Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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pccurity Market Dealings Somewhat Below
Monday's Total ,
> Vork of tlic Neiv York CIcnrltiK
Coiiimlttrc l.catliiHT n ( Inncl
lu C
NEW YOIIK , Dec. 24.-Today'B stuc
market dealings fell somewhat below th
total of yesterday , but bimlncii was we
distributed nnd the tonu was buoynn
London wan much less of n factor than o
Monday , but there wns comparatively lltll
nelllnB for that account. Important buyln
for London Is not looked for In the Im
; nvdlatc future , at the short Interest nt thit
center has been practically cllitiinated ntu
Investors nrc deterred from thin marke
by mlsgMnRs ns to our currency otttlool
Th features of today's local ( lading
tin purchases by latgo houses with \Vu h
Ing on connections , due to the cxpcctutlo
of an Impending Issue of government bond
on n basis satisfactory to the trcasuij
nnd gratifying results of the timely nctlo
of the clearing hou o commllUe In preventing
venting distressing rates for mone >
Though most of the- call lonas were- mad
nt 9 pea cent , the bulk of the business wn
clone ut C per cent , nnd transactions wet
mads on good Stock , cxchniiso coinmercla
nt D per cunt. .
The market proved superior to a phnr
lisc In the sterling exchange market , parti *
owing to the great dl pailty between th
amount of the actual engagement * of golfer
for shlpmc-nt tomorrow nnd the prevlon
, ivi . , . , .it. . . . * fictlimt triu M uiiu nttpllltltpi
to lie explained that the exports would huv
been much larger but for th * dllllculty ex
iieilnccccl by would-be uhlppeii of the yel
low metal In scunlng legal tenders. Till
condition prevailed lu n very modeintc ex
tent. As u matter of fact , foreign banker
nre disinclined to - < cll cxrliatige to n laig
amount where the gold Is required to b
chipped tin ce of four dnys ahead , bccntii
In the- event of clearing house loan c'-rtlll
cates lii-Ing used Uu b.inks where. ' they cU-
iioblt their checks would receive for thel
credit lonn certlllcates Insteid of lega
tender notes. The loan cicrtlllciitcs couli
not lie ptld over to the fotolcn bunkers , nm
the banks would not lu > willing to pay It
legal Umleis out of their own stock , us
llielt reserve ) would EOOII bp exhausted. The
market opened fairly active nnd llrm , nm
BOOH became gencially fnong , advances ,
being extended In some Instances to J pc ,
About 11 o'clock reactions occurred 01
the Bhnrp mix uncos In and postcc
r.Uc < of exchange. The losses weresooi
iccuveiuU , heavy purolin tM by the shoil.s
tivnlng the scale. The upwaid lendencj
wan theicarter maintained us a rule , the
highest figures of the d iv being rcnchec
between 1 nnd 2 o'clock. The appreciation !
nt the extreme point , ns comparec
with ln t night's closing prices , are
Kt I'nul & Omnhu prcferrcil anil Whccllni ; &
Luke Uilc prcfernil , 4\ per cent , Tolncco , Itock
Itliinil nml ConBollilnteU Onn , 4" p .r cenl ; Dela
ware S. Iluilscn , 4 per ctnl ; Susriir , 3'4 per cent ,
It.iy Htnlo Cns , 3st per cenl , ClilinKo Onn nrn
lown Cenlrnl preferred , 3'i ' per cinf Denver
: HI3 OrnnJe , 39 per cent. St. I'nul nnd Clcvc-
Hml , nnclnnntl , Clilcngo & St. Louis. 3'4 per
cent , Hjcklni ; Valley , 3'i ' per cent ; Cnnnillni
Soulliprn , Like Urle A. Western preferrcJ , Louis ,
vllln \ . Nnshvlllc nml Lend prcfcrieil , 2i pe-i
ciul , Norlh e lern , 2C4 per cent ; UiirllnKlon ,
Missouri Pacific , Soulhern prefeired nml Ten-
nekseo t"onl , 2H IMT cenl ; Knnsix & Tcxn
prefeired nml New Jersey Centrnl , 2'4 per cent
Tim best tlKuris of Icxlny record trains fiom Hie
cxtrcinu pnnlo prices of Consolltlntcd Clns , 6 pel
cent ; Lend preferred. 12 per cent ; Pullrnnn , 1 !
per cenl , Itithlier piefetred nnil Iloek iHlanil
10 per cent ; Cleveland , ClnclimnJI. Chicago A.
Bt. LmiK 9'i per cent ; Alton & Tcrro Untile.
ChlenKO UnH , Deln\Mire > & Hudson , Tobucco niu
Wheeling Ac Lnke llrle preferred , 9 per cent
Iwiku Eric & Western preferred , 8M per cenl
New Jersey Central , SU per cenl ; Lend nm
Mu.ilmltnn , 8 per cenl ; Suunr nml Distilling ,
7 % per cenl ; Cnn.nlInn Soulhern , 7 % per cenl
fit. 1'HUl nml ItiirltaBton , 7V4 per cent ; Knn.ii
K. Texna preftrreil nml LDUlavllIc & Xnslnlllf
Ti per cenl. Arouml delivery hour there was
a illspoBltlon of the trailers In tnko prollts nn the
advance' , nml n shnrp slump rcsuHr.l , In which
KrnnKers , Mnnhntttin , ChlniRu ( Ins , Tobncco
nml Clexelnnil , Clnclnnnll , ChlrnKO .1 St. Louis
were mosl conspicuous. The prenaurens soon
over , nnd Hie ununrd lendtncvns resumed. Ihe
miuket closliiK slronBer. The nppenrnnce o
heavy purchaslnrr orders for Investment caused
n Bhnrp ndvnnce- the
- railway nml miscella
neous brael mnrket tlnouuhoul the day. The
trnnancllona fooled up J2,37fi,000 Tlie mnre Im-
luirlant net cnlnfl nre : riltsburg & Western
Ists , < 'i per cent , nock Island extension Cs
nnd ChennpenKo & Ohio 4'4s , 4V4 per cenl ;
Northttfstcrn dehentiire Cs of 1921 , 3 per cent ,
Oregon Shoit Line e-onsols , tnist receipts , 2 > J
per cenl , Oreiton Short Line Cs , 2'i per cent ;
Oregon Short Line Irusl recelpls , 2V4 per cenl ;
The lotnl sales of stocks loday were 341,418
thares. Including : Ameilcnn Sugar. 45,400 ; Amer
ican Tobacco. 18WO ; Atchlnon , 11.400 ; Ilurllng-
tmi , 17,300 ; Chlcngu Uas , 18CO ) ; Distilling , 13,100 ;
( Jenernl Electric , S.300 ; Kan > an & Texas.
6 SW ; Louisville & Nashville , 10,8m ) ; Manhattan
. . . . , , . , ,
v.vwv. .i. t , wiuw , t irutlit lll Itullllilltl , duwli
Houthern Itallroad | > rcferrrd , 6.2iiO ; Tennessee
Coal mid Iron , 10.COO ; United Slule-s Cordage ,
6.000 ; United Htnlc-n Leather preferred , C.700 ;
Wttbnuh preferred , 6.COO ; Western Unl n , 4,900 ;
Wheeling A * Laku Erie. 10.KKI.
IloHtou Stock Uuutatlons ,
BOSTON. lce2J. . Call lo n , 4 U psr cant ;
time loans , 4 U | > or cunt , Uloiuif prloai for
ClirlMliaiiH GrefiliiK from Jlfllmurne ,
MHLHOUUNU , Dec. ZI.-The Hlock eiclungu
of this clly sends a message of "Peace anil
good will'1 to the Slock exchangea of London
nd New York.
