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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1895)
6a T * ! - - " ( , r < r THE OMAHA DAILYni3I3 _ : WI-iXKSIAYDT30KStBT3R : _ 25 , 1805. NEWS FROM COUNCIL. BLUFFS. Office , 12 Pearl Street. II. W. Tllton , Mntingcr ntid Lcssco. Ml.NOIl M Flora ) designs. J. H. McPherson , Tel. 241. The Salvation army will provide a dinner for the poor children of the city today. A Christmas enterllnmcnt will ba given thl evening for the children of the Christian Sunday school at the tabernacle. The Grand Hotel , Council Bluffs. High sin every respect. Hates $2.50 per day and upward. E. F. Clark , proprietor. An entertainment will be given this even ing In James' hall by the Sunday school of St. John's English Lutheran church. A Chrlstman tree dropped Its fruit last evening at the Reorganized Church of the Litter Day Saints for the benefit of the J children of the Sunday school. There will be a union meeting of the Young People's societies of Christian En deavor this morning at 0 o'clock In the First Presbyterian church for a prayer and praise service. There will be an Important meeting of WashlnRtoM camp No. 12 , Patriotic Order Sons of America , this evening for election of officers. All members are notified to be present. A marrlago ceremony will be performed l > y Rev. T. F. Thlclcstun this morning at 9 o'clock , uniting G. S. Moore of Harrison county and Miss Allle Heft In matrimony , at the residence of J. B. Heft , SOC Avenue - nuo H. There has been a change In the member ship of the High school quartst. It Is com posed now of the following : First tenor , Mclvln Gould ; i 3cnnd tenor , Tom Askln ; first ba 3. W. S. Rlgdon ; second bass , Charles Ilaverstock. Owing to the sickness nf Mrs. Walter I. Smith there was no district court yes terday. Court will open at 10 o'clock Thurs day morning , when another whirl will bo given the suit of Klmball Bros , against. Deere , Wells & Co. E. Mooreliouto and Mlso Minnie B. Evans were married yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the residence of J. M. Flaglcr , 710 East I'lerco street , Rev. V. C. Rocho ofilclatlng. Mr. and Mrs , Moorehouse will spend Christ mas at the lattcr's homo In Vail , la. , and will then return to make their home on East Broadway. John James and Tom Kelley became in volved In a quarrel yesterday afternoon on Lower Main street , near Tenth avenue , and Kellcy'u nose was rather bloody when Offi cer Covalt put n flop to the cremonles. They were arrested and locked In the city Jail , but during the afternoon Kellcy gave a bond for his appearance this morning In police court. The following are the newly elected offi- ' VTcrs of the Ancient Order of Hibernians : President , P. J. McBrldc ; vice- president , Thomas F. Callaghan ; recording secretary , Patrick O'Connell ; financial secretary. Hu bert L. Tlnley ; treasurer , E. A. Ingoldsby ; chairman of standing committee , T. B. Hughes ; marshal , William C. Morris ; sec retary of Insurance , J. J. Hughes ; sentinel , P. B. Sullivan. The First ward In Council Bluffs has the credit of producing cither the largest turkey or the stlrfes't story-teller on record. A young man , popularly known as "Sam , " who works In Nelson's store on East Broadway , Is authority for the statement that Al Bes- sey of 601 East Broadway claims to have spent thp greater part of yesterday preparing n seventy-eight pound turkey for Christmas festivities. The suggestion that the turkey may bo an ostrich Is Indignantly denied. How It Is possible for such a company to glvo such n play as "The Midnight Watch" is the question that was asked by about 1,000 people at the New Dohany last night. It was certainly one of the strongest and best staged pieces that has been played hero this winter , and It goes without saying that the theater full of people were more than delighted. This afternoon at the matinee the Woodwards will give the "Police Alarm , " and tonight a rich old southern drama , "In North Carolina. " There were no vacant scats last night , and there will certainly be none tonight. * The Bluff City Typographical union will give Its fourteenth annual masquerade ball this evening at Chambers' hall. In the p.iit these ball affairs have been among the most brilliant and enjoyable of the entire social season , and the typos promise to excel all their former efforts. The following com mittees will be In charge : Master of cere monies , Frank C. Simmons ; arrangements , .J. M. Thomas , J. C. Richards , J. R. Lewis ; flcor. George W. Irvln , C. M. Maynard , W. B. Fisher , J. J. Klrley , S. L. Stlgall , D. A. Hoggerty ; reception , George W. Gorman , O. W. Ryan. John Hlnkel. W. H. Treynor , N. M. Nlcoll , Fred C. Bante , A. Brisbane. Guard against loss by fire and Insure your properly In reliable companies. If you pay an Insurance premium you expect Insurance. "We represent some of tha best English and American companies. Lougec & Towlo. MONEY to loan on Improved Iowa farms. Largo loans a specialty. Flro insurance. L. W. Tulleys , 102 Main St. , roma 2 and 3. Sonic of MeAtec'M ChrUtiniiH J'rlr.cH. Lowncy's candles , that took the highest award at the World's fair , glace fruits , nuts , plum puddings , fine Importsd cluster raisins , that are unsurpassed on earth ; brandlcd and pickled fruits , best salad oils ; James P. Smith's queen and crescent olives , best brands "of fresh oysters , finest celery and rarest cranberries that come to the market ; the best of everything and every delicacy that heart can wish or imagination suggest these arc among the things that make McAtce's the mecca of all fastidious housekeepers at nil times , and especially during the Joyous Christmas tide. _ IMCUSONAI , PAItAnitAIMIS. F. W. Neal Is visiting his friends In the city. city.A A child of Rev V. C. Rocho Is III with diphtheria. Sheriff Campbell of Mills county was In the city yesterday. Bernard P. Wlckham Is homo from Den ver for th ? holidays. Dick Stewart has returned from the east , where ho attends school. Mrs. C. B. Randlett and daughter are visiting In Des Molnos. Mrs. F. B. Warner and daughter Kittle will spend the holidays In Boone and Mar- BlmlltCMUI. Miss Lucille Porterfleld left yesterday for Atlantic to spend Chhrlstmas with her brother , Dr. F , W. Porterfiold. P , H , Katzenmeyer , who has been In Do ; . Molncs for tha past two months. Is home for a holiday visit with his family , Miss Genovleve Baldwin has returned from the cant to spend the holidays with her parents , Mr , and Mrs. J , N. Baldwin. Rev. F. L , Haydeu , who was formerly In the newspaper business In this city , but for several years past pastor of the Presby terian church at Kearney , Neb. , has re ceived a call to the pastorate of a church In Los Angeles , Cat. , and will probably move westward In March , ClirlHtnuiM Wlnm , Highest grudo and ao cheap that all can afford to order. Flnu California wines , $1 a gallon ana upwards ; extra Bourbon whisky for Christmas trade , $2.50 ; California grape brandies. $2.60 and upwards ; full line of imported liquors. Bottled goods a specialty. L. Rosenfcld , E19 Main i't. , opposite bay market , _ _ _ _ _ _ The new neckwear ID vc-ry stylish. Met- salt Bros. _ J , E. McDermot , undertaker , dealer la church goods. j3 Broadway. Telephone 203 Cnniliiotor 1) , It. IliiKlioy Hurt. Conductor I ) . R. Hughey of the motor Una met 'with rather a painful accldenV about 7 o'clock Monday night as he was riding up South First street to Falrmount park. He was titling on the clmln which Is stretched across the opening betwen the two parts of the rear dach board when the chain broke on ac count of a aud4en Jolt. Hughey fell over backward , and among1 the parts of his anatomy which struck the pavement was his head. A largo gush was cut in the back of that useful member , and he was stunned for a few seconds , He was unable to re sume work yesterday. You can make no misluku If you eet your Christmas presents at the Durfee Furniture company's , and It will be useful , beautiful pud cheap. Look at the now novelties , P H irr-rr-i-r i rf hnfteri tr ltr < * ra Br-i .Trf raiic LOCAL CHRISTMAS j > nitvieiH. Wlmt the CliitrclieN of the City Will l > < > . A number of the churches of the city will hold services this morning In honor of Christmas day. At St. Paul' * Episcopal there will bo holy communion at 8 a. m. and regular Christmas service at 10:30. At the latter ths following program of murtc will be given : Organ Voluntary , grand offertory In P. . Clark Processional "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" Mendelsohn To Dcum Von Uokerk Jubilate Calkin Anthcm-"O , /Aon That Ilrlngeth Good Tidings Stalner Communion Service Woodward Hccesslonal "Angels from the llcalms of Olory , Smart Organ Voluntary , KugUc In D Hach At St. KranclB Xavler'g Catholic church services will be held at 5 a. m. and 10:30. : Father Smith , a Jesuit priest from Crelgh- ten college , Omaha , officiating. The choir will render William M. S. Brown's high mass In It flat as follows : Kyrlo ICIetaon and Gloria In Kxcrlpls . . . . Soloists , Mis * Nora Hrown , Miss Cecilia Wlckham. 'Mrs. M. J. Hartlgan , Henry J. Paschcl , Kugenc A. Ingoldsby , Qul Tollls , Philip P. Paschel Credo nnd Sanctus Soloists , Mrs. A. G. McCalllster , Miss Nora Hrown , Miss Kato Corner , Mrs. A. Dar- rauiih , Miss Hona Lange , Mrs. James 1' . Mulqueen , P. Pnschcl , Charles Paschal. Agnus Del Choir Anthem Hehold , I Hrlng You Glad Tid ings Mrs. A. G. McCa'.llstcr , P. Paul Paschel and Choir. Adeste Fldells Choir Honodlctlon-O , Salutarls Concone Mrs. McCalllster , Miss Nora Urown and P. Paschel. Tantum Ergo . - Rossi Choir. Organist , Mrs. McCalllster. Christmas services at Grace church , corner of Union and Pierce streets. Holy com munion and sermon at 10:30 : a. m. There will bo special music , with solo by Miss Lid- dell. dell.St. St. Peter's cvhurch will have high mass at 5 and 10:15 : a. m. , conducted by Father Hil ary , O. S. H. , of Atchlson , Kan. At 7:30 : p. m. there will be solemn vespers and benedic tion. tion.Tho The Christmas entertainment of tlfo First Congregitlonal Sunday school was held last evening. The program was a varied one , con stating of music , recitation ? , pantomimes , charades and novel class exercises. Fifteen different classes of the school participated In giving the entertainment , each class ar ranging to suit itself as to how to best oc cupy the five ? mlnutjs allotted to It on the pro gram , prizes being offered for those exercises which pleased the audi ence most. Canta Claus was Introduced In a novel manner. The young ladles of the class having the closing number represented themselves as rehearsing for this entertainment , In which they were to appear In a tableau , showing Santa Claus among the muses. As there was no masculine In the class to take the part of Santa Claus , the girls Improvised one. This stuffed and life less figure was suddenly