Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Mayor Vetoes Resolution Fixing Bond o
' Oity Treasurer ,
IMnln TOMIIH Slieurn to HIM c Ilocn
Vliiliifpri Vr < Oti-rrltlilpn liy u
Ilcn - Vote Soti-rnl llomln
Aliliroil. .
T-ubllc business was a secondary considera
tion with the members of the city councl
last night. Councilman Saunderi had call'i
a caucus en the selection of a candidate foi
president , to meet In committee room A ai
7 : 45 o'clock The. . caucus materialized while
the council chamber was tenanted only by HIP
lobby until nearly 9 o'clock. Tlnally the com
mittee room door was unlocked and the mem
ber' * took their scats , trying to look as thougl
it was nil settled.
The mayor vetoed an Item of $2,500 In
tlio RHieral appropriation ordlnanco In favor
of the llarb'r Asphalt company. This Is a
part of the old claim , which has been In
dispute olnce 1801. The major vetoed the
Item on the ground that the amount was
drawn on the sewer maintaining fund , whlcl
could only be used for sewer purposes ac
cording to th ? charter. The veto was sus
tained , and later the tnme Item drawn on
the curbing , guttering and cleaning fund , was
passed. . ,
The following veto was then read and
overridden :
1 lotiirn herewith without my npprova
resolution No. K ) , passed at thu last meet
ing. llxliiK t'lo nmolint of the bond of the
i liy ticnmirer for the next two years In
compelled to veto thh
ul Mutt nn nrrnr lin
bi en committed liy the llntince committee
In arriving nt Ilic nmount of bond to be
ieiulrcd. Section 2 of ordinance No. 2.TS1
\vhlch Is the only ordinance In force rclut
Ing to this matter. Is , In pirt , n follows :
"Section 2. The nmount of such bond to
lie BO provided shall be determined as fol
lows , to-wlt : Uirli and every tieamnei
elected or appointed thereto and when en
tcrlnu upon the duties of his said olllce
Hliall furnish to tlio city life bond , IIH h
section 1 herein provided , In double the
nmount , not liicliniliiK school funds , of tlis
nvcriiKe monthly balances In ( he bands of
the city ticiiBurci for lite list proceillni ,
joir , IIH ( Keel and dutermlncd by the ic-
milri'inentH of section SS ot the charter o
metropolitan cities , IS89. "
Section S8 of the charter , to which refer
cnco Is made , provides for monthly reports
to be made by the treasurer * to th : iniyor
council and tomptrollei , MinwItiK the state
of the treasury and the InHncct
When this resolution was presented to me
for approval I rmurhteil the , treisurer to
furnish mo with a statement bearing upoi
this qupstlon Ills leply Is hereto attached
The books In the treasurer's olllce show the
following monthly balances for the twelve
months ending October 31 , IbSJ , viz :
llnlanco Balance It
1691 : In Omaha. New York
November 30 $ 271r.TO IS $ 77. !
December III IMJ.SbJ 30 * % 1 07
189. .
January Rl 22I.R9C 21 21.211 G"
Pebrnary : ! > , 210,791- 11.4JO 17
Mnich 31 2.0 ! 2 > OS SSTj f (
April SO au.317 ! W 2,0179"
Mny 31 181.82172 31.9M ( i
Juno : ; 0 . , 211,070 M 71,09'SJ
July 3t 1RS'W7 CS I' ' " , 'KnI
AUKlf-t II 207,71181 r.i,60l ( 0.
Septi'tnhei HO 101.1U ' ) ! 149US1 SO
Octobci Jl U.,70J81 . ! 4SU 7"
Totnls $2,493. > fl 21 $ 178,575 V
AVCIVBO biil.ince In Omaha $ . ' 03,210 21
AvcraBc baljnce In New Yoik 39 , ! > S1 11
Total average balance $218,091 f >
Ox ui draft.
The balance shown In New Yotlt Is money
Tent tlieie foi the pmpose of pavlnt ? bonds
and coupons , and no mote Is sent than Is
sulllclcnt to pay obligations innturlng It
the neai future. The language of sectloi
2 of ordinance No 23S1 , quoted above. Is
i pcr'irdlnir tlip nrtlnt whether tht
balancer In New Yotk should be Included
In the balances for the purpose of JKIni ,
the amount of the treasurer's bond , ll
these balances aic included the average
monthly liilnnra .during the past twelvj
months vvim JJIS.tol M , which would le-
qulre the bond to bi > for not lo-s thnn $ l'Ji- (
IS ! 00 If the New Yoik lul inces are not
Included , the nmount of the bond mubt be
not less than ? I1S-I20 Gl.
