Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    3 ( rMAii.A DAILY' ItI'v.C'JfrurnAv. TncptaxruMij M i
Senator Alien Surprises His BolHcoso Fol
low Members with a Resolution ,
In Int PMllKnO llefore Vollnir
on ( InIllll toIIIIIP ti L'oiiitiiln-
lon In Look Into I In : Vrnc-
xudnti Mntlvr.
kj - WASHINGTON , Deo. 19. ( Special T le-
\ gram. ) A martial and patriotic spirit has
pervaded the li.ills of congress during the
past forty-eight hours which has excited no
end of reminiscent talk among the older leg
islators , who recall other days when talk of
war merged Into the clash of arms and an
Internecine rebellion that stirred the world.
Since the president1 ! message Senator Qat-
linger has Introduced a resolution to have
the old war ship Constitution dug up and re
armed. Senator Davis has made a move1 to
Inquire Into our condition In Alaska and
whether or not the Itrltlsli were trespassing
tipon our territory by establishing postofllces
on this side ( ho line. Senator Hill * wants
the ex-confederatci restored to their rights
of belonging to the regular army , and , of
course , to accomplish all these results If Is
necessary to have money , and Senator Allen
of Nebraska proceeded to provide the same
by a resolution today , which caused a broad
cmllo to mantis Itself on the faces of the
senate. The senator saw tils opening and
proceeded to play a queen's gambit , the pre
amble reciting that
Whcrcnn , lly the president's message to
congreos December 17 , regarding the
boundary line between Venezuela nml Hrlt-
Ish Gulann , It l.i Hindu' to appear that n
condition of wnr between the Urltlsh em-
lilro nml the United States may suddenly
rise , anil
Whereas , Money Is the flrst Irene In
time or war , nml In mich event the" govern-
mem uses gold , silver and paper money
Indiscriminately until the two former dis
appear and thereafter relics solely on pa
per , therefore
Resolved , That the committee on finance
lie and It Is hereby directed nml enjoined
to Inquire and report by bill or otherwise
whether It would not bo expedient and
proper for the government of the United
Htiiteii t this time to opsn Its mints to the
free nnd unllmttcd coinage of gold and
Hllvcr nt the ratio of IS to 1.
The senate , however , was not In the mood
for trilling , If such even was Intended , and
that body , knocking out the preamble , ordered
the resolution printed.
Senator Allen , In defense of his objection
to a second reading of the bill to nppolnra
commission , addressed the senate at some
length , Ills speech In effect being that the
Monroe doctrine was on established doctrine
of this country ; that there was no division of
ccntlment on that question ; that wo should
proceed with deliberation , and not with
haste , nnd that wo should find , out whether
the facts In the Venezuelan case would war
rant Us application In this controversy , and
It It did we should apply and maintain It.
Ho thought that there was possibly more of
a political battle arising out of this contro
versy tlinn tno iiKennoou 01 war wuii ung-
land. Senator Allen nmdo his objection to
the second reading of the bill that he might
have time to ascertain just how much poli
tics there was In the movement to refer to
the committed on foreign relations.
It Is thought , however , the bill will bo re
ferred tomorrow to the appropriations com-
mltteee , where there Is a possibility of Us
being pigeonholed unless sentiment becomes
too strong.
Captntn Ira Machatto of the Ordnance de
partment Is ordered to the Sandy Hook prov
ing ground on official business.
The following transfers In the Ninth cav
alry are made : First Lieutenant Charles J.
Stevens , from troop II to troop E ; First
Lieutenant Alfred 13. Jackson , from troop
13 to" troop II.
Lieutenant Colonel James Ollllss. deputy
quartermaster gcntral , Is ordered from St.
Louis to Chicago on ofllclal business.
Uuth E. Everett of Lyons. Neb. , has been
appointed a teacher at the Omaha and Wln-
nebago Indian Agency school ; Peter A. Seboar
of Lincoln and Thomas II. Farls of Tyner ,
Kan. , teachers at the I'lnfr Ridge Agency
school , anil Mary A. Harrington of Iowa has
been appointed teacher at the Klamath
Agency school , Washington.
The contract for the approaches to the pub
lic building at Davenport , la. , has been
awarded to Joe II. Lenlcheck of Milwaukee
for J2.9SG.
Senator Pottlgrow Introduced a number of
bills today to advance the material and social
well being of his constituents , and a number
of relief bills designed to Increase pensions
of old soldiers. Ho also Introduced a bill
authorizing the secretary of the Interior to
ascertain damages resulting to any person
who made entry upon lands within present
limits of the Sequoia and Yosemlto National
parks In California prior to IS'JO.
x Kloftnl liy Armoelutloli
Aliiiut I'M fly 1'ri-NiMit.
