TITE OMAHA DATLYJJIDE : "WlyESIAY , P3SC33atniSH , 1S05. SPEG1RL NOTICES. Ail vrrtlKi'mt'Mlx for Dime column * vlll IIP tulii-ii until 1"ii : ( ) p , in. for tli > iMi'iilnpr nnil until H p. in , fur tlic inornliiK mill .Siinilny cilltloiiN. Ailvcrllxprx , rriinpxtliiK it iiiiin- IITPI ! clippU , ( Min Imvi * nniMprw n l- ilrcnxpil to n mimluTciI Idler In nirr of TinUPC. . AnxuprN o mlilrpnnpil 11 111 IIP ip\prril | tiiion prcnpiitntlon of tlip clii-cU only , llnlpft , 1 1-"n n itori ! llmt Iniprllon : It ; n xrnril tliPrpnfliT.ollilnu tnUi'ti for IPV * than -Tic for flrnt Inxprllnn , Tin-NT n < l\prllNrnipn < M in lint liu run LMMIXOCII- llvoly. .HITIIATIOXS WAXTIJIJ. WANTHD. I'l.Arn A3 HOtJSKKnnrnn IN hold ; four years' experience , Aililrp 1 > . lice , A-M37I Dl * SITt'ATION WANTKTJ IIT YOt'NO MAN AF lUcnoKraphcr or liookUerDcr with nonic rxperl- rnro. Onoil ponmnn ; l > f. l nf reference ! . A < 1- rtrem 2713 Illnndn 8' . , Oirm'in A M.V5 * fFlTt'ATION AS HOOKKKRl'RIt OH OFFlOi : help by yotinp mnn with lx yeirV experience , OooJ ImbltH anil references. Ailtlrwn Ci 4 , lleo nn MALI ] IIP.LP. nn , MVI : , INTKUJOKNT AOKNTS IN Ornnlm lo ownnlie rltihn nf Ilirec to five fami lies of our fnmoun Orc.'mnl llonifi Inni ! ' In cfnlrnl MI liuH | < pl. The tM * of ImmlRrntlnn IK Kolnu noulh , where , them nre no hot wlmln. no cold ulnteiK. no lillzr.nnK nn crop failure * . wlietc two tip Ihleo erc. . | cnn l ral.tcu encli ycnr ; herc tlierc In no uch thlnir nn tnmuo If n mnn mill work one-hnlf m hard ns he does In thH country ; cool iminer . inIM winters ; uic pnjln , croim of fruits nnd naulen truck ; rlche t soil on enrlh , licst railway rncllltlc' . Oeo , W. Ames , ncnernl nKcnt , 1GI7 Fnrnnrn St. . It-Ill Omnlm. _ _ _ ITC.Oo TO 1 < MOO I'nit MONTH RRU.IXO TIIB llldfr Double. Retort Oil (1m Humor ; cnn 1)0 plnced In nny coolc or heatlnrt atnve nr furnm-c : it imnluccs n pcifect nntitral rn nre : better nml chenper tlinn conl or w.iod. l-'or tcrnn mMr T liny Clly Novelty Co. , Works , I'ny ' Cllv. Mich. It M JJ Ui BOMCITOUSVANTii : ) KOFI OMAHA ; AtJ-'O mnniKcn outride country. Entirely new Rood . 411 Sliocley Mock. U-M323 DM * _ | TO UN ) KAI.AHY PAID SAUKSMKN roll cigars : experlenco not nece siry ; extra In- duet'incnli to customerd. lllshop ft Kline , St. Uiula , Mo. _ _ _ -M3SI 1)K _ AN AcfivElltJSINiSS MAN WHO Ifl WIMj- ln to travel would do nell to tuldre * 1' . CI. lloo. It MliO 0 * CONrnilN wnnls llrnt-clnna nRrnt ; KO il orportunlty for the rliht iiormn. Address Sliuln Co. , 130 I.llierty nlrect. N. Y. n M. I2 C * _ I'osiTioNS OIMN rou rnw I'UHIIINO wilesinen on unlury ; t-sjifrlence unnece < nry , Iiermnncnt employment ; npply nowIukellro _ < . Co. , Nurnnyinen , ChlcnKO. H MJIJ < K.O MONTlTljY ANI > nXTBNSRS FOll IT.ll- innnet.t intents ; vxcluilvu tprrllury : send st.iinp for Informntlon ; our Kurchn Ii endoised hy nil loncllliK mi'en. Ainrrlvnn Kuicka Fuel Kcono- inlrcr , 11SO lliond\\ny. N. Y. _ ill"555 4 * HA1.KHMAN WANTED TO THAVRU THHOUail Nilimxkn , the DnUotim , nnd jmrt of lown. on commlralcvi for n New York tmpnrtlni : house hnmllliiB laces , \clIliiKS nml embroideries ; must b well nciiunlntiMl with thu trade. Addic H with rcfi-rencc. J. T. Wilson , 2H C.lenw soil mi- . , l ist OrnnRtv N. J. _ H M559 4 * AVANTKn FKMAIjH ni.KOANT OAIllNHT PHOTOS , J2.00 I'lIU dozen , Oavles. 113-115 Bo. Ifith > t. C 112 WANTKU IMMHDIATKliY. COOD. COM I K- tent clil for Kcneinl homework In small family ; refeicneej ; Oerman prefprrwl ; 15001 ! place fcr the right girl. Apply nt 250S Half Hownnl t. C M.toS aim , WANTIJP TOR iSNCKAi * HOUSB- woi ! < . 14CS S. JCth. J , Morrissey PlumblnR Company. O wi 4 _ _ _ _ WANTED. TxpKi BNCin oiiiL. roil on.v- finl hDiiv _ > work ! refetences required. Mrs. n. P/miimit'T , 1711 Dounlna ct. C o46 KOU r IIODSI3S. ' DAIIUNQ DARKER I1I.OCI-C. IIOUSL'S. r. K. , " 'lIOUSGS IN ALL PARTS OF * THE CITY TIin f O. . If. U.\vfS Company , 150' Fnmnin. D 114 HOUSK roit HUNT ; IIKAUTIKUL housa , ten munis , clugantly furnished , hot water he.it. laundry , ntauliciirrlaKC , etc. The * . V. Hull. CIO Pnxton block. l' 4l _ BTANFOUD CIRCIJ3 tOTT.\aiS. 6 ROOMS , nil modern , ( -ns , Tuol. Apply IJ > ron Rood Cum- p.-iny , 212 So. 14th si. M-416 IIOUSHS. 11UNAWA & CO. , 103 N. IBTlt ST. HOUSHS. U. \VALtACi : , S12 IIROWN 11MC. 13-418 TOR RHN'T , NICELY FURNISUIU ) IIOUSi : OP rlKht'looms , besides alcove and luthioom , south front , with all comenliMicCs. Imjulrc 2WS It.ilf llow.ird t. D 237 WO SO. 21ST AVE. , 0-ROOM MODIJUN IIOUSI2 ; yard 320(1C5 feet. J. N. Fienzer. orpoi-ltu P. O. HTi\M : , NO KQUAU WINTHIl OR SUMMER. contra ) , modern 3 or G-roum Ha1 * Tlzird , Kt N. 5llh. _ ? ± iJi3I ! _ FOU RENT CHEAP. DEStUAni-IJ STORES. lints , looms , etc. JJ. J. ICvndnll , 0- i ) S. 16lh st. J D-713 1)1 _ _ _ _ 3 OR 6 ROOMS , CLOSETS , WATIIR. COI N. 13. | D-S7I Did- _ _ _ _ _ _ 125 HOUSES , AM , SIXES AND PARTS OP city. P. U. WeaJ , ICth ami DoiiKhn Et . 1)-M32 ! ' D13 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR RENT , 3-ROOM HOUSE , S. 13. COR. 211) und Clarke. 1)-10' ' FOR RENT. HOUSES I.N ALL PA UTS OV city. Speoiiil , Ml So. JCth nve. 41li No , 21st fit. ,2J No. .11x1 st. 40. > No. lti ! ) ; t. All mndi-ni conveniences : choan for \Unlor months , lltinn.in , l.ive , t Co. D MII3 1)23 cTo NO. 20TII. 4.IIOOM COTTAarT 1021 No. 201 h , rr.iom Hat , nice. 3C2I N , ISth , S-rciom brick. 0)1 No. 17th , 8-ri im brick. Oinnh.i HiMl Estate & Tiust Co. , 211 H. iSth. _ _ _ _ D-M371 FOU UENT , 7 ROOM MODERN l-'I.AT. I.ANUE block , WO Sp. 13th , 1 > MIJ3 1)0 BIN-ROOM MODERN HOIJSE. EMILY PLACE , 1S t Ii HQiilh of Mandorson , D MIS 1-7 * FOR RENT. HOUSE OP TEN ROOMS. MOD- t > rn con > * nlenc s ; very handy to husliuvg. En- tlllllf of I ) . T. Moiillt , 2'1'J ' H. IClll St. 1) 531 1U ( I113N' ! ' FUIIMSIIKI ) HOOM.S. T1IUKE ROuMS FOR HOUSEKEEPINO TO man und wife ; tent taken In bo.ird. 31J N. ltth K MSB HOI'TH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO ; PRIVATE f.uiillliii [ HI. Mary's nvenuc. E M313 J-'I'IINIHIIIM ) ROOMS , 201 S. 23TH HTREETj nlpiiiii healed. I " Ft'llNISIlP.l ) ROOMS KOR LIOHT HOUSE- Itceplnir nl I9I ! > Sf. i-.3l FRONT ROOM \V1TH ALCOVH , MODKIINV 07 H. 23tll a\e. E SI7 ! ! FI'ItMHlllCU 1UW .MS .AAIX IIOAUU. ' FlllNIKHEn ROOMS WITlf ROARI ) ; latcii rciisonublu. The Ron20M llnincy st. 1V-MJ51 IS _ HOARD AT J1.00 1TR WEEIC. EIJI'AL TO ANY III city. 318 rlu. l.'lli st. Hoard .ii.d lonni. KM , l'l.nur HOUII-J , Thomas O'Connor. K M3II 1)3 _ _ nOOMrtVITII I1O.V11O. STEAM HEAT. THE ftnila. ( llil Davenport. P-SM i 1S2J C\P1TO. AVBNUE. KJJONT ! ' MM1 K' 53MONT1I. rou . \\u FOU RENT Till ! -.STOUY 11RICK 11UILUINO nl 9IG I'liin.i'n ntnvt , Th ! * lulldlnc lm u llru- in'oof ivmi'in. bii oineiit , complete steam heat ing i\tniiH : , uiil.r an nil llnom , iaa. etc. A | ) . ply nt thu iillko uf Tin ) lite. l-'M AKKX'fS W.i.vnJD. AOENTSVANTKDMEN AND WOMEN clrur JCu.iiokly \\lih uur l.ihur kiivi-r as a lly DH JM.OO monthly In oilier HUM ; ! : . . > . ) umplfi fn-o. Tin. i. c B. > Hl < ln liilaln.