TIIT3 OMAITA DAILY BJSISs SUNDAY , PlSCiaMHMll 22 , 1805. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE local Jobbing Binincsa Generally Qniot in the Regular Lines. CCUNTRY COLLECTIONS CONTINUE SLOW r I'rovox n Drlrlnirnl < < > HitnN M Tin1 tlollilny Mi-nntin HUH Dct rlopcil it I'll Ir Dcinniiil for l'inipiooilfi. . The cxcfcdlnRly mIM nnd unreasonable v.'cather continues the chief disturbing c cmrnt In trade clrclss. Kven when the II ntfclal condition of the country la nt Its Ifst , It IIIIH been found Impossible to deV V u lneE9 In the winter months PO IOIIR " " the weather Is mild enough for pprlns tltn" . Now that money Is none too plenti ful In the country , nnd consumers arc liv c I , o < l to prnctlcc economy , the fact that the wenther IIIIH been to mild during the lust week hns n still greater . Influence up n the volume ot trade than usual. It lf : not surprising In view of those facts , Ihut the jobbers are reporting only n fair t'.ade for general merchandise during the lust nix days. In holiday goods there Imp been n fair movement , nnd ns a general thing Jobbers express themselves ns well satlslleil with the holiday trndp , an It has proven fully ns good as they anticipated. The tlmt when only n few houses handling spe cialities enjoyed the benefits of the holiday tr.ido has pnswd , and now almost every jobbing house makes a point of handling -omethlng that ran bo utilized for Christ inas presents. While holiday goodn have b en going quite freely , there haa been a decrease In the regular lines. The markets during the past week have on most .kinds' of merchandise rimalnei \\ry nearly steady. The effects of the wnr scare nppear to have been contlnetl mostly to the upeculatlve markets. ailOCKUY TIIAUI3 FAIH. While the demand for staple lines hns not been very active during the past week thj near approach of Christmas Increased the tf-nulrements for consumption. The demand for holiday goods wns rather back ward , but during the past week It devel oped Into considerable activity , and the Jobbers wcro kept busy getting everything out on time. Such goods as nuts , raisins 11 ml grocers' fancy articles have consti tuted a very important feature of the trade. It l.i said that canned corn and tomtitoea nre occupying a very strong position In the market , nnd from some quarters come predictions that they will sell higher be- lore the end of the winter. If reports from the coast nr * true , Cali fornia prunes nre In n very llrm position n -d supplies remaining nt points of pro duction nre lighter thnn ever before known at , this season of the year. It Is .said In California that over four-fifths of the sup ply has been moved out of the state al ready. Domestic molasses has had a little up turn. consequent upon free buying In the I'outh. Imported currants are pretty well clcanei up In the markets of the country , nnd light Imports ara expected until the ques tion of duty Is Mettled by the courts , where It' li now pending. CUIUISTMA8 HUt-PS HAHDWAnK. Hardware jobbers repflrt a very fair busl- nsss for the period under review , though II Is not to be expected that the tradr will take hold very freely or place orders beyond - yond their Immediate requirements until the turn of the new ysnr. The hardware merchants have been pushIng - Ing Into the holiday trade this senpon , am report a large business In skates. . If Christmas only came In the summer time bicycles would no doubt become popular as holiday good ? . The trade Is already com- iiinclng to talk bicycles , and It Is pre dicted that the demand will be larger than last season. The craze. If It may be ca'.led such. Is only Just commencing to f proud In the country , and the jobbers , are preparing for a large business In thnt line next spring. Lust year the bicycle busi ness was In many respects very unsatis factory , the dllllculty securing n sulll- olont number of wheels from ths factory tp 1111 orders making It very disagreeable for the Jobbers , who were compelled to lUten to Innumerable complaints from their' ' customers. Next sfn'snn It is expectei llictt the manufacturers 'will be better pre pared to take care of the demand , ant thnt the delays and disappointments of lai't season will not ha repeated. Glass Is ( Irmly held , but the demand Is not large , either here or In any section of the country. SPniNO OUDKIIS FOR SHOES. The boot and shoe trade Is suffering se verely from ths warm weather , which Is keeping down the demand In all sections rf tributary territory. As n general thing y bbent do not look for very much Improve ment until there Is n change In this re- A good , heavy snow storm , or even rainy wea'her. If It was warm , would do n great ; deal to put new llfo Into this bVnnch of the jobbing trade , Spring orders nre commencing to arrive .from the western states , but so far Ne- bmska retailers have held off , apparently n waiting developments before placing or ders. ders.Hides Hides during the past week have shown yome llrmness , nnd while there Is consid erable difference of opinion there appears tn bo a growing conviction that there is an nctual scarcity und that prices must even- Ivally peek a higher level. All this Is In favor oC the maintenance of values on foot wear. DRV OOODS JJVltl , . In the line of dry goods there hns been vtry little doing during the past week. In fact there never Is much tradeat this snnson of the year In thU particular line. "What orders are coming forward nre for i-mall lots of goods to piece out stocks which have been broken In some one line , Not only has trade been very quiet ut this point , but the reports from all sections of the country are to the same effect. Uven In Now York there Is said to be al most nothing doing of any Importance' , and v/hat l.i more the present dullness Is ex pected lo continue until the comlng'of the new year , after which there should bo n nradtml revival of activity. With the demand so llght It Is only nat ural that the market should remain practi cally unchanged. Just ns better things were expected of the clothing trade , a strlkn broke out In New York which promises to act ns n detri ment upon business for some little time to come. WHY IMIICUS AHK LOW. Prior * of Fniu-y Ili'rf Cnitlc Tom-li tilt * I.IMV Point. Cattle have sod ! very low this month and not only hnve prices been down , but then- hn.i been no llfo to thn trade. During the . month of December there Is nearly always a good demand for fancy cattle for the holiday trade , but this year this demand IHIH been much lighter than usuul. Aa n general rule the trade calls for very large anil fancy corn fed beivex , which command very fancy prices. This year they have nold at the lowest paint In sixteen years. In former years ns high u * si.5 : ! per KM pounds has been paid In Chicago for Christ- n.as cattle , and { 0 to (7 was nothing un- urual , but this season fancy cattle have sold there ut SI.M. This may BVO ! some hint of why money IH not more plentiful among western farm er ; this year , especially so when li U taken Into consideration that other farm products liuve experienced u corresponding decline , The decline In the value of cattle U ex plained by the packeru at South Omuha as 11 natural consequence of the * hard times which has caused people to convumn | p s meat and more of the cheaper articles of food. That th's ' Is the real reason la borne out by the fact that the packer * In a'.l sec tions of the country are very light buyers nnd that no one nmnlfests any dlrp"8ltlun to forooloso freely. The Department of Agriculture at Wash ington has tried lo create th Impression thnt there In n. combination between the large packers to control prices. On the other hand U U raid by those familiar with the business that If thopacker. . ) were or ganized In a trust , and were deprc.'j'ntr prices In order to Increaro their own profit * , they would he. inuJcIng money out of the business , and that they would dUpUiy engemeaj to buy nnd would b ; ready to take nil tlift catllo to he hud at the low prices. On the contrary they urc very poor buvers. The representative of u [ area packing house remarked last i-venlnn : "Kveryth'ng Is iiir.iln.it the producer and handler of cut tle and mcutH till * MHISJII. .Money Is scarce and thn people can not afford to cat meat us freely as In former grasons. At the name time , pork and mutton have been unusually low unit the supply large , xo that consumers have naturally turned lln > lr nt- trntlon tn the cheapest meat and have niKlectcd beef , The policy of th ? govern ment has UKQ ! bcn apparently against the producer. Cattle hnv been nicwed : to come In freely from MPIC'CO. thu Increas ing the number nn the market and hc'n'ng l > r Juat so mu.'h to ih'i > rms > Mlue * . The the reduction of tin- tariff tin * allowed art- ! < ! < < . * to como Into the. country wh'rh hi < vv depressed the innrket nn Remitcf int ? bv. jiro'lucts ' of cattle Take the one Item i ( Jilden. IIIdM urn Jti t at present brh-ii'iv poo'.i prlce nnd they ( xpprtrnr'iij rm'ti r iioom earlier In tha year , but thf c u-p U bclnc Hooded with forulcn hUUn Herr rr" the flguron showing the rocelp'H f hide foro'en count ; Ic-s for ten montix < f the present ycnr , fts compared with the previous yenr : 1W ) . IMS. Vnltcd Klnintom . t tm.lTl M.W.1S1 Krnnr. . . f. . l J JU OernKinr . ) , ! iS > IIJ.TW oihi-r iftmitv . t.iu.llt aOM.si llrlll li North Anitrlcn . 4 < M 1,17.913 ( Vntrnl Amerlrn . , . IM.TtI I7I.WJ Mrxlrc. . . . . 1,21.711 l.JT , W4 \ \ > l Indlex . . . I S , .9 2M.19I South Amerlen . 6.4 . < TM II It7,7 7 Ilimt In.IlM . . 1.SVM1I tVUM Other A ln nnrt fjcrnnlcfl . 5.H.SU ! , ( ) , l < 9 Africa . KS.mj sw 119 Other countries . 4MfiM Total . . . ltl.ttli 31.fM.m It will be sscn thnt the Imports of hides exceed thp fame ten months of 1S3I by } 17.- I 2.TO1. We Ilnd that of the J17.132.C01 ex cess over ln t yenr , 3,42T , < ilG represents the Incrc.w In the Imports of goatsklni. This reducF ) the actual excess of hides tc ? H."W,93I. Then we find nn Increase of JIS.1,911 In the re-exports of hides , which bring * the amount down to ? Ur > S3OIO ns the net Increase In the Imports of hides. All this money should have gone to the farmers nnd ranchmen of the cattle pro ducing states , where It would hnve enterei Into different channels of trade Instead of being sent out of the country. The pack ers can't boost values when the demnm Is naturally rmall and the government 1 on the bear side. OMAHA ( JK.XKUAL aiAIUCIST. Condition of Trndc nnd Qiintntlonn on Snil < - niul Knney 1'rodiicr. The tierloil Just previous to Tliankmlvlns nnt extending until after Ney Yearn In the lmnlc.it one of Hie year for poultry dealers. Ilec lpt are laritrr than any otiicr time ilurlnic the .year ami they nre rqualeil liy nn Increased consumption , Thn mpply of turkey * In the country linn not proved exceptionally large this year and the prleen that have prevailed 10 far have been very natlnfaelory to ehlppers. Quotations : EQO8 Strictly fresh stock , He ; held stock. 1C © ISc. IlUTTljn IMcklng stock , 12JJI2\5c \ : fair to Rood country , 13 ? Hc ; choice to fancy country , 13 lCc. VKAICholcc fat. 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted nt HM" ° ! lurgi ! and coarse , 4HCc. . CHKIWG Domestic brick , ll'.ic ; KJaro , per do * . , ts.to ; Cluli House , l.lh. Jars , per ttoz. , M.fiO : Ilnib rgcr , fancy , per Ib. , ll'.ic ! Hoausfort , W-lb. Jar , per dor. , 13.60 ; Young Americas , llHo ; Twins , fancy , lie. POUI.TUY Dremeil-Chlckens , C Cc ; ducks , choice , 9W10o ; turkeys , choice , IDWllc ; geese , SiTSVtc. HAY Upland. J3.M ; midland , JJ.OO ; lowland. II.M ; rye straw , 14.00 ; color makes tlio price on liny ; llRht bales tell the best. Only lop grades lirlnh' t ti prlcen , nilOOM COItN-New crop , delivered on track In country , choice Rreen sclf-worklns carpet , per Hi. . SUe : choice green , runnlnc to hurl , 2Vi ! com mon , Hie. OAMI3 I'rnlrle chickens , undrawn , per doz. , JO.U04/B.M ; drawn , | 5.a ) ? 5.BO ; quail. 11.5031.80 ; Jack nnlpe , 7ucfll.M : grouse. K'.MgtOO ! snipe. W8" > c ; KOIden plnvcr. 11.13 ; Jack mbblts , per doz. , } l.rogi.7'i ; small ral > bitn , 73c@l , ) ; mal- lanl ducks , t3.GOfi-3.73 ; redhead * . J3.754C4.CO ; can- vnsbacli cluckn , J3.00JJ8.00 : teal , blue wing. J2.003 2.Z3 : teal , gre n wing , J1.73W2.00 ; inlxeil duc'.cn , Jl,7.r > 02.23 ; Canada Reese , jr.007,50 : smull Reese , J4.0 < 85.00 : brants , J3.50 ; deer saddles. i16c ; deer earcasses , llM3c : elk saddles. 115fl3c ; elk carcasses. OSlOc : antelope anddles , IS'SlOc' ' nnte- lope carcnBsen , 10 < Jfllc ; squirrels , per doz. , G0@73c. I'lOICONS Live , per doz. , Jl : dead pigeons not wnl.ted. C1IIUSTMAS OnKRNS Ifolly. per case , J3 ; Christmas trees , per iloz. , J2.r.0if(6.00. ( VEdKTAlHE9. CAUMKLOWKIt 1'er doz. heads , J1.50B2.00. CAIII1ACIK Holland scud , heads small and hard , per Ib. , l'c ; California stock , per Ib. , 2c. iUJSHIlOOMS 1'er 1',5-lb. box , C0fl75c. 1'OTATOKS Fancy native stock , 30c ; from store In small loin. 3033u ; Colorado stock , & 1033C. ONIONH I'er bu. , 40c , home grown Spanish. 'IIKANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , Jl.tt ) . 8W13KT 1'OTATOKS Cliolce stock , J2.75 per bbl. bbl.CEI.RUY CEI.RUY California , per doz. . 75 f90o ; Cplo- rndr > , fuiifCOe ; Knlamazoo , 305J3JC. MMA IIEANS Per ib. . Be. WATKU CHESS I'er IC-qt. case , JI.WWl.75. SCOTCH 1'KAS In packs , per bu. , Jl.W. FRUITS. CALIFORNIA STRAWHRRRIRR Per box. 33c. APPLES Fancy stock , J3.25S3.50 ; choice stock , | 2.SOa2.75. CALIFORNIA QUINCES None. ORinON TRAHS Per case , J2.25. CUANHUnniES-slersey , J8.75 ; Ciipe Cod , J3.23 O9.r > 0 ; McFarlln's , -J10. MALAGA GRAPES 1'cr CO-lb. bbl. , JC ; per 65 to 70 Ibs. , cross , J7.50. KASTEUN OnAPF.S-No shlpplne "lock. TROPICAL FRUITS. The statistical position of lemons and oranges , according to the New York Journal of Com merce , la particularly Interesting at the present tlmo for the reason that It would appear that the shippers of Mediterranean fruit , contrary to tholr uual practice , are exerting all of ihe-r energies to getting oranfies lo the American mnr- kels at the earliest | Hi lble date. The statistics furnished of late by receivers and shippers twlnt almost conclusively to the fact that the shippers In Sicily are devotln ? their attention chiefly to the forwarding of oranges at- the earliest posulble date , belns Impelled by- the > belief that III conss- quence of the fntluri ; of the Florida crop tills year the American market will offer Greater opportunlths to Importers than ever before. This In true to an extent , but not to the full extent ; f the Ideas of sellers on the other side. While the crcp of Florldas Is undoubtedly HO small ns to become a most Insignificant factor In the ultii- atlcn , the output of California fruit appears to be large. II l fully three weeks earlier In maturing than usual , and Is being hurried for ward. Itestde this market has focusstM tlie at tention of orange growers nnd handlers. In every part r.f the globe , since It has become certain that there would be no Flcrliln fruit to speak of. and as the best .colu-nmlnit market In the world It has naturally attracted supplies from every direction. Growing districts In remote parts 'of the world Hint have seldom If ever before sent any of their fruit to this country nre now rep- icsenled 111 the visible supply at New York. Quotations : ORANGES California budded seedlings , rtRU- iar sizes j.u iw 10 i.t > j.uu nuvc.s , ) . ; . sizes. * . ; . , I3.00if4.no. LKMONS California , per box , J3.73ffi4.50 ; Mes- dnas , J4.50St4.75. I1ANANAS Cliolce larse stock , per bunch , J2.06 ff3.23 ; medium sized bunches. Jl.7i02.00. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTERS Mediums , 13c ; standards , 15c ; eziru selects , 24c ; llranch & Co. selects , 26c ; New Yolk counts , 23c ; standard bulk , per gat , , J1.10. IIONBY Funcy white , per Ib. . lie. MAPLE BYntJP Five-gal , cant , each. J2.73 ; gal. cans , per doz. . J12 ; H-eaU cans , JC.j ; quart cans. J3.75. CIDER Pur * Juice , per half bbl. , J2.75 ; per ' > ' bBA'ulKll 'KRAtJT Per bbU , J3.75 ; half bbl. , J2.25. FIGS New crop , California , lu-lb. boxes , jr ih lOa ; Imported fancy , 30-1b. boxes , I5c ; choice , to-lb. tioxes , ll'/jW12c. DATES r ew Persian. 60-lb- boxes , per Ib. , B e ; Curds. 10-lb. boxes , per Ib. , Oc. MAPLK BUQAR-Cholce. per Ib. , 9010c. 1'RESEIIVES Assorleil.20lb. . palls , cuch J1.40. COCOANUTS-Per 100. J4.50 ; each , He. NUTS Almonds. Callfurnla. per Ib. , medium < lzo , lOc ; TarraKonn almonds , per II ) . , l rse , 12V4c ; Urazlls , per 11) . , 8c ; English wainuls , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , 12c ; standards. Utilise ; filberts , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans. polUhcd medium. IOC ! larKe , Uc : peanuts , raw , B'Jc ; ronsted. 7W 71ic ; hickory nuts , small , per bu. , J1.73 ; hickory nuts , large , per bu. , J1.50 ; black walnuts. p r bbl" DRESSED MEATS. UEEF Light western steers. 400 to OX ) Ibs. . BU HfCc ; Rood cows and heifers , 5WJic ! ; medium cows anil heifers. 4'if4c ; good foreiiuarters cows and heifers , 31je4c ; aood hlndcjuartcrs cows and heifers , { jCV4c : cow rounds , 6c ; cow chucks , 3'So ; steer chucks. 4ijc ; beef tenderloins , fresh. 16c ; beef rolls , boneless , 8V4c ; sirloin butts , boneless , 8 c ; loin backs , boneless , 8c ; lo'n ' backH , CV4c ; cow rll . No. 1 , 6VJc ; cow loins , No , MarUrtN. PKOIIIA , Dri21. . CORIJ Stcady. new No 2. ; ; vc : m No. s 2vji- . OATH- Pull and riixv : No , i while , | 7 ! tf IT-tic ; Nu. : wlilKUifUUf. . 11YK Dull : nomliml. WIIIHICY Hl"nd > : tlnUlud gxulu , on lh bai * , ( IIP. f.ir hUh wlntn. 1'Ki'KIITfI-Vrn , 41.4M bun. ; oalu , CJ.W ) but : .ih'nkv. n nri wlit t. U > bu * . KIllI'MKN'rn Com. IIJ ) tun. : mlii , 2i.U < i u . ; whUky , 5"j gull . \.hiut , C.OOO bus. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Grain and Provision Market Today Closed Unexpectedly Steady , STOCKS CONTINUE TO INFLUENCE ALL Corn U'nt Slow mitl Slrnily niul nt Xu Time \\'nn Unite nn I.mv HH on Krlilny. CHICAGO. Dec. 21. The firnln nnd provl slon innrkets today closed unexpected ! } sternly , the final cjiiotntlons In some In stances showing materinl gains over Ins night's figures. Prices hnve been so low that there was but llttlo speculative trad Ins on the breaks , and the Improved tone of the Wall street closing had n Rood effec here. May wheat finished at last night' tlgurcs , corn He. nnd pork nnd ribs from 2',4e ' to 7',4o ' higher , oats and Inrd being practically unchanged. The situation In stocks Is still the dominant Inlluence It wheat , nnd as they Buffered a further dc cllne wheat followed. There Is Htlll mucl apprehension , nnd holders I'-iuldnted with out stint. liven shorts were slow to cover. The exports of wheat nnd flour from boll coasts for the week nre a little more thnn 2,000,000 bu. . or 400,000 bu. lefs than the wcsk before , but cables showed the English markets steady nnd New York confirmed the report that 1,000,000 bu. had been tnket there yesterday for export. After the firs selling' Impulse was over the f < ellng negai to Improve nnd prices reacted , following the course ot stocks. But the feeling was ncrv ous. The visible supply Is expected to show nn Increase next week of fully 3,000,000 bu Mny wheat , which yesterday stood as * low as 67Wc , and closed nt from 5714c to Kic opened this morning- from B7V c to 57V6c but soon began to clvc slgtiH of recovery It hud worked slowly back to 67c , whet It had another spasm of weakness , whlcl carried It off nominally to B64c ! , but onlj two or thiee fives could be bought nt that New York stocks closing nt some recoverj from the lowest prices of the day had n further steadying effect upon wheat , whlcl rose Ic per bu. from the lowest point quoted or to 57ftc. nnd It closed nt Dic. Corn was slow nnd sternly nnd at no time was quite as low 'as It sold yesterday. The continued wet weather was n sustnlnlnj , factor , and the price Is so low' that few can. to sell It short. May sold at from 27ie to 27cspllt , to 28c , and closed lit 2Sc. Only a moderate business was doing li oats , Shorts were still good buyers ant tcok up nearly all the offerings nnd main tained a steady market. Mny opened nt 18c , sold nt 13c , and closed With sellers nt the latter price. Provisions did better for buyers toda > than for two or three days back , and closii at somewhat higher prices than they dlt yesterday. Packers gave the market some support when It appeared to require It , nni orders , from outside Were much more plenti ful thnn they have been In the past. The advances In prices for the day were 7 ! c In pork , 2'/.c In January lard , nnd 2&c each In January nnd May ribs. Estimated receltits for Monday : Wheat 2.12 cars ; corn , 282 cars ; oats , 225 cars ; hogs 37,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady : winter' tiati'nts ' , JJ:305Z3.50 : ; Hprlng | > atenU , J3ilOtf3SJ ; rSl- . WHEAT No. 2'sprlmr.1 M 3 spring , rilOS40No. : 2 red. 69jr 0e. CORN No. 2 , 25V M23e. . " OATS No. 2. 17c ; No. 2 white. 1919Jc ; No. 3 white. 175iW19V5c. " RYE No. 2. 33C. 11ARLEY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 22J34c ; No. 4 , 22S24C. FLAX SEED No. 1. 93c. TIMOTHY SEED Prime. J3.45ff.1.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl ; , S7.SOg7.73 ; lard , per 100 MM. . J3.23 : ' slinrt ribs , sides ( loose ) . J4.2r.0t.30 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , J4.37 > , iQ > 4.C2 : short clear sides ( boxed ) , J4.37 < 4 4.50. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , SUGARS Cut loaf , J3.W ; granulated , J4.87 : standard "A , " J4.73. POULTRY Easier ; turkeys , 7ff94e ! ; chickens , . > ' ,4B > 7c ( ducks , lOilllc. The following were the receipts nnd shipments today : On tha Prelim axo'ianrs to lav tha buttar niar- Het vrat Bteady : creanierv. llc.'i'c ) : ilalrv , IL'ci J2c. KKCB. utoady ; fresh , ' 'Dis''lc. Chccuo , itulct ; SMQOMc. _ .VEW YOHK GE.VRUAL MAUICET. Quotation * on the Prlncliml ConiiiKxlitlcN nnd Stuplo. NEW YORK , Dec. 2L FLOUR Receipt ! . 41.- ) bbls. ; exports , 21,300 bbls. ; weak and dull , buyers being frlgh tuned by the Irregularity In wheat and finances ; city mill patents , H.005J 4.25 ; winter patents. 13.4583.63 ; winter straights , J3.3003.43 ; winter extras , J2.C3O3.03 ; winter low grades , J2.10ii2.CO ; shipping low grades , J1.90W T.W ; Mlnnewita patents , J3.33ff3.33' ; Minnesota bakers. J2.73S3.00. Rye flour , dull ; superfine. J2.50fJ2.73 ; fancy , J2.80ff2.93. Iluekwheat ( lour , dull ; J1.20 1.3i > . IIUCKWHEAT-Dull ; 9J i 74UV c. CORN MEAL Steady ; yellow western , coarse. 70c ; llrundywlne , 12.25. RYE Nominal ; western , 24O2..c. IIARLEY Weak ; western. JJSI3c ; feeding. 23 ® 27c. . IIARLEY MALT Easy ; western , 48fl33e. WHEAT Receipt ! . 21)4,400 ) bu. ; exporlH. 63..VW tn. ; No. 1 hard , CO'.ic. Options were generally steady all the morning , wtli ) few reactions , being helped by steady cables , foreign buying , rumors of further export business , local coverIng - Ing and less liquidation ; closed firm and un changed from last night ; No. 2 red , Afny , C4 3-1C J6IT4c , close < I CITic ; December , C3OS3y4c. closed C3y.r. COIlN Receipts. 110,200 bu. : cxtwrls , 3.2W bu. Spot market , dull ; No , 2.33Tie. . Options rule- 1 generally steady on the moderate movement and sympathy with wheat ; closed partially ' , Jc higher ; May , 31 3-IG 3lc , cloned 3IHc ; December , 33ii' 33Tke. closed 3\e. , OATH Revelpts , 84.0)0 bu. ; exports. 1,600 bu. Kp'it , dull ; No , 2 , 22ViC. Options dull , nominal , closing unchanged ; May , closed 2lc ; December , elosf.1 22 ii' . HOPH Weak : state , common to choice , 1894 crap , 2W 5c ; 18U3 crop , 4eiiic ; Paelllc coast , 1331 crcp , rj5v : ISa.l cinii , 4y-lic. HIDES Dull ; Oaiveston , 2' ' ) lo 23 Ibs. , 12c ; Iluenna Ayres dry. 20 , . ISc ; Texas dry , 24 lo 3U Us. , lOc ; Collfamlu , 20 to 23 , Hit. , 13c. HAY Strong ; shipping. I7.W0S.W ; good to choice. S9 ( WM'I.OO. ' - LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole. Dueno yiea. light lo heavy weights. S2cj acid. 214024c. ! \VOOI < Quiet ; domestic lleece. 