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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1895)
THE OMAI1A DAILY JBEE ; TVEDaSrESDAV , DECEMBER 25 , 1S05. 8PEGIRL NOTICES. A l ertlHpmonfn for tlimc column rrlll lie tnkcn until ISi.'IO p. in. fa ( lir cvrnlnK nnil niitll H | i. ni. for thr ntarnltiK nnit Snndiir edition * . Ailvortlnorx , 1 > y rrtiirK < liiK n mint IUTIM ! clirrlt , mil lincinxivorit nil Ircnxril lo n iiiiintii-rpil letter In rnro of Tlic llrr. Anmvern no niltlreimet Trill lie delivered tin on iircMonlntloi of Iho rhcck onlr. Ilntrn , 1 l-Sa n nurd flrdt ItiNvrllont lo n rrort tlM'rcnfter.ofliliiK tnkiMi for Icn tlmtt ar. < for first Innrrlloii. Tlice mil i-rllficiiiciiln mint lie run connect ! II fir * \VAATHU MAI.H HUM1. WANTKD-UVn. INTnt.UtOnNT AOENTS IN Omntm to orpnnlio cluhn of thirc to n o fnml llts of our fnmfiiH Orrhint tlnmi-fl 1nn < 1 * In Cfntrnl MlratMlppl. Trie tlilo of ImmlRntl n I irnlng iMutli , whore tlicro ore nn lint wlmH , n COM winters. nr > t > llzz rd . no crop fnllnrM where twn or llrree crops c-m b6 mt < * l Met ycnr : where there Is no Mich thins n fnlliirp I a man will work one-hnlf ns Imrd n he < lees In this country : root imminent , mlM winter * : fur pnvtriK crrps of fruits nnil gnnUn truck : Hcni" neil on mrili : b"sl rnllwnr fnellltlfK. Oro. vf Amrs , Rtncral BRcnt , 1017 Tarnnm t. , XV'ANTin. A COAT HAND ; STHADY WOttl' nnrt ( fond pny. Henry Knssetmum. tnltor. s Point. Ncli. n MS23 WANTED , SAI.KBMAN FOIl COMINO TKAll Illx-ml nnlnry find expenses. Aililro-n Bimritrn Clear Co. . Chleagp , III. n-M T 2. . ' | W TO 1150 1'AID SAT.nSXtHN TOR riOAHS experience not nece * iry ; extrn Inducements 10 customers. Ulnhop & Kline. St. lentil * . Mo \VANTIJD , OOOD IjnOOM MAKI'.n AT ONCE at Kchujlcr , Noli. Address Whitehall " " , . , W TO > 1W PKR MONTH AND KXl'DNSKS TO nelt clnr : e i > crlcncc unnecessary ; extra In iluccinonts to customers. I'ulk & Co , St I.nuln Mo. lt11932J % POSITIONS OPHN ron. nnv PUSHING unloMiicn on snlnry : experience unnecrmarj- permanent cmplojment ; npply now. I.uko llros , Nurserj men. Chlcaco. 1 > 932 ! " AVAXTHIl VnMAl.U IIHM * . HOTKF , COOK. $23.00 ; TAMILY COOIC , NO wmlilnir. f > 00 ; 3 > Rtncrnl house Klrlo. $4 00 Cnnndlnn Olllce. 1522 Douglas. O M023 ! 8 FOU ULI.NT iiousna. r. K. DARLING , IUIIKKU BLOCK HOUSns IN ALL PARTS Of Tllfi CITY" . THE O. r. Davis Company1W5 Tarnam. D 114 iiousn TOR RENT ; nnAUTtrui house , ten rooms , elegantly furnished , hot water heat , laundry , ntnlilc , carriage , etc. Thoa. r Hull. . 010 Paxton block. D 413 STANFORD. CIRCLB COTTAGES. 0 IIOOM3 all modern , , fuel. Apply IJjron Reed Com pany. 212 So. lUh Bt. U-416 HOUSES. IIENUWA. & CO. . 101 N. 15TII ST. D-(17 VOll RENT-HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE city. Special. 5G1 So. 23th ova. 110 No. 31st at. 120 No. S\tl \ at. 103 No. 19th st. Alt modern conveniences ; chenp for winter months. . Urennan , Love & Co. D MM5-D23 B16 NO. 20m. 4-ROOM COrTAGE. In25 No. 24th , C-rooiu Hat , nice. 1G24 N. 19th , 8-rooni Inlclc. 6D4 No. 17th , S-room brick. Onmtia Real Estate & a rust Co. , 211 S. ISth. D M371 FOR RENT. HOUSE OP TEN ROOMS. MOD- cm conveniences ; \cry handy to business. En quire of D. T. Slount. 209 S. ICth st U-C36 8 AND SI-ROOM HOUSES ON TARNAM AND C-room house on.M and Lcnvcnwoith , cheap. Jno. W. Robblns. 211 N. Y. Life Bldjr. D-CG2 FOR RENT. 3-RO01I HOUSE. S. E. COR. 23D and Clarke. U 199 8401 JACKSON1 ST. . 7-ROOM MODERN , $20. 410G LufiiiUto avc. , 9-room modern. { 23. 207 8. 24th St. , 14-room modern. JM. SJ9. Sw 2 0i modern , $30. 2773 Webster St. , 7-room modern. 523. 2773 Hurt St. , 1-Tcxim modern. $20. 028 N. 27th ave. , 7-room modem , { 20. 2iX)2 ) S. llth at. , 7-room modem. } 23. 2i)04 ) S. llth St. , 7-room modern , (23. ridellty 'Irust Company , 1702 1'ainam t. D C07 41 KIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. EMILY VLACE , ISth. Bouth of Manderson. D M9M-2S * TOR RUNT. MODERN IIRICIC HOUSE Of 13 or 25 rooms nt 114-116 N. 23th st. See J. N. Prinzer. opposite postolllce. Tel. C3I. D 827 DEMRADLE 8-ROOM HOUSIj ; $ ToO PER mouth. J. P. IJarton , MS Capitol avenue. U-S20-ZI * - - TOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE AND J1ARN. 1J Inaulro on pnmlstxi. 1120 So. CCtli et.D D S62-27 * roil uuvr FUiixisiiuu ROOMS. THREE ROOMS TOR HOUSEKEEPING TO limn nnd wife , rent taken Ui board. 319 N. 17th. E M235 bOUIH FRONT ROOMS , HOARD , 2303 DOUG- la.i r-M 813 J 11 * TWO OR THREE ROOMS TOR LIGHT HOUSE- latpini ; or separately. 600 North 17tli E M91S 25 FURNISHED OR UNPURNISHED ROOMS ; modern conveniences ; 621'/j H. 19th street. E 92ti-SC l'UH.MbHiU ROOMS AND 11OAUD. FRONT ROOMS , WELL HEATED ; FAMILY I > oaul If desired ; ralia reasonable. 324 North 23d BC. r 070 ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2)13 DOUGLAS. . I' M790 23 * NICE WARM ROOMS ; GOOD HOARD : RATES icagonnble. The Rose , 2020 Harney.F F M30G J10 FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH Olt WITHOUT board. 2123 Dodno street. I' M919 23 * FOR RENT , FURNISJIKD FRONT ROOMS with or without boird ; Hte.nn heat , vlectilc / bells , baths ; rates reason ible. The Midland - * * Hotel. 10th imd Chicago streets F 927-30 | ; rou nn.vF U.WUHNISIICU nouns. 4 ROOMS : WATER IN KITCHEN : CENTRAL : reasonable iciil ; nice for liouseUccplnR. 1702 Webster st. G M194 FOR RU. > T STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT , THi : 4-STORY IIRICIC BUILDING ut Dill Pnrnnm st. This building lias a lire- proof cement basement , compUta steam liont- [ ni ; llxlutoH , water nn nil llooiu , eat , Uc. Ac- ply at t' ' > olllco of The Ike. 1 910 ETOR1J IIUILDING AT 1011 FARNAM ST. ; 3 vturlcs and basement : eood for wholesale or ixtnll purposes. 314 Flm Nat. Danlt bldg. I-M921 WA.NTJ3I ) . IVANTED , BOMU ONE TO APPOINT AND oversee nKenta In every county : Kooil salary nnd commission ; capital , 111. Addiesa G Cl , IK'tf. J-MJJ9 27 * WANTED. AGENTS FOU OUR NEW 1IOUS1V hold ppvcliltlen ; wages , 13 to } 7 n day : pay ery week. Ctntral Supply company , Clncln- natl , O , J 931 23 * LADY AOKNTfl ; RUniJER UN DKRO AlT mrnts : rjulcU sale * ; bit ; | , rullts ; catalogue free. Mrs. N , II. Llttla , Mlf. company , ChlcaKO , HI. J 933 20 STORAGE. BTORAGU. FRANK iWER3 , 1214 HAHNUY. M-421 PACIFIC 8TORAGK AND \VARiiIOU.Si : CO. . 9SS-8n Joiv > s. General storaee and forvxnnllnir Toil HALE J HARD WOOD 4 AND t-VOOV KnNCK FOR torn crlbblns. C. R. Lee. Ml Douglas. _ _ _ _ _ 0-423 BKATF.S. ALL 6IZR3. JS CENTS TO S3 09 Omaha Ulcycla Co. . 821 N. ICtn. q-M31S ' DNIJ riNIJ BUALSKIN NUWMARKET AT A gt at larealn. Ull Douslas atrtct. O 6. H . Q-MM1-F1 FOR BALE. K1NB UPRIGHT 1'IANO ; CIIUAl' ; caali or i > .omem . 18l South Ktflecnth street ! i > uprin : SPECIALTY CIJIIUNBT AN OUT- lit. neuily o w. oUo doubl.-Larrtl Lrecch-load. las sun. 10 uue , Addru. G , Il * . Q.