TJTE OMAHA DAILY BBE flroaTDAY , PECJBMDEK 10 , 1305 SPECIAL NOTICES. Ail vrrdxf inciilK for column * trill ' ' < < nlrti nnlll 12t.10 i > . 111. for the etrnliiK nnil tliilll 8 | i. in. for ( lie ninrnltiK ntiit StiiuliicillllniiM , Ad vortlKpi-K , rcitirllnp | : n nttin- IITIM ! olicrk , rnii hnvc nnmrcr * nil- Iri'Nnril to n iitttnlirml Iftlrr III rnrr if Tlip IK * ) * ! AnntviTN nil iiililroi pi > trill lie ili-llvrruil tipim1 | trrriciitfill < > n of Ilic check only. Hntcx , 1 l--c n Moril flrnl InnrTlloiii Ic n rr nl 1 hi-ron fter. MolIilitK tnkon for It * * * ' liixortlon. Tin-up Until II.'c for llrM niH < THCIHPIII niiiKt lie rnn coimrati- mi MAMJ uni.i * . WANTKD. MVfi. INTEU.tOF.NT AOttNTS IN' Omnhn to otRnnlw clulu of tltrce to five fnml- llM of our fnmoiu Orctinnl llomrs Inmli in central Ml limlr > pl. The tl lc of ImmlKrnttin H Kolnn noiilli. ttherc there nre no hot wlmH , no coM wlntcrsi , no lillzznnl * , no crop failure * ; h r two or thrr cropi cim at rnl Mi pncn yenrj where there In no mich thins n fnllur * If n man will work ono-hnlf n hnrrt ni he < 5ne.i In ttit country ! cool mimraen. mIM winter * ; * 'ire pnylriK crop * of frtilti ami unrriVn truck : rlrhpxt onll on earth : ti'ft rnllirnv fneltlttej. Oeo. W Attic * , seneral nsont , 1G17 rnrrmm * t. , Oronlm , H-IH EOMCITOnS WANTKtl TOTl OMAHA : At.PO mutineer * nut lri > country. Kntlrely new ROOM * . < ll Sheeley Lloch. n-MJM nil' 160 TO MM SAt.AHY I'AID SAI-KSMr.N roll clfinm ; rxpeilence not nece iry' extra , in- ilticenienU to cuitomcrs. tllshop A Kline , si. Txml * Mo n-M31l D2. * WANTKH. ( inNTl.nMAX Oil I..VUV TO PAX- vnn-i Omnlia : ml ry or nimml * Inn ; ceml itimp * . Ainrrlcnn Aluminum Co. , Peru , Neh. _ . . r > nTiTivis-\vn : WANT A uni.iAiii.u MAN In every locality to net * private ilclerll\e iimlcr Imttiirtlnnn. Kxpcilenpe not nivewiiy f-Vml tor mrticuHrs. American lctcctl\ ) < * Inillnnniinll * , 1ml. 1I-M7W K WAVTHH I'T.MAM ' : JIHI-P. \VANrnn , GHAnt'ATn ron MATHON IN hospital. AiMiPii Cl 20. Dcu mci ? . C CM 17 * \VANTKi ) . AN" nxrrcuiKNcnn Nfitsn , ONTJ \ \ lllltikto tuke entire c'.unKi * of liiuy. Ap ply Mrs.V. . II. McConl , 2M1 Cii * " . C M7I3 IS \VANTKO. I'lrtST-PLASS OOOK RMAt.I. TA M- lly. Ki il , MIKI'V reftMrncei riMiulnM. ( "nil IIP- tui'cn 1' ' ) nnil 12 n. tn , . at tuum " 'W. ' Onmli.i Nntlonnl Innk. O-M71I 11 _ jioufin onii. ron MONTANA : mnl'l , Olnlnir room RltlK. lininhfpi for out uf l \ui ; Mccimil Rlrl ; family cuuk , $ . " , . ! . Cnnaill.m niiicc. r. : : DMIKIII * . _ c area is * WANTKD. A Ki.SI'KCTAlir.n MATHON TO tnko charge of n | IIIK < * iKMnlltiK hou e. Must not nucuKantlly ) mv < * liutl hunt-film ; IIOUK * ) ex perience1. 1 ul must b" nn nccomi > IUhe < l luid practical lioiHolccepor Icciillefi tmut l > e In ouu lninihvrltlnK anil state n c nnd family conncc- . - firm * . AiMrcn (1 31 , Hoc. C M7JO 15 aiitr. KOIi onN lIOt'HEWOHIC. IV ) I N lOtlt lioiili'vnnl. ( ' -73 ? 15' WANTED , A LADY TO INTEREST HERSEI.r with n Koi'l ' wlmlfMle limiBn , must lie npt and ovrr 2J. Adcltfsx tl 3J , Ik-o. C--M733 J7 \VANTED , NURSE GIRL. 2J21 MASON STREET. C-Mrj | n > WANTED , KLTCHHX OIRL , refiiilrod , ! : : . " > Farnnm St. c 705-11 von UI\T uorjsus. HOUSnS. F. K. DAHI.1NO. llAHKim lir.OCK. IIOUSUS IN ALL PARTS OP Tltn CITY. TUT. O. K. Davis Company. 15UJ Farnum. U 414 Foil" ijI'NT linAUTIFui" FUnNISHKD HOUHn : . liouse , ten rooms , elegantly furnished , hot water licit. Intimity , stable , carrlneo. etc. _ Titos. F. Hall. CIO Pa < cton block. -415 1 BTAXFOIM ) GinCLC COTTAOI1S. 0 110OMS. i all moilorn. EM. fuel. Apply Ujroa Itcc.l Com- party. 2H So. II Hi gl. _ n 416 nouses' UINA\VA & co. , 103 N. ISTII ST. D-417 _ _ FOU ItKNT. I1OUSUS IN ALL PAHTS OF THE city. 'Sptfdnl. CS1 So. ifitti axe. 416 No. 31st St. 4o No , 31st ft. n No. ! 0th ! . All modern comenlences : ch ap for winter months , llrcnnan , I.OVR & Co. D-M3 < 5 DM 610 NO. 20TII. 4-nOOM COTTAOC. 1CK No. 2'Jth ' 5-room Hat. nice. 1621 N. 19lli , 8-room brick- . 04 No. 17th. S-room lirlck. Omaha Real K tatc & Trust Co. . ZI ! S. ISth. FOR lENT , HOL'SU OF TKN ROOMS , ern con\iinlences : very hnntly to bustnc:1. Hn- tlitlre of 1) . T. Mount. 109 3. ICth St. D-63IJ 8 AND 0-P.OOM HOUSES ON F.YUNAM AND 5- room limise oa 2M ami Irf.ivcnworth , cheap Jno. W. llobblns , 211 N. Y. Life blilff. | D-SC2 8-ROOXr 1101'SE , J13.00 PER month. .1. F. Italian , 2C1C Capitol avenue. D-C9M7 * UNlJorALLED , RUMMER ANlTVINTER centi.ll ; mndc-rn : stcum , 3 , 5 , r-ioom ( tali Tlziitd , 221 X. Stth. D-M7ii ) St < FOR RENT , 3-ROOM HOUSE. H. E. CORT5n and Clot lie. D 10J S401 JACKPON Sri ! 7-ROOM MOnKR.V.i " ) . 41Ci ! LnFnyctte me. , 9-tonni moiloin , J33 207 S , 24th St. , ll-ioom mklurn , &Q , M9 M. ! lti ; nt , 9-rpoin modNit , $30. 2773 lluit fit. , 7-tooiu mn.lein. f20. S2a N. S7th nve. . 7-toom nimleriu JW. WOI S. llth Bt. , 7-toom moilein. liV 2' ' > ' 4 S. llth Bt. , 7-rnntn mnd m $33. Fidelity Trust Company , 1703 I'.itnain street. D-C07-31 roit IIKXT , Nic'tn.v rt'iiNipiiKn nousn or olilit rooms , beitile.s alcove nnil bathroom , couth front , with stl convenience ! * , Imjulic 2COS Half Itonnnl t. D-2.17 KOU THIIUB IIOOM3 FOIl TO rmin nnil wife ; run liiken In biaid. 219 N. 17tli C-MIVi _ BOUTII FIIO.N'T ROOM TOR TWO ; I'HIVATP family. Ji'20 Hi. M.try's qytnitc. n M513 ROOMS FOU ijsir uotjyr.K ni'iNn on mpnrati'Iy. C" < i North 17th utrcetr U ntilO 1C * " rt'RNisnrrt ) itoojts , srrtAsi rtn.vT AND Kan ; un onaljle. 21Nu. . 17th nlu-i'l. 1--M77J 51 * _ TWO PI.KASUNT PUONT UOOMS. WITH Iviaiil If di-xlicil , at 10'U ( ' .ipltol nvi > niie. Dr. IVuboOy'ti foriiu-r n HlUrtica , i ; M7S8 1C * 2cu runMiaiirjuiiooMH. IIOUKI- K M73J io IIOOMS AXD IIOAHD. III.I.'OANT rilONT UOOMS. Pl'IlKISHKll OP. unfiirnl hed. ( loot family bonnl. C.'t N , 23. F M650 _ PUONT UOOMSvnri , iin.vTnn ; FAMILY lioaiil If ilCMlrcJ. P. . il OH ri'asonubK , :2I Narth 23.1 . at. F-tro _ BOL'TII FUOXT IIOOMS , UOAltD , S3H ( nOt'O- Ias. r-70-iC _ _ _ J OI' KI1OXT ItOO.Mri. WITH nxrellent board , 113 Su. 2 > nli. , orponlte Onmln Hull. F-M717 If ItOOMS WITH DOA11D. MI3 DOUQLAA F M730 2S OKA VOUNO pl Hint ran ulvo i ferenci . nhn wuuM IIKa nil th < i fomfirta of lwu Hloi'plm' nu n Ktanil HCalu fur u jitim irtMternlly pnlil for tnanllni : ; 3 mln- ntrH' w.ill ; wc < t frum ICtli iiml Fntniin. Aililieso ( I < . llco. r Mfy ) ! I'Oil Hi\T-U.\KUH.MSIIii ) H003IS. 4 UOOMS : WATKU IX KITCHDX ; CKNTHAI. ! rf.i < mol > le rent ; nlca for hcii > < I Kpliur , 1703 WcUter dlrocl. IIOOMS , .rtntNisiiin : on Kiillablc for lijiKrUerplns ; aUn hai > lni. 1:00 N. ? < th. O-M7IOIC' rou ui\T STOIIHS AMI ovncus. FOU JinNT-THi : 4-STOUY IiniCIC at SH Furimm turret. Thin bttllUIni ; liaa a lire- prtnf crncnt ; luittmcnt. complete teun livat- liitr flxtuiuD , ualcr on nil liiMm , caa , tic. Ap ply at llta onicu of Tim IK-p. I 911) AUHVI'S AOKNTM WANTKD-IIKN AND WOMEN dour JW.W weekly with our laUjr su > cr n eu il > - v * IW.W monthly In other Iln ; fSOO amiilrii floe. Thotc nee Ida ; business rheuM oddrcu , wllli utatitp. Mel I 111 llftf , Cu. , ( A U ) , 18 Canal Mreet , Ditcjvn. J 114-1)11 STOllAOK , iwi : : 3. mi M-4U I'ACIFIl ! HTUllAUi : AND WAItl-UOt'aHCO. . 