16ff22c ; pulled ! . . PROVISIONS Hecf. quiet ; family , IU.OQ8IZ.O ) ; ieef hams , JII.50V1C.00. Cut nimil- . easy ; plcklul tallies. J4.7CaJ.2i ; pickled shoulder * . J5.00C3.U ; plckletl hams , JS.25fiS.r.O. Und. steady ; wetlern slenm cloned nt t3.45fi3.47'i ; De- cfiuber. J54J. nominal. I'3rk , dull , lower ; short clear. Jlo.73ei2.00 ; family. t9.SOOlt.iH. TALI.OW Weaker : city , 3'ici eounlrn 4e. CHEEHi ; Steady ; large. 74 ! 10c ; mnull , fancy , 7 > iW10'4c : part rklms. 3ViflCc ; full skims , Stile. HICi : Steady ; domettlc , fair to extra , JTi 0io ! ; Julian. : % < ? . MOLASSES Oulel : New Orleani , open kcttl . eord to cllnlro. 2Jff2Cc. PimiOLEI'M Weak : t'nlled closed at Jl.SOj rellned. New York. J7.73 ; Philadelphia and Ral- tlmorr , J7.70 ; Philadelphia and llaltlmoro Ui julk. J3.GO. ROSIN Steady ; drained , commnn to copd , (1.7UO1.I3. TI'RPIJNTINK Firm ; 28 ! ; 28Hc , IIL'TTKU Recelfits , C.CC2 | il < 2 . ; steady ; west- in dairy , HG19c ; wntern creamery , HWiOc ; Eleln. 2be. ' EflOri Receipts , 4.S73 pkc . : market sleadf ; stale nml l'ennsranla ! , tOf2Ce ; weslein , 22a ; Mltlicrn. 20i2lc. MHTAlJS-t'cpper. Heady ; brokers' price. jn,6) ; pru-e. I19.SO. Lead , firm ; brokers' J1.10 ; exchange inliv. t3.2)a3.22 ) > , i. Tin , lull ; rtralts , J13.754J13.S5 ; plnles market quiet. r-'lter , quiet ; domemle , (3.4003.CO. ( Pig Iron. iul > t ; soulherii , Jli.WWH W ; northern , tlS.O'Kif II.W. rOTTON SEED OITr-Dull ; prime crude. 2l f llVic ; bulter grades , 51fi'32c ; prlnw summer yel low , 23c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'"iiri > lcn J-'IunnuInl AfTuli-N. HEIU.IN. Dec. Jl. i : chuno on Londoii , elcht Says' sight. W marks 40 pf ; PARIS. Dvc , Jl. Three per cent lente * . iftDf 140 for the account , Exchan _ oil Liudun. iJf Kfar check * . LONDON. Dec. 21.-Th Olaszow nd Man- liemcr stock nurkts were mueh quieter In tone Hinl had a hardening temleney. TM umounl nf l-ulllon gone lnt > the llanlc nf KnilanJ oil bal- nc to 0-y u f9.0u ) . ( lold U quotrd at llurn. < i .Vyrei today ut 2:1.5' ) ; Madrid , 17. 6i ; Ltibon , : TH ; St Petersburg. 50-Atl ( ' ns. 7J | Rnme , 1M.70 , VI ennn , 191 HTt ritfH"AM MOM ) * . TrnillnK on ; < ) hnincp Opmrit Very Muclt n iiioriilUiMl. NF.W YORIv , l'fa-lI.-The trading nt th opening of busbies * un , the Stock exclinnce toll wn * even more lUmAfnllteil than In thf Inltla driillnKi of y - terday. London cables showec lower prices , but jfpitrteJ n better tone prtvn lent at Hint center. . . Nevertheless the foreign houses conllmietl to 'uhload ' American securltle nnd the decline cj v/tlues In Ihe nrnt quarte of nn hour was rffy severe und extenileil U per cenl In Lend VSffrred. Sulsrqiiently Cord age rp.icte , ! 11 per 'cent. The decline In th leading rallwa ) * was bended t > y I.nke Shnrc with a break of 7- | jr cent. The other V.iniler bill slocks nlm > M until sharply. The tlurrles thrn sulnldeil nnd prlcys .took a lurn iipwnnl. DIs Illllni ; nml L d Improved 5 per cent : Cleveland Cincinnati , Chicago S SI , I uH. llurllnnton Canada Southern , Lake Shore nnd New v0rl Central , 4 per cent. The market was feverish throughout the day , nnd prices fluctuated rap Idly , the changes lielnr very wide. The nn nuuncement of the failure of two small Slock exchange firms served to Intensify the un < cttlci feeling , nnd sales of stocks under the rule wer made for their account. Consolidated Oas brok 8'i per cnt to 138. rallied to 130 , reacted to I3 recovered to 140 nnJ closed nt IM',4In th final dealings there wns considerable prrmur ngalnsi the gmngers nnd coalers , which re < ulte < In heavy losses. The market closed weak o losses on the day ranging up to 104 per cen In Cordage guaranteed. The total snles wer 314MS shares. Including 36,000 In Sugar nn > 33.80. . ) In SI. Paul. A week of Intense excitement In financial clr cles has Just been brought to a clas ? . Seldom If ever , ha * the Stock exchange been con vulseil to such n degree and for tn long n petlixl ns In the present Instance. Ht-rftoforc panic have quickly subsided and the bottom hai beel reached by rapid stages , but since Ihe deliver ) nn Tuesday last of the president's mts < ge 01 the Venezuelan Imbroglio , the depression on the Stock board has steadily Increased. Associate ! press advices on Saturday declared the Roths child story In be n canard , nnd announced tha the London bankers had resolved 13 make no withdrawals of American credits for the presjnt An n result , declines made In the oprvilng deal Imts pnttly recovered nnd n steadier lone te.m pommy governed the share speculation , The Im proved feeling was of brief duration and the gains mad < > were In many Instances almost en tlrely wiped out , n.id Ihe market closed decld odly heavy In tone. The sales for Ihe foreign account are eitl mated nt nlvout 200,000 shares , which breaks nl previous records. At the extreme low point 01 Saturday , the more Important declines , compared with the high prices prevailing eailler In Iho week , are as follows ! Consolhlaled Oas , 24V per cent : New Jersey Central , 1J % per cenl Metropolitan Trirutlon , IC per cent ; Lead pre ferred , 16VS per cenl ; Rock Island , 16',4 per cenl Rubber preferred. 1C per cent ; Pullman ; 13H per cent ; St. Paul. IS'.J per cent : Lake Shore. 14T > per cent ; Hurltngton , 14S per cent ; Louisville S. Nashville , 14 > 4 per cenl : Cleveland. Cincinnati Chicago & St. Louis , 14H per cent ; Kansas & Texas , HVS per cent : Laekawanna and Chicago Oas , 13T per cent ; Lake Erie A Western pre ferred , 13H per cent ; Lead common , 13 i per cent ; Canada Southern , 13Vi per cent : Tennessee Coal. 12T4 percent : Rubber preferred. 12 ? { per cent Southern preferred. 12 4 per cenl ; Distilling , 12 ? , per cent : Sugar. 12V4 per cenl : Manhattan am Iowa Central preferred , 12 per cent : Pacific Mall 11 % per cent ; Et. Paul & Omaha. 11U per tvnt Delaware * Hudson , 11 % per cent ; Northwest ern , 11H per cent ; Susquelmnna & Western pre ferred , 11 % per cent : OencrnI Electric. 11 ? ; per cent ; Missouri Pnclllc , 11 per cent ; Denver & Rio Grande preferred , 10H per cent ; Coloradi Fuel nnd New York Cential , lO'.j per cent ; Illi nois Central. 10 per cent ; Atcblson preferred , 9Ti tier cent ; New York Cenlrnl & St. Louis second end preferred. 9',4 per-cent ; Lnelede Oas , 9 % per cent , and Tobacco , SU Per cent. The dealings for Ihe week reached Ihe extremely large tola of 2.253,001) shares. The demoralization In prices of railway and miscellaneous mortgages whlcl occurred during the week wns attributable to the same Influence ! ! that dominated the Rtocl market The dealings were unusually heav > and the : depression ( In prices was very seven. In the Issues having a fotclgn market. The trading for the European account was vers heavy. The aggrosfftet sales were J13.513.0W. The greatest derttnn * of the week are : Cordage 1st trust receipts , -JGlider cent ; Fullon Elevated Ists , 13V per cent ! Wisconsin Central Ists trusl receipts. 13 % p r eeiu ; 'Kansas & Texas 2 > ls. 91,4 per cent ; Kansas & Texas Ists , G per cent ; Atch- Isqn adjustment ta.3i per cent ; Atchlson ad justment 4s , 7 > i pet oent , : Atchlson adjustment Js turst receipts , 9V1 .per t\ent ; Atchunu adjustment 2ds trust receipts.,7Vi ; per cent : Kansas City . Pacllle Iain nnd Ci snpj-ake & Ohio 44s. ! 8 per cent ; Southern 5V 8 per cent ; Chicago & North ern Pacific ljt tiust lecelpls. 7i ! per cent Colnrad > Midland" * Irust receipts , Wnbash 2ds nnd Texas PtcinaMsls. 7 per cent ; Texas Pacific 2d. < . 4 per cent : Union Pacific. Denver & Onlf Ists nnd Oieaon Short Line 6 * Irust receipts 5 % per cent ; Orerfcn"Short Line conrol Ps trust receipts. 