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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1895)
r I I1 (5 Til 13 OMAHA DAILY UK tit DEOI0MIH8K 17 , 1801 , COIIIIEHCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Market WAS Iloav , ? , May Touching a Low Miuki ENGLISH CABLES WtRE MUCH LOWER Corn I > l l N fc mpM.liIrr Ver > Much tvltli \\lu-nt unit Hi' * l > Miininl for tluif ArticleViii AulUn. CHICAOO. Dec. 16-Tlio wheat mnrkel vnt very henvy totlny , May toucliliiK Mr. tlic lowest point nf the Reason , The news lieatl'h nml the price.- * of the tiny unstry obcytel the illrecllon Inillcatoil by this IIUWM clo'lnu nt n net loss ofHe for Ihc ilnj Corn tlo c < l sllKhtly hlKlief. nftcr oponlnR lower , nnd oats nnd nrovl'lons nlso clo eel ut fllBhtly higher inlccH. \\huit hn- ruled inther dull and drrltl- cdlyvcak , ilccllrlnB uiadually 4f from Sit- Uidny's clo o und ninklnK l"t llltlp rtcov- ciy I'lMlnK iirlcos wcioery nrnr to Sat- tir'lny , but thsrc wnH n rnpld bietik find lL fore noon Iho price had BO C down fulb ftc. The niiKllih cnblovcro lou = r , elo- m sllc markets thill and hcnvy , thi- receipts In the nortlmcHt vere larger thnn the snme day last -week nnd iCO bu. more thnn for tip pamc day Intt ear. Wliciit nnd lloui on ocoui tiarsntro Incicaboil 1B20WJ bu , nnd the vvoilds Rhliimcnli * ure nnolllclall > re ported nt 8W)0UCO bu Tlio situation nn mint muie l" > "iirl-u I'V iliiMinn * coiiccrnltiR the vialli'j niijU. | I torn the f = lurt It wan evident Hint mosi cl the wh'Mt vvhlch dlsjppo.lied la tM"jk wa * In nlKht iiKiiln. The llnnl llptircf on tinIP ; - Iblciiijiply Rhovved n he't lncioa c of S.ulS- ( JOO bu where Ihiio had beuti n iUcrca i nf 117 W ) bu. tha vveek before After Rc'll- Int ; off on tills nivvs there va < < n lltllf rnll > on tlio report tint th" IJtigll-'li viable pup- Jil > Had ilct ruaf < 'd l,7l.SU"0 bu. May sold early nt ftom r.0'ic to COo Mil t , tcnidually told off lo u'J ic , up to fi'-'ic bid , nnd olo-cd nt that Ilutne. Corn did not sympathize ninth with vvhent. The deinnnd for thiough bll'e.l ' cnr.oailsvn - quite active and vvan the chief rca-on for it ICB ! O of ftieiiKth In the inaikpt , which vvn unoxpcttcil In view of the ho'tvlnej'H of the vvh tt market Jauntily ilillveiy was more piitlcularl ) wantc'l the ffencrnl Impre lon bolnu that It is largely oveisolil AInv com Is > ( , c lilKher , Uei'embor ' , Sc. and Jnniniy IB up from "ie to He as the jesult of the dav's trndlnir. Oals were active thtouchout the se"lon. with Hood Kcniinl bujliie ; The feeling was neutrally llrm , allhoiiBh nt ono tlms pi Icvs were below Saturday's tlnal fiuotatlon. At the start Slay sold at Irom IDc to 19'ji- ' touched W/iC , nnd declined to trom IS-iii- to lie1 , rallied to ID c , closlni ; with that pilco bid. 1'iovMone opened Him and continued In BtrenRth Invctsely to the vvfakne s In wheat. Some talk of lard guttlnc the HtrenKlh It showed becau e of nn advance In the price of cotton fccud oil vvas Indulged In , but hort who started lo cover on Sat urday continued that piocscdltiK today , nnd that was considered u more potent lenson The chanpes lnco Saliirduj nro nil In the way of ndvancejnnuaiv pork , 12'te ; January laid , 2' < c ; January ilb , DC Intimated reci'lpts for tomorrow : Wheat , 250 cars : corn , D7B cars ; oats , 303 cars ; hojji ? , 23,000 head. The leading futures ranged ns follows : Cupli quotntlcnsveie ns follows : rLOl'Il-CliUet. wlntiT palcnti , J3 13.CO : ivln- < er blinlhhtH , 52 3003 20. spring imtenta , J3 l"f 3 M ; Fpilng Btrnlghts , J. ( BQ2.9J , bakcre , 51.S55J' 2 2H 2HWHIAT WHIAT No 2 FprlnKM'iBJTiioj No. 3 spring , Kr5C'tc , No J ml , ruXfiClVic. t'OllN No. 2 , 25Van2.C' . OATH No. 2 , lie , No. 2 white , IS'iOlO c : No 3 vvl lleIS'lc. ' . IIY13 No 2. 33'jc. DAIU.Ijy No. 2 , nominal , No. 3 , 22I40cj No. 'i7.AX snnn NO. i , O4c. TIMOTHY Siii ; > Primp , J3 30.T3 53. 1'IIOVIHIONS Mem pork per Wil. , JS 0108 12U. I.nrd per 1W llw , fiSDffSSS'i. ' Shorl rllm s'dcs ( loiiK > ) . JJMIil.lO : dr > mlted Hl-ould-is ( hexed ) , 14 fi'lffl ' 7S , ulinit ch ir Bid's ( h xed ) , Jl 60fll S.'ij WHISKY Dlslllleis' llni hcd Roods , pei KU ! . , tl :2 POUI.TUY rinn ; lurkejs , 7T10c : chickens , 5'i Oijc ; du"k . lOSllc ; Kcctc , Cic. ! ) Tae follow Ing wcie Ihe receipts and shipments today. On I'm ? . > \ u i i : ; c n KJ tollfia buttjm u- ket vvai firm : crea'uoiv , lliajUe. daliy'j | } 2lo. ! I KPR , Urn : Jiy-'l.'c. Che-CHo. ijiilet , un- chaiured ; lulus , ( 'lail'f.u ' ; Young Anicilcts , Of. NI3W YOItK Gn.-V.nUAI. < lnolililiiH fill flip rrlnclpnl CiiniiiKiilltle-N null SliiieM. NI3W YOKIC , Dec. 1C. I'LOl'll llecclpls 21 SfO libli. ; exports , 30,000 bbls ; dull , with conces- xlons necippat ) to Hull , mills nmaln firm and now 100150 above best bids ; winter exlin , J. C33 GO , ells mill patents , J4 10fN 25 , winter pnlcnls , 3 43 03 C5 ; city mill clears , 140094.10 ; win ter slralfchts , J3 ZQQ3 40 ; Minncsoia patents , S3:5ff353 ; Minnesota bakers , } 27Gtj3X ( ) , wlnle. low grades , } 210fi2CO. Use flour , dull : tunorllne , * 2 50ii275. fanej".J.ilfU 93 JIUl-KWHIJAT ( Julet nt 30'i ' 40c. COKN MIIAIv Ste-ady , > i.llwc'stcin ( , coaise , 70o ; lliandjwlne. J2 ! 