Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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{ jpccnlalive MnrltcU on 'Oliange Hnd a Demoralizing -
moralizing Shade.
Alii-oiid Tendril tn Cliei-U llllcl-
n ON anil lilt
Kclil Aloof.
rtnr'AGO. Hto. 10 The T"trulntI\c " innr-
/tcto / on VlinnKP had n deinornlU il look to
day \Vhciit was the pilnclptil suffcrrr mid
lout V of Us-previous value Corn , oats
nnd pi'AlpIons pic\luii4t ) had such persist
ent hummelIr/B / lhat the pile drl\era ha\c
now but little effect.
A fnlllliB HtOck market , p'rslMcnt gold
C\IM rts nnd Return ! depression In btislni ! ! *
aic llndliiK tlulr natural exprisslon In HIP
win ( it pit \Vhcat tultd weak nil day and
before noon bad declined * 4f from the clos
Inst nlfcht , nnd imido but little ri-coxery
On the brcilt It mailo n new tecoid , selling
nt the lowest point touched on the trop
News nnd the conditions wru ienprnlly ;
vi'iy dl coilralnB lo holders. KtiKll'h
cnbliH wera tas\ and the tccclpta In the
nmtliwcst bhowcd no c\ldenie of Tallinn off ,
thtso was nn absence of crop ilnninc * news
nnd the Cincinnati Price Cutrtnt'8 crop
iiuniniiry was r.ithti fnvorulilc Another
< lpic lns factor was the ifpoil that $1-
iuO.i/O' / ' ) In gold would be exported this week.
The bui > lnc s situation Is nl o look d upon
ns uiif.ivoriiWi' . London Is leported as soil-
Inc American ncctirltle ? , and there Is a
KrowliiB IVar tint when the trcawury tiks
to irplenl"h the Rold ref-uve It " 111 not
Iliul It ho tnsy ac bcfolo. All this has
tuideit to rhtr-lt bunlncs ? , and i-omu ot the
Ml ? ( rulers who lm\c hcrntofore Ifcn tak-
IliK inert ci IPSS whjat 01 thu breaks WCIP
holdlitK aloof toda > ' 1 ho only bull newel
ol the div wa < the leport that Australia
had boiiKht anothnr blB lot of at
Ban riancl co. hut L\UI Ililn did not ha\e
much cITirt Maj ro'd eaily ut CD'sc. off
Btcndllj to from Wo to 50'tc pllt , but te-
nclr-d to .VJXc , nnd at noon was WJc. The
marlCLt cot dull and wml : durhiK the h-st
linui , ami May uold oil to me and closed
nt that UKUI - .
< "oin was dull stcadv and featurele 9
The --oft wpalher k pt the miiiUct from de
clining much , but there was not i noiiRh
ili-tn md to jilvo It much stroiiRtli. Ma >
lirld tip t" root ) at 28'sP the imc price It
cloH d at lnHt nluht. Thir > > wa a IIHIc
wcakei feelltiK durliiK the cloolnp hour , nnd
Mav tourhfd ISc , clo'lns llnally at from
2 c to ISNo , with tellers at that fljiure.
Oils were "low and \c\y steady , asell
ns fe.itnrIf s. May w > ! d early at lOVdc ,
rn'td off lo from 18"c ( to ISc Hpllt , and at
norm wan l'ie Tltoic was n steady feellni :
during the last houi , May cloilnB at from
1'ij to low *
Pioilslons had an upward tendency durhiR
the forenoon , but before thp business tcs-
nloniit ovpr they came under the In-
lluencp of the depression In wh ° at , and
plOECd In most cases at n "hade below the
kvd of the picvlous day'it llmil quotation ,
but the reduction In pi Ice IK quite Imma
terial , Jnnitiry pork bslng uncii.nngcd and
May 2'sc lower. The simc decline Is no-
tlctablo In lard , while the decline In ribs
affected the January delivery and lift the
May unchanged.
llstliniiti-d itcelpts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
190 c.ns ; corn , 310 curs ; oat , 173 cars ; hoes ,
SOCuO head.
The leadlnc futuics ranced as followa :
Cnili ( luotullcns weie na roliowa :
1'I.OtJll Quiet , winter intuits , (3 131(3 5) ) , wln-
tei en ilKhts. } J SOftS 20 ; spring patents. (3 rC
350 , pprlntf stiaUils. ( 'C3H293 , bikcn SI S3ff
HRAT No 2 pprlnrf E' QSC'lc ; No 3 fprliiR
tCUi'iiJu i , No. 2 red , SjflipO'ic. ttt
COHN No 2 jellovv. 2J'fce ' : No 2 2" Hc
OA'iSNo 2 17c. No J white f. o. b. , ISC'
IS'Jc ; No 1 while , f o. b , 17W13C.
KM : No 2 83Uf3lc.
UAKUIY No 2 , nopilml ; No. 3 , f. o b , 228
J7c. N4. . f o b J2 j23c
PHOVIblONS MESS pork , per bbl , (7 73iil ; m
I.inl , per 10) Itis,27 5(53) Short ribs , sldec
( lonEe ) (4 3iiff4 35. Dr > s.lllc-1 Fhouldera ( tuxul )
H37J4Q4 C2V4fchort clear sides ( boxed ) , ( I MG
4 C2 k
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per fat
(1 22
klTfiAll Ilncbnimexl
I'OtTLTHY SIPU | < I > , turkcss , 7fIOc ; chickens
WCtVic , ducks , 10311C
T.ic follovvlnertro the receipts nnd shipments
On tij ; : r.-iliui ata 1 11 ra toliv the buttar nnr-
ket vv.n Hli-ul.v cicimprv 10iC2ilc. dilrj , li.'O
V''u 1-ei.b , atoady , 'M1M'
CIoniiiK QiiotatloiiN on llic I'l'liivliml
ComiiioilltlcN ami Statili-H.
NDU' YOHIC , Dee 19 ri.OUU-Hecclpts , M-
30) bun ; exporln , 5 bOO bbls ; dull anil weak
rrpeclally on sprlnu whent Kr.ides ; top RradeH
winter wheats Btca.lj ; in export demand , n ti
Jlnes of sprint ; pad ntB sold at (35) , while winter
Blades were dull but bteidy M ijuot i-
tlons , wlnttr extra , ( ! C > JJ3 DO , city mill
pnlents , (1 10W4 53 , winter pntcntH , (343
C365 ; city mill clears , } 4 0004 10 , win
tjr traltlit . (3 ( 30SJ3 10 ; Mlnneaoia p-ileiitu ,
(3rCJj3i.i ! , Mlnnitotn bakers. (2754i300. winter
low ( .radfH. (210&2CO. Ilje Hour. dull , sjpertlne ,
(2501/2.5 : tiUHJ. (2S5S29lliieUwheat Hour
dull at (1 Si Wl 25
IlfflvWHIIAT-Qulet nt 39V4Tn'/-c. '
COUN MiAlHieady , > ellow western , coarse ,
TOv ; ; Iliiind > wlnc (2 S5.
HVi : Nominal , western , 4204c.
ll\lll.iv HALT Nominal , v > s ern 4S35SC.
IIMtl-UY ia > ; vvcstein , 40ffl7c , feedlnu bar
ic v S.I.'iJic
WIHIAT Ilecelpts , 102,700 bu ; exports , 111 310
lupot maiket , lovvci but moiu active , No. 2
led , Cs'lc. No 1 bud , Cb'tc. Opllonn uprnnl
lowei nnd with few exceptions were weak all
< liy , Inllueneed b > bltr llrjuld itlon , xome foielitn
e lllnl. the vvenkn SH In Wall street nnd tenor in
of lunvj i-old ixportH Satunlri ) , clontiorO'a
lower. No 2 red , May , COjCli\c , closed CS'tc ,
Diifinbir , f5t/C5'c / , closed We ,
COHN Hecelpts , l46Si bn ; ixporln , 47,100 bu
Bpnl innrKet , dull , No. 2 , 23Hc. Opllons niencvt
Bteadj on lltjllt niovement , nftervvnnl eased off
Midi nnd closed heavj nt n dtcllne of
> , .c ; Mn > , StSbll 9-lCc , tlobed 3IHo , Deoember ,
cloud S3'se.
OATS-ltecelptK. 15.COO 1m : pxportn SOi ) bu
Ppot , dull. Options nctlve nnd Bironuer on mm
months , duu to covet Inrr , nnd cliwed i < c higher ;
lalo months , Ho lower ; Ma > , 2J'iff2lc. closed
llj. Dtcember , closed :2'Jc.
llAY-Stioni ; ; fblpplnif , (7.Wifrs 00 ; good to
choice , ( J OOli 100)
HOI'S Weak ; slate , comnnn to choice , 1 < 94
crop , SG7c ; 1895 crcp. 7O10e ; I'aclllo const , 16JI
crip 3ijJ7c ; 1W5 cioti. euivc
IllDPS Dull : California , 21 to 23 Ibp , ISO
IR'-jo ' ; llalvistiwi , : ) to 25 Ibs , ISo ; lluenos . \ > li"a.
' / . W to 24 Ibs , 21e ; Texas , dry , ! l to 3) Ibs ,
! . .iATlliitStrnd ) ! liemlorlc role , Ilupnoi
A > ns llrht to he-ivy welrhts , ! 2o ; ncld. 21'jliSlc
HHM ? CJU do" 'ktl' ' ! Heece , lCit22c ; | iulled ,
I'UpVISIONS-lleef. family , ( IOOOIJ1200.
bcjf hams. ( II SWia 00 fut meats. ens > : pIcKled
bellies , (4 7541 5.53 ; plel.lcd dhoulders. (50.10553 :
pUKItel hams , IS M | 8.75. , dull and einv ;
western stinm rinsed lit } 5I2'j nskeil ; Drreni-
her.fi52'i , nomUial I 'oik , dull : short clear
IIOuOtilDM ; family , ( lO.O-J lODO. '
TALLOW Wink ; l | > . 3'4c ; countr ) , 4c.
