Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    * S5 - SWBi
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Ban Not Removed and Catholics Enjointx
from Holding Membership.
KoilliiK < < > < Iie Iiiipilry of nn Ameri
can HlNlinp l < c Mil , Worried
ConrrriiliiHT ( lie KtiriiiiriiM
bltiiittlnii IIM IllKurilVnr. .
( Copyright * ! , me. by I'rrM nibllfihlns Comrany. )
UOMI2 , Nov. 20. ( New York World Cable-
, Kram Special Telegram. ) The Holy Office
( the Inquisition ) replying to a question of n
bishop of the United States , has Just pub
lished a decree forbidding Catholics to con
tinue to bo memberj of secret societies even
though they should not attend meetings or
take an active part In the proceedings. It Is
thus clear that the Vatican Is bent on xvaglns
ruthless war against secret organizations. It
Is understood that the determination of the
Holy See was largely due to Jesuits' Influence.
The conferences nt the propaganda In con
nection with the choice of a successor to
Mgr. O'Oonncll , lat.'ly rector of M'c American
college , have been stormy. Violent opposi
tion was shown at the last moment In cer
tain quarters to the appointment of Dr. Ken
nedy. Some cardinals strongly urged
the Immediate election of Dr. Kennedy , on
the ground that he was recommended by all
the American archblthops and warmly sup
ported by Mgr. Eatolll. Others contended
that the " ( erne" submitted by the American
bishops was unaccspUblo ! that the Informa
tion attached to It was Inadequate and that
cither another "terno" was desirable , or
f jrther Information as to the candidates should
bo requested. In only rare Instances does
the propaganda fall to ratify the selections
of the bishops.
The pope has been much distressed by the
persistent war rumors. At the Vatican
gloomy views arc taken of the situation.
It Is thought even Ifvar does not
break out now It cannot be postponed
beyond next spring. Leo XIII. Is particularly
troubled by the fear that Italy will bo
dragged Into the expected struggle. In that
ivont the Vatican would find llficlf In a
critical position. Communication between
the holy sec and the Catholic world might
be Interrupted The Italian government
would probably refuse to tolerate the pres
ence In Home of ambassadors accredited to
the Vatican by hostile powers. The pope
would probably be treated as a hostage and
exposed to danger. Duscusslng the question
today with a cardinal , the holy father said :
"Whatever happens I shall stay In Homo. "
An attempt to leave Home In the event ot
war probably would bo opposed by the
Italian government.
SklriiilNli Occur * llcUvoon tlie Troops
on ( lie Frontier.
.CopyrlRlitotl , 1S05. by Press I'liTdlrhlnK foinpnny , ]
COLON , Colombia , Dec. 4. ( New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The
Ecuador troops , after a fight lasting two
hours , defeated a troop of invaders from
Colombia and forced them to retreat beyond
the frontier.
Moit of the native laborers from Cartha-
gena employed on the canal here have struck.
They t-ay that they contracted for $1.50 a day
and that they ore paid only $1. Many arrests
have been made. Serious ( rouble Is feared.
It 1 ? reported from Chile that the Balnia-
cedlst deputies arc obstructing discussion o :
the plan for effecting a loan of $32,500,000.
' The last revolt cost the Colombian govern
ment. It Is estimated , $15.000,000.
GUATEMALA. Dec. 4. ( New York World
Cablegram Special Tolsgram. ) A banquet to
the new Spanish minister to Central America
was given hero last evening by ths Spanish
colony. President Darrlos and the members
of the diplomatic corps were Invited , bui
none attended. On the motion of the new
minister $ .1,000 wag subscribed and will be
forwarded to Spain.
MANAGUA , Nicaragua , Izc. 4. ( New Ycrk
World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Ureht
opposition Is manifested to the president' :
announced Intention of allowing the United
States to superintend the survey and con
struction of the Nicaragua canal. Many sig
natures arc > being obtained to a petition
which will be presented to congress , asking
that steps be taken to frustrate the pur
poses of Nicaragua1 ! * president.
nil Cinii.nlt'y.ol Ili-Kiirilcd IIM nil HOII-
ornhle liiNurKt'iit 1 > y Ills C'niitorx.
