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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
THIS OMAHA PAUVY JtEEi , , B.IUDAY. PEOISMIIEU 20. 13P5. SPBC1RL NOTICES. Ail\crtldi'MKMiln for Itirxr column * 111 IIP InUcn until lUt'tll | i. in. ( or 1lir rtcnlnit mid nnlll H | i. in. lor ( lie tiinrnliiK nnit Siiniliir edition * . Ailvrrflucra , liy rriiipntliiK | n iiiiin- liornl rlirrl. , cnu linvo nnmvorx nil- 4lro * cil In n ninnlirrril letter In onrr if The HOP. AtiMtrrrft Hit nililrpnncil Mill IIP ilpllvprril n lion iirpffpiitntlon of tlip otirrk enl > - . Itnfrn , t 1--f n w nl llriit Innprtloni to n Trorrt Iliprpiiftpr.otlilno : 4nknt ( or Iran Ilinn 2..r ( or Hr Inm-rtlon. Tlipnc nilvprllnpiiiPiitM nint lie rnn conxppti- ilvplr. W.\\TI n-M.\M3 HUM' . VANTnn-uvn. i.s-Tnu.toKNT AOJNTS tN Omnhn. to oip.inUc cltil > of Ilirpc to nve f ml Hen of mir fnmmn Orrhanl Ham" Inniln In ccntrnl .Ml l ( lppl. The tide of ImmUratKn In cnlnu nnuth , whprc there nro ni hot winiu , nn rold Intern , nn I > llzznn1 . no crop famine ; nhrrc two or thrpc crop * cnn 1 > e > t each your ; wlicro ttipre H no nuch tlilnic n" fnltiirc If n man will work onn-half in li r < t tut IIP doc * In thin country ! rnol nimmM5 , mlM winters ! ur pnylnir cr < .p < of fruits nml unnlcn Iruclt ! rleliMt foil on rnrlh : JiMt rnllwiy fncllltl < . Ocn. W. Amc % Beneral nRent. 1017 l-.irnam t. , Ortnlin. EOMCiTons WANTHD ron OUAHA : AI.SJO manmrcru oti'nlilB country , nntlri-lv now irno < l , 1 flhei > | py Mock. n-MJM-D21 % < fl TO JIM flALAItY PAID SAI.F.SMnN FOH clcnrm cxperlrncc nnt nofpnrv : itrn Inilucf- mi-nhi to cuitomcm. IIIMiop & " ' { PI'jiMj.ivj. WANTIH ) . A COAT HANDi BTKADY WOHK nml RIVM ! pny. Henry Kanebaum , tnllor.PM Volnt. Nrli. II MMS WANTKI ) , HAI.KSMAN FOU COMINOKAll : Illicrnl f.ilnry nml pxticnn. . Aililrw Himvilrn Clgnr Co. . OilrnRii.Jll. 11-M . 2. TO TAfcT : ounniiH AN'D coi.- Ifct ! * M Imml signed by a liu lnnm rtrm re- nulled ; rxclmlve territory ; J2' , to | , > 11 wfpkty. 1'or pntllculara , BdJre. s P. O. box U.t. Nnw York City. * IJ-MS4S 23' KOll HUNT IIOIISKS. HOUSES. F. K. UAIIUNO , HAIlKnil IJI.OCK. ' IIOUHKS IN AI.I < PAIIT8 OF THE CITY. Til U O. F. Un\l Company , 1503 Farnnm. u < H FUiiNiBiinD iiousn FOU HUNT ; UHAUTIKUI. house , tpn nionifi. ctcBantly furnls'-icd , hot water hent , Immilry , stnWc , cnrrlaBc , etc. Tlioii. I- . Hull. , 10 1'nxtoii Mock. _ D 41j STANFORD ClIlCLt : COTTAOKS. 6 HOOMS nil mb < lcrn , KO . fuel. Apply Uyron Heed Com pany. 212 Ho. Mth t. - J10USiS. IIIINKWA & CO. . 103 N. 15TII BT. ron IUNT-HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE Fprclat , Col So. 25lh ave. 41" ! No. 31st t. 11' ' N' ° - 3lBl Btl All ' nio < lern 'conveniences : chrnp for winter montlin. . Ilrcnnnn , Love & Co. U M3lj-U2j CIO NO. 20TH , 4-llOot COTTAOE. . 1023 No. SOtli , 5-rooin lint , nice. 1C2I N. 10th. 8-rooin brick. GO ! No. 17lli. 8-room brick. Omahu Heal Ketale & Trust Co. , 211 S. FOU HKNT. HOUSn OF TEN IIOOMS. MOD- ' crn conveniences ; \ery liaiidy to business. En- quliu ot 1) . T. Mount. 20'JS. _ ICLh st. -536 j ANU 9-lioOM HOUHEsToN KAItNAM AND C-room house on 22(1 ( imil Leavcnwnrth , cheap. Jno. W. llobblna. 211 N. Y. Life HUE.D D uG2 UNEQUALLED , SUMMER AND WINTER ! centrnt ; modern ; steam ; 3 , G , 6-rooni Main. Tlzanl , 221 N2ltli. . D M7bO 2t TOR RENT. 3-ROOM HOUSE. B. E. COR. 23D ami Clarke. D ISO :401 JACKSON ST. . 7-ROOM MODERN. J20. 4100 Lafiuctte uve. , 9-ro < im modern. J23. 207 8. 2ltli St. , 14-room iiiDdi-ui. > ji ) . 2 > W H. 24th 8t. , 3-rooin modern , J30. 2775 Webster St. , 7-room modern. J2j. J773 Hurt t. , T-room modern , J20. fii N. 27th ave. , 7-rootn ino.lcrn , J20. 2 > X)2 8. lltli Kt. , 7-room modem , 123. 2M1 H. lltli nl. , 7-room midern , 2j. Fidelity Tiust Company , 1702 rarnam st. I ) 607 31 SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. EMILY VLACE. 'ISlh ' , south of Munderaon. D M634-23 roil RENT MOD'ERN niiioic HOUSE OF 13 or .26 rooms at 114-11C N. 25tli "t. See J. N. rrenzer , oi | > osltc pQstolllee. lei. o54. D 827 iESIRAIILE fROOM ll6USE , tljioO PEtt month. J. I' ' . Haitoii , 2615 Capitol UVMIUC. ( FOIL HINT KCU.MSHIU HOOMS. THREE ROOMS FOR IIOUSKKKEPINO TO man and wife ; lent taken U\ board , sis N. 17th. iv A1Z.K , SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , HOARD. 2303 DOUG- las. F-M S13 J 11' rUHNISHED ROOMS , STEAM HEAT AND Kas ; reasonable. 212 N. 17th st. E-M77I 2 1 " i MARY'S , F011NIS1IED ROOMS , "ousekc-epltlK. E-Mb2D ) I'LHMSIini ) UOOMS AM ) IIOAHI1. ELEOANT KRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED OR unfurnished ; KJoU family boaid , 521 N. 23d. F MG20 rilONT ROOMS. WELL HEATED : FAMILY board If desired ; latea reasonable. 324 Narth 23d Rt. J -670 ROOMS WITH HOARD. M13 DOUGLAS NICE WARM ROOMS ; GOOD HOARD ; RATES icaion.tbli * . The Hose. 2 i ) Ilurney.F F MSOO J18 HKXT USKUIIXISIIKIJ UOOMS. 