I am Inclined to think , that .1 liberal con
struction should be placed upon the ordl
nanco by excluding the New York balances
from eonstdctatlon , AH a matter of fact ,
the money in New Yoik Is sent there for a
speclllc purpose , and It Is doubtful If the
treasurer could vvlthdiavv It foi any othei
I purpose , although an ordinance bhould be
I passed coxeiIng this point , but even with
these balances out of the way , the fact
remains thut the terms of existing ordi
nances have not been compll'd with , and
the amount has been llxcd nt a lower figure
than the law requires. Hy the most lib
eral construction the amount of th/ > bond
cannot be placed lowci than $110,420BI.
The tie.ipuicr Informs mo that the tlnance
committee obtained figures from his olllce
on which to base the amount of the treas-
utei'H bond , but only wanted the balances
foi ths ten months of the current year
The oidlnunce fipcclllesciy clearly "the
average monthly balances In the hands
of tlm cltv treasurer for the last preceding " and this can only be construed to
mean the balances for the twelve months
last preceding the time when the amount
of the bond Is determined , or the monthly
balaneoH during the tvvelvn montlm of th
pieccdlng calendar jear In the latter case
the amount of the bond would be much
larger than I have Indicated. However this
mny bo , there Is no authority whatever for
basing tlin nmount of the bond upon the
balances for ten montlm , aa has been nt-
This document was accompanied by a
statement from City Treasurer Dumont , wlio
confirmed the statement of the major rel
ative to the monthly balances.
Saumlers defended the. resolution and
blandly assured the council that In hN opin
ion the amount of the bond would be double
the average monthly balances of 1890.
Hdu.inls alto opposed the veto , on the
ground that the New York balances had not
been Included In figuring on Mr. Diimont's
Unwell said that he proposed to stand by
the finance committee any way , and the roll
call resulted : Yeas , Hack , llechel , Gordon ,
Holmes , Iluwell , Jacobson , Jajiies ? , Kenimrd ,
Kment , Mercer , i'rlnce , Saundero , Taylor ,
Tliomar , IMwards , IB. Nays , Calm , Lenity , 2.
. The lloord of 1'lro and I'ollce Commlsslon-
! ers recommi'irded the removal of the clt >
' jail to tlio city hall. The communication
Js refeired to the committee on public
property and buildings ,
Tavlor's retrenchment ordlnanco struck a
snag In u communication from President
Tukey of the Hoard of Turk commissioners.
i The ordinance had provided for reducing the
salary of superintendent from Jl.SOO to $1COO
per > ear. President Tukey notified the coun
cil that the board had a contract with Mr ,
Adams at $1,800 per jeur , which would not
expire until next May. This pleco of In
formation was referred to the IInance com
The olllclal bond of W. J. Ilroatch as mayor
'was approved , 'Iho nurctlCD are Fied II.
Davis , U' . A. Paxton and J. J. Drown. Sim
ilar action was taken on the bond of John
IN.Vestbrg as comptroller , with John
StcM , G. A. Llndquest and John W. L > tlo
a mirutleu. The bond of needier Hluby as
city clerk , with John L. Webster. George U ,
Gibson nnd 8. M. Sadler as burettes , was ap
Sergeant Cox complained tint ho was t'tlll
J2I short on account of his trip to New Or
leans after J , K. Coulter. He wanted to be
reimbursed and uss referred to the finance
City Klectrlclan Schurlg asked for permis
sion to attend the convention ot the National
Fire Underwriters- ' Electrical association nt
Now Yoik , U'ccmber 10 to 14 , The matter
v\as referred ,
A resolution of congratulation to Council
man Mercer on his departure from elngle
bhsi'Jdnehb WHN passed by a rising vote and
briefly acknowledged by Mr , Mercer.
The city tienuirer waa authorized by reso
lution to nirange with the city depositories
to take up and hold { 34,000 In bondtf and
coupons which vvlli jm due December 1.
Oft "commendation of the committed on
claims and the city attorney a settlement of
tlu case of Amelia Thlclgurdt waa author
ized. Ilia claimant originally demanded
{ 5,000 on account of a broken limb resulting
from a defective sidewalk. May Stevenson
uau nlloued flOO on a similar claim.
An ordinance pioUdlng for the filling of
vacancies In tbo olllco of councilman was In
troduced by Saumlers. This was rlmllar to
the one Introduced and referred two weeks
ago. with the very Important eptlou Hut
It entirely removed the power of onpo'nt-
meat from tUe mayor. U provided that thu
council should have the power to nil any
\ Mncy independently. This ordinance was
referred to the Judiciary committee.
