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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1895)
THE OMAHA DAILY JHSE ; TUESDAY , nECEMIIlSIl IT , 1vS05 , 8PBG1RL NOTICES. rrtlNrntPiitn f ir tlu-nc column' ! > < In It iii until IStt'tll p , in. foi tlt < < Mriilnw nnil tintll H ] i. in. for tin imtriiliiK nnil .Siimlii- Million * . Ail * > rllniTm , liy rriur tlnj n mini * ln-rril e'luM'lf , cnn tinro nti t > era nil- ilrcKHpil ( o n 11 ii in In-r i-il Irllor In onrc of Thp HIMAiirmrr * n mlilrr ipil Mill IIP ill-It VITOI ! IIIHIII | iri < nriilntl ti < if tin * plippk only. Itittcn , I 1-Uc n noril llrnl Jrittprllnnt If n ori1 tliprptiflpr. .Noililiin : ( iiltrtt fur lci > ( linn U.p foiIliMt liiNprtliin. ThPNi iiilM'rllNi'inrnfx iniint lie run COIIHI-IMI- II \i-lj- . \VAvrnn-MAi.n nni.i * . v > 'ANTin-t.iVK : , IXTKM.U > IS'T AOKNTS is Omnlia to orgnnlro dill * of thrtv lo fn Tnmi- lli-n > f our fAmnin Orclinril H nn-n lnn < l In ocntrnl Ml l l | > | .l Tlif tMr of ImmlRtnll n In Rim * miili , wiicro tliiTo nro nn hot wlmU. no cnM wlnl-is. no lill nril . nn crop fnlliircr where two or throp crnjn cnn 1 rnl " < l oacn jfnr ; wliire Ihcro Is nn flic * ! thins n failure II n mnn will work nnc-hnir tin hniil an lie doon In thin country ; reel fumtrtpt * . mIM winter * : Kiirc paying crtin of rmlln nnl Knnlrn truck ; rlclipsl oil on onrlli : tiral rnllnny f cllltlf . Oeo.V. . Anioi" , Rfnetal nxcnt , 1517 r.irnnm at. , Dnnhn. BOt.IClVonR WANTKt ) I'OH OMAHA : ALSO mnniiKcrfi outside country , nnllroly now jsn K 411 Shoclcy Mock. n-.M * J'H2a _ | M TO J110 HAI.AUY I'AII ) 8AM'HMiN : Toll clmim ; experience not nccewnry : extra Imluce- montfl to cuftoincrn. Dlsliop & Kline. St. i > ul , WANTnAN ACTIVI : ANO hNKiuiirrir mnn or nun to talcc IliiiiRcncy for our com- nnlclc. l.qml to pri-sup" ! jcntt. An cxrHlent Ilic licit In tlie maikct. AilJrcnn Tlu Paul r Co. . MUunuhPi'VI . II-H1M8 WANTED. nonisi'iiciAUTY HAI.ISMIN TO Bdl Riioil line f.f imnufaclutvcl Rnoiln tn Ktill BrcK-rm In Mlnnnsotn. Inwn , Nrlmtrkn nnd North nnil Sonlli Diikntn. Xo a | > | illcntlnn ronililm-il DXLI-PI from experience ! m < 'n. ncconipnnlcit liy Kocxl referenceAililrcw X 3C , cniiloiil tt Thomlii , ClilciiKQ. 1I-M80S H * _ BAI.IH.MIN TO TAKK ounrms AND coi - Icct. ) . < iKinil. lKti l by n tm lne man. rc- ilulioKl. lxcliuilxe territory , J23 00 to | V > 0) ) weekly. Kor imrtlculur * ndilress r. O. Ilos 131. Now Yorlc Cltj- . _ 1I-M809 17' n 1'KMAi.i : nni.r. WANTi:0-OH.\It'AT13 TOK MATUON IN Aililresi (1 20llec olllcg. C CCT-1. " WANTII-A i.A > vT . with n K " < 1 Wholiaala liouscj limit lie apt imJ over K. AililicHii O S > . Ho'1. _ C M73'i-17 * WANTKD-NUltSi : O1UU 2321 MASON _ L. - * * > 1 t * * WANTIM ) . Olltt. ; ( lOOD COOK. WASH Hit anil lioner. 2UC S. Kill nNcniuC M8 < U WANriTo ! nKOII \ \ \ uiNUUAt < noi'su- \yoik. 21U9 Wlrt Btrcct. C MS 17 JIonsLi otitij rou MONTANA ; CHAMIIUII- ihalil , UlnlnK nxim chin. lHunilr - tor out of town ; fi'coml Klrl ; fiunlly cook , J5.00. Cnnaaian ollke. loit IMUKluH. _ O MM ! 13 run IU\T HOUSES. K. K. DAHLING. IUHKI2U I'LOCK. HOUSES IN ALL I'A UTS OP THU CITY. 'Till : O. r. Dm IB Comimnj , 1M3 rurnnm. 1) 114 KOII UNT : house , ten nwmi. elpsnntly fuinlaheil , hoi water heat , liiuniliy , slulil'ciirluce. . etc. Thoa. r. llnll.i tlO IMxton Mock. I ) 113 BTANTOIU ) CIIIULI3 COTTAOIiS , 0 11OOMH ull inoilcrn , K.IS. fuel. Applj lljion llceil Cum- pan215 So. Hth st. _ 1 > - < IC IIOUHUS. UCNi\VA CO. . 103 N. J5TH ST. I'OU HUNT HOUSKS IN ALL or THI : c'.ty. Speilnl , 551 So. 2Gth me. Ilii No. Hint t , 4.M No. .iibt 8t. " < T > No. IJlh si. All moduli conveniences : che.ip for ulntci months. . Urciinan , Lu\c At Cu. X ) M31i-UJj 116'NO. 20TII , 4-IIOOM COTTAGU. IAS No. KOtli , 5-rooin lint , like. IC24 N. IMh , S-ruom lirlcK. 1)1 ) Nu. 17th , 8-iooni brlcU. Onuilia Uinl Kittato Ac TiUbt Co. . 211 S. IStli. I'OIt HUNT. 1IOUSC Ol'- TEN HOOMS , I.IOU- ern cunM'nlcnurs h.inito ) tmaUiL-as. 13n- qulii > of U. T. Mount , ! ! ) . > ! j. ICtli t. U Mi ) I AND 9-1IOOM IIOUSIM ON l'AllNA ANJJ 5-iDuin | UIUHI > on il unil Lfavenwortli , cheap. Jno.V. . Ilubtilns. M N. V. Life Ulrtg.D D &G2 DHSIUAHLU 8-UOOM IIOUSU $ lTw I'llll month. J. 1llarton , 2010 Capitol avenue. " L ) G3J 17 * ilNKQUALLliui SUMMUIl AN1J WINTKH , OLMilnil ; liioilcin : Bleani ; J , I , C-rooni Hals. Tlzunl , 2il N. 2llli. U M'fil ) 21 roil HUNT , 3-HOOSI IIOUSK. S. E. COIl. 231) nn.l Clarke. -lM tlOl JACKSON ST. . T-HOOM MODUHN. J20. lUMi I.afu > utto axe. , 9-iuom mmlurn. l > . 2U7 S. 24tll t. , 11-loom nuileui. W'J. ' 2i1 S. 24th Ml. , 8-1 join. ' moilvrn , J3J. 2775 Wtbster m. , 7-iooin modem , $ J3. 277J Hurt U , 7-rooni nioJern , J ) . XjC N. 2Ith live. , 7-rouin inodetii. t 0. 2 < WJ H. llth at. , T-rooin modem , } 2J. WI H. llth St. , 7-ioom iiudern , J J. 1'idelltr Trust Compnn } , 170J Kainam st. 1 > - L07 31 roil HUNT. NICULY FL'HNISHKU HOl'Sl * Or elKht louinu. besltlou aln > xe unit b.itli laotii , nuulli front , with all LIUtlilciicen. . Imiutru MOS llHlf-llowanl nU 1 > 2J7 KOII IlU.Vr FUllXISIIKll 11OO3IS. Tiiitu'i : HOOMS rou iioisiKiiriNa ! : TO nun and wlfu : tout luUn Ui boaiil. 319 N. ITtli. 13 M2i3 SOUTH 1'IIONT HOO.M9. liOAItl ) . 530S POUCI- lad. 1' M 813 J 11 * rUUNISHKD HOOMS. STKAM III3AT AND KIIH , rtiiBoiiaUe. Hi N. 17th Bt. 13 M775 ! 201 HTM All VS. rUHNlBHKU UOOMS , lioiifelceepliiK. 13 M 613-1S * IlOOMb AM ) 1IOAHI ) . EM3QANT 1'HONT KOOMS. Oil unfurnlalied ; L-iwJ fumlly Loud. 021 N. MtattOil r Mtatt nooMfl. wnu. iin.