; Cop > rlRlitPil , 1S95 , | jy 1'ri'fn rubllslitnR Company )
HAVANA , Cuba , Dec. 4. ( New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram Oil
Gonzalez , the captured rebel leader , was
shot today at Matanzas , having been con
demned by a court martial. He was not
regarded as an honorable insurgent , but as
i robber and a murderer.
A body of , SOO Insurgents moved from the
mountains yesterday under Jayas and VI-
Jala and attacked the old astronomical Eta-
tlon outside Santa Clara city. A corporal
and four men were In charge , all volun
teers. The rebels pursued their usual tuc-
tics , flrlng at the defenses without making
an assault. A column of 120 soldiers , under
Staff Captain Yncenga , went to the roncuo.
Aftrr brief filing the rebels retired to Lonia
Cruz , ton miles distant. The only Spanish
nlllccr wounded was Lieutenant Montasa ;
There Is no reason why the rebels should
npt have captured the garrison and overrun
the HUbmlis of the city , had they sufficient
sand. Them are few troops near Santa
KINGSTON. Jamaica , Dee.I. . ( New Y.ork
World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) A
party of Cubans , equipped for a journey , left
town ut midnight. Detectives uro following ,
as It If Hispected that the Cubans will try
to eall for Cuba unobserved , carrying muni
tions which have been concealed on the
north side * of the Uland ,
Of rni II 11 I'mitTM Tliiiik Treatment ot
Sulfur from Tln-rc Too Severe ,
HiniLIN , Dec.I. . The KolnUcbe Zeltung ,
commenting upon President Cleveland's incs-
fcage bearing upon the trade rjla'tlona be
tween Germany and America , refers to the
dlpadvantaKt'H with \\lilcb German sugar ! m-
portem to America contend , "Tl/s Inspection
of American pork. " says the Zeltuiig , "Is
merely of a local nature , and had not war
ranted the dluVmitlal treatment of Gorman
Importt ) by America , while American Intur-
anco companies are only subjected to the
63 mi ; regulation ! ) as are all such Institutions
In I'rusila. "
The Keltung concludes that such questions
should not be ilfcl.ied in a moment of anger ,
but hhould he Kotllod In a manner agreeable
to both countries , after duo consideration of
all that may bo tuld for and against. Un
doubtedly , It thinks , this IH also President
Cleveland's desire ,
The Dally News' Berlin correspondent
makes similar comments and stays ; The free
traders licrc suspect that tbo measures
against American food products \\tre really
prompted by a detilro * u 1m complaisant to
the German farmers , whose Interests suffer
by American competition ,
The Dally News corrcnionOent concludes :
Anil-American meayuren meet opposition litre
as tending to slop Ilio rapidly growing com
mercial relations , the statistic ) ) showing that
there is o continual rise of German exports
to America.
Coiuiuou IVoi'le , "
As Abraham Lincoln * called them , da not
care ( o urijue abmit their nllmouts. What
they woit U 11 medicine that will cure them.
The simple , honest nUtement. "I know that
Hood's Sarsaparllla cured me , " ! tho. best
argument In favor ot this medicine , and this
U what many thousands vuluntarily say ,
Hood's Pll's ' are the best after-dinner pills.
Assist digestion , cure headache. . 25c.
Pllce of ptople have piles , uut
Witch Hazel Salve nlll cure tbetu.
WOHIC AT ixci.i ; : SAM'S\ < >
Contractor * Will Keen Tliclr Foror-i
I'mplnycil DiirltiR tlir Winter.
Work has progressed elonly on the ntv
federal building during the past week or tcr
daya. This has been due partly to the first
fall of snow , which drove the force ot slater !
from the roof , and partly to the non-nrrlva
ot material which was needed In construction
The heavy brick retaining walls In the reai
of the main court have been finished niu
capped with huge blocks of grnnllo nnd ale <
the two flight ! ) of outside stairs leading InU
the basement. The brick partition wall or
the west side ot the court is finished nnd th (
Iron girders to support the root are bslng
put In placs.
