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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1895)
THE OMAHA DAItiT BEEi WfinNESnAV , NOVJSJCliBK 27. 1803. SPEGIRL NOTICES. Ail * crtlNcnic < ttM for < | IPNP i-nlnnum t H Iii * ( nt < rn until 12i.O p. in. for < lin cvvnlttK mill uiidl H fi. in. fur the mornltiB nnit Snmlny edition * ) . ArtVfrllNt-ni , ! riMiiioMrtinr n mini * 1 rrnl cticrk , oinf linvo nit-nri-rn nil- iIrr n < Ml ( o n tuinilirreil li'Hcr In cure of Tlio life. AnnTrrr-i no nrtilpcunnl Mill lie ili-llvi-rril npnn prr c-nInMon of ( lie Hicck only. Italrn , 1 1-JIo it ivoril flrmt Inxcrl'oni In n rroril licrcnfCT. Nollilnnr tntcoti fiir Inn < liiin 2.-o for flrnt ItiNrrllnn , Tlic-m- nilvi-rllni-tiirnlM niitnl lie run cntiMrrtt- Ovrly. SITI'ATIOX.S AVAXTHI ) . A THOUOl'OIII.Y m'UAttl , ! : . ofllfc mm ilrslrcii nn fnsaRpmonl Dec. 1 IllRh clnm tcfficnccn. Aildrom 1' M , HOP.AM510 A-M510 M WANTni ) MAI.n IIISM * . IVANTnD UVB. INTKI.UonNT AOl'.NTS IN Omnhn lo organize clubs of time lo nvc fnml' Hot of our fnuioUK Orchard llnnid laml In cpntrnl MlMlotlppl. The tide of ImmlKrnllon la KOlnc unutli , where thfre nrc no hot winds , no cold wlnteri" . no bllrzirdi , no crnn failures. Where Iwij or three cropi ran l > c rnlecil each yfnr. Where there In nn mch thins ns falluro it n man will wotlt one-half ns hnnl nn h ilops In thli country. Coil rmmmrr * ) , mIM wlnteri. Htlrc nnylnu crops of frnlt nn < l Burden truck. nirhc t soli on enrth. He-l railway facilities. Oro. W Ames , ncnernl nK nl .1817 Fnrnam ( . . Omaha , n 173 $ ? r. PO TO JIM.OO rnii MONTH SIJM.INO run llldcr Double Hetort Oil fins Ilurncr : can be placed Ju'nny cook or healing stovn or furnace. II pro 1uc n. piirftct niturnl cai ( Ire ; liclter nnn cheaper than coal or wooj. for terrrm mlitrpsi IJay Clly N'oviHy Co. . Works my Cltv , Mich. II MLI I ) * A MAI-foU l"AnV TO MANAOB DISTnillllT- IIIK snap simple * , ipeelnllles , < 1o corrcupomllnR Send Sylvan Co. , 727 Woo-ln-nnl. Tetrnlt. Mich. . lOa for samples sonp , etc. , receive out ntorfer. WANTKI ) , HAuiiSMnN , IOCAI , AND TIlAVlJt- In * ttunu-tliniit Nebraska , to liandln lulirlcatlnR nnd lanl oils on commission , onoil InJuct- ments to rlirlit parly. Adrire" " 55nn > Oil Co. , Clovelnnd , O. II M21I M \vANTi ! ! > r AT oN-ciT mo PAH " "ntnr.oKiiH ntid car repairers at Kansas City Car Foundry company , Twelfth fi. nnd K. C. belt line. Knn- sas City. Kan. Il-z M $1 < W MONTHIjY HAI.AtlY AND nXPRNBKS to sell Roods to dealers liy sample ; experience unticrraritiry ; staple Roods. Sterling Novelty Co. , ClilcnKD. J1-M272 30 hviJUY CATHOLIC TAM1I.Y 1UTY3 ON SIO1IT for rhrlnlmiH : rellalile. Ixtelllcrnt man wanted In cnclt county ; J18.00 per week. C. P. ft I * Co. , CO Klfth nve-hlcnKO , 111. U-M2812 " " BouciTona WANTID""KOU OMAHA : ALSO manauers outside country. Entirely new Roods. < ll Sheelcy b'.ock. _ 1I-M320 1)23 KALKSMHN. TO nill'O TltADC. HIDH I.INU or otherwise. J. W. Knight , 217-221 Stale Ptreet , Rnclnc , WIs. 11 M3'3 27 * _ _ POSITIONS Ol'TTl ? TOR FK\V I'ttSlIINfl Aab'umen on salary ; experience unnecessary ; ppnnancjit nmploynipnt ; apply now. Luke llron. Co. , NurHciymen * , Clilcago. _ U M35S 27 * . MONTI ILY ANnnXT'nNHKa KOIl 1'Iin- nmrirnt nKCnts ; excluilve territory : send stnmn for Information . our Hurcka Is enJnrsed bv nil Ic.-ulInK pnners. American Hurrka l'"uel IJcin- oinlzcr , US1) ) Uro.ulway , New York. IJ-M3M S7 WANTEU FIJSIAM-S IIEU' . ELEGANT CABINET PHOTOS. J2.00 PER DOX- en. Havles. 113-115 South ICth at. C 174 WANTED. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 2106 Cnss. C 335 27' WANTED , IMMEDIATELY , GOOD , COMPE- tertt girl fur general housework In muall fnmllj ; itfcrence > < ; German preferred ; good place for tin right girl. Apply at 2COS Half llottiml ptreet. WANTED" EMPIXJY NURSES AND INTEL- IlKent Indies for thelr-'lelsure bourn , or tlm whole time. Business pleaKint , permanent nnd very lemuncratHe. For full pnrtluulnra niU rticss , with stamp , Arpln Klrkpatrlcl ; . Fnrniaso , C MCI D3 FOH HUNT HOUSES. IIOUSiS-J ) ' . K. DARLING. BAIIKEK niXCIC. D 475 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TUE CITY. THE O. F , Davis Company , 1503 Farnam. D 176 FURNISHKD 1UHJSE FOR RENT ; BKAUTirUl , house , ten rooms , elegintly furnlshei ] , hut water hcnt , laundry , Btnble , carriage , etc. Thos. F. llnll. 61B Pnxton block. D 131 ( STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAGES , 6 ROOMS , all , modern , gaf , fuel. Apply Biron Reed Com pany ,212 So. J4Ul ft. j D 477 HOUSES BEN A WA & CO. , 103 N. IGTH ST. D-478 1IOUSES-G. G. WALLACE. 315 BROWN I1LK. D 473 FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE OF eight rooms besides alcove and buthrjiom , south fiont , with all conveniences. Inquire 2GC3 Half. Howaid st. D-23T Mil NO. 10T1I ST. . S-UOOM 1IODUHN UH1CK with tmrn. Uninlia Heal Ublale & Tiust C } . , 211 So. ISth el. D 233 iiouHiiN HOUSES NIW T-HOO.Mmvi:7.1T- Inss near llanscoin purl : , 2715-17 1'oppleton nvo. : modern Ijrlrlcs , 010 .South 21)111 ) , JilS-L'J North 23d BIB , nnd H22 Bheiwood ave. C. A. Starr , CIS N. Y. Life. U 571-X30 6OT B. 21ST AA'KNUG. NINE-nOO.M MOOliltN lioUBtf. yard -30\1C5 feet. J. N. 1'ii'nzur , ujipjullo , poatoince. U > 1ISO BTEAM. NO ECJUAL. WINTER OR SUMMER , rfiilial , moilclll G or C-room Hats. Tlzaril. 221 N. 24th. D-CS9-D3 * TOR RENT G-ROOM HOUSE , G31 fi. 17TH AVE. D-1532-N30 _ TOR RENT CHEAP , DESIRABLE STORES , tints , looms , etc. B. J. Kendall , 620 S. IGth st. H-713-D4 3 OR 6 ROOMS. CLOSETS. WATER. COS N. 13. D-S7I-D10 * 920 N. 2JT1I AVE. . S.R. , MODERN. $20. 2004 S. lltli St. , 7-r. , modern , t25. 2773 Wtbstcr St. . 1-r. , modern , tK. 3401 Jackson St. , 8-r. , modern , } 20. 41BG Lnfnyrtio nve. , 3-r. , modern , $15. 207S. . 24li ! t-t , I4-r , , moili'rn , $50. m-i S. 2tli ( e ( . , 9-1. , modern , $ -10. ridellty Tiust Company , 1702 Farnam at. r _ 123 HOUHEsALL RI7.ES AND PARTS OF city. P. D. Woad , ICtli and DoiiKlus Htrecta. _ _ U-MD32-D13 _ FIVE-ROOM HOUSE , WITH CITY WATER ? 112 So. 2Slh. D-M335 30 * COMPLETELY FURNISHED ID-ROOM HOUSE for rent. 113 S , street , D-M121 30' 1217 fiO. 52D ; FURNACE , GAS , IIATII ; $2" 00. D-MHO 30 FOU HIIN'T. 3-nOO.M IIOUSK. S. I ! . COH. 231) and Clnrko. U-19J _ rou HUNT nioiiT-rtooM HOUSI : . run mouth ; rcntrnl locution. Inquire 261C f..ip. n\r. l > -2 r-57' I'OH iTh.NT. HI.KC1ANT MOOKHN HOUSH. S. U , corner Paxonpoit nnd 32J. D 117 rou UINT * r .oo , H-IIOOM n\vi'iLiNa ; wntcr , luth , Inmt * jiinl. l.vij Nortli istli. in quire Nctlu-rlou Hall , m Xal'l bnuk tilde. . Il-03 27 FOR RENT. HOUSE NEXT TO FIRST CON- cliuiih. A. P. Tukey , N. Y. Life , D-331 20 FOR RENT. CHEAP. GOOD 8-IIOOM HOUSE , lu-ntcd with hot water ; K'ul ' barn nnd nil mod- CM n coiucnli'iicm 1)19 ) Ho. 2Gth. Eniulre John KIXROOM MODERN HOUSE. EMILY PLACE , ISth , auut'.i of Munderson , D M337 30 * FOR RENT , HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE olty. Fpcdal , G51 So. 20th lucnue. 