PlRlii fop PrrnMonoy of CHy Council
The caucus which was held In committee
reom A for nearly an hour preceding ttio
regular council meeting wag unproductive o
results except for the fact that the aspirations
of Councilman Saundcrs to prtslde over the
deliberations of the council In 1S9G received a
temporary setback. At least that Is the way
that the other contestants \lew the situation
hut Saundcrs still claims n sure thing In the
race. The c-ntcm was called by Blunders
for the avowed object of coming to a vote nt
once. In this It fulled , for after ft long dis
cussion an adjournment was taken to Decem
ber 9 by n decisive vot" .
The members had no sooner assembled In
the committee room Uian the fact became ap
parent that the majority of them were can
didates. Saundcrs , Kt-nnard , 1'rlnco nnd Tay
lor were already among the entries , but
Mercer had nlso decided that the presldencv
would bo a good thing to have In the family
nnd to all overtures from the rival candidates
ho blandly suggested that he was out ! for 1
himself Snunderg. wanted to take n vote at
once , and It narrowed down to a fight be
tween himself and Kcnnard on that basl
Kennard wanted to postpone action nnd flntllv
carried his point. H Is understood t'nal the
candidate of the combine will be selected on
the date named In the adjournment , and botl
the leading candidates are very confident of
success. _
A Clutmne In lln' Wliiilnor Ilotfl.
Mr. W. Gehrlnger , recently of the Wllcox
house nt I'apllllon , jestcrday purchased the
Windsor house , corner Tenth and Jackson
Mr. Gehrlnger Is a thorough hotel man , anc
fully understands the needs of the traveling
public , nnd Intends making the Wlndi-or
hotel the bsst Jl.GO house In the west. The
house will bo thoroughly renovated from toi
to bottom , and the table will always bo sup
plied with the best tlio market affords. He
Is desirous of securing n number of regular
boarders , with or without rooms.
WIlli < ' > IloKiilnHty of n Sluittli-
And nearly as s\vlft , ths trains of the Lake
Share & Michigan Southern R'y n ake their
trips between Chicago and New York , weav
ing closer and closer day by day the tmnj
mutual lntere"ts of these grsat commercln
centers of the United States. Departing
from the Van Huron street station , located li
th * heart of tha business district ot Chicago
a-id ai riving In New York at the Grand Cen
tral station , 431 street , the popularity of this
lire In po'nt of time and convenience Is reid-
liy understood. It seems almost yup ° rfluous
tn add that for this s.-rvic ? the equipment
embodies all that Is new and modern In the
art of car building ; apparently nothing thai
would give one a foiling of safety , comfort
nnd luxury has b ° en overlooked. The sched
ule provides morning , afternoon and evening
trains. Latest time table , with nil Informa
tion desired , will be promptly furnished o.n
U. P. HUMPHREY , T. P. A. ,
KanMs City , Mo.
C. K. WILDER. W. P. A. .
Tliruimli Tourlut SH'riilnK Car to I.o *
Leaves Omaha EVERY FRIDAY at 1-40 p
m. . via the CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND &
I'ACiriC RY. , and rims THROUGH WITH
by n lepresei tatlve of the PHILLIPS ROCK
ISLAND Excursion Co. , nnJ run via Colorado
Springs , Pueblo , Lndvllle , Glcnwood , Salt
Lake , Ogden and Sacramento. Kcr rates or
sleeping resTvatlons call at "ROCK IS
LAND" Ticket Omce , 1C02 Farnam St. , or ad
Jno. Sebastian , Chas. Kennedy ,
G. T. & I' . A. , Chicago. G. N-W. P. A. , Omaha
Itayden Bros. ' ad Is on page 2.
IMUUoru AKiitu ClutiiKt'N Time.
To lake effect Sunday , Nov. 2) ) , the fol
lowing changes of tlmo will occur In time of
trains on P. , E. & M. V. P. . H. :
Black Hills Expiesa will leave Omann 210 ;
p. m. dolly. Arrive Hot Springs S 03 a. m.
Deadwood 11CO : a. m. next morning , connect-
Ins at Fremont for Lincoln dally and for Su
perlor and Hastings lines dally except Sun
day , at Scrlbner with Albion line dally ex
cept Sunday , and nt-Chadron with the Wjo
mlng line except Sunday.
Norfolk local will leave Omaha 7.50 a. m
dally excspt Sunday , connecting nt Fremont
with Lincoln line , and at Norfolk Junction
with Verdlgro line.
Black Hills Express will arrive at 5:30 : p. m
Norfolk local will arrive 10:25 : a. m.
I'crNoimlly nxciirNloim to
Prom Omaha every Thursday morning-
through to Los Angeles without change
everything first-class but tickets.
