Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tirjfl OMAJIA DAILY BEE : : NOVKM 13R 21. 1H5) 5.
Alleged Train Wrecker Faces a Nnmlicr of
Witnesses ,
Drli-IN nf tinScene ntVlilcli MHIIJ-
lo < ! l < loliinit I'lis
r < Tl hoil Sonic- Time
UNVOJ.X , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) John Corey
as ilic nrsl witness till1 * morning In the
IIMIS un.rdir trial. He had recognised IJi\l
ns ( lie mnn who nppllod to him for Intorma
tion ns to the direction ol the rallroul cioss
Ing ill- night of the \\rcclc. A now \vltnes
v.ns Mrs. Mary Cuddy , msmbT of the Sal
\n ion arm ) . To n. ciTUIti extent she cor
roborated the lovllmony of Corey.
Sonic excitement vvns created In cottr
wlinn l/nroln Oardner wan examined , llewa
a guard at the penitentiary. He wont to tli
\\r rk and saw u man there abotil the sir
of luvi * . Ik- old lie. vvns present when th
crowbar was found In the- wee In. Attempt
Ins to Impeach the witness , counsel for th
defense nsk d If It was nut true that at th lai't March he WBH nsktd by his wlf
\\hnt he Kne\v about the rase , nnd It he hac
not then replied that he knew nothing ex
cept thnl he saw Davis coming hark fron
the wreck In n hack. Ilo wan asked IT li
had also told his wife that he was being pah
( or testifying an he had done. The vvltncs
denied this vehemently and appeared some
w'lat ' diffused. Mi * Gardner will likely h
csllfd for the defense. The rci't of the tes
tlrnonyvns the sini" that has been prcvl
oualy published.
nouGiir Mosucn's PLANT.
Tlio Cndahy racking company will llkel
brgln operations at the pjiiltontUry. Th
bu iness will be the manufacture of barrels
tulw , palls and kegs , in the county dork'
olllc" bills of Bale were filed today covcrln
about all the phnt nt the penitentiary for
mprly ntcd by the Western Msnufacttlrln
company The hills of sale were from II. J
Walsh to the Lincoln Cooperage company
itml from th ? latter to Raymond and Kll/n
hth Welch to the Cinlahy company. The
covered the same property and weio for $10 ,
000 eaeh It Is said that M. I ) . Welch wl
he In charge of the business for the packln
This morning the police arrested lYan
Wyrlck nnd Charles Halo on the charge o
grand laieeny for taking a lot of overcoats
Tiny are paid to be wanted nt Topeki , Km
The theft was committed at a business col
lege In that city.
It In reported on apparently good authorlt
that Victor Seymour has besn given the re
porter's position In Judge Cornish's courl
Jndgo Coinlbh Is the new Judge who de
frnted Judge Tibbetts at the late election I
Mils county.
In the ca of Grommes & Ulrlch ngalns
Sheriff Miller. Involving the ownership of II
tutors In the Hotel Lincoln bir when Laml
lord Shcnis was put out of possession , th
Jury found for the plaintiffs and gave then
1 cent damages.
The failure was announced today of L G
Van lonl > = ru , proprietor of what was one
known as the Qullck bakery. Ilo gave
number of chattel mortgages on his stock
which Is now in the hands * of tli mortgagees
The small mortgng B amount to fl.G.'S. Thcr
li a second mortgage of $2,000 In favor o
the American Hxclnnge bink. It Is though
the stock will pay out J2.000
Omaha people In LincolnAt the Llndell
It 13 Hughes James Allen. At the Capital
n. P Itoggen , A. C. Ward. II LInvd At th
Lincoln 0 N. Davonpoit , Chad's J Hagcr.
Jmlprr Iff ) tor lliii > l < ll > DlNpoNlim o
( he Crlniliiiil Dorlvd.