-xi Hhould uildro.-ii , wllli mnmp , Mori III Mfif. fo. . t.V M ) , U C'nnal utrfet - . ' , 1ili-ait J-llt-l'lt in iiniu rxi hnii.\nMr.NT" . a | ii"lui ! .ilaln iio fi . } li N , II. Mttle Mfg. < > . , CtiU iso. Itl. J.MSU4 * _ _ _ WANTKI > . AtSENYo KOU Ol.'ll NK\V IIOl'Wi ; . luild unwlKltto ; wus * . in II u do ; My tvftjr iVfcU. CVntial Kiii-idy : , ( Im-luniitl , O. _ 4SIM7 | . .STOMACH. I'WEIta. 1511 IIAUNTV M Ul I'ACIKIO lOri ? | : Cl ) AVASTH.I1 TO WANTED TO Ilt'V-TWO ID HANO POOL AND ( htf td hand lillllnrd tublrn , VWt nftfe : mu < b Brut class , Addrtsi F (3 , Her. N-S5-3 WANTED , To"llltY DIAMONDS Toll CASH must ho a Imrgaln. Addrc * * O 6 Il i- . iN M8M K3 .SAM : IIOII.SKM , u.\o ; > s , r/rc FOll HAI.i : , l-'INK SIIRTI.ANI ) HTAt.t.rUN nlso Shetlnnd mare | > ony , well liroke to rldo o drue. Address Oeo. Forties , Osceola , In. ! M.Vrt 7 KHl ( -MISfHI.I.AM'.OIJS. . HAIlt ) WOOD. 4 AND B-FOOT FHNCU FOI corn crILblnB. 0. It. Lee , OT1 DjURlns. Q 423 u 11-uooM Horsn Ki clnss hoarders. Inquire nt store , (21 H. Ifitli. SKATES , AM. SI > .Kf7 S5ciNT8TO n.cO Omnhn Illcycle Co. , S23 N ICth. Q MJ40 FOU SAM : , NHW RINOHII SI\VINO MA chine ; chrap. Addreu O 3 , Dee. Q-MC,33 S * > ii.scii.iA\r.ots. : ; I1OOIC lUNDINfl. THi : llt'UKIiY : I'llINTINO Co. , HI and 110 North 15th street. U 185-1118 nNT. mmCATiDFAUMMn.iE KI Omaha ; you can cleir I7S.IM nn acre. II. II Il-irder A Co. , lice Ilulldlnp. 11-531-1 OI.AIHVOVAXTS. sins. DH. ii. WAiinnx. CI.AIUVOTANT. nn liable bushiest ine-lluni ; 8th year at 113 N , 16th S-421 MASSAOK , 1IATIIS , KTC. MADAMI3 SMITH. N. 1J. COIl. ICTH AND Douglns , mom 11 , second flJor ; mnisiire & bnllis T M401-C * ASIKS. FOIlMEni.Y OF ST. I.OUIJ , MAP B.\SC und laths. S07 a 13th St. , 2J tloor , loom 10 T MIDI 7 nowni.L , TOiiiciai AND Uitha. Finest parlors In city. 318-320 S. K.th T MM ! 31 oiiAcn IION , uticTUie. MAM hnth parlors healthful nnd rcfreslilns. 41 Bouth Hth , upstairs , parlors 2 nnd 3. T-M1177 * 1M3USO.VAI , . VIAVI co. . 316 iinn III-DQ. . HHA TU free ; home treatment ; Indy nttendant. U 125 ilATHS , MASSAQK , MMC. Po'&T , 31014 S. 13TII II 123 FINK I.IVEP.Y niOS CHEAP. TD IIAUMI.HY 17th nnd Ht. Mary's n\euue. Telephono. 4t > ) . U 127 URM.K F.i'pnniiY coiiRirr MAIII : TO ounnn at 1803 Fnrnam. Ascn wnnted. U-3JJ-D23 * MONEY TO LOAN ON PfANOS. IHCYCI.KH Jcnclry , etc. ; strictly conndentlal. P. O. box 3M U-40S WANTED. PA11TY TO ADOPT A ISAI1Y UO\ 3 months old. ( } B , I lee. U M345 9 OMAHA , Ti'KSDAY-oiOHai HI : AT the II. & M. depot nt C p. in. Wednesday. Ilelle U M54 4 JUIM3Y TO l.OA.V ItUAIj RSTATIS. ANTHONY LOAN AND TllUST CO. , 318 N. Y LITL * . Limna al luw latea far choice Ht uilty In Nebraska * * i Io\va fai ins or Omaha city propi'rt' W 42S _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. TUT O. 1' . Davis Co. , 1S05 Farnam at. W IJ3 C i'KIl CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate A : Neb. fa mi. W. U. M 'lUle Oin.ihn . W-430 MONEY TO LOAN N TMpTiov"ED OMAIIA property. 1'IJellty Tiust Co. , 1702 Fninani. W--431 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Itrcnnan , Lovu & Co. , l"ntton nil : W 43J CITY LOANS. C. A. STAim. 613 N. Y. L.IFU. W 133 MOHTOAOES. a. O. WALLACE , 11UOWN 11LK ' W 434 LOANS ON IMPROVED & IT:7FMPnOVHli"cTf\ property , W. Furnam Smltlt & Co. , IS ! ) Vnrnnn W-413 MOHTOAOE LOANS ; LOW HATES. J. D. Zltllc , Kill and Douglas , Omahn , . - W I3C FAKJt LOANS , DOUCiLAS AND SAHPY. I TO W jeaisf low rules. Oarvln Ilros. , Zll ( N. Y. L W 137 SIX PUR CKNT MONEY TO LOAN ON 1M- pnived Onmlu real estate. Tevis lands to ex- clmnKe for Inipravnl city property. will us- sumu or pay Incumlirnnce. Will not consider proposltljn under 140,00) . Piefer to deal will uwneio. I'uscr & Thomas , 1st Nat'l U.mk Itldj- W MDIO-U12' .1IOMJV TO I.O.V.V CIIATTI3LS. MONEY TO LOAN ON rUKNlTUHK. PIANOS hor3e . wagon * , etc. , at lowest rates In city no removal of goods ; strictly conlldcnllal ; yol ! can pay the loan oil nt nny time or In nn > amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN L'O. , SCO S. ICth st. st.X433 X-433 MOr.'EY TO LOAN , 39 , 03. 80 DAYS IlJR.vi. tme. piano : ] , tie. Dud Green. rciLin 8 , Darker bloel : . " x (3D ( 1IUSI.\KSS CHAX mil SALE A J3.IVW STOCK Of IMPLH- ments , $3W stock of confectionary , J3 butcher Minp ; a Kood Iliery huslnesa ; Biod openlns In nny of these lines ; nil In Rood town. Also H3ine flno Impioved nnd unimproved farms In Missouri. KHnfc.iH nnd Ni-hrasUu to exchaaKe for cattle , or western Iowa lands. Oaks & Jackson , Kll\er City , la. Y SOD-DH * FOH SALK. THR PALACE -AFl IN nnd pen lwo > l , loth doing ( rood Imslness. Atl- dresi Matt Klopp , Lead or Dendwood. S D Y-M407 _ roil SALE. THE PALACE CAFE IN LET > and Deadwi'od , both doing go d business. Ad- diess Matt. Klopp , Lcatl or Di-udwocxl. H. I ) . _ Y M407 MAKE MONEY HY CAHEFUL SPECULATION In Kialn thrmKh a lellalde , HUccrssfu ) Him ; ex cellent opportunities to make prodlx | jy ur new plain ; fully xplnlnwl and sent free ; hlBhest refeiences. PuttlKon & Co. , 70S Oninlia hhlK ' Uilrngu. III. Y 111 ? ? " KOU MAKK OFFETl FOIl JI,70i ) NOTE. F. F. Otniilui Hus. Col. , liith anil Farnam. / no ' EOl'ITY IN LAIIOE THACT r > | . - LKDUIl | Omihn. What have > -iii to off < TT II V. Dal'ey SU N. Y. Life Lldg , X ttl FOIt KXCHANOK , T\VO SECTIONS , land , Kood.Hoil , near Juleaburt , ' , Coin. , clear of Inciiinhrnncu for Ko" > l fnun In Nehrnska. The U. 1' . Da\l Co. , Omaha. Neb X-.MIUC-D4 UII.SIMCSS XOTICKS. DAMAOED MHIUOP.S IlESILVEHED , 719 N la FOH .SALi-IIIOAI , HSTATI3. A11ST11ACTS THE I1YP.ON HEED COMPANY. 