Fast lime you reach San Francisco Sunday
evening ; Los Angeles Monday morning. Ex
perleuced excursion conductor accompanies
each excursion uniformed Pullman porter
\vltli each car. Only personally conducted
excursions to the Pacific coast which pass
through Denver.
Call at the city ticket office , 1324 Farnam
street , and get full Information , or write J
Francis , general passenger agent , Omaha.
Wore Tno Mttle
The file department was called out twice
between 8 nnd 9 o'clock last night to ex
tinguish n couple of small blazes. The
first alarm was Incorrectly reported , nnd
an unnecessary trip to Tvventv-clghth nnd
Farnam streets was made. The llrst fire
was In n small xhcd In the rear of 1924 Far-
nnm Htic"t. A buggy , pome household ef
fects and n quantity of coal vvero In the
building. Everything was burned , except
tlio caningp. The loss Is nbout $ T)0 , The
house Is occupied by llnchel Ilcmnn , nnd
the propel ty Is owned by Mrs. II. Ambrose
A small boy upset n lamp In a bed room
on the second lloor of 1001 North Twenty-
ninth street , nnd set Hie to the bedding.
Tlio house H occupied by J. V Ponder , and
owned by a New Yorker , for whom J , W.
Squires H ngent. 'Jhe damage to the carpet -
pot , furniture nnd loom was ? 23 , fully cov-
uied by Insurance.
Omiiiiii fJi'lN n niMV Tmln.
The Overland Limited , via Union Pacific-
Northweetern , that formerly took an Omaha
bleeper east dally at CMS p , m. , now leaves
an hour earlier , and In Its place , at a quar-
: er to C every evening , the NORTHWEST
ERN line starts a new complete train In
OMAHA , from OMAHA and for OMAHA , ar-
Ivlng in Chicago at 8:45 : o'clock n.xt morn
ing , A clean veatlbuled gas lit AloSar-
Hen fijer with Blecper ( superb ) chair
cars free and dining car ( Northweptern.
City ticket cMlce , 1101 Farnam street. -
Snlfl , Icry Mvlft.
Leave Omaha today , arrive Salt Lake to-
norrow , San Francisco next day and Los
Angeles morning of the third day. That Is
what you can do via the Union Pacific , but
tot via any other line ,
Buy your tickets yli "The Overland Route. "
A. C. DUNN ,
City Pass , and Ticket Agent ,
130' ' Farnam Street.
N1 Kit-ui-Hlon South. ,
On November 13 , 27 and December 11 , the
Wabash will sell tickets to Arkanras , Louisi
ana and Texas at half faro with (2.00 added.
: "or tickets and further Information , or n
: opy of the Homeseekers' Guide , call at
Wabash olllce , 1415 Farnam street , or write
G. N. CLAYTON. N. W. P. Agt.
"MitKIni * ; ThliiKH Mum. "
No. C , Omaha , 5:4G : p. m. , Chicago , 8:45 : a. m.
No. 2 , Omaha , 4:45 : p. m. , Chicago , 7:45 : a. m.
No , 1 , Chicago , G.OO p , m. , Onulia , 8:10 : a. m.
S'o , 3 , Chicago , 10:45 : p , m , , Omaha , 3:35 : p. in ,
No. 8 , Omaha , 10:30 : a. in , , Chicago , 7.00 a. m.
No. S , Chicago , 4:30 : p. m , , Omaha. 9:20 : a. m.
City Ticket ofilce. 1401 Farnam street.
Men's Arctic * . $1.00 ; Women's Arctics , OOc.
Omaha Tent S , Rubber Co. , 1311 Farnam.
Ha ) Jen Pros. ' ad la on page 2.
VOHTU-Mip. J. n. , November M. 1595 , need W
> ai * . lloin Ncuunbei so , 1635 , nt T > ronr.
nteutirn county , New York. The remains will i > oinalm via U. P. It. II. at U'SO a. in , No
vember JI , fur Columbuf. Neb. Tunerul Tliuni-
> Uj U .1 in . fiom miatnce of Ur. U. U.
t\ani. : Columliuii , Nek.
rERUEN-Poter F. , aged 71 years. Novem-
her 2fi. 1495. nt the residence of his
duURhter. Mrs. A. L. Cooper , 419 North
Fourteenth street. Funeral from St. Phil-
nnivnu'a rallKdral , Thursday morning ,
November 2 $ , ot 9 o'clock. Interment at
St. Maiy'a cemetery ,
i.Tim t.MTin STATUS coi ni
Uutcnlt of the CtipKnl .Nntlonnl llnnl
nil Trlnl.