TUKAMAH , Neb. , Nov. 20 ( Special )
Judge Keysor has been holding long session
of court this week In an effort to illsposs o
thecrl'iilual dockH In this county. Mondij
the cato aglnst Joel Murr wa
disposed of. Marr , who skipped out of th
countj tome Iho years ago with a team o
mules on which n local bank had a chatte
mortgage , was dismissed under the statut
of limitation. Ti'sday ' the cabe agalnfc
Henry A. Pratt was brought before * the cour
upon complaint of his wife that lie \vns ells
posed to destroy her household goods , am
tdio nskcd that he be compelled to give bond
to keep the peace. Mrs. Pratt separatee
herself from her husband some time ago , bu
continued to live In a Hat owned by her luis
band , and to this extent claimed his support
Last summer she occupied merci rooms tha
her husband was disposed to devote to be
needs. bi > he removed her gooilb from tw
rooms and threatened to remove them n
often as she placed them therein. Judg
ICcjsor claimed that thcro v. as no evidenc
that Pratt Intended to break the peace , am
also that Mrs. Pratt , having separated her
self from her husbind , and there being n
divorce proceedings pending , bhe was no
entitled to his support , hencs the. romovi
of her goods was no Infringement of th
peace The case was dismissed
Jacob Schneider has been on trial today fo
having in his possession and selling llijuo
unlawfully. Schneider Is the man who ha
been soiling liquor In this county on the bar
dor of tha reservation to Indians and vvh
ha ? recently served out a sentence give
him by the United States court. Thcro hav
I ) ' en two cases of whisky selling agalns
him , nnd onu for resisting an otlieer , I
breaking jugs of lliiuor captured by the slier
Iff. On the charge of rcslbtlng an olllcer h
was found guilty , but has not yet been sen
fenced. On uno count for selling liquor , h
pleaded guilty and was fined ? -ji ) .
- llr < - \ illfH.
IIHATKICU , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) 0. J
Evaiu' , H votings , and C. M Clark , Prleiid , , ir
In the city conferring with their fellow -olilcei
M 13. Shult/ , regarding mutters conncctei
with the State Hoard of Pharmacy.
Kov. C. S. Dudley of Centenary Methodlb
Kplscopal church left to lay for Agency , la
In roPiiowe to an announcement of the
of a Bister. Ho ulll accompany the body t
Oenosen , 111 , for Interment.
Judge Ilnsh this morning ordered n cue
docketed In the district court In the nani
of the p'nto of Nebraska against Atto-npy
W S. Lellane , upon a charge of contempt , In
uccoidanca with the episode related In Th
Heo yesterday. _
"llniip.i lnrr ! > " IlilIlN ANlililitil.
ASHLAND , .Neb. . Nov. ' 20. ( Spjclal )
Harry Johnson , an ecce'ntrlc old I3nglUhnun
who has been pumpman for the Ilurllngtoi
one mlle cast of Aihland. who used to wall
along almost bent double , IIIIB given up Ills
plaro and gonu to join his family , who live li
Wulioo. He has a nice , comfortable } home li
that place , having iccently traded his homo
In some conditions the
gain from the use of Scott's
Emulsion of cocl-lfver J !
is rapicf. For this reason
\ve put tip a 5oc. size , "which
is enough for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful as a
trial for babies and children.
In other conditions gain
must be slow , sometimes
must be taken as nourish
ment , food rather than
medicine , food prepared for
tired and veulc digestions.
nrnpviy in I'latlimontli for the Wuhoo place.
Ho alftft h R finn fxrtn ntnrVnhoo He Is
knnw AI "Iluppy Hsrrj , " nnd It wan his
fcti't-nn to brine his fiddle to town and enter
tain his friends with a lew "choice selec
tions. "
Th IMvId riiy and Wahoo tennis will play
fool ball in Wnh o Thanksgiving.
A \ery i > 1ca int affair took place * t the
homo of Smith Sutton. four miles west of
Ashland last evening. It being a birthday
surprUo. Many friends and neighbors were
Christian & Jardlne Is having COO tons of
meadow- buy baled at Itlilca and hauled by
team to Ashland.
Defunct Strrlr ( ) ( > Iliolllllllon Cell *
( onli-il u \\\K \ \ \ Sulndlv.
STnni.B CITY , Neb. , Nov. 20.-Speclal ( )
The more the affairs of the defunct Stcele
City bink are Investigated , the more ugly
they appear. It In now generally believed
that Its president , C U. Hlce , will n < ° r re
turn to town , nnd every piece of property he
owned here hue been attached by the shTlff
of Johnson county The worst phase of the
bank's falluio was. brought to light when It
was discovered that a larga number of forged
notes had be n uttered by the bank'B ofllclals
and illsptFpil of at a discount to banks nt St.
