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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1895)
8 TUB OMAHA DAILY KB 18 : TIUlTHSnAY , JtfOVBMHBK 131 , ISDo. USE FOR OLD FORT OMAHA Plan to Establish a State Militia Training School There. SUGGESTIONS BY GENERAL MANDERSON Work iif I'rcimrliiK IVIIIIoim mill Uir Hill TriuiHffrrltiK l roprrl lo tinMlnlc IN lo IIIllrK n ill Olive. Major Central Harry and Major C 0. Kcchct of the Nebraska Nilloml Guard were In Omnlia yesterday , In consultation with General Mandcrson on plans tor bringing licforo the coming cession of congress some legislation that will enable the state to se cure po"se ! slon of the old Kort Omaha site for a military school and a camp for the state troops. Some tlmo ago General Harry addressed a letter to General Manderson on the subject , and the reply of Mr Manderson , written at that time , explains his position. It was as follows : OMAHA , Oct. IT , , ISDV-Oneral P. H. Harry , Adjutant Uencrai , Sliito of Ne braska , l.lnroln. Neb . M > Uenr Sir-lour favor of tin2ltli lust. Is received 1 nppre- cliite very fully the Importance of the prop osition that tlio military post known us Tort Omiilin should bo turned over to the btiito of Nebraska for tlir use oi the Na tional I'.uard , nnd urn willing to do every thing In my power to tiring about that Years ago Kort Oinalm was In such a dilapidated condition us to be almost unin habitable. 1 trlid for a long while to gut tlio War department to expend some money upon It so as to make It vvnat It should be , but General Sheridan , when eommumler of the army , refused the expenditure of a penny at Kort Omaha , saying that he must have n new post nt Omahii , with much addi tional ground nnd further temoved fiom the city It was this position taken by General Sheridan and the Wai department that cau'ed me to talce step * for the bulld < - Ing of the new fort This Is conveniently and beautifully located on about liUO acres of gruund , tibout twelve inllcs'from Omaha , nnd $7WXJO ( has already bnen expended upon It. The post will ultimately cost between JI.OOO.OOO nnd Jl.COO.OW It Is one of the most substantial and best built postH In the United Stale" . Wlit-n 1 piocllred the passage of the origi nal bill loultlng I'orl Crook , to obtain a successful result 1 had to embody In the legislation the pioposltlou that 1'oit Omaha thouM be ( old , under the dlret tlon of the secretary or the trcas-uiy , and the proceeds applied to the building of the new post. There has beui much talk hero about ob taining the old fort , which stands upon eighty acres of land , for paik puipobes for the city of Om.ilia Thin would be a good purpo e , but does no' ' compaie with the use joti suggest , that It phould be held as a camp and Kchool of Instruction for the Na tional Guard of the State I believe tint If this matter Is propertly presented to con gress the bill will pass imklng tin- dona tion to the state. It Avlll require , however , great prepai.itlon and good work In con gress by our representatives If you will call to Fee me any time I will present to you my Idea of the course of pro cedure In a general way I will now slmplj way that there Hhould be a petition before congress , signed by the governoi , state otllciulP , otlleors of the National Guaid and prominent citizens of the state This peti tion should F el forth forcibly but simply the reasons foi the donation It should be nc- temp inled by a bill making the transfer from the general government to the s-tate of Nebraska upon the abandonment oC Kort Omaha by the military authoMtles 'I his bill and petition should be presented in both houses of conpress i-ailj In December , and the general of the nim > , Cieneial .Mllis , nnd the secretary of war should be seen caily , so as to obtain their appioh.itlon of hf the transfer The bill can be so woided Us to grant ( lie u o of Fort Opiah.i to the atnte of Nebraska tn peipotulty , with the tl condition tint the Koveinment may at any time it believes It advantageous for inlll- . , tnry purposes letako possession of the [ } lurid Tin IP U a lit * ' " question as to vv bethel thn complete i. _ donment of the eighty neres by the , government for foil purposes vvou'd not cause the land to revert to the original donois , and this could be guaidcd [ igaln t In the bill by having the general government hold a string to the fort. If jou wish to talk with mo at any tlmo upon tlji ; matter and Mill como hero I will U give- you all the Information in my power. is Yours truly , CHAIIUS K MANninsoN. The conference yesterday was along the lines. Indicated In General Jlandeihon'i let ter. The general hns agreed to draft a bill to be presented to congies' < which will pro vide that the government shall , on the aban donment of the military icscrvatlon now known as Port Omnli.i , transfer It to the state of Nebraska , which shall maintain It as a military training hdiool nnd a camp of Instruction for the National He thinks thli , could be done at flight ex pense , and that not more than tinea In structors would bo neccasary for the work. In this manner the grounds and buildings could be kept In condition anil the pi ice tibcd as a rendezvous for the mllltla encamp ments and the Ilia- General Mandei son docs not think that the plan of Congressman Mercer to have a fed eral m'lltnry Institute established on tlic present nlte of Kort Omaha Is at all feasible. Ho en ) s that the Instant such a measure