The annual convention of tlio Sheriff '
Association of Nebraska met according to
cull at the Merchants hotel parlors yester
day afternoon. No business was transacted
during the afternoon , as n number of the
Hht'rlffa from outside counties had not ar
rived. The evening scsilon wan called to
order by President Hobert Kyd of Ueat-
rlce , about fifty members of the associa
tion being present. Various mutters psr-
talnlng to the advancement of the Interests
of tli ? association and the sherlff'ti ofllce
wcro discussed. The following officers were
Fleeted for the ensuing year : Hobert Kvd of
Cage county , president ; George P. Dean
of Hall county , treasurer ; H. Hosenzwclg.
i Douglas county , secretary.
The association unanimously endorsed
President Cleveland's action and message
on the Venezuela affair.
ThlH morning's session will open at 10
o'clock. _
on it Technicality.
LOUISVILLE. Dec. 19. The case ugalnst
ex-Deputy Collector Hllcy , charged with
violating the olvll service laws , was dis
missed on a technicality today by Judge
Tuft In the United States court , The judge
Hinted that the evidence brought In was
strong and showed deliberate conspiracy to
evade the law , and that Hlley was perhaps
n muster liiuid at It , adding : "The evidence/
produced , however , Is directly In variance
with tlm averment of the Indictment. "
Similar action was had In the Scott case.
DeWltt'i Llttlo Early Illsors the pills that
euro constipation and biliousness ,
That's right the world over the higher
the quality the surer you uro of being safe
from goods of cheap manufacture. It's
possible to buy a flilrt for a quarter , but
you can rent assured you don't get any
tnoro than your quarttr'a worth. Goods
are worth Just what they neil for that'll
the reason wo have to get a dollar for our
uhlrts they're worth It and they're worth
ten limes as much as u 253 shirt that won't
come out of the Hrat washing ullve. We
tell all kinds of shirts at very low prices.
Albert Cabn ,
Men's Furnisher , 1322 Faruara.
Y TI n > n on * i.rourr .
' llnrr llrrtr n < Jfrn < Crnwil
In limlr lilr.
SAN rilANrlSCO. Dec. -Society held
full Hway nt Inictcsldo today , the Oentle-
tn n' race for members of the locnl " 400"
ptovlng n fjrcnt drawing card. W. S. Hobart -
bart , th * young tnultl > ml11lonnlrt > , rode hi. "
own horse , Fcrrler , to victory In n manner
that would 1m vn mnde n Grlftln or Doggctt
envious , the flnlsh ho made being excep
tionally clever , Forrler was the favorite
In the betting , with Phllomcna second
choice. Three favorites , two second choices
nnd one outsider secured Ilrst places , sev
eral long shots finishing second. Weather
tnlny ; track muddy ; attendance good. Sum-
First' race , one mile , selling : Minnie Ccc ,
101 ( darner ) , .1 to 1. won ; Ike L , 97 ( .lone * ) ,
IS to 1. second ; Kill , 101 ( Coady ) , 12 to i ,
third. Time : lMJi. :
Second race , six furlongs , frlllng : Doubt
ful , 103 ( Mcllugh ) . 10 to 1 , won ; Callcntr.
10 ( T. Sloan ) , 2ij to 1 , second : Walter J ,
110 ( It. Smith ) , if. to 1 , third. Time : 1:194- : *
Theresa , Vallentc , Don I'lo Pico , Princes" ! '
Itoscy , Toneno. Imp. Kmlymlon , Pollock
nnd Yankee Doodl ? also ran.
Third race , ono mile , selling : Mary B ,
101 ( T. Sloan. ) , fi to 1 , won : Montnlvo , los
( I'ocnrnn ) , 15 to 1 , second ; Gallant , 03 ( Pig-
pott ) . 0 to B , third , Time : 1MTV4. Mamie
Scott , liraw Scott , Hydy nnd Iloailrunncr
also ran.
Fourth race , six furlongs , handicap : Sir
Play. 97 ( ( lamer ) . 0 to 5 , won ; Can't Dance ,
80 ( slaughter ) , 2& to 1 , second ; Potentate.
110 ( Grlllln ) . 2W to 1 , third. Time : 1:17. :
Quirt nnd sobnfr also ran.
Fifth race , six furlongs , selling : Montana ,
112 ( T. Slonn ) . 8 to C , won ; Imp. Ivy. 109
( Plggott ) , 100 to 1 , second ; Sllgo. 109 ( Dog-
getl ) , 2 In 1 , third. Time : ll8'/4. : Peck-
sniff. Starling , Zooleln , The King , K. II.
Sherloy , QmirlerstalT , Umma nnd Last
Chance nl. o ran.
Sixth race , six furlongs. Gentlemen's rnco ,
owners' handicap : Ferrlcr. 145 ( Mr. Hobart ) ,
7 to 5 , won ; Service , IIS ( Mr. Slmklns ) ,
4 to 1. second ; Phllomcnn , H3 ( W. H. Sink ,
tr. ) , 2 to 1 , third. Time : 1:21V4. : Svcngall.
Mod'sto. Johnny Payne , Oregon Eclipse and
Hurrnacli also ran ,
Xfvr Or Ion MR llaciItoxiiltH. .
