THE OatAHA DAILY JH212SI SIJ2SrI > AY , NOVEMBER 24 , 1805. SPEGlflL NOTICES. AdTcrllncmcnl * for Uicnc column * rrl ! lie IriUpn nnlll 1UI.10 p. in. f f ilin uvctilnw nnil tniilt 8 l > in. for ' ' - ninrnlriR unit Smulnr ulllloiis. Ailrcrllni-ro , liy ri > fiiPftln | n mini- lirrtit cliff It , eiin Imic nnnncrn uil- rircinril lo n ntitnlicrvil letter In euro of Tlic HIT. AtiMiiT.i no nililrciit rt Trill lie ilm .rcil muni prcacnimlnn ( if HIP clicclt milIlntcHt 1 I-So n rrnril ' fit-tit ItiNUrflotu Jo n nm-tt tlioronftrr. Xoltilnir Inkrn for IrK * tlmn 2"c for IIrut limorlloii. Tliowe nilvcrllAPiiirnlh inim In- run COIINCCII * tltcl- . SITUATIO.V * ' WAXTIJIJ. SITUATION xvANTnn. ' A coMpTvriTNT Duuo nnil firc cflitlnnI'rh | wants ltui > tlon nl ii migt > . nmjiilre Jl ! iMtriani * * ' 1 - WANTED. SITUATION BY FIRST-CLAHF druKHlili I1' " ' tj rcKlHtfifd ' , N l r 1 < n : A i reference * . Addiets II. 12. lo < lcc , ykj. i1'1 iir.i.i' . AOENTS IN Omnh.1 ti > organize clubs of tlitfc to live I . .mi OrchAtil Homts lands in lieu of Mir fntiiMis ccntrnl MlMlMlppl. The IM of Immigration la going tcutli , where there nrc no hot wlnni , no colrt wlnterino Mlwnnli. no crop ' ' " ' " ' . Where two or three crop * can hf rnliiM fncn year. * lliere Is no mch thing nil failure II R. mnn will work one-l.nlf n < hard as < Jl ° " In thti eounliy. Co I * iimmeii. mild H * r ' Rure piling c.p- of fiult nnl g-ir.Un truth. nieh t mil on < .iith. Il t rallwnv facilities. neo. W. Ames. ng nt ,161. rnrn-im * * . , n ' Omnlm tw.oo TO M.oft SALARY PAID BALLHMEN extra in- for rlsnr ; exporUnce not nocenMry : intt to uiPtnmen. Bishop . ; > ' " v r 8I'N" ' Mo.- | 176 M TO J100.IV ) PER MONTH SKLLI.NO THK Rlilrr Double Ileloil Oil fins Burner : can bo plncp.1 In any ci , k nr h"alln Ptnve or furnace II priKlurry a poifect nnlurnl gnu finbett ; r nnd rhrnp r lhan mal or wii"d. T t term' "TKT Bay City Novelty Co , , Works , " ' 'j./jVjV / WANTED. MEN AT GOOD HALAIIY. nt UI6 Douglas. A MAN OR LADY TO M ANA Of ! niRTRimrr- Ing nnp ( mmnle * , miprU1tl , 'In cfiiTeppnnillnB. Ren.l Sjlvnn Co. . 727 Woodward. Detrnlt , Mich , . lOc for samples soap , etc. , recclv e yj y J ; WANTED. (100D INntMTRlOUS BOY. 1N- qulre nl A. Mntirlelberg , ICth nnd 1 nriinm. n n M ! C 2 * ' o'clnclc n. m. WANTED. SALESMEN , LOCAL AND TUAVI.L- Ing Ihriiiigliniit NebrnfKa. lo liimlli * lubricating nnd lard oils on comml.-"lon. Hood Indurc- mt nts In right imrty. Address the Zynp Oil Co. . flpvclnnil , O. II Mlil 2S WANTED AT ONCE. 100 TAR T1Fit.Dr.RS nnd cnr repair. t nt KmiKn I'lty Tnr Foundry company , Twelfth st. nnd K. C. belt lino. Kan- nai City , Kan. H-248-2B ACTOHH. WANTED , AT ONCU , I'O I'.OWW nniitcll Co. , two experlenceil .Sluketpenrmn nrft-clajs : ttnvo- : nitnris mid nctie ca ; company IRK : wlie orrlto quick to V , J > , I'tt'-rp. man- nccr , Clarlnila. town. B-M219 21 flALEHMEN WANTED. ' A HAY. NO DI2I.1V- crlrn or cillectlonii ; co tly oulllt free ; nldc line or excluslxe. AiMirps Manufacturers , KH1 Mni- ket Bt. , rhllndclHila. I'n. H BALIHMINTO : TAKE OUDEUS. WE BEND samples : Klvo exclUBlxc territory ; pay Rood snl- nry nnd expenses , or Illipnil cDmmlPslon to proper npplkanto. Address P. O. Ilex 123. New- York City. 2,000 Cr.EHKS ANIJ CAfttllKIlS AITOINTEP yearly lo the ponta ! servlcu ; examinations wmn In this city ; paillcnlnrH fiec nf Nat'M Corre spondence Institute , Washington , D. C.n . n : cs 24 100 MONTHLY BVTjAIlY AND EXPENSES to sell goods lo dealers liy ample ; cxpoilonce uniurrssnry ; staple goods. Stcrllns Nn\dty Co. . ChlcnKo. lt-M272 30 | M MONTHLY AND EXPENSES TOR PER manent nsi-nts ; exclusive territory : send stamp 'for Information ; our Eureka la endorsed l > y nil lendlnK p.ipers. Anieilran Eureka furl Econo mizer , 1180 llroadway , N. Y. 11-270 21 { SO TO > r.O SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID salesmen for dKars ; cxiierlence tumcciin < > ary ; extra Inducements to customers. I'olk A. < Jo Bt. IXUlK. Mo. B-2S2 21 KVERY CATHOLIC FAMILY IIUYS ON SIGHT for Chilstnns ; reliable , IntelllRcnl man wanted In each county ; 118.00 per week , C. P. * L. Co. , C6 Fifth nve. , Chlcaco , llli 11 M2S1 23 SALESMEN TO SELL CIOARS TO DEALERS : I2S weekly ; experience not required ; sample free ; reply with 2c stamp. ConaDlldated Mfc. Co. . Clileaso. 11-2SO 21 * BALESMKN'TO SELT n\wr ; prin'iin't TO dealers ; $104 inlirjr n d < xp nsei ; enclose stamp Anchor Mfg. Co. , 99 1'lftu ute. , L'tilcaiiii. 11-2J3 24 AVANTED-A HEOISTERED DIIUG CLERK. Address E. II. Dort , Auburn , Nib. 11-203-21' WANTED , AGENTS AND ORGANIZERS ; HIO pay and exclusive territory. Pass sick , accl- ilcnt , death nnd endowment benefits. Allows withdrawals. Addrosi American Benevolent Association , St. Ixiuls. Mo. H-302 24 SOLICITORS WANTED TOR OMAHA ; ALSO mananers outside country. Entliely new Roods. 411 Eheeley block. U-M323 D23 * WANTED-SALEHMAN I'D R CALIFORNIA wines ; ! 100 per month and expcnsesr chance for ndxance ; commission If prcfirred ; no experl- enie lequlted , Addresi. cncl sln < c 5 stamps. W. A. Vnndercook Co. , San lYanclsco. Cal. B-20C-2I * WANTED-SALESMAN TO SELL CIGARS ; J100 monthly talary nnd expenses , irxperloncc un necessary. Reply with stamp. Superior Clear Co. , Chicago. , 11-292 Jl WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL PRINTED nraiiplni ; paper , p.iper bags , twines etc. Ex- perluicc nnd reference Is required. Addicss , Paper company , lleach & Hudson slreet * . New York. JJ-29J-21' SALESMEN TO DRUG TRADE. SIDE LINE or otherwise. J. W , Knight , 217-223 Htate St. , Itaclne , Wla. 1I-2J9 2) ' _ J43.00. 1 WORK POR GRAY & CO. . DEPT. S. Columbus. Ohio , selling Rojal Plater , plating Icnlvcs , forks , tpoons , etc , , quickly plated by tllpptnK In mellcd inctul ; line llnlsli. plate Riiar- nnteed S to 10 > eaiK ; tnndc $43 last week , thl.i week 550 ; easy Job ; itood pay. Write for place. has Roods to plate. II 271 21 * WANTED-ENEROP.TIC YOUNG MAN OI' Kood nppf.irancc for the road , coed pay , steady tinplojmiiit , Reference , r < 9 , llee.H2SC24' H-2SC-24' SALESMAN WANTED TO CARRY A L'INE OP Kloves nnd mlttena for next lear. C. N , , 43 I'earl St. . lluffalo , N. Y. U-M21S-23 * \VA\TEU-FOIALIi : III3I.P. KLEQANT CABINET PHOTOS , 12.00 PER DOT. . tn. Da\les , 113-115 South Kill st. C tli A QIRL OR WOMAN "oh * INTELLlQENci : who wilt do housework can Becuru a good liome and wages In email family , Addircs V 45. llee. C JIMS WANTED , AN HONEST WOMAN , MIDDLE- UKC. Ono who has had cxpurltnce with the * kk , Keferi'iiccs renulicd. Addreus K 47 , Bee , C 251.21 HERVANT GIRLS TO MAKE AND SELL TEA ; 113 cxperlencu nect'saao' ; milury , JIO.OO per w ( k ; sent ll\u 2-ctvit etnuipH for Bainple and parllcuhiru. Ma-IluU-O-Wa Tea Co. , ChlcaKO , 111. C 275 2I ALL LADIES HAVING A FEW HOURS LEI- vuitt each day should write ma at > once , re- Kuiillnir homu work which enally i > n > n 118 wcikly. Tliln In no detention and will cer tainly pay 5011 to InvestlKulo. Reply with otiimpcd envelope , illsa M , A. tJteblilii . rt'iice , Mich. C aM-24 * LADir.H TO DO WRITING , ADDRESSINO CIH. culum and snmple * for in at home. ] It-ply In own handurltlntr , clicloclng ntaini > . Peerless Co , , Boulh Iteiul. Ind. C 509 24 * FOH 11E.VT HOUSUS. HOL'HUS-F. K. DAHI.INQ , DARKER DLOCK. D-47B JIOL'HKH IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. 