4 ROOMS : WATER IN KITCHEN : CENTRAL : icasnnablo lent ; nice for luuaikeeplng. Ii02 \VelHlcr fct. TWO OR THREE ROOMS TOR LIC1IIT HOUSE kveplni ; or feiuiiitely , C'JO North 17th. FOH IIK. > T STOHKS A.M > OIWIC12S. FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY 1IRICK 11U1LDINO at OH Farnnin l. This bulldlnu hn n lire- proof cement basement , complrtu Hteain heat- IliK llxiuies. uter on nil llnorii , gas , etc. Ap ply lit t'o nllleti of The Roe. 1 91 > ) AOT..NTS WA.VI'Ijn. NVANTED. AQENTS AOENTri CAN MAKE from Jlil.OO in $50.00 per week. pelllnB Father MiillliiKi'i' * c'lebrali'tl mmillei for the cure ut rliri'iile UlKraHen. Thi'X.i are tha linen I remedies iiffeip-l lo the public ! today , and can bo relied il | ) n fir tha due of the worst cas- of rheumatl > m , ratnrrh , epllvpsy and St , Vltuti' tlane > , liidlk'estliin and liter u mplalnt , Kidney and 1 > U I illi-oiis" * nml f mule complaints , Hinnll iMipllul leijulrcd. A , 1IfHWhlll , AlI - I a , J-M830 ! ! ItDN'l1. WANTEU-NII'EI.Y FURNISHED ROOMS Unlit houHekeepliiK ! no chllilrui. Cl 00 , llee. STOUACn. BTORAdE , FRANK EWERS , KM HARNEY. M 121 PAPIFUJ STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 9J3-9IO Junes. General utoiufu and fui nitllnt ! . M-4I1 vun SALI : .MiscniL.\Mous. HARD WOOD 4 AND 6-FOOT FENCE FOR coin cribbing , C , R. Irfc , Wl Douglas. Q-413 BKATES. ALL BIKES. J3 CI.'NTS TO J3.00 Omaha Illcjcle Co. . 3 N , 15is. Q-MSI5 ONE FINE SEALSKIN NEWMARKET AT A great bargain , .1311 Uouglns street , G C llt > < * . 0-MS51.FJ FOR SALE-LADIES' HIGH GRADE RICYCLE. nn model ; lint cla ctuidlllvn. U 34 , lice. CI-7J3.-14 * FOR SALE. FINE UPRIGHT 1'IA.VO ; CHEAP : cush or pajincnu. 1515 tjoitth Flfleenlli street , Q-M8S3 : FOIl FURNITURE . OF TVVELYIMIOOM HOUSE , rentlHl Ixratlon. all In saod order and flrsi ij | s. Spot cath. AJJirn Q JO. lite. 0-7CM CI , ilHVOVA.Vrs , MRS. DR , II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE- lulla builntii in dluni ; Ith year it 11 > N. icih. 6-1:4 iS , IIATIIM , KTO. MADAMi : SMITH. N. I' . COIl. 1STH AN iKiiijtlnn , room II , Znil lloarj mnsmnife nnrt nt . . T-74J ; i MMR. HO\Vii.L , Tt'niJISH AND nLKCTIltC batlm. rinent parlors In city. JI8-JM B. nih. T-.MM4-3P MMI ! . AMES , rOItMHIlLr OF 8T. LOL'IS. MAS- aRC and baths , (07 S. lltli . , M II mr , room 10. T M742-21 * MADAMU "n ACn LKON. KLRCTKIC MAS- MR * ; tmlti parlors he.illhful nml refreshing. 417 South lltli , upstair * , pnrlnra 2 nml S.T . T M73S-21 * VtAVA 31 * IIKH HLDO. , I1HALTH HOOK free ; home trenlment ; lady attendant. U 123 IIATH9. MASSAOK. MMnTFoST. 319H S. ISTlf. U-42 : LIVKUY itioM CIIIAP , HD IIAUMLKV , 17th and St. Mary's avenue. Telephone. 44D. U 427 nir.Li : ni'PKiiLY ronsET MADE TO OIIDRII at 1I03 ! Pnrnnm. Agonln nnntfil. U ; Si-D2i * MONHY TO LOAN ON PIANOS , IlICYCLnS. Jewelry , etc. ; strictly ronflJenllat. P. O. box 316. U-405 MATIIIMON'IAL COIIUKSPONDKNCR Pnper and Hits , lOc. Kattli Pub. Co. , St , Mo. U .iS-JanG J2S.OO Ui\VAIlD TO ANY ONK O1VINO Mi : Inrurnmtlnn of the prerentherealiout * of IMwnnl Knhn , nliout M jcura or nco : born at Tlinlcy. llPiinHliy , llvnl or traveled out of Omnlia In 1497 f r IR.M : also nil Informntlon re- Rnnllnir htm ; communicnlc to lit * lirnllier. Her- n.-ird S. Kahn , 7K i : , Collese street , Clnrknvllle , Tenn. U-M811 21 S10XI3V TO LOAX UliAL KSTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TIUJST CO. , 318 N. Y. Life. Ixinns at low rates for choice Bccurlty In Nebraska & Iowa farms or O'naha city proiicrty , \V-I28 MONHY TO LOAN AT-I.OWEST UATKS. THE O. K. Davis Co. . IMS Farnam t. \V 429 ( Tpnti CINT MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. II. MeiKle , Omaha , W-430 MONI3Y TO LOAN ON IMPUOVUD OMAHA pro'ierty. Fidelity Trust Oo. ( 1702 Karnatn. \V-431 MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPtlOVRD OMAHA real estate , ilrcnnan , Lo\e c Co. , 1'axton Hlk. W-433 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAIUl , 92i N. Y. LIFE. \V 433 MORTGAGES. O. Q. WALl VCU , nilOWN HLK W 434 LOANS ON IMPItOVRU & UNIMPROVED CITY property.V. . Karnam Smith & Co. , 1320 farnam. W-435 MOIITGAOE LOANS ; LOW HATES. J , D. Zltllc , 16th and Douglas , Omaha. \V-43S FARM LOANS , DOUOLAS AND SAHPY. 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln Bros. , 310 N. Y. L. W 437 MOMIV TO IMAX CIIATTKLS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUUNITUIIE , PIANOS , horses , \vugons , etc. , at loueat rates Ui city ; no rcmmul of Koods ; strictly conlldcntlal ; you can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MOIITOAQU LOAN CO , . 