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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1895)
10 TJTE OMAHA DAlJjY BJSJS : SATURDAY , yoVEMnjlin 0 , 1805. SPECIAL NOTICES. AilvorMupmrnU tor llipnc coluninn wll Iio InUrn nnlll ISiBO i . in. tut 1lic rnln r nnil nnlll S p. in. for ittt innritlntt ni < l Sniulnr oIKIimi * . Iicrc.l ptippkt cnn Iinvc nn P" " ' - itrrimcil o n nnmliprpil Irt cr In cnrc if Tlip Ilt-e. Annwprn f" niltlrcnuptl Mitt tic ilrllvprpil tipon | iricii nHon of thn cIu-cU only. Hn p , 1 --c ' Monl Hrnt liidprllonl IP " Moril ( liprGnffpr. Nothing lnln far l < - ( linn srf for ttrnt liinprtlon. Tin-up niltcrtlNpiiiPlitN in list lie run COIIML-CII- SIT ! \TI ( > S WANTKD. pi.Ar-n AS "oiNnKtjr.pnn hntcl , four jcni-fT experience ' ' ' .JJ-'f ) nee. AVAM'llll MAM3 IIIJI.I - INTELLIOENT AQENTS I IN WANTED-LIX-E. Ormlm to orirnnlio club , of ttircr to lljc fiml- lands in Hninfs Orchard IK-h of our famous cVntral Mississippi The tide of I mm Isrnl Ion Is colnir south where there are no hot wini is , no com winter , no blUrnnla. no crop tn\\\tm. \ \ Where two or Ihree crops can lie ' " ' 7' ' r" " euch thlmt as frtllure year. Where there li no il a min Tilll woik nne-hnlf as hint as he dooj In this country Coil summers , mild wUitors i > ? nS crops of fruit ntid Kirden Jiuclc. R IcheisoUn earth I sl ral av far lltles Oco W. Ames , peneral agent .181. rarnain t . Omaha. _ _ _ . - J7SM TO $10000 PER MONTH SEt.UNCl THE Rider Double Retort Oil pis nurner ; can ' .c til/iced In any conk or heating lonv'.01rjl.7 ' cn * It pniducw a p-rf ct mturnl pas n"1" ; " for * " " < chenp-r thnn coal or wend Bay City Novelty Co. . Works , ' " l A MAN OR iJADY TO MANAOR DISTRIIHJT- . , An" do ne.pnn Mntf | soap samples ; speelallles. Send SjUan Co. 727 Woodward De Mich , IPO for Bamplcs soap. etc. . rccclvo , 'R1l16i ' } nJi " $100 MONTIHA' \LARY AND to sell goods to dealers by unnecessiry ; staple goods Co , Phlcngg , _ _ _ BOL1CITORS WANTED POR OMAH\ ; mannVors ! outsldr. cruntry. Entirely n w Pro block n-JI.29 D-i 411 Rheeley _ to TO $ r.o "SALARY PAID SALESMEN FOR elKara : experience not nece-i ur > . ixtra in- rtncomentH to ctinlnmers Rl hop K. M n-V . ' Liuls. Mo. IJ-M3slI'.i _ _ _ _ _ BALEHMEN TO DRPO TIIVDE SIDE LINE J W KnlRl.t. . 217 - ' 'i\ \ 1- 1J-MIOI 30 Racine. WIs. KLEOANT CAllINET PHOTO" . $2 00 PER DO55- en D-nles 113-115 South 16th st. C-474 " ' WANTED. IMMEIUATELY , OOOD. COMPB- 10' clrl for general housewoik In smill family , references , fietman prefenod , good pi ire f > r th- right girl Apply at 2COS Half Howard WANTED. TO EMPLOY NURSES AND INTEL- llgent ladles for their Icliuiv hours 01 the whole time lluslness pteimnt peimment and \cry remuneratl\c For full pirtlui'ars ad. dress , with Blimp. Arplu KlrUp itrh I , I iiniuiso , Kan. _ C V3vM > 3 _ WANTETi aiIlI < FOR SECOND WORIC AND e re of babj. 2225 Farnam street NURSE OIRL WANTED. REFERENCE RE- qulred Call at 20'J"i Maincy clrcct C MTIS 30 HOUSIS. : HOUSES r. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D 473 HOUSUS IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY THE O F. O.iUs Company , 1303 Fa'imm D 176 ruRNisiiED nousn FOR RENT ; \UFIFUL house , ten rooms , eleBiintlj funiMicil , hot water heat , laundry , stable , caul.iKe. etc. Thos F. Hall , C1C Paxton block D 111 STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAGES f. ROOMS , all , modern , gas , fuel , Apply lljron Reed Com pany ,212 So. Hth st. D 477 HOUSES BENAWA & CO. , 103 N. 15T1I ST. D-478 HOUSES O. G. WALLACE. 312 BROWN ULK. D 179 FOR RKNT-NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE OF eight looms besides utco\ti and bitluoom south front , with all conveniences. Inquire 2WS Hilf- Howerd St. D-237 iuT NO. 10TH ST. , 8-ROOM MODERN BR1CIC with barn. Omaha Real Catatu te Tiust C > . , 211 So. 18th St. D-235 30 MODERN HOUSES NEW 7-HOOM DWELL- Inga near HanM-om paiU. 2715-17 Poppleton n\e. ; modem bricks. CIS South 29th , MS-JO North 23d sts luul 1422 Sherwood a\e. C. A. btarr. C15 N. Y. Life. D-57I-N30 600 S. 21ST A"VENUE. NINE-ROOM MODERN house. , ard 3JOxl65 feet. J. N. Fitnzer , oppjsite postotllec. D-M5SO BTEAM. NO EQUAL. WINTER OR SUMMER cenlril. modern 5 or 0-rouni llata. llzird. 221 N. 24th. D-C59-D3' FOR HBNT B-HOOhl HOUSE , 631 S. 17TfI AVB. D M532-N30 FOR RENT CHEAP , DESIRABLE STORES , flats , rooms , etc B. J. Kendall , G20 S ICth st. I > _ 713.II S OR li ROOMST CLOSETS , WATEli7 WS N "laT S2S N. 37TH AVE . 8-R , MODERN , $20. 1004 H. llth M. . 7-r. , modem , jr. Z775 Webster St. 7-r. , in idem , $2' ! 8401 Juckson Pt , S-r. . modern $20 4100 Lafa > ette a\e , 9-r. , modem. $25. 207 S 21th st . 14-r. , modem , $50 23J S 2ltb st , 8-r , , modern $10. Fidelity Tiust Company , 1702 Fainum St. D 915 30 125 HOUSES , ALL SIXES AND PARTS OP city , F. D. Wead , ICth and Douglas streets. D M032-D13 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE , WITH CITY WATER 7l2 So 281 h. D M955 30 COMPLETELY'FURNISIIED IO-ROOM IIOUSE for rent. 115 S. 23th street. D-M135 30' 1317 ScC 32D. FURNACE , GAS , DVrif ; $23 00. D MHO 30 FOR RENT. 3-IIOOM HOUSE , S. E. COR. 23D und Clnrke. D 199 FOR RENT. CHEAP , GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE , hiMlnl with hot water ; geol Imin and all mod ern conveniences : 1419 Ho. 26th. Enqnhe John 8to l , P.itteivon bulldlnic. IV-MSW-Dl * _ SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. EMILY PLAciT ISth , south of Mniulemon. D M337 30 * FoTf RENT ? HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE city Bp elal , 5r > l Ho. 6th a\enue. 416 North 31st street. 421 Noith 31st street. 4D5 North lUth street All model u eomenlcnces ; cheap for winter months Hrennan , IM\O R. Co. D M3I3 D23 AT FKll'RES TO RENT. CAR FARE SAVED S , 23 h. IH'CU DoJi' | . Wllllainuoii , Qlolio Siinu3 : binlf _ _ D-370 23 " FINE MODERN TEN-ROOM mjIClC. FACES lUnsoom pirk , } 23W ( Burns1 chlr i etnip. _ D-M379 Dl CIS N 20TII. 4 ROOM COTTAGE 16J3 N. Nth , 5'iooni , nice. ll l N. lUlh. 8-loom brlik. COI N , 17th , K-room brick. Omalu Real Entuto nnd Trust Co , , 211 9 ISIh. D M371 FOR RENT. SIX-ROOM , MODERN HOUSE , Call 271C Honurd at. -M3W 30 * FOR RENT. 7-IIOOJI MODERN FLAT. LANOE block , Gdi > S. 13th. D M403 D8 rou iin.NT-Kuu\i.siiuii HO OILS. THHEK ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING TO mun and wlfu ; itnt lal.en In boaid. 