5. KYi : Nominal , western , 42ff43c. HAKLIY NomlnKl , vvcxtein , 3'iff4Cc. IIAIII.I.r MALT Nominal , > . s ern , 4Si5S < - WHKAT Kecelpls , 2.'I 100 bu : exports C5.100 mi , Spat winker ; No. 2 led , OSVjC ; No 1 haul , C7o dcllvereil Options opened weaker under dls- coninKlng foreign news , Inclndlni ; lower cables nml blK world's shlpmentH , declined further 1.1 the enounoim visible supply Increise nnd gain tui pas aie , and finally tallied partially on weft- cm news nnd covering ! cliwed ISffHc lower , No. 2 rid , May , WiGCC'ic , closed OOljc ; Decemler , WiiiC5Uc.elri.ed ( . ' .Vie- COKN Kecelpts. 215 5W bu. : exports. 153,20 ( ) tin Kpi l mniket stead ) ; No. 2 , 33XiC. Options opened iiihlcr wllh wheat , but tilled sternly all day. liclpeil by the. sin ill visible pupplv Increase , and elwed unchange-d to 'ic loweii May , 34'4fJ34ic ' , closed 34 ! > ic ; Decembd , 3JHfi33'-tc , closed 33V. OATH-ltice-lpIs , 44.40U bu ; exports , 10) ) bu Bpot dull : No , 2 , 22 > 4c. Options easier and iiulet nil day , eleslng ill V 5Mio ( nit decline : Mn > , JIH ( )2IV4e ) * , linked 2U c ; Deeembet closed 22've1. ' HAY Finn ; shipping , J7.0.ihW , choice , J J 6 1 tl'l 50. HOI'S Weak : state , common to choice , 1SOI crop , 3 ? 7c : 1S35 ciop , 7 YlOo : Pacific const , 1S5I c/ip 3'41f7c ; Ib35 crup , Mtlut' lllDis-Iull ) : California. 21 to 25 Ibs , . ISff S'.ji' , ( lalvepioii , Z1) to 23 Ibs. , ICc ; lluenos A > n.g , eliy. 20 la H Ibs , 21c ; Texas , diy , 21 to 30 Ibs , , l.'fflSc. I , IIATHKH Steady ; hemlock pole , Iluenos A > res. lluht to heavy wcUhls , 22c , neld. Jl'-fl.'le , WOOL ( Julet ; domesllc fleece' , lC62.c ! , tuilled , IKHSoe. PKOV1SIONP lleef. cjulet ; family , J10.00II12 0) ; lieef hams. ll5e ) fil5W fill meal * . eas > , nlckleii iirllles. ! 4,73U5.2r , ; plekled shouldeis , } 1 0093.21 ; lilcklcd hams , JS Miiti OJ. Lard , hlRher , vveslrrn dlcnni tleifccd nl l5Cinske-d ; Dee'ember. $1 00 nom- Iitil ; tetlned lard hlghei ; ronllnenl , tC05 ; South American , 1C 35 Pnrk nctlvo but lower : short char. Jlo DOS 10.50 ; family. llii.CCO10.50. Hl'TTl.H Ilicelpts , C.452 pkgs.J strong ; west- rill dally , Iiri9c : western cteanierlis , 1CUJ SJ'c : iiiln : . 27Mlisc. ( Ilii > i-Kerelpl : . 847 pkgs : dull ; Iai0-e , 7'1 ' tTlOc ; rinall , 7Ii jlO'4o | pait bMms , J'jjjlc ; full eklms. 24i3c. KOnH lleeclpls. 4,333 plvga. ; steady ; slate nnd l'ennsl\anla , 2I1I28C , western , 21fj4o ; sjiitlivm , 21(1 23c. I''M Kasj ; I'nllrd closed nl 11.51 bid , Tl'KPlINTINn-Hlendy. 2Si(2SHc. ( TAI.WIW IZaryj cllj. 4e : country. 4'c. ' HICK UlMilyj dome Uc , fair iq txira , S ! 8W4cj Japan. 3Sfi4c. HOSIN rirm ; strained , common lo good , } 1.72j ! Cl 77' | . MOI.AHHi:8-Qulet : : New Orleans , open kettle , BOI d to cholee , WfjSCo. MiTAIJ5-Plir : Iron , nulet. Copper ftendy ; l.tdKiiH1 price' , 1105) ; exchange prlcu , IIOOSIOCJ , Ijfiul linn ; broker1 price , M 13 ; exchange pilce , 13 2 > i 1.23. Tin. ste.uly : vlrnlts , } 13 K.1dl3 t < S , Iilatts dull. Hpelle-r. quit I : dome-stlc , 13 40. COTTON biiD : : Olllulli nlme crude. 23\tO \ ! < : : ; bulter Kruilis , ! lj32c ; prime buimner > illou , Bo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - I NiW YOKIC. Dec. -COTTON-r-onlrncls opened uulct ul 2tT3 points advance ; at 11 o'clock tlio iiiarltet was iiulet nnd slcndy at 3ti3 points n ellnu , at 12 o'clock prices thawed 1 iiolnt net decline ; sales , 75 Cew bales 'I he curly mniket was sliong on tailsfacl I ) labUx. hhoill ) nft.i tin eipcnlng the market lUveliijii'd weakness on tl w iradlni ; , It was iTiwrled Hint u YlrlKnla eatiltallsl whu fullrd Saturday was long 65.1-W \u\va. \ and that until this had been liquidated u lieavy markft uns likely , l'ilv il > ; cables deEcrlb tlio situation na KUl.fucor > . .Spot quiet ; mid- elllng uilandu , S 9-lCc , middling gulf , 8 13-lCo. I'ort iccelpt * ) for the day c-nunmU'd at 4S.COO talc * , ocalnet 43.40J lull * la t Httk anil 711,311 luil.ii Inc' v.-nr P"r lh w k , f tlnuleil fit Ji. > hi I-F ntnliwt lit 4 I balp < Itn " r d 4 ,4V 1tr 1 \ bi.t r'fir MMdll ( . * . 111 ' ff- , .x.-mllil tl I il < B < . * M IIKW t" ihr n-nllnrni I.JH4 luln. fTM M l 1 17 l * ! 5.1 MlM. I'll- ( Ff. i p. .liituniY , ! > . IVImimr , > : V.nii'li ISO. \pill ft Pi May J'.ll lim 4 Jillr. < 4 > > , AnciiM , ft 47 , Hpplrmtn-r } < ! . Oe-tnlnr. > 2 ? . N'nvtinurr , t ' ' 1 , IwiMii.M'r $ < tl KKW OJU.IJANS Dec. -COTrO.V-Dull ; inldi'lftiK. S < , < Inx * mid Illnn , "V ; t : oil ordltiHry , 7 lift iwfln's ' 1(7" ! bfllm tmn. H I'll ' l"il < " < : ( \poltn to Prn/i'-f SMS bullpnl < ( i , S&n Uik' . | , 371,111 ljnlr . KT Mil IH , Her. 1 rnTTONSlcnd } , mid- i' ' 1 1 M if. SS-lfc , no mix ifpiirli'tl , rrrHiitx , 7,4'j3 l.qlcj , shlpm'iits , 6,4. ! ) bale * , ttocU , C1.3S9 Imlfn. OU.MIV CI.MKVL : ConilKliiti iif Trtulc nml ( liiolatlniiH on Htiilc | nml Tniic' ) t'rinliice. KGdH-Strlctlv fnyii tteck , 19c , hc'ld stock , 1C pl'c. Ill 'rrCll-lMcklttir st-uk. 12I2 4C , filr to iMtinti } , 130He. choice to fancy country , ViAI : . Choke fat , 70 to I00 lb , nre quoled nl i4C7e ! | , latKf and cnnite , tfJCe. rttti.x--t | < oiiurtle I Hilt , ll'ic : ndam , per d a. JT.V ) . ( lull lloiife. Mb Jiis , pel il i7 , $300 $ , I Imberper , fancy , per ib . ll'ic , llwvjrfort. ' 4-lb Jus , pr dor , { 3 C3 , Young Americas , ll'4c ' , twin * , fancv. lie POI I.TKYPrrMtil rhlckrn * . CUd'ic ' , duel r StiOt , tuikrvf , ilutlre OUJlOc , KtrcuI'lsH'iiC. . IIAI'ptatid , M ; imdlnnd , $3 5o , I whmd Ji 00 , ive Fttnvt tl f.O , color makes lh pi Ice on hnv , bales cell the best. Only t p grnd" > < Innc ! top prli c. , HIinOM COIIN New- crop , di'.lverel on Irntk In cnuiitr ) , chtlce trecn celf-winklnB ciipot , pti Ib , 2'ic ' , clinlce Rieen tunning to hurl , 2'ic ' : com mon I'jc CAMi-l'rilil ! cl.lcKcns > oung. pfr dor. 5C. quail Jl 7f. Jnck mlie , .Sc. pr..drn plovci tl tf , Jack rabbit * , pet dor . Jl nofll 21 unall tub- bltn f.'H/i innlliiiil ducks 13 . " 0 : lodhendn. S3 GO , uinvnsbiik ilurk * . IMO5IMO : teal t'luc vvliix. J17'.II20 lent giecti u.n Jl 71. ml'cd ducks Jl 7"ji2 ' > n. < innda geee in , mall gees" ! l BO brunt * . JIM deer fjiddlcp ISST/lfc. d er carcnsfts , 12'45T13c ' , rlk pnriiilM lHric. elk ciilcai ei , OJ ? 10e antclipc ea Idles lfU" | , nnlelupo cnreatsiu 'i5Tllc. rrnifrn N per i'oz GO i'bc I'IGiON4 : Live , per dor , U. dcnd pigeons not w at.I'd. ( IIKIPTMAK finnnNS HnlK. per case. Ju , hrl tmas tieen , per il > / . , J2 Vf/G ) 0) . vioiTAUi.ns CAl I.iri.O\Viit-l'ei : doz .lends , JIEOIJ2CO t'AIIHAnil H illand cabbage , head ? smill and linid per Ib . 11tc , Callfoin'a Hock , per Ib , 2c , MrsilKOOMS-l1 * ! 1'4-lb bux. Cii75c. POrATOirnncy native stock. 31c. from store il unall lnt 40e , rolnimlu flick , .100050. ONIONS-Per bu , 40c , home Kfown Spinlsh pel 1 hi. . $ ! . ' 0 : 3 to fi-bbl lotp , Jl 31. IHJAN Hind picked navy , tier bu , Jl f'i ( l 7.1 SWnnT rOTATOiS-tlinlce stock , 1273 per 1,1.1 1,1.1onirilY California , per doz. , 75J90c ; Colo- i ml" , 50' , Kalama oo , 30:3c. LIMA IIIIANS Per Ib . Jc. WATHK CRi : S-Per 18 'It. ' case , Jl Wftl 73 1'KL'ITS OALIPOKNIA STKAWlliilKliS Per bo33c Al'l LUS 1'nncy stock , JJ 23f(3.G ( ) ; choice stock I. . Si2 75. PALirOKNIA QriNCEH None. OltlXJON liMlS-I'ei case , J.23 CltANItr.KKIlIS .Iiisey , JS 7.1 , Cape Cod , JD 2 Mel iiiMn'r. HU MALAGA C.ltAPIJS-l'ei CO-lb. bbl. , JC ; per ( M to 70 Ib ? . KIO > S , J7 50 I2ASTHKN OKAPiS No shipping etock. IUOPICAL niurrs OKANGl'S Mexican' , pel box , J4 21 ; Cnllfornln imd.ied Heedllngs , re-gular Blzes , { 373 , SO la 1M Hlsis 13 M , navelp , SJ Wf4 W ) LIZMONS-Callfoinln , jici box , J3 73 4 50 ; Mes stnas , 54 5004 75. 1IANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , J2.0D fl2 25 medium sired bunches , Jl 75ff2 00. MISCELLANEOUS. OYbTlJKb Mdllums , 15c , 'tandards , IV ; cxtta selects , Sic , llraneh , v. Co. i-ilects , 23c , New York counts , 2''c ' stanclinl bulk , pei gal. , J1.10. 11ONHY Vanc > white , per Hi , 13c. MAI'I.n SYKUP rive-gil. cans each. } 2 73. gal cans , per doz. , { 12 , ' , & -gal , cans , JC 25 ; quart cans. J3 ; , ' , . CIDini Pure Juice , per halt bbl. , J2.75 ; per Lbl , 14 73 SAU13U KKAVT Per Ibl. , J3.73. half bbl . J2 25. I'lOrt New crop , Callfotnla , 10-lb. boxes , p-r Ib , l'c ' ) ; Impoited fnnc > , CO-lb. bees , lie , choice 10-lb boIlijftl2c. . DATES Nw 1'e.blan , GO-lb boxes , per Ib , Mic ; fnrd , 10 Ib boxes , per Ib , Oc. MAPLE SUC1AK C lolce , p ° r Ib , 0310c. PKI'SEIiVHS Afsortel 20-lb. pnlls. each Jl 40. COrOANlSTS Per 100 , J4 50 ; each , 5c. NIJ'IS Almonds , California , net Ib , medium size lOc , Tarragona nlmomK per Ib. , luge , 12'4c ' ItrazllB , per Ib , Sc ; Ensllsh wninutp , pel Hi fancy Foft shell , 12c , htmdauls , lUJIlUe nibcrts , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , polished medium ICc : laige. 12c , peanuts , raw , 6VSc ; lunsted 7fT 7'4c ' , lilckiry nuls , Email , per bu , II 75 , hickory num , large , per bu , Jl 50 , blick walnuts , pei ' " DKESSED MEATS. HEEr Light western stecis , 4jO 10 COO Ibs , G' . , QCc ; goud cons and heifers , 6'iW3'jc ' ; meilluin cows and heifers. 4\f5c ; good fotctiuarteis c .ws and helfeis 3'4Q4c ; good hlndnuailerH cows and lielfeis , C'i7c ; cow rounds , 5c , cow chucks. 3',2C , steer chucks , 4c ; beef Icmle-lolns , fnsh , ILc , beef rolls , boneless , f'4c , tlrloln bulls , , SV4C , loin backs , boneless , 8lie ; loin Lacks , G'ic , cow ribs , No. J , C'4c ' ; cow loins. No : 3 , 7Hc ; steci ill" . 7"c , fleer loins , Oc. MUTTON Urepsed matton. B\c ; rncks , 8'4c , legs , "c : saddles , 7c ; stevvp , 2'ic. ' POKII Potlc loins , 5c ; s.iaie r'bs , 4'4c ; pork Ehcmlders. 4'4c ; pork shoulder * , skinned , 45ic ; lenderlolnn , 12c ; pigs' feet , eleined , per doz. , 33c. FUKS. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1. green hides , 4e ; No. 2 green hides , 3c , No. 1 green tailed hides , 4' c ; No. 2 green called hides , 3".e ; No. 1 gieen railed hides , 25 lo 40 Ibs , 3Hc ; Ne > . 2 green silted hides , 23 to 40 ins , .So : No , 1 veal cnlf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , C'do ; No. 2ciil eaif. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4' ' c ; No. 1 diy ( lint hides , CSTSc ; No. 2 dry flint hides , C0Cc , No. 1 dry salted hides , Cc ; part cuied hides , " ,40 per Ib. Ices than fully curi'd. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each 230COc ; green Filled shearlings ( short wooled eatly t-klns ) , each 15o , dry shearlings ( shorl vvooled early skin : ) , No. 1 , each , lOc , dry nheirllngs ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c , dry flint Kansas and Nebiahka butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , MiCc ; dry flint Kanras nnd Ne- lunska Murrain wool pells , per Ib , , actual weight , iif5c ; dry film Colorado butcher wool pells , per Ib , actual wc'ghl , 4IiC'ic ; dry flint Coloiajj Murrain wool pells , per Ib. , nclual welgni , 45e : dry pieces and bucks , nclual weight. 