300 S. 16th st. X 133 MONEY TO "LOAN , so. co , DO DAYS ; FUUNI- ture , pianos , etc. 13uI ( Ureen , room S , Darker block. X 439 IIUSIN'ESS CHANGES. FOH SALE. THE -PALACE CAFE IN LEAD and Deadwooil ; both dulnj ; Rood business. Ad- dresi Matt Klopp , Lead or Deadwood , S. D. Y-M407 MAKE MONEY UY CAHHFL'L SPECULATION In Kraln throuRh a reliable , succesirul llrm ; ex- celle it opportunities to nmke pronts by our new pluns ; fully explained and cent free ; highest lefercnces. Pattlson & Co. , 70C Onmha Dlilff. , ClilCiih'u , 111. Y an711 IJLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP FOH SALE ; KODJ location. John Forney , Hartley , Neb. Y J1711 20 * A FIHST CLASS HOLLEH MILL ; CAPACITY 75 libN. per day ; location cnstern Ntbniskn. Address C. H. Tcfft , Lincoln. Neb. Y 8M-24 FOll SALE OH HUNT , HOTEL , SOUTH OT- tumna ; nineteen quests' rooms ; only hotel on south * lde ; nooj location. Write for particulars. C. K. Norton , Oltmmvu , la. Y M836 22 FOH KXCIIAAOK. EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OF LAND NEAR Omaha ; what have you Lu offer. II , F. Dalley , 940 N. Y. Life llldg. Z 111 GOOD. UNINCtJMnEHED NERRASKA LAND for n lucrative prescription drug business. Ad dress G 43 , Uee. Z M787 21 * CLEAR CHICAGO PROPERTY FOH FIRST class farm near Omaha. T. U. McCulllch , suite Wl , Clumber of Commerce. Chicago , Hi. Z-801-J15 FOH EXCHANGE OMAHA PROPERTY AND JG.000.00 cnnli Tor Chicago property. T. H. Mc- Culloch. suite 604 , Chamber of Commerce , Chl- CUKO. His. Z SOO-J15 TO EXfHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. TARM land or i-ash 210 dozen laillus' and misses' straw hats ; all good shapes. Addrens G 01. curu this olllce. Z-MSIJU SALE UKAL ESTATE. A11HTUACTS. THE UYRON REED COMPANY. RE 44J IMPROVED FARMS. O. W. OARLOCK. 1205 Faniam st. TEXAS FARMS AND FRUIT LANDS. SMALLer or largo tracts ; low prices , easy payments.Vj ) are prepared to answer questions touching these lands , and to arrnjigo for cheap railroad faro for any person wishing to visit , nouthern Texas. Correspondence solicited. Omaha Real IIMutvi and Trust Co. , 211 S. 18th st. st.RE M207 HARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- urtlro und fartm. John N , Frenzer , opp. P. O. 1IARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS ; aalo or Hade. F. 1C , Darllns. Darker block. FOR HARGAINH. TRADES , QUICK DEALS , call IT wiltu D. V , Shales Co. , First National Hank Hldff. HE-M515 31 WANTED LARGE CITY AND FARM PllOP- cilies far calo or exchange. T , 1) . McCulloch , suite CO I , Chamber t > Commerce , Chicago , Ills. HE-600-J15 GREAT 11AROAIN. FINE PROPERTY ON paved street , modern , good Incoma , at half ilu r.i h value ; will taka our equity In casher or Iradii ; a i-plendld chance to double your money. It. F. Williams , room 411. McCacus block. RE MS34 25 SHOIITIIAM ) AND TY1 > EWUITI\G. A. C , VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. LIFE. OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1STI. FARNAM , AHT AM ) LA.VUUAGU. FOH GREAT 11ARGAINS IN PAINO3 SEE Win. II , Schmolter , Cth lloor McCugue building. 750-21' riouai : : F. GKLLENRECK. HANJO AND KUltnr teacher , 1415 Chicago st , 109 10.0W COPIES 01 % SHEET MUSIC. WORTH from 33 oc'iKK to tl.QO , at 2'i oents per copy. Cull nt A , W IKT & Sons , 1414 Dod e. PIANO HUYERS WANTED. AS WE INTEND to cloHo out all planon and oraans. Cnll at A , Weber & SonV , 14U lX > dgc. (45 2J 400 HUNDLES 1JEST K VIOLIN STRINGS , 4 lemlh' . at < 2 per bundle ; them Is a chance for tlollnUUM to Mock up. Call nt A , Web r & Sun'D , till Dodge. HO K' GtirrARH , VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. AC- cuideonn , banjos , rlthers , etc. , are minted for C'hrlstmas prrd-nls , fall nt A. Weber it Son's , 1114 Dodge , where > ou buy them ut you pi Ice. SI722 * WANTKD. 10U PIANOS TO TUNE. A. WRIIKIt und Fred Weber , pincllcal lunorf , llll Djdgc. 8IS > WANTED. PIANOS , ORGANS , GUITARS. MAN. dullnn , Uoulilo IntkOi and other Instiuments i > hlch need n-niln | ! ; lirlng to .V. Weber & Son , ' UMHillTAICURS AM ) if. 1C. UURKET FUNERAL DIHECTOR AND cmbalmer , 1C1S Chicago ct. , telephone 90. 4il S\VANSON i VAL1KN , H" M. A. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND ICM- hatmer. 1417 Farnam ht. . fclrphant 124. 4c \VIXTIHIU. WANTKUHOH3KH TO WINTER : REST OF earn : terms ir.isonalde. A. W. Phelpt ft Son , W7 N. Y , Life tldg. Telephone 10 4 4MiTSPH * M-iTS-PH HOURS WINYERUD ; I4KHT OV CARR clvcn hors f. Uuh i > lnter niil : mnnur. : Addins U. J , Welch , Gtctr.a , Ntb. MHJ It's a , slow pjtfpcess , usun -education , development , and " But it hasn't "T een so c with Pearline. Pearlind' ' success has been a wonder , from tlfc"start. All the more _ _ when yqu consider the many poor imitation's ' of it , which im to make washing easy. These thing's ncl to confuse people , of course. They're forced on' "the public by peddlers prizes , substi tution , ttc. No doubt they're often thought to be the same as Pearline. We protest. Don't judge ' Pearline by the company it has to keep. i Rugs Never , no never , has there been such prices attached to CHRISTMAS RUGS as we have put upon them. Goods de layed in transit until the time before Christ mas is too short to sell the m at a profit. The price should give them a start that will only stop with the last rug. Come and See our Toys , On the first floor. All new , our first season for these little things. We