I'lnitOLKI'M-Dull ; United clwnl at Jl 3 .
llt'nijll-llccelpts. G217 iliKs. ; Him ; wistetn
Balrj , UOlfcj western crcainvrj , 17 j2)c ; iifln ,
CIUiHi-llecpl8 | 1S50 pkgs ; steadj ; large.
klmi l > art * k' ' " ' " ' a' ' " 'I '
2 Sc
IXldH-Hfcelpts , 4624 pkKs. ; Heady ; stale and
I'ennsjlvunlu , 2lii > ci w islet n , 21U2lc ; southein ,
* Tt" ift'DNTINU-Sleady , MOMWc.
ItlCE-htead ) ; elume tlc , fair to extra , J' G ' ; c ;
Japan. SSfr4c.
ItObIN' Firm ; UralneJ , common to seed , (1 ; jt ,
MCL\SSis-Qulet : New Orleans , open kettle.
pied to choice , /JUSCc.
MIJTAIiS Copper , ptcndyi blotters' price , (1050 ,
rxrlianLi > price. (1000 ( , I.euil. tlrmj brnKers *
prim , (310 , xclian .o prli-e , (32)J2H. Tin
dull. Mrnlts. ( U75iil3U. plaits , market quiet
Spiller. iu' < t. dameillc , U40j350 ,
COT ! ON HiKD OIIUull , prlmn crude. 240
J-.c , butler tn-uUes , 31UI2C , prime summer ) ellovv ,
NiW OIIK. Dec. I9.-SUQAIt-llavv. tlrm ;
fair it tilling , 3U4j3Uc. centrirusul. ( Ml test , 3 tt
8Sc ; rrtlned , nulel. standard A , 4Ucj cut loaf ,
VitO. iii d reil , 4Hc ; Kranuan.o. - .
. Dtc. -BliaAll-Canf. . ijulet. ccn-
Java , lit W ; iluco > ad , fair rcnulnj ,
Ciinillllnii iif Trmlr nml O. < tntntlon
on sjniilo nml 1'nncr 1'rnilnpp.
IXHIK Sltlctlj frc li ulctk , 1'cj hcM itock , 18
UfTTlin r rkln ( , ftxil ISOUHcj fntr Ii RW
wuntr > l.ftllc cliniM In f/incy c-vntry , UfflC"
VI\I Cholce fat 70 to 100 It * , are quftttd it
'ifi'c ' , Inrue nnd contf 1 , ICCc
ClirKPr Pornfiille brick , ll'tc : Warn , per
Jii. 1 > 5 . Club llmue , 1-IK larf per doi , ( SCO ,
t.lml ernr faiicj , per Ib. . 114c : Hoquefort , U-lb.
Jnr t > * r ilns. . (3 M , Youns Anicrlcnc , ll'4c
Tnln fnnc > lie
I-OLI.TItY-DiwteJ fhlckcnc , We ! cluck-
< .hilcc , ffllltur.c ; ! > f tli
HAY Vp'nnil ' ( J.Vl , mldmnJ JSOO lowland
1450 r > c rtrnw JIM. color makfs tl.e price en
hn , light Inloi sell the best. Only top grades
brim , ' I 11 i ikes
llItOOM ronV-New crop , delivered on track
In rounti > , cHilce crecti telf-notMnit rnrpet , pet
II ) , 2'c ' , choice giecn running to liuil , 2'J.e ; com
mon I'ic '
OAMi : Pralilo thicken" undinvvn , per dnz
( CO"nCM , Ornwn ( " . .dowf , V ) , nimll , } 1 Mfll SO ,
Jack snlpp. 75ci0I ( 00 , grouse , ( ) ! Bnlpo ,
o-Kfiic , golden plovrr , (123 , Jock rabbits , per
dor . (1 Mjl 7J , Fmnll lnlblt . 7 1(1 0) , mal
lard ducks (3iWi37' . , rel bends. ( J 7Sff 4 00. tan-
vnsbncl : ducks , ( S 0005 00. leal blue vvln , (2 OOtt
2 21 , lull , | , rrcn Wing (1 7' . 2 00. mixed ducks
( I7i22.Cntinda ? RH e ( fiOOli'KI. small Reese ,
( brant * n VI deer sadlles IJgiCc
dcti cnicn * e , llSJIIp. elk s.nUllt , 11S13c : elk
earcnsrm ifllfii , nntelope snWles P.yiGc. nnte-
lope cai < isfr . lofjllp , sijulrnls , per dor , C0g7.e
PIliotLlv : < per dor , | l : dead pigeons nol
rilHfRTMAfl Ollin S Holly , per case , (5 ,
irccs , p.i ill ? , (2 "
CAl I.iri.0\\iit-I'er d07 heads. (1 SOJ12 00.
C.VllllAtlllliillnnd ed , beads cmill n d
haul , pet Ib l'ie ' , Oillfainln stock , per Ib , 2o
Mt'HIinoOMl lorl'4-lh ' box. lfl7Se' .
POTATOES Kanoy intlvn flock , COff , frim
ftine In fmall lotK , S013"ic Coloi ado stock , BOWwi
ONION" Per lit 40c : home mown Spanish
Hi\NS-IInnd : picked nav > . per ml . ( ICO
B\M.IT POIATOUS ihoicc mock. (275 per
cnr.T'HY-rnllfornln , per doz , 730tOe ! Colo-
nd ) , t'firoKilnmnoo JOffSIc.
LIMA IIKANK-l'er Ib . 5c.
WATI.U Cltii-S : PT 1C qt. cnf II Wftl 7 !
TOTCH Pi\a-ln tickpel bu Jl.Oi.
-l'er box. 33-
CAI.irOUNIA Srit.UMinitlllll'er
Al'ri.l. . " ranev stock , ( J2WCOI choice stock ,
12 r > 0fl2 75.
O11LUON I nuts-Per ens * (1 2J
CIl\NltiUItliB : .Icisey , JS " . Cnpe Cod , (5 2j
ft' ' rn. Md nrln' ! . (10
MAI.VOA OIlAI'IPer CO Ib. bbl , (0 , p r
03 lo 70 Ibs , grott , (7 CO.
PASTUUN mtAPnu No s'llpplrg stock.
THOPU-AL rilllllS.
OKANGKS California luJdel seedlings , regu
lar si/ft. (375 , So to 12J sizes , (330 , navels
(3 Cril ( 4 CO
LDMONS-Cnllfornla pel box , (3 7504 SO ; Mcs-
- dm4 toil 4 73.
IIANANA0 Choice lire- flock per bunch , (2 0 (
C2 2i medium plzcd lunches ( I 7582 00.
O nTIIHS Mediums , lie , slandaid" , IDc , exlru
s.'ten * 2lc. liianch & Co relecls 213 , New \ork
counts 230 ; Mandate ! bulk per iril , (1 10.
HONI2Y Pnnc > while per Hi , Uc.
MAPLI2 SYllt'P Plvc-Kil. cans. each. (27" .
kill cans per doz , (12 , 't-gal. cans , ( S 23 ; quart
CIDUIl i'uro Juice , pel half bbl. , (275 ; per
' -Per Ibl , (375 , halt bbl. . (225.
PIGS New crnp California , 10 Ib bo\es , pir
Ib Me , Imported fancy. .iO Ib boxes , l" c. choice
11-lti boxes 1P./I12- .
NLW ' 6Mb boxes Ib , 6'lc
DVTLS 1'c si in , per ;
fnrds , 10-lb boxes per Ib , 1'c.
MAPLi : SUQAH C lolce. p-r Ib , SQlHs.
Pill SiilVI : > A-snlel ilMb polls each 11.40
COCOANl'T' Per ICO , 54 CO , each , Cc
NUTH Almonds , California , tier Ib , medium
sl e 10t , TurirKona almond" per Ib , large , I2'ic ,
Ilruzll" per Ib , EC , injllfh wa'nuts , pel Ib ,
fincv soft Fhell. 12.Himliuls liail'ic '
nibnts , per Ib , 10o , pecins. polMu 1 medium
ICc. lurM1 , 12c ! peanuts nw , the ; roistid 7O
Tic , lilckiry nuts , smill per bu , (1 7" , hlckou
nuiB , laifie , per bu , (1 50 , black walnuts , pel
bbl , (2
unnSSnD M13ATS.
IIHUP Light we tein steers , 4jO to CM Ibs , 5'1
iftCc , p)1) * ! cows nnd heifers. 5TolJc ; mcdiuii
cows nnd heifers , 4'J&14C , coed forequarttrs
covis and lulfeis , J'stk , yod hlndiiuaitciH
cows and hclfeis , CQC' c , cow loundt , tc , cow
Uiucks , 3'ac , Blecr chucks 4'-.c ; beef lendeilolns ,
flesh , ICe , beef lull" , bonelens h'ic , plrl iln butts
li.tlts . me , lain bicks , l nolih < 8i c ; Inn
bitks , C'ic , cow libs No. 3 , C'ic eov , loins. No
3 , 7'jC , steer ribs , lOc , steer loins , [ ' .
