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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1895)
- - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - w- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ - - - . - - - - - - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ! 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Til E OMAHA 1)A1J'YfljE : X'IUfl1)AY , NVJI IEI1 30 , 1S9. - beflevo th3t trouble can only be nvertcd by I- extrA ihnw o force ) ier nnl that In any ease , reIntorcernent nn tictaty to lnttro ( ho fety o the foreign reIilent of ContantInoplt. The nmbtatlnr liobi thnt further ibrnIIon to the caprtce or the palae woiihl b a erIoti mItko IiIon , the part of ( lie powers nn ( hIs ilLpntch t sent they ar anIouly awaiting IntriictIon to prooc4 to reinforce the foreign wrNhIp lier ithotit the ul. , , ln , , conerit. vhIch woulil rnen that the foreign fleet woulti b cIie1 tron to escort the extra gtinboatn through th striIt of the Dn1anll even it a bon're1mPnt of the forts hotihl l neiry. L.OOICiX ( 101t TITTVtIITT'S. . Tolerance , It nppers. hit , ? e1 to ha I vIrtue In the prtent c , an tin thoI wbo have beeI In favor ef t' e niet pqeIfl trcrtt. ment in desling with the suItn raw appnr to have atrlvel at tti coflCIIIofl Iht oath- log but the show of arrnei force will bring Abtitil tiarnil to his The tttii for diplomatic cxchinger of vievs seeni to have about expirefi , and everybody t.ere Is hourly cxpectirig the newa that the warshIps of the powers are IIo3dIng for the entrance of the Iarilanelli' There 1in been some delay In the rccelpt of the answer to the tnesage V. tileli Sir Philip Currie ietit to 1ondoo arter hie Interview - view early thio tnorning with Said Pa511a. The Turks bliovo that this inilicato. that Great liritnin has decded ! upon further de. lay. but this Is not the general opinion here. tnitetl States MInitter Terrell haM rer'elved (1etnhi conflrming the reported niassacro of Chrlstlnns 011(1 ( the destruction of Atnericati milsionary property at MareLti on ovetnijr 18. It nbw established beyonil a doubt that the schooh of science attached to the Atnerican tiiIsIon were diiaged and at on fire and that two other buildings were ran- Mackol. Mr. Terreii' ativicet , niio confirm the atatenient tiia no protection vas afforded the Aniericans or their PropertY , Itt spite of the protnIes of the porte , tintli eight hours after the riot. The Ainericati nilsatonaries , tolegraphitig tinder date of Tuesday last , November 20 , from Marash , say they are all nfo under the protection of the 'l'urltiah authorities. An estitnato It. Iteing inatlo of the tianiag done , and the Turklh officials ay they are doing overytlilog possible to recover - cover the property looted front the American bulitiin. ' GItO\VING WORSE IIOUItLY. I 1vry report which rcites Constantino. ' plo hot only confirms the i.tories of reported outrages but tuhis to the iist of horrori recorded ntid awolis the death list ittintlretls ( buy. lilootlalieti , fire and famine have been stalking unchecked , it not encouraged , brotight abut by tha Asiatic t1otiiIitition of the Turk ; and the hour , it Ia again said , cannot long be delayed viton Iuropo lutist cry - . "halt' ' to the bioodtlilraty Infidel , and the cross ito upraised against the green banner of Mnbomiuet , From Irzroum some additional news was forthcoming today , but It oniy aerved to paint the nicture blacker and redder. More I atteinpti to exterminate the Christian popti- lotion of that city and vicinity have been made , anti the Armenians who survive are actually btng Induced by their priests to embrace Islainhein to save their 1ivet. The Ias outbreak at Erzeotirn , according to the official account of the affair , was of a trifling nature ; only eight lersous vere killed auth It is attributed by the governor of Irzo- roam to on encounter between agents of the . : tob1cco internal revenuc' department and aomo smugglert' . Tli Armenian versions of the affair PUt an entirely different coot- JiOXiOfl ) IIOI ) the disturbance , saying the titinitr killed vas much greater. anti that the rioting nt ; occasioned by the Turks. A dispatch tram Kharput , dateti yestcrday , November again reports that it has boon established that the American titisaton built ] . S hogs there , recently destray'l by rioters , previous to the inastucra of about eighty Christians , vera set ott fire by tli KuI'ls in th presence of the Turkish troops , who - made no crfort to prevent thotit trotu so tlolng , - It Is added that the Mussulnians also took , . part In the incendiarism. although tija Anier- ican misalonarles and the unburned houses vcro protected by a detachment of about 100 eoldiors. Only alight confidence is felt in thi security of the American missionaries residing - siding at Rharput. and the non-irrival here : ' Of letters train them. giving detuiii of th' : recent disturbances at ICharput , leatl to the - belief that in spite of the lroiiiiecs matte by - the porte to Mr. Terrehl , they have been Intercepted by the Turkish authorities. Mr. Terrell Will make tttrthcr representations to the Turkish govennient. on this ttubject , and overytliln oost'lhie is bein done to corn- . inunicato with the American missionaries. . GltTIT171)F UNDIIt DURESS. Further ailvices from the provinces estab- lisk the fact that the. local Turkish ofilcials ' are continuing their efforts to force the Ar- 1 mottinna under various threats to sign ad- J dresses Cf gratitude to the sultan and to do- laro that the outbreaks were the work at a 'tow mlagttlded persons. " The Turkish newspapers - papers publish tlk'patches from tue differant : provincc containing simhiar statements , but the members of the diplomatic corps attach no importance to any such nesurancea. The Iccul authorities yesterday vainly asketi the * itiiiCii1uti tiewspapers of this city to publish similar statements under threat of suppress. C lag the publication of the papers if they did not tb so. Tito publishers replied that the statements ere faise and that under no cir- Cuinstances would they lubhlshi theta , The newspapers have not yet been suppressed. 