NEW OHLEANS. Dec. 19.-Wealhcr
cloudy and windy ; track fast nnd heavy ,
after the fourth race , owing to rain. Sum
maries :
First race. Belling , flftoen-slxtecnths of n
mile ! Illbernla Queen ( S to C ) won. Queen
Hes (2 ( to 1) ) second , Invade (6 ( to 1) ) third.
Time : 1S3M.
Second race , six furlongs : Warsong (20 (
to 1) ) won. Plug (23 ( to 1) ) second , Cotton
King (2 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:15V1. :
Third race , three-quarters of a mile : How
ling Green (9 ( to C ) won , -Golddust ( B to 1) )
second , Dick Uchan (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
1 tH *
> t
Fourth race , handicap , flfteen-s > lxtronths
of a mile : Jim Ford ( B to C ) Avon. Squire
n (9 ( to 2) ) second , G'.ndlola (4 ( to 1) ) third.
Time : 1:33V4. :
Fifth race , selling , fifteen-sixteenths of n
mile : Ten Spring (4 ( to 1) ) won , Chenoi
(7 ( to 1) ) second , Slmrock (10 to 1) ) third.
Tlmo 1:40. :
IllcUc.v MnUi'x Diilitintic nit Oder.
DUUUQUE , In. , Dec. 10.-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) President Hlckey of the Western
Association of llase Ball Clubs at n meet
ing here today proposed to give Dubuque
the Omaha franchise If an average dally
attendance of GOO were guaranteed. He says
Hurllngton wants It , The Dubuque men
wore not prepared to give the guarantee ,
but will make a proposition later.
MlHMiuirl TlntTM Will Play Yale.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 19. Prof. II. T. Corey ,
manager of the Missouri State university
foot ball team , states that , although the con-
ttacts luul not yet been slcncd , It Is prac
tically Bottled that the "Tigers" will play
with the Yale tonin In Now York on No
vember 16 , ISflfi. Thorne , who captained Yale
this year , will coach the Tigers In 1893.
Convention of HIICR Horse Mm.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , Dec. 19. A call was
Issued today by Catesby 13. Ford , president
of the naco Owners and Trainers associa
tion , for a general mass meeting of turf
men nt Lexington , December 28. Radical
reforms will be discussed. The meeting
will bo one of great Importance.
So veil Hound * for $200.
MASSILLON , O. , Dec. 19. A prize fight
between Michael Burns and Richard Ashton
for 11 purse of 1200 took place at Sherods-
vlllo nt an early hour this morning. Ash-
ton had the best of It from the start , and
nt the end of the seventh round knocked
Burns out. _
Chief Justice Norval Is at the Merchants.
W. W. Turner and wife are Llncolnltcg. at
the Darker.
J. W. Mathews , Chicago , Is registered at
the Darker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Salsbey cf Kearney are
guests at the Arcade.
Ex-Assistant Attorney General Summers of
Lincoln Is at the Mlllard.
P. J. Quealy , cattleman and coal dealer ,
Cheyenne , Is at the I'axton.
J. M. McNamara , advance repressntatlve
"Charley's Aunt" company , Is at the Barker.
Mrs. Glrard , wife of Captain L. M. B.
Glrard of Fort Robinson , Is at the Paxton.
Rov. Edward Hungerford , wife and daugh
ter of Burlington , Vt. , are guests at the Pax-
W. A. Dcuel , general superintendent
of the Union Pacific at Denver , Is at the Mil-
Manager W. II. Harvey and his "On the
Mississippi" company ore stopping ; at the
Howard French and wife , Sheridan , Wyo. ,
are Darker guests. Mr. French has the gen
eral supply house at the above place.
AITS. T. is. Jones and daughter , Leah , of
Cheyenne , Wyo. , are visiting Mrs. Jones'
parents , Mr. and Mrs. William Rawltzer.
Joseph Adelman and wife. Miss Amelia
Gardener , Miss May Ducklcy Clayton and
eight members of the Clay Clement "New
Dominion" company are domiciled at the Bar
\flirnxUaiiM at tinllotelN ,
French At the Murray II. F. Johnfoti , F. F.
, Lincoln.
At the Dcllone Don Devlne , Mrs. C. G.
Mrs. E. Hartnuin , Irene Hartman
North I'latte ; W. P. Hall , Holdreco.
At the Mlllard R. II. Schneider , W. H.
Miingcr. Fremont ; E. Williams , O'Neill
James land. liaer , Elba ; August Trlmborn ; Oak ;
At the Arcade James Frank
J. A. Clark , Craig ; A. McGlnley , Shelton ;
, Harrison
W. ;
Hauptman. Swonton J.
; . Hastlc ,
Auburn ; A. II. Norwood , John Cooper ,
Frank Cooper , Oakdalo ; N. T. White ,
Sprlngvlcw ; J. W. Lulkhart , Coleridge ,
neiii ! w. it. uearlng , PliitUmoutli ; Fred
Kchtcnkamp. Arlington ; C. M. Schroeder ,
Tekumah ; J , a. Bloun , Pawnee City : C.
iJarowsky. Emerson ; Jacob Snyder , Full-
crton ; Ross L. Hammond , J. T. Smith , Fre -
mont J. B.