31J N. 17th. E-M23J rUIlNISHKI ) 11OOMH , roi S. 2JT1I STH1IUT ; itcum lii'aUM. | J Mm JJ * rniiNiKiinn HOOMS roa i.ioiir noitsi- Kii-ihiff. | 519 Si. ! l t iiveniie. l. MWJ 1)1 * HS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RKSILVERED , 7 N. K. M FUIIAISIIUU ROOMS AND HOAUD. DESIRAI1LK FURNISHKD ROOMS AT THE Capitol , US Cap , a vo ; transients utcoinrnodauJ. K-MC62-D2" BOARD ; The Rote , J-J20 Harney street. FOR RKNT , FURNISHED ROOMS , wnin Mllliout baud , Dteani heat , electric bells ; Kites rruuoanl'lp ; ut tut MUlanJ Hotel. Ifitli and Uilcuvu utrceto. F M301 * U % HOARD AT $ J.OO PER WEEK. EQUAL TO ANY In city. 31i South Uih t Boarl and n < am , $400 Ploiu'T House , 'llioniui O'Connor F M3II DO _ UAbT FRONT , PRIVATE FAM1LV. REFER- eic i ienulrcti J.MB. 6lh. F Ssa-ii FRONT s'ITE OF ROOMaaOODtOARD 111 Baulh Wth. I' Mijtl 30 _ ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO OKNTI.EMBN or nun and wife , no tlucr home In city : walk- liu ilUlanre. " K Ca. Ute. _ * _ * lwi noonsvrru HOARD. SVEAM injAT. aHi5 1121 Dmcnport. F > ( & rou HIXT STOIIIJS AM * orrious. FOR RENT THE -STORY I1RICK lUHLDINO nt 916 Fnrnam street This building tins n fire proof cement basement , wmplte slenm hent- in r n tiires , water on nil floors , gai , etc. Ap ply nt the office of The lice. 1 919 ACJBVTS WANTIJII. AGENTS WANTHD-MF.N AND WOMEN clear ( COCO vrcklj with our lahjr snei as easily ns $60 OT monthly In other lln s. $2.0" ) snmplM fr o Those reeklni ; business should Address , with ttnmp. Merrill Mfg. Co. ( A R3) ) , H Canal utreet. Chicago. J-1H D1J iVAvrnn TO itivr. WANTED. SffTlTor"noriMf. WITH I1OAIIR for mm nml wlfi > Ooul Inntlnn. ItpfironCM rvqiilr * > l. A < MrfM Kx , ! ! , ' uncll IUurf * WANTHD. 2. 3 Oil 4 ItunMM I'OIl HOI'fln- ke"ilnit | , rhenp tent ami icntiul Aillrri-B T Cl , cnre Itec oiTlce K Ml 13 ! > : s-ioHAr.n. STORAGE-FRANK EWERS , 1214 HARNEY. M 452 AcirlcTsToiuuiu AND" WAREHOUSE co. 90S-910 Joiies. General storage and forward Ing. FOIL SAI.I-MISCIMAVIOIS. : ! HARD WOOD. 4 AND C-FOOT FENCE FOR corn cilLblng. C. R. Lee , 901 DouglasL FURNITURE 11-ROOM IIOPSE FFLL FIRST- class boarders. Inquire at B ore B2I S Kth Q MSI9 D9 * FOR SALE , QUANTITY FINK OLD LUMBER consisting of 2tl , 2\H. 2x-l2. 6xS , also sheeting , shlplap windows , doom , etc Apply nt yird Itth and Webster , or Associated Charities S07 Howard street ! - SO * _ SKATEsC ALL SI/.ES Oinihn Blcjclp Co. . 323 N MERCHANTS WISHING TO PURCHASE PAR IO'B of choice putTtors will do well tn write A M Hough , Ntnton , la Q TO-29 MUST BE SOLD BY 10 A M OF TIIE 30TIL large clreil hall safe , llrst-clasa the llr < t convr with } C300 takes It away. Room SOI Kiirnnclt lild U 3'J7-2J * BOOK BINDING THE Bt'RKLEY PP.1NT1NO Co. . 114 and 116 North 15th slrc-t. R-18J D 13 CIiAIHVOYAM'S. MRS DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium ; 8th year nt 119 N ICth AMELIA GOODMAN , SPIRITUALIST AND AS- tiologcr , can be consulted on all business cor rectly. Union hotel. ICth and Webster MASSAGH. I1ATIIS KCT. MADAME SMITH. N E COR lliTH AND DOUGLAS , room 11 : m.n'afo nnd bttUj i MME. AMES. FORMERLY OF ST LOUIS MAS. s igc and baths C07 S 13th st , 2d Hour , loom 10 MADAME GRAPE LEON. ELECTRIC , MAS- snge. bath pulnis healthful nnd refreshing 417 South llth , upstairs , pailois 2 and 3 VTAVI CO. 3IG BEE HLDO. . HEALTH BOOK free- homo treatment ; lady attendant. U 185 BATHS , MASSAGE "MME. POST. 313V5 S F.TH FINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED BAUMLEY. 17th and St Mary's n\onue. Telephone 440 U IS7 BELLE EPPERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER nt 1DM Fnrnam. Agents wanted. U 3.12 D2"i * ANDREW MOL1NE. IF HE OR SOME AC- qualnt nice "eel this , please natlfj undeisU-ned nml lie will hen Bomethliiff to his Inteiest. P. A. Anderson , admlulslnitor , SnnburR Nib. U MIOI 1 > 1 * BIOXI3Y TO I.OAX HD VI , KSTATH. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 31S N. Y. Life. Loins nt low lates foi choice secuiltIn NeLrasUa & Iowa faims or Omahi city property. W I S3 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Farnim st. W 489 C I > E"I CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA leal estate & . Neb. farms. W. B Meikle. Omilin. W 490 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam W * 91 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brcnnan , Love & Co , Paxton BIk. W 482 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 515 N. Y. LIFE. W 493 MORTGAdCS , G. G. WALLACE. BROWN BLK. W 494 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Furnum Smith & Co. , 132) Fninim , W 193 MORTGAGE LOANS ! LOW RATES J , D. Zlttle , Ibth and Douglas , Omaha. W 496 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 ytais , low rates. Gaivln Bios , 210 N Y. L. W 133 SIX PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON IM- provcd Omahu real estate. Texas lunds to ex change for Improved Uty property. Will us- BUIIIH or pay Incumbinnce. Will not consider proposition under $40 000. Prefer to deal with ot.nern. Pusey . Thomas , 1st Nat'l Bank bldg W M910-D12 MOXUY TO l.OA.Y OIIATTULS. MONE5T TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , homes , wagons , etc. , at lowest lutes In city ; no lematal of goods ; strictly conlldcntlal , jou can pay the oan off at any tlmo or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 306 S. 16th st. st.X X 497 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. CO. 90 DAYS. ITUIINI- turv. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker block , X 493 IIUSIMSS enxcus. . FORTUNE MADE BY PREHENT ADVANCE In values , but nowhere so iiulckly us by our plan of HutcetBful. eptculutlon In grain. It In the b nt method In use. Our book explains speculation by mall fully ( Sent fret ) Highest bank references. Act quickly , PaUlson * Co. 47 Omaha bldg. . Chicago. IN. Y MJ64-30 * FOR SALE A $ J.OOO.OO STOCK OF IMPLlT- ments , $300 stock of confectloueiy , $300 butcher Bliop ; a good livery business , guud npenlnc In un > of thcso llm > < ; nil In a good town. Also Homo line Improved nnd unimproved farms In Missouri , Kansas und Nebraska to GLdianga for cattle or western Iowa lands. Oaks & Jackson , SlUer City , la. Y 895-D11 * FOR SALE. SALOON BUSINESS AT 2553 Leiuenworth street. Address abova number. Y-M1S8 FOR RENT. MEAT MARKET AND TOOLS Fanners and Merchants Stain bank , Neola , hi. Y M101 30 FOR SALE OR RENT. THIRTY-ROOM BRICK hotel , nearly new ; furnished , ttcam heat , dolni ; a good business In lUe town , terms rasyv Ad- IJjx 100. Dunhip , la , Y M331 Dl * JOB PRINTING OFFICE WANTED TO LO- cnlii with us. We haa large amount of work. Dr B. J. Kay Medical Co. . C.M H 16th sticct , Y-M39J 30 FOR SALE. THE PALACE CAFE IN LEAD and Dindwnnd , both doing good business. Ad- die 4 Mult Klopp , Lead 01 Deudwood , S. D Y-M107 rou WAKE OFFER FOR J1.700 NOTE. P. F ROOSE , Ciii'Hh.i , | lus. Col. , lith and Farnam. Z M-373 EOUITY IN LARGE TRACT OF LAND NEAR Omaha. What have you to offer ? H. F , Dalley. 