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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1895)
TTI13 ( XMAPA DAILY BJSE : ' TITiHOA-V : , DBCEMUKH 17 , I8lo 3 IjaiBsliaiilSlI lgl NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS. & Office , 12 Pcnrl Street. II. W. Tlltott , MattnRcr and Lcosco. MINOR Mn.VIION. rior l OiilRH" . J. It. Mtt'hmon Tel. 241. The Wrihliigton Sloto comrnny htii com menced a Rjilt against C II. Smith & Co. , . llrm comportd tt C. H. Smith and 0 I * Wyckoff , claiming $ & 2fl due them on account. J.p and Mrs J. Hotenfeld have Issued Invl- ' * to Ilio mnrrlago ot th lr diURhtcr , Anna , to Jullu * Ungar for thU evening at C o'clock nt their residence , C29 I'lrit ave- Jl IIC. The's Tlellef corps vvlshes The Dee to extend IU hearty tlianln to tlie children of the tiubllc schools for tlit-lr Thanks giving contrlbutlona for the Jiuln of the pi.or. City lodge No. 71 , Ancient Tree and /lllurf Accepted Masonn , will meet In regular com- ninnlcatlcn this evcnlne lo * lcct offlccnt for the msiilng > ear All mauler Masona In- % .lted to attend. J. H. Atkins , tocretary. ThomaH llogtis , who lives near the Third attest school , was hnulliiB wood from the Plumor ectlleimnt } tcrday. when the wagon wheel passed over his limb , breaking It ; the ankle. "Tho Mikado , " Gilbert Sullivan's tuneful comic opera , was picscntcd last evening at the Dolinny theater by a company of home tnleut performers. A vciy creditable showing v\aa inadi' , the performcis balng well drilled onU receiving maiks of appreciation ftom the- audience. The following officers ha\e besn elected hj the reorganised Council lllirffs Gun club President , C. H. II. Campbell ; secretary and tunturcr , It. 0. Graham ; managers , Augus tus llcreshelm , W. I ) Hardln and II. S. West. The club hna sent a challenge to the Omaha Gun club tor a shooting match New Year's day. A Isgnl battle of terrific hotne's was fought In Justice Cook's court over the rather imltnportnnt question of whether I. J. Clark stole a cord of wood from G.V. . Mow cry. It was dually decided that he did nnd a fine of J5 and costs WRS Imposed upon him The costs amount to about $20 or $15 ! , which the county \\lll have to pay. Krank Hitchcock of No 3. engine house thrown from the buggy last ThurrJay night as hi ; was driving Chief Tenrplotou to the fire In the residence of Mrs. Noble In the western part of the city. Ills physician dis covered yc3tctday Hint one of his libs was brikpn , on the right sld ° . near the spinal column. 11 ? la nblo to ba around , but that Is all. Levl Dougherty was arrested several days ago on an Information filed by A. M. Ilnydcn , charging him with disturbing the peace at the mission sen Ices held by A. Overton In the * . ( > ! ' ! 1'ltrce direct school. Haden failed to appear against him jestorclay when the case came up for n hearing In Justice Walker's court , and he was discharged. The costs will have to bo paid by the county. Nels Stevenson waa caught last evening as he was on his way to St. Joseph with his team and wagon. Charles A. Mcy had sworn out a writ of attachment for Stevenson's prop erty because of a claim of $1.90 which he liad. The amount claimed had to be $5 , an-1 so J. I ) . Gtecnshl'lds , who liad a claim for $4 rent , pooled Issues with Lacy. Constable Baker caught him as he was. passing Krled- ler's btoro near the asylum , Stevenson paid , the bill and was allowed to go In peace. John Klttrlng , who lives at 134 Washington avenue , claims a wood hauler passed a coun terfeit silver dollar on him list Thursday. Ho bought a load of wood of a man at the city market and tendered him n $10 bill In payment. The two went Into the Mint saloon to net the bill dunged Saturday Klttrlng went to the grocery store and turned over one of the dollars he had received , but It was handed back to him as bogus. He turnsd the money over to Marshal Canning yesterday and | E > looking for the man who gave him the money. Guard against loss by file end Insure your property In reliable companies. If > ou pay an Insurance premium you expect Insuranc ; . We represent some of the best English nn 1 American companies. Lougec & Towle. MONEY to loan on Improved Iowa farms Largo loans a specialty. Fire Insurance. L W. Tulle > a , 102 Main St. . rooms 2 and 3. PKHSO.VAI , PAUACUAPIIS. L A. Casper was taken ill on the street yesterday. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferls of Quick , la. , a son. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry N. Welslnger of Sioux City arc visiting their Council Bluffs rela tives. tives.Mrs. Mrs. ndmond Jefferls Is dingerously ill. Her daughter , Mrs. Duncan of WlnfleU , la , nnd son , James Jefferls of St Joseph , Mo. , have arrived In response to telegrams. A < COM. The Iarg9 and well assorted stock of watches , diamonds and Jewelry for the next SO dnys at C. IJ. JACQUHMIN & CO. . 