London Sloc-k I2xeliuuict * .
LONDON , Dec , H The ( lock exchange opened
Heady ami conllnutU qulvi ; consou advanced U
to ki n\tf jr'lordaj' * price * nml tnl ? n Pacific
amirnil < n r'lnn ) * , to 1'i nil firound. But
thoie HOI HIU ; lnnln < r dolrt ? .
York Moupy MnrkH.
tflO per rnl , ln t lonn find closed nt S per cent.
fiS',4 pr tent.
PIKIIMNtl nXCHANOn-SlronR. with actual
tiURlnr * ! In 1'inkcrii1 Mils nt Jl NftfH 0' { for
d mnn < l , nn I HUfMMH for iilxly da > ' Mils !
liottod rat" * , | l SMsIM * 9'4 nnd il.M ; commercial
Ulhl 57.
GOViitN.Mi.NT IIONDtVrnk nnd lower , with
new < iloMtl I'i and old 4i down 1 per cent nn
the dn > ; etutn bond * , Inncllvc ; railroad bond * ,
Closing quotations on ti mis were n follows :
rinniiHiil Affair * .
I'.vniS. Dec 2 Three per cent rentes. 100
23c for the necotint ; exclmngc on Lcndon , 23
"Tic for chccle ,
ItlMlLIN' , Dec 24 HXC'IIIIRC on I-ondon , clsti
dnjs1 slghl , 20 mniks 14 pfe The markcl her
win dull lodny The Constnntlnople mnrkct wn
lint , nnd the selling of mines wn largely from
t lere
LONDON , Dec. 21 Gold nt Duenos Ajre
lodny , 214 SO : nt Madrid , 17.C2 ; nt Lisbon. 27
nt St. Petersburg. M ; at Alhens , 77 ; nt Home
107,70 ; nt Vlcnnn , 103 The nmount of bullion
\\ltlidrn\vn from the Hank of England on bal
nnce toda ) , 157,1)00. )
liOSTON. Dec. -Clearings , 22,702,025 ; bal
nnres , J2.137.96S
NCVV YOIIK. Dec. 24. Clearings , } 1S5OC1CS1
bnlnnics. $92IC99.
DALTlXlonG , Dec. 2) . Clearings , J3,105,634
linlancis. J48S.139.
1'HILADnU'IIIA. Dec. H.-Clcarlngs , $21,084 ,
784 , balinccs , 52,243D2J.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 24. Clearings , $3,039,039 ; bnl
ance-s , jni'.SS3. Sloncy , 5j8 pel cent. New
York exchange , 4oe discount ; 23c discount nsked
WASHINO'ION. Dec. 21. Up to 1 o'clock Ihla
ifteinoon Ihu Ireasury olllclalu had been niHIsei
if Die wlthdrnual for ciport of H.2300JO In Kohl
jars from the eubtrensury ut New York
rhls lenvca the true nmount of Ihe gold re
none , } M,7Cf > ,393. Lnztld-rieren will ship $500-
000 In gold bars to Uurope tomorrow.
QuotiiduiiK on ( lie Prliicliia
ComiiioclltluM nml StupleH.
NEW YORK , Dec. 24. rLOUR-Clty mill pat
ents. )4 004 23 ; winter patents , J3.43S3 CS ; winter
KtrnlRhls , > 3 30S3 43 ; winter extras , 52030305
winter low grades , $21002.00 ; shipping low
Kinder , $1900260 , Minnesota patents. J3 35O3.55
Minnesota bakers , J2.7r.03 00. Jl > c flour , dull
supernne , JJ.5002.75 , fancy , J2.700293. Iluck-
wneat Hour , uuu ; fi.zum 3U
IIUCK WHEAT Dull ; 39\r40"ic.
CO UN MEAL Sleady ; jellow western , coarse
TOc : llrandynlne , $2 35.
It YR Nominal ; weslern , 24&23C.
IIA15LEY Weak ; weslern , 3945c ; feeding. 23
UARLHY MALT Easy ; western , 48f3Sc.
WHEAT No. 2 red , C7Hc ; No 1 hard.
ic < 4c. Options opened stronKcr on llrm
fDrclKti cables , beller feeling In Wall slrect , dc-
ellnrd on n talk of a heavy visible supply In
crease , but finally recovered < m rumors of lars
export orders nnd local covering , nnd closed
% ? 4c hlRher ; No. 2 re-d. March. CCc ; May , G4JG
6 > \c , closed 65'ic ; December , 63V064HC , closet
C4 4c.
COHN No. 2 , 33T4c. Options genernllj
lim nil day on moclcrnlc tecelpts nnd s > m-
pnthy with wheat ; cloved unchanged to ' , ic
ilKher ; May , 34HS34c , closed 3IVc ; December ,
OATS No 2 , 23c. Options dull , but firmer
cm coverings ; closed 'nWJc higher ; May , 21021'ic ;
closed 2i'tc ; Decemler clorcd 23c.
HOI'S \\Vnk ; stale , common lo choice , 1894
crop , 2VS5TBc ; ll > 9' crop , 4K4'/4e ; rnclfio coast , 1894
ciop , SfiSc ; 1S95 crop , 4fUOc.
I1IDKS Dull ; Gnlveslon , 20 to 25 Ibs , 12c ;
DuenoH Ajres dry , 20 Ibs , ISc ; Texas illy , 2 <
lo 30 Us. , lOc ; California , 20 to 23. Ibs. , 15c.
HAY Slrong ; shipping , $7.5008.00 ; good to
choice , MOOiflOW.
LEATHEIl Sleady ; hemlock sole. Duenoa
\ > res , light lo heavy welshes , 22c ; ncld , 21V4 2lc
WOOL Quiet , domestic fleece , lC022c ; pulled ,
8 ill-lie.
1'UOVISIONS Ileef , steady ; fnmlly , $10 000
200 ; beef hams , $11CO1600. Cut meats , ensj ;
nlckled bellies. > 4 7ri05.2. > : ulekled shoulders. tr mi
175.23 Lnrd , steady : western btenm , elosed $500
asked ; December , $5 to , nominal. I'ork , dull ,
on IT ; short clear , tlO.7DQ12.00 ; family , $9.DO@
0 00
IlUTTEIl Quiet ; weslern dairy , HCflOc ; cream-
i-y , 17@23c ; factory. lOOHc ; Elgin. 2'ic ; Imlln-
iDn creamery. 15Q20c ; state' dairy , IC@22c ; stale
rontiitry , 19ir2lc.
CHEESE-Qulet ; state , large , 7'iffllOc ' ; part
klms. SVifiCc ; full eklms , 2@Jc.
EGOS Dull ; slate nnd ri-JiU > lvnnln , 20(2lc ;
co house , IGjjlSc ; western , fre h , 20Q27c ; south-
in , 20c ; ucelpts , 3,471 packages.
TALLOW Weaker ; clly , 3Ttc ; country , 4c.
IlICE Steady ; domestic , fair to etra , 3J4 6He ;
span , 3W < c.
MOLASSES Quiet : New Orleans , open kettle ,
oed to choice. 2183CC.
PETROLEUM Wenk ; United closed nt $1.33
Id ; refined , New York , $7.75 ; Philadelphia and
laltlmore. $7.70 ; Philadelphia and Ilaltlmore In
ullc , $5 &o.
HO.SIN Steady ; strained , common to good ,
TUUI'ENTINn-rirm : 2S'i TIS'ic. !
