Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Business in the Speculative Market Was
'fairly Active.
Oat" nt tinOiH'iiliin Wore Sternly nml
< lnlel lint I.liter Tlii-rc
CIUCAOO , ftov. SO. lluslnM * In the
itpceulntlvo tnnrltets hatl nn nppeariincu of
r greater activity to < lny , but It mny be In-
furred from the fnct of the o"l miirkot
becptnlng ttilte | exorcifeil over 'Ac decline
Hint It takes much In these days of lnj- ;
nnnt triulc hj work up enthusiasm. Prices
mifTcroil llttlo. Compnreil with ycsterdny'tt
eloslng lirlceH wheat Is front 1-lflo lower
for Dei ember tu \tc \ lower for
Mny. Corn Is ! lc lower for No
vember nml nnchangeil for Mny , nml
provisions show declines of lOc In pork ,
Z < < , f In lanl nnd from 2'ic ' to Co In rib ? .
There wns u great tlonl ot December
wlient for sale n round ti7'4c nt nml nround
the opening. The Indication thus Riven
of a < lcs lro to liquidate tbo holilltiB' ? be
fore delivery day bud n drpresHliiK efTei t
nnd wns chleity Instrnmontal In bringing
nliuul tbo tlecllmt , which tniecceded a
rather firm opening. Tbo Chicago rurelpts
totlny were SIQ CIII-H , compared with 3.T1 n
week iigo , nnd Minneapolis and linlutli
not the romparnllvely sinnll number of
935 cars , cin Wednosdny of last wppk
Ibo two last named cltlusi received 1U2
onrp , and today'H iccelptH only exeeeded
tboso ot the corrcsiiondltiK < l.iy a year
IIKO by tfti < nrs. The Uvmainl for red
winter wheat for shipment Mid not .result
In the taking of such chunks nf It na on
tbo ilny before , but for car loads to go
to Interior millers It was mill nctlvo. A
convincing proof ot the pcnrclty of pott
red wheat wax the fnct of lilda being ro-
colved for It fnm Kansas ! City , but t he
price nnked was npparvntly beyond tire
lUean oC the Kansan City men , for notliliiK
pntno out of the Inquiry so far as nFk-er-
talned nt > ti > n few mlnuloH of the close
of the sepHlon. rioalng enblea were' firm
ami the iniukot hero rulud slc.idy nt this
nrlce It had been hammered down to during
ing- the middle of Hie .iQ.H.sion. May opened
nt Glfte blil. dor lined to GP.o , aeller.i. and
closed at .from ( lto to GHac , Deeember
rnngcd from 67W to 57Uc nt the start to
C7Vdc , and closed at 57'.ic. Bellers- .
Corn opened at about the prleo ruling nt
the clopo of Iho previous diiy'H seHslon ,
but weakened for the near futures aa the
HcsBlon progressed , The excellent grading
of the new corn Is the weakening feature
ot the situation FO fnr ns November and
December arc concerned. Much of the
coin oolil to arrive this month on contrncla
for delivery ot No. 3 Is grading No. " .
Oats nt the opening- wore steady and
qtllot. loiter on In the Hesslon some
activity was noticeable , and for half nn
hour nround noon this market was the
only ono ot consequence on the floor. The
fooling wa easy , nnd prices were a shade
lower than yesterday , nt from SOKc to
20Hc , nnd closed nt IM'.ic bid.
The trade In provisions was moro active
than for several days punt , but the price
nurtured , ns the Increased transactions
canto from the selling out of long HtnrT.
Country liquidations was guc.sKod nt from
the number ot foiling orders which ap
peared to he In the bumlH of commission
nouses. Hog receipts were 47.COO bead ,
and the mime number Is expected tomor
row. 1'rlcen at tbo close show declines
of lOc on polk , S'.jc on laid , and from 2ic \
to lie In ribs.
ICstlmated receipts for tomonow : Wheat ,
340 cars ; corn , 330 cars ; oats , 115 cars ; hogs ,
43.000 bend.
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Cnuli limitations were ns follows :
FI.Ol.Tll Steady : winter patents. t3.15 3.SO ;
winter ntrnlKhtH. $2.Wi3.20 ; sprhiR patents , $3.151 ?
3.50 ; Bprlni ; glrulghla , $2.CJtfiW ! ; bakem , $1.S3' < 7
2.30.WIIKATNo. . 2 sprlnc , rC if37ic ; No. 3 sprlnB.
CCHJfK'-XiC : No. 2 red , HiiiJJCO ie.
COllN-No. 2 , 27)lu.
OATS-No. 2. 18c ; No. 2 white , 2)Hn2'e ; No.
3 white , 11'ie.
HYK-No. 2. 3Cc.
IIAHLHV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3. 2e ; No. 4 ,
SI.II-NO. ; i. ni'.ic.
PHOV1SIONS Mess porlc , p.'r bbl. .
Laiil. per H ) Ibs. , Ait'n * . i > ) . Shoit ribs , hides
( loose ) , J4.4.lffl.55 : dry Hailed shoulders ( boxed ) ,
J4.235)4.50 ; Bhhrt clear sides ( boxed ) . JI.73-UI.S7" .
WHISKY Olsllllcid' finished goods , per Bill-
I'OUI.THY Market fcteady. with excepllon of
turkeys , dull ; tuikeys , 7e ; chickens , Oi/Vc ,
dueks , Oe.
The follonlns were Ihe receipts nnd blilpments
today :
On the I'ro Ion oxcti.iniu today the butter mar-
ki-t was Hteady : ere.-ime.rv. 14ctv"'c ; dairy , 11U
lliu. Eirt-s , mcaily ; lOHii''OXc. Cheese , uiilut ; 0 >
CliiNliiK < lni > < iin < ii\K on ( he I'rlnilinl
I'liiiiniuilHIrN mill StnplrM.
NKW YOIUC. Nov. 20. I.'LOUIl-Hecelpts . , 23-
4'M ' blla. ; cxpoitH , L'.TOO bbls. ; . bill Inactive
all around ; rpi-liib binnds ; and wln-
tera falily eleady nnd In moderata demand ;
city mill ii.iUJiia. 5I.10HI.3J ; winter pal-
mis , J3. 3011.1. 70 ; city mill cleais , } I.OOfl.lO ;
\\lnter ttialKlits , } J.UOif3. tQ ; giaienlb.
| J,4o3.CO. | u liner extum. J2.70H3 10 ; Minnesota
Uikei-H , } 2. 7551 3 HI. Itye Hour , steady ; fancy. f2.iO
fi3.00. lluekwheat Dour , dull nt TI.33.
IIIH'KWHMAT- at 4I1-/U He.
t'OHN MKAI - Dull ; yellow , coarse , 70S73c ;
lnind ! > 111"-1 , i : ! 13ft 2. 33.
IIHANHull at S2.CO.
llYIJ-N' : No. 2 western. 4Ic.
1IA1M.KY Weak ; westein , 4l > ifl8c.
ll\Hl.iV : MAl.T-WeaU : wenlern. COO'iOe.
WIIKATlti'ielils. | . UOS.70. . ) bu. ; exports , 93,900
bu. Spin nmikel , dull ; No. 2 red. u73ie : No. 1
hard. liT'Sie. ' Opllona openrd ' e hlKher on llrmer
rabies and smaller npiliiK wheat lecelpts , ad-
vam-ed on Kixid local KUpport , but llnally lout
I lie adxiuilaKK under lain reallvliu : and closed
unehaimed fiom last Illulit ; Dretmber , 01 1 icy
Cl 1.1-pe : , i-limed Cl'\e.
COltNlleeelpts , 7l,2i)0 ) Ini. ; expnls , 76.SOO bu.
Spin , Bteady ; No. 2. SO'jC , Opiloiu opened steady
nnd iiilvanred , liilluenced by the Unlit move
ment , later eased off and rl.ised . ' c up on near
und ' , e doun on distant innntlu ; NovemlH'r , ICff
tOHe ; Oeeomber , 2.1 3-lCff33ie , elohed S3'c. '
OATH -Ilecelpts. CI,9 > J bu. : exp'its , 20. ) bu.
Hpot miirkcl , dull ; No. 2. " .V. OptlMis were
aiilel and steady within n nariow uinuo iind
rlired iinehaniiedi November , closed 23c ; Uo-
ceinber 2J'iO. "
WODIlJulet ; domestic lleece , IGffiSc ; pulled.
- ; uhlpplne , I7.00JJ7.M ; Rood lo
choice. ( ,0 ! > Jc
HOP.S Kiivy ; stale , common lo choice , 1S34
crop , 3li7c ; 1S-J3 crop , 7ilV ( ; Pacific coast , 1S9I
crop , S'iie ' ; 1JCI3 ciop. CfilOc.
llli > iS : Dull , fallfornla. 21 to 2 > IhnlS 18'ie ' ;
( lalveiti i , 2 < > lo 23 llm. , ICe : Ituenos Ayrea. dry ,
10 t . 21 ll . : ii- . Texas , diy. 24 lo 30 IU. , lifflSc.
I.iTIIiuSi.ady : : ; hemlocU * . .ol.liucnoii
Ayre , llubt M he.ivy , 2lc : acid , IHsiil'l.- .