Joseph Seveial business men have re
ceived notices from the State National hank
at St loseph that their note * which had
be-n purcli2 cd uf the Steele City bank , were
due and unpaid. The parties who received
the Hollers at once declaied that they had
never signed such notes. It Is now h'lleved
that Ih'fo bogus notes will aggregate u.vcral
thousand dollars In addition to the bogus
paper floated In this manner , It has been dis
covered thnt many checks mailed to St Jo
seph wholesale merchants In payment of In
debtedness , have been leturned dishonored
The merchants will thus loco doubly , for the }
will have to nuke good their checks In addi
tion to losing their deposits.
.IiiilK < > riiiiiiiiiiin > | ioln < N n Commix-
NJOII to I'xninliic ( lie MnrilrriT.
NI3I1IIASKA CITY , Nov. 20 ( Special. )
Judge Chapman yon'crduy appointed a special
commission to Inquire Into the mental condi
tion of John Si'limldt , who murdered hli
father-in-law on the night of December 24 ,
1804. This case has been before the court
before , but the jury failed to convict , owing
to the strong defense on the grounds of In
sanity. Schmidt was at one time condned In
the asylum , but was discharged as cured.
In the district court tills morning the jury
In the trial of Lawrence Wollhecter , who wax
charged with having assaulted a man named
Kramer , returned a verdict of not guilty.
Kramer IB marshal at the village of Talmage ,
and the prosecution set forth that he wa ?
struck on the head with a brge rock while
engaged In discharging the duties of his
Mlos Leone Hawkc and Miss Lillian Drown
have returned from n visit to Denver.
U. II Miller has gone to Kearney , Neb. ,
to visit with Hobert Payne.
IMMrlct Court nt Pall * City.
FALLS CITY , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
District court convened hero yesterday , with
Judge liabcock on the bench. Pat Casey ,
who assaulted William Mosnca , had his pre
liminary hearing Monday before Judge Wll-
hite , and was placed under f 1,000 bonds ,
which he could not give , and was sent to
jail to await trial. Ills case will come up
next week. The "Dr. " McConncl cnae was
dismissed. Ho and a fellow from Hiawatha ,
Kan. , who have since broke jail , were up
for robbing the Huffman siloon.
Prank Stumbo , who was killed In Iowa by
a belt Hying off a threshing machine , was
brought homo yesterday and burled In thu
Steele cemetcrv.
Leo McKelver , aged 6 years , and Martin
Uvan , aged 7 , were boxing In Ted Sulli
van's gymnasium , and Leo McKelvcr's arm
was broken Just at the elbow by a blow
from young Ryan.
Falls City's foot ball team will leave for
St. JoDsph R1 Iday to play a game with the
sluggers of that city. The Falls City team
has bean practicing every evening and a
good game Is anticipated.
nt Kri-iiioiit.
KKKMONT , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) Fred
Dader and \li = s Laura Cochran , both of this
city , were married this evening nt the resl-
denc3 of the brldo's parents by Hev. F. M.
SlFson of the Methodist church. Only a
lim'ted ' number of the relatives and intimate
friends were present. After the ceremony a
wedding supper was ? rved. Mr. Hader Is In
the employ of the firm of Hader & Ander
son of this city. He Is a young man of ex
cellent standing nnd business ability. The
bride has been for many years a resident
of Fremont and has a. large circle of oc-
Charles Dodge and Stella Marshall were
married at noon today by Hev. Mr. flrln-
stead of tlio Haptist church.
lltillt-r Con ill } ' .Si-i-iir a .IiiilKini-nt.
DAVID CITY , Nov. 20 , ( Special. ) The
Jury In the case of Butler county against
Frank Davis , ox-county treasurer , whose
term expired January 1 , ISSfi , and his bonds
men for an aliened shortage , biought In a
verdict finding for the county In the sum of
'he shortage nnd Interest , amounting to
$2,150. Of the original bonJsmen thre are
snmo who are solvent , and should the cits
bo affirmed In the supreme com t the county
will recover the money.
The case of Miss Agnes Freiday against
Louis Henlllng of Hellviood for breach of
promise Is the next case for trial.
IVriillnr VI II I u letIn ii < M'liou IlnllfitN.
