lodging house during the day , so when they get through breakfast they are- turned out until C o'clock that even- I Mf * "A cnnal lioat Is In ; tliero'll bo n elianco , " says one , maUliiK a l > ee line fnr the wliarf. "Tlio Ilelon Mar came up to the ilock last nlRlit. Bonio of yon fellows como help un- loail , Wo mlRht net ttirso or four dozen nr- nngca to roll or a bunch of hinanas , " an other BUBseytB. "Ulg nro on X street , that tall clothing house and mon's furnlBhliiR pl.iro : Rood plclc- Inis there , uoys , " lo announced from an other quarter , and In pretty quick tlmo the Broup la dlspcrasd and K no to work for the day , "I cot thcpa two dozen pair of ilninnRed kids , " says a boy that evcnlnR. "They are seine that were paved from Die rtro. and they were distributed ainonB thosn of us who worked hardest clearing av.ay tin rubbish. " "I'll sell them out at 10 cents a pair. " "Another worker nt the ucono of the fire produces a lot of euspendws and collar but- tone , and goea off Into the "big boys' depart ment" to offer his goods. Tlila "big boys' department" lo the dormitory of boya In pjrmanont situation * , who are able to pay 10 cents Instead of G fcr a bol , but who othor- wlso share the accommodations of the younger Inmates.CHEAP CHEAP COAL. To help clean up a can-il boat Is always a dcslrablo Job paid for In whatever the canal boat has brought Into port. Potatoes It may ba , ot < some other vegetable , may bo poultry which the boy can tell , and In many Instances ha Is given the rcslduo of tlio coal bin which Is a perfect bonanza to him , any thing In the Ehupo of fuel always being In demand. A supply of coal ao galnod Is often supplemented by a visit to tlio dumpIng - Ing crounds at the terminus of various rail roads whcro Ainone the dUgorg'd avhes and rubbish a quantity of bait-burnt cinders can b KI ' uV TI.e liny mixes this last pick * IK li the K"o > l civ I gotten fr.m the boat iin.l sell * .1 to rertMn customers \\lth con- tlJt'ttiMo p'oflt. AH inmate of this tcilclnir homo who 1ms n.lxano il from ihe double deck beil of UIB 0-ccni variety to tlio distinction of ft 10 c nt lodger has made his way In the icmonndo business. He vns a sturdy lit- It follow wlh : more nmbltlon tlinn capital , nnd on learning of his Intense il sire to sell lemonnlo tl.c superintendent ret him up in bu'lneus. He lietiRht for him two tin palls , n tqiiofzrr , half n dozen Rlanjes ami spoons , and the ronul U * Icnirns ami gURar , and a II y fold ng lalle which coj'd bo tipked ui'iJor the l.td'si arm. The outlay cost ? 2. In t.\o months , I he boy had loni ; since paid off the liulcltoil.ios and u now able to ex pend 12 ocn's a day Instwd of IS for inoro ro my aecommodiUlon * . The 10-ccnt beds have more room between them nml their iHKhbors and nre nnrounded with led cur tains which Insure prhacy. In addlilon to tl'ps > blpsaltiRs. pneh 10-rent bed 1ms a loeker , for the holding of clothing and o her pot cs- flonj. the key to which can bo carried by , Iho ccciipant. In the 6-w-nt dcpartmrnt raeh bed lias mother malirusa nbovo It on the si nder Iron frame , and there Is no place whrro the slipper may stcrtl ? even tli most trivial , smnllesl liolniiglng. There Is a nleely ar- rai.Red bath room for Iho areammodtitlon of nil and tluse fi-cent lodgers' sparclothlns H lakoii charRo of by the inatrui. A Iwy In thli deparlment borrowed $1 ot the supur- ntenJetit. went to a sperl-il talc ot ftnck- IIIRS and Kockt , Invested his Jl and ji ddlotl the stockings round nl private dwellings at a slight advance In price , lie m.ulo cnrugli money to Invest at another special SIMP and after a time was successful enough to buy a push-cart to wh el his wares In and aspire to the pos'csMon of a l-cd ami locltor- KANXY KNUKU3. I ) ( > C'S VISIT A Tllt'1'3 STOIIV. I lly Marian T. Ilrp , ! . Kour cats In the house ! What wai Mamma Smith going to do ? To bo Mire , they wcto all very nc ! ? ones , and Mamma Smith loved cals , and HO did the two llttlo Smiths , but four of them ! Kven then they didn't all belong to tlu Mine family. This Is the way It happened. A very dear friend of Mamma Smith's was golnc away from home fnr a month nml ch -i.il/iui mamma to tnko caie of her cat while shu uas gone , and , of course , she consented to do to. U was with "fear and trembling" that she entered uprn the c\ioiIntent ( , for thcro were already thtep c.its In tin ? hous , an old mother rat and tv.o roly-poly yray kit tens named Punch and Judy. In n few days the newcomer arrived In a market b.iMct ; , and was presumed to the mistress of tlu household , who Im- mcdlatelj lifted the cover , and out hoppil a bouncing young cat Just six months old. Oh ! what a handsome cat he was , with the silkiest grey coat and the whltesl face and "vert. " The llttlo Smiths fell In love with him at ones and brought , choice mor- & .1s of meat us peace offerings to him ; even the kittens tried to welcome * him in thch' . . ay , but they \\cre repaid with a smart ctilf. and retired , crestfallen. All th- first day ho sat sulkily hidden in corners or under the kitchen