Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIK OMAHA DAILY HICK : KHMl.V&r l > ISOIfiMill 131 ? 20 , 1805.
Office , 12 Pcnrl Street. H. W. Tllton , Manager and Lenses.
Mivno.\ .
I'lorai deslpn ? . J. It. McPlicrson. Tel. 211.
Wom n'9 Hollef corps No , 180vlll meet
In regular .ittfloii this afternoon at 2 30
Kcgtilir msetltiR of I'iclcllty council , llojal
Arcanum , tlili evening at 7:30 : o'clock. Spe
cial bUFlness.
The ( Uand hotel , Council Illuffi. High
\ clai In every r jpi-ct Hates | 2 f,0 pit clay
enl HpnarJ. K. V Chile , proprietor.
? itr.c' one tried to enter Ovltle Vlen's barn
In the western pirl of the city Wednesday
night , but va frightened away by a neigh
bor.Th re will b ? a popular "Mikado" mat-
Inc-1 SJturJay at 2 o'clock at Uohany'n. A'l-
: / mlsj on to all pnrtB or the house , 23 cents.
1--9 No referred seit ? .
William Dallty andAdi Gordon , botli
of Council Illuffs. were married Wednesday
evening by Justice Vlen at tlio residence of
II Peterson , C23 liroadnay.
Calintho assembly Is to give a masque
rade ball January 1 In the Woodmen of the
World hall. Prizes are offered for the best
costuni'B Tickets 50 and 25 cents.
To oxchanRf for stock of general mer-
cliawlliio or bank , Improved farm lands
"being farmed , " In Oosper county , Neb
Ohio Knox , 37V5 I'earl rtrret. Council muffs'
James Drndley , the city electrician , lias
gone Into the piano building business on
n. Btnnll scale. Hi recently munufacturc'l
an Instrument of about half thj ordlniry
hl/c. with full lieboard. The hammers
ntrlke on bells Instead of wire strings.
A entered Cole & Colo's barn ,
on Seventh street , juet south of Hroidway ,
Wednesday night and stole a set of harness
mill a saddle. A piece of candle vvau fcund ,
vhlch Is wipposed to have bson useJ bj
.Mrs Arlifoid's Christmas cantata , "Prince
of Pence , " at I3rc > adnn > Methodist Uplseo-
pal church will b ? rendered next Sunday
night at 7-30 o'clock by the church choir ,
assisted by other gangers. Tlirjo carols b >
children Chrlftma decorations and mot-
IOCH The public In InMted. No chugo for
admission. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Guard against loss by lire end Insure > cur
properly In reliable companies. If you pay
nn Insurance premium you expect Insuranc'
We represent some of the host Kngllsh an 1
American companies. Lougee & Towle.
MONEY to lean on Improved Iowa farms
Large loans n specialty. Plrc Insurance. L.
W. lullcyB , 102 Main St. . rooms 2 and 3.
Art htdcU niicn A-UH3- .
Not being able to attend to business , I
will fell any thine In my line at actual coi't.
Goods must go at Boms price. See the ele
gant new pictures that just came In. All
to bo cut and nlashcl. A large etching given
with each Jl.OO puichase. W. W. Chapman ,
17 Main street.
WIIH It Hnrtl I.nckf
Dad management , or only forgetfuln 6s ? It
don't really make much difference whlcn It
was. Ilio plpo burst. The "cut off" would
not \\ork.
They telsphoncd the New- York Plumbing
compiny , 30 Pearl street , for a plumber and
then watched the water run down their new-
stair carpet while thry waited for him to get
Christmas and NewYear's holiday excur-
u'.on ' rates to all points within a. fadlus of
200 miles from Council niiifT" Dates of
sale December 24 , 25 and 31 , 1SO.V .January
1 , 1S9C. GwJ to return until January 2.
O. M. Drown , Ticket Ag nt , Council llluITs.
H. J. Mnrtln of Hancock was In the city
yest rday.
J. H. lllark of Grlswold was a Dluffs vis
itor yesterday. .
O. T. Joslln leaves today for a visit to his
old homo In Indianapolis , arcompanled by
his son , Harry.