; Mendenhall , Falrbury
' ; C. W.
Hamilton , O'Neill ; K. R. Saddler , Lincoln
Sturtzor , Papllllon ; Chares
Wynnt , Falrbury ; Lu Lasoy , Madison Leo
Daldwlu , Nelson ; K. D. Uuvls. C.'ay Center
A. Llndscy , Hebron ; Robert Kyd , Beatrice
Thomas ;
Price , York.
wno are tna Keepers or tno Mouse , anu
Bukovlc , a boarder. At that timeDukovlc
told him that Seljan had come home appar
ently drunk the morning before , went to his
room , locked the door and was not afterward
seen. Dukovlc said that the door was still
locked. Weckbach advised him to Inform the
police , but ho did not. Weckbach on going
away met Detectives Savage and Dempsey
coming to the house and returned with them.
They then found the door of Seljan'a room
open. At this time Mr. and Mrs. Mlkan ,
Bukovlo and. Drubnlo were all In the larger
room adjoining Seljan's , and all were arrested
by the officers.
Officer Baldwin , ex-Captain Mostyn , Detec
tive Savage and L. D. Grler were then put
on the stand In the order named. They de
scribed In detail the condition of the room.
Poola of blood were on the floor and blood
marks on the door and walls. A hat rack
had been torn off the wall. Parts of the
bed mattress wcro seated with blood , whllo
the bed clothes were In a disorderly heap
at the foot of the bed. Two locked trunks
wro In the room , ono of which Dukovlc
afterward claimed. Dy ono of the trunks was
found a razor ' open and. very bloody , both
handle and bla'Uc. A shoemaker's awl was
found behind the door. A closed knlfo was
found lying on the floor. Detective Savage ,
on entering the room , saw a hat on the
bed which Dukovlc told him was his. Grler
said that he found a skinning knife Inslclo
a memorandum book In the > bed clothing.
Piiulflo Cubic KlectH Officers.
NEW YORK , Dec. 19. At a meeting of
the Incorporntors of the Pacific Cable com
pany , recently organized under the laws of
the state of Now York , held today , the
following board of directors was elected :
J. Plerrepont Morgan , George S. Bowdoln ,
Edmund L. Baylies , J. Kennedy Todd and
James A. Scrymer. James A. Scrymer was
elected president of the company and Ed
mund L. Baylies vice president and acting
treasurer. An executive committee- was ap
pointed and authorized to Increase the
capital slock of the company to J10.000.000.
Mr. Baylies , as chairman of the committee
On the of-fling of December 7 , the police
arrested D. S. Srtydtr on a warrant for ob-
tri.n 113 mo.-icy uM.i.'r' ' ' uprctnioj. . J !
McNulty was thh complainant , Snydtr hru-
l.iln In jail cvirislncc , and hli friends will
today demand that.he ) be given a hearing
or discharged frciaxustotly. Assistant County
Attorney \Vlnlorsc. > tii | ! down a couple of times
and partially trlc.c ) , fhq.ctse. All of the state's
evidence Is In and a part of that of tlu de-
fens ? . The trial wa * Interrupted and Winter ?
had to go to Omah.rtrt look after Dog Catcher
Frank , and left Snyder In jail , Now the cnss
has boon set for Saturday afternoon , but
friends of Snydcr w.lll try to get him rcloiscd
today. Police Judgj Clirlstmann Is not sat
isfied with the manner In which the ran * Ins
been conducted. About the 1st of Dcc-mbtr
Snyder came here from Sheridan with a lt
of cattle nnd the first "thi-ng he did was to
go on a big drunk. He fell In with a gang
of sharks , and after his money was nil gen :
he was Induced , while drunk , to olgn a draft
for ? 30 on a Sheridan. Wyo. , bank. In toe
tlmo the paper came back siampol "no funds"
and McNulty caused Snyder's arrest tor ob
taining money under talss pretenses. Mc
Nulty says that the amount Is due him far
beard. Yesterday Mayor Johnston recelve.l n
telegram from George Can field of Sheridan
stating that Snyder had a good reputation In
that country , and thnt friends up there would
help htm out It necessary. Snyder says that
ay soon as he Is out ho will hustle up some
money and make McNulty and some others
sweat for keeping him In jail so long without
a trial.
For an Inexpensive present and at the
tmmo time one for which the rising
tion will rite up and call you a dandy , wo
would recommend you to a footbill. Amor-
lean IU. t > er C3. footballs at 20c , SOc , 40c - ,
We. 60c , TSc.
J100 Rugby leather covered balls , 11.90.
$3.50 Rugby leather covered balls , { 3.10.
$1.00 RuKby leather covered balls , J2.TO.
llano balls nnd bats at lots of low prices.