PIlOVISlONS-lleef. nt.'iidy ; family. Jll.M ; beef
ham , JlS.OOiUS fiO. fill mealu tr.nly ; pickled
bolllen. > JMIiC.i ; pickled liinn . S.7.0-J.O.V Lard ,
Heady , wemeiu le.i.ll clonnl at 5. ' , . SO ; November ,
II. SO. iioinliial. Pork , dull uiid can ) ; old 111039 ,
Ill'TTUK Hecelpls. 4.IM pkB . : stvady ; we t-
ein eiiamery , lili- . ; HlKlim3c. .
I'liriJHIHecclptii 3.5IJ pk . i null ; large.
f Uil 10" : Miiall , ZUMie ; l < : u : i > l > liii , S 'ui'-tc ;
full Kkinis. miT3c.
KiiUrtllevelptii , 3.375 pkB . : slMdy ; elate and
PmiUklMinla. VIllJC. ' ; wenlein , : ij'2Jie.
PMTHOLKl'M Acllvn nnd lilcher : I'nlted closed
11 II M bid. tellned. Now York , IS.3M ; Philadel
phia and llnltlmori' , JS 43.
TALLOW < jullj illy. 4iie ; country. 4ie. !
llodlN rirm : bluliu-d. ruiumon to food , J1.C3
MOIABSiK-Iiill : ; New Orleans , open koltle ,
1.1,1.1 . . to choice. WW3-1- .
Tl'lll'BNTINK-Qulel : ISrT28l5c.
ItlCi : Quiet : domettlc , fair to extra. JTiSO'lc.
MKTAI.S PlR Iron , btendy , isoutherii. I1Z.OOO
14.W ; nortliern. JIS.OOG15.W. Copper , dull ;
broker i' price , lll.H : ciclmnue pi Ice , Ill.15jni.ll5.
Iend. dull ) broktra' prlr , Sic : cxohanit * price ,
| J. 'i3.SJI4. Tin. MV ! malts. tI4.SJWU.40j
plaut , weulter. Spelter , weal ; ; domrtllo , | 3.iiv
S 3.
COTTON fiKKH -Iiiaellvei undsrton * firm ;
prime crude , 2i'i62Cc : butter grade * . tOtf31c ;
prim * tumiiier yellow , Z33SOc ; off Mummer y llow ,
HovliMV uf the Iruii Triiilt- .
CHICAGO. Nov , SO.-TU * Indmlrlal World ot
November 21 will ay ; l-'lnlihed Iron and IMl
ire In fair dvniand , Urxely from invmifBClurWa
if r llroad rollliif ttock. Iron br . tleady at
| 1. M. but itrtl ban weak l ll.CJ'.i. The
new oril r r1 eM Inn
freight fnrs , and inquiry ooniumes. Ho fnr car
liulldMTi h.ivf Inuitlii lltti * runmntTlnl , nd as
hi1 tonnage of pig Iron will IK > lutgr. rtn active
liiiytnit ino ern'nt will ncl In nfier the h 4ld ys.
Home Inquiry In nirendy noted tpv furnneos for
curly delivery nel > ear , nnd prodiietrs rn willIng -
Ing I" conlrn. i nn n lm l nf 111 for No. 2
foundry. Tlio Iron mnrliec , thoosh nulet. Is
f lllr Htendy ; the only wrnkness noted nil yet
Is the > t.i-rtdntl\i > lot * held liy nutslders : neither
mills nor furnaces t < disposed to cul at present.
ConilKlnn nf Trnilf nnil O.notnl Ion *
< in Mnnlc "ml I'lini'V I'roilnrc.
While jioultry li low to wlmt It ns n short
time opn , H is hinder than It was n year n o.
It Is In fnel too lilfch ns computed vlth other
moots. Hogs nre nolllng nl only ntwut SHc per
liound nnd fancy cnrnfed hirers nt IUe per pound ,
while cow b * f nnd rnulli n nre Mill lower. lly j
Hie fide of ihwc llRuies even 5c for chickens
looks hlpsh. Qimtnllonfl-
KUUH Hlrlclly frc-sh stock. 17c.
llt'TTint-PacklnK tek , UIJlOc : fnlr to Rood
country. IZflllo ; choice to fanty countty , lIHICci
cnt'iered crtatnery , liiUlSc ; iK-paiator cteumcry ,
VUAL-ClioIce fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. . are quoted l
M/7e ; larne ind conise , 4U c.
( 'IIKKSI- : Domestic brli k. ll\Ci IMnm. pr
doz. , JIO ; ( Tub Houic. l-lb. Jars , per dm. , JJ.COi
I.lmbuigrr , fancy , per lb. , ll c ; Ho-iuefort , > .i-U > .
Jnrs. jn-r di , . , W.GO ; Younff Anicrlcai , luiic :
Twins , fancy , lie. . ,
POl'I.TItV LI\e-HMis. licr lbr * : chickens -
ens per lb. , Be ; rnost.r * . aflf : diieki" . 7tiSe ;
tuikp ) * . 7SiiCic ; ( jeofe. Ti WSe. lressed Chickens ,
( k1 ; duck * , Ktl9c ; tiirkfys.t.flV . ; K < TSI > . Sli % .
IlAY-rplntiit. $ C50 ; mlillaiul , IB ; Invlnnd. J.1M ;
rye > lrnw , tl.M ; editor makes the prleo on hay.
IlKht bnles sell the best. Only top grades bring
top prices.
IIHOOM COIIN Now crop , delivered on Irnck
In country , cluici preen s ! f-\vorklns carpel , per
II' . , 2'4e ; olinlco ( 'ieen runulnR to hull , 2 < 4c ;
comtiDii. l e.
HAMK Prnlrlc rhlrkens , yo-mp , per dot. . IS :
quail. ll.7.1f < 2 Oi ) . Jack snipe , 73e ; Rolden plover ,
11.23. J.iek rabbits , per dor. . . 12 ; small
rnblilis. JI ; mallard ducks. } 3 : redhead * . 13 ; cnn-
vasbnik ducks , } 30. . ) 700 ; teal , blue wlnp. Jl.7,1 ;
teal , Kieen wine , II. M ; mixed dueks. II "lOHl.iS ;
Canada Reese , K ; small Reese , It. CO ; liinnls. | 3.b > ) ;
deer saddl > - < . KifTISe ; deer'es , 12'ifine ; elk
saddles. I1HI.V ; elk carfni'iies. 9S10c ; antelope
saddles , 12ftHc , aliteloiw eareasses , B'Jlle.
l'OTATOIi'1-On track , car lots , 23c ; mnll
IDIS from store , ZOc.
ONIONH Per bu. . 23IOe ; lmi > orteil Spanish
onlors , | , cr crate , Gofi03c ; home crown Hpnnlsb.
per libl. . Jl-i'l ; 3 to B-bbl. lots , 11.35.
HCANS llnnd-plcked navy , per bu. . | l.3n.73. ( !
MWIJKT POTATOIWChoice stock , 12 per bbl.
CAIlllAOi-On orders , crated , per 100 Ibs. ,
c. .
CKLKIIY Kancy larRi- 'oloradGSfiGOc ; choice
stoek. large No. 1 , 40UI3c ; larfio No. 2 , 33e ; unull ,
LIMA IHIANH-Per lb. . 5'e
WATHIl Clin.SS Per lqt. . case , ll.50tJl.75.
OIIKHON PKAIIS Per case. 12.25.
C'llANIIKKIllliS Choice stock , per bbl. , JS.SO.
ALMKllIA (1UA1 K.S per C"-lb. ) bbl. , 10 ; per 08
to 70 Ihs. Kloss. 17.
HASTHIIN GIIAPKS New York Concords , pe. '
bafket. 23I/24e.
CALU'OIINIA ailAPES-Toknys. per double
APPLUS-Jonalbans. | 3.25I3.r,0 ; choice ship
ping slock , lien Davla. C3 ° nlton , Wlnesap , etc. .
bbls. . J2..VH2 TiO ; oxiklne npples. I2.2SJ2.I > | J.
Commission mm who huve been accustomed
In bandlltiK n Rood many l-'Imld.i nruonea are
likely to mlns that fealtiro of their business this
si s. n. Klorlda farmers , accordltiB to all le-
ports , have put In a larger acreage of vegetables
than ever li fore. The killing of the onume
Kioves by frol ilurlnK Ueeeinber and .lamiary
lasl seems to have turned the producers of the
stale to the cultivation of vegetables. It Is said
that In scnne sections of Florida the ncre.iRe of
tomatoes , benns , pens , cabbage , lettuce , etc. , Is
unpri'CelenttMl , while In nthiT sections jiniducciK
IIIIVP been testrlcted In tln-lr cultivation by the
i-efnsal of the manufacturers of fertilizers lo
tniHt thum another year. Quotations :
OKANOIM- Mexicans , per bo$3.73 ; Jamaica * ,
pei- box , JJ.73.
I.KMONS California , per box , $4.3004.73.
HANANAS Choice lattje stock , per bunch , $2.00
02.23 : medium sized bunches. $1.73.
HIDES No. 1 , green hides , 4Vc ; No. 2 creen
hides , 3t ; No. 1 creetl salted hides. S'lC ; No. 2
urcen salted hides , 44c ; No. 2 frrcen salted hides ,
23 to 4D His. , 4'iC , No. 2 Kreell ikllled hides , 23 to
ID Ibs4"ie ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2
veal calf , S to 15 Ibs. , Gc ; No. 1 dry Him hides ,
7fclOo ; No. 2 dry tllnl hides , Cfi'7c ' ; No. 1 dry
salted hides , Cc ; part cured hides , lie per lb. less
than fully cured.