84U N. y. Llfu bldff. Sf-500 TO EXCHANGE FOR. STOCK OF GOODS OR A bank , Impiuted farm lands In Gosper county , Neb. , being fanned. Ohio Knox , 37' . Pearl St , , Council luff . luwu. ' 3C5 D-l FOR EXCHANGE. TWO s"ECTJONs7 LEVEL land , irood > ull. near Juloburir. Cole , clear of lucumbmncc , for coed farm la Nebraska. Tha O , F. Djva | Co. , Omah , Neb. SJ M40 Dl I'-OU SAI.lUEAL BSTATU. AUSTllACTS-TIIE DYRON REED COMPANY RE 508 IMPROVED FARMS < I. W. CARLOCK. 12 Farnam t. RE ll-Jl 'ARM LANDS. C. P. HARRISON. Hi N. T. L RE-151-N30' YOUR PJI4NCU TO TRADE FOR A 1'KKrEPT k'tni of a home , 7 rooms , modern , em to , fur nace , liol and cold water , nicely decorated , ll l-cliiv uelKLboibasd. Will luke vacant lot or lunJ , Fllcllty Trukt Comranj. Sole Agent , RE-M360 SJ AT BED ItOCIC PRICE , LOT JU BLOCK It. Wtt Knl. J. M Jlantoo. RE-M 1-U3 J roil BAM : nn.u * KSTATI : , ( Continued ) HAJIOAINS , 8AtHOn THADK IN CITY cities and fartni. John N , Krenier. opp. 1' . O. nn-soi . tiotjsns , LOTS AND FARMS. Bale or trade. F. K. Dnrllnc. Ilarkcr bloch IUJ-B03 HOMES OX EAST PAYMrNTS IUIU1A1NS In lots. O. G. Wallace , Ilfxmn block. nn-so TUX AS KAHMS AND Ftlt'lT LANDS. HMALL or Inrse tracts. Ion prlrtf , tiy tmv moots W ntf propnrcd to answer qtmtlons totichlnn tlicsc lands , nnd to anansc- for cheap rallmail fare for nny poisons wishing to visit southern Tetnn. CVirrpsjKiiulence sollcltp < l , Omnhn Ueal Hstato nnd Trust Co. . 211 S ISth Mrecf nn-MMT IOWA HAllflAIN , 400 ACIUIS CORN LAND , cheap. Address Lock Hex 4 , Mndalc , la. IU-M9 < ! 4 30 rtAHOAINS IN ACrtHS FARMS. DWni.UNOS nnd lots. P. D. Wend. 16th nnJ DouRlns itrccts UK MM1-D13 A SNAP otVUJN VMsTRnnT roil A CIlUAt' propel ly. fidelity Trust Company. Sole Alton t RC-M3M 50 _ _ KA11MS AND APIIRS 41 or imrc ncrrs , smooth , 12 mlto * north , } 30. 12) Siipy county mm at J40 . ) ncrci south of South Omnhi nt $100 C45 arn i Shot nnn cnunts for } 2 550. rpUVid , 18th nnd Douglis JIK 3M-S DOWN TOWN unsiDr.Nci : , rrir. LOT MTO. loan f OiW $2 OW tasli tnlics nvilty. Down tonn bii lnen corner. C\13J. ( ! 114000. PottaRi ? and lot , lith Rt boulevard , } 1 MO C-ionm IIOIIKO. full lot ami city vvntT. 11,121. One place J32" one for J5"-0 , one for JSV1. 1' . D Wend. Kill and Dougla . RH 367 3 A riNi : IIOMU IN PoiminiiN PORTION OF Omaha to exchange for finu Just the plnoa for a stockman or commls-donmnn Hist front on Si nth Twentieth street SOx2iK. with a ten- room flame house , larne lutn tic piv oil trecl. This lot faces enrt on Twentieth street and wist on Twentieth n\emte , 100111 for two more Iioti'M facing west The property cod the ovuui about J1001'rtsent ) Incumbrmne , ? 200 , tlucJ jciis , 7 per tent liiteiest , In favor nt Pldc'liy ' Trust companv. The piopertv Is worth tmliy $ i " 00 and Is on th < > h st and enl > street between Omaha and South Omaha. The owner want * u Kin-ill cleir farm and will Rlvo a phenomenal birRiiln Let u1 * hear from > ou If > ou aie In- teiested In RettlnR a bargain In Omaha prop- ert > Yours Unix. TRUbT COMPANY , Solo Acent. Ilt'Y A PIU'lT AND POULTRY TARM IN TIIH delightful cllimti1 rf New Jcisey. Pilcc for 10 acrei , J2iMOO ; pa ] able $200 down und $200 wePklj Title clear. Write t Rlsle > ' Rent Hstnte Ollke , 211 S. 10th street , PilHdelphla. 1'a. IlE M 'M ' 30" lUCYCUnS CLCANKD AND STORHD THIS winter for $1.50. Onnh i lllocle Co S23 N. 16th street. 51330 D3 nouses HORSnS WINTERED ; BKST OP CARU given hoisc" ho h winter nnd summer Ad- diess M. J Welch , Qictna , Neb M5C6-30 nonsns WINTERED HY WATERLOO sio' : and Otaln Co. , wheie they will receive be of care and attention. Address A , S. Gliav 4WI Chnrles Btteet Omaha. 3V PI * WANTED HORSES TO WINTER : ITc.ST OP terms rensonaLle A. W. IMitlpb & . Son , 2)7 N. Y. Life bids. Telephone 1051M373 M373 D27 rim.MTimc. UPHOLM rttlNO. rURNITUP.E REPAIRED and paiUedery cheap this month JI a Walltlln , 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331. 237 nillSIC , AllT AMI I.AXGUAO- ! ! . GEORGE T. GELLENIJECIC , BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1S15 Chicago street 103 IJI TISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 HURT ST. 611 IjOYMK. > T AGUXC1KS. FOR PIRS.T CLASS HELP , HOTELS AND PRI- \ale families ; call Canadian Olllce. 152J Uouclaa C41-D2 I1UILDI.NO AlVD I.OAX ASSOCIATJO.NS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAY 6 7. 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 jears old .always redeemable. 1704 Parnim at. Nattlnser. Sec. 500 HOW TO GUT A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on KaUnK * . Apply to Omaha L. Ac I ) . Ass'n , 1704 IJee llldsr. O. M. Nattlnger , See. 510 PAWNIIUOICCHS. H. MAROWTTZ LOANS MONEY. < 1S N. 16 ST. 521 SIIOHTIIAM ) AND TVl'KWIllTIXO. A. C. VAN S ANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFG. 500 OMAHA IlL'SINUSd COLLHOn. 15TH , FARNAM DO ; IIOTCI.S. AHTNA HOUSn ( F.UROPnAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th nnil Dodsc. Rooms by day or week. Ell THE LANOL1 HOTEL , C02 S 1JTII steam heat ; table boaid , J3 00 per weekM M 513 STC.VHSIIIPS. LOWEST RATES TO OR FROM EUROPE : western oRency Thomas Cook & Son exeursijns. Harry E. Moores , 1415 Farnam street. Omalia. LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN , AI1OUT NOVEAII1ER U , n Newfoundland do pup. about 7 months old. Suitable reward If returneil to 2017 Spen cer tticet , Lost M3i,3 Dl" IXJbT ON THE 27TH , A SMALL POCKETbook - book contnlnlnu money , between White's nnr- Ket on 16th st. anil 3 th and Decntur sts. Tim Under will iccclve K reward nml the thanks of the loser by leturnlnir It to the general delivery window at the p03tnlllci > . Last 3S9-30 LOST. ON THE 28TH LADIES' TORTOISE nhell silver mounttd hair pin , return in OeorRe Furenn. American Savings bank , N Y Life bldu. newaril. Lost 331-20 * UMir.KTAKICHS AND IJMIIAI.'IIRHS. II K. liURKCT , FUNERAL DIRHCTOR AND embalmer , 1G18 Chicago St. , telephone 90. 517 BWANSON & VALIKN , 1701 CUMINQ , TEL. 10DO. CIS M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM. bilmer , 1417 Farnam St. , telephone 229. C19 HAY AM ) GHAI.V. I1UY YOUR HAY I1Y ION OR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Sn > der. 1515 Hurt st. Tel , 1107. COAL. USE SHERIDAN COAL THE IIEST SOFT coal. Pemi hanl coal price guaranteed , Victor White , id. 1 7. 