Columbia Metal Polish. Mull orders tilled ,
Cross Gun Co. ,
Sporting Goods. 11GS. 16th Sr.
iv/ ' i1IMV
TIII Prii i
Day of Testimony Regarding Facia Ccn-
nocted with Seljan's ' Death ,
Atornr ( for ArriiKpil A lc for Illi-
inlNxnl of ( InC.nnr - nl the Ontct
bill Arc * Dcnlcil Statement *
On opening the criminal court yesterday
morning Judge Scott announced that he
could not longer preside at the trial ot the
prisoners accused of the SelJn murder , on
account of th Kcrlous Illness ot his wife. No
testimony had been heard and Judge Fer-
guscn took Judge Scott's place.
Before Judge Scott left the bench the de
fense moved for a dismiss ! on the ground
that the state's case as presntcd In the
opening statement was not sufficient to
convict , Juilgo Scott held thit ht > could not
entertain the motion , Inasmuch as It was
not encumbcnt on the state to outline Us
whole case In Its statement to the jury.
The threa defendant ? , although they
claim to bo unable to speak or understand
English , paid close attention to the proceed
ings. Two of them , Mlkan nnd Drubnlc ,
were clad In their regular prison clothing ,
but Bukovlc , who seems to bo the most
Intelligent of the three , hail spruced himself
up for the occasion. lie was clad In a dark
suit , white shirt , Piccadilly collar and black
ened shoes.
The first witness was Joseph Ecker , fore
man of the smelter department In which
Seljan worked , and he was then on the night
shift , who testified to walking part way
homo with him on thei morning ot July 1 ,
They stopped at a luloon , Twelfth and How
ard streets , and drank some beer and then
parted. KcUcr did not sco Seljan after that.
He Identified the body found In the river as
that of Seljan , and the bloody clothes found
on the river bank , a key ring and a key as
having belonged to Seljan.
It was shown by Herman Vessler , barten
der In a saloon , 1214 South Thirteenth street ,
that Scljan's mall was delivered at the sa
Thomas Ruby described how ho chanced
to find the bloody clothing on the river bank
on the morning of July 3 , and both he and
John E. Morse , who was soon at the spot ,
gave testimony as to the condlt en cf the coat ,
vest and hat. The coat and vest were folded.
On the rim ot the hat was a stone as If to
hold It down.
Officer Dick Marncll corroborated their
statements and mentioned the finding of let
ters addressed to Seljan In a coat pocket.
Chief of I'ollce Drennan and Undertaker
Drcwer of South Omaha told what was done
with the body when It was found in tha river
July 16 , and what Its condition was. Under
shirt , drawers and shoes were on It. It was
badly swollen and the throat was deeply cut.
Joseph Strukel , his wife and Joseph Derg ,
general foreman of the smelting works , testi
fied that It was Seljan's body.
William Weckbach described the condition
of Seljan's room on the morning of July 3 ,
when ho had been attracted to the house by
the sight of several parties looking In at the
window. They were Mr. and Mrs. Mlkan ,
on plan and scope , reported that estimates
for the 'cable laid nnd guaranteed had been
received. It Is estimated It will require
7,219 mile * of cable to establish telegraphic
communication between the United States
and Japan. Letter. * and telegrams from
connecting telegraph companies favoring
the enterprise were submitted.
iHlnnderx Still Practice CiiniillmllMii.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 19. William P.
Harrison , the son of Carter Harrison , the
late mayor of Chicago , arrived In this
city today from nn extended trip to the
Antipodes. During his stay on the Solo
mon IfUnds he states that over twenty-live
Individuals were devoured by tha canni
bals , six whites ) 'find nineteen utives. I3y
accident he escaped the same fate.
Tha Samoan natives are planning another
uprising. _
Clilcr MniitifncturcrM Elect Office .
CHICAGO , Dec. 19. At today's session of
the Cldar and Cldar Vinegar Manufacturers'
association of the northwest the following
were elected ofllcern for the ensuing year :
President , 1 , . B. Bryant , Princeton. Ill , ;
tlrst vlco president , George Klelhly , Clarks-
vllle , MO. ; second vice president , T. C. John
son , Klshwaukee , III. ; secretary and treas
urer , Levl Chubbuclc , Kldder , Mo.
ItiiU-M ( o He Advanced.
NEW YORK. Dec. 19. It was stated in
Wall Direct today that transcontinental
freight rates will bs advanced by the Panama
railroad and all overland lines at a meeting
to be held erly In January ,
With your breakfast you probably take
coffee. Besides silver coffee pot wehave
the following articles tollable for ( lifts at
J3.00 for choice. Klne carving knife and
fork , buck horn handle leather clear case-
fancy match box line pen knife uolIJ silver
cream spoon , glided solid sliver fruit knife ,
pearl handle solid silver butter knife , fancy
tine silver plated goblet , gold lined fine
sliver plated crumb scraper silver plated
card receiver one dozen silver plated nut
nicks silver plated butter dish one dozen
triple plateU knives.