Mill rON Drcs e < l mutlon 3'se , lacks , SV-c
ICKS 7c ; Kidillcs , 7s , Rlevv , 2fcp.
1'OIIK Diecsed h , pr , "ic , polk loins , 5c , snare
ub < , 4'zC , iKiilc shouldcis 4' ' c , p in nhoubteih ,
skinned 4V p irlc irlmmlnrfs , 4c , tenderloins
12c , pigs' feet , clsancd , per doz . 35c.
llTi < xil MuiUtM. ;
LIVDHPOOL Dec 10VHPAT vpot. st ailv ,
demand poor ; No. 2 red , w'nler , 5s 2d : No 2
, ej , sprliu" , stocks exhausted. No 1 hard
toba.'SJ 21 , No 1 California 'f 2'ad Putuies
opened quiet but steady nt unelmiKtMl prices
clob d nteidy , v.lth Pebruarv and Miueh d
hlRher nnd other monthi unchnncpil fiom \ n
teidaj's closing prices , bi'.rlne a he.ev lent on mid
dle posJtlonn , Dieeiibei , 5b 2d. Innuiry. Is 2'i1 ,
lebivao , 5s 3d , March , ! a J ) il , Apill , 5s 41
Co'flN bpot , stcadi ; New Ameilcan mlx d
? j I'/id. Putures opened quiet , but stfndy , a'
unchnnired prlcis ; closed linn , with Dceemb .
und Jiiuuarj 'id hlpher , nnd other months nn-
changed from jcaterdij's cloolrbunlne s heavi
est on middle positions , DecimbT , 3s ' 4d ; Jan
uarj , 3s l'd ; Pebiuius "s IVid , Miueh , Ss 1'id ,
\prll , 3s Hd , Mny , 3s , 2d.
PLOPIl Dull ; demand inodcrat ; St. Loulu
fancy , 7s fid
PROVISIONS llicon , qulot ; dcmrcid mollei-
ale , Cumlfrliind cul , 2S to 51 UIK . .n Cd , shoil
rlbu , 2S Ibs , 27s Cd , lonff cle ir llht , 3i lo 4
Ibs , 2"H Cd ; long ci" ir , hcavj 53 HIM , 25s ; sboit
eleir backs , light , IS Ibs , rfs ; short clear mid
dl-it , he > v > , K > ll ? , 2.s ( , cleai belllCH 14 to 10
IbK , 31 . Miouldeis , squnro 12 to IS ItB , 3)s Cl
Homj fhcrt cut , 14 lo 18 Ibs , JS * Tnllow , ( Inf
Noith Arnpilcnn , 22s 3J. Ileef. extra India me's
7Js Cd , pilme inebS , 57s Cd Pork , prime m b1 * ,
111" v.eotun. Mi. prlmo niChH. medium. 45 . Lnrd ,
otiK'l. prime western , 27s td , reined , In pulls ,
Jsi Cd
( " 'MljnSB ' Quiet Lilt Hteidj ; demand poor ,
finest Anicilcan white , 41s , Iliubt American coi
ned , 4"s
lll"rnn Plnest Valtcd SliKs D3s , good , Cs )
OILS Tuipenllne , tplrlts , 2)3 Cd. llosln , com
mon 4s 7Vi'l Cotton seed oil , Liverpool n-
HiiMl , 17s 3d Lln&eed oil , 2Js GJ. Petroleum , le
tiled , Si.d
KiPIUGiilATOIl IIRHP I'orcquniteis , 3d ,
hlndiiuarters 5V1
ISLUACHINQ I'OWDUIl-Hardwood , f. o. b
Llvelpool , 7
HOPS At London Paclllc coist , 2 5s.
St. IoiilH ( ii'iirral Mnrket.
ST. LOUIH. Dec 13 PLOl'll-Plrmei , with
Ineteaslng demand from nbicad owing to troub'c
be ween this country nnd lnland over the \ene-
/.utllli nuestlon Local trade dull Pnlenls , f2 " 0
W3 4J , extra fanc > , (3 10fJ 2" " ) , fancj , ( J SWJ 0) ,
enolce (2COS275.
WlIiA : T Declined He enrly for Mny , but soon
ttciidled on active buvlng , late In the dj > the'e
wns a renewal of the Helling precjure and the
mukel became lower , eloping weik , * n < iic undei
veslerdii } No j red e ish , CJ'4c ' , No. 2 Imrd
344c. DeceniLM-r. C4c , May , . ' 9e ,
tOUN Huong enrlj on lieivj inlns , but Ihero
was not enough buInft" to Impiovo price * * , which
hhowed little chniiRC from > e'teidn > . No. 2 mixed ,
cnsh , 23'Jc , December , 23rjae , Jnniurs , 23r e ,
Mas , 2"c
OATb Dull nnd ens > for futures , spot
No J cnch nnd Deiembci , IC'ic ; Mn > . 10 ! "
KYiovver : on call ; best bid , 31c for Nu 2 ,
liter one call * made on truck , thla side , nt 2Cc.
1IHAN In demand and nt 47c east truck.
I'LAX HiiD Lower , SSHp.
TIMOTHY HiiD-(3. : < VC3 ) V )
POULTItY Dull. turkijH , hlcher nt f iffS'.e ,
chickens , 4'i4f5c , ducks , 7'ic , hiese , 5'Jc. '
HAY Dull but fteidy ; prairie , ( C50PSOO ,
llmolh > . (70001460 , thin side.
Him 1 II Quiet ; sepirntor crenmer ) , 20B25C ,
fnncy iigln , JltiMc. dalr > , 1S021C.
IOC1S ; Active , fresh ISe
LHAIi Dull nnd wtnk ; Bellas ut (295 , nnd buj-
hl'ULTCH Holders rllll nblilng (321 , vvllh no
I'llOVlHIONH Poik , rtandnid mess Jobbing
( S 21 Uanl prime Kteam (515 , choice , (5 i't
Ilaci.n , tmxcil rhoulilerr. 1523 , IOIIKS , (5 l.4 ; ilbs
ISi'i ; s'icrts , (5 W , diy i-alt meats , IMIXW !
Fbniildeis , 1150 , lonns , (150 , ills , 14 CJ'i , sboils ,
ItnciIIPTK Plo'ur , 4000 bbls i wheat , 34 000
bu : corn 62 000 bu , oats .15,000 lu
MIII'MUNTS Plour , I cVX ) bbls ; wheat , 10.0X )
bu , corn , 45,000 bu ; oats , O.OW bu.
NIJWOIIK. . Dec. U.-COlTntJ-OplloiiB
epened dull , with prices unchniiRed to 5 points
lowir ; ruled Inactive and wenk under Iscal sell-
Inc and slack spot demand ; closed ijulct nt 5013
polntu net decline ; fills. C 2'J ) IIIIKK , InthnllnK ,
Maich , (13 C5 hpot roffee , Illi. dull. No. 7 ,
14 5) Mill , dull : Cordova , (1IJCOUIS50 , Bales.
1 iv ) biiKB llucu > iamai < a nnd 404 bam Central
American , p. t. Waiclinuso dellu'ilis from
New \ork jesttrday , 2,710 b.iKs ; New York
stoik todaj. 231iC'J ; bus ; t'lillul Hlntcs stock ,
2-iU 378 IIHKS ; nlloit for the Pnlte < l hlales. 243 OuO
bies ; total visible for thu United Htaus , (12278
biKH. HKalnsl fC7c 2 bag" lust Jeir ,
HANTOH , Dec. IJ Plun , k'ood uveragB Hantos ,
(15 : ricilpis. 15 OW IMIKS ; ttock , 414000 IIIKS
IIAMlll'ItO , Dec. 19 Qulel ot unchanged lot
\t I'tlS ' decline ; bales. 10,000 bans.
HAVHi : , Dec. U Opened barely steady nt Vtf
ndvanco to ' f decline ; ut nun , 'if decline , tit
3 p m , t alt-Is stead ) , unchanectl to 'if decline ;
nuiiket closed barily steady at ! ifj f decline ;
nail's. 24 000 bam
IllO. Dfc. 19 ITnn ; No. 7 Illo , (1410 ; ex-
rhanie , H' d ; receipts , 6 ow IIBKS ! cleared for
thu I'nlled Blates , 9,0 butm , for Uurape1 , none ;
stock , 213,000 bags
KANSAS CITY , Dec. 19 WHI3AT 1ff2c lower ;
dull ; No. 2 Imrd , WttS7o ; No 2 cprlnt ; , 5CQ5C'ic ;
No 3 n > rlnK , [ > 2o ; rejected , 42c.
COIIN i.o hlKber : No. 9 mixed , 22' > , O22.c ;
Nn. 2 white22'i i2S'c.
OATH Active lund llrm ; No. 2 mixed , 15ic ;
No. 2 white. 17c.
HYK-Dull , No 2 31WC.
HAY Hlead > ; tlmolli ) , (10.0001250 ; prairie ,
IIUrriit-iirie-.llnnIy : nnni supply llblit ;
crrumery , I fl2 ] > ic ; dairy , 14015c.
iuas Hlionger ; frtsli , 19c.
lr ( ionilu luikft.
NKW YOHK. Dec19. , . 1 here wui a moderate
demand abroad , but It was ver > Irregular , und ,
moreover , wan for vpeclllo quantltlrs of staples
and other guod * . Tbi ntgregat * builucis reached
In thl < wliio n < unlmpoflAnl , MMcMhilrtu , It
wn mlHi lenity m ) In Indicate Ifmt Iht "nll trndo
thrntiRlioul Hie country IA muling Mcndily nt n
fntlpfnrt ry pure Prlntlnr clothe Innrllv nn.l
qitniAtlnmt wholly nomlnnl nt S'tc ' to J 1 ICc for
rtHiti nnd contracts.