HIIKKP PKLTS Oieen salted , each 23SOOc.
evcen called shearlings ( short wooied enily skins ) ,
each lEc ; dry sliearlliifs ( short wooied early
fklns ) . No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry shearllnB ? ( short
wooied early nklnsV No. V. eacn , Oc ;
dry flint Kansas and Nebrasua butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual wclxht , 6JjCc ; dry Illnl
Knn us and Nebraska Miirr.nn wool pelts , per
lb. . actual weight , 4ffiSc ; dry flint Colorado
bulcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual welsat , 4Bfl',5c ,
dry flint Colorado Murrain wool pulta , per lb. .
actual welBht , 4ff3c ; dry pleees and bucks , actual
wclKhl. 2i)3c. ) Have fe t cul olT , aa It Is use
less lo pay frelRhl on their
TALLOW AND onttASK Tallow No. 1 , 3Hc :
tallow No. 2 , 3c ; Rrease. wlille A , 3ljc ; Rrease.
white II , 3c ; crease , jellaw , 2iic ; urease. dark ,
Je ; old butter , 22',5c ' : beeswax , prime , 15Q2& ,
rouRh tallow. H4c.
HONKS In car Jots weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry tiuflaio , per ton , I12.00ftl4.00 ; dry
country , bleached , p " ten. ilO.OOOI2.CO ; drj
country , damp and meaty , uer ton , | G.OO3.00.
WOOL Unwashwl line heavy , C7c ; fine light
6W9c ; quniter Dlood , 10f/12c ; seedy , burry nnd
cliarty , SffSo ; coiled and broken , coarse. 7O3c ,
cotte < l and broken , fine. 68 < ; . 1'leece wa shed-
Medium , ISWISc ; Hue , HfflGc ; tub washed , Ktf
18e : black. Re ; bucki , Cc ; las locks. 2W3c ; dead
tiulled , fiOOo.DRESSED
11EEK Llehl western steers , 4'JO ' to 600 Ibs. , < V
f5c ; Rood co\v and hclfeis , 4)tif5c ; medium
cows and helfeis , 4ViSJ'io ; good foiequarlers cows
and hetfeis , 3 4c ; good hlndquarteis cows and
heifers , CHiQ7c ; fair hindquarters cows and
heifers , Go ; cow rounds , 4'ift5c ; cow chucks.
2B3' , c : tleer chucks. 3K04c : ' 'eef tenderloins ,
f i call. 15'ic ' : beef rolls , boneles.Siir ; sirloin butts
bunders , SVjc ; loin backs , boneless , 8".e ; loin
backs , C'ic ' : cow ribs , No. 3 , D'-ic : cow loins , No.
3 , 7We ; Kleer ribs , "be ; steer loins , 9c.
MUTTON DreMied mutton , Mlc ; racks mutton.
S'ie ; legs mutton , 7cj saddles innttun , 7o ; slews.
I'OIIK Pork loins , 7c ; spare rlb.s. Co ; pork
idiiuldiMp. fc ; pork shoulders , slilniK'.l. E c ;
tenderloins. 13c : pics' feet , cleaned , per doz. , Sis.
New 1'ersltm dates will soon be on the market
luw , ii the llrst steamer Is expected to urilvu
In New Yoik In it very fuw d.iys. yuotutlons :
OY8TKIW Mediums , lie ; hoiseehues , 20c ; extra
staiulaulH , 23e ; extra ( > clecl , 23c ; Ilianch & Co.
ti'leets. 2Jc ; New Yolk counts , uOe ; standard bulk ,
per gal. , $1.10.
CHJiil Pure juice , per half bbl. , $2.CO ; per
bbl. , $4.30.
HAUHIl KRAUT Per bbl. . $3.CO ; half bbl. , $2.
NUTS California almonds , lOc ; English wnl-
nutu , soft ehelled , 1-Vjr ; ntannardi , lOc : filberts ,
lOc : Ilr.i/.ll nuts. 91ilOc ; pecans , 10@12c : peanuts ,
raw , fi'ic ' ; roasted , ; cheslnuls , 14@lSc ; black
> \atnulH , per bu. , 73c ; mall hickory nuts , per
bu. . $1.75.
MAI'I.K RYniTP Flve-pnl. cans , each , $2.750
S3. 00 ; per doz. . $12 ; > ,6-eal. cans , $0.25 ; quart cans ,
Kl'os New crop. California , 10-lb. boxes , per
lb. , He ; common California figs. CO-lb. boxed ,
Or ; Imp.iited fam-y , 30lb. . boxes , ICc ; choice , 10-
lb. b.m s , ! ! < - .
lATiS Pertlan , dO-lb. boxes , per II ) . , 5Uc ;
f.nd > , 10-1I > . iHixes , per HiSc. .
MAPI.K HrOAR-fholee , per Ih. . 9J10c.
PIlKsnUVKR Asuorled. 20-lb. pnlls. each $1.40.
COrOANUTS Per 100. 13.
St , Ilulu Cfin-ral .tlrirkrt.
ST. IX3HIH , Nov. 20. WHIAT Opened weak ,
bill aliore ynsterday'a final Ilisureii Hie matkrl
wan dull , dratiglni ; dm IIIK tha laul hour or bo
and closing heavy , lilaher for and kleady for
optlonx : No , SI red , cash , C31jc ; Ut-cembcr , 67ici ?
May , K'te. '
l.'OHX-Marlict featitrcle > , ihowlnir Lul a
tlliitit rhaiiKa fiom ycatcrday ; Nu. 1 mixed , caih.
< > c : Doccmker , 2tiio ; January , 24Vic ; May , 26i !
Hl Ur.
OATrf-Futuren dull and e y , nllh but lltll *
rliatiKe In price ; tnol market , riulet bul nhoul
UaJy , No. i , caul ! and Uecamtcr , ISo ; May ,
IlYE Dull anil lower ; No. 2 offered regular ,
SIHc : bid. Me.
COltN .MCAI.-$1.:591.40.
ntlAN Stendy ; 4Io for aacltcd , eail track.
KI.AX UREO-nttler ; > 7o bid.
IIAx Stronir and lilfhur for b > t Eradei , which
are Icaro ; nralrlt , J7.00as.00j timothy , JS.&O
15.00. this lldt.
BU'ITKU Steady ; dtpiand fair ; aeparator
! 1 ; fancy Klsln. : ic : dairy.
- - 1710 for frei li.
I.KAlv-Dull , with contlnupil JownwnrJ lend-
enry ; rnlcd. 2 run more , nl f2.9. " > .
SPti.Tiil : Uull and declining , fellers
PIlOVIStoNP-Pork. standard mess. J.ibblnff ,
M.M. Ixir.l. , primp Mtftin. $5.8 * . Hncon. T ixed
shoulders. $8.15 ; rllm , t\K ; short * . $ .VS7'4.
IHX'KIPTS Klour , 3.0in Mil * . : wheat , H.OM bi
corn , IS.iw bu. ; nnt * . 26.non bu.
SHIPMKNTrt-Flour. 4 , < hlK : wheat. 7,000
bu. ; cotn. 27.00 > 1 bu. ; oats. 1.1.0HO bu.
.Sc-riirll.v Mnrl M iiiji : . ' .l n llnlly l.nlr
In the ln.v.
NKW YOItK. Nov. 20.-The Mock market on-
Jo ) l ft 1x-lnleil rally today , under HIP stimulus
of covering In shotts by both lornl nnd f.-relRn
dealers. Moderate purchases for long ac
count were also noted. Contributory causes
were various. In the first place the grnernl
expressions of opinion from prominent rail-
m < id officials ns to Ihe eventually extreme
benMlclnl cffecl upon eatnlnss of the respect
ive properties to result the rntlflcnilon of
tlie Inmk line nrre < > inpnl hail n fuvornbleInllu -
enrp. HurllnKton rallied from an only decline "n
the nnnciiincftnpiit of the declination of the regu
lar quarterly dividend. Secietary Carlisle's spc ch
at HIP Coumtipr of Commerce dinner was well
received. Niiilhein Paclllc wns helped by th'
publication of the enrnlnss of the second week
In November , shunlng an Increase In KIOSH of
181 .TO.
l-'urthermrre. lli , < short Interest In a number of
stocks had become unwieldy and a , roily was
logically due. On the other hand , . totnl nf
Kold khlpments for the fck lo dile WIIM In-
crenscd by $ l,000,0i to be forwnnleit by tnntoi-
IOW'A steamer , making the uixtPRate exports
$2.7.VI. ( i. Despite a i "duel Ion In the rates of
sterling exchange , whlih uns annotiiicod late In
thp nflcrnoon nnd wns due to the offtrlnKS of
gold bills , f Hither shipments of gold are rxpcod :
to bp made Saturday , the r'tlmnics rnnxInK up
lo ll.O'M.OO'l. ' The comm rclal houses shlppim ; to
morrow \\prenKnln 111 the market loday. London
niiolatlon * for Americans pievlous to ip > nln
hole came louer nnd the f.irelsn news was not
cncnutnKlnB. Thp maiKft utarml 111 active and
weak nnd the lionrs had n Rood Krnsp on the
speculntlon during th" foiemwn nnd caused sharp
tec-csslons In a number of HIP traillnc S.UIIP *
AlKiut I o'clock the inlly lioKnli. Insplietl by the
Hurllimti.n dl\ldeiul nnd other Inthicneeii nnii l
i'lse lierc. In the upward movement
gains were scoifd tlnnimhoiil the list , and pai-
Hcularly In Tobacco. Western Union. Manliatiiin ,
Tennpssee Coiil , Cotton (111 , Louisville & Nns.i-
\llle. SuKnr , DIstllllnK. HurlliiRlon nnd Missouri
Pacific. Prbi's nt the top notch W"le nbnva yes
terday's llnals nnd In some casps sh'owed material
net gains. The rinsing was dull und strong l
nl ut Hie besl flKiircs f f the day.