1IE-II2 1MPIIOVKD rAHM8 n. W. CAHLOCIC 1 F.irnam' at. ni014Jl * AT UED UOCK PIIIC'E. LOT 21. ULOCK li West Uml. J , M. Maiston. HE MS31-U9 lAlfnAINS. HALEOIl TllADlTlN CITY PUOP- cillrs nr.d furma , Jol.n N. 1'icnzor , opp. P. o. _ _ _ _ HH tlJ IIAUOAINS. IIOISr.S. IXJTS AND FAHMS. sal * or trade , F 1C. Djrl.nu. Ilarlcer bloi-k. UK III _ _ _ _ " " HOMES"ON" BASY PAYMKNTS. iiAiiaATNs In M * . a. U.rnllaif , Uroun block. . HE443 _ , _ _ _ _ " TEXAS ! l-'ARMH AND I'llHIT LANDS. SMALL nr lrtiB tliirt" ! low prices , ejay lujinjim. We uru yrcpui l to unover < ] ursilon touchlnK tl . ii > land * , and IK uii-unna fur clii-ap rullrrad furu fur any person ula.ilnc to Mall southern Texan. Coi rcupondence ollcllfd. Omaha Real Khtuti and Tru t ( X , ni S. liili t. _ HK-MJ07 . . , , , , , . , . . , . , IN ACRES. FARMS. and In ! * . F. D. Wrad , 10th nnd . _ „ ItE-M931 lj ; * " " FARMS AXI ) ACRES. W or 1111110 acres , mnuuth. It miles north 130 Ifi Saipv county farm ui 5IJ. 1) jrre iu 4th of South Omaha at MM. nil nti\-t In Ktierm.m u only fur } 2S.j. F. DViaJ. . I5H | and Douglas. UK 56 } 3 DOWN TOWN RESIDENCE. FfLL LOT\ tojin r. um ) ; : , ' > X' i-ojih tikes equity. ' l > , nn I.mil b'jlue& ' < ciirn r. tOxU2. iH.OOO. : \jitui ; < * and ' " ' . 13 h ' tiouiovuril , tl.Wo. ijoni IVOIUP. full Ut and city \\Tittr , J1.323 Oito pine , j : > U. 01.c for Siil. one lor Sttd. F 11. Wood , Hill mulDoutLn. RK 3C7 3 FOIt RARGAINS. TRADES , IJUICK DEAUS uilt ur wilte D. V , Hhales Ci . , Flm Jfntl. tunic ldJ . _ _ RE M5i : 31 ' " V K INV'ITB" YOU TO JOIN dint "cbi/iNY .ni-l 1 .i-utu . In tin rich R4nl > n Uai | ot New I MI'lvrncrd triwk farmj. flW. payable II il.wn nnd H ueUly ; hlch , hen ! hy looalloi I t . . ! ei. . ivilte nl once to ! ! * ! ( ? ' Real K - ! . . ' iiif 2H 8. Utli r t , I'hllud'Iphla. Pa. RE-M3J4 4 rou < tAii--nn.\i , USTATK. IIARtlAINI 1M FT. OROfND ; VROOM HOUSE ; inth , ftp. ) Rooil licntlon ; II Srtl.00 : U cash. D. V. Hholcs Co. , Flint Nnll. liinkMg. \ . HIM51I7 FOR SALE , TAUMINO LANDS IN FO17TH. rn t Missouri , hllnvlnl neil , cerlnln crips , mlht cllmale. Daniel II. Kly , SIS Union Tru t Ilullil- InR , St. Ixiuls. Mo. RIMfl 4' noiisr.s Avi.\Tiitni ) . \VANTED , HORSES TO WINTER ; REST OF cnre ; terms renjmnnble. A. W. Phelpa & 8n , M7 N. Y. Life bid * . Telephone 1051. IPIIOI.STIHI.M ; ; i-LiiMrt'iti : . UPHOLSTERINn , Ft'RNITt'RE REPAIRED ntnl packed very c'aeip tnl' month. M , S. \\olkln. Sill Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 207 MUSIC. AHT AM ) L.\\OUAni : . FOR OREAT HARGAINS IN PIANQS. SKE Win. H. Sclimollcr , eth lltxir McCanue buUdlng. M502 7 * r. aEi.Lr.NiiEnc , IIANJO AND KUltnr teacher. 1S15 ChlcafSi t. 109 MIINTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 HURT ST. 418 AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & 11. ASS'N PAY G , 7. S per cent when I , 2 , 3 years old , nlwnjs redeemable. 1701 Farnam St. , NiUllnKcr , See. HOW TO CIKT A HOME OR SECURE GOOD interest on Bivlnrs. Apply to Omaha U S 11. Ass'n , 1701 Dee bldg. a. M. Nattlnser , Sec. IIOTI2L3. AETNA HOl'Sl- : ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 1.1th and Umlse. Rooms hy day or neck. 452 THE LANHE HOTEL. 0)2 S. 1JTH ST. ; STEAM heal ; table boaid. J3.00 per week. M453 STEAMSHIPS. LOWEST RATES TO OR FROM EURpPE ; western agency Thomas Cook & Son excursions. Harry E. Moorcs , HIS Farnnm St. , Omnlm. M930 D13 S AM ) KMHALMIJIIS. II. K. nURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embnlmer , 1018 ChlcnKO St. , telephone 30. 4o4 SWANSON &VALEN. iocuMiNa , TEL. inco 45 ; _ M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- baliner , 1117 Farnum St. , telephone 223. 436 1IICYCI.KS. UICYCLES CLEANED AND STORED THIS winter for $1.50. Omaha Ulcyclo Co. . 323 No. 16th st. -M330 D3 I'AWMIHOICKRS. H. MAROWITX LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 15 ST. 449 SIIOUTIIAM ) AM ) TYl'KWHITIXG. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. B13 N. Y. LIFE. 450 OMAHA UUSINESS COLLEGE , 15TH. FARNAM COAL. FOR niTUMINOUS COAL. CAR LOADS. FOR domestic or steam purposes , address Escelilor Coal Mining Co. , . Du Quoin. 111. M1C9 D13 HHMOVKI ) . MISS VAN VALKENBUROH DESTROYS PERmanently - manently by electricity sup illuous hair , moles , warts , etc. Room 410 , N. Y. Lite bld < r. M953 D13 * IJ.VNCIXO. NEW CLASH FORMING ATMOItANQ'H BChool , 1510 Harney it. Adults. Tuesday ajul Frldjiv , S p. m. : children , Tues-lny 4:13 : p. m. . S.ittnday. Ii ) n. in. and 2 p. m. Call for teims , Ah\a > s cpen ; private lessons. PfiS DI3 LOST. LOST. SUNDAY NIGHT ON SHERMAN AYE. motor , between South Omaha nnd Kountzp Place , ladles' gold watch nml chain. Reward If returned to 13th and Martha. Miss M. Calhihan. Lost MS 5 * Every will be a source of pleasure and health if you eat cakes made of It's positively unadulterated and makes the best Cakes you ever ate. At Your Grocer's. RAILWAY TIME CARD Lea\ea I111UILINGTON & MO. RIVER. ) ArrHes OmahaUnlon | Depot , lOtn & Mason Sts.f Omaha S:30nm : . Denver Hxprcj.- ) . .77 9.im : Sipui. Illk. Hills. Mont. < Pugct Snd Ex. 4:0opm : 4:23pm : . t. Denver L'iiirejk . 405pm ; 7dpm : .Nebraiika Local ( except Sumtny ) . . 74opm ; . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . . .Ili2jani 8 ! < 5pm..Fast Mall ( for Lincoln ) dall-.j ' A-avca"THlCAOOrRURLINOTON ( & Q lATTlves" OinalmlUnlon Depot , 10th * Mason Sts.l Omaha 5MHil : ( | . Chlcnco Vestibule- . S00am ; 94 ; < am . . „ . . . , Chicago Express . 4Kuni ; - Wpm. . . Chicago & St. Loula Express. , , R : < Huin ll'.SIam . Pnclllc Junction Local . , . r :30nm : _ . , . . . _ . . _ . . , . _ . . . . .KnitM.UI1..i- . . . inojnn I.eiixea ICHICAOO , MIL. ft ST. PAUUIArrlvfs" OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mison Sls.Onmha | _ G:00pm : . ChlcnKO Limited . . . . . 8:0im : 0l'ain. . ClilcaioC _ prc83 ( ex. Bundny ) . . . 3jpm te.ivi-8 | CHrCAad & NO"RTH"wTisfN.Arrl\ | OnialiiUnlon | Depot. 10ti ! K Mason 8t . ( Omqlu l:00om : . Eastern Express. ? . . . . . 3-Mnm 4:45pm : . Vollhulod Limited . 3-2 0 n fCiSim : . . .Cnrroll Po-siencor . 19:33nm : . Omaha. Chlcairo Special SMJpm . 8:05i : > m 4:30pm : . , . , IJoone Leaves ICHICAHO. R. I. & 1'ACIFIC.IArrlvej OmahalUnlon Dtpot , 10th & Mason 813.1 Omah.i _ FAST 10:40am.Atlantic : 13xpre ( ax. fiunday7T5:35pm ) : C:23pm : Nlcht Expre > l:3)am : tiMum Chlcaso Vestlhuled Llmlteii IstSpm 4:50pni. _ . St. Paul ' Vestlbuled Limited. . . . lS5pm : _ WEST. Clpm.Oklahom : & Texas Ki. tex. Sun..10Mntn ) : l:4)pm. : . Colorado Limited. . . . . < ; 0-pm ) I.eavei. I C. , ST , P. , M. & O. \Anl\tf \ Omaha ! Depot , ISth and Webster Sts. JOmaIin SilSam Slout Clly Accommodation. . . SilSiim 2:11pm.Sioux : City Expre.il ( ex. Sunll:53am : ! pm. : . . -.jiX.St.Paul Llml n ! . . _ . . . . . . . . ! _ ; lOgin F. . 11 & MO. VALLEV. Depot , lh | nnd Webster .eavciiT K. C . ST. J , & C. It. lArrTvei OmahalUnlon Depot , lath & ila on St > . ( Omaua l:3i.im : Kanut Ol'y Djy Expreis.T , . . . K:30um : tiCpm.IC. C. Night Ex. Via U. p. Tran 7:00am : .ea\ I MTSSOURI PACIFIC. | ArrU Oinalul Depot , ISth umlWeb _ tcr Sta. | Omaha ; ( - . . . . . . . . . . , Ixiuti HxprcM. . . 