001-91) ) Jimn , acneral torji ; nr.J focn rdlng. M.-ISJ \VAXTI3IJ TO IUJV. WANTKU , roil CASH , VACANT IXT. IN- Me mile llmlti mint Im n nnp ; wnnted , Omaha I > rci > erlr , Inniln unit mprcrnmllne for lc nJ chonce. B. P. HlnRCT , jji s , nth mrort. 11 * _ _ _ _ WANTJ5D. SnCOND-IIAND llOlulll AND KN Kln , Martin A Morrljuey Mfg. Co I N M73I IT run SAM : i-'cn OP TWELVE-ROOM HOUSE , central lotntlon , nil In KooJ < rder nnd flint class , .Supt cntli , Address G 30 , Ilee. O 709-ia * FOR SALI : MISCII.LAMOIJS. * KAItl ) T7OOI ) , 4 AND 5-I'OOT KKNCC FOP corn cribbing. C. H. ! / , 901 Dcuglaj Q < J3 _ SKATES , AU. SI7.HS. S3 CUNTS TO $101 _ CMiialiii Illeyei * Co. , S23 N. ICth. QMHS N NIWM : AUK IT AT BiTut bargain , lull Douglas street , a C . Hoc. HAM : . UXDIKS * HIOII on.\i > n ntrvcLi : , 1S9.1 m.U l ; ilrst cunJltlan. U 31 , ltp ( > . ( MISCKM.AMOL'S. I100K niNfINO. THK IIURKt.CT rniNTINO Co. Ill rtnil l North I5th lreet. U ISS-HIS $ i' ' > nnwAuiTKon Tiin A'UHKST AND CON- \ let Ion of person ur per otnlto rial * 0 win- ilow nntlii ? of 2 putic * ench. 12x32. from oil- tnut > , nil North ZOtli Mli'ct , iiliout u few wek UKO. 11 , T. Clatk , 219 llotird oj Tmle. It 11TSO 17 CI.AIIIVOYAM'S. Mns. nu. \VAititnN. . CLAIRVOYANT , UK- llnLle Luslnoat medium ; tth year at 113 N. 16th. MASSAGE , IIATIIS , HTC. MADAMt : HM1TII , N. li COU. I8TII AND Iiouglat , room 11 , 2nd lloor ; mn < * , l8e & Imlh * . | \ [ T-743 21 _ _ _ _ M1IU. HOWKLU TURKISH AND KLIJCTIUC laths. Finest parlora In city , 31S-3N M. ISth. T MM ) 31 * _ MMI3. Ain-s : , f'oitMnntA- ST I.OUIH , JIAS- K.\KO and ImCls , 507 .4. Ulh St. , 2d lloor , mom 10. T-.M742 51' _ MADAME OUACI : i.noN , nf.ncTnir1 MAS- * IKP liuth pnrHrs he.\lthful nnd ti-freshltiK. 417 Soutli llth , upstairs , jiarlorK 2 nttil 3. T MtS'i 21 * PHHSOXAL. VIAVI co. . 34 * nni : IJI.DO. . HRAI.TII BOOK free ; home treatment ; Uily nttendant. U 42i BATHS , MASSAGE. MM1X rOSTH 3UU S. 15T1I. n i.tvnnv mas CHHAP. no UAUMI.KV. 17th nnd St , llary'H avenue. Teletihonc , 419. U-427 _ _ nni.i.R RppniHAconsRT MADR TO ouniin nt 1809 rurnnin. Agcn' wanlej. U 353-D25 * MONI3Y TO I.O\N ON PIANOS. 11ICYCM3H , lowelrj' . etc. ; strictly coniWfntlal. P. O. IIOT 32 ( ! . U 103 _ _ _ _ _ _ MATniMONIAl7cOIlUK3PONr > KNrR HUIICATT I'nner nnd llsls , IOC. Ciirtli Pub. Co. . St Louis , Mo. TjCi .Tin-C * _ I.AUIISI i CAN POSITIVII.Y nn.Movi : THI : worst Rronth ( if linlr from face and mini. Call ut the 1'nrlilnn Toilet imloi.H for imc weekDon't fall lo Ilnd the pliico. Testl- ni"nlalB on tile , Hoom W ) , Doitul.n Mnck Mllililil Title. _ T M7I3 19 * \VIMj T.RT A HOOD MAN DHlVi : MY MAIti : tlili winter for her liecp. Dan H. \ Vhd'lcijr. . , Dauclat nnd 13th stieot. U 73J 13' SIOMV TO 1,0AX iicA b KSTATK. ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST CO. , 318 N. Y. I.Iff. Loans at low rntea far choice hectlilty 111 Nebiuika & Iowa fninu or Omaha city property \V-I23 MONRY TO LOAN AT I.OWRST HATES. T1IC O. lDavti Co. , 1503 Knrnnm st. W 42J 0 PRIl CHNT MONRY TO LOAN ON OMAIIA rcul estate it Nob. fauns.V. . U. Mclkle , Omaha. W 30 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED'OMAIIA ptoperty. Fidelity Trust Oo. , 1703 Fjrnam. \V-I31 MONRY TO LOAN ON IMPIlOVRn OMAHA lettl estate. Urennnn. Love & Co. , Paxton BlU , ' U' IK CITY LOANS. C. A. STARll , 925 N. Y. LIKE. \V-I3I MOHTaAOlIS , O. Q. WALLACE , rinO\VN IlLJx. . W I3I _ LOANS ON IMPHOVRD & UNIMPROVED CITY l > ioperty. W. Karntun Smith & Co. . J329 rurnnin W 135 MO11TUAOE LOANS : LOW RATES. J. D. Zltlle , 16th nnd Douglas , Omaha. - W 43S FARM LOANH. DOUGLAS AND SAHPY , 1 TO li ) sears ; low ratea. ttarvln BIOS. , 210 N. Y. L W 437 SIOXKY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. I'LVNOS horses , nngons , etc. , at lowest rates In city- no remoVat of goods : strictly contlilentlnl ; you ran piy tire loan oft at any llmo or In any amount. amount.OMAIIA MORTQAOR LOAN CO. . 306 S. 10th st. st.X X 138 MONRY TO LOAN. SO , CO , y > DAYS ; FITRNI- tutu , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , llatker Ijlocl : . x I3J cn.v.\cis. FOR 8AI.B. THE PALACR CAFE IN LEAD uiiil Deadwootl , t > oth dolnif good business. Ad dress Matt Klopp. Lead or U udnood , ti. D. Y M407 MAKE ItO.VRY 11Y CAIIEPUL SPECULATION In uraln IhroitRh n rellablo , successful tlrrar ex- ccllcnt opportunities to innke profits by our new plant ; fully explained nnd tmi rii-e : hlRhcst references. Paulson & Co. , TOO Omnhn bldir Chicago , 111. Y M478 \VANTED , J4.300 MERCHANDISE FOR 60-ACRE line IniiircHcil farm , southeastern Nebraska , M anted , eastern Nrlirnaka nnd weitvm Iowa farms fir ntil-40. , city ptoporty or dent cenital NulirnsUn linds. E. K , Illnger , 331 H , ITith t Y MC9I ! IILAOKSMITH AND WAOON H1IOP FllH SALE : Bowl lucntlon. Juliti Forney , Hartley , Neb. Y M711 20 FOII nxciiAxac. EQUITY IK LAROR TRACT OP LAND NEAR Cm.ilm. Wbnt luitB yiu to oftert 11. F. Dntley 8I N. Y. Life bide. Z-441 FOR EXCHANGE , 8W KINE IMPROVED fnim , Siteriunn cutinty , Nebraska , clear foi Kuoil Omalia ptoperty or fnrtn ; will nmniini' , ltiO-Rcre ranch , KUW ! Impravements , level , rich Innd , cenlrul N < > bruikn , ftr eastern .N'chvjslia or lou-a farms : \\lll nriiime. , : rtrrcs Una land , unmiTn Nfbruslin , JJ.i.nM ; want meichan- illvo for nil or part or ventral property or small f rm for one-half : balnncn time. lMOnciecitiin lown. nil level , rich InnJ. line ImproxcmriilH , tJS.mxi ; v.nut I3,0i we tern lund or to\vn properly , J2,5npiuh , balance time 72 notes rich. levl land , fair Iniprovementa. IJj.O1) ) ; 441 ticres , came prlca ; 32) acres level rich land , two mlli-n from Rood town ; only M1) . * ) ; 4 0 tons of hay this year ; 450 acres level hity land , four mllei lo ctnllon , (23,00 ; u trade : . ! cash , Iml.tnca time ; nil the above lands In Moncni county , la. R. F , Ringer.Z . Z MCS3 1S $10.000.0TO 12.00fl.OO OOOD , CLRAN ORNRRAL iiicifli.inillao UMiiiwl fur llrst-clnvH ClO-aciu faun ; aUu K.WXI.M for lw good land , Improscil. U , II , DlcUsin , Cieluh'.on , Nrb , Z M712 17 * TO EXCHANGE. Id'-ACnh NRnnASICA l\\nTl for Omaha junpvrty. Jones , room 11 , f.Touiiis I'lock. 2-M774 1C GOOD , UNINCUMIIRRED NEBILVHICA LAND for u liii-intlvo i'ic crlptlon dru bualnenK , Ad dress O 45 , lloo. z M787 ! ! POIl H.VLi-Ur.AL CSTATB. AJJBTUACTS-THR BYRON R15ED COMPANY. RE-44 : 1MPUOVKD VARM3-a. W , CARf.OCK , 120 } I'amam st , HE C14-J1 * I1ARQAINS , SAI.IJ OR TRADK IN CITY PROP- ertles and farm * . John N , 1'ieiuer , opp. 1' . O. _ RE 143 BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , lal * or trade. F. 1C. Dai lint" , Barker block. R i : 411 TU.XAU FARMS AND FRUIT LANDS. SMALLer or luriia tiucts ; law prices , cany payments.Va ara prrpntcd to ansiver aucstlous touching thtiio Imi la , and to arrange for cheap railroad faro fcr any perum within ? to vlilt southein Trxan. Correspondcuc solicited. Omahx Real Lt to and Trutt Co. . 