Inside the building work In bolnf
pushed more rapidly. Under the dlrectloi
ot Subcontractor Deverill the flreproofln ;
ct the floors and partitions Is nearly com <
plettil , Mr. Deverill stated that three weeks
would suince to finish the upper floors am
that his contract would be complete with tin
exception of covering the Iron piers of th <
latgo mall distributing room on the grouni
floor. Nearly all of the windows ot the bulld <
Ing hav ? been enclosed , Into which have beer
put small rough sashes to give light to thi
workmen. Contractors Hainan and Malr an
busy at present ulth a forc of men who arc
engaged In putting In the ventilating and r
portion of the heating apparatus. The geiv
eral plan of the latter will be upon the re-
volvlng fan plan and will bs patterned some
what llko the plant now In operation Ir
the Crclghton theater.
Mr. Mnlr stated that a number of carloads
of elate had jurt arrived and that , wcathei
permitting , the roofing would be com
pleted In about a month. The contracts foi
part of the plumbing have been let and the
contractors having the preliminary , or thai
portion which consists mainly of stamlplpoa
waste and sewer connections , expect to fob
low closely upon the fireproofers. This \vorh
will probibly occupy over two months. The
plastering contracts have not yet been let and
as there Is no heating apparatus In the
building at present , nothing nlll be done In
this line until spring. Large flag poles have
"been erected upon the north and south wings.
The north one will bs used for the signals
of the weather bureau and the south for the
United States and Internal revenue flags.
Tha mall distributing room In th ? centet
of the butlJIng Is beginning to assume Its
ultimate proportions and Is enormous In size.
It l said by those who are supposed to
know that It will bo one of the largest mall
rooms In the United States.
Diphtheria Dlncovereil.
When a case of diphtheria Is reportell the
whole town Is In an uproar. It Is wise to be
prepared for all such emergencies ! There Is ]
no cause for alarm If you have Allen's Hy
gienic Fluid at hand. Contagion Is Impossi
ble when It Is uwd. It H u preventive medi
cine disinfectant , deodorant nnd germ killer !
and has a remarkably agreeable , taste and
odor. It not only prevents disease , but Is
cleansing nnd healing. Heflned people every
where use It.
Mvlloily SUJ-M Hint Ho Won Iloofx
Property I'lnyliiKT I'oUer.
J. Mellody , claiming to be the proprietorof
a boarding house In Bast Omaha , was arrested
'Wednesday ' night , charged with vagrancy.
Yesterday he was Identified by the pollco
as being wanted upon a charge of grand
larceny. Mellody and his wife were cm-
ployed last-summer upon the farm of Allan
Hoot In this county. Mr. Hoot had occasion
to leave the premlsss In charge of Mellodj
and his wife , and It Is stated that upon his
return he found little else than the farm
house remaining , as Mellody and his wife had
removed the larger part of the contents dur
ing his absence.
The police hive been on the lookout for
Mellody for some time past and he was only
accidentally Identified by one of the de
tectives while being searched at the station
last night. Mellody Rays th t-he-came Into
possession of the things taken through n
poker game with the younger Root , and was
only taking articles which rightfully belonged
to him. '
Coiillitcmciit mill Ilnril Work
Indoors , particularly In the sitting posture ,
are far more prejudicial to health than ex
cessive muscular exertion in the open air ,
Hard pedentary workers are far -too weary
after otllce hours to take much needful exer
cise In the open air. They often neeJ a tonic ,
Wl.ere can they seek Invlgoratlon more cer
tainly and thoroughly than from Hosteller's
Stomach Bitters , a rcnovant particularly
adapted to recruit the exhausted force pi
nrture. Use also for dyspepsia , kidney , live :
and rheumatic ailments.
Tailor AVorliciI oil II IoilK < * that Wii
XiMV to Him.
A. Rubensteln , a tailor In the basement
ot the 1'axton hotel , appeared at the police
station yesterday and stated to the prose
cuting attorney that he had be3n beaten out
of $5.75 by an entirely new method. He said
that Charles Mack , about two months ago ,
brought In a coat to be repaired , and that a
price of $2.50 was made. Mack failed tc
materialize at the time specified , and did
not bhow up at the shop until Wednesday.
He then demanded the coat , and tendered
$2 In payment , which was refused. He
thereupon , so It Is alleged , threatened Uuusri-
btoln with arrest , and later returned with
Constable King and a warrant. Hubenstcin
was then taken across the street and In
veigled into paying $2,75 costs In the case
and afterward , in order to avoid further
complications , gave up the coat to Mack ,
The warrant upon which Uubensteln was
arrested wa retained by King. The cans
will be investigated by the police.