6:00ain : > :30pm St. Louli Expreu lOSpm : ljOpin..fl.Nebr ilia Local ( ex. Bun. ) > :00jm Teav < ri 8IOU7C"CITY" & PACIFIC ] UrrltFi Omaha ! I'epot , 15th and Web ter 8t . [ Oraalm : tSpm St. Paul Limited ; IOam "cavei I BIOtTX CITY A PACIFIC. lArrlvei' On > * haUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha :05am Sioux City Pasiencer 10:33pm : ( Uiptn , , St. Paul Limited. . . . . . . . . . jiJOam rfave. I UNION PACIFIC. ] ArM"vM > imihaUnlon | Depot. 10th & Mason Sti.l Omahn :10sm.North : Platu Kxpreu , . . . . . . 4:30pm : :104in. : . . < Overland Limited 4tSpm : :3SpuiIlea'ce : A Stromib't : Ex ( ex. S\ia. \ ) . 430pm ; : ipm . ( Irand Island Expiui ( ex. Bun.ltIOpm : : ilitn Fait Mall lOiiSam I5tvaT WAnASIf"ltAiLWAT. " JArrlVft' ) mahalUnlon Depot. 10th ft Ma m fill f Onnhn : J pm . .St. LouU Cannon IaU.llMam WILL READ 'THE TRANSCRIPT v < > 1 Witnesses Called1 'rft the Last Trial of Hill's Case to'Ba'Hearil ! by Eecord , nit * MATTER FORMALLY. . PRESENTED TO JURY Attoriii-j" Set Out'TVVIiiU Tlioj- to INliilillili 1 > .v'T ; > tliii < > iij' mid ' ' Cull Threi ; Vfcw Wltiu-MHes to llio Stnnil. LINCOLN , Dtc. 3. ( Spcnl. ! ) It Is ovliUnt tliat the trln ! proper'of the case of the state against ox-Treasurer Hill will not occupy o much tlmo as the former one of last May. The evidence In the last trial will b read to the Jury Instead of "being presented or.illy. But In the present trial the supreme court commissioners have been tailed In to sit with the three Justices of the supreme court , Theaa commissioners have heard none'of the nrRiimcnt presented before on the legal points Involved In the case" . Con'scqucntly the pro coedlnga may be prolonged beyond the present week. Attorney General Ohurchlll opened for the state this morning. The greater portion of his remarks was addressed to attacking the point set up by the defense , that Hill's official bond waa not a valid one. It Is claimed by tbo ilefcnss that It had bon signed by the botidtinicn with the understanding that It should also be signed by Principal Hill. The latter had neglected to sign the bond , hence , the bondsmen were not held. The attorney general said that there wasno doubt In his mind tfcat when the bond had boMi duly s'gn d by all the bondsmen , when Hill had , himself , taken It Into the rooms of the supreme court and there affixed his name to the oath of ofllce , subsequently carrying' It to Governor Thayer and giving It to him , that waa a legal signing and delivery of Hill's official bond for $2,000,000. The attorney general was" followed by Mr , ninalter for the dQfensa. He said that the defendants denied that there , hid bean filed a legal bond , and contended that ex-Treasurer Hill had faithfully performed the duties of hli office for four .years . , and had , at the termination of his four years' of office , made a c ipleto and legal transfer of all the state money In his possession to his successor , Jos'ph 3. Hartley. Mr. Illnakcr explained why Hill had not up to the time oE the de livery rf the bond , signed It. Ho said that Hill had purposely left off his signature for the purpose of rendering It null and void as ngalnst a portion of the bondsmen until all had signed. In this way he accounted for the Inadvertency In .leaving off his signature. DEFENDS HILL'S COURSE. Reverting to the custoimry practice of handling state funds ; Mr. Hlnalter said that since the beginning of tlie history of Nebraska as' a ptato It had bn trjo rule to transact the state's business wjth'checks ' , drafts and cer tificates of deposit" . > No safe place had ever been provided by thofstate for locking up the money away from thfr fy'eople. All the money had been placed In &nlis. According to showing made by'ithe' 'attorney tu ? transfer of the certificate ? til deposit for $285,000 from Hill to Hartley wa' $ ii literal cas'a transaction throughout , for the reason that the Capital National bank gir'e tbe state a cash credit on Its books for ? 2S5.OOQ. Then Mr. Klnaknr brought up the matter of the annnded answer , of defendants setting up that stibssquenj to'jho commencement of this suit , the prew.it slate treasurer , Hartley , had begun another"action In the federal dis trict court for the , recovery' of this Identical $22f ,000. That point" was a qusstton of law to be argued further on but It v.-as a fact , In connection with tfiejcass , that such a suit had been filed. v' ' Judge Droady , vwho' appears as tpeclal counsel for Captain Hill , told the Jury that in reality th.ero v'Sre no Issues Involved In tills CAS5attacking > ths honesty orJwpd char- acler-of the defendant'The whole contention of the state was based , , ns ho believed , on a technicality. None ot the money. , had gone to benefit Captain Hill. Everybody knew vherc It h.id gone , and what become of It. For a week nfler he had settled with his successor In cfflce and the state auditor , the otate had gone on doing business and check ing the cash out of the Capital National bank. The state knew where the money was. The state wqs going after It by a suit In the federal court , the logical cotirs ? which should have been taken In the first placo. Hill had made no unlawful conversion cf the state's funds to his own use. Judge Uroady's argument occupied the time till well on toward the 'noon adjournment. WHEN THE BOND WAS APPROVED. At the opening of the afternoon passion ex- Governor JarnEs E. I3oyd was called to the stand. He Is the first new witness not hav ing testified In the previous trial. He.vat' called to detail the Incidents connected \\ltli the approval of the official bonds of the state. officers elected with 1ilm at the time he as sumed the office of governor. He Identified hit' signature on the back of ex-State Treas urer Hill's bond , which was approved by him. Below this name was also the riKiia- turo of Governor Tliny r , both governors having approved the bond. At the time Hill was In the room. Examined by Judge Wakelsy , IIP said the bonds were all handed to Secretary ot State Allen. Captain Hill had handed witness his bond personally , Q. Was Captain Hill's signature at the foot of the bond ? Objected to by Central Cowln and objection overruled. A. I did not notice the iibsence of Hill's nlgna'ure else I should not have approvJd It. Q. Did you know that any of the bonds men had signed this bond conditionally ? Objected to on the ground that It was opening a new line of evidence. Objection overruled. A. No ; I did not know that such was