1' ' . Ua\l Company. 1505 Farnam. D 476 KUltNISHKD HOUSE FOR RENT ; IlE.UITirUL houie , ten rooms , elegantly rurnlthed , hut wuttr brut , laundry , ( table , carriage , etc. Thoi. F , Hall , C16 Paxlon block. D-131 BTANFORD CHICLE COTTAGES , B ROOMS , all , modern , gas , fuel. Apply Uyiou Ilced Com pany ,113 Bo. 14th > t. D 477 fioUSKS-UENAWA & CO. , 103 N. 1JTH BT. D-478 1IOUSE8-Q. Q , WALLACE , 311 11ROWN HI.1C. D-479 FOH HKNT-NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE OF tight ruomi bviMe alcove and bathiuom. south front , with all con\tnlence > . Jnijulre 2COS Half- Howard st. D 2)7 1624 NO. JliTH BT. , 8-ROOM MODERN IIUICK with barn. Onmha Heal Ettalo & Truil C > . . til Bo. Hill t. D-235 MODERN IIOU8EH NEW 7-ItOOM DWELl Ingi near HKIIBCUIII imik. J71S-1T Poupleton a\e , : modern bricks , lit feouih I3h , S18-ig Noilh 23J l , mid 14Z1 tihtrnucxl a\e. C. A. Starr. 615 N. Y. Life. D-6I4-NM MO B. : ibT AVENUE , NINE-ROOM MODERN lieu c. yard 3JOI1C5 feet. J , N , IVcnier. ciiipulio pOBtotnce. D-M5M STEAM. NO EQUAL. WINTER OH SUMMER. central , modern & or t-room ilati. TUard. 221 N. I4lh. Foil IlENT-t-IlOOU HOUUC , (31 a. 17T1I AVE , U-U&U-NU I'Olt HU.NT-lIOl'SUS. ( Conttnu'd. ) i on liENT CHEAP , nnsntAnl.n STORES llntf , rofttnt , etc. II , J , IC tidll , tzo R. Uih ( tt U-713-U4 _ ilR S ROOMtfrCLOSET8. > A"TEu7"fti N. 13 * _ " ' ' N , J7TH AV'lJ , , t'KM ' H llth St , 7-r , , modirn , I2- . rTJi Wilnter fit , 7-r . modern , J2J. ilOl . ! Hrk on Kt , * r. , mo-letn , MO OM LnfHjcltr av , 9-r. , mod ( > ln , | 2J. 207 S. IttH t . .4-r. , modem. $10 " 5' ' > i H. 24li ( t ' -r . mod'in. J.0 ndtllty Trust Company , 1702 Fainam ft , D 318 S ) _ _ 1JJ HOITPES , At.t RlV.ElF ANlT PARTS Ot city. P. D , Weed , ICth and DoilRlns Ptrert * . U MKJ-DI1 FrvE-itooM iibrs'nr\viTi7"cnY"\vATtrn" : nz So. JSth. U-MV. 31 * " COMPLETELY 'lJiNISHED 10-ROOM HOUSr for rent. 115 P. 25th H" * D-MIK SO * _ ' " 'ja oo. D-MI10 3) MODEFtN TEN-ROOM 11IIICIC. IIEST LOCA- tlon In Oinahi ! a mlnuttt' walk to IC'h street W. I1. Clink , 2205 DouRlns Plrtel. D-.MHS 24 * rfTiNt.sifED libusi : roiTiinNT 7 M"ONTHS" 1117 South 31ft , near Hanscom , linlf Mock fnm cm line. D MIM 24 * TIN-IIOOM : mu-K , IODERN. Hutiscom pall' ; cpeclal , > 2".0) . Burns' chlnn rlorft D-M1S7 24 * NTs noon HOUSE , . u , COR. ID nnil Clnrkc. D-199 MODERN HOUSE. ISIIl , sctith nf MnnJorsin. D M20I 23 * rotllENT EICim-ROOM o'SE. HVOi ) 1'EII month ; tentinl location. Inquire 2C1C Cap. nve , D-219-27 * _ FOR RENT , TWO COTTAGES OjTJAU LINE , theap. A. P. TuKey , New Ycrk Life. D-242-24 _ _ POR RENT , EIOHT-lioOM MOIJEHN" HOUSE , twit stories , city water on both ( locis , suitable for niie or t o families. Excellent condition ; Bimil barn , No. 2S27 Caas ft. Call 2iS Life building. 1) 213-51 * _ TOR RENT , TWO STORY nitirtC DWELLING , dclit rooms , modern , Hl.M. 21st and lloule- \ard axcnurs. Call 208 Life building. D-244-24 * FOR RENT , FIVP-ROOM COTTAlE. CITY water. Rood condition , 1753 North 19ti ! ft. Call 20S I.lfp building. -23-24 ! _ FOR RENT. ELEGANT MODERN HOUSE S. E. corner Davenimit nnd T2d. D 217 TEN- ROOM HOUSE DEC. 1 , MODERN IM- nroxriurn'H. 3004 , cor. Fnrnam and snth streets , by Chns. Tuiner , 5310 Fainam. D 266-23 * NICELY "FunNia1ur7'ENhooM ionnifN bouse , near Hanscom palk , J2S.OO. J. II. Par- rottc1 , 16th and Dodxe , D 303 24 LARGE. DETACHED. MODERN HOt'SE , rooms ; ex-erj thine llrst-clasi ; oed stnble , cnr- ilaKO hiu e , etc. ; excellent location near Hlsli itclKHil. 2.M9 ChlcaRO street. W. II. arllllth. Knr- bach hotel D 310 24 EIOHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , WITH BARN , Hjuthwist corner Hanseoin paik , > 20.uo New hnuso nnd I.UBI' lot , west LenAenwoilh , IS ( VI. H. H. Harder & Co. , East Entrance Dec llldg. D-318 24 _ EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE NEAR BEMIS park , cm car line , rent cheap to rlKht party. Gannett , Drown Blk. or Benawn & Cn. D-2S3-24 * FOR IlKXT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT FURNISHED nOOUS , WITH board. Call at 2107 Douglas st. E 710-2G FURNI HED ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING ; 2011 St. Mary's. E M231 24 THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING TO man nnd wife ; rent taken In boatcl. 310 N. ITtli. E M233 THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping or separately. MO North I7th. E M31) ) 2u FURNISHED ROOMS , 204 S. 2.VTH STREET : steam heated. E M321 30 * NIC-ELY "FURNISHED ROOM , isis lYowAnb street. E M32) ) 2G * FURNISHED ROOM , J3 MONTH , 19 S FAHNAM. E MUG 2b DESIRABLE ROOMS. FURNISH EI3 OR UN- fuinlshed , with or without boaid ; rates reason able. Mm. A. C. Spurr , 1C03 Uouclas. E M32S 2S * ROOMS AM ) HOARD. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS AT THE Capitol , 1722 Cap. a\e ; transients accommodatccl. F MGC2-D2' MODERN ROOMS , DOWN TOWN LOCATION. Board optional. 1812 Chicago. F M144 24 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOXIS WITH BOAn rates reasonable. The Rose , 2020 Hnrney street. F-M731 DS * FURNISHED ROOMS , SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen or for man and wife. 1924 DouRln5. F M2G2 21 * ROOM , NICE ROOM AND BOARD , TWO blocks from P. O. Enquire 1721 Dodge. F 11234 24 FURNISHED ROOMS ; SINGLE. ENSUITE ; furnace heat ; bath ; board ti.V ) week. 1S2J Cuss. 1' M2i7 20 * FOR RENT , A LARGE , HANDSOMELY FUR- nlsh ltnlco\e room , or two rmaller ones. In n prlxnte family ; choice locality ; the Madl- Eon ; with or without boatd. ! ' 51 , UN. F 311 21 * FOR HUNT , TWO FRONT ROOMS , FUR nlshed or unfurnished ; modern ; with or with out bonid. 024 N. 23d street. F 303 24 FOR RENT , FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR without board ; steam beat , electric bells ; rates le.isonable ; at thu Midland Hotel. Kth and Chicago streets. F 11301 30 * FOR RCXT STORKS AND OFFICES , POR RENT THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING ! at 'JIG Farnam street. Tills bulldUiK has a ( Ire- proof cement basement , complete stuim heat- ItiK fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the office of The Bee. 1 910 ACJUNTS AVANTED. AGENTS WANTED-MEN AND WOMEN clear (60.00 weekly with our labor saver us easily as J50.O ) monthly In other lines ; J2 0) samples free. Those seeKInc business should address , with slnmp. Merrill MfgCo. . ( A 63) ) , 18 Cnnnl street , Chicago. J 114 D10 WANTED , GOOD 11ELIABLE AOENT8 , TO S"ll Father Molllnger'a celebrated remedies for the cure of rheumatism , Indigestion , catauh , epilepsy , kidney and blood diseases ; will allow a liberal commission ; small capital itqulred. A. F. Saw hill , Ajleghcny , Pa. J-M233 24 * DICTIONARY OF UNITED STATES IlfsTORY IB wanted by everybody ; iiKcnts imkc $ W pet w < -tk easily ; one agent sold 39 books In S ) calls ; another CG books In onu week ; write for par- tlciialrs ; outfit Jl. Puritan Publishing Co. , 30 llromlleld Bt. , Iloston , Maes. J WANTED LADY AGENTS. IIYGEIA COR- setH are the best sellers. Bit ; prollls. Easy work. Catalogue free by tending to Western Corset Co. . St. Louis. Mo. J CASH PAID FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR'S ADdresses - dresses ; also newspaper clippings , ? 