expect the prices and goods to introduce us to lots of new customers. Orchard , Wilhelm Carpet Company. Keeps Yeti Pobih. j Indigestion keeps men popr. It muddles the clearest brain. . You ! think it is something else , but nine times in ten the trouble is in the ? digestive tract. One Ripans Tabule gives relief , arid their occasional 1 .use keeps you right , ' j 1j nipan'a Tabule * Bold bjr druggists , or by man A It the price UO cents a box ) Is lent to the Rl- rans Cbrmlcal Company , No. 10 Br-uce St. , N. r. LOST. LOST , YESTERDAY AFTERNOON , PURSE containing money und cards with owner's name. 1'leaso leave at Ml North Nineteenth street and receive reward. Lost M83S 20 * HUILDIXG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION'S. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAY 0 , 7 , 8 per cant when 1 , 2 , 9 yearn old ; always redeemable. 1704 Farnam St. . Nattlngcr , Sec. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha , L. & C. Aas'n , 1704 Bee Lldff. O. M. Nnttlngcr , Sec. 443 1IOTKLS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 433 THE LANC1E HOTEL. 602 S. 1JTH ST. ! STEAM heat : table board. JJ.W per week. M4U iiicvcms. BIO 1URQAINS IN HECOND-HAND III- cycles ; slcates , 35c to $3.00. Omaha lllcycle Co. , 323 N. 1C 111 street. MC6S-J8 I-AWNUIIOKEUS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 413 N. 16 BT. 419 UIMIOLSTISHING PUHMTUHK. UPHOLSTERINQ. FURNITURE REPAIRED and packed very cheap this month. M. 8. Walk In , 2111 Cunilng. Tel. 1331 , 267 December Specials . . . CUSTOiitfrtS Tnrrlro patterns to select from mlcea 2.W. Jl.W , Ji.W. J7.W , JIO.O ) and Chas.Shiyerick & Co. , Furniture nud Draperies IZtU and Donslas The 1'aclflo tlxpresa Company , OOlce of the 1'rcaldent , Omaha , Neb. . November 29 , ISM. Notlco Is hereby slven that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the company for the election of directors and the trans action of such other business us may prop erly come before It , will be hsld ut tliu of- lice of th company. No. HOI Harney street , Omaha , Neb. , on Thursday , January 2 , ISM at 3 o'clock p. in. Uy order of the board of director * , K. M , MOIISMAN , President , Attest : WIM-IAM F. I1KCIIRL. Secretary. Nov. 29 , Dec , C-1J-2J , Jon. J , Morn. WHITE STAR LINE. Sailing from New York Wednesdays , ns follows No salllne the 25th of December. Teutonic. Jan. 1. 10 n. m. ' ; Urltannlc , Jan. S. 10 " " " W ' " Jpn zl ' ' ' m' ' Gcrmttnl = u"nlted States and Royal Mall Steamers. Saloon passage. J5 und upward , accordliic to steamer selected and location of berth. niii3bln | 33aml , < > ° n Majectlc and Teutonic DRAFS payable on demand everywhere In Great IJrllaln ami Ireland sold at lowest rates. to If. Hi SOUTH : "CLARK" . " . RAILWAY TIME CARD Leav a InURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.1Arrlves OmahaynIcnD | < pot. 10th & Malon HtTl Omaha ESOam : Denver Eiureis 9-JEam 4Spm.lJIk. ; Hills. Mont. & Puget Bnd Ex 4OSpm : 4S5pm Denver Bxoresk 4 OSnm 7-OCpm..Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) , . 7:43Lm : . . - " yncoln.Locnl < e ept Sunday.H:2tam : . . . jj45pm..Fast Mall ( for Llncolntdally. . . aves | C'HlCA"QOrn RLiNOTON & Q"Arrlvea | OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha J'Wpni ' Chicago Vestibule 8:00am : :48am : Chicago Express 4:16pm 7-Wpm..Chicago & St. Louis Exniess. . . S:00im : H : tam Pacific ' Junellon y ocal ! pm * * * ' 19/CAS / ° ' MI > & ST. PAUL. I Arrives' OmahalUnlon Depot , loth & Mason ais.j Omaha :00pm : . . . . . . . . . . Limited 803 ; m " 10i48am..Chicago Express ( ex. Sunday ) . aMpni Leaves ( CHICAGO & , NORTHWEST'N.IAffu'ei" " OmahalUnlon Depot , ,10th & Mason 8t . | Omal" < : pm : ; . " stlbiUM ! * ft Limited i . ? ' ! ? P" > , 545pm ! J:05am . . .CarrpII-Passenger tOMOnin f:4''pm : Omalm'Cbcago ) Special 8 oo'im 4SOpm : MOODD Local " ' 9:30am : Leaves [ CHICAGO. . n ± . I. & PACIFIC.Arrives ) OmahnlUnlon D < po . jjth A MaVen Blai : Omaha IO:40am..Atlontlr Eife Itx , Sunday ) . 63Snm ; CJ5pm : Nlfchr Express . . . 8M5urn 4Mpm..ChlcaKo : V abulc.1 Ltmlteu. . . . i 5pm 450pm..Bt. ; Paul V tltuled Limited. . . " { - - " TWEST. 4:00pm . . & O OmahaDepot | _ , Itth aad Webster Sts. I Omaha . . , . .Sioux City Arcommodatlon7778ilpm c\tJFyt \ , ( " ' Sun , ) . H 555rt St."Paul Llmlteo : jOam Leaxes I K. c. , ST. J. & c. is. [ ArriTeT OmahalUnlon D polUOth & Mason Sts.lOmahi 905am ; KansaH CltV Day Express . " " r.-aOnm t4ipm.K. ! C. Night Bx. yiaXU , & TYan. . ' 7-OTam Leave * I MISSOURI PACIFIC. FArrlies" Omaluj Depot. jilhi.n . Web ter Sts. lomahi I0:40am : St. IxiuU Rxpress cioOaTn : 0pm St. Louis Express."I" ! ! : oSDm | 3:30piu..jKNebra : lca J ocaMex. Hun. ) . . . . ; fciooam Leaves I SIOUX CITY"4 PAOIFic ; lArrlvn Ornahal JJepot , th and Webjter Sts. lomah t:4Spm : St. Paul Limited. . ' . 