27 South Main Street , n > niin J.nmulry Co. No. 620 Pearl street. Telephone 290. We have all the latest improvements for laundry- Ing. Whift point and turn down collars , and for the saving ot linen In general. _ _ \ Curd for Mr. , ' \ < > iiiiiii > < > r. It will be of Interest to the lovers of pure nnd vvholerome beverages to know that they can now obtain the purest and finest beer In the world. Jacob Ncumayer , tTie veteran hotel man , has been appointed by the Amer ican Drew ing company of St. Loulx their gen eral agent in Council 1) ) luffs for thslr famous Standard and Bohemian b ° crs , the purest nnd most wholesome beverages ever brewed from pure malt and hops. Mr. Neumaycr lina filled ono of the big win ? cellars , who3 Intricate ramifications under the N'eumajor hotel have mnde It famous , with a carload of this beer and will rupply all local dealers In this vicinity. Ho has hod both brands of beer on draught at the hotel bar for t'onio time and the great demand has forced him Into the wholesale * an well as retail trade. Tin-Bo two standard beverages are HIE most vvholescmo and the purest In the world , made from the finest Imported Bohemian hops and the beat malt that can bo produced. Our Xmns picture frames are belling fast. They make- fine holiday presents. Hlg line of photo frames. H. L. Smith & Co. J. E. McDermot , undertaker , dealer ! a church goods. 512 Broadway. Telephone 203. Our prices are right on everything. Met- calf Uros. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Siiiulli ) School \VorliiTK , The monthly meeting ot tfco Sunday School Workers' union will bo held this evening at the First Baptist church b'gln- nlng at 7 : JO o'clock. It will bo opened with a Cong Ecrvlca lasting ten minutes , conducted by C. H. Judson. Mrs. J. A. Itoff and Mlw ] < \iu llo I'ortcrlleld will sing solos. T. R. MccHworth will read a piper on " 1h Sunday School Library. " nnd MU Ferguson on "When anl How to Question. " i : . A. Ward will rind a paper upon the subject ; "Look Up , 1,1ft Up , but Never Give Up. " as related to Sunday school work. A discussion of all the subjects will follqw , ttnd a program commltt c will bj appointed , Children's rpefcrs nro the thing we making the dilvo on just now. They are hamlsomt and cli'rup , and the line Is un broken , Mctcalf Bros , Stepliaii Dro3 , for plumDIng and heating ; clio line line of ga > fixtures , I Nvo ) ou eeen the now Kas treating itore > tt the company's ofilce ? following parties took out marriage at the county clerk's ofhce : Nnmo nnd luldri'ts Age. Julius I'nirar , Council muffs . , . . , 27 An u Uo I'lifcld , Council Uluff * . 23 Harry OeMptte , Nile ? . Mich. . . 25 rannlo Morrow , Council Ii uffs . 2i H O Allen. Atlantic Ii . , . 21 Ida M. Lambert , Atlantic , la . IS Dr. J. H. Cleaver lias removed his ofilco to COO Broadway , up&tatrs , The nuvr neckuear Is very stylish. Mot- calf Bros. D. W. Raymond witch , $15 ; Well- man' * , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jarvls 1877 brandy ; j > ure t , safest , best , \\lll 'inST 'I IIP. llfI.K1MT.M , CM ) rotitiHl DiTliIrN | IMIII Mi'iiNiiri" ! < < > I'm mi Hnil to ( li ( > lNMilf. ) | The city council m t ) catcrday morning as a committee of the whole for the pur pose of hearing a report from the sp-clcl committee appointed nt the lat > ' meeting to look Intoi the ditptita between the electric light company anl the city , for come time the city ofllclals have had a lingering tits- plcion thai the company Ins b sn charging up for 2,009 candle power lights when In fact the lights furnished were considerably belov , that standard. In order to find out , the committee , consl tlnp ; of Harrow , Drown Urswlck awl City Attorney llarclton , met Saturday nlglit and snoop d down upon the electric light station. They made an examination ot the first clictilt and found It going at the rate of nine and a quarter amperes. They pawed on to the next and found It more than ten The third was eleven and the rest were about themine. . They went bick to the first circuit after finishing the others , nnd It hid jumped up In a few minutes from nine and a quarter to eleven and a In IT. While ths measurements wsre going on one of the men connected with the establishment was wcrklnj ! mound the machinery , and the ell ) attorney. In the meeting jectcrday mornIng - Ing , stated It as h H firm belief that the machinery was i < o adjusted to show an In crease for the tlmo b lng ovti the amount of cm rent usually furUs'tied. Edward P Sclnirlg , electrical engineer from Omaha , made an examination n few nights ago , and his report was also read Ho measured with a voltmeter and ampere meter. The voltage was taken at the ter minals of the lamps , after wilting long enough after the limps wfrc lowered to obtain a rea ling when the arc between the two carbons was longest. The nmpero reid- Ings wcro taken at the switch board at the clec rlc light station The following was the result ot his tests : Lights. Volts. Anip'i. Sixth St. and Foventli nvo -U ! > CO Third at. uml Ninth ave 42 9 TO Twelfth nt. nnil Ninth nve 31 925 Tenth st. nnd Seventh ave . . . 