41G Nuilli .lint Bin-el. 42 < ) North 31st xticet. < ) ' . Noilli 191)1 ) nil cot. All modem rcvucnli'iicen ; cheap for winter montliK , Biennin , I/\u ft Co , I > M3I5 DJ roil U1JNT-KUR.MSIIKI ) ROOMS. FOR RENT- FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH Cell ut 2107 Douglas at. E 710-24 THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPINU TO I mm and wife ; lent taken In bouid , 313 N. 17lli. E--M2J3 vi'itNi-siinn itooiia. wi 8. ISTII KTIUIT : : sH'iuil li.f l < il. K M321 30' ri.'HNi.siiiu ; UOOMH ; IIOUHIICIII'J.N' : ( : . mi St. Mury'a , i-itS3) ! 7 FURNISHED ROOM , fi MONTH. 1910 FARNAM. 13MSOI 23 * ROOMH AND 1IOAIID , IIEPIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMH AT THE Capitol , 1712 Cup. a\c : transients accommodate * ! . F-MCv2-D2 Kt'RNISHED 11OOMH ; SINGLE , ENSUITE ; fuiluco heat ; balht boaid J3.Week. . 18JJ Cast. F-M287 2C TOR RIJNT. FUlFNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR without lioard ; steam heat , clectilc belli ; ratn le.unnable ; nt the Midland HjtH. leth and Cliluniru streets. F M30I 3D' BOARD AT $4 W PER WEEK. EQUAL TO ANY In city. Ill Eoutli Ulli. Hoard unj room , il.OO , Moneer llotue , Thomas O'Connor. F-MM4 DJ DENTISTS. ) R. I'AUlZ IJURT BT. Ul m\T-sroiins ANII orncns. TOR RENT-TUB 4-STORY BRICK IHTILDINO Hi 91fi Pnrtiam mrect This liulldliK hn ft fire- nro f cem nt Inirment. complete Menrn he t Ins futures , wnttr on nil floors , inn. etc. Ati- rlr * t the cnice nf The Be * . 1-910 AOHVr.S AGENTS WANTED FOR A NEW PATINO l > u lnr n ; send jditr nddrfM today fir simples nnd full rn'tlculars frfe. Chn . Mar-ln'.l Lock , fort. N. Y. J Msivr * AGENTS WANTED-MEN AND WOMEN clrnr ? W.Ort n-pfklj with our Inbor snvcr n easily n * JfiOOO monthly In other llnf * : $20- ) sampler free. Thn < < o ocklng ImtlnM ohonld nddren. with Mnmn. Mc-rrlll Mfg. Co. ( A S3) , IS Canal ntreot , Chicago. J 111 D1S LADY" t-NDEROARMENT : quick salon , litit rrolt ! ; ratalnguc free. Mrs. N. II. Little Mfg. Co. , Chicago , III. J M357 Zi * ) TO WANTKD. SPITE OF ROOMS. WITH BOARD , for man nnd wife. GeM location. Rpfoit-nee * Mfiulreil. AddrcM Ex , Ilei > . Cutincll Bluff * . K MSSS tl STORAOU. STORAGE-PRANK EWERS. 1214 HARNEY. PACIP1C BTOIlAaB AND WAIlCHOtlSn CO. . MS-DID Jones. Qcneial Btorneo nna forwnrdlng. KOIl SA1.K WOOD , 4 AND B-FOOT n.srn ron corn crlbblnp. C. It , HOI Douglnn. Q-131 i : n-nooM iiotTsn , KIII.T. cla < s boarders. Inquire nt ptoic , 621 S. Ifith. Q-MS19 1)0 * I'OIl RAI.n , QUANTITY FIN'i : OU > conilsllr.R or 2x < , 2xB , 2K-12. 6x8 : nlo uPi-liB. Khlplnp. wlnilonn , doors' , etc. Apply nt ynnl , 13th nnd Wntister. or A suclntcd Charities. SO * Honntil Ktrr ct. Tcl. SCI . Q-MIMM * ' _ _ SICA'TIM. Ai.r. ni.ns. r. rnNra TO oo. Omnlia Illc > clo Co 323 N. 16th. Q-M348 WIHIIIXO TO inniritAsn CAH In'a nf cliolcn | ) tntot"4 will do well to write A. M. Hough , Ncnton. In. Q 3T,3.:3 MISCII.I.AMOIJ.S. : nooic iiiNiiiNn. TUT. ntmKtr.y WINTINQ Co. , HI and 110 North 15th street. n 183 D 1 $ CIiAIIlVOYAJfTS. nn. ir. WAHIIRN. ct.AinvoYANT , nn- business medium ; Sill year nt 119 N. ICln. AMHl.IA n DO DM AN. SIMHITUAUST ANI1 AS- trolnsei , can lie cnmmltrd on nil IniHlntM cor rectly. Union hotel. 10th nnd Welwter. MASSACSn , Il.VTHS , KCT. MADAME SMITH , N. K. COH. 1CTII AND DOUGLAS , room 11 ; massage nnd tuillis. T M297 30 * MMH. AMnS. rOHMEIH.Y OF ST. I.OLHS MAS- snu-c anil bntliH. 607 S , 13th Ft. , 2d llnor. room 10. T M313 30' MADAMK GHACn I.KON. nt.KCTIUC. MAS- Hnse : liith imrlnra Iienllhful nnd refreshing.117 South lllll. upstnlrx , imrlois 2 und 3.T . T M325 30 VIAVI co. , s < 6 nnE . nnAt.Tii HOOK free' liome treatment ; Indy nttenJnnt. U 4i > I1AT1IS , MASSAOK. MSin. POST , 319H S. 15TH. UVKHY inns ciinAP. nn IAUMI.IY. 17th and St. Mary's avenue. Telephone , 440. U 4S7 nni < u : Ki'pnuw consirr MADII TO oitnnu nt lt )0 ) Fnrnnin. Agents wnnted. U 332-D2i * WANTKD. I WANT TO COKIinSI'OND WITH nn elderly Rcntlemnn nlmul t > > enrs of uue , with matrimonial Intrntlmis. Mrs. M. J. II. , 814 Fifth Et. , Sioux Cit > , Iowa. _ MOMKY TO I.OA.V UlSAli 1ISTATM. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. Life. Loans nt low rates for choice recuilty In NeUaslia & lown farms or Omaha city property. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farimm st. W IS9 C Pint CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA ical estate & Neb. ( arms. W. U. Melklc , Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 rnrnnm. W M MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. LJiennan. Love & Co. , Paxion Illk , w ua CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 515 N. Y. LIFE. W 493 MORTGAGES , G. O. WALLACE , BltOWN IJLX , W IM LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY inopcrty. W. Farnom Smith & Co. , 132) F.'irnim MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW RATES. J. D. ZlUle. lull and Douglau , Omalm. W-IOG FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 ycais ; low rates. Gaivln liros. , ! 10 N. Y. L. \V-133 SIX PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON JM- proxcd Omaha real estate. . Texas Junds to ex change for Improved city property. Will as sume or pay Incumurance. Will not consider proposition under J40.COO. Prefer to deal with owners. Pusey & Thomas , 1st Nat'l lild W M910-D12 3IO.VUV TO I.O.Y.V-OII.VTTULS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIJRN1TURK , PIANOS , homuB , WUKOIIS , etc. , at lowest rates In City ; no remoMil of coeds ; strictly conlldentlal ; > uu can pay the loan oft at any time or In uny amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 3)C ) B. l tti st. st.x x m MONEY TO LOAN , 30 , CO , SO DAYS ; FURNIture - ture , iilanou. etc. Hurt Green , loom 8 , Iuriser bljck. X m FORTUNE M/.IJE 1IY PRESENT ADVANCE Innlues , but nowhere so quickly as by our plan of Huccctsful speculation In giuln. It U the beat method In utc. Our book explains cpci' innll fully , ( Hunt free , ) Hlgnest lunK references. Act quickly. Pnttlfton & Co. 47 OmiiliftJijdlf..i Chicago. III. Y MCI-30 ' Fort SA'LK A $3.000.00 HTOCIC OF IMPLE- meiitu , > JW utock of confectionery , J300 butcher Blmp ; a eooil livery liuslni'ss ; good opealiiK In any of tlii'xe lines ; all In u goud loivn.XAUo Hjino line Improved and unlmpioM- l farmu In Missouri , Kaunas and Nebraska to exiliaiiKO for cattle orettern loua landi , Oaka & JncUHon , Slher Cjty , la. Y S99-D11 * FOR BALK. SALOON llUSINEsA AT 2:53 LcavciiHoilh street , Addieis above number. Y MISO FOR RENT. ON JANUARY 1 , BALOON. ft. 13. cor. 20111 and Plcreests. Y-21S 27 _ _ roil RENl MEA'f \RKKT AND "TOOLa 1'arinem und Merchants Slate banlf , NVoln , la , Y-M30I 30 FOR HALE OR RENT , THIRTY-ROOM ItlUCIC lintel , nearly new ; ( urnUlietl ; itcam heat ; Jo In if a gum ] InisliH'FH In live town ; term * ruty. Ad' llox 100 , Dunlnp , la. V M331 1)1 * KOH ixciiA.