The .Mriili-rn Mother
Has found Oat her little ones are Improved
more by the pleasant laxative , Syrup of Figs ,
when In need ot the laxative effect of n.
gentle remedy than by any other , and that
it Is more acceptable to them. Children
enjoy it and it benefits them. The true
reiredy. Syrup of Figs , Is manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
Fell from II IK .Machine.
Fireman Robert McCloud of No. 0 engine
house , while answering a call of fire at'
Twenty-fourth and Wlrt streets Wednes
day night , fell off the huso cart
at Twenty-fourth nnd Cumlng streets ,
andvaa severely scratched and
bruised. He was taken to the police
station and after beng attended by a phy&l-
cli'.ii , was driven to the engine houfeo. Ills
Injuilcs. are not of a serloua nature.
Important .Shorlfr Sale.
50 shares of 10 apt Omaha Land Co. stock
will bo sold ut uheilff sale under execution
it cist door of court 'homo , Saturday morning ,
10 o'clock , December 7th , A chance for n
good Investment.
Charity ClrciiN
A ineotlnt ; la called for this evening
at 7 o'clock , nt the I'axton cafe , ot all inter
ested In the Kocloty circus.
A meeting l called for this morning ,
Filda'y , at 10 o'clock , at the I'axton cafe of
all women who are- Interested In tbo work
Qf the Associated Charltleu to- attend to the
business part of the yoclely circus at the
Coliseum. Women zro urgently requested
to attend.
_ _
Holiheil Wlillo lie Slept.
Mike O'Neill , a roomer ut the Aetna hotel ,
reported to the police Wednesday night that he
tad been robbed of $25 while he slept. O'Neill
stated that hti hud the money sewed up In his
rlothea and that he was positive that he had
Iho ami/iin1 in hlu possession last night upon
retiring. TMs morning when lie searched
lilu cloMilng [ or the mo/ity It was gone.
f * Little Early niter * , the plls ! that
: ure couRlljutlon and bllllouBiieu ,
He Only Went to IVIIIINIIM.
.Tallies Jiiuoliy , the Co'uncil Bluffs drayman
ivho created something of a sensation by dlb-
ippc-arlr.g front home last Tuesday and Ifav-
Ing a letter fluting that ho would commit
mlclde , has boon hiard from , lie has tele
graphed wife , Uom AtcblMii , Kan , , thai
io ; will behcme tomorrow ,
Important Shorlll Sale ,
CO shares of KdPt Omaha Land Co. stock
vlll be void ut ( lurid vale under execution
it ejot door of court houte , Saturday morning ,
.0 o'clock , Derembfr 7th. A chance for a
; oed Inven'mcnt.
Haydcn Ores ' ad li ou jage 'J ,
Make Some Astounding Prices in the Boy' '
Dopirtnnnt for Saturday.
The 1'lrnt Cirailc Clothing for Hey
n ml Children llrokeii I.otn , It'
True I'll ! on T o Tahle * for
I'rlday ami Saturday.
Broken lots some lota In which there ar
two or three suits ot a kind , or an ulster , o
an overcoat zouavo suits , junior suits , reef
era , two-piece suits , novelties all bunched on
two tables for tomorrow's tale at prices tha
arc not often duplicated at bankrupt sales.
The proposition to furnish you with a halt
dozen cabinet photographs of your boy
dressed In our clothe ? , holds good during Hit
pale , provided you buy $0.00 worth , or more
but , on account of the rush of holiday bust
ness wo will bo compelled to close this orte
on and after December 16th , as otter tha
dale Mr. Hhlnelmrt will be unable * to finish
up work In time tor Christmas.
There are a lot ot miscellaneous styles o
boys' ulsters , ranging In sizes from 7 to
18 years , and In value from $ C.BO to $12.CO
that we place on one of the "Closing 'En
Out" tables at $4.00 to $ S.CO.
Then there are boys' reefers , not one o
which we have over sold for less than $0,60
that go for $4,00.
A broken lot of reefers , made up of al
the most desirable fabrics , carries the price
mark ot $7.50 , although some and mot o
them originally sold for $12CO.