Mandelberg ,
JKWELRR , N. K. Cor. 16th & Foruaw
City ( ioKNlp.
Mrs. R. II. Lawrence Is sick with pneu
Hans Aye of Blair spjnt yeiterday after
noon In the city ,
Mrs. Melchcr of Atlantic , la. , Is visiting
her son , C. A. Melchcr.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brudcr ,
Seventeenth and N streets , a boy.
Charles Erlckeon of Central City was a
visitor In the city yesterday.
Jchn O'Brien of Graf ton was a visitor at
the stock yards yesterday afternoon.
George Storrltt , Twenty-sixth and L streets ,
was taken to the county hospital yesterday.
Tonight the Omaha nnd South Omaha En
deavor societies will meet In joint session
at the First Prerbyterlan church.
T. O. Plath ot Dodge Center , Minn. , who
was visiting friends here , , left yesterday for
Denver , where ho will spend the winter.
Next Monday evening there will be a
meeting of the .members of the Ideal club
to make arrangements for a Now Year's
Captain McDonougu of the police force
celebrated his thirtieth birthday last night
by setting out a box of cigars to his brother
Yesterday afternoon the ladles ot the Wo
men's Christian Temperance union met nt
the home , of Mrs. Wright and sewed for the
South Omaha hospital.
The hospital Is In need of bed ? , bedding ,
olii linen , easy chairs and dainties for the
sick , and the , w'pmen In charge ask the
" '
public to rememb"er'ttho hospital on Christmas
. . .
mas day. r. i
A few weeks ago the city council passed
an ordinance requiring all physicians and
mldwlvos to make a report 'to ' the city clerk
of all births. Tha doctors wcro a little slew
In complying with the regulations , but up to
date the mldwlves have not sent In a single
report. City Clerk " "Maly has positive In
formation that mldwlves have assisted at
quite a number bt-blrths , and he Is preparing
to swear out Warrants In the police court
for the arrest of several of them.
KiiiKlitH of Alc-Siir-Ilcn TlilrHt for
UnKllnh Illood.
At noon yestordaythe , members of the ex
ecutive committee ot the Knights of Ak-Sar-
Ben met at their private den at the Commer
cial club. Upno'.adjourning they gave out
the Information that they had decided to
back up President Cleveland.
They Instructed the following sent by tele
graph :
To His Excellency , Grover Cleveland , Presi
dent of the United States : The Knights of
Ak-Sar-Dcn , a local society Including COO
leading bankers , business and professional
men of Omaha of all parties , beg to congratu
late you on pointing out to the world that
European nations have no monopoly In the
manufacture of International law.
By William Lyle Dickey , Secretary.
At the same hour the Doard of Trade held
a meeting and ordered the following sent to
the New York World :
The secretary of the executive committee
of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Den , the strongest
body of business men ever organized In
Nebraska , has just sent the following tele
gram to President Cleveland :
"The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben , a local so
ciety Including COO of the leading bankers ,
business and professional men ot Omaha ,
of all parties , beg to congratulata you for
pointing out to the world that European
nations have no monopoly In the manufacture
of International law. "
THO Knlgnts ot AK-aar-uen correspono
here to the Veiled Prophets of St. Louis ,
and Rex and Proteus organizations of Now
Orleans. This opinion therefore voices the
cplnlon of the city of Omaha. Everywhere
Is heard the highest praise of the president's
message. Nothing less forcible would have
answered In the emergency and the news has
stirred our citizens llko the first gun on
Dy M. D. Smith , Secretary.
Scalpeil Union I'nclflc Ticket * .
CHICAGO , Dec. 19. A largo number of
tickets of the Union Pacific have besn found
on the market here , and they have been
used to scalp the rate from Chicago to Den
ver and between Denver and Montana points.
The tickets are the return portions of the
round trip tickets , and admit of a scalp of
about 1C on each tlckit Bold. Chairman
Caldwell has begun to buy up all the tickets ,
and will call on the Union Pacific to re
deem all of them.
I'liiinliliiK' MiiuufnctiircTN Combine.
PITTSBURG , Dec. 19. The manufactur
ers of plumbers' 'braes ' goods of the country
formed a national organization today. A
meeting of representatives of leading firms
convened at 10 o'clock , and , after discussing
trade conditions. It was decided to consoli
date for mutual benefit. The organization
Is not culled a truft by the persons present.
Thcrs was a largeattendance. This after
noon the olllcers will bo elected.
Jl ' . 4
Just Key West * ami clear Havanna cigars
at the unheard of prices of J2-J3-J3.K nnd
! 3.fX ) a box , In most all the popular brands.
We got them of one of the largest and most
reliable factories In the world big ship
ment that accounts for the price. If the
ladles will let us make a selection we are
sure to ploao the smoker , Our number ls
over the door , You can't miss It ,
Robertson Bros. ,
Cigars ( Muui cra.cr8)216 ) s 15tu st-
HJ News from Zcitoun Hns Boon Received
for Sevoml Dnys.