MASON CITY , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special )
A strange mistake in the printing of the
officlil ballots for Custer county has just
come to light here. Ansley precinct Is o
republican stronghold , and at the last elec
tion every republican candidate for n town-
rhlp olllco was elected but one. In printing
the ballots Joseph Price , a demo
crat , was designated as a republican. Many
republicans voted for him through mistake ,
thus dividing their strength to such an cx-
ITU that Henry Zimmerman , tlio populist
candid itc , pulled through.
KIllllllOHH Of II PlII-IIU-r'N I'rll-llllH.
OSCHOLA , Neb. , Nov. 20 ( Special ) J uel
llolcome , who Is very prominent In agricul
ture nnd among the farmers' societies of this '
count ) , has been confined to his home for
the pjit two weeks and not able to do his
fall work , and jentcrilny a croud of his neigh
bors and friends gathered at hl farm , will
thirteen teams , and before night they hat
gathered all the gentleman's corn and put It
In the crib. They husked over thirty acres
and the corn was good , too ,
KlriMiiru'K Fullnt Crnnil Ixliiml.
GUAND ISLAND , Nov. 20. ( SpJclfll. ) The
11 ro depaitment Is holding n fair this week to
ralso frlemht for the entertainment of the
visitors at the next annual convention of the
Nebraski SUlo Volunteer Firemen's convtn-
tien to l.o lulil here In Jamiary. The attend
ance for thu tlrst two nights has not been
what It should be , but ihu firemen arc deter
mined to make It a success and better pa-
trviiijgt > Is expected t'ne hitter part of the
w celt. _
WlNiirr U'omiiii SiirirlHi | > il ,
WISNEK , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Spwclal. )
Eight years ago Charles McKennan , living
tear thin place , left homo under somewhat
uiterouu | circumstances After a lapse or
i few years his wife obtained a divorce on
ho grounds of desertion , A few days ago
McKennan returned to his former haunts ,
uuch to the surprise of hla former wife ,
vho bel'eved him dead. The couple will bo
remarried ,
.Strli'Urii ullli I'liriil JKN. |
N10I1UAHA. Neb. . Nov. 20. ( Special. )
1m. John Conwuy wag t'trlcken with paraly-
U yesterday and has been unconscious since
he attack. She had several spasms Satur-
ay night , one of which lasted over an hour
Icr death is hourly expected.
The Nlobrara telephone service l being
xtendcd quite extensively , loyally , and In the
prlng will branch out to several surrounding
ow ns ,
IVi-iiHiirt-r'H MiorfiiKO
CoiiiiroiiilMfil | ,
GHAND ISLAND. Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
The civil case In district court against
x-County Treasurer Edward Hooper has
Tactically been dluinlasoil , Mr. Hooper and
ondimen offering to settle at CO cents on the
ollar and paying co U to f < ir made. The
otul uhortago reported by the expert ac-
ountant was fl,093. No criminal proceed
ing * * ert brought against Hooper.
Trip Yesterday Through Parts of low
nnd Missouri ,
IIdle TOM ill ( lull SIIM | > Hi
Thrift unit l'n > Nirrlt | > ( if t'ountlo *
In Two Mulf-M 'l'li * la > 'n
At this season of the year 7:30 : a m. come
rather early In the day , but none too early
for Omaha's vlUoavvake business men , wli
wcro out In full force jestorday morning
the occasion being the Commercial club'
excursion over the Omaha & St. Louis rail
road to Stanbcrry , Mo. At the hour namc <
the special pulled out from the depot bear
Ing a largo delegation of Omaha jobbers am
manufacturers , besides representatives of th
railroads and newspapers. Among thos
aboird were : Undid Martin , 13. A. Day
ton. A. H. Comotock , Z. T. Llndsey , Gsorg
Marks , C. W. Wattles , W. W. Cole , Gcorg
N. Hicks , George H. Payne , W. S. Wright
W. ! ' . Knhs , H. J. Pcnfold , C. A. Starr
H. M. Andreescn , 0. C. Holmes , M. Wulpl
C. 11. Hall , Dr. U. A. Fuote , II. II. Karen
fight , V. 11. Crowley , C. M. Hawltzer , C. D
Thompson , Charles 13. Illack. M. Calm , W. T
McConnell , C. 13. Ucdwell. J. 1) ) . Uahm
Jamei H. Conrad , George Carpenter , W. S
llalduff , M. 11. Pratt , Hobert Purvis , Arthu
Shlverlck , A. V. Darby , L. Hugglus , Georg
W. Woodruff , N. A. Kubn , L. G. Doup , Sam
uel Katz , K. V Lasbury , Irving , Allison , A
H. Leo. Jeff W. Iledford , U. S. Wllcox , W
A. Sehrci , 11. K Ilurket , A. C. Davenport
13 V. Test , 13. V. Lewis. A. J. Vlerllng
A. I ) . Fox , J. H. Ilarrett , 9. M. Gunsaul
C. W. Herd. James A'nscow ' , 11. G. Perkins
Dr. Mann , R n. Sanborn , S. A McWhorter
H. I ) . Pa > ne , A. Hene , Krcd Met ? , jr. , I ) . V
Weaver , Peter Peterson. U R Palrchlld
II. M. Hunt , R n. Uallcy , George M. 13n
trlkcn , commercial agent of the Wnbash ; A
n. Duchannn , superintendent of the Wabash
P. M. Hose , traveling agent of the Uuloi
Paclllc ; H. K. Ilodgln.