\oi : . MAKE OFFER FOR J1.700 NOTE. P. F. ROOSE. HUB. Col. , ISth and Farnam.M2H KQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OF LAND NEAIl Omaha. What tint c you to offer ? 11. K Dalley , 911) N , Y. Life bide. Z Vf ) von HALI-IU.U , KSTAVIJ. ABSTRACTS TJIE IJVRON REED COMPANY. RE-503 IMPROVED rARMS-O , W. CARLOC1C. 1WJ Furnam et. Rl cn-Jl- I1AROAINS. SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP. i-ilk-s und farms , John N. i"reii er , ojip. P. O , RE-S01 FARM LANDS. C. K. IIARIUSON. 912 N. Y. L , RK-551-NJO' 1IARQAINH , HOUSES , LOTS AND PARMB , calx or trude. F , K. DarlUi ? , liarKcr l > lk. l . RE-503 HOMI J ON EASY PAYMENTS. 1IAKQAINS In lots , a , G , Wallace , Uro n block.RE RE M TEXAS FARMS AND FRUIT LANDS , SMALLer or luige trocln ; low price : ) , cany piomwiu. Wu are prepared In nnsner queatlonn touching tlii-ju lundi , and to urranxe for cheap railroad fare for any | .ei. ni wlnhlnir lo visit southern Texas. Corrrspondcnro BollcTlid. Omnha llml Kitate and Tiust Co , : il ti. ISIIi BtrcH. ] RE-M)7 IOWA UAHI1AIN. 4W ACRES CORN LAND , rhmp , Addre Lock Itox 4 , Mcxlalr , la. RK-MKI SO' YOUR CHANCE TO TRADE FOR A PERFECT KCIII of a home ; 7 room * , mojcin , unite , fur- nuce , hot and cold water , nicely ilecorattd ; tint-elms nelxliborlioMl. Will take vacant Ipt or land. Tldellly Trust Compani Sole Aicriit , RI-MW ; o rott SAI.K HHAI. isT.\Tn. ( Continued. ) AT UED HOCK I'HiriJ. I.OT SI. HI JOCK. II. Wtut End. J. M. Mnrston. RE MM1-DO _ BARGAINS IN ACHES , FARMS , DWELLINGS and Ion. r. D. Wead. 16th snj DooBln ft ei . ItK-.MMl-DI1 _ _ WANT TO RfY. roil 'ASII. A HOME Oil vncnnt lot Inlclnlty of Iln.i pom imrk mint I * n pnnp for money. In rfplv KM ! * full nnl ncciirate ile-crliitlon of prowrt } AddreM r 51 , Ileo. ni > M361 30 _ _ A SNAP ON PARS-AM STnEET FOR A PllUAl property. Fidelity Trunt c'-'mpany ' SJP ! A r nt RE Ma6i . ' ) PER Arm : . PAYARLE ON INSTI.L- menls , for ID-ncro truck farm coVereil lth wiotl , In New Jcrney ; nenr rnilrond nnd tin- renl it to Ix-fl mniki-ts. Lnnd lilRh , dry , fct- tile. Title clDnr. ( let full pirilculnrn from Rl loy' Real IVitntp Oilier. 211 R loth ulrrot Phllfliletphln , Pn. RE-M3.W 5 ; HtOYCI.ES CLEANED ANtl STORED TIII8 winter for H.M. Onmliu IMcjcle Co. , S21 N. ICth slrefl. MTW D8 IIOIIHI'.S HORSES WINTERED ; REST OF CAHE liorfcn , Iwth winter nnd summer. Ad- M. J Welch , Oretnn , Neb. M36C-3) HOR8ICS WINTERED I Y WATERIXJO STOCK nnd Grnln Co. , where they will receive licst of caie and attention. Address A , 8. Glenve. 4901 Charles Mreel. Omalm. 307 Dl UPllOI.STnitl.VO KtlH.MTIJIU : . UPHOLSTERING , l-UliNITURE RKPAIRED nnd packnliry clionp this month. M. S. Wulkiln , 2111 Cumtng. Tel. 1331. 287 MUSIC , ART AM > GKOROP. F. OKLLENRECIf. 11ANJO AND KUltar tpnchcr. 1S15 Chlcnso street 10J I.MPLOYMI.NT FOR FIRST CLASS HELP. HOTELS AND PRI. \atc families ; call Canadian Olllce , 1522 DouRlua. C41-D2 HUILDINO AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & II. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , S per cent when 1 , 2 , S sears old , nlwioa redeemable. 1704 Farnam st. Nattlnger , Sec. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & I ) . AM'II , 1704 Uee llldg. Q. M. Nattinger. Sec. II. MAHOWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. 621 SIIOUTIlA.Vn AND TYI'EWIIITINQ. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFE. WO OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE. 15TH. FARNAM 607 HOTKI.S. AKTNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th and Dodee. Rooms by day or wccit , Gil THE LANGE HOTEL , C02 S. 13TH STREET , steam heat ; tnble boaid , $3.00 per ucck. M-613 .ST1CASISIIIPS. LOWEST RATES TO OR PROM EUROPE ; western agency Thonmi Cook S. Son excursions. Hniry E. Mooies. 1415 Farnam street. Omnhi. M-330-D13 LOST. LOST , SATURDAY EVENING AIlOt'T 10 o'clock , while Enlng fiom ICth nml Harney ntreets to the Dellonc hoti-1. \ l.i 10th. DoiiKlni ) nnd 14th street1 * , n lady's fur boa or ptolt. A liberal rcwaid will be pjlil for Itn teturn lo room COl Ilee bulMlne. Lost M3I1 28 * STRAYED OR STOLEN. A11OUT NOVEMBER 23 , n Newfoundland dnir pup , nliout 7 months old. Suitable reward If retuined to 2017 Spen cer sliest. Lost M3C3 JJ1 * UNDERTAKERS AND ICMIIALMKHS. II. K. RURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer , 1618 OilcnsJ St. , tcleplianc 90. 617 SWANSON & VALIEN. 1701 CUMING , TEL , 10 0. 615 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM. Kilmer , 1417 Fnrnnm St. , telephone 225. 619 HAY AND OKAI.V. BUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE buy bay. A. II. Snyder , 1616 Burt st. Tel. 1107. 62 ! COAL. USE SHERIDAN COAL THE BEST SOFT coal. Pcnn. hard coat price guaranteed. Victor White. Tel. 127. 1C03 Farimm. 515 FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. CAR LOADS , FOR domestic or steam purposes , address Excelsior Coal Mining Co. . Du Quoin , 111. M1C9 D18 KI.nCTIUCAL TIIEATMB.NT. MISS VAN VOLKENUL'RGH DESTROYS PER- manrntly by electilclty i > upc Ilucus halls , uiolc' . wans , etc. Room 410 N. Y. LlfiIllilir. . MHC3 D15 * DAACING. NEW CLASS FORMING AT MORAND'S school , 1510 Harney Kt. Adults , Tuesday nnd Filday.-S p. in. ; children , Tuesday. 4:15 : p. in , Saturday. 10 n. m. and 2 p. m. Cull for terms. Always open ; private lessons. 9G3-D15 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. 18. GIG When Grandma Was ithc buckwheat she made cs of was buckwheat. Too often "buckwheat" isn't buckwheat now-a-days. Wriglit's BuckWheat - Wheat is Grandma's kind , honest , unadulterated /c Your Grocer For It. VbRV WOMAN Eomcitlineti iieodn a reliable monthly regulating medlclno. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL pILLS , ATS prompt safe nd pertain In roult. The cenu- we ( lr , IViil'iO licverdlwimiolnt , Kent any whuro fl.oa rtherman ft McConnell Drug Co. . 