211 H , lith t. t.RR RR MtOT FOR BARQAINS. TRADES. OIJJCIC DEALS , call orMlto D. V. Hholea Co. , First Natl. bnnk tld . RE M513 81 BARGAIN. FINB SIX-ROOM COTTAGE AND Int. If you liave tlw ca h a genuine bargain can be liail. 1K. . Darllnp , Baiktr blorlt. RR-M768 17 A\U I.OAV ASSOCIATIONS. IN "MUTUAL L. & B. ASS-N < . 7 , 3 per cent uhtn I. I. 3 yean old. alwa > r 4 mablf. I70t Farnam it. , Natllneer , H c. - _ 44T HOW TO GET A HOME OR HECURE GOOD Interest on cit\lnes. Apply to Omaha U * K. ' KM B < e bide. U. V , MatllttKcr. S.o. IlOTin.S. AETNA HOUSn ( EUROPKAN ) . N. W. COP 131 h nd Dodge. Rooms by day or Week. 451 TUB LANORTlOTF.LT 6oiTa7l3TH ST. ; 8TKA ! heat ! table board , (3.00 per wetk. M4M UXDHUTAKnilS AM ) KMIl.VI.MnUS , It. K. DURKRT. FUNERAL DIRKCTOR AN1 embalmer. 1C1S Chlcngs st. , telephone M. 454 SWANSON & VALlEN orCUMrNO. TP.U 10 4oS M ! O MAUL. UNPRUTAKKR AND KM hnlmrr 1417 Karri am at. , telephone :2i. 4S < nicYCLis. BIO BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND BI cycles , fkntts , SSc to J3.00. Omahn Blcvcl Co. 323 N. Vth street. MOT. J3 SIIOIITIIAM ) AJJD TYPIJWHITI.XO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , tlS N. Y. LIFE OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEOE. 15TH , FARNAi WANTED. 1IOHSKS TO WINTER : BEST Ol cire : terms renwmable. A. W. I'helpi & Son 207 N , Y , Life bid ? . Telephone 1051.M373 M373 D27 * HORSES WINTERED : BEST OF CARI Kltcn horsoM. Inith winter nnd summer. Ad driss M. J. Welih. Oreina , Neb. M772 PAWXIIIIOICKUS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONKY. 4H N. 16 ST 419 COAL. FOU BITUMINOUS COAL. CAR LOADS. FOI domestic or steam purpose * , addrcns I xcetslo' ' Conl Mining Co. . Pu Quoin. III. M1C9 PIS' MUSIC , AHT AND IAXC3UACn. GEORGE F ! GKLLENBECi : . BANJO ANt guitar teacher. 1815 Chlcngost. _ 109 _ 1\R OIRAT iTvilOAINS IN PIANOS SHI Win. II. Schmollcr. 5th door McCngue btilldlm ? "M 21 * LOST. 3.00 REWARD WILL BE PAID TOR of Gordnn Setter dosr , lost or stolen hist Sun day. Omaha Furniture & Carpet Co. , 121 : Fumnm. Lost 703 UPIIOI.STI3UIM3 rUIIXITUIlC. UPHOLSTERING , FURNITURE REPA1REI nnd packed very cncnp this month. M. 8 2111 Cumin ? . Tel. 1331. ! 67 IimiOATlON ISOND SALK. Notice Is hereby Riven thnt sealed pro posnls will be received by the boaid o directors of the Middle Loup Valley Irrl gallon district of lllnlnc , Custcr nnd Vnlle ; counties , Kebraskn , nt their olllco In Wcs Union , In s.ild district , up to 2 o'clock p. m of tbo titli day of Jnniiury. 1S3S , for $100.00 of the bonds issued by said Irrigation < "s trlctj $90,000 of snld bonds belnp Iti denoml nations of J. > 00 ench , nnd $10,000 of salt bonds bcitiK In denominations of $100 each all of snld bonds drawing Interest at the rati of 6 per cent per annum , payable seml-an nu.illy. The principal and Interest of sail bonds p yable ft the olllce of the stati treasurer of the state of Nebraska , salt bondsbclns payable In Installments us fo ! lows : Jo.OOO theicof payable In eleven year : from the date thereof : $ (5,000 ( payable It twelve years from the date thereof ; $7C < > payable in thirteen years from the d.tti thereof : $ S,000 payable In fourteen year : from the date thereof ; $9,000 payable In fit teen years from the date thereof ; $ lOOOi payable In sixteen years from the dat < thereof ; $11,000 payable in "eventeen yean from the data thereof ; $13,000 payable It oltjhteen years from the date thereof ; $15OW payable In nineteen years from the dat < thereof ; $10,000 payable In twenty yean from the date thereof. The board of directors reserve the rlph to reject any and all bids. Address all bids to Chailes Nlcolal , secrStnry , Sargent , Ne > braaka. By order of the board of directors made thH Oth day of December , 1S01. GKOHGE GAURISON , President. CHARLES NICOL.AI , Secretary. i Peel Id 20t M _ Notice Is hereby given that scaled bid : will be received by the board of directors of the Alfalfa Irrigation District at thcli otllce In Ogalalla , Nebraska , on the 23d daj of December , 1895 , up to 10 o'clock a. m. , foi $21,500 In bonds issued by said district Ir denominations not to exceed $500 , and draw Ing Interest nt the rate of G per cent pSi annum , payable seml-annually nt the oltlcc of state treasurer , Lincoln. Nebraska , July and January 1 of each year. These bond : are 10-IOs ; a percentage of ptlnclpat ns pro , vlded by law Is payable every year aftoi ten years. These bonds were declared legally Issued and a valid lien upon th ( lands Included In the district In an action Ir the district court of Keith county , Nebraska which finding was reviewed on nn appca : to the supreme court of the state niul the Judgment of the lower court wag ntllrmod in the court of last resort. The board re , serves the right to reject any or all bids , Address all bids to H. C. Anderson , Secre tary. OgniiiHn , Neb. ny order of the Board of Directors of Alfalfa Irrigation District , mndo this 30th day of November , A. D , 1S95. M. A. DAUOHKRTY. Pros. II. C. ANDERSON. Sec. d2-ot _ STOCKHOLDERS' JIEUTINQ. Olllce of Lee-ClarUe-Andrcesen Hard war ; Company , Omaha , Nebraska , December U , lS9."i. Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Lee-Clurke-Andreescn Hard ware company that the annual meeting ol the stockholders of the company will be hold nt the otllces of the said company , 1210 , 1221 nnd IL'il Hartley street , In the city of Omaha , In the state of Nebraska , or Tuesday , January U , A. D. , l&'M , at o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of electing- board of directors for the company to serve during the ensuing year , and to transact such other business as may be presented at such meeting. ( Attest. ) H. J. LEE , President. W. M. GLASS. Secretary. D d32t M CARD Leaves ( BURLINGTON & MO. lilVEIUArrUes OinalialUnloii Depot , 10th & Maaon tjla.j Omaha S30am ; . Denver Express . : 4:3rti : > m.BIKHills. . Mont. & Pueet Snd Ex. 4:03pm : 4Spm : . Denver Eiorcm . 4:03pm : 7:05nm..Nebrakka : Local ( except fiunJny ) . . 7:45pni : . . .Lincoln Local ( except HuMinyn:23an ! ) : > 245pm..Fabt ! Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . Liuves ICII KXao7"BURL : INaTON 5.ArrlveT < ] OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th A Mason Sls.f Omaha 5:00pm : . Chicago Vettlbule . S00am ; 9 : < fani . . . .Chicago Express . 4:13pm : i > Opm.ChlcaRO A Ht. Louis lixprcss. . . 8 ; < r > an > ll:35um . Paclflo Junction Locnl. . . . . . . . C:30pm : _ . . _ .F 5t _ Mall. . . . . . . 