Is proposed In congress , Chicago , Kansas City and other western cities will oppose the measure and endeavor to B ° cure the location If the plan of establishing tuch u branch of West Point Is given any consideration what ever He thinks that with good work on the part of the Nebraska delegation the transfer nf the property to the state may be I accomplished. " General Harry and Major Kechot will com- mcnc" work at once upon the plans suggested by General Manderhon and will prepare the necessary petitions to presented to con gress early In December. niir. i > . .vi. era a quarter to six , The new "Omaha-Chicago Special , " via the NortliweMem line , arriving at Chicago next morning a quarter to nine , 8 4'i a. m. City ticket office , 1401 Karnam slrcet. .Sniff , Vi-rj Sulfi. Leave Omaha todaj , arrive Salt Lake tomorrow - morrow , San Krnnclsco ntxt day nnd Los Angeles morning of the third day. That Is what > ou can do vln the Union Pacific , but not via any other line. Uuy jour tickets vli "Tho Ovorluid Route " A. 0 Dl'NN , City Pass nnd Ticket Agent , 1302 rarnam Street , IN TIII : scout Onxnril Compnti ) OlllcInU lien ) Still * tnrnlM of Lincoln ( Jron-rn. The Attention of Mr James G. Hamilton of the Oxnard Ile-ot Sugar company , now In the city , was jestcrday called to the state ments emanating from I. M Raymond nnd A. E. Hargrcaves , wholesale grocers of Lin coln , In which these msn charge the- Oxnard company with being part and parcel of the Sugar trust. "That statement , " paid Mr. Hamilton , "Is utterly without foundation. Our company has nothing whatever to do with the Sugar trust , and never has had anything to do with It. Last vv Inter during the Investlgn- tton of the sugar ( scandals at Washington Henry Otnard went on the stand before the senate Investigating committee and stated under oath that the company had no connection , directly or Indirectly , with the Sugar trust , and that the Sugar trust neither advanced any mont-y to the Nebraska sugar factories nor made any agreement with them. "Of course we are not going to cut under the trust prices Why should we ? Our sugar Is every bit as good ns the trust sugar , If not bettor WP offer advantages In the way of prompt shipment and extension of payment that ought to make our simnr preferable to all western dealers. On the other hand , It we were able to reduce onr price below trust prices the trust would Im mediately cut below us , nnd not only meet every reduction In our prices , but go still lower. We might maki < the trust lose a pile of money , but the war would have to come to an end nome- time As the trust manu factures ns much sugar every day as we do In n jear , It Is eas > to sec which would last longest "As to the trust refusing to ell sugar to dealers who handle Nebraska-made sugar , I take no stock In that story. There Is no question that some of the salesmen nnd solici tors have Intimated to their pitrons that It would be to their advantage to buy all their sugar of the trust anil have even threatened to refuse to tell soft sugars and cut-loaf un- leo < they ordered all grades , but I do not believe such action his the sanction of the trust officials. I do not believe they would countenance It. They could not afford to pursue tuch n policy. As a matter of fact , any dealer can buy all the Nehraski sugar ho can handle and get the other grades from the trust without the slightest difficulty. " IIIS. .1. IIUNbON. Cash niHComtt s'lilcfor n Pen Iln > H. CUT PRICES ON EVERY ARTICLE In the store , from 10c to GOc on eveiy dollar. Sale commences today. 'I Migration Soiillmnril. The tide of northern Immigration south ward appears to be not only n business and financial necessity , but a phislcal one as well , If the conclusions of scientific observers are worthy of account The winters are getting colder In the north as well as the poor people poorer. The ten dency to go south has Its parallel , It Is said , on the same latitudes In Europe where the Increasing severity of the cllmato Is forcing the tide of population southward. Whatman's Intelligence has failed to teach him hereto fore would be a desirable and profitable chang ° , his climate Is Impressing upon him so rapidly that ho Is beginning to heed the admonition. Whatever may be the cause that trans plants tlio colonies from the Ice fields to the orange groves , the colonists themselves and the world at laige have reason to be thank ful tint It is operating so powerfully In the direction of human happiness and prosperity Orchard Homes Is the fivorlte Join a party of homese kers In this famous locality All Information on application. George W Ames , general agent , 1G17 Parnam street , Omalin , Neb. _ _ 12IKIiornK lii Cliaiiiri-M Time. To take effect Sunday , Nov. 21 , the fol lowing changes of time will occur In tlmo of trains on P , E & M V. II. P- Hlack Hills Express will itivo Omaha 2 10 p. m dally. Arrive Hot Springs 803 a. m. , beadvvood 11 CO 2. in. next morning , connect ing at Fremont for Lincoln daily and for Su perlor and Hastings lines dally except Sun day , at Scrlbner with Albloi line daily ex cept Sunday , and at Chadron with the Wyo ming line except Sunday. Norfolk local will leave Omaha 7 50 a. m. dally exc pt Sunday , connecting at Kremont with Lincoln line , and nt Norfolk Junction with Vordlgie line. Hlack Hills Expret-a will arrive at C 30 p. m. Norfolk louil will arrive 10.23 a. m. Curtn rlKliI GIM-N Illplicr. These who have business with T. P. Cart- vvright & Co. , outside the buying of hoes , will be asUed to "step up-stalrs , please. " It Is a decided Improvement , that , which raises the office above the general rush of business and It gives the store a much laiger and handsomer appearance The new olllce Is n sort of balcony , flnlshsd In antique oak and supported by massive/ / pillars and gives much needed sppco for the stock below. The ClilcaKO , tlllniiuKet * X St , 1'iuil llv. 