4S5c ; feet cut off , us It Is useless lo pay frclghl on ' ' 'TALLOW AND aiinASE-Taiiow NO. i. s'-ic ' ; lallow No. 2 , 3c ; grcnce , white A , 3'ic ; grease , while II , Sc ; grease , yellow , 2ic ! , grratc , dark , 2" ; old butler , Sg.'iic ; beeswax , prime , 15022c ; lough lallovv , l'4c. HONES In car lots weighed and dellveied In C.iUajo : Dry buffalo , per ton 11200ffl4 00 , dry country , blenched per ion , 110 OK12 00 ; dry country , d imp and meaty , per ton , JO OofH CO WOOI UnvMished , fine heavy , CB7o ; fine Ilghl , Sfllo. quirter bloeul lOfTISc ; * eedy. hurry ind chaffy. iWe ; celled end broken , coarse , 7S9e ; celled and broken , fine , CiiSc , rieece washed Mtdlum , 15 mline : , 14Olfo ; lull wnshcnl , 1CI ISo : black , 8e ; bucks , Cc ; tug lck . 2iJ3o ; dead pulled f.flCi" . C11K1STMAH TKE3-J2M00 doz. Code-- NEW YOKK , Dee. 1C , COl.'FrE-Op'lon opiiud quiet at 5 paints decline unler uns ills- facloty ( iible'ii und hlack ppol demand : advanced on local bidding and nh cncn of oulslde. Int rest ; elc. e-d He. uly m a net advance of 5H15 polnt < ; n\\fi \ \ , 3M ) biika , Inclnillli'r March , 113 f/iil3 ) 1.5 ; spot eoffw. Kin , dull , No. 7. HIM ; mild. iUlet | , Coid vu , UK OOd 18 M , inlep , l.COO Ings lllo , No , 7 , J1350.VaiehoUiie d > llverles frum New York yeste-dny , $ ,83 baits ; Nevv Yoik stork today , ! 21 - 4i5 ! bai ; i I'nlted Sla'es stoek. 252 9JUigs > ; for the I'nlUd States , VS'i.ff" ) bagi ; lolal vUlblc fcr the United rilates , 52JU30ingi \ , a aliut 540,050 buks list yeai , SANTOS , Dec , 16. Quiet ; peed average Santos , 11150 ; receipts , ] 3Wi baKS , stock , 414 ti lints. Weekly : Qulel : receipts during we > ek , 79.00) biK'l shlpmenls lo Ihe llnlled Stales , 2,0) ) bags ; slock , KIO DE JANEH1O , Dec , -Steady ; No. 7. J12.73 ; exchange , U5-1C1 ; receipt ! , 14010 bags ; cUaiid , foi the l < nlle < l Htates. 5,0)0 bags ; f r 1 'Ulupe ' , 4 CO ) bags ; block , E1H OO brigs. Weekly ; fete > .id > ; exchange , standard , JI3 75 : exc.iansc , 9 6-lCd ; ie l | > t duilnutin - week , C3.000 bags ; shlpmenls to the United m.iUi , 49 OX ) bans ; Hock. 218.0W bags. HAVKK. Dec. 18. Coffee opened qultl , Uf up o ' , f down : nt noon , unchung d lo Uf elown ; nl J p. in , Utr.dy. uni'hangeil u ' .f hlgier ; closed ( If. uly nt unchanged to 'if net advance ; eaks , 19 00) bax . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Siimir .MarUi't. NEW YOKK , Dec. 18 SUOAK-Kovv. firm : fair rrllnlnfr. 3l.03ic : cenlrlfuKal. I'O lesl , SlitT 3 , c ; rellnud , eiulel ; stullUaid A , 4'jc ; cut loaf , 5iie ; povvdereM ] , 4 lie ; granulalrd , 4' c. LONDON , Dto. 15-aUUAK-Cane , quiet ; buy- T nnd fplrr | IndlfTei'-nl r , . ll tl , Muscnvadi fnlr f , fid ! > ( mill. tendttiR dnvvnnnrd Hnvlj ; Decptnhcr 1M T'fl ' , Jnnuory , 1W M S'MICKS AMI HUM)1" , In Xi < ( Mirlll ( * < i mi rail-It Acllvr. NE YOKK , Dec. 1C Tli ilrallnic In Flock ctehnnir1 ffcurltlr * ( rainy were lnlty : active AlllirtiRh the prerton.lcr nn > ff nctHlty waa , n usual , In Iho lnluMrlM , th tran'nctlnns In the rallvvaj ttocliK nmurred IntRT proiwrtloni limn for pnme time pnpl. Sircnuli chnrrcl Mlf.l Ihe movemenl In this dcpntlm nt , The nn Icipnllem of the tmlillontlMi of ( ho plan or re i-xnulrntlon of tie Itendln ? fjjIMn wns advanced ns one ex- plnnatoiy bull argument. It war urged lli.i < the p werful InineJt back of Ihe plan would nol | e mil lla ruhllcnlkm lo fall flat The plnti wns , as cxji-tttd , publlsh < l nl too cloiltu of lias nrs , Tin df.ny In Ihe public deliver ) uf Ihe tcporl of heeietiuy ul the Tit'.ifUty Cnilinleas f-.ulld to have drum led from Us Inipottnnce In n rpecu- lalhe sin5e. : A Khaip ihminil POOH elev eloped for the conlers , gi-tihgeis Vnnderbllts , U.ulsvUlc & Nn hvlle ! , rout iwcptern shares nnd Denver A Klo Orando piefettnd. The mlMitiecs iisul'lng rnngeil up l"i jiei cenl In Hurling ! n. Covering of f hot Is fur nished Cie chief otlmiilHllnR Intluence HiiMng in tbls account wns patlinlly f Fimn ] lie ) for mukej tticngth In Mntilnttnn iiillwav althoanh : i rife1 > f " > pel ee-ni In the ptork was nilcnded by up ills of probable Imprmcil exhlblis of i-nin- ittKf unde. Ihe lediicel tnleiest clnrgx taking effect nl Ihe commencement of Ihe n v vein llutiiora of ii'ltr-a'.Pd icfunls nf Iho Inrg In- \HOIR | In the pi i perl ) tonrl | with llieli Intel e < ls weie nls n. eontilluilon loward a slicn t'ienin , ; fatten. The Hading In the Meek w is umi2'ial ! ) iietlvo In the rierlaltlx | ibome nulabie advances ocruired Eile rele raph , lta > S nte Oas nnd Mobile A : Ohio rote 2'b ' p'r cenl each nnd Ten- nets a Lual nnd lion in per eenl The op nlnit wax tilth lrioular and lahl > active \ strtti'n Icndenry In the rnllmaiN ipp-ltent In HiInlUnl dcnilnKP. wns prncllcnll ) unimp.ilieil lhtounlnut Ihe day 'Ihc Indiiilrlnls moved III n inlhcr er- intlc fa lilon. Tolnco leaded H pel cent 1C- euvcrcd 1 % I pr cent , d-cllnevl 3'4 ' per cent to 73'4 ' to 74'4. end cliscd ul 74 , n ncl decline of 2' pel cnt Leal iei preferted IIEI n s tRhl frnctlin medid 2 > 4 per cenl lo C7 > , lallled to CS % . und