'Fito I'orte today Issued the following official - cial account of tue outbreak at Marashi and ' elsewhere : "Au Armenian of Martish ie- . contly set fire to his own house , situated in the Mussuhinan quarter , in order to provoke , , . Lttinfflt and revolution , The jtrtiiettians of 7 1coan , In elIte Or tile advice ghveii them , attacked - tacked the aol'liers , rhio vere obliged to lire , in return. The rioters fled to Forties and Zeltoun after burning their houces. "On the 13th the Armenians of Erzerourn , seehtig santo soldiers running to arrest some smugglers , wanted to close thcir shops. A panic enstied , during 'hiicii five Armenians kihieti ] six ' ' were ant wounded , 1)IPLOMATS LESS CONFI IENT. LONDON , Nov. 29.-A Turkish dispatch to the Times says that the diplomats there op- iear less conhitlent of carrying their point as to the' admission at a second gilartialtip of each of the itowers ittlo the 1)rdanehies. "The sultan scents to consider , " the correspondent - respondent continuet , "that thin fact that such a smali concession is tirnianuleil iraves that. the tuowers are tuot in agreeuuuent on flue stub. 3ect , anti that ho Is therefore safe in refuelng t hue llrin outs , Should t he a ultan's apposition 1irvaii , Christians anti foreigners will be iiaCCtI iii a luoaithon of great dapuger. ' "Said i'Selia agaitu visited all the anuhassa. tiara in tin endeavor , on behalf of the siti. taut , to tlisasaulo : them fronu insi'thtug 01)011 the aditulsaloit of tiue second gulardahip , ' 'Sir PhIlip Currie , the British ambassa. tIer , uni1 a private utidienee 'Itiu the sultan today , lastitig two bioutra , "Tue Imperial Ottoman batik has reduced thin Interest otu credit balance from 3 to 2 ' . pet. cent. ' ' Tiuta Titutes also lutubhlalues a dialtatehi datni ] Jolts , i'ersla , which says : ' 'Many Armoniatu villages betwecu the Persian borders situ the city ofaiu have been dottroyeil by tluo Ifamitlieh cavalry , They probably iuutuubor forty-aix , although the refugees give flue names of niutiiy tutore , It Is impossible to \ . 'i \ Catarrh u troubled me for 11 years. I hay. taken four bottle8 of Ilooti's Sarsaparijia md am perfectly cured. I thutuk I1ood' - 8arsaparhiia has no equal , and boilovo that tnuy wluo are In health and have become ) discouraged , vuuld be resforeti to good lucaitla It tluey wouId only give Hood's Sarsaparilla ii-i : ; Pills e3s7tObuy.eaytota I L j : ! _ - obtain a reasonable ntlrnsth of the nufiTher of . thoen khhIeil4 bitt all reporI say that It Is .ery large. Thio refugees sre mostly going to the city of Van , where a massacr will Cootu take hilace. Cannon have been trn1ns1 on the Arnienlan houses niuil the trees In the streets have been cut down so as to give the cannon free range. All reports agree that the 1ttnitli.'h , cavalry are raiding the entire province ofan with hiorrIblatroc' . tlt'a. Many women have been rarrid ofi to the mountains , The city of 'aii Lthl otuly plaeo left uuntoucluel by tli t < urds , who are carrying off quantities of hueep anti cattle ( rein the tletroytl villages. The entire pop- tulation of the village of Jurlalon , numbering 2,001 ha , ' klhiej. ATTACIRD 1'RItStA VILLAGES. ' 'Time llamuidieh cavalry also attaeke1 the I'eraian vihlace of lotomnr. but were no- puuleed by the garrIson of the torts. The Turkish regulars valted outside ready to join in the pittitder. Tue cavalry then destroyed atuother ejuisil I'erslan village. ' 'Artutoti bands of Armuetutan patriots are crossing from I'ersa ! to the province of Vaim. A band of these front Slainar fouiihit time liamuidieb cavalry for two tliys near Scral. Many persons were killed on both cities , viueiu the cavalry wlttulret and plutuili red anti tie- strayed Seral. Many Nns'torhans lii thin Iiasbkoiiu district are rcportcd killed. " Tue Vienna correshonuleuit of time Stantlar,1 says the sultan's refusal of the firmnans for t1it lassaie of flue gunrtlshups ; through tlto 1)art1andle is duo to hil kmiovlei1ge of a tern- perary ilisuniomu amongst the vowers. sluIeiu , It is added , has now been remove I. This cor- resliomidriut also ( motes tile Constantinople diepatchi to the i'nlhtischie , whelm accuses Lord Salisbury of a breach of confidence In reading the sultan's letter to hunt in lubhic. The Iaiiy Newui' correspondent says : "Au time jrnwers remain united amiti have refused the porte's reihutest for a withdrawal of their tlemi'ands for Chic passage of the additional gUn rd slul ite. "Time synod of the Greek chiurcit line mb- chhnoil to Issue a declaration of contentment itIi time Turkish admiuinrtratiou ! , " fhie Speaker's Coa'tatutInople correspondent tlulnke. ' that 10.000 hursons huave been Ittiled iii it dozen iliff.ront towns within a week. antI that this IL. probtbly an timber estimate , whuhlo time work of destruction stilt continues. 'Ahl time massacres are the deliberate work of time ialace governiuiemmt. " this corresponib- cot alllruns , "amid tilt ! simuuhulo object Is to extermuminate the Chmriettans. " SULTAN IRIN1CING hEAVILY. Tiu Chiromuiclo's Constantinople correspond- ant says : 'I'alnce friends report that the sultami is dtlnkimmg heavily during the past few days , which does not tend to lmuiprove liii ; mental condItion. lie shuows siguus of yielding to time demand for abbitionah ( ( t1l- patch boatm. " Tue Vienna correspondent of time Daily Telegraph Ca.H an acute financial crisis hiatt arisen iii Turkey , owing to the paralysis of tu-aile , industry and hmmsbnrutlry auth to thin oumthuiwry catiseil by the mumobihizitlon of troops , amid the sources of imicommur' are so compietehy exhmatmsted that nit Issue of paper currency is under consideratIon , ItOME , Nov. 29.