't train leaves union depot dally at 6 00 p. in. Express train leaves daily , except Sunday , at 10 in a m "This Is the road that has the electric lights " The latest and best equipment and dining cars on all trains. C. S. CARRIER , C T. A. , 1504 Painam St. K All Coiiiu-tll < irM. The exceedingly fast tlmo to Colorado , Utah , Idaho , Montana , Oregon and California now being made by the Union Pacific places that line In the lead for both first and second class travel. Tor tickets , tlmo tables or any Information , call on A. C. DUNN , City Pass , and Ticket Agent , 1302 Parnam Street. Any one desirous of obtaining a life schol arship In the Omaha College of Shorthand nnd TpcuiltliiK can 860111 ? one at a very liberal discount. Call on or address W. C. Lelehty , 303 Karbach block. Pittsburg nut , fanrj , $400 a ton. Plttsburg lump , fancy , $4 50 a ton. 1G11 Painam , American Pur ! Cc. Columbia Metal Polish Crosj Gun Co , Haydeit llrcs. ' ad. Is on page 9. II llflv Mrs Annlo , aged II years , at St. Jo tiih hospital. Ki'inaliiH at llcafe > A ItL.iftj K undertaking rooms Remains will bu hl/pi'd | to (1 1 n ml Island , Neb , Thurs day , the 21st , at 'i oO , f i oni union depot. The Great Change of Ownership Sale still goes on , The store is chock full of bargains , the greatness of which cannot be estimated until they are seen. Itlaclc plu chock In wick siillu only , nil sl/.vs , ai to ID , tit Hluo mill black Hnskot worsted stills , choice tlilfi wct l ; at , $ & 0GOO worth to be sold before January. MORGAN WAIVES A HEARING Tnkcn Before Jndgo Bcrka Early Yesterday Morning , HELD ON CHARGE OF MURDER WITHOUT BAIL 'trip front mill to flu * County .Tall I'lniinril ii ( nit Hour \\lieti 1'vn AXoitlil Sec the Yesterday , before men had come down town for business or. to loaf or to hang nround the court rooms , Krank Morgan , the alleged murderer of little 11-year-old Ida Gas- kill , vas taken from the county Jail , hurried Into the waiting patrol wagon and driven rapidly lo th * police station , "lie was taken before- Judge Ilcrkn , given Just time enough to cay that he would waive preliminary ex amination on the charge of murder in the first degree , nnd then was Just as cxpsdl- tlousl } rushed back to the county Jail , which place he will not leave until he U arraigned for trial In the criminal section of the district court. The whole thing took lees than fifteen minutes. County ofllctals still retain a fear that If a good opportunity Is offered the county will be saved the expense of n trial In the Morgan case. There hive been no outward demon strations during the past two weeks , but In the minds of the officials there Is still the fear that the mob Is only hinging around the street corners waiting for some chance to offer. Thercfoie , It was Tuesday determined to hold the preliminary hearing yesterday morning at S o'clock , nt which tlmo the court room would be vacant and Morgan could be arraigned and hurried back to the county Jail before any one knew anj thing about It. Consequently , In the morning the patrol wagon drove up to the county Jail and Mor gan was bundled Into It. Ho was hand cuffed lo Deputy ShurllT Rasmussen , with Sheriff Drcvel on the opposite side of him. Morgan had apparently recovered from his fear , for ho was perfectly composed , except that for a few moments after he left the Jail building his > es wandered restlessly about , apparently to sec If there was any mob In sight. The patrol wagon drove to the rear of the city Jill nnd Morgan was at ones taken be fore Judge Herka , who was already on the bench. The prisoner had already been ar raigned nnd consequently the only thing re maining was to ask whether ho would waive prellmlnarj examination , as he Kid signified his intention of doing When the question was put Morgan answered. "Under Instiuctlons of my attorney I waive the examination. " Judge Uerka bound him over to the district court to appear forthwith on the charge of murder In the first d'grec , without ball. When Morgan was taken Into the city Jail on his way back to the patrol wagon ho stopped n moment at the sergeant's desk and asked the jailer whether he had found o pleo ? of chewing tobacco which had been taken from him when he was arrested. The tobacco had not been found , and Morgan ap peared to be consldeiably more worried over that fact than the words of the police Judg ° which had Just sentenced him to bo tried foi his life. On the way back to the county Jail Morgan remained speechless until he was locked in his cell. Morgan was arraigned several da > s ago before Judge Herka , but nt that time his at torney refuted to waive the preliminary hear ing. Since that time , however , it has been shown the attorney that If the details of the horrible crime were related In the police court In the presence of the public such In dignation might be aroused that Morgan would bo placed In danger of his life. Th attorney was convinced , and therefore decided to waive the hearing. CIill > H IlllHll