Judge Dundy's court was crowded yeMcr
day , the attraction being the case o
the United States against Richard C. Out
call of Capital National bank fame. This
case grows out ot the old Moiher steal
Outcalt having been the cashier , of the bank
during Moshcr's reign aa president. There
arc tv.o Indictments against Out
call which arc to be tried , One of these
charges the making ot false entries In bank
reports to th ( comptroller , cmbczzlcmen
and abstracting bank funds. The other
charges aiding and abetting Mosher in com
milling the same offenses. District Attor
ney Sawyer is conducting the case on belial
of the government.
Before Judge Slilras the trial of the Swlt
Packing company against Hamilton llrotli
crs Is still In progress.
Deputy United States Marshal Boliine
brought tn Alexander McDonald trom Mlndcn
last evening. He Is charged with violation
of the postal laws.
Peculiarity attending n hatching process
over at Sutherland , la. , have become the
cause of a $5,000 libel suit In the fcdera
Warren B. Davis Is a poultry dealer and
breeder over there , and last spring he tool
a notion that he would freshen up his stocl
of white Wyandottea by the Infusion of some
new blood. He got n sitting of eggs fron
Alvnh T. Hunter , editor of Fnrm-Poultry
nt South Nntlck , Mass. . nnd put the eggs
under an Indian gnme hen. He was ills
gustcd with the result , for seven of the eggs
failed to hatch , nnd from the four that dl <
came three chicks with feathered legs , tweet
ot which had also single combs , nnd one
chick that seemed In aptiearance to answer
the breed , though Divls v\ns nfrald to trus
It , because It came from such n lot.
Davlo sent what he cays was a very polite
letter to Hunter about the matter , but Hun
ter , he declares , responded In n "high-
flown" epistle , telling him what ho knew
about \\jnndoltes and declaring that the
eggs ho sent out were all right , for ho hni
often tried them , and never knew them to
This did not suit Davis very well nnd so
ho sat down and wrote a letter to the Fns-
sett-Mlchcl Printing company of Lincoln
which publishes the Western Poultry News
telling all about It.
The company printed the letter and then
berated In Its columns Hunter , who , It de
clared , had treated his customer In n man
ner unworthy of n huckster , nnd said tha
the transaction wns only an Illustration o
the way In which the editors of certain poul
try papers took advantage of confiding sub
scribers. Hunter alleges that these ntate-
mcnts have Injured his reputation and credit
and ho wants $5,000 damages.
HctiioinlxT tin * Poor of Our CKv.
The Associated Charities will be glad to
receive from our benevolent citizens dona
tlons of provisions , clothing , shoes , etc.
which will be distributed among known de
serving families on Wednesday , Novembe
Please notify and our wagon will call.
807 Howard St.
Te'ephone ' 1C4G.
nnivnits' cxcunsiox.
\o\rnilier UTth mill lliT-i-mlior lltli
On the abovp dates the Ml sourl Pacific
tallwa } will si-11 round trip tickets to point
In Texas , Arkansas and Louisiana at one
fare ( plus $2.00) ) . For pirtlculais , maps , etc
call or addiefs depot , 15th and Webster , o
N. E. corner 13th on 1 Farnam streets
Omaha Neb Thomas F. Godfrey , P. and T
A. J. O. ritllllpl. A. G. F. end P. A.
Hull StmniiN n ml I'lMt n Tic ! . . < < * .
Detective Ioom ! last night nt rested n
suspicious dim actor bearing the name o
A. Edwards. He Is supposed to bo th
Individual who 1ms been \l = ltlni ( the f-aloon
of this city during the last ten davs offer
Ing packages of postage 'tamps for sale
at reduced rates When teaicned nt th
police Million n number of stamps vvert.
found on his person , iilso pawn tickets fo
n. silver watch , an album and tvvenly-bK
gold chains. Edwards sn > s Ills home Is-In
.Minneapolis ? , ami ne declares mat lie Is no
a crook.
I.endliitr All CiitnnctltorM.
The exceedingly fast lime to Colorado
Utah , Idaho , Montana , Oregon and California
now being made by the Union Pacific places
that line In the lead for both first and secern
class travel. For tickets , time tables or anj
Information , call on A. C. DUNN ,
City Pass , nnd Ticket Agent ,
1302 Farnam Street.
- -
5iir i > . M.
a quarter to six ,
The new "Omaha-Chicago Special , "
via the Northwestern line ,
arriving at Chicago next morning
a quarter to nine ,
8:45 : a. m.
City ticket ofilce , 1401 Farnam street.
Hajdcn Bros. ' ad Is on page 2.