-The rnpe , in flue course of lila ahlocumfiouu at time secret comsistory , where the muew cardinals vero croateib today , tlreIt upon tile gravity of the situation lit Turkey auud aihtlnd that time huohy see was not indifferent to thus ihistress of the Armenians- , hut dooreib to see flue vnrimiius peoples of the Ottomumamu euuupire governed upon lwiiuciples of equity anti equality. Abvices recivcd from Constantinople add to thur simm of ltnov1cibgc of time disorder and blood hm l v I thu vhu ich Turkey is hmurdenetl. It Is reported there that fresh unassacras huave occurred in Ahmmtab , a towmu situated on this nuotmmutahn slope of Mount Taurus , and about sixty miles zuortimeast of Aleppo. A condition of panic , It is said , continues through tue villayet of lialeb , in s1mic1u Aintab is iiitLltetl. At Tifihs , in the Russiamu Trans. caucasus , it is annoumuceti train llrzeroumn flint th Turkish government has appointed a commissiomu , inchimiling seine esteemed Ar- mumonimuns. to attend to the restitution of property - erty to Armenians who huave been robbed In the course ( if time recent tiisorderi. The gay- ernrnent , It. Is reported , has also agreed to appoint a commission to assist fleetly Arme. flails with broad anti mooney. \VASh1lNGTO , Nov. 29.-Time State tie- partmncnt ha received atbyices from Minister Terrehi stating that time missionary school of scieuuce at Mamosh was burned on the 19th. but that time missionaries are safe , lie telegraphs - graphs flint the Alntab college is protected. Time Tuiricisim iegatlon hak received the foi- lOvIng advlces ( mmmi the sublime porte : The Armomuinma revolutionists of Keban , disregarding - ing time advice of the local authorities , and having fired otu time soldioms , tIme latter had to fire back ; then time rebels , getting to their iiorse , escaped to Ferns and 7eitoumi. With thu exception of this incident the tranquility is perfect in time province of Aheppo. On the 21th time Armumemmians of Erzeroum , seeing thuat some at time s-oidiery vere arreating souoa srnumgglerua , closed tlueir shops , and during time panic that followed five ArmenIans were killed and slc woundeib. No disorders whatever - ever took place emu thmo 24th and 25tiu inmate. 1mm emmy of time provinces. "Ama Armenian of Marasim set fire to luis iiomie. situated iii the Muesuimamu part of fits city , In order to etrt a big fire. Time au- thmorlties of Dinrik and Yihtilz ( Sivas ) found and restored to their owners time greater part of time stolen articles anti cattle. SOLUTION IS IN IUifOt'EAN CONTROL. NEW YOItK , Nov. 29.-The tuk ] of West- mister , accortling to mm letter Just received by time Amumericabi itoiief association , says : "No settlement of the Armenian question can he deemmmed itatteIacory which does not forever Place beyond time reacim at their op. pressers time remnant of time jersecuted Ciuris- Ilans in Turkey. This can be best done by Europeamu control , " Time duke has written to time ittiesiamu , Frerucim , Austrimmmm , Gernuamu anti Italinmm ambassadors in Laotian , lrgging timemmu to ask their respective gverflmentu to e - operate witlu England. Thus iluko ofVest - mnimmster expresses tli hope that tue Arnie- mmhamu association lhl mmot fall to represent to I'resitlent Cleveland the ardent desire of all \'iuo are working for time Armenians flint time United States governmmment will not cnhy seek to prolect its own stmbjectt' , but. also thioso wluo ha a been educated mint ! traimueti for use- ftml occupatiomme in the schools and colleges of Amcnicama omissions 1mm Ttmrkey. IIDSTON. Nov. 29.-itt view of the mile- tress antI Imorrors existing 1mm Turkey , time lntmulenttal comummimittee of time Amimenicaum hoaril semuds out time foilowhumg call : "The Amen- c.imm Hoard of Commmmmmlsstoners for Foreign Missions unites with time \Vonman'a Hoard of Mtmtslormmi in mmi'kimmg time Cimristiamis of Amnenica to observe Fritlay , Dmcmmmbem' fi ( or sucim otimer tisy 1mm time samime veek as mmmaho moore comuvemmicut in varticuhar chutmreimes ) as a miay of special prayer for Turkey , for Its suffer- mug people , ammmi for thm imuhasiommarles and this imperilled mmmssIomi 'onlc withuimu thio emimlmlre. "Timis vhii doubtless reach you before \'eiinen'day , ammil it mmmay suit. 'omtr convemmience to mains thIs a subject of earnest prayer aim thmat evenitig , Let. time united cry of dune- temmdommm go imp to ) meavemm that deliverance mummy come qimicitly. Timis lii given to the Aim- Soclatemi vress ton gemmermul dietrlhmmtlon. 'Fr thus commmmmmittee , A. N , hITChCOCK , 't)1atrlct Secretary for Imuiorlor States. " Time following cmulmiegranmm was receIved today by itey. Jutheon Smmmltim , 1) . 1) . , secretar' of time Ammmonlcamm iloard , frommu Commatamutimmople , by time vay of I'imihtopoiis , 1iulgaria "Mis- slonarlee at IClmmmrmmut. iilttiis anti ! itarish lmrotected by soidlcs , bmmt streets umusafe for ammy Christians. Commfldemmce weak. 1)iillctuit to semmil mommey for Personal mmeemls of mission- aries. " Time commflmmemument of tue mmuieshommanlej witimlim their own liommies necessarily imucamma time cossatlomu of all their vom k ammil is a sure sign that they mnmiy soomu its reduced to wammt anti to tossible doatim by starvatlomi , There are twenty-five nmisslommaries In thici three pimuceq nammmeil , Ci't'mi * e'il ? J mm. ' ii'mi. ( -'ml uI I mimi is , IfOME , Nov. 29- Time pope totlay ire- sidtd at this fectet commeistory amid createul mmimmo cmmrtliimais , mmammmohy : 'rime murcimbishmops of Lemumbing , Saizbouurg , V.mhi.mdohiij stub llommrgomm ; Mgr. Satohhi , time hialial tiehejate tu the itommummi Catimollo church 1mm time Ummiteil States , Mgr , 001(1 ( , time Immter-mmummco ! to hirmizil and time biehOp ofimtmmn , Ungem ammul Ammcomaa , hits imoiinse thou vrcocmmizeti tmvcmmty-fotmr Italian bishuop. I'rmmyl mist fii huh hmugai'm's.l I , KiNGSTON , Ont. , Nov. 29.-The Chmnistlsn Endeavorers for time iommuimmoim ! of Canada have hmeemi remiucejed to tmmuie ( lit prayer to God for time eonveriomu of Colommel Robert (1 ( , lager- soil on Smunuia : , , iscemmuh.r 1 , at 2 o'clock lit time afbenmmoan. fimla is to follow time uuultotl prayers of time Cleveiammd limmdeumvorers which vere held omm 'fimammksglvmmg : day , ( 'uii . hi'ti'd nf h.i'e.t' MsuJi'elt , , IIERI4IN , Nov. 29.--Dr , Forsier use bteq senteneeti to thrt'e immonthw' imnprlsonniejmt after iiivhmig born cnmm'lcted or ieee muajeste In thia Imublicetton of an article In his' paper , ttmuu Etbisc'heiculture , hayden lire , . ' , Is on vace 9 , iI11ZsL11ONs ? ! hAS SICXEI ) Stuart Going to Camp on Oorbctt'a Trail Until the Ohainpion Agrees Lo Fight. PREPARED TO GUARANTEE IMMUNITY I'ti rw , ' at 152ttIlt ( ) it , lie i'mi I t'p ml mmii ( iii' Piglii.'rs 'IhI ( iit It Iii t'ii'se hit' Ilgh. t I , . I mm tt'r. ft'teii ' .VIl hi , ChICAGO , Nov. 29.