Oil II T MllHl-ll' . Gladys Hush last night assaulted Mamie Clark , cratchlng her face , pulllm ? her hair , and bruising her face. Mamlp was an Inmate of the hoti'-e of 111 le-iute kept by Gladjs and has had trouble with the proprietor for several weeks. Several weeks ago Gladjs was lined $30 and cnUi of her Inmates $25 foi having robbed n visitor. Gladjs compelled Mamie to pay all the line" , amounting to over J300 , and since then there baa been conMdciable bad feeling between the two women , leuultlii , ? In the combat last night. "MaKiiif ; TliliiKH Hum. " No. 0 , Omaha , 5 45 p. m , Chicago , 8 15 a. m. No. 2 , Omaha , 4 45 p. in. , Chicago , 7 43 a. m. No. 1 , Chicago , G 00 p. m , Omaha , & 10 a. m. No. 3 , Chicago , 10 45 p m , Omaha , 3 35 p. m. No 8 , Onnha , 10 30 a m. , Chicago , 7 00 a. in No. G , Chicago , 4 30 p m , Omaha , 9 20 a. m THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. City Ticket ofllce , 1401 Parnam street. noMisr.iK iitsK.cimsio. \ . Vet i-nilii-r l71h mill Drccinlii-r On the above dates the Missouri Pacific railway will sell round trip tickets to polntu In Texas , Arkansas and Louisiana at one fare ( plus $2.00) ) . Per pirtlculars , maps , etc , call or address depot , 15th and Webster , or N. E. corner 13th and Farnam streets , Omada , Neb. Thomas F. Godfrey , P. and T. A. J. 0. Plillllpl , A.0. _ r. and P. A. IIonicNcrKi-rN' i\i-nrNloii .South. VIA THE WAHASH R. R. On November 13 , 27 and December 11 , the Wabash will sell tickets to Arkansas , Louis ville and Texas at half fare with $ J 00 added For tickets and further Information , or a copy of the Homeseekers' Guide , call at Wabash olllce , 1415 rarnam street , or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agt. \ . .IliduiSrllH | ) r > fiooilN. Af'cr a very spirited competition In Judge Elliot's court Saturday , the Dickinson Drj Good-i Co.'s stock of .Minneapolis , was bought by the S. E Olson Dry Goods Co. for $50,000 spot cash. Part or all of this Block may com ? to Omaha. .Supper mill llic-n A La Curtc. Patrons of the Sioux City Route will bu pleaded to learn that supp r will be served tn Northwestern dining cars on northbound St Paul Limited dally train between Missouri Valley and Sioux City , and on the southbound train due Omaha 9 10 a m breakfast will bo rorvod between Sioux City and Missouri Val ley. Ti-ll llom-H Nut oil. Second class passengers for San Francisco via tlio Union Pacific now save 10 hours' time. "Time Is money. " Iluy your tickets via "Tho Overland Route , " A. C. DUNN , City Pass and Ticket Agent , J302 Farnam Street. A Cl I'll n huci'p Is what the OMAHA-CHICAGO SPECIAL , via the NORTHWESTERN , gets before starting cant at C 45 p m , That l because It Is a complet" OMAHA train from UNION PACIFIC DEPOT , OMAHA. Cl'y ticket ofllce , 1401 Parnam street. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Taitar Powder. Tire iron ) Ammonia , Alum or any other adutteisn' , /jO YEARS THE STANDARD. MOVIAVH IMVK1M ! HIMIM. Tiirl II AIII TII kr 11 it ( lirTrnniiiiil l - ln accordance with Iho request of the Com mercial club , through. II ? delegates , Mr. Car penter and Mr Lindsay , at the list Womb's club meeting a committee of nlnp was np- polnltd to ni5t-l yedtcrdny afternoon to de cide what pirt theWbtnnn's club would take In the entertainment of guests to the Trans- ml'MsslppI congress Mesdnmes Town ? , Draper , Smith , Cart- vv right , Heeler , Payne , I , Umlcay , Sumnsr and Heller composed the commlttco which held council with Mayor Hemls , Judge Hradley , Mcms Unlngor , Carpenter , Hhecm and other gentlemen Interested In this enter prise. All plans are jet Incomplete , but the Woman's club hau accepted the Invitation to assist In several particulars and will bend nil Its energies to the task On the. evening of the reception at the Coliseum the Inroduc- tlon nnd reception commuters will be rein forced by twenty-five Woman's club women From Monday until Krlday the club will keep open house nt Its rooms An adequate committee will be there at nil times , tint the women guests and delegates to the- city may nnd therea place of rest and refresh ment , or visit all d-partment work of the club which may b In progress. The names of three women arc to be added to the com mittee on decoration. Crelghton hall will be us ° d for the geneial sessions , nnd It Is ex pected that this combined committee' may produce most tasteful nnd satisfactory effects. On one of ( lie afternoons there will prob ably be a reception tendered the visiting women by theWoman's club at Its rooms It Is thought this would be a fitting oppor tunity for the club to show how genial and charming Its hospitality Is. and to add the full force of Its power to the city's effort to make glad Omaha's gutsU1. Hy virtue of Its numbers the Woman's club Is entitled to ten delegates In this congress , nnd these delegites will have full power the right to speak and to vote on all questions before the assembly. So that the club tn called upon not only to display Its greatest attainment , the grace and charm of Its members as gentlewomen , but Its secondary , but wtlll Important attain ments clear thinking , ready speaking nnd skill In discussion. The commlttco's choice of delegates is Mesdnmea 1'ord , Dr. Chapln , Keyeor , Dr. 1/inkton. Hoobler , Tracy , Heller , Strnwn , Tow tie. Horford. The committee on arrangements will meet for further work In the club rooms , Satur day at 3 p. m. , when It Is