LOCAL intr.viTins.
Thankrglvlng day the Associated Charities
will deliver supplies to tlie poor of the city.
The Omaha street railway emplojes will
give tho'r second annual ball at Washington
hall Thursday night.
The third monthly conference of the Omaha
Sunday School association will be held at the
First Methodist Episcopal church this even
Deputy United States Marshal Thrasher
came In from Homer jesterday with William
Maney , who Is charged with selling liquor to
A union Thanksgiving pan Ice will be held
it Calvary Baptist church tomorrow morn-
Ing. Rev. F. W. Foster , pastor of Itninanuel
Baptist church , will preach.
At the People's church a Thanksgiving
service will bo held from C a. m. to 10 p. m ,
tomorrow , with a change of leaders every
liour. The pastor , Rev. Charles W. Savldge ,
will preach at 8 a. m. .
A. bill of sale was filed this morning with
.ho county clerk , In which Mrs. Elizabeth
Donnlson transfers her household property
at C29 South Twenty-ninth street to D. C.
Bradford , Tlio consldeiatlon Is ? 3,000.
A small blaze which originated among the
rubbish under the cook stove of Mrs. Elijah
Ritchie at 418 South Eighth street called the
fire department out yesterday. The fire
was easily extinguished and no damage EUS-
allied ,
D. J. O'Brien has given a bill of sale of
ilu entire u'och In his drug store at 315 South
Tenth street to Carleton S. Shcpard In con
sideration of the sum of ? 2,700. The bill was
filed with the county clerk jesterday after
While William Hay , an engine foreman ,
was trying to block a car In the upper Union
Pacific yards last night with a link , It's left
liumb was caught between the- link and tlie
rail when the wheel struck the link , and
crushed. It Is. ' thought that amputation may
lot bo necessary.
The son of Elkln Sellgsolm , manager for
M. Wollstcln at 522 South Thirteenth
stioet , died In Benin , Germany , November
2 , where he had gone for medical trcat-
nent. The body of the deceased was for-
vardcd to America on the steamship Fenelta
and the brother of the dead man left for New
York several days ago to taks chaigo of the
retrains. Sellgsolm formerly lived In Kansas
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tattar Powder. Fiee
"rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ,
.Ml rr | > frarn ( < ti1 llnjdon llrox.
In the page adrtirtbcment published by
Hajdcn Bros. In Thh Snnday Bee , the proof
reader , tht types or ! the. printer's devil suc
ceeded In getting the ! lUydens Into a heap of
trouble , The paragraph In question was :
Our special sale of dectrlc seal capes an
nounced In Friday's Iwue vUll continue for
ten daja Prices , < 30x100 , $13.90 , 18 60.
J22.CO ; 33x110 , with ! genuine marten or
thlbct collars and front , $7.50.
Hundreds ot ladles so many. In fad , that
U threatened to be ( thousands flocked to and
wrote letters to the cloak department the
next day , and they a ked for the genuine
electric seal cape at ' $7.60. The error , ot
course , was so apparent that usually an
apology for The Bee was all that vvas neces-
rary. But The Hfo feels that It should do all
In Its power to set the matter right , and
therefore cells this attention to It.
The original copy from Hayden Bros , read
" $27,60" and not $7 60 as printed , as Is evi
denced by the fact that tlio capes , 30x100 ,
were priced at $2260 ; and It would seem out
of proportion to sell a larger one 33x110 for
one-third the price of the smaller size ? . The
error was one for which The Bee alone Is
I.iiHt MKI'N Cotifrrrncr v\lth llcfor-
I'lUT tl tillUlirlNlllltIN I' 'Ntl\Hl.
The third monthly conference of the Omaha
Sunday School association was held last evenIng -
Ing at the First Methodist church and was
attended by a large number of superin
tendents and teachers Interested In a dig- )
cutslon oT Chrlt < tmas In the Sunday pchool.
The meeting was opened by a service ot
song , conducted by Jonathan Mellon. Itev.
Thomas Anderson , pastor of the Calvary
Baptist church , followed with a reading ot
the scriptures and a prayer. Rev. S. B.
McCormlck , pastor of the First Presbytdrhn
church , then made a twenty-mlmito talk on
"The Christmas Idea. " He tuld the Christ
mas season wns the one great season of the
yeir , and it vvas the duty of Sunday school
workers to teach their pupils the full sig
nificance of the annual festival. They should
b ? encouraged to think about Chrlstmat < and
their Ideas of It directed in the proper chan
nels. Ho said there wer three most Impor
tant elements about the Christmas Idea.