23 per M , Srnd stamp. Adv. Clipping Bureau , Mahler blk. , New York. J AGENTS WANTED WHO DESIRE TO DOU- lilo their Income , Our wonderful Aluminum Novelties pay 200 per cent profit ; Bell at Bight ; InteriHtlntr work delivered free ; sample lOc. Writ" for terms. Aluminum Novelty Co. , 335 llroadway , New York , AGENTH MAKE MONEY AND PLENTY OF It celling our aluminum novelties , lllunltnteil cntnlogue1. price llblh , fieo ; len cenls brings H sample. Novelly Introduction Co. , 239 State at , , Chicago. J AGENTS 1S A WEEK CLEARED WITH Ol'R new household specialties. S"nd for frte pre mium plan , Central Supply Co. , Cincinnati. O. WANTED. AGENTS AND STREET MEN TO handle the Little Marvt'l thread cutter ; phenom enal seller ; bU Inducementii ; tnni | > l net , with complete outfit , pr8tpnld , ten cents. Unkefer Mfg , Co. . Cleveland , O , J WANTED. REPUTABI.n LADIES AND GEN- Hi men to niganlze lodges for society hnvlng best plan In existence. Address 312 , 2G3 Dear born H. , Chicago. J 278 21 * AGENTS , WE HAVE IT. LISTEN ; OVER 8,000 trMlmonlulu prove thai our ilvvlce will actually savu 40 per cent of fuel bills ; agecilii maklntr 118 a day , Lyons Fuel Saxc-r Co. , Goshen. Ind. J-277 2I WANTKD-MEN TO SELL OUR HARVESTER ami Imrm-Ks oils on coininlii lon. AiMrr 3 with it Terence , Atlas OH Co. , Cloeland , Ohio , J AOENTH WANTED FOR A NEW PAYING tUHlntEH ; urnd your address today far samples and full inrtlculuru free , Clm > . Martha ! ) Lx-k- | > ort , N. Y. J-M23S-2J * WANTKII TO WANTED. HUITK OF S OR 4 ROOMb. WITH bnaul , In private family , by two young married couples. AddreM , Hating price , full parllculan and reference. Box F 41 , Be olllce , 1C Mir ) IVANTED-BOARD AND TWO ROOMS FOR Kt-nllrmun and lady and Ivvo children , within cany walking dlnlnnce to Webster street depoti rvlcrrnceii glv n. tittle prlc and location. Ad. dre. r 37 , He * . K-&J-21' sronAon. STORAGE-FRANK KWERS , 14 1IARNKY. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WARKHOUSE CO. ( OS-ilO Joties. General slorage nnd forw.inllnc WASTI1D TO 1IUY. WANTED TO Ilt'Y A GENERAL STOCK OF mr-rchnmUsp , II.OOO.OO lo $10,000.00 ! muni b chcnp for cash , In eastern Nebrntkn or Inwn correfp iid nce strictly confidential. Addres box 673. Ilia Ir , Neb. N-M223 24 > WANTED. O1I.KY OAS KILN , GOOD CONDI lion , 1330 F meet , Lincoln , Neb. N-210-24 * A FULI-IIRED JERSEY COW. FRESH' MUST be cheap ) stnla price. Address F 4S , BEE. N 26l-2jt WANTED-DOO , A WELL BROKEN SETTEI or pilnlcr. Give full de crlpllon , ciunlincntlnn nnd price. AddrcM F 32 , Bee. N-201-21 * KOH SAI.K 1 < "UUMTUIIU. FOR SALE OR TRADE , A GOOD PAYINC stock of furniture , stoves nnd llnwnrc , In on of the best towns In lown. Cnll or nddres Dl ron Swenzcy , Ornnd hotel , Omnhn. O MISS 21 * FOR SALF.-DESK AND CHAIR , CHEAP FOI cnsh , at 1311 Jones si. O-M2SD-23 * FOR SALU MISCIiMj.VNCOUS. HARD WOOD. 4 AND B-FOOT FE.VCE FOR corn cribbing. C. 11. Lee , 801 Dougtns. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A GOOD second hnnd blocle , go to Omaha Dlcjcle. Co. 323 N. 10th slrcet. Blcj-clcs repaired. DJ FURNITURE 11-ROOM HOUSE , FtJLL class boarders. Inquire nt slore , 524 S. ICUi.IJJ IJJ FOR SALE , QUANTITY FIN OLD LUMBER consisting of 2\4. 2xfi , 2x-l2 , C\S ; nlso fheetlnw shli.lap , windows , doom , etc. Apply at yatd 3lh nnd Webster , or Associated Clnrltle * . fO Hownrd street. Ttl. SCIC. Q-M132 3a _ FOR SALE CHEAP. WELL BRF.D POINTER puppies ; write for particulars. T. O. Ilvmer .Velinvvka , Neb. Q-M223 24' _ FOirSALi-CHEAP. 5 H. P. T. H. MOTOR nlso , medium Blzi-d hall safe. Rec-s Pilntlnt , Co. , C03 So. llth st. _ Q.22 . * FOR SALE. A LARGE HALL SAFE ; MUST 1 sold this week , make nn offer. Inquire .103 Karlmch building. _ ? ? lii.21 _ FOUR NEW OAK BOOK CASES AND MIS cellaneous books. 403 Bee blilg. Q 313 21 * MISCKI.Ij.VNnOUS. BOOK niNDlNO. THE RURKLHY rRlNTlNO Co. . lit nnd 116 North ICUi street. U 183 D 13 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT. RE liable builncsi medium ; 8th jear at 113 N. IClh MASSAGE , 1IATIIS , ECT. MAD\Mi : SMITH , N. K. COU. ICTH AND DOUGLAS , room 11 ; massage nnd baths. T MM7 30 * MMK. AMDS , roiiMnni Y or ST. I/JUTS MAS- B.iRe nnil liatlis. 507 S. 13th St. , 2cl Hoer , room 10. T-.M313 30 MAUAMH nitACU I.KON. KI.nCTItlC , MAS- miRe : Imth parlors lirnlthful nnil refreshing. 417 South llth , upstairs , parlois 2 nnd 3.T . T M323 30 * PEIISO.VAI. . VIAVI co. , 34& nnn , JIHAI.TH noqic free- homo treatment ; lady attendant. U < Sj BATHS , M.VSSAGn. MMn. ? OST. 310V4 S. 1JTH. FINK LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED RAUMLCY , 17th and St. Miry's avenue. Telephone. 410. ir Tiin nMADKns or Tiin nncvir.ii SHND me 10 cents I will mall them receipt for color ing urny hnlr ; perfectly harmless nnil n KOOI ! clresslnK. Dox 61 , Massena , la. U M230 24 * DO YOU smcuLATn ? THEN SHND FOR our book "How to Speculate Successfully or I.lmlteil Mnrulr.s In Ornln nnd Stoclt Markets. " Mallei ! free. Comstock , Hughes & Co. , Illnlto building , Chicago. U WANTED HY A 1'HYSICIAN OP ABILITY , acquaintance of an Inlluentlnl Indy. AilJrcsa F W. IJce. U-281-21 * MOXEY TO I.OA.V UE.YT , ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. Life. Lonns at low rntea for choice eecurlly In Ketiaska & Iowa faims or Omaha city property. \V485 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST UATCS. TIIK O. K. Davis Co. , 1503 Karnam Bt. W IS9 G I'EU CKNT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. U. Mcil.le , Omaha. W 100 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPIIOVCD OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 r.-irnnm. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. , Love & Co. , Pnxton lllk. W 192 CITY LOANS. C. A , STARR , CIO N. Y. LIFE. W 433 MORTGAGES , G. G. WALLACE. BROWN BLK. W 194 LOANS ON IMPROVED & . UNIMPROVED CITY propelty. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 132) I'nrnam . W 190 MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW RATES. J. D. Zlttlc , ICth anil Douglas , Omaha. W m FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 years ; low ruteu. Uarvin Bros. , 210 N. Y. L. W-133 SIX PER CUNT MONEY TO LOAN ON 1M- pioved Omaha real estntc. Texas lands to ex change for Improved city property. Will as- Eume or pay Incumbnnce. Will not consider pioposlllon under 140,000. Prefer to deal with ov.ncrs. rusey & Thomas , 1st Nat'I Hank bldg W M910-D12 MONEY TO I.OA.V CHATTELS. MONEV TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horse.vvaguns , etc. , at louest rates In city ; nu removal of coeds ; strictly confidential ; jou can pay the loan oft at any tlmu or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 S. ICth st. st.X X 497 MONEY TO LOAN , SO , CO , HO DAYS ; FURNI- ture. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker block. X 193 \VANTI3IJ TO I1OUHOW. FOR A 17,000.00 TWO-YEAR LOAN WILL PUT up JJO.VW.OO collateral security. Adclr < 8 F 43 , llee. M2J7 2j IJUSIMSSS CII\\OE9. FORTUNE MADE BY PRESENT ADVANCE In vnlnes , but now.ierc to qukkly as by our plan of mcci'faful speculation In trulii. It Is the best method In use. Our book explains speculation by mall fully. ( Sent free. ) Hleneat references. Act quickly , I'nttlson & Co. 47 Omaha bldg , , Chicago , III. Y M564-30 * FOR SALE A J3.000.00 STOCK OF JMPLK- mentis , (300 stock of confectionery , J300 butcher shop ; a t-ood lively business ; good opening In any of these lines ; till In a good town. Also seine line Improved and unimproved farms Ui Mltsourl , Kansas und Nebraska lo exrhcntm for cuttle or western Iowa lands. Oaks & Jackson , Silver City , la. Y 6S9-D11 * FOR BAI.E ! SALOON BUSINESS AT 2032 LeavcnuorU. street. Address above number. Y M150 NEWSPAPER AND JOI1 OFFICE DOING tfO.Ouo.W north nf business per > ear can be bought cheap. Address F 44 , Bee. Y-MZ28 23 FOR RENT. ON JANUARY 1 , SALOON. 8. E. cor. ZOth and Pierce sis. Y 218 27' SPECULATION ! SKND YOUR SPECULATIVE order * for grain , provisions and stocks to n reliable house. We solicit onlerH on marulnii. Our dally Utter reviewing the markets will be rent free on request ; nlm our bonk on specula tion ; our facilities are unexi-Hletl. McKentle , Turner & Co. , 411 Western Union Bldg. , Chi- TOKO. Y WANTED PIISIMNO AND RESPONSIBLE man In racli city nr loun to Inko rxrluilve iiKtncy far the Field OiTniproof Water Fillers. A rare chance to make money. Address Henry Ulepsel & Co. , 4 } Franklin st. , Chicago. Y RENT. MKAT MARKET AND TOOI.H. runners and Merchants State bank , Neola , la. Y M304 30 WANTED , AN ACTIVK PARTNER IN A GOOD | ii lng business ; only t&QO.OV lequlrt-d. Address F K. Bee. Y-31J * l * W INVESTED UPON OUR ADVICE LAST April amounted to several thousand dollars lupt vvtek : can be done now ; excellent oppoitun. Illes for large profits. Very little rink.Sind for Manual "Profitable Speculation. " Free. p. McDouKal & Co. , Bunkers , 409 Rlallo Bldg , , Chicago , Reference : I'lrst National hank , J PER CENT PROFIT WEEKLY WITHOUT A ilnicle lo > 1" being realised weekly upon our Inv - v < tnitnt . J'retpettus and references by retuin mall. R , I. Ass'n. C. A. Mullen , ili-r , , UI Van Uuren Bt. , Chicago , V I7J-Ji roil HXCIIANOE. MAKB OKrnn ron JI.TOO NOTE. tr. . . Onulm Bun. Col. , lift nnj Farnnm. 7. M-J7I OENKItAL RTOCK OP DRY OOODS , CLOTH. tr\g \ , etc , Wnnt rcni > Miti > and some en Mi. Ail' lrfM Box 111. rrnnHforl , Ind. 7.-M167 IS * KQt'ITY IN LAIIOE TRACT OF LAND NEAR Omnhn. Whnt Imvo you to offer ? II. F. Waller. N. Y. Life bide/ 5'--1 ' * ) 8IX-ROOM COTTAGE. FINELY BUILT , fOlY little home , tn tmd * for'clear vacant Int. F. 1C. Darling , Barker Work. Z-MSI3 21 qt'ITY IN FINE TRACKAOI3 PROPKIITY ! center of town ; p\ve < l otreft ; smnll rncum- brnncc ; to trade for clour re ldfncc lot or hou o ntul lot. r. K. Datllng , Barker block , 7 M214 24 > . < MORTC1AOE ON VACANT LOT IN Oiunlin lo exchange fo1 any Kin I of m rchnnllfe. X Y X. Omnlm po tolilce. f. 308 21 * OOOD FARM M MILES FROM OMAHA , IN llnrrlfon county , Io n , ta exchnnsp for general merclmndlse. Address A. Omaha noMofllce. Z-303 21 * TO EXCHANGE , FOR LAND. A FINE I1U8I- ne s corner , 2 blocks from the cry heart of Omnlnvortli JTO.OOO , clear , for WO or 600 ncred Improved farm In enMr-rn Iowa ; must 1)0 ) clear. Owner will plve big bargain. M- dellly Tnut company , niccnt. ? M237 16 WILL EXCHANGE WATER POWER GRIST mill valued nt M.oort 0) , In line rectum of Illi nois nnil doing business every day ; twenty- seven ncres of Innd ; free nnd clear. Will ox- clmnuo fnme for n good farm nnd pay the dlfTrrcnce. Several Blocks of goods to exchange. A few stocks of goads to pell nt a bargain for ra.ih , I.nndn In various pnrt of the stnlc to fell nml exchnnge. Severn ! farmn In Kouthenst- cin Nebraska to rent. If you wish to nell or exchange land' , goods or other property , write me. New store room lo rent , location good , In S. E. Neb. tonn. Henry C. Smith , Fall * City , Neb. X 299-24 I WANT TO EXCHANGE TWO CLEAR LOTS In Omaha for remnants of dry goods , boots and flhocB or Imrnres , Addrers X , general poMotllce , Onnhn. 7. 308 24 * GOOD CLEAR HOUSE AND LOT ON MOTOR line In Omaha lo exchange for general mer chandise , groccrim , hardware or clolhlng. A 11 C , general iKiMonicc. X 308 24 * FOR EXCHANGE , QUARTER SECTION , FOUR miles fiom Broken Bow , encumbrance , 1500.00 , for | > ol tallies and equipments. Combination Box 15. Broken Bow , Nek 2 322 54 * i:0-ACIli : FARM IN CLAY COUNTY , ILLINOIS , to exchange for western Iowa or eastern Ne braska , farm ; good buildings , etc. , well located. Address T. Vnn Antwerp , Spnrlnnd , III. FOH SALE HEAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE-602 IMPROVED FARMS-O. W. OARLOCK. 1205 Fnrnam et. RE C14-J1 * BARGAINS. SALE OR TRADR IN CITY PROP- erlles and farms. John N. Frenzcr , opp. _ I' . O. FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. 012 N. Y. L. - KE-RM-N30 * - - BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , eale or trade. F , K. Darling. Barker block. RE 003 HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. BARGAINS In lots. G. a. Wallace , Brown bio * . , g RE 004 AT IJEO ROCK PRICE. LOT 21. llI.OCK 12. West End. J. M. Marston. RlipM831-D9 * BARGAINS IN ACRES. FARMS. mVELLINGS nnd lols. F. D. Wcad , 16lh and Douglan ftieets. RE M931-D13 IOWA BARGAIN , ,400 ACRES CORN LAND , cheap. Address Lock Box 4 , Modalc , In. , RE M9C4 30 * TEXAS FARMS AND FRUIT LANDS , SMALLer or large tracts : low prlqes , easy payments. We nre prepared to answer questions touching these lands , nnd t.o arrange for cheap railroad fare for nny pet sum wishing to visit southern Texas. Correspondence . /solicited. Omaha Real Kstato nnd Trubt , Co./211 8. 18th "li'iet-o ; AM IN WANT OFJ'CASII : WILL SELL REAL estntc bilnglng over JO'per cent now , guaran teed ; tS.500.00 bu > s It. , Address owner. F 42 , Bee onice. \ RE-M2J.2 24 * FOR SALE , 6CX110" GEORGIA AND PACIFIC streets. Bargains nnQ easy terms. A. 1' . Tukey , New York Life. ' RE 211-24 FOR SALE-CHEAP , ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVIng - Ing the city , coindr lot Svlth 0-room housx1. 593 Norlh 27lh. , OmahJ. ' " RE 230 2J SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOK "HOME' ? IN Ihe Sunny Peach Oroivlhg Grand Volley. " The Weslern Land & -Orchaj-d Co. , 723 17lh street , Denver , Colpj . ' t. RE EASTERN"OWNER' NRKDINO MONEY A\'ILL sell 2) ) ncres choice land ndjalnlng new Mate fair grounds at big sncrllhje. F JO , lice olllce. RE-327 24 * POULTRY AND FRUIT FARM OF 10 ACRES In New Jersey for sale ; price , } 200 , pnvnble J2.00 dawn nnd J2M ( weekly. Highland , health ) ; near inllroad nnd convenk-nt to lost m.irkcttf : title clear. Full particulars furnlfhed by Rlile > 's Real estale otllce , 211 S. 10th St. , Philadelphia , I'n. RE 27C 24 * FOR SALE NEW COTTAGE , COR. 30TII AND Sahler sts , cellar , cistern , city water ; only (1,200.00. Sam'l Bums , 1313 Farnnm. RE-21 I.21 ! 