Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Thcro W.u Hardly Any Busluoas on tbo
On < * Hold Vr-ry Stfinly nnd Wllliuni
llnrdly An ? ' HimlncKfi Menu
Itciitrt | Were
CHICAGO , Nov. 2rt. Thert wan hardly
Any business on the hoard , ns wires were
nil down , nnd there wns nothing In the
way of news to base operations on. There
was not a wire working In nny direction
nt the opening of business , nnd It was nn
hour or two before nny communication
wis established with the outside world ,
Then the Kansas City wire got In shape
nnd Milwaukee and St. Louis followed , but
these brought little of Importance In the
way of new * . Up to noon nothing had been
Jicard from the ccabonrtl , and the trade
wns In Ignorance ns to the condition of
foreign malhMs nnd of the world's ship
ments , In which so much Interest centered
yesterday. There was an tinolllclal report
yesterday that they had been 0,000,000 bit. ,
but the trade was hoping to havu this enor
mous amount reduced by report todny.
As n result , whatever trade existed was
conducted without any reference to current
newti nnd wholly on the Individual opinions
of the trailers.
May kept narrow all day and sold nt from
Glc to Gl'ie , and December nt from Wic
to f.7c. During the last hour the market
had n tilth spurt on the belter cables nnd
Mny fold at fiom r.l ' , c to fil-e split , nnd
December to riTir , but Foon turned weak
nnd fell to from wj4c ; to Glc , May , nnd from
f.r.Hc to 67o , December. May closed at
Corn wns Inactive nnd featureless , the
trade being hampered by the same reasons
which koitt wheat Imietlve. The few early
transactions In May wms at 291fcc nnd 23 > M
29'c. There was nothing of Importance In
the way of news during the closing hour
nnd May held at from _ 9o ! to 29"Jc " spill ;
November sold nt 27sio early , off to 27-t'e.
OntH held very steady nnd with hardly
nny business. May sold nt 20V c , and nt
from 2010 to 209iic split , nnd clo ed nt 20'4c. '
Hog product : * slow ; May poik sold at
from $3.37',4 ' to JD.'IO ; May lard , $3.75 lo $5.7714 ,
nml May ribs nt from $1.771 $ to $1.80 eailv.
The market was weaker during the last
hour and Mny pork fill to from } n.27'.t ' to
M.30 : May lard to fiom $0.721 $ to to.7"i , nn I
May Him nt $1.7214 to Sl.Tf ! .
Onnli iiuntntlona wore ns follows :
FI.OIMI Dull : wlntt-r patents. $3.13fl.r.O ; win
ter FtrnlKhts , > 2.r.0f3.20 : yiilnK | patt-nlg , IZA'M
8.W ; fprlng slrnlghls. )2.C'.W2.M ; bakers , 51.S3
62. SO
_ Wljr.AT-No. 2 FprlnK , r.Cr,7 lc ; No. 3 Hiring ,
rOHN No. 2 , 27 < { crNo , S > elow ! , 27 4c.
OATS-NO. 2. ISHC ; NO. 2 white , f. o. b. . 20 ®
lie : No. 3 while , f. o. b. , lS'i@Oc. '
11Y10 No , 2 , JP.C.
llAHI.Mr No. 2 , nominal.
VI.AX t4i-tn : NO. i. O3'c.
TIMOTHY RK1-D 1'rlnie. 3.f.O.
1'ItOVIHIONS JICFH poik , per bbl. . IT.MfjS.OO.
Inrd , per 100 Ibs. , 15.43. Short ribs , sides ( lno e ) ,
H.MJft.l'i.'i : dry salted shoulders ( liared ) . JI.OOJJi
4.7C : Hhort tides llmxod ) , $4.re4.S7'.4.
AVHISKV Dlsllllcrs' llnlshcd Roods , per K | . ,
rot'I.TUV null ; turkeys , Co ; chickens , 43c ;
dticks , SflSlic.
Tlic following were the iccelpts nnd shipments
todny :
Cniiilltlnu of Trndc nnd Qiiotntlnnit
on Staple nnd Fancy 1'roilncc.
So far tlie TlianUjglvIng trade In the line of
poultry lias been of n fairly Batlsfnelory char
acter. The flint of the week buyers were liold-
InR off iiml ucre not placlnp their orders , there
belli ) ; n feeling tlmt a lic.-ivy lun would material
ize that would t educe prices. On the oilier
homl , iccelvctn were mostly llrm nnd were refus
ing to st'H for leal than lOc , while some would
not nccept that price even. Yesterday , the duy
when the bulk of the buying Is supposed to In.
done , found the inaiket very poorly supplied with
turkeys. The receipts came struggling In all
( lay nnd nt no time wns there any quantity or
the mnikct. Thu lesult was that receivers hu :
it a Rrod deal their own way und they miule lilt
buyer settle by paylnir , as u lulc , ] 2c for good
tock , Quite a number of buycts , however , re
fused lo pay ft In hopes that n woiilt1
matciliillzo loilay and lhat they would still be
nblo lo 1111 their reiulrements at a lower price.
It will he noted lhat the poultry market Is veij
hlRh nt this point , as compared wlt.i the markets
nt gther poln H. lloth Chicago and New York
< iuoti- turkeys way twlow the jirlcc prevalllnif In
Omaha. Geese and ducks were hi fair tcquesl ,
but .ltu > nmiket did not show any Improvement.
ClikkeiiB remain quiet at previous low
Uame wns In very coed demand on ncconnt of
the holiday trade nnd In snm ? cases selleis wcic
enabled lo upline the market a little.
lKKs irmaln llrm us quuled.
Dm Ing the few weeks Europe was buying
butter from this countiy an Immense ani3unt 01
butler was exported. ICxports fiom 3s' w York
nlone up to November 10 were 111,030 packaijen ,
which IH more than 1M.WW packages In excess of
khlpments for the same time last yenr. In
nddlllon large Ehlpments went from llostou nna
Canadian ports. Quotation * :
KOU.S-.Stilclly fiesh stock , ISc.
I1UTTEU riickliiK Block , Office : fair to good
country , 12T14c ; chulco to fancy country , liQISc :
withered creamery , 17JlSc ; bcparuior creamery ,
VKAIv-Choleo fat. TO to 100 Ibi. , are quoted at
7W7' e : huge and coarse , 4@Cc.
CIlKiKI3 : Domestic hrlrk , llJc ; Edam , per
doz. , (10 : Club House , 1-lb. jars , per doz. , 13. CO ;
I lmburKcr , fancy , per lb. , llic ) ; Hoqutfort , > i-lu.
jars , per doz , , 13. CO ; Youna Americas , lUUc ;
Twins , funey. lie.
I'OUI/rilY l.lve-IIens. per lb. . Bo ; chick
ens , per lb. , Sc ; roosters. 3Nc ; ducks , 8fi9c ;
lurltoja. lUiillc ; gcete , 8iJC3c. Dreased Chickens ,
6c : ducks. SliWlOc ; turkeys , choice , 12e ; ceese.
HAY Upland , JC.50 ; midland , J6j lowland , } 5 50 ;
ryi- straw , } t.f > U ; rolor makes the prleo on hay ;
llcht balcn sell the best. Only top grades bring
top prices.
fillOOM COnN-New crop , delivered on track
In countiy , choice green eclf-worklng carpet , per
lb. , : vic ; chotco green running to hull , 2&c :
common. 1'ic.
QAMK 1'ialrlP rhlekens , young , per doz. , } G ;
quail , fl.7CG2.00 ; Jack snipe , 75c ; golden plover ,
)1.25 ; J.ick raliulln , per dnz. , 12 ; small
rabljIlB. tl ; mallard durkB. J.l.fjQ : redheads. * : i.f,0 ;
rnnvnshaek ducks , J5.COfT8.0 < J : leal , blue whig.
Sl.75ft2.00 ; trnl , green wing. J1.75 ; mixed ducks ,
Jl.)4i.iH ; Cnnada geese , } : unill geese , t4.'iO ;
liranls , J3.50 ; Oeer saddles. ISSTlCe ; deer carcasses ,
124013c ! ; ck ! Faddlfs , IHfUc : flk caa-asscs ,
HSflOc ; anlelope saddles , 12&14e ; antelope car-
rOTATOE3-On track , car lots , 25c ; email
loin from store , 30c.