* ppiirltlp " ( iiliJpptPil < l'rp nnrp Ii )
I'o rcl n Mini DonipMtli' llpntpiK ,
NHW OIIK Dec 19 The stock mntkct today
vni pubjeclpd to premure by fotelpn nnd ilo-
mcstlc dealers for both accounts. Nnturnllj the
notation aroused by the now famous Vonnuelnn
message wns the cardinal Influence upon PIIOCU-
Intlon. Ilrltlfh consols nnd Amerlcin securities
In London were quoted lower this rmrnlnc , the
declined In the ln l nnmnl renchlnK full figures
In tno t Instances The extreme lo s wns 2'4
per lent. In this market the International sharis
weic peveiely prcs Hl , well Infaimed
dealers expressed the opinion that the larger
proportion of Iho palci wns for Ihe account of
iocHl trndem The cnbled poles n li not much
more thnn hnlf ns InrReas thopo reported > cs-
terdaj lluroptnn HquUntlon of Mir rallroid
bonls wns nlso lighter thnn had b en nnllclpltPd
Some of the Intper cxchnnRo hous < s enily In the
nflrrnnon tonflimed the estimates tbnl hnvc been
prevl-mply made , plnelnit the probable shipment
of ROM b > Saturday's steamers at n minimum of
It 000,010 Authorllles on exchange crpii'scd the
iplnlon tlmt Htndy exports of the preclou *
m tnl arc llkelj to be made for pome time to
coin" refiardlp'i of whether IJitropo sells our
nerurllles or not A further ndvnnrc In the i x-
change ) mnikel In the int s for demand bllH
wns n feature and the Jump In cnll moni'j
to 5 per cent nlso ntlrnel'M upeclil nttcnllon
The rnte renrtrd later to 3 prr cent The fact *
noted obscuieil the Influence of Ihe declaration
of the teimlir dividends upon the Vnnderhlll
slocKfl In the nfteinoon reports from \Vn h-
InRlon tlmt Ino p nnte vviuld tnUp dcllbemli ;
nrtlon on the Venezuelan commlp'lMi bill planed
coveting nf ihortH on a InrRc scnle nnd moderate
bnvliik' for lonr nccounls The latest Ix > ndM
pnl I H tcpeirteil u more sleildv condi
tion of prices The lornl wn- <
more active thnn on Wedin"-dny nnd
the distribution of bns'.ni-n ' wns on n bioader
scnle Up to nbout 1 30 o clock thetc was prnc-
tlcnlly no Mippirt nnd iccesplim were noted tx-
ItndlnR to > , pel cent In the sp clilllcj nnd In
Connolldatrd Ons. The los e' In thu leRUlirlv
nttlve llfl reached 3V , pci pent In Kinsns ts
Te\n prcfurpd The securities of this com-
panj v\ero subjeeted lo ppcchil attack en nc
count of n strike of ronl miners In IH terri
tory In the. nfteinoon a rnlly of nil the lead-
Ins- stocks tiok place nnd sjbstantlnl recoveries
from the < \tleme low points were tecoidc'd , df-
Fplto the Hint } In call monev Intel noted elre-
whcrc The Meitcsl improvements occurred In
the Rriinpeii" . Industrials , conle-rn nnd Bme of
the Fecliltl | < M in Ihe Hnnl FiiUs n shidhif
of prices was apparent In some pnn s , which Im
pit tul nn liicsular tone to the do'liiK I'lnol
llRUiei ib-vv inilctlal net lorsfa nB n Mile The
movement of prices In the rnllwn > und ml cel-
Inneoui bond miiket continued downward todnv
Shaip dfcIlnoB occuired In the spee-uhillve Issuer ,
laliKini , ' up lo 4 % per cent In Heading l , trust
u 1.0. ills slamped , nnd HemllnK trust receipt l ,
nbout t pel cent each Ihe ileiillliKS were * on a
lucre scale , nKRicRallng (2,227,000 Slntc I'sues
ven > denlt In to the extent of ( CC MO
Ihe iv mlng IVst's London llmnclnl cable
aij" The Ftoek milKels opened lilt on the
American nevvi "In the nnrnlmt pipcru
\inerlenn rails were sold heivllj b ) bents n < id
leal holdem nllke A telenrniu received ut mid
liny sn > liiR tint the senate bid oxpresB d mole
molerate sentiments In the direction rf the up
pMntment of a comm sslon on th Y ne uelan
boundary Induced n lalls , taklnp- the foim of
bear purchases , but not by the public 'Un
closing pilces wire ut the \erj lowest md with
a pmlcks fedlns In the Amt-rlem imrl 1 1 I'vrn
the 1M ROld bonds wet ? pcr l9tctitlj offoreil bj
HnRllfh Invectors Indignation nt President
CIcxelpnd'H tattlcH bv nil thos" hco Interest * d
In the tlnani Uil welfirn of Ameilci jiow
Whatever the outcome ! mn > le , public tonll-
dine" here has iccelved n Block from which n
if novel } will bo pilnfully slow Plve million
ilollaiH In ROM has been t ngnsed foi shipment
1 1 this rounti } In ndilltlrn to nn > Kilt tn Cii
miny. IVcIl Informed qiiarteis nntlclpito the
e\ni"tgement i f another (1 0 < iO,000 Fhortlv. A piv
m um on iold In America Is lojked for e irlv
li"Xt jeir , whll the bopea of Pres.dtnt Cleve
land of rchcorlni' the American unniicy tea
a sound rold basis ILTC uritd l Ine ns
viU'heJ The other n url. ii were lint , but not
lll > o Arnerlcati" H Is billeved lint i < ie entl >
theio will be n ruth for nil home ctrinltieb
Tin coin and bullion In the Hank of llimli.'l
iia down IMS , 000 this week nltluueh 2230)0 ) net
i ; > .lil wa Imported , thus ihowlnr thnt Improve 1
trad" It nbtorl Ing monej. A furtuc' il > > > In
tmbllo deposlls wni a ftaluro of the Ft itcment
The total l-i much higher than usual which
leM'tles ' to th * laihe Increase In icvpiiiic * fiom
'eilli duties , Miami * nnd other tixts Other
tlep sits vero lo'ver. nr IH usual nt the end of
th" > em The I'otHlls of the * , old movement fn
the we k were " 22001 bits bought , fO 0 > l c\-
port d to ontb Annrlci nnd f53,000 lo n dcstl-
n-etlon not stated. At IV.rlp the marl ets weie
Hal , mole' on the collapse of "pir.lsh und It illan
LCI tlllc ntct Ib.m on Am knn p 'lilies Ilrnzll
i ins uliinii ) d on Ihe cimplleitlon * . At
Ilerl'n mil other c nil i"nlal CHIH IB the mnr-
kels are Hat
lip following were Ihe CIOSIIIR quotnllons on
"ho le.ndhs atocl > s of the New \ork exchanse
( odnv :
bid. t offered.
The total sales of stocks today were 412 CC9
si.ales Including : American Susnr , 42 200. Amer
ican Tobacco. 24 300. Atchlson , 10,000. lialtlmore
.H. Ohio , 3000 ; ImillniMon09W , Chwapc ili > t
Ohio , 3,400 , ChlciBo ( Jcs , 17500 , Clevlaml , Cin-
i Innatl , Chicago .V ht Louis , 3 UOO , Conwlldated
OIH , 4700 , Denver A. Illo ( Iriindo prefn-ed ,
1 100 Distilling , 7i > 0) , Oeneral Dlectrlc , ' > 705 ,
Kansas & T.X.IH prcfmcd , 750. ) , Louisville , V
Nashville , 1380. ) , Manhattan Consolidated 1,2)0
Mlssiuil Pacllle. 79) ) ) , New Jersey Centrnl , 4.000 ,
Norlhviistem CO1) ) ) . Picldc Mall 3 900 , Heading ,
7,0Iljck III in I 12 CM , St. Paul , 61500 , houtii-
em Hnllnn } , 3,200 , Sjuihern Ilallwa ) preferred ,
4 10J. TennesKCa Coil & Iron , C 700 , United MntiH
Lrnllur preferred 17,2iii , Wnbish nrefenc-d ,
7.700 , Wistein Union , 10.000 ; Wheeling & . I ike
irlc , 52 * )
% % A'ork lloiit * } MnrKct.
Yeiy active , 2'tiiT5 ' i ei cent , 1 let lean , 3 per
cent , cjojed , 3 pur cent.
I'HIMi : MIJltCAN'IILU PAPin-4ff3VJ per
'BTRIILIKQ ixciiANoi-steid > . with nctuai
btmnes ! In I inkers' bills at $4 89tf I & 1i | foi di-
mand nnl 14 87Q4 C8 for c'xtv ilujj , poateil
i.ites , J4 k8'iif(4 ' HJ nnd 14 S9J5S4 93 , commercial
bills , II 67.
HILVIJIl CiilTIPICATiST,4fl67o. . *
aOVIJHNJHJNT 1IONDS Wink nnd lower ;
htalo l vids , quiet , lallrnad bonds , w < ak.
Closing quotations on bonds were us follows :
bid , lolleifd
XL-TV Yurk 3lluliijr ( ( Uiiliitloiin.