Deputy United States Mnrelml T. P. Gray
ot Don Molnes was In the city yesterday on
bublncsti connected v.'ltli the depaitment.
Julius Deetkcn liau rotuincd from his med
ical studlcH at the leva. State university , and
will spend the holidays with his father , Dr.
C. Dectken.
P. J. Dtierr and Miss Duerr leave tills ,
morning for an extended visit to their old
homo at Maislllcn , O. Mr , Duerr expects
to r'maln all winter In the hope of recuper
ating his health.
Harry Illrklnblne , under whop ? direction
tli ? Council Illufte water works system uas
put In , and who acted for several ycir > ar
the company's manager , Is now located at
Ci U'fleld ' , Mil. , vvaero he Is putting in a
water system.
A. G. Hartley of Magic. Pa. , writes : "I
foci It a duty of mine to Inform jou and the
public that DiWItt's Witch Hazsl Salve cured
mo of a very b-nl cafe of cczemi. It also
cured my boy of a lunnlng sore on his leg.
Christmas grens , the largest line of ever-
tfreeriB , wreaUiing , holly ; holly branches ,
long nsedlo pines and mlntletoo in the city ;
panic prices. J. It. Symler.
EVIIIIM I.iiuiiilry Co.
No. E20 Pearl street. Telephone 200. We
have all the latest Improvements for laundry-
Ing. Wing point and turn down collars , and
for the caving of linen In general.
Stcphan Bro3. tor plumbing and heating ;
ho nne line ot pas fixtures.
IIivo you seen the new gas heating stovei
at the company's office ?
Our prices nro right on everything. Met-
calf Dros.
Kiln D. W. naymord watch , $15 ; Woll-
Jarvls 1S77 brandy ; purest , safest , besf.
Attend Davis * clearing sale ot holiday goort * .
iinin ici i/rut u , \ \ \ utns MUM : .
MIIU Ciiinily lijn Mlulit Mil-
Jin-ll > III l-riilt i\lillillM. :
Yesterday w.u the clo lng day of the
Southwestern Iowa Horticultural society
nitctlng The morning was spent In hearing
the dlscutslons on a number of different sub
jects connected with tli ? growing of fruit
and \cgctable . This has been beyond any
doubt the moil Interesting meeting ever held
by the sicloty. Tour years ago a large ex
hibit nas made In the Merrlam block , but ,
creditable as It was , It could not e < iual this
yeir's exhibit In the KUeman building. The
fruit crops were excellent this year , for one
thing , end the fruit raisers arc becoming
more enthusiastic about meeting one another ,
exchanging Ideas and hiving their product ?
compete for prizes.
Mills county , the banner fruit county of
the ttate , was supposed to have something
of an advantage over the other counties ,
but Irr advantage over Pottawattamle In
the excellence of her dlf-play turned out t
be very slight. She won by four points ,
having eighty-four points to Pottawattamle's
eighty , Pottawattamle. It I ? claimed , would
probably have walked ott with the prlz3
but for the fact that thirty varlctl's had
been left unnamed , The following awards
were made to the two counties :
Mills first on county fruit display , first
on Individual fruit display , fir t on jovcnty-
thrco platen , second en thirteen , and first
on fourte'n varieties.
Pcttawattamle Second on county fruit ,
second on Individual , flret on fifty plates.
second on eighty plates , first on canned
fruits , first on vegetables , first on general
display. The Hoyal Vernago grape , the new
Krapo lntrciluc-il by J. II. McPhcrton. the
Horlst , was the only new grape recommended
for trial by tha soc'ety.
An elegant pair of stag handle carver ? , 7Cc.
Crlsty knlfp sets , 2uc.
Home very fine silver plate knives and
forks , Columbian design , $2.50 per set.
Chlld'H s ts. knife , fork and spoon , IKc.
Anti-rust No. S bnllera , C3c till aftsr Chrlrt-
mas only Handsome decorated tea and cof
fee pot * at reduced prices. Pint cups a
penny each , nivcted handle cups. 3 for 5c.
We carry the best Una of st ° el ranges In
the west ; the fuel savors of the world.
We will guarantee Cole's Hot Ulast to use
one-third leys soft coal than any other stove
Cols's range exhibit this week will be
Saturday from 2 to G p. m.