\rnn ; PAMIIA- boniil If tlenlud ; rntea ifaxmjljli221 Noilh ; M tt. Ifl-VK SOUTH I'ltONT HOOMH , liOAItl ) . 2W KOlTf- ! las. I * TW 1C * HOOMH WITH 1IOAUD. ! OI3 DOL'QLAR. NICK WAIIM ItOOMK ; HOCiI ) llOAHDj n.XTKS roiiHonablc , The Huso , : > iJO H.un-'v. I'-MSVfi J10 FOll 11K > T U.Nfbll.MSIIUU IIOOAIS. 4 HOOMB : "wATnil IN KITCIII.'N CnNTHAI.l ! fu unnbla rent : nice lie li5UmKeoiln0170. ] . ! WtfUter 1 , U-.MMii _ I 1100MH. VUIiNlSlir.l ) Oil l'Nia'HNISllii : ) ; sultnlito for housi-Ki'eplHK , ul J l uleiM. 1208 N. 2llh. (1-MSI2 13 KOII IIIJ.NT STOlir.S AM ) FOR HUNT. THIS 4-BTOnV IHIICIC IIUII.UINO ill Dia raiimm at. Thin ImlMIni ; liuu n fire- in oof cement im emcnt , foiupkto meiuii hcat- Ine llxturm , xxalcr on ull llourn , i.'a * < etc. Apply - ply at thu oIBcc of Tim llev. l 'Jl'l ' AUi\TS i AOKNTH WANTKI ) , SIH-S' AND WOMIIN clear IW. * ) wouKly with inir labor nixer im oiisllv as ( CO.OO monthly tn other linen ; ItOi ) Nimples true , Tlioao HcvKIni ; biiiilnrMi cluuld iiddrt'tHlth stamp , lieu III ilfu. l. ' . . ( A M ) , 1 Canal nl. , Chlcagii. J-1H 1)16 AOKNT"WANTIJI'I wiio JH ALQUVINTIU : F llh local dry goiult trade. 3um * Ac Co. . maim- fni'liiKiH textile burkskln Intfilliilnu , Nlncnr.i 1'ulU. N. Y. J-MS19 1I i\viuiH. : in IIAIINIY. Aciric 8TonA ji : AND w.\iino\5io. : , 90S-9II ) Jono . OciH'ral tlorncc and fuituinllni ; M-IN WAXTI5U TO WANTKD-rOU CASH , VACANT IJT. IN. kldo mile limit ; mint I * u xrup ; uuntr. ! Oniln r. lundt mid iur > .lmndli < Cmnulo and I e , i : . I * . HlngiM , fit S 'IVI liec | . . glue. Marllu A > Mfg Co.K K l FOU i-'uii.\riLiii : or TVVKIA-I mv t not -HI. . central lomtldii , nil In f > I 'id. ; nil ilm cla . Sixit i' li A < . | i > if. ( i : . ll-n _ _ 'Oil HAI.K. ri'IlMTlJUi"lN KIX-lliKJM I'J.VT. ctuiiplvtc , for ul rcxt iuble n < r i.-i 'i ; n ; Jr'arnani rou SA HAlUt M'OOO 4 ANI > B-KOOT KBNCIJ I'OI curn crlbMnu. C. It , I-f * . )1 Douglnn. 0 IU SICATIX'J , AU. SI IW , K PKXTS TO MM Om hUlcyclo Co . > 23 N. Kl * . q-MSW ONIJ KINK SKAI.SKIX XnVVMAHKirT AT . ' Kreat bargain. 1311 Douglm utrrrt. O r . ll" . SAM * i.Anins1 mnn onAnn HICVCI.I : 1833 model , flrjt clflim condition. O 31 , I ! " " . g-72i-it I S. nnoK nixnixo. TUB nunKi.r.Y Co.ll and 110 North ISlh street. 11-185-1)13 low itt\VAiin roii TIII : AHIUIST AND CON Mellon of person or prisons wlio Mile G win ilow wiihe * of 2 panes oich , 12x32. from collate All North 25th Mreet , nlmut a fen * week * nco 11 T. Clark , 219 Honrd of Tiads II-M7SQ-17 iNroitMATioN I.IAI > INO TOAIUIKHT 01 tmrty who Mole my KniflMi Better ( while , will blnck tick * . lilacK ( nteli oxer one fje ) , will IN npproclnlei * . nnd tonnrded. It , L. Henrle , M. I'ark AXtnue. H S1S05 19" CliAinVOVAM'S. MIIR. nn. it. WAnunx. CI.AIHVOYAXT. ni : ll.iblu business medium ; 8th > enr at 119 N. 15Ui 8-431 : , 1IATIIN , KTO. MADA.Mi : SMITH , .X. 13. roll. 16TII AXi ; Ixiuh'ltn , room II , 2nd Hour ; im Be and Imllis. T-743 21 * MMK. HOWni.I. . TfltKISH AXI ) HLIX'TIUC baths , rinest pallors In city. 3I8-3W H. Ulli. T MMI-31 * MMI : . AMIH. roitMint < v or ST. LOUIS , MAS. H3KC nnd baths , & 07 S. IStli st. , M Hour , loom 10 , - * T-M7-2-21 MADAMt : OHACi : I.GOX , KI.KCTHIC MAS. H-IKC , bath pirlotw livnllliful nnd refreshing. 411 South llth , upstairs , pallors 2 and 3.TM78V21 T-M78V21 * IM'ltSOXAI. . VI.VVA 3is itEnvm.Da , . iiooK frei- ; home treatment ; lady attendant. U 123 n.vrit.vMABSAan. MMnn-osTTirs'i s. isrif U 42 > ; _ _ _ _ _ rtxi : uvniiY niaa citnAf. o IIAUMMY , litli and .St. Man's a > enuu. Telephone. 110. ' U 427 _ _ _ 111:1,1,1 : : ii'i'iui.COIISKT MAUU TO otinnn ut 1WJ rarnam. Agents wanted. U 3J.-l)2j * MONiv TO IOAX OX I > IANOS , UlCVChllS , Juuelry , etc. ; strictly confidential. P. O box 32C. U 10 _ _ _ _ MATItlMOXIAI. COUUfirtPOXDKXCn IIUURAU Taper nnd lists , lOc. Kattli 1'ub. Co. . St. houli ! Mil. I.ADII3I I CAX I-OSITIVIIUY ItKMOVU Till : worst gtouth of hair from face nnd ntms , Call nt the I'arlflan ToMet parlors for one week. Don't fall to iTad the place. Tcstlnumlals on Ille. lloom 2'W ' , Douglas b'.oclt. iladam True. U M715-19' .MOMV TO i. . \ \ HUAL KSTATE. ANTIIONY LOAN AND TIIUST CO , 313 N. Y Life. Ixmns at lorntes for choice security In Nehmska * c Iowa farms or Ouialia city tropeity , \V-12S MONHY TO LOAN AT LOWBST HATUS. TIII3 O. r. j\ls Co. , 1505 I' st. \V-429 IMCll CI7NT SIONHY TO LOAN ON OMAHA leal estate ii Neb , farnu.V. . U.MflKli' , Omaha \V-430 MONKY TO LOAN ON IMl'UOVnn OMAHA piooorty. ridellty Tiust Co. , 170J I'uinim. \V-431 JlONnY TO LOAN ON" 1MPIIOVED OMAHA real e Ute. Ilrennan , Lo\e i ; Co. , 1'axlon Illk. \V-432 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAHH , OSJ N. Y. LH'U. \V-433 MOUTdAGUS. G. \VALLACt : . I1UOWN 11LIC W 434 LOANS ON IMI'ItOVKU & UNIMl'HOVKD CITY pivpnty.V. . Kainam Smith i Co. , 132) l\irnatn. W 4JS 4IOIITG A G13 LOANS. IX\V ) IIATHS. J. U. Xltlle , loih nnd Douglas , Omaha. \V-436 I'AIIM LOANS , DOL'CILAS AND SAUl'Y 1 TO 10 Julia ; Ion lilies. Garvln IJloa. , ill ) N. Y L ' \V-437 JIOMiY TO I.OA.V CHATTELS. MONKY TO LOAN ON KUIINITURB. PIANOS linrfe . wiigons , vie. , at lowest rates l city- no it-mouU ot goods ; strlclly conlldentlal ; > ou can pay ( ho loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MOHTGAQn I.OAX CO. . 3JC S. Itith st. X 453 JIOXKY TO IjOAN. 