15U Dodso treet. Omaha. Ntb. THE MURRAY. Omaha's Lcadlitt ; Hotel. ) o ( New Equipment. HIIST-CLASS AND MODEItN. Special liatcn by the Mouth for tlio Winter. B. SILLOWAY , Pros , aud 14tli aud Hartley StH. , Omaha. Cklebulcr * * Kslu mamma i PENNYROYAL PILLS Oridiud * * J fJj tienulnrv A'C. r ! * IttlkUfl. LAPIC * til rOlc4wur / iufc Wa . r. _ . _ .o JU 1 tJ 6vW iMuitlo1 JXM , icfcic-4 wlft blut riM-vn , 1'aLe iv ibm Jtrfuttfii i 4it A d ( * ( / iiei Al DruuUu , w Mod < Jf. l tubt > i for i BrtloiUri , i UBU > oUU oi 'Itcllcf ' fwr r ill * . * UUIMUT rHurl " } ) . -OVO'J < r'UlKU4 lU Ji * ffr , full 1,7 ( My mama $ " ; ! Wool Soap ) ( lulsh ratuo bail ) nfOO \TS\vWnots\\rlnlt \ If U uspilIn llic laundry. V'nol Fo.i | ) Uilcllcntannd rofroihlnz fortieth | iur- rose- . The bent clcnuscr. Vliit/ti Ixtrut fuuriJriifrr' . Two kltrt : tollotnncl Inunitrj. Raworth , Sehcdde & Co. , Maker * ) , Chicago , .i'n.itliim St. . I'oston , HI L onnnl Ht. , Nurr Vork.VCf CUo&tuut SU.Bt. Louis. A Full Set { Teeth for $5. * ' & All work done In the b < st professional man ner nnd KimrnntOftl as rcpiosontcd. DR. W1THUUS , 4th floor , Drown Ittook. IGtb nnd DotiKlus Sts. Telephone 1775. FOUECLOSUItE OK CHATTEL MORT GAGES. Notlco Is hereby given that on the 2Bth day of October , 1S92 , Henry Anderson exe cuted nnd delivered to the undersigned , Motz liros. , mortgagees n , copartnership , doing ; business under said Ilrm name , com pared of Chnrlus Metz unil Kred Motz , jr. , u certain chattel mortgage upon the follow ing described clmttK to-wlt : Oncountur , one mirror , one buck liar , one screen , one bottle case , one safui ono desk , one Ice box , with beer pump , one stove , nil tables and chairs , ull glassware , pictures , frames , etc. , three pool tables , one billiard table , pool balls , racks , etc. , all contained In the brick building known as number 721 South Six teenth alreet , being the northwest corner of Sixteenth and Ltavenworth stioets , city of Omalin , county of Douglas , and ntnte of Nebraska. That said chattel mortgage wns executed and delivered by the wald Henry Anileifon to Metz & Brother to secure the payment of five promissory notes , signed by the said Andrrron , and made iriynbli1 to the order of said Mctz & lirotber. That there has bjen a default made In the condi tion of said mortgage ; that there Is due nt this time , to said mortgagees , the sum of two thoi"nnd , two hundred and forty-seven dollars nnd thirty-live cents ( $ ,217.35) ) That no bull or pi decoding have be n In stituted at law to recover , s > .ild debt , or any pait thereof ; that by tli6 provisions of said mortgage , power TJ ? Fae ! Is given to the said mortgagee" ) tg soil the above ilescilbed chattels It a default | s made In the con ditions thereof. ( Notice Is further given that on the 27th day of December , 1M)3 ) , the said Henry An derson executed nnd delivered to Chailea Metz and Fred Molz , copartners , U"der the Ilrm nams of MftZ'&uUrother , a certain chat tel mortgage upon ten bed room s-et ! ? , com plete , with bedding , pillows , sheets , mat tresses and springs , nil carpets , nine tables , forty-two chairs , eight hloves , all pictures , frames and mirrors , all now contained In the thirteen rooms In the second and third lloorq of the building known as number 7.11 South Sixteenth "street , city of Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska. That said chat tel mortgage via.executed and delivered to the ! -aUl Metz & Brother , mortgagees , for the purpose of securing one promissory note , dated December 5T7 , 1S93 , for the sum of ono thousand tlcllai'.s ' ( $1,000) $ ) , paya ble one day after pcccmber t'7 , 1S93 ; that there Is now due on said note the sum of thtee hundred flnd fifty-live dollars and forty-five cents ( $3 : u.4d. That no suit or proceeding have been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage , or any part thereof , and that by the terms of said chat tel moitgapr ; It was provided that If default Is made in the payment of the above promissory note that the saia mortgagees can sell said property by giving at least twenty days' notice of said sale. That there has been default in the provisions of said moitgage. by reason of the non-pay ment of said sum , or any part thereof. The mortgagees , in pursuance to the pro- vlnlunn contained In two said chattel mort gages and the power therein Riven , will sell nt the public vendue the said above described chattels on the 19th day of De cember , 1S9.-I , at 10 o'clock n. m. . at number 721 South Sixteenth street , belnir the noith- west corner of Sixteenth and Leavonwoith streets , rlty of Omalm , Douglas county , and i-tate of Nebraska , to the highest bidder , for ca h. Dated at Omaha. November 27. IS1) ) . " METZ & imOTHKn. Mortgagees. WHITE STAR LINE UnlteJ States nnd Roval Mall Steamers. Sulllmr from NEW YORK as follows ; GERMANIC' . . . WEDNESDAY. 27 NOV. . 2 p. m TEUTONIC .WEDNESDAY. 4th DEC. , 7 n. n BRITANNIC..WEDNESDAY. 11 DEC. . 2 l"m MAJESTIC TUESDAY , Kill DEC. . 11 a. m. Snioon paBsage , $ M nnd upunid. accoidlng to steamer Fflecti-U ami location of Lertli. 2nd cabin $33 und $40 on Majestic nnd Teutonic. DRAFTS payableon demand cverjwhfio In Gn-at Biltnin nnd Ireland wild at lowest rated For Inspection of plins of steamers nnd any further Infoimallon apply to local agents or di rect tn H. MAITLAND KERSEY. Ol. Act 29 B'nny.N.Y N. ANDERSON. GPU West. Act . 211 SOUTH CLARK STREET , CHICAGO. RAILWAY TIME CARD I.c.ia IIJUllLINaTON & MO. niVUIUArrlrei OmnlmlUnloii Depot. 10th it Mason Sts.f Omaha : Denver Express 9S3am : 4:3ipinHllf : , Hills. Mont , < i 1'uset Snd ix. 4:03pm : ; Denver I > i > resfc 40jpm ; 7:05pm : .Nebrafcku Local ( except Kund.1) ) . . 7:45pm : . . .Lincoln Locnl ( except Kumi.'ij ) . . .1 .ijini 24pm..l'-n8tLMnl ! ( foi I.lncuin ) dally. . . _ Leaves friII'AaoriHInLINaTON"Q lArrlveT OmalmlUnlon Depot , nth & Mneon Sts.Omalia | 6:00pm : ChlcoBo Veitlbule SiOOam 9:4Sam : Chicago n\pie 4lipm : 7'60pm..ChlcaKO A. ht. Loulu KipiCEs. . . 8 mum H:35am : Pacific .luncllon Irfcal S:30pm : . .Vast Mnll 240pm ; Leaves IOIIIOAGO , MIL. & ST. I'AUL.IArrlvfs OniahaynlonDfiiot | , 10th K Mason 6ls.JOllialn 6:00pm : , . .CIilcaio Limited , . . . .T. . , , 80jnm ; 10i 5am..Clilcngo nxpressex. _ _ Sunday ) . , , 3.2pjii Leaves 1CIIICAGO & NORTHWEST'N.IAnl\ei OinalmlUnlon Dtixjt. 10th & Mason Stu.f Omaha Leaves [ CHICAGO. Riu I. " & 1'ACIFIC.IAi rives OmalmlUnlon Depots IQtM & Mason Sla.l Omalia ' ' _ _ 10 : am. . . Atlantic Eijirpss ( ox. Sunday ) , . , 6 ; pm 6:23pm : . NlKiitjfdxpresa. . . . . 