Two-ln-hnnd umbrellas , Wollman's.
Too Full to KM on.
James Vesey , who was chaiged by C. W.
Stlmson with the- larceny of about $90 , was
discharged by Justice Vlen yesterday after
a preliminary examination. The evidence
brought out the fact that StimEon , on the
night of the alleged robbery , had made a
trip on foot from Dryant street to Ninth
avenue , and only missed one saloon In the
entire distance. At the latter end of the
route ho came across Vcsey , and they had
to have several drinks becau ) they used to
be schoolmates. Iy that time Htimscn had
gotten so fully organ/cd ! that ho did not
know much about what Vcscy did. If Vesey
took It , however , ho was unwilling to swear
that he did not tak ? It as an act of kindness
Scarlet Pc\cr SIKHS t'i > .
The prevalence of scarlet fever or any other
contagious dla.'nse need not alarm you If you
use Allen's Hygienic Fluid. It Is the Ideal
preventive medicine cleansing , purifying and
healing. No household should b ? without It.
Every well dressed man appreciates good
laundry work. That Is why so many go to the
Kaglo Laundry , 721 Broadway. Telephone 157.
Go to Dradley's Blus Front grocry , 132
and 131 Broadway , for youi holiday goods ,
nuts , candle , groceries , china end glass-
waie , hardware , tinware , flour , feed , wood
and ccal.
J. B. McDermot , und rtaker , dealer In
church goods. G42 Broadway. Telephone 203.
German medicated baths make pure blood.
Mrs. S. E. Winder , 170 Graham avenue.
I ! ! > *
The n.nvv neckwear Is very stylish. Mot-
calf Bros ,
JllHt IlLTttlv Ull.
A fancy Hue ot children's shoes. What
Is more appropriate for a Christmas present
for little folks ? Bycrs has them in all
colors. Prices very low.
Tno Small Klrrx.
The flre department waa called out yester
day aftoinoon nbsut 4 o'clock to extinguish a
flame that had caught In the awning on the
third floor ot the Snop building. The Hue
was full of foe' , and as it burned out coils
would be dropped upon the awning. Several
of the > ouns lady stMiogiapliera employed
In the building had their nerves unstrung ,
but that was about the extent cf the dam
age.At 1 o'clock there was an alarm from 103
Broadway. A box of matches , with possibly
p. inoiiso attachment , In an upstairs closet
took lire , and a lot of clothing was some
what damaged.
Skating Hootn.
In all sizes , pointed and equaro toe , clf-
bltln , at $2.00 , J2.50 and $3.00 a pair , at
B > ers' shoo store , 412 Broadway.
At Com.
The larga and will assorted stock ot
watches , diamonds and jewelry for the next
80 days at C. D. JACQUEMIN & CO. .
27 South Main Street.
Yon can make no mistake If you get your
Christmas presents at the Durfee Furniture
company's , and It will la useful , beautiful
and cheep. Look at the new novelties.
Dr. Cleaver's office moved to COO Broadway ,
Kni.i.nit WAS TMMI ) or i.iri : .
rinaiu'liil ! . < > * > ( * Drnic Hint ( o Iiisaii-
Ity mill Si'itrlj to Suicide.
Henry Keller , an old man who has for
a number of years bsen an Inmate of the
Woman's Christian Association ho pltol , at
tempted to commit suicide yesterday. He
Is a German and ipcatcs but little Kngllsh.
He was foimerly employe , ! by George Scher-
icr , a dairyman , but received wages for only
a year's services , although he slajed with
Scharrcr for six years. Schcrrer declares
Keller agreed to work the last five years
for his board aiiJ clothes. Keller com
menced suit against him for $1,000. which
was the amount he asserted was due. The
Jury returned a verdict In Scherrcr's favor
It was In this ult that "Judgo" Sam Adler
acted as his attorney , having worked his
way Into the old man's good graces by
means of their common nationality. Adlcr
obtained a cjrllMcito of deposit for about
$260 on a pretext that he would keep It for
Mm. He obtained the money and then
skipped out , leaving Keller absolutely desti
tute. The county has been supporting him
Ills mind was never considered very strong ,
and he brooded over his troubles and be-
c\ma despondent. Yesterday he tpent the
greater part of the day away from the hos
pital , trjlng to buy a revolver. The per-
snnn whom he approached suspected that he
wanted It for no good purpose and refused
to supply him Last evening he was found
crouching In n comer of the furnace room at
the hospital , and when asked what he was
doing said ho intended to commit suicide as
teen as they vveic all In bd , Th ? matron
became alarmed and turned him over to the
police for safe keeping. Ho was deposited
In the city Jill for a little while , hut was
later turned over to the authoiltles of St.
