" HOTKrVEVW POTENCY OF THE PEANUT No Olio Would Think the Humble Qoobcf Bo Important ! A FACTOR IN TRADE AND COMMERCE Ahont Four Million. llimhclx Hnlxril In I'hli Country IJvery Year The Moxt .Nutritions Mnil Chrnp- pxt cif 1'onilx. Tint little l known of the peanut outside of localities In wlilch It Is Brown , and oven \vhero It Is most largely grown Us possi bilities arc for the most part not at nil real izes ] , anil It Is not by any means made to yield tlie highest results It Is capable of. Taking Into account all Its sources of value , the peanut ousht to be one of the most profitable of the general farm crops In the south. The following facto about It are In thi ? main condensed from a bulletin ol the United States Department of Ar-'IcuUure prepared by H. 11. Handy of tlio ofllce of experiment stations , The yearly production of peanuts In this country , according to the lloston Herald , Is about 4,000,000 bushels of twenty-two pounds , the bulk of the crop being produced In Vir ginia , rJeorgla , Tennessee and North Care lina. These 4,000,000 bushels , while fully supplying the present demand of the United States , constitute but a small part ot the peanut crop of the world , as the exportation from Africa nnd India In 1892 nmountod to nearly 100,000,000 pounds , of which 222,000- 000 pounds went to Marseille ? for conversion Thp largest part of the American crop Is sold by Htrt-t't venders , but small amounts are used by confectioners , chocolate manufuc- Uiri-rs , and for the manufacture of oil. Pea nut oil Is ussil for lubricating and soap mak ing , and U a good substitute for olive oil for salads ami other culinary purposes , and as n suljstltuto for lard and cottolene and butter In conkliiB. The residue from oil making , known as "peanut cake , " Is a hlchly valued cattle food In the countries of Kurope , and la also ground Into fine Hour and used as human food. H makes good soup , griddle cakes , mtiflins. etc. , nnd Is ons of the most nutritive of foods. The vines , when dried , become a very nutritive hay , rfadlly eaten by stcck , though requiring care in the fectllng , lent It proiluc > colic. The present lines of the peanut and Its prod ucts are likely to be greatly extended and new channels of utility be found for It , ns ha * been Iho case with cotton wed. With better methods of tillage and a larger yield per acre the coat of production could bo greatly les sened. According to the eleventh census the average yield of peanuts In the United States In 1889 wns 17.fi bushels per acre , the avorugc In Virginia being about twenty , and In Ten- nesaei thirty-two bushels per acre. This ap pears to be a very low average , especially as olllclaj and eeml-omclal figures give nfty or sixty bushels ns an average crop , and 100 bushels Is not an uncommon yield. While the peanut has been cultivated In the United States to limited a extent for a num ber of years. It Is only since 18CC that the crop has become of primary Importance In the eastern section of this country , wlilch seems peculiarly adapted to Its production. Hetween 18C5 nnd 1S70 the rapid spread of the culture of peanuts wns phenomenal. Kach year doubled and at times Increased three fold Its crop over that of the preceding year , an that this country from being a large Importer of West African nuts was soon able to supply the domestic demand with the home-raised article. Virginia , North Carolina and Tennessee produce a largo part of the peanut crop of the United States. Within the last few years this crop has ceased to be as profitable as heretofore. The method of culture the an nual planting of nuts on the same land , the lack of proper rotation of crops , the complete removal pf all vegetation from the land , nnd the failure to replenish the soil by means of fertilizers hnu been a great factor In roduc- .nf , mu iMuuko ui inu u < upjy ruuucing the ability of the land to produce such crops ns were previously secured In that sec tion , so that now. Instead of an average of fifty bushels per acre , with frequent yields of over 100 bushels , the average In the peanut sections Is not over twenty bushels , while the cost ot cultivation has been but slightly re duced. Aa regards food value , peanut kernels , with nn average of 29 per cent of protein , 49 per cent of fat , and 14 per cent of carbohydrates In tlis dry material , fake a high rank , and should bo classed with such concentrated foods as wja beans , cotton seeds , etc. The vines are shown by analysis to be superior to timothy hay as a feeding stuff , and but ( lightly Inferior to clover hay. The food value of the hay Is , of course , higher the greater the percentage of nuts left on thn vines In harvesting. The hulls also appear ( o possess considerable value as a feeding stuff , being much richer In valuable food constituents ( protein , fat and carbohydrates ) than cotton Mulls , which nro extensively used Jn some lo calities in the south as a coarse fodder , and about equal to the pporer grades of hay. The ground hulls are used to a considerable extent as n coarse fodder In European coun tries. Peanut meal , the ground residue from oil extraction , Is n valuable feeding stuff , highly appreciated , and extensively used In foreign countries. It contains , as the aver ages of over 2.000 analyses show , about B2 per cent of protein , 8 per cent of fat , and 27 per cent of carbohydrates , and Is one of the most concentrated feeding stuffs with which