The first was Joy. It always had been the
uppermost clement In the celebration ot
Christ's birth. Ths second was the Idea of
giving. Every child should have the oppor
tunity of receiving some gift , however small
It might bf , inorder that It mlqht know
something of the Joy of a merry Christmas.
It should al > enjoy the privilege of giving
something to those less fortunate , and there
by expel lence the truth of the divine saying
that It Is more blessed to give than receive.
The third was that Chrlt-lmas meant the gift
of a Savior for the whole world.
Two ten-minute papers on "My Experience
In Christmas Entertainments" were read by
Mrs. T. P. Clomleimlng nnd Miss Margaret
McAra. After the transaction ot a few Items
of business , a half hour was devoted to tli3
answering of questions. ' In the question box.
Appointed n ItcccU cr.
Monday the Nebraska Savings and Ex
change bank made a confession of a suit
brought by State's Attorney Churchill in the
district court. The petition stated that the
bank had been examined by he state exam
iners and found In an unsafe condition. In
an answer tiled nt the-Mine tlmo the defend
ant bank admitted this condition and alleged
that It was ready ito close Its doors. W. K.
Potter , cashier of ihe bank , was appointed
iccclver for the property. His bond was
fixed at $50,000.
CuiiNiiKntlnii Prt-o.
Consult your best Interests and go east via
the evening Northwestern line , OMAHA-
CHICAGO SPECIAL , at "a quarter to six , "
arriving at Chicago at S:43 : o'clock the nc.\t
City ticket office , 1401 Farmm street.
A Cli'ali Swcc | >
via the NORTHWESTERN , gets before
starting east at 5ilC p m. That Is because
It Is a complete OMAHA train from UNION
ofltce , 1401 Firnam. street.
sin \.Mii > AT Tin : IIUIMIT.
Old llnvnrlnn Couple Tompnrnrlly
Itctiiril liy Trmpllnsr Men.
A number of traveling men who visit
Omaha made tip a good-sired purse Monday
afternoon for the poor German couple that
have been living at the union depot for the
last four weeks. The couple , John Neckcum
and wife , came hero from Bavaria about a
month ago , and were on their way to Mon
ument , Ore. Relatives In that place wcro
to send funds hero to help the old folks
along the route , but after repeated tele
grams had been sent to that place It was
concluded that the relatives did not care to
aid their expected guests. On Sunday
Neckcum's money ran out , nnd ho and his
wife might have fared badly had not the
traveling men como to their relief. The
poor old foreigners have lived In the depot
without blankets and with but little food.
The county commissioners are Investigating
the matter , and will probably secure trans
portation for them ,
Ten ItfMirn ! m > eil.
Second chss passengers for Son Francisco
via tlic Union Paolflc now save 10 hours'
time. "Tlmo Is money. " Buy jour ticket )
via "The Overland Route. "
City Pass , and Ticket Agent ,
1302 Farnam Street.
Columbia Metal Polish. Cross Gun Co.
V. J. Cross , Harrlsburg , Neb. , is a Barker
D. P. Mahoncy of VlMe Center Is at the
Ira D. Mart ton , a Kearney attorney , Is at
the MHlard.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Way of St. Louis are
at the Paxton.
C. A. Hull , a Lincoln physician , was In the
city yesterday.
j , a. inici ui iNorioiK , i > eu. , is
at the Birkcr.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Howard of Kearney are
at the Merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Klllraln of Llnwood arc
Merchant1) guests.
State Bank Examiner C. F. McGrew vvas
In the city yesterday.
F. J. Dolsen Is registered nt the Barker
from Kansas City , Mo.
F. Klrkpatrlck and daughter of Falrbury
are guests at the Barker.
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Da Low of Dunlap , la. ,
are guests at the Paxton.
Harry Well , a New York merchant , and
Mrs. Well are Paxton guests.
John II. Crjcr , proprietor of the Cremona
farm , Is registered at the Mercer.
Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer and daughter
of Chadion are guests at the Merchants.
G. A. McNutt , traveling passenger agent
for the "Katy , " was In the city a short time
W. II. CUndey , traveling passenger ngsnt
for the Rio Grande at Denver , Is registered1
at the Mlllard.
William Recce , superintendent of schools
of Falls City , who was In the city attending ,
the Transmlsslsslppl congress , returned home
last evening.
President A. B. Chandler of the Postal
Telegraph company , accompanied by W. G.
Ward ot the Commercial Cible company , Is
at the Paxton. Mr. Chandler Is returning to
New York after n trip of several months
through the southern part of the country.
ISi'IiriiNKnns nt ( InIloU'lH. .
At the Paxton W. O. House , Lincoln ;
I. H. Alter , Giand Island.
At the Dellone M. H. Tllton , F. E Foltz ,
Lincoln ; R H. Bailey. Nebraska City ; D.