-M91S 27' 11113. DR. II. WARHUN. CUURVOYANT , RE- IUtU bujlaj * mtUlum ; Ith jear at m N. liith. U 424 r.t/ t sf MASSAOI3 , 11ATIIS , ETC. 1IAUAMR SMITH , N , C. COR. ISTH AN Dougla * , room H , 2nd floor ; massage nnil Imttvs T 137 28 _ MMB. HOWHLL. TURKISH AND KLECTRI baths. Finest parlors In city. 218 320 H. ISth. T-MS04-11 * MMI3. AMiS. FORMERLY OF ST. LOU13. MASsage sago and Laths. t > 07 S. 13th St. , 2d nx > r. room 1 T M 853-25' MAUAMR LEON , ELKCTRIC MASSAO Inllm , 417 South llth street , upitalrs , parlor 2 nnd 3. T M90S 2S I'EHSO.VAL , VIAVA S ( HER HLtO. , niALTII ! HOOK free ; home treatment ; lady attendant. U 42S RATHS , MASSAGE. HMD. TOST. 31SH S 1ETII. U-42U FINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED IIAUMI.m 17lh nnd St. Mary's avenue. Telephone 441. U 127 IJELLE EPPERLY CORSET MADC TO ORDER nt 1MJ Farnnm. ARcnts wanted U 3I2-D2J * MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS , BICYCLE' Jewelry , etc. ! ttrlctly confidential. P. O. box 328 MATRIMONIAL CORRESPONDENCE I1UREAU Paper nnd lists , lOc. Karth Pub. Co , St. Mo. U 05-JanG SUPERFLUOUS HAIR AND MOLE9 RL moved by electricity. Mme. Post , SlOJi H. ISth TO LOAN-HEAL HSTATI2. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y Life. Ix > nns nt low rates for choice seem Its' I Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property W 423 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Dnv Is Co. . 1E03 Farnam Bt. W 429 B PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAIL real estate & Neb. farms. W. U. Melkle , Omaha. W 430 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED O.MAlt. proijcrty. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Farnam. W-431 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMA1L real estate. Drcnnan , Love & Co. , 1'axton Illk. W-433 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 2i N. Y. LIFE. W 433 MORTGAGES. G. G , WALLACE. IJROWN 11LI W 431 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Karnani Smith i Co. . 1320 Farnam. W 133 ' MORTGAGE LOANS : LOW HATES. J. D. Zltlle. ICtli and Douglas , Omaha.W431 W-431 ! FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY. 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Gurvln Uros. , 210 N. Y. L. W 137 aiONLJV TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS horsea , wngoiid , etc. . at lowest ratei In city no removal ot goods ; strictly confidential ; > oi c.m pay the loan off nt any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 S. 10th st. X 433 1IONBY TO LOAN , 30. tu , 93 DAYS ; FURNI turc. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Uarke block. x 139 UUSIXCSS CHAXCCS. FOR SALE. THE PALACE CAFE IN LEAD and Deadwood ; both dolnj ? coed business Ad dress Matt Klopp , Lend or Deadwood. S. D. Y M407 MAKE MONEY HY CAREFUL SPECULATIOJ In praln through a reliable , successful firm : c1 ! ccllwit opportunities to make prollls by our new plans ; fully explained nnd sent free : lilBhcs references. Pattlson & Co. . 706 Omaha Hldflr. Chicago , 111. Y M478 A FIRST CLASS ROLLER MILL ; CAPACITY 7S'bIsp" , , , ' dny : location eaptern Nebraska. Address C. R. Tefft. Lincoln. Neb Y S21-2I WANTED A GOOD IJLACKSMITII TO TAKF an Interest In Rood blacksmith and wagon shop Dolni ; a good business. Apply or addre 3 O. P Tiluldoon , 1C1I Cumlnc. Y S31-26 WANT11D. YOUNG MAN WITH , FEW HUN drcd dollars. ti > take charso AC branch of ITlce'.Snlllry ; $ .1CO month and commission Legitimate business. Address G C3 , Ileo Y M9J4 2f roil KXCIIAXGE. EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OF LAND NEAR ' ' 0'1 l ° Olrcr- " ' ' CLEAR CHICAGO PROPERTY FOR FIRST SHMrSrmineQr Omaha. T. u McCulllch. suite COI. Chamber of Commerce. Chicago III ! Z-S01-J15 FOR EXCHANGE OMAHA PROPERTY AND 50,00000 insh for ChlcaRO property. T. 1J. Me Cullocn. suite CCI. Chamber of Commerce Chi _ _ _ TO TRADE-FARM AND CITY PROPERT1 for big slock of goods , will pay some cash Address II. Velth , Hastings , NebZ Z MSS9-23 * FOR SAI.C IIGAI. RSTATR. ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. IHlZ1 ' 3 IMPROVED FARMS. O. "W. CARLOCIcT 1205 Farnam st. RE 014 Jl DA RG A INS , SALE OR TRADU IN CITY PROP- ertlcs and farms. John N. Frenzer , opp I' O , .ilFiJ B BARGAINS , HOUSF.S. LOTS AND PARMS- sale or trade. I' . 1C Darling. Barker block. nn in FOR RARO.UNS. TRADER. QUICK DEALS , call or rlto D. V. Sholcs Co. . First National Bank Bldg. RD-M515 31 WANTliD-LARGE CITY AND FARM PROP- crtlcs for sale or cxchanKC. T. B. McCulloch , suite C04. Chamber of Commeice. Chlcaco , Ills RE SOQ.JI5 GREAT BARGAIN. FINE plToFL-RTY ON paved street , modern , good Income , ut half Its tush value ; will tnko our equity In casher or trade ; a splendid thancu to double sour money. R , P. Williams , room 411. IUC-IKUO lilock. RE MS34 1 > THIS AD WILL NOT APPEAR AGAIN ICO ucres ; 10 mllfs south of Nebr.tskit City ; 4 ; ncrcu timber , balance cultivated ( Ine buildings , will Undo for houne and lot and vacant lot. I ) . J. Wilson. Omaha. Neb. 1113 828 23 * NOW IS YOUR TIME ; CALL AND SEE WHAT a line six-room cottage and lot I can sell for only J1.200. F. K. Darling , Darker block. RE MSil 27 SHORTHAND AXD TYl'nWRITlXG. A. C. VAN HANTS SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFE. 450 OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE. 13TH. FARNAM 451 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 432 THE LANGE HOTEL , 002 S. 13TH ST. ; STEAM heat ; tabla board. { 3.00 per week. M153 FAAVNUIIOKURS. I. MAHOWlfZ LOANS HONEY. 418 N. 10 ST. 449 FURNITURE. UPHOLSTERING. FURNITURE RCPAIRKD and packed very cheap this month. M. S. Wnlkln , Jill Cumlng. Tel. 1S31. 2 7 WINTERED. VANTED IIORfiCS TO WINTER : BUST OP cure ; terms reasonable. A , W. Phelps & Son. 207 N. Y. Llf bldg. Telephone 1014. MJ73DJ7 * 1OUKH WINTERED ; EST OP CARE KI veil horses , bolh winter and cummer. Addrtft M. J. Welch. Greloa , Neb. M773 UNDICHTAKUHS AND EMHAL3IURS. I. K. nURKET , PUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalraer. 1618 Chlcngo et. , lelitphona 90. 434 WANSOJf S. VAL1EN. 1701 CUilKNG. TEL. 100) ) . 4J5 M. A. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND E5I- balracr , 1U7 Pornam ( t. , t l phona Ki. Ut BICYCLES. I1IG RARGAINd IN SECOND-HAND HI. cycle * ; skatm , 33c to 1300. Omaha I3lc > cl Co. . 3t3 N. 18th > trf t. MCU-J3 ELEUTlllCAL TRI3AT.MENT. MlfaS VAN VALKBNHUROH DESTROYa PER- mancnlly by Iectrlclly suptrttuous hair , mole . wurts , etc. lloom IK. N. Y. Llfo B1J . 101 nt'iLimn AMI LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L A R. ASS'N PAY , 7 , 8 per cent when 1. 2. 3 years old ; always redeemable. 1701 Farnam St. . Nattlngor , 8c. 447 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest nn ravings. Apply t < J Omnha , L. & n. Ass'n , 1704 Bee bldg. G. II. Nattlngcr , Sec. JIDSIC , ART AMJ LANGUAGE. O. F. M'PHKRSON , PIANIST. FOR PARTIES , o lals , pte : hut city .references Addre-w Adolph Me > er , lth and Farnam. ( W 28 * GKOROU P. GELLENUECK. BANJO AND guitar tenchcr. 1315 Chicago st. 109 THE REALTY MARKET. INSTntTMfiNTS placed on record Decem ber 24. 