tilt cas ? . Q. Hail anything been said to you on the subject ? A. Nothing ; not a word. After pamo skirmishing bUwcen the attor neys witness was-permitted to teutlfy that ho had taken the oath cf office as governor before a notary public In the capltol building. Others had gone with him and their purple was to forestall objections to their Incum bency , as It was rumored at the tlmo that the leglshturo might not immediately canvass the vote of the e'ato. Subsequently the offi cers-elect had takm ) h'e oath of office In ths presence of the members of the supreme court , Chief Justice Cobb and Justices Norval and Maxwell. This was brought out on cross examination by Gen rnl Cowln. Kx-Attornsy " General Hastings followed Governor Iloyd on" llftf s.tuid. The newly elected officers , Hj [ Jjejrtlfleil. had first as- ueecoam's jfijjiare ] for bilious. ess , bilious headache , dyspep sia , heartburii/.tprpid liver.diz- smess.sick ligadache.bad taste n the mouthx ! Abated tongue , loss of appetij , | | illow skin.etc. , when caused' ? Mr constipation ; and constpalloan ! is the most frequent cauife gf all of them. Go by thelB5oh. ! | Pills IDC and 250 a boj ' Book free at your druggist's orwrite B. F , Allen Co. , 365 Canal St , , Mew York. nnn iwi b j # Inine and California , Hritish America and the Gulf of Mexico , more than "One Million" Families are cheered by tljc monthly visits of "Comfort , " A copy of this marvel of family magazines can be had of your newsdealer for FIVE CENTS you eertiinly should "LOOK IT UP. " sembled In the stats treasurer's office. They hid all taken thft oath together. Including Captain Hill. Was present when but one bond had been approved by Governor Thayer , and that one was his own. An attempt WAI mnd by Judge Wakeley to ascertain If wit ness knew anything about the approval of Treasurer Hill's bond. Cowln rah-ed objec tion ; ) In rapid succession and the attempt was fruitless. Witness did not know what had been done with the bonds of o'lior officers after Governor Iloyd had approved them. Could say that his own had been turned over to Secretary of State Allen. Jndgo Amasa Cobb. anoluer new wltncrs In the trial , foll.-ued General Hastings. At the tltna of the approval of Hill's bond he was chief Justice of the supreme court. Wit ness Ukntlfl.d his signature to the oath sub scribed to by Captain Hill at the time. Ques tion by Jtldgo Wakeley : "State to thei best of Jour recollection what you did with Governor IJsyd's bond. " Objected to by General Cowln and objec tion overruled , A. Governor Uoyd evidently thought I was about to give It back to him , after 1 had acknowledged the oath. 1 did not do so , but took It to the secretary of ptnte nnJ delivered It to him. HEAD FROM THE THANSCRI1T. Attorney General Churchill now took the stand with n votumnlous roll ot manuscript In his hand. This was the traiibcrlpt of all the testimony In the former trial last May. This he began to read to the Jury under Instruction ot the court. The tfstl- mcny of the first witness. Secretary of State 1'lper , showed the present disposition of the' bcrcls of the ex-state treasurer and others. Th ? written evidence of ex-Secretary of SUto Allen was fragmentary and Indistinct , the general trend being to show the de livery and acceptance of the official bonds by him nt the time Governor Uoyd was de clared elected. Witness Identified the sig natures of Governor Uoyd nnd John E. Hill. Ex-Treasurer Hill's official bond was then given to the Jury and examined closely by each member. . The transcript of the cro = s-examlnatlon In the previous trial was nad by Attorney Whredon. Written evidence ot Thomas II. IJenton waste to the effect that ho was state auditor from 1SSS tn 1S03. Identified Hill's tHgnature In n number of places In the body of thebond. . Witness had suggested that the new officors- cltct secure the approval of both Governor Doyd and Governor Thayer to prevent trou ble in the future. The transcript of Governor Thayer's former evidence proved his approval of the Hill bond. The evidence of Deputy State Treas urer IJartlett and Uookkesper Alford showed the balance of state money on hand at the tlmo Hill turned the office over to Treasurer Hartley to be $1,530,788.42. Auditor Eugene Moore's evidence showed that there was In his office n statement of the financial condition of the state at the time ex-Treasurer Hill had turned the office over to Hartley. Was acquainted with the signature of Hill. The court now adjourned until 9 o'clock a. tu , tomorrow. HIirOllT OP RKLIICrCOMMISSION. . Ilouiiil Volume * of tlio .Srorctnr.v'K StiitomtMit ItrcHvtMl at ( he Capitol. LINCOLN , Dec. 3. ( Special Telegram. ) L. I' . Luddcn , secretary of the State Relief commission , today delivered the first In stallment of the bound copies of the final report ot the commission. The names of twenty-four employes of the commission , headed by W. K. ( A. P. A. ) Jones , appear in the front part of the report. From an examination of the total cash exhibit It ap pears that the office expenses amounted to $8,110.82. The cash donations from pri vate sources foot up $28,999.38. Of this sum ? Gf > 73.11 was spent for transportation. The cash appropriation by the state legis lature was $50,000. Of this $23.608.50 , or nearly one-half , was expended In transporta tion , la addition to this , $4,327.57 was paid for freight from eastern cities. Of the cash donations $148.87 remains on hand , and $878.53 remalno of the legislative ap propriation. The cost of printing the re port Is $000. or $591 with discount en war rant. Of the cash donations $2,299.79 was paid for freight from outside the state. Other printing bills figure $075.50 , and travelIng - Ing expanses $511.77. Recapitulation : Received from state and otlier Fourres $ 79,712 00 Paid for provisions , coal and clothIng - Ing . . . . * . * . . . * * . . . ' ' " fi ° " > jl 40 Paid for transportation' cilice "ex- pensps , printing nnd traveling ex penses 4(5,40)0 ( 02 Halnnce In ciah on hand to innlto up total $ 1,02740 The report also contains a full detailed statement of the disposition of the $200,000 appropriation for counties by house roll No. 525. 525.WANTS WANTS TIII3 1II3A11 JAXITOU'.S .TOIL Inull rouiiiilMNlniirr HilMxcll I "lmlM An otlifr t'liiuuM' for a Political Victim. LINCOLN , Doc. 3. ( Special Telegram.