ONIONS . per bu. , 25030c ; Imported Rpnnlfli
onlor , , , cl. crale , WfiCSc ; home gmwn Spsnlsh ,
per , bbl. . Jl.CO ; 3 to s-bbl. lots , J1.35.
ItKANri Hand-picked navy , per bu. . $1.6501,75.
KWUIIT I'OT.VTOKS-Cholce stock. } 2 per bbl.
K ° n oril'r"1 crateii. P" 1M " *
CIII.EUY Funey Uore Colorado. tSjJCOc ; choice
' "fit. largo No. 1 , 40B45o ; large No. 2. 35c ; small ,
Z&Qt 3'JOi '
MMA HRANS-Pcr lb. . tMe
WATKR CUESS-Per 16-qt. case , $1.5001,75.
CAUI.-OHNIA QUINCiS-P : r bor. , $1.50.
OJtKUON 1'KAItS-Per case. J8.Z3.
CUANIliUIlH.:8-Cliolcc stock , per bbl. , $5.50.
MAI.\IA OHAI'KB-Per CO-lb. bbl. , $0 ; per M
to 70 lb . gross , j ; ,
KA8TEI1N UltAPKS-No shlrplng stock.
CAMKOIINIA QltAPES Tokays , per.doublo
race , 3.UOif3.23.
The market U almost baio of and tlio
nun ket Is higher. There was u , cor on Hi ? way
ht-ro which WHS Intended for the TliiinkKlvln
tiude , l > ut It Iniu Iwi-n lobt enroule and llirre Is
IIOr.l.1.r"Jl./cA / "f. ' . ' * a'rlv'nk' ' In time , yuouuions :
OUANtlKS-MexIrans. per box . .
, Jt.0um.60 : ' jo-
nmli-iis , pructlcully none.
l.KMUNH-C-allfornla. p r box , JI.WUI.75 ; Me -
iilnas. size 3CD. Jt.W ; slro 500 , I5.W.
IIANANABChoice large mock , pvr bunch , 12.00
G2.25 ; medium sited bunches , 11.70.
11101:3 AND TALLOW.
IIim.S-No : i , green liliKa , 41 > Ci No. 2 green
hides , 3ic ! ; No. 1 green u.ilted hides , 6c ! ; No. S
green salted hides , 4 c ; Nu. ! given united hides
" to 10 lb . , 4i4u : No. t gK-enuUfd _ hides , 25 to
nale es , c : par cure es ,
than fully cured.
HHiir PUI/rS-Qteen altcd , each 2J fCOc :
ireni sailed shearlings Ohort woolcd caily kktns )
racli He ; dry hearllniii ( thort woaled early
klnO. No. I. each , We ; dry h arliiKs ] ( horl
wooled early tklnit. No. \ . taZt > .
dry Hint Kunias ana Ncbratxa butch r wtiol
uells. per lb. . actual wtljiht. 606oj dry flint
Kansaii and Nebratka alurrulii woo ) uells net
lb. . actual wflsht. 48fc ; dry Hint Colorada
butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 4tfCMe :
dry flint Colorado Munaln wool pelts , per U > . ,
actual weight , 4if5c ; dry pieces inJtucki , actual
welclit , ZltSi' . Huv feet cut elf , a It It uie.
let * to pay freight on them
tallow No. 2 , So ; vrvaie. while A , Sijc ; Kroaie ,
nhllo 11. 3c ; grruie , jrllow , Hie ; Ki ase , daik ,
Zc ; old butter , iQIHc ; beeswax , prime , Ir22c ;
rough tallow , lUc.
lONKS ) In car tola wtlcncd and delivered In
Clilcagot Dry buffalo , per ion , JIS.OOOH.WI ; dry
country , bleached , per tea , | ig.WUl2.W ; dry
k. , , rtsinp nd trimly. Mr ttn , IJ.OCOS.M.
\ V001Un * h < 1. fine heavr. 87ci nne IIKht ,
laat-i quniter Mood , looiiei * uy. burry nna
cbtrtv , ttlff ; cnlieA "net broken , coarie , * a5ci
eollfrl und l > n > h n , flae. ( tile. Tleece wanned
Medium. ISflllc ; nne , B1 : tul washed , ISO
r : Mxk. ft ; bucks , ttt IKK locks , lane ; dead
DnE8flno MKATa.
t nritein slefrs. 100 lo 600 Its. , 4i !
05c , KOV.I cows nnd heifers , < % tt5c ; medium
cous ind lielfe > i. ( UUHfi * Kood forcquartiM cons
end hrlfcti , 3'lOlc , E"o.i hindquarters cows and
h lfcr , CHf7c ; filr hlndnunilers cows and
lielfi-rs , 6c , cow rnunilK , 5c ; row chucks ,
tWJHCi > trer clniikn. 3Vi9 < : i > > eef trndcrloln * .
fre h , ice ; bocf lolls , \innr\rtr. \ \ 8'4P ' ) i lrloln bulls ,
buneleti. S'ir ; loin backs , boneleM , 8 < 4c ; loin
bncii. ! ! C'JCj ' ci.w ribs' , N . J. C'ic ' : cnw loins , No.
3 , * Hcj fii-rr rlhf , 7'ic ; Mfrr loins , Oc.
Mt'TTON-nrrweJ mutton , t > lcj rncks , 8ic ! ;
Ifdi , 7inddlf. . , 7c ; ptcwt , 2'4c. '
1'nrk loin * . 61401 pnre rllu. Sc ; pork
EC : pork > hould r > , fklnn'd , 5Hc ;
13o ; ple § * feet , elrnncil , per doz. , ! 5e.
New Persian dates will coon be on the market
now , ht > the Hist sleanirr Is expected to arrive
In New Yolk In a very feu dajs. Quotations ;
OYSTI3HS Mediums , 15c ; hoiscslioes , UK ; eitra
slandards , I3o ; extra ( elects , 20c ; Ilranch & Co.
stlecls. 27c ; New York counls , 3lc ; eiandHid bulk ,
per Ksl-t $1.10.
ClUKfl I'ut * juice , per half bbl. , $2.04 ; per
bbl. , tl.SO.
HAUIIH KHAUT-Fer bbl. , $3.50 ; halt bbl. , $2.
MAI'I.C HYUt'P-Flvc-sal , cans , each , $2.75 ;
per doz. , $12 ; ' ,4-gal. cans , $6.25 ; quart cans ,
$3. * 5.
5.FIOB New crop , California , 10-lb. boxes , per
lb. , He ; common Cnllfotnla nes , 60-lb. boxes.
6r ; Imporleil fancy , SO-lb. boxes , ICc ; choice , 10-
Ih. IMXI-S. 12c.
IlATKS I'Mslnn. CO-lb. boxoi , per lb. , 5'ic ' ;
fnrds. 10-lb. lioxrs , prr lb. , 8e.
MAPI.i : RUOAIl-Cholce , per lb , , S310C.
rnKRF.UVns-AKorlPd. 50-lb. palls , each $1. < 0.
rorn.\Nl'TR Per ion. $5
NUTS Almond" , California , per lb. . tn'dlnm
alz , lOc ; Tarragona nlmonds , per lb. , lalgc , 13c ;
Htarll ? , per III. , Oe ; HnRlleh wnlnulo , per lb. ,
fancy nofl slicll. 12'4 ' 13c ; standards , iKiTH'Sc ' ;
filberts , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , polWu-d medium.
lOc ; large. 12c ; peanuts , raw , 6',4c ; masled , Tit
7',4c ' ! chP ! > tnuts , 150 ; hickory nuts , small , per bu. ,
$1.73 ; black walnuts , P > r bariel , $2.00 ; cocoanuts -
nuts , 5o ; cocoanuts , p'r 100 , $4.50.