1S35 : 1S35VAHUANTY \VAHUANTY DnHDS. J W Sweet to GeorKo Usntlrlckson , lot o , block S , l nko View mlil J ISO A M Hnpklnn nnil vvlfo to H H Harder , lots 9 nnd 10. block II.VeU Ktul. . . . 3.COO C S Flor nnil wife to A J McDonald , lot 4 , block 3. O E Mnyne's 1st ndd to Vnllcy DO Maxwell and Ficemnn company to II II Qulnby , lot 20 , Freeman's GOO S 3 Curtis nml vvlfo to M J Iluck. s < 4 of so nvv nnd pnrt of n H of U BO nvv 3I-W-13 COO Uruld Hill Uulldlnc association to H L Axtnter , lot 15 , block 11 , Druid 11111. . ] ,700 unnua Special master to Mutual Investment company , lot 10. block 20 , Uoyd's ndd 170 Special inaBter to Uyron Herd com pany , o GI feet lot 1 , block 6 , Heed's 3rd add 1,500 Sheriff to U W Ross , lot 1 , block 80 , Omulia s.fiOO Total amount of transfers $10.810 STOCKHOKDKUS' MISCTING-UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice la hereby plven that the annual ineetlnR of the stockho'ders of the Union Land company for the election of live dlrcc tors nnd the transaction of such other bus no'-1 ? as may lawfully come before th mectlnt , ' , will be bold ( n the library. Unlo Pacific bulldlnfr , Omaha. Nebraska , upo Monday , January 13 , 1SOG , at 10 o'clock n. m. The stock transfer books will bo closet ton days before the date of the meeting. Doston , Mn > wacliti ° ett' , December 12 , Ib83 ALEXANDER MILLAR. Sect Mary. D22 d23tm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-OMAHA .1 ELKI1OUN VALLKY RAILWAY COM Notlca li hereby Riven that the nnnua mcetlntr ot the stockholders of the Omah & Elkhorn Valley Railway Company fo the election of seven directors nnd trans action of such other buslnneg an may law fully come before tno tnsetlnir , will b held In tlio library , Umun Paclllc bulldlni ; Omaha , Nebraska , upon Wednfsday , tb 1st day of January , ISUti , nt 10 o'clock , n m The stock transfer books will bo closed ten days before the dute of the meeting. Boston , Massachusetts , December 12 , 1S95. ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. D.'J dlltm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING UNION ELEVATOR COMPANY OK OMAHA Notice Is heieby given that a meeting of the stockholder of the Union Elevate Company , for the pui-riosc of electing EOVCI directors and the transaction of inch othc business ns may properly come before the meeting , will be held In lh library. Union Pacific building. Oinnhn. Nebraska , unoi Monday , .the Uth day ot January , 1S95. bs twcen the hou'-s of 10 n. m. and G o'clocl p m. The stock transfer books will be closed ten days before tlio date of meeting. Omaha , Nebraska December 21. IfiOj. S. H. H. CLARK. President. D22 dlltm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE OMA Notice Is hereby given that the nnnua meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha & Republican Valley Railway Company for the election of seven directors and the transaction of tuch other business as may properly come before the meeting , will be held In the library , Union Pacific building Omaha , Nebraska , on Wednesday , the Is dnv of January , 1S9C , at 10 o'clock a. m. The stock books will b > closed for tha purpose ten days before the meeting. Boston , I > Iasbirhusetts. December n. 1SD3 ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secret-irv. D22 dlltm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Olllce of Lec-Clarke-Andreescn Hanhvar Comp.inys Omaha , Nebraska , December H 1893 Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Lec-Claikc-Andrcesen Hard ware company that the unnutl meeting o the stockholders of the company will be held at the olllces of the iald company 1213 , 1221 and 1223 Harney ttrcet , In the clu of Omaha , In the state of Nebraska , oi Tuesday. Januaiy U , A. D. . IS9-1 , at : o'clock p. m . for the purpose of electing a board of till colors for the company to serve during the ensuing year , iicd to transac such other business as may be presented a such meeting. fAttest ) II. J. LEE , President W. M. GLASS , Secretary. DHdSit M r * * rnci , a ENNYROYAl PilU d Only RriiuliT. " - _ . - . _ . _ 13 and tntU-tltoi ! At Druggl.l * . cr lend 4r ptitmi I IIT ( rmlcuUri , t" tlmonUL * IB I "HclUr fur 1 \lc"tluttr. \ . t-i rrturi Mull. KVMM ) fwUiunUUtimtjiptr l. ! it--lertl.cir/CQHV.,51u.ll..uSa / | , WHITE STAR LINE. Sailing from Now York Wcdn"sda > 6 , ns folloua. No fiulllng the 23th of UoLciiibei. 1S36. TctitonlP. Jan. 1. 10 a. m ; Jan 8. 19 n. m. : JlajMtlc. Jan. J3 , 19 a. m. , Germanic Jan 22 , 10 u in. United Ktutca and Itojnl Hall btenmcrs. Saloon patbas" , S50 and upixard , aceordlnc to fitcdiner selected and locnttnn of berth. Second cnbln I3"i and t4) on JtaJ ctlc nnd Teutonic DRAFS tillable on ili > > l mujnherc in Great llrHulii und Ireland snld at loncst rate ; For Inspection cf plans of Mrnmus nnd any urthcr Infoiniiitlun njiplj t loinl ngents or dlicct o II. MAITLAND KintsnV G'l AK t 23 IV nay N. Y. X. ANIiRIli'ON G'lA\'nAKt. . ni Roi'Tir n.Aitic ST , CHICAGO RAILWAY TIME CARD Leivi-a II1URLINGTON S. MO. RIVER.I Arrives * OmahalUnlon Dtpot , 10th & Mason Sts _ [ Omaha E'30um Denver Express . .T. . D:25am 4.3apm.UU. Hllld. MenU & Fuget End Ex. 4'03nm 4 33pm , , Denver Jvxnrcss 4 C5mn 7CSpm .Nebraska Local ( except Simdat ) , . Y.Oim . . .Lincoln Local ( except -245pm..l''ast ! Ma 11J f orLIncol _ ndally. . . Leav es IOIIICAOO , nURLINOT6N ' & QTArrlvea OrnahalUnlun Depot , 10th ft Mason 8ts f Omaha 5.00pm Chicago Ve < tlLule 8.00am :4Sam : Chicago Expreji. . . . . 4:15pm 7'Mpm..ClilcnKrr A St. Louis Express. . . S.OOam ll.S3nm Pacinc Junction Locu ! - " Fast Mill Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL lArrlvm' OinalialUnion Depot , 10th & Mason StsjOniaha 6.01pm Chicago Llmlted..r..T. , , 8DJnm : 9.45am..Chicago K prcss ( ex. 8unday ) . . 3.2rim Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORTlIWEST'N.IArrlv'cJ" OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason 8l I Omaha llWirn : ( Eastern Expreps . . . . . . . . . 3lOnm : 4:4'pm : Ventlbuled I.lmltod B.4hm 1.05am Carroll Passenger tOM'/nm C:45pm : Omaha Chicago bpoclal SiOOain 0pm Uoone Local 9.30am Missouri Valley Lscal. . . . . . . 9soam : .eaves ICIIICAGO. R. I. ft 1'ACIFIC.lArrlvus' ' OmahalUnlon Dtpot. 10th ft Mason 8ts I Omaha _ EABT. _ . OMOarn..Atlanllc' Bxpress t&x. Sunday ) , . SJ5pm : 6 25pm NlKht Ripresa , , . " S'lBam 4.60pm ChlcaRo VestlbuIoJ Llrolteo. . . l : 4.Mpm..8t. Paul Vtstlbuled Limited. . . " li WEST. i4pm.OUIahomATOMS ! Ex wr. Sun.l. lOpm..Colorado , Limited ? . . : . . .eaves I C. , ST. P. . it. te O TArrlTeT OniahalDepot15th _ _ \Vebsterj3tt _ roinaha ' : ISam . Sioux City AccommodatlonTTr ilSpm I.lSpra. . . Sioux City Express { ex. faun. ) . . .11 Ham :4jpm . Bt. I'aul Llmlier. . . . a.lOain -euves I R. IJ. ft. SIO. VALLEY. es Omahal Depot.Jjthanj Webtter at . | Omaha ! : lSpm . Fa t Mall anrt'Express. . sTsinm ! : l5pm.ex. ( Bat. ) Wyo. Lx. lex Hon. ) . . BJHnS 70jm. : . . Norfolk Hxpress ( ex. Sunday ) , . .lOjjSnm i 4ipm . St. I'aul Express . . . ! . 