8iOam ; L aioT fflOtrx'CITY" * rAClflC. lArrli-ei OnVihalUnion DVpoT 10th . Mason 8t. , | Omaha JiOJam Sioux City PasseneerIO40pm ; " " 5:4im. : | . , , , St. Pajil Limited. . . . ; ; . gijOara Leaves I 'UNION PACIFIC. lAT'lves OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts f Omaha J-lOam North Palo ! ( Rxpieis , ' , , , , . . , 450pm ; Leave * T WAHABH RAILWAY. I Arrives OinahalLnlon Depot. 101 li A Mason Sis I Oiimlia St , Louis Cannon Ball . ll:5I : n PIACES1T1N IIAVDEN'S ' HANDS Oomptrollor of the Ourroncj Names a Ho- coivcr for the Gorman National , BOGGS' PLAN IS NOT SUCCESSFUL rrNlilrntV EITnrln to Si-euro tiipntn of All L'lnlini to Him nn TriiNtpp llnvp I'nllnl to < > | > | it ( llli > ii LINCOLN , Dec. 19. ( Special. ) tUcelver ot the Capital National Hank Kent K. May- den has been appointed by the comptroller of the currency to be receiver ot the Ger man National bank , \\lilch failed to open Its doors lost Monday morning. The plan to arrange for the settlement of the nffnlrs ot the Institution through President T. C. DORRS falltd. It Is possible , however , that the assignment of all the claims of the creditors to Mr. Boggs may bo made yet , as ho could be constituted a trustee. This would leave the bank practically clear of liabilities. To malto such a thing possible It would be- necessary to secure the sanc tion of every creditor of the bank , and thcro ere a few who do not take kindly to the proposition to make Mr , Hoggs such trustee. An answer to the suit of the state to recover wm $12,000 from the bondsmen of ox-Oil Inspector Prank Hilton was filed today In district court. Several tracks since the defense moved a dismissal ot the case on the ground that tlio law providing for oil Inspection was unconstitutional. This motion was overruled by Judge Holme ? . Hilton's bomlsmsn are Hlchard lllacoV. . C. Walton , K. A. Stewart and John Me- Kcan. The exact amount sued for Is $12- 729.47. Notwithstanding the decision of the court the bondsmen now come forward with the same pleas In the form of an answer. They are represented by Eleazer Wokeley and Lee Estelle. They admit that the gov ernor pretended to appoint Hilton to the pretended position ot oil Inspector , but al lege the fact to bo that there never was a statute providing for the Inspection of oils , but that the pretended statute was un constitutional , null and void , and , consequently quently , the appointment thereunder was unconstitutional. They admit signing the bond. They admit that Hilton entered upon his alleged duties , appointed fourdeputies , and pretended to act as Inspector of oils. They , however , allege that he received $10- 149.80 for purposes other than thos ? named In the act providing for the Inspection of Illuminating oils. They also admit the re ceipt of various sums and the retention out of the same of his salary , and aver that the total amount ho expended was $21,143.62 , Instead of $16.116.00. Therefore they ask that the case bo dismissed and they have judgment for their costs. IsaacS Uyers. the man who was seriously Injured the other day by being thrown from his wagon , has been taken homo from St. Elizabeth hospital. He Is suffering from brain fever and the attending physician says that he Is likely to die. Another point has hon scored against Charley Moshor by the-courts. Messrs. Cobb & Harvey , of counsel for Receiver Hayden ot the Capital National bank , have received word from Clerk Frank of the United States district court that Judge Klner has just handed down a decision overruling the de murrer of C. W. and Louise P. Mosher , In the case brought by ths receiver to re cover the Mother homestead , corner Four teenth and K streets. The point Involved was that the defendant held that a national bank being prohibited from holding tltlo to real estate , there would bo no resulting trust In favor of such bank. The demurrer was argued before Judge Ulner last April. tn overruling the demurrer lip gives th ilofonn * thirty diys In which to answer , p'ople In Lincoln : At the Llndell B. 1) , nranch , II. II. Orotte , W. II. llrown Frank V irman. At the 1'ipltnl Oeorgo W Pundt , J. M , Casey. At the Lincoln \V. 1) McllURh. C. C , Hughes. Kreil W. Lee. L , C. Olmslcsd , Ilobert Hclley , F > . W. Little Jr. . Harry A. Frank. STATIJ I.VIUV.MK > AH I ! TllltOl ( III Convention \Vlml t'i Hi Work Aftr nn liitrroMliiK SrKMloti. LINCOLN. Dec. 10. ( Special Telegram. ) This afternoon the Ncbraski State I.ilry men's association put In a portion of the tlm In a running discussion ot various themes o Interest to the craft. F. H. Vaughn ot Fremont mont read a paper on "Tho Jersey Cow for Nebraska Dairies , " and W , A. Poynter dls cussed "My Method In the Private Dairy. ' Mr. J , W. Lo'Acnsteln of Fremont read an In terestlng pupor on "The Need of a Hoard o Trade In Nebraska to Handle Dairy Prod uct. uct.The The election of offlcsrs resulted as follows President , K. P. Howe , Crete ; vice president F.elf. Vatighan , Fremont : secretary am treasurer , S. C. Hassett , Olbbonj directors II. It. Stouffer ot llcllevue , W. A. Carpente of York. G. A. Merrill