1603 Fomam. 615 FOR HITUMINOUH COAL. CAR LOADS , FOR domestic or steam purposes , address Excelsior Cojl Mining Co , Du Quoin , III , M1C9 Dll * nniiovin. MISS VAN VAUCUNHUIUm DIISTUOYS I'KIt- munently by electricity eupeifluous hairs , moles , warts , etc. lloom 41iJ N. Y. UCe Hide. M963 Dl ! UA.\ci.\a. NEW CI SS FORMING AT MORAND'S school. 1510 Harney Kt. Adults. Tuesday and Friday , 8 p. m. ; children , Tuesday. 4:15 : p , m , Saturday , 10 a , m , and 3 p. m. Call for terms. Always open ; private lessons. 983-D15 DR. McCREW U THE ONLV SPECIALIST WHO TEATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES Wctkncai ft Dttttitt tl MEN ONLY 10 Yean KzpuUac * . t Y ut In Oniha. Book fi . Comultadoe nd turamitlon l-itc. 14th and Farnam Sti. , UMAIIA NKU. 'S ' NAME BECOMING A HOUSE- HOLli WORD , Illn HcincilloH Cur i- Sink IVoitlc mill SUM * ( ho I\IXMIII- n Doctor , Prof'ss-or Manron has a separate euro for Catarrh , llhrunintlsm , Kidney Troubles , Coughs , Coldu , As'hma , Nervousness , Fe male Wealuiessf-s and every other ctfabl ? disease Tftminnds of people . \'n hive been rescued -from a ll\lng death give him praise and topUfy , to the merit of his mar- v.clous remedies. , , , "Vou can gtt a ! copy of "MunyonN Guide to H alth" Irom nny druggist fm , and most of Munytin'rf Kennedies for 25 yen.y a bottle In Hils manner jou can cur ) > our- self without H. i ctcr , thoroughly am' ' jer- nianontly. , , t 1r Personal , 1'rofassjr Munyon , 1503 Arch street , I'plltiilelphla , t'a. , anwcnd wi h ffc ? nudlcal advice for any disease. Grand Cruise wlthtioFn ! tT ln. Screw Kiprtsi Htenmer "LA TOURAINE" of tlio Oompmnlo Ocnornl Iramutlantlano ( Trpncli I.lnl. Lonrnj Isow York February 4 , If W. for 00 ilnjV rrul o In the III DITHUMMiAX , i H , 1'MrMlne. OnrKor. Greece , otc. llppntltlon of ln-t ) enrV urunn trip. 1'roKrnm fiw > ln nneorn Hmltpd to nniMinlf tnbln rrnm. Applv cmrly. tn MAIIHICK . KcZMINf KI. General \ \ eetern ABUIII , 1W Itnudol | > h St. , I'lilc go. c. " to Harry U. Mootes , HIS Farnam street , Onnln. Neb. NA/HITE STAR LINE United Mnles nnd Hoial Mall Simmers. SjilllnR fium NUW lOHIC ni follotts : oiniMANio . wioNnauAY : , 21 NOV. , z p. m. TEUTONIC , \vinNisi3Ay : , 4th nic , 7 n m imirANNic. . WUUNKSUAY. 11 me. : IP m MAJKSTIC" Tt ib AY , 17lh lic , 11 n m Sntowi passngc , JM nnd upnnid , nccanllns tu simmer eelectwl mill lam t Ion nf berth. 2ml cabin (35 nnd MO on Majestic unit Teutonic. DRAFTS pijnblo on dcmnnil cverjwhcie In Orout llrllnm and ll-oln.'ul gold nt lourst mien For Inspection of i < lnns of steamers nnd nni fu thet Infoimatlon nipl ] ) to local iiKtnts or di ll. MAITLANI ) KnUHGV. Gi Agt 23 B'ttay.N.Y. N ANHiitPOiV : Clcn AXcsl ABt , 244 HOUTH CLAUK STIIUBT. CHICAOO RAILWAY TIME CARD Leavi'i IHUttLINGTON' & MO niVnil.lAirtvea OnuitialUllloil 0exjt , 10ti ! AT Mason ats | Onuhi 8:30im : Denver Kxiire s 9:3"inm : 4 .I'lini.Illk. Hills Mont. , < . Puect Slid i-c. : 4:0iiin : [ 4 r pin r > pn\er nvhrc&s , l0opm ; 7C2pm : .Nebraska Loral ( exi'ept Sumlny ) . 7'43ira | . .Line In Locnl ( excent Sunday ) . .ll.'oani j'45pm..Fiiat M all ( foi Lincoln dally. . . Leaves ICHICAGO. DURUNO10N , fe QTA'nlveT OmahnlUnlon Deiwt , 10th K Mason Sts f Oninlm 6 00pm * * . .Chicago Veetlbuli' S.OOim 9 4'am Chicago express 4ipm : 7'BOpm .Chicago & St. Louis I'xnress. . . 8 Olam 11'3'inm ' Paclllc Junction Local B'SOpm Fnet Mill 2:40pm : Leaves ICHICAGO MIL. ' A ST PAUL JAirlvfs OmnIiaUnIon | Depot , 10th & . Mason Sts | Oniihn C Mpm Cilcipro Limited S 03am Chlcngo Knpross ( ex Sunday ) . . 3 S5pm Ltnves ICHK'AaO & NORTHWnST'N JAirlves OmahnlUnlon Depot , 10th . Mn on Sta I Ormha JO 3nim EaBtern Hxprcas 3 53pm 4.4 > imi Ve tlbuled Limited a 20am 703im ; Carroll Poseeneer JO 85pm B ripm . . . .Omalm CliloaKo pol. l. . . . s 10am \ Upm lloono Local. Leaves ICHICAOO R. I. it I'AClFlC.lAiilvca OmalulUnlon Depot. 10th & Misun 8tn I Onnhi _ _ _ 10 40am..Atlantic Kxpress fex. Sunday ) . . . C M C 21pm NlKht Uxprcss 8 30im 4 MDm Chlcaso Vcstlbuled Llmlteii ! . : : pm 4 fOpm..St _ Paul Veatlbuled Limited. . . IjSjpm _ _ WEST. ' 4pm.Oklahoma Kc Texas Ex. lex Sun..10'5am 1 'tdpm Colorado Limited. . t OOpni LeoTeT" ! C. , ST. P. . M. .t O lArilvcT OnnhaiDepot _ , 15th and Webster StaJOnnhn 8 11am. . . .Sioux City Accommodation. . . SUSptn 12llpm..Sioux : rity ntpn > si ( ex Sun ) . .II 53am 5 4pm St Paul Limited. 9 10am Leaves ( F. . C & MO VALLEY. IAirives " Omatiai Dcpqtt.irth and Webster Sta. J pmalio _ "s 10pm i. , > , Fa t AInll ami Hxpress n-Sflpm 2.10pm.ex. . Sut.\V : > o. nx ( ex Mon.J. . 5 30pm 7150am..Norfolk ljxpress'ex. ( Sunday.10 231m 543pm V.StrPaul Kxpress 9:10am : "omahuUnlontpepoC | Iflth R. Mason Sts [ 'prnnlia S Knfisis'fclty Day Kxprora C.SOpm Sj45pm.K. C. "Nlgllt E- . Via U. P. Trans. 7.00nm Leaves I SHSdOURI PACIFIC. | AirI\e.i Omalinl Depot , Hlh and Webster St3 I Omaha 10 40am iTstTTLoufs Kxpress G OOlm 9 30pm ; .St.i.Loul Express G 0 ptn 3 30pni.l.NTelnasl < A Local ( ex. Sun. ) 9 OPim Leaves I SIOUX 33ITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omalial Depot , 13th and Webster Sts I Omalia 5 45pm .St.1 Paul Limited 0-10-im Leaves I SIOUX'CITY & PACIFIC ( Arrlies OmabalUnlon Dep 5t , 10th & . Mason Sts I Onnha 7 C5im SlouX City Pass nqer 10'3 > pm 5,45pm . . . .SU Paul Limited 9' Leaves I .UNION PACIFIC JA"lvcs OinahalUnlon Depot , lOtli & Mason Sts I Omaha O.lOim.frortl ! Phlte Hxpiess 4:30pm : 8:10am : Overl md Limited 4.43pm 3 35pm Deat'ce , jtroiu b'g 13x ( ex. Sun. ) . 4:30pm : "i r > pm Qrund Island Express ( ex. Sun. ) ,12'lOpm 3 33pm . . Fast Mall 10 25-im Leaves I WAHASH RAILWAY. JArrhes OniahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sta I Onnln 4Mpm St. Louis Cinnon Ball llJ"ani : ARJ1Y IN FINE CONDITION Secretary of Wnr Lament Files His Annun Eoport with the President. CHANGES WHICH WOULD BE BENEFICIAL llriirprnnlrnlloii on ( lie 'I'lircr-Ilnl- Illllllll I'lllll AKIllll llflMIIIIIIU-lllllMl AViirk of t'omt WASHINGTON' , Nov 29. The annual rff- port of Secretary of War Lament lias been avatteu1 with no little Interest , not only In nrmy circles , but In almost every ilcpirtmeiit of tlie go\ernmcnt. During tlio jear Jurt cnditiB Secretary I.runout made n personal ltisicctloti | of the army posts anil H 1ms been generally umlerstooil Hint the observation * would take the form of many raillcal recom- tnei'rtatlona In his foi Incoming redpoll. In some respects tliosi ? who antlclpatcil nn In- teiestlng report lia\c not been illp.ippolnted. Secretary