8:30am : 4W : [ > m . Chicago Vestibuled Limited . l:25pm : 4:50pin..St. : Paal Vcnillmled Limited. . . . l:3pm : " " _ _ 6(5pm. ; Oklahoma &Tx3S r.s. ier. Sun.lOSam ) : l41pni . .Col otaqo 'Limited. . . , 4iOipni i.TsTel'l c , , BTP , . M. & o. lArfiTeT OnialmiDtpot _ , Utllan * Webster Sta. | Omaha ' Clly ' : CHyKfMtfM ( ex. Bun..ll55am ) ; C Mvm. . . . . . . . . . . . Ht. rayl l.lmllfd OilOam [ .eaves I 1' . , Er&Mp' VALLEY. l Omanai Depot. Ulli and 'Webster Hla. | Omaha * 2llOpni , . . , Fa'sf"Mnll ft5rd Exi > re s. . . . DSpni : ) 2:10pm : . ( ex. Hat , ) Win , 'jx. : ( ex. Mon. ) . . 5:30pm : 7Mam..Norfolk : Expietk' ( ex. Sunday ) , .1025jm ; 6l5pm. : . , . . , St. Paul'Expretn ; . . _ , . _ 9:10am : [ .caves I 1C. C."STrjr" . O. iT ( Arrives * OmalmlUnlon Depot , Dili & Mason filsj Omaha 8:55am.Kantu : > i Clly Day Express,7. " . B:3npni : 9KpmK , C. Nlslil Ex.J/la U , P. Truns. 700am Leave * I MIEROtmi I'ACIKIC , ( Arrive. Omaha ) Depot. 16th and Webater Bt . I Omaha ' lOMOam. . 3t , Lout nipr'ess. . . . . . . . . 6:661 : in 9iOi : > iu , Kt. Loul Kxprem , , COSpm : j:30pm..ll.N : ! ma lia Ixicul ( ex. Bun ) B:00.iin LeaveTr BIOUX'rifV & "rAriric"lAirhej Onmlml Dejjot , 15lh and Webster 8t . | Omaha : . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Limited. . ' , ' . 910am ; U'avei SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. I Arrive * OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Bts. | Omalm 7(5am.81oux : Clly rassenser. . . ,1033pm Cilipni. . . . . . Bl. Paul Llniltol. . . . . . . . . . . P:20ani : I UNION PACIFIC. JXr'lvej" OuvalialUnlon Dfpot , 10th & Mason 81s ( Omalm 0:10am. : . . . North Platla'Expreo. . . . . . . . . 4730pm 810 ; m . Overland Limited. . . , . . 4 ; < Spm s:3ipm.Iirat'cc : & Slronuu'i ; Ex ( ex. Hun. ) . 4:30pni 6:4Spm. : . Grand Island Express ( ex. Sun..l:10nn ) : | :35mn. : . . . , . Fail Mall . IQiMam .c > t I WABA8H RAILWAY. fArrlvn' OmahalUnlon D pol. IQlli & Mason Sts I O malm " " 4l30pm ntin MISTARL 01 ( Why Spoorl's ' Trial Must Eo on But Ono Ooutit. OTHERS THROWN OUT ON A TECHNICALITY iUVP Dci-lnrt-i lip \VI11 ( ! ! < ii Court \ii Cliiiuoc In ( Mi-i-riile Illin TinT < lliiioiiy Ycslcrday JtitlRo Scott practically de clared that the Eecoiitl count of the Informa tion on which John Sporl Is belli ; ; tried U Invalid. This count charges Spocrllth obtaining the signnture of tbe mayor to the warrant for J3S5 on Ms representations that lie had drovsned 385 doss during the month of August. At the same time , however , Judge Scott held that the first count of the Informa tion , which charges Spoerl and Frank \\lth obtaining ? 3S3 from the city by falie pro- ttnsys , constitutes a EUtllclont cause of action. The point on which the second count Is tlm ? thrown out Is a technicality pnro and tiltnplo nnd wns raised Monday afternoon. Judge Scott went so far as to say that he had no doubt that the mlftaUc was an error on the put of the stenographer In drawing up tin- complaint , but ho stated that tn his mind It was suillclent to render the count Invalid. Nevertheless , he said that ho did not wish the county attorney to be taken by surprise , nnd therefore gave him until yesterday to clto authorities which would oppose the court s position. When court convened yesterday , how ever , Judge Scott said that It would bs usa- less to argue the point. Hi considered that the first count was sufficient to try the de fendant , and therefore ordered testimony to be Introduced tinder It. The second count nmong other things charged Spoerl and Krank with representing that "the number of dogs destroyed by them amounted to $3S5. " AN" ERIIOU THAT COUNTED. "I have no doubt that It Is nothing more than an error on tbe part of the stenog rapher. " said the Judge In speaking upon the point Monday afternoon. "I also know that the statutes do not take cognizance ol such mil-takes and heretofore I have never allowed such mistakes tn Invalidate an In formation In my court , llut 1 have been so often overruled by tlio cupromo court on this point that I do not Intend any longer to give them nn opportunity. " "This mistake Is In the charging part of the complaint , " he continued. "When Spoerl was arraigned he did not plead to destroying 283 dogs , but ? 3S3. Ho pleaded not guilty to the charge , of destroying $3S3 and , therefore how can you try him on the charge of de stroying 3S3 dogs ? It the complaint road that he represented that the number of dogs destroyed amounted to 3S5 horses , you could not try him for representing that ha de stroyed 385 dogs. " The county attorney read from the utatutes tint all such surplusage as the word "dol lars ? " In this Instance , could not Invalidate a complaint , unless It was prejudicial against the defendant , that technicalities of such kind would not be permitted to let a de fendant escape. He argued that on the very face of It tbe error was evidently a mKake und that tbe defendant could have taken it for nothing else but a mistake. All argu ments were without avail. The point was raised whtlo Comptroller Olyen was on the stand. Objection was made to the Introduction of the warrant for $383 obtained by Spoerl on his representations tiiat he bad drowned a certain number of dogs. The defendant's attorney made the objec tion , as he had made objection to every ques tion asked. Judge Scott was the man who discovered the error in the Information and he did not hesitate In at once , bringing it Officer Collins was called to the stand yester day morning and his examination continued almost to the time that court adjourned at noon. His testimony was given In a straight forward manner , but the defendant's attorney closely cross-examined him In an effort to break him down. The attorney persisted in making objection to almost every question put by the state , as he has ben doing ever since the trial began. COLLINS HAD THE FIGURES. Collins testified that ho had been detailed at the dog potiiul every day from August 19 to August 31. He described the location of the pound and the manner In which the dogs were drowned. The dogs were taken out of the pound , put In the box of a wagon and the box was then lowered Into the river The dogs were taken out one by one after being drowned by an old man named Hees ? . Ho had bJ3ii on duty at the pound on the days mentioned , usually from 7 a. m. to 0 p. m with Officer Vanoua. Collins was then asked to give tlu exact time that he was at the pound each day. . . * . . i * iiutiu nju uunuaua uuy ni a little book. The ' defendant's attorney objected to his us of the memoranda , but the court overruled the objection. From his memoranda the witness was able to tell the time he arrived , which was usually 7 o'clock , and could tell the exact time when the drownlngs took place. Ho remained every day until G o'clock , with the exception of an hour at noon. He wa always In a position to see the pound and the drowning ! ) and