9lOini : Leaves I K. C. . ST. J. & C. IJ. lAirlvei' OnuhaUnlon Depot , 10th & Masqn Sis.j Omaha 9:0 : am Kansas City Day Express. . " " 5:30nn ! 45pm.K. C. Night Ex. Via U. P.Trana. _ T. Jiro Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC ; lArrlves Omnhal Depot. 18th and Webster Sis | Omaha l:40am : . . .St. Louis Kxpress " t Mani :30pm : St. Louis Expre . . . OJbni l.30pm..fl.Nebr Us. Local ( ei. Bun ) . . . . 9 00 ? .eavts SIOUX CITY & PACIPICT Omaha - 15th and . ! 45pm St. PauTLlmlled. Leaves I Biolfx CITY A PACIFIC. lArrlvei' OmalalUnlon Dtpot. lOta & Mason JJtt.1 Omaha 7:05am : Sioux City Pus < aiBer.7T . ,10 : OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & _ M ion 8ls. | p'maha 9IOam North Platte Express 4:30pm saoam Ovtrland Uuilted 4:45pm : 3:3Cpm.l5eafce : & Stromsb'i ; ET ( ex. Sun. ) . 4SOpm : 6:45prn..Grand : Island Expiext ( ei. tSun..12tOpm ) : l:15pm : Flit Mall .ll:2iai. : WABASIl'llAILWAY. " lArrlTTs ImahalUnlon D pol. 101 li JC. Mason 8t I Oimhn JJrra Bt , Louli Cannon I ) U . ' : ; * * : . A GHRISTMAS TALE. THE DOLLAR OU T1IK MAN. The conundrum of this decade Is , Shall wo have a 200-cent dollaTand a 60-cent man. or n 100-cent dollar -rand a 100-cent man ? W-hlch phall be elovamt , the dollar or the man ? Where shall ouc , power ba placed , In the dollar or In the man ? Which general average shall we ralso tip , that of the dollar or that of the man ? Herewith find a sketch ; wherein It epsaks truth , accept Its gospel ; wherein It tells lies paw It over to the father of those things. He may not ba an exemplary parent , but he ? Is n good provider. JOHN U. HOWU. i. Once upon a time , twelve months ago , there wcro a lot of bos , black and whit ? , dirty and clean , nnd so forth All were little , and all were In the newspaper business , with bootblachlng on the side Wo have to do with only two or throe or four. There waa Sunshine , who was black so black as no fuller' earth could black him. Poets and darklei are born , not made. Suns'hlns was a big feller , and the principal features , those on which his future fame will rest , were hung on the ends of his arms. There was Jimmy , too. He was white and clean , A good mother washed his face and darned his clothes. A sweeter face was never washed. Jesus at his nge was not a bit better looking. He was not so big as Sunshine , but ho was n full pint. And now comes the hero of this sketch. His size was half pint. He was clean. He was not black or beautiful. IHit he had a smile ! It was a two-edged smile ; It smiled up and It smiled down , nnd this way and that way and straight ahead ; It was hung on n mouth that ftrstched across his face , nnd an old lint came down upon It from above , but could not extinguish It , nor dim Its glory. A smile Is always beau tiful. No matter who wears It , It U aurora borealls. sunrise on dew , an April shower on the first-born flower , trailing arbutus , frlnstance. This was L'ttle ' Billce. Ills ma had a mogglge ; to help lift the llttla end of It was Blllec's lofty hope. He came among these bojs , these n\vspaper mer chants , on ths day before Christmas with 10 cents worth of papjrs , to-wlt , five ; dur ing the day he gathered up as many more , wholes and parts , today's , jesterday's and forever's ; he had moie papers than sal's. He brought Ills smile with him ; likewise his mouth and the ends thereof from the east to the west unto- the going down of the- same ; and his eld hat on top of all. Xow , Eome of the boys were disposed to put a head on him to keep him from divid ing up the trade ; but that little smiling facs brought to his sld ; Sunshine and Jlm- mlf , and peacs prevailed within his borders and pennllessness within his pockets. Com rades ! Comrades ! They were podnsrs ! * * The sun had pot. Christmas eva was ar rived at the Paxton' hofl. Little Billce , busted and dlscourag'd. With his stock in tradeslept. . KIs slesp ivns sweet , as 'twcro on a feather beJ of ostrlcli down , as a mat ter of fact , his bed vV s the stone st'ps within the wall ? . And heio came the qeAil sports. As night wore on. they came mora and more , and fullr and fuller. And vrr one of them dead spcrts God bless the same ! woke Little Billee and bought all his papers , today's > es- Urdiy's ar.d forever's and gave them back to him ! After the lUfle- fraud had sold them six and seven times , total thirteen , and had the tin within , jou- really dcrt to have heard him snicker when n dead fport came along , fuller than any filler's earth could full him , and woke Ijlrn tup and proposed to buy a paper , as 'twas Christmas Kve then buying every one and gluing them all back to him ! The little fra-uJJ nThey , kept a-cpm- Ing , as well as a-golngi-und a-waklng of li'm up nnd a-bujlng of hhrf'Out , and a-stocklng of him up , till really ho , got no r st. Satan b gin to stir within him ; ho felt ho was a-cheatlng c/f / them all , that they thought him "stuck , " whereas ( bless a whereas once l-i a while ! ) they , those jolly de-ad cporta , - = aw through It all , while Little Billee snicker d on. sn'ckered on , snickered on , his pocket full nnd his stock undcpleted. The nlgiit pass'd away. Little Blllco wok the woke of the Just , still on his downy couc- aforesaid. lie rose , and , as the sun sp-en its smile all over the. wcrld , he pulled hlj ind w nt cut upon the street and holl-red and hollered and hollered that hete was for sale the dally papers , earning under his arm those of yesterday and the day afora and never moic. A larg man comes down the street. Ho hal commenced life lending money nt G p = r cent a month , nnd is now vvoith twenty- three million dollars. He Is an honest monev man. He believes In a 200-cent dollar , and a 50-cent man or a 5 cent cne as still better. II ? had the day before - fore received a payment of J30.000. which ha thought ho vvoiiU fall to get by one-tenth of 1 per cent , with attorneys' fees , notarys' fo:3 , rattage , crlbbage and leakage , payable in gold at the pretent standard of weight and flnenss , and he told hla wife that morning to bring him two nickels with which to buy the morning papers. So he had 10 cents on this momentous occasion. One 5 cents had a .hole In It. Being a great financier , he thought It good business to get shut of that C cents with a hole In It at the earlUst op portunity. Mr. Boolong's grai-p on a nickel mid his gra p ot the national1 financial piob- lem were of the same size. He was as gay an eli duffer as e-ver shaved a note cr scut tled a t'hlp. Ho stops Llttla Bllleo and says : "Doy , how many for E centu ? " lilllee- , being anxious to trade , says : "Sir. two for C cents. " Says Mr , Boolong : "Thero'y a boy down hero who will sell me three for 5 cs-nta. " "So will I , " oiys Little Billce. with a smile that was worm iu cnts. . In gold , and ho held up his block , and Mr. Brolong took thrco and gave him a tlckel , and passed on with a smile that , If turned on goat's milk , would have converted t back Into hoopuklrts. The nickel had a lole In It. Dlllee went up the street , hollering and hollering , utterly unconscious of whether It was today , yesterday or smother day. Fact > , It was Christmas. Mr. Boolong went Into the Paxton and got ho best chair , In the coziest corner , rnd the > est light , and put ou his spectacles and commenced to examine Ills bargain , After a little the Turk awoke ! My , but he way mad ! Ho Raid hell and damnation several lines , hell alone several other times , damna- Ion alone at least twelve times , and other combinations of divers and sundty other vords sacred nnd profane , too numerous to mention , and to mention which once would xcludo me from good lauslety , whoso refining nfiucnco I dearly love. , "Tho little fraud" said ho referring to Jilloe "ho should be'arrested. . " And thb vhlle little Illlleo , tbd dreadful little franJ , vas a hollering , hollaing , hollering way up ho street , , . CHAPTEH'tT. This chapter takes-us'Into , the Interior of shanty on the By Wly ( with a tin roof made p of bu&ted tillers niid ' .oyster cans spread ut. Within there U a floor and a llttla fur- ilture and some human beings. A large toman has sunk dowh ( nto a chalr\utterly xhausted .and weary-Vwtjary nnd In despair. Children In front of ther children behind icr and on the right hnd and on tha left , he U a large , milky-overflowIns woma-i uch as God makes forjnaternlly and pov- rty. Her husband Is dead or drunk , a iUs- luctton without difference. But In tint loom there Is starlight ; It doesn't come di wn tirough the Interstices of the oyster fins ; t Is right down there In tits midst. Silting n the floor , hla legs spread out and hi * back gainst the wall , holding the. baby In his lap tat mother may rest by baby meaning the atest sits a boy ; size , halt pint ; rmlle a aril and all wool. Ho U not tha ono whom ha angels named Lonore. HU parents named Im William and nn admit ing vo-ld little mice ! He sings , Don't know what ho i-lngs only do know 'taln't "After the Ball. " Swcotor Song Never Was Sung ! " t , Mother Sleeps ! On an empty stomach , mother sleeps ! Baby sleeps ! On a full stomach , baby eeps. t Little Billee , wlt > i watchful eye , lays for i rJt that lays for a hunk of bread In the arder. Larder it good ; exceedingly good ; for there nln't no lard there only a hunk of bread. Little Billce Is Its would-be champion nnd defender ; but , alas , bo Is Inched down like the crushed tragedian , In other words , baby Is sitting on him ! How do I know 1 Why , I was there ! In my Invisible mackintoshes and galoshes and moustaches , I sat with little Billee on the hotel ftep ? , and , a.s ho slept , heard the swleh of angelo' wings and 1 could not stir nor catch on ? ; In the same attire 1 sat and heard Little Billce ping the sweetest song of songs , and heard his mcthor snore , and saw the rat lay for the lone hunk of brtad , and could not e'.lr or catch It or break Its luvid. CHAI'Vcil HI. The tltlo of this chiptcr Is "Tho Mogglge , or The Klve C'tits with a Hole In It. " The morning following Christmas was all bustle In the household to which little Bllleo Barlow brlonged. Mrs. mrlow had put on her best dress , but she had no > bustle , ex cept the bustle above mentioned. This dress vvna nankeen , or bombazine , or benzine , or something of that sort , and had bcn her wedding gown two and forty jears before , moro or leiv. It had no mutton-leg sleeves. She had other uss for mutton legs ; neither was she deformed about the arms nnd shoul ders , though they we-e mighty heavy. Bllleei had counted his wad , and. It came lo $1 ST. "Bllleo , " says his ma , "the mogglgo ; wo will go nnd sec the kind gentleman who lent us $13 on our house and furniture and goats , Billy and other , which Is the staff of llfes. " Mrs. Barlow was a plotu woman. Now , Blllco had allowed that there was enough capacity to hln wad to warrant a iquaro meal for the kids , but liln ma said. " .Vo ; not till w * hav ? settled with the kind gentleman ; then we will buy some meal. " So they walk n long distance and get on nn clovntor In Boolong's building and go to the 'steenth story and fnter Mr. Bjolong's office. "Set down , " says Mr. Iloolong , "set down " Then Mr. Boolong gat ont of his vault three cord' of collateral and found the mogglge. It called for thirteen dollars In thirty days , payable In gold , present standard of weight and fliunes" , Interest pa } able In advance and uloo afterward , also semi-monthly and three times n week , with attorney fe ° s , notary fees , exchange , rattage , crlbbagp and leakage "Ore dollar and sKtythr'2cents , mom , Ifjou pltnsa , " said the kind gentleman "semi-weekly Interest , " ho addeJ. "I thought , " said Mrs. Barlow , 'It would bo only $1.60. " "Well , mom , " payj Mr. Doolong , "the gov- einmont , mom , has cold ono hundred and nixty millions cf bonds , and bonds come high ; our government , mom , sells Interest-beating bonds , mom , to back up Its currency , and Interest works twenty-four hours a day , whlls my hired man kicks like a steer becaus ? he has to work blxtcen ; yes , mem. " Now , aa Mrs. Barlow had only $1.CO tied up In her handkerchief , yhe had to call on Billee to bring forth 3 cents from tha fund ho had rcscrvcil for some victuals for the kids and to buy a stock of newspapers. Little Bllleo now waltzes to the front and emptlc.3 his pocket on the table ot the kind gentleman. The- kind gentleman thinks hs- seen some thing familiar In Little Billee. As Little Bil lee showel his wad pride swelled his heart and bio face flashed a smile that burned away the cobwebj In tits corners of the room and he stood a transfiguration la the midst ! Ills cash account showed 37 cents. The kind gentleman ran It over ; he- sees the 5 cents with a hole In It ! He glares ! Ills eyes bulge out ; lily collar button bunts ; npo- pUxy stare him In the face. Now , apoplexy did net eventuate , but cholera morbuu did , and for ono I am glad of It. "What ! Are jou that little fraud wto U3ld me Chrlstmaa morning three old papers ? i i i i t i Each of these stars stands for a constella tion or cus words. "I'll have j'e arrested ! " And ho took little Bllleo by the scurf of the neck and held him up. Little Blllee's smile flashed out got on to a telegraph wire out side of the window , I tni'pect , and joined Itself to the electric current till It found a giound. The fact Is he was tsrrlbly fright ened and his ma was speechless. "What his Billee done ? " says she. "Illllee- the bast boy a mother over had , " bald she. "It makes it worth while to bo a mother , " said t > li\ "to have a boy like Blllee. Please , sir , what lua he done ? " "Done ! he cheated me out of 5 cents sold me old papers ! " Bllleo wept and sild he did net mean to , and his ma stood right up for Billee and said she krevv he did not and tint they would now return the money. And so the kind gen tleman took out a 5-cant plec * . The 5-cent piece he teak did not have a hole In It. When ths kind gentleman saw how much money little Billee had besides the $100 , to- wlt , S7 cents' , ho said that there was some rattage , crlbbaga and leakage aad exchange that had not jet been settled and that It required a trifle moro tlnn Little Billee had to square accounts. Wh'n Little Billee heard this he felt worse than when he was held up by the neck , for whsre would the kids get grub to cat and when would he get some papers to sell ? Ma told Mr. Boolong what the nseds of the hour were- , but Mr. Boolong said that the financial situation was such , the government having sold ? 