NK\V YOHK , Dec. in T.i u fullDAli ; arj the
cloning inlnlncqiioutloiiH ;
Iiulwcr u Ontario , , , , , , , . . . , . fcOO
Chollar 4. Onblr 1'JO
Crown Point 'JO Plvinnulh , , , , , , . . ' 'II
Con. Cal. A Va 1HO QlllcKBllri-r. VlID
Deiwlwood US Oulckullver uM.lMU
Gould A Curry .15 Sierra Nevada . . . 40
H.ilo.V Norcroas. . 70 Handir.l. . , Ilo
Uoim-Hlnko , 2500 Union Con 37
Iron Silver iU Yellow JaiKul. , , . . 35
Mexican 30
offered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Luniluii Slock ( ( iKitiitlunn.
LONDON , Ioc. 10.-11) ni.cloulnt ;
GVnBolB.m'y , 10UU Muxicnii uruiiury. Ji.n
Coiifcols. aco't lOtlli SI , Paul coil 74
fan , I'.icluo MC % N. Y. Cjulril 1CIUW
Kilo , IV h 1'eniiHyh anla , , , . , fi''U
Krlo'.Ms 7i lU.idln.- ,
111. Central 00 Mex. Con new 4s. 70
, HAll HILYKll-30 7-1CJ per 01.
MONEY'iGfc per cent.
The rule of discount In the upcn market fur
abort and thrtt month * bllU U 1 per cent.
Very Light Run of dxltJp rinds n Demand
Eager forJ-Jnnplies ,
( let Hotter riKiirrx All tlic
\Vnj AroiinilUltip er Poroc-
In Vnluo.
TlllmSDAY , Dec 19
riecelpts nnti cliiiim < ! nt3 for the pnst
twenty-four hours , no compared with the
I > rc\lcui3 six dn > s. arc ns follows :
Cntlle. HOB * . Sheer Hones
December ! > . . . 1,461 7,007 700 CS
December IS . . 2,679 S.M7 31 W
Oocsmber 17 ' 2,437 8.C5S 1,201 . .
liecember 16. . . . 1.CG7 1.0.IS . . . . 27
Kcccmber 14 471 C.OD9V.2 79
December 13 1.S3S 4.1CD 100 . . .
December 12 2315 S.136 133 21
Otttlp HOR" . Sheep Horss ;
Deccmbsr 18 1.04S 130 . . . . CO
December 17 871 C2S 725 . . . .
December 1C 010 27
Ucccmbsr II 740 1,373 . . . . 8-
December 13 S O
December 12 I"fi9 40) . . . . 21
December 11 1,023 1,007 . . . . 21
The dl po ltlon of the daj'n offering of llvo
stock was ns follows , each bujeiputchiMni ; the
number cf hend Indlcited :
C.iltle. Hoes Sheep
Omaha ? co-npans. . . 18 1191
The ( J 11 lltinmnnd companv 2JJ 112) ) 191
iwlft & Pa . P4 ice ) 7fl'i
The Cudihv Picklnsr company . 4.U 2lliS
11 Itecker S. Ie , n Cl
lliimrtcn & Stephen" 12 . ,
\iim.nnt & Co 40 . ,
1 L Ca.o > S
J l - > bninn A ItMlifchlld " 0 , . .
Deckel ll-o 1J3 . . .
llenton Vn-leTvvotd , 4 .
Cilcnin P. S. P. Ci 312
Slilnws nnd feeders. , . . . . . . 21J 1
Loll over 200
Totals 1M1 7201 01. . )
CAT'lLi : Todnj's tccelptt of cattle \\cro
ths llKhtest of t-ny dity i-tnco Saturday nna
Ices linn Ian Thutsday by DOO head.
Only a few fat entile suitable ! for Ihe
diessed beef Undo v.cie Included In the re
ceipts A buyers n few cattle
bold ro were enabled to Ret f-ttoiif ? nxl In
some cases n little hluhcr prices when the
cattle rpeclally suited the requlrrmcntb of
the bmci" with the offcrlne'i FO incxlei-
ute th initrlcet waa u little more acthe 1ms 1 ecu the case on a rood main
duvs , and the cattle were pretU well
cleaned up and In nooiV "e.tanti There
weie no well flnlshil natives amons the
offezI.Rs , the bejt htto bclnir < > nl > faliUh ,
The inarkei on cows tiul heifers was "waj than It wnsitertlay ntoinlnir , how
much lower It Is no enej matter to &a >
Cliole' * fat cov\n and heifers have been In
< "crelfcnt dcmnnd for Ino holiday trade nnd
hr.c ! been pelllnK out of sight Yesterday
late In the day , the bmers seemed to como
to the conclusion nil ot n sudden th it thej
hr.rl all ot the Christmas beef of thnt char
acter they wanted. The icsult was
that the innrKet on the best prades of
cows nnd heifers came down with a dull
thud , t.nd thnt Hind of cattl are now ful
ISffUk1 lowei than they were Wednc-uiio
morning , and In rorr.e c'i"es 2"c or mott
'I ! ! > > cattle have hpn lllnct 'way out of
piopoitlon with other pindc * and ll \\.is
'Imply a mater of comlni ? down off the
prcli. Common atijl medium cuWb do not
nlmw much clinnw , In fift , thny liavo
brpn Helling In cbcut one notch all the
week , the better grtule-f have been doing
ths lluctuatlnj ; .
Onlv n few storXers and f filers were to
be founl In the > ardi totlr. : , e'thcr fresh or
stj'e ll'c doniRd wnr roncrnublRiod ,
nnd dc'liable cattle rold a little tronK3r
About eelthlmr In Ihp yards wa- cleaned
up before the dote. Hoprcsuntathe sale .
No Av Pr. No / \ IV Vo t\\ -
1 S7) f ! Oi ) 2) lilt 3 21 22 t K23 ? ) V
37. 11 310 S Wil'St 21 . ll"7 311
1 703 Jl" II HO" 3J21 21 * 12C2 ICO
23 . 955 3 20 2 1070 3 30 C . 1133 3 8j
2. . . sol 110 f. . 533 r.n i. . 1410 21)
1 . ( .2) 14) 1 . Ill ) 2" 11 17 D7. ! 2 II
1 . . . ! ' ) I 10 C . 97 * 2(13 ( 1. 1U-H 241
2 . . .100) ) 1 TO 1 . SS1 2'15 ' 2 1170 2 4) )
1. . 1010 1 50 2 . 121) J 13 1 . . 10 ii 2 r.1
1 . . 72) ) If ! 1 , . , , i97 S 2.1 1 , t 113'i 2 .7)
1 Jill 1 " .1 " 101) 22" 1 . 1J11 2 ,1
I . . ! ) l)0 ) 1 - - . 1 . . 1010 2 JT 8 . , KO ) 2 u )
1 . CC > 1 7" 11 . . .110" 2 23 2 . . ! ) ij 2 M
1. 1 91 1 " ' , 1. 1018 22" 1 . . 111) 2 V )
7 . I01) 1 71 4. . . . 'M2 2 21 3 . . .Wt , 2 5)
2 . . . ST ) 1 71 2 . . Ml 2 21 1 . ffS 2 S )
3 . .1117'i 1 " 1 fi . . . til 2 21 2 . .1111 2 r. )
10. . 913 IS ) 1. . 1050,221 1G . ,911 J 50
1 . 113) 200 1 . . .1140 2 23 1 . . KM 210
3 . liyil ! 2 f0 3 . KM 2 2 > J7 . . 10"1 2 10
1. . . . ! )4) ) 200 1 1270 221 4. 12f2 2 ill
7. . . . ! TS 20) S .1021 2 ' ) 2. . 1165 211
L. .1070 2 id 2 . . .10V ) 2 . " 0 5 . .IIS ) 2 SI
1 . . .1141 2 IK ) 11. . . fc.2 ! 2 SO IS . . 174 2 Cl
1. . . 870 200 IS . . . 1.0 230 1. . 1)70 ) 26)
L. . . UO 2 C ) 1 . 1210 23) 2 . .irO 2 Cl
1 . . . CD 200 1. . . 1120 221 1. 1221 261
2 . . nil 200 1 . . 1300 2 fi IS . 1J2 6.1
L. . "ID 2M I . 1IGO 2 31 1 . . . E40 2 Cl
1..122) 20) 3. 1100 2 'il 2 . . . 9W 271
3 . . . S7J 2 OT 7 . . . 154 2 33 1. . .1010 2 71
2 . . .1C41 200 2 . 1100 231 1 . . .1010 273
3 . . f > H 20-1 12 . .1M3 2 3Z 10 . . IMS 2 SO
1 . 1 J ) 2 00 1 101C 2 31 8 . .11"1 2 SO
1. . . 121) ) 2 W ) 1 . . 1070 2 17'i 21. . . . 031 2 M
1. . . . C ) 20) 2 . . .1121 HO 11.1047 300
1. . .101) ) 210 4. . .1142 240 1. . .1 30 3 W
1 . . . tlCI 2 10 II . ' ' 71 2 40 19 . 1261 T 20
1 . . .1090 210 IS. .1120 240 17..1011 321
3 . . . S31 21) 3 . . 1100 240 1..P90 321
4. . . . C67 211 9. . . 1213 240 1..1390 323
L. .1110 2 15 ,
1. . . . MO 19) S . . . 76) 2 40 9. . . . f23 2 6.1
5 . . . 400 2 21 4 . . 50 2 4) L. . . It ) 2 7S
2 . . 4:0 2 . 3 . 600 2 41 9. . . . J.(5 ( 2 75
1 . . . 4TO 230 I . . . BW 2.10 1. . . . S10 273
1 . 52) ) 2 f2'4 1 . . . 7iO 2 5) L. . 730 2 75
1 7..0 2 25 3 . C7J J n 8 741 2 0
8 . COO 2 40 3. . 770 2 K 1.1)13 3 M
1 . . KW 2 4) B . .10SR 2 fi ) 5 . . . f'4 3 00
1. . . . f.OO 2 40 7. . . HI J 60 I . ' 72 2 00
2 . . . 4 24) 1 , . . . 770 260 0 1I"1 321
4 517 240 17. 7:2 2f. 1 . . . 070 323
J. . . K > ; 2 40 C. . . . . ' 91 2 65
1 . . 1230 1 90 1 . . 1CJ1 2 21 2 . . .1343 2 10
1 1SSO 200 1 . . 142) 2 23 J . .12.M M
2 1COO 200 1 .1281 221 1 I'M 10
3 . . .12D5 200 1 . 11V ) 223 1. . . 90 V.