30. SO. 90 "oAYsTrtlllXl- ture , pUnud , etc. Dull Green , room 8 , llarker blo < .U. JIU.SIMCSS CIIAMJHS. ron SAW : . THI : PALACE CAFIJ IN and Dendwood ; both dolni ? good business. Ad- dicKs ilatt Klopp , Lead 01 DeadwoDd. S. D. Y M'OT jioxnv UY CAUIJFUL , SPICOLATIOX In ginln through n lellablf. successful linn ; ox- velle < ! it opportunities to make prnlltn hy our new plans , fully explained and sent free ; hlghtst references. 1'attlion .t Co. , JoC Oiiiali.i Uldg. . Chicago. 111. _ Y M478 \VANTIJU. Jt.EDO MKUCHAXDISI3 FOR gi.ACRI3 line lniiiovail farm , southeastern Xebiimka wanted , uastern Xibroskn nnd western lo a farina for indue. , city property , or clear centiul NebraiUa 1 inda. 13. r lllngcjr , 3.1 H. 15lh ut. Y MCJI up _ 11LACKS.M1TH AXD WAflON SHOP TOIl HAM : . Good location. John I'orney , IJartley , Xeb. Y M711 2J * FOR K.VCHA.VUK. _ KQUITY IX J UGE TRACT OP LAND NHAU Uinaha ; whnt lm\c jou to oiler. II. P. Dnllej , OI'J ' X. Y. Life Uldg. / HI jjxciiANOi : , sea TUCE IMPIIOVICD fiirm , Sherman county , NebiasKn , clear , fr > r good Omaliu pioperly or fiirm , will nssunm lCiW-ncie innch. good InipruM-mcnts. le\el. ikli land , c.Mitnil Nebinaka , for rastern Nrlmiidui or lown fnnns ; will nmurne. l.soo acres Jliw land , eastern NitKmka , J33.0i ) ( ) , wmit < llso for all or pirt ui central properly or small faun for line-half , balance time. l.WO-nere western lown. nil let el. rich land fine Improvements , jai.UOO ; want SIS.OOO weMtin land or lo\ui pmpeity , JS.SiK ) cash , balance lime. 7W iicies ilch , level Isnd , fulr lmiiru\vnieu | > . l-'jin ) , 444 ai'li'S. name price ; 3J ucie level , In Munona county. ' Ion a. U. K. Ulnuer. Z-MCM 1S . ) TO I2.i U ) . | GOOD , CLEAX ClIIXHRAL inerchwullK * wuTiled for first clans C49-ncr farm ; also t2.0'W.O ' < ) for 101 gK , > .l land , Improved 1 > , 11. Dltknon , Crelghlon , Xth. Z MIU ! ; GOOD , UNIXCUJUIIIIUI : ) XIIIRASKA ; LAND for a lucrative prescription drug business. Address - dress O 4 % lice. _ SC-il7 J rj CLKAII rmcAtio I'ltoi'iniTV FOR KUIST cl" * " f nn n r Oiiiuha. T. IL Mi-CuUlch. sullo COI , Chamber of Coimneice , Chicago , 111 _ _ OR i\CIIANnR-OMAHA I'llOlMIHTY AND JO.OOflW rash for Chicago pnpejty. T II ic- Cullocli , sullo 604 , Clinmber of Commeic * . Chi- LMBO , Ills. 2-SOO-JH I'OU HAI.r IIK.VI , IISTATK. crt ; . TJU : nvitox ncKn COMPANY. a , w. CAiiiociv.o5 1' bl. Ri ; < ll jp .s , MALI : mi TRAPI : ix IITY PROP- ertU'K und farnu. John X. Krenzcr , opp P. O _ _ _ , _ lAUOAIXS , IIOPSP < , LOTS AXII sale or trade. I' . K. Darling. Uaiker blocl . Ri-4U _ _ _ n.VA8 TARMS AXI > KRI'IT LANDS. fiMALL or la * g # ti-jrlK ; ) cw piKvs. a > inym'nts. Wo are pruiarivt tu unxurl cUf > llonn toucliliiK OIPX * lands , iitnl lo nriiiiiga for cln'iip railroad faro far any person nlslilng in vluliinuiliurn Ti'xas. Uoirrapandcnce solk-ltcd. Omahn Real KittitA nad Tiust Cu. 211 H. mil t. on \ua.\i.\ri i ) , TRAiinaqi'ic'ic . < all or Mllle D , V , iiholes Co. , Klrm National llanK Uldg. Ri-M5li31 : _ tAIUl.M.V. KINK SIX-IIO(1M COTTAOi : AND Ut. If > iii lu\e Ilio canh a irenulne batgaln vnn bo had. Pi K , Uilllng , lljl.or block. RK-M76S IT _ VAXTKD-LAROK CIT\r AXD FAliiriMlOl'- vi.les for al ur enhaiiKiT. . II. MrCulloUi , tulle Wl , Clianibcr at OnnmiMCc , C.ik-uxj. llli. ll'IMMMl AM ) IOA > .VSSOCI.VTIO.tS. ix MUTI-AI. u s. n. ASS-.N JAY b i < S I'v'r r it when I. J , S yam old ; nlua > > - " llnrr Sec UU ) * TO amA liOMi ; rr. Hici'iiiooi' : : lilci ( on rjvinxs. Andy 1C Onuliu. I. & 11 Ass n , 17W li LMg. d. U. NattUucr , io IIOTI'.I. . A13TNA 1IOI.SR tKtfROPKANl. N. W. CON 13th and IX le. ( lloonn bj : d y or week 4M TUB Xm : llOTKtftU S 13TII ST ; BT1\ > hMl , table lmiid , $30) fxr wwk. M4\3 fMiiiTAicnns AMI IJ if. K nufiKirr. iTxin\i > ninwron AXI omlmlmcr , ICIS Clilc-aico st , telephone ) . 43 ! S\VAXSOX & VAi.inx , iToi"ru5ttNO , TIL. iw > A MAIU rNDKiiTAKii AND s balmer. 111 ? Pnrnam ft , t lppaone 223. 4IO mcvci.ns. ma itAiiriAixs ix snroxn-HAXD m cyelra ; tknte , 35o to J3.W. Omaha IllcvclP Co. S23 X. Kill street. MM5-.I3 MIOUTIIAM ) A.M > TVIMJWI lTI > n. A. C. VAN SAXrS SCHOOL , fdl X. Y. I.ltfi : IJ * ) OMAHA IlUSIXKSa COLLUGi : . 15TII , I'ARXAi uoitsns WANTED-IIORSRS TO WINTKH ; IIIIST OI cnro ; ternn rea onnble. A. W. I'heliis A. Son 207 X. Y. Life bldg. Telephone 10'4.M * M 373-D27 HOItnS WIXTIIRKD ; "KST OP OAIH given liorsp . liotli wlnier nnd summer. Addrei M. J. Welch , drctna. Neb. M77. I'AWMIKOICEHS. It. MAHOWITLOAXiJ MOXHY. 413 X. 10 KT COAL , FOR IIITUMINOIW COAL , CAR LOADS. POH domestic or steam purposes , address Kxcctslo Coal Mining Co. . Du Quoin. 111. M1C3-D15 * MUSIC , AHT AMI LAXCJIUU13. KOII GREAT HA11OA1XS IN PAINOS SKI Win. H. Sclunollcr , Cth lloor McCague buildlnB 756-21 * _ ononoi : iT aiLi.nxnncK , IIANJO ANE gultnr teacher. 1815 Chlcngn si. 100 V1MIOI.STKHI.VR I.'UHXITUIIK. UPHOLHTIRIXO. and packed \cry cheap thl month. M. S Wnlkln. 2111 Cuinlng. Tel. 1331. _ 2' LOST. STRAYID riiost isis so. icth. A Liain Jersey cow , brail thimble on ono horn Tele phone 1720. M. II. Redllcld. Lost-Sg3-17 * Notice H hereby Riven that sealed pro posals will be received by the board o director * of the Mladic Loop Valley Irri tuition district of Ulnlne. Custer nnd Vnllej counties , Nebraska , at their ofilce in WCH Union , In said district , up to 2 o'clock p. m of the Cth day of Januarj' . 