I amont lias ladl emphatic stress upon several matters , which , In the Judg ment of the best minds of the country , nre rf vital Importance to the nation. The secretary of war points out t\va dangers \\Mch would menace the Untied States In the event of a foreign war with nny power capable of coping with this country upon equal terms. Ono of thei'o dangers Is the Inefficiency of the regtilir army under Its ptcBent form of organization and the other Is the entile Inadequacy of our natlomi system of coast defeiibcs. Upon these two point * ho elaborates to some length. npltomlzcd , the annual repot t , now made public for the first time , deals with the pre'"iit strength of the army , some pertln nt suggestions ns lo the pay department , a strong recommendation for the adoption of the thrM-battallon formation , a plea for staff reorganization , an Intelligent discussion of the means to be omplryed for the develop ment of the state national guanls and finally u strong , plain-worded statement of the piecing needs of adequate seacoist defenses. CONDITION OK THH AIIMV. The full sttongth of the army as at present authoilred by law Is 25,700 enlisted men The number of men In acttnl enlisted service on October 31 , 1813 , was 25,358. Deducting the'rc , th"so in confinement , recruits not vet Jo ned , these absent on furlough and otlnia employed lit Uaff departments or on detached scrv.ce the cffecth e field strength of the army on ths same date was 20,584 of all arms. Of the 7.7SO men recruited during the year 5t > lS were native born and 2,262 foreign born The strictness of the examinations , phjslcal , mental and moral , may be measured from the fact that 38,240 applicants were rejected. Excellent progress has been made during the year In the construction of new barracks and quailers. Fort Harrison , at Helena , Mont , , Is already garrisoned and Port Ctook , at Omaha , will be occupied early In the com ing year. The secretary concurs In the recommenda tion of the paymaster general that the entire amount of pay earned by each enlisted man bo paid to him monthly. Ho also concurs In the further recommendation that there be established a uniform rate of commuta tion for Fubslstence and clothing of all re tired and enlisted men and that credit rules of subsistence btoics to enlisted men , oxc ° pt when serving In the field , be dis continued. The trials by general couit martial for the year .ended August 31 , 1895. were 1,728 compared with 2,189 for the previous year ; of Inferior court martial 10,997 , compared with 15.0SG last year , thus corrobontlng the reports fiom all officers of , i noteworthy im provement In the moialc and discipline of the < irmy. Authority is again asked from con gress to compel Chilians to testify before general court martial when such evidence la necessary. BATTALION FORMATION. That part of the report dealing with the subject of battalion formation Is probably of the greatest Interest to army men. Sec retary Lament says in plain words that "by far the most essential need of the army today la the adoption of the three-battalion formation. " In order to effect the change he recommends the removal of the limit of 25,000 men , fixed by congress in 1871 , and a return to the old limit fixed in 1870. Such a change would restore to the effective strength of the at my about 4,000 enlisted men. Iy these changes the army would be Increased in efficiency 20 per cent , In num bers about 1G'A per cent , and In cost of main tenance only about 6 per cent. In brief , it is proposed that tno companies be added to eaeli of the twenty-Ilvo Infantry regiments , so that each shall consist of three battalions of four companies , and that two foot batteries bo added to each of tlio five aitlllery regiments. No increase ! n the cavalry is proposed. In support of his recommendation Secretary Lament says : The oipanbatlon of the line of the nrmy IIH-J uncleisone no material change since thn plo e of the civil war. During this period Leading Business Men of Beatrice , Neb. STOlin. J. ICIi-lli. AlISTUACTii OP TITLE. TIiux. Vulc & Soil. AGKICUI/rVItAb IMl'LU- aiBJfTS. J , II. Hiirkn < fc Co. ; . AV. ainurt'i' . ATTOUNHYS AT Ii.VW. W. II. AHlibcj. . 1) ) . II. IlilHli. L. AV. Colliy O. K. IlurHi-y. It. A : M. I , . .M. I'tMiincriuii. 11. "VV. Siiblii. IIAMCS. The Firm ; National IlnuU , H. U. Null til , Onxlilcr. Union huvliiKH llaiiU. IIAItlllSUH. i ; . A. OitlMirii. Sco 1C A ; Avu > . IlKATUIOn CANNING CO. I'nrUclGcn'l SlK ' I C. I'nrUcl- , - iiumvuus. nnATiticn OATAIHAI. co I , . U. AViiIkcr. 1'rcsIilL-iil HHICIC. ParliiKT & . Ilullil HrlcU Co. nisiMss ! 31. II. HiirrliiKOf. Normitl mill .Sliortliunil .School. IIIITTKII A.\D EGGS. IlOM Vi'll HUMUulI , Wholemilv. CLOTHING , Dculvh llron. COAL. II. A. Alt'xnmlcr. J. S. Atlirrtou. .1. U. I'li-lil. , llooil Ilrnxi U. AV.Veli tpr. 13 , S. .StlM CUM.1 CONFIJCTIONBUY. TurKlHli CanHy KKuheii , 1 > . JnUoiUcli. I'roii , O. W. lluul n , W. Clii J. L. Kulint. , sliiiinouii < x 1-arlon' , N , Seliiultt. , CONTUACTOUH. Aruolil llroM. UKViGOODM. Omuliu CunU < Ury Goods Store. H. S. Wolbiich. 3IU Hello , HUhoi. , Ael. lr . A. It. ) uriann , ailmi Luue Slu\nuii. Mr . I < . V , T * vu iu > l. DHNTISTS. Dr. "VV. II. btrykcr. Yn AVOHKS. C. II. IlrovvillilK. i\ritnss COMPANY. AilmiiH I'v | > rHH Co. AV. II. MoNl * y , A : i'iit. i-Loim A. > D KIEU. .1. C. .Ili'Crliiiinon. U.V. . \ , < -IiMlc-r. I'LOL'H ' MILL. ilros. TIioH. llaUi-r. .Miller. r.AHii\iH. II. C. JOIIVH. GHOCKItS. Ilpnrlc < - f > roci ry Co lliiniH .V Hull. John I'njulN. Win. II. UolihliiH. HAIIDAVAnn. P. I ) . StlM-H. . LHIIe CoruliuwUcr. ' A. Son , llllo Hilljor. W. M. MllclK'lI. John 1'ollock. IIOTICI.S. TinGruiiil Central , AV. J I'litttTHiin , I'roii. The I'nililook , AV. U Moultoii , I'rop. Geo. AV. IIIiiUlu. IltON AVOIIIC9. Horace I.niiKiIoii , .ii\vnLiit. AVIiolcxale uiul llelall. JO II IMILNTHHS. Ilcnlrli-u I'rludint Co. JUSTICE OP THE I'EACIS T. II. l < 'nltou. LIGHT AND 1'OWEH CO , E. JIaxucll. 