There wns some IrrcRUlnrlty to the course of
Iho Imml prices toilay , but on the whole n better
lone was evident than on preccdlni ; days of the
week. The Milunu ! of buslne. wns moderate ,
the sales nuiireKntlnR $1,378.000. The more note
worthy rhanKes lire ; AiUnnees : Clevcl-md , Cin
cinnati. Chlcauo * St. Louis 4s. St. I-ouls dlvl-
sluli. and Cleveland , Cincinnati , CiilcaKO & St.
Louis Keiiprnls , 114 per cent ; Oreson Short Lin"
Gs , 2 per cent ; On-Kon Short Line trust lecelpts ,
Mi per cenl ; Han Antonio * Arnnwu Pass 4 ? , IS
per cent , and Peorln & Kasti-rn Ists , Pmirln , lc-
catur & Kvanivlllc Ists. Milwaukee , Lake Shore
Ji Western Ists and l iclede Gas C , 1 per cent.
Oeellnps : Atlantic ft Paclllc guaranteed 4s , 3 pei
cent ; Kansas Paclllc consols , trust receipts , 2V4
per cent ; Wnbash debentures , series 11. and Colorado
rado Midland Is. trtisl rceulpls , 2 per cent ; Hruok.
lyn Kit-ruled Isls. IVi per cenl. and Detroit.
Milwaukee & Minneapolis land Krants. Ores'
Improvement Ists. 1 per cent. CoveinmentB wer"
steady on transactions of $2SOoO. In the Htale
bonds VlrKlnla. centuries wciu traded In ut 02
fllers , Iwenty days.
The livening P.'st's . Ixindon llnancl ll cableBram
says : The slock marki-ts hern today wore Hat
from start to nlsh. There was n siMiil-panlc nnd
Indlscilmlnntp H-llliiK. The news cabled In thee
dispatches yestenlay abnui the dlsappolntnipnt In
the riushhiK returns of one of the deep level
Katllr mines nearly knocked tiie bollom out of
the inlnlUK market. It must be remembered
thiiiiRli , that nt piesent nolhliiB Is odlclally stated
and wine pprson.s attribute the report to tin-
bears. Mining shares clnsed nt Ihe lowest polnl
reached since the slump commenced. Consols
closed at lolls , and \\eie bonvy on bear sales.
Americans were dull. In sympathy with oth"i
market * " , but closed above the worst. No ppecial
developments were known today , either political
rvr , but continental sales pour In from
nil sides , and the London maiket Is Hooded with
bankrupt slock.
The following were the closlnB quotations on
the le.idl.-iB stocks of the New Yoik exchaiiKe
today :
Total talei of stocks today 227,010 shares , In-
cluillii ! ; : Ameilcan Susar. la.COO ; American To
bacco. 31,400 ; Alchlaon , U.200 ; IturlliiKton , 24.900 ;
( . 'hlcaco Oas. 3,300 ; DIstllliiiR and Caltlefeedlni ;
company , 3,800 ; Kansas & Texas preferred , 3.20U ;
Louisville & NaHlivlllc , 15,100 ; Manhattan Con.
solldated , 7.i.10 ! ; Missouri Pacific , 3,410 : Heading ,
4.200 ; Itoc-k Island , 4,200 ; St. Paul , 21.200 : .South
ern Itallioad | irefeired , B.Mlj Tennessee Coal and
Iron , 5.300 ; Pulled States Leather pteferred , 3.COH ;
Western Union , 2S.fi1 > ) .
X MV Yiirk Money Mnrlcot.
Kasy at Hit)2 ) per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ;
closed at 2 per cent.
1'UIMi : MHItCANTILD I'APRIl 431i | per
WKULINO l-XCHANai-K.islcr. wllh actual
business In bankers' bills at Sl.Siliirl.SD'i for de
mand and ll.k'Hfi l.l > 7 % for CO days ; posted rates.
Jl.sS'tSl.kU and Jl.UOffl.iJ" " : ; commercial lillld.
HlLVKIt CRIlTiriCATiS-C7lJ : jC7Je.
OViilNMFNT liONDS Rl.-ady. Htato bonds ,
Inactive. Hallroad lionds. firm.
Cloning quotatloni on bunds were na follows :
t'hiiinrlnl .Vote * .
H03TON . Nov. W.-Clentlng9 , li23.S79 : bal-
nncps. Jl.SM.M-1.
llAf.TIMnui : , Nov. W. Cl'arlnRS , 2.eMMS :
l ilnni' , J273.7S7.
NK\V VnilK. Nov. M.-nparlnKJ. JM.U9.06i
lnlnne , JG.MS.Kf ! .
niU.AnKt.IMHA. Nov. 3)-CleaHnK . IMI-
C01 ; lulnncos. Jt.TO .CSi.
ST. UM'IH. Nov. N.-rii > nrlni ; . M.T76. ! ) ) ; bsl-
nntt's. WJMriSl. Monry. 6fi ? JK.T cent. New Yolk
exclinngp. 75c iiremluin bid.
CHICAOO. Nov. 2i.-M.nny burdening ; cnll
lonns. r > # 5'i per cent ; time imiior , Gt6'4 ppr cont.
NPW York exrh.uiRp. 4tirpmliim. . Stprllnif r -
clianRiliankorg' WIN , } 4. ( , ! 12 for dcm-ind and
14.s < for M dns . Hank clp.irlnijj , tlS , GliiiM.
WASHINGTON , Nov. M. The tmmiry tmlny
lo.'t ll.Ml.OX ) III Bold for vxtwrt , which Irnvm Hie
tnn * ntnounl of thi Kld ( rpj < * rve lit the clo o f
buslnc-si Ji-n.S'i.l. ' il. Con lltlnn of Um trcn nr-
totlny : Avnllnlilc cash Iwlnncc , H7G.ST1.1I3 ;
rescrvp ,
FnrHurti Klnnm-lnl A tin Irs ,
I'AHIH. Nov. 2) . 4 p. in. Thipp per c nt ient"s.
lOOf 12' ± c for the account. KxclmnRe on London.
23f 2J' c for checks. The mnrkeis were Hal nil
day. In spite of nn otllclnl contradiction lluil
nny houses me In dllllctiltle .
LONDON. Nov. 20. ( . 'lore : Consols for money.
103S ; for the account , in ; * , . The Stuck exchange
as disorganized today on liquidation sales , iiollt-
Ical apprehensions and n heavy fall In the prices
ot f.ji.'lt-n securities and mining shales. Tlir
same stale of nt7alrs prevailed on the Pails
bourse. Hold Is qiintrd nt Huefios Ayr-'s nt 21:1- :
Madrid. 17..V ) ; Lisbon. 21'i ; St. Peterslniig , f > > :
Athens , 77 ; Home , 107.32'n ' : Vienna , 103. The
amount of bullion gone Into the Hank of r.tiRluiul
on balance loday Is 129J.O.W. .
t'licniirr In the 1'iillcil StnluH tit Prow-
i-nl Tlmii liver.
11OSTON , Nov. 20. The American Wool nnd
Cotlivn Ilepuler will say lomoirow : Wools of
nil kIndH can bo boughl nl this date nowhere
clso In the world as cheap as In iho principal
inarkels of Hie UnltcJ States. The current con
dition of the maiket Is he.illhy. even though Us
pulse Is not throbbing us ll did In midsummer.
When a respectable number of modulate sized
woolen plants eight to te sets of cnids are
quickly picking up stock nnd presumably digesting
gesting- , nnd when the- demand , llnugh not
phi'iiomenal , U sulllclently mlscellancinis lo nf-
lord most .kinds uf tnateilul nn oppoitunlly to
Ittrtlclpato In the m-Acmem. the situation ought
to bo icgarded as tolng leasonably encouraging.
Although but little more wool has been sold thin
week than was moved In the same period of a
year nRi > , there has been a good deal of sampling ,
which. It Is Idle to siitpos | , means anything else
than nn ultimate pmcuiiHc nnd consumption. A
call f ir line wi ils continues , bill ll has appar
ently Milllck-ntly abated to allow of 11 disposition
to acquire various other specials. Not only has
the demand for domestic wools become' more
general In character , .bin parlies have recently
been asking for certain kinds of foielgn wools , to
which they were tut long since little Inclined to
pay any attention. Oirpet wools arc lecelvlng
their full Khare of attention. Seouled wools
me doing well nnd some good baiKalns are pos
sible In them Just mw. The sales In New York.