18 % . for SIOO.OK of the bonds issued by snld Irrlpatlon ills trlct ; $90,000 of snld bonds being In denoml nations ot J500 each , nnd * > 10,000 of silc bonds bcltiK In denonilnntlona of $100 en eh nil ot said bonds drawing interest at the rate of. B per cent per annum , payable Homl-un r.ually. The principal nnd Interest of said bonds puyable nt the olllce of the state Ueniuicr of the stale of Ncbrntikn , salt bonds bclnc payable in Instnllments as fo ! lows : $3,000 thereof pnynb'e In eleven years from the date thereof ; $ ,000 payable in twelve years from the date thereof ; $7OCk. payable In thirteen years from the date thereof ; $ S.OOO payable In fourteen yenrt from the date tlieieof ; J9.000 payable in flf Icon years from the date thereof ; J10.00C payable In sixteen years from the date thereof ; $11.000 payable In seventeen years from the date thereof ; $13,00 * ) payable in eighteen years from the date thereof ; $13,000 payable In nineteen years from the date thereof ; $16.000 payable in twenty years from the date thereof. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Address all bids to Charies Nlcolal , secratary , Sargent. Ne braska. By order of the boaid of directors , made this 9th tiny of December , 1SD5. GKOROK GA11IUSON. President. CHARLES NICOLAI , Secretary. DecUd 20t at _ Notlco Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received bv the board of directors of the Alfalfa Irrigation District at their olllce in Ogalalla , Nebraska , on the 23d day of December , 1835 , up to 10 o'clock n. m. , for $21,500 In bonds Issued by said district In denominations not to exceed $500 , and draw ing Interest nt the rate of C per cent per annum , payable seml-annuallv at the olllce of state treasurer , Lincoln. Nebraska , July nnd January 1 of each year. These bonds are 10-20s ; a percentage of principal as pro vided by law Is payable every year after ten years. These bonds were declared legally Issued and a valid lien upon the lands Included In the district in an action in the district court of Keith county. Nebrnskn. which finding was reviewed on nn appeal to the supreme court of the state and the Judgment of the lower court was affirmed in the court of lust resort. The board re serves the right to reject any or nil bids. Address nil bids to H. C. Anderson , Secre tary , Ognlalln. Neb. Ry order of the Board of Director * of Alfalfa Irrigation District , made this 30th- day of November , A. D. 1895. M. A. DAUGHERTY. Pres , H. C. ANDKRSON , Sec. d2-20t _ " STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Ofllce of Lee-CIarke-Andreesen Hardware Company , Omaha , Nebraska , December 14 , 1S93. Notlco Is hereby given to the stock- holdem of the Lee-CIarke-Andreesen Hani- ware company that the annual meeting ol the stockholders of the company will be hold nt the offices of the said company , 1219 , 1221 and 1223 Harney street. In the city of Omaha , In the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January 11 , A. D. , ISIKi , nt 3 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during the ensuing year , and to transact such other business as may be presented at such meeting , ( Attest. ) H. J. LEE , President. W. M. GLASS , Secretary. D14d32t M\es II1UULINGTON & MO. RIVER. ) Arrhts OmahalUnlon Depot , 10thMason Uts.l Omaha S:30am : . Denver depress. . . . ' . . . . .7 9:3am : 4:3ipm.Uk. ) Hills. Mont. & Puget Snd Hx. 4:0pm : 4:32pm : . Dtnrer Exnrcsk . 4:03pm 7.05pm .Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:45pm . . .Lincoln Local ( except Bundayi.H:25ani _ t45pm..VnitMaUtorLncolnl ! ! i dally. . . i lfv rTcilCA'ao7"DURLiNOTON" & QArrives | OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Ma on fits | Omaha C:00pm. . . . Chicago Veatlbulo . S:00am : 8.45am . Chicago Express . 4:15pm : 7-Mpm..ChlcaKO & tit. Louis Kxpress , B:00am lSam . Pacific Junction Local . 5 : 30pm . . .fast Mall . tMOprn Leaves JCIIICAQO. MIL. & ST. PAULJArrlVfs OmahaJDnlonpepot , 10th & Mason Sis | Omaha 6.00pm . Chicago Limited . , . 8:05am : O.tiain. . .Chicago Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 3pni : Leaves ( CHICAGO A NORTHWKST-N.IArrlvei' OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Maun sts ( Omaha ll:00ain . Uislern nxpress.T. . SslOpm 4:4pm , . Yestluuled Limited . fi:4pm : Carroll Paisengci . ! 0:40pm : C:4pm : . Omaha Chicago .Special . BGOain ; 4:30pm : . lioone Local . 8:30am : . lllisourl Valley Local. . . , . . . , 9:30am : Leaves ICHlCAno. R. I. & I'ACIKlC.lArrlv' ? OinahalUDlun Dtput. 10th & Mason Sls. | Omah ; BAST. lOMO'im..Atlantic Hiprraii ( ex. Sunday ) . , . 6'JInm : pm NlKht Uxpreis. . . . . 8'lvini : Mpm Chicago Veallbalct ! Limited 125nm 450pm..Bt. 1'aul Vejlllmlcd Limited. . . . liMnni WEST. 6l5pm. : Oklahoma & TViai ; . Eun..10:36am ) l40pm ! . . . . . .Colorodo , . . . . . . . . . ! . ! Lcft7ek T C. , 8T. P. . M. & O tArrTTeT Omalml Depot , 15lh nnd Webster fits. | _ Omaha . Blour" City Accommiiiatlon , . . SiKpni liiUpm . . . Sioux City Kxpres. ( ex. Bun. ) , , U am . . . St. Psul LlmliK.j ! : lOam " . . . . 7.Mam.N rfolle Express ( ex. : 6'45pm . St. PaulJicpj-ejS ; . . . . 8'lQjm Uaiei I K. C. . BT. J , & C. R. lArrltes' OmahalUnlon Depot , loth & Mason. , StsJ Omaha 8OVim. : . . .KRIIHS City Day I2xpress.r5'30i > m : 5pm.K. C. Jjltht Ex. Via U. r. Trans. T C t.ea\es I MISSOURI PACIKIC. lArrUen Omahal Depot. Ulh ahd Webster till. I Omaha OMOum . 31 , Louis Express . ClCOain 8JOpm : . SI. Lnuls Express . COSpin j80pjn..n. Nebraska Local ( ei. Bun ) . SiOOara Uea\es I SfOUX CITY * P ACTFTc : JArrlvei OmahaDe | _ plt 15th and Webtter 3ts. I Omaha CilSpm . Bt. PaurUmlled . tilOam leaxea I SIOUX Clfr & TACIFio lArrlvM OirahalUnlon Depot , lath . Mason Sti. | Omalia 70 ; am Sioux flly I'assi Ktr , . 