38 9 2r Tenth st. and Second ave. . . . . 4il 10 00 T'lghth st , nnd Hccond nvo 37 1000 Thirteenth pt. nnd Uroadwnj 3S 10 V5 Sixteenth bt. nnd Uromhvny 3fi 10 25 From this result he concluded briefly as follows : "The voltmeter shows all lamps excepting the fifth In the list nro adjusUd too low , nnd have too short arcs to glvo any- where near the light they ought to give. The btindird adopted by ths electrical congress at the World's Columbian exposition for nom inal 2,000-candlo power lamps Is nine and slx- tenrtis amperes nnd forty-eight volts. I rec ommend that the lamps be so adjusted as to consume not less than 450 watts of energy and use rot kss than nine and six-tenths amperes of current on a line with ai differ ence of potential of not less than forty-seven volts at the terminal cf the lamp H Is a well known fact that clear glass globes shut off 1C per edit of the light , so that globes as dirty as those In us ? must shut oft a great deal more. " After talking awhile City Electrician Brad ley was cille < l In and asked If ho could make tests In case 'he ' were provided with the neces sary Instruments. He replied that he could , nnd the Instruments v 111 be purchased soon. A resolution was adopted providing that the electrician should make these tests not less than twice a week ; that each police ollcer should be Instructed to report at the police headquarters all defects In lights on their beats ; that the light company be at once noti fied of such defects , and should b decked for the tlmo Intervening b.twcen the > repoit to the company nnd the receipt of notice from the police ofilcor that the light had been fixed ; that payment be made In the proportion tion of the voltage In each lamp to the volt- ag3 necessary to prcduco a 2,000 candle-power light. At the meeting of the council last evenIng - Ing Qeorgo F. Wright was there In behalf of the Ekctrlc Light company. For a time ho and the councilman discussed very leitnedly how many volts It took to make on ohm , and whether or not amperes were all they were crnclrd up to be. After they had showed what they did not know of the sclencei of electricity , and had diseased ElectrlcUn Schurlg's icport very fully , the report or the commute : of the whole , con taining the provisions above given , was unanimously adopted , Barstow moved that the committee be em powered to obtain prices for testing ap paratus Carried. The committee to which was referred the question cf grading the alley from Plainer to BIconier streets reported favorably. Con curred In. The contract for paving Story street wan let to S. Bolln & Co A transfer ot $1,500 from the police to the g nernl fund , to be usel In taking up gen eral fund warrants , was ordered. The following resolution was unanimously adopted : Whcrai" . It Is the sen ° e of this council that the best Interests of the city nnd the taxpajeis demand that the superior court of this city be aboil'lied nnd the duties of tlie marshal be combined with those of tlip chief of police ; thercfoie , UeFOlved , That the city solicitor be hereby ItiRtiuctcd to co-operate vvitli the represent atives of this cmmtv in tlie senate and lions" of representatives to secure Biich legislation ns will allow the submission of thc'e questions to the voters of this , city nt the coming general city election , that upon favorable consideration thereby raid changes m.iy be made. Ktta P. Chapman registered an objection to paying a grading assessment en Fifteenth avenue , because her property was not on the Htrcet. Referred to judiciary committee. LOSS NOT SO ll.tll ATTUIl AM , . Doorr , WcllH A. Co. Conn- Out of the rii-c In rri-lly Co oil Shape. The loss suffered by the firm of De're , Wells & Co. , In the recent fire , was not so bad as was at first feared , while the amount ot their Insurance waa considerably greater. Beside : ) tlie $65,000 Insurance nl- reidy reported , there was enough to bring the total Insurance up to $120,000 , while the loss Is now estimated at cnly $140,000. This really amounts to a forced sale of the whole establishment , nt about S5 cents on the dollar lar , for spot cash. Of course , there Is come llttlo Inconvenience connected with pust this kind of a sale , but there Is no worrying over powlbly bad debts. Other Implement men , and the Insurance men , quite naturally COM- sld'r the firm very lucky , Mr. Wells the same way. He has engaged five different buildings fcr warehouse purposes , and these an Ecattered all over the city. This In lUelf Is an Inconvenient and expensive thing , but there was no empty building In the city of a fllzo largo enough to accommodate the largo stock that Is usually on hand. Every well dressed man' appreciates good laundry work. That Is why so many go to the Eagle Laundry. 