HoMon and Philadelphia have amounted to Syi ! > -
10. . ) Ibs. this week , ufwlilrh .l.lOL'.tl'K ) Ibs. were
domestic nnd 2.817,204 Ibs , were foreign. In llos-
ton sales of ttio week have amounted to 2.W3 2 * )
Ibs. , of which lsn.SiH ) were domestic and l.a.W.COO
were foreign. Totaln.ilt > B In the c.orre pundlnR
week last year were 2.91iiii ! ) Ilia. The sales
slnco .luniniry 1. ISfi , hnlount to 1SI.OH 170 Ibs
against 130,793,5 $ ; Hist , a year aso.
IilVt'Pll'llllI ' .Illirlil-t.M.
LIVKKPOOL. Nov. 20. 4:15 : p. m.-WHKAT
Spot sie.idy ; demandpcfor ; No. 2 red winter
us 2d ; No. 2 red and'No , L hard , ManltaUi. stocks
exhausted ; No. 1 Cjillfoinla. Cs 3d. Put urea
opened Him and uncnangcd ; closed steady with
near and dlstanl positions UftV d higher * business
about equally dlnttlbuled : November , iix 2idt !
December. Cs 2'jd ! ; Jnnuaiy , Cs 3id : February
la 3\d : March , Cs 411J.J . AptII , Cs 4'td.
COHN Spot Hteady ; American mfxed new. 3
4yd. -ulurcH op mxl Vjulet but steady and un-
changeil ; closed steady with November and De
cember Hd higher , nnd qther months unchanged
from yesterday's clusInK prices ; business heaviest
on early months ; November , 3s t\il ; December
,1s 41d ; January , 3s 2Jid ; February , 3s 2id ,
March. 3s 2d ; April , 'li 24id.
I-'LOUU Dull ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy
winter , 7s 3d.
1-HOVISIONS Hacon , quiet ; demand moderate-
Cumberland cut. 2S to 30 Ibi , 33s ; vbort ribs , 2s
Ibs. . Siis ; long clear , light , 33 to 45 iba. , 30i M ;
long clear.-heavy. M Ibs. , 2.1s , ; short clear backs
light , IS Ibs. , 30s ; short clear middle * , heavy. CJ
Ibs. , 2Ss ; clear bellies. 14 to 10 Ibs. , 3Ts ; shoul
ders , square , 12 to IS Ibs. , 3Ss ; hams , s'lott cut ,
14 to 1G His. , 4.1s. Tallow , North AmerlcuX nom
inal. Hecf , extra. India mess , 75s ; prime mes
CDs 3d. Pork , prime mars , line wenein , C5s ; prime
medium , 47s Cd. Lard , quiet ; prime western , 2Ss
f > d ; refined. In palls , 31s.
CIIKKSK Steady ; demand modemte ; finest white , 41s ; llnest colored. 45s.
Hl'TTHIl li'lnetl United States , iios ; good. COs.
TlTIII'KNTlNK-SplrllH. 20s 3d.
HOSIN Commuii. 4s 7'Sd.
COTTON SKKD OIL Liverpool , 17 < ! 3Vd. .
I.INSKKI ) OII2s. : .
IM-rrilOI.Kl'M Ilellueil. Slid.
IIMI'MIIOIIIIATOK IIEKF Korcquarters , 3',5d ' ;
hlmbiuailerH , 7Ti > d.
HLHACHINf ! POWDEH-llardwood , f. o. b.
Liverpool , C7.
HOPS At London ( lliclflc coast ) , 2 10s.
Coftoc InrKot.
NiW YORK , ' Nov. 20. COFFER Options
opened barely steady and declined under weak
cables and luiop m celling , with some
local pressure and further heaviness In
the nflernoon : closed at 1053) ) points
declln ? : November , J13.MH13.GO ; Decem
ber. $13.3ffl3.IO : March. $13.804(13.55 ; spot
coffee , dull ; No. 7 Illo , $15.12 > , i ; mild , steady ;
Cordova , $ l8.006'18.2j. Warehouse dcllvciles from
New York yesterday , 4,010 bags ; New Ynrk Block
today , 204.C40 bags ; United States etock. . ' 112,10. :
bags ; atloat for the United States , 215,000 bags :
total vlulhlu for the Unltul States , CCl.lOj bags ,
against 4S0.4SO b.igs last year.
SANTOS. Nov. 20. Q'llct ' ; yood nverngii Santos.
$ ir. r.O ; receipts. II.OJO jags ; stoclt. 400.001) bags.
lIAMIIlllta , Nov. 20. Holiday.
HIO UK .lANL'IHO , Nov. 20.-tjnli > t ; No. 7 Illo ,
$14.J ) ; exchange. O'jd ' ; lecelpls , * , UOO bags ; denied
for lhe l/'nlied States , 8,00. . ) lugs ; lor Knropo
3OUO bags ; Block , 200.000 baits.
IIAVIIK , Nov. 2J. COKl'"Ki-Opened Irregular
nlf ' decline ; at noon , unchanged ; at 3 p. in. ,
barely sli-ndy nnd unchanged ; closed ll regular
uiid unchanged ; sales , 3oOUO bags.
steady ; middling. 8 11-iGc ; low mlddllnc , 7 13-lUc ;
good oi-illnnry. " ' & . Nel recelplH , I4.SS8 bales ;
gross , 11,3'JO bnles ; exports t.i dreat Hrllnln ,
il.SOO bales ; constwlsi' , 2,320 bales ; Bales , C.OO. )
bales ; Etocli. 3I3.93S bales.
NKW YOlltt , Nov. 20.-COTTON Dull ; mid
dling , 6c ; nc-t receljits , 3:17 : bales ; groas. 3,801
'jales ; exports to the continent , COO bales ; for-
u'arded , 3,371 b.iles ; Hales , 720 bales ; spinners , 20
1'lcs ; stock. 17C.S02 bales. Total today : Net rc-
ce'iils , 3,2.0 ( ! bales ; exports to Omit Hrltaln ,
' 0i3H bales ; to the cimtlnenl , IS.032 bales ; stock ,
J2S ' 51 bales. Kilt men closed steady ; Mies. 22G-
OW i ales ; January. $ SU ; I'Vbruary , $8.20 ; Slareh ,
$ S.2I April , $8.28 ; Mny. JS.83 ; June. $8.37 ; July ,
$3.3(1 ( , August , JS.IO ; OcUber , $ S.05j November ,
} S.H , DecembEr , $8.11 ,
BT. LOL'IS. Nov. 20-COTTON-Diill ; mid-
dlliiK. 7i c ; sales , 20J bales ; iccc-lpts , .1.711 bales ;
i-hlpments , 2,410 bales ; stock , 41,413 bales.
Toli-ilo ( irnln Mni'Uol.
TOI.KDO. Nov. 20.-WHKAT-IllRher , steady ;
No. 2 , cash and November , Gl c ; December ,
COHN Active and steady ; No , 2 mixed , 2S-c ! ;
Ni > . 3 mixed , 28c ; No. 3 yellow , 28V.C.
n OATS-gulet ; No. 2 mlxt-d , 13J4c ; No. 2 while ,
HYK Dull ; No. S , cash , 40c Ufked.
CIXViil SKKD Steady : prime , cash nnd No
vember , $1.35 ; December' . $4.37' ' . .
HECKIPTS Wheal , 11.100 bu. ; corn , 41COO bu. :
oat * . 12.000 bu. ; tyct l , ) , bu. ; clover weed , G.120
bags. , , ,
HHIPMKNTS-Flour , CitVM bbls. : wheat , 8,600
bu. ; coin , 15.WO bu.cUiviir ; need. 4M bag * .
1'oiirla MarliolN.
PKOIIIA , Nov. 20.-r < : pllN Markel steady : No.
2 , 2\ii.jjc \ ; No. 3 , 2Sc ; new No , 2 , 2Sic ! ; new No. 3 ,
2 c. ' . u
new No. 2. 27ic ! ; new No. J , 27e.
OATS-Murkei llrm ; iNoi 2 tthlle , ISViOlOc ; No.
3 white , miiiHlic. .
HYU Nominal ; notlilnB doing.
WHIHKY Mniket e udy ; llnlshcd on Ihe
basin of J1.22 for IdglfVlnes.
HI-JCKIIT.S-Corn. b",4iil bu. ; oats , 31,230 bu. ;
whisky , none ; wheat , I.Wbu.
HIIIl'MKNTS-Com. H.730 bu. : oals , 77,000 bu , ;
whisky , 525 euln.j wliMliul.&OO bu.
ICiuiNiiN C.liy
KANSAS CITY. Nov. , 20-WHiAT-jLCtlve : ,
HY K Steady ; No. 2 , ' 33c.
HAY Steady ; tlnvjlh ) ' , JS.noaH.OO ; prairie ,
JC.Oj7.50. )
Hl'TTKH-Creamery , 17Q20c ; dairy , Hrm at
! IS13c.
supply light ;
Nt. I.uulH MurUolM.
ST. I.OUIS , Nov. 20-WIIKAT-niKherj caeb ,
higher at 63Sc ! ; option * , ateudy ; December , CTTic ;
Mny. cc. ;
CORN Cash , blsher nt SCc ; option * , easier ;
December , Z4Ho ; January , 24iio ; May , 2CVia2J'iP. '
OATS Cash and Uccfmber , 18c ; May , MS4c.