Bernard's hospital on an order from City
Physician Ti cynor. _
Piles of people Lave pile : , but DeWltt'a
Witch Hazel Salve will cure them.
I'ojmliir Priced Company.
Owing to the dull times and to the fact
that evcr > bodj vants to make a few Christ
mas presents Manager Alton has concluded
to cut prlcw at the New Dohany down to
bed rock. Next week , commanclng Monday
night , the Woodward theater will play , the
bill for the opening night bslng the "Mid
night Watch. " The admission to all paits
of the house will be 10 cents , no free tickets
for iadles , no free prizes given away. The
seats will be on sale Saturday morning at
the box onice.
Of thlB company ths Marshalltown Times-
Republican says : "The' Woodwoid Theater
company opened a three nights' engage
ment at the opera hous ; last evening , prc-
lontlng the pleasing society drama , "The
Midnight Watch. " The audience was not
as large as It should have been , but it was
nn appreciative one Our amusement-loving
psople do not , as a rule , expect a very ex
cellent show at popular prices , and are
generally distrustful cf an organization that
Is not well known and established. But the
Woodward company plavs fully as well as
many of the high-priced aggregations and
deserve. . ' a good patronage.
Itrailley ,
The Blue Front Groceryman , sells :
3 pounds best mixed candy , 25c.
2 pounds btst mixed nuts , 25c.
1 quart peanuts , 5c.
1 pound English walnuts , 14c.
1 pound almonds. He.
1 pound Brazil nuts , lie.
1 pound pecans , 14c.
20 pounds granulated sugar , $1.00.
132 and Ul Broadway.
Term Close * 'ITnIs Af trrnooiii
The city schools will close thlo afternoon
for the holiday vacation of two weJks. The
pupils will be too busy , of pourso , with visions
ot Christmas festivities to put much time
on their lessons ? . In accordnncs with thf
time-honored custom , rhetorical exercises will
be held at all ot the schools during the after
noon , and the parents and friends of the
pupils will have- chanc ? to note the develop
ment of their budding statesmen slnco their
last appearance on the rostrum. At tlte
High fchocl the first public exercises ot the
school year will be held. _
One Minute Cough Cure Is .1 popular remedy
for croup. Sato for children and adults.
Howl ! anybody get along without some
good mince pies for Christmas , Is the ques
tion ? The ladles ot Trinity church have
made a largs amount of mince meit to
fill your orders , and the best grocerymen
in the city , when asked for Trinity mince
meat , are ready to supply you. Old Santa
Clauu says that for several years he hasn't
found any like It for quality.
Fine cut glass and china , Wollman's.
AViiiit the Klncliliirry
D M. Osborne and the Stoughton Wagon
company took measures yesterday to get
possession of the property of the bankrupt
linn of Huesdonk & Albeita of Underwood ,
who , after cxcutlng a number of mortgages
about two vve ° ks ago , assigned a few dajs
ago to Hans Illef for the- benefit of their
creditors. Osborne claims to have had a
mortgage on the warehouse and Its con
tents for the sum of $1,300 , and theStough -
ton people claim a chattel mortgage
on the block alone for $200. The stuff was
in the hands of the assignee , but on ? of
Sheriff Hazen'a deputies took it In charge
I'li'ttirfH for AinnN.
Lots of now ones. Photo frames , medal-
liens , novelties. Best line In the city. Get
jour picture framed tor Xmas , H. L. Smith
& Co. _
Reduced prices on slightly used pianos at
Bourlclus' , the orchestral crown piano dealer ,
I1G Stutsman street , nrar M , E. church.