74 ! per ent ; St. Louis. Southwestern 2ds. Rio Grand ? Western Ists nnd Northern Pa cific consols fn , 6U per cent ; Northern Pacific consols Sds. 6 per cent ; Northern Pacific col lateral trust Cs. 5 * ; 'per cent ; Northwestern d - benlures 5s of 1903. " per cent ; Laclede Gaa fn 3V4 per cent ; Tolejlo ; ! St. I ouls * Kansas Cits lRts trust rec"lrr3."ntrd | Tennessee Coal -lats nirmlngham division , R\i \ per cent ; Savannah g. Western Ists ttust rivolptn. pltlsburg & Western Ists , Iron Mountain Cs nnd Rending 4s , 5 per cent Heading 'trust receipts. , _ percent : Rjadlhs flrst Incomes. 8 per.cenlHeading : second Incomes , 5 per cent : Reading third Incomes , 4 % per cent. Governmtnt bonds ruled firm during tlie greater part nt the week , and seme lsue scored sllghl gains. Toward the close , however , there was n decided slump In values. In sympathy with the gencittl weakness of recurltles , owing tn the scare. New 4s are down 2 per cent , 5s Hi per cent , old 4s , rcglstwcd. nnd old 4s , reglstired coupcns , % per cent. The total faies were onlj f38uOO , which goes to show that the panic did not extend to Iho government bonds. Trading In sliver certificates was In fair volume , and purchase - chase "were made nt an advance of I psr cent over HIP final sale of the preceding week. Subse quently % per cent of the rise was lo t. The tianFactlons footed up J94OM. In today's bond market the trading In bonds was unusually nn- ImatfJ , the sales reaching J2.097.001) ) . Tha trend of prices were sharply downward , nnd n scna- llonnl opening was made In Southern 5s. which sold down to 82 , as against 89 , last night's cloa- Inc. The bonds auhRequently lullled to 8S4 ! , and closed nt 88. Other leading ? mortgages also ruled lower- Toward tile clore there was 11 KtlfTenlnfr In values , of the speculative Issue * . Final prices , however , were considerably below yesterday's cloze. Tb - New York'Financier ' this weeK says : The extraordinary conditions which sent money up to SO per cent and-caused a collapse- value * cn the New Yoik Stock pxchanKc Friday , are not shown- fully In the bank statement for the week ending Saturday. There was n sharp con traction of J3,341,300 In loans , a decrease of (2.743,700 In cash holdings and J3.7C4.700 In de posits , the result of the week's operations , re ducing the excess reserve by Jl,302.700 In de- New York banks , however , have now nearly H8,000,000 In cash over the legal * requirements and their action In throwing Immense amounts of money at low rales on the market Friday , when It seemed that the panic of 1893 was to be duplicated In a more sirloin way , entitles them to the lasting respect of the nation , LeadIng - Ing bankers here universally deplore ihf Vene zuelan affair , and a" dispatch from Chicago to the Financier says thai nineteen out of twenty prominent bank ofllcers .Interviewed think the administration has made n serlouN mlHtnki * , The total deposits nf New York banks are now J.M7- 290,800 , pr J60,000,000 lei than the highest figure reached during th * ; year : louns are J3OiW,00) higher than the lowest point. With thu pros pect of a large gold loan next week , some of the JG7OQ , ii In specie held by the banks will probably be nbiorbcd by the treasury and the money maiket will , In all likelihood , record the highest regular quotnllons of the year. When the war scare ehbx , there ought to be an Influx if foreign money In volumes enough to rapidly lower rates. The Uvenlns Post 'say > : The most violent II- quldallon and most nerlous declines during the day came In recurltles not dealt In upin the Kuroprnn markets. Thin culpour oftjcal luld- Ings had a double origin , the arvlvul of selling orders from out * of town1 customers to whom Hi ; panic spread since yesterday , mid Fnlej at any saciltlcf for local broknrs at the verge of bank ruptcy. Sales under the rule began nlmojt with the opening of Ihn Stock exchange , an 1 moro failures w > ie announced than happened y'ntenl.iy. One ct lh n wai a larRp and conservative Phil adelphia Invrsttnent .hour * . The buying In of shorls rfurlnir the second hour wan u' natural re sult of the enormous profit ready to be realize. ) and t'.ic usual pref > renct > not to delay over n hol iday's unrerialnlelt | had nt other meaning , and Indeed In the last ten minutes began u iv- newi-d and Mill morrt violent 'outpour nf atainl.inl shares , HUdi an St. . Haul , Itock Kami and Itur- llngton & Qulncy.x j-Tliu closing therefore wns utterly demoralized. - j < v Thn following we\Y , w clralng ijuolntlons cn the leading mocktnjjf-ltie New York exchange today : _ lal.jj Alchlson N. Y. A N. K ill ) Adams Kx. . , Ontario AW l'-'H' Alton. T. II . AJ Oroxon Imp 3 ii.xprjss..H Orwjon Nav 17 'aUlmoroiDiilo. . O.S.L&U.N : < > < Pnclfle- Mall 214 Canada Southern. , , ' , 'fwi P. D.iE. L' nontral Paclllo. . . . " < - " Pltisuiirj IDA .VOhlo V Pullman Palaco. , 147 Clilcaiioi ilton. . . J Ileadln ? , , . , . , H c. , n. iu. ' H. (5. W 17 chlcnco Gas. R. G. W.nf.l 40 Itock Island . , . , , . 5 ! ) n.C. , O.&St.L , . . . St. Paul Ul Cole , Coal Jt Iron. . dopfd 1'J- Cotton Oil Curl , . . ' . St. P. .tOmalir. . . . , 'Jin Delawaro.k IIul. . ' . Uopfd I''S Dcl..Liclc.Jc W. . . Soutlioni IMclIlc. . ID n..V H. O. ptd . . . . ; J4W. Stitrar llntlnen' . . . . 03 D..VC.F , Co , . , „ ' ttll Ti > nn. Coal .t Iron ' . ' 44 Prlo 'donfdV VV.VV.V T..VO. Ortnt. nM. . . asa ForlWiiyiw. , . . . , ! . Union P.tcltlo. . . . . . a I ) . Kortncra | iM. . . U. S. Kxurnss. . . . . . U7H I1. &K.I. ptd. . W.St. L.&P Hoi-kin ? V.illoy. . . W. St. L. & P. nM. 13i ( Illinois Cniitr.il. . , . WcllH Kar/o Kx. . . - tm St. P. & luliitli.n WnflluriiUiitoi. . , . Kt ) ( K. AT. pfd. , U'licolUl/ L. U. , K'i Laku Krlo .V West . dopfd . , . . , , . , . . -.i ! < do pfd , . . . . if- * M. AS ) , L 14 Lnku Shore. . , . . , . 14U.L D..VU. . Ill Lc'.id Trust. VI t : . K i i' < r.oiilMvllliiiX , . . . il N. L ; , . , Hi L.AN.A N R. K..VI l0 ! MauliattanCoii , . . do DfJ. . . . . . , , . . , . UH Sh'iiiDhl.i.V U IS li. i T.I : m Mlchliran ( ! - < nt P.A. A.VN.M If Missouri Pncltlo. . T , Si. L.A.JC. O (1 ( u T.KI. U.VK.U.pU 14 NiHlivllloiiiil. : : . . . . n. n , UatliMi.il f.'ord t-'u. do li M 'Jl'i : N'at. Ci > rdi7aM. : | , "Aoi. 'I'ob. Co. . , , . . . t > 1 > ? 1 N. J.Ontr ll. . . . . . . . o7u , - llu pfd. . , . , . . . 04 .V.l.W.liM. . . . . Am. 'ifl. A.C. Co , 05 ' oaVlC.ib.MCi. . . 11)0 Nonlmni P.icrtBr. | Atu.Su/ai' I'M , . I ) H N.lMcltlcuM. . . . . ! U. H. CordasH xt I. 14s ii.V. il. .vu . . . . tr d Lo tlierutd , i a do nfd ! ? do'pfd ' . . . 7V S. Y , Conlr.il. . ul Tha tMal ( ales of rtacki today werx f4 < ) S.iO hares , Includ.nK : Amrilcan b'URjr. SS001 ; Aln-r- can Tobarcu. Ij.SOOj Atchlson , 11,14) ; lluiiinslon. It 1M. Clicinprnke A nhM. I.VM. < 1ilcn.Rn Om , 14.S.M , multiline. IJ.IiHi : KrmMH A Tetai pre- 4.M ) . Ixitilnvlllo A Nnnhvllle , * , ) . Man- bstlnn CrnoMc | | | < l , 4.7'M ' Mlnnurl IMcin ? , 4W : Nat I. > nnI Lend , * . M ; Northwestern , J.S < ; Rending , Sl ) , Rnrk Inland , , * ; St. I'niil , 3JJ ) ; Southern llallmnd. 4.100 : Southern Halt- rend preferred , S.&W ; Tenniwe * Conl A Iron , S.WO ; Cordage , 4 , ; Leather preferred , 1J,4' ( Weslern I'nlon , t.l i. \ MV York Motirr Mnrkct. NK\V YORK. t > ec. SI.-MOSKt ON CALL Opened nl 30 , offered nt 2" bid , but declined 13 "i per c nl , rinsing at R per c nt , PRIME MERCANTILE PAPKR-IHJJ64 per cent STHRLINO n.XrilANOn-fllrfmg. with actual > uMne In hanker * ' bills at JI.99UOI.S34 for demand , nnd JI.S"1J4.S < for sixty days ; posted rnte.s. JI.MitRI.90H : commelclal bills , J4.87. WAR SlLYIIR-Miie , MKXICAN DOLLARS 52 < tc. 1IONDS State bonds , nothing doing ! railroad bonds , wesk and lower ! Rovernmenl bands , weak and an ? down ' 4 | ier cent : new 4 , reg. . 119J new 4 , coupon , I19j : , < , rep. , 1114 ; S , coupon , 1134 ! 41 , rot. , HO ; 4 . coupon , H14 ; 2s , reg. . 