1GO.OOO,000 of bonds , that he thought he would rsally have to call In the whole $13 and foreclosa unlcbs that amount should bo paid in a week. Now , this wus a settl = r on Mrs. Barlow. What , take away their homo ar.d beU and the goats ? Where cauld she go ; what could she do ? Whereat slis began to cry and wall and disturb the neighbor. . Little Dlllee stood stock still , smllelesa , a gem of rarest ray rerene .hing ing on the lid of his right eye- and of his left. The kind gsntleman then said not to crv. that as they had bMn BO prompt to pay In terest and rattage , crlbbage , leakage and exchange , he really would not dlcturb tholr home , but would even give Bllles C cents back to tray papers with. And ho gave the 5 cents with a hole In Then Little Blllo and his ma took hold of hands and wont away , down In the elevator , out on the street nnd down the street , hold ing hands all the time , the hcart-bcata of one doing duty as the heart-beats of the other. And ma grew strong and Ulllea grew strong as they went along , though their stomachs sounded like a gong beating funeral marches to the grave ; Blie to do as best she might a mother's duty to helpless children and ho to bs her Light of Asia and her Light of tha World , her joy , her hope , her strength , and , as far as might be , acquire meat for the kid ? . As Little JJIIleo went along , the plate glass windows in the stores shone with the smlla of him who was , as It were , retrans- llgured , born again , the bright bravo boy ! CHAPTER IV. The Dollar or the Man ? A 200 cent dollar and a 50 cent man , or a 100 cent dollar and a 100 cent man ? This Is the question the civilization of this day propounds to you and me. Which ? Little Illlleo or Big Dlllee ! December , 1895. The Modern MotUc-r Has found Oat her little ones are Improved mcro by the pleasant laxative , Syrup ot Figs , when In need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy than by any other , and that It Is moro ccccptable to them. Children enjoy It and It benefits them. The true remedy. Syrup of Figs , 1s manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. - * Xt-iv Fin tunof llotc-l I.lfe. Ths latest devlco In the way of an Indicator cater la known aa , a "telesemo. " It Is to bo a feature of hotel life , and will bo re garded by the order of bell boys as a sinis ter Invasion of their professional rights. It consists of a circular contrivance , with a movable lever like the hand of a clock. At the cuter edge of the circle are- the names of ill necessaries , comforts and luxuries. By .pointing the lever to the name of the article deilred and pressing a button monsieur Is served. It Is the near est approach to rubbing the lamp which hu man Ingenuity has been able to devise. Among the HI artlclm ara to bo found pretty much eveiything that the Bojourncr can auk for or the hostelry supply wet goods , such aa Ice water , cocktails and hotel towels , and dry , such as champagne and the evening papers. Pozzonl'B Complexion Powder produces i soft and beautiful kl.ln ; It combines every element of beauty and purity. FOUGHT ON A DINNER TABLE Memorable Fersonil Encounter Between Missouri Politicians , CHUNKS OF HATE , EOWIES ON THE SIDE Graphic Dcnrrlpllou of u 1'olltlrnl HitrliFouc rifty Vviirn AKO A , 'llirlllluir Soriur.iulliiK iiltlt Frt'yette , Mo. , In thp early days of tlio state , relates the St. Louis lUimblle , vvns the great political center. H was there the poli tics anJ policies of the commonwealth were maJo tip , bolh whig nnil democratic , livery election ycnr n Rrsal bnrbfcue was arranged , at which all of the Rrcat men of Missouri- all the politicians and JOUIIK men who de sired to train for leadership met. rrom every section of the state they cnme. 15x- ccpt these who lived on the Missouri river , they came on horseback , oml to rldo 200 miles to attend the large political sanhedrlns that met there was a small task for the as- plrinR politicians , for Tayctte was their Mecca. H was In 1S3S that the greatest of th ? great barbecues was held there. The Van Huron administration , that was over thrown In IS 10 by the elder Harrison , had caused great dissension In the ranks ot the democratic party. llosgs * as governor , and came very near assassination by the Mor mons. The great meeting was held on the t'lope ' of the rldgo on which now stands Central college , and north of Howard col lege. Just across the creek that ( lowed ut the base was the elegant residence of Thomas Kcjnolds , who the previous jear had been defeated for the- state senate by Judge lllrch , and who In 1S40 was elected governor over General John B. Clark of Howard county. Jtiat south of the Reynolds residence , on the crested ildge , was theresldencDof Ablel Leon ard , afterward chht justice of the supreme court of Missouri , U was a ! spot , and the 10,000 men who were there from all portions of the state with their tents and wagons In the valley gave to the scene tha appearance similar to what may bo con- jcctural of the Isiaelltlsh camp when thoj went up to Jerusalem during their annual pilgrimage. The pltu In which were roasted the great beeves , sheep and hogs for the great multitude , were two In number , and each was over fifty yards long , and for jear ? afterward furnished a splendid natatorlum for the boys of Fajette , who went to school under Andrew J. Herndon , who yet lives In that place. Uenton was thrri , , Bj ga was there. Holllns , Leonard , Illngham. lllrch , Reynolds. Clalb Jackson ( afterward gov ernor ) , Donlphan , Swltzler , Clark , Senator Linn ( who succeeded Barton ) . A hby , Thomp son , Anderson , Heevcs , Hedil , Napton , Scott , Hyland and others , all of them political giants of tlioss > time. WHEN WHISKY PLOWED. In fact , the muster roll of that eventful day of those preyent embodied not only all of the great men of th ? stat ? , but would cover the mfrn who afterward ruled tha com monwealth In the senate , In congress , as governors and judges of the circuit and su preme courts. Speech's had boon made from half a doren stands before dinner was announced. Whisky was not only cheap , but It was good. It was too cheap to be adulterated , and It was rep resented by barrels , with the head knocked In , and a tin cup setting beside It. Dinner was icprescntcd by six tables , over fifty yards In length , and half the evening was consumed In feeding the Immense throng One table , however , was reseived for the big guns at homo and abroad , and as soon as it was cleared the reading of toasts be gan. Never , p-rhaps , olnco that day has there been such a gathering of notables at a political love feast In MlbMurl. It re minded one of the historical gatherings In the ancient Iloman Forum. At this table1 , at cither end , sat Major Clalborno F. Jackson , governor of Missouri in 1861 , and Colonel James H. Dirch , afterward Jude of the su preme court. Jackson was at that time one of the favorite lieutenants of Colonel Denton - ton , and so bitter was Denton's enmity to- waid lllrch that "ho d-ove him cut of the demociatlc into the whig party. Jackson and Birch wcro political rivals , and were just In the prime of their young and vigorous manhood. The toasts were reid first at one eml cf the table and then at the other. The first tor > st was road by Jacktun and reread by lllrch , and was sent to the president of the United States. The no\t tcast was by Birch , and was to the governor. Hoggs was , governor , and was hitting to tlio right of Birch when this toist was rend and drunk. Colonel U.nton sat In his seat anJ refuaed even to ralto his glass to his lips. Tills per sonal discourtesy did not cheapo the watchful and angry eye of Birch , but ho bided his tlm-1. Uenton hated Hoggs because Boggs had dared to run against him In the democratic caucus for his third election as United States aanator. In that caucus Iljnton only de feated Bo go one vote. This was a crime fiom the Benton standpoint , whlc'i Unit ; no eternity could neither condons or forgive. Ths next toast'was lead by Jackson , and it was ths stereotypsd toast fiat Cclonel U.n- ton exacted of his supporters at all large .mil small political gatherings In the state , and a failure to have It offered and passed at a Birall meeting once cost 13. M. Ityhind his position as receiver of the United States land office at Lexington , Mo. The toast was- "To our Illustrious senator , Colonel Thomas H. Uenton. " BIRCH'S OPPORTUNITY. This was the opportunity Birch had bpn waiting for , and In a fen minutes occurred at Wnt dining tabls one of the most thrilling and dramatic Incidents that ever took place on the political hustings of Missouri. After the tcast was handed ta him by Jackson's messenger , Colonel lllrch not only got upon Ills chair , but stepped from It to the tab , rnosu yoi alive vvno lenumuer juuge Hire. , o biiperb iViyglque ai.d know that while one of the nilUiest-mannerril men In the mate , yet when thoroughly aroused , like many of the old pioneers , did not fear Gccl , man or tlio devil , can well Imagine the thrilling uccne Every ono present knew that IJIrch and lien- ton were the bitterest of personal c-n'inles and hated eaa * > other with venomous animos ity , and they caught their breath when they saw lllrch mount the table with the toast In hit ) .hand , and Instead of reading It , held It high In the ulr. After waiting long enough to draw every one's attention , Colonel lllrch , In that Eonoroua voice of his , so veil remem bered by old-timers yet alive , paid : "Major Jackron , that toaat will net be read at this end of the table until Colonel Dentou rises and apologizes to the pepplo present for lita rudeness In refusing to drink to the health of the governor. " Had a holt of lightning exploded In their mldat It would not have created as great ex citement and consternation as did the auda cious action of Colon ; ! Birch. Major Jackson himself waa to thunderstruck he thought per haps ho had not heard the words of Birch correctly , and asked him to ropeut them , which ho did with additional emphasis , for Birch felt that he was master of tli ? situation for once In open public defiance cf Ms b't- tcrcist enemy , and there wan no escaping from the situation , There was nothing for Jark- Bon to do but to fact" tlis music , for by hla ldo eat Imperial Denton openly , ilagruntly nd bitterly defied by his strongest enemy , nnd put to shame before the p'ople of the Hate. Just what passed between Jackson and Uenton In the few momenta they whispered together no ono over know , but almost In stantly Jaclcton sprang from his chair upon tlis taMp. Jackson drew hl bowle knife , an pistols were not uced In those days , After coolly surveying his antagonist Illich drew liU bowlo knife also with a tlioiit of wel come , and the two men start-'d toward each other. An eye witness to the acenu nays that Jackson approached his foe warily , but the picture of a debonair cavalier , whlla Burch , with a step us buoyant as ever the Doughs tied his highland home , started to meet Jack son , They were both about the tame age and alzo , Jackson not ijulte to tall ab Birch , They both embodied the clilvaliy of llio lati tude In which they were born. We In MI read of the Bhnuts that arose during the Roman bacchanals when Komo poor creature was thrown Into the ring with tlfera ulr ndy maddened with blood , GOT ON THIS TAHLi : , KB counterpart vvn h"ard wnn lt < iulta- neoutly from Ift.OOO ihro U came an Indig nant protest against th.s impiovl- co-nbat. But It was unheeded bv licu- ! t o maddened gladiators , as they < Srew p'arer ca--h otlur and kicked the dUlm out cf the w / . Diforo rwchlng one another the people who were nr r the tftbl , being nrou iM by the shouts around them , comprehended the sceneami gmplng Jackson and Dlrch by the legs drew them by main force from the table and dis armed them , thin putting an rnd to the fear ful exhibition nnd preventing what would undoubtedly have befn ono of the bloodiest personal encounters In the political nnniU of the state. The episode put an end to the toast rcadlnR , nnd for once In hla career Colonel Itcntbn failed ef an Indorsement at the largest state meeting ever held In Mis- potirl. Jackson nnd Dlrch , nllhoiiRh living In tha same town , never carried the actions of that day Into their future associations. Years afterward they bMh co-operated In killing Colonel Ucnlon politically. Jackson , being a senator , was chosen' to Introduce the cele brated resolution * , from which Colotrl Hen- ton apr-eilcd In 1S49 , nnd which led to thi most txcltlng political contest ever had In MIsoMirl , nnd which way ended In 1S56 bj the election of Trusten 1'olk as governor , his competltlor being no less a personigl than Colonel Beaten himself. This was Ben- ton's last effort In politics. Ho left behind him , however , an Imperishable monument t < his memory In his book entitled "Thlttj Years In the United Stales Senate. " Mosl all of the men who were present tint mem orable day arc dead , except William P Swltzler and Andrew J. Herndon. They wen the giant plnowra who blazed the way , at It wore , for progroaa and civilisation In tin western wilderness , nnd In their names and deeds left a legacy to their descendants whlcl they can well afford to honor and mere. A Ht.MJHY Wll.l ) OAT. He bought ( it 1'oiMl on n SculiiR Mn < ( lilac AK > III. "I read In a piper the other day , " said t merchant to the Now York Sun. "that wild cats will never venture to attack a man un- lew they have become desperate from hun , ger. If that Is so , I had a little cxpcrlcnci once with a wildcat that must have beet the most desperately hungry oue that cvei longed for victuals. "It was hi Plko county. Pennsyl vania. I had got It Into mjr head that there was a good deal ol money to bo inailo by selling sewing ma chines In the Isolated districts of the countrj to people who would never think of golnj deliberately to a denier and hu > lng one. 1 tiled the experiment first In Pike county. 