left off 1 pel cent luvvi > r net "ugir and C liUngo GDH moved within the tnnge of n point Ihe mnrl et clooed nctlvo nnd sir. ns nnd nt the best figures of the day for the rntl- reiad lift. Tirallrg In bords was em n heller scale than usual icccntlj. nnd upon nn ndvin'- Ing inovetne-nt Kpnillni ; Issues v.eie the featuri The UKKiegntn pnles.fre J'.M7,0) ) ) . Alehl on , i"olnrndo * z Pncllle Icls nnd Deivei .s. Klo Ginnde' Impiovemeiil fs advanced l' p"r cent ami Manhattan c nsol 4s icse 1'4 per cent , 'ihe mod Impottanl decline wns ht. Ju eph & . Grand Island 1st UUEl ree-'lpls 1'i ' pel cent The Evening POM'S London financial cablegram ays : Thi > fetllemmt .las been satlsfncloillv c neludcd The maihc'ts teeliy weie qulc' , bul et n ill tln-tly belter I < nc tonwls led lie ilpe nl 1 7S All nlher Investmenl sleeks were sliong 'Iltp .ptculathe malkcts wete IIH ) betlei , et- puinllv mines on Iho cetpitlon of forced ale Alnerlcnns were betlei. Ktports nre pui nbout 'lint ihe ) nre going higher , bul this l ml net d'acredltcd ' In gord qunitvis NorfnlKs weie Hit At Paris the boutpe has been betlei tulny bin c.used weiker The llnanclnl p "Itlon Is lee- dnngciius thin It was n m ith ago , but It | v fai' finm Fiitl ractoiy or hralt'iv The fcdlovvlncc were the Closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New Yoik exchange lodnv i offered. The lotal pales of stock1) loday were 265213 ihaino. Including : American hlr-ai , IS.SiW , Ani'rl- can Tobicco , 65,800 ; llurllneton , 1SS , Chlcagu Gas 17..VJO , Kan as S. Texas prcfeued , 3 EO ) , Louisville & . Nashville , 3,500 , Manhattan Con- FOlldalcil , SC.JOO , Keiellni ; , 7.SO ) , Kocl : Ib'an 1 , 4 COO , SI. 1 aul , 11,300 , Tennessee Coil and Iron , " ,700 , United States Lcathei. 4),3M , Western t'nlon , C.ino. XIMV York MOIIOJ Market * NCW YOKK , De > c. 1C MONRY ON CALL Crny at l'-02 per cent , last loan , l's ' per ccnl , closed nl l'-W2 per cent. I'ldMU MnilCANTILi : PAPUH 4M per cenl SriMlLING i\C'HAN(5i : Sleady. with actual business In bankers' bills nl SI &S'4f ' < 4 SS' for de mand nnd 54 S7'iO4 ' 67 % for CO divs , p < i ted lalts , < ltSfj'4SO and (4 Sji&fN 90 ; comme.clai bills , H SC- , IIAK SIUVCH we. GOVnilNMHNT HONDS 2s legnlir lip ' 4 per cenl. others steady. Slate hands , dull. Knihond hind * flrni. CloidnR eiuotntloni on bencH were as follows : bffered. Han rrnnclNuii Sllnlniv ( luoiiitloiix. faAN KHANCISCO. Due 10 Tin ollclll closliiif ouot.itloaa for niiiilnt atJjci tailwjrj ai fol low H : Silver In in ilOc. Mi'xuni dolliri , D3V4i5IJto. Urn lib , HI * nt , Oo : teilo/ra.i'ila. 7I < i. York -Illiilncr OnotatloiiM , NEW YOHK , Ui-o. 10. TIJ tjllj.vli ; arj the cloolii ; minlnireiujlatluni : 1 af lictl. I.iiuilitii Sieie'lr. ( ( iiotiitluim. Fair Monday Hun of Ouftllo Strikes a Hen- sonnbly Good bemcnil , STRONG PRICES pAlb ? FOR BEEF STEERS Under CrnilcH SvllMXVMI nl \itiilile IIIU'l MKllt girorlllUM lf llf Kfi Si'll<rnilll- MONHY , Dec 1G. Il'celpts nml hlpmcnts for the pnsl twenty-four hours , ns comp.ircil with tin previous fix ilnys , nre ns follows : HGCUIl'TS. Cotllc. HOB" . Sheep. Horses December 1C 1.M7 i.oiS . . . . 2 < December 14 474 D,0U ! 802 December U 1SM 4,169 100 . . . . Uccomlicr 12 2,316 C.lStj 23 > 5 21 December 11 2 I3 0.3SI 3 IS Drcember 10. . . . . . . 3,72t 9,237 9SD ( W December 0 l.CDS 1,207 ! ? ! > 23 SHIPMENTS. , . Cnlllc. lids * . Slicep. Horse' . December H 740 1,878 . . . . 82 December U iso December 12 IMJ 401 . , , 21 December 11 1.0J5 1,007 , . . . . 24 December 10 1,190 4SJ (112 ( 42 December ! > r,22 . . . . 279 . . . . December 7 fS5 1,10 > CATTU-Tlie ucclpti ot cnttle today wue licht , but It wns n fair run for n Mon- 'lay , nbout the same number bcltiK re ceived nt were b ic ncek IIRO. 1.hero were n few bundles of fnlrlsh corn- feil steers on stile , which solil nt nbout sternly iirl es. Tlic innrkot WT ? not very active , but e\cijthing wns cleaned up be fore the clo e Jn som * Instances Kilrn- men thought that they locclMil Rttong l > rlcc . The mukot on butchers' stock wn strong und ncll\c , nnd the buyers v/rr * nol lonn In effecting n cleat nnoe. Uetilly tlerhnblr COWB nml heifer * sola nt prices tlmt were ntronir to K'c ' hlchpr. OIH > bunch of e-oro- fed WL'stein cown soli ! nt $3.15 , while tome heifers sold nt } 3 20. the hlqli-H prices p.ilil for she "lock In tome lltfc time. A conslaernb'e propoition of the cnttle1 hero con < -l ted of Etocltcrs and fo'dcir. Quite n Kcod imny of the cnttle coming unner tluit hentl were Westerns tlmt ln\e hnd some liny. Yurd onerntors were prelu good buvsrs , nnd the ofrorlnir-j wore tiractf- cnlly nil tnken befoie the close. itepre- sentntlve snlcs : tnr : srnins : No. APr 2) ) . 1112 * 3 31 10 1203 3 41 17 I34 < 3.0 43 i3ii i . ; IS . 12S ) 3 S3 1 . .1170 2 40 17 523 2 40 G Ml 24) 17 . SSI 2 43 7 1U4 2 45 2 1150 2 M 2 0C0 2 W 17. . 042 2 71 10 11"J 2 71 11 l')77 ' 2 S3 1) . ,1' ' ) S 2 o 4 . . .1251 3 00 5 , . ! MG 3 2" 4. . . . 800 3 23 6. . . . C73 2 IT. B . . . 740 2 05 74. . . W 3 2) 1. . . . DGO 3 40 1. . 1'H 2 35 1 . . SO 2 V 1. .1271 2 B3 1 137' ' ) 2 30 1. . 11V ) 2 M 1. . . 1SSO . ' 73 1. . . . ICO 4 75 1. . . I1) ) SOI Z. . . . 133 E 00 42..1125 3 00 6. . . . C75 3 II ) 3 . . . C2 ! 3 10 6. . . 40S 3 10 4. . . . 