724 Broadway. Telephone 167. Reduced prices on slightly uted 'pianos a : Bouriclus' , the orchestral crown piano dealer , 110 Stutsman street , near M. E. church. German medicated baths make pure blood. Mrs , S. E. Winder , 17C Graham avenue. M nooi , ito.vim MIITS IN i'i\ci : . of Unli't Itntillnrorl. . Spent li > tin'Mi'inlHTH. . The school boird held Its regular meeting last evening , with all the mtmbprs present. The question of additional heating for some of the room ? cf the High school re ferred to the committee on fuel and heating The Janltcr of the night school was allowed $15 per month for his sci vices. The secretary was ordered to draw war rants next Friday for tlie salaries of teachers for three weeks and for the salaries of Jan itors for the full month. The superintendent reported that th night school has now thlrt-Iour scholars anl Is rapidly growing The enrollment for the past month In all the schools Ins bsen as follows Boys. 1,984 ; girls , 2,058 ; total , 4,042. Av erage belonging , 3,578. The claim of II. G. McGce for salary for scrvlc-s as treasurer of tlifr board was dls- alloucd , on the report of the nuance com mittee and the secretory , who constituted a special commute * appointed for the purpose of liucstlKatlng theuu'stton whether the board could legilly allow the petition. The report of the committee wns that as McGce began Ms term as treasurer under written agreement which provided that he should re ceive no compensation for Ills services the boaid could not now legally make him mi ) allowance. Member Robertson brought up the vexed question of the right ot certain teachers to glv Instruction to other teachers outslilo of schoo hours. This was t'ne question which called the board together fir Its recent star clumber me.tlne. He Introduced the following reso lution , which was unanlmouMy passed as the easiest way out of the difficulty : lltEolveil , That any teachT teaching In the public schools of Council Bluffs mny outside of school houis , give private In- stiuctlon to any other teacher who mnj solicit ruch pilvnte Instruction nnd satin fnctorlly arrange for the same ; a-d bo 1 further Resolved , That no teacher I" r'quhed to enter such cla"S or classes who may not so desire. A proposition for the repainting or repairIng - Ing of blackboards was referred to the com- mltUo on buildings nnd grounds with powei to act. The question of cutting up the room of Miss Baldwin In the High school Into two rooms wns dlacussEd. The principal of t'.ic High school said even If the Increased attend ance In the High bchool at the beginning o ! the second semester of the year should not make- another teacher necessary , the roon would be needed for the teachers already em ployed. The matter was finally left to the chairmen of t'ne committees on teachers and buildings and grounds , with power to act dur ing vacation. The question of purchasing C.OOO brick for flooring In a hall In the bassmcnt of the Washington avenue school wns referred. It Hard Bad management , or only forgetfulness ? It don't really mike much dlffeience which 1 : was. The plpo burst. The "cut off" would not work. They telephoned the New York Plumbtnt. company , 30 Pearl street , for a plumber ant then watched the water run down their new stair carpet while they waited for him to get there. _ Iltirlltigrton Iloute. Christmas and New Year's holiday excur sion rates to all points within a radius o 200 miles from Council Bluffs Dates o iilu December 24 , 25 and 31 , 1S9. ; January 1 , 1S9G. GojJ to return until January 2 O M. Brown , Ticket Agent , Council Bluffs. Victor WJIH a Smooth Iloj. Victor Madsan , which turns out to be the correct name of the man who stole some money from J. F. Wllcox's night watchman U found to have been something of a smooth boy In converting other people's propert > to his own use. Rohjrt McKonzle. a wel kno.\n farmer living near the Canning cut employed him about a year apo. anJ one day a ring belonging to Miss McKenz'e tinned up missing From that time on noth'ng ' whatever was heard ot the Hng , until n day or so ago , when JIcKnzle heard that Madsen had tried to sell It to a man en Bioadway. During the la t few davs Mc- Kearlo has missed a siddle and bridle from his barn , and he now finds that they wie stolen last fall. MaiU'on rallied off a horse saddle and bridle about a month ago The horse. It Is now learned , was mortgagee to Ira Odell and the saddle and bridle be longed to McKenzle , Unfortunately Madsen'b varied accomplishments w rc not found out In tlmo to do any good. Be'ore the holidays ) ou will probably neec' ' some printing. You will want It dons jusl right ; so call on Pryor Bros. , printers , at The Be-j office , 12 Pearl stieet. Ilontn. In all sizes , pointed and square toe , calf skin , a' $2 00. $2 50 nnd $3 00 a pair , at flyers' shoo store , 412 Broadway. Ilortlt'iiltiiritl Mt'ctliiNT. The twenty-first annual meeting of the Southwestern Iowa Horticultural society \ . 11 begin this cvsnlng at 7-30 o'clock at the superior court room. The program for this even'ng fias b en partially ar ranged and there Is a promise of. a splen did entertainment , the attractions being both literary and mtie'cal. The welcome address will bo delivered by Hon. C. G. Saundsrs and will be followed by mus'c ' by ths younp msn of the Coloicd Gl e club There will bo nn address by W. J. Davenpoit on "The Effect of Advertising , " Instrumental music by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkins , cnl addresses by enthusiasts In horticulture and agriculture , Inttrspsrscd throughout by lii'Xrumental and vocal music. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the entertainment and to visit the rooms of exhibit of the assoclat'on in the Elssman building during the week , which promlsss to bo most interesting to all. Piles of people have piles , but DeWHt's Witch Hazsl Salve will cure them , JiiHt Hfot'U fI. A fancy line of children's shoes. What Is more appropriate for a Christmas pre'Mnt for llttlo folks ? flyers has them in all colors. Prices very low. You can make no mistake If you get your Christmas presents at the Durfce Furniture company's , and It will bo useful , beautiful and cheap. Look at the npw novelties. Attend Davis' clearing sale of holiday Crilnr HII | > | IM MlnlHtor Itt CEDAH UAPIDS , la. , Dec. 10. ( Special Telegram , ) Dr. J. K. Fowler , pastor of the Second Pret-byterlan church for the past ten jcars , has resigned , and will accept a call to the Central church of Los Angeles. The benefit cnteitatnment given at Greene's opera house thla evening by local musicians netted the Associated Charltltes nearly $500. Acts at once , never falls , Ono Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that fever ish condition which accompanies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that pro duces Immediate results. ss SOUTH OMAHA NEWs All members of the city courted wcrj pres- nt at the meeting list night except Mr. Blanchatd , who Is In Atlantic. Members of the council we're1 ' Invited to attend the meeting tonight of the Board of Trade In regard to the paving and grading ot Twenty-fourth street to the Sarpy county lne. , The members of the council who were present signified their Intention1 ot being jiretent. ' The Novemb'r salaries ot the fire depart ment were ordered pnld. An ordinance providing for a sidewalk oil the north side ot S street from Eighteenth to Twentjthird street was read for the first time and referred to the judiciary com mittee. Ex-Officer Tangeman asked thnt he have n trial before the council , as he claimed that he had been dismissed from the fores by Ma ) or Jchnston without cause. Referred to the commlttes on police TanRemon staled that he did not ask for a trial tn hope of being reinstated , but for the sake of phow- \nt \ ! to the people why hs was dismissed. A bill for $61.50 for repairs anl Improve ments at the new city hall wne > read. The council understood that Tlnley had premised to put the jail and council chamber In simps , but when Contractor Harrington presented his bill to Flnlcy he was referred to the counc I. Mayor Johnston stated that he had directed Harrington to go ahead nnd do cer tain werk ns It was neceswry to move the jail at once Walters nnd Hyland wanted to piy the bill ot the contractor and like the amnint out of rent due Finley. City Attor ney Lambert thought the city was liable. but In spite of this opinion Hnn Introduced a resolution directing the c'ly clerk to draw % warrant for Contractcr Harrington for the amount of the bill , nnd deduct the amount from rent duo 1'lnlsy. The resolution pre- vall d. An electric light was ordered placed on L street at the B. & M cros'lng. City Engineer Boa ! Is too bu y to supervise th repilrs on the viaducts , and Hylam' ' ncved that a deputy be appointed to assist the engineer. Mavor Johnston said that he sould not Imagine what the engineer was busj it this time of tin year , and could not see the necessity of appointing a deputy. As 'here was no second to Inland's motion the natter was referred to the mayor , with power to net The bill of the Trlbine for printing city or- llnances for $4650 was allowed. All except R > an voted for the- payment of the bill. 1.1 % iSt el KvvliiiiiKi * CntiCiiM. A caucus ot the members of the Soutl On.ahi Llvo Stock exchange was held ycster- Jay afternoon , and It was decided to place the following In nomination for officers nt the meeting this afternoon : President , J. G. Martin ; vice president. W r. Stephen ; board of directors , Frank Chitten- ilon , W. B. Wnllwork , M. R. Murphy , John J. Murphy ; board of arbitration , John L. Hill Fred Chlttenden. T. E Saunders , James GooJcll , Dave Parkhurst ; board of appeals , J S Knox. A. C. Foster. John L Carey , D. L Campbell and It. L Gllchrlst. It Is expected that at the meeting of the exchange this afternoon the action of the caucus will ba ratified. At the same meeting the question of closing the yards at noon on Christmas will come up again It was at first decided to have the ° ciles closed the entire dav , but the stock jards management Is In favor of nn