| No. lINo. IINo. II
I Lge. IMd'mliiin'll
Illick * ' IS 00 $ saio $10012 $ 5 00
Illack Yearllng-i. 10 00 71)0 ) 7 W 300
lllack Cubs Gif 5 4 00 500 2 00
Itliuk Montana &
Mounlaln . . . 18(722. . 14 00 1000 10 00 403
lllnck Montana
Yearllngi . . . 12 CM I 00 (00 COO 2 50
Illnck Monlann
Culu 6 50 [ 4 50 300 4 00 2 00
Rhver Tip SO 0 12 .K ) 8 00 900 4 01
Kllver Tip Yrlgs 11 00 8 M 5 00 500 2 C )
Silver Tip Cub . 00 4 50 300 3 00 , 1 M
Ilrown 20O25 15 0) 12 00 12 00 5 00
Yearlings 8 00 G 00 8 00 ! 4 01
Cubs 7 00 5 00 3 00 4 W : o )
Iludger 131 CO CO 50 50 50
Welter II 00 00 4 00 4 00 2 00
Silver ( according
to b auly ) 100 00 CO 00 40 00 3000 10 00
Silver Pale fac-
conl'ir to Dea'y ) 50 00 30 01 2)00 15 00 600
Cross , 7 00 3 DO 200 1 50 1 00
Hed 1 60 1 1 00
Uray 50 40 35 15
Kit 50 40 30 2) 10
Lynk 3 00 20) ) 1 a- ; 1 2o 5)
Marten 2 00 1 50EO 1 00 1 00 CO
Mink 8065 EO 25 10
Mink Dark 85 65 20 10
Mountain Lion ,
( perfect head
nnd feet ) 1O 2
Oiler g 00 E 00 4 00 2 00
Otter Pale 7 00 4 00 300 1 50
Finccoon 60 70 25 20 10
Itaccoon , lllnck ,
( as to beauty ) 50O
lllack. cased 115 75 50 50 25
Short striped 1 00 70 45 40 20
Narrow striped. . . 50 40 25 20 10
Ilroad striped. , . . 20025
Wolverine 4 00 3 00 200 200 1 00
Wolf Mounlaln. . . 3 < K > 2 0' ' ) 1 50 75 40
Wolf rralrlc 635J30 CO 40 20 10
Heaver , per skin. t > O 6 4 50 2 00 4 00 2 00
llraver Klls. too 1 50 75 50 25
Winter 8010
Klls 2
CIoHliii ; Qtiotiitloti * nn tlic I'rliiclpnl
ConiiiiodltlvH tiiiil Staplon.
NKW YORKV Nov. 2t ! . FLOt'U-necelpts ,
13,500 bbls. ; exports , I3.M ) rack ? , 15,000
pkgs ; market dull ; wlnler firmly held ;
springs neglected , except special brands ;
city mill palMits , $4.IOifl.2J ; winter patents ,
$3.50J3.70 ; city mill clears. $4.WR4.10 ; win
ter straights , $3.3003.40 ; Minnesota patents ,
$3.4303.CO ; wlnler extras $2.70(53.10 ( : Minnesota
bakeis , $2.7I3.10. Rye Hour , steady ; fancy , $2.80
Q3.0J. lluckwheat Hour , dull at $1.S3.
HUCKWHUAT Weal : at 41'4l043c.
IIUAN Dull ut $2.CO.
HY15 Nominal ; No. 2 western , 42c ,
1IAULKY Weak ; westein , 33f4'c. '
11AULKY MALT Weak ; western , 505Se.
CORN MBAL Quiet ; yellow western , coarse ,
73ft S.'c ; Ihandywlne , $2.15.
, WHEAT Receipts , 455.CW bu. ; exports , 20,400
bu. ; sales , 855,000 Irj. fuluies , 114,00' ) bu. spot.
Spot market dull nnd eapy ; No. 2 red. In slorc
and elevator , C7'.io : f. o. b. , 6S'Je ; No. 1 northern ,
C3c : No. 1 hard , B7iic , delivered. Options opened
active ; advanced on. foreign buying ; reacted and
ruled down ; In the absence of telegraphic com
munication wheat was Inactive nnd closed w ik
No. 2 red , January , closed nt C3ic ; March , C7T& &
CSc , closed ut OiTic ; May. C7fi CS'c. ' , closed a
C7Hc : June , C7KSGSV c , closed nt C7 ? c ; July , CSc
closed at l8c ! ; December. C4Ti5JC3lic , closed nt GJO
CORN Receipts , 103,100 bu. ; exports. 142,700
bu. ; sales , 90,00) ) hu. fulures , CO , 000 bu. spot. S ] > o
mm ket dull , closing nominal ; No. 2 , 36c In ele
vator , 37c delivered nlloat. Options opened steady
but ruleil Inactive nil day ; January , K < 1.
3ic : May , 3Jiii3')7ie , closed at 35Jc ; November
3Gc ; December , srtSJSjI&c , cloned at S. V c.
OATfc' llecelpts , 135. 2'W bu. ; exports , 2,000 bu.
sales , Gil.uoo bu. Spot maikct cttady ; No. B , 22 > :
? 2lc ; No. 2 , delivered , 23-iW2lc ; No. 3. 22c ; No
2 wlilli- . 24i2t'/ic ; No. 3 wlilte. 231S3'/4c ' ; truck
while , 2lif(2Tc. ! ( Options opened Inactive an <
ruled featureless , closing nominal ; January , 23c
Frbiuaty closed nt 24 Me ; Mny , 2oic. ! closed a
23c : November closed At 23c ; December , 23 < M
23VJc. closed nl 23'ic. '
WOOI. Quiet ; domestic ncece. JCS23c ; pulled
HAY Quiet ; shipping : , $7.00S7.CO ; good to
ItOl'S Kasy : stnlc , common to choice , 1804
crop , 37c ; 1S15 ! crop. 7fflOc ; 1'aclllc coast , 1S94
croi3jc ! ; IKi : . croii , SjtlOc.
11IIMS Nominal ; California. 21 to 25 Ibs. , ISO
! S'ic ; Galveslmi , 20 to 2J Ibs. , IGo ; llucnos Ayres.
dry. 20 lo 21 Ibs. , 21c ; Texas , dry , 21 to 30 Ibs.
IjIJATIinn Steady : hemlock sole. Iluenos
Ayr , ' . light lo heavy , 2lc ; ueld , ? lHff24c.
I'llOVISIONS ncef. Hleadyj family , Jll.BO ; beet
hams , > 15.00Sfirj.W. Cut meals , easy ; pickled
liellles. J5.50ffl5.75 ; plckk-d slioulder. , I3.75JTG.W ;
plrkled hams , 13.75 19.00. l.anl. dull ; weslein
steam closing nt J5.85 nskeil : November , $5.8) )
nominal ; letlned , quiet ; continent , JC.20 ; South
American , J6.M. 1'oik , dull , steady ; old mess
IIUTTKII neeolpts , C.EOO pkgs. ; steady ; west-
em dairy , UTilJ ic ; western creamery. )
2Htc ; KlBlns , ZJVlc.
nqGS IlccelplB , 9,341 pkcs. ; sleady ; weslern ,
CHKESR Itecelpls. 3,549 pkg.i. ; quiet ; large
7'.i ' < rnOc : tmall. 6ffllO > ic ; part skims , SllKOc'
full skims. H4f3c. '
PKTIIOLBUM Active nnd higher : United rlosed
at $1.GO bid ; rellncd. New York , $8.50 ; Philadel
phia ami Ilaltlmore , $8.45.
TALLOW Quiet ; city , 4'Sc ; country , 4 o.
ROrflN Firm ; strained , common to good , $1,65
TUIH'BNTINB Dull. 27iffl2Se.
HICK Quiet ; domestic , fnlr to extra , .
11I5TALS 1'lif Iron , ctcady ; Houthcrn , $13. OM ; noithein , $12,000H.50. Cnppsr , dull ; brokers'
price , $11 ; exchange price. $11.00911.15. Lend ,
quiet ; exehango price , $3.25S3.27J4. Tin , harely
steady ; slralls , $ H.23SJ'14.3' ) . Speller , dull ; do
mestic , JS.OOfSS.r,1) . Sales on 'change , 10) tens tin
to April 30 , $ H.25.
COTTON 8iin OIL Inactive ; undertone Hrm ;
prime etude , 25HT:6c ; butter grades , 30f31c ;
prim" summer > ellow , 2nJJOc ; off summer yellow ,
ColTi't *
NH\V YOniC , Nov , 20. Warehouse deliveries
from New Yoik yesterday , 20.528 bags ; New York
, Htork today , 2C7.WG bags ; United Stales stock.
S.-i..SM Imp ) ; nlloat for the United States , 17S > , IKM
bags ; total vlslhle for the United States. D31.235
bags , ngalnst 003,94) bags last year.