of Mlndon , J.V Uitsh ot Dattlo Creek , and J. S. Temple o Cheney , Resolutions ncro adopted endorsing th course of Hon. B. J. Halncr In congress , an urging his appointment as chairman of th house commttteo on agriculture ; thanking Chancellor McLean and the university fac ulty for courtesies extended ; In memory o Prof. C. L. Ingersoll , deceased ; thanking th committee that secured the passage ot th nntl-olco law ; endorsing the work ot the na dairy congress , and the work of th termer's Institutes ; pledging support to th dairy school at the state farm ; thanking al legislators who voted for "pure butter" a the last session ot ths legislature , especially Representative IJurch and Senator Sloan , The association adjourned to meet at th state fair next September , when the > tlm and place for the annual convention will b decided en. The officers elected by the Jersey Cattl Breeders are ! I. N. Leonard , president ; F II. . . Vnughan , vice president ; H. C. Young secretary , and William M. Clark , treasurer Olop Comity Pntrlntn TnlU Klulit. NEURASKA CITY , Doc. 19. ( Special. ) The cltlzsns of this city , regardless of polltlca ntnilallon , unlto In commending the patrlo tlsm and firmness ot the president's messag to congress on the Venezuelan question. Oh soldlerp are especially loud In their praises and stand ready to volunteer their services. The annual conference ot the priests o the district of Nebraska City convened till morning In this city. Those who had ar rived up to this morning are : Father Daw son. Falls City ; Father Huffman , Halo Father Pearllne , Palmyra ; Father Kearney Plattsmouth ; Father Carraher , Tecumsch Father Feeney , Auburn ; Father Qulnn am Father Cuojan of this city. Ohio Clllcpti IM.-M tit 11-ntrloo. BEATRICE , Dec. 19. ( Special Telegram. S. A. Dcwmar > , a prominent cltl on of Spring field , O. , dUd this afternoon at the house o his son , W. H. Dowman , five miles north of thin city. The deceased was In his GUI year. Ho had been 111 about ten days , his death being the result of pneumonia. The body will ba shipped to Springfield tomorrow for burial. Mr. Dowman had large prop erty Interests here , and was a frequent visitor to Beatrice , where he > had formed a large circle of friends. Finn-nil of AVIlllnm MlmiiU. BLAIR , Neb. , Dec. 19. ( Special. ) William Shank , a farmer living four miles couth of Blair , died Tuesday evening and was burlec today under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen of America. Christ Rathman , county clerk , had a sllghl paralytic stroke this morning. Doctors arc afraid It may develop Into paralysis. December Specials . . . ODD DIVANSlIT DlfforontStylos. PrlooH ; 81O 814 $15 820 825 830 840 850 879 Chas.Shiverick & Co. , Furniture and DrapcrlcI2tli and Douglas For85.00 Ilahn' * I'lianitneiOmaha , / . , will send you 0 boxes of Turkish Lost 3Iaiilinotl dire with a tllnllnct lejal guarantee to euro you of nny weakness caused by youthful erron or rrerulve tlrlnltlnu , fully stopping nlf/lil ri t ilons Kln ; { buck the ulrcuglh utid vluur at \ youth or refund every rent paid to us. Wo ( lo not Klvo frre i > rr erliitlon , but Klvn you mcdjclnu that will euro itutl d - volop all parts fully. Hlnulo boxen II , Hrntby mall , no printing oil outtldo , on rccolptof price. for iMilln-TurlilnU T < III / / nnd I'fit ity royal I'lll * never fall to lirlnj ; iiieiittruit- llon iin-r lo Ilia ilay. II box , U for $ & by mall. Hiihn'ti 1'lmrmucy , Omaha. IIUUGATION UOND SALE. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro- losala will be received by the board of director * of the Middle Loup Valley Irri gation district of Hlalnc , ( Junior and Vulley eo mill en , Nebraska , at their ofllco In West /nlon , In said district , up to 2 o'clock n. in. of the Cth day of January , IKHi , tor { 100.000 of the bonda Issued by said Irrigation ills- Hct ; $90,000 of said bonds being In denomi nation * of fMO each , and JIO.OW of Bald tends being In denominations of J100 each ; II of said bonds drawing Interest at Hie rate f 6 per cent pur annum , payable seml-an- nually. The principal und Intcrtst of euld ) onda pu/able ut the otllco of the utatc reusuior of the stale of Ncbiuuku , Hild > ends lieliig payable In Installments as fol- ows : 3OW thereof payab'a In tleven years roiu the date ( hereof ; W.OX ) payable In wclvu ycnrs from the Uute Ihtieof ; J7wn ) my able In thirteen yearn from tha date hereof ; I8,0 < X ) payable In fourteoii yearv rom the dale thereof ; JO.WO puyablo In M- een years from Ilio date thereof ; J 10,000 my able In fclxlcen years fioni the ( laic hereof : $11.000 jmyoLlo .In ecvenlcen yearn rom the datu theieof ; (13.000 payable In Ighteen yearn from the datu thereof ; (15,000 uyable In nlnetttn years from the dale hereof ; 116,000 payable in twtnty years rom the date thereof. The board of directors reserve the right o reject uny anil all bids. Addiesx all bldo o Churleu Nlcolal. secretary , Hargaiit. Nu- braska. Iy order of the board of directors , made thin 9th duy of December , 1S35. OKOHdI'5 OAHIH80N. President , CHAOLKB NICOLAI , Becretary. UecllU 201-11 AMUSEMENTS. 