expected all ar rangements will be completed. MH.S. j. nnvso.v. CIINI | UlNoninit Sale for it I" < MV l > a > s. CUT PRICES ON EVERY ARTICLE In the store : from lOc to DOc on every dollar. Sale commences today. ur'r : AI.O.MWITH iinu nn\i > . Mid Cns - of Destitution | JOCU < M | oil South ' ftfiUh Street. Yesterday the city olllclilg found Mrs Efllc Godfrey and her three fatherless c'lllJr n huddled together In n little tvvo-rcom Miauty at 720 South Seventh street tiylng to keep warm from the heat of their own bodies. Aside from n few boiled potatoes there wau no fuel , food nor much of an > thing elesc In the nous ? . Some old tattered comforters and bed cloth ing were wrapped around the mother and children to keep them from frecrlng and In the desolate little front room , with scarcely a pane of glass in the window sashes , lay the dead body of n newly born baby. Prior to his death , which occurred about five months ago , John Godfrey , the father of the children , was a grader by occupation The family sine" that time subsisted upon the oilds and ends furnished by neighbors , who. like themselves , are very poor. Mrs Godfrey stated that she and her little ones had been living on boiled potatoes for the last three clajs and that she has had no attendance , medical or otherwise , through her late Illness and the subsequent death of her chlltr. The Infant was taktn to the morgue 'and ' an effort will ? jo made to procure itioney and supplies for Mrs. Godfrey. TWO MIST I.O&i : Tlinill STAHS. I'olU-cmeii lllseliurtfeil on Complaint of Sergeant Cor > . A meeting of the Plre and Police commls- s'on was held last night. Officer Charles Monroe , who was accused by Sergeant Cory of having talked to a cabman at the Webster direct depot fo- thirty minutes , was dis charged , the charge being proven to the nt- hfactlon of a majority of the commissioners It was the sime way with Officer Ravencamp who had sworn that he would whip any man who told llea about him In order to secure his discharge from the force. The board sild the charges referred to Sergeant Hebout , and ordered Ravencamp to ccare wearing the offi cial star. The case against Fireman Joseph Laux , charged with having disobeyed orders , wat continued until Monday evening next. The same course wis taken with the case against Fireman C. 0 Mattson , who is alleged to have assaulted a fellow fireman recently. Sergeant Cory could not prove his charges against Offi cer Tony Vanous , to the effect that that offi cer had been missing from his beat for some minutes , and the charges were dismissed. i : lrii5 Cook .Sti i > M Cmitiircil. ShorKljl before midnight Oillccr Flske found throe large cook stoves on the Hide- walk at Eleventh and Dodge streets. The tag on the rases "aid that the stoves wore for W F Stoetzel. the hardware dealer , nnd vverp from a ftovu workf In Indiana The patrol wagon was called , but the stoves icfuced to go In the wagon , so a mersei'Ber was sent to the ownei to inform him that hl stoves were not under cover It IH supposed that they were stolen from the ficlnlit depot and that the thieves' vehicle bioke down with them. She Kept Hie CliniiKe. 1C. P NIcholH , n visitor from Wyoming , called nt FritU'lrth's last evening- . While sitting at a table with John Peterson and several women a nuanel arcs * over some change which bad dlH.ippeared , Nlcholi paid that .May Morris- took it fiom the table after the waiter had pluced It there The woman wilt , arrested on the charge of larcenj , Peli-r-on as a witness nnd NIohoK an complaining witness nnd for carrying concealed weapon" . She Stealx Clollilni ; . On November 10 u bundle containing n quantity of line lindens car and other gai- mcnts 'that bad just been htundoiod was Htolcn from the rear of the residence of Gcoige II ConiHlock , manager of liartle-tt , I-'nuer A : Co Other pickages- wash have iceently dlsnppenied In this residence district of the city A > oung woman who calls at the back , doorx to afk for home- thing to rat Is KUpixjaeil to bu the thief. Slrui'K Ilie-iI'eiieeniiiUrr. George Carroll was arrested at noon jerter- day for assaulting Leonat Viinutta. Carroll was engaged In a fight with Harry Hodges when tlio Vnnatta girl appeared upon the scene tn tlio role of a peacwnakei. Carroll thereupon turned his wrath uptin the girl and struck her , knocking out icveral front teeth , The parties live In tbei neighborhood of Tenth street nnd Capitol aumue. Kuici'iuI'lelil luiilutheVoimi II'M ( 'lull. Eugene Field's life ) and works are to be considered by the < department of current llteiaturo In the Woman's club Friday at 4 p. m Mrs Peattle and Mis Bwltzler will speak of him as they know him , and Mrs liouton Mrx Wlllulm , MlfH McCaguo and Mlxs Van GIE > on Will Illustrate his works Mtinbeix of the club uro Invited. Slate TeuelierV AHNoeliitlou , The Is'ebinMca Stutu Teachers' association will meet nt Lincoln during holiday week next month A mo t exti-nsivo progrun has been announced for the seHlon Among the fiatuies will ba paper by Or NI "U1. ' ' " ' "r ( > > ll'1- ' ' of the National Educa- loi'.al nf'Tclaifoh , lie \Viii ViTC-Nli-il Daniel E I > 'n"ii WPS ui rested at Per ielh rnd r-nmni sticets ln t nlKht n a usplclous chniacter Ho lefused to give an recount of himself , and when asked whole he lived lepllod wherever he pleastd A i a/oi. a Bold wateh and J3.I vve-ro amonu his roreeloNiire on rali-iiiier IlcNlileiife. A dt'Crco was ) eteida > afternoon