Optlims opened steady at unchanged prices to
10 points advance ; reacted under local and for-
elgn selling pressure nnd closed at BST10 points
net decllnu ; sales , 23.GOO bags. Including ; Janu
ary. I1I.10Q14.15 ! February , 111 ; March , I13.7581
13.bJ ; May , > 13.25fil3.3 ! September , SIS.50ft 12.0) ;
December , $ H.OOSfl4.30. Spot , Illn , cany ; No. 7 ,
$ in.00 15.23. Mild , dull : Cuidova. tl6.W lC.50
Hiilea 500 l-ags. No. 7 , $15 ; spot , 100 bags Mara-
c.ilbi ) . p. t.
SANTOS , Nov. 26. Qulel ; good average Santos ,
( l..i ) ; receipts , Iwo days , 21,000 bags ; stock. 41G
0 < X ) bugs.
HAMIIl'RO , Nov. 26. Quiet nnd unchanged to
! i pf * ? ud\i\iicc ; sales , 10,000 bags.
IlAVIli : . Nov. S6. Opened steady , unchanged
to Uf advanc ; at noon , ! < f ndvancu ; at 3 p. m. ,
Irregular , ( if decline ; market cluaed Inegular ,
unchanged to iif net advance ; nalru. 2J.ol bags.
11IO , NHV , 20. Dull ; No. 7 Itlo , $14,40 ; ex-
clungf. V ? d ; cleared fur the United Stnlts , 9,000
bags ; for liurope , 4,000 bugs ; stock. 190,090 bags.
NKW YORK , Nov. 20. COTTON Futures
closed baiely blcady ; sales , 230,000 hales ; January
14.43 ; I-Vhiunry , $ S.4G : March. $3.53 ; ApHI. ' US :
May , $ S,6lj June. $8.66 ; July. $8.6J : Aumist. tl.68
September , $8.S4 ; November , $8.38 ; December ,
B.IJ ? <
Middling , S4o ; net receipts , none ; gross , 5.010
bales ; exports to the continent , l.bOO bales ; for
warded , 3.032 bales ; sales. 207 bales , all spinners :
stock , 18i.4H luilca.
HT. LOUIH. Nov. 26.-COTTON-Steady , l-16c
ilKher ; mlddllnii , S l-l6c ; sales , 300 bales ; re
ceipts , 8,204 talcs ; shipments , 7,308 bales ; stock ,
4J.C31 bales.
NKW ORLKAN8. Nov. 26. COTTON Qulft :
nlddllng. 8 5-lCc ; low middling , 8 1-lCc ; good or-
Unary. 7 c ; net receipts , 16.112 bnles ; gross ,
17,43'J bales : exporU to Great Itrltaln , 3,800 luiles ;
coaiilwU . l,9Sa bales ; sales , 3,000 tales ; ulock ,
346,833 bales. _
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 24. 8UOAR Raw. quiet ;
air ifllnlne , Sc ; cenlrlfUKal , W teit , 3ic ; re
ined , dull ; slandiml A. 4Hc ; confeclloners' A.
He ; cut loaf , 6ic ! ; crutlu-d , iUcj powdered , 47 c ;
grnnulated. 4iic.
U1NDON. Nov. 26. SI'OAR-Cane. nothing
lolng ; centilfucal Java , 12s 3d ; Muncavado , fair
reflnlm ; , 10s 3d ; beet sugar , dull ; na demand :
{ nvember , 10 * llUd ; ktockf beet in the UnlleJ
Chigdom , 116,0ft ) tons.
Dry GouiU JInrket ,
NKW YORK , Nov. 26. Dry goods market quiet
and somewhat indifferent for lack of mall orders
and rulny weather , llruwn and bleached cotton
a Very llttla demand , Fancy cottoci , domestics ,
hnvi ! the cult , with the plain Mylrn no urcom
choice. Cloths dull At unchanged quotation * .
Tlirre'tx Utllr If Any ClmtiRC In
NKW YORK , Nov. 26. There was little If nny
change In the character of Iho stock speculation
todny. Dullness wns the mnln feature nml tlio
bear contingent also monopolized the lending ,
especially In the Industrials. The railway list
proved superior to the other Industrials on the
same Influences as were noted yesterday , namely ,
moderate buying of tlio International shares for
foreign account , nnd more cheerful advices ns to
the Kuropcnn speculative sllunllon. The fore
going conditions tended lo effect Ihe gold engage
ments for shipment tomorrow , aggregating $1.200-
CO ) . It Is understood the gold to be forwarded
affords a minimum of profit. The ex
change market continues dull , with the
supply of gold and cotton bills sulllclently
large to cause nn ensler tendency , though with
out noteworthy change in < iuotnllons. There wna
no news of Importance bearing upon Ihe general
maikct nsldc from Ihe itold engagements , nnd
Ihcy appeared to bo Ignored by the traders , owing
lo the assumption that netton to relieve the
treasury will not bo long delayed.
A more tangible explanation of the steadiness
of the railway list Is Ihe slalemcnls of earn
ings by roads In nearly nil sections , nslde from
the soulhwest. nnd the statement ot foreign
Felling of our securities. Ilunlnemt wns poorly
dlstrllmled. Tobacco , Sugar nnd Leather pre
ferred completely ouliiin Iho other stocks In
point of activity. The llrsl menlloned were the
leaders In this respect , nnd Sugar cnme second ,
restoring the order of Monday's market , Trans
actions In Tobacco nmounled to one-foul th of Ihe
willic dealings , and nt the low point wns down
2H per cent. It closed within IT * per cent of
the ; highest nnd lecordcd only nn unimportant
decline. Leather preferred was lelatlvtly much
less active , but was unpleasantly conspicuous by
ending with it net decline of 2 > i tier cent. The
movement wns ngnki atlilbuled to a leading
manipulator , who has been persistent for some
tltno past in his ntlcmpt upon the Industilnl
shales. General Hlcclrlo nn limited trading
scored the only other Important loss. The gen
eral mniket had Inlervnls of decline nnd rcnctlon
throughout the day , but cln l quiet , with net
changes nboul evenly divided between gains nnd
losses , none of which , aside from thu stocks
named , c.vcceded small fincllons. The market for
bonds wan dominated by the course of the stock
speculation. The buslm > was fairly large , ex
ceeding ycslelday's totals. Sales , 11,133,000. The
couiso of prices was Irregular.
The Kve-nlng Post's Ixndon cablegram fays ;
The nccounl to be nnnnRed nt this settlement Is
small nnd the rates higher limn luual , except on
Americans , where n plight bull nccounl Is shown.
Contanso nre 3H nnd 4'.5 ' per cent. There was a
more general Improvement today , AmeiIcons were
belter , hut closed n Khs.dc below the besl.
The following were the clnsing quotations on
Ihe lending slocks of the Now York exchange
today :
\cw Yprlc Money MnrUc-t.
l'if2 per cent ; last loan , 2Vfc per cent ; closing
247 21 , ' . per cent. easy.
STERLING KXqHANOE-Stendy. with nctua
business In bank.-rs1 bills at { 4.SMI4.S31J for de
mand nnd nt $4 S7fcjl.S774 for sixty-days ; posted
rates , $4.88iitl4.ui ! : commercial Mils , $4.SCi.
GOVERNMENT I1ONDS Steady ; state bonds
Inactive ; railroad bonds , weak.
Closing quotations on bonds were rs follows :
nOSTON. Nov , 23. Clearings , J16CMSC3 , ; bal
ances , 11,678.243.
1IALT1MOKI3. Nov. 20.-Clcarlngs , I2.C16.S70 ;
balances , > :92K ! ) ! .
NEW YOIIK. Nov. ! . Clearings , I10J.S37.876 ;
balances , I6,7C8 , C8 ,
I'lIII/ADlII.rillA. Nov , M , Clearings , 113,501 , .
Z7 ; balanci-8. M,97 , S2 ,
ST. I.OUI9. Nov. 26. Clearings , 13,587,554 ; bal.
antes , JI28.S24. Money. 5i 7 per cent. New York
exchange , SOo premium bid.
Nn\V YOIIK. Nov. 26. Lacard Frerfs will ship
tomorrow JSOo.OOO In Kohl bars. Hoffman & Co.
ray thry will ship IUO.OUO In gold burs.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. The treasury today
out Illl,0u0 In gold bullion for export , which
eaves Ihe true amount of the reserve > kO,02lMO ,
( inCAQO , Nov. 2 . Clearings. J1J,6 1,0)0.