opan markot. and as that propos'tlon fell througl the jards company wants the yards kept oprr ur til noon The majority of the members o ; the cxcbanga say that they will follow the example of Chicago nnd Kansas City and close the jards all day Christmas. Maule CllOoKHtn. . George Knapp of Hastings v > n3 In town for a few hours yesterday. John Hoagland of Dunbar was visiting friends In the city ) estcrday. Mr. T. Carrablne of Chicago was a visitor at the stock > ards yesterday af lei noon. Charles Short , a stock raiser of Dawson- vllle Mo , was a guest Vest'rdiy of the yards company. Pat Mjrtln has gone to .Chicago to attend the funrral of his brother , Nick , who was killed In a railroad accident. The regular monthly mcling of the boaiO of trustees of the Women's Christian asso- elation will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock In the parlors of the Young Men's Christian assoc'atlon. ' This affrnoon Councilmen Ryan , Mies and Bulla will meet at Mayor Johnston's offlci to hear complaints of overcharg = s reported to have bosn made By the American Water In SWEETIfESS anl POWER . ot TOBE , BEAtJTT cf DE SIGN , nnd STREHGTJI ot CONSTRUCTION "BAY STATE" GUITARS , MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS , and FLUTES tiy no otlior Amcrl canlnstrmiients Ixmrstlnph'.Q of mi ) tlrlrlly lilpli grailo Ins'.ni. inenis. 'ii Aw-iiius. Send for LMUlogues. JOHN C. HAYNES & CO. , If , t to in WashliiBto i Ht liOSTON December Specials . . ODD DIVANS : irDllToient Stylos. FriooH : 81O 814 815 820 $25 83O 84O S5O 875 Chas.Shiverick & Co. , furniture aud Drnpcrlc l2th and Uoiiclas Closing Out ! k i I'T I want to close out my lenltre' ' stock of Hardware , Stoves , Etc. " By January st. J J 00 base burnerx go at | 3f ( H' ; MO W Iladlant Novelty bate burner , 13100 ; J300 ; Uimhurn tur- 'ne burner , J23 75 ; J3200 KlmliuiBt urface biiui-r , 123 00 : JJ5 00 Klmhum Eurrace , burner. J17.SO ; tlo (4 Nn 8 cook 8to\r , 17(0 ; IL2WVo. 8 cook etove , l'JM > ! Jisoo No 8 cook mine ! JIQOO ; J10 00 Na S i.xik Btovc. IIS 00 ; J5300 No. 8 coolt stove. 118,75 ; 1290) ranse , with leservolr , f ! ! ft > > 15800 Klx-hole Ktl inngi * , } ! 9 M ; JIS 00 guncilur gleet raime , vvllli ictcr\olr nnd tileli clot ? ! * , ' 141 OOs MS 03 Bu > perior steel range , with lilsh , cli l , JSS 00 : $17 00 nujierlor uteel raiitre , with reeerv'olr ' nnd hlR.i hclf. 13900 ; 13904 buperlor itl-c ) tanee , wltlv hluh shelf , { 33 00. . You cnn afford to cook > our Tlinnk glv ln iln. | ner en a ( IrH-clan steel rinse at the * ? prlcen A line line of lamps , pnrkpt and lob e cutlery carving celt , granite. Iron and tinware at wlcols- talc prices NOW IB TUR TIMB TO TUIY CJIHISTMAH PHESKNTS. no , this It headquarter * foreka n. CHAS. SWASN 740 Broadway. Special Holicss-Council Bluffs c HAVC uNiNcMncnEiTciTY i'hoiicrnY to eschanfcB fo.-Nebratlm lanJ. C. H. Nlchol- on , WS'j DroaJwny , CIUUNUY ? ' CLEANBDT VAUUTS CLnANED Ed nurke. nt VV. B. Homer' * . MS llronduoy , IIAVU'A CASH cusroiun : FOJI iso ACUES at Nebraika land , c. It. Nlcbolion , Ul'i ' ilroaJ. VYky , Council Uluffi. la. \\orks co npnny The comnil'le ; < wp ct * IP liivcstlpnlo nil complaint * tliorouglily. InMUllciix have betn iPiucJ by ihe Sl tcrs ot 1'rovliltnc for on cnt rtn nmcnt to be given by the pupils ol St. Agnes' chool Jt St. ApneV hall Monilny afternoon De cember 2,1. t 2 10 o'clock. This evening there will bo n meeting of the South Oinnhii Hoard of Trails to lunr reports of committees on the proposed Twen- tj-fourth street ronf to Tort Crook. All mom- bsrs of the bard and property owners Intcr- eHetl arc requested to b ? present. Yesterday afternoon Dick Shea stapRcred Into police headquarters and nskcil Jailer ShDshan to lock him up for thirty dm. as hevantcd to sober up. As It was plilnly evident that the man \va ? on the verge of trcrnens the offlcer accommoihtetl him. Anritlior MOIIX CIMliltilcr. . SIOUX CITY. D c. 1C ( "pedal Telegram ) Another murder case seems HKely to grow out of the supposed eulcide In the rnllrontl > ards hero Sunday morning. The body wa found hanging In a box car and was at first buppoied to be that of Grant All n , a Sloin City man about town It was afterwards Identified , however , as that of GCOIRO Slst- zer , a Holsteln , la , , butcher. Sletzcr Im1 $1 100 with him wh n latt seen alive and thli sum was missing wh n his body wo * fcund. The rope was also over twelve toet lone nnd the position ot the figure , rr orl ) prostrate on the floor , was ruch tint phv- ilc'ans ' say that be could not hav ; ttrangl-d himself alone The police nro shadowing a number of suspects and will probably nuU" Severn ! nrrects soon The pcrfumo of violets , the purity cf the Illy , the- glow of the rose , and the flush ol Hcbc combine In 1'ozzonl's womlrcus I'owiler l \i HIM Ci in i-N to OrU'f ClinilOKnr : , la. , Dec. 1C ( Special Tele gram ) nrneM , the 13eaiold son ofV W Hates , who resides thre rnllcs east of town , met with n very scrloim accident