HYi-lull : ut sic.
I'OIUC-Flrmer at I8.M.
l.AHD-Kasler : prime , 3.33 ; choice , J3.41H.
LEAD-Dull ut J2.93.
SI'KI.TKH-Lower at t3.i , eellera.
FLAX SKKU-QuUl al 88jc. !
NBW YORK , Nov , W. SUO All-Haw , qulelj
fair refining , Jc ; centrifugal , H leu. 3Hc ; relined -
lined , dull ; ulundard A , % c ; confectioner * ' A.
4Ho ; cul loaf. 6Uc , crushed , GUc ; pondered , 4Tic ;
granulated. 4Hc.
IXNDON. Nov. 20.-tuaAH-Cane. dull : lltlle
dolnr ; centrifugal , .Java , 12 * 6di Mum-ovail. fair
rennlnx. 10a Cd ; keel , dull wtd heavy ; November ,
6d ,
Good Run of Oattlo rinds Fairly Active
Trade nnd Steady Prices.
Henry Itreelptn HiuMiiititrr I'rwent
Demand and Ilrlxlc lliiitiifR *
I'olhmn n llnlliiT Slmv Opi-it-
tlccelpts nnd phlpiiK'titR for the past
twenty-four hours , ns compared with the
previous tour days , nre as follows :
Caltle. Hogs. Sheep. Horsey
November 20 . S.US" ts9t. 751 18
November 19 . L'.MO 9,413 - 70
November. 18 . 2,12) ) S.VJ 310
November 1C , . S37 S.tKC 1.743 24
November 15 . 2302 5.S03 1,533
Sheep. Horses.
November lit I.PH ! " 1.C15
Nnve.nbor IS 1,107 1
November It ! MSS S7 1,301 24
November 1 , " 911
November 11 1,4ft ! 13
CATTI.K The offeiltiRR In tbo boot steer
line wore neither Very extensive nor pnr-
Urularly tloilrnble , bclnir mnile up nw
of l.ito of the ln. t of Hie western rniiKor *
nnil lhe llrst of Iho cornfed rattle. Ktst- :
crn mixrketa were reported In bettor shape
nnil there niuienrcd to le qulto nn active
( tomntul both from local packers nml ship
pers. Conclilerliitf HIP Indifferent rltnrncter
of lhe receipt ! * , the market was fairly brisk
throughout , niul prices iinolubly sternly to
n shade stronger , ns compared with lues-
day's trade.
Cow stuff , thai I ? , lhe fair lo pretty KOOI !
r.riidt'S , met with nn active general ilemnnd
and the thlrty-odil loads on sale wore soon
picked nil nt firlees slroiiR to a shade
higher. The thin ctinnlni ; Kradea sold In
about lhe Kaino old ruts. Calves wore In
llshl supply and readily commanded sternly
price * , while bulls , stiiKS , etc. , ruled dull
and unrhaiiKCd
In Iho Htoeker nnd feeder line there wan n
very fair degree of acllvlly nnd for the
moHl part price" nvcrnueil better Ihan Tiled-
day. This was p.'irllcularly true of the
well bred stock steers , altlunili | Ihere was
a llrm mtiikvl nnd n ready sale for tuiy-
thing In this line. ItcprescntuUve miles :
2 cows . 030 cows. . . . S21 2 00
T rous . 1030 3 DO 7 feeders. .HIS 3 23
7 feed era. . . . lOH" 3 23
1 cow . 1120 2 25 10 cows. . . . .use , 27 !
10 feedeis..lO 3 3 20 17 feeders . .1001 3 2)
10 feederH. . . . & 7I 3 20 tG ffCil'1'd..IlGJ : i 20
103 feedcrs..llM 3 20 1 bull I'OO 1 33
1 bull . 1CTO 1 85 1 bull 1W 1 S3
2 cows . 1273 2 25 4 COV.H 1032 2 23
21 fleers 952 2 CO 2 btceru. . C50 2 23
133 feeders. . 953 2 n
208 feeilors..lW7 2 S3
iii : & Slever.
7 cown. . . . . 9SO 2 45 0 iK-lfers C3li 2 33
3 hclferH. . . DSO 2 3.1 1 calf 110 r. eec
fi cnlvea. . . , 190 4 00 1 c.ilf 22) ) c oo
3 feeilers. . . CIO 3 15 C feeders. . 031 3 13
II. A , OoJilnnl.
2 (0
1 85
2 7.1
3 20
3 20
3 20
1 40
2 75
2 t > 0
3 40
2 00
2 15
2 85
3 13
2 75
2 10
3 30
3 00
3 30
1IOOH Itfcelpts were som < ! 2.COO short of Tues-
il.-iy's blK run , but junt nboul thai much heavlei
than lafet Wednesday's Biuinly. The hoga weio
very h'ood , both In weltilit and quality , with u
lunallcr proportion nf common llyht mixed hoes
Hum nn Tuenduy. Trade opened out rather dull ,
lluvcra tried liuril lo KOI tha IIOKS lowt-r , figurine
on tlm uniilo | suppllea anilvcak inaikru else ,
where. The llrm sales were inaUu HI barely
steady prlc-ej , but an later news from eastern
markets was more encouraging nnd Iho local
pucker * , who all wanted hoes , had lo meet nctlve
competition from Armour uf Clilcaco , who bouiihl
1.141 IIOKS. and Sinclair of Cedar Hapldg , who
bouRht 2C3 IIOKX. lhe eltuatlon Improved. Prices
sllffencil up UH the motnlnn advanced and on tha
late marliet the IIORB v.-cru selling n Hhado tu a
nickel better tlmn Tuesday. The papular IlKuro
for good butcher weight n-.d heavy hogs woi
JJ.43 , with several sales of the chuic ° r hogs lit
fiom that on up to S3.C5. The pretty good medium
woliilit and mixed hogs sold largely in lha (3.40
notch , with Bcatterlnif miles of the commoner
llghl mixed loads al from 13.25 up to 13.40. Harly
tiudlnc was slow , but Iho clone was dtcldcdly
ncilve , nnd nn cuily clearance wai made , 'irud-
li\g \ loday was mostly at H.49 ami .45. TuesJay's
wua a 13.35 and $3.40 market , and on last Wednes
day the bulk of lhe baits sold al from 13.40 la
13.50. Ittprejentatlvo calesi
H . ts . . . J SH st . an . . . t K
M . SIS 120 .1374 * .
Rt . 2.V ) . . . J 4'1 W . 3 0 1W Jit
61 . SSJ M .14) 71 . JT IS ) .14 $
M . SIO M 344 M . IM IN .14 ?
61 . K * 4' ) 3 40 7 $ . W2 2 0 34"
74 . l 4' ) 34.1 . ft ) . 1W . . . 3 4S
M . S * M 310 M . * S9 . . . in
65 . ! * 10 34. ) fi ) . Wi . . . 345
( M . Jit 11 34) f . 11 1 341
74 . J2t 2 1 34.1 . S ! . 5 fi . . . S 4J
.W . J11 SO 311 RS . ! 74 < 0 4 M
M . " 43 1 # ) ,110 7 . K7 IftJ 3 4J
73 . jr. 4il 34.1 . < * . SSI M 3(5 (
33 . J ? < SI 3 4.J Trt . JI1 . . . S 4 >
f,4 . MS MO 34' ' ) OS . * tt 0 343
r.4 . 2 i > 4.1 ni . ! ? i im 341
t . VK . . . 34) W . SJ'5 . . . 3 4S
(14 ( . SIS t ( ) 3 4i > r l . * W M 315
69 . 2'.1 40 .1 4) $ .1 . SW 40 3 ! '
ft . 7 . . . 34) M . Wl 11 S4S
Sfl . : M IM 34) f.7 . 5JI < ' 345
78 . 3J7 M 31) IB . 3 ; > J 519 345
71 . K < IM 34) l . 2 4 n 34 $
32 . 2 * . . . 34) SS . l SI 345
i . m 4) .141) 17 . 311 . . . 34 ;
7.1 . 3)1 13-1 34' ) 7.1 . : I7 1W1 345
7 . 247 IM 34. . ) SI . * S Hi ) 345
71 . M5 JM 34.1 . 72 . JW 1 341
M . 2M 200 3 4il 9 . lit . . . 34.1
( M . 2.15 . . . 34) M . S < 2 4) ) 313
fit . ! 7I > 2(0 ( 34il 0) . IM . . . 34.1
RS . 3.17 4' ' ) .1 lil B7 . M < 41 S 45
70 . 2W 40 3 M IW . .132 1SJ 3 15
3 . 2 < U 4'1 ' 34) 71 . 115 . . . 341
M . 2M Si ) 34.1 . 31 . 270 . . . 345
R7 . 277 M 340 05 . 5)7 M 3 47'
71 . S R IS. . ) 3 4 < ) M . M 1ft ) 3 47'i
34 . J 40 34' ' ) t.\ \ . ,15.1 . . . 3 Ml
4 . 20- . . . 34.1 . 7(1 ( . 273 . . . 3 M
27 . IM . . . 310 f.l . r. . . . 3 M
21 . ,1fl 4' ' ) 340 40 . IN IM 3 M
81IKI2P The iniipt ) * wn fnlr. nml so was the
finality. Tlio market wn n trill * slow , nlthaugli
the demand from nil souries was Rood nlut prior *
for nil Ki-mlc * wcn nuotably steady. Hood In
choice n.itlxcs nrp quotable nt ftoin II 2 * > to $1 ;
gnnIn \ choice wo l rn . from $2 to $2. VI ; fnlr in
Kood Mock Miwp. from $1.75 lo ! 2.f,1 ; comtn.m In
ciolc. : < 4) lo 100-lb. latnb , from $3 lo JI.S-V Hep-
ie cntntlve Bales :
No. Wt. t'r.