There arc boys' long pant suits' that we've
been Belling all along for $7.50 , that go for
: While all the broken sizes In boys' suits
that sold for up as high as $18 to $20 , go In
this "cutting 'em down" sale nt $10.00 a suit
In the broken sizes of the boys' 2-plece pull
the cut becomes most apparent. Wo have
made two lots of them and have placed there
In two-pleco suits that all season long hav
sold for ae high as $6.00 at the uniform prlc
of $4.00.
All the two-piece suits that sold for $8.50 o
more , and are broken In sizes , go at $5.0
Hoys' zouave and junior emits , the very
choicest designs and patterns , styles that w
have had a great demand for at $5.00 , go a
The $6.50 junior and zouavo suits In broken
sizes at $4.00.
Besides these ao many novelties In reefer
and suits that It Is not possible to specify , any
selection from which will provo a bargain.
Cape overcoats , ages from 3 to G years , th
$4.00 kind for $2.50 and the the $7.50 kind to
Thus It goes on all ever the broken lot eru
of the children's department , preparing fo
you the grandest array of choice , elegant bar
gains It's been your lot to ssc for many a day
Remember the offer of six photographs o
your boy holds good only to December 15th
This Is the 5th. Rhlnehart takes the pictures
All you ha've to do Is to buy six dollars' wort ]
or more In the children's department to get a
half-dozen for nothing.
"Cutlng 'em down sale , "
S. W cor. 15th and Douglas sis' " *
-Ct-18 ! . M.
or ,
a 'quarter to six ,
The new "Omaha-Chicago Special , "
via the Northwestern line.
arriving at Chicago next morning
a quarter to nine ,
8:45 : a. m.
City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
HoiaeHeeUers' I2xcurMon South.
On November 13 , 27 and December 11 , th
Wabash will sell tickets to Arkansas , Loulsl
ana and Texan at half faro with $2.00 added
For tickets and further information , or a.
copy of the Homeseekers' Guide , call a
Wabash office , 1415 Farnam street , or writ
G. N. CLAYTON. N. W. P. Agt.
Ho Hnil Htivcr Money.
W. Newbert , a palno player , was ar
rested , charged with passing a counter-
felt $10-bill. He was arraigned before Judge
IJerka and handed over to Deputy
Marshals Bohmo and Llddiard. It
Is said by the police that this Is not New-
bsrt's first offense in attempting to pass the
"queer" and that he Is In collusion with a
gang of counterfeiters who have headquar
ters a short distance out of Council Bltiffp
The bill In question was a very poorly exe
cuted silver certificate. The United
States officer ? claim to have some clews thai
will result In the Immediate arrest of other
members of the gong.
Alined nt Sidewalk ThlcveH.
The Board of Public Works has offered a
reward of $25 for the arrest of every person
who can be caught stealing planks from
wooden sidewalks. This soil of petty lar
ceny baa become very common sine ? colt
weather set In. It appears that It has1 be-
eonio a common practice of some of the
thrifty citizens who reside In the suburbs to
pull up a loose plunk when they go homo al
night , to be used for kindling waed In the
morning. The Ifcard expects that the pros
pect cf a reward may aculst In putting a
stop to thts , sari of thieving.
llnllotH TnKi'ii Into Court.
The county commissioner election contest ,
In which Halfdan Jacobson disputes the elec
tion of W. I. Klerstead , was called In county
court yesterday. Mr. Klerstead waived
all formalities and unless somolinforfeen com
plication develops , the contest will pimply
conulst of a recount of the ballots , which will
probably occupy a couple of dayu. As It was
nearly noon by the time the ballots had been
selected and taken Into court , the task of
counting them was postponed until this after
noon. _
I.cctnrcN hy I'rof. llcNNcy.
The lecture by Professor Besscy of the
State university this evening will bo.tho .
opening of the course of three lectures on
the vegetation of this state. It will bo Illus
trated by a Eterecpilcon and will be very
Interesting and Illustrative , Prof. Bessey has
taken unusual pains to make these lectures
of Interest and practical value. His
national reputation is a guaranty of. the ,
excellence of any of his work.
Acts at one } , never falls , One Minute Cough
Cure. A remedy for asthma , and that fever
ish condition which accompanies a severe cold ,
The only harmless remedy that produces Im
mediate results.
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
DR ;
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frea
iiom Ammonia , Alum cr any other adulterant.