10:40pni : 5.15pm St. Paul Llmlled . . . . . JiJOani travel I TJNION 1'XciFIC ] lArrlvci OinatmlUnion U pot , 10th & Maaon ta.JOmahB 8:10am : North Ilatto Kxpresf 4:30pm : 8:10um : Overland Llmlled. , . , 4(5iun : l.ISpm.Ueal'c SUomali'K Rx ( ex. Sun. ) , 4IOpm 5Miwn..GtanJ I > Und Kxpreii ( ex. 3un..Il:10iin- ) : :35pm. : . .Fan Mall 10:25ai. : " * * ? I WAHA8H HAILWAT. ) ArrU i Oinalinlirnlon Dtpot. ; 0lh it Maton SlalQimhi . . .Be. LouU Cnimoa Ball . . .ll:5iar. A BIG FIRM'S BIG AD. AN UNIQUE JOURNEY , A roso's ' frnRrnnco ; the swcol melody ofa dnltitlly lingered pinna ; the sight of tlcliciita festoons of sinllnx , nnd the usual interim * luxuries of n privnto rnll- wny car by such seduotlva means the linn which nwmifncture ? the largest number of pnoumatlo tires used in the United Stated Is endeavoi-liifr to dimin ish the "trado flavor" of an expedition which started at Chicago Nov. 18 , and which ends in the same city the day before - fore Christmas. It is said that the art of advertising Is still in its infancy. This lutc&t dem onstration of the art is certainly a novel and delichtftil advance. Jt Is do.iijj ex cellent business service while pleasing the artistic senses of those whom it is desired to interest. The expedition in question is com posed of u force of experienced travel- era in the employ of Morgan & Wright , of Chicago , and its purpose is to ac quaint the bicycle ridorn and dealers in about fifty of the principal cities with the Morgan & Wright quick-repair tiro. The Wagner car Wanderer" carries the party , which will arrive in Omaha this morning. The party Is thoroughly organized , having a cap tain , first lieutenant financial secre tary and complete office force of sten ographers and typewriter operators. Upon arrival the members will scatter , through the city , visiting the local deal ers. As the cur progresses from city to city , engraved invitations are forwarded in advance to local clubs and dealers , from the homo ofllcc , requesting the recipients to attend an informal re- ; ( My mama us < xl Wool Soap ) ( I wish mine bad ) WOOLENSinotshrink \ \ \ if WOOL SOAP I * Is used In the laundry. Wool Poaplsdcllcato nnd rofrcshlnu/orbtttbpur- ppees , The besicleuQBor. lluvabarat vourdtalert < Two sizes : lollctrvnd laundry. Raworth , Schodde & Co. . Makers , Chicago. HCnmli.-itn Ht. . nojton. tn Leonard Ht. , Now Vork.WTCU06tuul8t..Sl < ouls. No Other investment of 50 cents can spread out through twelvemonths the vast amount of wholesome pleasure to be found in "Com fort , ' ' "Confor ( "is a veritable revela tion to those who see it for the first time. Have you seemitIf not , see your newsdealer aboutjlt" Single copy , 5 cts. TRADE I 1-1 y "Wl Ih * tnorwloni French ! lioncdr CALTHOO ri > . < , ami , \ \ leaal sukrtntoethntC'ALTUCJ ' niuh lifT * ' VON MOHL CO. . . > r J 8ol aiitriuu lfoU , Ituimtll , Gilo , I DR. McGREW u TUX * i * i -i-ECIALIST WHO TB AT AIL PRIVATE DISEASES Weikneu 1 Diioider d MEN ONLY 0 Yean Experience. 0 Vcari la Ouiaha. Rook Fr . Coniuliitloa and lUdiainatioa rice. Hth and Farnam Sli. . OMAHA Mill. uontton on board the car In the evening. Before the Morgan k Wright corps has finished thu li o'clock dinner provided - vided by three stouarda. the visitors begin to nrrlvo with their ladles. To ejiuh lady is plvcn a rod , rod rose , nnd in the smoking room gentlemen ni-o in vited to try n peculiarly eoduuttveeljjnr. Meantime an ncuomplishcd plitnist pleases the car. In the course of the evening , hut in u ory unostentatious manner , the merits of the qtiiok-reimlr tire may bo shown , The visitors nro sent away with pleivsant Impressions in their minds , and thu car procods dur ing the night to the no.\t city. A 0,000-mllo journey was sehouulcd for the car , which has been as far east as Boston and south ulong the Atlantic coast to Washington. Turning west via Pittsburgh Louisville und intorvotilng places , its route Includes St. Louis , Kansas City and eltlos northward as far as Duluth ; thence homo to Chioigovia Milwaukee. The Morgan & Wright quick-repair tire is itself a novel departure , it ap pears. Its makers have an acknowl edged reputation lor being conserva tive ( the saying , "Morgan & Wright tires are good tires , " is n common ono ) and when they say that a puncture in this tire can bo roadil.y mended at the roadside within two minutes without hurry or worry , the statement deserves credence. Newspaper men nnd cyclists generally have been extended a cordial invitation to visit the car "Wanderer" at Union dopotto inspect the now device , in the evening , from 1:30 to 9:30 : , It's all right to let little girls have an introductiob , to SANTA CLAUS SOAP It 'will not only make their clothes clean but when in late y tars the cares of the household come they will know best how to meet them. There arc a great many women who have learned a lesson of economy and cleanliness by the use of Santa Clans. Sold everywhere. Blade only by The N. K. Fairbank Company , - Chicago. "I'se In Town , Honey ! j A Pancake Flour The kind that satisfies. The most appe tizing , satisfying , strengthening food for winter weather is n batch of pancakes made of Aunt Jemima's Pancake Flour. Wheat , Corn nntl Rice , the three staffs of life are its ingredients. Get it at your grocer's. Beware of imitations. Sold only in red