As the train pulled slowly across the rive
toward the Iowa fide time cards and imp
were produced by many and the route am
character of the country carefully Inquire
Into. The Omaha & St. Louis railroad la
part of the Wnbaeh sjstem , and starting a
Council Blurts , runs southeasterly to St
Louis. It cuts across a corner of Pottav.atta
mle county , diagonally across Mills count )
and then , after cutting off the northeast cor
tier of Fremont and the pouthwest corner o
Page county , crosses over Into Missouri. I
passes through the center of Nodoway count }
where Is located Stanberry , the objectlv
point of the excursion. Heyond that poln
the road has no Interest so far as the pres
ent occasion is concerned.
The distance from Omaha to Stanbprry I
118 mile ? , through an exceedingly rich ngr
cultural country. The population of the flv
counties traversed by the road between th
two points mentioned , exclusive of Potta
wattamlo , Is 102,663. The largest town I
Muryvllle , with a population of about 5,000
Shenandcah coming next with 3,000 , am
Malvcrn with 1,200. The other towns are a
Email , having a population of only 200 to 700
The county , being rich and prosperou
and more accessible to Omaha than any otbe
jobbing center , offers great Inducements fo
tlio establishment of closer business rcla
tlons. The people along the Hue of th
Omaha & St. Louis railroad are already shli
ping some live stock to South Omaha , a
high ati 1.3J2 earn being received In one year
and Commissioner Utt is of the opinion tha
Omaha ought to return merchandise for llv
stock. It was with the hope of stlmulatln
this exchange that yesterday's excursion wa
The flift stop was made at Silver Clt >
where a delegation of citizens was found a
the depot. The committee , composed of \ \
H. OakJ , R U. Hart , W. C. Swarts , W. I
Vevea , B. C. Ilepler , J. C. Jackson , A. I
Reeves' , Morris Kelve , Dr. McCue and M I
Moomuw , c-co'ted the pnity to the opcr
house , where an Impromptu reception wa
held. An abumlant supply of big reel apples
genuine apple elder and cigar ? were placed a
the disposal of the traveler * ' , and duly ap
predated. R C. Hart of the. Silver Clt
Itevlow made a neat little spesch of welcom
and after mutual Intioductlons and a biirve
of the town Commlbs'oner Utt cried a
aboirel and Silver City was left In the dls
A rldo of eight miles through a magnlfl
cent farming country , with evidences o
thrift and enterprltxj on every side , branch
the excursionists to Malvern , tlia county bea
of MI1U county. "Not a vacant store In
this , town , " the remark of one of the partj
expresses better than anything else th
stindlng of Malvcrn us a trading polnl
Lurgo and well ntbGiteel stocks of goods In
dlcated a Ilb-ial consuming demand , whll
the pleasant , well kept residence3 on th
bill proved that business In Malvcrn ha
not been without Its profits.