200-ACRE FARM. FINELY IMPROVED ; FOUR miles from South Omnlm. A. S. Ritchie. 224 S. 10th street , Omaha. RE 306 24 A FINELY IMPROVED SO-ACRE FARM ONE mile from Valparaiso , Saundern cou/ity , at n great bargain , . A J3.000.00 lot on Dodge nnd 2Sth streets for H.OfOOO. 00x140. A line , full J510.00 lot , South Omaha , J100.00. II. II. Harder , East Entrance Bee Bldg. RE 319 24 CHOICE PROPERTY NEAR HANSCOM PARK , with two cottages ; purchaser can occupy one nnd rent , the other for C per cent on $4,000.00 ; 13,800.00 for properly. F 27 , Bee ortlcc. RE-327 21 * MUST BE SOLD QUICK ; EAST FRONT. ON 42d street , between Leavenwnrtli nnd Farnam motor lines ; only J373.00. F 03 , Bee onice. RE 327 24 * SPLENDID CHANCE TO SECURE A CHEAP home. On account of removal from city will sell handsome 0-ioom cottage near Hanpcom park nt great bargain. J. L. W. . Box , 094 , Omaha. RE 327 21 * FOURTEEN VALUABLE LOTS IN WEST END , the lineal residence portion of Omaha ; close t business portion of city ; the o lols are cheap ni J3.wo.0i ) each ; In order lo close oul quick will Hell for $33,000.00 and lake three-fourths pur chase pi Ice In good land or stock ranch. For particulars write J. L. W. , P. O. Box 034 , Omaha , Neb. RE 327 24 * HORSES AVINTEUED. WANTED HORSCS TO WINTER : BEST OF care ; terms leasona'/e. A. W. Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. Life bldg. Telephone , 1054. 338-N55 * HORSES WINTERED : BEST OF CARE AND attention ; best stables In the country , box etalln ; no sheds. Omaha Fair and Speed asso ciation , Geo. M. Swlgart. eupt. ; telephone 1121 , M411-NM HORSES WINTERED ; BEST OF CARE given horses , both winter and summer. Ad- drees M. J. Welch , Qrelna , Neb. MJC6-30 lORSfW WINTERED IIY WATERLOO STOCK nnd Ornln Co. , where they will receive best of care and attention. Address A , S. Cleave. 4'vn Charles sticel. Omaha. 307 Dl * MEDICAL. PILES CURED , BY A SINGLE PAINLESS treatment ; no cutting ; no tying ; no clamp ; no caustics , Rectal dnvares n specially. Boston Pile Cure Co. , S07 New York Life building. 105-21 * UPHOLSTERING. KltOTNlTURE REPAIRED nnd packed verjr rllran thin month. M. 8. Walklln. 2111 Cumlftgjrrel. 1331 , 237 MUSIC , AHIUAND LANGUAGE. i * 1 I QEOROB F. GEL-nnNBECK , BANJO AND guitar teacher , 1 5 ( plncago street 109 . 37t ) EMI LOYM.VT : AGENCIES. ' FOR FIRST CLASS WLP. HOTELS AND PRI- vale families ; callCanadian Otllce , 1022 DougUs. u. f 641-DZ IIU1LDING AND VN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAU L. & II. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent When,1 ! , t , 3 yearn old , nl\va > s redeemable , 1701 Fainam st. NaUlnucr , Sec. 609 IOW TO GET A HOME OH SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. 'Apply to Omaha I * & 11. Aen'n , 1704 Bee Bldg. O , M , Natllnger , See , . 610 1 AWMIHOICEIIX. I. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N , 16 ST. st SHORTHAND AMJ TYl'EWHITING. A. C. VAN SANTB SCHOOL , Cll N , Y. I.IFIi 00 OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE , UTII. FAHNAM 607 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUHOPEAN ) , N. W. COR. lilll and Dodge. Koomi by day or week. Ill THE LANOE HOTEL. " tea B. ISTH STREE'r ! tuna heat ; tatl < boArcI. t3W per week. STKAMSIIirS. IXJWEST RATES TO OR FROM EUROPE : weMern ( irency Thonms Co ik A Son excursion ) . Harry E. Moore. . , 1115 Fnrnmn street , Omaha. M-930-D1S IUISI.\ESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. 1 . 810 U.VDEIITAKEIIS AND EMIIAI.MEHS. II. K Bt'RKET. FUNBRAI. niRECTOR AND rmbnlmer. 1618 Chlcagj st. , telephone 90. 17 SWANSON & VAL1EN , 1701 CUMINO , TEU 1W0. ! 618 M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EM. balmer , 1117 Fninam st. , telephone 223. 619 HAY ANI ) GHAIN. 11HY YOUR HAY IIY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. II. Snvdcr , 1515 Hurt si. Tel. 1107. 622 COAL. USE SHERIDAN COAL-THE BEST SOFT conl. Penn. hard coil price guaranteed. Victor White. Tel. , 1I7.1C05 _ Farnam. 615 FOR BITUMINOUS COALTcAR LOAns7 FOR domestic or steam purpose ! " , mldrcps ExeclMor Coal Mining Co. , Du Quoin , III. M1C9 D18 LOST. LOST ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT , itUSIC ROLL containing thect music. Rclurn lo llee otllce ; reward. Ixist 216 2i LOST , AT MILLAR ! ) HOTEL. AT DICKINSON reception , diamond nnd turquolte screw ear ring. Liberal rcwntd , 1029 Gccrg'n nvrnuc. Lost 230-21 * LOST-A BUNCH OF KEYS ON SILVER IlINfT. Ili-tnrn to Jewelry store , S. E. cor. 13th nnd Dodge sts. , nnd receive rcwnrd. LoRt-MSOO-23 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MISS VAN VOT.KENBt'ROH DF.RTROYS PER- mnnently by ilcct 1 Uy rupe linens Imlm. moe ! , wnrts , etc. Room 410 N. Y. Life Bldg. M163 D15 * HANGING. NEW CLASS FORMING AT MORAND'S school. 1510 Hnrney St. Adult ? . Tuesday nnd Friday , 8 p. m. ; children , Tuesday. 4:15 : p. m , Saturday , 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Cnll for terms. Always open ; private lessons. 96S-D15 IJENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 BURT ST. 614 IRIUaATION DOND SALE. Notice Is hereby given that scaled pro posals will be received by the board of directors oC the Ord Irrigation district of Valley county , Nebraska , at their ofllco In Ord In Fnld district , up to 2 o'clock p. m. of the 2d day of December , 1S95. for -JGO.OOO of the bonds Issued by said Irrigation dis trict , all of gnld bonds being bonds of & 00 each nnd draw-Ing Interest nt the rate of C per cent per annum , jijynbta annually ; the principal and Interest of said bonds pay able at the ofllce of the stnte treasurer of the Btnto of Nebraska , said bonds being payable In Installments ns follows ; )2,500 thereof payntVo In eleven years from the date thereof ; $3,000 payable In twelve years from the date thereof ; ? 3,000 payable In thirteen years from the date thereof ; $4,000 payable In fouitcen years from the date thereof ; $1,500 payable In fifteen years from the date thereof ; $3,000 payable In slxteecn years from the date thereof ; $ j00 payable In seventeen years from the date thereof ; $ GriOO payable In elRhteecn years from the date thereof : $7,500 payable In nineteen years from the date thereof ; $8,000 payable In twenty years from the date thereof. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any nnd nil bids. Address all bids to 13. P. Clements , secre tary , Ord , Nebraska. By order of the Bonrd of Directors , made this 7th day of November , 1S95. J. A PATTON , President , E. P. CLEMENTS , Secretary. N10 d20t AD.MINISTKATOR'S SALE. Sealed bids will be received up to Decem ber 3 by the undersigned for the sale of the following named shares of stock belong ing to the estate of II. i'undt , deceased. Said bids will be subject to the approval of the Judge of the inobate court of Douglas county : 0 shares Omaha Savings bank of Omaha. 25 shares First NnUonnl bank of Omaha. 10 shares German SuvliiKS bank of Omaha. 1 share Union club of Omaha. 2 certificates of membership Omaha Board of Trade. 2 shares Omaha Dairy association. 10 shares Mutual Loan and Building as sociation. 20 shares Nebraska Carbonic Acid Gas company of Omaha. 