Maeliiiu * Men.
Among thoseIn attendance at the Nebraska
and Western Iowa Implement Dalers' usso-
< lallon the fallowing vlMted lap Implement
, ll tr ct of Council IUilT ; y slcrdny
llrowdcr Bros , Albion. Nik U-Kcys. VII-
llfct , In ; H. I-lthner , H TWStcld , Mln-
neoli , la ! P. S. Duller , Schuyler , Neb. !
Prod Schrader. B-rlln Neb. , H P McMillan ,
Olenwood , la , J. V Gilbert , Cilhoun. Neb ,
C H. Nor en , Avoca. la ; Newell South ,
Humphrey * . Neb ; W. C Mcfool , SalMii ,
Neb ; J 11 Mclaughlin , Craig , Neb ; W. S.
Orafton , Wep.ern , Neb ; A U Brown , Ha-
warden , la ; Peterson Bros , WeJton , la ;
B M. Wllspy Blair , Neb. ; J..J. McCnmp-
b < lt , KoliMnc le , la. ; P , B. jNibon , Mar
cus , la. 4 a
Mr * , n. ItiiKiMi.Vlio Dlil Him 1'p ' for
Kill ) , Caught In Oinalm.
Mr ? . E. Kogers was caught In Omaha
last evening , brought to th1 ? side ot the river
and deposited In the city jail with the
cl'argo of cheating by fairs pretenses entered
against her. She chose to give her name-
to the JilUr as Mis. Zee Rogers Mention
was made jesterday cf a trick she played
on M. ZalUmann , In selling him her house
hold furniture f > r $60 and then skipping
out , leaving Zaltsmann to light It out with
H. W. Buttern ld , who had a chattel mort-
spgo on all the goods. Ziltumann Mled an
Information In a locil justice shop When
she left Council Bluffs the bought a ticket
to Norfolk , Neb. , but It Is said that she
did not go any further west than Omtha
The police are said to have discovered that
a Council Bluffs traveling man Ins bcvii
kesplnp compiny with her for th past sl\
wo-ks and left with her for Norfolk. They
nho claim that he went to certain second
hand dealers , representing to them tint the
mortgaged gooJs' were tree from all incum-
brance , and ailvltcil them to buy.
Pozzonl's Complexion Powder produces a
soft nnd beautiful rkln ; It combines every
element of beauty and purity.
ClirlNtiniiH Wlnr * .
Highest grade nnd so cheap that all ran
afford to order. Kino California wines , $1
a gallon and upwards ; extra Bourbon whisky
for Christmas trade , $2 50 ; California gripe
brandies , $2.50 and upwardsT full line of
Imparted liquors BottUd goods a specialty.
L Uo < enteld , CIO Main i < t. , opposite hay
rlirlitimiN Hoods at I'tinlr I'rlccm.
And a $20,000 stock to s'lect from. Largest
line of fancy and family groceries , dry
goodm , clothing , furnishing good < ) nnd shoes.
Get yourfelf or fr'enjs holiday presents this
year that nre substantial and useful and come
to 209-211 Main St. and see- what a Hub
money wlil do. H. H. SPETMAN.
Before the holldajs jou will probably need
some printing You will want It done Jus :
right ; so call en Pryor Bros. , printers , at The
Be-j office. 12 Pearl s-treM.
Children's reefers are the. thing wo .ire
making the drlvo on Just now. They arc
handsoma and cheap , and the line is un
broken. Mctcalf Bros.
Litest silver novelties , Wollman's
SI.AIIAI uu ANsunit.s < ; nviuns. ;
CointiiontH on Illn Coniliirl Wlillu Ail-
( IrcftNltiK ; Mor nii .lurj.
County Attorney Slabaugh denies that at
any time during the Morgan murder tilal ,
and especially while he wis delivering his
argument to the Juiy , he acted in any but a
courteous , professional and natural manner.
He states this In an affidavit filed In the
district court In answer to the charges made
by the attorneys for Morgan In the motion
for a new trial.
