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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1895)
TIIJS OJIAIIA DAILY BEJji'JilONDAY , KOVJSHIlElt 2fl , 1803. SPEG1RL NOTICES. for OIPHC rnlntnnn rrll tic inkrn until ISino ) > . in. for tlic rvnln niiil TinHI H p. in. for Hie inornlitK nml .HniiilHjrilltlonn. . Ai1vrrllMirni lir re > | it 'MliiK n ntim- l > rcil dirt-lc , can IIIITC nnnirprn ml- < lrpnnrd ( o n ntinilicrcd letter In cure f Tlic Hop. Aimtrrrn no nililrcnnnl will lie ilellrereil tipon iirenoiitnllon tif llir rlipck ontrItitlfHi 1 l-2c n iroril first Itmerllont to n mini tliorcnfter. Notliln-r InUen for lrn tlinii S.'e for ftrnt liiNertlon. Tlirnc iiilvcrtlNciiirnffl mnnt lie rntt ennnccn- flvclr. WANTKI1 MAI.n HELP. WANTBD-LIVK. INTKLL1ORNT AQHNTfl IN Omaha to orknnlze c1nni > ofntrt to live fnml- IK'S of Mir famous Orchaid llomn Inmlp In witml MI * lMlppl. The tide of ImmlKrnllon In going noulh , where there ore no lict winds , no cold wintet * , no lillMard * . no crop failure * . Where Iwo or three crop * cnn ! H > railed rnch year , Wher there In no filch thine an failure II n man will work one-r.nlf ni litrrt ni he does In thin country. Coil cummer * . mild wlnlcrt. Sure paying crops of fruit nml garden truck. TllcheM neil on enrth. np t rnllwnv fni-lllllfn. Oeo. W. Ames , general ng nt ,1 I7 Fnrnarn t. . Omnhn , TI-47I MOO TO II9I.M SALARY PAID HALKSMRN for clRKM ! experience not ni-ce * ary : extra in- .M TO ioo.oo rnn MONTH snt.tjixa TIII. nidcr Double Iletort Oil On Uurncr : onn he plnced In nny conk or Inn nlove or furnnce. It pro.lttce < ! n perfect mturnl cm fire ; lietler nnd cheaper thnn conl or wood. For trrmi nay City Novelty Co. , Worl ( , nny fllv. Mien. ll Mi. * l ) < AJJTnn. M11N AT GOOD SAIAHY. At.L nt UK Douglan. -M900-ili A MAN on LADYTO MANAOH Inir onp KamtileB. uperlnlllcK. ilo correnponillnK. Hi-nil Bilxnn Co. . 727 Wooilwnnl. nelrnll , Mien. , lOo for Mmple npnp. etc. WANTKD. BAlVl WMKNTi OCATj AN TllAVUI.- Inn. tliroiiffhntit Nelirnfkn , to Imndle lulirlcnllnR nnd Inrd ell on cmumlmlon. Oon.1 lniUUv > - m"nl ( o rlKhl pnrly. Addresi the sconp Oil Co. . rievelnroli O , Il-MMI 21 WANTKD. AT ONCR. 100 CAlt nnd cnr repalrpfw at Knnsnii Cltv Cnr Foundry company , Twelfth it. , nnd K. C. b lt line. lv < m- IMH City. Knn. n-5"L _ d _ $100 MONTHLY BAT < ART 'AND UXPHNHES to ell ( toodii to dnilcin hy unmple ; experience unnecrmnry ; tipl ! goods. Sti-rlL'ip Novelty Co. . Chicago. 1I-M272 M * _ ' nvnnv CATHOLIC KAMILY IIUYB ON fop Chrlntman : rcllnhte. IntelllRent liinn wnntnl 111 cnch county : J1S.DO per wock , l\ I1 , ft I. . live. . ClilcaK . 111. 11-MiU gJ Tv7vNTKi > FOII OMAHA : AI.KO i outside country. Kntlicly new K < * vls. 411 Hlii-eley block. 1I-M3M D13' _ SAI.HHMAN WANTICH TO CAHHY A I.IN'H OI * nlovrk nnd mittens for next year. C. N. , 4i ! IViirl St. . lluffnlo , N. Y. U-Mi < 8 * ATrrtKNTicns WANTKD TO j.iAnN \ > fr trade : steady work lifter clfjht wceksj Sat urday WHt ; * while lenrnlns : tools free ! cn'n- Innue mnllM. St. I iulfi Ilnrhcr collcKc. SW N. Dili Btrrrt. St. I uls. Mo. _ _ H 115 23 * WANTED FI3MAI.E HELP. KLi(1ANT : CADINHT PHOTOS. J2.00 I'lIIl no'/ . en. Daxlfg. 113-115 South ICUi si. C 174 A aim. on WOMAN ov who will du liousewurk cnn ecure it BI OI | home and UUKOS In email fnmlly. AOdn-fs V K. lige. C-M2JJi _ FOIt HENT HOUSES. 1IOU8ES-K. 1C DARLING. 11LOCK. D 475 IIOUHCB IN ALL PAHTfl OF THC CITY. THt ! O. F. Dnvls Company , 1503 Fiunam. D 176 FUitNimiiVbliousu Fen HUNT : DCAUTIFUL hoiiHu , ten rciuma , C'k'KUlitly furnished , hot water heat , laundry , xtnlilc , carriage , etc. Tlioa. F. ITall , C16 Paxton block. D 134 _ ETANFORD CII'.CI E COTTAOIS , C IIOOMH. nil. modern , ens , fuel. Apply Dyron Heed Coin- patiy.212J5o. Hill Bt. _ D-477 ilOUSES iuKNAWA & CO. , 10J N. J5TH ST. _ _ J _ U-478 HOUSES a. a. WALLACE , 312 IIROWN 'III.K , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I73 FOII 11ENT NICELY FUUNISHI5D JIOIJ.SI3 OK eight rooms LtmldeS alcove nnd hatliruura , s.mtli front , with nil conveniences. Inquire 2COS Half- Hownrd _ Bt. _ V 237 1C.4 NO. OTH ST. , 8-IIOOM MOUIHiN llltICK with It.un. Oniulia Heal Estate & Trust Co. . 211 So. 18th at. 1J-233 _ MODCItN HOUaiM NEW 7-nOOM. DWI'LL- IIIKS nunr llunHcoin park , 2715-17 1'oppletun u\c.i muJvrn hrlckn , CIC South ZHh. M-M North 2M Bin , n < iJ 1422 Slicnvoud nve. C. A. Sl.-ur. Glj N. Y. Lite. D-57t-N30 _ 600 S. 21ST AVnNUB , NINR-flOOM MOOHUN house , 'yard 330xC5 feet. J. K. Ficnzer. iijipiallc pomolllce. D MiSQ _ BTU.XM. NO EQUAL. WINTUIl OH SU'.MMIJll. ccntrul , modern 5 or C-rooin flats. TlzarU. 221 N. 24th. D-h9.133 ( FOII IHNTnoo.i ; iioust : . csi s. nrii AVI : , U MM2-NM FOR HUNT CIIBAP. DHSIHAULi : STOH13S. llr.tH , rooms , etc. II. J. KenUall , 02) S. ICth t. H-713-U4 _ _ 3 OH c HOO.MS , CLO.SITS : , WATIII. ois N. is. D-yri-Pio * _ _ _ t > 20 N. 27T1I AVi : . , S-'H. . MODUKN , JM. 2004 H. llth St. , ' 7-r. , model n. $23. 2773 Webster Ht. , 7-r. , iiiodern. J23. S401 Jn(5kson ( St. , 8-r. , mwlern. } 20. 4)0i ) ( Lafayetin nve. , 8-r. . modern , $25. 2 7 S. 24th t. , 14-r. , modern , J50. ! 'U ' S. 24th St. , ! > -r. . modern , 130. Fidelity Tiutt Tompany , 1702 Fiirnnm t. _ _ _ D-018JO 123 HOHSHH , ALL SI/.i:3 AND 1'AllTB OF city. 1' . I ) . Wriid , ICth and UiiURln * streets. 1 > MD32.U13 nVJMlOOM CITY WAT 1 : R1 So. iSlh. J ) S1-J33 30 rrilNISURD 10-HOOM for lent. 115 S. 2:111 street. I ) M1S3 SO * 1217 8O. 32O : FUHNACi : . OAS , 1UTII ; 2-.OflT D-M110 30 roii HKNT , s-itooii iiousi : , s. i : . COR. 230 nml Clarl.e. p-l)9 ! ) . . . .JR. RMILY PLAOi : Ittli , Houlh of Mandcr.'in. 1) M2il ) 2J roil HINT naiiT-itooM HOITMK. i.w run month : cential lucatlou , Inqulie 2CIC Cap. nve. D 219 27 * FOH HINT. ia.\NT iiorHK. s , IJ. corner Davenimit nnd " 2.1 , D 247 TI-IN'-HOOM uni'Hi : nio. ; i , MOOIHN : IM- pioft'niiiiH. . 3D01 , ror. Kanmm iij Sillh trii'tji , ly fhas. Tinner , 3310 l-'anum. l > 200-23 * LAIIOH : , DITACIH-I : > . MOPIIIN iiortii : , 14 III.IIIIH ; I'voiylhlns llrxt-ihiHH ; muul Hlahle , car- IhiKO loll ) * * ; , etc. ; rxcellent Incatlon near Illuli Kclnxil. 211'J ' > Chlcasu itrcvt. W. II. Orlllllh. Knr- bach holL-l. I ) M 332-25 * l'U tU-JXT IIOOM8. " " roFi""HiNT Fi'IlNISHKl ) HOOM8. WITH honiil. 'Call at 2107 Douglas Bt. IS 710-21 ! ruiiKR nooMrt ron i.iof.siicini'iNo : : TO man nndUu - ; tent InKoii In hnnnl. 819 N. 171 li. n-M233 _ _ TIIIHI : : Fi'HNiHiiiin ISOOMH FOH LIGHT huuxi'Lt-rpllii or tiOtf Nnrth ; Kcpamlely , 17th. i : M3102a _ Fl'IINIHIIIII ) HOOMK , 201 , JJTH xteniil hnitt-d. ' J NICKIA" I'L'HNiaHI'U ) ROOM , 1516 linXYAI slieet. * ' j-M3.'Q 20 * _ _ Ft/JtXISH UlTilPOM , 5 MONTH , 19:6 : rAll.N'A s7 _ _ | _ _ i-M32fl 24 DisntAiiLi < : iiooMsFiniNisuni ) OH UN- fimilnlu-il , with nllhont Uiard ; rales leason- iihle , MID. A , C , Hpuir , 1WJ Ft'itNisiiii : > 2011 at , jt.ny' . KUII.MMIIIO HOtniH AMI IIOA11U. K.siitAin.n FuiiNiniiii ; > IIOOMH AT THJJ Capital , 1713 Cup. avej lianlints nocommoJali-J. I' * HCL'LY TUmCISHKlJ itOOMS WITH I1OA11D ; rutts rcaxonutle. The Jloar , ; ) W llurncy mrrcl. r-MTSl m Fl'RKISHlin HOOM3. St'ITAIlLi : FOII TWO ' urnlUmrn or far man mid wife , lie I l > uuila . , 1 _ - K-MiC. r. . ItOOMHj H1NCU.K , KNKl'ITUj iturnuce heat : l > uth : board H.W nut'U. ] ii Cum. K M ! 