1,0 AN AGENTS , E. G. Driike JL Co. BIEAT JIAHKETS. J. Illlliovv en. SIEHCIIANT TAII.OIIS , H. Frlloh. AVIlllaiu Meiiian. J. l < \ .Sinllli. W. II. WulUer. MILL 5IIHJ. CO. The neiuimtcr Mill SI fur Co. , C. W , Miller , Treun. MILLIMHV. MUM Hell llUhop. Aift. N , Deiaort- ! . Mm. A. It. Overman. J. Huiiiluli , AVJiolenuIu Itelull. I1 , II. NEAA'S. AV. U. HolTNtot , IIookH anil JVevvN. I'nililouk House NcnH .t ClKiir Stiinil , I 'ail I ( ! aje , I'roii. John Terliinic. I'HOTOnitAI'IIEIlS. C. r. KlfliilmiiN. J. A. McMnhlll. J. II. AVooilH. I'IIYSICIASS. ! A. II. Folrli. M.D. A\r. J. HnrrlN. M. D. \V. F. LIM.11. . I ) . A. V. ItobliiNoli , M. D. 1'IANOS , ORGANS , ETC. II. Homer. I'OUL'l'UY. ' II. Flxhlinek. HEAL ESTATE , J. C. Klddicr A. Co. ( irecu lll-OM. lUtei'MtlltU IllVONtUlCIlt CO. HICSTAUHAATS. Tlll'l A1"0"1' * ' ! Geo. Hazel , " " II. "Vlunii. J. L. MiiuNii-ukt | > r. Overinaii A. Siioimlcr. H. J. I'earNall. STALLIONS. J. AVulNiiii & Co. , fin. Iiortern. bTAIIOH MKGII. Charles Stoll. SALOONS. Ilyron IlriiiK , h. II. Iloilr - . llrnry smviNo siAcm.vns. n.'ifuni * ABtf" ' MIonMAKnil. John \VllliiiNclii-n. hiiou STOIIUS. J. SI. Ilf > riiNltl . , IliMlU-li HriiN. N. II. ( ; | | IIH .V Co. The Klnir hlioc Co. .lolln I'ujrU , STAIII.CS. J. 1i. CurU-y , Mvc-ry , Snlo anil KiM'il , O. II. .Mniiiroi-il , I.VI , HiiIIu ( TI > S1I1TII. titm Vollciilliie , AVAI.IJ pAi'nit. II. J. Itniidnll & Son. . WIM ) > III , S. W. II. Hlnvy & Son , l'iiiiiiMTuiiIM it lluiinlri H. II. liilr , ivlllt lluuiii- tcT 31 fir. Co. E. A. Colt < L Co. Tel. 00 , Ityun llron. of thirty y nr every Inrgo forclRn nnn hn been complotply roorffanlteil. Chnngp nnd Improvements In nrnn. ninmnnitlon nm cquliimpnti lm\c fnrced upon HIP Ipndln'ts nnd tnctlclatif > of the Kreir nnnlp < of HIP world ths npcp'ilty of n Iiron dppirtttre from the old syitpitm All Imv ndoiupd thp bittnllon ns HIP tnctlcnl tin for infantry nnd artillery serving nt Infan try. nn'l nenrl ) nil the cqttlvnlent of th smiadton ni Iho cnvnlry unit. The light nr tlllorv liHttnlloa hni n < lmllnr ci > tnpj lllot Should our nrtnv tVtr IIP lirottght Into oolll slon with illrlpllnfd foreign troops ou lirp'wnt fonuntlotl would prove > defpotU i to turn tin * scitle ngnln > ! t in In n conlllc on term * otherwise equal. Kottr compnnlei > nro as Inrgp a body a * I ! now iwiilblo for onp olllcir to If ml am control in notion Formerly nnd down to a lecent dnto the colonel could vce nnil dln-c the tnoxonipiitq of nil the men of hi * toul input , who innichPd nhd fotlqht In doubl rank with touch of elbows ftidpr suol condition * n rpRlmpnt of 1.000 men ocuttnle H ftont on HIP luttle line no gn-nlpr tint would now IIP coveted | i > nfmnll tmttall > i of one-third Hint number A few ynnM HRI rmall nimtlr > wn < IneffcptUo nt iTl tniio Krpntpr thnn CW or Si ( ) ynnH , while now I will lip deadl > nt iniw * of 2w\1 jntiK or n ovrn gti-ntpr dlstiilifeIn ntodeni wntfni the moil will net In snnll gioupi 01 ltiKl > nnd the advnnee will bp nindp in IIPOPP | V llnri In open order Perfect oiRnnlritlon nml pprfi-Pt pontrol bj tln > comitiandor o eiich unit will be nbioltitplv p 'pntli ! | U pllp | | ncv and sucpe's In HIP Held Thp Natlonnl Uuard of luventl of th state" , more pingies'sho than tlu > gpiu-iit government , nlrpndy h.m the haltallot oiKiinl .itlon , and our own nrmy li lulng Instrupted ns thorottghlv ns inn dofpptlv system will ppunlt , bnttnlloiH of from two lo llvo companl i being Improvised In the dlfferpnt garrl-onn SHACOAST DtrnNsis. : That part of the report In which the sec letnry of war takes up the discussion of KOI coast dcfon es Is , pcrlnps , the most Interest Ing to the general public. U Is ma IP doubl } Important by reason of the recent diplomatic complications which have arisen In the Cubit and Venezuelan questions. That part of the rerort Is , In part , ns follows- In your nnminl ine'sigp transmit tpd t congress In December , 1SSC , attention was illtcctcd to the urgent nppos > ltv for FIM coast defense In these words "Tlio defen e les condition of out seacoast und Inki frontlpr K pel foctly palpanle , the cxamlna lions Hindi' must convince IH that certalt of our clt'es ' rhould bp rot tilled nnd tlia work on the most Importuut of those fottl llcatlons should bo commeiicpd ul once. Tin. abtoluto iieooESlty , judROil by all stand ml of prtidenco nnd foie lfht. of our prnm | lion for an pftccttnl icslstniicc ngiimst the nrmoicd ships and ytopl KUIIH and mor tnis of modern construction which may threaten the cities on our coasts Is so ap patent that I hope uffecclve stoi's will be tnlu'ii In that dlicetton lmincdlntcl > " Siucp that time the condition of these tie lenses nas neon under giave consiiiprntioi by thp ppoplo nnd by this department. 11" It.adequacy nnd Impotency liitvo boon so evident tint the Intelligence of the countij lonp since ceased to discuss that liumllliU Ing phasp of HIP subject , but has nddressci It'-elf to the more prnol'cil undertaking o urging more rapid progress In the executloi of the plan of defence. devNed by the ISndl cott board In 1SSS , with subsequent sllpli ; ircilitlcatlons plan contemplated n sj tpm of foitl llcatlons tit twentypvon ports ( to vvhlcl I'tiKot sound was subsequently added ) , 10 qu rlnff 677 KUIIH and S21 mortars of model i construction , at n cost of $97,782.800 , exclud- Inu $28595,000 for Iloitlnsr b.ittcrles. By at tmmedlitc appioprlntlon at that time o Jl.ROO.noo and an annual appropriation cf $0,000,0 * ) theic.ifter. nt then recommended the svstcm of land delenscs could have been completed In W I'ROOHiS3 HAS URCN SLO\\r. The origlnnl plan contemplated nn ex- pen-llturp of J97,7S..SOO by the pud ol the present liscn ! vear The actual cxpendltutes , tnd apprnpnntlons for nrmament and em placements have , howevei. been but $10- t)11,000 The llrst appropriation foi suns njpde onlv seven ye.m IIKO nnd the ilrst apprnptlatlon for emplacements made onlv live ypnrs ngq. The avpriRC appioprl.itlons for these two object1- hit' , been le s tlmn $1,500,000. The woik but. thctefoie been conducted at about onu- seventh the ute proposed. If fiiturt appropriations for the imnu- factttie of Kims , mortnrs nnd carriages be nn IniRer than the avoraRp atithoilred foi the purpose since 18SS , It will require twen- tv-two jeurs more to supply the nrmament of the clKhtccn Important ports for which comp'eto projects me appioved. If the appioprlatlons for the engineer work arc to continue nt the rate of the an nual appioprlatlons s-lnce ISflD. It will teiiulre eventj veils to complete the emplace ments and p'atforms foi this armament for the jioits ipferred to. Sscrstary Limont gives In delall tlia prcK- ross made in th ? location of plants for the construction of equipment necessary for seacoast - coast defenses. At the present time the gov- srnment has the facilities for turning out am uall > thirty-five guns of the type re quired , or enough to enumerate the eighteen ports referred to within ten > eais. 