-Dami Stuart of Dallas - las , Tex. , was in thin city tonight on his way to New ork , where he hiops to secune time signature of Jimmi Corbctt to 1mb artIcles call- 11mg for a tiqhmt with 1101) lltzshmmummiamms. Stuart cclii tonight : "I immttrni to cmmmnp on the trail of Corhett and hinady ummthl Cerbett e1gnm or shows that lie does not want to fight. Fltz- shmmmrmmons Is nmmxiotmmm to fight anti I himmve lila signature whim mute. I took him omit on a tmmg Into time Quit of Mexico and signet ! hmimmm there , so flint. time state of Texas would Imave no lmold oil hmimmm. I Intml to bring Off the fight about two muhles fremmi El l'aso aimul It his not lie on Texas soil chimer. Time articles of agreemmiemut thuU Fitzslmmmmmmona has signed call for mm fight with five ounce gloves amid $2,500 forfeit mooney. I will nut imp a umree of $20,000 and if I tail to 10111 off timt fight wlthaumt interference Crbett atmd F'itzehmn- tmmons can divide tIme ummoney imetweemm thmcmmm. I will limit mum $10,000 wlmcmi time Palmers are sigmied amid $ l0.00) ) when time date of time flgimt lii agreemi tmpomm. I hope time fight will come off about January 10. 1 emma lii a positIon to gtmaiammtee time mum absolute imrotectlomu frommi lmmtertenemmco amid If Corbett is willing to fltlmt timthihmsg will come oft withuotit a hitch or ammy mmmd. ' . S. uart saul fmirtlmer tlmat he wanted time mmmen to select their owim referee , limit tlmat lie preferred - ferred a Cimicago nman , nmummmimmg Samim Daub nun George Silver as his pnefsrence. "I will oumly mmammmo time referee , " ime said , "lii case time mmueim are mmot able to agree upon lmlmmm. " Nea 1)rit'n mis ilime'Iuig ILemiiihi s , NEW ORLEANS , No' , 29.-Time weather vnts iimie and time track fast. Attematiammce , 5,00' ' ) . Summmmmmaniemt : Flmst rmmce , selling , s-lx furlongs : III llemmry (11 ( to 10) ) won , MIss Itowett (20 ( to I ) secommil , l'uinwa(80 ( to 1) ) third. Timmie : 1l5 : % . Secommil mnce , 2-ycar-olil.m , sevemi furlongs : .Tumlge he house (6 ( to 1)von ) , Sqtmlrc G (9 ( to 5) ) secoummi , Del Coromimido (8 ( to 1) ) thmlrti. 'Flmmme : I :29. : 1'imirml race , One mile : lump. Percy (7 ( to 2) ) vomm , iagle hind (2 ( to 5) ) secomumi , ltobemt Luttta (15 ( to I ) thmird. Tinme : I :43L. : I'omim lii race , hmandhcap. mile anti saventy yards : lump.Vosey (7 to 1) ) von , Mis-s Voumi (3 ( to I ) mecommtl , IJockatatier (9 ( to 2) ) thIn 'rimne : 1:11 : , Fifth race , 3-yenr.oimlmm , sevemm furlommgm' : Stumm k (25 ( to 1) ) womm Verdi (12 ( to 1) ) secomiti , b'ommvenlr (13 to 1) ) thIrd. Time : 1:29. : I'i'tit'l iht'mi'-- vl I Ii : i miii , LRXING'I'ON , Nov. 29.-Two favorites anti three outmtitler capttmred todmiy's races. 'rime track wits covered witim stiff mnud , Stmmmm- nmarles : First race , four amid one-halt furlongs : Raster Girl womm , ixhmibjt smecommdVlmhlenway tim I m ti. 'Ii mmmc : 0Ii. : Secommml race , mmix fmmrlommgem : tjmmcie liemary vtn , Iteilet secomuti , Athy 'r timirni. Timmme : 1:20 : % . 'l'imlrd race , nelhlmfg , si furlongs : Stmrnmner ( 'comm von , Wlldilre secommmi , T-1imkle timlril. 'l'immme : 1i9 : , 1stmrthn race. seilltmg , sevema fmmrlomigs : jt1- 'oCnte won , intemior secommti , Major Drippe third. 'l'imue : 1:94,4. : Fiftim race. live furlongs : Toretto won , llnrry Simnnmmon second , \Velhlngtomm thIrd. Time : 1Oti. : Sum ii FritmmelstIttmt'hsmj ii esmills , SAN FItANCISCO , Nov. 29.-Second dmiy , Pacific Coast Jockey club ; weather clear ; track mumudily , Two favorites , two outsiders anti a third cimotci' vomm. Stmrnmmaanies : Flm st race , six furlongs : Mis-s iirumnrnehl von Sally Cliqtiot secwmd , Governor liudd thlr& 'rime : 2I84. : Second race , mimlie nnd mmevemmtv yartis : Stratimmoatim von , Cohilmia second , Jack Ificim- elicim thmlrd , Time : 1:5i' : . 'rhmirtl race , six fumiomigs : Remmaus womi , SCrvtc0 second , Our Maggie third. Time : F'ourth race , ss'en furlongs : All Over won , Sc'imnitz secommd , Aihmihmabati third. Time : 1:31. : 1:31.Fifth Fifth race , flvefuniongs : l3aime Meurplmy womm , Contributiomm second , Fly third , 'l'imnc : 1 :0 : I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St minet , Ilmiromite it ) See Corimel I. ST. LOUIS , Nov. 29.-Dan Stuart , the Dni- lutt sporting nmnn wimo tried to bring off time Corbett.Fitzmiinmmomms mill nmmd vhuo received such severe setbacks ii Texas anti Arkansas Pameseil through St. 1omuls for Cimicagu amid New York. lie anmmouncs timat ime will sc' James .1. Corbett Iii the hatter city and urge Immmn to agree to me meeting with Fitzsinummmomms mmear Juarex , Max , Stuart says tlmat hue doer not accuse . Corbett of couvartilco , tint auth thmat it. time cimmmmmipioim refimses to meat Fttz. sinmmummomms aim time proposition lie will suisnIu it svlli be diliictmit for Corbett to explain ft the world what hue means 1)3' hIs muctlomm. " rand Ishti mmd iet'mm is 1tz. i mms. GRAND ISLAND. Nov 29.-Speeimti ( , ) -Time Grand I.lamimi Ilighu school foot imahi temumn yesterday defeated time } tttstlmmgs college team by time scete of 10 to 0. It was a good social game , devoid of immipleasunt wrangles anti free fronm accidemmts. _ _ _ _ _ _ MatlImmj limsinom' Cyeit' iteeum'tis , NASIIVILLE , Nov. 29.-Johmn S. Joimmisan unatic a mile imaceui inudoor record of 2:10 : , breaking BIlly MartIn's 'uimit1lsomm Sqmmame gamtlen cycle record of 2lfl. : A. F. Senmm mmumttie a two mnlies paced immuloor recomtl of 1:433-5 : , brenklmmg Ilarneft's new record on thIs track of 4:19 : 2-5. 'Ihmiti tCliii m'It'Smiyilt.r mm mm tlmnpl re. \VAS1IINGTON , No' . 2'J.-Clmanley Say- ' tier , tIme vcteramm hfltse bail player , has becim apOiimtCii umnpiro In time \Vestermm league by 1'isldemit Ileum Johmnsomm. - - lh.'i I'll' 11mm Ii uvmm , to lie Soul , l'OILTLAND , Ore , , Nov. 29.-A decres of foreclosure line beemm taiemm 1mm time United States circuit court in time suit of time Memcammtllo 'frost conmimaimy of New Yorhm against time Portlammti Consolidated Street flail- W4 commmpamm ) ' . TIme road hums been operatemi by a receiver for time last year. Time mtmmuoummmt of the decree itt $152,775 , wijlciu coimmprises time consolitl.tteti hommtis of time conmpammy , with Immtereet. Time railway symitemmu commmpnlses timirty-onc mmmlies of electric road. ) i I itime'Hii Ii'S Cnimil hilmi I. , for 1's-i'd mh.t I , CIIICAC.O , Nov. 29.