95i Paclflc Cs of 'S6 , M hid. Closing nuolnljona on li nds were ns follows : trcllcr of the currency has authorized the Farmers' and Producers' National bank of Sisters- vllle. W. Vu. , to. begin buslncsi ; capital , JIOO.OW CHICAGO , Dec. 21. Cle.irlngs , JI3.370,799 ! Money on call loans , S@3'i ' p-ir cnt ; commercial paper , 67 per cent. New York exchange at par. Foreign exchange : Hankers' ( London ) sterling , \ew York Weekly HunkSliiteiuiMil. . NEW YORK , Dec. 21. The weekly bank state ment shows the following changes : Reserve , de crease , J17.CWO. The banks now hold J17.0SSS'X ' ) In excess of the requirements of tlie 23 per cent tule. St. Lou IK ( if n crn I Market. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 21 , FLOUR Firmer , with Increasing - creasing demand from abroad , "owing to trouble between this country and Englanil over the Vene. zeulan question. Local Undo dull. Patcnls , J3.30 4(3.40 ; extra fancy , J3.10Sf3.20 ; fancy , J2.8583.1W ; choice J2.602. < 3. WHEAT Opened weak on the flnancall demor- iltzalton In the east , soon became stead } * on tat ter buying and more reassuring advice * on the Innnclal situation , but did not advance any , doi ng tha same ns In August ! No. 2 red , cash. Me ; May , 57l537c. CORN Dull , with a few trades In futures , clos- ng nt n slight advance over yesterday. Kpot monger ; No. 2 mixed , cash and December , 23c- January , 23ye ; May , 23f. OATS Futures , quiet but steady , Sx | > t dull and unchanged ; No. 2 , rash uml December. IG'/.c : May. ISVtc. . RYE Dull : No. 2 , 32e bid. 11RAN Quiet , steady ; < 6 : for sacked , eaut track. FLAX SKKD Slenilr , k Vjc. TIMOTHY SEKD U.OV03.41. HAY Ijiwer ; pialrle , jCWi9.0i ) ; timothy , JS.COff 1.00. POULTRY Higher ; turkeys , 94010cj ! chickens , Sc : ducks. 84f8',4c ; geese. HiirOe. HOTTER Steady ; creamery , l9i(2Cc ; dairy , 15if c. c.EOnSBcarco nnd higher. 19ic. ! WHISKY 11.22. LEAD-DulI ; I2.87H , Spelter. Jl'Jmliial , J3.20 asked. PROVISIONS I'orh , quiet ; JJ for old standard meis , joMt'ng. Lard , higher ; prime eletm , J3.12K ; holce , JS.2' ' ) . llacon , boxe.J shoulders , fS.23 ; longs , J.12V4 ; ribs. J3.23 ; shorts , J3.fA I > iy salt meats , H ed H'loulders , JI.OO : Kn s , J4.IO ; ribs , JIC2Vi ; hnrts , J4 S. RKCEIITS Flour , S4.0W Mils. ; wheat , 2JWO bu. : corn. 43.IXX ) bu. ; cntn. 23.O ) ' ) bu. SHIPMENTS Flnur , 6,000 lib : * . ; wheat. 7,000 bu. ; com , O.OW bu , ; oats , 8. ' 0 bu , Liverpool MiirketM , LIVERPOOL. Dec. 21. WHEAT Demand p"or ; Vo. 2 red spring , steady ; No. 1 hard Manitoba , It d ; No. 1 California , tit 3'i < l. Future ? cloned firm nd unchanged from yesterday's closing prices ; mslness nlxit/l equally distributed : December , Cs d ; January 5s 4Vid ; February , 5s 3 < I ; March , 5s 3id : April. U 4d ; May , If 4Ud , CORN Spot llrm ; Ameilcan mixed new , 3s IVi'l. i'uttire.i closeil firm and unchangeil from yester- lay's closing llguriu ; hu < lne a heavleit cn luteit uosltlons ; December. 3s 2''jil ; January , 3s l-id ! ; Vliruary. 2s Hid ; March , ! * ! J ; April , 3s d ; May , IB 2'id. ' 1'IJQUH Steady ; demand fair ; freely supplied ; SI. I.oula funey winter , 7s M. I ROVIBIONri llacon. qule ( ; demand poor ; Cumberland rut. 23 to 3 < > Ibs , , 2'ii ; sboit ribs , 2t IMS. , Zit C < 1 ; long clear , light , 34 Hi li Ib * . , 2fc Gd ; ontc clear , heavy , 65 Ibs , , : ! ; short clraK backs , IKI ! | , 18 | b . , 2"m : idiqrt clear rnlddtei , heavy , 5S bs. , 23s ; clear bellies , II to IS ll . , 31s , Hhoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 2)a . ! . Hunvs , short cut. 4 to H Iba. , Kit fid. Tiillaw , line North American , So. lieef , pslia India n\tn. \ 72s t l ; prime ineir , ' M , Poik , prime meis , Una western , Gli ! ; we t- rn medium , 43n. Ijird. quiet ; prlni3 western , 7s 3 < l ; l ( lined , In palU , 2ja , CHEESE Quiet but steady ; demind poir ; finest iinerlcan , wliltc. 41s ; fined American , culore.t , " " "lirTTJSR FMint United Slates. 93t ; aooil , V > . niLS-.Turpenllne ffilrlu. 2Is Cl. Rosin , llrm. "ottono.'d oil. Liverpool refined , 17f , Linseed ol ! , rft. Petroleum , rtflntd. 18VI. HEFIIKiKIIATOR IIKEI--FoiffUaflers. | 3d ; Indquai li-is. 5d. III.EACHINO rOWDl'.It llardwaxl , f , u. ! > . , 'HOPS At I/indon ( Parltlf cnatt ) , f2 it. ICniiMiH City ICANdAS CITY , IK" . 2l.-WIIiAT-SllKlilly : higher ; No. 2 haul , Cllt'CkNo. ; . 2 red. Cdftfiic ; " * C' * " ' k | > r Jeci .l , V5flfc. CORN Acllvp ; sieady ; No. J mlxej. 224S2Jc ! ; N.j. 2 white. 22V4ff22 ic. OATS Klradr ; Nu 2 mixed , nomlniily lj/- / ; Vu. 2 white , ISVic , RYlDuII. . No. 2. Me. HAY . Hi'.aily : tlnnlhy. IIO.Wf/IJ.M ; prairie. . , . > n . n. r. . rji . UUTTBIt-Klrm ; cnramery , l 323c ; dairy. I4S " Hliiher at UUc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Onttlo Receipts Light nml the Market Do- voidof Llfo. STOCKERS SHOW GREATEST ACTIVITY UORM Oiteneil l'ni J- unit I-VI1 Off n CetitN llefore tlie Clone Ten- ilenejnf the Week HUM lleen Dinvim nril HpoclplN l.lnlit. SATUKDAY. Deo. 2t. Htcclpts nnrt shipments for the pas twenty-four hours , an compared with the previous six days , nro as follows : ItKCIillTS. Cattle. HOBS. Sheet ) . Horses December 21 710 4.CS3 llfi December M 2,2t5 5,731 CM . . . . December 19 1.464. .7,007 700 G December 18 2,679 SS 7 31 60 December 17 2,437 S.fiM 1.201 December 16 l , G7 1,053 . . . 2 December 14 474 E.099 351 79 SHIPMENTS. Cattlo. Hoe' . Sheep.Horses. December 6 4fi2 December 19 1,368 JI2 . . . . 6 December IS 1,048 330 . . . . CO December 17 S7I C28 723 December 10 (110 ( " Dccemb-r 14 740 1,378 . . . . 8 December 13 SSrt December 12 1.369 409 . . . . 2 The receipts of the week , with rom parlsons arc : Cntllc. Ho * * . Sheep Receipts thin week 11,222 35.3iM S SU RpctMpts last week 18.9.W D.1.S77 2 M' ' Same week Imt yciir tii.4.1) ) ffM 4 49' Same wefk 1 91 n.ST.t 2J,3K 4.73.1 Same week 189J IS.tW ? 33.B71 2,62- DAY'S DISPOSITION. The disposition of the day's offerings of live stock was as follows , each buyer pur chasing the number of head Indicated : Cattle. HOB * . Sheep , Omaha Packing company. ! 32 The O. II. Hammond C > Ill S7I 316 Swift nml Company 174 l.UD The Cuilahy Packing Co 103 l.&W I7 A. Ha s 20 Vanuatu & Co .1 . . . H. llpeker nml UfRiili 6 Hecker llros 19 lli-lilon & Underwood. . , 11 Shippers and Feeders 224 . . . . . 310 Total GTt 4 .2aO CM CATTLE There was the usual light Sat urday's run ot cattln. only twonty-nlno flesh loads being reported In Uic yards. The market , as Is very npt to bo the rasp on a Saturday , was ilult and uninteresting and without new feature -of our impor tance. The buyers were very indifferent , tholr orders , apparently , being for only a very limited number of cattle , and not at all urgent , and 11 Is not easy to Imagine a market much more devoid of life or activ ity ; The few beef cattle on sale were noth ing extra and the buyers took their time. While the market was very slow nnd weak , the few fat steers here finally changed hands nt prices that wcro not much differ ent from yesterday. The market on cow stuff was extremely dull. The buyers did not act as If they wanted anything In the line of butchers' stock and when they did get down to busi ness they bought the cattle lower. As usual on Saturday , there was little doing In the feeder division ; In fact , hardly erough to call It a market. The cattle market of the past week has been far from satisfactory , from a seller's standpoint , and still it has been fully as good here as at any other market point. The fault has not been local by any mt-ans , but the situation has practically been the ? amo nil over the country. Whllo the market on fat steers has been very slow on most days of the past week or more , the market hns not been so very much lower. Some grades have shown more decline than others nnd the market as n whole hns been rather uneven. In cows nnd heifers there has been n great slump In values. Prices on the better grades had been gradually worked up to n high point by the holiday demand and when that wns satisfied the market fell of Its pwn weight. It will be no easy matter for shippers to fully realize the extent of the decline. Medium to good cows nnd heifers , nt the close of the week , are nil the way from 25c to Kc ) lower than they were Monday or Tuesday. In some cases buyers claim to have bought cattle even nt n greater decline than that represented by the last mentioned figure : In addition to being lower , the snap has been taken out of" the market and the trade at the close of the week wns very dull. Stockcrs and feeders have been In pretty good demand all the week , and , as the sup ply has been light , the market has been strong. In some cases some little Improve ment Is noticeable In values ns compared with the early part of the week. Repre sentative sales : BEEP STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. rr. , . 