10 shares Sutherland Land nnd Improve ment company of Omaha. For Investigation Inquire of L. rtnnpke , administrator. Nov-10-17-24-Dec-l WHITE STAR LINE United Stnlcs nnd Roynl Mall Steameis. Sailing from NEW YORK ns follows : GERMANIC..WEDNESDAY , 27 NOV. , s p. m. TEUTONIC .WEDNESDAY. 4th DEC. , 7 a. Ill BRITANNIC..WEDNESDAY. 11 DEC. , 2 p. m. MA.lEbTIC TUESDAY , 17th DEC. . 11 n. m. Saloon passage , J30 and upward , according to steamer selected and location nf berth. 2nd cabin } 33 und { 40 on Majestic and Teutonic. DRAITS pav'able on demand everywhere In Great Britain nnd Ireland Knld at lowest rates. For Inspection of plnns of Kteamein nnd nny further Infoimallon npply lo local agents or di ll. MAITLAND KERSEY , Gl. Agt. 23 B'wny.N.Y. N. ANDEB1-ON. Gen. Wesl. Agl. , 214 SOUTH CLARK STREET. CHICAGO. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves II1URLINGTON & MO. RIVEIUArrlves OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sis I Omaha 8:30am : Denver Express 9:35am : 4:3' : > pm.Blk. Hills , Mont. & Pugel Snd Ex. 4:0'pm : 4.5pm : Denver EXDICES 4:03pm : 70pm.Ncbiaila ; ! Local ( except Sunduj ) . . 743pm ; . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday.ll:23am : 245pm..Fa ! t Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . Leaves [ CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & O I Arrives OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sis.Omaha [ 6:00pm : Chicago Vestibule S:00am : OMSam Chicago Express 4:15prn : 7'50pinChcngo ! & St. Loul Express. . . R00mn ; ll:3b : > m Paclllc Junction Local. . , ' , ' , . 5:30pm : . _ Fa t Mail . . . . . 2Mnm Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAULJArrlves OmahalUnlon Depot , loih & Mason 81s. | Qnmha C:00pm : Chicago Limited 803am ; 1045am..Chicago ! Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 32Jpm ; Leaes | CIIICAaO & Nb'RfmVEHT'N.JAtrl\"er OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason 8lsOmnha | ' 10:30am : Eastern Express. . . , 3:63pm : 443pm ; Vestlbulcd Limited 9:2dam : 7:051 : tn Cnrroll Paffnser 10-SSnm B:45pm : Omnlm Chicago fiprjjnl 8:10am : 4:15pm : Boone Local Leaves ICHICAGO. R. I , & PACIFIC.JAirives" OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Hto.l Omaha " EAST. WEST , 6:45pm.Oklahomn : S. Texas Cx. lex. Sun..105am ) : 140pm ; . Coloiado Limited . 4Qlpm : L"eaTei i C.7 ST. P. , M. & O. [ Arrives * und Webster Sis. | Omaha SilSam.rn.Bloux * Clly'Accommodation. . . . 12:15pm. : . . Sioux City Express ( ex. Hun..ll:5rain ) : S45pm ! . SI. Paul Llmlied . 9:10aiii : Leaves I F. , E. & MO. VALLEY. JArrUcV Oiiiahal Depot , Ulli nnd Webster Sts. I Omaha Leaves I K. C. . ST. J. & C. B. OmulmlUnlon Depot , loth & Mason Bt\ \ Omaha 865am ; Kansas CHy Day Express,7"t:30pm : 9i45pm. .K. : C. Night Ex. Via U. P. Tram. ; Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. Airlves Omaha ) Depot , 16th and Websler Bts. Omaha 10:40am : ,31 , Louis Enpreti G:09nin : 9SOpm : St. Louis Exprets G.uspni 8SOpm..II.Nebraska ! Local ( c-x. Sun ) 9.Mam Oinahal Depot , 15th and Webiiler Si's. I Omaha 645pm ! Bt. Paul Limited 8inam ! I avral S IO IIX "CITY" & PACIFio7 OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th t. Mason Sis. ) Omaha 7.0Sam Sioux City Pa , . , . , . : ' t4Spm St. Paul Limited 920am Uaves I IJNION PACIFIC. lAr uTT OinalinlUnlon D IKJ | , 10th _ & Mason Bin , ' Omaha 9:10am,7Nortr : : Pintle Kxpress . , 4:30pm : 8:10am : Overland I.lmlicd 4:45pm : 3:3pin.Beat'ce : ! ) Ac Stiomib'g Kx ( ex. Sun. ) , 4:30pm : t > :4pm.Qiand : Island Exprej * ( ex , 8un..ltlOpm ) : 3:35nm. ! Fa t Mall 10:2Jam : Lfuvtn I WABASH RAILWAY. ( Arrives OmalulUnlon Depot , 10th & Maiun tHn/Omalia / l Out of Court. Tlie troubles which have exlitfd between the members ot the firm of Krazler & Durke of South Omaha have beet ) Bottled to the sat- Itfactlon of all concerned , and the cases have gone out of court. Frailer will retire from the firm and IJurke will continue the busi ness. PRETTY , Now Treasury Notes Possessing Artistic and Othur Merits , SUPERB PICTURES BY EMINENT ARTISTS \CIT Dcpnrture In Ciirrrncj Prlntliiu nnil r.niirm lim Li-md 't'oiiilor Fit to IH > Frniueil. The new government Issue of treasuiy notci will mark nn era In tlio hlrlory ot the pnpci currency of the \\oiM , iiys ; the ( llolic-Jlcinq- crat , as well ns Jcflno the relations uctwccn art nnd currency , which hnvo hcrctotoro been loft entirely out of Kovunimenlnl considera tion. The $1 , $2 , $5 and $10 bills portly to bo put In circulation by the government of the United Stales will be works ot art , each note being worthy of framing , like any other engraving of high merit. Such artists a ? AVI11 H. Low , Walter Shlrlaw and Kdwln I low land lllashflold have made olb paintings , from which the government engravers have made steel engravings , from which , In turn , Im- pflons have been printed on absolutely unique and beautiful paper , the result being not only new money , but millions of speci mens of the highest art of the ciul-oMhc- century engravers put In circulation among the people of the United States. The design for the face of the J5 note , which will bo first Ispued , Is by Walter Shlr- Uw. That for the U Is by Will H. Low. Edwin Uowland Ulashfteld designed the now $2 note , and Walter Shlrlaw the new $10. They will probably appear , the $1 and J5 notes In January or February , the ? 2 and $10 notes two or three months later. LITTLK HEAL AUT UNTIL NOW. Up to this time bank note designs have con sisted of a hotch-potch of portraits , lathe- work , letter ? , etc. , having no pattlcular rela tion to each other , nnd no coherent signifi cance. These various blts > of engravings have been done on a e'.cel plato of a certain size , and the resultant printing has shown n. scries of splotches Inclosed In a narrow border. The government ot the United States , In the new wrles , has attained unity In design , and effect. To secure that result the services of some of the best figure painters In the coun try have been enlisted ; and , of all those who competed for the honor , with Us attendant emoluments , only a few succeeded. For this competition designs wore submitted ranging In size from two and one-half to four feet In width , and of proportionate height. They aro'painted In oils , and supposedly In black and white , although the Irresistible ten dency toward coloration Invariably assert ! ' Itself In the warming and cooling of tints. These , paintings , of course , depict objects In smooth surfaces of color , relieving light or dark , as the case requires. The function ot the engraver at once becomes of supreme Im portance. U lo to take the dei-lgn and In terpret It that the Idea of the artist may go forth to the artistic and the non-artistic on Its mission of culture. For the flr.H time In the history of the world money In Itself Is to reflne and en lighten. The engraver Is now obliged not only to reproduce the light and shade of the origi nal design , ho must devise directions of lln ? which describe surfacea gracefully and har moniously , depict textures and actually con vey a sense of color. His streng'h ' or light ness of line , his varying widths , crossings , recrosslngs and Interwork ; his suggestions of nearness and distance , his rendition of quality as well as color thcso Identify and Individualize the work. The new money that will pass from hand to hand among 70,000,000 of peopleIs In reality the -xork of the government en gravers , and they are Q. F. C. Smllllo and Charles Schlecht. When the designs come from the hands of the artist designer. , the lights and shades arc depleted In 'smooth , unbroken surfaces of color. In translating this Into line , a broken linear surface , the judgment and tact of the engraver are called Into play to translate these washes Into lines. lines.NO NO "SLURniNQ" IN THIS WORK. Blurring , for example1 , will cover defects In a painting , and color Invariably distracts the attention from errors In form. But there can be no slurring In a line engraving. Its meaning Is exact , the engraver must cover the inaccuracies of the artist. Sometimes , for example , the design Is "suggestive , " but rough ; In that case the engraver must ap preciate the artist's hints and make a fin ished pictureA photograph Is a reproduc tion an engraving Is a translation. The first Is an exact copy , the second embodies the thought , taste and originality of the translating mind. U Is worth remembering that the note that passes from hand to hand Is the engraver's work , his translation of the designer's Idea. When the now fives were Issued , about the tlmo specified , they will get Into circulation by being paid out by the Treasury depait- mcnt of the United States Instead of the old notes ; within a month thereafter the now notes will get Into general circulation among the people. Twos and tens will follow , Claude M. Johnson , chief of the bureau nl engraving , said on thli subject ; "Tho new notes as works of art will have a decided and agreeable educational influence ; besides , they will be more dinicult to counterfeit Wo have employed the best artists to be had , and wo are pure our engravers ore the best to bo obtained-In the world , These features of the new currency would themselves com mand for H _ tlio attention of all'civilized na tions. But ln reproducing on th ? backs of the notes for the first time portraits of fa mous civilians we give the reverwj the same security that wts imparted to the faces of tlio om notes uy tlio portraits tney uore , and add to the now notes a feature of beauty , of artistic value. "Each of the new notes typifies a distinc tive Idea. The five may be called "America , " embodying the ideas of energy nnd progress. Three groups appear side by side on the fac ? of the note , The flrsl group la an erect male figure , driving three spirited hones by reins which are really flashes of lightning ; In his light hand he grasps from the storm clouds the thunderbolts , whoso energy Is conveyed by ribbons to an electric torch , grasped by thu chief figure In the central or principal group on the face of the note. Coherency of design Is tliuu Indicated. The central female figure , of magnificent proportions. Is winged , Hlio holds aloft In her right haifd an incandescent electric light , which ly converting the energy conveyed tu her .from the clouds Into direct usefulness , enlightening mankind , She standi' on n liem- k'phero which shows the United Slates ; un der her extended left arm an caglo pcrchet at her feet ; Immediately on her right , resting nlto on the hemisphere , In a spinl-recumben ! position , In a female figure , emblematic , per haps , of the pru&i , announcing to the universe the progress of civilization. On tlio observer's right , to the left of the central figure , lu a floating figure of Peace , holding a law scroll In one hand and lightly tupportlng a duvo In the other. In the back ground are glimpses of the great dome nnd of the Niiate wing of the capital , localizing the dojlgn In It entirely. Walter Sh'rlaw of Now Vurk , who made , the design for thin note , Mudit'd nrt In Munich , Illu best known work Is a large painting called "Sheep Shearing , " On the back of the new J5 bill will be an Ideal winged head , in the center , with a V on her breast a fancy of the engraver , Bmlllie : on either sldo of the Ideal head will be the hradi of Grant and Sheridan , Per the flrrt tlmo portraits of persons not holding ol'.lco under the government appear < n It * currency. The back of this nnd of all ll.c i.v notes was deo'gned by Thomas F. ; , io rl- , chief of the engraving division of the IJureiu of Engraving and Printing. THE NEW 1 HILL. The face of the $1 bill was deslsaej byY ! II. Low , It fhows History Instructing Youth In the annala of America. Twenty-Hires memorial wreaths , In which arc the lumc.i of great men , appear around three bordjrs of the design. A Ulrtant view of the Washington monument and the dome of the capltol fllli the background , The heads of Jefferbon and Washington occupy places In tbe center of the upper border , The figure of History Is on the observer's left. The figure of Youth Is on Hlstory'u left , and almost In the center of the design. In the lower right-hand corner Is the teal , which U smaller In all the new notes. The back of the (1 note ehowa on the cb- server's left an allegorical winged figure ; to th observer's right are portrait hrucU ot , Martha nml Oorgo Washington. Mr. CJeorga Schlccht rnRruved the face of Ihls nolo. The design for the ; * c of the new | 3 bill rlinws Science pro < entlna Steam nnd Klcc-i trlclly lo Commerce nnd Manufacture. Ik WHS dotif In oil by LMwIn Howlnnds lla ) h field of New York. The coJitrnl Rrotip shows Science seated with tno graceful boys , rcpi denting Slenmi ntid electricity , on either side of hrr. Or > cither side of this central group nro two grnc-cful fcated figures representing Com * ntcrcc nnd Manufacture. The buck of the. note shows , appropriately enough , portraits of Fulton nnd Morse , The genernl Idea of the face of the new $10 bill , designed by William Shlrlaw , Is nrrlcultiire. Kara nnd stnlk.s of catin nro teen to the observer's extreme left , In the upper cor nrr , nnd fruit In the lower cornsr. To tlnj i fiht , Inward the center of the design , IB o , rcctitnbcnt youth , rcprosentlng the South ; over his heml nr * oranges. Ktirlher to the rlpht la Agilculturc , a splrndld vvomnn , holillnR n slcl < lc ; to tha rliht ; , still , Is Forestry , n rugged man , clnil l fcklns ! to the spectator's extreme right Is the West , n beautiful woman holding n nlno jar. Over her head nro balls of cotton , tin- dcr her feet , floWcr * . HOW A TUKASUUY NOTB 13 MADB. A famous artist conceives n noble doslgn , which will rellc-ct * ome great patriotic Idea. . Ho puts this design on canvas , In oil , vvlthr out color. The t exult Ui an oil painting , say ; 4 feet long by 2& feet wldo. This pahitlnc s put before the engraver , who studlca It lay In and dny out , perhaps , for weeks * now nnd then tracing on n plate ot Bolt steel , which rusts on a table In Iront of ilm , his conception of the line or lines cqulslto to comey the artist's conception o the public mind. The outline ot this iteel pinto on which the engraver