METALS IM Iron , dull. Copper , easy ; brok-
rx. $10 Ml exclmnge , 10.37',4 11 > . .W. Lead , easy ;
rnkertt , $305 ; exelmnue , $320 , nominal. Tin ,
eak ; straits , $1365813 90 : plates , quiet. Speller ,
ulel ; dame-Hlle , $ J 4 < vg3 f,0
COTTON SEED OIL Inactive ; prime crude ,
, o. b , mills , 18(121c : buttrr grades , 3132c ;
rime summer jellow , 29c.
5s 3'id ; March , 5s 4'id ' : Ai > rll , . 4't'l ! Mny ,
5s M.
COUN Stendy ; No. 2 mlxl. . 3s 21id. I'utures
PIlOVIBlONS-Ilncon , dull ; demand , poor ;
fumlerland cut , 2t to 30 Ibs , , 26s ; short ribs ,
S Ibs , , 27x C.I ; lung clear , llrht , 3S lu 45 ll . .
en ; long eiour , neavy , r.3 Ilia. xn M ; short clear
melts , light , 18 It's , 2Gs ; short clear mliidles ,
unvy. (5 His. , 2.1s W ; clttir tiellles , 14 to 1C Ibs ,
Is. Humlders , wuare , 12 to IS Ibs , 2Ss. Hnms ,
hint ml , 14 to 1C DIB. , 38s , Iloef , extra In. . tlu
it 88 , 7Js &l ; prlmu mess , 57s Cd , I'ork , prime.
irna. line vvestrin , Ms ; fine medium , 45s , U-inl ,
ulel ; prlmu vvesttrn , S7 3d ; rclUud , In palls ,
TALLOW Pine North American , ! I * .
CHEESE-Qulct ; finest Amerlran , white , 41s ;
nest American , coloreil , 413.
III'TTEIl rinest United males. 05s : good. 60s ,
OILS Turpenllne , spirits. SOs 6 < 1 , Hosln ,
omincfl , 4s 7',4 < l. Cotton need oil. Liverpool , re
ined , 17s. Linseed oil , 20s. Petroleum , rcllnid ,
HEnuOEIlATOn IIEEK rorenuarter , 3Xd :
Indiiuarle. . C'td. '
IlI.EACUINd rOWDEH-HardwooJ , f. o. b. ,
UIIIHKI ) , 7.
HOPS At Ixvidon ( Pacific const ) , ! 5s.
Itccclpts of wheat during Ihe pant three
a > n were 100,000 cental * . Including 50,000 Atner-
cnn ; American com , 130,004 centals.
leather cold and rainy ,
St. I.oiilH ( ie-uerul Mnrk < > ( .
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 24.-T m Merchants' ex-
ian e wn * closed today , nnd Iho nttendanco on
he "curb" was smaller than It Is usually on u
lollday , There was to ma truillng and a H runner
ecllng was exhlbllrd In both \vheut and turn.
Sales of May wheat , WHiJiS c ; recelpti , 27,334 !
COHN Wns strong , with r4Vio bid for Dfcem-
HT , and 2i4u ! for Mny ; receipts \\t-re 3,5H ( > bu.
t St. Ixiuls and 459 cars at Chicago , The rainy
collier MHII the bull cnnl In corn.
IIUTTUIl I iwer : separator creamery , 23624c ;
uncy Klglti. Z6f27ci market dull.
riddling , 7 13-lCc ; low middling. 7 7-lGo ; good
rdlnary , 7Ue. Nrt receipts. 16.1C3 balm ; tram.
1.148 tules ; rxiortu lo Grrut Ilritaln , 8.kW
balesi to the continent , 7,703 bales : comlwlse ,
45S balea , ulm 3c ) bales : stock , ? J4.t7i bales
NEW YOHK. Dec M.X > TTON-BUi ly ; jiilj :
dllng , ! ' ( e , Net receipts , 1.675 bales gross ,
2944 t-nles. fnrwnrdrd , fM * , cnlfs , m bales ;
fplnfrt , bale" ! Hit * , J9ZM ! bnlcs.
Condlllon of Trnitc nnd < luntntlonn
nn Slnplc nnil Pnticr Produce.
The Christ inns trndc has been romethlnK of n.
llsnppolntment no far ns poultry Is concerned.
The weather hns been decidedly unfavorable nml
the demand hns not been nently so good ns It
wtig at ThnnksRhlnR time , while llic recelptn
hive been very large. As a result the market
wns piled full of turkeis , for which there did
not nppenr to be nny outlet , nnil ns the wenlher
wns such thnt dressed stock could not be held
nny grent length of time , the only thing to dj
wns to sell the stock for whnt It would bring.
The market wns very wenk nil dny > estcrdny
nnd n < dent was left over unsold. Had the
wenthcr been nt oil favorable a good market
would have been almost a certainly , ns rc
celvcrs were very confident nnd would hive
held for strong prices It It hnd been possible.
CJuotntlons :
EGGS-Strlctly fresh stock , 19o : helti stock , 16
UtITTEn Packing flock , 1281J4c : fair to good
country , ISOllc ; choice to fnncy country. ISBlGc ,
VEAl -Cholcc fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nrc quoted nt
C'ituc : large nnd conrse , 4f6c
CHEESE Domestic brick , ll'ic ! Ed-im. per
dor. , $ J 60 ; Club House. Mb. Jirs , per doz. , $3 50 ;
Llmbercer , fnncy , per lb. . ll'ic ! llonustort , 'i-lb.
Jars , per doz. . $3 CO ; Young Amerlcns , ll'ic ;
Twins , fnncy , lie.
rot'I.TKY Drefsed-Chlckens , tc ; ilucks , , SO'Jc ; lurkejs , choice , lOc ! fair , Do ; geese ,
HAY-Up'nnd , $350 ; midland , $5.00 ; lowland ,
$4 no ; rye straw , $4 00 ; color makes ilia price on
! m > ; llRhl bales sell Iho bc.t. Only top grades
bring lop prices.
I1IIOOM CORN New crop , delivered on trnck
In counlry , choice green self-working carpel , per
lb. , 2 < 4c ; choice green , running lo hull , 2'lc ; com
mon , me.
OAME I'rnlrle chickens , umlrnwn , per doz. ,
$000C50 | ; drnwn. $5007550 ; qunll , $1500150 ;
Jnek snipe , 75cJ$1.00 ; grouse , $550i600 ! snipe ,
( W73c : golden plover , $1,23 ; Jack rabbits , per
doz. , $15001.75 ; small rabbits , TJciTJl.OO ; mil-
larcl ducks , $3 5flff3 75 ; recllicnil * . $375t)4nO ! cm-
\aahnrb clucks , $3 OOSI8.00 : teal , blue wing , $2003
223 ; , green wing , $1.7520U , mixed ducks ,
$1.75(7225 ; Canada geese. $600B7,50 $ : small geese ,
t4rj { )500 ) : bialits. $350 ; deer saddles. 15fllGc !
deer cnrcncses , llJ713c : elk Riddles , HfTlSc ; elk
cnrcnRSCrt. 9tfllOc ! nnlelnnn Anildlns. 15T16c ! nnte-
lope carcasses , 10llc ; squirrels , per doz. , C073c.
PIGEONS Live , per doz , $1 ; dead pigeons nol
CHRISTMAS GREENS ITollv. per case , $5 !
Christmas trees , per d jz. , $2 60H6 00.
CAULlPLOWER-1'cr doz. heads , $1600200.
CAIIHAOE Holland seed , heads small nnd
hard , per lb. , I'jc ' ; Cnllfornln slock , per lb. , 2c.