granted foieckalm ; a inoitBage on the rriddenei property of N H Falconer In fuvor of A J Hanscom , Falconer hiv livf defaulted Th' in rtkayo wan tlven to fe ure a n > 'e fet 11 ! ) t < kJ. Hayden liios. ' ad. U on page ! > > Have Courage Even when the bleak air is full of rumors that the grip is around looking for victims , Nc doubt the rumors are true ; bul the disease won't find you if , at the first sign of a shiver , you have recourse to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey By stirring the torpid blood it keeps up the supply of that animal heat , which alone is a defense against the ills of cold and damp. Pure as Alpine snow , full of healing power , the most useful thingin the housekeeper's medicine chest. It gives a perfect circulation and that , as Dr. Magcndie says , "is the secret of perfect health. " Druggists and grocers have it. . ' ' . , . Til VT HIM. CITY rt'M'.HAI OMAHA , Nov. 20. To the Editor of the Ilcc : In your edition of Saturday last there nit | eared n dispatch from Hill City , S. D. , In reference to the detention of the remains of a Mrs. Roberts , which had been sent from On.nlm by Adams Express company , tillering that Mine was being held on account of a doctor's bill. As Ur. C. W. Lee was the physician In charge of the case , some re flection has been cast upon him In consequence quence , and , as the whole unfortunate mat ter was entirely due to a misunderstanding and a seemingly wrong construction being placed upon the telegrams received by Dr. Lee from the parties In Hilt City , I deem It only fair to all parties , to make a statement of the facts. When Mrs. Roberts died , Dr. Lee com municated with her husband by telegraph to know what disposition to make of the body. This resulted in quite an extended correspondence being conducted by wire ns to the expenses which had been Incurred by Mrs. Roberts during her slckncbs , and whit amount of money would be necessary to de fray the same and transport the remains from Omaha to Hill City. The Items of ex pense were as follows : Undertaker's bill , $10j hospital bill , $42 ; Dr. Lee's bill , $ SO ; express charges , ? 3S 80. The first telegram received stated that a sum of $12080 had been deposited at Hill City to co\er Or. Lee's bill and the trans portation charges. This telegram being somewhat vague , Dr. Lee wired to know what prtnlslon had been made for the under taker and the hospital , to which a reply was leeched stating that $ JO had been deposited to cover the undertaker's charges and a like amount for the hospital. Troiii this It was Inferred that it sulllclcnt amount had been deposited to co\er all the Items of expense as enumerated abo\e , and upon tills sup position the remains were shipped by Under taker Maul C. O. D. $1C. ! , with the express charges to collect. Upon the arrival of the lomalns at destination the express agent \\lrcd the olllce here that the deposit lacked $ SO of being sulllclcnt to cover the amount of the > C. O D , and a telegram was at the same time received by Dr. Lee stating that Mr. Roberts was unable to liquidate his bill. Dr. Lee at once telegraphed the parties at Hill Cltj , waiving his bill , and also In structed me to wire at once reducing C. O D to $ S2 , being the amount of the undertaker's and hospital bills , which , with the trans portation charges , amounted to $120.80 , and which was covered by the amount on deposit. In the meantime , however , Mr. Roberts Euc > l out a writ of replevin and took posses sion of the remains. It will thus be seen that there was no disposition on the part of Dr. Lee or any one else to collect any more on the remains than whut they en titled to , and which , as they supposed from the reading of the telegrams , had been pro vided for by the amount deposited. So far as this company Is concerned , v\e simply acted as carriers , and could do noth ing In the matter but comply with the In structions of shippers. CHARLES H HOWARD , Agent Adams Express Compiny. Ki'WoiiTii i.ivi'i ; CONVUVI-IOV MrctlitK for T o Iln > N ill Walnut HIM tlrllimllMt Cliurcli. A meeting of the Hpworth league of the Omaha district will be held for twr days , beginning this afternoon , at the Walnut Hill Methodist church. Devotional exercises will be conducted this afternoon by J. Charles Opening business will then be transacted , and following this a paper on district work will bo read by II. A Barton. Devotional exer cises In the evening will he led by Dr. R D Wilson and an address will bo delivered by Rev. Dr. Sanderson. For tomorrow the program Is8 : 30 a. in. , devotional services , led by E. D. Gideon , re port of committee on credentials ; 9 a. m , , "Relation of the League to the Church , " W. H , Underwood , 9 30 a. m. , "How Can the I'astor I3est Help the League ? " A. L Stonecypher ; 10 a. m. , "How Can the League llest Help the League ? " D. C. Wlnshlp ; 10 30 a. m. , "Should There Ho an Age Limit to Membership ? " J. Q. A. Pleharly , 1015 n. m , , "The Successful Business Meeting , " Trunk Hammond ; 1 30 p. in. , devotional services , In charge of A. K. Sclmffer ; 2 p. m , "The Spiritual Development of Young Con verts , " C. W. Miller ; 1 30 p. m. , reports from committees , local chapters and depart ments , election of officers , vote on constitu tional amendment ; 3 30 p. m , "The League anil the Revival , " G. H. Maini ; p. m. , Junior hour , address by Mrs. J. R , Wood cock , superintendent of junior league work , Nebiaska conference ; : 45 p. m. , "What HIM the Epworth League Done for the Chinch ? 