1 may as well say , In pabslng , that 1 tried li there layl also. I drove from the county seal ten miles back on the hills , where I was toli some people lived who might Invest In sew ing machines. I must ha\o got off the road for I didn't find the people , nnd late In tin afternoon started back for town. The waj was overn lonely , narrow , crooked backwoodi reid , bordered by deep woods. Toward dusk , as I was rounding a short turn IE the road , my horse , which had a good deal of spirit , suddenly shied , and then sprang forward on a furious run. At the snme In. stant an animal with glaring o es plumped down In the sleigh at my feM. It had evi dently leaped from a tree at the horse , but the quick movement of the hors-s defeated the animal's purpose , ana It alighted with Ita fore feet on the robe that lay across my lap. It glared savagely at me , with Its face not more than two feet away , as It china to the robs with Its sharp claws , growling fiercely. I had never seen a wildcat , but I knew that I had one to deal with , nnd It seemed aery large and suvago one at that. I had no weapon except my whip , which , fortunately , was loaded at the butt. "Clinging to the reins with my left hand , I drew the whip from the socket and otruck the wildcat a blow with It on the head , which caused the animal to loosen Its hold on the tobo nnd drop Into the snow. It was up In a second nnd pursued me. It came on wlih In creased fury nnd sprang upon the back of the sleigh , which was low. Although the horoa was running madly away along the narrow and crooked road , throwing the sleigh from side to sldo and threatening It constantly with de struction agaln t some rock or ptump , I was compelled to drop the reins and leave the- re sult of the runaway to chance , for the wildcat was struggling desperately to gain a foothold In the slalgh and fight me at close quarters. I knew that it tlm sleigh should come Into collision w tu any cU lacla heavy enough to wreck It I would bo no match for the catamount , fighting on ( ho sllppeiy snow , oven It 1 were unharmed by the colllblon , and so I sti allied every nerve to conquer ths determined beast while I way still at an advantage In the sleigh. "Onco I thought It was all up with me- , for , as the sleigh v > as carried abruptly round a short turn by the flying horw , one runner Btiuck n stone nnd the Melgh circuited and ran for two roils on the oth ° r runner. I me chanically threw the weight of my body against the upper sldo of the sleigh , all the time raining blows on the he id of the wildcat , and forced tlu runner down Into the track again. A few moro blows after that , and I ivas rejoiced to see the tenacious brute first locsen ere claw , hang for n second with the other , whllo it tried to se-lzo the- hick of tha slolgh again with Its teeth , nnd then fall Into the enow and lie there motionless "I dropped upon my seat , too weak to make any effort to regain control of my liorjp , which was still rushing wildly along the un certain load , now mads otlll njoro uncertain by the gathering darkness. The Inrse ran for at least three miles , nnd then stopped from sheer exhaustion. 1 had by that tlmo recovered sufficiently to drlvo ths rest of the way to town , which wasn't far , nnd where I ailived with a horpo covered from heiul to foot with foam , a slolgli splintered and cov- creil deep with scratches made by th des perate wildcat , and myfelf pretty Imclly used up by nervous shock. It was three days be- foio I was able to gat about In anything Ilka my usual Hlupo , and I gave up my traveling iwwlng machine buslnets there and then , I never heard whether I hail killed the cata mount or not , but I have an Idea I did. I liopo so , for he wa certainly too hungry to bo at largV The cnrth movea Evidence , > ou cm buy a llrst-clajj liniment , Salvation Oil , for 23c. A TiiHitiiiiilniiVoiuIir. . 'Iho greatest wonder of the antipodes Is th'j celebrated glow-woun cavern , discovered In ISOl , In the heart of the Tusmanlanvll - dernei-H. The cavern or caverns ( there ap pears to bo n scrlea of such cavcrni In Urn vicinity , each separate und distinct ) aio eit- upted near the town of Soutliport , Tasmania , In a limestone bluff , about four miles from Ida bay. The appearanc ? of the main cav ern la that of an underground river , thu entire floor * of the subterranean pasiugo being covered wllh water about n foot mi < l n hnlf In lUpth. These wonderful Tuiuianlan tnvorns are similar to all caverns In Iliolr limestone formation with the exception that Ihblr luofs und cities I'torally ' shlno with the light emitted by the- millions of glow worms which Inhabit them , Acts at once , never falli , One Mlnuto Cough Cure. A renitdy for asthma and that fevur- Inh condition which accompanies n lovcra cold. The only harmless remedy that pro duces Immediate results. H has been shown that the tangerine ) orange , and possibly tome other varieties , ara farmed through the effort of the orange ta mike n secondary growth at the npox of tha original one , only that It failed to make any original at all. In other woidc , the tangerine orange Is n well-developed secondary fruit. How tills can be brought about may bo rojil- lly understood by carefully examining tha oranges ! > n wn In the market as the navel variety. In these cases a small orangj nan often be found at the apex , sometimes of considerable blze , When the- Email ono li largely developed and the larger one wholly , then wo have the tangerine. A. U. Hartley of Magic , pa. , writes : "I feel It a duty of mine to Inform > ou and tha public that mwilt's Witch Ha/Jl Salvo cuuU me of a very bid case of eczema , It ulio cured my buy of a running ton on hU leg. Ill-licit ICdKfil liiMlriiiiirntM , HeRulus U outdcno by a man from Otylcrv who U novr performing nt the London Al- lumlird. Uc > ild'i climbing with bare feet a ladder whose runzB are slurp sword edgtg , and lying on u bed of nail points wltli four men fealcd upon him , hu curia hlnuelf up In u barrel through whoto Inner Hides nalln project , and It rolled ahsut the state at ft , rapid rat ? , The exhibition is dencrlb ° d , how ever , a * liclnk rurloiu rather than InterestIng - Ing to thu TwU'a ! Little Early Ilictr * cure Ucm end bad breath ,