MUSHROOMS Per 1'4-lb. box. 60O76C.
POTATOES 1'nncy nnllve slock , 30c ; from
slore In mnnll lols. SOC33C ! Colorado sluok , 50f33c.
ONIONS Per bu , 40c , home grown Spanish.
DEANS Hand-picked nnvy , per bu. , $1 CO.
SWEET I'OTATOES Choice Block , $2 75 per
CELERY-rnllfornln. per dnz. , 75C90c ; Colo-
rndD , S5i&c ; Knlnmarno , 30CT35c.
LIMA HEANS Per lb . 5c.
WATER CRESS Per 16-nl. case. $ I.MII.75.
SCOTCH PEAS In sncks. per bu. , $1.00.
APPLES rnncy block , $3.23J3 50 : choice stock.
$250t27r > , Utnh npplcs , per box , $1.50.
OREGON PEARS Per cnse. $225.
CRANIfERRIES Jersey , $8.73 ; Cape Cod , $3 23
09 50 , McParlln's. $10
MALAGA GRAPES Per GO-lb. bbl. , $6 ; per
C5 to 70 Ibs , gross , $7.50.
EASTERN GRAPES No shlpplns flock.
ORANGES California budded seedlings , regu
lar sizes , $3.75 ; 90 to IDG sizes , $350 ; navels ,
$3 COIN 00
LEMONS California , per box , $3.750:4 : 50 : Mcs-
slnis , $4 50S4.76.
HANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , $2 00
412 23 ; medium sized Lunches. $1.7502 00.
OYSTERS Mediums , lee ; standards. 19c ; extra
selects , 24c ; Hrnnch Ac Co tclocts , 2Cc ; New York
counts. 29c ; standard bulk , per gal. , $1.10.
HONEY I"ancy white , per Hi. . 15c.
MAPLE SYRUP rive-gal , cans. each. $275 :
gnl. cnns _ per doz. , $12 ; ' ,4-gal. cans , $6.23 ; quart
CIDEli Pure Juice , per half bbl , $2.75 ; per
SAUER KRAUT-Per bbl. , $3.75 ; half bbl. . $225.
FIGS New crop , California , 10-lu. boxes , per
lb , lOc : Imported fancy , 30-lb. boxes , 15c ; choice ,
10-lb boxen. ll'4R12c.
DATES New Persian , 60-lb. boxes , per lb , 5J4c ;
fards , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , 9c
MAPLE SUGAR Choice , per lb . 9810c.
I'RESERVES Assorted. 20-lb. palls , each $1.40.
COCO AN UTS Per 100 , $460 ; each , EC.
NUTS Almonds , California , per lb , medium
size , lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per lb. , large , 12'4c ;
llrazlls , per lb. . So ; English walnuts , per lb. ,
fancy soft shell , 12c ; stnndaids , llHUc ;
filberts , per lb , 10o ; pecans , polished medium.
10c ; large , 12c ; peanuts raw , 5'4c : roisted , 7f
7V4C ; hickory nuts , small , per bu. . $1.75 ; hickory
nuts , large , per bu. , $160 ; black walnuts , per
bbl. , $2.
BEEF Light western steers. 4UO to COO Ibs. , B4 !
{ ftc ; good cows nnd heifers , 4 > 4J5c ; medium
cows nnd heifers , 4'4c ; good forcqunrlers
cows nnd heifers , 3'i3sic ; peed hlndijuarlers
cows and heifers. 6j6Uc ; cow rounds , Be ; cow
chucks , 3'6c ; sleer chucks , 44c ; beef lenderlolns ,
fresh. Ho ; beef rolls , boneless. SVJc ; slrlaln bulls
boiielesa , SHc ; loin backs , boneless , 8".c ; loin
backs , 6'/4cj cow ribs , No. 3 , OHic ; cow loins. No.
'MUTTON Dressed mutlon. CJ4c ; racks , 84c ! ;
lens 7c : saddles , 7c ; slcna , 2H < 5.
PORK Dressed hogs. Cc ; pork loins , Be ; spare
ribs , 4V4c ; pork shoulders , 4V4c ; pork shoulders ,
skinned. 45ic ; pork irlmmlnits , 4c ; tenderloins ,
12c ; plc ' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 3jc.
Silver ( according
to beaut } ) 100 00 CO 00 40 00 SO 0) 10 0)
Silver Pale ( ac.
cord'e to bea'y ) CO 00 30 00 20 00 15 00 600
Cross 7 00 300 2 00 1 1 00
lied 1 CO 1 KM 1 00 25
Gray 76CO M 4 ( 3 ! 15
{ It CO 4U 20 10
. * nx 3 00 2 00 1 CO 1 X 50
Marten 2 00 1 COCO i oo 1 00 60
Mink 00C COCS 45 25 10
dink Dark. . . . . . ( C CS 4 20 10
Mountain Lion ,
( perfect head
find feet ) . . . . 10 2
Otter 8 00 6 ® 7 E 00 400 2 00
Otter Pale 7 00 C 00 4 0) ) 3 00 1 CO
Raccoon C0@70 CO 35 20 10
Ilnccoon , Black
( as lo beauty ) . . 20CO
Hack , cased 1 25 7C CO CO 25
Short slrlped. . , . 1 00 7u 45 40 20
fariow clrlped , . to 40 25 20 10
Iroad slrlped. . . 202 ;
Volverlno 4 00 300 2 00 200 100
Volt Mountain. . 3 00 2 00 1 CO 75 43
Volf Prairie C5KSO CO 40 2) 10
Isaver , per skin I ® C 4 CO 2 00 4 00 200
Itenver Klt 200 1 CO 78 00CO 25
'prlne '
Vlnler 8010
Kits 2
HIDES No. 1. ifreen hides , 4c ; No. 2 green
lldcs , 3c ; No. I Breon salted hides , 4Vic ; No. 2
2 veal culf. 8 to 15 Ibs. 4jc : No. i dry flint
lldcs. CiiSc ; No. 2 dry flint hides , CfiCc ; No. 1 dry
ulttil hides , Co ; part cured hides , ! 4o per lb. less
ban fully cured.
HIII2KP PEI/rs-Qreen tailed , each 2oC60c :
Teen salted ehearllnk's ( short wooleel early tltlns ) ,
arh lie : dry shearlings ( s'lort uouled early
kins ) , No. J , inch , lOc ; dry shearlings ( short
voGled early tKlnn ) , No. 1 , each , 60 ; dry Hint
{ miens and Nebraska butcher \\cnl pelts , per lb ,
actual weight , C&a ; dry flint Kaiuas and No-
irarka Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight ,
QCc ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
b , actual uclRht , 4UG'ic ; dry Hint Colorado
Murrain ttool pells , cer lb . aclual vveliMl.
dry pieces nnd bucks , nctualvelht , 4Q5c ;
eet cut off , as U Is useless to pay freight on
'TALLOW ' AND QUEASI : Taiiow , NO. j. jijoj
tallow No. 2 , 3c ; Kreabe , white A , 3'Sc ; grease ,
white II , 3c ; grease , jellow. 2140 ; Krentc. dark ,
2ci old butler , 2S25io ; brenwax , prime , 15O22o ;
rough tallow , IKe.
BONES In car lots weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , p r ton , 112 00814 00 ; dry
country , bleached. p r ton. | 1000fi2M ; dry
ounlry , damp and meaty , per Ion , JOOOitSOO.