we are familiar , ranking with cottonseed meal , lln- seeJ meal , etc. , and In some cases ahead of them. Ao regards fertilizing constituents , the pea nut , llko other leguminous plants , Is rich In nitrogen , nnd contains considerable amonnts tl phosphoric acids nnd potash. The kernels nro an rich In theaj constituents as theker nels cf cottonseed , nnd the vines are nearly s valuable ns a fertilizer as those of cow- peas. peas.Tho The Virginia running variety of the peanut , being most widely known and most popular with tlio trade , may be taken as tlio typical American peanut. Its vines are large , with iprcadlng branches , growing Hat on the ground ind bearing pods over almost Its entire length. The pods nro largo and white , weighing about twenty-two pounds to the bushel. The Vir ginia uiiuuti i.invi ) Kiuna 1'ii'ui miii mills near the taproot , hut produces pods very : Ioaely resembling those above described. There are two varieties In Tennessee , the red and white , the white closely resembling the Virginia running variety and the red pro ducing Homewliat smaller pods with kernels having n dark red skin , This variety matures earlier than the white , yields fewer pops , or Imperfect pods , has a less spreading habit , and , on account of this difference In growth , Is perhaps somewhat mono easily cultivated. The North Carolina ( or African ) variety , Krown In the Wilmington section of the state , lias much smaller pods than those just clo- Kcrlbed , weighing twenty-eight pounds to the bushel , the kernels containing more oil than Ilioso ot oilier varieties , The Spanish variety has a relatively small , upright vine , forms small podu near the tap- foot , nnd can be planted much closer together than any of the others , thus producing a very heavy crop to the acre. The ncrlh Louisiana station found the Span ish a ilcslrablo variety , easily harvested , all of the peat ) adhering to the vine. It re quired a much shorter period to mature , and planted ns late as July 1 matured a full crop In that latitude before frost. The pods filled out well , forming few If any pops , The- Georgia red nut , llke > the similar vari ety In Tennessee , has nicMlum-plzeil vines growing up from the ground and fruiting principally near the tap root , with three or four kernels to | lie pod , TIitie ccmprUe all the varieties cultivated In this country , The peanut of India and Africa resembles the North Carolina variety In size , and la raised principally for the oil which Is contained In Its kernels. In describing the use * ot peanuts It Is Ecarcely necessary to more than refer to the use to which fully three-fourths of the Amerl- can-ralied crop Is devoted. The nut la BorteJ In the factory Into four grades , the first , sjcoml and third being sold to vender * of the roasted peanut , either directly or through jobbers , while Iho fourth Is gold to confectioners to be- used In the making of "burnt almond * , " peanut candy , and cheaper grade * cf chocolates , The extent of the use of the peanut by the American people will be more fully appreciated when It Is remembered that they v e 4,000,000 bushel * of nuts yearly ( at a cost to the consumers of 1 J 10,000,000) ) , which do not form part of the regular artless of food , but are Wen at odd times. The nut in utrd by thi planter as x fattpncr for hi * hog * . The planter al D makes use ot the vine under the namp of peanut h y , which Is carefully saved and ted to all kinds of live ( lock , furnishing the best and cheap est hay to be found In the peinut lection. Millions of bushels arc being u xl In the countries of the old world for the produc tion of oil , In which the nutg nro Very rich. This oil Is regarded ns equal to olive oil and may bo employed for every purpose to which that l.i applied. This oil forms from 30 to CO per rent ( by weight ) of the shelled nut ; It hfu on agreeable taste and smell , and Is more limpid than olive oil , which U very much resembles. Examinations ot peanut oil manufactured In Tenne see show It to be very similar In character to cottonseed oil and olive oil. It Is sweet , palatable , and clear , and , In fact , great quantities nre used , unknown to the consumer , Instead ot olive oil. In India , Kurope , Draill , and this country It Is ti wl medicinally In Hie place ot olive oil , and It Is also employed by manufacturers as n substitute for the latter in fulling cloth. Aa n lighting fluid It lasts a long time , but does not glvo as clear a light as other burn ing oils. It Is a durable , non-drying oil of a light straw color , and It IP for Its oil that the nut Is Imported Into Europe , many gal lens being used In the manufacture of soap as n lubricant In machine shops. The most Important secondary product of peanut oil manufacture Is the oil cake or meal which remains after the oil has been extracted by pressure. This sells for from $ .10 to $33 per ton In Germany , whore It Is need for feeding cattle and sheep. After the oil which can be expressed Is secured there still remains considerable fatty matter In the cal < , which , together with Its other con tents , makes a most valuable animal food. Dr. W. H. Ilobertson of England , In his experiment with peanut cake ns a food for horses at the India farm , of which ho was manager found that six pounds of cake per day was sulllclent to keep a horse In good working condition. In reference to Its use as feed for other animals he snvs ! "I have used the cake