97 native owes . Ill JZ 7(1 (
437 western wethers . . . 107 2 SO
cuic.ico 1.1 vr. s'rocif.
\ iillviDriioiil lliM-r nml Milpplim
S | MTH WenAcHvo. .
CIlirAno , Nov. 20. Nnllvp ( trc cilifft \ mid
plilpplMf ? stfers wcro nctlvo nt from $ .1.15 to f. > in.
with soaitprliiB sales at fmm $ l.5."i to fl.Tfl. anil
PMrn beeves \\PIV ntmut tinnilnnl nl from $ ( .75 to
$5. Pales were InrRely lietwepn $3.70 unit SI.M.
with KiioJ lots solllnc nt from $1 to 11.25. llutoh-
ors * mul cannciH1 ctuff was nrtlvo anil * * trtini ? .
cows nml bulls selling I'lil.'lly at from (2 to M
There wns a fnlr slockcr ana feeder trade nl linn
prices , the bulk f the nales belti at from $2.r > o
to J3.O ) . Kett-pr feedliiBT cattle huve Iipen xlil | > | M.(1
past IhH year tlmn In recent > ears. o\\lnK to
the drouth , but the shipments from this city to
woitlern points this year have befli about 70.r )0
Instil hirKtv than for the conespmulitiK period l.isl
year. Kecdnrs of cattle at distilleries aie lar > ; e
buyeis. and a Rood innny cattle have been shipped
to IVorla. Teirt1 Haute and KenmrKy points.
\VtB c.n ratKC"s ) and Texar s weie linn an I active.
Hugs contlmto to utih'e here lit latKi * ntunber
131. 3.V ) ha\lnK been received during the first bnlt
rf the xvi k , as ncnlnut 121 , 300 for the snmt > tlm *
histeek and 131.000 for the eoiret'poiidlni ; poilod
a year nRo. Not fnr from 50,0 < v ) were olTertd on
the maiket lod.iy , Including fresh iceelptn of 4i-
( ) . head , but pi Ices Illlci ! KllnlUT'T under the In-
tliienci' of an active drmand from ChlcaKo pack-
cm. Some sales showed an ndvunce of a nleUel.
\\hllp otheis were not any hlKhcr. O'inmon to
choice ill lives sold at fiom $3.3. > In $3.70 , p.icKliiK
IIOKS RellhiK clilelly nt from 53. : , : , tu J3.C and
shipping hits at from $3.CO to $1.C5 , with \ury
few at $1.70. 1'lns wild at fiom $ .1 to $3. Gil.
'I'he biff run of almost 21. Oil. . ) whe p > pslerday
was followed by receipts today of only about 1- ! !
000 h"ad. There was an linprovid demand from
most cln sos of buyers , the cold we.ilher beliiK
best for nn active maiKet , and prices were steady
roinmon lo choice native sheep wrie wanted at
from $1.73 to $3. | i > , not many heliiR prime enonch
to KO nlmvo S3.Veslcin sheep were ; .ilablo at
from $2.40 to $3.13 for fair to prime nnJ iHinhs
\\eri ; In deman 1 lit fiom JI tu $1.10.
IVIIIINIIN City l.lvc Stuck.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 20.-CATTI.i-Kccelpts. :
5.1'i ' ) ) head ; Htilpinents. .1G < ) . ) head ; market steady ,
Tevas steers , $2..Vif3.40 ; Texas onus , $ : .OOJi".riO.
beef steeis. $2.inil.50 : native cows. st.6Kf3.25 :
stockers and feedeis , $2.C5ff3.r,0 ; bulls. $ l.SS&3.i.
llOfJS Itecelpts. II , MO head ; Hhlpmcntx , 10.10
lu nd ; maiket weak to Cc lower ; bulk of sales.
$3.40113.60 ; heavies , $3.25W3. 0 ; packers. $3.40jf3.CO ,
mixed. S3.3ofi3.fM : Ilir.its , $3.30i3.4o ; Yorkers.
. . ,
SHKI P Itecelpts. 1.000 head : shipments , none ,
inarKel steady ; lambs , $3.00ifl.40 ; muttons , S2.001J
3.53. _
XIMV York I.lvc SlorU.
NKW YOIUC , Nov. -ni-i-ViS-Uccelts | ,
3.2J7 head ; slow and steady : native steeis , poor
to B03.I. tnjiOru.C:1 , . ; oxen , $2.10S(4.00 ( : bulls , 52.00
( N.OO. Hiiropean cables iiuole Ameilcan Htecra
at SijiflOe. drcsbed wclghta ; icfilRerator beef
at 7'W.iu.c.
'illicr.l' ANO T-AMIIS-Hecelpts , 2,551 liratl ;
Kencrallv active tind steady ; sheep , poor lo
prime. Sl.GO'if.l.L'S ' ; lambs , common to choice , $3.6'1
( J4.M.
HOOS Hecclpts , 10,563 head ; film , with sales nt
$ I.OOI.2J.
Stock In
Kecord of tccelpts at the four principal markets
for Wednesday , November 20. ISM :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
South Omaha . 3.2H 7.2'0
ClircilRi ) . 14,01 45.000 12.000
KniiMa City . r.100 14 , SO ) 1,0'M '
St. I.oula . 4.SOO Si ) 2,00)
Totals . . . . . . 27.100 71,70) , 15.0JO
St. I.onlH 1,1 v < - Stock.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 2'-CATTfn-Ilecelpls. ' ) 4.BOO
head ; market BtroiiK ; native steers , $3.00ff4.7o ;
cows and heifers , I1.7."iii3.2. > .
1IOOS Hecelpia , S.00 < ) head ; market steady ;
heavy. J3.40if3.C3 ; mixed , $3.oj3.33 ; light , S3.40ft
SlIRCr Hecelpts. 2,000 head ; maiket , steady ;
natives , J -101/3.50 ; eoulhern. S.001O.OJ. (
Dry CiofiilN ! nrUit.
NKW YOHlv , Nov. 2) . More representatives
from out of town maikets wen- seen In the walks
of trade and some Inquiries wen1 m re peitlnent
than fur a few uccks. For cuirenl wantH fw
purchases were made , and these weie In proportion
tion to the utgcncy of the request that was nt
hand. l'"or spring specialties many oideis were
placed , mid fur those of mote than nsunl novelty
the engagements ntro pioporttonately lai'Kc.
I'llntlnf ; cloths very dull and ctinent ( tuouti' : ' us
wholly nominal.
KAM. IllVIilt. M.ISS . Nov. 20. 1'rlnt cloths
vcty ( julet nl 314c.
'I'rlNM > AVIii-nl 4luointloiiN.
SAN FIlANTISro , Nov. 20. WHHAT .Steady ;
December , U'Jc ; May , $1.0.i.
Walker " \VliltepiJe opens 11 tliree nights' en
gagement at the Crelghlon with a pcrlorm-
anco this evening. "Hamlet , " a iircsentcil
by Mr. Wliltcslda anil Ms company , promises
to provo nioro than ordinarily Interesting ,
and every preparation has been made ( or an
adequate ) production of this fine old play. In
the title role Mr. Whllesldo lias a character
with which lie Is thoroughly In sympathy. It Is
ono to which ho haa devoted many years of
careful and conscientious t > tudy , and his mas
tery of It Is a striking Illiiflrlalon of the cul
tured genius \\hluh has won for him a leadIng -
Ing position In the dramatic world during the
past fc\v seasons. Mr. Whltesldo comes hero
heralded by strong cncomlumi.1 , and the re-
milt Is apparent In the marked Interest which
lila engagement lias aroused. Thin piMitlment
Is not confined to nny particular class or lo
cality , and while the society leaders of the
city are taking an active Interest In Mr.
Whltceldo's engagement , the advance sale de
notes a widespread appreciation of the tragc- .
dlan's fame and admirable qualities as a
player among all claajcs.
Mr. Whltesldo'u company 1 ? eald In ho ad
mirably adapted for thn Shakespearean class
of plays , arid the audlenco can bo assured not
only of a fine delineation of the loading char
acter , but also of a careful ami Interesting
performance throughout , "Klcliclleu" and
"Richard III" will also be produced during
the engagement.
There are few actors who occupy so warm
a place In the hcartu of American theater
goei-p a J. K. Hmmntt , "Our Fritz. " MlB
presentation of the lovable Clermau Jii-ro ,
Frltn , has come to bo ono of the planitaril
attractions , and seems to Increase rather than
lese favor. In his latest play , "Krliz In a
Mad House , " Air. Kinmctt has unusual oppor
tunities for displaying those magnetic quali
ties which havu made him one of the strong-
eat drawing Mara In the theatrical firmament.