- ) Land Commissioner Husyll today Informed W. P. Guthrle , head Janitor of the capltol building , that he would approve no more of his vouchers. According to the ; story Mr. Guihrlo related to The nee correspondent , Mr. nussell said that he would approve no more vouchers until the supreme court had passed on the eiuestlon as to whether Gov ernor Holcomb had authority to appoint the head Janitor. This Is the flrH Intimation that the question of the Janltorshlp of tha stale housa was pending In the supreme court nussell approval Guthrlo's voucher today for a month's salary , hut says no more will meet with favor. The name of the political wire worker whom nussell deslrea to put In Guth- rle's place is not known. Guthrle Is an od ! soldier , having been captain of company II , Thirty-fourth Iowa Infantry. Ho Is not In tli ? most robust health , needs the janltorehlp and is worthy of the place. His residence 1 ? Broken How. AMl'lill'S .VISIIHAHK.Y IiUCOM > Allftrrll IIMVII Hvrlnill.T DliI Croolcril Work In IJiK'oln County. NORTH PLATTE , Nob. , Dec. 3. ( Special Telegram. ) The James E. Alpaugh who was arrested at Perry , la. , was once a resident and official cf thla county. In the fall of 1875 he wns elected county clerk of Lincoln county and during his flrft year In office startling Irregularities were discovered Ilia' led to his hasty flight , From here he went to Iowa , but was never followed , Ho Issued savcrfl bogus csrtlficalea of bills eupposod to have bsen allowed by the county csmmlsslon- ers. One ot these happened to be purchased by a local broker , who sued Alpauqh's bonds men and the caio waa carried to the supreme court. The bonJwnPU won 111 ? case , the court holding that bondsmen were not liable for the clerk's unofficial act ! . Ills troubles hero were nlmobt Identical with the trouble at Pmy. _ ItiilHt-il a Cliiu-Hy Kuiiil. nKATniCE , Nov. n. ( Special. ) The offl. cers of the charity minstrels' organization turned over $ S8.41 this morning to C , H. Dempeter , treasurer of the Ucatrlce Chari table association , that amount being the net receipts ot ilio enU-tUli merit given Novem ber 22. This morning tha Beatrice Electric com pany , controlled by John A , Horbach of Omaha , began operating Its street car system by horse powjr Instead of motor : ) . No tlmo schedul ? has yet been announced by the company , and there Is little need of one , IIlKli School HiirniMl. HAnTINGTON , Neb. . Dec. 3. ( Special Tel- egram. ) The largo High school building of this city caught fire and burned this evening. everything was lost. On account of the heavy wind from the northwest the per sistent efforts of the fire department were unavailing. The loss exceeds $10,00) , there bring at least $1,000 worth of books con- ruir.ed. The origin of the fire Is wholly n mystery , The building and fixtures were In sured for $3,500. _ JiiilKt * Kciiilnll ConvriifN Court , GKEELEY CENTKH , Neb. , Dsc. 3. ( Spe cial Telegram. ) Judge Kendall called court her ? last night. There are no criminal cases on the docket here tills term , yet the civil list la full and will probably last two or tlm weeks. The case agalnut the defaulting ex-treasurer has at lait been net for trial December 17. of .Minn NIIHUII MorNt- , 11ENKELMAN , Nib. , Dec. 3. ( Special. ) Mlw Susan Morse , aged 54 years , died at the homo of her brother , two miles west of hire , Sunday night. Due Mluute Cough Cure Ii a popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and adults. POIl O.M2 OIIHAT M'.IIHASICA Cl.Vlt. ( o llrlnir All ( 'Inium of Mrn Together In Uni0111111011 Cnnic. A meeting of the board of directors of the Manufacturers' association wax held nt the Commercial club moms at 1 o'clock yesterday. Among those present were E. A , lltcker of Lincoln and Charlie lllack , A. J. Vlerllng , Samuel Kutr. II. F. Hodgln. Charles Mctz. J. H. Evans , Samuel Kces , A. Hoppe , L. M. Ilhecm and O. C. Holmn of Omaha. Mr. llrady of the Kearney Cereal mills was elected a member ot the association , after which Secretary Holme * read a communica tion from Charles E. Williamson of Omahn , which was In brief us follows : " 1 desire to submit for your consideration an Idea for which we are not without a prece dent , viz : the organization of 'A Million Club , ' the purpose of which shall be to se cure to the stats of Nebraska , by a systematic line of work by year 1900. 1,000,000 Immi grants ; also to suggest the advisability of the formation of the club under tlif aurplccs and pitronago ot the Manufacturers' association. Avoiding as far as pnsslnlo the details I \\lll outline a few suggestions nlong the line of what such an organization should consist : "Incorporate the club with a cnpltal stock of , say , $100,000. Embody In the ccneMl plan everything tending to 'popularize' the movement. Along this line Issue the capital stock 111 shares of $1 each. Organize by counties , from time to time , county clubs nil over the state , on the sime general plan of the parent or state club. Make eligible to membership In the- county clubs , anyone in good standing In his community , man or woman , holding stock of the ptato club , upon the payment of c.'rtaln dues , a per cent of the proceeds therefrom to go to the support of the local county club. Make eligible to membership In the state dub , such members nf the county clubs having the endorsement ot their local club , ami approval of the executive or member ship committee of the Htale club upon the payment of certain dues ) . The prestige and general Influence , ns well as direct and In direct edvantagcs of membership In the state club , may bo made such ns to attract a large mcmbsrrhlp In the state club. In addition to simply securing them as purchasers of cer tificates of stock. Classify the membership by bureaus or departments , according to character of business represented ; alpo by two general heads , actlva and associate. The former being those engaged In active busi ness or professional occupations. The asso ciate. being simply contributing or supporting members. " After this general outline the letter goes Into detail of what may be done , pointing cut many advantages that would accrue- and suggesting a line of action. Mr. Hheem , chairman of the meeting , announced that ho had looked into Mr , Wil liamson's plan and that so far ns he could see It contained some very good features , and he was of the opinion that Nebraska ought to do something to encourage the coming of settlers. , Mr. Hecs was also ot the opinion that pome- thing could b ? done to help fill up the vacant lands In Nebraska , the only question to be settled was whether the Manufacturers' asso ciation should take any part in the forma tion of a new organization. Letters from Governor Holcomb and ex- Senator Manderson