Imogene was won reached , where C. N
Marvin and W. H. Taylor boarded the trail
ami Invited the party to partake of the bos
pltiillty of Shenandoah. A fuw minutes rut
and the train pulled up ut the depot It
Shenandoah , where a genuine surprise wa
awaiting the travelers. A numerous d Ie
gallon of citl/enp , headed by the mayor , wa
there with carrhges , and the p.uty wa
ttcatcd to a mcst enjoyable ride over th
Shenandoah Is a city of pleasant homes
well tilmded streets and thriving buslnes
hou es. The whole town lias n well Icep
and prosperous appearance , mid no on" neec
to be told that It li.u ) cant nued to gro\
steadily even during the dull times of th
two years past. A large number of fine
new residences have bcsti completed th
past > cur , besides fonio large/ buildings , nucl
as the armory of tlio local company of th"
Iowa National Guard. The Iccal statisticians
flguro an Increase of fiOO in population fo
the year. The city depends for Its supper
upon the surrounding country , which Is
rightly considered one of the richest agrlcul
tural sections of the state. Any number o
elegant resldcncco ara pointed out as the
homes of retlied farmers who have made
their money out of the land.
After viewing the town the excursionists
were driven to the main street , where the
acquaintance of thu business men wau made
The Shinandoah Notional bank cervcel ai
elegant lunch of sandwiches and coffee , wblcl
came In very timely after the long drive
The time to depart came too soon for some
of the party at leant. J. II. Hahm and 13
V. Lewis liked the place H } well that the )
conclude 1 to rema'n there , then changed
their minds nnd telegraphed the train to
come back after them. The genial Dan
Farrell , Jr. , and C. H H.ill have held the
record for getting left on jobbers' excur
sions , but they will now have to glvu place to
these new aspirants after fame.
The next stopping plac3 was Coin , where
the train halted a few minutes , and after thai
cimo IlUncltnrd a town that Inirtml down
and In now being rebuilt In a substantial
Dinner was had at Iloseberry , and though
there was no town , but only an rating
houeo , It was pronounced one of the most Im
portant points on the line.
Mar > vllle , the largsst town vh'Ited , waa
reached at 2 30 , a town of about 5.000 popula
tion , having every evidence of prosperity
The striett : were lined with farm wagons ,
and the merchants appeared to be doing an
excellent business. Maryvllle would seem to
l > e a most promising field for Omaha jobbers
If freight rateii could be properly adjusted In
all cases. As It U , some are barred out by
the rates which give competing points the
advantage. Some lines of goods upon which
freight cuts very little figure ought to find
i good markst , though Omaha jobbers will
lave to contend against houses that already
lave a strong hold upon the trade ,
Maryvlllo Is a town that believes in high
Icenw and no mistake , the tax being $3,100.
Tli9 remit U that the saloons have been all
mt taxed out of existence , only two being
eft Frank GrlMln , the editor of the Dally
tevlew , placed the excursionists under obit.
cations by hla thoughtfulnws in looking
after their comfort ,
Stanberry , the turning point of the excur
sion , was made on time , and the travelers
net with a pleasant reception at the handy
of the citizens.
The return was without Incident , Omaha
reached at 11.30 p. m. The trip , as a
Since we've begun to quit there's trouble in the clothing business the atmosphere is full of
knives , axes , saws , cleavers and sharp lead pencils and there's lots of price cutting among
our worthy competitors
Bui we go 'cm one better again
1 here s panic in these prices
We're quitting going to quit got to quit so we quit
Overcoats Stout
Kino nnjrllsh 1u > r ey OvorconK fly
front , bilk velvet collar , lutest Suits for Men
cut to only
At the thinnest prices ever known In
Stilts for short , stout men bljr , stout
men and all sortof lieavy Intllt fel
lows Suits In aek < < and cutaways
Ulsters Suits that Mild up to .fL'0.00. and not olio
for less than Sia.iiO , all In three lots at
Heavy filo/.e. beaver and < < lii > tlamlH ,
never to only sold for less than $10.00 , cttt now $6 50
$5.00 $7.25 , $8.50
Pants "H. S. & M. "
It.OOO pairs men's Pants , all colors ,
hair lines , neat htrines anil solid color ,
All our regular Hue of Hart , Sehaff-
all o at 75e to nerIaik line Men's Suits > ; o In this
sale at less than half the old price.