Mr. Kmmett appears next Sunday night at
Hoyd's theater In his now comedy tMtcsa ,
"Fritz In n Mad House. " Mr. Umiiiott lias
lately written and composed a number of
pretty eongs and lullabyn , prominent among
which Is his famous Hubble uong. In the
latter ho Is atulstcJ by that precocious ! llttlo
tot , Ilaby Spencer Slnnot , who fairly dlvide.4
the honors of the evening's entertainment
with the star. Th's ' year Mr. Kmmctt baa
surrounded himself with a company of such
well known actors and actresses as Miss
Kmyllno Barr , Laura 8 , Howe. Kato Kckert ,
Kitty FrancU , Mr. h , I' . Hlck , Wlllard
Newell , GilbertIlralthwalt , Charles Stewart
Oeorgo Hernandet , Charles A. I'rlnco and
little Jlaby Spencer Slnnot.
The management of the Crelghlon announces -
nouncos a special and sterling attraction for
the first four nights ot the coming week , open-
IIIK with a in tlne Sunday , November 24.
whtm the cranil pectacular play , Tompklnv'
"niack Crook. " will b preiented with the
original ca t from the Academy of Muslo In
New York , whart thin gorceoui ipectacle enJoyed -
Joyed U unpiralleled run ot one year. The
thrw mnRnlflcont li.illctg. which wpro utrlk-
ins foaturp of the New York run , will b
FtrcnRthenwl by the addition ot a magnificent
torpslchorpiin revel , plnboralo In RorKcoiis
now cosltimps nnd cftfcts , entitled the "Iiallct
of Oeiii1. " KUbnratii new scenery has been
stippllfd by New York's most f < tnioiin artists ,
while HIP plcctrlcal effect will be uiijnrpnjwtl.
nnd this Innovation m rk .1 new epoch in the
history of spectacular drama. Mllcj. Krajkeo
nnd Mavcroffer , thp faniotis Kuroppin
prptiiler , Imvo been I'sporUlly pnR.ige < 1. sup.
ported by fifty loading coryphp * ? . Among
the other nnvelllps mny bo enumerated tbn Mnrlonpltp. . the celebrated HlxfoM
brothers , of rontlnenlnl frttnp , HIP llrent llrp-
tonl. In his celebrated changes , the Spanish
sercnadors , nnd the tln-de-sleclc "Ttllby Hal-
let. "
Thp. s.ilo of reserved rvats opens' nt Mm
theater box olllce nl ! > o'clock this mornlne
There Is one thing sahl about the diame
ters In "Ills Wife's Kalher. " the play Mr.
Crane presents nt lloyd's theater on Momliiy ,
nnd tint Is that thry nre drawn particu
larly true to life. The principal charaet r
la nn old man whose splllsh love for his
ilaimhter blinds his bettor judgmpiit ai
to the claims of her Imrfmtul for her lovp and
devotion , and there N a poor but proud rela
tive of the old mans who pees around eon-
initially finding In the ple.isatiti'st things
said to him Insults about his poverty. There
Is a mallrr-nf-facl widow who ha no
of the world II would RPPIM as If the wldowj
never feared anything ami n caddish young
mnn who would bo a poet If he eonM. Cir
cumstances , however , drive him Into ths
whisky business. An old servant with a
love for vIsllltiK the wine- cellar Is also
strongly drawn. All of the
people arc- re
spectable types of character and iho t-lory
unfolded Is clean and wholesome. The en
gagement Is for two nights.
Hire's popular operatic success , "H ! > 2. " is
announced as the Thanksgiving attraction at
the Crelghton , opening n three nights' en
gagement with a special matinee Thursday ,
November 2S.
This production will be staged here with
the same brilliant cast and elaborate scenic
and electrical effects which characterised tin
long and successful run at Palmer's theater.
New York City. A company of over 100
players Is headed by llesslo llonehlll. whosn
former visits to this plac ? will be remembered
with pleasure , by many local admirers , and
Hlchard Ujrlowe. whose Impersonation ot
Queen Isabella was one of the brilliant suc
cesses of the Initial production. The advance -
vance sale of reserved te.itM opens Monday
at the theater box olllce.
Will Servo Out Tv o Term * .
The supreme court decision will not Inter
fere with the sentencing of I'.it Ford , Jr. ,
convicted of highway robbery In the criminal
court several days ago. The two ytwrs' sen
tence , which was Imposed several months
ago. will IIP enforced nnd the sentence In the
robbery case will bo addJil thereto. Kord
was to have been sentenced yesterday by
Judge Scott , but the court passed the case
until next Saturday.
lly imrrliiiNiuu ; KIIO < IH iiinile tit Mir CnK
loivliiKi > liriiNUii rucliii-lcN. If j < m
cniuiot II nil what j onviuit iMiiiiiiiiiul-
i'a4 < > ivllh tui > iniiniil''crM UN to
what ilfiilcrN Iiiinillc I holr KoiulN.
HA < iS , III Itl\l AXI ) TWIM5.
1J Iilvf IS CA1i"Ai IA IJ AG Cr
Manufacturers of all Kinds of cotton nnd bur- bacs , ri.tlnn lloiif parks nnd twine u Miet-
lolty. CII-CIO-C18 S. lllli Si.
r'ar load Ehlpmentx made In our own refrlff-
crater i.irs. nine Itlbbon , Kllte i\port , Vlenm
Ijxpnit , and family Uxporl , dcll\oied to nil pnrta
of city.
. \M\\'A o.vs.
A , . ) . SIMPSON
1IM-I1 DodRe St. The lu t nnd cheapest pinci
to buy a Rood IhiuKy. C-inliiKC or Wucun. AKCII !
for the best lubber tire In tibe.
tint nibber Hies nnil ball-ljearlnR nxles on their
IIHII make vchleUs , nnd tell a top liuincy for
IW.UO besides. Write them. IStli nnd Hartley.
Coffee Roasters , Sdcc | Grinders , Manufacturom Daklnir Powder nnd Herman Dry Hop
Yeatl. 1411 and I IIP llarney St. . Omaha. Neb.
K ! . ( ) It.
Manufacluier of Oold .Medal Flour.
C. 13. Iliad : , Malinger. Omalia.
" 03I A11A U I' 110 LSI'j J IM Kn CoT
llnnnfai Hirers of Parlor rurnlture , Lounges ,
lllnlnis Tables nnd ruldliiB Ued . 2Slh Ave. ,
Duyd lo Sbaler His.
Domestic and Rlenm COM I. \Vo have the beat.
Ollle ir.1l J'liliLini tit. Tcleiibuiie : Otllco .173 ;
yard , liliij. J. A. D < e , Gctii-ial Manager.
lllVOHIC.S. ( .
Manufacturing and IlepalilnK of all lilndu of
uuehlnery , engines , imm | > K , elevators , prlntlnr ;
ri'-Bi-oa , hanKcrs , shaftlnt ; uiid coiiplliij'H 1IOO and
IMS Unwind St. , Omaha.
Muinifneliirers of Archlteetniiil Iron Work.
( , . | i uil I'oundry , Machine nnd HlaekHinllhVork. .
Kn lii"'rti and Contiaetois for I-'lie Pmuf
InilldlimH. Olllce and works : U. P. lly. nml
80. ITth strict , Omaha ,
The only perfect JIP tec ! Inn to property. Kiatnlne
It. llest thine on earth , Ite.luces . Instirunco
rales. i04 : ! DoiiRlmi Hi.
Manufacturer of Mm' und Hoys' riothlnir ,
Pante , Shirts and Oveiallr. 202-212 S. lllh Kl.
I'AlMiR IJOX < X ) .
Manufacturers of nil kinds of Paper lloxes ,
Rhelf lloxes Kamplu ran' ? . Mulllnf , ' Tublef , etc.
AYeddlUK- cake und funev i-andy IKIXIK , diuttKtut
nnd Jewelry boxe * . r.08-lO Jones Hi. , Oninlin.
Kxcluelva custom i.lilrt talloia. 1513 rarnum.
Investors and Speculators ,
Klr l edition ready It plu'nly ' Indicates th
mi-st piolllahlr. methodH uf opfi.itlnu In Urala
nnd Hlorhx. Mailed free
HAMI'l > i.V : K. TIMMJAH .t CO. ,
( irnln , SlouU nml Iliinil llriil.'cr * ,
lii : Uliiiiiilivr nf COIIIIIICKK- , ( /'lilraK" .
Telephone 10,39. O.MAHA , NHB.
Grain , Provisions SSlocks
Room 111V4 Hoard of Trade.
Direct wires lo Clilcano and New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren ft Co.
If p. UM1TH iTcl. 13' ! ) U. 11. tJTANFOna
Room 4. N. Y. Llfo Bldg. , Omnlia ,
Branch offlcti at Fremont and Columbuf , All
oi-dir * placid on th Clilojo llo rd el Tt ( . .
Conf rndint t Ucliwarls. Dupn A C . , CuU
Mo ; iiOirtlner. Flack A Co , . St. Uoulfc
to FUH National Banlc , Omaha.
MAHPilK ! Bend lcr our outclel * UWIK u.
OiailUUI plalnlnu MAItaiN THADINU ud
PIlKSaiON'S. Alto our dally m
k t letur > uit < ting \vh n and It.
' what lo trade. Ua\b frte. l ) nH
rcftrencts ( urolalitd. AIHIOOA3T U CO. .
TKADK , m Tialtli Bulldltif ,