packnges. ) HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE. Buy a imcXniro of Ocnulno Aunt Jemima's golf- Ill&liiu Piijicuko Kluur , and 1C you do not and U iiiukca tha best cakes you ( ivur nto. return tbo empty box lo yourKrocor. Ivnvo youruainy.uniltlie Krucur will refund tbo monoyiiml ctiartfo11 to us. Sclontldcilly Prepiued and Jlanufucturecl only by R T DAVIS MILL CO SI. Mo , , , , . Joseph , , Pemlti'Uo In stamps rorIJr lUsloryor Aunt Jciimnu aud a set of taoi I'lckanlaay dolls. HATKFUI/COJIL'OllTI\fi. EPPS'S COCOA IIHKAICFAST-SL'lM'Ell "Uy a thorough kncmlulga of ( be natural laua wlilcb govern the oyeiatlonB of digestion und nu trition , and by u careful a | | > ltiallon of tlic line progenies of well belectecl L'ocou , Mr. lippj lias jirovldcd for our breakfmt unJ supper u dell- cutely Havered bevcraKo vlilcli may sjvo u many heavy iloclora' biln. ! Jt la by Uiu judl- tlo'js u of eucli articles ot diet that a constitu tion limy be gradually built up until it rune inouRli to n l t every tendency to ilUeusi. Hun. diuiU of tubtle maladies are floating urounU ua itady to nttaek w1iere\er 4hcre In n weak palm. , Vo may p cane many n fatal shaft by kcerlnu our elve well fortified wltli pure lilooj and a properly noumlied frame. " Civil Kervlcu On- zotle. Mode lmply with boiling water or mlllt. 3oMonly _ In half pjund tins , ty grocers , labelled .T.VMIS : uri-8 A : co. . Ltd. , Homoeopathic Chemist , London. December Specials . . . -Twrlvo pattcnm to aslMt from- price * K4.5U , $1.00 , S3.0) , t f CD , * I < J.OO and ! ' . ' .50. Chns. Shiverick & Co. , 'Jrultur" and Draperies | 2tfi and Douglau CTATT fTTP I I'TIMl ItlllPH SC011 ChlS AHhll 3I1LLL1I Court Bcllovos Jim Bniton's Story About Being Abused iu Jnil , GIVES HIM IN CHARGE OF HIS BAILIFF Inllcr'n Kvilniinllon | | q C < irroliiirnnl lij n "ViiniliiT of 1'rliKiiiprx SU'liliPti Hull oil Trlnl for Stephen Hall , another mcmUor of the so- nmton Rnng , nnil the one who Is chargc.l with bjlng ono of tlio rlnRlcnilerj of tliD tn > thlca1 Oosierate | mob , uns placed on trial yestentoy on tlio charge of high way robbery. It Is nlleseil Hint IIP , to- Kcther with Wllltnm Ulasscoxho wai re cently csnvlctcJ , held up Conductor Fell on the night of May 25 nnil robbsil him of $ S. Three masked men entered the car , which was standing at the south cud of tlio line at Hanscom park , and poked revolvers In the conductor'a race. As the robbers hnvo merer been discovered tlio robbery was charged up to tlio Ilruton "gnng. " When James Ilruton , one of the \vltnfssos. appeared In court bo ere n face which de manded explanation. Ito looked like a man who had been In n knock down and drag out prlzo light. His eyes xiere marked with forget-me-nots of all hues of the rainbow and they \xero supplemented with a variety of bruises \\blch covered his entire face. He also looked considerably depressed , as If he had lost his purse. "What Is the matter with you ! " asked the court. Druton delivered n melancholy talc of woe of his experiences In the county jail. He said that ever since ho turned state's evl- denco and tcstlltcd agalnpt the other mem bers of thu "gang , " who , hoxxcver , have been Invariably acquitted , Jailer Miller had been iloun on htm. Druton said that he was In the big cage In the Jail In the afternoon xvheti there were turned upon htm EOIUO ot the other members ot the "gang" and Abe. Lauder , who has been taken to Lincoln to serve a sen tence of fifteen yearn , Unilon said that Jailer Miller yelled out : "Go It , Laudor. Now Is your chance. " and Lander "went it. " Laudcr is a powerful man and llriitoii says that his experience with him was as bad as if he had been put through a thresh ing machine. When the story had been completely re lated , Judge Scott passed some severe strict ures on the jailer. He said that a man In jail had ns much right 1o protection as n man outside. Jailer Miller , ho said , did not appar ently think that way and therefore Judge Scott ordered llrulon not to be returned to him. lie placed the prisoner in the hands of lila bailiff until Kftcr the trial. The story told by Jailer Miller Is radi cally different. Ho said that Sunday he took Druton out of one cage and put him In another with I.auder. No sooner had he got them In than JJruton began his abuse and Lander set upon him. As soon as the jail ers could get to him , Ilruton was taken out of the cage , but by that time he bad re ceived his facial ornaments , This story Is corroborated by the other prlsonoro In the jail. They have been very sere because Druton turned state's evidence and this soreness has been considerably ag gravated by the abuse ho has hurled at ths other members of the. "gang. " Judge Scott yesterday sentenced James Bruton , ono of the Uruton gang , to the peni tentiary for two yearn. Druton pleaded guilty to the charge of burglary , but his sentence was made light because ho turned state's evidence. IMIAMC'S CASI3 MAY HOLD OVKR. Trlnl of Alic-ncil Mnnlprorn of John Seljiin ( q lie Cnllvil Soon. It is more than probable that the three men charged with the murder of John Seljin will bo placed on trial In the criminal court within the nsxt two or three days. It Is equally probable that the cases against John Spoerl and Israel Frank , charged with ob taining money under false pretenses from the city , will go over until next term. It lias bc n a question with the county at torney which of these txvo cases to take up after the Ish