2i lpm ) Leaves ICIIICAOO , MIL. & ST. PAUUArrIv ) s OmahaUnlpnpepot | , 10th & Ma ' onSU. _ pmnha 6:00pm , , . . Chicago Limited , . . , : 10:45am. . . Chicago Express jo . _ gundtty .I. 8i25pm Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N.IArrlxes OniuliuUiilon | _ Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. ( Omaha ll:00am.ri : . Eastern Express. . 7. . . , . .1 3:10pm : 4:43pm : . . . . . . .Vestlbuled Limited . 5lpm ; , . . , . . Carroll Pansenncr . . . , , , , . . .Omaha ClilcitRii , . , , . , ; ( ) 4:30pm : . I loons Ixical . . . . . D:3iim : ) . , . . , , . . . , MlBsourlVulley _ . 'JMim : Leaves ICHICAGO. R. I. " " * . I'ACIFIC.lArrlvai OmahalUnlon Dtpot , 10th & Mason Sto.l Omaha - _ HAST. IdUOiim. . . Atlantic Expresn ( ox. Sunday ) . . . BT C:25pni : . NlRht Express . 8:15am 4:50um : . Chicago Vestibule , ! Ltmlteii. . . , . l:35nrn : 4:50pm..Bt. : I'aul VestlbuleJ Limited. . . . l:33piu _ \VE3T. ' 6lpm. ! Oklahoma . Texa * Ex. t r. Sun.IOtSam lUOpm. . . Colorado Limited. . . 4:00pm : LeB\e I OTST. P. . M. & O [ ArrUes Oinahnl Depot , Uth and _ > yebjKrSta. | Omaha 8-, . Sioux City Arcoinmoj tlon. , , SjlSoth IJjISpm , . . Sioux City Kxpress ( ex. 8un.ll:55am ) : 6:4iiim. . . . . . St. Paul Llmli ii . ; 10am " Leaves I F. , K. & MO. VALLKT. IArrw Omalial Depot. 15th and Webster tils. I Omaha 3Upm. : , . Fast Mall and Express . BiiSom 2lSpm.ex. : ( Bat. ) Wyo. Kx. ( ex Motu ) : 5:3.-pni 7SOam. : . . Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday ) , , .10:25am : S15pm. . . . . . . St. Paul E i > re s t.eaxes I MISSOURI PACIFIC ; lArrlvts Oin.ihal Depot , 15th und Webster Sts. I Omaha :0IOam : : 3t. Louis Express , , , , , :00am : : SOpm St. Louis Express t:08pm : 380pm..II.Nebraska Loial ( ex. Bun. ) 9:00am : Leaves I SIOUX CITT & PACIFIC. | Arrlv i' Oinalml Depot , 15th and Webster 3ts. | Omaha Cl5pm. : . . . St. Paul Limited. ' :10am : leaves I SIOYfX "CITf aTPACIFia JArrlvei OmahaUnlaii | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.l Omaha 7:05uin.rn.Slonif : City Passenger ll > :40pm : SUSiuti SI. Paul Limited 9:30am : travel I tJNTOrTpACimr ; lArrlvts Om haynlon ! Drpot , 10tltA _ Maton 8ts. ( Omaha " > :10am.7 : North Platte"Eipreis 4:30pm : 8:10am : Ovcrlaml Limited 4:4Spm : Sipm.Beal'co : & Strumab'g Ex ( ex. Sun. ) . 4:50pm : 5 : < ipm..Grand Island Kxpress ( ex. Sun..l > :10in : ; Sjiannv. . . . . . . ITa t Hall IDitSan bmahalUolon D pot. lOlli & Uason Sts I Omaha 4J3pni : St. Lout * Cannon Bull llMan ; Current Literature. -L. Jf "Kvcrjbodr Wall * , " and "Tills Is Some thins That I'd L\ke \ to Sec , " words am music of both liyJWlllnrd Glrard , arc araoni the latest popular sens ? published by Gcral. Slmp-ijii & Co. , Snrnloga Spring , N. Y. A handsomely HliisWated monogram come from the Indian f.clwol at Carlisle , IM. I contains a large .number of faithfully vc cutcj photo engravings , exhibiting the puplli nnd the various feiltbol liolonglngs , beside : giving a brief description and record of tin Institution. It makes a splendid souvenir. Amcng the notnble articles of the Novcm bcr ISTIO of The 1'roRftss of the WorU Is at excellent and simple explanation of the Mon roe doctrine , showing the source of the prcS' cnt wlilo difference cf opinion on the menu Ing and application cf that famous principle Tha 1'roRres ? of the World Company , 1C ( Fifth avenue , Ne York. In the Christmas number of Jenness Mil Itr's Monthly will be found an ndmlrabh Christmas turmon by Itev. I'hcbo A. Hamv ford , a globing Christmas story , and a , chll < dren'.s Christmas story , equally filled will delight end pithoi ; an article on Christum ! entertainments , and another on Christum ; gifts. Ucsides these there Is an array ol practical articles that furnish a valuable tn- cyclopcJIa for the woman of today. Jjnness Miller Monthly , 114 Fifth avenue , New York Short. Stories for December presents ar attractive appearance. One of CatulleMen - lies' dalnttcat sketches , called " 1'alntlng fron Memory , " Is charmingly Illustrated by Ar thur Keller , whose drawing of the "Llttlt Shepherd ea.V wrvcs as n frontispiece to the magazine. Ther ? are stories by W. K. Nor- rls , Octave Thanet , Theophllo Gautler am' ' others that will Interest and amuse the reader. The Current Literature I'tibllshlnf company , 52-54 Lafayette Place , New York , In an article entitled "Contribution ! ) of the United States Government to Social Selene ? , ' In the November Issue of The American Journal of Sociology , Hon. Carroll D. Wrlghl shows the extent this science Is Indebted U the government for Its vast array of valu able data and the Increasing Importance ol thslr further accumulation. In a paper "Private Huslncss Is a Public Trust , " Prof , AlblnV. . Smallo points out some important truths regarding the relations of labor and capital. The University of Chicago Press Chicago. Conspicuous among the contributors to the Christmas Ladies' Home Journal are ex- President Harrison , who gives the Introduc lory paper of the scries he Is preparing upon "This Country of Ours ; " Mrs. Mary Anderpor do Navarro , who most Interestingly tells ol "My First Appearance on the Stage , " and Mary E. Wllklns , who gives the first ol "Neighborhood Types" papers. Uudyard Kip ling's latest and best romance , "William the Conqueror. " Is begun , as Is Julia Magruder's new novelette , "The Violet , " while Mrs. Ilur- ton Hairlson's fascinating story , "Tho Holi day Dinco at Worrosquoyacke , " Is dellghtfullj concluded. The Curtis Publishing Company Philadelphia. The Christmas Century Is notable botl : plctorlally and for Us literature. Perhaps the most I'trlkUig ' and novel Illustrations are those by Tlsjot from his well known series , "The Life of Christ , " whlcli have been seen only Ir Paris , but which way'later be placed on exhi bition In the United States. The article or this extraordinary woilc Is written by Miss Edith Coues. A Teal.old-fashioned Christum wtory by Stockton Iff'entltled "Captain Ell's Dest Ear. " Among the short storleo , how ever , none attrsci more attention than Hud- yard Kipling's "Tha Brushwood Boy , " accom panied by a dreamland map. This Is a realis tic plero of nctlo'n with a dream accompani ment , ono of Mr , Kipling's most original In ventions. The Century Company , New York , The short storlei In the Christmas number of Scrlbner'a ar9 remarkable for their In genuity In plot , anfl for their delicate osiitl- ment. Frank U * Stockton has a Christmas love story , with th ? characteristic title , "Tho Staying Power of Sir Rohan , " which Is In lib very * bast manner. > Henry'Va Dyke , un ; dar the title "A' "V\'liit ? > niotV'i'has a most poetic and Imaginative tale of a picture. Joel Chandler Harris" has a most characteristic tale of a faithful slave , full of touches of homely pathos. It In entitled "The Colonel' * Nigger Dog. " Artistically the most Impres sive thins in the number is the article or Alma-Tudoma , by Coamo Monkhouse , with twenty reproductions of the artist's pictures , chosen by him. with two exceptions , for this purpose. Charles Scribner's Sons * , New York. One of the most valuable features of the Annals of American Academy Is Its depart ment of notes en municipal government , edited by Dr. Lo S. Ilowe. In the November number the following subjects are discussed. The development of the street railway sys tem ; the November elections in New York ; street railway consolidation In Philadelphia ; the past year's work of ths Philadelphia Municipal league ; the water frauds In Chicago cage ; municipal reform In San Francisco ; the new city loan of Cincinnati ; the second con vention of the American Society of Munici pal Improvements ; the police commission dis pute in Omaha ; the negotiations between Buffalo and the Niagara Falls Electric Power company ; the water supply of London ; the London school board report. American Academy of Polltlpal Social Science , Phila delphia. The Christmas spirit runs all through the December number of St. Nicholas ? . There Is almot't a touch of pathos In "A Christmas White Elephant , " by W. A. Wilson , Jolly ns the story Is. A little girl falls In love with her Christmas tree , which she Imagines Is alive after reading one of Hans Anderren's tales , and her parents are at their wits' ends to know how to dispose of It. But attractive as arc these bolldny features , they do not constitute the leading charm of the number. This will bo found in "Letters to Young Friends , " by Robert Louis Stevenson. The magazine hia been fortunate enough to tecuro a number of letters ) written by Stevenson to his little ward , Austin Strong , and to other children. The first selections from them ap pear In tliU Issue , together with a new portrait trait of Stevenson and other pictures. The letters describe the romantic features of the filter's life In Samoa , and give a graphic account of his natlvo retainers.Tho Century Company , New York , The December number of Harper's Maga zine presents a holiday appsarancs In Its cover of white , gray and gold , and the Illusion Is not llspelled by an examination of the contents , beginning \\ltlt a frontispiece in color. This frontispiece Is ono of twelve Illustrations of a series of four sketches by Howard Pyle , with which the number opens. The prominence of Venezuela In recent newspaper dispatcher adds Interest to a paper by Richard Harding OSvIs , on Caracas , "The Paris of South America. " Mr. DaVlf ! found Caracas to be < a Beautiful and enterprising city , whlcli he warmly coiiimomlii'tmresldents of the United Stolen ac on Ideal Wlijter resort. A fasclnat- ng glimpse of lln''ljft ( ' mediaeval Florence Is jresentcd through jni 'tory by Thomas Whar- , on , Illustrated by iJi n. Weguelln , entitled 'Tho Last Sonnethof Prlnzlvallo dl Cemldrm. " 'A Previous Erfglgement , " a comedy , by William Dean Hwvtfje , Is Illustrated by Al bert E. Sterner. JIarper & . Bros. , New York. NEW BOOKS. TWO LITTLE I'UJGRIMS' PROGRESS By Frances Hodgson Burnett. Cloth , $1.50. Charles Scrlbner'si-SonB , New York. From Megeath Stationery "company , Omaha , Two orphans of llilare living on their aunt's' ) lB farm , 100 milesjfrom Chicago , This aunt ma gained much inUorlety aw the best woman farmer In the atatbut she Is hard and un sympathetic. The'children had been trained o like books , but.fliA aunt will tolerate no story book ? . So they meet In the barn ampere pore over Bunyan , Hearing of the World's fair , they conceive It as an enchanted city and they work for months to save monj to see Its wonders. The. story of their visit which brings thorn not only happiness bu great good fortune. Is told In a way \vhlcli < Alll Interest children and will bring tears to the eyes of older rcadsrs. THE SOWERS By Henry Seton Mcrrlam Cloth , 390 pages. Harper & Bros. , No York. From McgcJth Stationery company Omaha. Prince Alexis , a Russian nobleman , at tempts to assist his tenants by means of a Clarity league whose existence Is unknowr to the Russian government. The Kcret ol the league having been sold to the authori ties , th ? prince , aided by his agent , Knrl Stelnnutz , ( lies to London , The prince there marries a Mrs. Bamborough , the widow ol an attache who had been In Russia. Clmuk de Chauxvllle , a French diplomatist , who had loved the princess befor ? her inarrlage , fol lows the prince and his wife to Part ? , am ! there learns tint It was the princess who had , with her former husband , sold the se cret of the Charity league. With the hops of being able by means of this knowledge to force the princess to leave her husband , he follows them to Russia , nnd there Incites th ? peasants to rise against their master , trusting tint In the confusion he might carry oft the princess. The castle Is stormed , the princess le killed by the peasants , and le Clinnxvlllo dies while trying to save her. HIS FATHER'S SON By Brander Mat thews. Cloth , 218 pages. Harper & Bros. , New York. From Megeath Sta tionery company , Omaha , Wlnslow Pierce , the ton of an old Wall street speculator , Ezra Pierce , confesses to his father his love for Mary Romeyn , the daughter of his old college president. Ills father does not object to his being married , and Wliiblow and Mary are Installed In Mr. Plorce-'s house on Madlron square. Then tliu moral disintegration of Wlnslow Plcrca hi- gins. His father , who uould not stop at stealing a million by sharp speculating prac tices In "tha street , " Is professedly religious , and has a horror of gambling , drinking and sensuality. After the first few months of comparatively happy married life Wlnslow't , natural \\eakrtess leads him Into evil ways. On one pretext or another he steys away from hotre more and more at night , drinking and gambling. At the time a child Is born to his wife Wlnslow Is supporting an actress. His mother , .who has noted hla downfall , tOckens and dies. Ills wife finds him out , but agrees to glvo him one > more chance. A sudden rumor In Wall street that E/.ra Pierce Is dead wipes away Wlr-slow's "mar gins" on certain speculations. He forges and Is discovered. Ills father saves him from Sing Sing , but not from his downward couri to the lowest rung In the moral ladder. THE LAND OF PROMISE. By Paul Bour- get. Cloth. 372 Pagsa. F. Tennyson Nee- lye , New York , The story Is a strong and sympathetic de scription of the manner In which n sensitive young girl , betrothed to a man In whom she has perfect confidence , on discovering that ho Is the father of an Illegitimate child , breaks her engagement and tells hfr lover that IIP ought to devote his life henceforth not to her but to the child. THE LOTTERY TICKET. By J. T. Tro\\- brldge. Cloth , $1. Lee & Shepard , Bos ton. The Mcgfath Stationery Company , Omaha. Like all of Mr. Trowbrldge's books for youth , this one tells a most wholesome1 story , while It possesses much dramatic Interest. The temptations surrounding Weber Lock- ildgo are slmlllar to those which have to be met by many young men entering upon a buulneso life , and told in the author's de lightful style the story is one that cannot fail to have an elevating Influence on the career of all young people wno read It. KYZIE DUNLEE A GOLDEN GIRL. By Sophie MJCloth , 75 cents. Lee & Shepard , Boston. From Megeath Stationery Company , Omaha. Sophie May's children series are master pieces In their line , and young and old alike find keen delight in their charming pages , and now we have "Kyzle Dunlee , " the brightest , frankest , breeziest narrative that ono could ask. A STUDY OF DEATH. By Henry Mills Alden. Cloth , 3G6 Pages. Harper & Broth ers , New York. From Megeath Stationery Company , Omaha. Mr. Alden considers the problem of death and the problem of the existence of evil as ono problem , and addresses hla attention not so much to the solution thereof as to a re statement of If ? terms as observable In the light of modern science. In his prefatory note ho says1 "Daath and Evil , as considered in this work , are essentially one , and belong to Life not only In Its manifestation , but In Us creature or generic qualities. Life , In Its principle. Is not good or evil , mortal or Immortal , but as creittve It becomes evil as well ae good , and Is Immortal only as In cluding mortality. " Mr. Alden goes on testate state that his proposition is not new ; that the same theme was treated by St. Paul. Mr. Alden's book Ii not always easy to fol low , but It Is a remarkiblo example of close and lofty thinking upon the most profound and baflllng of all human problems. COMRADES TRUC ; OR PERSEVERANCE VS. GENIUS. By Edward S. Ellis , A. M. Cloth , 319 pages. The Penn Publishing Company , Philadelphia. From Megeath Stationery Company , Omaha. Fred Hillson , sturdy of body and Rlugglth of mind and action , possessing the redeeming trait of. perseverance , Is matched In a series of contests for both athletic and Intellectual superiority with Walter Lee , lithe , active and brilliant of Intellect , but lacking persistency ; the highly Interesting results are given cvl- denlly for the purpose of showing that perse verance Is a more desirable characteristic than genius. JOSEPHINE , EMPRESS OF THE FRENCH. By Frederick A. Ober. Cloth , $ .J. The Merrlam Company , New York , Mr. Ober tells the story of the Creole girl , Mademoiselle de la Pagerle , tracing her cert > development In her Island "home , her voyage to France to meet her promised husband , who would have preferred the younger sister , but was loyally content with what the family thought bet , and her entrance Into French Eoclety. Starting thus , he easily keeps Jo sephine the central figure of his book , ciib- ordlnatlng not only Deauharnals , but even Bonaparte to her and emphasizing her Im portance to him and her Influence In his career. Considering the difficulty of writing in uncoloreil biography of a woman like Josephine- , and separating the facts of her lite from mere jealous tittle-tattle , Mr. Ober has made an Interesting book. He leaves a good many things , it U true , to the reader's oun discrimination , but his work Is well con sidered and reasonably compact , nnd while It covers familiar ground It covers It in a iumewhat unfamiliar way and will acceptably supplement the many new versions of the story of the Cerulean , with whose adventurous career that of the West Indian woman wes KO significantly associated , MENTONE , CAIRO AND CORFU By Constance - stance Fenlmoro WooUon , Cloth , 35S pages. Harper & Brothers , Naw York. From Megeath Stationery Company , OinJha , The author , In the part on Mcntona , has written what might be called a volume of travel In the form of a novel , and she gains an added Interest for her descriptions of the places from the chat and adventures of her characters. The latter are described In the first two pages , Among the descriptions those of the making of ollvo oil , of the Raymond Jeweler ARTICLES FOR LADIES. Ill Sterling Silver , orMonutcd with Silver , Thermometers. Thimble Case * . Thimble * . Tooth Ilrush Holder , TravHIng- Cups , Truvellnv Inloland * , Umbrellas , VeU t Brutlio , Vlnalareltes , Watohes. Watch 8tand > . C. S. Raymond. JSIIi anil Douglas Hit. Oj > r tirentngr , Illack Tenltcnts , of the old Inn , of Iho ilrlvc , ami of Monaco and the gambling , arc HIP beat , anil particularly the last. Tn Cairo ami Corfu the author h.n returned to the moro usual form In sketches of travel. SNOW SI10KS AND SLKDOUS. lly Kirk Mitnroe. Cloth , 271 P.IRCS. Harper & Hrothers. New York. From Megetth Sta tionery Company , Oninha. "Snow Shoes and SlfdRes" Is a continuation of thp pfory of th * "Kur Se-i' ' Tooth. " All boys who rsad the first book will bo Inter- tsted In know-Ins that Thll and Sow. after leaving St. Michael's with C.crald llamer on the latter's boat , start for Sltka. on a round about line by ths Yukon river. AVlicn they reach the delta of the Yukon they flnd StreiiRel trying to wreck the e-Miedttlon In the Interests of another trade company with which Simon QoliMollir , the > bunco-steerer that I'lill met on his trip west , was con nected. The balance1 of the plot , as might be Inferred , Is full of lively Interest. HOOKS HHCKIYKUj UICHAItl ) rOUUUST. 11ACHKI.OU lly Clement U. Marlcy. Taper , GO cents. Street * Smith , NewYork. . Tltn HtnitT TO I.OVU A drnma. by Dr. Mnx Nordin. Cloth , $1.50. K. Tennyson Nc-ely , New York , S1IOUMJ WO.MHN VOTE ? lly a bachelor. Cloth , "G cents ; paper. 2. cents. I'.uil Morse. P. O. box MO. New York. PARTNERS Hy William 0. Stoddard. Cloth , 302 paRca. lyothrop Publishing com pany , llot'ton. > TUB MISSING POCKCTI100K Hy Harry Castlcmon. Cloth , .170 pages. Henry T. Coatcs & Co. , Philadelphia. MAOA7.INKS KKCCIVKD. HHOUnS' JOUHNAIj OP HANK1NO llrad- ford Hhodes & Co. , 7S William Street , New York. Tim PHILISTINE The Uoycroft Printing Shop. Bast Aurora , N. Y. Tim CHAP 1100IC Stoti ? & Ktmball , Chi cago. THi : AMKHICAN PHILATELIC MAGAZINE Parmelce & Hrown. P. 0. Dox SGO , Omaha , THI2 WRITUH The Writer Publishing Com pany , 2S2 Washington Street , lloston. Till : SOUTIIRHN HONDEAU I. J. Sockett. Fort Worth , Te.x. THi : CHURCH AT HOME AND AIlIlOAn- Prerbyterlau Hoard of Publication , 1111 Chestnut Street , Philadelphia. CASUKLL'S FAMILY MAQAKINE The Cas- . sell PttbllsliltiK Company , Now Vork. FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW Leonud Scott Publication Company , New Yorl : . THE STRAND MAGAZINE Th ; Interna tional News Company. Now Yoik. run I > A > CIX MA.VS IXXIMJ. Dnj-s anil MKlilH of < Jlory " > ! Much I'rolH. The dancing man now has his Inning , says the New York Sun. Through tlio summer he has occasionally martyred himself by spinning about on hotel and club house floors , just to keep In practice , and now comes his reward. For two or thros weeks Invitations of various purport have poured In on him. lit goes about with a gentle consciousness that ho Is once more a person oC cotuiMeratlon , thai he occupies a well-recognized position In the world , and thnt the happiness of a good many pleasure seekers depends on him. So he drags fortli from Its chamber bed his winter dress suit , sends It lo the tailor , has lily trousers legs made a llttlo smaller , If ha Is ot the fleanless , loiiR-leggcd kind that can stand It , and some Una evening ho h-tlllss forth to erjoy theactlvltlen of the season. If this devotee of terpslchore la an old- timer , as ho generally Is , a gentleman slightly the better for wear , with a percptlble thin ning and grizzling or the locks about hla temples , the great Interest of his first dance of the season lies In thedebutantes. . It may bs set down as a rule that the more Inveterate - ate an old bachelor he may be , the more he will cast his shrewd nnd calculating eyes upon tiie maidens who nre still romantic and adore the possibility of an engagement ring. The experienced dancing man has been , to some extent , spoiled by the dancing-class mania of the last seven years. The great t'.uooth ' floors of the halls built for these occasions are so much better than those ot private houses ? that the- dancing man Is apt to ster clean cf private dances. As he fctanda In th ? doorway after having greeted the patronesses with a graceful and youthful bow , he surveys the crowd of sway ing dancers , and for a moment It sscms as It he didn't know a soul In the room. This Is n dreadful state ot things , for he prides him self on a tremendous acquaintance , and Ins a preposterous collection of photographs ot girls ho has met In a long course ot dancing , 13ut gradually well known facss b gm to crop out among the crowd. Couple after couple glides by to the rhythm of the new- two-step. lie picks out the debutantes with the ease and certainty of a connoisseur In girls. In the first place , a face wholly strange to him means a probable debutante ; In the second place , a manner of dainty ennui and a world-weary look makes ths probability a certainty. There are not quite so many girls ot the type of the old bachelor und dancing man. 3lrls have not the power of resistance In gen eral that men have , and the feminine raiiky are constantly filled by tha now taccs , while : helr halo nnd hearty partners waltz on for ever. But now and then a girl who has been : hrough five seasons' dances can be found. She Is to be recognized by her youthful 111111- ner , her artless vivacity , and a tendency to IB her hair In a kind of compromise pigtail and psyche knot which produces an effect of extreme youth. She recognizes her mate counterpait , but sseks not to allure him to tier side In place of the gentle youth -with shiny hair nnd extremely high collar who laradey her on his arm about the room , For she , too , In her own frivolous search for the novel , Is prone to take up with thosa w-ha are still In college , who talk about foot ball and societies rather than about the men und maidens who haves disappeared through the dark portals of matrimony In the past year. So nho and the dancing man let each other ceremoniously alone. The dancing man U of all slr.eo. lie Is fat and bald , thin and bald , fat and bowlcgged ; jew legged and bJld , short and bzwhlslceml , whiskered end red headed. Of course. If id Is tall IIB aoclca cut the tiniest partner he can discover ; If he Is espre'ally unprepossess- tiK , ho becomes a sutcllito of the most rcent jellc ; It he Is handsome , gallant , ami jovial , ic forever flits from ono ( lower to another , 'or all women are flowers to this nutterlly , vhetbcr they .ire enthronsd cpilnrsl the wall or not. Its \ not by any means the rule that Iho dancing man of the most extreme type la leccss.ully a good dancer ; ho Is generally a Ittle loss than graceful and a llttlo better han u bungler ; he will PUSH In a crowd , hut H not the most desirable partner to load off with In n new danc * . Ho Is like a fisherman ; nobody expects any great display of skill or h ? spoils ; of war from cither. Ills existence s mor ? active , but no moro Injurious than ho solitary Walton's , and ho Is a true adorer ot the bud and the ingenue , Yet experience courts for something , and hero arc two occasions when the far-t'lghtrd ; lrl will certainly choose for her protector me of these tried and seasoned gallants from among tha overcrowded ranks of her appli cants. Supper ID the first occasion , It Is not ho way of the thorough-going dancing mane o provide a meager and Ill-assorted supper or his partner ; ho Is not apt to dkuppcar nysterlnusly amid tha throng of black coats about the supper table , and drlnlc champagne companlonably among the stags ; ho will not spill Ineffaceable coffee on the new gown or appear covered with Ice cream as to hid own veil-ordered clawhammer. Then , too , ho Is tactful , nnd always cats something himself , Bitting down bevlda the ady of the hour nnd talking small talk with out effort or Intermission. He has learned iy experience that It Is a llttlo worrying to a vonian to pat without a man to bear her company , and he has a supreme contempt for MB haughty youngster * who dutifully brine , mck the fruit of their labors and stand r rl lrntv | fillont while thp fair nno m.iknu away with naiads and Ices. Hut an over-crowded ball shows the dune- Ing man of ten winters at his very beat. None ? la to deft as h with hla elbow In the black coats of the opposition ; If not lee graceful he U ctlll an unsurpassed pilot , and threads a paisago In the most comprested multitude. Hla Is not the foot that got wound up In the tender atfd mysterious ! ace of their whirling ladyships. His IB not liter ungloved hand on the accordion-pleated collar , Ic I ) ovidnnt that the dancing man has hlv use < , It la he who propounds problematic figures In the german : ho It Is who , If nut Juvcnlla , IB yet eligible. Ho U the cricket who danced all winter , and as such Is an anomaly both In fable and natural lore. HI * star U In the ascendant ; may he throughout the season and bt once , naver falli , One Minute Cough Cure. A ronudy for asthma and that Nver- Islt condition which accompanies a severe cold. Tha only hnrmle s remedy that pro duces Immediate result ! ) . SAVED BY A NARROW 1IARCIN Texas Gomes to the Trout with n Gnso of Mistaken Identity. FELT THE TUG OF THE HALTER Tin * ltiiic | ( Hi1a IInili lo Iliintr n Mn n f < ir Illi Til III 11 INI Hi i * rN Act Tlu * lt < -i * m * mill SiitiM .lollllliMilliin , "Speaking of remirKflblo Inflancfs of mli- token Identity , and the liability of Jurlrs tn mi-ke grave nnd Irremediable mlstakaj through n too llb'ral reliance- upon circum stantial evidence , " said Kd Liu son to a re porter of the Memphis Sclmetar. "I recollect an Instance down In Texas where < i lynching was narrowly averted only by proving to the owner of a bunch of stolen cattle tint his stock had been stolen and that the thief was tint the man the owner thought h : wna. though the owner had known this man all Ills life. "I was drumming Texas In the Interest of a St. Louh tobacco hous ! , and while nt El Paso was Invited by a ranchman , Uncle Daniel Spinner , to visit his place In Tom Green county for a day or two. We 1 ft the piss nt daylight , and after riding all day through the heavy white sand that Is to be found In broad patches so far from the edges of what was once known as the great American desert , nnd often skirting dcrs > thickets of prickly mcsqulte and passIng - Ing Innumerable giant stands of Spanlsn daggers , that stand out on theplnlm llko obelisks , we approched Uncle Dan's head quarters. We were halted about 'an hour by sun' by a lone horseman , who with stir rups Happing like wings on either slds of his puffing bronco , nnd sombrero rim lying fiat back upon the crown from the velocity of the- pace , pulled up short In front of us , and with greit show of incitement Informed Uncle Dan that the bunch of cattle that had been cut out of Ms herd n wielc ago nnd driven off by one cf his trusted hands had been found by ono of the scouts sent out In pursuit , nnd that the * cattle and cattle thief were now approaching on the way back to the ranch. EASILY IDENTIFIED. " 'The boys thought they better bring the pirate to headquarters , ' explained the horse man , 'so'ze you could have n look at him be fore wo presented him with a crown.1 "I'ncle Dan and I rode beside the horsjman a short tlmu nnd came upon a most remark able scene. A couple of cowboys were driv ing about 100 head of stock , nnd In the rear were about a dozen cow punchers of the typical Kind , imrroundlng a. woe-hegono and mournful Individual , who also was mounted on a sorry- nag , but had a lariat thrown loosely over his neck , the other end held by a dozen stout hinds. The Individual thus towed along was oozing perspiration from every pore. Ho was hatlew. Ills shirt was almost torn from his back , and with hla hands tied behind him he had no use for bridle reins. " 'This man , Ed Simmons , has worked for mo over ten years , ' related Uncle Dan'l , as wo rode up to the cowboys , 'and I nsver knew him to do anything wrong before. I knew lite people down In east Texas , nnd I have known this fellow since he was a lad. I would hatn to see him Htrung up , but the buys don't stand any foolishness , anj If they have got the right man even my authority couldn't prevent them from executing the law Imposed on the most serious crime known In the cattle country. ' "When we reached the prisoner and the ; uard. Uncle Dan having already Identified his stolen stock by the brand nnd other pe culiar features. Undo Dan said : " 'Ed , I never thougljt you would do any thing like this. ' "Ed only smiled sickly. " 'Don't yen know the boys arc going to string yen up ? ' asked the boss. " 'I s'pose so , ' was the grinning response. The poor fellow was so scares nnd overawed lie didn't have sense enough loft to look seri ous. He never originally enjoyed much sense , evidently. "Uncle Dan talked to the guard ? awhile , and then In a matter-of-fact way said : " 'Well , take him off somewhere. I don't want to see It done , ' for Undo Dan was a ender-hearted man. I wasn't anxious to sco : ho fun , either , and rode on with the'boss lu he rear of the bunch of stock. PROTESTED III3 INNOCENCE. " 'That fellow says ho Is the other Ed,1 re marked ono cf the two cowpuncherj that remained to drive the cattle. " 'What ! ' exclaimed the boss. " 'Ho says he's the other Ed. ' "Undo Dan pulled up short. Then In a moment hn sent spurs Into his pony and How across the sand , regardless of the trail , I In hla wake. In a few minutes wo reached the spot where the lynching party had stopped in the bed of an aroyuvhcrc a cottonwood tre cast a shadow. "Hold up , there ! Hold up ! " ohoutcd tha old man as ho get within calling distance. "The lynchcrs desisted at the word of com mand and BtooJ motionless until wo came up. Wo wore none too soon. The halter had nlready bson thrown over a stout limb and the wretch wag about to engage In the final prayer that Is allowed oven by the execu tioners of Judge Lynch'B statutes. "Jumping from his pony , Uncle Dan hur ried up to the kneeling fellow. Shaking him by the shoulder , he exclaimed : ' " the other Ed ? ' "Do you say you arc " 'Yes , sir. ' " Then why In the world didn't you say go n while ago ? Stand up till I get a good look at you. ' "The frightened fellow stood up , grinning and wiping hi ? hand over his eyes. " 'By gosh , he's right. It is the other Ed. Turn him loose , boys. Well. well. The old. man was so excited ho didn't know what tn do , and only by a variety of well-turned profanity could he relieve lilmaclf. Ho could only stare and rrtammcr out questions. At. Ust he got sufficient of the alleged thief's story to explain everything , added to what ho nlicady knew. IT WAS THE WRONG TWIN , "Riding homeward ) iu explained thlnga to me. It seems Uncle Dan was born and raised scmuwheru in Brazes rounly. Ntnr his father' * place lived a squatter immn'l Simmons , who had two sons , twins. Edwin and Edward by nnmo , so alike In appearance their father could scarcely distinguish be tween them. Young Pan Spinner grew up with the twins. They were his playmates. Later In life when he esUhllthcd a big ranch out west In Tom Green county 1m took Hd- win With him an his most trusted servant , About a month prevloua to the HCOIIO I wit nessed Edwin got a letter from his father ufferlnK to buy a bunch out of Undo Dan's stock. Edwin mentioned thin to Undo Dan , but no deal wau made , though Uncle Dan would have nmdo old man Slmmonx a pres ent of the ntuck If ho Wd In ne-ed. About Lhat time Edwin went homo on a visit. A couple of weeks latc-r ho returned and the same night disappeared with 100 head o ( itock. The purzult and capture followed. Then It was learned that It was not Edwin lint Edward who had returned , und the stock he had driven olt was the bunch purchaee4 by hla father , the umlomtundlni ; being that the deal hud been perfected , The twins were so much alike In dronn , beard , volco and manners Hint even Uncle Dan , who had known them all his life , could not distin guish between them. "That night there were bis times on the Much. Liquor w * turned loose. Thcro ivero pony races and target practice , nnd next day Edwurd wan Ktnrted un his way lomo with Ills Muck with a big hurrah. " Tlu > Modern .Motlirr [ fas found U at her little ones uro Improved note by the pleasant laxative , Syrup of ings , .vlicn In need of the laxative effect of a ; c-ntle remedy than by any othtr , anI that t Is moro acceptable to them. Children ; njoy It and It benefits them. The true remedy. Syrup uf Flea , U manufactured by .ho California Fig Hyrup Co , only. QUAKER OATS Tito Child Loves It. The Dytipoptlc DeinnndH It : The Epicure Dote * * oa It. DO YOU EAT IT *