7 8ii rou IUNT. : ITHNIIUIHD HOOJIH. WITH on without l > onrtl ! vti'iim lirut , electric brlli : lalen ro.iionnhlo ; ut Iho Midland Jialrl. liitii unJ Chlcueu utrcclii. IS1MI 30 * run HK.vr-sToiii : * AMI OFFICKS. roit 'HUNT TJIU i sTony jjnioic at Die rurnuni * ii < > ct , Thl * InilldUig lm a llre- prj > f ccmfnt taienicnt. coniplcje lam heat- IHR ( Utiiro , water on nil llaon , tun. etc. Ap ply at thu olllce of Til" Ike , 1 910 WAVJ'CU. WANtKU TOll A NKW PAYING tiuilnt t ; und your uiUroH t > l.ifor rumple * mid full | .iiTilcuur ! fi.e. Cl.n. Marshall. Lock , jwit. N. V , J-Mttt-II * s w\vrr.n. : ( Continued. ) ACJHNTfl WANTKn-MfJN AND WOMEN cl nr I6VOO iri-ctcly with cnr lulor imver rnxllj' n 14.09 monthly In nthtr lines. It.O ) implex trrr. Ttioxe fc'klnir liuslni-is ulinuhl mMn > n. with i tnmp , Merrill Mfg. Co. ( A M ) , 1 CnnM Mrcet. Chlcnira. J-111 O16 wi : WANT ONI : HL-NDHKD COMMISSION nconln to tl flock corlinc-rttM fctirc < l liy Und , Irfir e profits. lown-Florlda Lnml Co. . tx- ; Mara , U. J-151 ! \VAXTII TO itnvr. WANTII ) , flpiTi : or 3 on 4 nooMK WITH boani. In prlvnlc fnmlly , by two ynihu married touplcx Addle' * , xlnllnjr prlc * . fall particulars nnd reference. Dux r 41 , lien olTlce. K MC3 STOHAfllti ANic i\rcns , 1214 IIAHNIJT. M 452 I'ACiriC BTOHAOC AND WAIlRttOUPi : CO. . 903-919 Jones. General storage nnd fornnrdlng. AVAXTKI1 TO 1IUV. A KULL-twii : > jKHHir row , ritnsii : MUST he chenp ; Mntc price. Addicts 1" 4J , It KB. N 26t-2 < * SAI.K Fun.MTtmn. rou sALn-nrtsic AND ciiAin , miJAP mil ciwh. nt 1511 Jones si. O-M2S9-- * FOR SAI.U J HA HO WOOD , 4 AND C-FOOT rKNCIS corn cribbing. C. It. Lee , 001 Douglas. IF YOU WANT TO HUV Oil HRLL A C.OOD peennd hnnd bicycle , BO In Oinilm Ulcyclo Co. . 323 N. ICIh street. Illcycles tepaluiLQ Q M777-1JS FtJiiNiTtnin n-nooM Tiousi : , FULL FIUST- clans lioardcrs. Inquire nt sloic , 554 P. ICth. q M8IO 1)3 * FOfl SALE , QUANT1T.V FINI3 OLD LUMHRH , ronsl.ilIng nf 2x4. 2xC. 2x-12. x8j iilno nheellnic. uhlplnp. windows , dour * , etc. Apply nt .yard , 13th nnd Webster. or AiBoclnted Chnrltlen. 807 Hownnl street. Tel. IBIS.- Q-MIS2 30 DOOIC niNniNo. TUP. W'RKLUY PKINTIXQ Co. , HI nnd llC North 15th mrcot. n-183 H H CI.AIHVOYASTS. MRS. 1)11. H. WARRKN. CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium ; 8th year at 119 NMMn. MASSAGE , BATHS , EOT. MADAM1SMITH. . N. U. COR. K-TH AND DOUOLAS. room II ; massage nnd linllm. T M237 30 "AMEsTrpIlMRnLY OF ST. I.oT'IS MAF- nnd baths. 007 8. 13th St. , 2d lloor. romn l . T M3i3 0 MADAMIJIlACi : LiON.RLRCTUIC. . MAS ; BURP : Imtli pallors liealthful and rofn-slilnt- South lltli. upstairs , parlurs 2 .jjj. J0 , 1MCHSO.VAL. VIAVI CO. . 346 BKH nf.DO. . IIRALTH nOOK freeliome trealmenl ; Inily attendant. U 48j IJATHS. MATsAOETsiME. POST. 319VJ S. 15TH. U 436 FINK Liviniv mas CIIKAP. ran HAUMLRY. 17th nnd St. Mary's avenue. Telephone. 410. FOR TVPnwniTKIlS HAVING THR PniMR rniulslli-ii , dut.ililllty nnd speed , call on the United Typewilter & Supplies Company. Ontnjin. MONEY TO I.OA.V UE.VI. INSTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 31S N. Y. Life. Loans at low rates for choice security Jn X Ua lia & Iowa farms or Omaha city properly. MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE D. F. IJavJi ) Co. , 1303 Karnam t. W 489 , c rin : CUNT MONBY TO LOAN ON-OMAHA "real estate & Neb. farms. 'W. B. IelKle , Omalvi. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA piopcrty. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnrim. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , lirennnn. Love & Co. , Paxton lllk. W 492 C1TYXOANS. C. A. STARR , 013 N. Y. _ LIFE. \ \ 493 MOHTOAaUS , O. G. WALLACE , BROWN liLK. W 494 LOANS ON IMl'ROVED & UNIMPHOVED CITY property. W. l-'arnnm Smith & Co. , 132Karnam ) MORTGAGE LOANS : fcOW RATES. J. 1) . guile. ICth and Uoiiglus , Omaha. \V--190 FARM IXANS. DOUGLAS AND SARl'Y. 1 TO 10 > ears ; low lates. Gaivln Bros. , 210 N.fY. . L. XV 133 IX I'Ell CENT MONEY TO LOAK ON 1M- pro\ed Omaha n-ul estate. Texas lands to c-i- chanuu for luiproiiil city proi > uity. Will as- suniu or pay Incuinhmnce. Will not consider pitiposlllon under $40,000. Piefer to deal with ov.neiB. Puhey & Thomas , 1st Nat'l Umk bide W M910-U12 aiO.YEY TO LOA.V CHATTELS. MONE1 TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , huines , woions , vie. , at lotvcat lutes In city ; no removul of Koods : btilctlconlideutlal ; you can pay the loan off at any time ur In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 200 a. ICth st. st.X497 X-497 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. CO , 90 DAYS ; FUHNI- lure , jilanoHetc. . Duff Ureen , room 8 , Barker black. X-49S WAVl'KH TO IIOIIIIOIV. FOII A 17.500.00 TWO-YEAR LOAN WILL PUT up S'M.'Wl.W collaleml bccuilty. Addictci F .3 , lice. WZ27 23" IILSINKSS CIIAMJIiS. l-'OHTUNE MADE MY PRESENT ADVANCE In vr.lues , hut no\v.ieic o < iuli-kly as by our plan nf puccevaful speculation In eiuln. Jt la ihu I'cKt method In UbiOur Imok explains , t > | H-culatli > n hy null fully. ( Sun free. ) Hlsnust refereneeg. Act ciiilckly. I'attlBou & Co. 47 Omaha bdir. ! , ( "hlcnBi/ , 'HL _ X' MrCo | * FOR BAlJ : A 13.000.00 STOCIC OF 1MPLK- nirntx , ? < X > stock of conffctlou ry , J300 butcher nhoji ; .a Rood ll\ery buslnenii ; ijood opcnlne In nny of UICHO lines ; all In u Rood tuun , Also BDino line hupioxrd and iinlinnioved furms .In Mlsnuiirl , Kansas ana Nebraska to exilmngo for cattle or ivt-pturn Juu-j lands , u.iks & JacKson. Sll e City , In. Y 8M-U11' FOR HALK , SALOON IIUHxESS AT 2332 Lea > enwoith street. Address above number. Y-MISO NEWSPAPER AND JOI1 OFFICE DOING 123,000.00 rorth of Iwslnws jier yeni ; c.-ui be bought cheap. Address F 41 , Roc. Y-M 2S J3 l.'OR RENT. O.V JANUARY 1 , SALOON , H. E. tor , 20lli and Pleico bl . > ' 21S 27 * FOR RENT. MEAT MAHKET AND TOOLH , Faimeia and .Men-Mums Htate hank. Ncola , la , Y M304 30 FOH SALE OR RENT , THIHTY-HOOM IIIHCIC hotel , nearly new ; furnished ; tteam lieati UoliiK a Kood buslncmi In live tuun ; ternm ea v. Ad- dreu ) llnx 100 , Dunlap , la. Y M33I 151 * von. MAKE OFFER KOR tl.TOO. NOTR. V , 'r. Omaha Hua. Cul. , Itlli nnd Fainum. g M-378 ORNKRAL KTOCIC OF'DRY OOOD 'CJjOTJI. " Inc. etc. Want real etlute nnd name aMit Ad * Rot 111. I'lunUforl. Ind. HQt'iTY IN LAitrn ; TitAcrr OF LANI Onmlih. AVhat huie you'to olterT HiK ? ! ' ) N. Y. Ufa Uldg. ' , " TO EXCHANGE. FOR LAND , A FINH' ' riUSI- ncja cuiner , 2 blocks fiom tlio very heart \nt \ : Omaha , worth JW.OdO , i-lear , for 500" of k09 nrrev Improved Xarm In eastern Iowa ; must1 bo clear. Oum-r will u\ve \ ble b.irualn. I'l- ilcllly Trust company , QKcnt , 7. M217 2 < FOH S.\li-lin.M < ESTATE. -.Tiu : BYRON REED .COMPANV. RE SO ] IMPROVED FARMS-O. W , CARLOCK. 