very extensively In feodlng working cattle. An allowance of four pounds , per head , per day , with forage , keeps the animals In perfect health and condi tion. I-'or fattening cattle I do not know of any better food , In regard alike to Its feed ing value and to the superior quality of the beef produced. "As a food for dairy cows It ls > admirable , both In Increasing the yield of milk and In Improving Its quality. The butter of cows so fed Is firmer and keeps much better than that of cows fed on nny of the ordinary oil cake. A dally allowance of four to six pounds of thu cake , given In the form of paste , nnd mixed with two or three pounds' of wheat bran , constitutes a perfect food for mllcb cows. I have had cows so fed for sev eral yenrt' , yielding well and breeding regu larly. For sheep there Is no better food than cnrthnut cake , but for these animals I found It best to give tlio cake dry and broken Into small pieces. I had a large nock fed on the cake for several years , and never knew any bad results attending IU > use. The ewes so fed bred regularly , milked well , nnd reared excellent lambs , while the mutton ot thesa cake-fed sheep was of superior quality. "Many experiments ! have proved the value of the cake as a fc3 < l for pigs. For' these animals It was usually made into a thin gruel nnd given mixed with bran , The same prep arations , but In not quite so thin a condition , constitutes a superior food for fattening poul try. The flesh of poultry fatted on the cake Is white , fine , and of supjrlor quality. " From the above , and as a result of the va rious analyses , It can be concluded with cer tainty that the peanut cake Is an excellent cattle food , and can be made extremely valu able If Judiciously mixed with other foods less rich In oil and nitrogenous constituents. A grade of food for animals known as "pen- nut meal" Is made by grinding the hulls , Im mature peanuts , nnd those of inferior grades , such as pops and saps , and n certain portion of sound nuts mixed with other Ingredients. This is carefully prepared , having all the dirt and foreign matter eliminated. The fibre Is also , to a largo extent , extracted , as well ay the fluffy matter , and the meal Is probably In a favorable condition for stock. The com position compares favorably with that of many foods now on the market. There Is noihlng In this preparation which cannot be secured by the farmer himself without any expense , if he will take ordinary care In separating his marketable peas from the refuse stock before selling , which latter woiim be a vauiauie auuition to ttie some what meager supply of winter foJder ordi narily provided by the farmers In the south for stock other than their work animals. Although the experiment made with pea nut meal and biscuits as food for the German army was not so successful ns to Induce the authorities' to adopt It as a part of the ra tions , still , analysis has shown conclusively that It Is a most nourishing food for man , and as compared with other well known forms of vegetable and animal food It has a high value. During the year between 1SC1 and 1805 peanut oil was manufactured by at least fcur mills In the southern states , and used as a lubricant by railroads and locomotives , uy wool and cotton spinners for their spin dles , and by housewives Instead of lard for shortening In bread and pastry. The cake v/ns eaten by many living In the vicinity of the mills and was highly spoken of by : hose who used it as a palatable and nutri tious food for man. The following Is a com parison made by Prof. Konlg , based on the irlce In Germany of the following twelve irlnclpal foods reduced to "units of nutrl- ' Nutritive I Cost per units 11,000 units I > eri _ > L > unU.Mij cents. Skim milk OS.2 10.1 SI ; I in mill ; cheese 870.0 11.0 . ' l.'ull milk 143.S 11.5 lluenn . * . 1,275.7 15.5 \Vnl C23.9 22.2 llei-f G30.9 20.0 nuttrr 1.1S0.3 21.4 Pi-nil 778.C 4.2 I'otatoi-a 138.2 B.I llye Hour CM.8 C.O I lei' 531 6 10.0 " IVnnut " iNJ lL.--- " : 1,123.0 3.0 "itTfollows , 'therefore ' , that peanut meal Is 101 only the most nutritious , but by far the cheapest of this whole list of food materials. Headline Oir n lllxi > . Chicago Itrcord : Hallway Manager ( to sub- ord'note ) "Grlgson , I sent a confidential man out the other day to see what old Iluddle- ston would take for that straw stack ho has jullt near our tracks about fourteen miles out of town. Has he reported yet ? " Grlgson "Ves , sir. He says Huddleston wat.ts $75 for It , but It's not worth mors than $50. " Hallway Manager "Tell him to close the mrgaln for $75 at once. It will cost us a lundred If it burns up. " _ Wood won't burn unless air oxygen is present. The food taken into the body must be united with oxygen before it can be consumed and give heat to keep the body warm. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil , with"hypoplios- phites , is one of the best fuel-foods , The cod-liver oil obtains its oxygen from the air and heat is .produced. It warms , nourishes , invigorates , gives good blood , and fortifies against the pierc ing winds of fall and win ter. The hypophosphites tone up the nervous system and improve digestion. Scott's Emulsion prevents colds , coughs , consump tion and general debility. SCOTT'S BMULSION hai Utn endorsed by the mtdic . lprofeiilon for twenty ycirs.fi * jour dot- tor. ) Thii it t u e It i lwjyj/a/jt/ lwiyj uniform lw yi ceilsini lit puna NortvtfijH CoJ. /Itvr Oil no J Ihf pbosftilit. Put up In so cent * nd $1.00 tUtt. The mull lUi ubt tOQUfh to cut yuur cough or hlp your btby. TTTTI mrATTA T A TT.V TIT ? . A TTT1 ? n A V. mfln IiV\f II 11\T \ > 11 ianx 11 > j I LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LINCOLN , NEBRASKA. AIISTUACT OF TITM5. J. II. MoMartry , S.I7 ! S. II Hi St. AIICII rrncT.H. Wm. rirnrl.'t < ( -It , Itlc-lmnU Hlk. ATTOHXI3VS. HumA : AltxrlillliT , 1IO1 O Ml. Tel 108. llllflllKT .1 ItllllllltOIIK , 1OH O St. llron-ii .t .Siimiitcr , It. li : & l.'t , 111:7 O < i ( . I. I , , Ciililtrrll , It. 1O A 11 , MonlKom- cry lllk. J. C. Jolinntnii , U. JU & lit. Itlchnrilfi lllk. .1. P. l.nntr , II. .1 , 11U1 O St. l.nvo .t Friiniiitnii , 111O St. M < ) .t I'filk , 1127 O. St. I > | I IIP 753. Slo.Vcrnpy .V : Knurr. 10 , ' | | I ) St. Tot. BOO .Iiilin I' . Mnulc , MoMurlry lllk. Jncoli Oiipcnlii-lliKT , 1OI ! > O St. C. M. Parker. .MoMurtry lllk. .1. K. Plillpolt , UZIS I ) St. C. S. Itnlnl.oK , 1127 O St. Itl < > l > tl A WIlNiiii , MoMnrtrjlllk. . M , M. Slurr. It. HI ! , llro\viu-ll lllk. StciiriiM .t Tyrrell , 11 lit ( J St. Tnlliot , llryim .t Allen , 11. HIM ) Mc- Murlry lllk. HAICr.ltlKS. II. W. Mnxwoll Co. , 1UO S. llltli St. Phone , 7.-i. : J. II. .Miller , 12IK M SI. .11. I. . IVlliliiilill , 2i8. : > O SI. HANKS. American K.veluiiipre NntlonnI , 1100 Ciiliiniblnn < loiiiil , .1. 1 . WrlBlit , Pren. . lOii.'l O SI. I''lr t .Vnllonnl , .V. S. Ilnrwooil , 1'red. , S. 12. Cor. llltli O. SIM. 11AIIIII2II SHOPS. Charles Iloireii , llrnee lllk , IfitH .fc O SIN. W. l-\ Cole , S. W. Cor. 11 th & P. , Cm l- tnl Hotel. T. U. Docteh , ! > tli nnil O Six. C. II. IlnirheN , I.liu'olu Hotel. ( ; < < > . .11. IlollliiHTor , 208 N. loth St. C. A. I , . .ToluiHOii , 1)10 ) P SI. Miller .t AViillnee. lOlh Jt O Sin. J. M. MorrlH , 11B N. 12tli St. C. T. Neville , 1OI N. 11 Hi St. 0. W. Pleasant , 12.T S. IOIH St. ltviiner & Kuril , 2ll ! X. 1 tU St. II. .1. ItobliiHon , liiiNeiiient llurr lllk. W. M. Sniltli. 1025 N. St. P. AV. Vnnnell , llth t O Sl . eo. A. Wi-Iih , 120 S. 12lli St. 13. U. Wl 11 til HIM. 7I P SI. H. A. Wine. itOl : O St. , Potvlu lllk. 1IATIIS. ClirlH' Place , N. AV. Cor. 11th < t P. Sin. Mrn. M. S. ( Soosre , I.inlles oMly , 151D O St. Siillilio-Siillne llatli Hoime , I > r . 31. II. & .1. O. Kverelt , 1-llh & M St . 1I1UYCLI3S. .luck Fnrrell , rear 112 ! N. llth St. IMIUIC KrlHliette. 1-IKJ ! O St. Win. KeiKiiii. I.IM : o st. E. II. RIIthrlv. 15-10 O St. II. II. Pierce , Irtth mill I' Sin. n. i : . siiiieN , 112 N. iitu : st. W. II. Wnnl. 1 1H O St. mACICSMITHS. C. IV. CnrxoiiH , S2n IV St. KlHlier < t Wentover. 1 > 2O N St. J. AV. .11 Illicit. lOtli .t M StH. A. Sliiiini , 228 S. Otli St. J. S ; Tylee , 212 S. lth St. IIOAKIHM ; nousiss. Mr . S. J. Allim-iiy , 122I > M. St. 1. llniier. l.'IOS X St. MTH. I , . .1. Ila er , 1 OS X St. Mr * . S. A. Gather , 11 IS ( I St. Mrs , .11. OrnllfTiiy IJoRKi'tt , 1O21 M St Mm. Eilnii Peery , 1128 a St. MI-N. J. W. Ulil. 141(1 X St. HOOKS AXI > STATIOXK11V. II. AA' . llrowii. 127 S. llth St. AA' . 13. IliirllnKiinif. iif : S. 11 Hi St. .T. i > II.1nrI. 12O2-2IMI S. llth St. A. T. I.emliiK & Co. , 11O O St. C. M. OMliorn , l l S. 12th SI. A. I. . Slimier. Cor. ISth & O Slit. , IIOTTI.IVG AA'OHKS. 1,1 n col n Hot ( lint AA'orkN. : il5-il7 : O Si HHOIvKIlS. Axtnter & Co. . 2111 S. 11th St. A. I ) . IllPki * . lo : 8 ST St. Penny fc Co. , 11 < h & X Six. H. C. Von lie. 1 7 S. 11 tli St. llt'SIXKSS ' C'OIjM3RI < : . I ) . It. MlllbrlilKi' , llth .t O StH. CANCKIl it TIMIOK SPECIALISTS. Dr. T. O'Connor , 1 OI ! O St. AVenley fluprn , M. I ) . . 1122 O St. CAUIUAKES AXIJ AA'AOOXS. Illllmeyer Sadler , litl-tr : ! : M St. Huriuer * Wine-neuter , 1H2O O St. HOH.I .fc Mueller. 2jr. : S. Olh St. SIVIIIINOU .t AiiilerNiui. 1121 P St. J. S. Tylee , 212 S. ilth St. CIOAHS. Krniik Iu Tell , 1O2O O St. Xevllle Ilron. , 11. . \ . 11th St. < ; . it. Avoir. 10:10 : o st. Ktl. V oil HIT , 1207 O SI. , Phone 1. CI.OAKMAICIXO. Mr * . Ailille 13. Slnnv , I.'IIO X St. CI.OTIII.VR. IlrotviilnKT. ICi"K A Co. , 1)1.-1 ( ! ) O St. Kiliv. Cerf & Co. , 2. O St. CI.OTHIXti CLEANED. MM. Mary Wnlker. J 7 S. llth St. CO A I , . llnrlon I'-ncl Co. , lO I O St. .1. M. llronil , 1007 O St. lliiHHcv Coal Co. . 1(12-1 O SI. J. F. DeNt-lier , I ! ) ! . " . .1 St. , Phone 'til. DlerkM I.iiinlier A Coal Co. , 125-1-K ) S. Mh St. J. S. Cnhel , 11(1 ( S. itlli St. Phone ! ! ( ) ! ) . HiitehliiN .fc Hyiitt. 1OIO O St. II. M. I.cnvltt. 117 X. 12lh St. Lincoln Coal Co. . 1(11.1 O. St. Noh. Conl Co. . E. llneker , 11-1 S. 12lh St. , Phone 2tI. : OlierlleM * Luialicr & CouI Co. , 127 > 12lh SI. AA'm. H. O'.Shca , 2Olh anil X Stx. M. L. Frexter , 122f > O St. I'hoiie85. . CluirleH 1C. AVIlNon. 410 S. llth St. - COLLECTIONS. 