Money , demand light : 6if5U per cent on cull : 614
> er frwit on time. New York exchange sold at
Oa premium , tflerllntr , vauied rates , M.DO on de.
naud , Jl.i9 on sixty duyii.
Mtiiirhi'Ktor Texlllm ,
MANCHESTEH , Nov. J0.-Cloths Hrm but not
active. Yarns steady , with u moderate demand.
'KrlxcoVlifiil ( tuutiitluim ,
BAN FliANCIBCO , Nov. S& WllBAT-Uaikr ;
May. J1.04H.
Supply of Oattlo LirhlSbd. but Hogs Cam
' S ? ' "h i
with * a'llusb ' ,
HORN AVcrc InfeAi'tlvo ItcnucMt nni
Sold lit nn AuiTmro of ! t
the lllptlicBl for the
.ijrUESDAY , Nov. 25.
Receipts and shipments for the pas
twenty-four hours , ns compared with th
previous live days , nre as follows :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses
November 2fi . 1,749 8,015 C79
November 25. . . , . . 1.4G3 1,635 2.CCD 2
November 23 . G2 , " > 4,981 l.IGO . . .
November 22 . 2,240 6.C96 20t . . .
November 21 . l.DIO 0,729 9DO
. , . Cattle.Hogs. . Sheep. Horses
November 25 40.2 . . 1'JSO 28
November 23 401 1,623 HO
November 22 1,248 . . . . 478
November 21 2.W7 1,216 .
November 20 . 1,779 1,393 .
CATTLK The cattle cons were not very
well tilled this morning , the receipts belli
rather Ight ror n Tuesday. The marke
as n whole was In pretty good shape on
all kinds of cnttle.
1'Mt ' steers , suitable for the dressed bee
trade , were In fnlr request and yet th
matket WHS n little slow. The buycis wcr
Inclined to tnke tbtlr time nnd there wn
no snap to the trade. Still they took every
thing offered before the close of the marke
nnd nt nbout steady prices.
.1 . . ' . season of the yenr no grent nc
tlvlty is , as a rule , lo bo anticipated In th
market for beef cuttle. It Is the time whe
the marketing of poultry Is nt Its heigh
nnd the beef trade has to be contented will
pla > lng n minor part. Until the coming o
the new year this condition of affairs I
Ikely to prevail , nnd the demand for pack
ng house products will bo governed largely
by the supply of poultry und game. Thl
Is one of the reasons why cattls dealers
' . , ' , S51'1-1 ' ! n reaction la the trade soon
though It Is quite evident that MippIlcB Wll
average light for some time. Already th
markets nre heavily stocked with nil Kind
cf.ii eish Inc-Us which does not make the
fat et'o'seTlIOU"IBln8 : r ° ' ' 11COI'1C Wl"
About n third of nil the cnttle here todn >
consisted of cows nnd heifers , there bclni ,
about twenty loads of that kind of stuff. 01
sale. The market wns active nt good , strong
Prices and the pens were soon cleared.
Trade In the stocker nnd feeder dlvlsloi
was not so very active , feeders nnd stock
era , at least dcslrnble- cattle , are high am
a good many buyers are not as nnxloua foi
cnttle ns they were -when prlcss were lower
"i" ! , . Jet ; rhc , catle keen selling und the
arrivals ! of each
day are pretty well cleaned
Paltl todny
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No Av 1'r
1 springer . J2S CO 1 cow anil calf..j:5 00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3 cows . 930 90 i feeder . CM J2 73
1 bull . 1330 2 CO 1 nicer . 1190 2 73
1 cow. . UM 200 1 feeder . 1110 .110
36 cows . 938 2 GO 37 feeders. . . . 912 310
Sell & Reese.
3 cows . 1100 2 45 . B cows . 1101 2 43
10 AfMirtx int ( ! > f.
I'nlnler Bros.
150 feeders..1190 3 32'i '
u w r * ( , ,
1-cow 810 1 9) 16 cows 961 2 70
4 eows 9S7 1 SO 6 feeders. . . . 900 3 20
1 bull 970 2 25 7 feeders. . , , 917 320
1 bull 10W 2 25 18 feeders. . . . 916 3 Si )
2 hulls ll'UO 1 calf 221) 3 M
2 cows. , 735 270 1 calf ICO 4 50
Harris & if.
158 feeders..1121 3 25
Nepsey Ilros.
2 bull ft 915 225 1 slag. H20 235
3 COWS 11G3 2 60 13 cows ! )7ti ) 2 CO
2 fccdcrs.,1120 3 10 B feeders..1092 3 10
A. M. Wilson.
2 cows 1090 2 15 8 cows. . , . .112.- 2 75
1 cow i > 70 2 15 6 cows. . , . ,1116 275
5 cows 112S 2 15 _ 70 steers. . . .1171 330
2 hulls 1245 6 feeders .11U3 2 30
1 steer. . . , , ,1150 2 GO 4 feeders .1007 33D
1 feeder. . . 870 2 75 3 fc'filolH..1130 3 30
1 steer. , , , ,1170 2 75 2 feeders. . . .1160 3 30
1 cow . 870 2 75L. C rmlei . . . .123S 3 30
L. Illckel.
1 cow. 1160 1 85 2 cows (60 1 60
1 stag , 1400 2 DO 35 C3W8 1092 2 90
2 cmvu. . . . . . . 950 2 90 I ox , . ,182i ) 3 75
1 slag 1220 2 CO II fecjera,12j6 3 00
46 sleers 1211 3 40 1 steer..1240 3 40
HOOS All the roads .delivered ' heavy trains of
hoga this morning diiil'the lotal run muted
to over 8,000 head , ilhrt , largest lecelpts of any
day In n long time. , * iTno , hogs were good as well
as'numi'rous' , and Husfncss In the hog"divlsroii of
the yards was ( lUlteJIyily.
The wires to Iiml c.islward wcr * not working
ciy well and Ihe lnfojnallon : lecelv.d from oth r
markets was very.jpoagcr. The buyers , however
ever , all appeared" to have liberal orders and
were willing to go'It'alone without waiting fur
other markets. Tlieyijioiight fiecly nt nn nil-
vnnce of about 5c o'vcr'veateiday's prices. The
Jig- end of Iho receipt * , 'or a. hundred out of the
123 curs here , chnruftdr hands by the middle of
the forenoon. Most everything sold within Ihe
lange $ J.45r3,55 , with fiulto n number at thu
aller price. The popular price was $3.50. ua
ngulnst $3.45 yesteiday. The market closed
steady ill Ihe. ndvauc * . jvlth everything sold.
The market today touched ; the highest joint
of the nmith so frtr , , .There were several days
during the pust tiHmtb when single loads of
hogs reached $3.60ibut bn no day did the bulk
of nil tlic hogs high as they did today.
Il piesentallve sales ;
No. Av. 8h. . Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
73 254 100 > 3 a 60 . 30 ! ) 243 $3 50
CO. . . 283 W 3 45 41 , , . 268 , . . 3 50
76. . . 2S3 ICO 3 K 61 . 2J3 80 3 50
04 200 2SO 3 43 66 , , . 278 SO 3 50
CO , . ,2SO 240 3 43 ,215 44 3 (0
61 800 tO 345 .327 ] & > 3 DO
26. . . 351 120 343 77. . . . , .241 ISO 350
04 277 SO 3 43 .308 3 50
45 206 dO 3 4 > S : : : : , .231 'J5 3 60
Z6 SSJ 40 3 45 . . . . . . . , to 3 50
il. . . 267 M 3 45 C2. . „ , .2T2 3 M
W. . ; 2G4 M 3 45 CO . -M 2W 3 60
60 S77 W 3 43 63 . SOS a 3 60
6i , , SIS 160 3 4i 160 3 50
"M ICO 3 43 60 , . , . , , , .293 Ki ) 3 60
. .257 61 . 302 1C ) 3 60
77. , . 231 3 50
1 1 1 * 72. . . . 2JI ici 3 60
5 , , , . , ,218 73 . 245 3 60
3 . 154 63 . 280 200U 3 60
9 . 260 160 K 279 ( U 3 60
4 . 232 200 so 360
1 . 2 60 . , .284 11) 3 60
63 . , .307 C2 . 217 im 3 60
9 . 277 40 3 (0
. , , . , , , . .263 71. , , , , , , ,279 ' 3 60
2 . 254 46 3 60
2 . 261 C9 . 245 40 360
1 . 265 73 . 236 2 ) 3 r.j !