WOOL Unwashed , fine heavy. 6S7aj flne light ,
S3c : quarter blood. lOtdtg ; ec'y , burry nnd
clmffy , EiJ9e ; rolled and broken , conrte , 759c ;
rotted and broken , line. CffCc. Klecie wiished
Medium , ICOlSc : fine , 14fJ16c ; tub unshed , 1C
So : lilnrlc. 8c ; bucks , 6c ; tag lockx , JJfJc ; dead
lulled. CiZCc.
Dry Gcioilx Market.
NEW YOHK , Dec. 24 A larso visible move-
nenl of call classes of dry goods nnd an Im *
> rovement In Ihe general Inquiry were Ihe
ealures of ( he dry goods market nnd gave In.
Icatlsns of un Increasing demand In the near
More bus era have been In the market , and
or Ihe day before Christina * a very fulr volume
f buslmna v\as completed , and In staple col
ons much more could have been done but for
he finall dirrernrc thai kept sellers and buyvm
purl. The general feeling \ \ very much
niter nnd the crisis Is regarded as a back num.
> er. Printing tlollm quiet at 3o for C4 sauaics ,
MANCIIKSTKU , Dec , 2 < Cloths ana > arns
quiet , lth very lltllo bu line-as doing.
Peorla Murketx.
PEOIIIA. Dec. 24-COnN-Ste dy ; new No. 2 ,
2iHc. new No 3. SSVie.
OATS-Dull , lower ; No. t while , 17U617ic ! : No.
while. ICHOlTc.
HVi : Dull , nominal.
WHIHKKV Steadj ; flnUhed good * on the basis
f II 28 for hlgli wines.
URCKIITS-i.'orn , 6,700 tu ( oats. 78,800 bu.j
whcul. 11.400 bu ; whisky. 7S gal.
HIIIPMKNTS-dirn , 65,700 bu. ; oats , C2,7DO bu. ; , 676 col. ; wheat , 6.COO bu. '
Light Run of Oattle Which Changed Hands
at a Small Advance ,
Ijlttcrnl Suiipljof HORN for < 'ic- ' Day
llcforeChrlntnittrf Dciniitiit Cnncl
mill Snlc-N Mmlc nt a " , -
Out .Vil.innt-e- .
TUESDAY , Dec. 21.
necelpts nnct fhlpiricnts for the past
twenty-four hours , n4 compared with the
previous six days , nre ns follows :
_ , Cntlle. HOK . Sheco. Horses.
December 24 cm 3820 400 . . . .
December 23 1.G79 1,209 181 27
Uecemher 21 710 4.2SD 116
December 20 2,265 6.731 C03 . . . . .
Dccumbcr 10 1.4G4 7,007 700 C3
December IS 2,679 8,647 31 W
DecJlnber 17 2,437 8,655 1,201 . . . .
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horse'
December 23 178 27
Doctmber 21 , . 811 . . . . 613 , . .
December 20 CIS 4C2
December 19 1,368 312 . 61
December 18 1,018 330 . 60
December 17 874 623 25
December 16 610 . . . . . 27
December U 740 1,378 . 82
CATTLB It the tiny before n hull-
dny shippers nppnrenlly held back their
cnttlo , nnd only twenty lottds were reported
In the yards. The few cnttlo here and the
sir.nll nmount of business trnnsnctcd In
conreciuenco mnde It nppcnr nko a Satur
Out of the twenty load1 * on snle there
were some live loads of steers which vveru
bought by the shippers nt prices that vvcto
a little stroncer. In some cases lOc hleher.
There were about fifteen loads of butcher
stock on sale , which chanKcd hand1) nt
about yesterday's prices.
In the feeder division there wns not much
dolntr. for the want of entile to trade on.
A few odds nnd ends changed hands.
Practically cverythlnfr sold early , and the
Minis vvero soon deserted by both buyers
and sellers. Representative sales :
unnr sTnnns.
No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pi No. Av. Pr.
. S11 J3 10 3..10S5 J3 21 20..1113 J3 53
.1050 3 20 3. . . 973 3 33 30..14' , ! 3 CD
,10'5 321 2..1150 340 14..12S2 3 75
. 92) 3 23
2. . . . 000 175 0. . . . 9IS 210 3..1030 240
2..1075 If5 9..1031 210 C..1011 240
J. . . . 070 183 3..1D33 210 11..1060 240
3..1010 1 90 2. . . . 970 2 li 9. . . . 893 2 40
10. . . . 913 193 5..1001 215 1..10IO 245
3. . . . 940 200 4..10'0 213 4..1110 245
4. . . . 933 200 4..1130 215 1..1080 2 M
S..1I02 200 2 . . .HI ) 215 1. . . . RIO 2 BO
6. . . . 62S 2 00 3..10ft ) 2 21) 14..10V ) 2 EO
2..1015 200 1. . . . ! * ) 22- 1..114' ) 2 B )
1. . . . 95. ) 200 15. . . . 933 223 11..559 253
1 . . .1110 200 11..ICM 233 13..117' ! 2 CO
3..1010 20) 4..1102 233 2..1041) 2 CO
G. . . . 991 200 1..103) ) 233 S..1031 2 C5
1..1000 210 8..12J6 233 I..1100 270
1. . . . 920 210 B..1012 235 1..1.70 275
1..1170 1 C3 1..13.V ) 2 10 1..13.V ) 2 BO
1..H40 180 1..1250 210 1..17CO 25)
1..1530 189 2..IIEO 215 1..1630 2 ( V )
B..1400 1 JS l..I2K ! > 213 J..17eO 2 CO
1..1C40 200 1..1110 22"i 1..1B3) 2 CO
1..1430 200 4..1290 24) 1..1C40 203
1..1430 210 1..H20 245 1..10QO 270
1..1410 2 10 1..1BTO 2 BO
I. . . . 770 213 4. . . . 407 233 II. . . . 814 250
2. . . . 740 213 1. . . . EM 240 3. . . . C63 251
1. . . . 9SO 221) 4. . . , 030 243 12. . . . GW 253
3. . . . CGO 235 3. . . C43 240 7. . . . 777 253
1. . . . 750 235 2. . . . G20 245 3. . . . S25 300
2. . . . C53 233 !
1..1000 3 20 *
1. . . . yf > 223 1. . . . 120 300 2. . . . 130 423
1. . . . 2SO 250 2. . . . im 300 1. . . . 00 4 BO
1. . . . 190 250 l..ilO < ) 350 1. . . . 180 4 BO
1. . . . SCO 260 1..1 800) 3 7" 1. . . . 120 450
3. . . . 223 275 1. . . . 110 400 1. . . . 160 473
1. . . . 70 3 00 2. , . . 103 4 25
D. . . . 40S 250 2. . . . 003,3 00 2. . . . CC" ! 303
1. . . . BIO 250 7. . . . C04 3 00 1. . . . CV ) 310
1. . . . CM 2 60 2. . . . 510 3 00 13. . . . 790 3 10
3. . . . 63C 250 14 62S 300 2. . . . 9S5 310
1. . . . 780 290 2. . , 733,300 13. . . . C15 310
2. . . . 7C5 290 3..1003. 3 00 1. . . . C30 315
1. . . . 910 300 10. . . , 724 ' 3 00 2. . . . CIO 333
HOaS For the dai heroic Christmas the re-
,2M . . . 210 6 213 . . . 320
.880 . . . 210 . . . , . . . . . . . 323
.2M . . . 2 10 C 332 . . . 3 2S
.260 . . . 2 30 6 246 . . . 3 2. ,
400 40 275 7 314 . . . 32.1
9 SCO . . . 315 6 34G . . . 323
6 2C5 . . . 320 C 302 . . . 321
4 277 . . . 320 S37 . . . 3 27'i '
2 45 . . . 320
SHEEP The market did not show much change
today so fur as values weie conceined. llcp.-e-
sentatlve sales :
No. ' Av. Pr.