transformed to an actual Santa Claus , and to the affright of the maidens , who fled In dismay , leaving him In possession of the stage. He gave his greet ings to the children , and notified them that at the door on their exit they would find moro substantial remembrances. Each child on passing out received a little package of sweets , uniquely wrapped In a Japanese nap kin , and was also given a little , holiday book. The entertainment throughout was heartily enjoyed , the llttlo ones by no means monopolizing the happiness. After tha program a vote of the audience was taken to decide which class had given the most meritorious number. After the bal lots had been counted It was found that the majority favored Mrs. Dloomer's class , which was awarded first prize. The second was given to the primary class , and the third to Mrs. II. S. Jones' class. Art StocU Given Awny. Not being able to attend to business , I will sell anything In my line at actual co t. Good3 must go at same price. Sea the ele gant new pictures that Just came In. All to be cut and slashed. A large etching given with each $1.00 purchase. W. W. Chapman , 17 Main street. nurlliiBtoii Itoutc. Chilstmas and New Year's holiday excur sion rates to all points within a radius of 200 miles from Council Bluff ? . Dates of sale December 24 , 25 and 31 , 1895 ; January 1 , 18DG. Go.'d to return until Ja.niary 2. O. M. Brown , Ticket Agent. Council Bluffs. SCHEMES OF FAKE ADVERTISERS. Merchants Piitroiilise Simp AVorkcrN mid Get Left. Two young men , giving their names as E. W. Covert of Grand Rapids and H. K. Edson of Chicago , have been for several days past soliciting advertising for a song book , which was to be printed by thousands and scattered broadcast over the city whllo the Odd Fellows' band was playing tunes out of the book. Saturday night they paid their bills at the Inman hotel , and sine ? then have not been seen. The Odd Fellowo' band has had no chance * to don Its uniform , and much sadness Is expressed , Besides the band , the following advertisers are said to have been drawn Into the swindling scheme : The Franklin Printing company , H. A. Cox , B. M. Duncan , S. M. Williamson. P. C. DeVol , Peterson & Schoenlng , Bell & Son , S. T. Me A too , E. B. Morchouflc , Balrd & Goodrich , Purity Candy Kitchen , the Mueller Piano and Organ company and Mctcalf. Cut III ClirlHtnuiM Novoltlei , Wo will offer all our novelties at a great reduction for this day only. If you want a photo frame , medallion , picture , anything In the art line , get It today at cut price. Re member the place , H. L. Smith & Co. FIoiverN , Holly and XIIIIIH Orecii. Wo have a fine lot of holly and Xmas wreathing ; also double and single violets and cut flowers of Jll kinds. Prices v ry low. J. F. Wilcox , florist. Telephone , 90 , MiirrliiHre LIceiiMi'H. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county clerk : Name and Address. Ag ? . TliomnH W , 13 vans * , Lincoln . . . . . 27 Mary Gahort , Lincoln . , . 21 B. Moorohousc , Council IIIuffH . SO Mlnnlu 13. Evnnp , Council Bluffs . 23 Harry A , Tornberpr , Fremont , Neb . 28 Llllie E. Davis. Council Bluffs . 20 Henderson Lloyd , Fort Oinnha . 11 Henrietta lilaUemuu , Omaha . 31 a. S , Moore , Harrison , county la . 21 Alllo Heft. Council BluffB . . . . 17 Clnrenca R , McClelland , Council Bluffs , . 30 Stisio Ulngnnui , Council Illuffa . 30 J , A. Wlndle , Council Bluffs. . . . .7. . 21 L. I. Casey , Council Bluffs . 21 I.a tin dry Co. No. 620 Pearl street. Telephone 290. We have all the latest Improvements for laundry- Ing. Wing point and turn down collars , and for the saving of linen In general. Dr. Clcaver'a office moved to 600 Broadway. Two-In-hand umbrellas , Wollman'a. ClirlHtiuiiH for Soldier * ' Children. Every > ear General G. M , Dodge of New York remembers the children and grandchil dren of old soldiers In his former Council Bluffu fund , by giving them a merry Christ mas. Thltf has come to be looked forward teas as a regular feature of the year , and General Dodge stands fccond only to Santa Claus himself In the affections of the youngsters who arc benefited by lib generosity. This year's entertainment will be given Friday evening at ( he Clirlrtlai- tabernacle , com mencing at 7 o'clock. Old soldiers can ob tain tickets for their families upon applica tion to J. B. Atkins. At Coil , The large and well assorted stock of watches , diamonds and Jewelry for the next 30 dayi at C. B. JACQUEM1N & CO. , 27 South Main Street. Before the holidays you will probably ne l some printing. You will want It done Ju : right ; 10 call on Pryor Bros. , printers , at Th < Be-j olnce. 12 Pearl street. Every wsll dreiwed man appreciates go : < ! Uundry work. That Is why BO many go to the Eagle Laundry , 721 Broadway. Telephone } 57 , SI-ITS TO in : Tumi ) M\T Movru January Term Will Illxpoftc of Sev- ernl C'axrx. A numb r of new suits were commsncci yesterday , for trial at the coming term of district court , which opens January 7. 