Is work- m ? must be of the cx.nct size et the note to 10 printed. Ho engraves In sections , nnil when the whole plate Is finished the steel lie Is hardened and the entire trans ferred to a roll , the section of a cylinder , of soft steel. This roll In turn Is then hard ened. The design la then transferred by ; nvssuro from the chilled roll to n largo soft plate , which Is then chilled , and from vhlch the notes are directly printed on lapcr'speclally prepared by the government t crent expense. "The bureau of engraving nnd printing , " ? ald Us chief , Mr. Johnson , "which has to lo only with the printing of notes nnd se curities , belongs In the Treasury dcpart- ncnt , nnd has been housed In n Urge bullu > ng nt Fourteenth and U streets , dcvotea ) exclusively to Its uses , for about nineteen cars. The bureau was created In war time ) , vhen paper fractloinl currency was first jrlntcd. Karly In Its history , while It was yet lioiifcJ In the treasury building , the irlntlng of bank notes and Internal revenue stamps was added to Its duties. Surface printing , such as that of postal cards , has never formed part of Us functions. Wo mak the plates from \vhlch the postals arc then printed for the government by the lowest bidder. The government stationery In gen eral is1 printed In the government printing V ; office , an entirely separate bureau. Th ' stamped cnvolopss , which are embosned v ork , nre printed by private contract also. They are the only securities not printed In the bureau , which Is gradually embracing all tha government's priming , nnd Is growing with the country. It will never be united with the government printing oinco , since thf klndl of printing we do Is plate printing , whllo theirs Is surface or type work. "There are 1,508 persons on our rolls , and wo work from one year's end to another , sometimes also at night. In 1SU4 there were 55,516,000 sheets of securities printed here. Including pension clucky and patent certifi cates , the value of these sheets being for that fiscal year J777SC5,400. This was an Increase of aggregate values for n year of at leatt $50,000,000. There- was no loss of nny kind. In tlio year 1S95 stamps hnvo first been printed by thu government , prlvato contract having theretofore fciippl'ed them. " Sir. G. F. C. Smlllle , chief engraver of the bureau , perhaps the leading steel engraver of the United States , Is of Scotch descent and was born In New York In 1S5I. He In herits his artistic tastes ; three of his uncles and seven of his cousins have been bank note engravers. The radical change In the > -.J J policy and artistic alms made by the present idniinlatrntlon appealed to Smllllc's ambi tion and he went to Washington. There were Indications of the revolution In paper money and he wants to bo Identified with it. As chief engraver of the bereau he rccelvea a salary of JG.OOO , and has no duties what ever save engraving. Ho engraved the facca ot the new two and five dollar notes , NEWEST KIM ) OK " .1A . " CniullcN Fill I'd tilth Ilnozc n Fa A AIIKIIIK : Now YurkrrN. Whsref there's a will there's a way to beat around a law and confound those who attempt to cnforca It. Bogus watermelons filled with booze and Imitation bibles with a loaded flask , not to mention holes-In-thc- wall , bootleggers , ind other devices , are fa miliar relics of prohibition days In Kansas and Iowa before the drug stores came to tlio rescue of the drouth-stricken. The enforce ment of the Sunday law in New York has not reduced the residents to tues3 expedients , but various methods are adopted to alleviate * the wants of the suffering. The latest Is. candy drops filled with whisky and brandy. The steady drinking man who Is not on good terms with the bartender on the corner , says the New York Woild , finds In these. whlskyized candles the next best method of getting mound the Roosevelt rcdtrlcllons. Ho- gives the wink to his druggist , receives a. little box and goes homo equipped against a dry Sunday. The confectionery stores are reaping a rich harvest. Although they have no license to. sell liquor , they do not fear any trouble from what , at first glance , may seem to bo a lmrmlet'3 infraction of tlie law. But as young girls and boys as well as grown men and women are buying the dtops , the Excls Hoard will have every excuse for Interfer ence an soon as tncy liave read this article. A World reporter bought ije whisky bonbons bens at two places In Broadway last Sunday and at one place In Columbus avenue , near Seventy-second street. He also bought brandy In binbons at two places. In two pounds of this mixture of whisky and candy was enough. Intoxicating liquor to produce a decided "feellntf. " The chocolates put up with whisky In them were not put on oac ! In this city until two. weeks ago , Since then the demand for the article has been great. Brandy drops wcro made years and years ago on n small Ecnlc , but not until the screws , were put on Sunday drinking did the whisky ! drop make Its appearance. Tli& whisky drop la not different In appearance from the old- tlmo chccolato or brandy drop , and Is about the fa mo size. At some of the chops It la covered with plain chocolate , while at the more stylish places It Is wrapped In tin and gold foil , In some of Its forms It Is composed of a. little jug made of crystalll'/cd sugar. Into- which the liquor Is squirted with a syringe. Then the email opening Is plugged with , sugar nnd dlppnl In boiling chocolate and. laid out nn boards to dry. The foil Is put on to hold the compound together In case It lit exposed to a damp atmosphere. People who have not bought whisky drops , and who have no Idea of tha amount of tho- juice of tlif rye contained In them , will bo surprised by the following figures , derived from an analysis : In a pound of chocolate drops there are eighty pieces. Kadi piece weighs ninety-five- grains , Troy weight. After a drop Is broken and the whlaky Is poured out there are found fifty-five grains of sugar and chocQlato and forty grains of whisky , Counting eighty drops to the pound , there are 3,200 grnlna of whisky In each pound box of the new mix ture , A half-pint of good rye whUky weighs 3,265- g'plns. Thus In each pound nf chocolate whisky drops there Is a half-pint of whisky , IMS fifty-five gralnu. Ilartcnders say the average New Yorker dcei not pour out inoru than one-sixth of a half-pint for u drink. According to thl inero are about tlx average drinks of whisky ; In every pound of the new candy. There U a gallon of whisky , according to the statement of a manufacturer , In every Blxtciii and a half pounds Qf thin can-ly. TJib price of the candy , of course , depends on tho- quality of tt 6 brandy. Homo pound boxe cc t 30 centi , othcra cos' CO cents. Diluted opium Is mixed with chocolate- drops In China , and In Ntw Orleana a factory ha been making abslntho drops for the past flva year ? . Tli X AVtTf CuMllV IllnlH. George Hoag and Florence Lefebre , tw boyi arrested by D.'tectlves Dunn and Dona hue for stealing name pigeon * from Jacob' ' ) Meyer , pleaded guilty , and were fined W and costs cacti by , Judge Derka yesterday ,