SI mixed nallves 108 } 2 C5
1 native ) ewe 18) 30)
1 native lamb. 120 325
14 native mixed 117 4 2o
Small HecelptM In All Llnett Coin
ing In.
CHICAOO , Dec. 24. Counlry shippers have
bera ndvlsed by Chicago commercial firms to cut
down their shlpmcnls of callle , hogs nnd sheep
during Christmas week , and arc following Iho
advice strictly. Today's supply wns sa meager
that Iho offerings were easily disposed of nt n
further advance of Co lo lOc , prices ruling nboul
1MJ200 per 100 Ibs , higher than on Trlday for de
sirable lots. Sales were on Ihe basis of from
13 CO lo t4 10 for common lo slrlctly choice
teeves , handy light and medium cnttlo selling
to the best advantage llulchcrs' nnd cnnnera'
Bluff was firmer , with cow sales largely at
J1.10 to } 3 , while calves wild nt from J2 M
to 15,73 for common to choice. The stockcr nnd
fcede-r branch was neglected. Fed Tcxans are
selllni ; at from $3.10 In (3.90. The best grots
Mexicans conllnuo lo bring $ . ! 70.
HOB recelplH today would bo considered small
even on a Kalurday. Only a few thousand re
mained over from Monday , HO Ihnl packers had
a very light supply. Prices were slrong nnd
Ca higher. Common lo cholco hogs sold nt fiom
U 30 to J3 47'.2. a large part of Ihe Irndlng being
at from 13 40 to (345. Eastern shlppero lira do
ing extremely little billing this week , Less
than 1,000 hogs were shipped fiom here ytstiri
day , ,
Not many sheep are required , as poultry Is
so cheap , nnd the long spell of warm , rainy
weather lends In make mailers worse , but the
offerings were so light ipday that prices were
stronger for desirable , .offerlnKs. Sales were c i
a Inuls of from II. CO id (3 75 for Inferior lo
extra sheep. Lambs sold at from (3 25 ID (4.40.
ICaiiNiiM Cl < y.LIviStock. .
KANSAS CITY , Dec. .21 CATTLE Ilccelpls ,
2,000 head ; shipments , . 1.C0I ) bend ; market strong
lo 10o higher : Texaoilers , 12 C0fi3 C5 ; Texas
cows , > 2 25(1270 ; beef alters. (3 25&4 20 ; native
COWH , J1.MW3 10 ; stockcrsiand feeders , | 2COff345 ;
bulls , tl.75V2.75.
IIOOS Hecclpls , 7,300 | icail ; shlpmenls , none ;
market mrong , Co lilchcr ; bulk of sales , } 3 30i ;
335 ; heavies , (3.15O8.40 ; packers. I3.25G3 40 ;
mixed , 13 25 ( < 3 35 ; lights , 13.20(13 SO ; Yorkers , J3 25
CT330 : pigs , I.,70O3 05. .
SIinEP IlecelptH , 700 head ; shipments , COO
hc.iil ; market steady ! Iambs , (3000413 ; muttons ,
(2 30
2503 , _ _ _ _
Jit-W York Live Stork.
head : European cables quote American steem
at 9 Hic ! , tlrenej weight ; refrigerator beef ut
HI1EEP AND LAMIiS-llecclpte , 48 head. Mar
ket steady but quiet ; sheep , poor to prime , (2.0)
33 00 ; lambs , Ii > .
HOOS Receipts , 72 head. Market steady at
13 IWI4 00. _
Stoflc in
Record of receipts at the three principal mar
kets for Tuesday , December , 24 , 199' . :
Cattle , HOKS , Sheep.
South Omaha . dx > 3 , I'M 409
Chicago . , . 2.COO 13.000 6,000
Kansas City . 2.000 7,300 700
Totals . , . 6,000 24,120 G.lCtt
SI. I.oulN LiveStotik. .
BT. LOUIS. Dee 24 _ CATTLB-Sleody ; Texas
deem , grasKcrs , (2.250Z ( t , fed , J2.60ii3.70 ; native
StMdr ; JiCO r , m03. < 0 ; mlxrd.
Jzi , light , fJJitfjUO.
SHKIIP-Slcndy : fmtl\CS , fJ.ZS8J.W ; bulk , | 2.4)
CZ75 ; gouthtrn. )2 ) W 2.7 .
Wool .Market.
IIOSTON' , Dee. J4 The American \\tx > \ nnd
Cotton Reporter will My December M of tnc
vvool trade : TheWIM | In the three principal
innrKcln of the country for the vve-k rndlns
December : i have amounted to Sr2lIW IM , it
which 2.SW.SOIJ llm. were domestic nnd 3,111 Mo
tb . were foreign wool. The 5enr Is go.tig out
n usunl nlth n iiulet mnrkrl. The to If , of
Ci urso , no continuous free l > unlne s , nltluuiKli
some elij * there nre fairs of moderntc cite.
All wools nre moving In n mnall vvny , nnd prices I
nrp fnlrly Mronjr , no disposition to concede nn-
l.ilhK belnR apparent. The confrnius of opinion
N llmt things nftcr nil Indicate tint n filr
ninoiinl of business will be under v\n > early
In the new jeir. Thev will commence with n
con ldernble nnuunt of domestic flock nt varlotii
points nnd n comparatively smill nmount of .
foreign nnlerlal nnd n reasonable prospect of '
nil nnd both kinds belnR needed , Tlio f le of
the nock In lloston have nmounteil to 2,4225041
Ibs , nf uhlcli lfW 0 * ) lli . hn\e been dome tlc |
nnd S52MO I In. forelcn The falm for the Mnr ,
Kill nmount to S19MIS(7 Ibs. , against 1HCM,7S.
Ibs. Inst > enr. The wool trndeis here , to say
the least , nrp as little disturbed ns nny cln
of merchants bv the pinlcky Incident of lint
week , resulting from the nctlon of congress In
response to the president's message , for thev
nrc not Inrroulnt ; , Having met their obligations
Incurred In July , they nrc not called upon n vv
to Fierilleovoof for that putpofo ,
11OSTON , Dec. SI The panicky Incidents dur-
InR the past week In thl section of the cum '
tiy liai not had nny effect on the wool inirket
here. The demand for wool still continues
quiet , but denlcrs nrc looklnR for n brisker mar
ket nfter the turn of the sear. Values us n
whole arc not materially different cm nny line .
nf wool , rieecc nnd territory wools have per
haps been quieter than for pome time. Aus
tralian wools arc llrm , with fair al < v. The
following are the quotations of leading descrip
tions : X Michigan. 16'4VI7c ; No. 1 Mlcilcnn
combine , X , 21c : No. 1 llllncls combing , 2lc ,
No. 2 MIchlRnn combine , 22c ; No. 2 Illinois combIng -
Ing , 22c : X New York , New Hampshire nnd Ver
mont , IGIflfi'Sc ' , No. 1 New York , New Hampshire
nnd Vermont , 19f20c : ununshed medium , Ken
tucky nnd Maine , quarter blood , combine , ISft
l ! > c ; Kentucky nnd Milne , three-elKhts blood , '
tombing , lie ; Indiana nnd Missouri , quarter
blnoil , combing , ISc ; Indiana nnd Missouri , three- .
vlRhths blood , tomblnR , KWlSe , Texas wools ,
sprlim- medium ( IS months ) . 13M4c ; scoured
price , 31T32c : PprlnR , line (12 ( months ) , 12ffl3c :
scoured , .13IT33c ; territory wools , Montana line
and medium line , Ilil2c : pcoured price , 355 ?
37c ; Montana , No , 2 medium , UJflGc , scoured
; iji3.e ! : I'tnnvonunr. ( . eic , , line mid un nnu
line , HOlSc ; pcoured , 333r > c : Callfcrnla wools ,
northern HirlnK , lUTlV ; ; Hcoured , SlfiSCc ; middle
county , pprlnp , lHI13c ; scourid , 32fiD3c ; Aus
tralian , cnure-d basis , combine , pperllne , 4or ( [
47c ; comblnR , EOIK ] , 40fT42e ; comblnR , n\crage ,
2S040c ; Queensland , combing , 40jfl2e.
ColTe-o JInrket.
NHW YOUIC , Dec. 21 CTOrmn-Optlons
opened quiet nt unchanRed prices , ruled dull
nnd featureless on llsht trading for cxenlnR
up local nccrunls before the holldios , forelRH
mUkra Indifferent ; close , ! quiet at fi poln's n t
decline ; sales , 12.3M bnB , Includlmr Mnich ,
JI34) ) . Spot crffec , Hlo quiet. No 7. J14 50
Mild , quiet , Conloxa , J1S OOfflS CO Sales 150 bagx
Mexican and 1W KIRSJ Central American , P t.
Wnrehotisc delherle1 * from New Yoik jester-
dn > , 14,52. ! lnfi ; New York stock today , 211 720
Imps : United States stock. 323 C43 baRS , nrtoit ,
for tne United Stales , 243000 bngsj total \lslble
for the United Stales , CCS.643 bngs , nenlnst 52i,337
IITRS Inst > enr.
SANTOS. Dec. 24. Market quiet ; Rood n\eraie
Sanlos , } 1S 10 ; receipts , 12,000 bigs ; stock , 443,000
IIAMDURO , Dec. 21. Market quiet and un-
chnnRMi ; Piles , IJ.OO. ' ) bnRB.
U1O DI3 JAN13IRO. Dec. 24 Market sleidy ,
No 7 , lllo , J14 00 , exchanRC. 9 3-32d. receipts
22,000 baRs ; cleared for the United Stiles , 11,100
bags ; for Kuiope. none ; slock. 221. 230 bags.
NEW YOHK , Dec. 24. SUUAIl nmv. ftrm :
fair rcllnlnR , 3 > i ? 3Vic ; centrifugal , DC test , 3 > ifi >
3 0-lCc. Heflncd , quiet ; blandanl "A. "
4'4c ; confcctloncis' A , 4V4c ; cut loaf , E'Jc ; Rran-
ulaled , 4c.
IX3NDON , Dec. 24. SUGAR Cane , quiet ,
nothlnR doing ; Java , 12s Gd ; Musco\ndo , fair , re-
llnlnf , 10s Ckl ; Uct , steadier , January , 10s 7',4d.
KIIIIHUH City Miirkct.
KANSAS CITY , Dec. 24. No grnln market
tcda > .
HUTTnn Creamery , fnlrly steady at 15Q23c ;
ilalrj' lirm nt 14R15c. (
KGGS-Not BO llrm ; fresh , 19'4c.
AliiiOHt Hurled Allic.
The borough of Duryea , near Plttston , Pa. ,
was the scene of considerable excitement re
cently , when It became known that Mrs.
Itomanslcl , a Polish woman , came near being
burled alive.
Mrs. Uomanskl Is a widow. She was taken
suddenly 111 on Monday and grew worse until
Thursday , when she showed signs of death.
Toward evening she apparently died. The
neighbors ssnt for an undertaker. The body
was prepared for burial and placed In a
Upon going to the coffln where ; the woman
lay he began to fasten the lid. Ho had
hardly commenced this when the supposed
corpse opened her eyes and glanced about
the room at 'he wc plng friends , as if. at a
loss to understand the meaning of the pro
ceedings. While her astonishment was great ,
that of the assembled friends was still
greater , but soon the scene was changed from
one of grief to gladness. A physician was
summoned , and In explanation he gave It as
his opinion that the case was nothing more
than one of suspended animation. The house
has since been besieged by people anxious to
see the dead woman who came to life , as
they term It.
Mrs. Romanskl Is much Improved
and Is thankful that she escapsd being burled
_ _
Every season brings a new crop of cough
remedies , but they cannot compste with
that grand ? old Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
'd l > y n Ilnlr.
One solitary human hair seems a very
sirall thing , but It Is the most Important
part of an Important machine In the capltol
at Washington. This machine warms and
ventilates the house , the senate and various
committee rooms nnd runs several elec
tric dynamos. Its most curious leaturo is
thetnppllanca for telling the proper tcmpera-
tbro of the air In the building. A dial ar
ranged likea clock marks different degrees
from 0 to 100 ; 0 means perfectly dry air ,
100 saturated air 1. e. , air carrying all the
moisture It will hold.
Human hair absorbs ) moisture like a rope ,
becoming shorter when it Is wet , In the same
, way. The hair Is six Inches long. The dlf-
rcronco In length between it when wet nnd
dry stands for the 100 degrees of moisture
on the dial , and as the moisture cf the hair
varies the pointer on the dial moves. Ac
cording to the necessity more stoani is
thrown In or steam IB allowed to escape ,
the atmosphere- being in this way regulated
and kept at a healthy point.
One Mlnuto Cough Cure IB a popular remedy
for croup. Safe for children and adults.
Successful Speculation.
D Activity asulu prevallb In the market for
Stosks , Bonds , Grnlu , Cotton , Provi
sions and other Securities.
Pamphlet nnd Daily Mnrhot Letter < lo orlbn
how modem siiouulntlvo liivootmoiits result li <
rapid and Imiiclsomo profits mulled frco un
iippllcutlon. Kufurenccs furnUliuc ? ,
Member N. Y. Consolidated Stock Exchange
47 llroadwny , New York ,
Responsible Coriu&pundonco wanted in cnory
Reviewing the grain and stock .narkets , will b *
sent you dally on request , In the hops of deserv
ing part of your business. Orders solldlej for
cauli cr on three to Ihe point margins.
Members Chicago Hoard of Trade , New York
Produce Exchange , New York Cons. Stock Ex
change. 17 Board Trade , Chicago. 41 Broadway ,
New York.
Tclcphonu 1039. Omaha , Nub.
lloom 111V4 Board of Trade.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents ! John A. Warren & Co ,
P. P. SMITH. ( Tel 1308) S. M. STANFORD.
Room 4 , N. Y. Life Bid'Omalm. .
llrunch ofllces at Frc-iront anj Columbus. All
orders placid on the Chicago Ituaid of Trade.
Coneiponilciils ; Hwnrlz , Dupte Ac Co. , Clil-
cage ; Hhrelner. Flack & Co . HI. Louis. Kcfei
to Tint National bank , Omaha.
$ IOto$30PerMonth
Can bo made by my plan of Co-operative tipccula-
llen In Wull street un Investment of 1100. Hums
fiom 110 upwards received. Nol one of my clients
lias ever lost a dollar on my plan. Uend for pro * .
p ctus and market letter ; mailed free. Highest
references rurnlit.ed.
Haukcr & , Ilrokcr , UU Ilruucltvuy , ti , Y.
Sec thnt the People nrc Moving South
No Drouths , No Hot Winds ,
No Floods , No Hcnted Terms
No Blizznrds , No Cold Simps ,
No Cold Winters , No Crop Fnihtres
MENACE the intelligent labor of of the husbandman , who cauiuo *
- " - cessfully Rrow two or three crops yonrly.