1. 1S"I 205 1 . 530 2 J ) 4. . . . ' 157 55
.1 .HOC 2 13 1 .1441 2 SO 1 740 C )
1 . 1050 2 15 1 . li-1) 2 3) 1 . .13 Cl 0) )
2. . . 1C45 211 2. . .1210 23 ] 1 ! M i ( , )
1 . 16-11 2 11 t. K2) 2 iO 1 . 14W 2 65
1. . . ' 491 2 15 2 . 11M 2 40 1 1)70 2 61
1 .1240 220 1. . 12)0 ) 24) 1 11W 270
1 . 170 2 21 1 13.M 24) 1 . .1110 273
1. . W ) i 2.1 1. .1110 . ' 40 1 . 14X ) 273
1. . . 10 3 2 J1 1 117) 2-40 1 120) ) 271
1 1310 2 21 1. , 1120 i 41 2 . 1S.1) J. f5
4. . . 147.1 221 1. . . 21110 243 1 . . .1400 30)
3. . 1 CO 2 21 1 1210 2 41 2 . . . MO 3 15
1..110) 2 21 1. . . 1220 250
1 . . 1410 240 1. . .1180 300 2..1110 300
1. . . 1MO Z W
1. . . 1580 1 75 2..1513 2 23
1 . 230 2 2.1 1 . . . SSO 3 13 1. . . . 140 4 75
1 . 590 2 W 2 . . 150 J 50 C . . . 138 4 71
2 . .275 255 2 . . . 150 45) ) 1 , . . . ISO 50)
L , S40 i 75 1 . . . ISO 4 50 1. . . . 200 5 00
L. 230 271 2 135 473 i , . 105 500
1. . 1JO 3 CO 1 . ICO 4 75 1 . 150 6 00
1 . . . 22J 300 2. . . . 1W ) 475 1. . , , 150 0 CO
1. . , . CIO 240 1 , , . . 310 310 20 . . .1060 323
1 , , Sl70 2 41 IS C12 3 10 „ > . . . 997 3 25
7 , 721 250 21 , , , 1007 310 5 .1192 321
2 . .521 2 TO S , . . . HC..STO 2. . , CO ) 3 . ' 5
3 . . t7C i M 17 , . JilTf'8 10 L. k50 3 23
1. . . 530 J 6) 3 'fJO 3 10 19 11(8 J 21
1 . , 74 2 Cl L.T J ' 5 1) 2 , . 1120 3 Z3
1 . SI ) 2 76 4 , . 42l-tB 10 17 . . 753 d 23
1 . 970 2 75 10 , . .Ttn63 ' 10 2 . 9-0 3 21
2 . . HI 2 73 3 , ,7(3 ( 2 15 2(1 ( . ,1121 3 25
1. . tJ ) 280 B , sOTfr 3 .1I51 323
1 .1100 2 SO 2 , . 'IW 3 15 fl..113.8.3 30
. . .577 3 W i. . .H' ' V3H 2. 770 3 33
1 , f4) ) 300 7. i 874 15 j 70) 335
9 C74 300 2. . .I'aiKWJ ) 2 11 3 .
2 1031 30) ) 4 . , IJ It 2) J , S10 3 31
. ' . , 4S1 3 M 8..1IU 3 20 4 1117 3 31
10. , . , COO 305 2 , . . . Vi.S ) 23 4 .775 340
So. Av. Pr. i , . , ' Ho. Av. Pr.
4 bulls. , 1J 2 10 ,3 feeders. , 670 270
B bullH. 1111. 2 10 * , .X ' fecderB. . . , 503 290
IS COIVB 879 2 a > r'H.l ' feedc 830 300
3 feedem.lUO 2eVJullI
\vvaaiKa ,
II. lJi"HAner.
1 bull 1470 1 23n IliB cow 1110 250
2 bullH 1325 1 . ' 5 V \ / . ! CCIVVB 1135 250
Ii buls..U ! i > 9 1 WM'iQ'2 ferdernll55 310
1 bull 1340 1 DO luojo feeders,1161 310
20 COVVB. , , . , . , . iiC'J 2 JO -
Dalrinilu | ti Hunt.
Srovvci. . 1010 24' ' ) 1 steer. . . . . .1330 275
13 caws . . 1010 240 2) * Ufrn.,1uV , 310
7 COVVH tiC5 2 40 8 titeer * I'M 3 10
1 Meet 1260 273 17 leem..1074 310
11OOS The inailiet opened vvlth 105 loada In lKlii
nnd thu buyeis onYrUii ; IJI30 for ulinntt ever-
tlilnf. A few load * neil early to speculators nl
prlcen ranging IIH high aa $3 3I'i. ' but the
iiackera vveru demundlni ; u conclusion of full )
5c' , nnd Ihe ) fet what the ) vveru nftei. ] "ui
a time the Hade was tlovv , nalemnin being un
willing to taku off all Ihut wag , but the )
wire furred to give In , the Meat bulk uf all Ihe
hois Helling nt t3,3003.3.'H , with n ronnldrrable
tlnvvlng at (333 , ns nvnlniit JJ3Sij337'i jester-
day. After the trading was once under vvn >
thu movement VVOB fairly netlvu und the imut
of thu orfeiliiks were taken In goad neimon
'Ilia nmiket today WHH at I lie luvtctt { mint ot
ant day ulnte Ihuraday uf last week. Kcnre-
tenlallvo jc :
No. Av. Sh Pr. No. Av. fell Pr.
23 , ,324 . . .132) 117 304 . . . | 3 S2's
Ci 274 120 3 30 C7 2C1 4) 3 ! 2'j
CO 3IJ Ml 3 50 7C , , . , , , ,2ID 120 3 S2V4
18 265 . , , 3 SO 77 242 40 3 'i '
C5 317 . . . 3 SO n 24 ] ICO 932' ' *
41 311 40 3a M 23i 120
Realizing that a great many people in this city desire lo
be remembered to their friends during the holidays , but are
not in position to pay cash clown for such purchases , we have
decided to place our magnificent stock of up-to-date furniture
and house furnishings at their disposal , and make terms lhat
will be most convenient , Can you select from these ?
Piano Stools , Sideboards
Book Cases , Onyx Cabinets.
Music Cabinets , Shaving Stands ,
China Closets , Banquet Lamps ,
Parlor Tables , Dinner Sets ,
Chiflbnieres , Lace Curtains ,
Specimen Cases , Japanese Rugs ,
Rocking Chairs , Rope Portieres ,
Easels and Screens. Pitchers and Vases i
You can select i
any article and have I
it set aside for you to 5
be delivered later.
Make your selections
early. We will arrange
terms to suit.
Popular Prices.
1211 and 1213 Farnam Street.
, . > 4) 3 CO f2 ICC . . . 3 .12'4
29 12) ) 120 CS . . . . 314 SO 3 T2/-J
224) ) IS ) 11 . . . .197 . . 3 S2'4
2J3 12) 3 Si ) fO 251 12) 1 3J'i
2U IW 3 3) If2 . . . 2.i3 12) 1 12'i
2 J fO 330 5S 211 SO 1 32Vs
217 4) 330 7 ? . . . 2i4 SO 1 J2' .
2i,2 . . . 230 30. . 312 . . . 1 22"
V 2 > 7 4) 3-0 61 ,2"8 S ) 3 22'4 '
07 27 lpO ( 3 SO 1C 250 12) 3 12
C > . . .112 12) 3 * ) 32 2 C 210 1 12Vi
tJ 211 . . 3 " 0 TJ . . . .1-272 1(0 ( 3 32V-
,0 301 40 33) 71 201 40 13. ' .
V ! 12.1 1C ) ISO GJ 2T . 3 32'2
33 . - , 0 1 J ) C5 2 1 2h > 3 32'S '
& | B20 12) 23) ) 42 302 . . . 3 12'i
51 171 . . i " 0 13 2S4 . . . 3 32'i
0C 272 SO 350 7J 262 . . 3 I.'U
T3 220 20) . ,30 61 341 ICO 3 32V4
72 277 80 3 30 51 21 ! ! . . . 3 32'A
10 223 .0 3S > El 270 4) 1 52'4
j 2C1 40 .ISO 71. . . . 21G 40 .1 32'i
1,1 58 16) 31) ) 51 20 . . 1 32'i
12 K2 . 3 3J 77. . . . 2JG 120 3 32Va
15 211 80 330 fi. . . . 2 a 12) 3 32U
7J US . .310 f3. . . . 310 . 332'/4 '
6) ) 324 ICO 3 30 CS . . . 2fl CO 1 32H
Vi 2J1 1W3. ) 51 234 . . 3 S2V&
] ( i T23 . . 130 CI . . . 2f3 4) 3 32V4
10 337 . .330 fl > 303 . . J 32'j
Cl 2JO 100 3 SO CI 22 80 3 S2'4
23 22- ) . . 3. ) 78 . . . .2 C . . 3 32' .