'Iho gov ernment also has a pUnt for ths manufacture of gun carriage , which , with the aid of pri vate est.ibliRhments , cau supply the car riages required as rapidly ay emplacements for guns and moilars are completed. The de velopment of a satisfactory lyps of twelve- Inch disappearing gun carriage Is alone lackIng - Ing In the mechanism of coast defense , und , the secretary adds , without doubt American Ingenuity will soon bupply that dct'lred fea ture. ture.Hy Hy a carefully prepard estimate the " .c- ictaiy btatcs tint It will require an expsndl- turof $32.000,000 to put the coasts In a sat isfactory condition of defense , and that the ontlro work can ho completed In ten jears. The late of progress , he adds , will be slower in proportion as appropriations aie kept below the amount which can he ad vantageously expended. MISSOURI uivnn IMPIIOVEMKNTS. In that part of his report treating of river and lurbor Improvements , the ( secretary says : The expenditure's far continuing the Im provement of the Mlssouil river during tin- year wen > $70C,52'i.SO , and the bilance avail able for the present year was on the 1st day of July , 189.1 , $ D90 , 71.22. The continuing contracts which weie authorized by con gress expire with the present appropria tions , anil the f Hither Instructions of con gress ahould now be had , Tim present scheme of Improvement In volves the expenditure- a large amount of money , and the completion of the work so that practical benefits cau accrue for any con siderable extent of river will require many yeiis of time. The total amount appropri ated for the Improvement of the Missouri Is $ S,880,000 , a sum quite disproportionate to Its present or protective commerce. With the modern means of quick transportation , furnishing sharp competition , and the pies- once In our statutes of easily applied reme dies against comh'natlon ' or extortion , It may lie questioned If the familiar argument In favor of thebe costly Improvements for the ptirpoj } of regulating the tales of ft eight charges still obtains \n \ a degree sulllclcnt tent nt this tlmo justify largo expenditures In further attempts to provide and maintain a navigable channel over a long stretch of a shallow and shifting river , In the face of constant natural obstacles , and where prac tically no commerce has existed for many years. ILLI.VOIS HAD A ItOU < ; iI 1'ASS.UJE. Mori > Than n Week Overdue but Came Into I'ort IliiiIainaKcil. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 29. The steamer Illinois , Captain. Deynon , reached thla port today , a wesk overdue. Tlia Illinois left Antwerp November C , and two days later she was seen southeast of Starto point , since when , up lo her arrival off the Delaware capes Wednesday morning , she his been buffeted by a succession of hard gales , reachIng - Ing at times hurricane force , and uwept by mountainous seas , The ship was kept on tier course throughout thn entire time , hut eomo days made scarcely tulle an hour. Her best day's work was 1CS mile * In the twenty-four hours , while the average runs did not reach 100 mllea. Kor several day during the height of the atonns i > o maue less than fifty miles ) n the day-while on one occasion only thirty-four knots were reeled ou . Among her 283 passengers two deaths were reported , one a man und a second a c'hllJ. Doth deaths were the- result of natural causes. The Indiana , Captain Hoggs , arrived from Liverpool , after a tempestuous voyage. On the 18th liut. , during a furious gale , oil was used on the port bow , with successful result ? . The- steamship South Hry , Captain Harding , arrived from 81. Jago with a cargo of Iron ore. On board were expected two Cuban refugee ! , but thci report of their coming by : M ship proved false , According to the South Cry things In the vicinity of St. Jago are getting very warm and oyinpalhy with the Insurgents It gronlni ; all tlio time. Six weeks ago I suffered with aery severe cold ; was almost uuable ta apeak. ily frtendf * all advised me to consult a phy sician. Noticing Chamberlain's Cough lUm- edy advertised In tua St. Paul Volks Zeitung I procured a bottle , and after Uklng U a short while nas entirely well. I now most teartlly recommend this remedy to any ono suffering with a cold. Win. Kell , 07S Scluy ave. , St. Paul , Minn. TO I'lunioTn HOOD CITI/.IJNSIUI * . South Diikodi OrKiitilrndmi AVhlch rroiiosrx lo Hit ( Jno.l Work. SIOUX PAU.S , S. R , Nov. 29 ( Special. ) Secretary Ilunlley liai Issued a call for another meeting of the "conference of com mittees" to be held at Mitchell on D-crmbcr 10 , ISO , " . Thli organization , which WAS started a couplecf months ago nt Huron , Is mndo up of committees from the different religious and reform organl&illon' ) ot South Dakota. The chairman IsV. . II. Thrall. In the call sent out Is a recommendation that Sunday , February 2 , 1S9(1 ( , bo designated ns "Christian Cltlzpii'hlp Sunday. " and that all pii lors In the state * iold such services as will "best foster a higher regard for law nnd its enforcement on the part of our odlclals and our citizens , " The recommendations nro undo "IrrospectlU' ot ptrly , denomination or factional considerations. " The call fur ther says : " \\'e dpem that HIP highest Interests of our tnlo are Involved In thp Issue of what seems to us the greyest present day question that Is to conip before our people whether the saloon Is to be reinstated nnd Icgallzpd lit our stair Wo regard with deepest concern the nhrmlnn growing dltregard of the en forcement of law ou the part of many of our people who encourage our olllclals , belli state nnd local , lo discriminate belvveen laws which ones they shall enforce and which override Any official who has taken his oill ) of olllce , which require liltu to enforce Hw. sh uld bo tiught tint It Is not his privilege to Ignore laws which he , per onally , i s not think the best or most politic Wi > believe there Is n widespread , wholesome public stiitltnent on the question Ivlng dor- mini that needs to be. atoiucd by our ptstors and leaders throughout the slate. Let everyone - ono sound this note without fall on 'Rood Cltlroiih'iilp Sunday' nnd other npproprlato occjflons " U Is understood that when the call was Issued for Hie drat meeting ot the ppoplo Interested In this "conference" the Inten tion wa lo lay plans for the orgiubatlon of n distinct plohlbltlon party In this state , but on account of the small alteniUnce nml the appirent lack of Intercsl In such a move , Ihe scheme was chained to the above. SiuHh DiiKolii When I Shipments. SIOUX KALLS , S. D , . Nov 29 ( Special. ) The wheat shipments In Oils section are falling off to a lirgo degree , while In the northuin part of the stale they aie just , at this tlmo booming. Colonel T 11. Drown , who returned last evening from Watertown , explains It In this vv.iy. He says that vv'iJlo SO per cent , of the threshing Is done here , not over 50 per cent of It ID done In the northern P rt ot the state The farmers lierctbouls have rushed to market with a part of their grain In order to get n little ready monoy. This done , they have stopped marketing their products and will hold tliem unlll prices advance. In Ihe north tlio threshing lie Ran lahr In the srasnn. nnd the big move ment of grain there Is due lo Ihe same reason ui caused the ru ! i here last month. 