'N Colleelloii AKeney , II. Hnr- rlxou , liiiuiKTer , Cniiltal Hotel , R , It. Keiiinii-l , liil : X St. IlIeketlH A AVIlMon , MeMnrtry lllk , H. C. VOIIIIK , 1.'t7 S. II Hi SI. COMMISSION MEIICHAXTS. C. JneoliNon , 217 N. Dili SI. COXTIIACTOIIS .V 1IIIILIII3US. 1) . II. llriMVii , 2:11 : S. lOlh SI. ' J. .1 , Ilntler , III. S. lillh St. DENTISTS. L. P. Davis , D.D.S. , llth & O Six. O , F. Lanihertxon , D.D.S. , Cor 12th .t O Six. J. lllxer , D.D.S. , 12'tl O St. Dr. F. D , Shenvlii , II , 17 , llurr lllk. LolllNVlltc , D.D.S. , 11I7 S. 11th St. DEPAIIT.MEXT STO1IES. II. Heriiolxlilnier .V Co. , II.'U-I. N St. , 201.2IB S. 12lh St. DETEOTIA'ES , State Deteetlve Axxoelatlon , A. L. P unil , Chief , ilil IIr Ilnnriiell lllk. D1IICSSMAKE1IS. ' .HUM Lizzie Elvln , I."IK O .SI , , II. 1. Mm. 11. EiirlKht , I2O S. 10th SI. Mrn , Jennie Fliiney , It , 27 , Polvlii lllk. .11 rx. Anna Cnllnii , 1-IO5 O SI. MIXN M , Malone , HriMViiell lllk. .Mrx , Jennie 1'ollov , 1-11.1 N SI. StnrjrlM Slxlcrx , l.VJt : O St. Mrx. C. J. Toilil , 1121 O SI , DHL'RS , 11. AV. Ilroivii , 127 S. llth St , Henry II. Hurtle , 1)211 O St. \V , T. DuilKiM.n , 18tt : O St , - Knrekii lleiuedy Co. , 10'tl N St. A. I. . Shinier , Cor. Ifilh A O Six , S , A. 1) . SlilllliiK , 2 7 S. lllli St , Nvu' Laimlni ; Pharmacy. J. C. AV'iieitij > eiu-r , lill ) S , Kill ) SI. DHV ROODS. FltrKcralil Dry RoooilH Co. , Il2-2lt O St , bkurnt-'M Ne v Vork Store , 11OI ) O St. Ni , CIIIMSTS. .M , O. Itellly , It Hi nnil M St * . It. L , Smith , ftor/IMIi .t M St * . KMPLOVME.VI' IIUHEAL'S. Lincoln Kntiilnj mcnt nnil llrntul llurenti , 1(1,12"O St. P. Conrxey lllchittiln , 112 N. lOtli St. KXPHHSS COMPAMES. AilnniM i.tirrnn Co. , F. E. Mel.nnnlillii , MnniiKer , 11. ( S , loth SI. EVE .VXD 13AH SPECIALISTS. Dr. Mniltleii , S. AV. Cor. llth mill O St . Dr. F. L. Illxer , 121(1 O SI. Phone add. Ft.OHISTS. Frey t Frey , 1M S. 12th St. FI.OI'II AND FEED. Atlantic MIlllnKT Co. , llohert Peterson , Ma miner , 120 S. Dili St. Reo. A. linker , 1SIU O SI. J. .M. llroail , 1(107 O St. llonil A Ileilxon , 41(1 ( S. llth St. II. L. Rnrtcii , O anil 21th Sin. .In * . Rllleti , 2lir O SI. S. A. Heiiton , 2IOI ) O St. M. L. HlKley , lliii : : O St. C. .Inenhxon , 217 N. llth St. .1. D. JohiiNon , 145 S. Jth ) .St. Johnxon .t tlxen , ll.S S. Dili St. H. N. TIMVII , 27th mill O Six. Phone r 20. CharleN 13. AVIlnon , 440 S. llth St. FLOllIl MILLS. Illrehanl , llrlilne .t Co. , HIT. X. llth St. FI'llNISHED ItOOMS. "Arwylp. " Mrx. S. A. AVnrtl , 1 HI S. 12th SI. Phone (157. Win. llurr , 1 27 O St. A. C. Elicrhnrt , 1K12 P SI. Mrx. S. .1. Harris , 1112 ! N , Cor. 14th St. Mrx. M. A' , .lonex , 2tl : S. Otli St. Mrx. S. D. Kemnton , it8 : S. lOtli St. Palace DliiliiK Hall , ll.'IO X St. Shnirerx' Aiincl.'tlt S. 12th St. Mrx. M. E. ShiMV , l.'tl ! ) N St. . ' FUIIMTUHI3. " * ' llayaril A Rnerln. 1I21I O St. .Melnxer A .S cnrlnncii , 1I125 O St. Frniiz Peterx , IBIS O St. FltltltlEIt. F. 13. Voelker , C ir. 12th fc N Six. RAS AND RASOL1NE EXRINES. R. C. .Moore , IH ( > N. Oth St. ROVEUXMEXT CLAIM AREXTS. Jolin < illlexiile , lir. X , iith : St. RDXSMITHS. Ixaac Frlwlicttc , 1-l.'tr O St. Wm. ICelxall. 14tl : > O St. RHOCEIllES. Frank CiimiliiKhaiii , < 120 N. 12th St. J. F. Dexeher , 11)1.J SI. Phone 411. It. L. Rnrteii , < ) ' .t 2ith Stx. .lax. Rllleii , 2lir. O St , S. A. Ilenton , 2101) O St. Win. llolalinur , 1425 O St. S. S. McKcuney. 2712 O St. .1. Mailxen , 20 It ) O St. II. F. KCIIKIIII. 2115 S. llth St. Mrx. O. Hlorilan , Kill ) O St. < : . i > . Sciianf , : i2i : x. : ) th st. C. M. Seltr , 1125 O St. Phone O2O. J. AV. Smith .C Co" UIO S. llth St The Keyxtone , 142 S 12th St. Phone 744. ' II. N. Town , 27th & O SIM. Phone B2O. Alex AVeher , fii-tKJ : N. 14th St. D. M. AVIlt , IDtli & O Stx. lI.tVanoul , 14Oi d St. Phone BIS. R.rtJ1 jv. | OF P. AVII1 II. Love.JC. ' . K. II. S. , 1113 O St. GLASfs'AJVD PAINT. S ( a nil aril Rliixn j&'l'ulnt Co. , S. K. Cor. 12th .t M Six. | H > niAA'AHI3. Ilnmiiliroy llr x ? ; JJO1-1O7 jf. Oth St. , i ! lNESS. Chan. 13. Slefe3-4 & " " S1- AVoodworth & ii nll. 1218 O St. ifATS , ETC. J. A. Smith. 11U ? O St. IIIDUS , ' FUHS , li'I'U. Dohson & LaiiKrcii , 2O II St , 1IOHSESHOE1NR. Meyerx & Ilolofxoii. 122 S. 14th St. HOUSES. Mcailotv llrook Fine Stoek Farm , F. AV. llnlilirlii .V Son. 1205 (1 St. HOTELS. Capital Hotel , llth ami P Six. Hotel Ideal , AV. C. Floury , 121 S. 14th SI. Klmhall Hotel , 151O O St. The Lincoln , Olh anil P Stx. The Llmlell , l.'lth anil M Six. The AVImlxor , 22428 N. lllh St. Tlerniin Hold , 2IIH N 7th St. Tremont Hoiixe , Nth ami P Stx. Union Hotel , 728-i : ( ) 1' St. _ ICE. M. L. Trexter , 122 ! ) O St. IXStlHAXCE. llanUerx' Life IIIH. Co. . llth & P. Stx Fnrnierx' .t Meretinnlx' lux. Co. , Fiirm- erx' .t MerchaittH * lliiilillngr. J. H. IiikNter. 1025 O St. R. H. ICImmell , 1:1 ( X St. The Teaeherx' National Fraternal lleiiellt Axxn. , . " ( ) . ' ! llrm'C lllock. Travelerx" Life * .t Acclilcnt , Ilooni H Dillon lllk. IXA'ESTMISNT AND LOANS. Ahhott llrox. Loan Co. . 1O25 O St. F. AV. llnlilivln .t Son , 121)5 ) O St. II. F. Folxom , Caxhler ImluHtrlal Sav- III.-TX Hank. Helm .t lleeil , 112 S. 12th St. Tel. ( I ! ) . ' ! J. II. IiikNter. 1025 O St. .1. II. McMiirlry , ilclliirtry lllk. Mereltanlx' Truxt Con ] Oi > S. lOtli St. A. E. Moi-ller. 11)25 ) O St. Seunrlty Iiivi-xlment Co. , ItlclinrilN Ilk AA'ard .t Ciilliertxon. 