87 3 13 ) . . . . esc 3 r. 17. . C3S 3 20 'cnns. - 1 cow and r.tlf. . , , ? } 2S 00 1 caw nnd enlf . . . " . - . . ; . . ; . ; , . , / 3000 1 cow nnd calf .7..Vs..i' 3'01 l milker v * : i > r , ) 1 milker ; . - . 33 oo 1 springer ; ' 3oo WESTI3UNS. Stand ird Catllc Company. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 40 cows 11M J3 23 23WYOMING. WYOMING. FHy State Live Slock Compnnv' 1 stis , tsl. . . S73 1 3) 10J heifers. . . . . 700 2 40 12 hulls 11S3 190 41 sirs , tli..1:00 2 ( V. 1 hull CIO 200 94 calves . . . . -M i - > J feeders. . . . 810 2 00 23 fveilvra. . . . 701 3 Oil r.1 covvb SM 2 20 W feeders. . . 1027 3 IA M cons 870 2 20 1G helfr-is. . . . 4'i1 ' 3 10 ' 3 C.UHH SC7 220 1 heifer SSO 310 S holfkra 4D1 2 30 30OIIHGON. OIIHGON. 31 cows 030 2 CO 13S feeders. . . lOSD 303 IIOGS-Onlj ilxtcen ileeiaciH } \ , ( hogs were iiffpred tor bale ihp recclpia fallins n lluie helovv Ihe lecnrd of last Moncliv. With BI ) few IIOKS on sale ihe'c wns not much upon which to bane n nnrket. The hujers look vvlml hoRS thoio were and pilel nhoul Katuidny's pilccs for them , the ranse helnsr J3 S'.gs 40 , with ihe bulk nt ? 3 37'iii3.40 , Iteprcuentnllve snlci : SHEnP No Kheep were received and there was nothing lo make a market CHICAGO i7Fvu yrocic. TiiuliAViiH Gooil anil Cnitlc SoM ICiitlior Freely. CHICAGO , Dec. 1C Trade was ns good today as could be expected during Hie pcilod between Thajiksglvlng nnd Cluibtmas , and beef caltle Bold inthci freely at from JJ lo JS 23 for common up to f i om 14 lo JI.70 for good lo choice descriptions , with sales largely nt fiom J3 50 to J4 50. Holldav Ixcves wcie 111 goad demand tit fiom J4.75 10 13 2o. Expoiters continue modeiale bujeiH nnd 19i ) cars were taken here last week for shipment to Europe. Dulcheri. ' ami eanreib' Unit waa nctlvu nt stinnger prices , nnd cow nnJ heifers rold largely at frum JJ In U , the average iUility ] of tlii > otTulngs being better than n fev weeks ago. Hulls of fnlr to Bjud quality bold very well , but feedl.ig and cxpjit bulls vierc not gencially In dennnd. The stocker and feeder blanch of Iho iniuket was only moderately active at un changed prices. Texas cnllle were active and firm lltH demand for hogs was ngnln brisk on local piuklng account , but inatcin Hhlppers were light purchasers. Prices were ( enetally much the same ns on last Saturday , common to pi line dioves go'ng nl fiom 13.10 lo J3 ( , ) , wllh Hales largrly al irom J3 51) lo J3 51. and pigs suld principally nt from JJ 23 to J3.V ) . The-oferliis | weie largely sold before the close. Ill sheep tliiro was nftflllrlr good demand from local die-sped beef concijns und prices icmalned study on Ihe basis ut tftim JIM n > U M for poor lo vxlia. millveHUyp : , with trans icllons l.ugely nl from J2 50 to J3 13. Holiday lambs sell nl Horn Jl CO 13 | 4 75. Kccelpls : Cuttle , 14 101 Jitad , hoga , 45,000 head , sheep , lf.WO ( head. f ' 5 | KiinHiiH CU WgSiTc Modi. KANSAS CITY , D | jt-CATTLE-Kecclpts , C.1K ( ) head ; shipments | > /fouhcad , tnaiket stead ) ; Texas sleeis , JA70 3 'i < fl.xa8 ( cows , J.IOOi/2 63 ; beef Blcers , J3WW4ll't.jJuive ( : cows , II GOSrS 10 ; slockers imil feeders , § " ) " [ 53 , bullH , J2 750J 00 , ' 17't , pigs , SHEEP Kecelpts , 1 2W ; shipments , none , mar- kei steady , lambs , fSTWJfl 23 ; muttons , Ji 000 3 " ' - H f - \t-tr VorlJ-.U eSforli. . NEW YOKK , Dec. IfL-JJUUVES-Kccc-lptH , two days , 5.1C1 In .id , plow ; sllghlly easier for Fleers ; eixen and sta , s , l..W , < l.Wrlulls | , J2 204/2 W , dry cows , Jl. 1H3 | 10 ; Eur p-nn inbl H ijnote Amerlcin Meera ut 9311C. dressed wflghts , refrlgeialor jcef. 7'ifJ9c. j SHEEP AND LAMIJg-Keedpl. ) , two days , 21 , ( Jl head , slow , 'Hl'.o ' lower ; sheep , poor to irlme , } 225Cj332Vi ; Iambs,4 * CJinmon In prim ? , J3 60 04 75 : very choice Canadian , HWfitW. HOGS Kecclpls , iwu days , U.JIli lund , steady nt 13 SOO4 55. . . hi , LoulH ST LOt'lH. Dec. lO.-CATTLE-Market ctron er : natives , J325Q475 ; cows und hclfeis , I76 323. Texna fte > r > JJ 4133.75. HOGS Ketclpts , 3,09) heal ; nmikct Co higher , K-.1V5 , J3 4vi,3.GO ) ; mixed , J32i353 ; llghtd , JJ 35& 'faHEEP-Keceipts , 1OW head ; llr.ner ; natives 2.4033 23 ; fcouthctn , JSjJjjS W. _ ht ( lc In Slicli , . Itecnrd of recelpH ut the four principal markets for Monday , December 16 , lt 3 : Cattle. H gt. Sheep. South Omaha . 1.CG7 l.o:8 . . . . lilcago . , . 15 ( I'M 45.0 < 15.0W vunsas City . , 6,10. ) 5.050 ] , ! ) ) il , Louis , , . , . . . J.GOO 3,0)0 ) 1,000 Totals . . . . ' . . . 20,287 M Osl 11,200 Dry ( JooiU NUW YOKK , Dec. 16-lt lias Uin a > cry slow MENTS Realizing that a great many people in this city desire to /pp be remembered to their friends during the holidays , but are 'M not in position to pay cash down for such purchases , we have IS decided to place our magnificent stock of up-to-date furniture "X and house furnishings at their disposal , and make terms that S $ will be most convenient , Can you select from these ? > d Piano Stools , Sidcb grds Book Case ? , Onyx Cabinets. Music Cabinets , Shaving Stands , China Closets , Banquet Lamps , Parlor Tables , Dinner Sets , Chiffonieres , Lace Curtains , Specimen Cases , Japanese Rugs , Rocking Chairs , . Rope Portieres , Easels and Screens. Pitchers and Vases MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY ON FIRST FLOOR. 