trial is completed , inasmuch as but ono of the cases could bo completed be fore the end of the term. The matter was practically settled In favor of the alleged murderers a few days ago , when a requeet waa filed by their attorneys that the case be tried this term. The three men , Drubnlc , Mlkan and Uukovlc , have been In confinement since the crime was committed , July 3 , and in the meantime their families have been without means of support. The decision was considerably hastened by a number of re quests from the Austrian consul , who pressed for an early trial. It Is understood that the matter was left to Judge Scott , who determined that the men should be given a trial as soon as possible. He held that they had a prior claim to a trial bccatiso they were unable to obtain bonds , while Spoerl and Frank could very well git along without a trial for a while. It Is understood that if the case Is taken up before the Ish trial is completed Judge Keysor will be asked to excuse the county attorney cr an assistant. The trial Is ex pected to last for some time , as none of the prisoners are able to speak English , and nn interpreter will be required. Al ! cf the evidence In the case Is purely circumstantial. I > LMilfn There W < IN The D. & M. Railway company lias filed in anower In the suit for $15.000 damages which uas brought against It by Daniel Shanalian. Shanahan alleged that ho te- : elved three dlfftient Injuries at three differ ent times within a year through the negll- ; enc0 of the railway company , and he claimed .hat ho sustalnr/d $5,000 damages by each njury. The railroad company admits that Bhanuhan may have bcrn Injured while in its employ , but denies that the Injuries oc curred through Its carelessness. Moreover , it lenles that the Injuries wcio anywhere a -.rrlous as Shanahan clclniK , and as .prcof ] f this cites the fact that Shanahan ivas contlnuoutly in Its employ until ho was Uncharged last March , when a reducllon In the force \\as made. Don no HcKlllN HlN Suit. George W. Donne has begun the threat ened mandamus cult In the district court against the city council to compel the pay ment of $235 attorney's foci , which he claims for proiccutlng an action to prevent , the erection of a market IIOIIED on Jefferson icjuare , which was undertaken under direc tion of the park board , Tlieo feus urn for services rendered when the case was ap pealed to the supreme court after the park lioard won tn tha district court. Judge Doano also requests that Hit council be mulcted the statutory $500 line for Its con- luct , as ho allege * that lit' carried on the ictlon In the ( supreme court by authority of ihe park hoard , ' H Drrlxlunot : SntlHfiiH ory. Judge Ilaxtfr yesterday decided the fight > vcr the money obtained by the police from ilanus and Foster , lhe > two bank twiddlers , itter tliclr arrest. In favor of the Union Na- ional bank of Kuntas City and a St. I'aul janlc , both of xvhlcli had been swindled by be two men. Wiatevtr remains after the Jinks' claims are settled will go to the at torney * who defended the men In thin city. The tmm of money In dlopute ntnotintrxl to $1,300 , ami I * now In the hands of th court. The cUlm of the bonks almost this. The case will be Appealed , .Minor Court .Mutter * . The ItE > IIv > Hi Uros. Manufacturing com pany has atUchrd property valued at $21rt which Is In th > posse-islon of Albert Tucker. I ) . W. Morrow- , one of the depositors In the Nebraska Sax Ings nnd Kxehnnge bink , has n kcd that the o. dcr permitting n de posit of $135 to be returned to draco Singer , another dep.wltor , bo set asldo. Sh * nlUgi ? . ! that she had deposited the money xvlth the understanding that It was to be credited m a note for ? 2SOO which she hnd given tha bank and which had been transf.rre.1 tn n Chlcigo Kink. Morrow claims , on the oilier hand Hint the deposit was a and not a special deposit. lliMiilnclM- mill Moorcflcld. Neb. , Nov. 23. 1R95. "I lmx taken Hood's Sarsaparllh for dizziness nnJ headache , comphlnts from xxhlch I suffered for a long time. It has -ben over n ) cir since I have had any tdmi ot my former trouble. My mother has also been benefllted by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " Miss Alba Morgan. Hood's Pills cure sick headache. nr.Kiir.n TO TIII : WHISKY TIU'ST. fcr of Wllltnx Siirlimn DIMMlcr ? Itrt'iinli'il \ rMt-riln } . Yesterday two deeds were filed with the register ot deeds , transferring all of the ptopcrty of the Distilling and CatllcfcctlliiK company to the Distilling trust , or the American Spirits Manufacturing company. This has been In accordance xvtth the terms of the order xxhlch was recently Issued by tlio courts of Illinois. The transaction is of Interest to Omnhn , Inasmuch as by It tha Willow Spring * dis tillery of this city becomes trurt property. Tha other property which at the fame tlmu Is transfer ! cd Is the Shufcldt distillery nnd the lllvcrdale distillery , In Cook county , III- nols , In or near Chicago , the olllce buildings of the company , the Northern , Manhattan , Monarch , Oreat Western , Woollier and l'eoil distilleries , In or near 1'eorla , 111. , the Star and Crescent and the Hamburg dlstlllerlc * In Tnzcwcll county. Illinois : the Consol idated distillery of Cincinnati , thu St. Paul distillery ot St. Paul , the Maddun-Hoburt distillery In Hamilton county , Ohio , the \Vnbasli distillery In Tcrrc Haute , Ind. , thu Latcnla distillery In Kenton county , Ken