-"Minnesota has a eammthluiato for presitient-Cuslmmnaim K. Iavis -aimd wIll Push lila claims 1mm time convemmtlotm just as lommg as hue huts ammy possible show of gettimmg time nonmhmmation. " Ummited States Sommator Kmmtmte Neieomm of St. Iamml , cmmrotmte to Waehmlmmgtomm , made tiuls ileclarathomu , lie comm. tinimeul : ' 'If we have to lot Senator Iavla out of time race titomu I tlmlmmlm time Mlmmmieapolls delegatIon uu'ihi be evemmtmmmuily diviubed be. tweomm McKimmiey ilmud Reed , " - p Ctlmn'i'ui limaim hI h Is II Is 311s1 rt'pus. ST. LOtuS , Nou' . 29.-Alexammuier itoyel antI Jessie Sinmius ( bothm colored ) , wiuo lived to- gethmer iii a tumimlule-ibown frammie imousa mit the conzmtr of Twelfth anti Lintleum streets , had mm quarrel mubotmt 3 o'clock timis mmuornimmg end time girl was aimmmctmut litrahiy cut to pieces with a carviny IcoIfo ity her lover , imer imead , neck , breast and body balmmg ehasimeil 1mm a terrible mmmanmtmer. ifoych lieu after hula bloody deeii ammtihmtuti not beemm omptured imp to 10 o'clock , iit rrieui I lie ( II rm lie , , ' . tul sitmtt'tl , KANSAS CITY , Nov. 29.-A special to time Star from Leavenworth says : Fretl tilmis- huoimmm , a mmt'gro , hmpiil tom' abductimmg Itoso Timuvemmil , wimite. from \Vareaw , .fo. , was tile- cimmirgeti today by Judge Benson onwrit of hatisas corpus. ito immiurrietl time girl iimmmne. dlutely tijtOmm bohmug reheasoti and was re- armesteul II ) ' the sheriff of Franklin ctmummty as a ( iiitIyo Crozmm justice. Ummithi. ' I ii Lii ilil 1'sst'migcrs , , QUElNSTO'N , Nov. 29.-Owirmg to thm' . . weatimer irfvaIilmmg off time coast tim , Cutummril lute steamer Cammmpammlmm , wlmichm or- riveti imero tItle ummanimlmmg frommi New York was imumablo to land lien lmaesengers , smut ! proceed ftmr Liverpool. _ _ _ ieuiilss sit ii 15im. EI4LISOIIAN , ilohusimmia , Nov. 29.-Commnt oim Taffe. thu Atmetrisim etsteeimman , died hera at 10:15 : thus immorntag. ummuts'.u Him lee Ioss ii Comisimi. COLON , Cohotmmbla , Nov. 29.-Jsnmmes 0. Ftr time UnIted States ccmmvui at Antigus hmms died of yellow fever. . IultI't ' Il'l.1 'I'll l ! fll. , 'I'ti 11etmi itilmi ( iris- , . % 'imm'rt. SleeliSi It tpts.r ( iiii Is Mt t'at'mmnI , itemuhere of thmf" works of Robert I.oimie Steveneen-a fi there mute few imrople whmo are not-will tmo 1)mterieteti ) in time following detutile which a visltp in Samoa imas sent to time London (1nmmmtmioj with a sketch of time spot wimere lie lies ljtmfttti-mi spot elmoten by imlmn- self. The ' % % ' Iii a simple mounil of red voleaumb stI , lies lii the mIddle of a entail clearlnf , ' te forest , cmi time top of the'nea mnOtmntnln , imimmmmediateli' above \'alilmna Ui'siimm , , ttO immune where Stevenson umeed to lives Tfle grave is 600 feet above time imoimrt aijti err 1,000 feet above the ieveh of the sea. \\5in it becaimme kne.wmm timat time bmmrlal use tcrhi.a nn top of the mommntnimi the natures emit a strip of forest nimoimt tweniy feet wide fmommi the huottonm to time top of time mr.oimntalmm , Up thl cbeartmig rmmns a zigzag path , as the imecent is far too atceIm for a road straight mmi.ruommi the clearing on toil cmiii be ee"mm flue flay of , umla. and part of time coast to tlme eastward , wltlm time lomig line of breakers marking thm barrier reef. A whmltt , cross of tmaetmul stands at time imead of time grave , armi t tlm foot is anotlmer mnambo of Sctcim heather. Around time grave , says our cornespondeiut , were scattered bright colored auttmmmumm heaves-if there is stmclm a e'easomm as aUfmmimm lit thmose evergreen Isles. It us as at ( brat I'iOlOSCtb ' to erect a granite obeiik , wimicim mmmigimt be eeemm from tium' barber , lmtmt thvut Itlea seems to imave ien sbammtloned , anti time last. smmggestlomm Is thmat a simmmple native cnmb of whmlte coral shotmiti be erected witit a marble s-lab emu wimicim will be emit amm inscnlptiomm amimi time following cpltaiihm , whthchm Stovemmsomm hmimnself vimote : Under time nilti starry sky Iig time gimuve muimni let mmmc die ; ( Ihati tilti I lIve mind gladly tile , Aiim ] I ha > . memo dowmm with a will. This iittlu verse you grave for mmmc : "Here lie lies slmeni' Ime bongeti to lie , 1tmlmc itt tint sailor , home from time sent .A mmti lime hunter is Imommie train the hmili.'m uuit.r , CI'u'V'SMIIlhiAl ,'i'Il. 1)eyi'hipimimie'mmi s'immll Del miss Mmmiii- Iii iii Si'e'i hum , hilL4 CITY , S. 1) . , Nov. 29.-Speclal.- ( ) Ahimmost timmlly encotmraging gold dIscoveries are reportsd from clainmet lit timls vicinity , tmpon mmmany of wimichi the annual assess-ummelmt work Is mmow tihng done. Time Ilmmds are usually of free gtmitl In oxidized quartz or maim rock. Quartz of exceptional nicimmmcss was found a day or two since upon a clnlima lii time 'fcmt groum. . lying on Paimmuer gtmlchm , a few mmillts east of 11111 City. The letige , whilciu sceimme in place anmi betweemm vahls , Is twemmty imicimeem wide , amid time brokemm ammml tioconmmpoo1mi ledge nmatter yields oxcep- tiommahly rich imro.ects iii time face. A quman- tlty of qmmartz taken out , somamo of wimleim is on eximibiticun litre , is of time grade wimicim re- qulrcs watching lii mumming anti sacicimmg to prevent loss , Anotimer flmmtl. almost equmally as imromnieulmmg , was made on time Coats groumumi , in atm entIrely differemmt tblstrlct , thmnee mmmlles mmorth of time camnp , Miners famIliar with time regloim iuroaounce the samples simowum equal to anythummg fouod in tlmis vicinity. The extent of ctammutry in portions of wimlch promising prosp cts mmave neon tilseoveretl duniumg time itst : year of active prospoctimmg seems to conilnmmm time arnertiomis of mmulmmlmig inca timat a ' 'tmelt' ' .of intbefiumite wititlm , comu- talnimig ntmmmmeroui , gold ledges , traverses time southern Black Hilts. Time general strike of jim ledges Is zmeithmwest amid southeast. Time finds are of little imqportance , however , immilcea capital cami ie interested for timeir develop- mmmermt , ilAl ) IIl''iIt'I'il ) FROM TiIl F'AI'I'ui. St'zimmior hilt ( Lve-M Ills luica of time Cmi miMe of iemumtmei'u lie flefemit. MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 29.