stove , growling at the kittens whenever they approached him , which they did not hesltato to do , not withstanding iiis rough treatment of thorn. However , ho stood in aw > of "Mrs. arundy , " th-ir mother , for she would not tolcrato his antics. In .1 few d.ivn lip hprame very much mor sociable , gazing wistfully at the kittens la thtJr play , .ma ctu. . di-y lie actually Joined , them In their race after a spool. It was huw their l , rn to hi DII the defensive , anil they spit and humprtl at him In great faslilo'n , but when they found thai ho really meant to bo Irlcndly , they had fine times together. Ono day the children cam3 running to -Mamma Smith , crying : "Oh , mamma , do cotno and ste Dec , " ( that was his name ) . "IIo's washing Punch's face. " So mamma went nnJ ! itire enough there was Doc holding the llttlo kitten down with his p'lws , anil Industriously scrubbing lilo f.ice , stopping cnca In a while Just long enough ta glvi his victim a few sly nips with his teeth. It was very funny to see the four cats eat out of cue plate with the four tails In a clrcla .ibout the dish , aaJ really quite amazing too , ronslderlng their short acquaintance. Hut .1 month teen pasi-eu by and then Doe's mlu- Iros cjme home , so he was delivered to her "safe and sound. " Hlg vlelt had been a very , pl-asant one , anl : the experiment turned out after all. AS DISCIPLINARIANS. Curious IiiNtniit'fM of Their .Iiiiliclul IllNllllt't. Nn trait Is better marked In the normal child that tlic impulse to subject others to his own disciplinary system. In truth , chil dren are for the most part particularly alert disciplinarians , tays the Popular Science ) Monthly. With what amusing ssvcrlty ara they wont to lay down the law to their dolls nnd t'nelr animal playmates , subjecting them to precisely the fcnmo prohibitions and pun ishments ns those to which they themselves nro subject. Nor do they stop here. They enforce the duties Just as courageously on the'r ' human ciders. A mite of 18 months went up to her elder sister , who was crying , nnd with perfect mimicry of t'no nurse's corrective manner , Bald : "Hush , hush ! papa ! " pointing at the same time to tho- ' door. The llttlo girl M , when 22 months old , was disappointed because a cer tain Mr. G did not call. In the evening Blia said : "Mr. U did not turn was very naughty. Mr. I ) have to bo whipped. " So natural and Inevitable to the Intclllgcnco ot a child does It seem that the system of re straints , rebukes , punishments under which , ho live ! ) should liava universal validity. This Judicial bent of the child Is a curious one , and often develops a priggish fondness for sottlnii others morally btralght. Small boys have to endure much In tliTa way from the hands of pllghtly older sisters proficient In matters nf law and delighting to enforce the moralities , Hut sometimes the slplcrx lapse Into naughtiness , and then the small boys have their chanco. They , too , can on such occasions bo priggish , If not downright hypocritical. A little boy has been quarrelIng - Ing with his sister , named Muriel , Just before going to bed. When ho was undfosHed her knelt down to say liin pniyers , Muriel .sit ting near nnd listening. He prayed , ( audibly ) In this wleo : "Please , God , niakii Muriel a good girl , " then looked up and raid In nn angry volco : "Do you hear that. Muriel ? " nml after this degression rcsumetl his petition. IIOTTV'H IJHHA.M. Mnry N. Ilrnilfoul In Hnaton Ololii1. "O dear , I'd such n dreadful dream ! " Hnld Dolly : t'other tiny ; "I dreamed I was n naughty gill Agnln , and ran away , "ft 'didn't Boom so very long- Tip time that I was gonu ; Jim when I tinned inward home once inor-j The sun no longer shone , " 'Twas O so dark , and O FO cold ! And when nt l.'ift 1 cnmc To where I lived , It wasn't home , And nothing scumrd the samel Two old folks vat bcildo the fire. Two old folks with gray liouila ; And In the nuiwry near bv Thcro were but empty beds. "And , whfn I quietly crept In To mlnn , I nun rot chid ; Thrxp nail old pcoplu only Bum I 'looked us Dotty did. ' " 'All , yes ! ' I 'looked us Dotty did Long , long ago ! ' they tmld ; Tvvnn iimrnnm nnd 't\vnn papa , nnd They thought that I wan dead. " 'Twas maininn'H volro and papa'a voice < Grown , O , HO mid ! Hint I-IKIHC ; And tlK-y wfio old and I wan dcud , To them until I woke ! "O dear. It wan u dreadful dreaiil I'll loll you what I'll do ; I'll prornfso God to bo ' good It never can corno true ! " Convlclnl of Ili-luir H HiMiIil , That tome of the laws framed by the old New Kngland farmers may bo made to ap ply to the present day was fittingly Illus trated In Judge rinletter'3 court of Phila delphia recently , when n Mri. Mary West was held In ball to keep the peace for two years and ordered to pay the coutu of the Eult , on the charge of being a common kcold. The woman had previously been tentinc ( < d to undergo nu Imprisonment of ono month , but the Judge reconsidered this and rendered the Judgment above stated. Plleu of people have piles , but Dewltt'i Witch Hazel Halv vtlll cura them.