$2.00 Klne cutaway and Prince Albert Suits ,
In luneyvoisted , clay worsted , trimmed
and tailored equal to llnest merchant
tailored garments. All no every suit
lu the store choice of any suit in three
Furnishings loth vvottli up to $ 'JO.OG ,
Heavy line threaded merino Under
wear , 70c quality lor .0O
$7.00 , $8.00
All our HOc and 75u Leather Mittens , Fixtures
for sale.
warm lined , go In one lot at , choleu .
25c Six line show cases.
40 black walnut counters.
Wilson Bros. ' line ? 1.12. > White Shirts , All our $1.50 and $2.00 Kedora and Ono line tailors' sewing machine , Singer pattern.
what are left go at Stilt Hats go now for , choice
Tince display cases.
75c 75c A lot of window fixtures
All for sale , very cheip , Call at store ,
Bound to go out of Business ,
vie , was pronounced a great success b
nil , and such nmrks as " 1 came for plens
ur ? , but It has done my business lots o
Kood , " were frequently hoard. H i-jeinecl t
bo the general opinion thAt the display of
"pronr amount of energy on the part o
Omnha jobbers and manufacturers would re
suit In Omaha's securing a Kcod share of th
tiade alonp the 1'no ' of the Omaha & St. Lou ]
road. The merchants appealed ready to ines
Onialn more than half way.
Diinhn : or ci MMINOS cuM.nn.NCUs
Wlfllt'NHfH TcNtlfj tl" < VlllICO ANMIlJllM
Ills MII > IT i\l li Cms
Shortly after noon jcatcnluy the stnt
rested Its f-s ? In the Cummlngs murder trla
Al ! the morning vvis occupied in hearing th
testimony of Owen Marlane , one of th
young men who was with Vance throughou
tlip ovonlnu on which the latter rccslvul th
\\o-ir.d which resulted In his dath. Nothln
new developed In the testimony beyond th
fact that th3 witness repated a statemen
madp by Vanca before his death. Vance ha
fcld that he fteppsd up to CummliiRS to at
"mint to ( . " .tie the dispute over the pee
same , when th3 latter htruck him over th
l > 'ad with th ? billiard cue.
The defenst at o ice began Introducing It
triitiiiiciiiy , the witnesses placed on tha stani
Lelnc John Mack , Will Johnson , Lou Gold
smith , Torn Conrclly and Uud Co\ , all o
whom waio In Goldsmith's fcaloon at the tlm
th ? dlBpilt" occurred
All of these witnesses contradicted the tes
tlmony of.the t'Utp's wltnofsis In one re
spect. The latter had stated that dimming
( truck Vance without a word being said , an
that the. latter had nothing In hlo hands
The wltnesreii for the defen c , on the othe
hand , swore that when Vance walked arounc
the billiard tnblo tic picked up a cue , am
when ho advanced toward Cummlnga h
raised it. Doth men struck at the f > ame time
Cnmmlngs did not step backward , althoiiR
It was shown that ho might have done i1
had he wished.
In g'vliig the detills of the scuffle , however
the wltnesws contradicted thenu'slves. John
yon , for Instance , said that Cummlngs did no
duck to escape the blow which Vnnce levcle <
it him with the cue. Co < c said that whei
Vanes struck , Cummlngs dodged , and , ah
did EO , brought hlu cue down upon Vance'
The state has not discharged lib witnesses
but lo saving them for rebuttal. It la e\
peeled thnt the case will be finished today.
TAT ritowi ; IMI\I S rn/rv.
VilinKx HIM I HIT llrnUi * .lull "t hi
ST. JOSii'II : , Nov. 20. ( Special ) Judge
Patrick 0. llanos of Omaha Is hero to assls
Senator A. W. Drowsier In the defense o
I'at Crowe , charged with train robbery nnd
Jail breaking. Judge llawes says ho he-
llevew Crowe Is Insane on the subject of rob-
bciy and ought to bj pi iced In an asylum
for treatment. His opinion Is based on the
feet that Crowo boibtsi ° f , the robberies ho
has committed and HKes. newspaper notoriety
Today Crowe pleaded , guilty to the charge
of Jail breaking.
Kf M < ir > of u M. .JoNcpli U'lililMll.