Snyn tlmt lie Will CnnhVnrrnntn
for the Sclthnt Trnchrrx.
There Is a lot of tronUe on the hands of
the city employes who liave drawn the war
rants for their November pay. Some tlmo
ago an ordinance wtm , adopted In accordance
with a law that wasi passed by the last
legislature which provided for the registra
tion of warrants at 7 p n nt Interest. This
was designed to relieve tl o city of the neces
sity of paying warrants as they were pre
sented , or clso comtfelllng the holders to
have them the local banks or
by brokers. It was expected that the banks
would be very wllllngito cash all 7 per cent
warrants and thus employes would bo as
sured of their full pay , whether there was
any money In the funds on which the war
rants were drawn or not.
U now appears that the now arrange
ment Is not producing the desired result.
The funds are generally depicted and nil
November warrants on the fire , police ,
school , curbing , guttering and clean
ing and special funds were registered tor
payment whenever the condition of
the treasury would admit. The holders of
warrants now claim that the banks have re
fused to cash these 7 per cent. registered war
rants unless the holders are customers nnd
have demanded I per cent discount on the face
of the warrants. This was a tax on all school
teachers , members ot the lire and police dc-
partmcnto nnd various other employes. Em
ployes nro very Indgnant at what they de
nounce aa "hogglshness" on the part of the
banks which refuse to be satisfied with the 7
per osnt Interest paid by the city. The school
teachers were especially enthusiastic In their
expression of Indignation nnd this has con
tributed to their relief. Yesterday Thomas
Kllpatrlck sent word to all the schools Unit
he would cash all the teachers' warrants ,
amounting to about $25,000 , at th ir face
value on presentation at his store. His propo
sition was accepted with thanks by the 'earn
ers nnd those who have not already i > havcd
their warrants are taking advantage of his
_ _
Snvlllc DetallH Smith mill lloyil for
Sanitary Inspector Smith was placed on duty
by Commissioner of Health Savllle yesterday.
morning. Smith la one of the Inspectors who
were laid ort when the health fund ran out
some time ago. The commissioner alro ) nt
S. L. Boyd to work as milk Inspector , to suc
ceed John Brnncr , who was dismissed on tne
recommendation of Dr. Savtllc at the board
meeting Wednesday.
Theic is etlll an overlap In the health fund ,
but It is understood that the finance commit
tee ot the city council has tacitly agrend to
recommend the payment of the salaries of
these two Inspectors out of the gennral fund.
The newly appointed milk Inspector Is a close
political connection oC the chairman of the
finance committee , who has been endeavoring
to secure him the position all the year , and It
Is expected that there will be some way pro
vided for the payment of his salary.
They Mimt Ivet-p OR the Ice.
Officer Dcolcy reported to Chief Slgwart
yesterday that a number of the residents
near Bcmls paik had complained to him
lately that a gang of tough characters had
taken possession of the lake In the park ,
to the exclusion of all others. It in said that
these rowdies , who Jiall from the lower portion
tion of the city , abuse and threaten the
little girls who attempt to skate upon the
pond and that they' have assaulted many of
the smaller boys who have attempted to
stand up for their rights. The chief dlrecSed
the oIDcer on the beat to watch the park
from now on and arrest anyone making a
A Glenn Sweep
via the NORTHWESTERN , gets before
starting cast at 5:45 p. m. Tint Is because
It Is a complete OMAHA train from UNION
PACIFIC "DEPOT , OMAHA , i' City ticket.
ofllce , 1401 Farna-n 'street.,0 ,
Haydfn Bros'iad. Is on.Pnga'2. '
"MaUluR-iiThlnc * Ullmi. "
No. 6 , Omaha , S:45 : p. m. , Chicago , 5.45 a. m.
No. 2Omaha. . 4:45 : p. m. , Chlogo , 7:45 a ; m.
No. 1 , Chicago , G:00 : p. m. , Omaha , 8:10 : a. m.
No. 3 , Chicago , 10:45 : p. m. , Omaha , 3:35 : p. m.
No , S , . Omaha. 10:30 : a. m. , Chicago ; :00'a. : . m.
, No. 5 , .Chicago , 4:30 p. m. , Omaha , 8:20 a. m.
City Ticket Offlcc , 1401 Farnam street.
December 11th.