33&SS. can select = WH" any article and have 1 it set aside for you to IN be delivered later. I Jl jM Se JI ) Make your selections early. We will arrange terms to suit. ' . iar 1211 and 1213 Farnam Street. W XwvwW 7 f /WC yTOvK ? 5 * { 'W X\ ? / ' / -Print clolh- iiuiel at 3 1-llc for contract' . St. I.oiirr"Gi'iicrnl Mii'rlcct. cmier. . , i. COItN Dl-plajcil s-omc ElrcnKlh on Ihc open- Inu. thcri' wns a. aulel dcriand for May , \Umli MronBlhcnod that option , but near futures \\vto ejK. tloslns "Wic under f itnrday , with Way 1,0 bettci ; No. 2 mixed. ia h , 23HO ; December , 2-c : Jnnuaiy , 2J ic , JIa > , 23'4c. ' OA1S Qu'ct ' and n * indo lower for fulures ; snot lower ; No. 2 , cash nnd December , 1CV , KYi : i'lfm , with bujers of No. 2 on call at 33Hc regular , nnd 2lc , east tide , but none of- 'cOllN MKAIv-blcad > nl } 1 21fll. IIIIAK Uap > ; ratable nt 47c , cast track , for sacked TLAX sinn rirm at oic. HAY noc Inn lowci f 1 1 timothy under con Imicd huuy icctiptt nt Jll Wflll .10 , prnlile , In llkht lequist and plentiful , f 0 0 > il 10 W , Ills side. IlUTTrril llirclv Btcady. Fiparilui tiiamery , 23j21c ; fincj Ulsln. 27c , dilr > . ISOJIc. UQCIS Slwiilj . In fall demand al 18'sc , loss 'tt , POUMIty Dull , ( uiKcjs , 7c ; chlcKcns , 4'ijc ; duckc. 7'4c , Kt e , S'ie. Will SIC V SI 22 LUAD null : held steadily at $3. si-ni/rnu nun nt i'2 ' > PROVISIONS Pork hlKher ; flandird me-a , Jnbhlnp , J8 27" . . I.nrd , higher ; piim cteam J3.2- ) , ihnlce $127" . . llicon , bused plinuMerK J3'J5 , lonnn. $ ll2Vj'ilbs. * 121 ; fhoris , J5 37'i. Dry Milt nifats boxed BhouMern , J4 DO , lonrfb , JI.SO , rib * . * Hnc'nil'T.S riom , CO-W bls : whenl , 10)000 ) bu ; cctn 143000 bu. ; oals. 41.000 bu. HIIIPMIJNTS 1'lour , 4 O.JO bbls ; wheat , C.COO bu. ; corn , 21.000 bu. . eau , 5,0)0 bu. Iilerimul Market * . MVnni'OOL. . Dec. 1C. 4.H p m. WHKAT Hpnt. qulel. demand poor ; No , 2 red wlnler. 5f J''d. No 3 led fprlne. slocks exhauetcd. No. 1 hard , Manitoba. 5s 2'2d ' ; Na. 1 California , 5s 4J. Puturea opened dull nltli near jmsltlons 'id lower n-nil dlst int positions \d lower , clobcd steady , with ncai portions 'i ijiil lower nnd distant positions % d low or , buslra-bs nlwut equally dls- lilbuted. Dicembei , 5s 2d , Januniy. Cs 2d : IVn- runrv , 6s 2Hd ; March , Cs 3'id ; w\prll , Cs M , May ! f.s 4'sd. COIIN .Spot , ( julet : American mKed. 3 2".d. 1'ulnres opened dull wllh near p-wlllons 'id lower , clo id blendy with near nnd dlelanl post- lions 'iWftd lowci ; business about equally dis tributed : Decimbtr , 3s 2d ; January , 3 * Id ; r b- mary , 3d lUd ; Match , "a lUd ; April , 3a l\d ; May , 3s ITjil ri.Ol'Il Dull : demand moderate ; St. I.oul fancy , w Inter , 7s 3J. KIIIINIIN Cit KANSAS C'lTV. Hce , 10llrAT Slow , lower ; No 2 , lard , TA'itJ'c , No 2 lei , 07GSc ( ; tprlllK nol qunUil , rejected , port nominally CO I IN AotlM ) 18tl8'/Sc : No. J mixed , 22' ' 1 ? 22'iic ; No 2 while , J2llft22lic. OATH Dtinnnd fair : tdlBhtlv lower ; No. 2 mlM'J. lOiflle , No. 2 while li'iC 7'ic. HViVc.ik , No 2 , 9o Mil HAY Wt.U. tinialh ) , J10004J12.W ; prairie , | G OOf7.V ) IHJTTPn I'lim , not brisk ; creamery , 10823c ; ilaliv , H.'in- . illn-btcady ( , frcth. ISe. _ ] > i > urlii MurkctN. PnoillA. Dec , 10 CORN Actl > e , easier ; No. 2 , 2)5ic ) , lie-i No. 3 , 24''e. OATS hlow , tasj , No. 2 while , HftiQlSej No. 3 white. 17 W..c. KYi : Dull , lomlnnl. WHIhKY Maiket steady ; finished goods on the liiifU of 11.22 for high wlnci. KiriilT.S : : Coin , I73W ) biislicls ; oats , 79,000 bushels , r > c , W > Lushila ; whlik > , none ; wheat , - ' ) huMltls 3,0huMltls ) HHIPMI.'NTS Corn , CO MO bunhels : oals , 0.100 buvhrls ; i > e , none , whlcK ) , 1,13 tallons ; wheal , JCK , bimlirU , _ iinln : Itutlcr .11 a rK i1. . KI.OIN. Ill , Dec. -DUTTHU Aclhe ; of- 18,7ii Ilia , ; mien , 1C.SS ) Ibs , at 27c. Trlxc"Vluiit MnrUH. , SAN ritANClKCO. Dec. -WIIIJAT-Jn. . ictlxu ; DtcemLKT , W'ic ; May , 11.03. I.OIIllOII C'llllHlllM. I/JNHON. Dec. 16 Clozlns : Consols for money , 107U ; for I lie account , 107 5-10. I'urt'lKii I''lniiiirlnl Xoli-K , IIIMU.IN , Der. 1C The markeln he-re today were shady , ixhantL ! on London , S Ua > b' ilghl , 2- ) marks 44 lift , ' . PAIUB , Dec 1C 4 p m , Tlirie per cent rentes , iOOf 8k1 , rx-lni , , for the account. ixchangc on lyndon 23f 2./jc for checks. IXNION , Dec. I0.-Uold U quntod nt lluenos A > u-n teulay ut 2 040 ; lludild. 17.0 ! ; I.Ubon 27 ; hi 1'rtprt.lmrir , Mi Athens , 77 : I tome , 107 GO ; Vi enna , W The amount of bullion withdrawn fioin the Hank of England on balance IZi.W ) . IIOSTON. Dec. lG.-Clearlns , 112,527,251 ; bal ances , JI.7IS.C13. IIAI..TIMOUU. Dec. 10. Clearlngi ! , 12,008,053 ; balances J373 CiC. NRW VOI11C. Dec. IC.-CIearlnas. J83CS ; . 