Olllrlnl * Olvp Aiinr nrc of Ilitinniic
Tr rut m i-111 of the loinlncp | lutt
I.I III. . IlrtlniK-o It rinccil
oil Ottomnti P
CONSTANTINOPLE. Dec. 10. The embas
sies of the powers are still receiving -tailed
reports from different parts of Auatollo , and
It appMrs lo bo recognized on all sides here
that , In view of the state of affairs prevail
ing In certain parts of Asiatic Turkey , the
powers cannot much longer remain Inactive.
It Is believed that ns effective measures for
th ? alleviation of prevailing distress or calcu
lated to quell the growing discontent ot the
TurklPh subjects of the sultan will be taken
until the powers Intervene ) actively In the
administration of the empire.
As day after day passes and there Is no
news of any Importance direct from Kcttoun
the feeling ot anxiety as to the fate of the
Armenians v. ho ar holding that town against
the Turks Increases , nnd the darkest fore
bodings are heard on all sides among the
Armenian ? . It now seems to be generally
admitted that the Turks have surrounded
Zcitoun , and nobody here would be astonished
nt the news of n torrlhlo ma" acre ot the
Armenians ot that city and vicinity. The
strongest representation possible have boon
made to the porto on this subject , and the
usual assurances mat thn Insurgents will be
treated with humanity have bean given , but
for all that the worst Is fearoJ for the unfor
tunate rebels of Zeltoun , whether they sur
render or fight It out to til ? last.
Alarming rumors as to the attitude ot the
populace here are still In circulation , and the
ambassadors have , It Is understood , laid plans
tor concerted action upon the part of the
guardshlps and their crews In the event of
fresh disturbances here , and It Is rcporttd
that any serious rioting may lead to the
presence here of further reinforcements of
guardshlps. for the representatives of tha
powers will not leave anything to chanceor
oiprlcn in the matter of protecting the lives
nnd property of the foreigners In this city
and vicinity.
\ntnrnllr.cil AriiicnlaiiN SccU
Ihnler tin * .Stnrn nml
CONSTANTINOPLE , Doc. 19. The United
States cruiser Marblehead arrived nt Marslna ,
Asia Minor , on Tuesday.
Rev. Mr. Christie , ono of the Ameri
can missionaries , nnd hlo family , ns well
as a number of other families , have sought
refuge at Marslna.
United States Minister Terrell has re
ceived dispatches announcing the fMfcty of
the American missionaries at Marash and
Alntab. Gudjlan , the naturalized Armenian-
American , who was Imprisoned at Aleppo
and whoso release was secured by Mr. Ter
rell after long debys , and as a result of
strong protests upon his part , embarked
here yesterday for the United States under
the protection of the United States minister.
Great Fire lit MiitntiEiin ,
HAVANA , Dec. 18. A great fire broke
out today In the market place at Matanzas.
Hopes are entertained that part of the square
will bo saved. Two men have been arrested ,
charged with causing the conflagration.
CommlNNioii. Itecelvod vrltli Honor * .
SHANGHAI , Dec. 18. The American com
mission to Investigate the massacres has ar
rived at Chengtu , and was received with
great honor. The mission will probably bo
PARIS , Dec. 18. The bourse was depressed -
pressed today , and Brazilian securities fell
4 points on President Cleveland's message.
International stocks were weak.
Fair with IVlmlx Shifting io Southerly
for JVcliriiHkn.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. The forecast for
Friday Is :
For Nebraska Fair ; winds shiftingto
southerly ; warmer In the western portion.
For Missouri Cloudy weather and rain
or snow ; northerly winds ; colder In the
southeast portion.
i For Kansas Generally ITaJr ; . nbrthei'ly
For Iowa Fair , except In the southeast
portion ; local rains ; northerly winds.
For South Dakota Warmer ; fair ; EOU t y
For South Dakota Warmer ; fair ;
southerly winds.
Kocnl Itoconl.
OMAHA , Dec. 10. Omaha record of tem
perature and rainfall compared with the
corresponding day of past four years :
1011R11 1S < W IRQ1 ?
I3y reason of the worm weather the sales
of furs are very backward , eo we'll have
the moat radical reductions from now till
Christmas U'H a chance of a lifetime. ,
Astrakhan cnpes , latest styles , sold as
high as $20.00 , from now till Christmas
(9.75. Klectrlc real capes , 33 Inches , hand
somely trimmed with Japanese marten ,
Skinner satin lining , always sold for 135 to
# 0.00 , for the next nve days what arc left
go for J21.M. Every article In our utore Is
Included In this eale. . , '
G . E. Shukert ,
Furrier , Fifteenth and Hartley
Never Were Such Bargains Offered in
the History of the West ,
This store will be closed for good
Christmas Eve. Now is the time to
get good reliable merchandise , includ
ing Toys , Books , etc. , for almost a
If you are economically inclined ,
be sure to see our goods , as it will be
a saving to you. If you are liberally
inclined , don't fail to pay us a visit ,
as your money will go just about
twice as far. Remember that we
must be sold out before December
25th. We have made prices on every
thing which will close out the goods
quick. Come early in order to get
best selections- .