On the above date the Missouri Pacific
railway will nsll round trip tickets to points
In Texas , Arkansas and Louisiana at one
fare ( plus $2.00) ) . For particulars , maps , etc. ,
call or address depot , 15th and Webster , or
N. E. corner 13th and Farnam streets ,
Omaha , Neb. Thomas P. Godfrey , P. and T.
A. J. O. Phillip ) , A. G. F. and P. A.
Columbia Metal Polish. Cross Gun Co.
Consultation Free.
Consult your best interests and go east via
the evening Northwestern line , OMAHA-
CHICAGO SPECIAL , at "a quarter to six , "
arriving at Chicago at 8:45 : o'clock the next
City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
Oniiihn' GetH H New Train.
The Overland Limited , via Union Pacllic-
Northwcstorn , that formerly took an Omaha
sleeper east dally at 5:45 : p. m. , now leaves
an hour earlier , and In Its place , at a quarter
to 0 every evening , the NORTHWESTERN
line starts a new complete train In OMAHA ,
from OMAHA and for OMAHA , arriving In
Chicago at 8:15 : o'clock next morning. A
clean vestlbuled gas ! ! t Ak-Sar-Ben flyer
with sleepers ( superb ) chair cars
dining car ( Northwestern ) . City ticket office ,
1101 Farnam street.
Haydcn Bros. ' ad Is on page 2.
p rn
C ( lu ,
The Most Complete Line of Ladles' nnd
Misses' Shoos in Omaha ,
Now IN the limp to liny Them The
1'rlec Will Never lie I.mier the
Value Will Never He Illuher
Special Sale Saturday.
AND $1.60 ,
Wo have the most complete line of ladles' ,
misses' and children's shoes and slippers for
fall and winter wear that we have ever had.
Ladles' genuine welt solo shoes , narrow
square toe , at $1.50 , cut from $2.25 ,
Ladles' extension soles shoss , narrow square
toe , at $1.25 , cut from $1.75.
Ladles' flno kid shoes , cither turn or welt
sole , In button or lace at $3.00. Host $3.00
shoe made.
See our tallor-mado box calf shoo for win
ter wear nt $1.25. The best shoe made for
skating and street wear.
See our line ot ladles' 20th century shoes
at $3.GO and $4.00.
Ladles' opera and common sense slippers ,
sizes 2 > , & to 4 , at 25o and 50c , cut from $1.00
and $1.50.
Ladles' serge slippers at 23c , sizes 2V4 to 5 ,
cut from $1.00.
Boys' calf button shoes , .sizes 2',4 to EV4 ,
at $2.00 , cut from $3.00 and $3,50.
Youths' calf button and lace shoes , sizes
11 to 2 , nt $1.75 , cut from $2.50 and $3.00.
Mimes' rubbers , 11 to 13 , at lOc , regular
price 35c.
Baby's fine kid button shoes at 25c.
Have a full line ot ladles' white and black
kid strap slippers.
Cor. Farnam nnd 15th Sts.
THOtJIIl.H FOR .tilt. IlltOWN.
He IH Now ACCIIMC < I of Dcfrnuitlni ? nil
Old Colored Woman.
The troubles of George 'E. Brown , the
North Twenty-fourth street commission mer
chant now under arrest , charged with stealIng -
Ing $400 worth of diamonds from Vcrna
Wells , seem to have Just begun.
Yesterday an old colored woman , Ab
igail Miller , appeared at the po
llco station and requested a war
rant for Brown , accusing him ot ap
propriating $ SG of her money under a promise
of depositing It In a savings bank. Mrs.
Miller stated that she was formerly em
ployed by Brown and while ho was a resi
dent of Dundee place , nnd that she had at
that time $86 deposited In the Nebraska Na
tional bank. She alleges that Brown , under
a promU-e of taking the money and placing
it in n bank where she would receive Inter
est for It , Inveigled her Into turning the
amount over to him. She states Brown
gave her a check for the amount , payable on
the German Savlngo bank. She also says
that Brown had no money on deposit In the
bank upon which the check was made pay
Foil ml Guilty of the Charge.
Jeabotto Allen , who was arrested on
the charge of being a procuress , was found
guilty and bound over to the district court ,
the amount of .the/ bond being placed by
Judge Berka at'$1,000. The Allen woman
was arrested spmp time ago for harboring
Jennie Morrisona'glrl under age , and her
trial set for a hearing last Monday. As she
wag not present at the time the bond"was
declared forfeited.