1'or You Personally ? " to be answered by all pastors and leagues ; 7 30 p. in. , devotional services led Q I' . Krlego 8 . . , by * ; p. m. , sacra mental Hsrvlce , J. 1) ) . Muxllelil , D.D. , seimon by D. K. Tlndall , D. D. ; consecration service. Oiiuilin fii'ln iii'vv ; Train , The Overland Limited , via Union raciflc- Norlhweetern , that formeily took an Omaha eleeper east dally at C 45 p. m. , now leaves an hour earlier , andIn Its placH , at a quar ter to C every evening , the NORTHWEST ERN line starts a now complete train In OMAHA , from OMAHA and for OMAHA , ar riving In Chicago at 8'45 o'clock next morn- Ing. A clean vestlbuled gas lit Ak-Sar- licn flyer with sleepera ( superb ) chair < : nrs free and dining car ( Northwestern. City ticket ofllco , 1401 rarnam street , TIII : IIIAITY .MAiiKirr. INSTHUMI3NTS place * ! on record November 20. 1895'WAHUANTV WAHUANTV DIOHDS Lev I farter and wife to Carter White Lead company , 4 OTa In tax lota M and W , In 1'7-15-ld $30,000 C A Trimble to 1 IJ 1'ago et nl , lots S and t > blk 8 , and lot W , blk 7 , Kllby 1'Iaco 3.COO O 11 Uallou ii"il wife to Henry Ambler , unellv > i lot 18 , blk 'J , Ambler I'lace 00 J \V Itodrfcr and wife to C'lmiles ) Muish , all Interest In blk 3 , Mo- ( 'ague's -100 M L O'Uonohoe and husband to 8 U Cady. lot 0 , I' rl 't Batatas , C"0 rt 7 "otter anil wife to Christina TI--C. ' ! ! n < , lot 7 , blk 4 , 1'ottei ff C'a 2d i"ld to South Omaha. 3i5 8 II JJcOi-ff and husband to 11 1) 1'llte , lot 80 , Wlndcor I'lace , cxt. . 2,000 Ot'iT CLAJM JJIJIDS Om.ilm & rion-nce Locn and Trust comjiany to W r I'urkcr , blk 1SS , riori-nco } Sanui lo tmme , V4 blk Ii8. name . . . . 1 K ( - ' Howard to Charle-H llattelle , lot " " Ucdford I'laco 1 2J , bll : "A , LiIJUDS. Bpeilal master to Nebraska Saving und Hxclmngo bank. H SO feet lot t > blk CO Houtli Umuha . . . . IbS Sa'mo to New.llamiuhjlrii .SavlnKH bank , c W ted of vv 150 feet lots and II. llk 7. HaiiBcom I'luce . I,0f0 To ail amount eif transfcra , Some men bu > n winter outfit some buy spasmodically piece nt R time \Uicre and when notion dictates Most of our trade -however is of the formf-r. although n good portion of It vcro converted after n good deal of pllgrlmngclng about for better nnd cheaper things than wo sell. Ynt sell all things cheaper nnd for good reasons have no difficulty In doing o. Certainly small Items save little , bigger ones bigger , but by buyIng - Ing all here n person Is away ahead when the jenr rolls by. And the better goods and more satisfactory. < liny a pair of woolen hose hero for 15c nnd joil save a dime. liny ft pair of patent ear muffs here for lOc joil save 15c. A Gorman mulllw costs } ou here 2Sc and elsewhere 40c. A satin mufllor Is here 75c and elsewhere $1.2. . A pair of working gloves sold here nt 40c samp thing elsewhere C5c to 7Cc. We sell dogskin dress gloves nt "flc that others get $1.00 to $1.25 for. Warm caps nt 2."ic , some get as high as COc for nearly alike. Stvllsh caps that sell at 7f > c arc 45o here. Pretty plush caps , $2.00 grades $1.25 here. And wo might go on for an hour reading , showing positive savings little and more depends upon the size of jour purchase. And there nre other things for cold weather heavy underwear sweaters heavy lined and unllned gloves nnd tnlttens wool shirts overshoes rub bers all sorts of woolen hosiery cardigan Jackets nnd other things , And If > ou arc n shopper so much the better Wo me here to convince. : I.N Tim IMIIMVIU SCHOOLS , I'rlm'limlN * Club TaUt'N I | > n din's ( Ion of < Sr 'iil Spoilt * . The question discussed by the members o the Omaha Principals' club nt Its regula meeting jesterday afternoon , was "Re solved , That the amount of sc'ence ' worl done In the primary and grammar grades should be greatly Increased " The prescnta tlon of this question was mndo by Homer P Lewis , principal of the Omiha High school The discussion of the question In the nlllrm- atlvo was led by Miss La Rue , principal o the Davenport school. Her arguments were reinforced by letters from men of natlona reputation , giving reasons why the affirma tive of this question should be sustained Notable among them were those from Super intendents Greenwood of Kansas City , Lane of Chicago and Colonel Parker of the Cook county , Illinois , Normal The negative was presented by Mlsi Red- fleld , principal of Lincoln school , In a pap'r which fairly bristled with wit , humor am : seemingly plausible reasons in support of her side of the question. This piper almost cap tured the convention In spite of all that had gone before. The discussion which followed wai partici pated in by Superintendent I'carse , Principals Sudborough of the training school , McCarthy of Pacific , Lemon of Lothrop , Hamilton of Central , McKoou of Mason , Mack of Sher man nnd others. The leaders In this dlu cusslon have been requested to read their papers before the State Teachers' association , to be held In L'ncoln ' the coming winter. . \II\OIIH | Aliout HIT JnincH. Chief Sis A art was notified by the police authorities of Council Uluffs that Jams Rcblnstjn , residing In that city , mjsleriously disappeared from Ills home last Mondaj even ing and had not been heard from since. His aged mother , with whom he has lived. Is very anxious about him and is ufrald lie may have been robbed and murdered , as he had $ SO on his person. _ _ I'liiiinlnur