Safe , Fixtures , Show Cases , Etc , , For Sale Cheap ,
lit 11 lit no Slinft
Many Mi-it.
SILVER CITY , N. M. , Dec. 19. By a coal
mlno explosion today at Egypt , N. SI. ,
forty men were cither killed or Imprisoned
In a plmft. U Is Impossible as yet to say
how many ot them are alive.
Sulelilc Under mi ANHIIIIIIM ! Name.
FILLMOIIE , Col. , Dec. 19. Interest In the
Anacampa hotel suicide at Ventura , Cal. , has
been reawakened by the receipt ot a letter
from H. L. Jones of Chicago asking for In
formation and copies of Chicago Press club
cards and letters found upon the body of
the man supposed to bo H. L. Jones. The
writer claims to bo a man personated and
says ho Is much alive. The mystery Is
heightened by the fact that two ladles and a
gentleman who came to Santa Uarbnca and
Identified the remains allowed the Impres
sion to prevail that the sulcldo was H. L.
Jones , a Chicago newspaper man. No ono
hero knows him.
TrniiHcoiilliiciilnl ItntPN Will no l'i.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 19. A local papsr
uays transcontinental freight rates wilt bo ad
vanced by th9 Panama Railroad company
and all of the overland roails at a meeting
to be called In Chicago or New York early
In January. The advance , It Is said , will
bo the result ot tli3 now contract recently
made by the Panama road and the Pacific
Mall Steamship company , by which the
former Is given the right to fix rates on
west bound tmlpmonts.
I.i-ft U < i > n CoiniiilUre < o Settle.
CHICAGO , Dec. 19. Th ( Transmlssourl
lines met at the oftlco of Chairman Caldwell
to consider the elbow tickets from Los An-
glea. After a short meeting the matter was
referred to & committee , which will report In
the meeting to which time the meeting ad
National Jlimk Openx
NI5W WHATCOM. Wash. , Dec. 19. The
Dennett National bank , which was forced
by a sudden run to euapsnd November 5 , with
aggregate liabilities of $81,000 , was reopened
for business today.
Oil < h WroiiK Hltle of Wheat. . .
PHOKNIX , Ariz. , Dec. 19. Sheriff Royse
of Sedgwlck county , Kantus , arrived hero this
IT tiORS '
With everything1 wo Bell during this
special holiday , sale , liero'd a sample of
one of our specials the celebrated Iturton
guitar , the only Instrument In the market
that Is guaranteed for five yearn. Our
style CO "IJurton" Is the greatest bargain
ever uhown In the city , Eolld rosewood body
and sides , solid mahogany neck , French
polished guaranteed to utand steel airings.
Price 116.00 ; uold everywhere for (23.00. Our
prices are 20 per cent lower than any other
house ,
A. Hospe , jr ,
Music aud Art. 1513 Douglas St
MAYER. STRDUSE * CO. . 412 D'wa ? . N. Y. . Mfrs-
morning from Mexico , bringing with him
O. 0. Nordmark , arrested In Sonora for em
bezzlement. Nordmark does not deny tha
embezzlement of JIM from the Postal Tele
graph company at Wichita. He lost th
money gambling In wheat.
for an Ainlc'iililc NoUlonient.
BUKNOS AYRKS. Dec. 19. General Roca.
the > distinguished Argentine military author
ity , was Interviewed today on the Venezuelan
question precipitated by President Cleve
land's message. Ho said that ho felt con
vinced that an amicable settlement of tU
matter would ho reached.
Hill oil IV llcil Hat Arrlvi'N.
NKW YORK , Dec. 19. The North dcr-
man Lloyd steamer Fnlila reached port Dili
morning. Among her passengers Is ilia Mar
quis tiacrlpantl , who brings the berctta foi
Mgr. Satolll.
_ _ _
The perfume of violets , the purity ot the
Illy , the glow of the rose , and the lluuli ot
Ilebo combine In Pozzonl's wondrous Powder.
tO I'lTNlll < * ll < .SI < MI < * .
At the Mercer hotel la t evening a com
plimentary banquet WUH temlcrtd by the
Nebraska Life Underwriters' nssoclatlon to
the president , John Sleek * . About forty
were present. Almost every one made u
Hpeocli , In which nice things wcro vald
about the Kuext of honor und phaueH o |
the profession
The weather has been dead against us too
mild fur milllller . Now in order to In
duce you to buy nulllllerM and we've gal
an enormous lot of them wo will place on
wile tomorrow for the rout of the week-
Friday and Saturday about COO palm of
tadlcH * brown , black and blue , spring healer
or licel , fur trimmed , beaver or fiullted
nulllllers at the upeclul price of $1,50 u paTF !
You can't duplicate them anywhere on
earth for J2.60. Take'thern for"l.50. .
Drexel Shoe Co. ,