810 3 0 * 1'J..1232 J3 30 4 ! ) . . . . 1110 $3 f , : , .030 310 23..11M 3 r > 13..1331 3 Ki 10. . .1013 31H 9..1016 33.- II..1437 3' 2. . .1180 3 23 r.1112 3 43 U..1373 3 SO 19. . .1154 3 23 23..1123 3 43 COWS. 1. . . . 700 1 50 2..10 . - , 2 13 1..1.100 2 3 * . 3..1003 150 1..11IO 213 1..I220 2 3"i 2. . . . M5 GO 5. . . . K8I 18..1118 2 3.1 3. . . . 890 75 2. . . . 845 2 15 2. . . . 10W 235 1. . . . SCO 75 1. . . . GO 2 15 2..134D 2 40 2..1100 75 2. . . . 940 2 20 1. . . . 780 2 40 4..1107 90 2..1010 2 20 14..1039 2 40 7..1015 90 12. . . . 972 2 25 11..1039 2 M 2. . . . 830 95 2..1035 2 25 7..1012 3 50 5. . . . 834 200 2. . . . S10 2 < 2- . 1. . . . 9GO 2 M 1. . . . 830 2 OT f < . . . . 892 2 25 11..1004 2 f/ > 1..10M 2 W 9. . . . ESO 13..1000 2 50 1..1110 2 00 C..1145 2 25 10. . . . BU 2 (0 1..1100 2 00 1..10GO 2 25 n. . . . sw 2 GO 3..S23 205 8..10IS 2 3D 2.1225 2 DO 1..11W 2 O' 3. . . . 1050 2 30 13..1040 2 M 1..1040 205 4. . . .1235 2 30 1. . . . 730 2 50 1..1000 2 10 7..1087 2 30 2..1065 2 DO 4. . . . 890 2 10 2..1135 2 35 1..1000 255 2. . . . 9G5 2 15 23. . . . 733 235 1..1370 2 76 2..1145 215 1..1120 2 K 1. . . . 810 2 75 1..1110 2 15 1..1230 2 35 S. . . . MS 3 UO S. . . . 984 2 IS HEIFEH3. 0.-096 200 4. . . . S57 2 23 2. . . . 970 2 40 12. . . . 413 2 15 1 , . . , COO 2 25 8 , . . . 932 2 55 3. . . . 673 2 20 1. . . . 5JO 2 25 9. . . . 961 2 65 2. . . . 740 2 25 1. . , . 630 2 2" > 1. . . , S5i ) 3 M 4..1667 225 I. . . . CIO 2 35 2..1115 3 00 DULLS. 1..1350 1 85 1. . , . 970 2 15 1..I230 2 35 1..1650 185 2.,13 2 20 1..12I' ' ) 2 40 2..1175 2 M 1..14W 2 25 1. , . . 670 2 4r 1..1520 2 0 > > 1..10SO 2 25 1..1.1X0 2 CO 1..14GO 2 10 1. . . . 570 2 25 2..1001 1..1820 2 10 9.,1166 225 1..1D90 1. .10M 2 15 0..1176 2 35 CALVES. 310 1 95 2. . . . 395 285 1. . . . 280 3 25 1. . . 310 250 1. . . . 300 2 90 1 , . . . 119 3 50 1. . . i 270 2 CO 2. . . . 335 3 01 1. . . . 2 ) 5 00 1. . . , 320 2 75 1. . . . 2SO 300 1. . . . 190 5 25 STOCKEnS AND KEEDEHH. 3. . . . 710 2 40 1. . . . 550 275 10- . . 606 3 05 2 , . , , 62' ) 2 CO 2. , , . 685 2 90 3 10 l.-f.OO 250 2. . . , 460 2 95 n , . . . CC2 3 IS 1..1000 263 6. , , . 603 3 , , . . 1136 3 20 4. . . , S27 2 6i ) HOGS The week closiil with moderate run of hOB . the low iirlciof the latter half of the week no ilr.uljt temlini ; to limit Urn receipt * . Umler HIP Influence of the lower markcu nt other point * the Imile ox | > ned easier. The early alri were largely at $3.30 , that lielnx : tlm popular irlce. Later the market eaifj off anil good loni ] went at 13.13 ami K.TlVt. Ilia c'.iintbeing fully 5c ower. The great Imlk of all the IIOKH oUl at I3.2T. nml 13.30 , as agiilmit J3.30 and S3.32VV yen- erday. While the market wan a little now ! oward the clone , owing to the reluctance of Bailsmen to accept the prlcen , t'.io | KJ B were all mid and In K cd B son. The tendency of the ling niarket during the putt week ha heen lower. The week opened with hoKx BelllnK largely nt t3.27'/i and . ) < ) und on Tumduy ulmo t cvi-rythlns In the yard * mild at 13.41. Ti > o market on Unit day wan at the htghmt point touched lnrn Iho 3d of the month. Frun Tuesday until ( he ctoio of the week tlie market went down hill raildly. | The week cloned with the market at the lowest point touched no far thla year and SOa to Mo lower than It was one year BRO. IleprexentHtlvo nales : No. Av , Hll. 1'r. No. Av. Bn. Pr. 12 373 40 JJ 15 17 337 40 H 2I4 ! 87 170 150 32 > ) 67 271 4l ) 18 271 . . . 322'X ' D2 , 2SO 80 t' ) , , S03 . . . 3 lij 64 23' ) . . . 32714 5S 269 60 3 23 41 M3 . . . 3 2K4 2J MU . . . 32. ' . fr5 237 120 3 2i ! ' 3tfl 40 323 01 , , 2J ! ) 3 SI ' ,4 . . . . . . . , ! 40 3 23 CO ,213 120M 33- ) 77 2i3 . . . 3 25 . . , , , . . . M 3 30 63 303 6) 3 2 > 81 231 40 3 3D 51 237 80 3 25 73 244 Id ) 3 30 71 . . .253 . . . 325 72. . . 23'J 40 3 3 < ) 50 E13 . . . 323 - J2) 40 3 SO 47. . 341 . . . 323 ' < 40M 3 30 62 273 40 3 25 .3IS 40M 3 3il , , , . . , . . 40 3 23 M 3 30 Co. , 334 . . . 3 25 1' < . . , , . . . . 3 3'J . . . . . . . . 2U > ) 3 23 4'J , . 310 3 30 83 3 < ! ! 3 25 76 * M 3 30 , . .2' . . . 325 21 , l 3 30 ) 3 25 3 31 > 3IJ IS & ) ' ' ' M 333 4i ) 3 27M Gj'2 ! ! ! ! ! > i 3 30 51. . . 323 126 3 'AV. 78.2S5 3 31 n 317 . . . 327M 71 21S 3 30 51 30' ' ) W 3 2 ! ! ( r > 7. . , , , , > 3w 3 30 10 2S4 43 ttV. r.i sea 3 34 Jl ) 21. ' . . . . 3 27' ' ( 71 2 l 3 34 . . , , . , , . . . . 3 27Vj C4 2 > ) 3 3i ) II 2C1 40 3 27'i 211 3 30 SJ Ml 40 3 fl\- 81 211 3 : < ) M 271 41 3 tVA tn 311 3 30 . . . . , . . , > ) ICO 27Vj 7 * 2 ! ) 17 I'M 4) 3 27J ] . Cl 3'rt 33 < ) 31 261 40 327 ( < . , , , , , . , 3 SO 4 ? 2CS . . . J 27 ! ! 8J. . , Kl 11 21 * 8' ) CO , . .212 330 PlflH-OHDH AND KNUK. 7 125 . . S 10 1 270 3 21 | 402 W 3 13 4 3Ji 3 3U HIIKKI' The tendency of the xheep market ha * ( .mil lower till * week , an. ) n innterlul dicllne lm < be-ii vcored HI ranUTii market * . The market at iliU point ha * been held up HCimewhnt hy thx mudeiatu ivti-lpu. Uoud to choice nutlvei aitt at l.3Mtl.tt ; . > ! In rholc U0 > l.l i fnlr tn RixM ( "took nhrep. romnion to cholri40 to IX ( ) Ib. Inmb * . HepiT ent tltr Mlesi N" . Av. Pr. CHlU . . . . . . . . 1 ) | t , ) U nullvp rwp * . , . 104 j oj ill native CWM . , n jw M mlte l nntl r < . ft SM IJJ ml\Ml tintlveii . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 IKS CHICAUO I.1VI5 STOCK. i | 4'ntllr W TI > I.urm1)Sold tit 1'n- < * | IIIIIK < * I | I'rlorx. niH'AOO , t > ee. Jl.-tn entile the supply wn $ largely mild nt uncli.inRrd priced , choice liecvca liclng latKely Nominal. The Imlk of the Ix-cvci mw arriving Fell nt from ) .t.U to | l,2.1 , nnd ev ItTinely few go o\er 14.50. The greater pnrt ol the blp steers dell nl low prices , as they nra not wunted , both cnstetn shippers niul ex | > orter routining their tmrrhaxes tn medium nnd tight welKhl steers thnt nre onere l nt nunternt * price * , rnncy lieeve * ere ituotr < l nl frnm tl.40 lo JI.W , mockers nnd feelers nt from H.40 to J4.70 , bulls , nms nnd heifers nt fnim H.M to J3.W , cnlves nt from JJ.W t. H.73 nnd Te\ steers nl from J2.M til M.SO. Ill hogs the reason ghen by the puckers for Ilin sensnllonnl drop In prices today wns Inn fear nf flmmclal stringency nnd panic In stock.i on tMith sides. A few onrly stiles tif butcher weights nt fnim > 3.M lo JIM cut 1ml little fig ure. nnd the day's fnles rf voiumnn to choice hogs were nenrly nil mud ! nt fnim 13.25 to 15.45 , the bulk fetching from 1111 tn $1.40. tn sheep trade wns slow , ns iiMi.il on Satur day , prices showing no change. Native sheep were sataMe nt fnim It. 23 to fxr.0 for Inferior to extrn , westerns nt from J2.7I to } 3.2. > nnd Inmlii at from 13 In (4.50. Itcrelpt * ! Cnllle , 1.0.W . head : IIORS , ll.l ( > head ; sheep , 1,600 bend. iN IJIIv Mvp Slnrlc. K.VXSAH flTV. l > er. 21.-rATTI.n-ltecelpts. J.900 hendi shlpmenlH. j.-kM hendj market steady : Texas steers , $2.33SM.M ; Texas i-ows , J2.1.1Cf2.'o : beef steers. J3.155T4.23 : native rown , ll.IIffl.KO : Htockers nnd feeders. JS.10W.1.40 ; bulls. J1,7603.X1. ( 1UK1S ItrrelptH. 4.00J benil : shipments. 