03 2 0 120 120 fl . . . 391 . . . 3 32'i
4 ? 22 40 1.10 70 22i 40 3 C2V *
42 2U 40 3.10 Cl . . . . M.2 2X ) 3 . ' 2'4
12 25,3 40 3.10 B3 101 . . . 3 32'fc '
70 2bS 120 1 TO U 294 240 3 32' ,
4) ) 2'S 200 3 20 IS . . . . Zif 12) 3 32'j '
,7 212 40 330 37 290 . . 3 . ' 2V4
40 2C2 1ft ) 320 73 241 1C ) 3324
Cl 2P1 80 330 fi 319 . . . 3 32V4
4) 211 . . . 3 30 flj . . . . 2G5 . . J 32'i
SI . . . . 02 1GO 330 S3 234 12) 333
70 2J3 12) 330 78 2 > 1 M ) 3 S3
17 S48 . 3 20 ' 0 . . . . 202 SO 3 SI
M 311 240 3 30 H 353 . . . 3 ? 1
44 ? 27 ICO 3 TO B9 Ill . . . 3 ri
40 270 . . . 23) SI 200 . . 331
0 223 12) 331 f7 . . . . 2:3 fO 3 n
6G SOS IS ) 3 22VJ Cl . . . . 2)34) ) .1 35
M 301 SO 3 3..14 M 223 12) 331
> fl 247 . . 3 S2',4 fj 214 120 1 SI
M 323 32) 3 32'Xj ' 37 252 SsO 3 S7' ' < ,
115 411 ICO 3 32U 7) SI ) . . 3 37I3
J 210 R1 3 r2'i 70 270 SO 3 37'4
1,4 2S'i Rl 3 T2'5
1 360 . . . 223 9 321 . . . 330
4 2S2 . . . 320 C 241 . . . 3 SO
4 210 . . . 32) B 372 . . . 33)
2 . . . 430 . . . 320 C 291 . . . 330
1 310 . . . 321 B 2.V2 . . . 330
4 287 . . . 320 C C23 . . . 330
3 . . . . 3M ! . . . 3 30
HIII3I5I1 Tlierp was n liberal run of western
Khcep In the janln toiliv nml while the liumiml
wns K""il nmt the inirket rcueonnMy nctlvu on
tleHlinhlc muttons , common ItUidn were slow and
louir. HeprisentutlMi Biilen :
No , Av. IT.
B38 IilihaethcrB 110 f2 75
1 natho wether 110 30)
10 native Inmlm 51 3 00
101 imtUc lainba CS 4 00
Cliolvc Sli' TH hold Vt-ry Well at
Strong I'rlreN ,
CIIICAC1O , Dec , 39 Miolce Blcerg nolil verj
well t Hlrons prices , but othern wcic no more
thnn blend ) ' , HnltH were on the baala of fr ni
13 to 13 CO for common beef Btc era up to from
14 CO to (170 for prlmo lots , with f.'lirlntinn cut-
llu nt from $4 75 to } S 50 Tliu slocker and feeder
tmda wn no better , Ilutcliers' nml cannera'
Bluff WIIB In the usual K d dernind nt Hteudy
prlrex , cowa wiling chlellj nt from } 1 85 to } 3
Hulls sold Inrcely nt from 12 to 1275 nml cnhea
nt from 15 to $5 25 for RO > ! to choice loin. Texas
cittlu nro nrrhliiK In rnther Miiall inimlurs ,
but fair BUppllcH of potion feed nnd coinft 1 cat-
Ho nr txpecttd In January.
In hoMi tlti luclitrH w ro moilerale bujtrp ,
prominent pnckeiM JioldtnR IwcU iiKHln In urdtr
to ilt-pieen prlcts In this ih"y were biiciifs-
fill , IIH fuettrn tlilpprm rrntlnucil llKht puu'ing-
rrH und mrl > ElrmKlli WTS wion folowti | ! \ ) n
decline of about 2'4o per 10) p Hindu The rnme
wan \er > nirrou , common to prime clruu'H sill-
Inn nt from 1340 to tl 57'i ' with Bnlen Inrei ly
at from 1341 to } 3 C5 I'nrUim iiunliurnl IniKi-l )
nt (350 , ehlppera tnklnK the (355 ilro > en Choice
plK Holil nbout us lilh'h HH choice IIOKK
'Ihu Kheep Irnile wan nut wry brick , but prlceii
Avtru ge.niiHll > no lower. Inferior to prime rhii-p
nun nalalilo ut from (1 50 to (350 ( , with Halm
lnrRel > at from 134) to (311 nnd weMerng wile
wanted ut from (2 70 to (1 81 I.iunliH cold nt
from 13 to II to , chlelly ut (3 Co nnd upwnrd.
Holiday llii(8 ueie B liable nt from ( SCO to tl for
cheep 11 nil ut from (4 00 to (4 75 for lambs
IterelplH : rattle , 9,000 head , hogg , nftt bead ;
iilieep , 11,000 head
S ( . I.oiilN I.HiSork. .
ST. IXDU18 , Dec. 19 CATTI.K-ItecelptB , 3000
bead ; market iiclho and titroni ; . mil he Liecvej.
(32jfl500 ; 'JexuB ulc-era , (2250285 , Kraun. (2 t5Q >
375 HOGS Hecelpto , 8 Od ) lieadj market itraily to
la : hiu\y , (325i50 | < ) , inlxtd , (3 ( 20U3 40 ,
llRht. (3 25il3 45.
BIIIJKI' llecclptrf , 3.000 head , irmlket Blow ,
naUue2U3 20 ; iioutliernii , (2250300.
StorU In SlKlit
Itecord of receipts at the four principal markets
for ThuraJa ) , December 19 , D.
Cattle. Heirs Sheep
B.iulli Omaha . 1,454 7wi7 700
OhlciIKO . , . , * . ( EG OK ) 11,000
Knnnj Clt ) . 4 JO ) 9 ( i ) 700
Bt , IxiuU . 30 ) bnH ( ) 3000
Total . . .17.7C4 C0,007 1M
KIIIIHIIH City I.ltt ! htot-k.
KANbAS CITV , Dec. 19 CATTI.K-IlfcelpU.
4"3i > l ; uhlimientu , 2,00 lieucl llnrket tfa'J > ,
Hhade hlhhcr : Tm , tteem , I21ifi340 ; 'Ifiuu
( own. (1710305 ; beef nteer . (28)0425 ) ; imllte
cowv , (1 Kilt Z5 ; ttockeni and fcedcn , (2 3ii(3 50 ,
bulli. (1 7502 76.
HOas-llccelpts , 9,009 b ad ) shlrnunti , none.
Mniko * wenk fo lower ; bull , ot sulrs ! 3 2jS3 3 ,
h < L\\ . , $3oji3C5 , | ickci" , < 3iOii33' > . , mixed
! 3 253333 , llrhl , (315B3C5orl.cis. . J32)W32j ,
pll ! f3 0'T1 ' 15
MI3ii' ICccilpti , 700 bend , -Oilpineiits none
Market btead > , lambs. (3018433 , mutton1240
Yorl : I Stock ,
Die 19 IlljnvnS Hccelpts , 0
lunil : ? utopfnn eablFs quote Ameilcnn steels it
b' illr diessed weight i < frlgemtor Leef S5'ii c.
SUI313P AND LAM US HecelptH. 4217 head ,
dull : Bheep , pool to ntilctl > prime 52 2"nT3 21 ,
common tn prime , J4 OT5J1 11 , fanev rrlored , 14 71
HOGS llecelpls , 3,1'A head , easier ut ? 3 73j >
4 15
AVool lli'.rki-t.
LONDON , Dee. 19 There was a. good atlend-
ance at the 'hcrntl.ln calos todis 'Ihe biddl ig
v.ii excellent , but pilecx weie lovvt-i fir full
w noled merinos , unchanged for Queeni-1 mdn n'ul
il down foi others Tull cioss lire da vv.'i1
1JfJ'sd , short imrlnoB Hff d and shnrt ciiwi
bud % f ? ' d down The number of 1 ilm nfftitd
weie 07 1 PollovvIng are the Riles tn dttiil :
New Smith \Vahff , " * i biles , clothing and comb-
Ing. 3T if7G'4d Queen lind , 2 l > 75 bile1 ? , clithlng
nnd combing , 3'407'd Vlclnrl.i , 1212 bil < s ;
clothing nnd combing 2\ijlG"4d. hotith Ans-
tialla , 1 3CG bnlefl clothing nnd combing , 2\iW
6't.d Sivnn Itlver , 411 bale * , clothing nnd combIng -
Ing , 2j6d Ne\v Htnlnnd , 771 biles , e * thlntr
nnd c niblng , Cd Tasnnnla , Jl InUH. clothing
nnl eomblng , IVifiG'fd Cape of Oood Hope nnd
Nntnl , 17 bilis , elothUig and e milling 2'if/l',4d.
liiunii.H AMCK 380 bilea , clothing nnd combing ,
2' ? i'i\d Islmdi , 7 Inlen , clothing and
combing , t'tfiC' ) ! ! Punta Arenas , 61 bales
clothing nnd combing , I'l/iil'/.d '
Toloilo Cwiiii Market.
TOLHDO , Die 19 Win : \T Dull and lower ;
No 2 , eash nnd December , Cl'ic , Mn > I7e
COHN Dull , unchanged , No. 2 mixed , 27c ,
Mn > , 2iJie ni-ked
OATb-CJulet. No 2 mixed 18'4c , Mnj , 19Hc.