-Senator D. 13. 11111 was temmdered a receptIon by time Hemummopin Dei'mmocratic league , and it turned out to b it rather sensational immeet- hug. Presldemmt Matln of time league , In imu- tnoduclmmg hmimmm , muld tlmat hue coimsitiered imimn second to no1 miasma' ' in the party as regards able and patriotic' ' statesmimanship. If thuere wan ammy exception 'it was Grover Cleveland. At time muentioi-of Cleveland's mmame there were groans treat , sommmc of tlmu atm".i'nce. Sen. ator Hhii firstt loueiued on the recOmfl defeat of time dttmnocratic party. lie said that penimaps lt va cauio&'t/e time departure front demo- erotic prt'cedeft , Jthmaps by luarty mnistakemm. 110 accepted (1tr ( verdict wIth good nature auul realized defeat was aim incident to pol- Itics. ho also said there lund beemi too mnmiclm of a fileposition atm time pamt of some of the party leatiers to adopt time Ideas of some other imarty. This wammjtiwnys fatal to sumccess. lie umrged thin local tiemmmocratnm to organize anti gave timemn erne prachcal advice. Ills spirit of friendly interest nmanifestemi clearly his ox- pectatioru to look for support him his quest of time pnesidemmcy. IC1LLEi ) iIIliIIW1'I1Iif W'i'i'iI tN AX. Amigercul uieeiiimst'Iier tlotlmer OtJi't'tetI it ) time Coiuumumii , She ici'iit , TOPEKA , Kamm. . Nov. 29.-Julia Femme- aimgimty of St. hinidgot touvnsimip , Mtmrslmall coummty , killed huer aged mother by beating her brahms out with aim ax anti a few ( lays later at time cam-oiler's hmiquest shun braved omit imor cnirne-'uIiil nearly time last muommusmit , when she fell aim her lcmieos , confessed time tieed and beggemi sonmo omue to kill imer as sime had killed iuer nmottuer. Time only excuse sime gave for time act was that her motimer re- fmmsd to allow imer to keep commipany witim Jammmcs McKlmecmmy , a yoummg mimamu of lime neighbonhmooti. , Vimeum arraigned in time district - trict court. time girl Imleatheil gumlity antI u'as sentenced to time pemmitenmtiary for life , bumt tim pheathing gtmily site implicated young Mc- Ghmeemmyvimo was placed on trial as man an- compihee. Yesterday time jury rctmmrmmed a verdict of acquittal , heavhmmg time girl to smut- for alomue. itmuimimujiki's-omis Cit ismi mu iiot I h. Sinimut.r , A hurry call was turzmeui into time central police station Timursday n'gimt to time effect that a wammmamm hail im eim mmmurdcroti at Twelfth street anmti Capitol avemmue , Itcctlvea ) Savage emmul Donahue uvltlm a umumumbor of otimer ofilcers climbed immto ( lie wagoum ammti vemmt to time place indIcated , W'huemm timey arrIved et 1112 Capitol avenume timey found timat aim old womumamm , Mrs. McCarthy. imaui beemm mmmanimtac- tumring a first class article of famnihy catsup In eommme nmanmmer oatof the 1)0(1155 ( had bmmrst. ammd covcreil lien trotmm huesmi to loot. wRit aim appetizer that 1mm colon sromugly resembled gore , 'Flit stopimr of time battle bmati passeul timroughi a window him its uuhlui Iihghmt for free- mloimm ammd had given rise to aim lmmmlmressIon in Mrs. McCarthy's mimmtl that sommme houv-hrowed viilalmu froimm time outside haul hmot at. lien , p l'm'eservlmig Frii Ii I mm line six , Experimmuents are still hmelmmg tried In pre- nervmmg frsim fnimItIn , borax. It imas been foimmmth perfectly simccesstmml with cbmerm'les , and is now being put to test. witim vegetables. It is anticipated - pated that , t'huomllti reusits ho favorable , mi borax fIlm wtll 'torfli 'a part. of thmo imouseimold eqtuipnment of ieveXu fammmiiy 1mm whIch frmmit , vegetables , anti ether perIshable formmus of food camu constmhmithi'mbo kept , ilonax camm lie immueti over andov rbagaIn , 5,0 timat economy Ia secured 1mm a poilbk fmushmiomm. Gu-imt'rii I ltupiit rd Iii Omnsuimii. General 0 , : ' i1pvartl cimmime to time city fuommi the ommtim evening nmmtl will lemmvtt for Chicago tlm'is rorimImmg , lie is getting 1mm fmonu m t hecmyi' ( ' wimichi Immcludeui mt mumrnber of to.1ytm 1mm J'osvmm , 'uhissotmnl ' anmii 1Cminsamm. lie hitS iii imis repertory ii mmumnber of lectures , mmli 'futtmimmIntmig to clvii war cvemmts ammti conumantlibtl mmmiii Iii tinder contract ( or tim simmter witi.ueti"bmIcjmgo agency. lie memyn lie imas lmeenm 1ldaltieim ii glitul weicommuut at every Poltit , lichmmg t'nrilhmmlly receIved by Qmammti Armmmy orgiiiiJutiomms , old mniemmdim amid 01(1 cornrtuiemi , i _ _ _ _ _ it esmil is iii Cehimu a' 1CNOXVILLEI1 Tenn. , Nov. 29.-At a Tiianksglvimmg cetebnmition in Johnson county yesterday Jammues Martin ammul Kirk Ellen , who imad long lucId a gruulgts against eachu oUter , got immto a light. Mantimm threw hits mifle ems Ellen anmi th iattir allot him with a pietob. Martin lived stew bmours , A mob trk-ti to lymucim Ehier , IntL hue was lantd safely in time Moummtaln City jail. - - - i'uiIk'a' ( lnMa Soi'iuihlsI ( hhmihis , IIEI1LIN , Nov. 29.-Time police hare summu- mmmauIly cloirti oleemu socialist clubs imere. In- clutilmig sIc of timO 'itachstag ! electoral club the club 'of the socialist stress communmimt' , that of time loasi conmmnlttie of the aocahit society , time club of time soc'alit Imarty deie gaes and timat of the central canmmlttee cf the ( iermaq ! odlbzt ! D'rty. l'tui'tim-si l'u 1'uY 31 imuls I a'r , LISIION , Nov. 29-Seer Cyrehlo ! ulacimado iu been aiuplotntI l'mtu.uize nuhmmiater to the Ummilej Sates. ; vI Iht it Iilttl3 'l'ilii lSI'hI t ? st'hl , ( laull oct I museum lIeimumtss * 1'Itt it for ( imT- lsiix Sonic ( lty tIausiey. Time finance conmtmultte Is commeiderhumg the lulen of iargely reducIng time Ins-mmranco on thmt' city hall , The imollcies on wimichm pro- mmuitiiuis are now imalmi nimmuotmmmt to seimmeihing like $400,000 , anti it In asserteul that SInce tilt' biiiiullng is prctIaiiy fire' proof , It is a ttselc'35 expemise to carry tmCim a imemuvy iii- m'uramice. Time first step In time' tilrectlorm of ( 'coilemimmy on timita account lisa been taken In a refusal to commtrnct for $2,100 Irmsiiremnce on thi chorine fixtures 1mm tIme' operatimmg roommm of thmm' fire nmmmi PolIce aiarmmm sy&'temmm. It Is saul thmat time entlme vahime of time iixttmres is ommly $ i.St)0 ) , anti time imiuamirammce rate is 2' Imer cciii. Time commmummittce figures that the