tucky , nnd the Central distillery of St. Louis. One of the deeds transfers thu property from the distilling company by a reorganiza tion committee , and the other by John Mc- Nulta , the receiver of the distilling company. to the trust. The first transfer Is made without conditions. In the hitter the terms of the order of court are named as condi tions onvhlch the transfer ly made. The conditions are that the jirojwrty shall bo subject to a paramount lien ot the trust deed to secure , first , the payment of what ever s > uni8 shall be adjudicated by the courts to bo owing to the holders of an Usuoi ot $1,000,000 bonds In the suit of Receiver Nttlta against Joseph D Oreenhnt , one of the receivers who resigned , to s't asldo this bond Issue ; secondly , the payment of tlio rebates ot vouchers In the same trust deed. H Is conditioned also that the receiver shall prosecute the suit to a finish. H will be remembered that after a num ber of suits had been brought against the distilling company , and after two of the ap pointed receivers had been deposed , the prop erty of the company was ordered , on July 5 , to bo sold to the highest bidder. The Bale occurred on August 14 nt Washington. The property was bought by n reorganization committee which represented 347,508 out of a total ot SfiO.OOO shares of stock , at $9,800,000. Of this amount only $69,508 was paid , and this was used In patlsfylng the shares which wore not represented In the reorganization committee. This commute : Is the on ? which Is now transferring tha property to the trust. In the deeds it Is agree ! that the Inist shall pay the balance of the- purchase price as required by the courts in order to satisfy claims against the distilling company. U Is agreed , too. that the property Is to ba held as security that it will be properly cared for by the trust. Dy the terms of the ; dcod It is expressly understood that the paramount lien shall continue until the courts othcrxvlue decree and that the courts may at any time take summary possession ot the property and resell it _ A firent Uiixli. During Iho recent epidemic of cholera In Honolulu the demand for Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilomedy xvas so great that tbo druggists could not wait on all , so they covered their counters with the Remedy and let customers help themselves. Tlio people there found this remedy effected a cure in every case , not a single death oc curred in any case In which It wai used. The success of the medicine Is what load lo the great rush for It. Many persons bought It so as to have It ready for instant use In case It should b : needed. FOn AM ) AGAIXST THU PI.A.V. Snilillc Creole Sorer I'l-opoNltlnn Ile- fori11 Council C < . iltd-e. There xxas quite a Jurgp attendance of in terested property owners at the meeting which was hold In committee rno'ii A in thu : lty hall yesterday to. discuss the Saddle creek sewer proposition. Thli ? 1 tha plan by wlilch it Is proposed to acquire a street ilong the Saddle crock bottoms extending about three miles south from Forty-seven ill and Hamilton streets , for bcutcvard pur poses , and also to provide facilities for nexv- eragc in ths western part ot the city. The ; ilan was lecommenclcd by City Engineer Itnso ater In hiu last annual repiTt , and the plan of assessment has recently bo.1 : ) sub mitted. At the meeting yesterday Councilman Mercer and Assistant City finglnc-er Stenger wore present to explain the merits Hi the proposition , and City Attornjy Connell x3H ils > called In. Ex-Governor Alvin Saundsrn lieaded a delegation of property oxxiurz who protested agalm-t the luvy of tie ! tax at this : lme. There was no particular effort to ihoxv that the Idea was not a good out , but : he objectors contended that It was purely i question of finance , and that the improve ment should he ailaxved to until times mproved and the taxpayers were bitter abe : to pay for It. Other property owners xre is firmly In favor of the measure , and urged : lmt xvhlle It might Involve xnma expense , it Aould bo a great economy In the end , lna - nuch as It furnished n cheap plan for draln- igo In that part ot the city. Scnrli'l Paver HlKiiN Up , The prevalence of scarlet fever or any other contagious disease need not alarm you If you use AllenV Hygienic Fluid. It is the Ideal preventive medicine cleansing , purifying and healing. No household should be without it , I'll lliu Huij > l > - Company. S. Heyn & Co. , the photo supply company , oday filed chattel mortgages aggregating ; 4,220 xvlth the county clerk. There are four Mortgages , the principal ono of which Is to ho Omaha National Innk. The nioilujges 'over the entire ftoclt In the store. An ittuclim nt suit was also brought against ho company yesterday In the- district lourt by the M. A. Seeds Dry Plato company. f The suit Is brought to recover the value , if $1,400 worth of goods which it Is alleged vaa delivered , Th plaintiff company claims hot the Omaha National bank hold a property in which service can be obtained. Tim most astonishing results In healing rounds have been shown | jy Salvation Oil , Raymond Jeweler WATCHES AS OIFTS A watch makes an ideal Cluismas Gift. Consider ing the cost and usefulness , there isn't anything more sensible or desirable. We handle only the best. No Petcrfunlc watches in our stock. We sell you a reliable time-piece as low as any house in the United States , C. S. IRaymoiid. anil Voitytai bti. Ojicn Kventnyi.