n Til 15 OMAHA DAILY JB1513t "MONDAY , D12OI5M1VIBU 1(5 ( , 1805. SWIM OR SINK WITH MURPHY Catholics at Tecurnseh Dcoitlo to Stand by the Discredited Priest. OPENLY DEFY THE BISHOP OF LINCOLN IiiiiMlrriHiM Tli real of i\c-uiiiiiinnl- ntlon HrliiK" > < Terror1 lo HIP C'oiiKffKiillon of SI. AnilriMi'M , \Vlio llnrl Iliu-U Iti-NolnlloiiM. TKCUMSniI. Neb. , Dtc. 15. ( Special Tele- /rarn. ) The members of St. Andrew's Cath olic church hero held open meeting nt the conclusion of services by Pastor William Murphy today. A set of resolutions was drafted and unanimously adopted by the members to the effect that they openly nnd unhesitatingly uphold Father Murphy In the stand ho has taken In the controversy now existing between lllshop nonacum nnd him self and censuring lllshnp llonacum for hla persistence In continuing bli persecutions against Murphy. The resolutions declare that Honactim has no right to attempt to dissolve tlie present legally authorized corporation holding the local church property and take ponsesilon of the property himself , and the members of the congregation announce them selves as bitter against llonacum for the open Utter recently published , In which he made threats of excommunication from the church nnd depriving of Christian burial the Catho lics holding communion In thlngi spiritual with Murphy. They make the opsn declara tion that , as Catholics , they denied the right of any bishop to foist upon them any person ns prleit through malice or rtvengc , and to give to said priest possession of c'.iurch ' prop erty without their consent , and declare that they will In no way be Intimidated to act In the premises against the principles of right and Justice by public threats of excommuni cation or taking away the sacred rights enjoyed - joyod as Catholics. They Insist It la th& duty of the church to Investigate the scandalous condition already too long tolerated In the dloccso of Lincoln and call upon all Catholics of the state lo unite In taking sutfii Immediate action In getting solicitude and authority re garding such present conditions from proper Catholic tribunals ot this country ami Home. Illl.SIXKSS SI UN Avl' YOH1C UMl'R. Slcpn TiMiiiril KiirtnliiK n I.oi'nl AMNO- clndoii Alrt-ndy Tnltoii. YORK , Neb. , Dec. 1G. ( Special. ) A busi ness men's association will be organized nt this place In the near future. On Friday night n number of the business men of thin city met In the olllco of G. W. Shrcck and talked the matter over. A temporary chair man and secretary were chosen and a call Issued for a meeting on Thursday evening at the city hall. An organization of this kind Is Just what Is needed nt this place In order -strengthen business and Insure more con fidence. One firm who left thli city on ac count of the outlook nnd not of poor trade , seeing the business of the merchants , not withstanding the "hard times. " have con cluded to come back. York's business men are as enterprising as will be found through out the state nnd the town has held Its own all through the past few years. State Superintendent Corbett Is In the city. Mr.V. . J. Sherman and Mrs. G. II. Kelly , who have been In the city , the guests of their sister , Mrs. A. D. ChaUerton , returned to Lincoln yesterday. Mis. W. W. Wyckoff and little daughter left for California , where they will visit for several month * . Mr. Wyckoff accompanies them a short distance. -The Woman's Hellef corps and the Grand Army of the Republic of York will give nn entertainment on the 20th of this month for the benefit of the Methodist Episcopal church. A llns program , consisting of York's1 best musical talent , will participate. , Wllber Holmes , a porter of the Hloclget hotel pf this city , metylth a very painful accident yesterday morning. While engaged In stirring a fire In a furnace the gas Ignited and his lacs and hands were badly burned. It is thought that he will be all right In a few dayj. A flro ladder has been erected on Hie west sldo of the court house here nnd a hydrant extended to the roof. The supervisors of York county have seen the usefulness of this plan , when the beautiful Methodist church was burned roino time ago , owing to the fire department being unable to reach the burnIng - Ing portion. A fireIn Ihe court house at this time could bo extinguished with but llttlo trouble. All of the county cllicea of the building have been supplied with In candescent lights , Illicit SIIIMV n ( IlyimulN. IIYANNIS , Neb. , Dec. 15. ( Special. ) There has ben more snow hero this month than any previous month for five years last I past.Mrs. . Stllson , wife of the county Judge , has returned from nn extended visit to Aurora. Mrs. Nlckles was called to Council Bluffs last week on account of the Illness of her sister. Surveyor Ault has quit the survey of Grant county for the winter. He will resume work in Ihe spring. There was a double- wedding here last week at Hie West house. Principal Smith of local schools and hla primary teaclier , and C. Lar son and Anna Huvsell , were married. At an entertainment recently $35 were realized , which will be used for a Christmas tree and to purchase presents for the llttln one ? . Kd MartIs building a fine resldsiice which \\lll be completed In a few days. The new 0-itliollc church , which lias been building tliU fall , will bo dodloatcil next week. Tin * Klncald stock of goods nt Whitman , was taken on execution , nnd will bo sold by the sheriff. Oril PcrNoiuil Mnilloii. ORD , Nob. . Doc. 15. ( Special.-Kev. ) Dr. Shank , editor of the Omaha Christian Advo- : ate , Is visiting In the city , Ota Ilnlley left Wednesday for a visit with friends and relatives In Trxjs. Thomas Smith of Now York la vliltlng hlc * uncle , A. J. Smith. In district cciirt last week the- first business was the granting of three divorces. Joseph Nothcrs , who was arreited for rob bing the home of AV. It. McNut , han been sentenced to one year In the pnltentlary , The Ord Irrigation dl trct ! IB now ready to let contracts for excavating Its ditch. No contract will be let to any dne person for more than u mile , but lc 3 may be con tracted for. At the regular annual meeting of Ord camp of Modern Woodmen of Amcrlpa the following were elected odlccrs for the en suing year : E. J. Clements , V. C , ; J , A. Patton , W. A. ; K. Wllllama , B. I ) . : W. A. Andrews , clerk ; I ! . C , Clifford , esrartf A. J. * Shirley , sentry ; It. M , Lavcrly , watchman ; A. M. Oanlelf , manager , and P. D. HalJo- man , physician. _ DlMltll Of OlU > Of OIIIV'H I'Ml-Hi .SfttllTt. . NRDIIABKA CITY , Dec. 15. ( Special , ) John and Ilurvey Morgan last night rerslveil the news of the dentil ot their father , Felix Morgan , at his home In Clehourn1. Tex. , The d ceased WAR one of tbt > oldest settlers 'n ' this locality , having come to CHoe frcm Ireland In 18'in , He moved Into Tf-\ns abjut a year , aga , and wus engaged In farming there at tlie time ot MX death. Council No. IS ! ) , Royal Arcanum , elected the follnwliif ortleers : Ueg nt O. W. Hawke ; vice regent. Jnhn .Sulnhnrt ; put regent , Cluiiloa W. Walters ; ora'nr , W < F. N , Houicr ; collector. U. II. Miller ; secretary , F. n. SptMicer ; lieasurey , S. A. Hall ; chupl.iln , J. I ) * Or n ; guide. F. C. Dunn ; warden , J. E , QauJey ; gentry , C. Anderson. Tnn Dentil * nt Hi. HASTINGS , Neb. , me. 13.--Spcctel ( Tele- gram. ) .Mrs. Lucia I Ionium ilted st an early hour tills morning of heart dlswae , She uuo 65 years old , and conitdvred In excellent health up to within twenty mlnut'K of her death. Tla < funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon , Mli ) llelfii Luitlg. tlie only daugbfr ot Mr. ami Mu. Max Luttlg , d'cd ' Utt night after n v ry brief Illness , VluorouM SCylu of Dcliali' . DE11OLT PI.AC13 , Neb. . Oe. 15. (3p-I.il. ( ) At the last nuctlng ct the. Columbia JJiv i [ bating society , FrlOuy , Uori'inbcr 19 , trouble nroie before the mwtlnR was called to order A boy nimt-d Ilamner Infllclcd an ugly wound on one named Debolt , cutting him the full length of the fnc ? , between the cyo am par. Up wns dlsartne < 1 , but threatens to re new the conflict at Ihe next meeting. Sitrpy Coiuily 'IVnHirr i. 11KLLKVUK. Neb. , Dec. 15. ( Special. ) The Teachers' assocUUon of Snrpy count ) held Its second mc Ung of the year here Saturday , Supe.-lntendont I'altcr on presiding About twenty-five teachers , beside a numbsr of visitors , were present. Some very able papers wcro preosnted and an open discus sion of the question , "How Can n Teacher ttlcvnts His Vocation' " excited great In terest. Music for the occasion was furnished by Mlf i Httn Storrs and a number ot the school children. After all the papers ha < been dUcusied the chairman calle.l Super intendent-elect Spcedle to th- > chair and then hade the teachers "godspeed" in c few wel chosen words. A refles of resolutions tender ing the thanks of the teachers ot the county for his faithful work to the outgoing tm- pcrlntendent. J. S. rntte.rson , cro pre sented by Miss J. Flynt and adopted by a rlii'.HK vote. The meeting adjourned to reconvene early In the next year at Springfield. Krcmiirt Secret FREMONT , Dec. 15. ( Special. ) Frcmcnt lodge , No. S3 , D. of 11. . elected the following officers Friday evening : C. of II , , Mrs. A. H. Stewart ; L. of II. , Delia Hastorf ; C. of C. , Mn. F.o-a Yaklsh ; 10 ordo' , Jill a Re kmoytr ; receiver , .Mrs. IJelle 11. Smith ; financier , Mrs. T. II. Hamlln ; usher , Dertha Elilenfeldt ; L. W. , MH. N. S. Short ; 0. W. , Walter Reckmeyer ; A. E. Stewart , Fanny Dodson and Mrs. Mary Hanson , trustee * ) , The Daughters of Veterans elected the fol lowing officers Friday evening : President , Emma Gay ; senior vlc. % Katie Rcgcrs ; Junior vice , Georgia Priestly ; chaplain , Ida I'lpurj treasurer , Mlntal Stiles ; ojcretnry , Mrs > . II. U , Stanford ; Inside guard , Carrie Ilalduff ; guard , Pearl Forney ; organist , ' Cora Owen. The county board has offered a reward ot $50 for the arrest ot C. K. Hush , who escaped from the custody ot an officer November 27. Kurcivi'll < > Colonel HKlenliy. VALENTINE , Neb. , Dec. 15. ( Special Tel egram. ) The friends of Colonel J. T. Oglesby , who has recently boJn appointed special United State- * Indian agent , met nt the Whlto house last even ing , forty strong. After partaking ot a repast speeches were made , the most consplcuouu being those of Judges Tucker nnd Walcott on behalf of our citizens , testi fying to the esteem In which Colonel Ogleaby was licld by our citizens , and re plies thereto Sy J. J. Carroll , Just from Georgia , his successor , nnd Colonel Oglesby Ths colonel left this morning for the east to enter on the discharge of his new duties. W ' < iloii Xc of tinAVcoU. . WESTON , Neb. , Dec. 15. ( Special. ) John Hcoak , a highly respectable citizen and pioneer neer of this part of Nebraska , died Frld-ay , after a lingering Illness. Revival meetings have begun at the Methodist Episcopal church , conducted by Rev. Mr. Wlmherly. A large quantity of corn Is being marketed at this point , but very little Is handled by the elevators , the cattle feeders buying nearly all. It Is reported that some of the f.irmers near here have caught , the craze , and are quietly prospecting for gold. fitMiiM-a ! Store n < Ord IliirniMl. ORD , Neb. , Dec. 15. ( Special Telegram. ) About S o'clock this morning fire broke out In William Fellows' gen.ral store. In the Woodbury - bury block. The morning was calm and by dint of hard work the lire was soon under control. Mr. Fellows carried a stock of from | 6,000 to $7,000 , which Is almost en tirely ruined. Insurance , $2,500. Brldgeford & Nichols moved their drugs to n vacant by , and escaped with small loss , and no In surance. Loss on building Is covered by Insurance. The tire was probably caused by something smoldering In a wooden box used as a cuspidor. I'liuiM for MulCi'l rlniti'N Funeral. HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec % 15. ( Special Tele gram. ) The remains of ex-Congressman William A. McKelghan , who died In this city nt an early hour this morning , will be taken R > his home In Red Cloud tomor row morning , where the body will be Interred. Six members of Silas A. Strickland post , Grand Army of the Republic. No. 13 , will act as pall bearers , while the balance of the post will march to the western part of Second end street , where it will meet the funeral procession and march to the train In a body. Sffi-et SoclctlvH KIci-t onieerx. NORTH IlEND , Neb. , Doc. 15. ( Special. ) The Modern Woodmen ot America , at 'their annual election last Monday night , selected the following officers : V. C. , C. W. Doane ; W. A. , D. Walker ; E. D. , J. F. Zorn ; C. , C. S. Fowler ; managers , H. Chalmers and L. W. McCIuchon. Public Installation will be held January 13. The Ancient Order of United Workmen held their annual election Friday night and chose the following ofllcers : M. W. , John Cherney ; F. . n. Day ; II. . J. E. Newsom ; T. , G. E , Springer ; U. , M. Dowllng. AMMlKitiMl fluComimiiy'N Income. HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec. 15. ( Special. ) Mr. Low mini , the manager of the gas company , has notified all patrons of the company that on De-comber 1 , 1S53 , the company assigned to Edward Woodman of Portland , Me. , all rights , title and interest in and to all sums due the company for gas on service furnished prior to that time , and nil the profit on the contract for gas and service furnished by the company to February 1 , IS'JC. Ill's action will no doubt knock the former manager , William Ilynes , out of hib ? COO attachment. IM-opoNcil LcutiU'c n ( Ilcnlrlcc. BEATRICE. Deo. 15. The first entertain ment In the Beatrice Literary club Is n lec ture by General 0 , O. Howard next Tuesday evening. About COO season tickets have al ready been sold. The bonus asked for by the King Press Drill company for the location of Its factory In lleUrlcchas been pledged , but In the niMiitUnn the company has changed Its plans and nnnouncs a Its Intejitlcn to Ignore the proposition made the city oi Beatrice and remain ut Blue Spring * . Hcinllcy NotcH ofCIVH. . 1IENDLKY , Nob. , Don. 15. ( Spfclal. ) Mrs. Charles Winters and children , \\l\n \ have been visiting friends nnrt relatives In Kentucky the pJst four month ? , returned h me yester day. day.MIB. . Heed of Edgar ia visiting her eon , S. K. . of this place. \V. A. Day of Ohl.iwa , Nflb. , accompanied yy 111 * fJth r , Is looking after his real estat ? ntresta In this locality this \\cuk , Section Jlim'H Iliinil .MiiNlifil. WVINCiTQN , NVh. , Uec. 15. ( Special. ) While at work for the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mlsscilrl Yall y railroad Martin Law-son yes- tnrtlay mot with a severe accident. Ills hand was masliu'l by a sledge hammer In the liands of another worknian , _ l' > IMuii Sovlul nl Clay Center. CL.VY CENTER , Neb , , Ioe,15. ( Special. ) The Knlghti ) of Pythias and .Masonic lodges : of this place gave tlie-lr nnmul tnclul to mem- } ? r and their families Friday evening , nnd Cfiitrnl ball was crowdril , A spl ndld hupp.r foil , we I. _ _ Intlliiniiln'N MiiHonlc Tcmpli * Injured. INPIANOLA , Neb , . Dec. 35 , ( Spiclal Tela- gram , ) The new Ma onle temple was dam aged about ? 1UOorth by fir * this afternoon , \n old ptove tueil to dry the plastering cauurt the blase. Loss fully covered by | n- Itolilifil on Vlnton .Street. Edward N wmnit of liawson , ? 'cb , , last light I'Torttd to th" iiollco ( it Omaha and South Omaha that be bad bo < ! n held up nnd robbed of $ IJ nt Twenty-feeond nnd Vlr.ton "troettf iu about 8 o'clock , lit nays \o \ WEI * walking ficm Onmlia tu Buuth Omaha when he was mei by .two men , one with a fur com unU cup , the other wearing a cloth nr i co.it and a nloucli hat. The former held him while the li.lter woni tluottfcli hi * pCM-'tu ] , Ho win not aruatilivd , thH hlglm-aytncn taltlnw to their hcc'a HI s ion ii they Meentvd Hie inoncy. Th * iiollev urt InrllncJ to dUcreUlt the affair. The perfume of violets , tit * purity of the Illy , theslcn \ of the roa ? , and ilia Hush of Hebj cainblui ; In Poninl'i wwndrous Powder THE PICKANIXSV PREACIIEB Girl of Ton Who Talk ? Wise ami Playswith Dolls , PREACHING TO THOUSANDS IN NEW YORK ItcIlKloiiH llnlliiiNliiiiii "r IMI I I'll b. . Mlllc rifrrlln > nry Avcry HiiNliuv Itiincy for I'oor Tolorcil Children In I InSouth. . A very small colored child with a very bis black hat walked with much solemnity Into the ofilce ot the New York World. She put her gray muff on n desk , sat In a re volving editorial chair , and , with legs swingIng - Ing clenr , made this announcement : "I am Cleretta Nora Avcry , the child preacher. I was converted to. God when I was 1 % yenrs old. 1 lotnember It , O , so well. I felt myself filled with a love for everybody , ns cve'-y other Christian feels. t felt myself full of horror for sin. I have preached to 2,000 people nt once. I preached to 1 000 the other day. I never prepare my sermons. I am 10 jcnrs old. I have been preaching for two years. It's no trouble to preach , Are you the editor ? " She stopped nnd gazed with natural pride at the patent-leather tips of her new but toned boots. She looks like nn average little colored girl , except that her eyes are different from any eyes In any face , white or black. She Is very dark , but not quite black. Her blood Is probably three-quarters African. It Is a typical African face , but It Is lighted up nnd made startling by the wonderful eyes. When they were spoken of she laughed nnd said : "Yes , everybody talks about my eyes. " She thinks more of her new boots now than she docs of her eyes , but that will change In a few years. STRANGE WINDOWS OF A SOUL. The eyes are almost as big as silver del lars. The lashes are long , heavy and black. The eyes nr ? a deep brown , and as bright as the eyes of a colored baby. They ore Spanish eyes. The child's grandfather was n Spaniard and those eyes conic straight from him. They look as strnng ? lighting up the little colored face as the eyes of a roarIng - Ing lion would look In the face ot a white lamb. The Infant preacher's forehead Is high and her hair , more than curly. Is tied up and stretched back with great skill and cour age. It makes two pretty puffs on top of her head and around the sides and at the back It nlmpcs Itself Into Innumerable little twisty tails and knots. The child has a well shaped head. Her hands are long , slender and delicate. Her Infant brain works all the time. When allowed to enJoy - Joy life In her OVM way she plays with dolls , some black and sonic white. But she Is ready at a moment's notice to break off Into prayer or preaching. She preaches and prays with fluency and some Intelligence , although her utterances suggest the words ot a conventional grown preacher rather than the Inspiration of nn emotional child. It Is Impossible for a common man ordinarily deficient In faith to doubt that her sermons are prepared for her and learned practically by heart. For an hour she sat and owung her legs and talked with great self-possession. She answered all questions , always stopping first to think what she should answer. Rev. Mr. Dart , a most Intelligent clergyman and pro fessor , accompanied her , but she did not turn to him for help In answering. First of all she was asked for full details concerning her conversion at the age ot IS months and about the remarkable memory which enabled hr to recall It. She was also asked to state which of th ; sins committed by her up to that age seemed to her the most sarlous and most to endanger hsr ultimate salvation. Her answer was deliberate. These are her words : EIGHTEEN-MONTHS-OLD CONVERT. "I was a year and a half old. Of course 1 remember It. I was la church , and the goings-on greatly impressed me. You know that the colored people fel religion more strongly than the whites , and experience more emotion. Very well. I nns In my mother's arms , and noticed everything. I could talk , and that is very young to talk. Not a3 young for a colored child , howaver , for your superintendents of schools will tell you that at a very early ago the-colored children imrpass the whites In Intellectual develop ment altogether. They are more precocious Intellectually. My father was preaching. He was a preacher like myself. "Suddenly I knew that I was converted. I straightened myself up In my mother's arms 33 well as I could. She did not know what was the matter with me. But I did. A great light broke In on me , and I said In a voice os loud as possible : 'I want every one here to help me praise God. Every one must help mo praise God , ' You can Imagine the eur- prlaa of my mother , and of every one else. They had never seen such a young convert , and r do not think any ono else ever saw such a young ono In modern times. "Of course you know that Samuel and John the Baptist were converted as Infailts , but 1 uupposa that I wis then the youngest pro fessing Christian living. I was very happy about being converted and free from sin , "Of course , I know that at that time I had committed no sin that would be considered ssrloits by the average sinner. But that l liccaufo we are all hardened to sin. God Is so pure and so free from sin that In liU eye ? the sweetuyt child , say two days old , is Im- purn and sinful. It Is all a matter of com parison. At that early age , in the eyes of the Lord , f was a sinner , and It was well for me that my young mind was able so scon to re alize my awful condition. "I knew even then that I was sslflsh with the s'lfishnesH of children. I was undoubt edly Inconsiderate In my treatment of my mother , f wan In sire need of the conversion which came to me. ANSWERS SKEPTICS IN ADVANCE. "Of course , I know that many people will not believe that It was possible for me to D3 converted at such an age. But the tame ? upplo would not believe It possible for me : < > , 'preach at this age , ana you sea that I am Breaching. To doubters I always say : 'You tray doubt It , but 1 know It and God knows t and I am satisfied. God can acquaint n Ittle child with himself before that child cnows It parents. ' You must remember , too , .hat God U < able 'to clionio the weak things of the world to confound the things which are nighty , ' and that 'out of the mouths of j.ibej and sucklings' ho Is able to ordain ftrength and perfect praise. " Mr. Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan once xaltl , to be funny , tint he remembered when lire ? days old that the butler kluaed Ills nurse and that IIP inado up his mind then an-J there o tell his mother about It as scon as he thoulJ 3e able to talk. He will bu glad to hear of Mleo Avery , who U his rival In memory. Tim child preaclitr had been Invited ( o coins and explain her mission and her object In life , U present she U preaching primarily to save routs , and secondarily to raise money for a girls' school In Charleston. She preaches lireo times a day , and lo anxious to pmicb ) oforo white people as well as colored. It Is not probiblo that thl very young woman does all her ow'ti thinking , or that she selects fsr irrself tuch texU as that about the candl- stlcks with m-cn branches. She would not bs apt to go on 3i sbe dots to compare the wvcn iranchcs to the-seveti branches of the church , Hut wliovtr teaches her her lewon , she earns It well , and she Is a very self-nojsessjj young psrwii with sonie. Ideas , of her own , . The wise Johnson laid that a woman preach- ng wns like a dog standing on IU hind legi. Wo admire her. not because she do It well , tut bec-Jiis-o slio du.'a It at all. What Mr , roluiion would liavo said about an infant emalo preaching It J * hard to guess. HERB'S INFANT WISDOM FOR. YOU , These arc no me thlngi ) that the child ( readier laya as shetalka along : "I like the jiortU girl well. "I generally prejcli about half an hour , I lo not believe In long sermon * , Tliey are bo cure of religion. You can tell the averngo Klnmr u much aj lie can unJentand In wraty minute ; , "You niuit t > pik ct the colored people as colored people' If you want to tin pcllto to tlieni. At the lame time , they do not object o being called 'ntgro.E. ' In fact , that Is the > C9t word for them. They da not like the word 'Afo-Amrrlcin , ' It U too conipllci'efl ' and dees not inesn much. They are Ameri can * , but they ure colored. You muit never call tlit'iii 'nlgg n. ' That Uy hate as an Irishman TisleT being called 'IMddy , ' a Ger man 'DutrJiy.1 .or an Italian 'Dago. ' "t wns jHil [ 8 yeirs old when I told my parents thYt 1 intended to preach. They tnld I wan too young , but I did not bellovo It and t did preach , "I can read lyetty well. 1 read In the third and fourth1rrnners. . I do not know all of the bible , but I ajrf getting to know U mere and more , 1 read a little of It every day. " The fact that a chlU of 10 yeor can talk lo 1,000 persons and keep them Interested Is an extMonllmVy fact. The absolute rolf- p3ss sslon and self-confidence of this child make of her undoubtedly a great curiosity. These are Samples of her s'rmonlzlng , sen tences ( lollvccnt gravely and deliberately , while th * cnitlonal negroes listening till the air with their exclamations : A CinLn's ' PLEA TO SINNERS. "Thera Is no question tint the Lord can never die. "The Imm6rtal poUl must live , but O , my friends , shall It live with God In heaven or with the devil In boll ? "It Is for us to help the sinners and turn them around , I wish I could see- every sin ner turned around and marching to eternal glory. "We know there IB n God , wo know that Jesus can do all things. Look ! Ho speaks to the wind and the storm , and all Is peace. He lo the resurrection. He holds the keys of death and hell , "If we milst live and never die let It be whore there Is rest. "If sinners only knew the dangerous path they were following they would turn back , tit : path leads to boll. "I can Imagine I hear the doomed ones In hell warning the sinners to turn back. " \Ve want the Christians to be true and pure and fight until the war Is over , "No one knows how sweet Is religion until they have It. Sinners ? , 01 make up your minds nnd change from nature to grace be fore It Is too late. The angels are beckon ing to you ; do not say you cannot give up the world and Its pleasures. Turn all around nnd accept grac ? . You are walking on the brink of hell. "Many sinners are allowed to return from the very edge of hell that they may repent. Christians , if the spark Is nearly out , If you are almost In despair , go lo Jesus. He will renew your slrongtb. Sinners , we want you to get religion. "You will eee no great wonders , but you will be happy. " When Miss Avcry's picture wns finished she gravely signed her name to It. It was suggested that she write ths word "preacher" beneath the name , but she sala : "No , I won't do that , because I can't make a capital P very good. " Mlsp Avery , who takes a very practical view of her work , a view calmer and more philosophical as wall ns more modest than the vlow of a Talmage or a Dlxon , lives at 154 Sixth avenue. She means to stay In Now York about six weeks , and wants , 1f possible , to raise $5,000. The mayor ol Charleston and others have written letters paying that money collected by her will un doubtedly be devoted to ths education of colored children In the south. When the young phenomenon finishes saving souls and raising money here In the north she will stop preaching for n whll ; and go to school In Charleston. She means to be a preacher for life. Clltl , .IIAI.TUHATISU 11V A MAMAC. MHN | III n n .Simrltn of llcntoii Harbor Toi-rllilv Hcntcii. BENTON HAHBOR , Mich. . D.'c. 15. For several weeks MJss Minnie Sparks has been In mortal fear of her life and this after noon those foaijst were realized. She now Hen In an unconscious condition with her skull fractured , the result of a torrlfflc blow- by Harry Sweetman. Sweetman was dis charged fro'm' hejr father's employ some time ago , and It liaa grown upon the man's mind to such an extent that he has become tempo rarily Insane. Last week he secured en tranced to her hduoe and tired two pistol shots at the girl , but both bullets failed to hit the them ark. She kept silent about thft epi sode and the police did not hear ot her perse cution until her bruised bcdy was found this afternoon. About 3 o'clock Sweatman caught .Miss Sparks just as she was about stepping frljra tile house. Ho struck her n terrible blojv upon the head , which knocked her sdnsalesa ainj" fracturei " pr skull. , Tlv n fjo Oiled her , mouth" with dirty rags and ( led her fete together , drawing thecords tight and cutting the flesh. Sweetman got an other rope and looped It around the helpless gorl's neck , evidently with the Intention of strangling her. However , some noise frlght- emd him and he dragged her to tbo woodshed and hurled her through It. He then escaped. Five minutes afterward Miss Sparks' condi tion wao discovered. Police have been on the hunt for Sweetman , nnd It Is said If he lo canght before public Indignation has a chance to cool down he"8may be lynched. AH ( o XlciiriiKiiu'M Canal. MANAGUA. Dec. 14. ( Via Galveston. Dec. 1G. ) Judge Durate. of the supreme court has written an opinion bearing : on the question of the nnnullment of the contract of the gov ernment with the Nicaragua Canal association. He hopes that Nicaragua will first demand a prompt compliance with the terms of the : ontracts on the part of the canal association before annulling It. \o I.lKlit on ( lie I. OHM of n Tug ; . DULUTH , Dec. 15. Inman's tugs , Castle and Corona , which were with the Pearl B. Campbell , when that tug went down with hr crew of seven In the gal on Dcmbr G , ar rived this morning. The captains are able to throw but little light on the unfortunate affair. Though It Is crtaln that tbe Camp bell and all on board were lost In the terrible gale. .IIIIIH Dfxinaiitlc KorlM al Port Arthur. LONDON , Dec. 15. A dispatch to the Times from Shanghai eays : It Is report d hat the Germans and tturalans arc surveying Clao Chau bay , south of Shantung , as a loeslble naval station. Ths Russian squadron will probably winter there , the Jananzss laving rendered Port Arthur useless for the jrewnt , DeWltt'a Little Early Risers the pills that cure constipation and biliousness. Ilnlilcil n ClneHlloiinlilc IteHoH , Detective * last night raided u dlsreputa- jle house nt Fourteenth and Locust streets. [ ' 'our young men were In the place at the time. Three were ni rested , Iho fourth one escaping. James II. Kyner. the contractor and bulldsr , who owns considerable property n that vicinity , made it complaint about the olnt some time ago. Ill-each of I'roinlxc Suit la .MIxNonrl. NEVADA , Ido. , Dec. 15-rn the milt of 5. W. CInrlc against Mrs. Caroline Sim- nuns for $50,000 for breach of promise of narrlage , th& jury was out fifteen minutes and returned n verdict for the defendant , t was the trst | suit of tbe kind ever begun n Vernon county ? ' ' t. i I , Ifadcrl ; Oiu * Killing. LONDON De < J. 15. The correspondent of he Times at 'Osfaeao telegraphs a a follows ; 'I nm Infornfcfl.'Jihat ' the policy of the gov- rnment wllj bj-nto endeavor to treat the ; ruan pollce41pj-ent | ( : ) and the frontier ques- lon under WASHINGTON , Dec. lo.-The I'OHtollIce lepartment lias.lsptied n fraud order against hi Chicago AclvcrtlsInK union of Chicago , The union advertised for partlun to din- rlbutc circular * , and Ix charged with ill op- > Ing all caigmunlcatlon with them after exacting n JtWlnombershlp fee. Hull ) mill 1 ( > < fliT Arrive In Denver. DHNVBH , U/'MS.-- ! . Bald and Tom Cooper , the/trottd bicycle riders , ac companied Vy tl\er \ ! trainer ? , Asi Wlndle und James Temple , arrived from the Pa- ulllo coast this morning , and ! cft soon ufter- warda for their homes In the oust. IliiHHi-t'x Condition l'nclinii ( Ml. WASHINGTON , Dec. K.-Tho condition of Captain Italic llan. et , the venerable as- clciunt doorlccper of the house of repre sentatives , wtiB unchanged at 2:39 : a , m. nnd ho H expected to llvo through un'lt ' nornlng. _ On ! Minute Cough Cure Is a popular remedy or croup. Sate for children and adults. 1.0CA1 , IIUKVITII3S. A , Roblnawltz , a newsboy , was yesterday err ted , charged with petit larceny. He U BaU to hive ctola bund ! 3 of papers. T.-.S lr.tu ) : t ever the b.dy o' Samuel C , JuRoliviO ! v.j ( hat ; nd litllfd by his irotler-h-la\v. : : VrlU b held at 10 o'clock Ms morii'su , OmJAM/.IMl TO I-'UIJP. IHKI\M > . Military Conituiiilci HrliiK I'oriurd liy lrl-.Ii of Several rltlr * . NEW YORK , Dec. 16. A local paper will say tomorrow ; For the lost ten months n movement hns been under woy In the lodgei of the Clan-na-Gnel In this city to organize among tip best Irishman , military companies. In this city alone there I ; n well drilled nnd equipped regiment ot BOO men , nnd com panies nnd regiments nr In process of forma tion In Brooklyn , Ikfton. Chicago nnd other large clt'cs ' , It Is said the whol- movement Is a scheme to prepnio a well trained and aimed body of men to bs us d when there Is nn opportunity to free Ireland. This sch.mc Is denied by the leaders of the men , who declares that the men ars drilled for the purpose of furnishing the United States gov ernment with trained soldi ! rs In care of nn cmtrgency. But , notwithstanding this as- sertlon , It hns leaked out that Ireland's cause Is the principal object of the move ment. One of the oaths which every recruit takes , It Is said , Is to serve the cause of Ireland. According to the plan of the organizers , n regiment wiw to be formed In this city called tiio First Irish volunteers. Each company of this regiment was lo be recruited from a lodge of the Clan-na-Gael. The lodges of ths Clan-na-Oncl Interested arc : Geraldlne , Spernnza , Thomas Davis , Emmctt , Owen Rhoe , Innlsvnll , Sunburst , Napperlaldy , Wolf- tone nnd Ennlshope. No man could join a compiny unless he > was a insmber of the Clnn-na-Gnel. After becoming a member of this organization ho had to be vouched for by two well known Irishmen before he could en list. He nlso had to buy n distinctive nl- form and bo willing to pay his pro rata share of thp expenses of the organization. ISio or ganizers were successful. A battalion of four companies was soon formed and the. men were drilled. Today a regiment of ten com panies has been formed , the last company having been mustered In recentyl. Each of the ten companies has fifty men. The uni form Is like the regular army In every re spect except cap. This headgear Is shaped like the fatigue cap of the- National Guard. Its body Is of dark blue , but Its top Is a brilliant canary yellow , upon which Is trncei In bright emerald grwn braid a large sham rock , signifying "Tiie green above th orange. " The arm used U a magazine rlfl of the most approved style. It Is a very handsome weapon. The men are drilled In the latest drill regulations , Including the new manual of nrms Introduced In the Nntlona guard of this city several weeks ago. ci.osixo ivniuc OK I..VMOH co.\ciiis : < < of ( lip I'Vilcrntlon Conven tion.VIII Clone Tncxiliiy. NEW YORK , Dec. 15. The sessions of the National Federation of Labor will continue to morrow. It Is expected the convention wll conclude Wednesday , although there Is talk o a night session Tuesday , so as to adjourn oi that day. Some of the brief committees held brief sessions. The committee of organiza tion decided to report a plan for formally ad mitting to the National Federation unions not now affiliated with It , but which have askei' for admittance. The connnltte ; on labor boy cott also held a meeting , nnd It Is expected It will make n report tomorrow concerning vari ous strikes now In progress. Many of the delegates made up excursions to different points of Interest In this vicinity today. Stone' * C He fioivi Over. SHERIDAN , Wyo. . Dec. 15. ( Speolnl.- ) In the Sheridan county district court Judge Metz has granted n continuance to the next term of court to II. W. Stone , charged with theft of tht > funds of the bank of Commerce. The continuance was granted upon the grounds of the defendant's physi cal inability to attend court , his physician , Dr. Newell tilingan affidavit that he had just performetl n surgical operation upon Stone. County Attorney Hoop asserted the the affidavit was gotten up to delay pro ceeding ? , and asked that another physician be appointed to examine Stone's condition. After court adjourned Dr. Newell assaulted the attorney. Later be was arrested upon a complaint sworn out by Mr. Hoop nnd planced under bonds to answer the charge of felonious assault. Charles Davis n gambler , convicted of felonious assault , was sentenced to six months Imprisonment and fined $100. Gold Ore TonnitKc IiicrciiHlnjf ; . President Grant of the Omaha and Grant Smelting company. Is making a short stay In the city on his way home from the east. lie ppenks very hopefully of the bus iness outlcok In Colorado , and of his own company. A featuie of the smelting bus iness Is the increasing tonnage of gold ores , and Mr. Grant believes that next year the value of gold turned out at both the Denver nnd Omaha smelter will exceed the value of the silver. The fall la the price of silver hns diverted prospecting capital to the gold belt's nnd caused Improved meth ods In reducing low grade gold ores nnd these have for some time been pouring In , Increasing the tonnage of gold ore 25 or 30 per cent In the last year , coupled , of course , with the ore from rich mines like that at Cripple Creek. Letters AililrcMncil to MlNn Vclth. Miss Katie Vclth , who left her home nt Lincoln last Wednesday and came to Omaha , wrote a letter to her mother the next day , paying that she had come to this city to look for employment , and she was confident she could find work. Since then her parents have heard nothing from her. A. couple of letters are In the Omaha post- office for her. and her parents and friemU are very anxious that her attention be called to them , nnd that she answer them. IiiHlNtcil on ShcililliiK Horc. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 15.-Coiigrcssman C. J. Hoatner of the Sixth district , yester day challenged Major Hearsey. editor of the States , to ( Ight n duel. Negotiations have besn pending since , but up to thla evening , it looked as If neither side would yield , and a report to aims would bo necessary. How ever , nt a late hour tonight , tbe seconds announce that nn amicable settlement if now very likely and that there has been n stay of proceedings. Order of ClioHcn Frlcndx Upheld. LOUISVILLE , Ky. . Dec. 15. In the bult of Black against the supreme council Order of Chosen Friends , Judge Field In the Jef ferson circuit court on Saturday sustained the order on every point , holding that the changes und amendments In the plan recently adopted were made In good faith by tbe officers , nnd that they were valid and authorized. The question Involved wns vital , not only to this , but to a number of similar ca es. licv. , loMi-ili | l.nniiic ConiliiK lo O in all n. NEW YORK. Dee. 15 , Rev. Joeph Lampe , D , D , , for several" years pastor of Christ's Prcsbytcilan church , this city , said farewell to Ills conpregntlon tonight , Dr Lampe has been called to autumn the professorship of the old testament , literature nnd excgeslH In the new Presbyterian tho- o'.ogical seminary at Omaha , Neb. , estab lished bv the New York Presbytery at a cost of $75,000. _ Illx InJnrlcHVcrc Filial. HOCK SPRINGS , Wyo , , Dec. 15.-Spe- ( cal ! , ) John Gndmonson , n well known citi zen of Urccn Hlvcr , died at the Union Pa- nlllo hospital nt Ogden Saturday from In juries received In the Union Pncllle shops Btveral weeks ago. The deceased had lived In Qrqen River for nlnteeii years , had ac cumulated considerable property and was onu of the substantial c'tlzeng of the place. Illxhop ( if OUInlioiim DliiKr , GUTHR1E , Okl. , Dee. 15-It was an nounced bore today that lit. Rev. Theodora Mnrschaert , Catholic hlrhop of Oklahoma and Indian terlrtory , who left here 111 a few days nito , for New Orleans , bad b'comq so 111 that It was necessury to Inks him from the train before reaching there "ami that he In now lying at tliu point of deat'.i ' from Urlght's .disease. I'lnccrVorI , - Clour Down. ItAWLINGS. Wyo. , Dee. JKSpoclal. ) - Work on the West Side Placer association property at Dry Gulch baa been doled down for the winter. The entei prise Is In Huch shape that the work of waHhlng for gold can bo commenced early In the nprlng when an o'.ectrlo light plant will be put in 80 work can be pushed nights u.-i well as In the day time , Oilmen for luc ! < cnlicrtrtr. CHEYENNE Wyo. , Dec. 13.SpecIal. < . ) The bicycle rldtM of Cheyenne otferrd a (5J diamond pin to IIuckenberKPr , the "but termilk boy" of Denver , or any other rldor of that place , who will came to Cheyunnu am ] beat the recent record made by Johnnie Green of this place , who rode an unpaced mile on the road In 1:25. : I , I lie lli-iiNtx , STEPHENVILLK , Tux. , Dec. 15 , In nn aitcrcatlrn th's evening between Hilly Kay and T. J , Wilson , Kay was stabbed and while bleeding to death bo threw Wllfon to tbo ground and mammM his head to u nuln. Kuy U dead. Wilson cannot live. wi'usn la Kay' * uncle. "I'OIV.S" IMU.ITIl'.Ui OUCiAM/.ATIO.V. .Ncvr Order Launched liy W , II. Uartcy nt riilcauo. CHICAGO , Dec. 15. W. II. Harvey , the oracle ot free silver , who la better known ns "Coin , " today I .Hindi oil his new political party. According to the prctw notice which Mr. Harvey gave out U Is to be known as "Patriots of America. " Its jpeclnl mission Is to cdiiott- the cause of free > silver , ns well as to eliminate selfishness from politics , nnd It Is expected to rapidly overcome nil exist ing political parties. ' . The national officers are : W. H. Harvey , first national patriot ; Charles H. McClurc , national recorder , nnd James F. Adanui. national treasurer. Mr. Harvey wns first elcct.-d head of the order and he then appointed Messrs. Adams and McCluto nml the organization was declared complete. No salary nttiehej to any ot the offices except that of mtlonnl recorder , and Mr. McClure nnntttnccs he will not accept this , On the first Tuestclny ot next April , however , when the organization is expected to be In good working order , nn election will be held nnd n new set of officers chosan or th ? present set re-elected. The cnnrtltntlon expressly provides that no national olllcer can i accept any legislative- appointive olllce , nor c.'n ho acquire private properly In excess of $100,000. A sldo order called the Daughters of the Republic Is also to bo started. Its members will be- confined to the- gentler sex nnd the bend ot It will carry the proud title of the first woman of the republic. It Is not to be a female suffrage organization , but rather a helping hand to the Patriots ot America , who nro expected to do the vet ing. _ OOO909OO990OOQO AMUSEMENTS. Lincoln J. Carter's "The Fast Mall" wns given to two good Sunday audiences at the Crelghton yssterday. The production Is much the same as on former appearances here. Clay Clement Is announced for an engage ment at Crelghton for three nights , commenc ing Thursday , December 19. He will appear In his creation of the Baron Holicnstauffen In "The Now Dominion. " Mr. Clement modestly calls his clever comedy "n character titiuly In four acts. " The scenes of the * play arc laid In Virginia and It tells a wholesome love story In a charming manner. The com- txly element Is supplied principally by the baron's struggles with the English language , and her ? Mr. Clement literally obeys the command and holds up the mirror to nature , giving us In his characterization of the baron a portrayal of the real German. He Is very well supported. Among his company are Arthur Lee , Joseph Adelmnn , J. D. Williams , Mlw Karry Kewyn , May Buckley Clayton and Mlnnla Adelman. "On the Mississippi , " the new drama by William Haworth , and one of the moat pre tentious of the many new productions of Managers Thomas H. Davis and William T. Keogh , deals with certain striking features of southern life * of two decades ago. Plctur- cstque and striking ns these feature. * are , and strange ns It appears , hardly any ono of them has hiUncrto been put on the &tagc. One of these features Is the Ku Kluk Klan. The hero is threatened with death In a unique way at the hands of this organization , one of whoso leaders has his private reasons to put the hero out of the way. We will huvo a visit of "On the Mississippi" In tills city very shortly , opening a four nights' engags- ment at the Crelghton Sunday , December 22. A holiday matinee will be given Christinas day. The complete production of "In Old Ken tucky , " which created such a furore hero last season , will be the Christmas attraction at the Boyd , commencing their engagement hero on Monday evening , the 23d lust. "The War of Wealth , " one of the very few big successes of the present season , will be the attraction at Boyd's Friday , Saturday and Sunday. It Is the latest effort of C. T. Daey , the author of "In Old Kentucky , " and from nil accounts It bids fair to equal fiio latter play In popularity. It Is a big scenic produc tion. employing two cars of scenery and over 100 people on the. stage. The company Is headed by Harry Lacy , A. S. Llpman , Belle Buckner , Fanny Mclntyro and others. SII13 SWAIjltOIVKI ) LAIJOAXUM. Girl , SllKhtcd at a Hall. Undertaken ( o Kill Ilcrxclf. Miss McKee , 18 years old , living at 2016 South Thirtieth street , made an unsuccess ful attempt to end her life yesterday be tween 1 and 2 o'clock , at 1515 Davenport street. She had purchased some-laudanum at Kuhn's drug store In the morning , and after falllnc : to find the younu man bv whom she thought she. had been slighted , sought to end her trouble by administering tha poison. Dr. Townc was summoned and the laudanum was pumped out of her. Last evenIng - Ing she had nearly completely recoverad , and was able to bo about her room and tell her friends Just how It all happened. The attempted sulclds grew out of jealousy created at a , masquerade ball held on Satur day night. For scniQ time ths young woman has received the ma.keJ attentions of n young man employed In tlto office of Swift & Co. At the dance be failed to give the amount of attention to Miss McKoa that the latter thought she had a right to expect. Yester day morning Miss McKee , accompanied by a Miss Manila Cabcon , went to Seventeenth and I streets , South Oin.iha , to see the young nan and have an explanation , bnt lie could ict ba found. Soon afterward Miss McKee returned to 1515 Davenport street , the home of a friend. rilUliiiry In ( he I.ciul. ST. PETERSUURG , Dec. 15-The second scries of games nt the St. Petersburg Ch club was played today , resulting ns fol- ows : Plllfbury ( black ) , bent Tschlgorln In x four knight's game , after twenty-Hlx IIOVBH. Lacker ( white ) , beat Stelnltz in a my lopez , after thirty moves. The present He-ore Is ns follows : Won. Lost. 