30 . 2S7 CJ . 83 120
W. ! . . .836 67 . 24C 121) 3 tii
3 . 260 33. . . , , . , ,325 3 6J14
1 . 258 C9 . 325 352H
. . . . . . . . 67 . 231 200 3 52 < <
3 . 236 60 . 301 it 3 62 ! }
75 . ! IM JM 1)0 ) . rS . . . SSJ'l '
4i . sit M s M to . tn so * w
. f7 ( Vj 3 M 60 . S . . . KM
M . 3M IM SM f.5 . J:0 . . . 3 5
77 . 2M 40 3M M . 395 . . . 3 SS
M . 2 3 . . . SM 73 . CS7 IM 3M
2 . SM 120 354 4S . Ml SO 3 U
0 . 319 160 350 M . 311 . . . 315
6S . 261 IM SM fi3 , . . . . . . . M . . . 3 5S
72 . 2to 1J3 3M 27 . ! M . . . SM
M . SOS . . . 3 SO 41) . 244 . . . S RS
01 . 267 40 3 60 71. . . . . . . .263 243 SM
64 . 296 160 SM .17 . 203 , , . 360
23 . 122 . . . 33o 6 . 310 . . . 3 42',4 '
. W.t . . . 3 40 4 . 207 . . . 84S
. . . . . . . . SO S 40 1 . 570 SO 3 SO
7 . 3.S ! . . . 3 42V4 . . . . . . . . S3 3 K !
S11KHP There wn n modfrntc supply of sheer ,
but the market wns How nnd n little lower.
* _ _ _ _
II ! Snn\r .Storm Kept Stock Trnlnn
Out nf tlic Yiiritn.
CHICAGO , Nov. 26.-The widely extended UK
snow slorm delayed Hock trains on all the rail
roads , nnd during the mot nine cattle buslncs
wns almost nt a Mnmlsllll. A few calllc ro
malncil over from yeslcrdny nnd n few trnln
kept nrrlvlnR on the various roads , so tlm
oairor buyers succeedinl In inaldnu limited pur
chaws nt somcnhat hlRhcr prices than wer
paid on Monday. As Ihe railroads were no
laklnR nny cattle , ho or sheep for fthlpinrail
shippers were out of the mnrket , nnd the buyln
wns left to city slauehtcrcis.
Prices were Cc hlKber , and hop * that wout
not fell above $3.6' ' > yostcnlay sold readily n
JS.Gj. Very few sold below J3.50 , or as hlch n
J3.70. most of the sales bolns nt from J3.50 t
J3.6S. lAoward noon trains began lo nrrlvc inor
frrely , nnd Ihe nilvanco wns checked.
heep sold nt about steady prlcca. Inferior t
choice nallvc slipup l.elnttorlh from JI.C'l ' I
J3.5" , wcfleins from } 2.W to J3.20. and- lamb
from } 3 lo Jl.r.O. Kcw of the nhecp ow nrrlvln
sell ns hlRh ns 13.25. Tindo In provisions parloo
of thu same character as tlmt In the other mar
kcls. There was very little of It , nnd the tend
eiicy was lo sell. The consequence of Ihe celllni ,
wna a decline of lOc 111 January nnd 12',4c In Ma
park , nnd n loss of r > each In January nnd Mil )
lard nnd January ribs , with 7'ic decline In Ma
KittiNiin City lave Stool.- .
KANSAS CITY , Nov , 2C-CATTI.t-llecelptn
8,200 head : shipments. 8,600 bead ; market slow , bu
sleady ; Texas steels ranged J2.75if3.4S ; pales
12.1' ) for 1,070 weight ! Texas cows , J2.00if2.75
sales. SIO Ibs. , 12.43 ; beef steers , J2.8-ifT4.75j Mies
1,360 Ibs. , J4.60 ; native cows , JI.r > 3i3.2.1 ; union
1,025 Ibs. , J3.05 ; stnckcrs ami feeders , J2.23fI3.SO
sales , 1,000 Ibs. , J3.43 ; bulls , J1.76W2.63 ; tales
1,200 llk . , J2.50.
HOC1H Itecelpts , 10,400 bend ; shipments , none
market ttcady to xttonK ; bulk of tales. J3.4dlf3.53
heavies. J3.40fT3.60 ; packers , J3.43ff3.60 ; mixed
J3..15S3.55 : IlKhls , J3.SOS3.43 ; Yorkeis , J3.IOff3.43
plBK , J3.00iT3.4' ' ) .
SHKK1' Hecolpts , 2,700 head ; slilpments , 70
head ; market slendy ; lambs , S3.00Q4.40 ; muttons
St. I.nulN llvo Stock.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 2i ! . CATTI.K-ltccelpts , SM
bend. Mnrket slronK ; native steers. J3.OJSt4.73
cows nnd heifers , Jl.SOJj3.23 ; Texas slecrs , J2.60J
HOaS-Hecclpts , 7,0.10 bend. Market hli-lier
hoiivy , J3.40ff3.63 ; mixed , J3.30f3.Ci ) ; light , J3.35C
SHKR1' ItecelptR , 1,103 head. Market llrm
natives , J2.5US3.5U ; poullictn. J2.00ji3.00.
\ .MV Vurk l.Ivu Stock.
NH\V YOUIC. Nov. 26. HEnVKS Ilecelplf. . 171
head. Kuropean cables quote American steers
nt MiSlOHc , dressed welKht ; rcfrlgcralor beef
S11KKI' AND LAMIS-IlecelilR. | 2.V,9 head
tviidy ; sheep , poor to prime , Jl. 5003.15 ; lambs
common lt choice , J3.00T3.55.
IIOOS llecelpls , 3,032 head ; sleady nt J4.00ff
4,25. _ .
Stack lit SlRht.
Record of receipts nt the four principal markets
for Tuesday , November 26 , 1S33 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
South Omalm . 1.74 ! ) 8,015 679
Chicago . 15,000 48,001) ) 14.0c )
Kansas City . 8,200 10,400 2.700
St. Louis . ( i.OOO 7,003 1,200
Totals . . 32,949 73,413 18.079
AVool Market.
IIOSTON , Nov. 26. Fleece wools nre steady
with moderate demand , while lerrllory wool con
tlnues Him. Australian wool meets n fair dp
mand nnd prices me fairly well maintained
Following nre quotations of leading descriptions
Missouri qtiai tor-blood combings. IS'/jfllOc ' ; Texas
wools , medium , 12 month ? , 12lfl4c ; scoured pi Ice
31I32c ; f pi Inn ini-dlum , C lo 8 months. 0J12c
scoured price , oO)3lc ) ; tcriltory wools , Moutant
medium and fine , IKiHc ; scoured price , 33S37c
Montana , No. 2 medium , 14C16c ; scotued price
S2If33c ; Utah , AVyomlnB , etc. , line medium nnd
line. 10ffl3c ; scoured price. 33f3"jc : Callfornl :
wools , northern spiln , llrir > c ; scoured price , 3 :
® 26c ; middle county , spring , 11013c ; scourct
price , 32iI33e. (
LONUON , Nov. 26. The sixth nnd last series
of the colonial sales for the yenr opened nt the
Wool exchange with an excellent atlcndancc o
liujers , both KiiKllsh and conlluentnl. There
wfie nlso some leprfsentallve American btiyei ;
The number of lules offeied was 7,501 , of whlcl
40) ) were withdrawn. The offcihiBs contained a
loLof new clipped , The demand was eltons , will
competition tplrlted. As compared with the clos
luff prices of the llfth ferlcs , best merinos am
all cross-bred sold nt unclianstd prices. Lower
graces of merinos , however , sold nt 5 per con
! ntviit * nnil fiinc nf flnml linn , * nnl > . .nlnlvnnl
showed n decline of 60fe ' per cent. The rcsul
of I"iy'B ? iaifs wns considered favorable , ns i
10 per cent reduction was expected. The sales
will likely bo extended.
Sales In detail : New South Wales , 1,620 bales
scoured-GUilffls 3d ; greasy. eUffM. Queensland
1,571 bales : scoured , SdRls 2il : Kreasy , 514i8il. Vic
toria , SGi bales ; scnuretl. 4'.Jilils Cd ; greasy , 7WfiJ
9'Ad. ' Koulh Austinlla , 797 bales ; greatiy , 6\\li'Jt\ \ \
Swan Klver , 49 bales ; urensy , 6i66'id. ! Tas
mania , 12 bales : creasy , d. New Xealand , 5SO
bales ; scoured , 7'idSls 2d ; Kffaty , Sfflld. Cope
of Good Hope nnd Natal , 1,436 bales ; scoured
3d ; greasy , 5'/iG7d.
St. I.OIIH Gnncrtil MnrUct.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 26. FI.OUH Dull nnd easier ,
owing to the decline In wheat ; patent * , H.10Q3.2J ;
extra fancy , J2.9003.00 ; fancy , J2.C5ff2.70.
"W1I13AT Dull ; weak early on the absence of
market news ; later a recovery ? et In , but tills
24c asked ; January , 24e ; Mny , 20',8C asked.
OATS Futures llrm , He higher for December
liadlner llRht ; spot hlRlier for mixed ; No. 2. cash
IS'.ie : December. 1Sc ; May. 2) ASiy > 've.
IlYE Quiet , firm ; No. 2 , 33c bid on call ,
COIIN MKAIJl,35fil.40. .
J1UAN Dull ; eastern buyers out nt not above
16c , east trnek.
FLAX SKE13 Firm at S..ic. '
HAY Top grades timothy lirm ; prairie nol
BO Hlt-ons ; pinlrle , J7.50flll.50 ; timothy , $10.0iC ) >
11.50 , tills side.
1 OULTHY Sloacly ; tutke > 3 , better , 7t7lic |
chickens , 5fl6c ; clucks , 7Jc ! ; Reese , Se.
1HJTTUK Qulel : fancy nradcs higher ; separator
rater creamery , 21@22c ; fancy Elgin , 25c ; dairy
KGOS5 Firm at ISc.
LKAD Htiong , with upward tendency ; J2.97' !
Sl'ELTRH-Dull. declining : J3.1714.
I'ltOVIHIONS I'oik , standard mess. JobblnB.
> 8.37'i. Lard , prime steam. J3.30 ; choice , J5.40.
llacon , boxtd bhotilders , 15.50 ; longs , J5.l2'-j ; rlbK ,
J3.23 ; uliorls , t5.3" ! < , . Dry silt meals , boxed bhoul-
dcrs. K.87',4 ; longs , Jl.75 ; ribs , JI.ST'/J ' ! shorts
{ 5.12V4.
Fori'IifH Flnnneliil AfTiilrx.
TAIIIS , Nov , 26. Three per cent rentes , lOOl
72ic ( for the account. Exchange on London , 25f
22Vic for checks.
I'AHIS , Nov. 2C. The bourse was firm today
The settlement will begin on Monday. The poal-
llon la t-tlll weak , but barrhiK nny pnlllleal up
set It la believed the worst Is over for the present ,
LONDON , Nov , 6. The amount of bullion gone
Into the Hank of England on balance today In
f56,000. Gold Is quoted at liuenos Ayjvs today at
S2 ; Madrid , 1762 ; Lisbon , 26 ; St , I'elersburg , 6' ' ) ;
Athens , 77 ; Home , 108.14 ; Vienna , 103.
IIEIILIN , Nov , 2C.-Ex-change on London ,
days' sight , 20 marks 27'/4 pfg. The weekly stale
ment of the Imperial Hank of Germany hhows the
followlnu changes , ns compared with thu previous
account ; Cash In hand , Increase. 10,700,009 m.irks ,
treasury notes , decieasc , 2(0 , i marks ; nthiM
securities , decrease , 3G,3SO,004 mniks ; notes In
circulation , dccreabe , 21,024,000 maiks.
INSTHUMENTS placed on record November
20 , isan :
W T Seaman nnd wifeto B It
rrowltt , lotH 31 to 41 , Irene I'laco. . . . $ 1
Same to same , lots 8 to 1C , block 5 ,
Clovcnlale 1
Aptncs Slmanelc to James and Francis
Uoushinan , lots 72 , 73 and 74 , Kas-
par's aild BOO
D Kochemlnrfcr ft nl , to A 12 John
son , lot C , block 11 , Druid Hill 1.00
John DIdam and wife to Jullua John-
con , lot 3. Mock 1. Gate City park. , . . WO
Llnwood 1'iirk Land comimny to C K
WllllaiTiBoii , e 43 feet ot lot 7 , block
C , Denlse'H add , , 3,000
O F Uiivlu company to ( J 8 Krancls ? ,
trunleo , H D5 feet of lot 44 , S K Hog-
cra' Olcahoma 1
3amo to J O Havemeyer , trustee , s 33
feet of lot C , block 3 , Improvement
ubBoclatlon add. . . , . , , , 1
II S Thomao to J J Weakley , lot 8 ,
block 7 , Improvement ussoctutlou
add 20
Master In chancery to M O D Taft ,
lota fi and 7. block 0 , Carthage. 2.CC2
game to Philadelphia Mortgage and
Trust company , w 26x127 feet of lot
3 , and ! ) foot strip off e Bide uf lot
M , block "U , " Bhlnn'a add. . , , 2,275
Same to mime , 142x50 feet in lot 9 ,
block 10 , Hanucom I'lacg 4.81C
tame to John Jeffries & Hon , truslccH ,
lot 1 , block 1 , Okahorna park , , , . 2.2S5
tame to xame , lot 2 , block 1 , Name , . . . 2,300
jumo to Michael O'llrlcn , lota 14 and
ID , block 119 , Dundee Place 4,125
Jherlff to Charles liuldwln. adminis
trator , lot 4 , block IS , Orchard Hill. . 700
Jamo to It A Porter , n 40 feet of lot
8 , block 74 , Houlh Omaha. . . , COO
Same to j-ame , lot 10 , block 111 , Omaha 1,000
peclal iiiiiBlcr lo Uyron Iteed corn-
puny , lotu 1 and 2 , block ( > , Kummlt
add , MOO
Same to JV Squire , lot 8 , block 2 ,
Ilcdlck'tf BUbOlv of J I lledlck'u add. , 1,539
Total amount ot transfers J20Wi
HtvlJ Aiulcrton received yesterday * fetkr
from ConBrcssmon Mercer , stating ho
hail called at the TreaMiry department and
that he had learned tltat Clilcf Architect
Alkcn would bo here In n few days to look
over the postomce sites. Fiom here Mr.
Alkcn goes west to locate public hulldlncs at
Cheyenne , Unite and Helena. Mercer urpes
patience on the part of the South Omaha
people and says that the site will bu located
shortly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School Cliilrrn'M TliuuU
At the West Side school today tlio children
will partake * of their llfth annual Thanksgiv
ing dinner. The dinner will be followed by a
musical nnd literary entertainment. There
will bo SOUKS nnd recitations alter the feast
by Wio pupils. In the primary , Intermediate
nnd grammar grades programs for the after
noon's enter nlnmcnt have b/en and will
bo carried out. _
I'lloU'd the Di'
Thrco motor cars filled with delegates to
the Transmlsslsslppl congress visited the clly
yesterday nlternoon. Assltant Superintend
ent Walters of the Stock Yards company , A.
II. Leo and llrtico McCulloch showed the
visitors over the yards and through Ham
mond's packing house.
for ( iiirnor.
Several Omaha policemen In town yes
terday looking for Matt darner , who Is sup-
nnscd to have stolen a lot of soap from
Quealey's factory nt Sheely station. Garner
has friends and relatives In town , but his
whereabouts were not discovered.
Miillaly .May ItfNlK" .
U Is reported that Councilman Miillaly will
> eon resign and go lo Lincoln , where he will
take charge of the cooperage plant recently
purchased by Ctidahy. In case Miillaly resigns
the mayor will appoint nnd the council will
confirm his successor.
City G NNI.
Miss Susie Horan will spend Thanksgiving
with friends at Stuart , la.
A. M. Cotirtrlglit of Chicago was visiting
friends' In the clly yesterday.
T. II. Sabring of Cumberland , la. , wns In
town yesterday visiting friends.
O. E. liitico w 1 c nluc Tnitk giving crv.
Ices nt the Fourth ward mission.
The South Omnha mall carriers will glvo n
ball at Ilium's hall Thursday night.
Several N street merchants have engaged
expert window dressers to dress their show
windows for the holidays.
Miss Lulu Hell , ono of the teachers nt'the
West Side school , will leave this evening for
Ashland , where she will spend a few days.
Union Thnnskglvlng services will be held
at the Baptist church Thursday , llcv. J. A.
Wilson ot the Christian church will preach.
The Ideal club met last night and heard
reports of committees on hall and music. It
was decided to havei the first of a series of
dances December B , at the new Masonic Sinll.
The funeral of William BcntK , a veteran
soldier and a survivor of the siege of Sebastopol -
topol , will be held this forenoon at the. . First
Methodist church , interment will bo at Lau
rel Hill cemetery.
The council committee appointed by the
mayor to select rooms in the Howley bloc ! : for
the city offices has chosen cl&ht rooms , and
these will be fitted up as soon as possible.
It is the Intention to moveby December 1.
One Minute Cough Cure is harmless , pro
duces immediate results.
H In .IncIsHiiii'H Hole.
GREEN HIVER , Wyo. , Nov. 2G. George
McT.aln , a photograph sr , started for Jack
son's Hole with hid wife and two children
carlv last spring. MoLaln corresponded
nWlarly with relatives hern until about
the time ot the Bannock Indian scare. This
week a young man , returning ; from thu
Jackson's Hole country , rEported sj-clngr the
wreckage of a photographic ontllt In the
Hole and this occasions the fear that
JIcLaln and his family have been foully
dealt with. _ _ , _
Piles of people have piles , but DeWItt'a
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Illnrr nyphiil permanently cured Hi ID Id
lMil Ts. Vim ran bo treated t homo for
llhosntnl ) priceundcrc nioijitnrniity If
' nprcferto rome hero wo win contract
„ . pi r rnllroflit faro and holol bllli.and no
fbnrire.lf wo fall to euro. If you huto taken nipr-
cnry , loilldo iioliiMi , nd Mill hnro nehri and
Mlnf.Mucouni'ittchcn In mouth , HoroThront ,
riniplcd , Copper Colored HpotK. ulccru on
* niju rnntcotocnrc. Woolleltthomo t onstl-
nato cimeii nnd cimlloiiKO the world for n
nun wo cannot cure , 'j'hls rtl > es o h BlnnTS
tiallloit tlio nUIII of tlio most finilncnt | > hyM-
clnnn. S.IOO.OOO capital behind our uncondl *
lions.1 Rtntrantr. A ! > soiiitoproofj/pntjei > ledon
PPllaitlon , AddreM COOK IIKM l'l > .V CO < <
807 llaeonla 1'cmplo , CUIUAUU. JU1 >
Tclephouo 1039. OMAHA , NK11.
Grtiin , Provisi cms &Stooks
Itoom 11154 Doard of Trade.
Direct wires to Chicago ami Now York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co.
V. P. SMITH < T I I OS ) 8. M. STANFOim
Room 4. M. Y. Llfo Bldg. , Omaha.
Branch offlcts at Fremont And Columbus. All
orders placed on the Chicago Hoard of Trnd * .
Correspondents : Bchwartz , Dupe * A Co. , Cht *
C > KOJ schrdtier , Flack & Co. , St. Louis , " -
to First National U-nlc. Omaha.
Can lie ninilft by my nlan of Co-oicrallve | Siecula- |
tlon InVnll utrfet on Invcattnem of HOO. Sunn
ri-oiii HO upwniiN nxcl'il , Not one of my clients
lias ever lust n ilollnr un my plnn. Hend for iiroa-
IK-OHIS nnd m.irkct letter ; nuillcil free , IllKliest
rcfctences fiiinlshnl ,
i : . MOUTi.MKii ri.vt : ,
llniikcr A llroUi-r , . ' ! ! > Ilrontlivny , \ . Y ,
Ilcvlcwlni ; the Krnln nnd stock mnrkcts , will be
sent yon dully on request , In the hope uf tleseiV'
Intf pnrl of your Imslncfn. Oulrrs tollclleJ for
cui-li or on three to live point
Memlicrn ChlcnRO Iluutil of Trade , New York
Produce I'Xelmnee. New York Cona. Stock 12x-
chmiRc. 17 Do.iid Trade , Chlcngo. 44 UroiuUvuy ,
New York.
Notice la hereby given that scaled pro
posals will bu received by the bouril of
directors of the Ord Irrigation district of
Valley county. Nebraska , nt their olllco In
Ord In said district , up to 2 o'clock p. in.
of the 2d day of December , 1SD3 , for J50.000
of the bonds Issued by enld Irrigation dis
trict , nil of said bonds being bonds of $600
each and drawing Interest ut tlio ruto of
6 per cent per annum , payable annually ;
[ lie principal and Interest of snld bonds pay
able at the olllce of the state treasurer of
[ ho state of Nebraska , said bonds belnc
payable In Installments ns follows : ! ,500
[ hereof paynb : In eleven years from the
date thereof ; $3.000 payable In twelve yeara
from the date thereof ; 53.500 payable in
[ hlrteen years from the date thereof ; JI.OOO
ruiyablo in fourteen years from the duto
thereof ; $ ICOO payable In Ilftcen years from
[ he date thereof ; J3.000 payable in nlxteeen
years from the date thereof ; J5.500 payable
In seventeen years from the date thereof ;
JR.tXX ) payable In eishteeen years from the
data thereof ; J7.GOO payable In nlnete-n
vears from the date thereof ; $8,000 payable
in twenty years from the date thereof.
The Hoard of Directors reserve the rlcht
to reject any and nil bids.
Address all bids to IS. P. Clements , secre
tary , Ord , Nebraska.
Dy order of the Hoard of Directors ' , mad *
this 7th day of November , 1835.
J. A. I'ATTON , President.
E. P. CLEMENTS , Secretary.
N10 d20t
NK\V YOHIC. N. Y. , tl Wc-Nt SOlli St.
T1IK JOCOTOT SCIIOOI , ( ndj. Central Paik )
ONAU12 to youne Indies ilc-itlrou.i of tul < lni {
Bpeclul caurees. Thorough coIleKfattf preparutlon.
Music , Art , Languages. Mile. Kromcnt ( for
merly with Mrs. Hlyvnnua Reed ) , Mrs. ChnB.
Leslie Morean , Principals.
See that the People are Moving South
. . .
No Drouths , No Hot Winds ,
No Floods , No Heated Terms
No Blizzards , No Cold Snaps ,
No Cold Winters , No Crop Failures
MENACE the intelligent labor of of the husbandman , who can suc
cessfully grow two or three crops yearly.
* !
The great fruit growing and vesetablo raisins district of the South. A eoll
that raises anything that grown and a location from which yon reach the mar
kets of the whole country. Your fruits and garden truck sold on the ( frouna
and placed In Chlcnpo. St. Louis and New Orleans markets In 12 to & 1 houra -
In this garden spot of America.
Offers irrcatcr advantages to the intelllncnt settler. One half the work yoq now
do here will give four times the results In thla wonderfully productive country.
The people arc friendly ; schools , churches , newspapers are plenty ; railroad fa ;
cllltles flnc , and a soil whoso richness Is unsurpassed , t
Two nnd Three Crops Can he Successfully Grown
the Same Year.
Timber Is abundant Lumber Is cheap Fuel coeta nothing Cattle lly
raised and fattened Grazing is fine all the year.
I healthy and delightful ; Innd and sea breezes and cool nlsjits. _ P ° . nettn
temperature Is 42 to 05 degrees. The.average rainfall Is CG Inches. No extreme
of heat or cold ; sulllclent rain for all crops.
20 TO 40 ACRES
orooerly worked makes you more money and makes It fturter than the best 160-
acre farm In the west. Garden products are a wonderful yield nnd all bring big
orlcos. Strawberries , peaches , plums , apricots , grapes , pears , figs , early apples ,
fn fact all email fruits , ru fture anil rofltablo cropu.
I Orchard Homes
Surpasses Its poll , climate , location , present and future value or home advantagta.
The Most Equable Climate in America ,
This Is your opportunity. The pee pie nre friendly ; [ schools sufficient ; news
papers progreanlve ; churches liberal. The enterprising- roan who wants to better
the condition of himself and his family ehould investigate thla matter and bo will
be convinced. Carefully selected fruit growing and garden lands we now otfor
on liberal terms and reasonable prices ,
Orchard Homes
The most carefully selected lands In bent locations. V.'lll mnko you money.
Will erow In value. Will suit you. Cull on uu or write for full Information *
1(5)17 ( ) Fomam Street. Omaha , Neb.