55. W. Cole wants n Judgment of $2S5 agatntt S. Fjrnsworth , for a tombstone which he says cost $785 , anJ put In FalrvUw ceme tery n year ago last November. Martha J. Estes sues E. M. Estes for n divorce. Th y ncr * married In Logan , la. , last February. About two months ago she claims he commenced to nbtisa her , threaten ing to cut her head off with a corn knife. Then he trie , ! to knock her down with a stool , but her son prevent d. He threw a pall of cold water on hsr while ) she was In III health , nnd put her out of the house , She went to a neighbor's , and he followci her , telling her ho had a load d revolver In his pocket and she had bettr not como back. Ho also threatened to split her hoa < : open with a spada. Julia Short commcncsd a divorce suit against William Short , whom slu married In this c'ty five years ago. She claims that last Match ho struck her and choked her , am ! finally became afflicted with a loathsome disease. Newell Merrlam commencsd a suit ngalnsl Fnrwell Merrlam for th * . foreclosure of n $1,000 mortgage on a lot In Stutsman's First addition. Elizabeth Hoagland brings suit to fore close a mortgage for $600 on two lots owned by William A. Mynster. The McCormlck Harvesting Machine com pany sues William Pouder and W , C. Proc tor on a Joint note for $115 , and Pouder alone on notes aggregating $315. The not'B have been running since 1SS1 and 1SS5. Junt Received. A fancy line of children's shoes. What Is more appropriate for a Christmas presenl for little folks ? Byers has them In all colors. Prices very low. Skntliitr Ilootx. In all sizes , pointed and equaro toe , calf skin , at $2.00 , $2.60 nnd $3.00 a pair , at Byers' shoo store. 112 Broadway. Rohheil While lit Church. Three Wright township farmers , Splker , Graham and Allbrlght , went to church a week ago last Sunday night nnd left their horse ? hitched outside the building. When the serv ice was over they found the three fine blankets which they had Uft over their horses were missing. Evidence pointed to the guilt of George Young and C. S. Dougherty , and In formations were filed against them In Justice Vlen's court. They were arrested and ad mitted their guilt. They were arraigned In court yesterday and In default of bond of $500 were sent to the county Jail to await a preliminary hearing Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock on the charge of larceny. The threa cas3s were bunched together In'order to make the value of the stolen property exceed $20 , so that they might bo sent to the peni tentiary Instead of serving threa small county jail sentences for petit larceny. Besides having the three blankets the two men had In their possession $110 , a horse and open buggy. They had many of the ont- ward characteristics of the western cowboy , and this effect was heightened by several largo revolvers which they carried about their persons. Children's reefers are the thing we arc making the drlvo on Just now. They are handsome and cheap , and the line is un broken. Metcalf Bros. Reduced prices on eliirhtly used pianos at Bourlcius' , the orchestral crown piano dealer , 11C Stuteman street , , near M. E. church. IIcat a Shelby County Man. Jennlo Mack , who runs a disreputable re sort at 118 PIcrco street , was arrested yester day afternoon by the United States authorities en the charge of passing a counterfeit 50 C3nt piece. Last Sunday W. B. Howland , a good young man from Shelby county , came to town and concluded to go wrong awhile. He wandered Into Miss Mack's Joint , and several rounds cf Intoxicants were bought and paid for. When he got out he found that one of the half dollars which had been passed on him In change was bogus , and Immediately awore out a warrant , charging her with the offense. She was bound over to the federal grand Jury , and her bond fixed at $300. Tha premises were searched , but no more of the b-gus coin could be found. About a month ago a shaw company was In the city , and one of the members ventured Into the Mack hcuse. He complained later to the psllce that he had b en cheated , but for some rason there wao no prosecution. Sent an Ohxceiie Letter. Charles M. Irwln , a Red Oak farmer , Is charged with writing an obscene letter and sending It through the mails to Mrs. F. M. Culver , the wife of a young farmer who had rented a part of a farm belonging to Irwln'o father. There had been some difficulty of a financial nature between Irwln and Culver over the. rent. The letter Is full of filthy drawings and language , nnd contained allu sions to certain things about which , It Is said , no one but Irwln could have knowledge. When arraigned Irwln appeared lobe stupid , but whether he Is acting a part or Is really deranged Is a matter about which there Is some uncertainty. Irwln's father , Henry Ir wln , Is a farmer said to bo worth over $20- 000 , Stejhan Bros , for plumbing and heating ; also fine line of gas fixtures. Have you seen the new gas heating stoves at the company'u cfflce ? Our prices are right on everything. Mot- salt Bros. Mimic nt the Grniiil TonlRht. The following Is the program for the mu sical feature of the Grand hotel C o'clock din ner this evening : March King Cotton Soupa Overture Reception Schlepnecrell Solo for Clarionet-Bright Star of Hope. . * * * * * * * > * iii * iti * < * > * * * * * tii I In lew Selection Bohemian Girl Hulfe Wultz Dre.lms of Childhood..Waldteufel Characteristic Helnzelmuuncherr ' ' ' ' ' TB Selection The''Last'of'ho'Brbgans { Braharn ( Ed HnrrlganV Latest. ) Spanish Fantasia La Paoma ! Yradler ( Hy Request. ) Medley On Latest Songs Do Witt The Jolly Coppersmith Peters Kaufman's Orchestra. Senrle-Sinllli. Harry P. Searle left yesterday for Hastings' , Neb. , where ho Is to be married today to Miss Edith Smith , a popular young lady of that place. Ho will return with his bride Thursday , and will reside at the Searlo resl- denca on Falrvlcw avenue. Jarvls 1877 brandy ; purest , safest , best. Attend Davlo' clearing sale cf holiday goods. Fine cut glass and china , Wollman's , Latest silver novelties , Wollman's , CltUeii Train KnterH Politic- * . NEW YORK. Dae. 21. Citizen George Francis Train today sent the following mes sage to President Cleveland : Madison Square , the day before Christmas : Citizen-President of the United States of America , Washington , D. C. : I have elected you twice by "psychlsm. " I will do It again If you will Iskue no bonds nnd throw the lesponslblllty of crisis on congress. OEOrtOB FRANCIS TRAIN. Killed hy n Jfalnim Hlvnl. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 21. A special to the Star from Hennessey , Okl. , says : Walter Rodney was killed by a rival near Richmond , n the western part of Cheyenne county. The trouble was caused by a Jealousy ex isting between them over a young 'lady. ' The murder la claimed to be In sHf-defenso , but the slayer has fled to the Gyp hills , Heavy Claim OR Great Ilrltiilu. LONDON , Dec. 21. Heavy gales prevail today over the coast of Great Britain and several small wrecks have already been re- > orted. A schooner was seen to run ashore n the Tyne near Shields , where she became a wreck. It l believed that all the members of her crew were drowned. Will TEST AN IOWA LAW . ' Municipal Roprcscntativosi-Litewsted in " Itho Corporation Tnr Statute. VARIOUS VIEWS OF f TJE | MEASURE Some rrnlinlilllly Hint Prooccillnim Will He ItiHtlttitril V.M'i ' n View of SrtMirliiK Siiiiretne Ciiurt Court Iiiteriretiitliin CBDAll HANDS. la. , Dsle. 2i ( Special. ) City Attorney Klchmnn oY Milsc-itlne , upon Instructions from ( lie city coilncll rf Hint city , lias written to a number of city attorneys of the state upon a matter of much Interest ami ono of state wide Importance , being with respect - spect to the taxation of telegraph anil tele- phons companies by municipal corpora tions , and with a view of having a number of the cities of the state uniting In paying the expense of prosecuting a test cise In order to determine the right of the cities to thess taxes , which arc now being appropriated and kept by the stall. The laws of Iowa govern ing the method for the taxation of telcfraph lines In the state make It the duty cf the company officials to make at a stated time , annually , n report sp.clflcally stating certain matters concerning ths company property , necessary to ba known to Intelligently make the assessment ; provide for the assessment cf lines at their true cash vattw by the State Hoard of Equalization , and further provide that said board shall determine the rate of tax to bo levied thereon "which shall not exceed the average rate of taxes , general , municipal and local , levied throughout the state , " and "which tax shall be In lieu of all other taxes , slat ? and loci ! , and shall bo paid Into the state treasury. " The law docs not provide any method for returning any portion of this tax to tha different municipalities , and the State Hoard of Equalization lias acted on the Idea that ths tax so collected was not only to be paid Into the state treasury , hut to remain there. What Is now sought by the city council of Muscatlne Is to have n number of cities In the state unite In bringing a suit to determine whether part of this tax should ba returned to the different cities. Ulchman Is of the opinion that the whole question might be raised In a single proceeding , asking a court to compel , the state ofllcars to account to the city for Its share of the tax ; or , In case the court hold that the law does not provide for or contemplate a return of such revenue to the city , that said olllcers be enjoined from levying and collecting taxes "In lieu of" municipal taxes. SUI'IIEMK COWUT WANTS A CIIAXOH. Diic-Uct of IC'MVU'K UlRlient Tribunal Two Years Ilchliul. DES MOINES , Dec. 24. ( Special. ) The an nouncement by a member of the supreme court that the Judges arc dissatisfied with ths now rules of practice under which they are compelled to work has attracted much attention. The Judge who has bean quoted Is understood to represent the sentiment of the entire bench , and he declares that the last legislature made a grave mistake when It added a sixth Judge to the bsnch and adopted a law regulating , therpractlce .of the court. The Judges ar4 understood to be unanimous In the dlssatlsfactlcn , and it Is expected their Influance .win bring the bar of the state to their support. Two years ago the legislature , without con sulting the supreme court , passed a law In creasing the number ot Juises to six , and changing ths rules of practice. Trlor to that tlmo It had been curtpma'ry for all the Judges to act together In the consideration of every cass before them. 