'llltdmry 'J 0 .uskrr , 1 ] StclnlU , 0 J'schlsorln , 1 llrown of KcndicUy for I'roNlilenl. LEXINGTON , Dec. 13 The Lexington Observer , edited by ex-State Scnutoi lodges , ptoposes ox-Governor Drown of CentiH'ky , for the democratic1 nomination or president , nml unys bl.i name will bu iroHented In convention. The ( Jhierver Is i radical free silver paper , and U wnxlng jitter wnrfaie on Cleveland und Carlisle. From I'olltlfN to 1'rcMN. SALT LAKE , Dee. 15-Hon , J3. II. Rob- rts , the democratic candidate for consie t the late election In Utah , bus been iip- olnled cdltor-ln-eblef of the Halt Lake lernld. Delation of Salmon ( 'luimDcail. . NEVADA. Mo. , Dec. 13.-George Cha.-te , ged CC , IH dead here of IJrlKbt'a dl.seaH'.1. Ie was Identllled with many bUHlnetH en- iirprlBcs. Ho was a cousin of Chief Justice fcilman P. Clwce. No Drugs to CHEW No Stems to SMOKE TOBACCO Jo Nerves Quaking No Heart Palpitating No Dyspeptic Aching : -NERVOU8 - ( JOVnitNOIt MOHTO.Y A > York Pnp'T Announce * * Ill * 1'iiNllloii nn I tic Stilijrel. Ni : WYOllK , Dec , IB.-Tbo MornltiR Ad vertiser will tomorrow sny ! l.cvl 1' , Morton Is nn avowed candidate for th * presidency. The Advertiser Is ableto make tbls an nouncement on what may be term d the best authority. During HIP present week , n dis tinguished party lender told nn Advertiser representative tint ths governor may con clude to take bin friends Into his confidence nnd declare to them Just how he fools about 1S98. A Under wlio saw the gov rnor at Hllersllo on Thnr dny las ) cnmo back with A pretty firm conclusion Hint Mr. Morton does not pioposo Jto less away the honor offered to him at "the Into Saratoga COHIMI- lion , nnd that nlille he docs not propose to personally eterl himself , be will be pleased to have the N'e\v \ York d legation stand ns firmly for his nomination nt St. I.ouls ns did the famous Thirty-eight for Hint of Ornnt In 1SSO. _ ( 'nupcr Aflor Mori- Mull llniid'o. OASI'HIt , Wyo. . Dec. IS.-Special.-A ( mas. * mretlng of tbo citizens of thli elly was held Satin day evening for tbe purposs of taking iipllon looking toward the estnb- llshmcin of H'aimall routes from Casper Into the Mlg IIurn biitdn. The present service , which supplies mall foi nearly 4,000 people. Is from the noith anil over nnitei practlenlly cluovd for many weeks during the winter so.ison. The matter wai fully discussed nt the meeting and resolutions adopted icque.stlng the postmaster general to establish routes from Caspar as early ns practicable. Copies of the resolutions were forwarded to the Wyoming delegation I' . M. Shannon nnd an-octalcs. who bavj been engaged In the business nt this place of producing nnd refining oil , have Incor porated under Ihelnws of Wyoming , and will hereafter lo business under the ror- porate name of the Pennsylvania OH und i5aa company. I1 , M. Shannon , of 1'ltts- bnrg. I'n. . Is ptesldcnt ; lleorge H McC.il- mont of Casper , vice president , and C , 1' . Collins , lliadfonl , Pn. . secretary and tieas- uier of the company CliiHliiHVlilillii Salooni. WICHITA , Dec. 15. At mldiilglu , last night the police oidcred every saloon on Main street to close permanently and the ortler was promptly obeyed. The s.iloons on tbo other streets were not disturbed , nnd It Is thought that u compromise has been effected whereby the liquor men have ngtced not to do biiflnesH on Main street , n * H was to the Main stiert tiulllo that the prln- cli il objection of the temp ranee people had been raUvtl. The fuel that lie police- men iiimio no nrresis and mat IIP saloon men obeyed their order promptly nlvcs color to this theory. MlNNOIirl Mil II ( 'lIIIMllN ( Stllolllf. KANSAS CITY. Jec. 15.-.lohn I , . Heard , a nephew of ex-CoiiBriswnnn John T Ile.irJ ot Sednlla , Mo. , committed suicide at hi * home In this city today , taking carbolic acid. He It supposzd lo have been driven to the deed bv the pnbllcntloii this mornlin ? In a scuiilllntiM newspaper printed lieie , of an article accusing Ills wife ot Improper conduct. A copy of this article , clipped from the paper , wns found In one ol hip prickets. 1 ] > ard was employed In n wholesale - " " " sale paper house. Dr. Frnki * ! ' llcli-nscil on Hull. ST. LOUIS , Dec. IB. A specl.il to the Kcpubllc from Hlchmond , Mo. , s-'iys : Dr. ( ieorgeV. . Kraktr , the alleged Insurance swindler , who had been conllned In the Hay county jail hero since his capture , wns re- Iease.il on bond thlw morning , his boiulsmen being Captain .1. F. , . Fan Is of Richmond. K. Ij. Morse , A. I' , lienson and Cclonel HtHsol of K\c ° l lor Splines. He left tlili evening for his old home at Kx-elslor Springs , and will engage In the practice of medicine at that place. Hollow oil I't'rNonitl I.llicrly. NEW YOUK , Dec. 13. The Woild tomor row wil Isay : Dr. Chauneey M. Uepew salil many Interesting things at his home today on the subject or personal liberty. lie laid down tlnee fundamental proposition- . 1. European people have won their per sonal liberty by a slow and painful strug gle. 2. 1'ersonal liberty means Hie right to gen ano'.s own way unmolesteil. : i. Woman has the right to be wherever a man has the right to be. I Am Glad To tell what Hood's Snrsnpnrilla has dona ( or mo. I had the grip nnd its ill affects settled all ever me. I had cramps in my legs and frequently I had to get up at night nnd walk torelnxtbcmuB- clea. I also had Btomach troub- \lefl. I then took j Hood's Sarsapa- , rllla. Ono boltlo cured thccrnnip , and another has helped my stomach - ; ach Iron bio greatly. I hnva taken 8 bottles nnd nso Hood's Pills which are the beat I ever took. " H. A. MEI/VIN , Sisters , Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparalla is the Omly True Blood Purifies- Prominently In the public eye today. ' Pill c"7 tobu7 casy to takt > Hrmd' 41UUU S s fills , . . „ rni.tTe | < : t. 25e. AMI SKMK.VTH. THE CREIGHTON TP.L. 1531 Pant on S Hnr.jCMs , M r- * . TONIGHT AT 8:11. : Lincoln J Curler's Halboail Production , < T E AIATINIvI ! WliDNIJSDAY Prices Lower Moor > , 75 mul $1.00 ; bil- cony , Mu and , ' 0o , gallery , i3r. Mnllneu I'rk-ea l.rmer tljiu , ClV , I'ttlcuny , 2io. Comlng.Dec. l'Jl Clay Clement in The New Dominion. T1IKATKK. At 9 O'clock ijhurp , Monday Morning , Dncornbor 10 haln of SHASCIN.TK'ICKTS for the DAMROSCH OPERA CO. Will Open at ADou'ii .tiiviii'.s : .Mrsir ; STOIII : . fifteenth and Kniiwin Strceta , Mall oidern ai-cumiiiinli'd by chuck or money order promptly attended to. NOTH Tickets for position In line will bo given out at Aleyer'it .Mualc Store ut 7 o'clock Monday .Morning , December Specials oo : vj vn. . , 'fimiVti&.3ss& & ciins. Sliiverick & Co. , ruriilturcnn.1t ) - isilisli und Uuu lnu