The great fruit growing and veRPtnblo raising district of the South. A roll
that raises anything thnt grown and a location from which ) ou reach the miu >
kots of the whole country. Tour fruits and ftnrden truck sold on the irround
and placed In Chicago. St. Louis and Now Orleans markets lu 12 to 21 howrs
In this garden spot ot America.
Offers greater ndvnntnccs to the Intelligent settler. One half the work you now
do here will give four times the. rc ults In this wonderfully productive * country.
The people nrc friendly ; schools , churchci , nevvupupers are plenty ; rallroM ttr
cllltles line , nnd a soil whose richness Is unsurpnbscd , 'k
Two and Three Crops Can be Successfully Grown
the Same Year.
Timber Is abjndnnt--Lumber IB chenp Fuel coats nothing CattU * astir
raised und fnttencd Grazing U fine all the year. , -
Is healthy and delightful : Innd and ncn breezes and cool nlnnls. Th mean
temperature Is 42 to Gti degrees , The average rainfall Is 60 Inches. No
of heat or cold ; sulllclent rain for nil crops.
Dronerly worked mnkei you more money nnd makes It tnsirr than the b it IfiX-
acre farm In the west. Garden products are n wonderful jlold nnd all bring big
orlcos. Strawberries , peaches , plums , nprlcots , Krapes , pear ? , figs , early apples ,
m fact all email fruits , are sure * nd urolHablo cropg.
Orchard Homes
Surpasses Its soil , climate , location , present and future value or homo adv&nt4te * .
The Most Equable Climate in America ,
This Is your opportunity. The pee pie arcfrlontlly ; schools sufficient ; news-
progressive : churches liberal. The enterprising man who -wants to better
he condition of himself and his family should investigate this matter and he vlll
bo convinced. Carefully selected fruit growing and garden lands vvo now off oren
on liberal terms nnd reasonable * prices.
Orchard Homes
The most carefully selected lands In bent locations. V"ill make you money.
Will grow In value , will suit you. Call on us or write for full Information *
1(517 ( Fartiam Street. Omaha , Neb.
Nebraska City's Leading Business Men
F. P. Ireland.
J. V. Bloixau.
9. J. StnvuiiHon.
J. \Vatnaii. .
15. ir. Warren.
J. A. Rouiiey.
Haubcr & I.clliolcl.
Fanners' Iliink.
MerclniiitN' .National.
NebniMca City iNntloil
Utou County National.
Abe IllllliiCH.
n. A. stiiiiiT.
Timothy TliumnM.
Ilrovver .t Lick.
Illclc HhecUlrr.
t , . II. llurnvvoocl.
S. HeuHoii.
II , Dovvily.
Dim. i : . Thorji.
nooic STOUD.
\V. ti. lljor.
II. It. Yuuntr.
IClooH A. Ilniicrn.
Mike Onriliier ,
U. ( i. FUlie-r.
S.V. . Trull.
9. U. EiiHtluuil.
Nulnoii llruM ,
Claim Kucli.
J. tilulil.
Ciil Cliiiiniiiiii.
Joliimoii Coal Co.
U , 1 > . Ilolfe : < k Co.
Henry Jleycr.
I. P. NOHUlt.
AVm.'llec > s.
Ur. HiiHtln.
MHH KIcirciicc Mutlicrn.
F. II. KlIlH.
M. II. Invl .
.MoCai-riu-y .t nronn.
.Sloan's Drill ; Store * .
SohvvaUc-'H IJriiLr Store.
nuv GOODS.
Illrkliy A. HorclicrrH.
10. II. Iliihliiiiiti.
.loll ii II } cr.
J. II. Prli-e.
1 > . Sclinilnke .t Co.
C. Ji , KnrNteii.
TIlOH. McCullocili.
M. K. Duff.
Nelilluirt & Forbcii.
C. II. Illckle & Sons ,
C. II. Chapman.
S. T. llavlcH.
I < \ II. FlolilH.
ClirlN. .IciliiiNoil ,
II. Ijortoii A : Co.
.1. II. Norllicntt.
W. F. Rocli-nliroplc.
StallilK . < c Hoebluc.
T. N. White.
I.pv I IlroH.
J. II. I'
Win. IllNC-Iidf.
J. J , Cnriln c-ll.
Tliori * HOIIHIS
Griiiul I'at'lllc.
S. A. Hull.
Alrxanilrr Camelet.
,1. ( J. Conley.
II. Frollch.
A. I * . btnfToril.
1,1) II nil.
I , . F. Coriuitt.
I ) . 1 * . Ilolfc .V Co.
J. A. NclNOii.
Nebrnxkii City Nonn Co
Staniluril Oil Co.
D. IV. Ciirry.
It. W. Trimble.
I. II.Mlc-ll.
D. W. Hernlicr.
C. C. Jordoii.
Joint CaTvley. ,
I " 'rank La ml IK.
Ncnn PrliUliiKT Co.
JameN llalii ,
J. .M. Hand.
IbtraiiHK. . '
Sdtr MIllN.
Atlantic IloiiHU.
J. Ci. ( iiiiilx.
KlixiH A Iliiuer.
J. M , T. Si-linuldur.
( I'IMI. Tlioinax ,
Tlilflo A : FlIHleuail.
T. L. Wbltc-lllll.
Horace ICnvvlitky.
J , II. Fry.
M. llaiiiiiKartrn.
Jaiuc-H 'I'liniiiimoii ,
II. M. Kline. '
Leading Business Men of Beatrice , Neb 1
Fi.oim ANO ri'ir.n.
J. Kle-lll.
TliuM. Yule Ai Sou.
G. W. Sliuirer.
( /rlKKH. / Illiiinikcr A lllbli
U , 31. Juhimlun.
O. A. Onlioru.
Svult < A-ve > - .
L. O. I'arlter , Geii'l
GcorKu He'KL-llie >
Ileiwrrll & IIu Ucll ,
Dvutcli Ilron.
31. S. Wollmcli.
O , \V. IleoUnltu.
E. W. Clancy.
J. L. Kill.-if ,
J. C ) . MrCrllilllloll.
13V , WcliMlcr.
Illiick JlroN ,
Thou. Illai-lf , Sillier ,
llt > ntrlu liroci-ry Co.
HnriiN .t Hull.
Win. IL Itolililiix. *
The : I'liilcloclc. W. I ) ,
Moulloii , l'r | ( .
T. II. l''ulton ,
J. Hllliovvcu.
M. KrlIt'll.
\V , II. WulUcr.
Tinlleiiijivlcr Mill Mftf.
Co. , C. W. Miller , TreiiK.
MU HilieHiHiion. .
Aul. .N. De-inore-Kl ,
W. U. HefT toe , Jlook.
nucl New * .
Clicur aiuucl , I'uul
. . . . * . * * sa < . . . * ULj.
A. II , Koleili , M.I ) .
A. 12. lloliliiHon.
( Jrcc-ii llruN.
liilc-rKlutu ImcHliuciit Co ,
The ) Arcailv , Gvo. Hitzvl ,
I'roii ,
J. Will NO 11 A ; Co. ,
IiorlLTN ,
11 } roil Ilraclt.
h. II. DiKlifc- .
'iir > - lliinU.
Tlic Hlntrer Mfif. Co , *
T. U , Hulll. A t.
lleutcli IlroM.
S. II. filbbM & Co.
Tut ? Klntr hUoei Oo ,
C. II , Muiiifortl , IXL Hlnblo
A. Cell VCo , Tel. OO ,
Il > uu llrov ,