'Each case was given to a Judge to write the opinion , and each of the others took with htm p. copy of the papers In the case , looklng.'itlicm over and sending his views to tlie Judge who was assigned to write the opinion. Thus the Judge who wrote the cplnlon'liad the benefit cf the opinion of all the1 other Judges ; and when the opinions were submitted at consulta tion to the full bench all. tha : members were prepared to discuss It Intelligently. The nsw rules provide that the court should be divided Into two sections of three Judges each and that each sctlc < n should act Independent of the other till the opinions were prepared. That Is , each should takea number cf cases of which the other srctlon knew nothing and made no Investigation. Then the threa should parcel out the cases among themselves ; one should write th ? opinion , with the benefit of the notes made by the other two o.i their reading of the papers. When the full bsnch met for con sultation , there would bo only three members who knew anything about the case. As a result , the consulatatlons wsre long and tedious , becaus ? the members of the other section would want to look up the features of the case. The plan has proved very un satisfactory to the Judges , who Insist that In a court of last resort every Judge ought to examine Into every case. The supreme court a g'lort tlmo ago nant out a circular to the district Judges of the state , asking an expression of views as to whether the supreme Judges should call a convention of district judgs to consider the revised code before the legislature takes final action on It. For a tlmo It was thought the jiecessnry majority of them would demand the con vention , and It would have to bo called. Dut the later returns Indicate that there will bo no demand for the convention. The Judges feel that the tlmo would bo BO short that mothlng Important could bo accom plished. The supreme Judges feel that the thing necessary to relieve them of the pressure of business under which they are laboring , and which Is keeping them two years behind with their assignments , Is to establish a state court of appeals. Four years ago the members of the court had a plan elaborated for establishing such a court , but the legis lature did not see fit W give It serious con sideration ; at any rate It was dropped , and the law making a sixth Judge was passed Instead , Now the Judges feel that the time Is rlpo to urge the court of appeal , ami It Is understood that the first step has been taken In the published statements that have been made about the unsatisfactory condition of the court's business and rules under the present arrangement. Fa in I NI ( Ml Mini Found lit Inwn. CHEROKEE , la. , Dec. 24. ( Special. ) A man giving his name as A. Johnson , an Eng lishman , was picked up on the street last evening by the officers In a demented condi tion. He said he had been working on a farm In Dakota , and that ho was on his way to Sioux City , Ho was nearly famished , and was so weak that ho could hardly walk. The officer who picked him up took the starved man to a restaurant , and when the meal was Eat before him he discarded knife and fork and ate like a wild beast , shoveling the vic tuals Into his mouth with both hands , not nastlcating them In the feast , After partak ing of all sat before hint ho fell In a heap to the floor and was picked'up for dead. It was only after two hours of diligent work liy a physician that he was revived. It Is thought that he cannot recover. Confi'HMlfui of a Grn'-vc ' Ilohlicr. CEDAH UAI'IDS , la.Dec. . 2f ( Special Telegram. ) The full confession of Wesley d. Jummlngs of Vlnton In1 , regard to the rob- > ery of the grave of Mrs. John Hannah In hat city In the spring of 1871 has Just been nado public. In It ho tayi that on the night after the burial Andrew Bergen , George W. Hack , A , l > . Hopewood , Charles Uall , C. C. JrlfQth and hlliiself went , to the graveyard as per agreement ; that all'took turns at the digging , only the head bf the grave being opened ; that when the box was reached the cover was pulled off , the lid removed , and C. ) . Griffiths pulled the corpse from the coffin , after which ho broke the body at the thighs iml set It In the buggy. Tha remains were hen taken to town and concealed under come )0xe3 In the cellar of Dr. Carpenter's drug store. J I'lnii in Protect ICMVII Giime. CEDAIl IlAPIDS , la. , Dec. 21. ( Special. ) The Iowa Sportsmen's aiioclatlon , of which < T , 8. Young of Burlington Is president and t. B , Coolte secretary , end which has been n eilstence several years , It maklng'nn effort o extend Its present membership of about 00 to make It Include every lover of flshlng and hunting In the state. The officers be- leva that with such an organization much bo accomplished , which Is now Impos sible. The state Is very much In need of n game warden to prevent shooting out ol reason , and the Sportsmen's association Is In favor of Joining the office with that of fish commissioner. Circulars nrc now being sent out with a view of Increasing the member ship to 6 , < 5bO numbers. HA.MCS iinrusr.D TO IIHI.P TIIP.M. Leu In Int rxttnctit Company l'r | ilo Malic mi Axvliriinirnl. DES MOINES , Dec. 24. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Lswls Investment company , one of the oldest financial concerns In the city , and always regarded as strong , assigned this afternoon , naming Nelson Itoyal as as- "olgnee. The company has $100,000 capital The failure was directly caused by refusal of local bank : ) to further carry the ccm- pany's accommodation paper. The concern had extensive Investments In real crtatc mortgages In this city , Omaha and Sioux City , and In the last two years his been com pelled to take much unproductive property. It had also Mid mortgages to the amount ol about $3,000,000 In the caft and In Europe but tli officers say these were not guarantee ! by the company. Th ? schedules of assets and liabilities were nt filed , but President George Lewis siys the as ets are about $125- 000 , nominally , and liabilities $400,000. It U undcrrtood that th > assets \\lll shrink In liquidation to bo about 10 cents on the del lar. _ City Attorm-jH Will Confer. CEDAU 11ATMDS. la. , Dec. 21 ( Special. ) The city council of this city has Instructed Mayor Lincoln and City Attorney Harinan to correspond with the officials of other cities In the state with a view of securing con certed action to obtain some * nddltloml changes In the municipal laws of the state. The code commission has finished Its labors and will submit to the coming general as sembly for Its consideration the proposed cede of 1SOC. This commission has made a number of changes' In the municipal laws , but tha prevailing opinion Is that there should b : still further changes , the Importance of which can hardly be overestimated. Itiuili-il Three ARCADIA , la. , Dec. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) A bold attempt at robbery was made ct West Side , a town about three miles west of this place. A Northwestern brakemat : was returning home when he was attackei by three men , who attempted to hold him up He drew n gun and began shooting. He thinks hs wounded "one of the men. The town turned out , and , after an exciting chase captured ono cf the tramps , who is now It Jail. _ Secured a ClerkHlilp. OTTUMWA. la. , Dec. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) W. M. llosce , cx-chalrman of the re publican county central committee , this morn Ing received a letter from Congressmai Lacey , tendering him the appointment of clerk of the committee on public laws of which Mr. Licey Is chairman. The posi tion pays $2,000 per year , and continues with out Intermission during the congressional re cess. Mr. Reece telegraphed his acceptance. Heavy SIHMV In louit. CRESTON , la. , Dec. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) A heavy snow has fallen here during the afternoon , and Is continuing with un abated force. It Is the first snow of the saason of any note. JEFFERSON , la. , D ° c. 21. ( Tele gram. ) About six Inches of snow has fallen within two hours , and Is still falling verj rapidly. This ! s really the first snow storm this season in central Iowa. _ SciiMiitlniial Divorce CJIHC Settled. FORT DODGC , la. , Dec. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) Judge Birdcall rendered a decree In the case of Mrs. William Blair against Wil liam Blair for divorce today. He gives her the divorce with alimony , but will not state the amount until counsel has agreed. It Is believed she will get no less than $5,000. It was a very sensational case. lllnze at IlurlltiKtnii. .BURLINGTON , la. , Dec. 21. Stryckland's livery barn , with forty head of horses and 200 vehicles , burned today. Loss , $50,000 ; Insurance less than $10,000. Many of the horses had fast records and belonged to pri vate parties. Two men were dragged out of the building unconscious , and another escaped from a second-story window. Dlxtrlct Court ( it Iiullauoln. INDIANOLA , Neb. , Dec. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) DIctrlct court convened yesterday , Judge Wclty presiding. A large numbsr of civil cases were disposed of and an adjourn ment reached this morning. Ileii McCoy Succeed * Captain Luke. DES MOINES , Dec. 21. ( Special T.'le- gram. ) Governor Jackson has appointed lien McCoy cf Oskaloosa railroad commissioner to succeed John W. Luke , deceased. Lawrence Reduction Workn Ilnriieil. VICTOR , Colo. , Dec. 21. The Lawrence Reduction works , owned by a company of which J. R. Delamar Is president , have been burned. Loss $126,000. The works had been very successful In the treatment of low grade Cripple Creek ores and will be rebuilt. QUAKER OATS The Child Loves It. The Dyspeptic Demands It. The Epicure Dotes cm It. DO YOU EAT ST , BERNARD'S ' HOSPITAL AND RETREAT FOR M1NSANF lUJmilji In 'charge of the SISTERS OF This widely known Institution has been doubled In size during the paEt summer and made one of the most modern and model institutions of Its character In the west. The new additions will be ready for occu pancy by the first of the year. When fully completed , accommodations will bo afforded for 300 patients. It la beautifully situated , overlooking the city of Council muffs. A full staff of eminent physicians and trained nurses minister to the comfort of the pa tients. SPECIAL CARE IS GIVEN TO LADY PATIENTS. TERMS MODERATE. For fuller particulars , apply to SISTER SUPERIOR Council Bluffs , la. NEW.-.DOHANY SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. WOODWARD THEATRE GO. ONB SOLID WEEK. MATINKH AVKUXBS1IAV 1' . 31. THE POLICE ALARM A four act comedy-drama ; evening , INNORTHCAROLINA A delightful four act comedy-drama , TWKUVB PEOl'LB IN THE CAST. I'rlcu Itlo to nil piirtM uf tinHOIINU. . No extra charge for reserved seatB. Change of play each night. Heuta on tule Saturday morning at box office. P-M _ . B Q - -.J Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . . $100,000 W13 SOLICIT YOUU IIUSINESS. \vi : uusiuu YUUH COI.LUCTIO.VS. ONE OK Tilt : UI.UUST IIAMCS IX IOWA. R I'JiH CUNT I'AII > O.V TISIi : IMII'OSITH. CALL AM ) SKU IIS Oil AVllITU. o\n ( Jii.v.M ) citoiu's roit PU.VCU. U\lirt > ftl ti4 of Opinion from I'rontl.- nptit I'ooilc In Knulnml. NEW YORK. Dec. 2 < . The World will tomorrow - morrow publish the. following cablegram , re ceived In reply to Its request for opinions upon the Venezuelan situation. Prom the Prince of Wales : "SAN'imiXmiAM , Dec. 21.