counted the dogs drowned both as they were put In and taken out of the box which was lowered Into the water. The result of Collins' count wag as follows : August 19 , fifteen dogs drowned ; August 20 ten ; August 21 , none ; August 23 , none ; August 21 , eighteen ; August 2C , none ; August 27 , seven ; August 28. slxtejii : Aucust 29 , none ; August 30 , none. Spoorl's bill accounted for the following dogs drowned dur ing the same period : August 19 , thirty ; August 20 , twenty ; August 21 , fifteen ; August .J3. eighteen ; August 24 , thirty-seven ; August 2 , twenty-three ; August 27 , slxteni ; Augus 2S , none ; August 29 , seven ; Auguat 30 , twenty-five. COULD NOT SHAKE COLLINS , Collins testified that both Sposrl nnd Frank ud been present at a number of tlio drown- ngA Taxidermist Gilbert usually arrived after the drownlngs to tkln the dead animals , On croaj-examlnatlon Collins Bald that he lad been detailed lo the pound by Captain Mot'tyn. Ills dut.'os wore to make memoranda of ttso number of doga drowned and the time at which the drowning } occurred. He did not know at the tlmo what the memoranda were wanted for. Collins culd that on sonio days ho WUH on ha Iowa side of the river and could tee every thing that went on , Ho was able to count ho doge plainly. He could see the dogs taken out to the river , being led If they were large or carried If they were email , The defendant's attorney t'pent considerable tlmo In attempting to make the wltnesu say that he was go fur away that ho could not distinguish whether dogs or Homo other ani mals were being carried or how many were lelng carried , and that lie could not recognize who wis In the neighborhood of the pound. The witness would not say this , but pcrplated tint ho could see the dogj and distinguish and recognize the forms of the men. On other days the witness wa.i on tlio Ne braska side of the river , In the Immediate neighborhood of the dog pound. OIHcer Vanous was called to thestand. . Ho testified that lie had been watching the pound on every day between August 13 and 31 , Inclusive , except Sundays , August 18 and August 25 , He Identified the dally reports lie had handed to the chief of police. There upon the county attorney questioned him In the same manner aa he had questioned Col lins , asking him a > to his position and pro ceedings on each day he was at the pound. Vanous' testimony was corroborative of Colllnt ) ' , The only additional fact adduced was that a drowning occurred on August 13 , at which fifteen dogg were drowned , Col lins did not testify to'this becaura he had net been detailed to duly with Vanous until August 19. In retpcvt to the number of logs drowned on the day * between August 19 and August 31 Vanoiu' memoranda corre sponded with that of Collins. Tlio examination of Vanous had not been completed for the state when court ad journed at noon , When the trial WAS taken up In thfr af'er- uoon O III Vsoouu we turned ovr to the defense for cross-examination , He was 09 cloivly questioned l > y tbe defendant's attorney is Culling was In tie morning. Ho said that if had watched the pound on tome of thp lays from His Iowa tide of th ; river , but vas abl' ) to Her everything that occurred. le BViore that he 4U certain that bis count of the number of dogs drowned on each dsj was correct. TRYING TO FIND A 1M.OT. Mayor Hemta WAS recalled to the stum and was compelled to undergo another close cross-examination at the Imnds of the de fendant's attorney. In ( ho examination o the mayor , nnd nlfo of Iho succeeding w It- tics. ' , Taxidermist Gilbert , the attorney askeil so many aimless qties'.lons and nwde so many objscilons to the questions of the county si- torn * ) * that Hi * rourt told him to desist , ns ho was occupying too much tlmo with his frivolous objection ! " . Mayor Ilemls said that ho did not know McGtilro was stationed nt the pound nnd had never met htm until n month had ex pired after the rural ! of his work had Itjen brought to light. All that ho knew about him wns that ho had been appointed by the pollco comnilnilon to do fomo cpeclnl do- tectlv.t'.rice. ! . The chief of police hail ntvcr spoken about him or lili work. The defense asked If Frank had not re- quesUtl him to go do\\n to the pound ami personally examine Its worklnga. The wit ness answered he remembered that en ono occasion Frank had made such n re quest , but It wai' UKcn as a joke , as the t\u > wer ? Joking at the time. Then the defense tried to show that tht- criminal action ngnlnst Frjnk nnd Spoerl was the result of a polit ical plot , of which the mayor was a party. "Did you not call John Spoerl Into your ofilc ? on September 27 ? " asked the defend ant's attorney. * I never called him Into my olllee , " nn- swerttl Iho mayor. "Did you not call him Into the cilice and spfak about Frank , telling him that you wished to keep Frank out of the republican convention , and afklng him If he did not know something against l-'rnnk ? " "Never , In any form or shape whatever , nnd any one that says I did Is telling a falsehood , " emphatically answered thf wit ness. In answer to further questions the mayor said tlm' Spoerl had been summoned Into his onicc on the datu at the requeet of Cap tain Moslyn and Chief of Pones' White. The two police officials desired ( o examine the booky of Sporl , and for that r ison wished him to bo summoned. When Sporl nrrlved ho did not have the required books and Cap tain Mostyn went after tnem. "Did yon not say to Spocrl while Mostyn wan away , ' \Ve nre after Frank's scalp nnd do not care fo [ yonru ? " nsked the attorney. 'I did not. " answered the mayor. "Did you not take Spocrl Into your private ofilce nnd speak to htm alone about Frank ? " "I took Spoerl Into one of the pfUate olllccs and t'poko to him In the presence of the others , but not about Frank , " was the an swer. "How did you flnd Spoerl's books ? " went on tlio attorney. "The booka looked bad. There were a num ber of erasures In the number of dogs drowned , end altogether the figures appeared to have been changed. " The attorney then went on to attempt to show that although the mayor suspected or knew there was something wrong with Spocrl'u managrment of the pound before the warrant of $385 was paid he had not tried to stop payment on It. The. date of paynuntof the warrant Is somewhat blurred , so that It Is dllllcult to so ? whether It is September 25 , 20 or 28 , the latter date bplng the day following the conference In .he mayor's ofllce. The mayor said , however , that Immedlat-ly after the examination on September 27 , which developed wich u.s- plclous circumstance1. ' , he had telephoned the treasurer and found tint the warrant had been paid and that the payment on It could not be stopped. MR. GILBERT'S FIGURES. Taxldermlt't Gilbert wns tlio next witness railed , and his testimony was listened to with great Interest by the ) Jury. Mr. Gllbsrt bwore tbat he had an agreement with Spoerl to take dog skins nt 12V4 cents apiece. He used the skins in his business. The agree ment provided that he was to be tmminoned whenever a drowning occurred , and he al ways responded. There was only one drown ing n day , and during the month of last August tbe witness never knew of any oc- curlng before 8 a. m. or t > :30 : p. in. Witness raid that be took skins of all dogs except these that wore vary small. He kept an account of the t'klns ho obtained. Ho usually found Spoerl nnd Frank when ho came to skin the dogs. He gave the number of doga ho skinned on acb day during the month of August. The total amounted to 129. 