He sajs that he treated Morgan fairly and
In a disinterested manner. Us could not
treat him under the clrcunutancos as a great
moralist , lie avers , or even .is a prime mover
in charitable and beneficent works , but
treated him .is th ? evidence demanded. He
denies that he got at any time 'excited. As
to the charge that he got red In the face
and tha.t the veins in hla neck became
They Cure Stoiiinrli TroulilcH nnil In-
ilIrHtioit An > ny , Whether You
lluicPaith lu Tliciu or .Nol.
All physlclana apree that the element of
faith 1ms a great deal to do in the cute of
Klim belief and confidence in a family phy
sician or the same confidence and faith In a
patent medicine have pioduceJ remarkable
cures In all ages.
This is especially true In n'rvous tioublca ,
and no field otters bo prolific a harvest for
the quack and charlatan as , the diseases
arising from a weak or run down nervous
Nevertheless , the most common nf all dis
ease * , Indigestion and stomach troubles ,
which In turn cause nervous diseases , heart
troubles , consumption and loss of flesh , re
quire something besides faith to euro.
Mere faith will not digest your fooJ fcr
you , will not give you on appetitevlll not
Increass your flesh and strengthen your
n rves and heart , but Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will do thtse things , because they
are composed of the elements of digestion ,
they contain the julcs , acids and peptones
necessary to th ; digestion and assimilation
of wholesome fooa.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food
If placed In a JJr or bottle of water heated
to OS degrees , and they \\lll do It much more
effectively vvh n taken Into the stomach after
meals , whether you have faith that they will
or not ,
They invigorate the stomach , make pure
blood and strong nerves In the only way that
nature can do it , and that Is from plenty of
wholesome food vv.H dlgsted. It Is not
v hat we eat , but what wa digest that does
us good.
Stuart's Dyspspsla Tablets are sold by
nearly all druggists ct CO cents for full sized
pnckage , or by mall from the Gtuart Co. ,
Marshall , Mich.
swollen , he my * that hp did not Uke thfr
lime to Investigate. "Sufllce to uny , " he
continues , "that after my argument 1 w
in good phyitcil condition. "
Regarding the charge that In tils fcclto-
mtnl he tore off his nrnrlng apparel , he
M ) * "My tie got on lop of my collar anil
I removed It nnd laid It on the table. I
did not think that H would be prejudicial to
Morgan to take off my tie. "
Ho offers his regrets , too , It nt any time
lip appeared to assume "the attitude ot a
wild beist about to spring upon Its prey , and
at other limes his e > os glared. " He thinks ,
however , that the nttornoja were mistaken
about this.
One Minute Cough Cure Is harmless , pro-
il'ires Immediate results.
Trnii iulHMlMslitil | nxtiiiHltloii Mcotlim.
The citizen * of Omnlm Intcrc-sUil In ( lie
TransmlwisRlppl exposition nre ronio'tod to
meet nt the O'omnieiclal flub looms Situt-
day next at 7.30 p in This U the pre
liminary step tovvaul orKaulsMng the enier-
pil * < * . Sufllclont Infoi million lias been gath
ered on the subject to miiko the meeting
DeWltt's LlttU H.irly Itmr3 cure Indlgcs *
lien nod bad breath.
not Illn Dri'roc nt
The Pilbblei divorce case was called In
court today and u docrop granted to lin
the husband. The wife , Hlla , vvns not prc"-
The Child Loves It.
The Dyspeptic Dcmniuls It.
The Epicure Dotes on It.
Notice Is beicby given sealed bids
will be received u.v the board of directors
of tltc Alfnlfn Irrigation Ul'trlct at their
olllee In Ognlalla , Nebraska , on tlio Jd dnj
ot December , 1SD5 , up to 10 o'clock n. in , foi
Ml.r.OO In bonds Issued by ald dlsttlct In
denominations not to exceed (500 , and drnvv-
Inp Intcri'ht nt the rate of G per cent per
annum , pajnoie somi-unntirilly nt the oltico
of state treaMiter. Llncoi.ebru'ka : , Ju'.y
nnd January 1 or o icli jear. There bonds
ure 10-20s ; n percentage of principal ng pro
vided Uy law Is payable evciy jeir nftor
ten Jeurs. These bonds were d'rlarod
legally issued and a valid lien upon Ilia
lands included In the district In nn action in
the district court of Keith county , Nebraska ,
vvhloh finding vvns icvlevved on an appeal
to the supreme court pf the state nnd th
Judgment of the lower court was alllrmtd
in the court of last resort The bonrd to-
nerves the right to reject any 01 all bids.