11)11 ) O St. AVooilfvaril Ill-ox. , 1O5 S. llth St. II. C. Voiinir. ii7 : S. llth St. IHOX AVOHIvS. I1OILI3HS , V , 13XRINES lleiluex Lincoln Iron AVr > rkx , 7th iipil M Six. J. IloherlK , 205 S. Ilth St. JEWELEHS. Illueilel .t Crocker , 121O O St. Diive Hakeii , 211) N. lOlh St. F. II. Harrlx , 112:1 : O St. E. S. Ktiiis , 1'tOO O SI , A. 13. Patch , 2tr : : t O St. if\tt tut f vnli-.ll L Hunter Printing Co. , S2i : N. llth St. GCOI-KC llrollierx , 1KI-11H S. l.'lth St. Jno. Mclnloxh , 11'tl N St. L. D. AA'ooilriilf , 'llth ' and M StH. ( .IVfiVC. ( SHOPS. s. Poixk } , : tu : v , ' ojh st. LAUNDRIES. Clarkxon Lllllllilr.V Co. , IIHO-II.'IH S. llth SI. Phone 2 ( f. The Hexl Laundry , I-'IIO.S O St. Vnle llrox. ( Hand Liinndry ) , 1-117 O St , LIA'nilVjSTAHLES. A. G. iiiiinic ) cr , ! - : : M st. TI-L .itr : . Jordan A Rccxe' . KKII ) O St. AV. P. Snillh , | IH"ll St. Spcre A Co. , Jl.'tl' SI Dili St. LOAN OFFICES. M. PoiNky , i : ; : { o St. ) lerKN Lnniher A ( Coal Co , , liirS. ! . lh SI. s * J. S. ( iahel , IIt ( S. liilli St. Phone ItOII. S. K. Martin , 7.7 ! X SI. Micrlli-N Llliuhi-r A Coal Co , , 1-7 X. l th S | . Will. H. O'Shca , lid 111 A X Six. II. L. Trotter , lii O O St. MA.M.FACTURl.VtJ OPTIOIAX , , 13. Thompiiuii , ' 1UII O St. lAXUFACTUHEIlS t F .1IATTRI3SSI3S. a > -ne A Leek , ID III A 1C Six. MASS ACE. ITN. M. ( JnoRc , mill O SI. , LaillcM ( Inly. Sanitarium , Mill .V .11 Six. MEAT MARKETS , ieo. A. IlaU-cr , IN.'II O St. I. L. Illnlcj , lliii : : O St , Vm. HolalliiK- r O St. j. LneiltUe , IIIII ) S. lllh St. J. MiuUcn , UOIH O SI. lenr > Pfcllf , III I , S. Hth SI. i. P. Schaiif , ! l : t X , lllh St. I. .V. TIMVII , lITIIi A O Stx. Phone MO. ! 'he Tiu-ker Co , , CJ. A. Tneker , .Mur. , Cor. iilh : A O Stx. Phone. 7.11. Velter PueUtiitr Co , , Ultl .V , 10th St. D. M. AVIlt , lUlh & O Ht * . MEDKMTIOX , DOSIMF.TRir SYSTEM. H. S. Axlilcy. M. 1L. 1UI5 O St. MHRCHAVr TAILORS , tieo. Cnllen , 11Ui : O SI. L. S. ( illllxk , R. IS-111 Xen-mait lllk. .lame * llearii , It- ! ) S , 11th St. Mrx. M. .Tolinoon , 1(111 ( : O St. .11. II. McLmiKlillii , 1liil ( X SI. Lincoln Panlx Co. , IUO S. llith St. .Veil. Panlx , i- Suit Co. , O. R. Oakley , 1U17 O St. 13. S. Reeil , 11S. ! . 11th St. A. AV. Slctciixkl , V. M. C. A. IlnlliUliR. Mrx. Mary AValker. IJI7 S. lllh St. MILK DEPOTS. AA'm. A. SproiiK , l.'tl S. lllh St. .1111LI N EH V , M. Ackermmi .V Co. , 1 ( ) ll-tl : O St. Mlxxex lletti , III I S. ll-'lli St. Mrx. 1A' . E. Cohh , 117 S. 11th SI Mr * . Cieo. Cnllen , 1-1:1 O M. C. 13. Van Dilxen , It-It O SI. .Mrx , M , Luke , Mil. , O SI. .MODELS AXD PATTERXS. M , O. Rellley , llth ami M Stx. T. .1. Thorp * Co. , UOS S. llth SI. MOM'MEXTS AXD STATUARV. ICImhnll Ili-iif. . . Cor. ir.lh anil O Six. .1. F. Sheehy , ioiM-ii : ( ) SI. AV. II. Tylee , 7(111 L St. Ml'SICAL MERCHAXIHSE. X. P. Cnrllce .t Co. . L'I7 ( S. llth St. Extey , .V- Camp , it : S. I'-'lh St. FerKiixoii Mnxle Co. , its ; S , tlttU KU XEWSPAPERS. The Call , 21KI X St. The Courier , 2X3 X 11th St. The llenilil , iai \ . Dili St. The Xetvx , 1 :1 : X. Ilth St. The Frel Prexxe , llth A X Six. The Slate Journal , tlth A P Stx. NEWS-BEE AGENCIES. AA' . II. Plllxhury , Mirr. . Lliieolii elrenla- tlon , I' . O. llov St7. : Irn llroirn. 111 X. llth St. Capitol Hotel Xcwn Stmiil. Frank Dn Tell , 1 ( > ( ) O SI. R. J. Hellrlek , l.'Ot O SI. Lincoln Hotel XIMVK Stmiil. Llmlell Hole ! Xeux Stanil. II. Onry , 11th anil O Six. AVliiilNitr Hotel XCIVM Stmiil. L. H. AVreii , 17 S. 11th St. Eil VOIIIIK : , , 11:07 O St. OPTICIANS. II. M. llcttx , R. . - , AlexniKlcr IHIr. PACKERS. Sn-Ift Heef Co. , 71-1 O St. PHOTOCRAPIIERS. J. F. Kennedy , 1O2I1 O St. P. AV. Marcellnx , laaa O SI. P. E. Poe , HIS S. lath St. T. AV. ToM-iixenil , S'M S. llth St. PHYSICIANS AND SUROEOXS. Dr. N. J. lleaehley , 1'I ! ! ) S. llth St. J. AA' . Ilotviiuin , M.I ) . . H. . ' 53 , llrowiiell llloek. AA'm. ( ireeii , M. D. , 1 15 O St. Dr . Holyoke A Holyoke , 1117 S. 11 St. Dr. L. II. Macilonald , Flat C , SnllNhiiry llloek. Mlxn Letiore Perky. M . D. , H. 1O , Littl < - llloek. Phone ia. . G. H. Slmmoiix , M. I ) . , 1UOO O St. , I'hone iS7. PLUM HERS. AA'm. Axhton , llth a nil N Stx. Korxiiicycr Plumbing Co. , ai5 S. 11 St. I'OUTRAIT 1'AIXTEIl. C. AA' . Hill kilt , lia N. St. I'OTTERY. Lincoln Pottery AVorkH , T15 S. Int St. PHIA'ATE SCHOOL. "St. Thereim'x " , Slxterx of Charity , l.'lth A M Stx. * HAILROAD TICKET OFFICES. Mo. Paelllc Hy. , F. D. Cornell , C. P. A T. A. , laol O St. Hock Ixlniul H. It. , C. A. Rutherford , ABcnt. HEAL ESTATE. F. AA' . HiiliMvIn .t .Son , 11ir O St. John J. Gllliliiu , lOlh . .CO Stx. Helm .t Reed , lliOl O St. Phone IMS. J. H. Iiikxter. K ) , ' , O St. .1. P. Llllllz , R.4 , ] lii O St. A. E. Mueller .fc Co. , R. at ) , lOi : . ' O St. J. H. MeMnrtry , MeMiu-try lllk. Pierce Realty Exchange , Olllec Cap ital Hotel. AA'ooil & Ciilherlxon. R. 0 , 11)11 O St. H. C. VIMIIIKit7 S. lllh St. P. S. Rice , II. 11 , 11S7 O SI. REXOA'ATIXO ( FEATHERS A MAT- TRESSES. ) H. 13. Doraii , l..lin O .St. HESTAURANTS. O. AV. Admiix , ID.-.l O St. I'eter R. Ilrmin , 1i : ! > S. 12th St. Carver'x Dlnlnu : Hull , Ht ( P St. H. Klover , lO.'KI X SI. Jmnex Henry , llti : S. loth St. .1. H. Miller , 11M5 M. SI. XelllfTan A Itymi , ! ! ( > S. llth SI. Palace Dining Hall. 1II1O X St. Ceo. II. Seotl , IIIII S. lath St. Shairer'x Annex , Kli : S. Ililh St. The Model , . ' ( UO S. lath St. SAXITARIL'M. Siiliiho-Snlliic Hath Hoiixe , Drx. M. II. A J. O. Everett. Cor. 1-lth A M StH. SCfLPTOH. John CnrrlcNIII ! S. Illlli St. SHOE STOIlfJ.1 AXD SHOEMAKERS. Michael Ilaiier , 1(11(1 ( O St. Fred IlraiidhorHt. Inll ! ) O St. Cyrnx Carman , II Ilraee lllk. A. Gartner , SKI P St. Perklnx A Sheldon Co. , 1 111) O St. J. H. Pcttlt , KIO S. IfUh St. SanderHoii , Schni-enian A Davix , l-l.'t O St. KiiiKSteear , . ' 11)2 S. lllh St. U. . .S. Shoe Store , lOKt O St. M. AVall , V. M. C. A. lliillilliin. SKIN , VI3XI3HI3AL A GEXITO URIN- ARV DISEASES. Dr. 13. J. Anurlc , l It : : O St. Phone . ' 17a. STA.ll P PATTI3RXS. Mrx. L. M. Liikc , Mil. O SI. STOVES AXD Ft'HXACES. Ilayiird A Gncrin , l.'tlf ! ) O St. Mciiir.cr A S vearlimen : , IIIO St. The Hall IlroM. Co. , I.'IOH O St. SURGERV AND DISEASES OF AVOME.\ . Dr. J. O. DaiVNOii , 1IO , " O St. Phone il.'KI TEAS , COFFEES AXD SPICES. Golden Gale Ten Co. , HID S. llth St. TELEGRAPH AXH TELI3PHOXI3 CO'S. Poxtal Co. , F. C. Laccy , Murr. , 1O1 ! S. t t t It Kt KtTHEATRICAL THEATRICAL GOODS. C. M. Oxliorn , iil : S. llilh St. TICKET IIHOKERS. Gco.V. . Joh-nxoii , 11:07 O SI. Phone 1. TINSMITHS. F. AV. iiiiiiarii , : tir s. oih st. TOYS. A. L. Shadcr , Cor. 15th A O StH. TI'RKISII IIATIIS. Chrlx' Place , N. AV. Cor. lllh A P Six. Sun I In rln in. Cor. Mill A M. Six. UXDI'tRTAKERS. JamcH Henton , : i-ll ! S. Ilth St. A. F. Oeder .V Co. , l-'O S. Kith St. Phone 1UH. Troyer A Gingery , . ' 11(1 ( S. lllh SI. l/'PHOLSTEHEHS. It. 13. Doran , ir.lil ) O SI. E. C. llartxhorn , 11:11(1 ( .11 SI. Frniia Peter , l..IS O St. A'ETERIXAHY HOSPITALS. S. 13. Coxiord , V. S. , Hi : . ' 51 SI. Tel. . | : ! 5. Dr , Gen. P. Tneker , MOI .V St. Tel , 7r - ' . VIXEGAR AVORKS. Lincoln A'lncKar U'orkx , l-'Iil N. 1) St. VOICE Cl'LTllIti : . llrx. Kate II. Cheney , . - . ( ) ! > Ilraee lllk. AVALL PAPER. A. T. LcinlnK , 11IIII O SI. , 118 N , lllh SI. A 1S1.T O SI. WINDMILLS , tcrmntor Co. , II. F. Hodwklnx , Murr. , 7I-i- ! ( : O St. AVIXES AND LIUIIORS , O. It. Hertrnm , 110 S. llth St , Win. Hi-mult , ail N. Dili SI. Capital Hotel liar , Chax. M. llnril. D. J. DiiKan , III ! ) N. Dili SI. P. J , Kennedy , 1117 P SI. Lincoln Hotel liar , Jmnex Hamilton , Prop , Ijicra llonxe Ilnllet , 115 S. llilli St. Fretl Ottciix , 1U55 O St , s , ScHirxohn , aai N , loth .st. I'lie Ahhey , 1-S K , lllh St. I'lie Dliiiuonil , Hill O St , Tin.- Turf , " 11:7 S. lath St : WHOLESALE DEALERS lltTIFICIAI. STOM3. The Lincoln Arllllelnl Sloue t Tllr Co. , 1201 O SI. Phone I. 111:1:11. : CroM-n llrcwtnw Co. , MO S. Ilth St. ( Itilncy llrenlnuCo. . . E. Pnnernm , AKCIII , 14(1 S. lOlh SI. SehlltK IlreMliiu : Co. , II. J. Sitmlcrn , AKciil , 21(1 N. 7th St. 1IOOKS AND STATIOXEHV. AA' , n. llnrlliiKltn , 1:15 : S. llth St. COAL. Ilartoit Fuel Co. , Illlh ami V Stx. llnxxcy Coal Co. , 11124 O St. .1. S. Rahel , 11(1 ( S. l.'tlh St. M. L. Trexler. 1221) O St. COAL. EXI'Ll'SIVELV ' AVHOLES.1 L13. Reo.V. . Crllilicn , 15th .V O Six. 11. M. I.cavltl , 1 iii : : O St. CIRAItM. Neville llrox. , 115 N. 11th St. CO.M MISSION .111311 CHANTS. llnxkell , lloxtvorth ACo. . , 21(1 S. 7 St , llarjrreavr * llrox , . Till O St. D13PAUTMI3XT STOU13. H. Iteriiolxlieliner , VCo. . , lKtl-45 A A 201-215 S. 12th SI. 1)11 V ROODS. H. It. Nlxxley .V Co. , 11)2(1-28 O SI. FI.OItlSTS. Frey Jt Frey , 114 S. 12th SI. ' FI.OUH AND FEED. F. S. .Tohnxoii A Co. , 221) S. tlth SI. Keliilall .V Smith , MOO P St. J. lleach . .VCo. . , 225 X 12th St , Frank .11. Pierce * Co. , I44O O St. FfltNITl'ltE. AVIxconxlit Furniture anil Colllti Co. , ( IO1-O7 L St. h F. E. A'oelker , Cor. 12lh N Stx. tJLASS * PAINT. Stnniliiril Rliixn .V Paint Co. , S. K. Cor. 12th .t M StH. RHOCEUIES. C. H. Unman . .VCo. . , 1(102 O St. HarKrcavcx llrox. , Till O St. 1C 13. M. L. Trexter. 1221) ) O St. ICE CHK.AM , MILK AND CHEAM. 13. Slxler. 127 S. IHIh St. Phone ( KM ) . LEATIIEIt. Lincoln Leather Co. . 82(1 O St. LUMI1EH. Lincoln Lnniher Co. . 1111 S. l.'lth SI. S. K. Martin Co. . 7t7 : N St. M. L. Trexter. 1221) O St. MILLINEHV. Ackerman .t Co. , 1O2-U ! ) : O St. MUSICAL ROODS. N. P. Cnrtlx Co. . 207 S. llth St. Extey . Camp , l.'tl ) S. 12th SI. PACKING COMPANIES. Ciiilnhy Packing Co. , F. A. Gale , Mpr. , G15 L St. PLUMIIIXR SUPPLIES. AA'extern Supply Co. , 82O-22 N St. STATUAHV AND MONUMENT * Klmhall llrox. , 15th ami O Stx. STOA'ES AND FUUNACES. Hall llrox Co. , iil)8 : ) O St. TA1LOHS FOlt THIS THADE. Nehrnxka Paiilx .t Salt Co. . 1217 O St. Siielr HerzoK Tailoring Co. , 1228-M : ) O St. AVIM ) MILLS. \Vexterii Supply Co. , 820-22 K St. WOOD . AVOHK. SASH , IIL1NDS , ETC. ClirtlH .t A'liu llaiiherif Co. , 001-23 M St. HAVELOCK , NEB. This IN the flrxt xlatloii northenxt from Lincoln ami lx a xnlmrh of the It coiitaliix the repair xhopx of the II. .t M It. It. , employing altrayx ML-V- eral hiimlreil hanilx. Scorex of honxex lire now In iirocex * of erection. It hax KTOOI ! clnirehert ami Hi-hoolx , a roller HoiirliiK mill I , ami lx xnrroiimleil hy very fertile anil hlKhly ciiltlvnteil fnrmliiK lamlH. LEADING BUSINESS MEN IIAKEHV. J. Forhex. HANKS. Slate Hank of Havelock , Iloht. Lyonx , Ca Nh I IT. llAltllEHS AND MATHS. D. O. Piper. C. M. Scott. HILLIAHD HALL. .1. C. Sturm. HLACKSMITHS .t CAIIUIARE M AKEHS. llroail water .t Deiiiilx. CLOTIUXfi. l P. Domielly , Imlliimi Ave. COAL. D. C. Ilerry. O. Maxterx. CIRAHS .fc CONFECTIONEHV Mrx. .llnry O'Domielly. D. F. AVooilx. DHURS , Dr. .T. A. Scott. 13. 13. Slinlcr. DHV ROODS. „ Peter Donnelly. FLOUIt & I < 'EED. F , J. Alileiihriiek. I < \ AV. Carr. E. ICenirorlhy. O. Maxlrrx. GENERAL .1IEIICHANDISI3. A. AValkcr. REM'S F.UUNISHINRS. R. G. Snillh. GIIAIN. D. C. Ilerry. RHOCEIIIKS. F. .1. Alilcnhrnck. F , AV. Carr , 13. ICcnivorthy. O , Mnxlerx. 