In't evenIng - Ing by the explosion of a dynamite cap from which he was digging tha txploslvcs with a knitting needle. The left luml was blown to plec's , nccsp'ltatlng miiputatlon of tlie thumb nnd throe fingers. iH t lttor Scnteiiocil. CHDAIl nAPIDS , la. , Dec 16. Curtis , tits bigamous editor ot Ainmosa , who has four wives to his credit , was todiy bentcncsl to five years In the pcnlt Hilary. COMMON SENSE CURE. i'\iiAMin PIirj cum : emus P PHIIM iM3vi'i/i nr culm ; TIIU CAISB. Hcuu,1VlitvIi IK III Inn- Comfort ( o TIioilMinulx of SullorerM. Probably halt the people who se this nrll- clo suffer from piles. It Is one of the com monest dlseatws and one of the most obsti nate. Pecplo have It for years and Just be cause It Is not immediately fata ! they ncKlecl It. CareloEsncs causes no end of suffering Carelessness about so simple a thliiR as plies haj often caused death Hemorrhages oc cur from no apparent cause and loss of blojil causes d ° ath. Hemorraqhes occur during surgical treatment , often causing I'.eith. 1'ilcs are simple In the biglnnlng nnd easily cuied. They can be cured eve.i in the woiM stages , without pnln or loss of blood , qulcklj , surely and completely. Theru Is uiily one remedy that will do It Pyramid Pile Cure It alajs the inflammation Imemdlately , heals the Irritated surface and with continued treatment redrcea the swelling and -juts 'hs m-smbranea into gooj , sound , healthy ! tlon. The cure Is thorough and pdmanoit. Here are some voluntary and unsolicited testimonials wo have latelj rtLoivd : Mrs M C. H'nklj , C31 Mississippi ttrwt , Indianapolis , Ind. , says : Hive been a fauf- f'rer from the pain and annojanc ? cf piles for flften jcars ; the Pjramld Pile Cuie and Pyramid PJIls give me Immediate relief nnd In a short time a complete cure. Major Dean of Colurnbuo , Ohio , says : J wish to add to the number of certificates at to the benefits derived from the P > i imid Pile Cure. I suffered from piles for foit > years and from Itching piles for twenty > ears and two boxes cf the Pyramid Pile Cure 1 ae effectually curel me. Most druggists tell Pjramld Pile Cure or will gst It for you if you ask them to It Is 010 dolor per package and Is put up only bj the Pjramld Drug Co. , Albion , Jllch. W A. Jun'.i The Largest Crockery Establishing In tti3 West , Among the almost endless variety of beau- tlful things to select from for the holidays arc the following : White Violet China. Purple Violet China. Rich Clirjsanthemum China. Bel'.eek Chhia , Royal Berlin Tlovvcr Painted China. noynl Dresden Flower Painted China , Under Glazed Blue and Rosa China. Royal Sovres China. Italian Brlc-a-Brac , German Delft , v French Faience. Gold Encrusted China. Ulch Paris Bronze Enamel Ware. Austrian Jewel Glass. Paris Gold Mounted Goods. Grlc-u-Btac from all celelnatcd makers. Course Seta of every description. Dainty and richly decorated Odd Pieces of 7try description. Jardlncrcs and Pedestals In largo variety. Lamps of every description. Sterling Silver for the table. Sterling Novelties In largo variety. Cu ( Gloss Atomizers. Cut Glass Flacks. Cut Glass of every style fgr the table. Pieces from 25o to | 100 ; dainty enough to give any friend for a present. Visitors as vvojl na purchasersjrro wel come. im L Council Bluffs , Iowa , CAPITAL , - . . $100,000 wn SOLICIT vouit ntJbi.Mss. \vi ; uibiiti : vouit CDM.UCTIO.NS. OM ; OK Tin : OI.DKST JIAMCH I.N IOWA. r I'UK OC.NT I'AJJl ON TIMi : DI DALL AM ) bUC US OR WHITU. " H A 7' 1C ? E"PkT WJb C. \ \ . flutter * Sexton of I'cniclcrj . Ciiunoll llliiT ( , 'I'liliiK It IN < | io Hot t-j loni l Hi ; roniKl--Mrntix 11 I iimiirluiil > | icolnll for VII U ltd Nroil I1 roa tin on I. Mr C. W Poster , llioscvton of r\ltvl.-vv cemetery , Council HlufTs , Ji lilerKe fU Anue O l ona of the lilnl of nun whom people rt pect. In f.i't , those wbo become permanent In pl.\ce of re pontlblttty nnd trust arc u'linlly cnpnble , Ucnn-liatided , sincere nnd estlmnblo men , nnd Mr roster Is no exti-ptlon to the rule. P.V. . TosU't roundl i lurt . Sexton Tulr- view Ccmttrry Mr I'ojter F.ISI' "I do not Mirpporo ntiy man now living wna ever brought to a grontct extremity oC prostritlon nnd HirfTutlnir or to u rnoie depleted - ploted londltlon of the c-ntlte phjMc'.il svs- tern fiom ashtmn , bronchitis nnd central catarrhnl polsoitim than I had Ixtn re duced to nt the limp 1 began tiuUmnt with Drs Copolnml nnd Bin-paid A ca- tntrhliloli boRiiti in mv htMil , no ° e and throat many vcnrs ago luemod to taint my blood with n kind m poison nnd to gradti- ally disease my entlic pvctcm. 'TliHt mv Htnmnrh uuve wnv The mucus lining of Its walls won cjtcn nvvav fro comiiletuy thnt dlgobtlon v3 Impossi ble and mv body bewail to sliilnk and wa to for v.nnt or nutiltlon , nnd fiom that tlmo on until rnv llnal cure 1 never l nevv what It WAI to nnvo n natural appetite or relish a meal. My Btom.ich wan not orily icniltlve nnd pore , causing mo Incessant pain nnd illstic s ; theio v\n < "iicb n Ptntu of tolnicti slckiic'i or JiniKoa that th s'llHbtf'it Iriltitlon , Midi n < n til of cough ing , would caii o jraKRlnp nnd vomiting. ' I'll not tiiko time to toll about the bur.