120J Fvrnam t. REU.J1 > BARGAINS , 8AI.T2 OR TRADE IN CJTY TROPr ettlr * and Tarms. John N , Prenzer , opp. } * . O. _ _ HE-tOl FAHM LANDS. C , F. HARRISON. l ! N. f. U . RE-Ml-NiO' . HOU.SP.S. LOTS AND FARMS. ule er trade. F , K , Darllnc , Dirker blo k. HOMEHON KAHY PAYMENTS. BARGAINS In lots. O. a , IVall'f * , Uimvn .block. . RE-Mi FOH SAM : iiK.vti KSTATI : . ( ContlnueJ. ) AT HEIl ROCK PRlfR. LOT Jl. ntXCIC 12. Ve t End J. M , M r ton , RE MHl-IM * IJAROAlNgIN ACRirs FARMH , DWELUNOS end lots. F. 1) , Wend. Itth and noudl flreet . RE MMMM3 _ IOWA BAROALV 403 ACRES CORN LAND , cheap. Address Lock Ilex I , Mmlnle. IA. RE-M981 SO * TEXAS FARMS AND FRt'IT LANDS. SMALLer or larce trnctn ; low prices' , ensv painflli. | . We die prepared to nnmer ( jilestl m * touching them. , nnd to nrrnne for chenp rlln > n < l fare for any persons wl hlnK to vMt southern Texni. t'orrr-fiKinilence oollclteil. Omahn Real Estate and Trust Co. , 211 8. lth utreet. RE MM7 FOR SALE-CHEAP , ON ArCOT'NT OP LEAV- Inp the city , corner lot with B-room hou e. J'M North 27th. , Omaha. RK ! WANTED-HORPES TO WINTER : REST ttF care ! terms reafonabli" . A. W. lhelpSon , 207 N. Y. Lite bldg. Telfphone. 1034. K3-N23 * HORSES WINTERED ; UEST OF CARE AND attention ; best stables In the country , I rax Malic ; no sheds. Omaha Fair nnd Pp ed ns o- clallon , Geo. M , Swlgnrt , supt. ; tcltplicno 1121. M4I1-N2S HORSES WINTERED : RKST OF CARE Klien hori > es < . bolli winter and summer. Ad dress M. J Welch , Gretna , Neb. MttM-34 HORSES WINTERl-in 1IY WATEIUjOO STOCK nnd Ornln Co. . hcre they will receive best of care and attention. Address A. S. U lent p. 4' ) l Charles street , Onialm. 3'17 ' Dl * HORPI \VINTERED ; GOOD SHEDS AND plenty of water : bent of rare. Jl.CO per month. Imiulre W , F , Snjder , G9th nnd Lenvenworlh. 93S-21 * uriioi.sTiiiivn : FIIHMTIIHE UPHOLSTERING. FttRNlTt'RE Itr.PAtRED iiml tuicknl ery chenp till' month. M. 8. Wnlkiln , 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331 , 257 AUT AM ) GEORGE F. GELLENDECIC. I1ANJO AND gliltar teacher. 1815 Chicago' street 109 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . IFOR FIRST -CLASS HDL17 HOTELS AND PRt- vale faihlllcs ; call Canadian OlHcc , 1322 Doueliii. IHJILIH.NG AM ) LOA.ASSOCIATIONS. . SHARKS IN MUTUAL L. & H. AHS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 > ears old .ntwayu redeemable. 1704 Fnmara st. .Nnttlnger. Bee. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Inteicbt nn rarlnB . Apply to Omaha L. & U. Ass'n , 1701 Bee Uldg. G. M. NnttlnBer , Sec. S10 II. MAROW1T2 LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. CSI SIIOUTIIAM ) AND TYI'EWIIITINO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. COS OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE , 15TH. FARNAM t07 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. . COR. 13th nnd Dodce. Rooms by day or week , fill THE LANGE HOTEL. C02 S. 13TH STREET , steam heat ; tpblc board , 13.00 per week.M M 513 . STEAMSHIPS. LOWEST RATES TO OR FROM EUROPE ; western agency Thomas Cook & Son excursions. Harry E. Moore * . 1415 Knrnam street. Omaha. M-430-U13 IIUSISESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 IN. lOj i jr * i5i ' UNI1ERTAKEIIS AND EMIIALMEItS. ' H. K. ntJRKET. FUNERAL niRECTOR AND embalmer , IMS Chlcagj St. , telephone 90. S17 " ' SWANSON & "VALIENTl7ol'cUMINa. TEU InM. CIS II. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 225. C19 HAY AND GIIAIN. BUY YOUR 1IAY DY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. II. Snyder. 1515 Hurt st. Tel. 1107. COAL. USE SHERIDAN COAL THE REST SOFT coal. Penn. hard coal price guaranteed. Victor White. Tel. 127. 1C05 Farnam. C13 FOR 111TUMINOU8 COAL. CAR LOADS , FOR domestic or steam put poses , address Exe l lor Coil Mlnlnu Co. , Du Quoin. III. M1CD D18 * LOST. LOST ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT. MUSIC ROLL containing Hheut liuislc. Return to Itee nttlco ; rcivurd. Lost 210 23 * LOST A HUNCH OF KEYS ON SILVER 111N0. Return tn Jenelry store , S. E. cor. 13th and Dodcc t8. , nnd iccelvc reward. Lost M500-23 STRAYED-ONE SORREL HORSE , SHORT tall ; weight alnut 1,030 Ibs. Information as to his whcieabouta will be Rrntefully received. John I. Redlck , ' 1S11VS Farnam st. Lost-M7-23 ELECTHICAL THE ATM EXT. MISS VAN VOLKENlIUROir DESTROYS PER nianrntly by rlectilclly i.upe llucms haliu. males , nnrt , tc. Room 41U N. Y. Llfo Jlldk' . M'C3 ! D15 * DANCINR. NE\\r CLASS FORMING AT MORANIVS school , IS10 Harnt-y St. Adults. Tuesday and Friday , 8 p. m. : children , Tuesday. 4:15 : p. ni , Saturday. 10 n. m. and 2 p. m. Call for terms. Always open ; private lessons. 96S-D15 DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST , 2020 DURT ST. 614 IRRIGATION DOND SALE. Notlco Is lieri'by given that scaled pro- pusals will bu received by 4tio board of Jitcolors of the Ord Irrigation district of Valley county , Nebraska , ot their olllco In Ord In raid district , up to ,2 o'clock p. m. of thu 2il day of December , 1833. for J30,000 of the bonds Issued by said Irrigation dis trict , nil of imld Iiontls being bonds of ? 500 each and drawing Interest at the rate of 0 per cent per annum , jmyublo annually ; the prlnelpul and Interest of said uUle at the otllco of the state treasurer of thu state of Nebrafka , paid bonds belnc payable In 'Installments ' ns follows : $2,500 thereof payab'.o In eleven years from the date thereof ; J3.000 payable In twelve years from the date thereof : J3,590 payable In thirteen ycam from the date thereof ; J4.000 payable In fourteen years fiom ( ho date thereof ; $4WO payable In fifteen years from the dntp therc-of ; $ u,000 payable In Blxteoen years from thu data thereof ; $5,500 payable in Hpvcnleen years from'the date thereof ; "tibfiOO jmynh'o In eluhteecn years troro the datji thrn-of : $7,500 .payable. In 'nineteen yfarB from the .date thereof ; $8,000 payable In twenty years from the'jtlate tjierepf. The Board of Directors reserve the'rlBht to reject any and all bids , . * Addrens all bids to I ? , P. Clements , .secre tary , Ord , Nebraska. By order of the Hoard of Directors , mafle this 7th day of November. 1895. J. A. 1'ATTON. " President , E. P , CLEMENTS. Secretory , N10 d20t For 15,00 Jliilm't 3'harinacu , Omaha , ' , Vrb , will send 0 , you boxes of TitrMth i i f.oil Manhood Cure with a iltntlnct Itr/al \ Ki-uiifre to euro you of any vrnakuess caused by ! /uu/i/'iif. . , r < Tom or extc lre\ \ I ilrlnlilnu , fully ttoppln night tiululom ' brluiMiiK burk the treugth aua vigor of i youth or rufund uvcry cent paid to us. \Vu tlo not Klru J'rea umtrltiHom , J > ut I > glvn you inedlcliio that will euro tuid iln- volupiulhiiims fully. Single boxes .Rl. i .ticjithy printing on auuldooo | Tut-elpt uf price ' furl.afUet-JurlilhTainitbtilt'evity. , oupl l'Jll ; iuver.fall to bring ttttutlnta. i tIon turf to MjII box. .8 fw. 5.bjf I mall. 'Hahn'n'1'Uariuucy , Onmlia. The fleroism of Tom Gordon. In that part of 'tho ' great likens valley red ash coal region , nb'l ' tnsny mites from Shamo- kln , tics the little'town ot Ashniit. K your gazetteer sllghlln lr"Allude * to It as A "min ing town In Dauphin ciunty , Pennsylvania , with one rcheol house , ono bank , one news paper , an't with a. population of 300 , " you may confer a boon upon all mankind by hastily annrlslnc the editor and comsltcr of the work that he has unwittingly omltteJ the most Important part of the town's history by Ignoring the fact that In Aslmut , Dauphin county , ore located the Turkey Utizzard coal .mines , the property of the Summit Branch Coal company , nnd that In Ashnut at on ; time lived "lied Dennis" Martin , the pro- prletor of the Old Stone Tavern , aa brutal and cowardly a ruflUn aa ever disgraced the caith. From an architectural standpoint the town waa not beautiful to look upon' given a slate atid pencil and the average schoolboy cculd produce a fac-slmlli off-hand ; but the wealth cf the mines and Uic character and sway of Dennis accounted for Its notoriety. The morning pn which thls'story opsns was n lovely one In May. Martin stood In tin- doorway of the tavern stretching and yawn ing , looking flrst up the street and then down. Finally , the n'.ecp having been rubbed from his bloodshot eyes , his gaze was attracted to something white tacked to an oak tree across the way , and was fixed there. It appeared to bo a notice of a "shut down" from where ho stood , and , properly to fortify himself against a sttrprho of no disagreeable a nature , he gulped down a glass of liquor arid strode across the street. Now , the art of reading even printed matter - tor ; was not oneihe _ red haired giant had mastered , and when , to his august , he dis covered fantastic pprolls and dots and curli cues , ho swore joundly , end then looked about him for some one to throw light on the 'puzzling affair Down the street cam ? a thick-set man , with a dark mustache , and walking with head bant down as If In deep meditation. It was Silent Tom Gordon , a man who shunned friendly advances , spoke only when his duty as uuperlnlendcnt necessitated It , lived alone In his "bach" snahty on the bluff overlooking the mine ; but who-was , withal , thanks to his unobtrusive way of doing kindnesses and his aversion to strong drink , the most respected man thereabouts. Martin hated the- man In his heart , and had , often threatened to * wreak vengeance on him for fancied alights , to which Gordon smiled grimly. * The latter was nearly up to Martin when that worthy called out : "HI , there , Tom 'Gordon ! Come over yer an' read them words. " "Are you talking } to me or to one of your dogs ? " snapped-.Goldon angrily , a dangerous light In , his Martin started laamazement. Never be fore'-had a man dared to talk back to him. \Vhatfu"rther , would'havo ' occurred It Is dim- cult to conjecture , but as Gordon's eyes were focussed on the papei ; his face paled and he ran quickly overiAs ' he read aloud a gang of men on their way'to the mines turned the corner and stoppeM ttf'hear the news. "A lecture will , be delivered nt the red Bchoolhous'e on Saturday afternoon next , at 4 o'clock , on 'Tho < Evils of Intemperance , ' by John Lawlor , ' Secretary Father Mathew T. A , S. of J ennsylv'inla. . Come all. " Wh'en dcrdon ) ha.'d. flrilsh'eil reading the color * came back , to'jhls face , and , turning abruptly'on Ills heel'ho hastily walked away. ' The Individual ? khown'vvariously as "Dln- nls , " "Red , " "M&rty ; " arid .even as "Kcd- Handeq Dlnny , " , Silbpd , surrounded by his fellows- ; almost beside himself with Indigna tion. < * " 1 "What'hq rftirt-d'AspItttng-'on ' ? , hla hinds an.d.'MjBWJ WtWUbltW'VneUiMm ban'Uox dandlesr.tV-Vomln'- fef to attempt to break .up an hcTiest man's business. " I' give It out , an * I wsnt you all to1 understand , boys , that I believe this yero's the Join's of .Father Koch , who has be.n workln' agin mo In a underhand way -fer .some time. Oh , ho'p goln' to lecture , Is he , " without so much as askln' mo fer permission "tXVell , r-u-t-h-er. Comecome' the house'll stand'treat on that ! " "Lawlor , " said Gordon , biting his lip. perplexedly ay he hastened hi ? steps ; "John Lawlor ! Cm It be that my brother js coming over the mountains ! And If be should publicly recognize me " The thought caused him to Mop and start- about him for an Instant as If some one were dogging his footsteps ' an o'lUcer of the law , for Instance ! . , On the step leading to the barroom the crafty Martin paused and turned back. "Who knows but what that feller's playln' mo ? " he thought , hlo face aflame with nnger. "Darn you all , who else among you kin read that occurred thing ? " -he suddenly roared at the top of hla lungn. "I can , dad , " came a voice at his elbow , WHITE STAR LINE United Slates and Roynl Mall Steamers. SalllnB from NEW YORK us fallows : GERMANIC..WEDNESDAY. 27 NOV. . 2 p. m. TEUTONIC .WEDNESDAY. 4h ! DEC. . 7 a. Ill RRITANNIC..WEDNESDAY. II DEC. . 2 p. m. MAJESTIC TUESDAY , 17th DEC. , It a. m. Saloon passage , 13) and upward , according to steamerrsrlected nnd location ot berth. 2nd cabin $3 : and < 1 on Majestic and Teutonic. DRAFTS payable on demand everywhere In Grant Drltaln nnd Ireland Hold nt lowottt rat on. For Inspection of plans of stramers nnd any further Information apply to local iiKents or di rect to ' II. MAITLAND KERSEY. Ol. Ast. 29 R'wny.N.Y. N. ANDERSON. Gen. West , Act. . 211 SOUTH CLARK STREET. CHICAGO. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves ( BURLINGTON & MO. HIVER.Ai | liven OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Muaon Bta. | Omahn S-JHam . Denver Express . OjJ.'mm 4Japm.Blk. : Hills , Mont. & Pugct Slid Ex. 4:0pm : 4:39pm : , . Denver Euro ! > . 4OSpm : 7:05pm. . Nebraska. Loial ( except Sunday ) . . 7M5pm . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . .H:23ani : j4Spni..Fn ; t Mall Jfor _ Lincoln * dally. . . _ & (37l OmahajUnlon Depot , lotii & M.tson Htn. | Omuha S00pm ; . ClilaiBo Vestlbuln . 8:00ani : 9i 8am. . ; . Clilcttco Expren' . . . . 410 ; | > m 1'Wpm..tlhlcuK K Ht. 1. nulx Express. . . stfOam llam ; . . .Pacldc Junction Local . n30pm ; _ . . , Vntt Mall . 2MOpm Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. . & ST. PAUL.jArrlvn OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Ma onSU. _ | Omnhfl 0:00pm : , T.cilcaEo : LlmlteO..T.r , . , 8:03am : 10 ! < 5 m..Clilcaco Bipress ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 32Jpni ; Leave * ICIUCAGO & " ' tJORTHWEST'N.IArrlvei OmahaUiilon | Deptit MOth & Ma > on 8ts. ( Omaha 1030am ; FiitielVi Ksprcai. . . " . , , . . , . 3:53pm : l:4Spm..Vcilliuletl | ) Llmllod. . . Detain ; :05im : CncrfllrP p 'n r 10JSpni : SM5l > m Omahij.'t'nrcauo ipiil. ! . . . . , . , SslOain 4:15pra lloona Local Leaves CHICAOOr'n.- ! . & 1-ACll'IC.JArrlves OmahiilUnlon l > epotvplptli & Mn on Sln.l Omaha 10:40am.Atlantic : JUpre ( ex. Sunday ) , . , 5:3Spm : C2Spm ; NluTit Jlxpress 8:3Qam : 4Wpm : ) ' | ilriigurVd > l4bule(1 Limited l35pm ; 4:50pm..St. : PjulYeatlbuled | Limited. . . . lMpin : 6:45pm.Oklahoma : ft Texas Ks. tex. 8un..1035am ) ; l40pm. ! . . . . . Cdfoiildo Limited. . . . . . . . . . . :00pin : Leavc I , C. . Bfi'T. , M. & O. ( Arrive * Qmalial D ppMth ( ; Qpfl Wcbuter Bis. \ pmalm * ' 8:15am.Sioux : .c'liy Acconi'niodallon , , . SilCpm 12lSpm.Sioux cWRitbrett ( ex. Bun..ll : jm 8 ! 6pm -.S y til Limited 9:10am Leaves I 1' . ' , E.IVPlHorVALLEY. ( Arrive * Omahttl Dppot.iuiiiand Webster 3t . I Omaha 2:10pm : Fast liliiJJtjanil Expreta S:30pin ; s-i ( . ) Vp. Ex. ( ex. Mon. ) , , SJOpm : 7:50amNcrfolk : Expr s ( ex. Sunday.10:2Sam ) : 6i45pm . . . . .St. 'Paul Kiprena , 9:10an : | Leavej I 1C. .C. , T. J , & C. II. JArrlvco OmahajUnlon Depot. lOthJl Ma on 8ts. ( Omaha 8S5am..r.Kah as Oily riayr , , , . , ' " " | ; : pm.K , i Nlght'iEx. Via U. P. Trani l.eavei I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ' lArrlvei Omaha Depot , 18th and Webster Bla. I Omaha OMOom , ,3t , I.ouli Express , . , , 6:00am : 9rJOpm. . . . St. Loul > Expr u. . . . e:08pm : 8:80pm..fI.N bra ka Local ( ex. Bun. ) 8Warn : Leave * SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. Omahal Depot , 15th and Webiter fit * . | Omaha 8tipm ! at."raul LlmTted 9:10am : I Bfoirx MCITT PACIFIC. Arrive * OmahalUnlon Depot , Utji & Mason Bit. Omahji . .tilouxCity Passenger.,10Mpni : S'.4ipm. . St. Paul Limited 9:20am : Leaves I TJNION I ACIFiS ( " ( Arrive * OmahjjUnlon Depot " , -10th _ & Maiion Bts.l Omah * . tilOam . ( Overland Limited . 445p ; J:35pm.l > falVe i BtruintKK Kx < x. Bun. ) . 430pn ; | C:4Spm.Oratid Island. Jixprcaa ( ex. 8un..13:10pni : U5pm . . . Kmi Mall. . . . . i..l0tlam : WAIiABJlRAILWAV. I Arrive1 Depot ; 10th ft Uavon 81 * f Omaha ' and In an Instant the murderous took on the bully'u face disappeared. U wao only liU eon Tim who spoke only Tim , a pale-facei youth of 20 or thereabouts , with soft browi eyas nnd curly hair , with n mild and senile lr about him , In strange contrast with those rough belngc among whom his lot was cast. Hut liortfoovcr ItHlRnlflcanl the youtt mlchl appear In other's eyes , Tim Martin was the only peteon on earth who could catiao Ucd Uennlci to n.iu.ip In any otitrnceotts act. "Tim , " said Mat tin , "you read them there words , my-lad. Sing 'em out clear an' strong , that we all kin hear 'em , and' therc'l ho no mistake when the time comes ( er to ncl. " Thp young man obeyed , nnd then wont whittling to thn mine. When bluff John Lawlor entered the school house a little tisforo the appointed hour IIP was surprised at two things flrst , at the large number of those present , and , second , at the Iclncs.-l of his reception. At the- door way groups of men \\ere seen , mydcrlously nodding , one to the other ' , occasional')1 ' speak ing In low tones and' exchanging meaning Rlancej. As Lawlor walked up the aisle , "Hero ho Is. " and "Tint's the feller. " caught his quick ear. His Jaws snapped together at signs of such hostility , but he was a man of Iron nerves , and knew the class of men he hid to deal with. As he sat for a moment arranging his notes , loud , harsh voices were Lean ! up the street , copiously punctuated with oaths and obscenity. "That's Dennis anil the boys , " said Peg Wilson , n powerfully built miner , starting up. "My friends , " said Lnwlor , calmly , "I de- slro to cull your attention to two things. I am authorized by Father Kooh to say that he himself will be here a week from now to follow up the subject of-today's lecture. The .other thing , to which I wlsit to call atten tion. Is the necessity of perfect quietness during my remarks. I " The door at this Juncture , was thrown violently lently open , and Martin , with a score ot drunken followers a motley arny of alV na tionalities entered , shouting contemptuous and opprobrious epithets. "Don't' let the dandy go no further ? " shouted Red Dennis , ad the same time hurl ing an .egg at the Intrepid man. This was the signal for a general onslaught. Decayed vegetables and eggs were thrown , eomo of which took effect on the person of Lawlor. whore eyes flashed , but whose proud spirit would not permit thought of flight. "Cowards ! " ho hissed ; "Is there n man among you so brutish as not to give fair play ? " f "I'll larn you a thing or two , mister , " came Red Dennis' drunken voice through the din. "You can't play none o' yer Eames around yer. Take that as a hint. " The missile the rufflan hurled was a stone , which he had carried for the purpose. Straight to the mark It sped , striking Law lor a glancing blow on the head. Ho felt like a lug. "Now , boys , go In an' finish the Job ! " cried Dennis , crazed by liquor and laughing like a ( lend. At this Juncture there arose a commotion at the door. "Stand asldo there ! What , you won't ! Take that then. " Men were going down like ninepins , as Dennis , still laughing , turned to leave the room. "Out of the way , you ! " ordered Martin , reaching for his knife , as the panting , wiry form of Gordon blocked his way. Before he could recover from the lunge he had made at Gordon he received a blow on the paint of his chin that lifted htm clear from his feet and sent him sprawling. Taking advantage of the stupefaction that enstted at the fall of their redoubtable leader. Silent Tim , Gordon forced his way to where the brave Lawlor lay face down ward on the floor. "Stop ! " thundered lie , standing astride ' 'the'senseless man and presenting his re- ' t volvcra nt the angry mob , jiow surging about lilm ; "I will kill the next man that , passes yonder desk ! What has this man done , you miserable skunks , that you should kill him/ Nothing ! You know In your hearts that ho Is right In his endeavor to lead you away from the damning Influence of liquor , and yet there's not a man among you who has moral courage enough to throw off Red Dennis Martin's yoke and act like an honest man and a free citizen. For shame , men ! Put that weapon away , Olsen , and you do the same thing , Dave Evans , or by heaven I'll let daylight through you. " For the flrst time In many years Silent Tom Gordon had sp'oken and there was no mistaking his meaning. His commanding voice sounded clear and strong , cowing as If by magic , where the bullet and knife would only have Incited those lawless beings to further acts cf violence. "We ain't got no quarrel with you , Tom Gordon , " said Dave Evans , hesitatingly , almost Inaudlbly , but we don't want no bran-new dandy a-comin' yer to larn us nothln' . " "Hooray for Tom Gordon ! " came a dis tinctly Celtic -voice from the rear of the room. "Let up on him , boys , an' come an' have a drop of the crayther. " That was more to the liking of a majority , who had received their wages , and were eager to spend their hard-earned dollars over the bar of the Old Stone tavern. With a shout the suggestion was acted on , the gang depart ing carrying the still Insensible rumseller with them. Alone , Gordon turned the body of Law lor over , that he might discover the extent of the wound. "Brother Jack ! " These weru the words that escaped him. Tears were gushing from his eyes-ns ho knelt beside the man and rubbed his hands , calling on him the while. "Have they killed you , Jack ? have they killed you ? " Lawlor at laot looked about him , his gaze becoming riveted on Gordon. "Can U be ? " ho murmured In , a weak , puz/led voice , "can It bo that I at last st-e dear old Terence , my brother ? " The man we know as Gordon started up In alarm. "Sli ! " said he , thrllllngly ; "not that name. Jack ! Would you have them on my trail again ? " Tom Gordon's . "bach" shanty was situ ated not far from' the shaft of Turkey Buz zard mine , No. 3 , on a high bluff , and at considerable- distance from other residences' of the miners. Some time after these scenes described above , ho and Lawlor sat discussing In low tones , frequently Interrupted by Gor don rising and going to the window to see that no one was prowling around. It was early morning , the sun's rays just awaken ing to activity the feathered warblers on the hills beyond. "I mention these things , " Gordon was sayIng - Ing earnestly , "that at last ypu may know the facts In the cute. I admit that I killed Templeton ; but It was done while I waa under the Influence of that accursed agent of the devil , rum. Templeton used harsh pnd Insulting language toward the Indy whose name we have just mentioned , and ,1 sprang at him , Intending to choke .tlio words In his threat , but not to take his life. Unfortu nately I underestimated my strength , and he died In my hands. Of course , knowing the full circumstances of. the case , and being aware of the terrible scandal that would come to light , nothing was left but to listen quietly to the prosecution's effort , and finally to declare myself guilty. " "Well , " Bald Lawlor , "there Is satisfaction at least In the UnowJedgn that you cfcaped so soon 'rom ' prison. Your quiet , upright life here , beloved and revered by all , shows conclusively that you have atoned for your act. When Fattier Koch comes 7 will com mend you to him , In the hope that you may see further light. " Gordon arose and went to the window fdr the twentieth time. " 1 have a feeling that' my days of life are few , John , " said lie , solemnly , . "God knows that I have suffered enough. My story , which la true , I hope will be locked In your breast. I feel better , somehow , since Hello ! who's this'/ / " A young woman , running as If life depended 1 on It , came toward the house. ' Hose Crpgan ! " cried Gordon In surprise. "See , John ! Here comes the girl Tim Mar tin will marry one of these days. What a comely girl she IB , too ! What can be wronu ? " "Gordon , Mr , Gordon , " called the young woman when near the shanty ; "a word .with you. " Gordon quickly unbolted the door and looked suspiciously about him. "What Is your mission ? " 'he a ked gently , The girl was breathing heavjly , anil wined ready to fall in a swoon , "There , down to the shaft. They're down there , Tim and his father , Dennln batf xopf mad with .drink , has escaped from dear , Tim , nd has .fled to the bottom'of the baf ( , He js teuton taking your life , # nd .has gope down to lie In wall for you. Im went In ftfter him t n minutes ago , after telling mete to deliver his message , Tim says pleas ? please , not to venture out until his father Is liken. " The girl tremblfd violently. Gordon took her tenderly by thn arm and walked slowly down the path leading to the shaft with her "It Is my duty , " he said : "I shall go Into the mint. Uttt be not alarmed ; I have do- cldtd to whip all the badness out of Dennl : the next time we meet , Such action wll b ? salutary , and In line with a plan Mr. Law. lor anil I have adopted looking to the better government of this village. I am glad the opportunity Is at hand to begin with Dennis , " The words were not thoie of n swaggering bully ; they were spoken In * c quiet a manner that Hose Cregtn wa thrlllec and mote alarmed than ever for the safety of one or both of them , knonlng Hcd Dentil ! skill with knife ntut pistol , and his. treacher ous nature. "We are In luck , John , " said Gordon on his return , and explained the cause of the girl's visit. Lawlor's face blanched. " 1 shall go with you , Tcr Gordon , " he wld , cor recting himself ; "It will require the efforts of both of us to subdue the mad creature. " Gordan shook him by the hand. "Always my generous brother and true Irishman , " ho said exultantly. "Now let's to breakfast. " As the men fell to there camn seven loud whistles from the mine , the last long drawn out , "Diets us" said Gordon hurriedly , "how quickly the time ( lies whin In good company. " The 'wo ' men ran hastily out and Joined other belated employes on tholr way to the shaft. Within n short distance cf It there arose a mighty cry , supplemented by that mo t terrible of all sounds , ( ho alarm whistle , no tifying those lor miles around that an acci dent had occurred. As to the sailor In south ern waters the fearful temblor makes him to forget his very God , so to the miner comes that thrilling , ominous , paralyzing sound , leaving him stupid , speechless , his heart dead within him ! "Fire ! The mine's aflrel" One man hoarsely uttered the words. The cry was taken up by others. Then as If by magic the whole village was aroused ; men , women with Infants In their arms , and children by their side , running madly to the entrance of the shaft , all fear ful for the safety of their dear ones. Gordon was the flrst to recover his P.MISCS. He , followed by Lawlor , ran to life head of the shaft. "Where Is the fire ? " he demanded of the engineer. Telephone word came at that Instant from the bottom of the shaft that It was In No. 3 level. "Has any one gone down ? " "Yes ; I've run ten accommo dations. " "Do you recollect any ono getting off at No. 3 ? " " " "My God ! suddenly ex claimed the rnglntcr , "Ucd Dlnnls Martin sot. off there halt an hour ago and hit ) son Tim went down only ten minutes since. Only them two , boss. " "Quick , men ! " Gordon's voice rang out Ipud above the confused noises. "Wo can yet rescus them. Get the wagon on the knuckle. " A score of men crowded Into the wagon nnd descended through a thick volume of smoke. Arrived nt No. 3 level , Gordon led the way for some 200 yards , cheered on by Lawlor ami oilier brave men. Here , confronted with what appeared to bo certain death , even the most courageous refused to go further. "It's sure death fer to go In , " said Peg Wilson , speaking sullenly. "If you escape a 'squeeze' In them breasts , you'll go under from the flre and gas. No , no , boys ; Dlnnls Is dons fer. He warn't no good nohow. " Gordon turned upon him furiously. "Thcro are known to be human lives at stake , " he thundered "Who knows what a few moro minutes will do ? Come , be men In action as well as In name ! This Is no time to pass on the character of Dennis ! What five . -of you will follow me In ? " John Lawlor took his place beside him ere ho had finished the sentence. "Four more , " called Gordon. The men shook their heads. "We have dear ones at home , said one ; "you are asking too much , Tom. " Gordon saw that It was useless to further harangue the men. With Instructions to start up the fans he grasped a safety lamp and sprang forward through the gas and smoke along the gangway , Lawlor close be side hlln. "Come back ! " came a rough voice ; bes2echlngly , and other voices Joined , but the cries fell on heedless ears. Sonio distance from the starting point Gordon paused , cold sweat standing on him and his limbs shaking. "To go on means death to one or both pf us , John , as those fellows truthfully say. You have every thing to live for , I nothing ! Go back , ray brother , to all you hold dear , and , should my rfal name become known hereabouts , let the attempt I make this day at rescue atone for the ons great crime. " "I have come of my own accord , " said Lawlor , doggedly , an Indescribable feeling coming over him as he spoke. "Further tallt Is useless. Onward , before strength leaves us. " Blinded , coughing , reeling as though drunk , the nun stumbled along , falling now and then , and regaining their feet with difficulty. A hundred feet further on and Gordon sud denly uttered a loud cry as his foot struck a human form. It waa that of Tim Martin , lying face downward In the mud formed by the trickling water from the top of the gang way. Quickly raising the youth ho flashed the rays of the lamp lu his eyes. A groan escaped the sufferer , proving that there was hope In his case at least , "Your father , Dennlr where Is he ? " snld Gordon In a weak voice. Tim opened his eyes as water was dashed In his face , and looked wondcr- ngly about him. "Father's lost his reason , " lie said , "he's stark , raving mad , I fol lowed him here In hopes of capturing him Deforo he did mlfdilef. He went In there with a naked lamp and I Hose , Rose " The limp form fell from Gordon's arms. The brave man darted off In the direction ndlcated. The body of Dennis Martin lay , lorrlbly blackened and bunted , directly off the nlatform. whither It had been blown bv lie force of the explosion. It took but a glance to convince Gordon : hat the ruflUn was past all help , then he .ottered back to where Lawlor was madly endeavoring to drag away the unconscious Tim. Together they lifted htm and retraced. heir steps along the gangway. Perhaps flfty yards were traversed thus , when , with a pathetic cry , Lawlor fell forward. "HelpI" rhoutcd Gordon , "help ! " The light of In sanity shone In his eyes ; the horror of the situation had unbalanced his mind. He made a final effort to lift one , then another , hut stumbled to a sitting posture ; and when the voices of a rescuing party came through the cruel smoke , ho was laughing like a child at play , the flames from the pine pillars and other supports Illumining the bulging eyes and ghastly visage of a madman ! In after .years , around the barroom stove , o Ned Magulre was given the- credit for orgunizing a puny 10 go lu uiu rcBiiuu in bat memorable flre. "I see Ned now , " Bald a grizzled old man , reflectively pulling at tin pip ; . "As lie stands there undecided and Hhamefaced like , after Peg Wilson hail poken und Gordon had Hhowed us how to > o men by going Into zartaln death. , old Ned Magulre breaks the t'pell by singing out after a while : 'Well , boys , ' says he , 'my working days ls about done , what with Red Dennis' plzen whisky and the rheu- natlcs , HO It won't much matter one- way or t'other ; but what I say Is , dear ones erne no dear ones , I for one reftteo to eland yer and see them -fslleri' go to their death with out makln' an effort to save 'em. I'm off dare any of you mealy-mouthed and velvet- palmed sons-o'-guns follow me ? ' The sharp : rltlclsin aroused the men. There waa but one response to the old toper's sarcastic verde a shout that seemed to lift the arth i-evera ! inches , "After we had set the fans a-blowln' out ) aken all necessary precautions , we made a ruali for it , knowln' that the thing had to be lone quick. Well , we came across them eon enough , heaven knows. First there lay Tim , fair an' nquar on his face , the flamco es' about rcachln' him. Then there- was > awlor a-layln * t'otlur way. Last of all , Gordon tot there , as cruzy an a loon , with ono hand gripping his own throat an' the other outstretched , his bleeding eyes fixed n It as If It had been the- agent of taking a Ufa Instead of giving one back. Fact ! Tried to stop and wash the hand , too , In so rlllcal a time as that , as If It had been llrly or bloody or , hurt him In come way , and lie was a-flxln' up fer to ace his beat ; lrl ! Wfll. I got uphold ot him an' yanked ilm out o' there In double-quick time , you nay depend , "Wildfire Jack Cherter was the engineer n thf-m dayi. It'u Ills boasl that he never naiie faster time tin hla life than ho did when oo > gong struck to hulat awjiy on that mem- rablewornlue. 'Cause you see we had 'em. An' what choiring there was when we.got1 o the topi Why , for one I though thu Cregan girl would never utop a-klialn' , ui' hUKgln' of Tim an' Gordon , too , lookln' n JilBi i * Tlin'.n pre erverr-makln' tmany ot u , wib tU t we > wa > young t > eln. * 'Uut there na & btraugo illenct- after that outburst of applause , when It WAS found that John t.iwlor , th > temperance slurp , wag dead , Yen , ho breathed bin lfl t with pretty much the Mine crowd around hint thnt hed given him Mich a warm reception at the old red school house ; only Instead ot curse" ! and Rlbon , liter * were ( cars nonr rollln' down their chirks. U was p > 1 darned shame that et them "wfcpln. * " "And what became of Tim Martin ami Silent Tom ! " asked a strsngcr , who had listened breathlessly to the old man. "Stranger , I like * yer looks. Hut call him Superintendent Tim Martin , If you please , an' when you git so as to know htm , you'll larn to love him ns we all do. As for Silent Tom Gordon , thctigh see yerl" The narrator Jumped to his feet'and went to the door. "That's what we put over him , " slid lie. In a low voice. In the moonlight on the side of the hill , In the direction he pointed , stood a tnarlilo shaft , "And BO the brave fellow died after "Aye , left us as peacefully ns an infant would RO to sleep. U was In the morning when the turn fer the come. All night long he had boon muttering funny things , my quirk car catching amung others the name of Rose , an1 Jcs' an the birds was * -slrotchln' tlnlr wings liack there en the hills , an' the wind was n-slghln' down the valley , he o | > sno < l bin eyes an' soemfd to recognltc us all for an Instant only. Rosa Cregan , now Tlm' wlfr , an' good old Father Kooh wan a-standln' near , 'John. ' said he , closing his eyes dreamily , 'go back , man , go back , bofort It's too late. John , why don't you answer ? Leave me to carry tht > youth out , for death shall not rob Rose Crrgan ot her young lover.1 "Them was the words ot the nobl * feller , stranger , " said the garrulous old sol emnly , nnd so lov that others could not hear It. "I happened to be near the head of the bed when he spoke them. Then , throwing back hla head , n ttort of moan cscnprd him. " " 'Rose ! Rosql You little know how I love you , girl ! ' "Sh ! Keep that a secret , stranger , fer you an * mo arc the only ones thnt know Hint that strange being loved the gut whose youthful lover's life ho saved by giving up ltl own. That's all. " Scrofula lurka In the blood of nearly every jj ODD , but Hoods Sarsaparllln drives It from ' < J the system and makes pure hluod. HAS IMI'HKSSIVi : IMMVl'S. A I'olU-fiiiini'M Cluli lliilll on n lln- umiiiI'lnn. . A lorror to thugs and to all men In gen eral is tlio policeman's club. Some police men in this town , says the St. Louis Re public Moralizes , put their clubs to uses for which they were not Intended , for Instance , the rapping ot thorn on a pavement on approaching preaching a dark alley at night , to give warning to any tough characters that the officer Is In the vicinity. But this sort ot buslnosi Is prostituting a club , according to the best Judgment of men who have carried thorn for years on a day beat. The primal y and most Important object of a police club Is the subjection of unruly prisoners. A down caster , with a gonlus for Invention nnd love of his fellow man , prominent consldcra- tlons In his make-up , has succeeded hi per- feeling a "humane police club. " It will knock out everything , from a horse to a plain drunk , the Inventor claims , and never bother the knocked out at all. Ho Is out with a circular advertising 'his club. It Is a pink circular , arranged In such a way that a man lias to rend It half through before ho can figure out whether he Is perns- Ing an advertisement for some kind of as- bastes underwear or an Invitation to attend a grand opening. The Inventor Is a doctor , and he writes about as well as the averogo doctor writes when he'Is laken off prescrlp- j tlons. Ho starts In by claiming that his In- ' ventlon js strong , effective , safe , ' Immune f and.noarly Indestructible. He says It stuns and stupefies temporarily , with rapid nnd complete recovery. The worst a poHccinan can do with It Is to make a prisoner's nosa bleed. - < i > The club , the Inventor .cinlms , lu composed of a "central core' piece and aU'-rlintlo ( 4011- . _ volope , constructed In an Integral piece and wholly Inclosing said core. " They are made ' In two sizes' , one twelve and .one fourteen Inches long , and weigh but thirteen ounces. " The. core Is of hickory about seven-eighths of an inch In diameter. By some process , known only to the Inventor , ho buries this hickory core In an elastic envelope of eoft India rubber. The uirfnco of the club may be smooth or rough , as It nulls the fancy ot the policeman carrying .It. It can b ; carried in 'the ' pocket or carried In the hiind with equal facility , and ho lays particular stress on the rapidity with which it can be brought Into action. A policeman , the Inventor says , may Inks this club and beat a man over the head with It until the man who Is being beaten gets so unconscious tlie spectators thnk | he lu dead , and then throw a prisoner In his cell , neeiiro In the confidence thai the unfortunate in dividual will feel as well the next morning as though Iu > had paid CO cents for an Im provised ehampoo. "In Its use , " the circular uiys , "the normal skull Is not fractured , the human brain Is not Injured , the skin Is , not broken , and blood Is not brought , except at the rioss. " It la admitted that It may break a man's arm or blacken his eye , hut the { in ventor seems to think Ihls a matter of minor Importance. Ht mentions It In a way that Is very matter of fact. In conclusion , before ha begins to quota Indorsement , he aya : "It Is not a sandbag ; It doen not make n dan gerous concussion ; on ithe contrary. Its usa is safe. Rather , It la an elongated arm and 1st , the core corresponding to the bones , and the rubber to the skin and flesh. " The Inventor of the club Is a doctor , and the way he found out tlml It will not fr cure - : uro the skttU nor injure the brain la re markable for Its novelty. He tolls about t himself. In the small town he liven n ho could find no opportunities for ex periment , so he went to u city near iby and secured permission to experiment , on : ho bodies In the morgue. Kvcry iay ) 10 used lo go lo tlio morgue with one of ils clubs and vigorously beat and pound corpses over the head , using both hands o wield II with. Then he would cut cpen .ho jskulls of the poor dead victims and see. f the brains were Injured. The exporl- 7ient on the bodies proving satisfactory , le tried some live dogx , and In a tuw days ho dogs would coino around to get knocked out by the club Just the same as thuy would come to their meals. Calves \v ro also used for the purpose of experiment. A. O. Bartley of Magic , Pa. , writes : "I 'eel It a duty of mine to Inform you nnd the ' " public that DciWItt't * Witch Hazel Salvo cured me of n vorv bad imeo of orzoma. It alto cured my boy of a running core on his leg. IIAV\V.tlll ) ' AVAIL How MliinrMiilii Criminal IlHui | * of HIM C'liHli , , As soon an thn dec-Won of the MtnncHota supreme court alUmnlng the dt-itth ni-ntpiico of Harry Hnyward for Hie murder of Catharine Glng WIIH nnnpunced tinitiillior - tlea of tlio MinncnpollH jiill Instituted n horough uearch of tlio murderc-r'H clotliliifr and quartern. Deputy Jailer Andaman wtftit at the work carefully , hut Heiirch HH , ho might thcroappeared to bo nothing lint could bo dr-Ulmeiitnl to mo or limb nei-rutcd n the vui loiia pliici-o about thu cull. AnUur- 1011 regolvcd. however , tlmt ho would inuJci htmost mlnuto Inqtilif , HO ho IIUKIIII. ID ilck thlrgH to ph > ruH. Hiiddvnly he thought ; hat.-the bull nlit ( , which wan. polished Kit ono end , looked u If It luul been hniidU-d considerably. A Rluur liupi.-uikin lovfMril a'plug In ono place nnd two | iuio | In other > ortlojiH , Andeitioii dtllU-d out Iho nliiKH , ind In eiieli hole beneath Inj xucvacJi-d iln Indlng u JIM l.ill. Here watt PK ) of Iho inlfulni ; money Hint could not bn iicrounti-il for. It WUM iiullu i safety deimmt viinlt. HnvliiK luul hucli succeua iniulc Aixleigon go further. .He explored ull ( lie clothing , utul Ilimlly , as he WUH giving up lilx xivich , wan fur- her rowuuk'd. liny win d'n Hhoea wnr op ened and the .Jnxolc tiikc-n out of etcli. Tliero WIIH uppurently nothing heiicuth It , In the end uf one , however , AmleiMui now what he llioimlit WIIH n ttcraiclu J'lcklim til I with a knife , hu dlpcuvricd that a plu.'o of the lied nn Inch minute had bci-n out out from the- Incldrnnd uftrr It hud been opened to Ilia depth of an Inch , the leatlier md been luiilueed buiicath tlio vole anil lasted In , tlio Insole lining puKtetl OV .T. n tlio bottom of IliU little nafety deposit vault wiis Hnuisly 'folded ' a t'M bill In fuel , lluywiinl iiiijiunred to liuvn bern oaded with money. lie not only luul H illed ttib iirlHuiieiH with blllx of luruu tie * lomlnutloiiH , but ihiid W'M lutt ilo lililo iln lU clothing. When . .tincluthim ; WUH tulicn rom him he never inndc u mutton to bc- ray that Ilium wu uny thinguf vuluo here. The dellclouv fragrance , rrfrethjiig tleellug and solt beauty Imparted to the jlclu by PozionVi tfoivder , cummenO * It.UuuM ladl s/