3t hciidl niarket 5WHV1 lower : bulk of snles , I3.25f > 3.35 ! heavy. M.IO 3.40 ! packers. .1.30fT3.40 ; mixed , 3.2.- > 5f.1.35 : lights , f3.23tf.t33 : VoikiTs , 1X3001.3.1 : plgx. M.IMO3.13. SIIKKP Ili-celptrt. 100 lieadj shipments , 1,000 head ; market ntcmly ; Inmhs , & 004J4.25 ; mutton * , 2.00 3.23. Stiifk 111 Hecord or receipts lit the four principal m.irkcti for Sntunlny , Decvmbvr 21 , 1S95 : Cattle. HOBS. Hheep. Smith Omalm . 2.W ) 4. ( )0 ) 2 > X ) Clilcngn . 7M 2.fiflO SOrt Kansas City . l,0i 16.000 l.ruX ) St. Louis . 710 4,2)7 116 Tolala . . 5.310 28,737 2,110 .SI. 1 , < UllN IVL | StOfk. ST. I.OU1S , Dec. 21. CATTLE Receipts , 7X ( ) head ; nmikct steady nt previous iiuotntlons ; buxl- ners small on light it-celpts. llOfIS Ui-relplK , 2.&X ) head : market 5o lower ; ic.ivy. } 3.20f3.43i mixed , t3.001t3.40i light , * 3.15j > 3.40. 3.40.HIIEKI' HIIEKI' Hecelpts , Ji he.id : market steady ; natlvoB , moHtly t2.40tf2.75 : noulhern , $2.00f2.W. Cotton Market. NI5XX" YORK. Dec. 2l. Cottiin contracts broke 20 23 points at the ii pen Inc. ruled excitedly and liTtRUlar , with feeble rallies , nnd closed steady nt n net decline ot 44TI4 points and total sales ot 2ti3i > i)0 ) bait1. . Our market nhaweil considerable lecupcratlim from the extreme break of yesterday. mllylnK tthaiply In the afternoon. It was hoped that tin1 cablet would iepond to the bolter feellni ; today. Instead of that , however , u break of 5 points nt Liverpool was reen In future * , and the sales In that market ran on to 8,000 luley. Private cables are very unsatisfactory us lrnnliln the feelliiR nbroad. Selllnir orders poured In from all directions. A tinner tone set In shortly after Ihe opening , and n tally Immediately followed the call. Tile market analn turned weak. Kiiturcn olrhed very steady. Sales , 267,600 bales ; January. J7.M ; Mnrrh , J7.97 ; April , Ji.ul : May , JS.IW ; June , J8.I1 ; .Inly , JS.I4 : August , JI5 ; Sep tember. JS.87 ; October. J7.77 ; November , J7.D7. Spot closed quiet ; middling uplands. 8'4c | mid dling inilf. SV4c ; K.ilfS , 121 bales. Middling , SVlc ; net receipts , 123 bales : gross. . . .225 bales ; forwaided. 2.074 ImleH ; Hales , 121 bales , nil spinners ; Mock , 1S7.96I bales. NKXX'-ORLKANS. Dec. 21. COTTON Nomlnnl ; low middling. 7 * c ; Bond ordinary , 7 o-ICc ; net ii'ColptH , 12SSI. bales ; KITISK , 13.lWu balcn ; cxporta to Orent llrltaln , 13,397 bales ; 13 France , 11.230 lalcx : to the conllnent , S..IM luiles ; coastwlat , 1.713 bales ; sales , 4CO bales ; slock , 377,118 bales. ColToe NIW YORK , Dec. 2i ) . COKKKIC-Opllons opened , iiulet , with October nnd November 10 ( mints blRher and other months 3 points lower ; hUHlncnx RlncU and local cables featureless and spot donmciTI uiiHatlsfactnry ; closed gulet nt a decline of 5 points lo nn advance of 5 points : Miles , C,000 bats , Includlm ; ; March , J13.43 ; De cember. J13.7.Vffl3.fcO. Spot coffee , Rio , dull : No. 7 , I14.M. Jllld , dull ; Cordova. J18.00ifl8.5fl. Ware house deliveries from New Yolk yesterday , S.C47 buKBj New York stock today , 21ft,992 baK ; Dulled Klntes Htock , 2S7.C6I baR ; nllont for the United States , 261,000 IMKD ; totnl visible for the United Stolen. rr > lC6l IngH , against 142,364 IIHKH last yenr. SANTOS , Dec. 21. Steady ; K od nveruRe San tos. J15,10 ; receipts , 12,000 hags ; stock , 420,000 IMIBH. HAMIUJRO , Dee. 21. Irregular nt UWii Pftr decline : miles , I3.VO IUIKS. IIAVRK , Dec. 21. Opened sternly , unchaiiK d to Vit up : at noon and closed steady nnd un- clinneed " ; total saleH , ! > ,0 > ) < ) bags. "RIO , Dec , 21.-Steady ; No. 7 , Rio , Jll.9.1 ; cx- chanKe , 9Md : receipts , 8.WO bairs ; cleared for the United Stales , . ' , ,0)0 ) bags ; fur Kurope , 5,000 bags ; stack , 2W,000 bass. Ion tin it ( i ml n Trnile Ilevlu\r. IXNDON , Dec. 21. The weather IIOH , been cold and damp during the past week. The wheat crop Is In n promising condition. In Ihe market wheat for the most pait was ijulet and stuady. 'While wheals were llrm and not active. Russian nnd Danublan have been llrmer. American cargoes nrc now rather easier , while parcels ara ntcadj- . with more Imiulry. Duluth parcels , .lamiary mid 1'cb- ruary dellveiy , have been selllm ; at 27s Hi'l. La Plata shippers wuie quiet. The wheat market itenenillv wus nffi > cled by the approach of the lollday.s nnd n disposition to await developments. Hour wus oulet and etendy. In maize for eon- lumptli.n there was a good moderate trading nt llrmer pi Ices. Mixed American maize , old , De cember delivery parrel , was firmer by Cd , liarley wns llrm , OatH slow. NEW YOIIK. Dec. 21. SUOAH Uaw. firm ; fair rellnlng , 3'if 3Wc ; centrifugal , 98 test , 3V4iU > 3 9-16c , Sales reported of one ranrn of Java , prl- vnte ternia , nald lo be better than 3'ic for con- trifUKal , 9G test. Rellnnl , ( Ullol ; standard "A , " 4l4c ; confectioners' A , 4V4c ; cut loaf , B'Je ; KTUII- lllated. 4-C. LONDON ; Dec. 21. .SUOAIt-Cane. quiet ; nnthr Ing doing ; centrifugal , Java , 12s M ; Muscovado , fair refining , 10 * 6d ; beet , opened firm nnd closed lUlet ; December , 10s 6d ; 'January , 10 7 > id. MlniK'iiiiollH AV In-lit .tl MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 20. WHEAT Weak ; close ; December , J\c \ ; May , C3Kc. . On track : No. 1 hard. 52Jic ; No. 1 northern , 51 < lc ; No. 1 northern. MVti * . FLO U II SaleH of Hint patents were made aa ow ns t2.73 , but mllloru well sold ahead qiiolo 2.80(2.9 < > as mlnlinuni ; domestic Imkem , } 2.30f 2.50 ; export bakers , 11.9002.20. Dry Ciooiln .Mil r ! ; ( . NEW YOIIK. Dec. 21. In the dry goods mar ket there wns little or no dem.uid for any clnsH of goods , ns the trade nwnlls the culmination if affairs In financial clrclex of Wnll afreet. In 'net , there watt no huslne u doing. Printing cloths dull nt 3e. for Hpum or contractn , HaU'H for the week , 81XW ( pleceH. Successful Speculation. Activity 'i l prevails In the mtrket : for Stocks , Bonds , ( iraln , Cotton , Provl- ttlonH und other Sccnrltlc.s. I'atnphlut and Dully ilarkot r.otter ( luscrlbo mw moUcit Hpccnlntlvo lnv < ! itinoiitn result li , npld 11 nil liiitidHoino [ irollls mnllixl fruo on ipl > llutttlou. Uufuroncui furnliilind. C. M. VAN TASSELL , Member N. Y , ContollJnte4 Stock fixcunneo 47 Broadway , Now York. Corro.sjioiuliuico wuntod In every OUR FREE LETTER Reviewing tlm gialn and sloe ) ; .narkeU , will tx < nt you dally on rcqueit , In th hops of deserv * ng part of your buslneu. Orders solicited for ash cr on three to flv * point margins. J , R , WILLARD * & CO. Member * Chicago IJoaid of TruJs , N w York 'reduce ICicbanse. New York Cun > . Stock Ux > hange. 17 Hoard Trade , Chicago , 44 liroadwa/ , New York , SOto$30PerMontii ! Can bo made by mr plan of Co-operative rlpecula- lon In Wall lre t on Inveslmrnt of JIOO , Sum * rom tlO upwards recehitl. Not ono of my clUnti lav ever lost a ilolUr on my plan , tirnd for pros- > ectus nnd market letter ; mailed free , Jlleheit cfciences furnished. K. MOIITIMKU I'lVi : . liuiKur ilii HrnU r , ill ) llroatlivtiy , \ , Y. CHTCACCTBOARO OF TRADE At many complaints are coming la tlie Chicago lea id of Trade shuwlng that pdiMins Inieudlng tn eal In grain and piovUlumi thiouxn m mb iii of ho liouid and subject to Us rulu < and roz'jlu- Ions aiu milled Into drallnv with poisons or run wio ) Iiavo no connection with this llmrd. lie public Is cautioned agalnut dealing with such icikons or firms , und In notified tliit OliOIUJl ! . KTONK , Savretury , will nntwcr nny Imiulrlti us to whether jmy particular peison ut' firm li a member of tucli Ilaird. GICOIICU : F. 8TONB , Becrstary , HATELY BROTKERS , OOO-OIO-OH Royal Iniurancc Bulldlojr , CHICAOO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS In Grain and Provisions. Ontert cut d Chlrtifu Bo rd ot Tr tfeIn t ili ua optiuiu. Ailrmirx niiula on ron lznuirnl. I'lovUlua ni'ln/u.e , 11.u | utuvk Vonli. lluler tu any t'lileaso Dnyna | ln < tlluion or Ooinni re'al Agtncj. l' ' 0/