F. Taylor , Hay Spilngs.
At the Arcade A. W. Hitrcbard , F.ills
City ; J. C. White. Lincoln ; P. H. Bender ,
Paul VenasKen , Humphrey.
At the Merchants Oeorgo D. Yelser , Hed
Cloud ; Cluirlcs A. Pierce , Tecumseh ; John
P. Jloer , Lotetto ; C. M. Cowan , York ;
J. F. Wade , Arlington ; W. II. Westover ,
Rushvlllp ; I' . L Hall , Mead ; II. Rosen-
crantz , W. S. BavoiSt. . Kdwards ; T. J.
Ilnfty. Alliance ; George W. lienton , Orleans -
loans ; Patrlok Gibbon , MrCook ; Plus
Rcinscb , Shickley ; N. H. Derguen , Wahoo.
You have only to look at our
stock of Laoes to prove that we havs
the greatest assortment in the west.
Our sales prove that we have done
this department well they show-
such growth as merit alone can
effect. Here is one of the many op
portunities we have offered you to
buy i-.aee Curtains cheap. We are
making an enormous discount from
regular prices on every pair sold
this week. See west window.
Another large lot of Japanese
Rugs , all sizes.
JR.aymond . Jeweler
An evidence of epicurean taste the chafing
dish 'the bachelor's boon for the house the
club dish , cover , stand and lamp hot water
and cutlet dish of Gorham silver ivory and
ebony Handles.
IStlt ( Kid Uoin/lii * tilt.
No llollrr. No Blrnin. No Kugtnttr ,
BESi1 I'UWKlt for Corn and 1'oed Jlllls , Dallas
Jluy , lluuiiliig Separators , Crcumtrlea , Ac.
Stationary or Portable.
1 to 120 H. P. 8 to 80 H. 1 > .
p < nrt for Catalogue , 1'rlcea , etc. , describing work to be dona
Chlcaeo , 245 Like St OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS
Oman : , 321 So. 13th St. 83U \Voluut Hli. < 1'IIIL.AUKLl'IIIA. I'A ,
I lltlo things you Itnow alongside big ulsters and such things as are sold
loday reminds one of giblets alongside of a big roasted turkey ftl ft Thanks
giving table.
Hut these little Items are Important .iftcr nil. A person needs n warm
suit of underwear , or woolen fox woolen shirts a muffler cloves and ninety-
nine other things as well ns a big overcoat to keep comfortable.
And wo serve the best things for the least money , Who'll deny H ?
Heavy gray underwear , 25c hygienic patent fleece llnsd , 3Ce wool mixed ,
40c all wool , C3c so much to begin on underwear.
Any 23c wool hose that mortal sells Is to bo bad hero nt Itie , nnd 35c or
40c camel's hair or natural wool Is here but 25c.
And here are mufflers at 25c 45c COc "Co of cashmere ; cost you that much
for stuff half ns good. Largo slzo all satin mufflers 7Bc surely $1.25 any-
vv here.
Gloves and mittens ? A magazine full for work for driving for dress
for nnvthing. Lined with all sorts of heating material , or unllncd It you
say so. Try a pair of our made-to-ordcr mocha gloves at 75c Will > ou ?
Whlto shir's ' tlio dollar grade raid hero nt COc Colars ctiffo lovely
ncckweir handkerchiefs suspenders braces wool cuffs ear muffs.
And not a single Item In that entire furntthlngs department that will not
yield a saving from-a nickel to n dollar an' n half.
Christmas Present
Any lady will appreciate such a useful and beautiful gift as our
"Scovill's Gold
I Pozzoni's Celebrated
I Complexion Powder
, , ,
$ ° ) Pozzoni's la tlio Ideal Complexion Ton dor beautifying refreshing cleanly (
y 1 healthful . Both and at your harmless . druggists . or fancy poods dealers , . , UOc . or mailed , on . receipt of ( )
S price. Address 3. A. POZZOXI FIIAUnACAI CO. Hi. Louts Mo. >
There's ' been so much fantastic
frolicking with figures that the
printed page but poorly conveys th $ !
strength of an honest ; radical and
sweeping reduction in price.
We would not ask that our word ?
be given weight beyond others , but
we ask just a look at the most un-
qualled qualities ever shown in
Nebraska on overcoats , ulsters ,
suits , underwear and furnishings ,
The Equity quits business within
thirty days. One half and one
third price is the rule throughout
the stock. Hadn't you better , at
least , look ?
Equity Clothing Co.
Quitting Business ,
13th and Farnam Streets.