'S Three Nights SAT. MAT. DEC. 20 Jacob Lilt's magnificent production of the great est dramatic success uf the year , THE WAR OF WEALTH Ry C. T. Dazey , nulhor of "In Old Kentucky. " The most perfect , plcturcx'iuc and elaborate production of an American p iy ever el\i'n In this I'ounliy. The Bents arc now on bale at the follouIng ; POOc : Flint floor , Mr. 75c und Jl.W ; balcony. OOc and 75c ; gallery , DAVH'C SEASON DU Y D O WAGNKR ' Ol'EKA run SAM : or SIOASON TICICITS For ( he engagement of the DAMROSCH OPERA CO Thursday , Friday and Saturday , Dec. 20 , 27 , 28 , It ) now projjredsiii } ; at AUOLPH SIIiYKIl'3 MUSIC STORIi , Fifteenth and Farnam streets. THE CHEIGHTON Tol. ] , , lei , Mem. : TONIGHT at 8,15 | Clay Clement In HU Cliurmlii ! ; I'liiy , . THE . .NEW DOMINION. . MATIMilO HATI IIIIA V. PRIfES lo\ver lluar , Me , 75c , 11.09 ; balcony , 33e. Mi-j eallery , 2Jc , Matlm'u Pilces l ner Hour , 50c ; balcony , 25c. ( doming , Dccfrnlif-i t2-2' ( IN Till ! > ! > ! . STOCKHOr.PnilB' AlliKTINU , Olllcu of Lce-Curl ) < e-AtiJreo oi Hardware Comjiany. Oinulm , Nelii i.u | , Dtceinlier It , 1895. Notlco l hereby nlven to the Htockr holderH of the Lie-PUllio-Ainlicescn llnrd. ware conipuny tlml the uninml tiicollnu ut the BtocknoUleiH f UK , coinii.inyvllf \ia \ hud ! at the ollk'ps at tliu Bak ) company , 121 ! * , 1221 and m.i llurnoy tttcot. In Ui city nf Omaha , In Hit vtuie of Nelnatka , on Tiieaiiuy , Juuiiury It. A , U. , li'M , at 3 o'clock p. in , , for tliu miriiuio or oloctlinr a board of directors for the company tu ccrv duritiK the nnsultiK year , and to Iranuict such other Imslneta as tniiy bo presented nt ( Attest. ) II. J. USE , President. W , M. QMS3 , Becrelary. D14d3t-M O no Oonvoutloti nt Sidney Discusses All Sides of the Question , GOVERNOR MOLCOMB'S ' SPLENDID OVATION Movement l.noUInu lo 1'riu-llonl Uciu. iiiiNlrnlloii of I'roiiowpil MvllioiU Inlroiliirfil ttiiiiv Viiliinlilv I'npPrK tlriul. SIDNI3Y , Neb. , Dfc. ! ! . ( Spel I Tele gram. ) The second day's session opened at 0:30 : this morning with Major T. S. Clark- son of Omaha In the clulr. After the In vocation by HPV. Frank II. Stroul. the elec tion of officers occurred. The follow Ing wem elected for the cnenitng year ; A. 0. Wolfen- berger , president ; Jamea L. Mclntos < h , secre tary ; Joseph Obcrfcldcr , treasutor ; I , A. Fort , state lecturer. The location of the next convention In October , ISOO , brouRht out a great deal of discussion , the contention being betwrsn Uncoln and Lexington. When the cill of delegates had been half com pleted , It to na evident that Lexington would b the victor , whereupon Hon. Kil Slter of Lincoln moved that Lexington bc > nnmed a the place for the next convention. The dele gates took the position that they preferred to have the mostlng where practical Irrigation was demonstrated and lM\vson county Is well provldetl , and Is making further cfTorta lit that direction. Oovernoi Holcomb received a iplendld oviitlcn as ho arose to address the convention and several minutes clapped before he could begin. His nddresH was full ot brilliant thoughts and showed n perfect knowledge of the all-Important question for Nehrnakii. He assured the people that he would ilo all In his power to advance the cause of Irri gation. The address occupied an hour. Shortly afterward all the children attending the public schools entered the hall. ( Juvornor Holcomb delivered a very pretty address to then ) , after which the entire Aiidlsnco rosx ) and gave three cheers for the chief executive of the state. The governor wau much pleaajd with the reception. IN THE AFTKUNOON. The drat subject for the afternoon's ses sion was a paper by lien. Charles A\f. \ Irlt'h , Washington , chief ot the Irrigation division of the Agricultural department. Paper : "Tho Comparative Advantages of the Three Methods of Irrigation , " Hon. John II. Powers , atato labor commissioner , Lincoln , "Prac tical and Local Irrigation , " wan the theme selected by Major Clarkson. He showed the practical results of Irrigation and all of Its advantages. "Irrigation and Its Possibilities and the Illght of District Law. " by lion. J. F. Ountt , was clearly ilemuiiBtr.ileil. In addition to the president , secretary ami treas urer , the following gentlemen \vtro added t the state executive oommlltoe : Major Clark- son. Omaha ; B. C , Krlckson , Drewyter ; 0. Q. Smith , Kearney ; A. U. Wood , Oerlng ; J. M. Edmlston , Lexington. Committee on ways and mean si : E. U. Slzcr , chairman. Lincoln ; L. C. Stockton , Sidney ; J. K. Doty , David City ; Matt D.uighcrty , Ogalalla ; Ell A. Flames , Grand Island. Many compliments have been patil to this city for the excellent entcrtalnmsnt of the delegates , and several resolutions commenda tory of the action of the citizens hero