- 8-lng nnl e In ms ears , wnk and blurred OJOM nnd tfrrlble npnilmhc" The o caused grcTt MitTrrliiR , but the most Important fcatuie was the cxtonMoti of the catarrh to HID li > I'hlnl tub 4 nnd nil pipage * My Incatl.InK bt'canto labored and sint ; and I no\u could u t nlr cnoucli .Vlv clast und lunts necmpii timpic scd and tlKlilcncil fo Unit I vu'lild bo In fipiiunit danger of "nrotlieilnit to death I could not iret nlr enciimh In Uio houpp nnd u pd to spind main nltht ) < * on the porch and cutb tono. "I'n } lclnn told mo that 1 wa < * In the Mitt finger of I'Oii'Uinptlon and I wa < In- tllhi-d to belltve thN. icr 1 hnd pcvcro night sweats , chlllt nnd fever nnd th ° mm latlon Unit .iLcompiiiilet wasting lung dlHic'iH Wtipn t v\ont to Hrw Copeland and SlrciMtd 1 felt that I must have some thing u mi "nu IK thurougli In ordit to Ftop mv Rti < ad > decline 1 wn f Imply slnKltiff like acoti'iimptlvo I v\a < s onp of the llrst pa- llnit-s of ihi > so phj-lolniii In Omiilin , begin- n'ng m > trcatnipnt In Scptomboi , U91 , over 4 yiMrs ngo The onlv comnient on that tiintnipiil whlth I think it nerorenry to nt.tkp Is that It irmi'tod In 1115 prompt and cnmplote euro My buslnnsn often keep * mo nn In wet wriUid , pxposlnp me to all 111" chinse * of this Variable cllmiUo but "line my ticiitmcnt 1 linvp never had any lgn or oviiiptom of rnj old trouble to thm div. My avnagc welnht now l ifo pound" . In l l 1 weighed only 12' t nlwnjH conmicnd Dr" . Copvland and Sliep- nrd to mv friends 1 will bo glad lo verity thl Mtntrment to any ono who ma > call or write tJratltudo Impels me to make this statitiipnt , not notoriety. " flA ( > ( MONTH. All dlsciscs. No virlatlon from this cl-argp It covers full treatment and nil medicines For mall treatment send for Symptom Sheet. DRS , COPELAND & SIIEPARD UOOMS 312 AND 313 NH\V YORK LIFD HUII.niNa. OMAHA , NHU. Onicc Houis 9 to 11 u m ; 2 to G p in. Eve- nlngsWritnc duvR nnd Kiturdnyi only , G to 8. SunJnv 10 to 12 m This is the week to make your se lections for Don't leave it until the last day and then buy something you do not really want , We will keep the goods , and deliver on time. Fur Rugs . $1.20 and up Sofa Pillows . 65c and up Ladies' Desks , biautifally ftilis'n'l ' . $4.85 Lamps and Shades , Vases and Orna ments. The gre-itest success we have ever made. Everything new. DOLLS , SLEDS , TOYS , GAMES , Etc. The Priza D _ > 11 will DB given away Christmas Eve. STGR3 OPStf EVENINGS. * ij j i s You Poor. it Indigestion keeps men poor. It muddles the clearest brain. You think it is something else , but nine t times in ten the trouble is in the digestive tract. One Ripans Tabule gives relief , and their occasional use keeps you right , nipan'n Tubule * fold by < JruE6lit , or by mill If the price ( W cenle a box ) It lent to I ho Ill- pans Ch > "nlcal Company , No. 10 b'-uce vt. , N. Y. Mos © PRGIALIST. Having fully demonstrated by cars of u ccessful , , > practice and mr > rinnn able to euro multitudes of dlsc.iscs which bailie tlio blclll of ordnav ll0" ftela It hlb duty to m.iko known to suffL-nn B hum nltytlrnt he devote , Iifu itiWnlA * I * Z nnd energy to this particular branch of the profession , and will prepare nmirrnfih ? , ? rncdlclno nt his olllce or visit the e CHECH which may rcciul'o norsonar . ? iruriUh Hants at a distance may consult Dr. Moshcr by letter. KlvliiK a car | | " " 0hnliPaJ of their cases , debcrlblnn their Bymploms minutely UH porslble. which will cnablo him tX mnko correct illafinosiu , und judKo very accurauly of tllo curability of lhedfsene nrS IS apply proper remedied. Medltlre forwarded cither by mull or express nnd all mndiinS prescribed by Dr. Moslitr Ij under hla ife tViniii prepared own pcruonai supervlH on dlfeases vvltliout mercury or other poisons , which create disease of u 2mif.iJntrcat'1 ' a" the doctor by his now'uKSTOHATIvn tuiATMiNT cureH al ? curubJo feses treats with wicceiw nl affect OHM of the Mvcr. Throat and IAII H - ? * n' anrl Dyspepsia. Hcait DlBease. IlheumatUm , Nourali/larni / d n"I Nervous Utowtj oVuio h overwork , the Indlacretlon of youtli , or the OXCLSSCH of riper leara Ami iin o leLIy ? tend to lower the latent fo.ce or the tone of | | f8 vllallly causl physVcSl . aemilty. nervous exhaustion , Insanltv. and premature decay. Consult personally , or by Letter free nnd utrletly confidential. Address , ' Dr. S. Mosher , Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , C Din 3 i I B luffs , la COUNCIL STEAM DYE WOSK5 All kinds of Dyeing < nd Cleaning dona In the highest Btylo or the art. Faded and I stained fabrics mada ; to look us good ai new. Work promptly I ? " ' done and i In all parlo 6'f'Yho" count. , , Band for price list. O , A. MACIIAH , I'rotirlelor , i Broadway , near North. ' wctltrn Depot. Council UlufTi. lona. Ttl. UX.