were read , approving of such a move. It was pointed out that the Manufacturers ) and Consumers association could nut , under its charter , do more than endorse the movement. It could take an actlvu part In the organization only as Individuals. The following were appointed a committee to look Into the question and report upon It at the next meeting : Messrs. Itees , Hospe , Katz , lllack and Holmes. AMUSEMENTS. The Bostonlans showed the wisdom of their generation , from the box cffico stand point , in opsnlng their present engagement with so secure a favorite as "Uobln Hood. " Nevertheless , a large If not an overflowing liouao greeted the Initial production in Omaha of "Prlncj Ananias" at Hoyd's last night , and received Mr. Herbert's sprightly music and Mr. NelUon's no less sprightly lines with as many marks of approval as could be expected from nil Omahn audience in Its first hearing of a plcco. The somewhat difficult score was a severe tax upon the resources of the local orchestra , \vhlch still struggled manfully through and should not be denied all credit for results achieved under trying circumstances. Mr. Herbert's work is coming to be well known and generally liked , both by muslc'ans ' and by the uncritical public. "Prlncj Ananias" Is particularly strong In concerted numbers , giving abundant opportunities for the Intro duction of the Rostonlans excellent chorus and for many ngreeable and well written combinations of two , throe , four and five voices. There is only one solo for bass , which Cowles delivers with fine effect Im mediately after the opening chorus , but lilti noble voice Is often heard with others , nota bly in the grotesque quaitct In the last act , which gives Harry Dale a clmncQ to be wry funny Indeed na tha Prime Minister. Jessie Dartlett Davis , In gowns which detract not a whit from her growing exuberance of figure , has two beautiful solo. % oneof which , "The Hamlet of Fancy , " comes near to being the gem of the opera , nnd a charming duct with MacDouald , wh ch occurs soon after , Harold Ill.ilts got' a merited recall for his solo , nnd Helen Hertram fared us well for hers. Besides these numberx , there Is a Trio of Liars , sung by Darnabee , Cowlas and MacDonald , a chorus by the actors with Darnabt'o in the second act , a dainty minuet danced by shepherds and shepherdesses , an exceedingly well constructed quintet and chorus toward the close , and a solo by Frothtnghain , which , with Its accompani ment , in a curiosity of cacophony. Mr. NleUon's book Is Informed with the spirit of the time. It fairly bristles with puns and would fcem to be In the nature of a gentle satire on tha preuant condition of the stage. Certain technical allusions , it Is feared , got away from most of the au- dlenco last night , but the house cannot be culled a cold or unappreclatlvc one. With thu lugubrious entrance of Krothlnjj- ham the fun waxed fast and furious , and the departure of IJarnabca for the torture chamber , "another fond hope blasted , " where his suffeilngs would have been light ened could ho have Keen thu four-armed mipes behind him , was n genuinely airiuslng bit. The final curtain Mint out a hllirlouo king , whose reign henceforth was to ba enlivened by "continuous performances , " and whoso favorites were to bo rewarded with all the Koh-i-noors in the woodshed. "Prince Ananias" will be sung again to night , "Ilouln Hood" being repeated nt the matlneo this afternoon , and the engagement closing tomorrow evening with "A War Tlmo Wedding. " "Down In Dixie" closes Its engagement at the Crclghton with the usual matlneo and evening performance today. This really ex cellent melo-drama , with Its atmosphere of the cotton field and magnolia bloom , has not mot with the patronage It deserves dur ing the present engagement , and It IB hoped that the public will not neglect the two re maining opportunltlen to t < ee ono of the best iiiclo-ilranias presented thin season , Tin * Mri1iTii Motlirr Has found O.at her little ones are improved more by the pleasant laxative , Syrup of Figs , when In need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy than by any other , ami that It Is moro acceptable to them , Children enjoy It and it benefits them. The true remedy. Syrup of Figs , la manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. IillTIIHCH , The following marriage licenoas were Jh- Bue'l yesterday ; Names und uddretm. Ago. Mnhlon D. Smith. Ht. Paul. Neb . 62 Ellen Hart , Thointon , 1ml , , , , . 2 $ William H. Wlglnnn , Omaha . , . 25 Marie L. Hornberger , Omuhu . , , , , , 2.1 Clifford I' . DnnlulH , Omahn . 21 Luellu ICdwanla , Omaha . , . 20 August C. Hart. Omaha . 35 Emmu M. llranilt , Omulm . , . zt Piles of people have pile * , nut DoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve win cure them. Drntli of mi IIIMIIIIO Mini nt Mlnili-ii , MINDEN , Neb. , Dec. 3. ( Sptclal. ) Ing- bert Nelsen , who waa adjudged Insane bera la t week , died last evening. Hi lian no rela tives here * am ] no property except $25 thu way found on his person whcu taken In charge. He will be burled at Frcdrlckiburc tomorrow , _ DoWltt'a Little Early Uixers euro lndlg > tloo acd bad breath , CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Trensuror-Elcct Edwards Offers a tco Conipnny Bond , REFERRED FOR ACTION THIS EVENING Strict Inquiry Into tint.i'unl nnO I'liinni-lnl StntiilliiKr f Coiiiiinny mid * on Clt ) Hull. The band of A. n. IMwnrds ns city treas urer \vtts submitted to tlio council nt the regular meeting lust nlglit. An was stated In yesterday's Dee , the document proved to bo a gunrai > tcfs bond by the Kldcllty nml De posit company of llaltlmoro for Cue full sum ot $400,000. Jti nccordnncc with n caucus arrangement , the bond wns referred to the flnanco committee \vltli Instructions to re port at a special mec-tlng , to lid held this ) evening. The council convened nt 7 o'clock , but the proceedings \\cro 1m il In the private room of President Kdwurds , which wns cnretiilly guarded from outside Interference. The members were closetctt with Mr. Kdwnrds , who displayed for their eillflcnllon stftte- ments from tlio ofllclalslilcli were Intemlcil to show Hint the organization WHS Iliunclnlly sound. Several members wore tinwIllltiK to vote to approve , the bond without further Investigation , nnd the proposal to holil n spe cial fesslon wn ngretd on ns n compromise. At S30 ; o'clock the members Illed out Into the council chamber , the motion that the adjournment be to Wednesday night was put ami carried , nnd City Clerk Hlgby road the signatures on the bond , which wore these of Kdttln AVnrllelil nnd Herman K. Hosier. president nnd secretary respectively of the guarantee company. llowcll moved the reference to the flnanco committee , lie explained ! nls position by saying that the presentation of such n bond as this was something out of the usual order In Omaha. There \ > ere a ftw practical points on which helshcd the commlttoo to bass Its Investigations. Section 9 of chapter x cf the Compiled Statutes clearly provided that any surety company must own property In the state to the extent of double , the nmount of the bond. Ho nlso wls-licd thu committee to ascertain whether the capltnl stock of the gunranteo company wns actually paid up , nnd to thoroughly Inform Itself ns to Its standing nnd reliability. The motion to refer wns carried without opposition. According to the statements submitted , the capital stock of the Kldellty nnd Deposit company Is ? 7iiO,000 ; "additional liability of stockholders. " $7f > 0.000. nnd surplus nnd un divided prollts. $587.707.30. Assistant City Attorney Cornish Informed the council that the Martin Shields special polio ? case Imtl been decided In favor of the city. He added n recommendation that the special policemen bo paid , ns they had per formed the services In good fnlth. The mat ter was referred to the finance committee. City Treasurer Dumont recommended that the comptroller be Instructed to advertise for bids for the deposit of city money during 1806. Referred. A communication from the Hoard of Vita nnd Police Commissioners relative to pay for time last by firemen by the enforced va cations lit 1S91 was referred to , the Ilnanco committee. The bond of n. II. narrows as librarian of the public library was approved. Street Commissioner Kasper was granted a ten days' leave of absence. The report of tlio Hoard of Equalization on the general city tax list was ndopted. Kemiard created a stir among the council- manic Insuranc3 agents by Introducing n resolution by which the comptroller was directed to cancel $150,000 Insurance on the city hall , $23,000on the furniture and $25,000 on the boilers. lion ell objected on the ground that at , the tlmo the Insurance \\as taken out the com panies made a rate of 1 % per cent on con dition that policies amounting to $100,000 bo taken. Kennard defended his resolution by de claring that the city hall was a fireproof building and that to pay for such nn amount wns a downright robbery of the taxpayers. Since 1S92 the city had paid $4,477.08 In premiums. A motion to suspend the rules was lost and thu resolution went to the committee on public property and buildings. Ordinances providing for placing ths fire md police alarm department under the con trol of the city electrician were read and re ferred to the finance committee , with Instruc tions to confer with the members of the Board of Kire and Police Commissioners. A lot of rssolutlons for arc lights were knocked out on account of the failure of tbe lighting fund. The committee on police presented a favor able report on the recommendation of the Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners that the city Jail and police court room be re moved to the basement of the city hall. The committees on police and public property and buildings with the building im > pctor were directed tn prepare plans and estimates pre liminary to the proposed change. An ordinance was parsed Wshleh amends the present ordinance to nllow the city treas urer to furnish n guarantee company bond. Confinement nml Ilnril Work Indoors , particularly in the sitting posture , arc far more prejudicial to health than excessive cessive- muscular exertion In the open nlr. Hard sedentary workers are far too weary after olllce hours to take much needful expr- clse In tiic open air. They often need a tonic. Where can they heek Invlgorntlon more cer- tnlnly and thmouKhly than from Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , a renovant particularly adapted to recruit the exhausted force of nrture. UFO nlso fcr dyspepsia , kidney , liver and rheumatic ailments. PKII.SO.VAL PAHACItAPIIS. Wllllvm It. Cahlll , Grand Island , Is a Dar ker guest , Put Plggott is registered nl the Darker from Chicago. W. A. Ll'tlD ' , Sioux City , la. , l > roglntercd at the Unrktr. Ed L. May , Wheeling , W. Va. , Is stopping at tliu Darker , Mr. mid Mrs. M. D. Smith of St , Paul are Merchants guests. Mr. and Mrs. II , R , Itadeker of Xotv York are at the I'axton. C. B. Wllklns , Philadelphia. Pa. , Is regls- tcrcd at thu Darker. C. R. Tlbbetls , a DCS Mollies Insuranca man , IB at the Merchants. John Peters , ex-colleotor of Internal revenue nueIs registered at the Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. John P. IMrtman , Tacoma. Wash. , are guests nt the Paxton , Colonel Fred Ifunl , proprietor of theMan - damln , Sioux City , Is a. iuer ; > t at the .Mu nay. K. D. Putney , a prominent lawyer , and C. F. Dworak , n Uock shipper , of Oakdule , are at the Arcadf. George W. McNutt , traveling paspjnger agent for the "Ku'y , " rcglfttorcd at the Mll- lanl I a ft evening. John Hart , J. O. Johnson and 0. W. Ilyau are cattle shippers from Hapld Clly , S , D. , registered at the IJullone. W. G. Whltmore , JOMS I ) . Whltmore. MUs J. C. Whltmore and Mltu Kate Whit- mere of Valley nre at the Murray. W. II , Triitfilalo , general manager and third vice prejldtmt nf the Itock Inland road , left the city yesterday afternoon for Chi cago. cago.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. P , M. Shannon of Plttihurg are guests at the MlllarO. Mr. Shannon U just new giving acme attention to his oil wells In Wyoming. „ . T. H. Hall , lute ot Den MolneH , la. , halt accepted a position with the Western News paper unlcn of this city and taken quarters for the winter at the Arlington , \flirilMKltllM lit tillIflltClM , At the Mercer W. U , McOt-clile , Hhubert ; B. H , Kngllsh , Kagle. At the Dellono Carl Morton , Murk Mor ton , H , D. Apttar , Nebraska City ; J , W. Perry. A. 1) , liolU-s. Ocd , Clyde Opelt , Iln. At the Pnxlon-H. C. Andrews ; . J. J\ Cracker , Kearney ; M. (3. Keith , North I'lutte ; Mrs. J. J. Cox and daughter , Lin coln. At the Mcrermnls-H , Clark. Norfolk ; .Mrs. M. Hall , Kromont ; Matt DauKhorty , Ogalalla ; K. II , Xanurk. Oakdulo ; II. C. Itowntree , H , J Walsh , Lincoln. At thu Arcade-J , JIaftle , Auburn ; H , K , Church. Pleu-e ; Alex Peters , Htunton ; A , M. Mo.liBctt , Uuthvillo ; M. A. Decamp , Clearwater - water ; J. H Monshan , HyunnU ; N , J. J'N I11 , Jiattio Crect