Address nil bid" * to H C. Anderson , S'cre-
tnry , OKniaiin. Neb Hy mdcr of HIP Bo.irJ
of Directors ot Alfalfi Irrigation District ,
made this 30th day uf Novrmbsr , A. D.
1S05. M. A DAUr.nnilTY Prcs.
Something for Nothing
Matinee Wcdinshy and Saturday
12 PEOPLE 12
Price 1O Geiits
No extra charge for lesorved scats. Charge
ot pln > each night Seats on sale Satin day
moinlns nt box otllco.
Clothlni. Dressss and HousclioM Goods.
OMAHA orriCE. 1521 Pninam Tel. 1521.
COUNCIL Hl.urrs WmKs nnd Office. Cor. Avc.
A and ith sticet. 'iUopliana 310.
Send for urlco lint.
, Ml
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
CAPITAL , - - . 8100,000
, AM ) bii ; iib on witri'Li.
RSIfJRI ! fll.'fK Alturnc > B-ut-l u .
IX DaiflOUlUuLpractice /
, practice In the Htais
nd Federal Courts. Rooms 306-7-8-9 , Sn :
Bart. Ulock. Council DlufTs. Iowa ,
Special Notices-Council
i iAvn
to ixchunec for Ncbrneka land. C. 1C. Nichol
son , 633a ! Broadway.
_ Ed " "Ij f W. ' Homer1 * . M3 Itioadway.
cr Nebmikn Und. U. 11. Nlcholian , ! Xi
vmy , Couu.ll UlulTti , la-
arc treated exactly alike in our store , We make no dis
tinction. We want our store to be a place where people
of fortune can be suited exactly , and where those who
have to count their dollars carefully can get better value
for their money than anywhere else in this town.
C. S. Raymond.
i mill PoiipliM M , Often ttcrntnji ,
The Distiller and
Wine and Liquo
Keep * In stock n full mill com
plete line of Cnllfrnnln Wines
nnd Urniidies Kentucky , Scotch ami
IrNli Whisky. French llramlies ,
Holland Oln , Spanish ami Fiench
Wine * anil a lull line of all kind *
of llottle ( toods. You can set any
kind or any aje goods you want.
1'oit , Sherry , Angelica , Xlnl'an
del , UnrRUiidy , Catawba , Malaga
Mndelia , Musciilelle , Kelslln ,
Hhlne Wine , Suuterno and
old Oiange Wine.
Janis 1877 Brandy.
We are f-ole owners and distillers
of this famous old and pure
Old Glow , Mnttliigly , McDrayer ,
Hipy , Pilde of Louisville and 00
other Kentucky and eastern Hye * ,
IIolliuul , Svvan , Hye , Malt and Kid
ney Gin.
Imported and Domestic Hum ,
New IjiiKliiml and Jamaica. I
lllackburry Hiandy , Chcriy , \
I'each , Apple and Grape Uiandy
and line old Apple .lack.
Kor i iic < 's send to us direct. No
charge for b.urols , kegs , jugs , boxes
bottles or packing.
Small buyer gets same price * as
the large one. All goods at llfiD
Y ine Company ,
225 Main St. .
mm SaDiiwiGil "Adams7' ' 0 , Seller
Towers from 1 to 10 borse , Fcctl Giinilprs , .Tiifics , CLnln , IIuuil Carts nnd
last lint not least , SOUTHWICK UOllSH AND STEAM I'OWEU UAY
I ranch House Council Bluffs
We do not holler often , but when we do , we holler Joud. Until Jan. 1st , I will show the people
] I I" '
Everybody knows his store , and when thfey want Good Shoes they go to him.
' . _
- - - -
-MT-JI | | ii B
Then look out for Shoes Cheap. We are sorry to have to do this. This is no Shoe weather
and they have got to go , 20th Centurys and all. SARGENT , SAME OLD PLACE.
Look for the Bear. That's Our Sign , 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs.