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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1895)
TllK OMAHA DAILY BE ID : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 27 , 1805. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1 1 Office , 12 Pcnrl Strcct.-ll. W. Tlltoii , ManoRcr and Lcssco. MK.VMO.V. rioral designs. J. II. McPherson , Tel. 244 Chryianlheniiimi. J. H. McPhtrron. Tel. 244 Chart' y Lewis of C19 Ueach street Is down tvlth tcarlct fever. Theodore Carey and May M. McFayden both of Omaha , were- married yesterday by Justice Ocok. Owing to necessary repairs to the church parlorn , the prayer meeting at the Congre gational church will be held upstairs this evening. , The funtral of Nellie , daughter of W. II lliclielor , will take place this afternoon a 230 o'clock at the family residence , 1109 Twenly-slxth avenue. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Martin C. Nclfon. aged 35 , nnd Mary F Chloupa , aged 25 , both of Omaha. Thiy were mnrrled by Justice Cook. A short regular resslon of Cnlanthc a- - semhly No. 1 , Pjthan Sisters , will be hole In Woodmen of the World hall Thanksgiving day nt 2 o'clock , sharp. Important business George Davlf. a well digger , Hit his goli watch at the home of John Hush , corner o Avenue II and Twenty-fourth etreet , yestcr day while ho went to dig a well for L. M Shtibert. When he reached home he foutu thieves had been In and stolen the watch. L'onard Everett sued out a writ of attach mrnt In Justice Cook's court yesterday fcr th ofllce fixtures of II. A. Messmore and Sharp nock & Co. , who have been doing a gralt brokerage business In the second floor of C2I and 525 Uroadway. 11 ? claims three months rent , $60 , la duo and unpaid. Miss Pcnnfy , a probationary nurse nt th Women's Christian Association hospital , me with a rather serlcui accident jesterdny after neon. While mounted on a stcpladder wash Ing windows the ladder topple ! o\er am thr w her to the groun 1. She struck her fore head agitimt a sharp stone , cutting a gasl just above- one eye that made It necessary for the doctor to take several stltchcM. Farm loans made In western Iowa at loweo rates. No delay In closing loans. Fire and tornado Insurance written In best of com pa nlcs. Hargalns In real estate. LOUOnc & TOWLn , 235 Pearl street. MONI3V to loan on Improved Iowa farms Largo loans a sp'clalty. Fire Insurance. L W. Tulleys , 102 Main St. , rooms 2 and 3. At OOH ( . The lnrg and well assorted stock o watches , diamonds and Jewelry for the nex 80 days at C. D. JACO.UHMIN & CO. . 27 South Main Street. . I'AHAGHAl'IIS. Mrs. II. 8. Jones has returned from Crcston , whTo she visited her sister , Mrs Myers. Major O. H. Richmond Is at home for Thanksgiving. He has Just visited Win nlpeg. Victor Bender Is out and about again , hav Ing suffered a few days' relapse as the re tult of his previous outing. Howard N. Ilattcnhauor has sold out th Grand Hotel newsstand to II. S. Ogden am will soon go to Syracuse , N. Y. J. Canute Doyle leaves next Sunday for India , where he will make his future home Ho Is well known In cricketing circles o Council Bluffs and Omaha , having held down a position In the team of the latter place during the last two yearn. Ed Archer hni returned from Hot Springs Arlc. , much Improved In health. He expects to take one more dose of It In the spring , ant hopes then to be completely rested. In the meantime he Is able to resume his duties In the Union Pacific yards. Harry Nason started off last week on his flrrt trip on the road for a wholesale house Ho expected to be away six months and co\er most of Colorado , Nebraska , Iowa Kansas , Missouri ami Minnesota , and bade his friends an affectionate farcwcH'on that supposition , nut he came bark sooner than ho expected. Down In Red Oalc , his first stopping place , he put up at a hotel where there was diphtheria. Ho was quarantined for a couple of days and had to Jump otil of a second story window In the night time to elude the vigilance of the authorities. He then came home. A. K. Stone , formerly superintendent of the Oiraha & Council muffs Drldge company , liai the pleasure of meeting a gang1 of train rob bers not long ago. He had Just ben assigned to Ills new position as assistant general super intendent of the Fergus Kails dl\lslon on the Great Northern , and was making his first trip. Between St. Paul and St. Cloud a gini of masked men stopped the train , uncouple the baggage car and tried to loot the safes Tt.ry were unsuccessful In getting anything but made things lively for the passengers by tiring a fustlade- shotti nt cvjry head tliat went out of the window. To lice Su1iH < Tll Ti. The agent of the publishers of the Amer ican Encyclopedia dictionary will remain In Council 1 Huffy another week lo permit all In have a chance to complete their dictionary If they have not done so. Call at The Bee office. _ THO 51 ore GraniJ Harvest Excursions , via the Burling ton route , November 27 ant ! December 11 , to various points southeast , south and southwest. Rates , one fare , plus $2.00 , for round trip. O. M. BROWN. Ticket Agent , Council Bluffs. Your Thanksgiving turKey will not bo ten der and Juicily cookd unless you usa one of Do Vol' roast pans 50o to $1.60. Then cut It up with one of DsVol'B carving sets , anil you will have cause to glvo thankt > . Stcphan Bros , , plumbers. Quick work and reasonable prices. 529 Broadway. 13C ll'd'y ; Nlcholcon ; moats ; telephone 345 The Hardman piano wins many friends. Riully llmicl.iT Toiiluht. Laughter and Jollity will reign supreme at Of * A W * wr Tlnlintiv Oil a nvnnl M n > * i t * An t lm queen of comedy , the sprightly Rinlly Dancker , assisted by her excellent support of well Itnown players , will ninke her drat appearance before a Council Uluffy audience as a "star" In the succespliil farro comedy liy Mrs. Musgrave , "Our Flat , " which ran fur 100 nlghta at the Lyceum theater , New York. Miss nanckcr , by her phenomenal success the past th/ee unison : . ' , can Justly lay claim to the proud title of the foremost comedienne of the day. Blessed with a merry Individuality thnt Is spontaneous , she enters Into the spirit of her work with an carnc tiifi'3 and abandon that becomes Infec tious to those assisting In the performance , thereby assuring a perfect unlioii and har mony , as well as perfection of detail of scen ery and effects. The drcbsa worn by Mlw llancker are models of the modiste's art and \xlll bo a source of pleasure and surprise to the ladles of the audience , whlla the fun with \\hlch the play Is prmeutcd from beginning to end Is of tha wholesome quality that temla to make an evening cpent at the theater an enjoyable one. The finest Thanksgiving dinners that will bi oaten tomorrow will come largely from S , T. McAtce's. where all of the finest edibles In the world are found. You cannot think of anything tine and redned to garnish your Thanksgiving dinner and not find it at Mc- Atej's. Hcduccd prices on slightly used pianos at rtourlclus' , tlio orchestral crown piano dealer , 116 Stutsman sireet , near M , E , church. The Illuff City laundry for fine work ; 34 North Main street ; telephone , 314 , Elgin B. W. Haymond watch , | 15 ; Woll- man's. Chambers' dancing academy now open for pupils. Call after 10 a. m. Circulars. Superior Court AMMKIIIIU | > IIH , Jud.o Mcflee made the following assign- nifntB yesterday for the November term of the superior court : Saturday , November 30 Kellar agalnet Shearer. Monday , December 2 Squire against Jos - lyn ; Johnson aaC8t | Walker. Krlday. December 6 Crew , LeUck company apalnst Sharpless Company. Monday , Ucomber 10 Stovlclc pgalnst Warner. Wednesday , December 18 State against Town of Manawa ; Tlnley against Must ; Waurer against Foley ( two cai } . irsr ur/rriMJ i.vriiusTi.vj. I.lkp n Co n I Inn oil siorj- Court Art jotirnn nt ( InWIOIIK Tlmr. Another largo crowd of m-n was present In the district court yesterday lo hear the details of the carryings-on of Mollle Graham and her alleged lover. Thli Is the first breach of promise case that has been tried In this district court since Judge Smith Is able to remember , and the auditors are making up for lost time In the eager attentlvcncss with which they regard each wltnew In the hope that there may be something smutty which they will not mis" . Hut they have been disappointed quite largely. In the first place Mollle Oraham Is not exactly the kind of woman for looks to Inspire an ordinary Imag ination to build up a romance with her as the central figure , and In the second place the attorneys do not fcem to have a desire to satisfy the popular appetite for scandal. Mollle horiijlf was put upon the stand jcs terday afternoon , and told how she first met I.cutzlnger two years ago next March. Very soon af'er tlio meeting the moved Into a house of Loutzlngcr'g , and lived there until last summer. Last Christmas there was a Chrlstmai tree at her house , and a lot of the children of the ntlghborhood were there , besides Frank Ollfcalher , Kreil Leutzlngcr and other adults. She overheard a conversa tion betw cn LeilUlnger and GlUenthcr , In which Leutzlnger paid ho watt going to marry Mrs. Graham. She also told how Ucutzlnger had had her arrested ono night Just because she went tip to his houea with a revolver and threatened to blow him full of holes. She described very minutely the horrors of th ? following nights which she spent In jail , and admitted that she accidentally brok ? the Jail windows and the chair In her room , tore up the iKil clothes , and committed other dtp rudatlons to Dhow her dislike for her mir- roundtngj. "And jou swore , didn't you ? " queried At torney Tlnley , croij-cxamlnlng her. "t don't do such things , " retorted she. hotly. "Hut didn't you break over the rule a llttlo and cuss a few times ? " persisted Tlnley. " 1 don't think I did. " "Hut will you swear you didn't swear ? " Mollle was forced to admit that she couldn't swear that a lew lit le cuss words had not escaped her lips. To the tnlrprlse of every body , this practically closed the case for th ? Graham woman. Charles Whlto , who was claimed to bo her principal witness , was not called at all , although he was In the court room. He had been supoenaed by the ov- fese. The supposition Is that the Graham woman's attorney will try to mix him up on cross-examination. J. 11. Hllwood , cx-sherlff of Antelope county , Nebraska , was the first witness called by the defense. He was sheriff at the tlmo of the trial of ono Putney , claimed to have b ° c-n the father and murderer of Mrs. Graham's baby. This took place In 1SSC. Hlluooilwau just about to tell the particu lars when nmmet Tlnley pleaded nn engage incut , and lmlucd Judge Smith to adjourn court until this morning at O'.IO o'clock. Ill .Til nil II They are not troubled with frozjn yard hy drants or plumbing fixtures. You need not be troubled with them cither , If you will glvo us an order at once to repair your hy drants and cut-offs , and piotcct your pipes' with mineral wool. NKW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , Telephone 250. 30 Pearl St. Dr. Mosher treats all diseases of throat and lungs successfully. Dr. Mosher cures exczema. Dr. Mosher can euro catarrh. Dr. Mosher makes n specialty of treating all diseases of the heart. Dr. Mosher cures rheumatism. Dr. Mosher expels tapeworms. I , mi ml ry Co. No. 520 Pearl street. Telephone 290. We have all the latest Improvements for laundry- Ing. Wing1 point and turn down collars , and for the saving of linen In general. Every well dressed man appreciates good laundry work. That Is why so many go to the Eagle Laundry , 724 Hroadway. Telephone 157. Jan Is , 1877 brandy ; purest , safeit , best. The Standard piano next to the Hardman. I'AUIj ALSO HAS A COU.Vl'Ull CI-AMI. KurdioiOhNdicUH In ( lie AVny of a St-ttlemciit of ( lie Litigation. Another complication was added yesterday afternoon to the already long list of troubles between John W. Paul and 12. W. Nash. Paul tiled a counter claim , demanding a judgment of $25,000 against Nash , Guy C. Baiton , John T. Stewart and J. H. Mlllard , for damages al leged to have been sustained by rearon of the wrongful attachment of Paul's property b > Nat > h last July. In his counter claim ho al leges that the suing out of the nttic'mient was wrongful and malicious , designed to In jure him and obtain his Interest In the prop erty of the Union Land and Improvement com pany for Nash at much less than Its market \aluc. The allegations In the main are the tame as thosa In the damage bull for a sim ilar amount commenced a short tlnib ago hy the Union Lind and Improvement company against the same defendants. He claims to have paid out $1,000 In lio'el bills and foi plats of the ground I in ol veil , to ha\e lost ? 3,500 worth of time , $10,000 woith of profits In ths sale which ho had expected lo make , and $500 In attorney fees. Besides all Hi's ' , he wants $10,000 In exemplary ( Image * . Two mils were commenced In the dlp'rlct court yesterday which throw still further obstacles In the way of an ultimate settle ment of the differences bet-\ the tUck- holders In the Union Land and Improvement company , and render It quit" prob.iblo the assets of the company , If It has any , will never see daylight after the attorney fees ard court costs ! une been paid. In botl > of ihvm the Omaha and Grant Smelting company ap pears as plaintiff. In the first the Uilon Liml ind Improvement company , I'rel A , Lottnr , G. W. Nash , Flnley Burke and the American National bank nre sued on a note which Lofton executed to the McCaguo SaUngp bank , for $7,000 , Lofton has defaulted In the payment of the Interest. In the second another note for $7,000 Is the foundation. Paul was the signer , In 1890 , and the Interest and principal now amount to $9,370. NtMV I'luture Kranii-n. Wo have a large line of new frames In all the latest styles. Remember wo mount the linen frames lo your order. II. L. SMITH & CO. Wanted 1,000 bushels of evergreen BWOO. corn. Shugart & Ouren , Masonic Temple , Council Uluffs. ! ! * vo you seen the new gas heating stoves at the company's ofllce ? Hardman and Standard Pianos. 113 N. ICth. IOA1II ) IlKKUbUD ITS l'iil.MIhSIO.\ . I'ul n Slop lo ( Tcni'lilnur of 1'rtwitr OliiHNfM Out of ttt-lioul Uourx. The school board has had before It re cently the question of allowing the teachers of drawing and muklo to Instruct their fel- ow teachers for a consideration , In those two iranches , and has decided that the practice mi at come to a stop. In each contract plgned > y a teacher on assuming her dutleu It Is tlpulated that she shall have no private lasses outside of school hours. In spite of hat fact , Miss Blood , who teaches drawing , and Miss Porterfleld , uupervlsor of music , ent out postal cirds asking the new teach- rs to join classes which they were about to organize for work In tlulr respective > rancutB. The Intention was to meet twice a week In the evening , and each pupil was o pay tbo sum of $2.50 for ten weeks' In- tructlon. Owing to a veto that was placed upon the flic me at the last meeting of Ili3 school loard , the clabtts will rot be organized. Mrector Fonda hid heard that there was ome objecting being done , and brought the natter up with a view to h&vli g tha board ; lve Its permission to organize tha Classen , ome little discussion fiifued , when the fact avuloped that Robertson , Snyder and 'homas ' were the ones who objected. They that the supervisors of drawing and luslo held position ! * analogous to that of he superintendent , tad ought to ra et the teachers without extra pay and give them hints on how to take care of the children's muplral and artistic education , Besides this , the teachers were supposed to be fully com petent to teach music and drawing without this Instruction before their contracts were signed. Fonda , Moore and Morgan , on the other hand , thought the teachers should be al lowed to earn a little on the side If they could do so. But on a vote being taken on the quectlon of giving them permission lo dose so , there was a tie , and the special classes have been brought to a close. Ilrre'n One Snap I.ofH A high grade , now piano can be bought for only $ ' 15 If taken before Wednesday. Must get It out of the way to make room tor the new stock of holiday goods , pic tures , etc. , arriving dally. All my stock of moldings will bo worked Info frames at half price. W. W. Chapman , 17 Main St. The Young1 Men's Christian association en- tcrlalnmcnt Friday night at the opera house promises lo beery enjoyable. Tickets , 25c , 35c nnd EOc. Lots of new and pretty things at the Durfco Furniture company's , 338 and 333 Broadway. The Hardman piano Improves with use. iiijrr TIII : KAVOIUTIIS i.v TIII : HUCK. .Innii , n Tiil > - < o Our Mini , Took the IjlNMIlU Stllld" * . . SAN FIIANCISCO , Nov. M There were se\cn races on the card today , the feature of which was Iho Llssalc slakes for 2- year-olds , live and n Imlf furlongs. Jonn at 20 to 1 won , the favorites finishing In the ruck. Three favorite * , thrco outsiders and ono second choice divided the honors. Summaries : First race , flvo furlong" , felling. 3-year- olds : Monarch , 103 ( Chorn ) , 11 to B , won : Soolndlan , 100 ( Hums ) , 7 to 1 , second ; Sel kirk , 108 ( Hennery ) . If. to 5) ) , tiiltd. Time 1.01V4. llcatrlco. Artlcus , Comrade , ll.iphael. Harry Lewis. Rxamlncr , TnmnlpaK Miss Gnrvln ntnl Gondola nlso run. Second race , live furlongs , Polling , 3-ycnr- olds : Last Chance , 107 ( u. Sloan ) . 12 to 1. vionj Toano , 100 ( IlenneHsy ) , 4 to 1. second ; Mount lloy , 105 ( Chorn ) , S to 2 , thhd Time. 1.00)4 Hey Altn , Red Glenn , Kathleen nnd Julia also rnn Third race , live nnd n half furlongs , sell- for ear-olds : Arctic , 10S ( Cliorn ) , 11 to 6 , won ; Montnlvo , lid ( Coclirnn ) , 8 to 1. second ; Ciirmcl , 10S ( Mncklln ) , If. to 1 , third. Time : 1.0s ! % . MuKarlune , Myron , Addle M , Ta'bot Clifton and Ilt'iio Vernou also rnn , Fourth race , live nnd ono-half fmloncs Llrsak stakes , for 2-year-olds : Joan , StS ( Cochran ) , 20 to 1 , won ; Charlie Hoots , 101 ( .Muckllri ) , 30 to 1 , second ; Mnrlonett , lOfi ( C. Sloan ) . 50 to 1 , third. Time : 1:07'4 : Gratify , St. Lee , Imp. Miss Hrummel , Miss Muxln , Gr.idy. inclno , Mnforeo , Don Gara , Laura F and 111 Prlmero also ran. Fifth race , six furlongs , selling : Sclmltnr , 101 ( Chorn ) , 5 to 1 , won ; All Over , 131 ( W. Martin ) . 2 to 1 , second ; Suffrage , 101 ( Ilowan ) , 30 to 1. third. Time : 1.15 % . Lady Gray , Monitor. Morgan G , Vcva , Joe Cot ton anil Hill Nye also ran. Sixth race , seven nnd one-half furlong ? , selling , 3-year-olds : Hosebud , 101 ( Donnelly ) , 3 to 5 , won ; Chnrmlon , 103 ( Shnw ) , 13 to 2 , second : Oakland. 10S ( W. Martin ) . 3 to 1 , third. Time : 1-33'i. Mary S and Raindrop also run. Seventh race , one mile , selling : May Da 101 ( Coady ) , 10 to 1 , won ; Hell Hoyd , 81 ( Slaughter ) , 3 to 1. second ; i : II. Sherlej , 101 ( Shaw ) , 80 to 1 , third. Time : INIM Farnle Louise , Model , Little Hob , Monltn , Salonlca , Charmer nnd Sca'pr.iy nl o ran u.MVKiisiTr CM'ii COCS'TO nuxvr.n. Pool Hull Ten ill lo .Meet ( lie Attilc-dc Club of < ln- Quern Cl ( > . The Unlvei lty Club foot ball eleven of this city left via the Union Pacific yestcrdaj afternoon for Deincr , whore a game will p"Oed ! with the Denver Athletic eluli team on the afternoon of Thanksgiving day. The pln.\ers were In charge of Manager Hush A. M > ers , nndcie all in Rood condition und prep irecl to Rive the Denver Inrls haul fight for supremacy. They will airlve In Denver tills morning1 nnd will take a Ilgh practice this afternoon. The team will line up us fo'lows : Lef mil. Cowan ( captain ) ; left tackle. Robbing left Riiard. Lee ; center. Fisher : right guard Owen ; rlghti tack'e. Akin ; right end , Shue uuarter back , Taylor ; left half back. Cam cron : rlnht half back. .Tone ; full half Inck W. Gardner. The substitutes taken along with the team are : Lmir e , Burdlck , DJrman nnd I. Gardner. A close same Is expected. The Denver team was defeated early In the season bj Charlie Thomas' piotcpes from Lincoln b\ the ( -poro of 12 to 4 The University Club olrven Is not so stronij as the Lincoln team and the probability is that the Denver players have Improved considerably In their play. From this It would appear that the teams , are evenly matched , and the contest will bo either team's until the referee's whistle Is blown as the conc'uslon of the Krame. The local players ate not over-con- fldent. but are nevertheless of the opinion that they can win , Hneeil In u Slum Storm. LEXINGTON , Nov. 2G This was the fourteenth day of the Kentucky a = ° oclatlot fall meeting. The weather was bitter cole and snow fell during the latter pait of the afternoon. Two fnvorllo- " , two outsider ? and one second choice won the live races Summaries : Fli't race , four nnd a half fuiloiiKs : Chat- lerbov (10 to 1) ) won. Martin ( J to 1) ) second Whlto Oalc (7 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 0:5 : ! ) ' , * . Second race , selling , sK furl'ings : Lconel (8 ( to 6) ) won , Cerro Gordo (7 ( to 1) ) second , Tenlcr ( S to 1) ) thlid Time : 1:10. Thlid race , six fuilongi ; Colleen (3 to 1) won. Olad (0 ( to 5) ) second , Chenoa (12 ( to 1 ] third. Time : 1.20. Fourth race , five nud a half furlonps : Fred Barr n to 6) ) won. Hawthorne Hell (10 to 1) ) second , Dorcttc ( I to 1) ) thlid. Time- 1H. : 1H.Fifth race , six flirlonus ; Galen d'Orr (5 ( to 2) ) won. Monuis (7 ( to 1) ) second , Hazema ( J to 1) third. Time : 1 33. Mlllo lilt Colil for HIK-IUK. NICW ORLEANS , Nov. 20 Third day Crescent City Jockey club's winter meeting. Weather clear , and cold ; track good. Sum- mailes : First race , three-quarters of n mlle : Tit for Tat (3 to 1) ) won , Sir John ( S to 1) ) second , Trlxle (30 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:1C : > 1. Second race , mlle nnd one-eighth : KInK Mao (4 ( to 1) ) won , LlRhtfoot ( G to 1) ) steond , Queen Ulid (5 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : Iri7l5. Third race. eleven-FKthePiith of a mlle : r.innlo Rowtnn (7 ( to 5) ) won , Nlklta ( S to l ) Hecond , Ferguson (2 ( to 1) third. Time : llOi , Fourth race , handicap , seven-eighths of a mile : Login (4 ( to 1) ) won , Hlbernln Queen (5 ( to 1) ) second , Miss Young (4 ( to 1) ) third. TI'IUP : lSO'i , Flflh race , three-quarlers of n ml'e : Jennie June (5 ( to 1) won , Tommy Rutler (15 ( to 1) ) sfcoml , G. 1' . Cox (10 ( to 1) ) thlid. Time : Could Only Tlo the Het-oril. DENVER. Nov. 20. Walter Sangcr , who cnmo to Denver hopingto bent Hamilton's record of 2.00 2-5 - for an unpaced mile on the fast Denver Wheel club track. 1ms de parted for home , without having done bet ter than to tlo the record. A. O. Bartley of Magic , Pa. , writes : "I feel It a duty of mlno to Inform you and the public that DeWltl'a Witch Ha l Salvo cured me of a very bad case of eczema. It also cured my boy of a running : ere on his leg. ( lie I'rliilrrN * Home. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind , . Nov. 2C.-ThO directors of the Chllds-Droxel Home for Union Printers decided at noon today , after the evidence before them had been caiefully considered , to send a committee to Colorado Springs to Investigate the charges that have been pieferred against Superintendent Shu- man of the home. The follow Intr directors were appointed to make thu Investigation : F. A. Colby of Coloiado Springs , U C. Bhephenl of Grand Haplds , Henry Oorsoy of Dallas. Tex. , nnd Alexander Duguld of Cincinnati. The committee started to Col orado Springs this aftemoon. ey .Seelflnu ; n I'lirdon. HARRISUUUG , Pa , , Nov. -The caeo of John Hardsley , ex-city treasurer of Phil adelphia , who was sentenced four years ugo to fifteen years' Imprisonment and lined J57.000 , which was on the calendar for argu ment at today's meeting of the Board of Pardons , has been postponed until the De cember session. The records of the court are the only paper on tlio In the rare. No nctfon was taken In the cane of Hush I' . Dcmpsey , the I'ltUburg labor leader. Ollleliil Vole of Xew JtTMpy. TRENTON , N , J. , Nov. 20.-The state board of canvassers recently appointed by Governor Werts met today at the state house to KO over the figures of lha recent Ki'bernatorlal vote. The result la as fal lows ; GrlKK . republican. 1C.,900 ; McGIII , democrat , 136,000 ; Wllber , prohibitionist 6.M1 ; Kills , populist , l.OUO ; Kelm , eoclalim- labor , 4,107 ; Grfctis' plurality , 26,900. END OF RESGBIIISSIQN TALI i ' * " " * Ono Trouble Removed $011)1. ) the low Legislators' ' OVERLOOKED AN IMPORTANT" PROVISION Sccrclnry of Slnle McKnrlnml I'nlliM to lime the Notice Pnlillnlioil nn I'riMlilfil by tli'o Coil- Mltiitlon of thu State. PEimY , la. , Nov. TO. ( Special Tele gram. ) U has como to light , that the pro posed prohibition amendment cannot be le gaily acted upon by the coming leglsla turc , and that there will be no rcsubmlsslon question to wrangle over. It transpired tha Secretary of State McParland has over looked an Important requirement In the adoption of constitutional amendments , am that Is a three months' publication clause Section 1) article x of the constitution rcnfls "Any amendment to this constitution may be proposed In either house of the genera assembly , and If the fame shall be agreei to by a majority of the members elected to each of tfie two houses , each proposec amendment shall be entered on their Journal with the yeas and najs taken thereon , am referred to the legislature to be chosen a the next general ( .lection , and shall be pub llshed as provided by law for three months previous to the time of making such choice. ' Section 59 of chapter 5 of the code provides that this notice shall ba published for three months prior to the election In two news papers of general circulation In each con gresslonal district. If the sjcretary of state has made any such publication It has no been discovered In this congressional dls tilct , and the facts are that none have been made. The proposed amendment was agreed to by the last assembly and was to be 0110 of the most Important matter : } of discussion at the coming session , but the failure of the secretary rotary of state to have the proper publlca lion mada has knocked the whole thing out Hon. J. A. Harvey of .this city , who was the author of the Clark law and the head o the State Temperance alliance , with County Attorney Edmund Nichols first noticed the omission today , and Mr. Harvey siys that re submission lo now out of the question. UAII.UOA1) JLITIGA'CKKV > ItcreoM Filed lit I'Vilrrnl Court it DeM Mdlin'H. DES MOINES. Nov. 26. ( Special Telegram. The famous litigation over the ownership o the Dos Molnes & Kansas City railroad ha been settled by the filing of decrees In th federal court today. The- cases are W. H Drackctt ct al against the Des Molnes , Osce ola & Southern road , and of Wilson agalns the same company. The DCS Molnes & Kan sas City , which took the property unde for'closme from the Dss Molnes , Osceola & . Southern , secures title to the property. Th cases wore brought to set aside the sale undc foieclosure as fraudulent. It was alleged tha there was a conspiracy which made possibl a sale that defeated the ends of the old bond holders. The settlement now made Is a com promise. Now that the controversy Is enJe the plans of the Ds Molnes & Kansas City company to extend the line from Ca nsvlll Mo. , Its present terminus , to Kansas City will be carried out. The line will be operate In connection with the Plttfburg , Kansas City & Gulf , which Is now running to Shrevcporl La. , and Is to b3 extended to Soblne Paes. Cuiipy UroHiiT.i Jollify. DES MOINES , Nor. 20. ( Special. ) Th Cuppy brothers , who w'ere acquitted In th federal court Saturday of a charge of assault Ing United States Pension Onicer Bro\\n celebrated the event byr going on a glorlou spree. They wound upJn the police sUtlon and their little seance post tjiem $2S each. United Slates court adjoined for the tern this afternoon , aftw beln/ln session nearl two months. The gran'd Jury bad for Invest ! gitlon over 500 cases , and returned 430 In illctments. Over ICO of the defendants stooc trial , and there were less than a dozen ac' . All the rest pleaded guilty ant were either sent to the penitential y or to Jail. With the exception of about thirty , al the cases wore for violations of tha levenu laws , and nearly all the defendants cnmc from the coal mining towns In portions o the state where they do not have the mule Iiw. It Is claimed by the ofllcers of the court that the clause in the mulct law mak Ing the possession of a rcvjnua stamp prlma facie evidence of illegal sales of liquors Is responsible for the wholesale violations , be cause the defendants would rather take chances under the revenue laws than of pos sensing the stamp and having It used as evidence on which to base the { 600 mule assessment. _ icvf < ( ! . DES MOINES , Nov. 2K. ( Special. ) The DCS Molnes water \\oiKs fight has taken 01 i new phase. After weeks of effort to agree on a schedule of rates that would enable city and compiny to dismiss their lltlgat'oi ' and llvo In harmony , the council adopted. It committee of the whole , a schedule that was agreeable to the compiny. Before It could 1)3 adopted by the council proper the water works weie sold , and now th ? council has refi'secj to stand by the amended rates. The coirpany announces that It will uoj-tu no more time trying to get an agreement , bul will go ahead In tlu courts. The question now is as to the reasonableness of the rates which the city Is trying to enforce. The city's attorneys say the council has done Jusl the wrong thing , and that their rcrusal to stand by the amended rates will place the city in such a pobltlon that It Is certain to be defeated In the courts. The matter will be pushed as fast as possible. Meantime the con : ) . \ny Is compelled to collect only th * low rates , but It expects to get an Injunction against their enforcement In a short time. r : 1 1 1 UK Drake DlreutloiiH. DES MOINES , Nov. 26. ( Special. ) Gen eral Drake liflK hppn in tlio rltv Klnnn Satur day morning In consultation with the state officers nnd prominent men In the party from all over the stato. Among those who aie here are George 13. Roberts of Fort Dodge , Colonel Root and Jim Blytho of Mason City , Senator Gurley of. Decatur county , "Tama Jim" Wilson , J. W. Luke of Hamp ton , Senator Bycrs of Shelby county. Senator Jamison of Osceola and John Y. Stone. None of the members of the conference will talk of It , but It has leaked out that It Is for a double purpose , that of determining upon the distribution of patronage and of the recom mendations to ba made by the governor In his first message. Nothing further could be learned except that thewJs , apt to bo a new private secretary to tuc etivcrnor and a new force of clerks In the otllce. Of the state olllccu to be Tilled by hc governor It Is said the only Important appointment ho will make Is one , to the state oif Inspectorship. IH 11 Itlvul of DES MOINKS , NoV , 'BG. ( Special Tele gram. ) Charles Lloyd * HaVney , a butcher of this city , 21 years o l. Is , a rival of Sandow , Only his Intimate frlenJs knew of his wonder ful strength till recently ) mlien eome theatrical managers learned of him and have been tryIng - Ing to maKe engagements ! with him. He U accustomed to kill cattle with a blow of his fist , never using an axe. " 'He raises a beam Beeclmm's pill , afe for bilious. less , bilious headache , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid liverdiz ziness , sick headachebad taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetite.sallow akinetc , , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills ice and 250 a box , Book free at your druggist's orwrite B. F , Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. , Mew York. _ Annuil lalei more t&aa CWO.M9 on which Hpht men arc toMtd from IIic ground and holds It above hid head. He a horte welghlnB SOO pounds on his shoulder. Ho performs any of ( he most remarkable feats of Sandow and will fro Into training soon , preliminary to RolnR on the stage. His measurements hotv thnt ho Is larger than Sandow and about equally developed. firnrrnl Drnkc'n Itrmttlon. DBS MOINKS , Nov. 26. ( Special Tele gram. } General P. M. Drake was given a royal reception at Drake university , of which ho was the founder and chief patron. It was his first appearance at the university since his election as governor and the school turned out to honor him. Addresses \\ere made by the president and several members of the faculty and by the general. Humor * of l.jncli ln nl Sioux Cltj. SIOUX CITY , Nov. 26. ( Special Telegram. ) Ilcports of a plot to lynch W. 1 * . Hoyce. \\lio murdered Nclllo Patten last Sunday , and Illlly Nead , the proprietor of the resort where Hie crlmo was committed , liavo created con siderable alarm among tlio local authorities. The sheriff and police are fully prepared for the attack and will meet It If necessary with a desperate resistance. Innurniicc CitntimiilrN Alnrntcil. DBS MOINES , Nov. 26. ( Special Telegram - gram , ) Insurance circles here lm\e been ex cited over what Is considered positive proof that several ( Ires In the city have been caused by Incendiaries. Today a reward of $100 was offered by Manager Clarke of the DCS Molnes Fire Insurance company for evidence that would lead to the apprehension of the crim inals. Iltirnril. CAHSON , la. , Nov. 2C. ( Special Tel egram. ) The dwelling of L. U. Put nam was burned this morning , with nearly all Its contsnts , the family escaping with their Hvfs. Cause of fire unknown ; loss , $1,000 ; Insurance , $700 , The thermometer was 8 degrees below zero this morning. _ AKi'il Couple Mnrrlei. CUnSTON , la. , Nov. 26. ( Special Tele * gram. ) "Undo Hilly" Lock , Union county's llrst whlto settler , created a genuine surprise hero today by marrying Mrs. Mary Dcchel bclmer. Illlly Is 78 and his brldo OS. DoWltt'a Little Early Risers euro Indlgas- tlou and bad breath. ' Glltlj UUX DOW.V 1IY AX UNGINH. I.ciin Krnft Killed AVlille AViilkliiK on < ln- Union I'tu'lllo TrnekN. L na Kraft , nn 13-jear old girl , was run cv.r by the Union 1'aclflc dummy jesterday morn ing near Shcely station and killed. The accident occurred shortly before 7 o'clock. Mlko Hopkins , a train man , happened to be riding on the front of the engine when the pilot struck the girl. He gives the follow ing version of the case : "The engine upon which I was riding was 1173 and It wa * pullIng - Ing the southbound morning uuinniy. As we were rounding the curve Just east of Chaffce's lumber yard , I suddenly saw the girl ahead and before I could do anything to save her the engine had struck and tossed her body to one side of the track. The train was stopped as soon as possible and myself and the others of the crew went back to where the accident occurred. The girl's head was badly crushed and I think she wa ? dead when \\o reached the spot where she was lying. When I first noticed her she was walking on the track and was evidently so heavily muflled that she did not hear the approach of the train. " August Kraft , father of the dead girl , lives at 2S1S South Twenty-fifth street. He stated that Lena worked for the KaU-Nevlns Clothing company ; that she had left her home In the morning at the usual hour to go to her work In the city. Ho did not know { hat she had been In the habit of taking a short cut danii the railroad tracks and thought It was unusual for her to take this route. The father said that If Ills daughter had lived until today she would have attained 111 ? age of IS years , and that she bad made some llttlo preparation to celebrate the event. The remains were taken to the morgue and upon examination the Injuries were found to con sist of a broken arm and others of an In ternal nature. The whole upper portion of the skull was crushed In , showing that death was Instantaneous. There will probably be an Inquest today. The delicious fragrance , refreshing feeling and soft beauty Imparted to the skin by Pozzonl's Powder , commends It to all ladles. 1 WORD LADIES ! That word IB all MILLINERY Cjods nt actual Those who fool that they are I-JA.R.I3 UP . . , thnt tlioy oannot afford to BUY A NEW BONNET , cannot afford to lot this chance slip by. Latest fctylcs. New yoods A T G O S T. MISS RAGSDALE , 10 Pearl Street. Council Bluffs , la , Tor $3,00 Halm's J'harinaciOmulia , fib. , will bend you 0 boxes of TtnUfh / . / Miinliuoil dura \ \ \ \ \ \ u ilUllnrl li'f/at KIlitre in euro you of iiny wimKnoss ' cutiscd by youthful , eri or or Cfcmvlve , < lrSnU ( i , fully stopping nit/lit ciulKuhum icing bade Ilio Hlrenutli ntul r//or ( of yniitli or rofiind evury rent | mhl to us. \Vo do not K'VO"ecu ' imnfi-ii > lloiiii , | ) nt i Kho you inoillclnu ( lint will euro und < | n- I volop nil pints fully. Single boxen $1. Kent by ( null , no printing on oimldo , on I rccolptof pi Ice. f of Tailln Tin tilth 7Vfij/nnd I'emiti. royal I'lllt MCM.T full to brine inriistriiu- > tluiminn In I/IK tiny , tl box , 6 for $5 by I mall , llnliii'a riiuituiicy. Oinnhu. 1ST HAL DAP - or - . Council Bluffs , Iowa , CAPITAL , - $100,00 \V1J .SOLICIT VOUIl UUSI.NESS. \vi : i > isiitia vonu COIMCTIO.VS. ONU OF THU OiajliST IIA.MCS IN IOWA r riii civi'i'Aii > o.TIMI ; m : CALL AMI SUi : US Oil W1UTH. SIMS K RAFNRlHDflE A OUIO tt DAUIDIUUCiTnctice / - , iTnctice In the State nd Federal Courts. Rooms 300-7-8-9 , Hhi > art. Block. Council Dluffa. Iowa. Special Notices-Council OH 8AI.U. A SI'I.RNUID SO ACHUS OP LAND now fanned byV , I' , QurJner , e ! w ! i , vccllon 27 , townihlp 77 , ran go 4 ! ; 2 mlltu vvtul of Neola. In tha lH t farming district of 1'nt. tuwatlamlo county , Iowa. I'rr'cnt price , 130.00 pur acre. Apply to Leonard Uterctf , attorney at law. Council HIulf . la. HAVJ3 UNINCUMIIUIIUD CITY I'ttOl'UllTV to exchange ( or Nebraska land. C. H. Nlchol- von , DMi4 Ilroailnay , HIMNBYS CLIJANnns VAULTS Ct.KANKD. Kd Hurke , at WH. HomtrVi.MS Jlr&ndwuy. llAv : A CASH CUHTOMKIt TOIl 1W AClinH of Nibranka land. C , It. Nlctiol on , M9i ! lirwul. \vuy , Council Uluffi , la. XST. NOS U OLAHBKH. . GOLD MOUNTING , la Uorroco case. Jleuaia. Cole & Cole. NOW READY HARPER'S MAGAZINE Christmas IRumbei ( II'M CVtsr m ll'lkite .imiGtlJ ) BEGINS A NEW VOLUMB BRISEIS ' First chapters of a New Novel by WILLIAM BLACK ILLUSTRATED BY SMCDLCV THE PARIS OF SOUTH AMERICA WILLIAM BLACK By RICHARD HARDING DAVIS ON SNOW-SHOES TO THE BARREN GROUNDS Dy CASPAR W. WHITNEY ILLUSTRATED DY REMINGTON A PREVIOUS ENGAGEMENT. A by WILLIAM I1UAN MOWUl.LS.-BY LAND AND SEA. Tom tfcctcliM with Incite ilhistrilioix , includ ing a frontispiece In color , lly IIOWAKI ) PVLU. CASPAR . NMIITNGY FIVE SHORT STORIES EIGHTY ILLUSTRATIONS NO BETTER CHRISTMAS PRESENT THAN A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. $4 00 They Cure the Cause- f Most of the discomfort in life conies from the stomach. You'll 4 admit that without argument. The proof is in your own stomach. A great many seemingly different diseases come from the common cause a disordered stomach. Com ing from one cause , it is natural that they should all be cured by one medicine. Ripans Tabules not only cure the disease they cure the cause. i Rlrnni Tnbutes : Bold by druggists , or If tile price (54 centi a box ) l > e-nl to 'fie rll- pans Chemical Company. No 10 Bpruce f' . > f. * MANHOOD RESTflfi CUPIDENE" v , , , , , , , , , , , tlonof afamouirrenca iilijpltlan , will _ _ , 1 " C i ( T3f ff V Vtit * * * * -M.MWW W..WM i- " t- i ITU * quickly euros on at all no \X\ \ r\J < i . \T vous or diseases of llio gi'iifratlve iirguiu , Fiicli DStMiiubood , * " ' * * * - > ! Insomnia , I'nlnaln lue Uncle , J-mlssldiiH , Kprvoun JJobllny , J'lmplon , UnOtncs ? to Worry , KxliausthiR lp lns , Vnrk-rx-clo nnif Constlpitlon. Itstoninll lo spi byilay or night 1'rovcnts ciulck- nf ss of dlschnrso , n hlch If not cliorkod Wils to hpermHtorrlia-u an < Inrtr air / . > . acrm . nil clioliorroriot Jmpotoncy. 'in > Il > iNl2clraiuicatliullvcr : , tin I * * Ano r i c.n klJncys&nd thoiirlnaryorfTansof ttllImpurlUcfi. CUMnENEstrengtheniandrestoresumiillweilcorrans. The rraion aufTerori arc not citfcrt by IJoctors Is bc-cmme ninety per cent nro troubled wltp { 7t-a > 'billl . ODPinENE Is th only known remedy to euro wltbout un oiMratliiii. fidCOtratlmonf in A written ( tuiiianteoglveutnd money relumed If elx boxen ( loon not GtTcct u pciuiuioutilUlk - - - - - . BendforiTBEEClrcularandtratlmouIala. BALI : or GOODMAN onuo otx. 1110 ITarnun St. OnuiUa. Genuine Sandwich "Adams' ' G , Shelter Powers fiom 1 lo 10 Lorse , Feed Grinders , Jacks , Clialu , Hand Carts and last but not least , SOUTH WICK IIOHSI3 AND STEAM POWER HAY I'HKSS. Branch House Council Bluffs Dr. S. Mosher Having fully demonstrated by yearn of successful prnctlco und experience thnt ho la nblo to euro multitudes of dUeases which bailie the cltlll of ordlnitry physicians , ho feels It hlH duty lo mnke known to Huffurlni ; humanity thnt ho devoUn Mitt whole tlmo und energy to this particular branch of thu profession , nnd will picpurc nnd furnish medlclno at his olllce or visit tlio-e cases which may re < | iilru pernoiml examination. ! ' " tlcntH at u distance may consult Dr. Mosliur by lot It r , Klvlnf , ' u carefully written history of their cases , deicrlbliiB their Bymptoms minutely poHHlblu , which will enable him to make correct ( llnRiimls , and Judge very accurately of the curublllty of the dint-line , and to apply proper remedies. Medlclro forwarded cither by mall or express , and all medlclno prescribed by Dr. Mosher U pretinieU umlor hlx own personal supervision , llo treatu all diseuBeB without mercury or other poisons , whli-b crente disease of themselves. The doctor by Ills new HKSTOIIATIVK TRI3ATMI3NT rurea all curable dlBciiHCB , nnd treatH ulth HUCCCHH all iiffectlnns of the J.Ivor , Throat and I.UIIKH , Catanli , ICpllopsy , U > Bpepsla , Heart Dlseaso , Itheumatlem , NcuralKla , nml nil Kervoiin UIBC.ISCH CIIUHCC ! by overwork , the Indiscretion of > otith , or the oxreHses of rljier yearn , nml whatever may tend to lower the Intent foice or the tone of llfe'u vitality , causing physical debility , nervous exhaustion , liuunllv , anil premature decay. Consult perfconnlly , or by hotter , free and strictly confidential. Address _ , Dr. S. Mosher , Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , la. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS Dyeing and Cleaning of Clothing , Dresses and Household Goods. OMAHA OFFICE , 1B21 Ftirnum St , Tclephouo 1521. COUNCIL BLUFFS WORKS atid Office , Cor. Avo. Amid 20th St. Tel. 310 SEND FOR PRICE LIST.