Chariot * AVnx ICnoelieil Out.
Charles Martin , a boy who has lately been
einp'loyEd by a florist 'In delivering packages ,
ran Into a wagon near the corner of
Sixteenth and Izard streets while riding n
bicycle nnd was thrown to the pavemo-it with
considerable force. Ho was picked up by by
standers In an unconscious condition and sent
to the police station. His ? inplojer shortly
afterward called for him and he was taken
to the homo of the former at 121S North
Eighteenth street , where n physician was
called to attend him. No bones were broken ,
but it is feared that he has yuttalne'l Internal
injuries of a serious nature. The bicycle was
a wreck.
Alarmed lleciniNc of Ills Ahxeuee.
Some friends of William Grimm , a dairy
man of South Omaha , appeared at the police
station yesterday and stated that he had been
missing from his home since last Monday
night , nnd that members of his family , who
llvo near Fort Crook , are much alarmed over
his continued absence. Grimm has been
furnishing milk to the workmen at the new
fort , and received a check for $18 Monday
morning. This he cashed In South Omaha.
Nothing has been seen of him since. It Is
said that he had considerable money on his
person at the time and ft is thought that he
may have been held up on his return home
and robbed.
California *
If you want to get there comfortably ,
cheaply , quickly , call at the Burlington's city
ticket office , 1324 Farnam street , and ask
for Information about our Personally Con
ducted Excursions.
They leave every Thursday morning.
.Raymond Jeweler
A watch a gold watch or a silver watch
gold is but little more than silver now make
elegaftt Christmas presents We have no price
to make You come in and guess if you guess
reasonably close it's your watch.
C. S. Raymond.
F A New View of Life.
Itiis surprising how often the
troubles of this life spring from in
digestion. And more surprising
how few people know it , You'say ,
'I'm blue , " or "my head feels queer , "
or "I can't sleep"or , "Everything frets
me. " Nine times in ten indigestion
is at the bottom of all your miseries ,
and a box of Ripan's Tabules
would give you a-new view of life.
fllpan'i Tatmle * Bold by druggltti , or br mill
U Hi * price ( M cents a box ) Is ieat to the III-
Clirmlcal Company. No. 10 ty-TUCt it. , N. Y.
I'Mffl ' ! $175 $
Until January 1
After that the deluge No more
business for us after that What we
can't sell before that we'll give away
We can safely say that , because we are
clearing out the stock so rapidly that
there won't be enough left to make a respectable -
spectable showing on a Christmas tree ,
Overcoats . .
A splendid heavy winter overcoat that
used to sell for $6.00 , this week .
Splendid overcoats in beavers , cheviots ,
chinchillas , melton ? , kerseys , elysians , in
blue , brown , black and Oxfords , at less
than half price in every instance.
$15.00 garments. . . . $650
$ i8.oo fine overcoats . $8-50
Our elegant $25.00 garments . $12.00
Men's Suits . .
Splendid all wool suits that never sold
for less than gS.oo , go this week for. . . . $3.75
.Excellent fine wool , well trimmed ,
nicely tailored , latest style cheviot suits ,
the regular $15.00 article , for only. . . . $6.5O
Think of this : $18. ooand $20.00 worsted
cassimere and fine diagonal cheviots ,
this week for .
Furnishings . .
Good wool underwear
The SOG grade for. 25c
Fleece lined wool underwear , 35c
The regular $1.00 fine goods , 50c
Wilson Bros. $1.25 white shirts for only- - 75c
250 E. & W. linen collars
Quitting Business. 13th and Farnam Sts-
When Passing
We would like you to notice some newr
Christmas things we have put in the win
dow to attract attention. If you ieel in
clined to inspect them more closely we
shall be pleased.
The newest of new things are gold ,
and imperial and gold and antique orna
ments. These are being used in house
decorations wherever art is considered in >
furnishings ,
rurktsh Rugs
Greatest assortment ever shown in thert
city of Small Bohkaras , Shervans , " Cora *
baughs and Kelems. P
Make your Christmas selections now , iit iiI
Orchard & Wilhelm ilA .
Carpet Co. olftf