-Slr Francis Qnollys Is desired by the 1'rlnce of Wales anil the duke of Yoik to thnnk Mr. Pulit zer for his cablcRrnm. They earnestly trust nnd cannot but believe the prefcnt cri sis will bo arranged In a manner s\tlf ; : ct 'rf to both countries , nnd will be pucci-eded by the same warm feeling of friendship , \\hlch has existed between them for so many years. " "With all my heart 1 prny to Oed to avert from this country and the United. Stnlts the crime and disaster of war between them and 1 hold It to lie the bounden duty of every man In both countries to nvolit nil provocative Ungunpc , and do all that he can to promote pence. K , I.OND1N. The following unsolicited dispatch was recilViM by the World from the Kr.e Masons of Manchester : "Chrlrtmas Greetings , Frco Masons c'ub , Manchester , to American Kree Masons ; Olory to Oed In the highest , on earth pence , good will to men , " Cardinal Gibbons sends the following : "HAI.TIMOlli : , Dec. 2l.-In reply to the gentlcm ? ! ! . 1 hnvc to say that war lio- tween Knbland nnd America would lie u calamity to the \\oild-to the Christian people. There Is no ground for tinnp - prchensloti of war , 1 regard the strlctuics on Mr. Cleveland's message by some Anierl- nml English papers as unjust and unwar ranted , since he has always shown himself a. man or pence nnd con crvatlve principles during both ntlmlnlstratlons. Warlike In terpretations put In his inos'sago aiu forced. Tliu panic was occasional bv an oversensitive sitive money market. The ill'pute will bo honorably settled , but not by the sword by a weapon that Is higher , tin1 pen. "CAUDINAI. QIHUONS. " Climini-cy DcprWH Opinion. NEW YORK , Dec. 24. A local paper Bays- Hon. Chaunccy M. Dcpcw said Inst night : ] "A bond Ismi ? will be > authorized within five days. " Said Mr , Depcw : "I have not any I i authority for the statement ; I get It from the | air. Many good things come out of the air. " Heeclmm's pilis arc for bilious * ( icss , bilious hciuLichc , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid livordiz zincss.sick hcadachebad taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appctitc.sallow akin tc , , when caused by constipation ; , and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the boolc , Pills io < r and 250 a box. Book free at your druggist's orwrito B. F. Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. , New York. Anrnnl i\1 morn .000 ( W box * * TWIN CITY DYE WORKS ' Clothing Dresses and Household Goods , OMAHA orriCIJ. 15S1 IMinnm. Tel. 1521. . COUNUIl , tlljUrt'S Woiks uml Olllco. Cor. I A nnd : Cth Mr-ct. Ti > lei > liraic 310. Serul for prlra Mil.- Washington's Day ; By Woodrow Wilson Beautifully Illustrated by Howard Pylo and Others The first of a scries of papers In which there Is presented a new Interpretation of that period which was at once the frui tion of the English Colonial culture of America , and the be ginning of a New Nation , Part II. of BRISEIS , William Black's New Novel Illustrations by Smedley Second paper of ON SNOW-SHOES TO THE BARREN GROUNDS By Caspar W. Whitney Illustrations by Remington IN 'S MAGAZINE For January Other attractive features : LONDON'S UNDERGROUND RAILWAYS. Illustrated by Joseph Pennell. STORIES by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps , Julian Ralph , etc. , etc. 35 Cents a Copy. Ready December 21. $4 oo a Year , HARPER & BROTHERS , Publishers , Mew York. Out Of Sorts. T That is the way you feel as a re sult of the headache youhad when you awoke this morning. Get in your usual frame of mind and body Tabules the standard by using Ripans , dard remedy for all stomach and 4 liver complaints. i Illpans TnLtilos : Sold by druggists , or br mall If the price ( DO cents a box ) Is sent to T.o Ill- pans Chemical Company , No. 10 Spruce Bt , N. Y. Genuine Sandwich "Adams' * G , Shelter Powers from 1 to 10 horse , Kccil Grinders , JacUs , Clmln , Ilnnil Carts and last but not lunst , SOUTIIWICK UOHSB AND 8TKA5I POWI5II IIAY I'HESS. Branch House Council Bluffs Dr. S. Mosher SPECIALIST. Having fully demonstrated by yeuia of "uccessrul practlco and experience that he Is able to euro multitudes of dlseasea which bailie the bklil of oidlimry pliyalcliuiB , ho feels It lilt ; duty to muke known to KUffemig humanity that he devotes fila whole tlmo und energy to thla particular brunch uf tliu profession , and will prepare und furnish medicine nt his olllce or visit those eases which may rc < iulro personal examination. 1'a- tlcnta at a distance inny consult Dr. MoHher by letter , giving a carefully written history of their cabes , describing their nymptomv minutely an possible , which will enable htm to make correct diagnosis , and Judge very accurately of the curability of the disease , und to apply proper remedies. Medicine forwarded either by mull or fcxprcsa. and all medlclna prescribed by Dr. Mosher U prepared under Ills own peiuonal HUpervlxlon , Ho trenta ull dlseaseH without mercury or other poisons , which en-ate illnease of themselves. The doctor by his new UESTOUATIVE TREATMISNT cures all curable diseases , and treats with MICCCSH all affections cif the Liver , Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Epilepsy , Dyspepsia , Heuit Disease , Itheuinatlnni , Neuralgia , and all Nervouu DIseuHcw cauncJ by overwork , the Indiscretion of youth , or the excesses of riper yearu , und whatever may tend to lower the latent foice or the tone of Hfe'x vitality , causing pliyalcul debility , nervous exhaustion , Insanity , and prcmatur e decay. Consult pcrfconally , or by Letter free nnd strictly confidential. Address , t Dr. S. Mosher , Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , la