Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 9, Image 9

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All Aggressive Campaign Special Drives in Every Department to Make Room for Christmas
Goods-A Visit Will Be Well Repaid.
for High-Class Silks
Our Immense Silk u lno. H lias not been built l > by Knowing qualities
nnd Hlylea nt good and prices n.t low ni elsewhere , but by showing qualltlcB
and styles bolter nnd prices LOW 1211 than elsewhere.
5,000 ynrds choice Fnncy Taffetas. I3ro-
'cn,0J , Bathm. In striped und pRiirort
chntiKenble effects : SllkM Hint ell elsewhere -
where for $1.00 , here they nro
10,000 yards choicest Fancy Taffetas , In
changeable fffecln , chameleon effects ,
satin stripes , I'olntclla and IJrocndc ,
made to sell nt $1.23 and $1.50 , hero they
C.OOO yards choice new Novelty SHU * . In thUrtt
Benson's most beautiful designs , made to ik I
poll at $2.50 , $2.00 and Jl.Tr , here they goJLlJ JL
nt only "
Rlor-fr 2,000 yards extra heavy and fine Cash-
DltlbJt , nor ( ) oren Grains , with satin P.siircs ,
exquisite designs , the reRUlar $1.23 quo- !
uy ; while they last hcie they ate
1,000 yards of extra fine nil silk Satin
Hhadnme , full 21 Inches wide , genuine
$1.00 Satin , the best value ever offered at
thu price
6,000 yards of extra fine Evening Sllk > ,
Including many new and fancy stylon , the
most beautiful line ever shown In this city
nml mnilc to sell for J2.W ) . $2.00 and $1.50 ,
go at $1.50 , $1.25 , tSc and
100 pieces of All Silk race Velvets , In black
nrd | rnlors , Roods that cost Me per yard
to nialte. go this week at
Colored Taffeta Silks , one dollar qualAQr <
Ity , for * VC
All Silk Colored Satins , worth one dotiOr >
lar. for
Black Satin , full yard wide , for only
Dress Goods Dept.
Monday and all next week wo will give the
people of Omaha an opportunity of attend
Goods. We've got too many of tome lines.
and as the season Is growing shorter we will
put prices on them that mean business.
Blacks Blacks Blacks
34-Inch FancUs In Serge Weaves , and
Jacquord effects . i2 ! c
30-Inch Kspsngallnos , worth 48c , for. . . 2rc
no-Inch Cccllllans , worth 48e , for . 25c
40-Inch Bourctts , In 10 different patterns 25c
35-Inch all wool Serge- and Henrietta ,
worth 39e. tor . Wo
3Glnch pure mohair figures , regular 4Sc
gcods . 'c
40-Inch all wool Serge , regular 39c qual
ity . 25c
45-Inch all wool French Serge , regular
f.'Jc quality . 39c all wool French Serge , extra fine
finish . EOc
CO-lnch all wcol French Serge , extra fine
finish , $1.00 quality for . DOe
47-Inch Storm Serge , the. dust proof
quality , for . COc
SS-lncli all wool Jacquards , CO styles ,
D9c goods for . . . 39c
39-Inch all wool Jacquards , 4G styles ,
75c goods for . COc
CHEl'ONS We've got them In all the dif
ferent weaves. Prices from COc up to $3.00
Colored aucl
Novelty Dress Goods
Headquarters for all that's new and nobby.
New and nobby double fold all wool
Scotch checks and Bourctts Jlonday. . 19c
38-Inch all wool Novelties , all our 39c
and 4Sc goods Monday . . . 29c
39c Monday will buy more goods and bet
ter style goods at Hoydens' than have ever
been quoted In Omaha. We will give you
o\or 200 patterns to select from.
COc yard Monday and all next week buys
all our CO-lnch Storm Serge , worth S9c ; all
our 42-Inch Novelty Goods , worth 7Cc and
$1.00 ; all our CO-luch French Serge , worth
jl.OOj all our 40-Inch Imported German Hen
rietta , worth S9c. i
$10.00 Monday ( only ) buys all our $15.00 ,
$10.00 , $18.00 and $20.00 Pattern Suits. They
arc unquestionably the handsomest line In
the west.
Leaders in Linens
Many inorchnntB from the surround-
liitf country wi-ro noticed at our Linen
counters yesterday. Our prices were.
lower , they mild , tlmn the. luumiftictiir
era would slvo them.
KnHlly accounted for. Large orders
and spot cash nro what the manufac
turers want. Wo relieved some of the.
most famous factories of their entire
output In some linos. The Immense
purchases rather overstocked us , hut we
IrtUo the rl ht way out. The prices nro
cut to Just about half what they regu
larly are. Come In and BCO the holiday
dlhi'ilay of everything in line Linens ,
Towellnss , Crashes , etc. Thu prices ,
too , arc worth n look.
Special Sheeting Sale
wililciinhcd - 'KMnch
Lonsdalo , < ! % u ; iiU-lnch Arrow hraud ,
"e ; tJ-4 bleached SliuotlitK. IHc ; t-4 )
lilci choil. oxtrii niiuUtv. ' 17cjrilnch : un-
Meached Sheellii } , ' , Scl ; at 30c , 7-4 at
J1c0-t ; unbleached heavy Sheeting , l ! > c ;
10-1 ntlTo.
Lnnsdalo Cambric at 7'X > e ; Canton
Fliiitui'ls , He ; lUlyC Canton Flannel , 8c.
Ticking at prices to milt.
Fancy Goods Dept.
This is where we shine.
Di'imlson's Crepu Tissue I'ajior , in
rolls , largo sl/.e , only . lOc
Hoaiomhor I0o for jiupor worth 25o
Tihsue. Paper In slicets. , - . lc
ItciMcmhur this Is the best
Tinted Do.vHo * , each .
Tinted Doylies , each . 7o
38-Inch S'uuares . Sc
Mi-Inch 1'iblo Covers . llc )
: ! H-ltR'h Table Covers . L'.lc
lUcliurdson's Working Silks , dozen lUo
Our Bigr Ribbon Sale
Will be continued on Monday ,
All -Jo and He Ulbboim for , per yard lc
30c Ribbons for , per yard . fie
3'Jo Ribbons for , per yard . lie
ITn1 Ribbons for , per yard . . l-V
: . ' 0c Klbbons for. pur yard. . . . . . . . ltn )
We Hlbbons for , per yard . , . lie !
'M ( ; Hlbbons fur. per yard. . . l.'e
Tiioso arc tlio boat heavy all Bilk Itlb-
To our patrons not residing In Omaha :
Wo have recently purchased over 3,000
Ladles' Cloaks , 114 and ; i ( ) inches long ,
Misses' Cloaks , thirty-four Indies long
ladles' sixes , 'M to ! ( ( incnos bust , and
misses' 1-1 to 110 yelrs.
This lot of Cloaks hare medium full
sleeves , are made from cheviot , twill
and tricot diagonal beavers ; also wide
diagonals ; and misses' in chinchilla.
Not one Cloak but cost to make from
$5.00 to $10.00.
The ladies' are divided into two iols :
one JflUKi and one $4.1(5 ( , and the misses'
are all $ ; UV > .
Kvery customer who sends for one of
these Cloaks can rely on perfect satis
faction. Colors , black and navy.
Our 4 and O-button Beaver Jackets at
$4.05 , $ lf.1)-5T ) 'J7.)5 ? ! ) , and $ IMIO are.
the best values in 'ho ' land ; all ! n plainer
or rotmli cloth.
In misses' and children's Jackets we
are showing an Immense stod : at
? : t.l)5 ) , ! j > 4.'J5 , $4.05 and $5.75 ; colors ,
navy , cardinal , red , browu , tau and
Fur Capes
Our special sale of IClectric .Seal
Capes announced In I'rldarV Issue \\lll
continue for ten d , ys. I'ricus , :50.\100 : ,
Jii.OO ; , $18.50 , $ i ! ' _ > .50 ; aiixilO with gi-n-
nine marten or thib-'t collars and front ,
$ " . " > < > .
Special Sale
Cloaking Dept.
Another lot black and colored Astrak
han Just received.
GO-lnch heavy quality black Astrah-
kan , worth $4.00 $2.00
ftMuch Astrahkan , beautiful mix
tures , in red and bind ; , green and
black , worth $ MM ) $2.10
58-Inch all wool heavy Cloaking ,
navy only , worth 'J'J.50 $1.25
lid-Inch all wool Ladles' Cloth ,
worth IIOc yard , . 25c
Special Sale of
Winter Underwear
C cases of men's heavy Snlrta and Draw
ers , l 5o each.
Men's heavy wool Shirts and Drawers , 35c
cacl. .
Men's fleece lined Shirts and Drawers , COc
each , north 7Gc.
Men's natural gray wool Stilrts and Draw
ers , 75c each , worth ? 1,25.
Men's heavy wool Sox , 12V c , worth 2Gc.
Men's navy blue Flaucl Slilrts , $1.00.
worth SI.CO.
Children's wool Hose , 12Jic , regular 20c
Hoys' heavy Ulcycle Hose , 25o per pair ,
north 40c.
Chlldrpn's wool Mlllcns. lOc per pair.
Men's heavy wool Mittens , lOo per pair.
Men's lined Leather Mittens , COc ; worth
Ladles' heavy Jersey ribbed Vests , 12i4c.
Ladles' wool Vesta , Jersey ribbed , COc ,
worth 7Cc.
Ladles' lleece lined Hose , lOc , worth 20c.
I-aJles' 8-button Kid Gloves , C9c , worth
100 dozen Corsets , $1.00 quality , reduced to
COc ,
Lidles' fine Saxony Mittens. 2Cc , worth COc.
Men's white laundered Shirts , COc , worth
Sewing Machines
We are headquarters for the best Sewing
Machines made , We hare them from J3.00 ,
110.00 to ? 20.00. These prices are less than
agents gt for u conimlroloa , The best are
tully warranted for five years.
For Monday and Tuesday
Prints In rod and black , worth Cc a
yard 3c
Prints In pray nnd fancies , worth
tic a yard 3c
Apron ginghams , worth 0c } for. . . . i > e
DrosH Ginghams , worth lOc for. . . . 7u
; iO-lneh jilnid double fold Dress
Goods , yard So
30-inch Knickorbokor double fold
Dross Goods , yard lOc
Lllack Sateen , 30-inch wide , strict
ly hcnriotta linlsh and fust bluck ,
yard 7ie
Fancy Crcpon , In preys and colors ,
the newest of nil dark printed
wash fabrics , yard lt > c
Plain , colors in Crepes for evening _
dresses , yard 15c
Plain colors in Sateens , : tO inches
wide , yar . .d 15c
fSklrtlng Moreen , black , best for
eign goods , at , yard , IIOc and. . . . 4Sc
Skirting Moreen , In black and
gray , in cotton , is very desirable
for skirtings and lining purposes ,
only , yard 15e
Cloth Underskirts
On sale Monday , 2 cases of ladles' one
piece Cloth Uiulerhklrts. the warmest ,
lightest and most durable .skirt r.iade ;
colors , brown and blame , worth .fit CO ,
for $1.75.
Other Winter Sklrlg from 75c to $0.00.
Styles and prices that nuke this depart
ment the mecca of Hat buyers. The Millin
ery store on our second floor Is fairly alive
with all that Is dainty In headwcar.
Ladles' Trimmed Felt Hats , dress shapes ,
for COc , 7Cc and fl5c , worth up to $3.00.
Kur Felt and Velvet Trimmed Hots , with
coqucs , plumes , ostrich tips , fancy ribbons ,
etc. , at $2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00.
An exquisite Una of tlendld Pattern Hats ,
creations such as ladles go Into ccstacles
over , at $4.00 and $ G.OO.
Everything needful In Trimmings. Algc-
rcttes at lOc ; coques and plumes at 20c and
2Cc ; ostrich tips at 25c , COc and up ; silk
and velvet flowers , 25c buncb.
See our Millinery display.
Blanket Dept.
Gray and white Blankets , 55c , 75c
and Sl.OO.
11-4 silver gray and white Blankets ,
$1.00 and $1.25.
Kxtra heavy gray Blankets at 75c
Heavy gray wool Blankets at $1.25
Gray Blankets , 11-4 size , at $1.75.
All wool heavy white Blankets at
$2.50 pair.
All wool gray and natural color at
$2.75 pair.
Kremont AVooIen Mills Blankets , in
gray and natural colors , at $2.05 and
$ ; U)5 ) pair.
These are strictly all wool and heavy
Strictly all wool Hcd Blankets at $2.75
Bed Comforters from 50c each , at 75c ,
05c , $1.00 and $1.25.
An extra heavy cotton filled home
made large size Sateen Comfort at $2.25.
Eiderdown Comforts from $8.50 up.
Notion Dept.
We are always giving bargains in this
department , and Monday will be no
Linen Thread , per spool , only le
Machine Thread , per spool , only. . . 2c
Dress Shields , per pair , only 4c
Dennlson's Crepe Paper , per roll. . 15c
Silk Initialed Handkerchiefs Cc
Tills Is a bargain.
Ladles' and children's all silk Windsor
ser Ties , each 12K-C.
Hats and Caps
Another deep cut In prices.
Men's Fur Fedoras , In brown and black ,
worth $ l.r.O , 95c.
Men's Fur Dsrbys , in. black , worth $1.CO ,
Men's Fur Soft Hats , In blacTt and brown ,
nutria , worth $1.50 , S5c.
Men's heavy. Storm Caps , worth $1.00 , 25c.
Men's heavy Storm Caps , worth $1.60 $ , COc.
Boys' heavy Storm Caps , worth $1.00. 25c.
Mimes' and children's Fancy Caps , 35c.
Misses' and children's plaid and plain
Tom O'Shanters , COc.
Special prices on Trunks and Traveling
Candy Dept.
Important Notice
We have secured the services of one of
the finest French candy makers , "Monsieur
do Mullen , " who will cater to the wants of
our patrons during the holiday season. If
there Is any special kind of candy you want
made he will be pleased to make It to or
der. Come In and see him making candy ;
It Is certainly a great sight , which will bs
appreciated by those who desire Information
In any particular or regarding the manufac
ture of candles.
Finest Chocolate or Vanilla Caramels ,
only , pound 20c
Delicious Opera Caramels , only 2Cc
Chocolate Drops , very fine ISc
Try cur Cocoanut Snow IJalls , only , It ) . . 25o
Vanilla Cocoanut Oars , only Ib iCc
Delicious Taffy , vanilla , strawberry ,
chocolate , etc , pound ISc
French Cream Mixed ICc
Brownie Mixed , iCs
Assorted Fruit Drops ICc
Choice Pear Drops lOc
London Mixed Candy , . . . , lOc
Clove Cushions , only lOc
Chewing Gum , only , , , . . , , 2'/4c
If you want a box of flue Candles , try us
It Is always fresh. Made every half hour.
Sheet Music.
After you have looked everywhere
else In town and uro unablu to find the
muala yon want , ooino to Ilaydon Bros. ,
where you will bo auro to got it and ,
aside from that , it will cost you just
about half what It will any where else ,
Wo Have HvcrythiHg In Music.
All the latest selections of the day ,
both classics and popular , at greatly re
duced prices.
10,000 different selections at Co per
Onour nargaln table you will flnd
thousands of sheets of rnusio worth all
nil the way from 2oo up to $1.50 pot-
copy. This mudlo being slightly soiled ,
will close it out atc per copy.
Mail orders receive prompt attention.
Grand Clearini
Of men's , 'boys' nnd children's Suits nnd
Too many Suits nnd Overcoats to end tha
month with. And this Clearing Sale will
pull the piles down down quite ns low as
the prices wo hnvo made.
TURKU IS WISDOM In the purchase of
merchandise that IB known to be hns
proven to be ilrst class nnd thoroughly
reliable nnd In no other line of Koodn Is
this of more paramount Importnncu than
! " ! ° y ? ' _ nnd Children's Clothing.
Boys' Long Trouscr Suits , ages 13 to 19
. ycari . of fnncy cheviot nnd cnsslmere ,
i. strictly all wool , well made , well trlm-
" moil nnd extra Btvllsh , $7.60 values , this -
week for 7h
. . 'Boys' Long Trouper Suits , ages 13 to 19
< yearn , In very line silk mixed worsted ,
* + t fancy cheviots and casslmere , the stylish
* . 4-button cutaway sack and double-
i , ItrcoHtcd sack styles , made ns well as
' .can be unequalled elsewhcic for lees 7,50
" - than $12.00 to $15.00 , this week for ,
„ Boys' Two-Garment Suits , ngea 5 to 15
i years , In very line tailored , finest fitting
- nnd llnest trimmed Suits ever shown In
f Omaha , In sllk _ mixtures , fancy chevi
ots , clay worsteds , casslmerc and tweeds ,
i , Suits that are regularly worth from $5.00 4,50
I ' to $8.50. This will bo nt $2.75 , $3.75 and. . . . ,
, ; boys' and Young Men's Winter Overcoats
* - and Ulsters Wo show the largest line in
Kilt Overcoats , sizes 214 to S years ,
$ i double and single capes , extra long , nt 6,00
s , nll prices from $1.93 to t ,
j } ° > 's' nlll Younu Men's Ulsters Ages G
v JJto 19 years , In Shetland nnd friezes , dark
vjfand light colors. Wo sell n good Ulster
* * for $3.7S
tlctter ones for 54.7S
VK1" " all wool frieze for $1 , $6.00 , $10
\.Children's \ novelties In Junior nnd Reefer
; , iBults ; and Ilcefcr Coot . larReHt nfsort-
t'Tmeni nnd lowest prices. Junior nnd
-lleefcr Suits at $1.9. > , 6,00
fftj.'Heefer Coats at Jl.DO to ,
JtTHEIlB IS AVISDOM nil around you
VMion you're In Hayden Bros. ' magnlllccnt
IWen's Clothing Department the wisdom
lof quality nnd style , the wisdom of honest
.vork nnil honest linings und the wisdom
of lowest possible pi Ices.
SCO fine all wool hair line casslmere. black
blue cheviots and worsted suits , In
io nnd double-breasted styles , well
made sack Suits , $12.60 won't buy any
at other stoics ; this week nt Hny-
' ( ,
silk " mixed " worsteds , Imported
< rierKe3 and KOft finished dlaffonals , equal
\f\ato handsomest suits ever sold anywhere
= . -2for' ; $16.00 to $25.00 , Huyden Bros , offer
-i' t thlsweek for $10.0C and .
Overcoats , In "black and blue ker-
- nnd beaver , velvet rollar , tiy front ,
"sjjTstyllsh nnd well made , $8.00 garments at
* .V other stores , this week for .
' .
iMcn's all wool black , blue and brown ker
sey or beaver Overcoato , pllk velvet collar -
_ , lar , heavy leather cloth lining , the coats
IV you never saw anywhere for less than
f$12.00. . Hnydcns' sell for only .
; One large lot of men's black and Oxford
jj all wool frieze 34-ounce Ulsters , 54 Inches
M long , raw edge , elegant body lining ,
heavy velvet pockets , the sort you pay
$15.00 or $18.00 for nt any other ttore , nil
sizes from smallest to largest , Jhls week
for .
Mail orders receive prompt
* . _
Bay State Guitars
For Sale only at .Eayden's
Acknowledged the best in'tqo world. Rec
ommended by Omaha artists ; Prices no
higher than other first clas3tmakes. . A
written guarantee with every Instrument.
Special prices on our fine-sejcctefl stock of
Washburns , Emorys and oUiir makes. A
few prices : -
Ono Guitar worth $7.50 nowl. . . $3.75
One Guitar worth $8.50 now , $4.25
One Guitar worth $12.50 nowl. , $6.00
Ono Guitar'worth $15.00 nowi. . $7.50
One Guitar worth $22.50 now ] ' . $11.25
Ono Guitar worth $25.00 now ? , $12.50
Ono Guitar worth $5000 ; now < C ; $25.00
Every make of Mandolin Jfrom $3.75 to
$30.00 , worth $7.60 to $60.00. 1
Mandolin Cases , canvas , worth I $2.50 , at. $1.75
Guitar Cases , canvas , worth 12.50 , at.$1.75
Banjo and Violin Cases , worth 42.50 , at.$1.75
Autoharps , 3-trar. . . , , , . . . . , . 77 $2.25
Autoharps , C-bar r. { $4.50
Wo sell every first classl'make at less
money than other dealers osjj for cheap or
medium grades. ' 9
1 Upright Piano , good condition $90.00
1 Upright Piano , Hullct & rhivfa. nearly
new , . * f $160,00
1 Upright Piano , Vose & Sons , nearly
new , , ? . ' . . , , $150.00
New Planes to rent. i i
Pianos moved , tuned and'fepalrcd , ,
In none of our departiqpn 'have there
been greater bargains offered than in our
Stove department. We yh'&Vig gold and are
selling Etoves for less nt refill than thuy
can he bought by the car idH Of over 500
of our Fuller-Warren stock oSly a very few
remain , and they must ba.cWsed out.
A splendid Iluso Durnor foK : : ' $12.50
An extra largo baws burner , but enough
to heat 4 large rooms , you'pky $30.00
elsewhere for the tame'stofe ? 17.50
' * * uw vv wwuit w w * Cr t tf f > * ! ( * * * * * '
Hound fteel , brick lined , MUarc bass
Hard Coal Burner..f : $3.95
C-holo Square Hango , all ln rpvci. . . . . $5.95
TheHoute Steel Itange. tbtjtnest and
beet steel range In the -market ; the
only range with locomtlvirrate and
chilled steel nnlshlngi.j/fKIcc / $27.60
AH the newest nqvi UCH in ftinpy
Dri'os TrliuinliigH are toibu fouuil In
uur Block. 2 $
IrldebceiitTrIinminprt , lft | per yard to
i 1.00 'iJ'i
Irhlopcenl Oannturcs. llso to 812,00.
Jot TrlmniliiK , a ua , ' * >
These Prices
Sell the Furniture
y-pieco suit $ 10.00
1 spring ( woven \vlro ) 1.00
1 good mattress l.r > 0
loalc table LOO
1 oak rocker ! . >
loalc chair & >
$1UX ! )
0-foot extension table ( square ) $ 3.BO
Gchnlrb , hlRh buc-k. cuno seat 5.10
1 oak sideboard , a drawers , largo cab
inet , top shelf , a brackets 10.00
1 couch , spring edge , fringe nil around ,
in plush , rug and corduroy 10.00
1 ladles' rocker 1.0" >
1 gents' rocker .f > 0
1 center tablo. 'JK--l , oak , brass feet. . . 3.00
3 plush seated chulrs 3.00
1 sa'o T. , $ 2.50
liable 85
a chulrs 1.30
$ 450
Now will you pot married ? Wo can under
sell these prices It .YOU wish , but thla Is low
for good iirticlcs. Wo are now showing an
clccnnt line of
and articles of all kinds suitable for holiday
trade. Make selections now , ana wo will
hold ttio goods for you.
Flannel Dept.
Shaker Flannel at 3c , Cc , Cc , Sc , lOc.
Outing Flannel , 3 ! c , 5c , 7c , lOc ,
Ited all wool Flannel at 12V&C.
Navy blue Flannel at 12Vic.
Navy blue and red Flannel , 2Cc.
White flannels are very cheap at lOc , 12Vic ,
ICc , 19c , 22c. 25c , 35c up.
Special Kale of $1.50 all wool Skirt Pot-
terns at $1.00 pattern ,
New Teas Just In
We save you from 20c to 35c on every
pound you buy.
Ambrosia Teu , worth 70c , for. , . . , SSc
COo English Ilreakfatt , Gunpowder ,
Oolong or Japan Tea for 35
Choice Teas , any knd | 25
Good Teas for. , , , , . , Hi
Jewelry Department.
Watch Pointers !
Gents' heavy sllverluo Watch , with nlokc'
American iiio\eiiirut , stem wlml tuid vet.
Worth $7.50 , sale price $2. 98
Hey n' sllvorlno stem wind watch ,
Worth $1.00 , sale price $1.98
Men's nnd boys' -olid silver mom wind waloh
Worth $10.00 , sale pilce $4.95
Ladles' nml KO tits' gold stllTonud liuntinc e.isc
watch , fliio nlokel Ameilean works
Worth $10.00 $ , sals price $4.95
Gents' cold Illlod hunting ease watch , war
ranted to wetvr 20 years , with the oclobr.itod
full Ji-weled U. M. Wheeler Klslu movemenl
In nickel complete.
Worth $28.50 , sale price $14.95 $
Gents' K ld filled open fnco watoh. wnrrnntnl
10 wear IS yo. rR , with n line 11 jeweled \\ul-
tnum movomunt ,
Worlli $18.60 , sale price $8,95
Ladles nnd Bents' cold fl'led hunting case
watche"uirantcd to wear 10 ! years , wltli
a line ii'ln ( or Wnltham movement , wortli
J25' °
J25'Worti ! $25.00 , sale price $12.50
Ladles' solid coin sliver chatelaine watches
worlllfi $7,50 , sab price $2.95
Ladles' 14 kt. U. S. assay solid Bold , ham !
made case , with ralheU ornamentations ,
extra line Eight or Waltnam movements ,
Torth $ ' 40.00 , sale price $25.50
500 so'.ld cold pet rings , worth $2.00 each ,
Sale price 95c
Sterling silver thimbles. Jewelers' price TOc ,
Our sale pi ice 8c
Hables' heavy solid gold band rings , worth
50" ,
Worth 50c , sale prica 12c
l-plece quadruple plated gold lined , hand
enslaved , tea set" , worth $10.00 ,
Worth $10.00 , sale price $4.98
4-plece extra fine quadruple plated , gold
lined , hand ftigraved , ica sets JewclerB'
ask $20.00 and $23.00 for same ,
Sale price $9.50
Uutter dlshs , syrup pitchers , dinner cas-
teis. sugar bowls , pickle casters , quad
ruple plated , worth $3.W each ,
Sale price $1.25
Ilogors1 AA. teaspoons , woi Hi $1.75 Fot.
Sale przee , set , 79c
nogcts' A A tablespoons , worth $3.00 set ,
Sale prio $1.25 $
Rogers' 12 dwt. knives or forks ,
. Per set 51.25
First class ,
1 Spectacles , " * 15e tip. ' " " * *
rtcpalilng at i educed prices.
Furnishing Goods
Our stock of Lamps contains anything or
everything known in the lamp business.
Our stock Is immense , and following are
some of our prices : -
A good Hand Lamp , complete , with burner
and chimney , 15c each.
A good Stand Lamp , with ornamental cen
ter , with burner and chimney , 25c.
A good * Bracket Lamp , complete , with
bracket , burner and chimney , 29c.
A beautiful Van ? Lamp , prettily decorated ,
with shade to match , Me.
A lovely 22-Inch high brass Banquet Lamp ,
certer draft burner , $1.69.
A splendid spring extension Hanging
Lamp , all complete , $ t.G5.
A solid metal reflection Kitchen Lamp ,
complete , 35c.
The Little Wonder Vase Night Lamp ,
complete , 35c.
The solid nickel Rochester Stand Lamp ,
150 candle power , $1.75.
And one of the biggest bargains Is a 21-
inch solid brono Banquet Lamp , with Mlver
relief figure , with center draft burner , fcj.72
Solid 14 ounce copper , nickel plated Tea
Kettles , C9c each.
Nickel plated Tea nnd Coffee Pots , 39c
Wire Potato Mashers , heavy hotel , 6c.
Mincing Knives , 3c.
Surprise Egg Beaters , % c each.
Wood handled Knives and Forks , 29o psr
For Monday only. 100-plece full size French
decorated Dinner Sots , $5.95.
For Monday only , C-plece Toilet Sets ,
Wash Bowl nnd Pitcher. 23V4c each.
Round top Slop Jars , 50c each.
Crystal Slaw Dishes' , Cc each.
Cups and Saucers , lc each.
All Hlzes crimped top Lamp Chimneys ,
3.c each ,
Flint Tumblers , lc each.
C-pIcce Cream SelH , ISc each.
Gold Relief China After Dinner Cups and
Saucers , 25c each.
Water Sets , Imported Bohemian glass , 25
different styles to select from , regular price
fS.r.O . , wo sell them tomororw nt $1.5 Oper set.
12-plcc ? Decorated Toilet , ejitra large al/e ,
$3.75 each ,
3-uns and Ammunition
Loaded Shell ; , $1.25 per 100 ; all sizes.
Do you need a Gun ? Wo can sell you a
Rood double-barrel breech-loading Shotgun
for $6.25.
A full line of tteel barrel breech loading
Pistol , grip , rubber butt , rebounding lock , a
first class Gun , usually sold for $18.00 to
$20.00 $ , for $12.95 ,
A very fine , lanmlnatod stect barrel breech
loading machine main , both barrels choke
bored , rebounding lock , walnut stick , pistol
Kilp , a god enough gun for anybody , sold
for $23.00 , our prlco $16.75 ,
How about your little repairs about the
house ? We can sell you a whole outfit for
a mere trifle. Good paw for 29c , a gnod
steel Brace , 25c ; Bits , from lOc up : a g sd
Square , 20c ; Smoothing Planes , 39c ; Jack
Planes , 45c ; a good Gimlet , 3c ; 2-foot Rule ,
3e ; Screw Driver , 7c ; a good pair Plyers ,
cuts wire , turns pipe , etc. , 35c ; Key Hole
Saw , 13c ; Meat Saw , 45e , etc.
We have a new thing In plated Knives
and Forks. Look nscll as Ilogors Bros. '
heat ; warranted to wear for five years , To
Introduce them wo will sell a few of them
for 85e per set ; they aie worth $2.60 ,
Cracker Dept.
Very best Soda and Oyster Crackers ,
Lemon Creams. Co ,
aingcrinapH , the finest made , only Sc.
Saratoga Flalctn , In boxcs\12c.
And all lilndi of the beat Cakes and
Crcckcra at lowot prices ,
Fish Dept.
New Holland Ht-rrliitf , DOc keg.
Finest Norway Herring , 7' ' c pound.
Ited Salmon , 7' c ; While Fish , 5c ; Cod
Plih. fie ; new Stock Klsli , lOc ; Anchovies ,
'V&c ; FJnan Haddles , lOo ; Smoked White
TUb , lOc. Come here for any kind of Fish
ou want.
Carve Your
Thanksgiving Turkey
Wo hav * the finest line of Carvers In th -
city. Can sell you n good pet ns low ns l'5o ' ,
Thanksgiving Sale
30 pounds of Coarjp Granulated Sugar
( or $1.00
22 pounds ot Fine Granulated Sugar for.Jl.OO
Boston Rtkod Beans , per can. only 3 < 4o
Select Minneapolis Flour , sack OBo
Minnesota Superlative Flour , sack 85o
Cream Flour ( best on earth ) only ,
HnydetiR' Best XXXXX Flour , sack..fl.00
Large palls Table Jelly only E9o
S pounds Oatmeal , fresh rolled. . 5o
Rye. Grnlmm or Pumpernickel Mchl ,
only , per sack 4Go
Fresh Roasted Coffees
You save from So to lOc per pound by
buying them nt Ilaydons.
High grade Mocha and Java 30o
Plantation Java and Mocha 27o ' { M
Best Golden Rio , 25o
No. 1 Rio Coffee , 20o * j
Advance sale of new Raisins , Nuts. Fruits ,
Citron. Plum Pudding , dindles nnd staple-
groceries for Thanksgiving.- *
New Muscatel Ralslim 4c . ? .
Now Evaporated Peaches VTi
New Evaporated Pears. . . ? Ho ? S
New Evaporated Apples 7 o
New Evaporated Blackberries OV4o
New Evaporated Prunes Jo
New Raisin Cured Prunes Clio
New Italian or French Prunes 7l4o
New Seedless RnUlns Co ; V
Valencia Sccdlees Raisins , Co
Imported Seedless Raisins 9o
. .Citron , Orange and Lemon Peel at lowest
3-pound cans New Apricots 8o
3-pound cans new Plums 8V4o
3-pound cans now Pears . "
Egg , Green Gage or Golden Drop Plums ,
woith 15o per can , only
Strawberries , prcsere\d , only
Goossbsrrles or Blackberries 6o
2-pound cans choice White Sugar Corn. , fie
Cholcs Tomatoes , per can C'.tc
Choice Columbia River Salmon , blood
red , tall cans , only 12e
Sardines , per can 3o
S Inrs Liundry Soap , . . 25o
1776 , Soap Dust , etc So
Sapollo or Rain Water Maker 5o
5c size Oistlle Soap , only ] % o
Largo palls Honey Drip Syrup 43o
Large palls Silver Drip Syrup B3o
Largo palls Amber Drip Syrup 63o
Large palls Rock Candy Syrup 05o
Largo palls Now Orleans Molasses 65o
Large . .pnllaMoblle.MolaMej. . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . .7Eo <
. , { ,
Provision * Department.
Butter and Eggs.
Strictly fresh country egss only 15c.
Finest country roll and print butter ,
\Vo have country butter at Oc and
lOc , also creamery goes at 17c , lOc
and 21c.
Cheese Dept.
The fi nest stock of ohocso in the west
you will 11 nil at Ilaydons , and you will
llnd any kind of chcoac you wish for at
the bifj store.
Full oraam 7ic , Brick checbo 12Jc ,
Swiss chccao 12c , Liniberpcr 12 je ,
Neufchatel Me , Edam chceeo 35c each.
Finest Young1 America full cream 12ic ,
Club House ! ? 5c jar.
Meat and Lard Dept.
Sugar cured No. 1 hams Jc ) , baooc 8c ,
salt ) ) ork ( ! c , pickled pork ( ! c , Culifor-
uiu hums 8i , plgp feet , tripe , bolognc ,
head olicubo and liver Huiisugo , all at 4a
! ) pound cans very bos > t lard 2c ,
5 pound cans very best lard 4-Oc.
10 pound cans very best lai d
Fruit Dept.
Finest Mixed Nuts , 12'5c ; Dates. 7'/4(3 ( |
Oranges , 20c ; LCIIIOMH , 20o ; Muluca Gropes ,
17 l c. Remember during holidays come here
tor your Fruit and NutH. We will have the
largest variety In the city.
Don't foigot to visit our Candy depart
ment , where you can get the finest French
Candies and see them making Candy for th
big store. . . . , . _ . ,
Warner's Safe Cure. . . , 9Bo
Hall's Catarrh Cure , , , C5q
Pyramid Pile Cure 75u
Stuart's DjspepHla Tablets 40o
Shlffman'E Astluna Cure. . . . . . 75a
Klilffman's Asthma Cure. . . , , 40o
Pcriina 75c
Sagwu , 70q
lleef , Iron and Wine 25n
Cudahy's IJeef Extract 35a
NHson Morris' Beef Extract 2Do
Dent Tonic 0a
Duffy's Malt 93o
Hot Water Ilottei
1 quart 45o
2-quart . , . . . . , , . . , . . . . , fiOo
R-quart COo
I'orfinno Alonil/crs S5o
Munyon'H He-medics at low prices.
Promptness and dispatch Is the motto ot
our Prescription Department.
Skate i. Skates. Skates.
Wo have jimt received 1,000 pairs of Clutf
Skates , with latert patent lock leverj lhl
Bkate Is usually told for 75c ; they como In
all sl/ea for boys and men. We sell thcrni
as long as they last for 35c.
We have u very fine hardened steel run *
ncrs , blued steel foot and lice ) plates. In all
ttUcs for men and boys , They sell In < *
leKtilnr wuy for $ l.l6 ! , we sell them for 79o.
Here U Hio lined thing out : A flnq
nlcltol plated , hirdeni'd welded ilcel , polliheil
edge , patented lock l-vc-r , lit all ilzts fen
men and boys ; they are worth regular $3.00 $ ,
Hayden Iroe. ) ' prlrp $1.G9 ,
LADIIC8' SKATES Wo have 500 pair * ot
line wild steel runners , patent lock lever , run *
set leather heel capr , In all slics for mU < > 4
and ladlei ; limy are generally uoM for $1.25
our prlco 79c. i
Our full nlcliel plated solid tile el runnerM
riusot leather heel plate , patent lock lavop )
In all tlzcs ; tlile In aregular $2,50 $ skate ; w
tell them for $1.25. $ .
Weather Strli's ' for doors orln3oivs , 13
pe ; foot , J