1'hlppx llroN. A Co. HOTELS. Hnvelock Hotel , Mrx. II. I.npc , Prop , Holllet Hoiixe , .1. ( i. llolllct , Proi , .McCornilek Honxe. The ArU , Jnx. Cmnphell , PI-OIL HOHSESHOEINU Ilroailtvater t Dennlx. IXSUKANCI3. .1. J. Knar. .IEWELEH. Ell S. AVliiKcl. .HILLS. ICcmlall .V Teirt ; II. Sturm , Miller , MEAT MAHICET. C. Morn n. LAUNDHV. R. a. Smith. LUMIIEU. D. C. Ilerry. NEAVSPAPEH , The TlniOM , llaiiKhmaii Pnli. Co. , I'rojiw , 1'IIVSICIANS. C. F. Italian ! , M.I ) . , Lnmiiixtcr lllk. A. .1. McKlmion , M.I ) , , olllcu over Shu- Icr'H. Dr. J , A. Scud. POSTMISTRESS. Mrx. Mary O'Donm-lly. HAILIIOADS , II , .t M , II. It. C , II , L A P. , H , II , tiri-KKT , AKeiit. HEAL ESTATE , J. J , Knar. Iloht. Lyonx. HESTAUHANT. J. P , licit/ . SHOE STORES A SHOE MAKERS. , J. Alilunhrnck. Peter Diimii-lly , Indiana Ave , D , F. Wood * . SCHOOL. ( \ I' . Corey , Principal. UNIVERSITY PLACE Electric carx unite thin vIlliiKP nllti the mljolnlnu- city of Lincoln. Hit heart of nhlch I * only three mllei illxlnnt. The Nclirn-.Ua AVexlejati iinlverxlty lx the center for thlx liemitlfal elnitct of xnliiirhan homex. The colIi-Ke hnllilhiK U maxxlvc , th cmniitiH lx xpnclonx , ami iiiaunlll. ceiitly xllnateil upon the xnmmlt ol Kcntly rlxliiKKioiliul tthlch xlopex Id the i alley mites auny. Thlx N the urea ! .MelhoiINt college of XchraxUa nnil hax mnv nearly hall a thoiixaiiil xlnileiitx In at leiiilnnee , The tuition lx free. Support lx oh. tnlneil from the church conference * , LEADING BUSINESS MEN HAMC. The AA'liuloni Hank , T. II. AVImhcrly , Cnxhlcr. HAIIIIERS. L. R. Ilntler , Our. St. Paul A AVar. rcn MX. HLACKSMITHS .t WARON MAKERS D. AV. Clark. HIIICK. H. t ) . Castle A : ( 'o. COAL. R. O. Caxlle . ( Co. W. .1. D. Coniilx. DRURRISTS. J. 13. Hiirxey. FI.OI'R A FEED. R. F. HUT. > I. II. Mnxxcttcr. ti3NI3RAL ; .MERCHANDISC. R. Dally .t Co. D. C. Phillips. T. AV. Smith. HARDWARE. .11. L. Fuller. INSURANCE. H. llnreh A Son. llnhli McCartney. ICE. AV. .1. D. Coiinlx. JUSTICE Oli' Til 13 PEACE. J. Ileniielt. LUM1IEII. It. O. Cnxtle .V Co. " ' MANl'FAfTfRER ' OF SDISOIL PLOW& D. AV. Clark. MEAT .MARKET. C. II. Moxely. PIIVSICIAN. AV. 1C. Cnrlyle , .11.D. . CorMiller A Wctvr rill Six. POSTMASTER. J. A. Alley. NEII. WESLI3VAN UXIA'EUSITA' . Rev. IKIIIIC Crook , D.D. , Chancellor. Clinx. Forilyee , A.M. , Principal Normal Dejit. N13AVSPAPEl. | The Tlinex , IlmiKhniaii Pnli. Co. , Prop * XOTAHV PUIIL1C. J. Dennett. REAL ESTATE. H. lliirch A Son. Hoht. .lleCartney. SHO13MAKERS. L. S. llnllliiKcr. STOA'ES A TIXWARIC. M. L. Fuller. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IHUnLTKOTON & MO. IllVKU.lArrives OmalinUnlonDeiot | _ , 10th .t Munon Sta. | Omaha 8:30am. : ' . . . . . Denver Exprci-s. . . . ! . . . . . 9:3Sum : < :3'.iin.UlI ; . Hills , Mont. A l > uict Knil Kx , 4tii : > m 4:33pni : Henvcr Kxnrcss 4:0jpm : 7:05pm : .Nebraslta Locnl ( except Sumlny ) . . 7M5pm . . .Lincoln Lucnl ( except HunJay.lli25um ) 2:4opm..Fn8t Mull ( for Lincoln ) d OmahalUnlon Depot , lOtli & Mil son S Is./Omaha / 6:00pm : Chicago Ve.'tlhuli ) 8:00am : OMSnrn ChlcaKO Expitss , , , , , 4:15pm : 7'Upin..ClilcnR A. Kt. Loiiln Kxnresa. . . SOam : ) ll:35am : I'aclflc Juncllon Local 5:30pm : Fatt Mall ZMOpiu Leaves ICIIICAOO , MIL. A ST. PAUL.Arrlvfs | OmalmjUnlon Depot , lOtli ti Mnson Sls.f Omaha 6:00pm7. : ChlcaKO Limited 8:03ani 1045ani..Chlciigo ! Expreaa jex. [ SundajO. . . 3:2'imi : : Leaves ICIIICAOO & NO nTinVKST'N. I Arrives' OinuliaUnlon | Depot , lOtli K MasonJJts.f Oinalia HiOOam KaMern Express 3COpm : 4:4jpm : Vc-stllHiled Limited S:20nm : 7:05itn rnridll I'aHBCnKer 10S5pm : C:4i : > pni Omnhii C'lilciiwo Special Mnrmiii 4:30im : | Iluone Loral . 'J:20,1111 : Leaves ICHICAOO. U. I. il I'ACIKIC.lArrlvei OmaliulUnlon Dtpot , IQtli & Mason Bin.I Omali.t 6:45pm.Oldahoma : A Texas Ex. ics. 8un.,10Cnm ) : l ; < 0pm . Colorado . . . . . . . . : Leaves j C. " , ST. P. . M. & O iArrTveii' OmaliaJ _ Depot , 15tli nrnl Welisicr Sts , J Omalia BilSam . Sioux rity Acconimnilallon . . 12l. : pm. . . Sioux City Exprras ( ex. .Sun. ) . . .lliSSam RMCprn fil5pm. : . . . St.Paul _ Llmliefl. . . . . . . . fljlOain LeuVcsT FV E. A MO. VALLETTi * Oinuliai Depot , 15th and Webalcr tila. I Omaha SlG : ) > m . Kiist Mall anil Express. . , . . . , C35plii ; 2lSpm.PX. : flat. ) Wyo. Hx. ( ex Mon. ) . . . 5.3'iiMi 7:5a.im.Norfollc : l xprets ( ex. Huiid.iv,10Ss'ini ) ; B:45pm : . Bt. Paul Expicss . 9:19. : im Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. It. lAiTlves" OmalinUnlon | Ucjiot , lOtli & Maaon SI J Omaha fjr.Sani Knnsni Clly Day Kxpres8.T6SOiim tMpm.K. C. Night Kx. Via U. I' . Trann , 7:00am : Leaves J MISSOURI PACIKIC , lAnlvea" O in a 1m Depot , 15lh and Webster 8ts , I Omaha 1040am ; ? l , Lou 18 Expremi C:0d"ani 8:30nm : Rt. Louis Express 8:30jim..ll.Nebraska : Local ( ux , Sun. ) 803aro COSpm : Leaves I SfoUX cTfv" * PACiPIC" iArTTveT Omaliaj Depot , 15th and Wehbtcr 8t . | Omaha Efl nin . Rt. Paul l.linllrd fttUVmT Leaven I RIOIJX CITY & rACIPIC , I Arrives" OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason HU.f Omalm 7:05am : . Sioux City Pamcnser . 10:3pm : . . . ! . Paul Limited. . . :20am : l UNION PACIFIC. " fAr'lven OmuhalUnlon Depot , lOtli & Mason > ts.l _ Oniaha 9:10am : . North Platte Expri-ns . 430pnT ; 8:10.iin : . Overland Limited. . . . 4:15pm : Z:3ipni.Icat'cn : A Btiumrli'R Kf ( ox , Hun. ) , 4 : 30pm EMSjm ) . . Grand Inlanil Express ( ex. Sun , ) , 12:10irn : | 8i3Spm . . ram Mall , . . . . . . . . . .IQiZJum AVAIIASH IIAILWAY. "TArrfveT OmahalUnlon Depot. IQIIi A Mamm fits I Omiilm \l : < ) pm . Kl , Ixjuls Cannon Ual ! . IlMara : ( My mama ussd Wool Boap ) II wl&li mine bad ) WOOLENSvVA not shrink If WOOL SOAP < ' Is ii5 d In Hie laundry. AVno ] Boap ItrtnllcaU ) ami rufruvlilnxforballi pur * pi , ui. Tliu bi'Holuaiijur. lluvalntfat vuurdtultri. Two Uu : toilet uail InunUry. Kawortb , Schodde tc Co , , Makers , cb ai'nailmni St. . llokton , ( II Looimnl Ht. , Men Vork.WT Cbcjluut Ht.ei. LuuU.