hnvo been unanimously passed. The city Is covered with flags and bunting. The convention hall la a marvel ot neatness , and Its artistic properties cannot be excelled. Another largo ind appreciative audlcnco greeted the epsakors tonight. Nearly 1,500 people occupied scats in tne auditorium of : he convention hall. After a chorus by the double quartet , Elder Edwards of Lincoln nvoked the blessings of the Deity , followed wnicli interesting papers were reati ; uy u A. Ganson of Lodge Pole , "Tho Benefits of Irri gation ; " B. F. Stephens , president Stnt ? Hor- Jcultnral society , of Crole , "Cultivation as an Aid to Irrigation ; " T. J , Hlttc , editor Nebraska Farmer , "The Now West. " At this tincture a resolution was Introduced thnnk- ng the Nebraska fish commissioners for the leautlful exhibit they made during the t > cs- slon of the convention , NEW NEBRASKA ORGANIZATION. The Western Nebraska Irrigation Fair asso ciation 'as organized here today. The flrst ncetlng ot the association will be held at North Platte nome time next summer. At the meeting of the Western Nebraska rrlgatlon Fair association held this evening he following ofilccrs were elected : William j. Park , president ; Edward M , Searlc , sc- rslary ; II. E. Seberger , treasurer. There voro about fifteen short talks by farmers ind practical Irrlgatlonlsts , which formed a ery pleasing feature. Ther ? was an oildreoj > y Judge S. M. Knox of Princeton , III , , on 'Agriculture by Irrigation. " He recalled nany of the. hardships of the early settlers and then showed the vast dlfferenca with hose who are now farming under Irr'gn- lon , "Fruit Under Irrigation , " a paper by William L. Park , North Platte , anil the > aper of W. L. Hand , Kearney , " .Same Legal Juestions Considered , " were read by Secic- ary Mclntosh. When President Woltenbar- ger Introduced Governor Holcomb as the or- itor of the evening the applauro wau doafon- ng , and as the governor rose to address tlio ait audience the building shook almost to Is foundation , Ills addropa was a"master - ilcce of oratory , filled with bright thoughts nd excellent won3 of encouragement upon he great question of Irrigation. The cov- rnor occupied one hcur. The musical fea- ures of the program won much applause. Tire WtMldliiKN nt ANlilniiil , ASHLAND , Neb. , Dee. 19. ( Special. ) Hurt Lewis and Mlsa Iluttlo Richards were mar ried last evening. They are * well-to-do farm- Hurt Wilson and Miss Altn Bwordfeger were married laft evening. The brldo la n very [ ) oui'ar ; yet ng Icily , and stands high in church affairs. It Is rcportd tint Will Stilton , a school boy , whllo following u rabbit , fell In a cave and nnmluol two days before bclnc rescued , I'l'iMiIlnr C'IINIn ( lU'C'iifur. DKCATUIl , Neb. , Dec. 19. ( Special , ) Thomas Alkln , an old soldier of tlilH place , U aflllctcd with hiccough. A council of doc tors has boon examining his case. He hic coughs four times to a minute. He line eaten nothing for seven dayu , but hau been fed 8&IUO milk with a loug tube , I'II | I < IIIOIII'H | | I'liiupliiK' Hillllou , PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Ucc. 19. ( Spe cial. ) This morning the pumping station ot the city water works In the northeast part of the city wag completed. Yesterday afternoon at tlio home of th bride , west of town , occurred the wedding of Michael TrlUcIi and MU > Emma Hcnnliig. \fliriiNliii Iliiplliit Movfil lo Oincilin. LOUISVlLfjIJ , Neb. , Ucc. 19 , ( Special. ) Today the Nebraska Ilaptlst offlco W.IH moved to Omaha , where the paper will In the futura be published. The lluptlet Is the otllclaj organ of the llaptlsN of Nebraska. Till' Ali 1 * m Mother Has found t'at her little ours are Improved mcro by the pleasant laxative , Syrup of Klg , when In need of the laxative effect of u Senile remedy than by any other , and that It Is more ccccptablo to them. Children enjoy It anil It honenta them. The true remedy , Syrup of Figs , Is manufactured \\f \ \ the California Fie Syrup Co , only , ( o IIN | Door nml JCIIIril , AI'HOHA , Mo. , IJCP. 19.-Nutt Davidson , a prominent and wt-ulthy citizen of Veroria. live miles cutit , wua culled to the door cf lilH homo luMt nlghi anil bliot and liutantlp Killed by HO inn pcrHon on the oulnldu. " [ ik'lon IM directed ugiilnst u irmn nnni' * " /.III , whom Davidson Imd nocused uf liclnl inHtruiiifiitnl In the HMiarnllou of ' iiidoi\ and wife. XIII cannot bo I found , " "VnUiirH We can mention no fclluru mure dsaitroui | tliin that of physical entiKy. It Involvoi tlm partial yujp-'inlon of the djgcitlvo and anDlmllatlve proceeiep , and pntalli the retire ment from bugli.triiii of the liver and kidney * . Only tlirouch. Utc good ofticcs of KoiUtlcr's iJtomacli JlKttj/ti pan the r < toraloii | of Its former vlgoroui 4tatu ( be hoped ( or. \\lisn tlilu aid lia been ivciitpd a rasumpUoi ) ot erllylly In the ctomach , liver > ud tow l may be relied upon. The Itlttern conquert malaria and klduey troublei ,