UY13 Dull , No 2 cash. 37e.
CLOVL3H KI3I3D bteinllcr , prime , cnsh nnd
Icembei. J4 2. . . .March , } J 12" .
HlX-niPrS V. hnt , 8500 bn , corn , 10,000 bu ,
oatB 3 cHfi ) bu : clever peed 521 I ngH
hllll'MnNTS-Plour , 4 O.JO Ibis. , wheat , 1,500
bu , com 19,000 bu , oats , 12,000 bu , clover 'cd ,
1,170 bnga. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cotton Mnrlcct.
ST. LOl'IP , Dec -COTTON-Qiilet , steidv ,
middling S'Kc , no pnltH iiiiorKd tecilplB , 4430
bales , ohlpmentB , 4 OX ) bnhfl , stock , f1,7C1 tales
NI3W 'iOllK. Dec -.OffON Dull , mid
dling , 6c , net lecclptB , 37 bilea , pr < I > B , 1201
Inks , forvvardel , IOC bales ; mliH IIDUP , Eloek ,
IH 2S2 bile I'ulureB cloFi d Kliiuly , fal < a , 234 , '
fO ) bile % Januai ) , JF.08. Pebruaiy , } S U , Mij ,
SflS , April , IS 22 , May. 127 , tune. J83) . Jul > ,
JS31 , August , J832 ; Hepteinber , J8 02 , Novem
ber , 7 64 , Uecemler. > 8 08
Pi-iirln MarLi'tn.
Pr.OIlIA , Dec. IS-COHN Plrm and un
changed , new No 2 , 23'i.c , new No 3 2a'lc
OATS Hlovv nnd Irreriilnr , No. 2 while , 17nll5) )
IS'Je , No 3 v\hlle , 17ft 17'iC.
H13 Dull mid noinlml.
WIIIhKV Klead > , tmuhed coodn , on the hails
of $1 22 foi high vvlncH.
iiiollHV In-lit Market.
MINNKAl'OI.lrl , DfC. 19. WIUJAT Weaker ,
Dicimher , r,2'S ' ( ' , ? Ia > , 51'i.c ' , On IncK , No 1
northern , (2 > .c , No. 1 bard , li' : > u , No. 2 noith-
trn tlHe
ri.Ol'll-Slend > ; tlrnt pitentB , (2 90W3 . ' 0 ,
Amu jean bakers' iooils. (2 BO , expoit bnkerx ,
(2 COiO 2 25. _
AVlicat ( ( iiolntloiiH.
HAN rilA.NrihCO , D e. 19 WIIK VT-Qulet ,
December , Me , Mn > , (1,04'j ' ) .
AITnlrH ,
UIIIII.IN , Dec. 19 ISnehanKi on I.onlon , ( IKlit
elajt' nlKbt. 20 marks 10 fig ,
PAHIH. Dec 19 Three i > r cent rt-nKK , lOOf
57HO for the account , K chanKe en I.on'lon
2Sr 23'tc ' for check * . The weekly rtjlcnifiu of
the tlank of I'ranct , lnucd today , tbows IA foi.
Hcvlcvvlng the Bialn nnd n ock nnrltets , will b
nt > eu dilly on request. In the hope ol deaerv'
Ing part of > our bushier Oidcis folli Ited foi
cash ur on tlitca lo ( lie point marclne.
J. R. WILLflR ) & 00.
Members Chicago lloaid of TrauG , No.Yor >
Produce Exchinge , New Voile Con * block LIs
change 17 Hoard 1 rntle , Chicago. 44 Uroadvvay.
New York
Telephone 10IJO. Onialia , Nub.
P.oom 111V4 Hoaid of Trade.
Direct wires to Chicago and New loik
Cat respondents : John A Watien S. Co
P. P. SMITH. ( Tel 130S ) S M. STANTOnD.
Room 4 , N. Y. Life Bid" ; . , Oiiialio.
Ilrnneh olllccs at Treini'iit in ) rolumbiiB All
orders iilneed on the i hlciifo lioanl of Trade.
Correspondenlii : hwaitz , Dupee , V Co , Chi-
cafc'o , hhrelner , Dack & . Co , bt Luula llcfcr
to 1'lrst National bank , Oimlia.
lowlnir changes , as coniinr < l with Die previous
account. Notes In rlrrul itlon IncMase * ) 2 ' * * ) ,
ooif , trca ur > accounlH ctirinit lntrcne , 17,475 *
OOOfold In hind Increase 72.1 OOOf , bills dls-
counted deerenB" , M,871,000f silver In luiul , In-
en lit f. R 900 OOOf
LONDON , Dec. 11 Tne amount of bullion
gone * Into the llink of DiiKl n 1 on bilnnee today
Is Id Ml Gold IH ( iiintid at liiiinon AMCH today
at 23220 , Madild 17 C2 ll bon 28 ht J'llers-
burB , 50. Athi n , 77 , Hem 107 70 , Vlrnm , 103.
1 1n * Hunk of l iRlnnd H rate of dlt > counl itinnlnn
unehnne'cd ut 2 per u nt ' 1 lit ) wctkly Btativ
mer.t of the. llink of KiiKliind , iFsued today ,
sinus the following chaiiKi < a ccmpired with
the pi ev lolls nccunnl , Total loicrvc , dpcreane > ,
(302000 ; ilreiilntlon , Incirnse , { 111000 , bullion.
decrease CMS 05 < i , other vptmllli * , Inciease , 1531-
OX ) , otlur iliiioells iliciciso 177 00) , public de-
posllH IncrenKe , IS18 OW , note nseive , decrease.
139000. Koverninent Htiirliks , unihaiiKed 'llu
proportion of the Hank of Hnplnnd'H reseivc lla-
Illlly , which last weiK wns CO 31 per cent , la now
CO 07 per cent .
riiiiiiiclnl .Nolc-N.
I1OSTON. Dec -Ceirlms ] , (15,578,807 ; 1ml
nnepB , (1,701 , CM
HAI/riMOIli : Dtc , -Clearings , (2.410.411) )
bnlnneep , (297,022
PHIUADHM'HIA , Dec -Cliarlngfl , (11.030 , .
031 , balances , (1.5C0.044
ST. I.Ol'IK , Dec -Clearlnrs (4 1C5 996 , bal.
ane , (450649 Mono 5J7S | el rent , New Yurh
ixclinilKC , 75o dlaCLimt bid
CHlCAnO , Die. -Cliurliihii. . ( C92l.f23.
Money , 6i)6'j ) ' per edit , on lime iifjC'4 ' pel cent ;
New Virk exchange ' "Ji/SOo illsiountt
forilgn ixehiilike , iilrunt' , iMiikem' I.onilon Ble'r-
llnir (4 tJ and (4 W
NIJW 'iOUK , Die 19Tho New York L'.nlial
railroad lias ibelaiiil n iiiiarterly dividend of 1
per cent The I . .ike r > K > ie lalinny lias declared
it iiirulnr Fcinl-anmnl dlvllend of 3 prr crnt.
The MlchlKnn Ctntinl rnllun > ban dtclaicd Its
regular n-nil annual dl\ldii < l of 2 per cent.
ClearlnKB , ( H2.74S.MO , balances , 1815,758.
Acts at once , never ( alls , Ona Mlnuto Cough
Cure ) , A ronnily 'or aullinm nml llmt fever-
lah conilltlon wlilch uccoinimtilcB a uuvcro
cold. The only liannkt-s remedy tlmt pro
duces lininrdlato rcsulta
INSTIIUMKNTS placed on record Dccemler
' J'\VAHHANTV 1)131303 ,
Hattlo Hettbcnntr anil husband to
\VllllH I-uiiil cormianj , 30xiaj fcut ,
cominenclni ; nt point 331 Rut cant of
northeast corner --ml und ( Sruiit
HtlLL'tU , , . . , , , . , , , $ . j
N H Cormll iinillfei to H U Koelicr , jv
lotH C unit C , block I , Iiubel nilil. . , . 2,000 '
C 13 CliilHtoplieibon to Caroline John-
ron , lotu 27 und 13 ! , | JOLC ! | C , ] 3cki.r-
nutn I'iucu , . , 75 *
J .M Veruu t' ) Mecli inlrs HivlngH
bank , lot 8. block KOmuiin . IC.CXK ) .
A H Vlncwit und vvifo lo OV Nlttly.
lotH 1 und 'i , liluk 7. .Mct'iiKuts'
mill 3,004
J D Wore to III nnd V I ) Wcml , lot
11 , HcinlnBton'H nub 25
CX A l.lniliuest | et ul lo 13 .M Hlenbortr , '
lottt fi , 22 unel ZS , block 10 , loin 1 und
2 , block 12 lot 10 , block 13 , lota U
and U , block II , Hone Hill 1
A J Naylor to J I' HariKcr , norlliueut
nortlieuut und noitlie.iHt sc-lc-9 1&
uiniS. :
filicrlff to P W Horbath , lotu 21 und 23.
block 4. Iluvvtliornp , taut oni-hulf
lot C. block % ' , , Omaha 910
Hpeclul mant r to B M I.audon , lot 4 ,
block 7C Diindco I'lace 2IX >
Hume to W H LauOon , lot 22 , block 76 ,
Haino , , . , , . , , . , , , 27G
Total umount of tranufcru . . . } J-t53
Chronic coughcrs are ilupltl bores and
should ba forced to use Dr. lluU'n Cou.U
Syruu , the ouly Infallible riinedj : , - t