13 W. Jordin of the Milwaukee road savs there Is no danger of any griln blockides , nnd ho anticipates that not much more grain will be marketed until early In the spring. Iron ViiMon'M I'ropiiMeil Monument. CHAMUUHLAIN , S. D. , Nov. 29 ( Spe cial ) A monttniput to be erected to the mem ory of Iron Nation , the former head chief of the Lowr Urule hind of Sioux , has arrived here from Vankton , where U was' constructed , and will be erscted over the giave of the deed chief on the Lower Hrulo rp-ervatlon. The money for the monumflnt VMS raised by popular subscription among the L'jv , ci Urule Indhns Iron Na'lon was in the past one of : he most vvatllk * of Sioux chiefs , but during the closing years of his life his \olco was alspd In behalf of peac ? , nnd the rapid ad- vanLj.-nsr.t of the Lo.vr Drule Sioux ia duo irlnclpally lo his efforts. So far ns known , his will bo Ihe only Instance vvh'ro u monu- uont has been ereilnd over llio grave of a chief by popular subscription among Indians. It Is certainly the- only Instance In the hla- toty of the Sioux nation. I'ri-nK-M of ( he Olil lllHiourl. CIIAMDEltLAIN , S. 1) . , Nov. 29. ( Spe cial. ) Captain H. J. King of this city , a Mlsiuuri river steamboat man of thlrty-llvo years' experience , Ins kept n iccoid of the stage of water In the Mlssouil river for the last fifteen years , and reports tint the river s now sior eight Inches lower Ihon at nny : lmo dining the cci responding period slncj lie commenced keeping the record. Parties whs recently sounded the river between the ea"t bank nnd Amerlcin Island , opposite the city , state that the deepest water found was three feet This Is in the main channel of the ilver , where twenty years ago largo side- wheel steamers wcie constantly plying. In i few hours the river recently fell eighteen riches. This Is bellsvrd to have been causjd ) y an Ice porg ? forming faither up the river. fioltl Cure 1'roioUeH SIOUX KALLS , S. D. , Nov. 29. ( Special. ) II. n. Brandt , a well known business mail liere , has become violently Insane. Ho per sists In making attempts to kill himself , and at one tlmo yesterday It was necessary to ilacc him In Jail to keep Mm fiom doing him. uelf wnio greit Injury. It Iq thought that the attack has been brought on by trying to euro hlmD'lf of the drink habit the second ; Imo by gold treatment. TWO LIX'M SIIVLMl. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City , III. , \vm told hy her doctors she Imd consumption tnd that there was no hopa for her , Intt two bottles gf Dl. King's New Dlscoveiy com pletely cured her and she sayu It tuved her life. .Mr. Tlios. Kggers , 139 Florida St. , San Francisco , suffered from n dreadful told , approaching preaching consumption , tried without result iverj thins else , then bought ono bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery and In two weeks was curod. Ho U naturally thankful , H i- ) such results , of which these are Mmplerf , that irovo the wonderful clllcacy of this mudlclno M cough ! ) and colds , 1'icc trial hottlo at Knhn & Co.'s drug store , Ilogulnr al/o , BOo ind Jl 00. A.SSAILII ) THIJ IMIIJSV. It 'Kre < .Sonice VHi > ni > ei M Arc "Not I'nbllNlieil Ahroiiil. NEW YORK , Nov. 20 , In his Thanks giving pennon , In Madison A\cnuo [ 'reebyterinn cliurch , Rev , Dr. P > irklitirt took far his subject tlio prc-valllng lawlessness und ts cause. I'or the first time In fifteen years ils congregation broke Into cheers during his BCIIIIOII. It was when ho as rted that le was proud of his Puritan uncos'ry ' and wli-hed there was a ridge of Plymouth rocks from the Uiittery to Westchsster. The ter- in on cAilalned homo hcnsjtlnnal fcaturcj , > no of which was an allusion to the Homo joy train wrecker , who , he bald , nhould be lied ami convicted within a week and lunged within a month for the good of society. After dlncuGBlng the excise law anil recent lolitlcal movement ? , Dr. Parkhurst attacked lie papers. Ho said : "And It Is one of the moat starti ng nnd appalling features of the entire tltiu- lon that there have been iientpapers that nlth lira/en audacity have aided and ubetlel liese anarchlits und conspirators and tint rev en days In Ihe week , bcil.lfK extras , have fliitinttril their trltnlnal tympatliy with crime , und have resorted to every villainous minidllatlc device to make ridiculous the illlclalH that undertook to do what they swore hey would do , and to make appear rept' ' blo rlmlnuU that trampled on the law nm. .nt uglit to have been treated lo a cell and note o tulogy. "Some of these papers that for months madu steady prattlre of Inttltcallng crime. If hey had been published In Merlin would have besn conflscaled wllh all tbo publication lachlnery , ui.d ibelr nnnagcrs retired to en- orcfd privacy nnd a diet of bread and water , " \\'c are not objecting to the liberty of the ircss , but we do decidedly object to tbo rens ? of the prc-m ; we object to His Isuiia f Incendiary sheets that make U Ihelr u'udy o IridaniQ tens of ihousandu of ccmbuttlbU ten against the lawfully txpresj d will of the olers of llils commonwealth. "It U treason clear to the Innermost vitals f the performance ; It Is treason , and In- elves , Ulto any other act cf treason , a grim unace to Ibe Mobility and permar.cncct of our iibtltullons. It U not tnipposable that all of lose whose puislons agalmst law were fired y UIMO Inflammatory sluets reulUci ths isentlal trcatonableneis ot lliflr own bc- avlor ; they may riot all bavo had the bralna o do that ; but there was no lack of liralna n the part of the Journallallo luitlgators. rain and greed are their stock In trad- , " Acts at one ; , never falls , One Minute Cough Jure. A remedy for antlunu , and that fever- til condition which accompiuleB a severocoli ] , 'be only harmless remedy that producea Im- uic-dlata rciult * .