for an Outline. Members of the e\ecutlv ? committee of the Commercial club are planning for an excur sion to the Atlanta exposition. John A. Wakefleld , Dudley J Smlih and Alvln Sann- deri have been appointed a committee to call upon the railway officials and Investigate the question of excursion rates. They will rp- pnrt progress at a meeting to bu h'-ld next Tuesday , _ _ CoitNiiIliit loll Krcc. Consult > our best Interests and go cast via the evening Northwestern line , OMAHA- CHICAGO SPECIAL , at "a quarter to Hix , " arriving at Chicago nt 8 45 o'clock the next morning. City ticket office , 1401 rarnam street. A Snap A large-sized Hall safe at your own price ; It must be sold at once. Inquire 100111 303 Karbach block. Hayden IJros. ' ad. is on page 9. I , I'AIIKUArilS. . P. Tlerney , stockman , Broken Dow , Is a Paxton guest. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sttans > on of Oakland arc Dellone guests. C. K. Prince , St. Paul , Minn. , Is utop- plng at the Darker. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Herr of Lincoln arc guests at the Arcade. Mrs , T. Campbell Is registered at the Har- kei from St. Paul , Minn. Henry Huekles Is stopping over at the HirKer enroute to Europe. George Ady , passenger agent for the Union Pacific at Denver , Is at the Mlllard Duncan Hannegan of the United States geodetic survey lu registered at the Paxton. General Ilroake , who has been visiting In the city , returned to St. Paul last evening. Guy C. Iljrton returned from a business trip to the mines of New Mexico last evening J. M Hechtel , division passenger agent of the Ilurllngton at Hurllngton , Is registered at the Di-llonc. J. II. Hill nnd wife. Kearney , Neb ; Geoige 13 Haird and C. II. King , Gland Islam ) , are Nebraska arrivals at the Harkei , P K. Sheridan , Samuel Martin , Krank Keel , L. P Craig and H J. Qle lcr are n party of stockmen at the .Mercer from Meeker , Colo. General Hrook , formerly commander of the Department of the I'latto , ramo to the city laEt evening for u short stay. G. C. Ilnrnum of Columbus , one nf the pioneers of I'lattc county , Is at the Paxton , enrouta home after a trip of eleven wrehy through the rauth. He wax a delegate to the good roads convention and national farmerH * convention ut Atlanta , and visited Texas and other southern states. Ho sau Kltzalmmona and his trainer In Arkansas and saw u negro burnt at Tyler. Ho says lie got the worth of his money. At the Murray Lee J 8te > ln , Philadelphia ; 0 , W Kent , William C. Llnton , It W Tale , J. Farrlngton , New York ; W II. Dudley. Thomas 13 C Jolinton , Honton , 13 13 John son. William G Miller , Aiuon Spauldlng , Chicago ; Mrs , 12 13. Cnrrlngton Nanhvlllc , Tern. ; W. Van Amerengcn , Orange Clly , la , T O. ItobertH , I U. Haitim , Now York , W Hodman , Milwaukee , P. W. Kern , Minneapo lis ; Ilromo .Motlilson , Halllmure' . . NflirimlJiTiiN iillhi * lloli-U. At the Putton H. W. Van SleKle , Lin coln , At Iho Mill nd-13. II. CiCft , C W Hamilton , O Nplll. At the Dt-llone- M Yiulovv , Oinnd Itluiid ; i ) L Tajloi , Hay Hpilng * At the Arrade-t ! ( Agmnv. I W Poi ; trr. Central Cll > , S. n. Day , Wester i , 13.1 ThomiiH. Heatilce t At the lIiirhaiiiu-H P Myers O AV ( ) Hoowi lilui * Hill , J M Kui Alimwoith , .loJ M M Iloaglund , ijiinlmr This eitra- ordinary Ho- Constipation/ Juvenntor Ulrzinera , Is Falling Sen- the - ivondorful most ( .atloim.Nerv- oustwKchlnEr discovery of the nRC. Ta of the oven has boon and other en dorsed by the puits. * lendliigcele'ii- Strengthens , tlflc men of invlKoratcn Kuropo and and tones the America. eiitironyttcra , Hudyan Is lludjnn cured rely vcgo- Deb 111 ty , Nervousness , Itudyan stops HmlssloiiB > Premalureness nnddevclopef of the ills- nnd rcEturci chnrgo In 20 wcnk orKuno ] . Pains In thq dnjs. Cures back. io < eel LOST by day oi MANHOOD iiltjhtstoppcd quickly. Over 2,000 prlvnto cndo'Kincntf. I'remnturencts moans IznnoUmy In Hie first EtaRe. It Is a sjniptom of semlunl weakness and bftrrcnncfii. It cnii bo slopped in 20 days , bythousoorilndjnu. The new discovery was randn by the Specialists - ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. U is ( ho strongest vllnllzcr made. It Is V ry powcrfk.1 , but haimliss. Bold for 3100 n package - ago orG packages Tor 85.00 ( plnln scaled boxes ) . Written guarantee given Corp. euro. Ifyou buy- elx boxes and nre not entirely cured , six moro will bosont to yoiHrcc of nil chorees. Send for rlrculnrsand testimonials Address HUDSON MKUICAL , INSTITUTE. Junction Stockton , Itlurlcut A. IM hail Vrautli ; uot Vtzlt ad way's Pills Biliousness , Piles -AND- All Liver Disorders.'S l'l l.l.l nro puioly vnvofible. illil and reliable. C'aiisu perfect digestion , oiiiplcio absorption and be illhful regularity 23 etna box. At Dnuv'stsoi ' by mall , "Iloolt f advlca" fieuLy mull RAD WAV & CO. . P. O lj\in | : .Vow Yorlt Monthly Pains nd anxiuties ! > o relieved to n cor < - uiuly by byDr. Dr. Chevalier's Female Pills. Price , $1.00 pur box. If you are timid and hi doubt as to what' will rolfuvn you , sorul for thoho jilllH. Sunt waled hoomely by mull on receipt of prlc'c , Staaofi McConoell Drug Co 1513 Doflgo St. OMAHA , NEB. THE MURRAY. Oniiilia'h Leading Hotel. )0 ) ( NCW I'lJIllplMCIIt I'lU.ST-CLASH AM ) MODIUfN f hpcclnl Kates by the Month for the \\ltilcr , H. SII.I.OWAV , Prea. and Mgr. , 14th and llarilO } hth , OiUQlm. SEE THAT THE WORD MERCANTILE STAMPED ON THE WRAPPER OF EACH CIGAR ,