17 ; balances , 1C 2t > S 23 I'lllf.ADKI.l'HIA , Doc. 16. Clcarlngi , Jd.OJ'J- Cl ; balancis. il C > 5OW. WAHHINCnON , Dec. 1C Today's * lale-m nt if he condition of tha treasury Eh > wi ; Available caeli balance , | i6,2C3Si9 ; gold rescne , J7C.WI- JAMES E. BOYD < S CO. Telephone 103J ) , Oinuliii , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN , : PROVISIONS : AXD : STOCKS Room 111V4 Hoard of Tiadc. Direct wires ta ChlcnRo and New York. Correspondent John A. Warren & Co. r. P. SMITH. ( Tel 1303) ) S. M. bTANrORD F. P. SMITH &CO. GRAIN : AND : PROVISIONS Room 4 , N. Y. LifcBldR. , Omnlm. Brondi olllces at Fioir.ont a'J roluinbua. All ciders placed on the Chicago Uoird of Tinde. Correfcpondents : hwartz , Dupee. .V Co , Chicago cage ; bhrelner , Plac ! : & Co , bt. Louis. Kcfei to rust National bank. Omaha. Hcnltli , Slrcnuth nnd Vigor TO A RIPE OLD AGE. rim ulna of 3 outh 'ill Ignorance , tha dissipation , ha vvcnUioMHint provcin hauler to nmrrlnfio thcso nro Iho things Hint nre clnlly plunging bouaamla of mm Into acondltlon nf niter ruin. The u aslnl purls , emissions , ncn ousne S3 nml ihyplcnl clehlmy nil rt'siiltlnt ; frum utilises mid 'icnasvi , cantlnua to enp Iho llfo mvnj'i-linply locauso theibiilTe'rorlii hlsleiiornncolstiiolHLSh- ul.toofiirRonolimfhrlnleliitf fenrofillscovery o mnlto knunM li'aconelltlon or lo peck out n rlonil. Itla Ih'i ' lackof cauraKO , Uilsbllflillnir , mcU nrd four Hint IIM promplcxl me tomnUe known foov ry man , weak niul worn out from lalullon | ur secret tins , thnt tlicro Is n din co or > ou , nn opportunity vvhcrehy joti innyho IfU'il out of that flute of clre-ml and depilr ton iniHO'concllilon cfitelf rcsportmi I mnnlxcniir- i'e. I , too , hml sccrotly anlfureil fd" > cn tut hroiiijli the iifoiicy of nromiirkhliircmnb I am luwu Imiipy.vicoroiiinmu enjoi liu ; luthr fullest nousuio the Ijlosaln j nnel jirlvllegosthntoiily omplclo nianhouj can hcslovv , I will ffiiJ Hunle'd ) the roclpo nf thli wonilcrfnl rcinpily lTlni ; ; to any auffcrer v > ho will vvrlie to mo. IlcurU'l inaufterevcryililnsclBO ja'l failedaul It will euro > ou. Acldreii , ( MI.Mullor.Uox 1015 Monthly Pains anil anxieties can bu relieved to n certainty tainty by Ubinu , Dr Chevalier's Female Pills. Price , Jl.OO ) > or box If you mo timid nnd 1 doubt as to what' will rcllovo you , send for thuso pills. Sent Baiilud bcoUroly by mull on receipt of price , Sherman & McConnell Drug Co 1513 Dodge St. , OMAIIA.NKH. 'CO. The Ireaiury today loit J3XIWW In KOld 'or ' export , which haves Iho true amount of : iei gold reserve ) > * : , &U4,766. BT , LOI'IH. De-e. 16. Clearings , | j.'Jt'5.4l7 ; bal ances , IIK.'C/ . Money , Kt3 per c.nt New Ycrk txchaiiKe1. 75o dlicounl bid , CHICAGO , Dec. Ifl , Clearings , $17H28865. Money on call , Heady nt IQV , < , per cent ; em tlin' , CflC'i ' per cent , New York cxchiinxe , sold at par lo 2Sei premium , I'orelKn rxchanKe , meady , Hankers' ( Ixmdon ) mcrljng , 85,0 * % . One Minute Cough Cure U harmless , pro duces Immediate rcaults. , , J y DureliMHliiK KnculH imi.lcnt lite foi. lentlniv XfliniNkn fncfIM-II-N. if , ou ciiniiot find nliut 5011 mint e-oiimimil- c'lKc | tli trto iiiaiiufiifiiiroi-H UN ( o "lint ilunler linmlle their Kiinili. 1IAC.S , IIUHLAP AMI TWI1VK. Minufacluicrs of nil kinds of collon and burlap - lap baRs. cotton flour niKs mid Iwlne a spec ially. 014 GIG-MS S. llth fit. imnwuiiins. OMAHA IJKKW1NG ASS'N. Oar load shlpmento made In our own refrU- eralor1 cats. Dlue lllbbon. Elite Export. Vienna Export , nnd Tumlly Expoit , dellveied to nil imrls of city. CAItlllAr.nS ANU AVAUO.NS. A. .l.SI.UI'SON. 140S-H Dodcc St. The behl nnd cheapest plac lo buy a need IIURgy , Canlage or Ya8on. Aeent for Ihc bepl rubber Ihc In use. DKU.MMOXO CAItKIA < ; E CO. put rubber tlren nnd bill-bcarlnn axles on their own make vehicles , nnd sell n top bugity for } 5i > 00 besides. Write them 18th and Ilarney. cormn , bi'icu.s , IIAICI.VG Coffee Itoaslers , Fplce Orinders , Mnnuracturerl Oerman Ilililni , ' I'owdct nnd German Dry Hop Yensl , 1414 nnd 141C Iliirnoy Ht. . Omaia , Neb. Manufacturer of Gold Medal 1'lour. C , K. DIack. MamiRT. Oinahm , FUU.MTL-Ili ; OMAHA UlMIOLSTKKINi ; CO. Manufacturers of Parlor rurnltme , I.ounecii , DlnlDK Tables nnd roldlni ; Heds. 2Slli Av . , lloyd to Blmler Sis. ICK AM ) COAI , . SOUTH OMAHA ICK , % COAL CO. Domestic and Hleam Coal AVe have the best. Ofllre K.01 Tainam Bt. Telcphnne ; Office 3IJ ; jaul. 17CO. J , A D c , Ccncnii Manager , IltAVOIIKH. . INnUSTIUALR IRON WOKS Manufacturlne and Itepalilm ; of all kinds of rrachlnery , eiiKlnes , pumps , elevators , pilntlnn pirbtes hangers , thifthiB and couplings 1130 and 1408 How aid hi. . Omah l I AXtON& VI lUU JlIUON W'RKS Manufaclurers of Aichltecluial Iron \Yoik. neneiul Toundry , Machine and lllacksmllh Work. Engineers and Contractors for Tire Proof Ilulldlngs Oilco and woil.s ; U. P. lly , and lio. 17lh mrcel , Oina'm. MiIT WATCH , KlltH hKUVICIJ. "AMERICAN DISTRICT TI-LIJ. CJRA1MI. The only perfect protection to property Examln * II. Deet IhlnK on eaith. Humects Insurant * intei 1304 Douglas Bt KATX-NUVINS CO. Mnnufnctuiers of Men's and Hoys' Clothlnir. Pants , Hhlrli and Overalls. 202 212 0. llth Bt. THE OMAHA 1 > AJ 1JR HOX CO. Manufuclnrers of all kinds of Paper Jloxo , = helf lloxcu faampe ! Cuneu , Mallltur 'labUs , etc. Weddlnc cake aim fancy candy bores , druuclat mil jewelry boxes , 1208-10 Jones Kl , , Omaha , .S1IIHT KACTOItinS. J. ll.kVANS-Nr.liRASKA billRT COMPANY. Hxcluilvo cnitom fchlit tails , IMS I'arnnm. OUR FREE LETTER lievlcnvlntf the train and itcck .narkeU. win t tent ycu dully on request , In thr lioj.u of dc erv UK part of your bulneta. Orden sclh-lted for caili e.r on Ilirte to flvo point inaulnu. J. R. WILLilP J & GO , Membtra ChlceiKO lltaid of Trade , New York Produce Kxchangc , New York Coin Block V.i- channe. 17 Lluard ' .ruJe , Chlcu g. li New Votk.