griat.'et mimommmmt of abanmage thmat. Cotilti P0551' bly be. timu' to time cIty hall by fire ntmhb tuot reehm one-tenths of time ammmommnt for whmieim thm Imuuiitihlig Is insmmreti. Commeeqimently the mmmemmmbnra are eonsiderlmmg time idea of takimug itl ) time lmoIIeIs as fast as they lapse until thi tomnl Insurance Isretitmcetl to $100,000. ( ' ( it : ri ial Aui. itit ssui tIflS. . .t muium'uvm'al iu. I ' ) yni'-iIst iii iii a' mmira.t leit , Time bonii of thm city eoummmciimmmemm-elect imave been filet ! witim Mayor ibcmmmis anti approved by imtmmm. Time cimarter reqmmires each commmmell- imuamu to give a boimti 1mm time etmmmi of $5,000 , to be mmpprovetl by tIme mmmayor. Etch surety is cc- qumired to qualify In time ( mill ammuoummt of the bommd. Thmo bonds-men of time tmimme commmmctimmum'n no- cemutly elceleti are : For Cnrr Axford , 11. C. Axfnrti amid C. W. hiayoa : Jaimmes Allan , W. A. Simultlm tand Johmmm T. Clarke ; 0. S. hiemmawa , Charles h. 'amm Caimmp atmub Joimmu F. Flack ; v. llhimgimmmmmi , .Iohmmm h. 11111 mind itlchmarti lilmmg. imammu ; lnnmuic .1. ibmmrkley , C. A . hoary nmmui 'iv. ' M. llume'lmmmmamm ; Lommis ibmtnmumester , A. Itosen- bet ) ' amid A. Ilumrmnester ; Snmmm Iuibeis , II. Stmmimt , Chance iCaumfmmmanmm aummi Jammmcs Scimmmeitiorwimmd ; I ) . Ii. Christie , Themmias A. Fry amid Charles A. Ttmrmmey ; Jommm ) Lemmily , F'erulimmammni Streltz anti Iialtaz iCnianuer. p ( 'rmiaila' simsl use ( h'nve. Time foblowimmg births numb deathm were re- itorteti at time imealtit office dimrtimg time twenty- femur Imommrma emutihmug at mmon yester.lay : ilirthmma-Qumimmtlmm Moore , 318 Nortim Twemmty- sixtim street , gIrl ; George II. Mitchell , 2611 Case , gIrl ; 1)avltl I ) . Itobim , 801 Leavemmworthm , girl ; W'hbliamn ilemmn , 910 Soumtim Elevemmtlm , 1103' ; J. A. Ilggo , 2517 Marcy. boy ; Freti Emmglcmm , 2110 Soumtim Thirteemmtlm , girl , 1)entlus--F ) , C. iimotmghamim , 57 , Nimmthu amid Leavenwortim , astimmmmatic brommeimltls , immtenmument at Commmmcii LiluffsViilkmmum ; J. Scimammmel , 40 , 2501 Pierce , itimeunmonia , l'nospect 11111 , \Il.t'I'lliit l'tit1C.S'I' . ( emmersmi Vim Ir , Summit lit-ri y mmii' . mmmiii \Vii miss a-i' for Na'IiriisLtxm , VASl Ii NGTON , Not29.Time forecast for Sntumnulay Is : For Nebraska-Gemmernliy faIr ; sotmthmem ly vinti' ; 'mmiiivarmner. . Fom' Missourl-Gemmerahly faIr ; nortimwest- enly vint1s , shiftIng to soutlmenly ; eokher iii time setithmeast imortiomm imu time mmuormmimug ; varmner imu time mmorthmwemit Imortlomu in time tuft ermmoomm. Foi' iowmi-Fnir ; wimmtis simhftiumg to sommtim- easterly mind warmer in the westenim p ° m'- tiomm. tiomm.For Knn5mms nnd Coloracto-Gemmerally faIr ; wammumer ; sotmtluerh3' wimuds. For Sommthm Dmlmotmm-Fuilr : , except local n'nos' storms In tIme muortimemmst nortiomm ; vmtrl- 01)10 wlmmds ; vmrnuer : iii time wcstermm por- tiomi. iot'mi I ltevorui. , OFFiCE OF Trill v1vriinrt I1UIIRAU , OMAhA , Nov. 29.-Omumtmhmn recomd of tern- lmoratimre anti raInfall commmpami"h 'mvithm time ccrreu'pomimhliug tiny of time past foumr yemers : 1895. 1191. 1S93. 1S92. Maxhmtimma temperattmre. . . 21 l It ) 54 Mlimhmimtmmn tomnlerature. . , 17 20 19 50 Averumgo temperature 22 80 21 42 Precipitutiumu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T .00 .01 .00 Conditinim of tetmuperattmre amid lumediPitmi- tiomi mit Ommmalma for time clay amid simico March 1 , 18fi5 : Ncmimmal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Deilclenc3 for ( lay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii Aectmrntmlmuted excess slmmco Mnmcim . . . . . . ? Nominal PredlPittitlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Incim 1)eticicmmcy for day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 hmmclm Total precliultatlomu sitmcc Mmirclm 1 20.5'1 Imucimeit itflciemmcy Imuce Mmarcim 1. . . . . . . . . . 1O.OS imuchmcs 1Lt'irts fromim Sizil bits sit S su , um. ' -3 I'5 cg ( a ' C.- , STATIONS AND STATE OF 2 WSATI1EII : : ' : . . - . , Ommmtiima , cirar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 21 .0' ) North u'imitie. clammily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 24 .00 mmiiron , ciotm&iy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 22 * ( 'imirago , cicuily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. ! 1' ' ) .05 St. moums , cioUty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 4t St. I ttui , ijart cioudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ci 26 .0) ttmvenport. eiOUtiY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kutmmsas City , cietmr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) ) 3m .00 mltmenm , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3t3 42 Ilatm u' cieimr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii IS .0) Hait Lake Cli ) ' , raining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3i II .1' ' ) iiiemmmamcim , snowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 us St.'immca'mut , clommci y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ma m 4 .0) ) Cimeyemmmme , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 38 .0) ) s.lui mston , cieium..i . . . 1 I .0' ' , tmapl.i ( lt ) , Itart . clouly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si 42 .00 Gaive'ston. ciomui . . . I am' ) otmi .om * Tmmmce of lmeeiiuitation. 1 _ , . A'ELSlf , Observer. AN ARGUMENT. 'I'll E'i A I,3IUS'l' Ct ti 13 1' ( ) II lSVS- 'I'll J 'i'itotiui.u SoON iISCOY- 1111131) A NI ) 1'3VFil 'l'iItNU c1)1v ALl. ltZil'l' j uvmms a qimomrel mmnmormguit time or- muman : ' M ? * -t\ side mint ] imi , ; thee- Ltummgs. time Sldee' , eti , i''t' I'/I / J time tii'nutc'lm nmmmi (5 1,11 time henrI all / " " f "liti'btCuI" lute time , , tn-1 I j 1Itlflmy. your ( nhmlt , N "You immte eerttmimm l ; : , " ' II' ' , iii t er mi mm t mma illume- one mmii Immijiurl- ties omit of time hotly , mmii you are not tie- I mug I t. ' ' Ait a commseqmmenee , " ttnlul time Stomtmcim. ' ' , I I Imsi ci egged mm'l % o mm ro a mug , 110150mm eu ii I iii tint eu. I ma no I nit able anti Oiil3' im mm I f ii I- t4cst flue food they mime foruhmig Inlem mmmc. I here's the liver alt clogged nmmti tompiti , time Lumugs mare mill cimoketi mitt , we domm't get lmuul ( enough oxygen , time ifeaul is nuciting , time Nerves tlmmghimig , time hack is acimimug mmmiii tim , iuoor imcemrt Is lmiborhmmg like a siculge- hmummimimer , "lven time Joints anti Muscles cry out suit I. nims'u nma tie hut Imme. ' ' ' I limI cmi mm' t ii clp I 1 , ' ' isa 1mb tIme IC Idmicyme. uWt ) camm't do , \Ve nmc sick lnu1rnssihilltles unti wemult otmrmme tea tutu canemot tb Out' work. Of commrae , tlmeimu Iohsomms collect iii time hulooti tinul Irritate mmmmui thieimmtum y j 'Flit , immonmemut 'e mmiolm uvonle ) ttli feel it. Youmr hmealtim always , tilui , , niuti mmima3'H will aloluemmil emu ommr activit ) . A mmii just then maim orallmmnry every-alit ) commummuomm.imeimnc dOclom syimi ) ltma % hIs bmmmai mmt'u45 uuiis eaileui lii miiescmibunl ir. I faiths's Slmnrait15 1CImhmmey l9hlme. 