ST JOSCI'II , Nov. ,20. ( Special ) A state
warrant lie a been Issut-d for KJward I1 Skel-
ton , charging him with abducting the 7-year
old daughter of his nece | , Irf Prances Mc
Donald , The chllil has haen mlsElng two or
three months. .Mrs. Mcltynaltl has led a
htrango life , according tq the statement she
nade to the olllctrs , S\ft \ > waa taken from
ter home In Ilaltlmore when , 11 years olu
jy her uncle , and he has -liacl control of her
over since. She vvat < murr' ' I toS' II Heck-
tt In Omaha In 1887. a/iJ. / . again to T Y
McDonald at Strong City , Kan , In 1892 She
Id not live with her husbands long , but
\lth her uncle traveled all over tl.o country
Coul IlrilM Kllilcrltf SI , Joxoph.
ST. JOSni'H , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) State
Geologist Keyes , who has been In this vi
tally several days , U of the opinion that
rich bed of coal underlies the ground here.
According to the state geologist , there U
oal In largo quantities throughout this see-
on , and It may yet become ono of the great *
st coal Melds In the world. Lead and /Inc
ave also been found In this vicinity , but
not in paying quantities1.
< ioil ShlimiriitM Continue.
NWV YORK , Nov. 20. W , H. Grossman
& Ilro. will ship Jl.OOQ,000 gold on the
teamer Kuerst Hlimarck , tailing tomorrow.
Struck lt > - n Slut or.
Wallace McDonald , the 9-year-old son of
ohnV. . McDonald , living at 2225 Luke , waa
necked down lv a Twenty-fourth street
motor yesterday nod sustained
Guarantee d Guaranteed
to Heat to Heat
"Vrf ,
Large Booms wllh on'y Large Rooms with on'y
Tons 0 } Goal. Tons of GJ
< MIr * * -
To New Beginners in Housekeeping.
w _ _ i not Convenient to
pay cash we will tnake
terms to suit.
uta and bruises , though nothing of a seri
ns nature , Wallace hud been sent to get
onio bread. Ilia uncle , O , S. Oaborne , uc-
omiunled him until he nearly reached the
irocery , when he was told to go and make
ils purclun-s , In attempting to cross the
racka behind a northbound car , ths boy
an struck ha touthbound train. Hla right
hcek nas badly skinned , and the left leu
ut In two places , A doctor was called and
the boy's wounds were dreaatd ,
Tried Oinuliu Firewater.
Illack Hawk , a full-blooded Indian from thb
Wlnnebago agency , arrived In town Tuesday
night as a witness In one of the federal
court caaeu. Time hung heavily upon hU
hinds , and the amoke-den | btipovphere at
becamt BO oppressive to him that ht
sought to rid himself of the dread feeling
hy filling up on whlto man'a "fire water"
Us was released tlilu morning by Jndga
llerka with an Injunction to keep out uf
saloons in the future ,
To Kiirulxli IKill. (
The Nebraska Automatic Lighting company
has filed articles of Incorporation with the
county clerk The company U capitalized
at $26,000 and la to engagu In a ftner\ \ light
ing builneis. The Incorporate are .Nether-
ton Hall , Oecar ! ' . Kunke , Henry A. Har
row , Kur ) W. Gannett nnd Thomas II. Me-
Won lilt * Uriuorcm Mfilnl ,
The Demoreit gold medal content , under
Iho auspice * of the Woma.p'8 ChrUtUn Tern-
pcrancu union , waa held at Odd Kellowa' hall
'lir ljy n.Klit , with a large uudlfnro In at-
tendanct Tlicru wtro eight conteitanti In Una
for the prUe , wnlch wan carried off by Mlia
Owen Dolany. Quy Muntrll received honor *
able mention. The other caiiteitanti wtro
Vesta Hunna'o , ridlth Knme > , Ada Ilerg ,
Charlex Andersun , Kate Jardlno and Walter-
The following marriage llcenben were hi
Hui'ii ymterduy :
.NJIIIV and AddrcfH AKO.
Jolean Andcrnun , Omaha , 31
Carolina hlngdrcn , Omaha 29
Hurvcy J Wullle , Boutli Oniulu , 27
Muinlu H. Hlnj'ton , CluronOon , Ark. . . . . . , , tl
Heaward Moss , Omuhu. . . . , . , , . . , . . . . . tJ
f.Urlo y , , ' , , , , , . , , . . . . ii