129.Robert Robert Prltchard , the broker to whom Spoerl assigned the warrant , testified that ho paid Spoerl $370. for It , and later col lected $385 on It from the treasurer. SPOEUL'S OWN STORY. This finished the case- for the state , and the witnesses for the defcnsa were at once called. The first witness was John Spoerl. Spoerl testified at length In regard to the manner in which he carried on the pound and the manner In which the dogs were drowned. Ho said that the drownlngs oc curred at no stated time , but that he always telephoned the Board of Health when they were to be , In order that Frank might be present. He said that he was always proy- ent , but that on two or three occasions Frank was not , nnd that then the tails of the drowned dogs were cut off and saved for him. After Frank had seen tli3 tails , at his order they were thrown Into the river. It was C o'clock by this tlmo , nnd court wau adjourned to tlily morning ut 9 o'clock , a half hour earlier than it usually convenes. Judge Scott said that the case was dragging along too much , and that It would linvo to tie hurried In order to make way for tlio murder trills. He Bald , therefore , that when it adjourned at noon today It would convene again at 1 o'clock and might be held in ses sion until late in the afternoon. All < > H Account of < licnnic. . William R. Nightingale charges E. S. Flor with fraudulently Inserting his name In a warranty deed to some Kentucky property where his ( Nightingale's ) name ought to have jeen Inserted , Flor thereby coming Into pos session of the property which Nightingale al- cgcs really belongs to him. If thin condition of facts Is proven Nightlrigalo says that he u entitled to $3,500 damages and has begun on It against Flor for that amount. Tlio property consists of some 500 act PS In Magoffln county , Kentucky , and Is a portion of 40,000 ncres given by the state oilglnally .0 three ploneera In 1892 Nightingale says that he piirclmml the property , but as ho could not go after the warranty deed tlie uper was given to Flor to deliver to him. nstead of HO doing Flor Iw charged with huv- ng filled In the warranty deed , which was jlank , with his own name and with having filed the paper of rocoid. Nlghtligalo IB oeklng to recover the value of the property , )2,500. ) and $1,000 damages. .ToliiiKou I'll i-M lllN AiiNtvrr. P. C , Johnson , the former director of the Citizens bank , against whom the odlceru of the bank recently brought gult to recover some $5,000 on n note , yeflcrday filed an nnsucr In which ho denies that the olllccrs uve the legal power to bring Hie suit. He al. egea that tlie bulking board took posncMion of all the property of the bank on October 20 and that the ofilrerB , therefore , had no egal capacity to bring cult In behalf of the jank thereafter. He admits that he gave the note , \VouliI Ileilurc Coiilti-r'N lloml , A motion was prewsnted this morning to Judge Dullle to reduce the bond of J , K , Coulter , the ox-deputy city treasurer , charged vlth cinbbzzUmcnt , to $10,000. Coulter's bond was fixed at $20,000 by I'ollcs Judge Icrka , who refused to reduce It. Coulter has teen unublo to raise the bond and Is there- ore confined at the county Jail , The reason advanced In favor of the motion la that oulter Is unable to prepare a defense because 10 cannot gut out of jail. .Minor MulKTM In Court , In Judge Ferguson's court the American Vatlonul bank Is filing the Union National tank on a certificate of deposit for $5,000. At the conclusion of tlie cai > @ F , E. Schmidt sill be placed on trial on the charge nf grand arceny and burglary , This molding the cane of Clark M. Plait galni't tbe Dime Savlngn bank watt on trial jcfora Judge Dullle. I'lult la cuing for $1,500 , le claims that lie put that amount Inlci the tcck of the bank on the rcprenentallona of ts cltlccra that It was solvent , when they ( new It wuij Insolvent. Shortly after putting n the money the bank fa'Ud , Editor Hakei of th ? Gietna Reporter has > on about tl.u criminal court for ( he past ? n days waiting for Judge BcoU to liupoes- enteuce upon him r/n Hie charge of criminal Ibel , of which lie wan convicted. Raker wan : allpd upor contcuce a week ego list Hat- ird y. Hi did uot arrlvo In the court ro3in mill till hour after thr. case had been called , ijnce that time Judge Kcott liaa been com- lellluc him to await hit pltamire , SIGNED FOR A CONTINUANCE Stipnlntion Filed at tlio Bequest of Urn Railroad Companies. UNION DEPOT HEARING IS POSTPONED llnllroiiil llir < < MrntnlM < Nonlcil TliiiiIn V/lilcli < ti l.dok liHn thr I'rojort lr < iiu < iit IijClll - 7fiiN unit riirtlicr lifarlnR liy the Stnto llonnt of Trnnsiiortatlou on Oiimlm'D claims for better pRSi-eiiKer ilcpot frtclllllos 1ms licdi continued until Thursulay. December 2t ! . Tlio nu'ctlng of the boardvni niljourncvl t o ojl < s ngo until yea- tenlny nnd sine ? tlmt tlmo ttio .igllatlon fur a new union depot 1ms to nruu d pnlilio si'iitlnuMit tlmt tlio. rnllronils luivo I.DOM forced to realize that wiiiotliliiB must bo done. Tlio matter tins bfon taken | > by rcp- rcsentnthcs of ( ho dlfforont llnp- < and by tlio business representatives of the city anil liai bscn tlio tmbject of inticli discussion and plan ning. In summing up tlio altu.ttlon tlio promoters - motors of the Kurnain street depot project discovered tlmt tlio railroads would need moro tlmo Inlilch to coniiiler the iiroposltlon nnd It was found thai all tlio p.irtlesi Interested wcro anxlouu to have the ntalter deferred for a few weeks. Judge Kelly of the Union I'a- clllc will bo absent from tlio city and attor neys of the other roads weie not prepirod to take tip the matter nt the present time. Attorney Oenetnl