'Flue lCtdnmeymi IlcomhitlY respommuleti aimd meet cimeemfmuily to vom k WIth ) it'Jittwa'ii stremmgiim umiml vigor ; time lYric \cI'i ' , time waste lurnulmmit cit uiectmy mummd of ( ever , time nudism ; of diges- tlomm , summul all time lioisomms mummil hnmmimtmnitles in time blood wime ( taut Gilt , , ' \'ehi , tlmii t' emomim etimlmmg I I kit I I , ' ' mmmi Id t hue Lummgs. ' 'i'll Imiteim 1mm amm'l do mimy mom im now. " saul thmtt Stonmuchm , 'Vhmut Li iclIef. " saul lime 1.Ivcr mind time I I en rt , mu ntl t hue Jol cuts ma mmii \i mmsc'la's joi mm tl the chmomumm. Fbmtm qiummrrel trims over. It was mm hmtiiuiiy ( mimiiy , % onhmimmg iuurmmmomulotmsly oncus immure. 'I'hm is ccii mmii 5 I I Inc mu ( mm ii ) ate r ) , bu t I t iemm' t. It's colul , hmmurul , r.oiiul ( LucIa mmmmal eommutnomm u'ense ' d\i1tI )00 can rove It to your emmtl'timctiomm itt umiy tiime ( or 50 centS. F'if'v ' ( a' tut PCr box , ( main mill clmmmggists em' ' encls e 10 tm'r. 1mm at m mm THobb's Gm. silver alirtet to tutu 11011 It'S P115 ul iDlClNi (0 Chicago , Samm lrancIsu Immloremetlmmir timmil Jim. stntldtlvt' ilook maim iCiul. S ney I lenll hi timid Ilinuoul _ _ _ _ Filtering I"ree , itS ( ) tJhfl'OMAItY , ! -LQBB SPARAGUS 1lI4LS vlil ho umlti In Oiuinba by the Sh1lIUdAN leND M'CONNELI. DIIUU CO. , 113 Dodge street , second door west of I' . 0. - afl 1 if , . - . 'I , l. . . , - - , ' -'a- //4 ' - : : - ( - : C-g .r : w = . iAY0 M13TERYOUVE ! DROPPED YOU1 i.1IIE4 ! : ( PLUG AGREAT bIG PiECE FOR 10 CENT5' V 0 "SAY BOSS ! Them Peopie 0 / ' Won'tTakeThis a Ii I/ - 0 ' Soap-TheyWant I I ' 0J 0 , / I : SANTA a / , , a a 0 a I/i ' CLAUS g ( I a / ¼ ms msa 0 f a a a Lq" ' SOAP" I' _ ' ' \ , Evcrybody wammts SANTh Cr.AUs SOAP wimo lemiows time gootliicss of a I - it. Try it. ommcc timid you will refimse . , . nil other kinds , too , Sold every- a a \ where. Mndc ommly by cm THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY cmg _ _ - _ - I .uS ST OO . , CHICAGO. - H < GFtoC RIES.'i 'i - - - \ _ _ J-1\-- oo0coa0o0ooo0o0aoaeo0ocflaoaooca : ! A M IfS i M I S'i'S. TO1)AY IJ ' ' - - TONIGII'J' Last Two Performances of EMILY BANCKER Jtsmd 11cr Fxcellemut ( 'ommumimuly in tIme i'unmm ) ' ( 'onnetly , "otht FLAT" 'Thit' iest , commuedy at ito Iminti yet soot here , " -New Yomic liermuiti , iIATINEE % TOI)1tY A'I' 2:30. : Prince-First Floor , 50 rents ammI 73 cemutmu ; iluleommy , 23 c.mmimu mini ! 5) cents. hVEN1NG 1)ElIORi14NCE % AT' 8. l'rices-First vi , or. 5) cemuttu. 7 cents nimd hO' ' ) ; liacon50 ! _ cents m.n.I . 7 , cvmmtma PV1'i 4NIGIJTS ONLY EJJ l WEI ) . 'ilA'I'INEI Ili(11NiN ( ) llNltY , lIC. It , 'I'lit. F , , mmuolis , O114i ii a ! TAS 11 li l'I'it'l'O II Vi Iomms1mmy itiisi Va'slimi'ssliiy Sinihisee- flOWN HOOD. 'I'll e'ssist . mu ii at % 't'ui ii t'taiui PRINCE ANANIAS. 'I'lismrssluiy- A WAR TME WED DINC. Sale of sent mmow open. hintiru lover hour , $150 ; liret two iouvs iiilcommy : , $100 ; last iWvu'ii rowme , 75c ; mt'ar : balcony , SOc. 1 J 'I'll EA'l'El { . Stimiday E'u.iuing , hccm.iiibei' I , 'full ItNO ! NI OJtA'I'OIt AND ItJNOSTIC , GSLL W'ill Iutiiver JIlts 13est Lecture , entitled THE BIBLE. 1'flees-lJmat floor , II)3 ; balcony , bOo amid TIc. Stul t , of semi t me flO % % ' ( Ilmutim , Monthly Pahis : tmuul atixlutk's e'ali I e , t'elkms'od to it car. itnmty itv _ mmhiIg Dr. Cheva1ier' ! Female. PHIs. fl Pu'eo ! , tl.Oi ) 1 ° " ) ' ) I r vnmi ut'e tiunhth muiti I tlnimbt mt to ss'hiat vhi1 rclk'vn ymuuu , et3itd tom' tImo' ithlli. i5mentt sealed bm.'ettmely by in.thl on ' Of ' ' . m'cuiijst pi'k'c. Shrmao & MCCJAABII ( drug Co JCIVJ 1)u'ignu t' O.\IAJI.'i,1 : NE1. . 4tMIJSIdMiIX'l' $ . THECIEIGHTON 'rd 1531-l'nmtomm & iluirgess , Mgrs. LAST TWO PERFORMANCES . " MATIN1I TODAY , 2:30. ' ' ' ' . ' ' , 'I'ONIilt'I' .i'I' s i1a , . , . 9 OrigInal ; .1ce fl3tfly _ = ' 1 41 9 2 , PitiCli4-25e , tiOc. The , h1.u ) ) , $ m.I' , rii.TnNnm m'Ieicms-2sc , be. 75c , $1.00. Tfl4E CEGl1TOT4J Four Nights , Comimmnemicing 5t1NJy SLAT- , INEE. iecemmuhu'r I , 'I Ii a' I a' I ant vu nom H ii t't't'ss , DOWN IN ) IXIE. l'riccs-2c , SOc. 7Ic' , $1.00. lt'I'JNiili V1IiISiAY , _ _ _ _ HenryWattersoii citlimOli'I'N ( llti.l , , I ) . ' , ' . 2 , uI 14 ii , mit , ¶ muue d liii I neu sited Seam I Itti-mm jth : ilium it nil ux'Ccmu jutiermmttt Ioliier , uttil t1elt'er hut e'emebm4ted lie. mmmro an JMo , Career andileitli ol' braaiIi Lincoln ADMISSION , 51) ) CiN'I'S. llg SEE I 1309 Dougltas Stroat. A FAMXLY RESORT. COSTINIJOIIS ShoWS fromum 2 to 5 p. iii , on. ! 7mio : ( a ) I ( im,3I ( p. mum , tdmmilmuelomm , JOe , Iteserveil opera chairs , IOo emitia , Ui-H. Mllclmelll'roIu , .i.illmuimtamamutigr , "I'seinTowi , Honey ! " ; A'S ? ) Pancake Rorn A A combination of the great staffs ot JhI'e VIII3A'I' , CORN aliti RICh3. It grocer who offers you any other color. ed packego than Red when you ask for tub Genuine Auntjcmlma Is trying to deceive you , and hue deceives you In this matter Ime may In your accounts , Remember this Red package. l3ct'iare of counterfeits. IIERE'8 OUR OUAflAFdTEE , llmmyaparkageot ( Jermuino Auumml Jonmhmomi' Bsl. lti'.iitui l'.imuu.uku iluuumr , umod If YOU ito 1101 lImuul lb - mtirmkt'mu tins ii't cattu'a 7omi over mute. rutimrem thus emmip. Cr baC 10 ) IittC gniucer. leave yommr umitimma , , 0011 ttti 1 mc.ur will rmtfUnti thu ; mouusy ammti ctmmurgaa 11 lu us. amnmmtiflcahiy l'rttm'arsJ tal 1lnufitmoJ only by IL ; 1. Davis MIII Uo St1 Joseph1 Mo. _ < - - -