Chnrclilll pleaded Important butlncs'i In the supreme court at Lincoln and stated tint he could not well tnko the matter up until after Christmas. In view of those conditions' HID parlies In terested In the hearing signed n stipulation , agreeing to and asking n continuance of the caca until Thursday , December 2fi. TliU was presented to the State Hoard of Tnnsportn- tlon yesterday at the Commercial club nnd accepted. An adjournment of the hearlng'was then ofllclnjly ordered. IT TIKII iu run sin < : i > itin. HlkliornNI > II ( < M | ( hiArtlou of diet ICaiiNriN Cll > - Cunililiu- . A. J. Vanlandlnghnni , freight commissioner of the Kansas Clly Hoard of Trade , Is In tlu city attending the meeting of the Trans- mlsalsslppl congress and Incldcntfllly look ing Into the < ] iicc-tloii of Brain rates from Ne braska points to Knnsts City. That grain rate question has not been set tled yd , and may not como out as smoothly as Mr. Vanlnndlngliam has planned. That gentleman haa made i > n enviable reputation as commissioner of the Kansas City llusliuus Men's association nnd has a record for get ting what ho goes after. Some weeks ngo when the Union I'aclllc mailp a readjustment of grain ratca from Nebraska that put Kan sas City on something like an equality with Omaha In territory In wli'ch ' Omaha ohoiild have prior cinlm , Mr. Vanlamllngliam nnd his backera In Kansas Cl'y ' mnclu a howl that caused a meeting of the freight men In Kansnn Cityjbrougl t from Freight Trartlc Manager Mu ( rWof th ? Union 1'aclllc a premIse - Iso of a modli. * 5fion of the rntea that would continue to give Kansas City shippers the monopoly of the business they had formerly held In Nebraska. Hut the modification of rates has not yet been made. TheIClkhorn people linvo IKV come tiled of having their territory In north ern Nebraska made directly tributary to Kansas City. They filed notlco with the Union Pacific that any attempt to reduce the rate fixed to Kanius City would itsnlt in the Elkhorn Ignoring Union I'nclflc schedules and making a rate direct to Chicago ami Omaha from north Nebraska , one that would protect the Elkhorn's Interests , and let the Union Pacific look for business from some other feeders than the KlUliorn lines. This declaration has resulted In a tlcup of the proposed schedule In favor of Kansas City , and * there is moro or less trouble on Mr. Vnnlandlngham's mind. Th ? matter will betaken taken up again at another meeting to beheld held toon. _ -3 mV MUST SKTTM2 OH FltlllT. ' Mr. I.oiiinx Tires of Tnllc mill llc- rlnroN IlliiiNolf. Oeneral Passenger Agent Lomax of tlia Union Pacific has gone to Chicago to take an other round with the big guns who nro trying to get the western passenger business Into eomo kind of shape. There has been trouble almost long enough , so the moguls think , over the business to the Pacific coapt and affairs nave reached the point where either an agree ment or a fight Is a foregone conclusion. Tlicio Is trouble over emigrant rates , over "party rates" to Pacific coast points and over almost every feature of the bublness. The roadu have been holding almost. emllesH con ferences on tlio mooted questions and there Is now a prospect that they may get together. The I'nclllc coaot situation has had much to do In bringing the roadn Into the possibility of agreement. A flglit wns ttarted between the Oregon Hallway & Navigation und the Southern Pacific. The faro from San Fran cisco to Seattle was cut from $15 to $5 and then the Southern PucUlc made a $10 rate from San Francisco to Portland , via the , Shasta route , Including Pullman berths und meals. The cut from San Krancleco to Port land m.ide a cut , In effect , from St. Paul to I'nclllc coast points and started to Influence travel In that direction. This Interested the Union Pacific nt once nnd the Southern Pa cific has been hedged about by inlliicncca that have led It to como Into the present mcotlm ; In Chicago with a promise to act decently In the matter. The agreement will probably be reachtfl In time to ive ; ! the western pisscnger men something to bo thankful for on Tliurs- day. _ To ( In- Memory of Lincoln. John Curry of Lincoln Is In the city for the purpose of draining assistance In h.i ! plan to erect a life size Matuf nf Abraham Lincoln on the Btnto house square In Lincoln. Ho ban endorsements from Governor Ilol- comb , Mayor Graham and mnny of the promi nent business men of Lincoln. Mr. Ourrlo is an old froldler and ban hlmsrdf conceived the model for the ctatuo , which hu been approved by Robert T. Lincoln. The mnrblo has been donated by a southern firm and ho Is now seeking subscriptions for the purpot' > of paying for the expense of doing the work. WUlll'NHI'M. There are knaves now and then met with who represent certain local hitlers and pois onous fctiinull OH Identical with or potscuslni ; properties akin to those of Hottettor's Btom- ach Dlttom These saimps only succeed In oletlng their trashy compiiunds upon people macqualntsd wllh tlio genuine article , which a as much thtilr opposite as day U to night , Auk und take no Bubntltute for the grand remedy for malaria , dyspepsia , coiutlpitlon , rheumatism and kidney trouble. .IlK-IC .IllllllHOIl'H JoUO. * . Jack Johnion , allau Larson , went Inlo ( ha | saloon of Jacob Kopold and called for a glata of bcor. It was not forthcoming as rapidly as he thought props-r , BO when nt last ha grasped tliu li.indb of the lurgo HQhooner ht > hrow It at Iho he-ad of Mr. Kopold BH a gentle reminder that the offense mutt never > 3 repeated. Larsen WBB nrrextcd yesterday on a charge of assault nnd battery. A Gil IM The pleasant flavor , gentle action and Booth- IriR effects of Syrup of Klgs , wlion In need of a laxative , and If tlm father or mother bo costive or bllllous , thu "tost gratifying re- sullu follow Ut ) uao ; 10 that It In tlio best family remedy known , and every family should have a bottlu on hand. Look out for colds ut thin season. Keep yourself well und Mrong by taking Hood's Sarcaparllla , tlio Bnat tonic und blood purl- fler. Tin- ) * Tell UHfiTi'iil 'I'/iH-n. Mrs. McAulcy , living at 1613 Howard strnet , was arm-ted yesterday charged ulth fl - saultliiK Kverett L. KlflKK with a * ruuk fctrap. KlaBi { claimed the ansault wan unprnvok < < l , while Alru. MflAuley alleges tlmt KlaxK bun been makliiK remark ) ) about htrsulf liable to Injure uny xuod woman's character. I" l employed In the city flre department , Acti nt ones , never falU , Qup Minute 'ure , A remedy for ubthnm , and tbat Jtyer- < h coudltlon whlc-li ac niia | l u teyeie cyld , Tlie only liannlpaa remedy ( tut prpducei Iw- ncJlate retult * .